Project on the theme of migratory birds. Project on the environment (senior group) on the topic: Project activity "migratory birds"

State budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 69, Vyborg district, St. Petersburg.

Group No. 5 (senior)

Environmental education project

« Migratory birds»

The project was prepared by teachers:

  • Kirillova N.Yu. 1 sq. cat.
  • Kharenkina N.V. 1 sq. cat.

October 2015

Project passport.

Project type:

By number of participants- group.

By the nature of contacts- within the framework of the State Budgetary Educational Institution.

By the nature of the child’s participation in the project– from the inception of an idea to the receipt of results.


Short term (one week)

Project participants:

  • Group teachers:

Kirillova N.Yu, teacher I category.

Kharenkina N.V., teacher I category.

  • Children of senior group No. 5
  • Parents

Relevance of the project:

The project was initiated by the need to give children an idea about migratory birds and their habits.

The task of adults is to cultivate children's interest in our neighbors. planet-birds, the desire to learn new facts about their lives, to take care of them.

IN working together With parents, we must create conditions for the child to communicate with the natural world and to help our feathered friends as much as possible.

Objective of the project:

Summarize children's knowledge about migratory birds, their way of life and distinctive features, consolidate knowledge about nature, cultivate curiosity.

Project objectives:

1. To promote the development of systematic thinking and cognitive activity.

2. To clarify and systematize children’s knowledge about migratory birds, to lead them to master the concept of “migratory birds.”

3.Educate careful attitude to birds, to teach them to express their concern for them in useful activities.

Estimated results of the project:

  • children's interest
  • broadening one's horizons
  • manifestation of creativity and motor activity
  • use of acquired knowledge in the lives of migratory birds

Project products:

DIY book “Birds of Migratory”

Interaction with family:

Consultations for parents on making pages for a book

Project stages:

Stage 1: preparatory.

1. Select methodological, popular science and fiction literature, visual aids, and illustrative material on this issue.

2.Making educational games.

3. Select materials, toys, attributes for gaming, theatrical, and independent activities.

4. Make a plan of events for the week, select material for productive activities.

Stage 2: project implementation.

  1. Conducting conversations with children (see Appendix No. 1).
  2. Research activities (looking at birds on a walk, searching for materials for a book)
  3. Conducting active, didactic, plot-developing games (see appendix No. 2).
  4. Reading fiction; memorizing poems, proverbs and sayings; asking riddles on the topic (see Appendix No. 3).
  5. Looking at paintings
  6. Creative and productive activity (drawing - see Appendix No. 4, applique/sculpting).
  7. Bird watching in the kindergarten area (see Appendix No. 5).
  8. Joint work of children with parents (see Appendix No. 6).

Stage 3: final

  1. Processing of project implementation results
  2. Participation in the group competition “Reports on migratory birds”
  3. Self-presentation by children of pages for a do-it-yourself book “Birds of Migratory”
  4. Exhibition of children's works "Birds in the Park" (made of plasticine).
  5. Creating the necessary conditions in a group to form in preschoolers a holistic understanding of the life of migratory birds.
  6. The interest of children together with their parents in caring for birds, the desire to help them.
  7. Developing curiosity in children creativity, cognitive activity, communication skills.
  8. Active participation of parents in the implementation of the project.

Annex 1.

Tell children about migratory birds.

Lark, ducks, rook, cranes, cuckoo, swallows, swan, starling, nightingale, heron.

Migratory birds are birds that fly to warmer regions in winter.

Migratory birds make regular seasonal movements between nesting sites and wintering sites. Relocations can take place both close and long distances.

Lark - small birds living on the ground. They do not jump on the ground, but run. They also nest on the ground, laying spotted eggs in the nest. Larks eat seeds of plants and insects.

Duck - a medium-sized bird with a relatively short neck. The color of the plumage varies. During the breeding season, males differ from females by their bright colors. Most ducks molt twice a year.

Rook - The rook's feathers are black, with a purple tint. In adult birds, the base of the beak is bald. Rooks feed on worms and insect larvae, which they find by digging in the ground with their strong beaks. They love to follow tractors plowing the ground in large flocks.

Cranes - large, long-legged and long-necked birds. Crane family pairs persist throughout life.

Martin - small bird. It feeds on flying insects, which it catches in the air. Married couples persist throughout life.

