Production and non-production sphere of the enterprise. Non-production infrastructure

The economy of any country consists of production and non-production spheres.

PRODUCTION SPHERE - a set of branches of material production in which material goods are created - means of production, consumer goods.

TO material production can be attributed primarily to industry, agriculture, trade, construction, a number of specific industries that produce material products - publishing, film studios, recording enterprises and other types of activities .

Indicators characterizing the production sector: the number of employees in general and by industry, the volume of production of means of production and consumer goods, their shares; production individual species the most significant products, oil, gas, metals, engineering products, grain collection, other types of agricultural products, etc. An indirect indicator of efficiency production sector is an indicator of labor productivity in general and by industry.

NON-PRODUCTION SPHERE- a set of industries whose products act in the form of a certain purposeful activity (intellectual product, service, etc.). Most industries included in this area are directly related to meeting people's needs for intangible products or services. It includes the following sectors: education, healthcare, culture, art, fundamental science and scientific services, physical education and sports.

The development of the non-production sphere reflects the development of social needs, changes in their structure as the standard of living of the population increases. In all industrial developed countries in connection with the deployment of scientific and technological revolution since the middle of the 20th century. a block of non-material sphere industries clearly emerged and began to develop dynamically, the products of which were aimed at the development human factor.

The main structural elements of the national economy are industrial complexes and branches of the national economy. The relationships between these structural elements are called economic structure.

Industry– a set of enterprises producing (extracting) homogeneous or specific products using similar technologies. Moreover, this set may include various enterprises who produce the product from start to finish at this enterprise, and organizations that each engage in their own activities, but ultimately produce a solid product (automotive industry).

According to Russian legislation economic sector includes all Russian producers of a similar product or a directly competing product, or those of them whose share in total production is Russian Federation respectively, a similar product or a directly competing product constitutes the majority.

There are:

1. pure industries producing a single product (for example, the coal industry);

2. economic sectors in which production industry product the majority of industry organizations are occupied;

3. administrative branches, the organizations of which belong to one ministry or department.

Material production sectors include industry, agriculture and forestry, construction, transport and communications, trade and catering, logistics (logistics). The sectors of socio-cultural orientation and service sectors include: culture, education, healthcare, social Security, science, management, housing and communal services, consumer services. It is legitimate to distinguish the banking sector and activities related to information technology as economic sectors

Industry complex- a set of enterprises or industries that together fully provide the national economy with any product or service. Complexes can develop within one industry or between different industries. For example, the fuel and energy complex includes enterprises in various industries that extract, process, supply and sell oil, gas, and other types of fuel; generate and transport electrical energy.

The agrarian-industrial complex also includes both industry enterprises Agriculture(crop farming, livestock farming, etc.), and food industry enterprises (which process the bulk of agricultural products), light industry(processing the rest of agricultural products), chemical industry(producing fertilizers).

Industry- a set of enterprises characterized either by the unity of purpose of the products produced, or by the commonality of technological processes, or by the homogeneity of the processed raw materials.

The emergence and death of industries and economic complexes is due to the development of the social division of labor. Highlight three shapes social division of labor.

General division of labor expressed in the division of social production on the industry National economy : industry, agriculture, construction, transport and communications, trade, logistics, science and scientific services, healthcare, culture, education, financial sector, etc.

Private division of labor expressed in education independent industries within industry, agriculture and other sectors of the national economy (for example, agricultural engineering).

Unit division of labor manifests itself in the division of labor directly at the enterprise (organization).

Due to the concentration of production and technological progress, the unit division of labor influences the emergence of new industries (for example, the production of microchips, mobile phones).

Main signs that distinguish one industry from another are: the economic purpose of the products produced; the nature of the raw materials and materials consumed; technical production base and technological processes; professional staff. For example, mechanical engineering is intended to produce means of labor; food industry – food products; the metallurgical industry has a common technological process; wood processing industry – a community of processed raw materials. The formation of the industry is also determined quite big market sales of a given type of product or the availability of relevant natural resources (oil, gas, coal, timber, etc.).

In some industries (industry, agriculture, construction, forestry) goods are produced, in others – services(transport and communications; trade and catering; logistics and sales; housing and communal services and consumer services; healthcare, physical education, social security; education; culture and art; science and scientific services; finance, credit, insurance; control).

Enterprises can be part of industries and economic complexes.

Economic complex– a group of interrelated industries, sub-sectors, enterprises producing products of a single nature. For example, the engineering complex; agro-industrial complex (AIC), military-industrial complex (MIC), fuel and energy complex (FEC), construction, chemical forestry, social and consumer complexes, etc.

