The best tank in the world. The most powerful tank in the world Merkava the most powerful tank in the world

There is no need to talk about the importance of tanks in protecting state sovereignty and guaranteeing the security of certain countries. Developed tank building, in addition, serves as a good source of export income; its technical achievements increase the prestige of the state. And many people involuntarily have a question: “What is the most powerful tank in the world?” Very often, in various foreign and domestic publications, on Internet pages, and in popular television programs, attempts are made to make a general comparison of the main tanks of different countries. Every now and then there are articles entitled “Top of the most powerful tanks in the world”; the Discovery Channel film on this topic is widely known. But practice has shown the ineffectiveness of this approach. Each tank model is created within the framework of a specific doctrine, to solve specific problems in the appropriate natural and climatic conditions. A typical example is the Israeli Merkava tank. Having excellent comprehensive protection and a powerful weapon, this modern chariot (as the name of the Merkava model is translated) is one of the main contenders for the title of “the most powerful tank in the world.” But only Israel and Singapore put it into service; no one else chose it for their army. While very good for limited spaces in certain geographic regions, this tank turned out to be too heavy and inactive, unsuitable for maneuver warfare. In addition, ratings such as “the 10 most powerful tanks in the world” are frankly advertising and propaganda in nature. Thus, according to Chinese experts, the best tank in the world is, naturally, the Chinese type 99. According to the American version, the Abrams and Leopard 2 models are worthy of the title of “the most powerful tank in the world.” Russian and many foreign experts highly rate the performance of the T-90 model (modifications "Tagil" and "Vladimir"). Ukraine declares that the T-84 Oplot will surpass any serial tank in the world in battle. How can we figure this out if simple comparisons of technical characteristics, computer simulations of battles and real combat operations do not allow us to clearly choose the undisputed favorite? The rest of the article attempts another brief overview of most modern tanks in the world. It should be noted that the technical characteristics given here are average, as they may change depending on the appearance of the next modification of the tank.

Russia and Ukraine

The domestic tank building school is one of the most respected in the world. The Russian T-90 tank is undoubtedly a leader in terms of cost-effectiveness. Previously Soviet and now Russian tanks are valued by many countries for their ease of maintenance, excellent armament and good protection, maneuverability and mobility. These tanks were well mastered by mass peasant armies with a low level of education. In addition, Russian, as well as earlier Soviet, tanks were tested in the frosty conditions of Siberia, the Afghan and Caucasus mountains, the deserts of Central Asia and the Middle East, and the humid jungles of Venezuela and Vietnam. So, T-90. The tank has combined armor, a powerful 125-mm gun, the ammunition load of which also includes guided ammunition, which is a definite plus domestic tanks. The dimensions of the tank are small, which, however, in modern conditions is no longer of decisive importance. A small armor volume due to a reduction in crew size due to the use of a gun automatic loader, built-in dynamic protection in addition to combined armor, passive (“Shtora”) and active (“Arena” and “Drozd”) protection systems are also among the achievements of the domestic tank industry. As a result, the weight of the T-90 tank is relatively small, much less than foreign models. So, this is the most powerful tank in the world? The photo shows its beautiful, swift silhouette; the tank has high export potential - India, Algeria, and Venezuela chose it for their armies.

But no, the T-90 still has serious disadvantages. Until recently, its gun could no longer hit modern tanks head-on from a long distance, although positive changes are now being observed here. The small armor volume, in addition to its advantages, also has its drawback - the crew is placed among the ammunition, which negatively affects its safety in battle. There were also complaints about the engine, surveillance devices, and fire control system. These problems have been solved or are being solved in the latest modifications (T-90A, AM, MS, AM). But, again, this is the notorious “but” - tanks of the T-90 line are not purchased by the Russian army; in anticipation of a promising model, the old T-72s are being modernized.

Ukraine inherited one of the most honored centers of the former Soviet tank industry - the Kharkov Transport Engineering Plant named after Malyshev. Suffice it to say that the most iconic tank of World War II, the T-34, was born here. Over the years of independence, Ukrainian tank builders have achieved great success by modernizing the T-64 and T-84 UD models (diesel version of the T-80). The Oplot-M and T-84 Oplot (these are different tanks!) have been created and are constantly being modernized. In many ways, these models are not inferior, and in some ways they are superior to their Western counterparts, and have some export successes (they were delivered to Pakistan and Thailand). Ukraine has also achieved great success in developing its own guided ammunition for tank guns. But, nevertheless, these are not breakthrough projects; in fact, they are a line of development of old models and they do not have decisive advantages.

In the photo - T-90:


Skillful advertising led to the fact that the American Abrams M1 tank was placed first or second in many tank ratings by a number of experts. It is an undoubted success of American developers, it has a powerful, obviously one of best systems armor protection among serial tanks in the world. A powerful gas turbine engine allows for high power density. And yet, this tank also has many disadvantages, some of which are due precisely to the presence of a gas turbine. Increased fuel and air consumption for the engine leads to a decrease in power reserve and the need to change air duct filters very often, especially in a dusty atmosphere. The high vulnerability of the Abrams against Russian and former Soviet anti-tank weapons in Afghanistan and Iraq was unexpectedly revealed. Even the old RPG-7, which celebrated its sixtieth anniversary, with new ammunition became a thunderstorm for the Abrams. And the insignificant volume of exports, despite intensive advertising, speaks for itself. In addition, the Americans, despite their efforts, are unable to create acceptable models of tank guided missiles and active protection systems (APS). No, the M1A2 is one of the strongest fighters, but not the most powerful tank in the world.

In the photo - M1A2 "Abrams" tank:


If the T-90 is the heir to the traditions of Soviet tank building, then the Leopard 2 is an undoubted achievement of another strong school of armored vehicle designers, the German. If someone says that this is the most powerful tank in the world, then, perhaps, there will be nothing to object to. Is it possible to refer to the crowd of competitors from countries that are new to tank building and have unexpectedly created a large number of excellent examples of tanks. And what can you reproach the Leopard with its mighty 120 mm cannon, which recently underwent modernization and received a barrel lengthened from 44 to 55 calibers? Its significantly increased level of armor protection compared to previous modifications? Except that, big sizes and mass, this negatively affects the ability to transport tanks vehicles, restrictions on bridge load capacity. The Leopard does not have either guided missiles or active protection systems. But there is an excellent, if not the best, diesel engine and an excellent OMS (weapon control system).