Swan - the plumage of swans is either pure white, gray or black. Swans are distinguished from geese by more Long neck, allowing them to search the bottom in search of food in deeper waters, as well as their size, which makes them the largest aquatic birds.

Starling - songbird. At the starling's black plumage with a metallic sheen, sometimes with a violet, greenish or bluish tint. IN winter time Numerous white specks appear on the body. It has a wide range of sounds that can include whistles, squeaks, meows, various noises and rattles. Able to imitate the singing of other birds.

Nightingale - an inconspicuous gray songbird. Winters in Africa. Lives in bushes and river valleys. It builds nests on the ground or very low, in the bushes. The eggs are greenish or bluish speckled.

Herons - birds living in shallow waters. They live in swampy or slowly flowing water bodies. They stand motionless in the water and peer into the water, looking for prey.

Appendix No. 2.

Russians folk games:

Eagle owl and birds

Before starting the game, children choose for themselves the names of those birds whose voice they can imitate. For example, dove, crow, jackdaw, sparrow, tit, goose, duck, crane, etc.

The players choose an owl. He goes to his nest, and those playing quietly, so that the eagle owl does not hear, figure out what kind of birds they will be in the game. Birds fly, scream, stop and crouch. Each player imitates the cry and movements of the bird he has chosen.

At the signal “Owl!” all birds try to quickly take a place in their home. If the eagle owl manages to catch someone, then he must guess what kind of bird it is. Only a correctly named bird becomes an eagle owl.

Rules of the game. Bird houses and the eagle owl's house should be located on a hill. Birds fly to the nest on a signal or as soon as the eagle owl catches one of them.

Bees and swallow

The players - bees - fly around the clearing and sing:

The bees are flying, the honey is being collected! Zoom, zoom, zoom! Zoom, zoom, zoom!

The swallow sits in its nest and listens to their song. At the end of the song, the swallow says: “The swallow will get up and catch the bee.” With the last word, she flies out of the nest and catches the bees. The caught player becomes a swallow, the game is repeated.

Rules of the game. Bees should fly all over the site. The swallow's nest should be on a hill.


The players choose a kite and a hen, the rest choose chickens. The kite digs a hole, and the hen with her chicks walks around him and chants the words: I walk around the kite, I carry three pieces of money, a penny each, and an owl.

The kite continues to dig the ground, it walks around the hole, stands up, flaps its wings, and crouches. The mother hen with her chicks stops and asks the kite:

Kite, kite, what are you doing?

I'm digging a hole.

What do you need a hole for?

I'm looking for a pretty penny.

What do you need a penny for?

I'll buy a needle.

Why do you need a needle?

Sew a bag.

Why a bag?

Place pebbles.

Why do you need pebbles?

To throw at your children.

For what?

They're creeping into my garden!

You should make the fence higher

If you don’t know how, then catch them.

The kite tries to catch the chickens, the hen protects them, chases the kite: “Shi, shi, villain!”

The caught chicken leaves the game, and the kite continues to catch the next one. The game ends when several chickens are caught.

Rules of the game. Chicks should hold each other tightly by the waist. Anyone who cannot stay in the chain must try to quickly get into his place. The hen, protecting the chickens from the kite, does not have the right to push it away with her hands.


A small circle is drawn on the site, and a wolf sits in the middle of it. The players, holding hands, stand in a large circle. Between the circle where the wolf sits and the round dance, the goslings stand in a small circle. Those playing in a round dance walk in a circle and ask the goslings, who also walk in a circle and answer questions:

Geese, you are geese!

Ga-ha-ha, ha-ha-ga!

You gray geese!

Ga-ha-ha, ha-ha-ga!

Where have the geese been?

Ga-ha-ha, ha-ha-ga!

Who the geese did you see?

Ga-ha-ha, ha-ha-ga!

Happy ending last words The wolf runs out of the circle and tries to catch the gosling. The geese scatter and hide behind those standing in the round dance. The wolf leads the caught gosling to the middle of the circle - to the lair. The geese stand in a circle and answer:

We saw a wolf

The wolf carried away the gosling,

The best best wishes.

The biggest

Ah, geese, you geese!

Ga-ha-ha, ha-ha-ga!

Pinch the wolf

Help the gosling!