4. Production and non-production spheres of the national economy

The national economy is usually divided into production And non-productive sphere.

TO production sector include industries that produce goods and services that provide the basic, primarily material, needs of the population and economic entities. These are industry, agriculture, construction, freight transport, communications, trade, public catering, logistics and other sectors.

TO non-production sphere include industries that create conditions for the efficient production of material and intangible goods. These are science, education, healthcare, culture and art, finance, insurance, public administration, etc.

Industry− a separate sphere of science, knowledge, production. Branch of the economy - a set of enterprises producing (extracting) homogeneous or specific products using similar technologies.

All sectors of the national economy are divided into two large areas:production And non-productive. The existence of organizations belonging to the second group (culture, education, consumer services, management) is impossible without the successful development of enterprises of the first.

Enterprises that carry out activities aimed at creating material wealth belong to the industry of the production sector. Organizations in this group also sort, move, etc. Precise definition The production sphere is as follows: “A set of enterprises that produce a material product and provide material services.”

The production sector plays a very significant role in the development of the national economy. It is the enterprises related to it that create national income and conditions for the development of intangible production. There are the following main branches of the production sector: industry, agriculture, construction, transport, trade and catering, logistics.

1 Industry. This industry includes enterprises engaged in the extraction and processing of raw materials, equipment manufacturing, energy production, consumer goods, as well as others. similar organizations, which are a major part of such an area as the manufacturing sector. Sectors of the economy related to industry are divided into:

electric power industry. Enterprises included in this group, are engaged in the production and transmission electrical energy, as well as control over its sales and consumption. The production of products of any kind without organizations carrying out similar activities is impossible.

metallurgy. This industry, in turn, is divided into two sub-sectors: non-ferrous and ferrous. The first includes enterprises engaged in the extraction of precious metals (gold, silver, platinum), diamonds, copper, nickel, etc. Ferrous metallurgy plants produce mainly steel and cast iron.

fuel industry. The structure of this industry includes enterprises engaged in the extraction of coal, oil and gas.

chemical industry. Technological production This type produces products for a wide variety of purposes. The latter can be divided into four main categories: basic and specialty chemicals, consumer goods, and life support products.

forest industry . This group includes enterprises that harvest logs, produce lumber, as well as paper, pulp, matches, etc.

mechanical engineering and metalworking. Factories in this area are engaged in the manufacture of equipment, tools and machines.

light industry. Enterprises of this group produce mainly consumer goods: clothing, shoes, furniture, etc.

industry building materials . The main activity of factories and combines in this industry is the production of products intended for the construction of buildings and structures (concrete mixtures, bricks, blocks, plasters, insulation, waterproofing, etc.

glass industry. The structure of this industry also includes factories for the production of porcelain and earthenware. Enterprises in this sub-industry produce dishes, sanitary ware, window glass, mirrors, etc.

All industrial enterprises classified into two large groups:mining– mines, quarries, mines, wells; processing– combines, factories, workshops.

2 Agriculture. This is also a very important area of ​​the state’s economy, falling under the definition of “production sector”. Branches of the economy in this area are primarily responsible for the production and partial processing of food products. They are divided into two groups: livestock farming And crop production.

The structure of the first includes enterprises engaged in:

cattle breeding. Raising large and small livestock makes it possible to provide the population with such important food products as meat and milk.

pig farming. Enterprises of this group supply lard and meat to the market.

fur farming. The skins of small animals are mainly used to make wearable items. Very large percentage These products are exported.

poultry farming. Agricultural enterprises of this group supply the market with dietary meat, eggs and feathers.

Crop production includes such sub-sectors as:

growing grains. This is the most important sub-sector of agriculture, the most developed in our country. Agricultural enterprises of this group of production sphere are engaged in the cultivation of wheat, rye, barley, oats, millet, etc. The degree of provision of the population with such important products as bread, flour, and cereals depends on how effectively this industry will be developed.

vegetable growing. This type of activity in our country is carried out mainly by small and medium-sized organizations, as well as farms. Fruit growing and viticulture. Developed mainly in the southern regions of the country. Agricultural enterprises of this group supply fruits and wines to the market.

Sub-sectors such as potato growing, flax growing, melon growing, etc. also belong to plant growing.

Industry and agriculture are considered the main sectors of the production sector. However, no less important role Enterprises and other groups that are in close interaction with them play a role in the country's economy.