In the photo - "Leopard 2":

England and France

But what can be said about the achievements of the powers where tank building once originated? The English "Challenger 2", having a very powerful level of protection, a strong cannon, an excellent fire control system (during Operation Desert Storm, one of the British "Challengers" destroyed an Iraqi T-55 with the first shot at a distance of 5000 meters!), However, it caused criticism among British experts; it was planned to rearm the British army with Abrams. The main complaint is the low speed. But the Iraq campaign put everything in its place - the Challenger turned out to be an excellent fighter. The British tank industry was saved by government orders. In general, after the not very successful tanks of World War II, the British made the right conclusions and their post-war tanks were not bad, although slow-moving. But tankers loved them for their reliability, powerful guns and excellent armor protection. Thanks to this, their crews went into battle thinking about completing a combat mission, rather than searching for the nearest shelter. By the way, the Challenger 2 is considered the most protected tank in the world from cumulative shells (in terms of passive armor, it, alas, has no active protection).

The French AMX-30, like the Soviet T-55 and the German Leopard-1, is the brainchild of the concept of a tank that does not need heavy-duty protection; the armor should better protect enemy strongholds that survived an atomic strike from small arms fire and attenuate radiation emissions . Such tanks had to cross areas affected by atomic charges at high speed and withstand the shock wave and light radiation from nuclear explosions. Time passed, and the concept of using tanks changed. So, in France, the AMX-30 was replaced by the AMX-56 model. After eliminating a number of problems, the tank reached the advanced (but not the first!) frontiers of world tank building in most respects. Despite this, no one, except France and the UAE, which financed its development, was flattered by it. Currently, it is not mass-produced; the French are dreaming of new tanks, but no real action in this direction has yet been noted.

Summary: despite the successes, neither English samples, and even more so, the French cannot claim the title of “the most powerful tank in the world.”

Pictured is Challenger 2 from the UK:


The Israeli concept of tanks is reminiscent of the English one - a powerful gun must break the enemy's resistance, while powerful armor can withstand fire from enemy guns. And relatively low speed - on the battlefield you need to shoot accurately, and not dashingly write out zigzags and figure eights. When Great Britain imposed an embargo on the supply of Chieftains to Israel, this country was forced to create its own tank. And it turned out to be original! The front engine position made it possible to increase the degree of protection for the crew - human resources in Israel are not unlimited, trained specialists are doubly valued. The rational shape of the hull and turret increased resistance to shelling. At the rear, free volume appeared in the body and a hatch with a door was made. In the resulting compartment, you can place additional ammunition or take the wounded from the battlefield. Whether it is possible to carry troops there is a moot point. The 105 mm gun used in the first modification was later replaced by a 120 mm gun.

The Israelis have also made clear progress in the use of KAZ systems and guided tank ammunition. Here, perhaps, they are not only stepping on the heels of Russian developers, but in some places they are also beginning to bypass them. However, this race is far from over, and designers from different countries have many trump cards hidden in their sleeves.

Where's the fly in the ointment? It is in the huge mass of the Merkava, this is not critical for the Lebanese mountains, urban areas of the Gaza Strip, Palestinian militant camps, but in many cases rapid maneuver is expected from tank forces. This means that, being a somewhat specific tank, the Merkava cannot claim the title of the most powerful weapon. Although it is one of the most serious arguments on the modern battlefield.


The main tank of this country is called Type 90. High security, great firepower and good mobility are overshadowed by large mass and at a high price, the tank is much more expensive than the American Abrams. Its use outside the island of Hokkaido is problematic. But the Japanese have created and are now deploying a cheaper and lighter version, called the Type 10. In terms of weight it is close to Russian models, in terms of combat and technical specifications resembles Western tanks. Being good models, these tanks are undoubtedly among the top most powerful tanks in the world, but are not widespread outside of Japan. And not tested in combat.

In the photo - Japanese tank "Type 10"


China has developed many types of armored vehicles. Latest models- “Type 96”, “Type 98” and “Type 99” fully meet modern requirements. The Chinese even announced the superiority of the Type 99 over any tank in the world, but this pure water PR All models are a development of Soviet models from a line that originated from the legendary T-34. And yet, on the battlefield they are strong opponents to many armies of the world.

In the photo - the pride of the Chinese tank industry, "Type 99"

Other countries

Many countries around the world began to apply for membership in the tank builders club. There are no extraordinary examples to be seen here yet, although many models are very successful and have many innovations. So, a quick overview. Brazil developed Tamoyo, which was unsuccessful, and Osorio. The latter was actively promoted for export, but was not successful. Currently, "Ozorio" is definitely not the most powerful tank in the world, although it has good characteristics. Italy at one time developed the Ariete model with a 120 mm cannon. About 200 cars were produced, the characteristics are at the level of requirements, but not the most outstanding. Lacking guided ammunition in its ammunition, this tank may soon receive an original gadget - an unmanned mini-plane fired from a cannon barrel, capable of conducting reconnaissance in the interests of a tank unit and illuminating targets with a laser. Production of the K2 tank begins in South Korea Black Panther", included in the Guinness Book of Records due to its price. Features of the tank: the presence of guided ammunition (they do not have a rocket engine, but hit targets along a hinged trajectory from above, into an unprotected area). The tank can shoot down low-flying aircraft. There is an automatic loader, thanks to which this The tank has a record gun rate among all modern tanks - about 15 rounds per minute. India for a long time tried to implement the Arjun project; its characteristics were to correspond to some modifications of the Leopard 2 vehicle. Yes, it looks similar to it, not to mention the fact that both models are equipped with the same engine. But so far things are not going very well for Indian developers, and India is producing Russian T-90s under license. There is talk of Arjun 2. And finally, the most unexpected development is the Turkish Altai. Created when technical support Korea based on the Black Panther tank, the main difference from the prototype is the absence of an automatic loader. So, it’s not difficult to collect the 10 most powerful tanks in the world, only there will be many options for such a collection; numerous participants in the race for the title of creators of the best tank are running along the distance in a very close and even crowd.

In the photo - Indian "Arjun":

What's in the future?

Talk about the appearance of tanks with laser guns in 2020 is apparently premature, although work has been underway on guns based on new operating principles for a long time - using liquid propellant charges, railguns ( electromagnetic guns). But this, apparently, is a rather distant prospect, although forecasts in this matter are a thankless task. Samples of 140 mm guns appeared, including the Bagheera in Ukraine. In Russia, a 152-mm smoothbore gun has long been ready for mass production, which, in principle, is superior to everything that can be opposed to it. Apparently, soon, as necessary, all this will find application when the current guns exhaust their potential.