The geese flap their wings, run around in circles shouting “ha-ha-ha,” pestering the wolf. At this time, the caught goslings try to fly away from the circle, but the wolf does not let them in. The game ends when all the caught geese leave the wolf.

The game is repeated, but those playing in a round dance become geese, and the geese stand in a round dance. The wolf is chosen.

Rules of the game. Round dance of geese and goslings walk in a circle in different directions. Everyone should pronounce the text together. A caught gosling can leave the circle only when one of the players touches the wolf with his hand.


Number of players: any

Extras: ball

Children stand in a circle with their hands behind their backs. The driver is selected and given a small ball in his hands. The driver stands behind the circle. To the words: “Duck, duck, duck!” - which the driver says, he walks past the children standing with their backs to him. To the word “Goose!” - puts a ball in the hands of one of the participants in the game. After this, the driver and the child with the ball in their hands go in different directions.

They walk at a pace, and during the meeting they tell each other the names of migratory birds, and reach the place from which they started moving. The one who comes first wins. You must walk at a pace. The winner becomes the leader

Didactic games:

  • “Sort out the birds” (classification of birds into migratory, wintering, sedentary)
  • “The fourth odd one” (which bird is the odd one out?) Purpose: to teach children to compare and generalize.
  • D/i “Which one, which one?” Goal: to teach the child to use adjectives in speech and expand knowledge about migratory birds.
  • D/i “Who has whom?” Goal: to learn to name the chicks of migratory birds, both in singular and in plural(starling - starling - starlings).
  • “Who is screaming?” Goal: to teach children to name the sounds that birds make (a crane cries).
  • “I’ll start, you finish.” Goal: teach children to continue describing birds. (A bird with brownish-gray plumage, throws its eggs into other people’s nests, eats a lot, destroys harmful insects).
  • "Crossbook".

Cross out repeating letters, write down the letters that remain one at a time. And make up a word.


Appendix No. 3.

Riddles about migratory birds.

  • Everyone knows this bird

On the site of his palace

Carrying worms to the chicks

Let it chatter all day... (starling)

  • Who is without notes and pipes

Best trill starter? (nightingale)

  • Guests come in the spring

And they leave in the fall... (migratory birds)

  • The neck is thin and the legs

Not afraid of water and drops,

They catch a lot of fish and frogs

Long beak. This is... (herons)

  • Starts songs in May,

Trills flow among the branches,

Everything around him listens!

And that singer... (nightingale)

  • In spring and summer

Follows the plowman

And before winter

Leaves screaming... (rook)

  • There's a voice in the blue sky

Like a tiny bell... (lark)

  • In the spring it rushes towards us from the south

A bird as black as a raven.

For our trees the doctor is

Eats all insects... (rook)

  • This bird is yellow

She is warmed by the bright sun.

The song is beautiful and long -

Whistling with a flute in the forest... (oriole)

  • They interfere with the lives of other people's chicks,

And they abandon their own.

And in the forest near the edge

They keep count of the years... (cuckoos)

  • All noticeable birds are black,

Cleans the earth from worms

Along the arable fields rushes at a gallop

And the bird's name is... (rook)

  • There is a palace in place,

There is a singer in the yard... (starling)

  • Little boy

Black, shouts: "Kra"

The enemy of worms... (rook)

Proverbs and sayings.

One feather and a bird will not be born.

You can see the bird in flight.

Nightingales are not fed fables.

Every bird has its own habits.

He who knows how to land can fly.

You can see the bird by its flight.

Poems about migratory birds.

The grass is turning green

The sun is shining

A swallow flies towards us with spring in the canopy.

A. Pleshcheev

The starlings are returning -

Our old residents

Sparrows near a puddle

They circle in a noisy flock,

They carry it, they carry it to the houses

Birds on a straw.

G. Ladonshchikov


It is decorated with a tuft.

His house is in a dry hollow.

All forest people know:

This bird's name is hoopoe.


The starling lived overseas in winter,

Now he has returned home.

And early in the morning in silence

Sang about the sun and spring.

Come on over!

M. Karim

Dear little starling,

Finally arrive!

I built a house for you -

Not a birdhouse, but a palace

Appendix No. 4.

Summary of the drawing lesson “Lark”.


Teach children to draw birds by building an image from components.

Teach children to draw a bird in motion.