3 Construction. Organizations of this group are engaged in the construction of buildings and structures. These can be objects for domestic purposes, as well as cultural, administrative or industrial. Besides, construction organizations develop projects of buildings and structures, carry out their reconstruction, expansion, major repairs, etc.

Absolutely all other branches of the production sector interact with groups of enterprises of this type. Work construction companies can be either on government orders or from specific organizations or individuals.

4 Transport. Organizations in this area of ​​the national economy are responsible for the transportation of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products. It includes the following industrial sectors:

road transport . Companies in this group mainly deliver goods over short distances.

marine. This type of transport mainly carries out foreign trade transportation (oil and petroleum products). In addition, maritime companies serve remote areas of the country.

rail transportation. Within the developed economic zone trains are the main means of transport delivering goods over long distances.

aviation. Companies in this area of ​​the transport industry are mainly engaged in the transportation of perishable products.

The success of the functioning of enterprises in such industries as agriculture, industry, construction, etc. directly depends on the efficiency of the transport group companies. In addition to those discussed above, this area of ​​the production sector includes organizations transporting oil, its products, gas, etc.

5Trade. An equally important role in the country’s economy is played by such industrial sectors as: wholesale; retail; catering.

Its subjects are enterprises and organizations involved in the sale of goods produced by industry and agriculture, as well as related work and services. Catering establishments include canteens, kebab shops, cafes, restaurants, pizzerias, bistros, etc.

6 Logistics support. The main activity of the subjects of this branch of the production sphere is providing for industrial enterprises, agriculture, etc. working capital: components, packaging, spare parts, wear-out equipment and tools, etc. The logistics group also includes organizations involved in supply and sales. Thus, the branches of the production sphere, the definition of which was given at the beginning of this article, are the most important components of the national economy. The effectiveness of the development of the country’s economy as a whole and, as a consequence, the growth of the well-being of its citizens directly depends on the success of the activities of their enterprises.

In the non-production sector, two groups of industries can be distinguished:

1. Industries whose services satisfy the general, collective needs of society:

− geology and subsoil exploration and water management (except for those activities that were classified as material production);

− authorities: administrative apparatus, court, prosecutor’s office;

− defense;

− party and public organizations;

− science and scientific services;

− finance;

− lending and state insurance.

2. Industries whose services satisfy the cultural, everyday and social needs of the population:

− housing and communal services;

− institutions and enterprises providing consumer services to the population (passenger transport, baths, hairdressers, etc.);

− education (schools, secondary and higher educational establishments, libraries, etc.);

− cultural and art institutions (museums, theaters, cinemas, palaces, cultural centers, etc.);

− communications regarding services to the population and non-production sphere;

− institutions providing medical services to the population (clinics, hospitals, sanatoriums, etc.);

− institutions physical culture and sports;

− institutions for social welfare of the population.

Workers employed in the non-productive sphere of the national economy do not produce material goods, but their work is necessary for society and is socially useful work.

Sometimes outside the classification of industries in the production and non-production spheres, the industry "Public services" distinguished as a collecting industry, which includes enterprises included in the branches of the production and non-production spheres. From the production sector, this includes industrial enterprises engaged in the manufacture and repair of personal consumption items. individual orders of the population, and construction organizations that carry out the construction and repair of housing according to individual orders of the population. From the non-production sphere, the collective sector of consumer services for the population includes non-production activities that have the nature of purely consumer services for the population (baths, hairdressers, etc.).

The production sphere is a set of branches of material production in which material goods are created - means of production, consumer goods. The production sector includes industry, agriculture and forestry, construction, transport, communications, energy, trade, catering, warehousing, a number of specific industries that produce material products - publishing, film studios, recording enterprises, design organizations, procurement of fruits, mushrooms, berries, seeds, wild herbs and their primary processing, etc. The production sector includes services. The manufacturing sector includes a significant part scientific activity, which is directly embodied in material benefits: design and engineering organizations, experimental and pilot production, biological stations, biological laboratories, design and survey organizations for deep drilling for oil and gas, etc.

The development of the division of labor, the emergence of new industries and productions producing material products, the transformation of science into direct productive force, the transformation of material production into knowledge-intensive production makes the border between the production and non-production spheres very mobile.

The issue of industries producing military products remains unresolved, since the final use of the product of these industries is associated with military operations.

Indicators characterizing the production sector: number of employees in general and by industry, volume of production of means of production and consumer goods, their shares; production of certain types of the most important products, oil, gas, metals, engineering products, grain collection, other types of agricultural products, etc. An indirect indicator of the efficiency of the production sector is the indicator of labor productivity in general and by industry.