But what about the new tanks in the leading countries of the world? While the Germans were experimenting with either the Leopard 2 A8 or the Leopard 3, the Americans were developing their platform for the future line of armored vehicles, the French were dreaming about what they would produce next at their factories, Russia was making a spectacular display of the promising T-14 tank at the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the victory, the whole world was excited. Ukraine stated that these were its developments stolen by Russia, Germany said that “Armata” has a German trace, etc. The whole world knew about this tank before the show, but when they saw it with their own eyes, it became clear that a breakthrough in tank building was possible. A new principle of protection for the crew placed in an armored capsule, a remote-controlled weapon in an uninhabited turret, a new weapon with increased efficiency, a hull geometry that ensures new level protection. There is a lot to list, but uninhabited towers and remote weapons are not new in theory, but until now it has not been able to make its way to real vehicles. In Germany, England, and the USSR (including Kharkov), developments were carried out with new layouts. In Russia, by 2011, the T95 tank, more powerful than the Armata, was prepared for production. But for a number of objective reasons, the management decided to simplify and reduce the cost of it, update outdated long years solution development. This is how the tank on the Armata platform appeared. It seems that here it is, the most powerful modern tank in the world. But something keeps us from being too optimistic. The tank is expensive, it’s passing military tests, there are problems with reliability, and it is not yet a fact that it will go into large series. And even if plans for this tank are implemented, will it retain its current configuration or will some of the bells and whistles have to be abandoned? The most important thing is whether the weapon surveillance and control system within the framework of the uninhabited tower concept will justify itself?

In the photo - "Armata" T14:


Imagine this: on opposite ends of a hypothetical battlefield there are two rival tanks in the ratings of combat vehicles. The crews are trained in exactly the same way, both see each other, the vehicles are in good working order, refueled, and ammunition is loaded. At a signal from an invisible judge, the car hatches are slammed shut and the engines are started. Both tanks, like knights clad in armor, rush towards each other and each opens fire on the enemy from the optimal distance. This way you can reveal the pure superiority of one tank over another. - “Absurd! - you say - it doesn’t happen!” Isn’t abstract tank ratings absurd? Combat vehicles are strong due to their interaction with each other, the training of crews and the literacy of commanders, close interaction with other branches of the military and even branches armed forces, powerful combat, rear and technical support, coordinated work of headquarters. Reconnaissance, camouflage, terrain and crossing engineering equipment, electronic support - this is not a complete list of conditions in which tanks fight, win or die. Of course, their technical excellence also plays a role, but as can be seen from the above review, the best modern tanks are approximately at the same level; the emerging leaders run the risk of acquiring equal competitors after some time.

Thus, the development and modernization of tanks is a constant process, the intensity of the appearance of new products either increases or decreases, but never freezes at zero. Currently, a technical breakthrough is being planned, and the competition of tank builders will be brought to a new round of an endless spiral. And now the German developer is absorbing a French state-owned company, creating the basis for the development of the future European Armata. How long will it take them to catch up with Russia? The decision to develop it has been made, technical discoveries are already known, and Europe’s potential has not been exhausted. At the same time, current tanks have not yet outlived their usefulness and will be modernized for a long time, will be in service with the armies of the world and in mobilization reserve warehouses. And the question of which tank is the most powerful in the world will apparently never receive a final answer.

Maneuverable, powerful and efficient tanks are a reliable basis for the Armed Forces of any country. The constant arms race, going on behind the scenes between the leading countries of the world, obliges designers to create improved models of combat vehicles. The best tanks of our time are vehicles, each of which has unique functions and capabilities.

Challenger 2, UK

Challenger 2, unlike other modern combat vehicles, is equipped with a rifled gun with a diameter of 120 mm. Internal threading allows you to effectively hit objects at a distance of over 5 kilometers. Challenger 2 is the record holder for the longest range of tank battles.

This tank is the most protected in the world. Special armor, which is based on the classified Dorchester armor, consisting of an alloy of steel, Kevlar, and ceramics. This connection reduces the power of impacts from incoming projectiles. It is capable of effectively countering direct-fire weapons. However, reliable armor made it significantly heavier. Challenger. Combined with a relatively low-power engine, this made the tank slow and clumsy.

Built-in Information system combat and computer fire control help in difficult conditions.

These tanks performed well in the Iraq War (2003). In the Battle of Basra, an armored brigade took part in the advance on the city. Later, combat vehicles entered into battle with Iraqi tanks. This was the largest tank battle since World War II - the British were able to destroy 15 enemy vehicles without losing a single tank.

During the entire existence of Challenger 2, its armor was damaged only once - as a result of an erroneous hit by exactly the same tank.

T-90 (“Vladimir”), Russia

The main battle tank of Russia. At the beginning of the 21st century, it was the best-selling product, having the best price-quality ratio.

A unique feature of the Russian combat vehicle is the Kalina fire control system, which is superior to its analogues in many respects. It allows you to hit enemy targets that are in motion with the first shot, even in unfavorable weather conditions.

The 22-round machine gun is capable of firing up to 9 shots per minute. At the same time, it can fire anti-tank guided missiles.

The special design allows the T-90 to overcome water obstacles up to 5 meters deep. Based on the results of many tests, including indicators such as shooting accuracy, maneuverability, and wear resistance, this tank occupies a leading position, leaving behind the famous tanks of other powers.

There are suggestions that in 1995 several T-90 combat units took part in Chechen war, however, this has not been documented. Russian tanks took part in the fighting in Ukraine, acting on the side of the militias, and were used in the liquidation of the Ilovaisk cauldron and in the assault on the security forces near Lugansk. T-90s as part of the Syrian army took part in recent military operations in Syria.

Type 10, Japan

Newest fighting machine Japan. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is equipped with innovative mechanisms for electronic and computer combat systems - an automatic charging system and a panoramic view.

The automatic continuously variable transmission allows you to reach maximum speed when driving in both directions. Type 10 has a hydropneumatic suspension that allows you to change the ground clearance and degree of inclination of the body. This improves cross-country ability and increases the vertical guidance range of the gun. The reduced ground clearance makes it possible to lower the tank to the bottom, making it less noticeable.

The crew is housed in a special compartment covered with more durable nanocrystalline steel.

M1 Abrams, USA

One of the few tanks with a system of protection against weapons of mass destruction. In the event of a nuclear or chemical attack, the system supplies the crew with clean air and blocks the entry of poisons and dust into the fighting compartment.

Abrams is equipped with chemical and radiation reconnaissance instruments and is equipped with an innovative fire control system. The vehicle is reinforced with uranium armor and has guns the latest development. Over the 35-year history of this tank, there have been no recorded cases of complete destruction of the crew, which indicates its excellent security.

The M1 Abrams is equipped with advanced thermal sensors and navigation surveillance systems. The gas turbine engine has excellent performance, but is difficult to maintain and requires a lot of fuel.

One of the main advantages of this combat vehicle is the ability to remotely control weapons.

Abrams received their first battle experience in 1991 during hostilities in the Persian Gulf. Thanks to their technical superiority, American tanks successfully destroyed Iraqi vehicles.

M1 Abrams also took part in the seven-year war in Iraq. In the battles, the Americans suffered significant losses - out of 1,200 combat vehicles, 800 received damage of varying degrees of severity.

Merkava, Israel

A distinctive feature of this tank is the front location of the engine and transmission compartment, which provides additional protection for the crew. Another feature of the combat vehicle is the rear compartment for transporting wounded or landing troops. This adds versatility to the tank and the ability to vary actions in accordance with the combat situation.

Merkava was the first to use an active protection system that effectively shoots down missiles and shells approaching the tank.

It is perfectly protected - the modular armor can be quickly replaced. Special attention paid attention to camouflage - so that the tank was not noticeable on the battlefield, the designers changed the shade of the exhaust gases. The defense system is capable of informing about threats and neutralizing missiles.

The new projectile guidance system is especially effective against low-flying helicopters.

Leopard 2, Germany

It has an advanced fire control system that allows you to effectively hit moving targets while in continuous motion.
Overlay armor protects against mines, landmines, missiles, and cluster munitions.

Leopard has a special installation that allows all electronic systems to function without turning on the main engine. The tank is equipped with one of best modifications cannons and two machine guns, which, thanks to a laser rangefinder system, can hit targets at a distance of up to 5 kilometers.

The advantages of Leopard 2 are provided by an information interaction system, improved daytime and thermal imaging sights, dynamic protection, and an attack information system. Excellent performance in combat mode.

Several other models of combat vehicles also have excellent efficiency and maneuverability.

K2 Black Panther, South Korea:

It has innovative tracking systems and fires about 10 rounds per minute. Protected by composite and reactive armor, has active and passive protection. Guidance systems automatically identify the target and launch projectiles.

Western journalists, like politicians, are haunted by the idea that Russia was able to create tanks that are superior in quality to their Western counterparts. Thus, Forbes magazine, in a rather lengthy article, made a comparison between the main mass-produced tanks of Russia, Germany, the USA, China and France, respectively The following samples were subject to critical evaluation: T-90, Leopard-2, M1A2 SEP V2 Abrams, MBT-2000 and AMX-56 Leclerc. To be fair, let's add a British tank to this list. Challenger 2 and compare these six samples to determine the true leader. Let’s reduce the evaluation principle to the simplest: compare the technical characteristics of vehicles, defense systems and weapons, the cost of their production, efficiency combat use, demand on the global arms market, based on the totality of this data, the best machine can be determined. It’s probably also worth adding to this list Israeli Merkava tank.

The Russian “flying” tank T-90 is considered a global bestseller.

Of course, one could consider other excellent examples of tank construction, such as the Japanese Type-10 main tank or the South Korean K2 Black Panther main tank, but given their relatively low production and lack of examples combat use, for now we will refuse to consider these candidates in the ranking for the title of the best tank in the world. There is no point in considering the Russian T14 Armata tank yet, since this model has not yet been adopted for service.

Abrams and T-90

The Western media almost in unison praise the merits of the American M1A2 SEP V2 Abrams tank, calling it the pinnacle of technical excellence in world tank building, well, let these praises remain on their conscience, let’s move on to the facts. First of all, it is worth noting that this tank is an old development (serial production began on February 28, 1980), which has been modernized many times. But overall the car has proven itself well.

It is equipped with a 1,500-horsepower AVCO Lycoming AGT-1500 gas turbine engine; with a combat weight of 64 tons, this vehicle can reach a maximum speed along a prepared path of up to 67 km per hour, over rough terrain up to 30 km/h with a cruising range of 426 km. Specific power – 23.8 hp. per ton. The tank is well protected, its frontal armor is 650 mm thick, in addition to its own composite armor, it is protected by additional panels and has active and dynamic protection.

The vehicle is equipped with a panoramic sight, a thermal imager, a laser range finder, a global positioning, control and communication system; high-resolution liquid crystal color displays (which display all the necessary information in digital and graphic forms) allow the commander to see the battlefield. The rangefinder is capable of determining the distance to the target to be hit, up to almost 5 km; the main sight is equipped with a stabilizer.

M1A2 SEP V2 Abrams tank

The tank is armed with a 120 mm M256 smoothbore gun (licensed version of the Rheinmetall Rh-120 made in Germany), and one 12.7 mm M2HB and two M240 7.62 mm machine guns. The tank's 120 mm gun ammunition, in addition to other ammunition, includes an M829A3 sub-caliber projectile with a depleted uranium core; its maximum effective range is 4.4 thousand m; at a distance of 2 km it penetrates 720 mm armor.

The gun is loaded manually; the tank has a crew of four people. Western experts clearly overpraised this tank. In Iraq, in the current war, jihadists managed to knock out Abrams with , and this is already ridiculous. Poorly armed Yemeni guerrillas, the Houthis, managed to destroy about 20 Abrams tanks.

How can all of the above be answered? Russian main tank T-90, consider its modifications and the T90-AM. The vehicle is equipped with a V-shaped 12-cylinder liquid-cooled diesel tank engine with turbocharging V-92S2F with a power of 1130 hp. With a combat weight of 48 tons, the tank is capable of speeds of 65–70 km/h on a prepared road and up to 45–50 km/h over rough terrain. The ratio of tank weight to engine power is 24 hp. per ton i.e. better than the M1A2 SEP V2 Abrams. The track pressure per unit surface area of ​​the T-90AM is 10% lower than that of an American tank, and accordingly the cross-country ability of the Russian vehicle is higher.

The tank is equipped with a panoramic sight, a thermal imager, modern control systems, navigation, internal and external communications, and surveillance. At the disposal of the crew commander of the Kalina control system with an integrated combat information and control system of the tactical level, a high-resolution liquid crystal color display (all the information necessary for the commander is displayed on it) allows him to monitor the combat situation. The target firing range of OFZ shells is up to 10 km. Guided ammunition allows you to hit targets at a distance of up to 5 km, ATGMs reliably hit the enemy at a distance of up to 3 km.

Russian tank T-90MS

This combat vehicle is superbly protected. The thickness of the composite armor in the frontal part of the hull is 750 mm, the turret is 950 mm. The tank's ammunition is located in a separate module, which significantly increases the survivability of the crew if it is hit by a shell and detonates all of the ammunition. In addition to its own armor, the tank has additional screens, active and dynamic protection systems. The modern modular third-generation dynamic protection system “Relikt” is too tough for the vaunted American projectile with a uranium core M829A3, so the Yankees are urgently looking for a new solution.

The armament of the T90-AM tank is also impressive: a smooth-bore 125 mm 2A46M-5 cannon with automatic loading and a coaxial 7.62 mm PKTM machine gun, as well as a 7.62 mm anti-aircraft gun UDP T05BV-1. The tank has a crew of three people (no loader). The T-90 has demonstrated exceptional reliability in the current wars in Iraq and Syria.

American vs Russian

Since these tanks have not yet met on the battlefield, let's try to analytically assess the chances of victory for each. Undoubtedly, Abrams tanks have a rich track record and they performed well in the 1991 and 2003 US wars against Iraq. In both cases tank forces Saddam Hussein was also equipped with Soviet combat vehicles of the unmodernized T-55, T-64, T-72. In addition, Iraq at that time did not receive any consumables, spare parts, or ammunition from Russia, and the main factor of unreliability was the Iraqi crews, mainly because of this it was not difficult for the Americans to fight with Saddam Hussein’s tanks with virtually no losses. That is, this combat experience does not mean anything; the Yankees have never met Russian crews or modern Russian tanks in battle.

Moreover, we must take into account that the Abrams fought only in warm climates, on flat, very slightly rugged, flat terrain. Experts believe that in the climatic and relief conditions of Russia, especially in winter time, this “miracle machine” most likely will not be able to fight at all. The Germans already had to admire their tightly stationary vehicles on frosty days in the battle of Moscow in December 1941 - January 1942. Then, the technical parameters of the T-90AM leave no chance for the Abrams tank, both in the M1A2 SEP V2 modification and in the M1A2 SEP V3 modification. And the main victorious force in battle is Russian soldier, Russian tank crews who confidently demonstrate high combat skills.

A new Russian one is approaching, which in all respects leaves Abrams far behind. The Pentagon has already sounded the alarm and is firmly raising the question of financing a new tank project with the Senate. Even if they manage to persuade the senators, America will still be at least a corps behind in the tank race. The Pentagon lags behind the Russian military department in operational skills; it is worth noting that the Americans do not have historical combat experience in mass tank battles, or experience in waging “big” wars either.

You can also take into account the fact that these days Abrams tanks in Iraq and Yemen are not showing their worth. in the best possible way. But in in this case There are two nuances: firstly, these are old cars, and secondly, they are driven by “armless” Arab crews.


The German masterpiece of modern tank building, Leopard 2, is a good, solid tank, but due to its heavy weight it will be very difficult to fight on Russian terrain, except perhaps only along roads. It seems that, mindful of their stunning defeat on the battlefields of World War II in the East, the Germans do not even dream of considering Russia as a possible theater of operations (theater of operations).

In the current Syrian war, Leopard 2 has been used Turkish troops During Operation Euphrates Shield, it must be admitted that he did not behave entirely successfully in a combat situation and generally received a negative assessment from experts. Again, a caveat must be made here; Turkish crews fought in Syria on these tanks; perhaps the Germans, under the same conditions, could have rehabilitated their Leopard 2.

In fact, Germany is an unrivaled leader in mechanical engineering. This project may be over 40 years old, but in its modernized form Leopard 2 looks very impressive. The weight of the vehicle in full combat gear reaches almost 70 tons, the armor is multi-component, additional protective screens are used, as well as dynamic protection systems. The tank is equipped with an automatic fire-fighting system. It has a 12-cylinder diesel V-twin engine MTU MB 873 Ka-501 with a power of 1,479 hp. or MTU MT883 with 1,650 hp. Maximum speed of this car on prepared roads 68 km/h, on rough terrain 30 km/h. The maximum range is 320 km. But in Russian off-road conditions, this monster can stand firm, especially in the bitter cold of Russian winters.

The Leopard 2 is armed with a smoothbore 120 mm Rheinmetall L55 cannon (manually loaded) and two 7.62 mm MG3A1 machine guns. The DM-53 anti-tank projectile with a warhead in the form of a tungsten core is capable of penetrating 750 mm of armor at a distance of 2 km, an Israeli-made LAHAT ATGM, which is included in the tank’s standard ammunition? hits targets at a range of up to 6 km. Leopard-2 is equipped with the German EMES 15 fire control system, panoramic sight, laser rangefinder, thermal imager and other equipment, including modern navigation and surveillance communication devices. The crew of the car is 4 people. For the Western European theater of operations, the tank is ideal.

Again, this tank clearly should not meet the T90AM on the battlefield; the Leopard has little chance of emerging victorious from this battle, and its vaunted defense is powerless against modern Russian anti-tank weapons.

MBT-2000 and AMX-56 Leclerc

The main Chinese tank MBT-2000 is deservedly considered a satisfactory example in the comparative table of world tank building. Its technical capabilities, perhaps, should be compared with the T-72B, while the T90AM is inferior in all respects. Although the MBT-2000 is the most popular tank in the People's Liberation Army of China (PLA), it was originally created to capture the global tank market. This example is produced under license by Pakistan under the name Al-Khalid. The vehicle does not yet have a widely known combat history, just as the Chinese army does not have historical experience in conducting massive tank battles. It is unknown how these machines will behave in Siberian frost conditions.

Chinese tank MBT-2000

Currently, new MBT-3000 (VT-4) tanks are entering service with the PLA, however, this model is also aimed at the international market in the future. According to the stated technical characteristics, it is comparable to the T90AM, but one can only guess what this vehicle will be able to demonstrate on the battlefield. There is no complete certainty that the PLA command does not at all consider tanks as an effective force for modern and future wars. Unlike Russian and German tank builders, who produce all the components themselves, the Chinese supply many parts of their combat vehicles from abroad; the main components are purchased in France.

The AMX-56 Leclerc tank is another proof of the ambition of the French. They could well get by, like other countries of continental Western Europe, with the German monsters Leopard 2 or American Abrams. But no, Paris goes its own way in everything, despite the financial costs. This vehicle was mass-produced for 15 years starting in 1992, currently 406 tanks are owned by the French army, and 388 are in service with the UAE military.

The weight of the machine reaches 54.6 tons. Its 8-cylinder V-shaped diesel engine produces 1500 hp. allows the tank to accelerate to 71 km/h on a prepared road and up to 40 km/h on slightly rough terrain and provides a cruising range of 550 km. I’ll note right away that this tank is also Russian conditions I have not tested it and, I dare say, it will not prove itself here, just like other foreign samples.

French tank AMX-56 Leclerc

The AMX-56 is protected by modular-type composite multi-layer armor; the tank is designed so that the sloping frontal armor will meet a 700 mm thick anti-tank projectile in a direct hit. This Leclerc does not have dynamic protection; the French rely on the design of their armor. Communication, control, surveillance and targeting systems are integrated into unified system, the tank is literally crammed with electronics, here is a full set of them, including central computer, The tank's control system is integrated into the control system. This car is comfortable for the crew.

The AMX-56 is armed with a CN-120-26 smoothbore gun, which has two stabilizers, and the crew has at its disposal a thermal imager, a rangefinder, a combined gunner's sight and a panoramic commander's sight. The AMX-56 tank's gun is equipped with an automatic loader. The performance characteristics of this gun are comparable to the characteristics of the German Rh 120 smoothbore tank gun; the ammunition of the guns of the Abrams and Leopard tanks is suitable for the French CN-120-26 tank gun. The Leclerc's additional weapons are machine guns: M2HB-QBC 12.7 mm caliber and F1 7.62 mm caliber. The crew of the AMX-56 Leclerc is three people. The tank is not bad, it has proven itself well in combat operations in Yemen, but again it is hardly suitable for a war in the Russian climate and landscape.

Merkava and Challenger 2

The Israeli Merkava tank ten years ago was considered almost one of the best in the world, but now it is rated much more modestly. Despite the fact that the tank is very heavy, its weight reaches 70 tons, the armor of the Merkava, whose thickness is equivalent to 750 mm, is not effective; it will not withstand modern armor-piercing sub-caliber projectiles. KAZ Meil ​​Ruach (“Air Cloak”) is used as active protection. In battle, these vehicles do not perform at their best; this is also due to the poor training of Israeli tank crews, but this is mainly due to the technical shortcomings of the tanks themselves. It is known that the Russian Kornet ATGM terrifies Israeli tank crews.

Israeli tank "Merkava-4"

"Merkava" is produced according to the principle from the world one by one: 28% of components are foreign-made. The Merkava-4 modification has a 1,500-horsepower diesel engine, which allows it to accelerate to 60 km/h on a prepared highway, up to 30 km/h on slightly rough terrain, and a range of up to 500 km. The tank is armed with a 120 mm MG253 smoothbore cannon and two 7.62 mm FN MAG machine guns, some models are armed with a 12.7 mm M2HB machine gun and a mortar.

The crew of the car is 4 people. The tank's ammunition includes the LAHAT ATGM. The control system practically copies this one Abrams tank, the gunner has a sight with a thermal imager and automatic target tracking at his disposal, the commander has a panoramic sight with the same functions, in addition there are backup optical and IR sights.

Tank Challenger 2

The British Challenger 2 tank has long and reliably earned itself a bad reputation. But still, according to Western experts, it remains one of the best armored vehicles in the world. The vehicle is heavy, its combat weight is 62.5 tons. The armor is combined against projectiles and has dynamic protection. The digital fire control system includes a 32-bit processor and a Mil Std 1553 data bus. The combined stabilized gunner's sight was developed by Barr and Strood in cooperation with the French SAGEM, and the NANOQUEST L30 telescopic sight is also used. The commander has a stabilized panoramic periscope sight SFIM thermal imager TOGS-2.

The weapon control system is built around the on-board computer of the Canadian company CDC, which is a modernized computer of the M1A1 Abrams tank. The vehicle is equipped with a 12-cylinder V-shaped turbocharged diesel engine with a power of 1200 hp, has a speed of 56 km/h on a prepared highway, 25–30 km/h on slightly rough terrain, and a range of 400 km. 120 mm rifled gun L30E4 (L11A5); two 7.62 mm machine guns. The tank crew is 4 people. A total of 400 Challenger 2 tanks were produced. Even during the 1991 Iraq War, these tanks showed their unreliability in battle.

World tank market

Many military experts believe that tanks will go out of combat use in the near future, they will be destroyed by high-precision weapons, modern and promising PTS, just as machine guns and tanks themselves destroyed cavalry in their time. However, not one army in the world is yet to write off tanks. On the contrary, the sale of tanks on the world arms market turns out to be profitable for some countries.

According to Forbes magazine, the undisputed commercial leader of the first two decades of the 21st century is the Russian T-90MS tank, which, by the way, occupies an important niche in Russian arms exports.

Now the manufacturer of these tanks has two new contracts for supplies abroad: the first batch of 73 vehicles will be received by Iraq, and another 64 units of this type of equipment will be put into service by Vietnam. In the near future, it is planned to sign a contract for the supply of 146 T-90MS tanks to Kuwait, as well as to establish assembly production in Egypt. In total, taking into account the supply of ammunition, Supplies, spare parts and other sales will bring Russian tank builders at least $400–500 million in income. In total, more than 2,100 T-90 tanks of various modifications were produced, of which more than 1,500 were exported. Under existing contracts, more than 1 thousand new tanks will be sold abroad in the coming years. The order portfolio is expected to increase to 1,600 tanks or more.

Now the T-90 is in service with the armies of 38 different countries, this best result by sales in the world. Not only does this tank have a low cost, and therefore a final price (118 million rubles), but in almost all respects it outperforms its competitors in terms of quality.

The German tank Leopard 2 is considered by many to be the best in the world, but as we see, this statement is far from the truth. This machine was supplied to 21 countries around the world, mainly to Northern and Western Europe, as well as to Turkey. The latter used them very unsuccessfully in Syria during Operation Euphrates Shield.

Leopard 2A6 costs $6.79 million, and Leopard 2 A7+ more than $10 million. In total, more than 3,200 Leopard 2 of various modifications were produced, of which 300 units are in service with the Bundeswehr, the rest went abroad. The production of this tank has been stopped and its export too. In the sales list, the Chinese MBT-2000 main tank claims second place in the world ranking. At a cost of $4.7 million per unit, China sold its cars to Morocco (150 units), Myanmar (150 units), Sri Lanka (22 units), and Bangladesh (44 units). 415 tanks were delivered to Pakistan and an assembly plant was built there, where the same tank is produced under the name Al-Khalid.

The cost of one M1A2 SEP Abarms is also very high: it varies, but generally amounts to approximately $8.6 million, so buyers are not eager to purchase a new tank with full technical equipment. Older models, which are simpler in equipment, are exported; they are taken from storage and undergo major repairs; mainly the engines, gun and fire control system are subject to replacement. For example, Egypt purchased more than 1,200 M1A1 Abrams tanks. This tank is in service with the armies of six countries (except the USA). In total, the American military industry sold 2,217 M1 tanks abroad, of which about 750 were in the improved M1A2 configuration. This tank has no prospects for developing the world market. In addition, only 12 cars of this type are currently produced in the United States per year.

France began mass production of the AMX-56 Leclerc in 1990. Since then, the French army received 406 tanks, but only 388 vehicles were exported; the same British Challenger 2 tanks, costing $8.6 million per unit, were sold abroad only 38 units. As for the Leclerc tanks, the only buyer of the miracle of French tank building was the United Arab Emirates. The cost of one French tank is considerable - 9.3 million euros. The Merkava is valued by the manufacturer at $6 million, but everything is simpler here; due to its technical shortcomings, no one except Singapore wants to buy this tank; the latter signed a contract for only 50 vehicles.

All about the most powerful and impressive tanks.

You might also be interested in the history of the creation of the largest tank in the world.


According to many experts, the most powerful tank in the world is the domestic T-90. It was developed back in the 80s, and then it was called “T-88”, but soon changed to T-90. In the early 90s of the 20th century, large-scale production of the model began. Over five years, about 120 T-90 tanks were produced. And in the early 2000s, a modification called the T-90A was released.

The main weapon of the T-90 is a 125 mm smoothbore gun, launcher 2A46M-2. The ammunition load contains 43 rounds, 22 of which can be stored in the rotating conveyor of the automatic loader. Another 21 shots were fired in a non-mechanical position.

The powerful tank is equipped with a 7.62-caliber PKT coaxial machine gun; its ammunition load is 2 thousand rounds (or 8 belts of 250 rounds each). This, of course, is not the most powerful machine gun, but in combat conditions it serves as a good help.

The tank is also armed with an anti-aircraft machine gun. It has a remote control and can fire at both ground and air targets, while the tank's hatches remain closed. Pointing angle from 180 o horizontally or 360 o from the tank turret. The anti-aircraft machine gun is supplied with 300 rounds of ammunition (2 belts of 150 rounds each).

The main anti-tank weapon of the T-90 is armor-piercing shells (3BM-26, BM-29, 3BM-42, 3BM-22), as well as a controlled weapon system with 3UBK20 and 3UBK14 rounds.

The tank is also armed with the Reflex guided weapon system. Its firing range is 2.5 times greater than the return fire range of any tank produced in the 21st century. This is what gives the T-90 a huge advantage even before entering the enemy’s return fire zone.

Among other things, the T-90 is equipped with additional equipment: a 1A45-T fire control complex, a 1G46 gunner's day sight, a PNK-4S commander's sighting and observation system, a TO1-KO1 night sighting system with an electro-optical converter with a TPN-4 sight " Buran-PA”, as well as, for calculating ballistic corrections, a 1V528-1 ballistic computer.

Modified T-90S and T-90A have an improved fire control system. They have an Essa thermal imaging sight and a Shtora-1 optical-electronic suppression complex.

Such a vehicle weighs exactly 46.5 tons and accommodates a crew of three people. The length of the tank including the gun is 9.5 meters, and the width of the track is 3.4 meters. On a paved road, the car can reach speeds of up to 60 km/h. On a dry dirt road the speed drops to 40 km/h.

More about the tank

The T-90 is protected by barriers made of high-hardness steel with reflective sheets. The frontal unit has Kontakt-V dynamic protection. It provides protection from both cumulative PTS and OBPS.

Filler packages can be classified as “semi-active” type. There are 21 containers on the roof of the tower to repel attacks from above. In general, the protection of tanks is weakened due to design features and high-quality equipment and weapons.


The ageless T-34, or “thirty-four” as it is called, is a legend of the Soviet tank industry. During the Great Patriotic War, it was described as a miracle. British Prime Minister Churchill said that he did not understand where the mysterious T-34 came from, and Hitler, according to legend, admitted that he would not have gone on the offensive against the USSR if he had known about this death machine. After the death of the T-34 designer, Mikhail Koshkin was called “the Fuhrer’s personal enemy.”

The characteristics of the tank are impressive. In 1940, the T-34 was put into service along with the heavy KV-1. Then it weighed about 26 tons and accommodated a crew of 4 people. The thickness of the tank armor reached 45 millimeters. A distinctive feature of the model is the V-shaped 12-cylinder diesel power unit V-2-34 with a power of 500 Horse power. The crew also had a 76.2 mm L-11 cannon and two 7.62 mm DT machine guns in their arsenal.

In 1941, the first changes were made to the design of the T-34. The cast turret was replaced with a welded one, and the armor thickness increased to 52 millimeters. The armament was also enhanced - instead of the L-11 cannon, the F-34 was installed, which, with the same caliber, had higher power. For the sake of modifications, we had to sacrifice the hidden tool boxes on the sides and the right-hand headlights. A year later, the armor increased by another 8 millimeters, and additional fuel tanks appeared.

Legendary tank

Iron monsters are still produced today. Here are some of the most powerful tanks of our time.

Leopard-2 A7

One of the most popular tanks of the 21st century, the Leopard-2 A7 was the result of a joint effort between Rheinmetall and Krauss-Maffei Wegmann. The model boasts mobility, a modular protection package, excellent reconnaissance skills and a fairly accurate fire control system.

The tank was tested in 2010 and is now in service with the German army. The Leopard cannon fires 120mm explosive shells.

With the help of an adaptable bucket, the Leopard-2 A7 can demolish obstacles in its path. The tank has a built-in diesel engine MTU MB 873 Ka-501 with a liquid cooling function, which allows the vehicle to drive non-stop at a speed of 68 km/h for more than a day.

Challenger 2

The British tank was developed by BAE Systems Land Systems. It is in service with the Royal Army of Oman and the British Army.

The vehicle has a L30 rifled tank gun. Later models are available with a smoothbore gun.

T-90 vs Challenger-2

The tank turret rotates 360 o. The weapon can be raised to a height of 10 o to 20 o, and is controlled using stabilization and electronic systems. Thanks to the 12-cylinder Perkins Caterpillar CV12 diesel engine, the tank reaches speeds of up to 59 km/h. The tank has a 7.62 mm Boeing machine gun, which is located to the left of the gun. On the turret there is an L37A2 GPMG anti-aircraft gun with a similar caliber, as well as five L8 smoke grenade launchers.

Merkava Mk 4

The Israeli tank was first demonstrated at a weapons exhibition on June 24, 2002, but was officially handed over for field testing in December 2001. Serial production of the new Merkava model began after the Merkava Mk 3 model was removed from the assembly line at the beginning of 2003.

The tank has a built-in 120mm cannon that fires advanced multi-purpose and anti-tank shells. It's in the car modern system fire control and a unique combat control system that provides a clear and precise picture of what is happening outside - both systems are created by Elbit Systems.

The Merkava Mk 4 uses a V-12 diesel engine, allowing it to exceed 60 km/h. Hidden inside the tank is a life support system: ventilation, biological, nuclear and chemical filtration systems, as well as individual cooling systems and power generators.

T-14 "Armata"

A new generation tank, developed by Russian designers in 2009. "Armata" is an innovative universal tracked platform; In the future, it is planned to create a whole family of combat vehicles based on this TSUP.

The newest Russian tank T-14 "Armata"

Other innovations include a single armored capsule for 3 crew members, separating the room with people from ammunition and fuel tanks, which increases the safety and efficiency of crew communication. In general, the “living” space has become more spacious and comfortable, and the ergonomics of the controls have been improved.

The T-14 has 4 levels of protection: stealth paint, Afghanit KAZ, electromagnetic mine protection system, as well as dynamic armor, which also covers the roof with hatches.

The T-14 is armed with a 125-caliber smoothbore cannon with the ability to launch guided missiles. To combat infantry, a machine gun with remote control. The standard T-14 projectile is the 90-centimeter BPS Vacuum-1.

The weight of the tank is 50 tons, the speed is up to 75 km/h, and the power of its engine is 1500 horsepower (optimal is 1200). The Ministry of Defense plans to replace the T-72 and T-90 models with the latest tank. It is expected that the Russian army will take the new product into service by 2020.
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Good day, we would like to present to you the TOP 10 Best Tanks in the World 2019

10 M1A2 Abrams

The M1A2 Abrams universal combat vehicle has been in US service since 1994. It differs from other models in its reinforced armor, heavy weight (67.6 tons), width of 3.6 meters, body length of 9.82 meters, laser rangefinder and integrated combat video surveillance system with 8 periscopes. Equipped with a 120 caliber anti-aircraft machine gun and two additional machine guns. The tank's turret body is capable of rotating 360 degrees. Abrams is the most high-tech combat vehicle in the world of military equipment.

9 K2 Black Panther

The armor capacity of the Black Panther is the same as that of the M1A2 Abrams, but the mass of the vehicle is only 55 tons with a 10-meter muzzle and a height of 2.2 meters, the hull length is 7.5 meters, and the width of the tank is 3.1 meters.
They have a standard projectile that hits the enemy from above. Black Panther was released by South Korea in 2009.

8 Type 99

The most reliable tank in Asia, the Type 99, weighing 54 tons, has a 125 mm smoothbore machine gun, which is more powerful. The Type 99 has reactive armor and a modern laser surveillance system, which, when an enemy is detected, autonomously opens fire to kill. Perhaps the Chinese tank is the most expensive in the world. According to experts, its cost is 2.5 million dollars.

7 T-90

The Russian T-90 tank is equipped not only with standard dynamic protection and armor, but also with active protection: a smoke screen system and laser homing. A chrome-plated 125 mm smoothbore machine gun, a 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun and a 12.7 mm anti-aircraft machine gun. The tank's combat weight is 46.5 tons with a hull length of 6.8 meters. The T-90 meets all the requirements of modern combat.

6 RT-91

Polish battle tank RT-91 is a modernized version of the Russian tank T-72. It has a fairly powerful engine of 850 hp and a fast speed of 60 km/h. The weight of the tank is 47.3 tons. The main weapon is a modernized 125 mm cannon, which is equipped with an automatic loader. IN additional weapons There is a 7.62 mm machine gun and a 12.7 mm anti-aircraft gunner.

5 Challenger

The British Army Challenger tank has been in service since 2008. Weapons are a 120 mm armor-piercing sabot projectile and two 7.62 mm machine guns. Ammunition capacity of 4000 rounds. Diesel power of the tank is 1200 hp. The chassis is reinforced with hydropneumatic suspension. Challenger is the most reliable tank in the world.

4 K1a1

The Korean battle tank was released with improved armor weighing 55 tons. Optimized for mountain warfare. The tank is armed with a powerful 120 mm rapid-fire cannon and an automated control system for hitting the enemy from the air.
Produced since 2001. Can pass through water obstacles.

3 Al-Khalid

The tank has been in service with Pakistan since 2000. The main weapon is a 125 mm smoothbore cannon, an additional set of the tank includes a 12.7 mm anti-aircraft gun and a 7.62 mm machine gun, and there are also 12 installations for launching smoke grenades. Al-Khalid is adapted to high temperatures and is equipped with dynamic protection for the frontal projection of the hull. The mass of the combat vehicle is 45 tons.

2 Leclerc

The fast French Leclerc tank has the most complex and technologically advanced design. Despite the fact that the Leclerc consists of a standard 120 mm cannon with an additional 12.7 mm co-axial machine gun, which holds up to 11,000 rounds of ammunition and an ammunition load of 3,000 rounds of an additional 7.62 mm machine gun. Grenade launchers are installed on the sides of the turret.
The tank's electronic systems make it possible to obtain data on fuel consumption, distance traveled and the location of the tank.