Show that a slight displacement of the component parts relative to each other gives us a different pose of the bird.

Develop pencil sketching skills.

Develop drawing skills with colored pencils.

Develop skills in creating backgrounds using wax crayons.

Progress of the lesson.


I want to start our today's task with music. I suggest you listen to the romance of the Russian composer A. Alyabyev “The Lark”.

Isn't it true, what tender, pure, beautiful music. It very accurately conveys the impression of the lark's song - ringing, high, clear. She so pleases the soul, so warms the heart.

Today I invite you to learn how to draw a lark.

Look at these pictures. Looking at them, we understand that the body of most birds consists of several parts. Which ones? (Head, body, tail, wings.) What shape are they? (The head is round or slightly oval, the body is oval, the tail may have triangular shape, be forked, like a swallow, the wings usually have a curved shape - if the bird is flying, when folded they are oval, the beak has a triangular shape, can be small or large, curved or straight.

You know how to draw geometric shapes - circle, oval, triangle. Therefore, you can easily depict the component parts of the bird’s body. You just need to connect these parts correctly.

(Show a sketch of a drawing with chalk on a blackboard.)


The lark has a small oval body, a round head, a small triangular beak, and a triangular tail. Look, first I will draw an oval torso. Now I’ll add a round head to it and oval wings - I’ll sharpen their ends a little (these are the longest feathers).

The tail remains folded; it resembles not a triangle, but

A quadrangle, and a triangular small beak. And so my lark collects plant seeds from the ground.

Now you understand the drawing sequence. You see, it’s worth slightly changing the position of the body parts relative to each other, and the lark has a completely different pose. Change the position of the head a little, move it higher, the lark no longer pecks the grains, but sits on the nest, vigilantly looking around, guarding the chicks.

Now let's try to sketch a lark that takes off. Again, I start with the oval body and add a round head with a small beak to it. And now - unfolded wings. I'll start drawing them with a curved line, similar to a rounded corner, this is the outer part of the wing. The inner part is also a rounded, but smoother line; I divide it into separate feathers. I draw the second wing in the same way. The tail remains. In flight, the lark straightens it, the tail takes on a triangular shape, and individual feathers can also be drawn in it.

Now try to compose your own composition, depicting larks in a variety of poses, motionless and in motion, sitting on the ground and flying. Make a sketch with simple pencils. If you don't like something about your sketch, you can use the eraser to fix it.

Part 2. Music plays while drawing. The teacher helps children only with advice, verbal prompts, without resorting to direct intervention into a children's drawing.

Part 3. After the children have finished sketching with a simple pencil, the teacher asks them to think about how they will color the sketch, what visual media they will use, simple pencils. He talks to the children about the plumage of a lark. U skylark the feathers of the upper body are earthy brown, Brown, and the lower one is reddish-white.

In conclusion, a short conversation about the content of the resulting drawings.

Appendix No. 5.

Bird watching onkindergarten site

Goals :

Learn to distinguish birds by plumage, size, voice;

Develop observation and memory;

Cultivate an emotionally positive attitude towards birds.

Progress of observation

The grass turned green again, and the forests began to curl up.

"Spring! Spring! It's time to get down to business!" - The voices of birds are already ringing.

They carry dry twigs, straw, pieces of moss

They will need everything for their home, to create comfort for the chicks.

And tits, sparrows, starlings are pouring on the branches,

After all, soon there will be babies in the nests - Their yellow-throated chicks

The teacher asks the children questions.

♦ What birds fly to our site?

♦ How do you help them?

♦ What size are they?

♦ What benefits do birds provide?

♦ What color are they?

♦ What do they eat?

♦ What changes in the life of birds occur in the fall?

♦ What other birds do you know?

Labor activity

Sprinkling sand on the paths on the site.


Foster a positive attitude towards work;

Learn to help younger people.

Outdoor games

“Catch and throw.”


Learn to catch the ball without holding it to your chest;

Throw accurately to the teacher with both hands in accordance with the rhythm of the spoken words.


Goal: to teach to move with side steps in different directions, to act on a signal.

Individual work

Jumping up from a place.

Goal: to develop jumping ability, the ability to concentrate muscle efforts, combining strength with speed.

Bulygina Valentina Nikolaevna

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 12 “Sun”

Project "Migratory Birds"

Relevance of the project: In preschool childhood, the foundations of personality are laid, including the attitude towards nature and the surrounding world.
By developing a humane attitude towards nature, I try to ensure that every child realizes that man and nature are interconnected, therefore caring for nature, for example birds, is caring for man and his future.
My task is to, together with parents, bring children to the understanding that we are all together, and each of us individually is responsible for our little friends.

Objective of the project: To clarify and expand children’s ideas about migratory birds and their life in the spring.

Project objectives:

– To give children new knowledge about migratory birds, to develop the ability to compare and generalize simple cause-and-effect relationships.
– Analyze the impact of changing seasons on the life of birds, classify birds into wintering and migratory.
– To instill in children a caring attitude towards nature, to teach them to take care of birds.

Predicted results:

During the project, children will develop a positive attitude towards wildlife and birds in particular. During conversations, children learn a lot about their habitat, food, and nesting. Children will learn to compose independently short stories about birds and their chicks. Together with their parents, they will show a creative approach to productive activities. The children will become more attentive, kind and caring towards birds.

Project participants: Children 5-6 years old, teachers, parents.

The first stage of the project “Preparatory”

Select visual material, select fiction on the topic to read, didactic games, riddles about birds, information for conversations.

The second stage of the project “Phase of Active Activity”

Types of children's activities:

Social and communicative development

Creation of game and educational situations “Choosing material and tools for work - building a feeder”, “Flying or not arriving”, “Find and describe”, “Spring has come, brought games”

Theatrical activity: dramatization of an excerpt of a work
V. Orlova “Crow”.

Didactic games “Whose beak”, “Complete the drawing”, “Whose chick”, “Who is screaming?”, “Whose nest?”, “What kind of bird?”, “The fourth wheel”.

Outdoor games " Geese - geese", "Sparrows and a car", "Owl", "Pigeons", "Burn-burn clearly", "Bees and a swallow", "Migration of birds".

Role-playing games “Pet Shop”, “Doctor Aibolit”.

Examination of posters and cards “Migratory and wintering birds”.


Conversations: “How to help birds in spring”, “Who winters where?”, “What not to do in the forest?”

Compiling a story based on plot pictures on the topic “ New house for starlings"

Reading fiction:

Russian folklore. “Nikolenka the gander”, “Knock on the oak tree - a blue swift flies”, “Rooks - kirichi”, “You’re a little bird, you’re a vagrant...”, “Swallow-swallow”.

Fairy tales and stories about birds: “The Frog Princess”, “Geese and Swans”
“Finist - a clear falcon”, “Cuckoo”, G.Kh. Andersen "The Ugly Duckling", D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak “Gray Neck” and others, V. Bianchi “Stories” and others

Learning chants and poems about birds:

Dear songbird, dear swallow,
You returned home from your native land.
It hovers over the window with a live song:
“I brought spring and the sun with me.”

Bird over my window
A nest for birds is built,
Then he drags the straw in his legs,
She's carrying fluff.

Reading riddles, proverbs and signs:

All the migrating birds are blacker,
Enemy of larvae, friend of fields,
Jump back and forth across the fields,
And the bird’s name is... (rook).

Like a fox among animals,
This bird is the smartest of all,
Hiding in the green crowns,
And her name is... (crow)

“Every bird is proud of its feather”, “Every bird is full of its beak”, “The swallow begins spring, the nightingale ends summer”, “I saw a starling - spring is at the porch”, “The nightingale sings for the month, and the crow all year round croaks”, “The bushes have been cut down - goodbye birds!”

Crows bathe in sand and water - a sign of rapid warming; the birds began to sing in the rain - it will soon be clear; if a woodpecker knocks in March, spring will be late; if the sparrow is ruffled - it means frost, if it smoothes its feathers - it means warmth; the pigeons cooed - to clear weather.

Cognitive development

ECD on the topic “How man protects nature”

Viewing the children's environmental magazine "Svirel"

Excursion around the territory of the kindergarten “Are you ready to meet the birds?”

Watch the video: “Bird Calls”

Titmouse sisters, tap-dancing aunts,
Little peasants, well done starlings,
Fly to us from across the sea, bring red spring!
With silk grass, with pearl dew,
With the warm sun, with a grain of wheat!

Birds are dear to us, as a part of the wonderful nature of Russia. Their melodic, cheerful, sonorous songs and bright plumage enliven nature and instill joy and vigor in us.

Presentation “Birds of our Motherland”

Visual activity (Productive activity)

Drawing “Migratory Birds”, coloring pictures
"Our feathered friends"

Application “Fairytale Bird”

Designing birds from paper using origami method

Modeling “Birds at the feeder”

Conversation on the content of V. Bianchi’s story “The Foundling”

Conversation with children based on the story by D. Volgin “The Birds of the Curonian
braids" from the magazine "Svirel"

- V. Zhukovsky. "Lark"

– E. Nosov “Like a crow got lost on the roof”

– V. Bianchi “Masters without an axe”

– V. Stepanov “Birds in verse”

– N. Sladkov “Lentil Bird.”

Working with parents

Newspaper for parents “Children about birds”

Folder – movement “Bird Protection”

Consultations for parents: “Child and birds: learn to love”,

“On the need to educate children correct behavior In the woods",

“So that children are kind.”

Third stage “Presentation”

  1. Presentation of the project “Migratory Birds”
  2. Announcement of a competition for children and parents crafts: “Our feathered friends.”

  1. Carrying out ecological landing"Young ecologists"
  2. Creation of the album “All about birds”.
  3. Direct educational activities with children on the topic.

Don't destroy the bird's nest,

The bird is so happy in its home.

She is calm in the nest and then,

When the storm is angry over the grove. K. Kuliev

Love birds! Protect them!

Vera Beloglazova

Project« Migratory birds»

Integration of educational areas

"Cognition", "Socialization", "Communication", "Artistic creativity", "Reading fiction". "Music"

Type project


Target project

Form at children generalized idea of migratory birds, their habitats. Develop interest in life birds.

Tasks project:

Expand and consolidate ideas about appearance and body parts migratory birds;

Expand and consolidate ideas about life migratory birds in natural natural conditions and adaptation to your environment a habitat: what they eat, how they escape from enemies, how they adapt to life in the spring after flight;

Development of visual and tactile perception, visual memory, attention;

Strengthen the ability of visual examination and the ability to analyze, classify objects according to their main characteristics, visually distinguish and name groups objects with homogeneous characteristics;

Visual and finger gymnast training;

Introduce children with concepts: fly "wedge", "chain", "flock";

Develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, learn to draw conclusions;

Cultivate interest in living nature, develop curiosity;

Intensify joint activities of parents and children.

Age of preschoolers: 5 – 6 years (senior group )

Participants project: children, typhlopedagogue, educators groups, parents.

Approximate duration project

Short: 10 days.

Expected result

U children knowledge about life will be formed migratory birds in natural conditions.

U children a sustainable interest in living nature will be formed.

Children will be able to apply the acquired knowledge in productive activities.

Implementation project.

Sections project

Types of children's activities

Play activity

Role-playing game: "Forest School".

Didactic games: "What is this bird» (classification migratory birds, wintering); “Is there a fourth wheel?”; “Who eats what?” (pick up food)

“Guess whose footprints?”; "Guess bird in silhouette» ; “Find whose house?”; "Find a part of the whole".

Board-printed games: "Feed me birds» , "LOTTO", "Logical chains".

Speech development

"Evening of mysteries", “Lesson on the topic « Migratory birds» , "Education retelling"Nest Builders"(improving skills retelling using diagrams, “Composing a story based on a painting by A. K. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived"", reading poetry about birds and learning poems for the holiday, reading stories and fairy tales.

Game exercises: “Whose tail?” (rook's tail, etc.); “Who will become who?”, “Who has who?”, “Who cares about whom?”, learning finger gymnastics "Martin", "Woodpecker", counters “A cuckoo flew past the garden...”, "Burn, burn clearly..."

Reading fiction

Decorating a book corner; collection of postcards, reading by V. Bianchi "Bird calendar", "What the Magpie Saw", "Who Sings What", "Bird Talk"; A. Tumbasov "Nest", G. Skrebitsky "Winged neighbors", I. Tokmakova "Ten birds flock", G. Snegirev « Birds of our forests» , N. Sladkov “The starlings are great”, W. Flint « Birds in our forest» , M. Prishvin "Guests", O. Driz "Bird Festival".

Artistic and aesthetic development

Application « Birds» .

Modeling from puff pastry "Larks".

Paper construction "The Rooks Have Arrived", from natural material "Small Birds".

Decorative drawing

"Decorate the bird".

Drawing using strokes and stencils, coloring outline images, drawing by dots, through tracing paper.

Game exercises to develop visual perception “What didn’t the artist draw?”, “Complete the image”, "Drawing from semolina", “Laying out pebbles and buttons along the contour”, folding cut pictures, "Labyrinths", looking at “noisy pictures”

Labor activity

Collection of natural materials for crafts. Collection of houses for birds.

Direct educational activities

Getting to know birds, their habits, listening to the singing of different birds, identifying them by voice. Observations of the appearance of insects. Expanding ideas about the Earth, about its inhabitants, who need our support and care. Nurturing love for birds, desire to help them. Communion children to folk art, teach riddles.

Social development

Examination of nests, hanging on the site birdhouse groups.

Physical development

Russian folk games: "Geese", "The Owl and the Birds", "Kite".

Outdoor game « Bird migration» , "Frogs and Herons", "The sparrow flew, flew", "Find Your Nest", "Owl".

Theatrical game

“Oh, gotcha, birdie, stop!”, "Martin".

Gymnastics for the eyes.

Learning songs, dances, games; listening to a romance by Russian composer A. Alyabyev "Lark".

Interaction with parents

Co-creation children and parents in the design groups for the bird festival, making costumes, birdhouses, selecting materials for a book, making crafts for an exhibition from recycled material.

Creating a book-album « Migratory birds» .

Teachers, children, parents worked on creating a book-album « Migratory birds» , in which information about life and habitat migratory birds, games, sketches, logical tasks.

The result design activity became a holiday at which the pupils groups shared their knowledge with guests.

List of used literature:

1. Bondarenko T. M. "Comprehensive classes for secondary kindergarten group» . Practical guide for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions - Voronezh:PE Lakotsenin S.S., 2007

2. Granovich M. Educational games. "Thematic classes « Migratory and wintering birds» .

3. Davydova G. N. “Plasticineography. Animal painting".- M.: LLC "Publishing house Scriptorium 2003", 2009

4. Computer atlas guide birds, bird's nests and voices birds middle zone .

5. Lobodina N.V. “Comprehensive classes according to the program "From birth to school" edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. Average group. Publishing house: Teacher. Series: FGT in preschool educational institution: from theory to practice. 2012

6. "Silhouettes birds in vector» .

7. "Animal tracks, tracks birds» .

8. Shvaiko G. S. Classes in visual arts in children’s garden: Medium group: Program, notes. M.: VLADOS, 2000

Marina Borsyakova
Project in the middle preschool educational institution group"Migratory Birds in Autumn"

Design activities with children average preschool age « Migratory birds in autumn»

Description project: short-term, group.

Participants project: children, teachers.

Children's age: middle group.

Relevance project: preliminary diagnostics showed that the children have insufficiently developed knowledge about migratory birds. Children often confuse wintering and migratory birds, do not know the reasons for departure migratory birds to warm regions. Find it difficult to answer what benefits they bring birds what for harmful to birds and what is useful. Real project will help to fix names in children's memory migratory birds, deepen and expand knowledge about migratory birds, introduce children to such a phenomenon as autumn flight of birds and understand its reasons, will serve to foster a caring and careful attitude towards birds.

TARGET: expand and deepen preschoolers’ knowledge about life migratory birds in autumn.


1. Educational

Consolidate and expand children's knowledge about appearance, nutrition and behavior birds;

Study the characteristics of departure migratory birds

2. Developmental

To develop word formation skills when working with diminutive meanings of words;

Develop a coherent oral speech children in the process of answering questions and making proposals;

To form the artistic and aesthetic perception of children based on listening to the text of the story, looking at illustrations on the topic, drawing and coloring pictures;

Replenish children's active and passive vocabulary by introducing new words and concepts.

3. Educational

Develop skills in educational activities;

Develop a caring attitude towards nature.

Implementation project.

Starting to study migratory birds, you should explain to children why they are called that.

Migratory birds They fly away to winter in warm regions.

It happens in autumn.

Usually migratory birds They fly to warm regions in a flock, but they can also fly in an arc, singly, in a wedge, or in a line.

Insectivores leave us first birds. The word insectivores hides two words: eat insects. They eat chafers, butterflies, wasps, dragonflies and bees.

The earliest birds to fly away are swallows, wagtails, thrushes, larks, buntings, and starlings. These are flying away birds immediately after the first frost, as soon as insects disappear.

When bodies of water (rivers, lakes and ponds) freeze, waterfowl head south birds - geese, ducks and swans.

The word waterfowl also hides two words - swim in the water.

Practical part.

Outdoor games in the fresh air air: "Sparrows and the car", "Birds in Nests", "The Birds Are Flying".

A game "Call me kindly"

study of structure birds and the formation of nouns with diminutives suffixes:

bird - bird

head - head

neck - neck

wing - wing

paw - paw

tail - ponytail

beak - beak

A game "Who has what body"

Look, it's a starling. What kind of tail does he have? So what kind of starling is it? Short-tailed.

This is a swallow, she has a long tail. So, what kind of swallow? Long-tailed.

ACTIVE GAME "Skvorushka"

Autumn is bad weather,

The poplar has turned yellow.

Suddenly there is a squirrel on a branch

Sang a song.

The branch sways a little,

The rain doesn't stop.

The old skvorushka is with us

Says goodbye until spring.


We raised our hands up;

body bends

left - right;

hands to the side;

body turns

left - right;

arms extended forward;

bending back and forth;


GUESS! (Puzzling riddles about migratory birds)

There is a palace on the pole.

There is a singer in the palace.

Leaves eggs for neighbors

And he doesn’t remember the chicks.

The gray bird lives in the forest,

He is known everywhere as a wonderful singer.

Everyone migratory birds,

He clears the arable land of worms.

He flies to hunt

For frogs to the swamp.

Finger game "Ten birds - a flock"

Children sit on chairs.

Fingers of the left and right hands

connected to each other.

Sing along, sing along:

Ten birds are a flock.

(Clap our hands)

This bird is a nightingale,

(Alternately bend

fingers on the right hand,

starting from the little finger)

This bird is a sparrow.

This bird is an owl

Sleepy little head.

This bird is a waxwing,

This bird is a crake,

This bird is a birdhouse

(Alternately bend

fingers on the left hand,

starting from the little finger)

Gray feather.

This one is a finch.

This one is a swift.

This one is a cheerful little siskin.

Well, this one is an evil eagle.

(Connect big and

index fingers,

like a predatory beak)

Birds, birds - go home!

(Waving our arms,

like wings)

Articulation gymnastics

LI-LI-LI, LI-LI-LI - the cranes flew away,

OL-OL-OL, OL-OL-OL – heavy rain I went in the morning

AY-AY-AY, AY-AY-AY - open the umbrella quickly.

Exercise "Finish the sentence" (drawing complex sentences)

The weather outside is cold and rainy because...

Swallows are the first to fly south because...

Last to fly away swans in autumn, geese, ducks, because...

- Birds needs to be loved and protected because...


1. Children recognize from pictures, photographs and can name most migratory birds living in our region;

2. Preschoolers have formed a correct idea of ​​such a phenomenon as flight birds south in autumn;

3. Most of the guys in group are able to talk about features of appearance and habits migratory birds, can make up descriptive story according to the picture;

4. Group learned new mobile, finger and situational games, gymnastics, nursery rhymes, riddles;

5. The children acquired new skills in artistic creativity, learned to paint different parts of an object one by one;

6. During implementation project preschoolers got acquainted with wonderful fairy tales by Russian and foreign authors.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of the lesson “Migratory birds in spring” in the middle group Objective: To expand children's knowledge about spring and migratory birds. Goals: - To introduce children to appearance- Give the concept of “migratory birds”.

"Wintering and migratory birds." Lesson summary for the preparatory group Summary of a lesson on cognitive development in a preparatory school group. Topic: “Wintering and migratory birds.” Educational objectives:.

Synopsis of an integrated educational activity in the preparatory group “Migratory Birds” Integrated OO – physical development, cognitive development. Age of children: 6 – 7 years. Form of delivery: organized educational.

Abstract of the educational field "Cognition" in the secondary group "Migratory Birds" Abstract of the educational field "Cognition" on the topic "Migratory birds" in middle group Goal: to introduce students to migratory birds.

Priority educational field: educational. Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about what is happening to our planet and birds.