Sphere delimitation human activity into production and non-production is methodologically based on Marx’s teaching on productive and unproductive labor, on the theory of surplus value. In the USSR, this distinction was used in statistical accounting of the volume of total social product and national income. The initial methodological premises for such a calculation were the following: a) surplus product is created in the branches of the production sphere; b) the non-production sphere is supported by the surplus product redistributed from the production sphere through the state budget and the personal income of citizens paid for services.

In statistics from developed countries market economy no distinction is made between the production and non-production spheres.

The non-productive sphere is a set of industries whose products act in the form of a certain purposeful activity (intellectual product, service, etc.). Most industries included in this area are directly related to meeting people's needs for intangible products or services. It includes the following sectors: education, healthcare, culture, art, fundamental science and scientific services, physical education and sports, social security, including various types of social services, management, etc.

The development of the non-production sphere reflects the development of social needs, changes in their structure as the standard of living of the population increases. In all industrialized countries, in connection with the deployment of scientific and technological revolution since the middle of the 20th century. a block of intangible industries whose products were aimed at developing the human factor clearly emerged and began to develop dynamically: education, healthcare, social services, etc. Specific gravity Employment in the service sector currently reaches 70%.

In Russia, not much more than 30% are employed in the non-production sector. Although the data are not comparable with foreign statistics.

The distinction between spheres of activity into production and non-production was methodologically based on Marx’s teaching on productive and unproductive labor and was applied when taking into account the volume of the total social product and national income. It was believed that labor employed in the non-productive sphere does not create a surplus product, and the non-productive sphere is maintained through redistribution from the production sphere.

In the USSR until 1989 non-production sectors were taken into account only in the expenditure side of the consumption fund. In the statistics of countries with developed market economies, no distinction is made between the production and non-production spheres.

Currently in Russia it is recognized that labor in non-production sectors is productive, creates value and surplus value, the volume of production of industries in a given sphere using a special method is included in the total value of gross domestic product (GDP) and gross national product(GNP).

All sectors of the national economy are divided into two large areas: production and non-production. The existence of organizations belonging to the second group (culture, education, consumer services, management) is impossible without the successful development of enterprises of the first.

Industrial sectors: definition

Enterprises that carry out activities aimed at creating material wealth belong to this part of the national economy. Also, organizations in this group carry out their sorting, movement, etc. The exact definition of the production sector is as follows: “A set of enterprises that manufacture a material product and provide material services.”

General classification

It plays a very significant role in the development of the national economy. It is the enterprises related to it that create national income and conditions for the development of intangible production. There are the following main branches of the production sector:

  • industry,
  • Agriculture,
  • construction,
  • transport,
  • trade and catering,
  • logistics.


This industry includes enterprises engaged in the extraction and processing of raw materials, equipment manufacturing, energy production, consumer goods, as well as other similar organizations that are a major part of such an area as the manufacturing sector. Sectors of the economy related to industry are divided into:

All industrial enterprises are classified into two large groups:

  • Extractive - mines, quarries, mines, wells.
  • Processing - plants, factories, workshops.


This is also a very important area of ​​the state’s economy, falling under the definition of “production sector”. Branches of the economy in this area are primarily responsible for the production and partial processing of food products. They are divided into two groups: livestock farming and crop farming. The structure of the first includes enterprises engaged in:

  • Cattle breeding. Raising large and small livestock makes it possible to provide the population with such important food products as meat and milk.
  • Pig farming. Enterprises of this group supply lard and meat to the market.
  • Fur farming. The skins of small animals are mainly used to make wearable items. A very large percentage of these products are exported.
  • Poultry farming. This group supplies the market with dietary meat, eggs and feathers.

Crop production includes such sub-sectors as:

  • Growing grains. This is the most important sub-sector of agriculture, the most developed in our country. Agricultural enterprises of this group of production sphere are engaged in the cultivation of wheat, rye, barley, oats, millet, etc. The degree of provision of the population with such important products as bread, flour, and cereals depends on how effectively this industry will be developed.
  • Vegetable growing. This type of activity in our country is carried out mainly by small and medium-sized organizations, as well as farms.
  • Fruit growing and viticulture. Developed mainly in the southern regions of the country. Agricultural enterprises of this group supply fruits and wines to the market.

Sub-sectors such as potato growing, flax growing, melon growing, etc. also belong to plant growing.


Organizations in this area of ​​the national economy are responsible for the transportation of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products. It includes the following industrial sectors:
