Joseph Kobzon's family. Favorite women of Joseph Kobzon

How can a woman become widely famous in Russia? She can become a model, using the external data gifted by nature, she can demonstrate to the public her outstanding vocal abilities, if she has any, she can become an actress and fascinate everyone with her talent for transformation, or she can organize a business and bring it to a multimillion-dollar income level. Or just get married successfully.

The woman to whom this article will be devoted has been “working” as the wife of her husband for more than 40 years. famous husband. Nelly Kobzon could become an ideal life partner for famous artist Joseph Kobzon, who even now, forty years later life together, never tires of confessing his love to his dear wife. How did she manage to create such strong family? Which women's secrets does Nelly Kobzon use in her relationship with her husband? The biography described in this article will tell you about this and much more. Perhaps we will even reveal the main secret of a happy family life.

Nelly Kobzon: biography

The year of birth of the future wife of the great artist coincided with a difficult year for the country post-war period. In December 1950, in the glorious city of Leningrad, in the family former member During the Second World War, a daughter was born, who was named Nelly. At that time, birth certificates could only include names that were on a specially approved list, and Nellie’s name was not on it. Therefore, the girl was recorded as Ninel (which means the reverse reading of the word “Lenin”). Despite this, all her relatives and friends called her and still call her Nellie to this day.


Nellie's father went through the war, and after it ended he became a workshop worker. When the daughter was three years old, the family moved to a huge, luxurious Soviet apartment. The Drizins did not live in prosperity for long, because three years later the head of the family was arrested and all their property was confiscated. The family had a hard time; the only thing that saved them was their father’s library, which consisted of rare books. When things got really bad, Nellie’s mother would sell one of the books and save herself and her children from starvation.

School years and choice of profession

At school, the Drizins’ daughter was called “doll” for her attractive appearance and ability to dress well. Having received a certificate of completion of school, Nellie entered the technical school Catering. This choice was very deliberate - at that difficult time, cooks could always feed themselves and their families.

IN student years Nelly Kobzon (then Drizina) fell in love for the first time. The young beauty was even going to tie the knot, but her mother intervened. She categorically did not approve of her daughter’s choice and contributed to the young people breaking up. In her youth, Nelly listened to her mother unquestioningly, led a very modest lifestyle and took relationships with men very seriously.

Meeting Kobzon

Nelly and Joseph met in Moscow. A young girl came to the capital to visit her mother’s friend, Lilia Radova. Her husband Emil worked at the Mosconcert as an entertainer at that time and was well acquainted with many stars. The Radovs were going to visit someone they knew and decided to take Nelly with them so that she could meet some Muscovites and make new friends. Among the invited guests there was Kobzon. The beauty of the girl from Leningrad immediately captivated famous singer. Nellie could not resist Joseph’s charisma and charm. He was thirteen years older than her, attractive, famous, talented - what else was needed for sympathy?

As Nelly Kobzon later admitted (the biography contains such data), marriage with a popular metropolitan singer was at first for her simple calculation, great love came later.


For some time, the young people met, corresponded and called each other. The moment came when Joseph proposed to his beloved. The young couple celebrated their wedding in Leningrad, after which Nellie immediately moved to her mother-in-law’s house. Joseph and Nelly Kobzon did not live alone at first; besides them, Joseph’s mother Ida Isaevna and his pregnant sister Gelena Moiseevna lived in the apartment. With her mother-in-law, the girl immediately found mutual language. Nelly Kobzon still speaks warmly about her second mother.

The newlyweds took place in the Baltics. Kobzon's concerts were planned there, so the couple decided to combine business with pleasure.

Returning to Moscow, Nelly got a job at Mosconcert as her husband’s dresser.

The Kobzons lived either in the apartment of Joseph’s mother or in a dedicated room in one of the capital’s hospitals, so there was no talk of procreation until they purchased their own home. This happened happy event only in 1973.

Having children and self-realization

Already in 1974, the first-born son Andrei was born into the Kobzon family. Two years later, Nellie gave her husband a daughter, Natalya.

Nelly Kobzon eventually left her job as a costume designer at the Mosconcert. The biography of the Russian artist’s wife contains information that she successfully graduated from the All-Union Creative Workshop of Pop Art and mastered the profession of a conversational artist. Since then, she has often acted as a presenter at her husband’s concerts. But still, Nellie’s main work was caring for children and family, creating home comfort and preserving the family hearth.

How many years have passed since Nelly Kobzon became Drizina? How long have the spouses been living together? Their marriage has existed since 1971, for more than forty years, and much of the credit goes to the wonderful woman and amazing wife Nelly Kobzon.

Plastic surgery is something that many celebrities resort to who want to look young at any age. Nellie doesn’t need them, she already looks gorgeous at 63 years old. According to her, the main thing is an internal feeling of happiness and harmony with the outside world. It’s hard to argue with this, because Nelly seems to glow from within, she is such a bright and positive person.

Trials of fate

There were many difficulties in the life of the Kobzon family. One of them was the illness of Joseph Davydovich in the early 2000s. Doctors diagnosed the artist cancerous tumor. In 2005 he had complex operation in one of the best and in 2009 another one.

It is known that less than five days after the operation in 2009, Joseph Davydovich was already standing on stage in Jurmala and singing live. Such strength of spirit is not inherent in everyone.

The guiding star in life for Joseph Kobzon is his wife, Nelly. All the time the artist was in the hospital, she was next to him, supporting and encouraging him in every possible way. It is safe to say that thanks to her love and faith, Joseph Davydovich is still with us.

Third marriage - happy

Joseph Davydovich was married three times (two marriages - with Veronica Kruglova and Lyudmila Gurchenko were unsuccessful). Only with his third wife Nellie did he find family happiness. Nellie devoted herself completely to her husband. She is sure that Joseph is a genius, so she to the common man, serving him all my life is not difficult.

The wife of Joseph Kobzon is a calling. Nellie is already accustomed to living with a man who has long become a property of society and does not belong to her completely. Joseph Davydovich is a very active person - in addition to his career as an artist, he runs a business and is successfully involved in politics. Every day is like being at the front, and therefore it is extremely important for him to have a reliable rear. His beloved wife provides him with it.

Nelly Mikhailovna today regrets only one thing in her life - that she did not give birth to a third child. Now that the children have grown up and are living their own lives, she really misses the loud children's laughter in the house.

And in general, according to the wife of the great artist, the main purpose of a woman is family. No career can replace a loving and grateful husband or give as much joy and happiness as children can give.

Joseph Kobzon is a famous Soviet and Russian artist, public figure, teacher and deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

He has many honorary awards and prizes, and also enjoys great prestige in his homeland. During his career, he managed to perform many songs that do not lose their popularity today.

He sang his first song in front of the audience on the stage of the technical school.


During his biography of 1956-1959, Kobzon served in the army, where he sometimes managed to sing songs. The audience immediately liked his beautiful baritone, and soon the soldier was invited to the ensemble of the Transcaucasian Military District.

Private Joseph Kobzon, USSR, 1958

After finishing the service, he returned home with a great desire to continue singing. The first singing teacher in Kobzon’s biography was Leonid Tereshchenko. He immediately noticed Joseph’s excellent vocal abilities and helped him enter the conservatory.

However, young Joseph could not feed himself by performances alone. In this regard, Tereshchenko arranged for him to work in a bomb shelter at the institute, where he had to wipe gas masks with alcohol.

And although the payment for such work was small, it still allowed him to have a certain financial stability.

During his biography of 1959-1962, Kobzon was a soloist of the All-Union Radio. Then he became a soloist of the State Concert, after which he was invited to work at the Mosconcert.

Joseph Kobzon in Chelyabinsk, December 1963

From that moment on, as a rising star, he actively participated in various competitions and festivals, where he won prizes.

In 1964, Kobzon became an Honored Artist of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Moreover, he represented, performing on stages of different European countries, becoming an increasingly popular and in-demand performer.

Joseph Kobzon and

In 1986, he was awarded one of the most important awards in the biography of any artist - the title of People's Artist of the USSR.

In the 80s, Kobzon taught pop vocals at the famous Gnesinka. In parallel with this, he continuously went on tour throughout the Soviet Union.

It is worth noting that Joseph Davydovich gave free concerts for the liquidators, as well as for the soldiers who fought in.

Joseph Kobzon in 1975

Thanks to this, he enjoyed great respect among the common people. His repertoire included about 3000 songs! Kobzon performed compositions in Russian, Ukrainian and Jewish languages.

Without Kobzon, not a single Blue Light took place, to which the most famous cultural figures were invited. He was also a regular participant in the TV show “Song of the Year.”

Even today, when the artist is over 80 years old, he is still invited to perform at this festival.

In Kobzon’s biography there were many cases when he performed songs with modern singers. For example, many people remember his duet with the famous rapper Decl.

However, despite the fact that during his life he sang thousands of compositions, the most popular among them is “Moments”. Various singers and actors tried to perform this song, but none of them managed to sing it like Joseph Davydovich.

Political biography and sanctions

Kobzon’s political biography began back in Soviet time. As of 2018, he is a State Duma deputy, being a member of the United Russia faction.

In 2002, the politician was not afraid to enter into negotiations with the terrorists who seized the Theater Center on Dubrovka. This act further increased his authority among citizens.

Presentation of the Russian Government Prize for 2011 in the field of culture

When mass riots occurred in the capital of Ukraine in 2014, Joseph Davydovich closely followed how events developed in other Ukrainian cities.

At the moment when Russian Federation de facto and de jure annexed Crimea, the artist was among those who supported the actions of the government in this matter in general and in particular.

As a result of this, the politician was included in the “black list” of people who were prohibited from entering the European Union.

Due to EU sanctions, all of the artist’s assets in Europe are frozen. But the singer assures that this does not bother him much.

Speech at a gala reception in the Kremlin on the occasion of the celebration of Heroes of the Fatherland Day, 2016.

Despite the fact that Kobzon continues to approve of the annexation of the peninsula, in one interview he called Crimea “an unbearable burden for Russia.” He further explained that Crimea requires huge funding, which negatively affects the Russian economy.

Kobzon often appears in the self-proclaimed republics of the DPR and LPR. He supports the activities of the militias and gives free concerts for residents of Donetsk and Lugansk.

In 2014, he was solemnly awarded a DPR passport. It is interesting that the artist voluntarily refused the title of People's Artist of Ukraine, guided by personal considerations.

Personal life of Joseph Kobzon

In Kobzon’s biography there were three women with whom he was officially married.

First wife

His first wife was singer Veronika Kruglova, whom he married in 1965. At the time they met, the girl was already a fairly popular performer.

However, due to constant tours, they had to not see each other for a long time, as a result of which their relationship cooled down. After 2 years, the couple separated.

Second wife

Kobzon's next wife was one of the most talented and popular actresses of the USSR - Lyudmila Gurchenko. But this marriage was short-lived, lasting only 3 years.

They often quarreled, not wanting to give in to each other, so it is not surprising that they family union failed. After the divorce, both artists admitted that their marriage was the biggest mistake in their lives.

Third wife

Third and last wife Kobzon became Ninel Drizina, who had nothing to do with show business or politics. She was a simple girl from an ordinary family.

This is exactly the kind of darling the artist was looking for. Kobzon managed to win the heart of his beloved, and in 1971 they got married. Interestingly, Joseph Davydovich was 13 years older than his wife.

Children of Kobzon

In this marriage, the couple had two children: son Andrei and daughter Natalya.

Having matured, Andrei was engaged in musical activities for some time, but then decided to become a businessman. Natalya worked as a secretary for the famous Russian couturier Valentin Yudashkin until she got married.

Joseph with his third wife Nellie and children Joseph Kobzon with Nelly, mother-in-law and children

In total, Kobzon’s children gave their father 10 grandchildren. So he is not only an honored artist, but also an honored grandfather!

Kobzon's disease

At the age of 68, Kobzon was diagnosed with cancer. The artist was urgently taken to Germany, where he was successfully operated on by German specialists.

However, the treatment seriously weakened immune system, causing his kidneys and lungs to become inflamed. Fortunately, Joseph Davydovich was able to “get back on his feet” and even return to the stage.

After 4 years, the disease made itself felt again, so he was re-operated in Germany.

An interesting fact is that less than a week later, the singer performed at a festival in Jurmala, performing several songs on stage.

Lifetime monument to Joseph Kobzon in Donetsk

In 2010, at a concert in Kobzon, he fainted right on stage.

The loss of consciousness occurred due to anemia, which was caused by oncology.

Doctors repeatedly warned the artist not to engage in creative activities and to get more rest, but he rarely listened to their advice.

Throughout his entire biography, the best rest for him remained only the stage.

Today, Joseph Kobzon continues to perform songs, as well as participate in political and social life.

In addition, he is involved in charity work, for which in 2017 he was awarded the “For Beneficence” award.

At the beginning of August 2018, information appeared in the media that Kobzon was seriously ill and was in intensive care. There is no reliable information about the artist’s health.

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Ninel Mikhailovna Kobzon (nee Drizina). Born on December 13, 1950 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Russian media personality, spoken word artist. Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation. The third wife of singer Joseph Kobzon.

Ninel Drizina, better known as Nelly Kobzon, was born on December 13, 1950 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) into a Jewish family.

Father - Mikhail Drizin, in Soviet times was sentenced to 15 years in the case of "guild workers".

Has a brother.

When Nellie was six years old, her father was sent to prison for a long time. She and her brother were raised by their mother.

After finishing the eighth grade, I entered the food technical school. However, she did not work by profession for long.

Later she graduated from the All-Union Creative Workshop of Variety Arts and received a specialty as a conversational artist.

In 1971, Nelly met the already famous singer Joseph Davydovich Kobzon. This meeting became fateful for her. For the first time she heard a song performed by him at the skating rink, it was the composition “And in our yard.”

Nelly Kobzon's height: 170 centimeters.

Personal life of Nelly Kobzon:

Husband - Joseph Davydovich Kobzon, Soviet and Russian pop singer, politician, public figure, teacher, National artist THE USSR.

We met in 1971 at the house of entertainer Emil Radov, where Kobzon was invited to a tea party. There he saw the young beauty Nelly, drew attention to her and invited her to go on tour with him.

Nelly Mikhailovna recalled: “This was not indicated by any romantic actions. I lived in Leningrad, Joseph lived in Moscow. When he began to court me, he said: “I really like you, I want to invite you to go on tour together.” I replied: “Actually, I have a mother with whom I am very reverent relationship, younger brother, who is like a little son to me (my mother worked a lot, and I took care of him), work, study. How can I drop everything and go with you? What then? What future awaits me? After all, it was 1971, a different upbringing, different values, moral, material, whatever. Up and going on tour was, to say the least, strange and frivolous on my part. Therefore, Joseph had no other option but to marry. That’s what I told him: “First get married, and then eat spoonfuls.”

According to Joseph Davydovich, his mother immediately liked Nelly: “Firstly, because she is not an artist, and secondly, because she is Jewish... Nelya was incredibly pretty, young (I am 13 years older than her), and my mother said : “Son, why do you need to look for someone else? Here is a simple, nice girl who will travel with you everywhere."

In 1971 they got married in a luxurious wedding.

The couple's life together began with living in a small two-room apartment with the singer's mother and his sister's family. There was so little space that after some time the newlyweds settled in a hospital ward by agreement. But this moment did not bother the young family; they spent most of the year on tour. Nelly Mikhailovna was appointed as a costume designer in her husband's troupe, then began to take on the duties of an entertainer.

In 1974, the couple had a son, Andrei. He received his musical education in the USA, and then established himself as a successful restaurateur.

In 1976, the couple had a daughter, Natalya. At one time she worked for Valentin Yudashkin, performing the duties of a press secretary.

During the Soviet era, Nellie Mikhailovna helped Joseph Davydovich in his creative activities.

After the breakup Soviet Union the singer became actively involved in business, after which he went into politics. All this time, his wife was actively involved in his image, and was a consultant and advisor.
Nellie devoted her entire life to caring for her beloved husband. She never tried to achieve fame and publicity and always remained in the shadow of her husband. The performer himself repeated many times that without the support of his wife he would not have been able to reach such heights.

According to Joseph Davydovich, he dedicated many of his songs to his wife: “Beloved Woman”, “The Woman I Love”.

In 2015, Ninel Mikhailovna received the title Honored Worker of Culture of Russia.

Nellie took an active part in all her husband’s endeavors and shared his social position and political views.

Nelly Kobzon. Wife. Love story

As Nellie admitted, anything happened in their life with Joseph Davydovich. “After so many years, I’ve already come to terms with everyone. That’s how I understand everything about him,” she said.

When the singer was diagnosed cancer, it was his wife who became his main support in the fight against the disease. Nelly Kobzon said: “when Joseph is like thunder among clear skies I fell seriously ill, and then I told myself that I forgive Joseph everything in advance, as long as he remains alive and well.” And she added: “All the storms, thunderstorms, thunder and lightning have already died down. Now our relationship is very warm, family-like, we have a lot of grandchildren, adult children, we have no habits that are impossible to come to terms with. And in general, if you can’t come to terms with something, then what are we talking about?”


Russian and Soviet singer - Joseph Kobzon, who came to the Olympus of fame only thanks to his talent, his perseverance and hard work. In this article, we will examine in detail the biography of the singer.

  1. Joseph Kobzon was born into a Jewish family on September 11, 1937, in the mining town of Chasiv Yar, in the Donbass region of Ukraine.
  2. As a child, he demonstrated a talent for singing, and thanks to his voice and talent for music, young Kobzon received many prestigious awards. He twice appeared in the national finals, performing at concerts dedicated to Joseph Stalin, such events were of great importance at that time.
  3. Despite his talent for singing, Joseph Kobzon entered the technical school for the study of geology and mining in Dnepropetrovsk, since this profession was considered not only lucrative, but also deeply revered in the Soviet Union after World War II. However, in 1959, after his contact 1956-1959 with professional music instructors in Soviet army, where he was a member of a song and dance ensemble, he comes to the conclusion that he was created for music.

Family of Joseph Kobzon:

  1. Stepfather - Moisey Moiseevich Rappoport.
  2. Brothers - Isaac Davydovich, Immanuel Davydovich, Lev Davydovich.
  3. Sister - Elena Moiseevna Kandel.

The beginning of a musical career

  • he is a singer who gained popularity in the Soviet Union and has maintained it in most other countries. In Russia, as in previous and subsequent years, he becomes a private guest at prestigious concerts on the occasion of state ceremonies. He always had in his repertoire a large number of songs dedicated to communism, the CPSU, the Komsomol and Vladimir Lenin;
  • the singer began his vocal career in 1958, and in 1962 he recorded his first album. In 1973, he created songs for the TV series “Seventeen Moments of Spring.” He has performed throughout the world, including Argentina, Bolivia, Finland, Spain, Israel, Sweden, the United States and during the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan. In Poland, he took part in concerts as part of the Folk Tribe Festival, and also represented the USSR at International festival songs in Sopot in 1964, where he won the ZAKRA Special Prize for a Volyn song;
  • Joseph often performs songs by famous Russian composers, including Alexandra Pachmutova and Vyacheslav Dobrynin. In the mid-1990s, he began a series of "farewell concerts" to end his musical career. Although he stopped organizing his own concerts, he continued to perform frequently on stage, remaining a media star.

Political career

  1. Joseph was a member of the CPSU until the end of the party's existence. Since 1989 he has been actively involved in political life country, although formally he has remained non-partisan since then.
  2. For many years he was an MP State Duma Russia from the Borisov-Buryat region, where he regularly votes with almost 100% of the vote. Kobzon lives in Moscow, he often visits his constituency only two or three times a year, goes to various events and tries to help people.
  3. He is also active and popular in the North Caucasus, including Chechnya. Among the numerous political campaigns in which he participated in the region was the banknote campaign in Abkhazia, where in 2004 he persuaded residents to support presidential candidate Raoul Hadjimi. That same year, he also supported Viktor Yanukovych's candidacy for the presidency of Ukraine. He was also the first negotiator during the terrorist operation at the Dubrovnik Theater in 2002.
  4. Joseph Kobzon was publicly accused of having connections with the Russian mafia. Due to these rumors for many years, the singer has been unable to obtain an entry visa to the United States. Based on the decision of the European Council of February 9, 2015, the singer joined the list of persons authorized to undermine the independence of Ukraine and support separatists in the Donbass.


  • Kobzon's voice can be recognized without special effort. You can immediately recognize this power and severity in the voice from the first minutes of listening. The singer's voice began to develop in the 70s. It's hard to believe, but Kobzon initially sang songs in a slightly different style. Joseph Kobzon's career began the moment he met Viktor Kokhno, with whom he created a group;
  • the duo managed to create a sensation; the songs of this little-known duet could sink into the soul of every girl. In 1968, a young and aspiring singer decides to start solo career. The very first festival “Song of the Year” in 1971 just opened with Joseph Kobzon’s song “Ballad of Colors”;
  • from the moment the singer began his solo career, he often became a guest star at Komsomol concerts. He also fought for world peace, thereby visiting countries affected by attacks;
  • in the 80s, a brilliant idea came to him and he decided to try a new genre for himself. So he starts singing comic songs in the style of the 30s. The artist has a powerful voice, so it is not surprising that he can sing opera arias and arioso. His repertoire includes many songs both in his native language and in Hebrew.

Health problems

  • in 2005, Joseph Kobzon underwent a very difficult and lengthy operation to remove a harmful tumor. It was held in one of the most the best clinics in Germany. Having removed the tumor, Kobzon faced much more serious problems; his immunity deteriorated sharply;
  • because of his family and desire for life, he quickly recovered after the operation and already sang live in Jurmala;
  • and at the end of 2010, while performing on stage, Kobzon fainted. It was later learned that the cancer had led to anemia and caused loss of consciousness.

Personal life

Joseph Kobzon’s family was incomplete, since his father, David Kobzon, went to the front, was wounded, and found his love in the hospital. He left his wife and three children and stayed to live in Moscow.

  • mother - Ida Kobzon - lost her parents early and began working at the age of thirteen. The girl sowed tobacco and sold it at the market. Thanks to her perseverance in the future, she managed to become a people's judge and an example for each of her children;
  • stepfather - Moses Rappoport - also participated in the Great Patriotic War, worked in trade. He never offended Joseph, did not beat him, and gave life advice on how to behave in any situation;
  • Joseph Kobzon's children appeared to him quite late. They were born to the famous Soviet and Ukrainian singer by his third wife;
  • Kobzon's son and daughter grew up decent and contented successful people, in which the father certainly won’t have to blush. The guys started their own families a long time ago, and Joseph Davydovich became a happy grandfather. The daughter got married and left for distant Australia.

He has five granddaughters Idel, Polina, Michelle, Ornella Maria, Anita. Kobzon can boast that his last name will live on, since he has two grandchildren - Mikhail and Allen Joseph.

First wife

  1. Unfortunately, in the life of the pop performer, everything was not as smooth as the writing on the wall. But all three of his wives were not only famous, but bright and interesting personalities. His first wife was Veronica Kruglova, they got married in 1965.
  2. At that time, Veronica’s popularity was off the charts; the whole country was singing all her songs. Both singers were in great demand, so it is not surprising that due to frequent touring and rehearsals, they did not have free time for each other, and therefore they had to separate.
  3. The mother immediately realized that marriage between them was not possible, and therefore she was categorically against their marriage. Two years later, the couple separated, they divorced in 1967. Veronica went to live in America, having again found happiness in the person of Vadim Mulerman.

Second wife Lyudmila Gurchenko

  • both stars were not married for long. Her husband often lovingly made fun of her, but Gurchenko took all this to heart and therefore often took offense at him. Unable to bear these jokes, Lyudmila files for divorce;
  • Joseph also remembers this marriage with a very unpleasant feeling; many memories are full of quarrels and a tense atmosphere. They were often in other cities, or even countries, due to their busy schedules. Joseph Kobzon’s mother did not like her daughter-in-law, and tried with all her might to show her her hatred, but Lyudmila herself was that little thing, and answered her in the same way;
  • The marriage was so unbearable that they had not met even once since the divorce.

Ninel Kobzon

  1. Joseph met the love of his life in the early 70s. The girl had an unusual and very beautiful name Her name was Ninel Drizina. Ninel was thirteen years older than him. The girl was from a good and influential Jewish family; by nature she was modest, intelligent and economical.
  2. Unlike her relatives, she did not dream of a career in show business, although in fact she had everything necessary qualities. Fortunately, Kobzon’s mother immediately liked Ninel and therefore the wedding took place very soon.
  3. The couple have lived together since 1971. During this time she managed to give birth to two children. The first child was Andrey, and two years later, after the birth of the boy, a daughter, Natalya, was born.


  1. Three chords (TV series, 2014).
  2. Amnesty from the President (TV, 2008).
  3. A park Soviet period (2006).
  4. Together with Dunaevsky (TV, 1984).
  5. Olga Sergeevna (TV series, 1975).
  6. I love you, life! (TV, 1967).

What do you think about Joseph Kobzon? We are waiting for your comments.

Fans of Joseph Kobzon have been admiring his beautiful and noble timbre for many years, which cannot be confused with other voices. Over the years of his biography, the singer was not only engaged in creative activities, but also carried out political and social work.

In terms of energy and activity, he was not inferior to his younger colleagues, however, already in 2018 it became known that 80-year-old Joseph Davidovich’s health had sharply deteriorated.

Childhood and adolescence

The future singer was born in 1937 in the city of Chasov Yar, Ukrainian SSR. His parents are Jewish by nationality. Father, David Kobzon, was first involved in party activities, and then ran a factory. Mom, Ida Shoikhet-Kobzon, worked in the people's court. When the war began, the artist’s father went to fight and never returned to his wife and children. Being wounded, he was in the hospital, where he met a woman whom he later married. Mom also improved her personal life: in her marriage to Moses Rappoport, she gave birth to more children. Joseph Davidovich's brothers grew up in the family - Isaac, Immanuel, Lev and sister Helena.

Singer in childhood.

His childhood passed like that of many children in those days. post-war years. They lived in Dnepropetrovsk, where they rented a room.
Mom and stepfather worked from morning to night, so the children grew up independent. After finishing eighth grade, the future singer began studying at a mining technical school. It was at that time that he revealed his vocal abilities, performing songs on various events and concerts.

The photo shows Joseph Kobzon in his youth with his sister and mother.

In addition, Joseph was involved in boxing, winning many victories in competitions. His army years were spent first in the artillery troops near Tbilisi, and then the young man sang in the song and dance ensemble of the Transcaucasian Military District, which played a decisive role in his choice of profession. Having been demobilized, young Kobzon left for the capital, where he began developing his vocal career.

Building a successful career

In the first years of his musical activity, the aspiring singer performed as a soloist on the All-Union Radio, in Rosconcert, and then moved to Mosconcert. Soon he managed to become a laureate of both All-Russian competition pop artists and at the International Song Festival held in Poland. Soon Kobzon managed to conquer the audience and jury of international competitions with his singing, winning victories in Poland, Germany, and Hungary. Since 1970, he began performing solo, including songs about war and labor, patriotic, Komsomol and classical romances in his repertoire. For successful creative activity the artist received the honorary title - People's Artist of the USSR.

During his career, he visited many parts of the country with a concert program, performed at Komsomol construction sites and hot spots. In 1973, Joseph Davidovich received higher education, having studied at the Gnessin Institute. The singer collaborated with many composers: Isaac Dunaevsky, Alexandra Pakhmutova, Oscar Feltsman, Matvey Blanter. His songs were performed in the programs “Song of the Year”, “Blue Light” and other holiday concerts.

Married life

The artist’s personal life did not immediately develop happily: the first two marriages were fleeting and did not bring him family happiness. In 1965, 27-year-old Kobzon married singer Veronica Kruglova, but due to frequent travel and tours, the couple rarely saw each other. Two years later this marriage was dissolved. His second wife was Lyudmila Gurchenko, whom he met in a common company in a restaurant. However, the couple could not find mutual understanding and after three years they broke up with each other.

After the divorce, Joseph Davidovich met his future wife Ninel. At that time, the 20-year-old girl was studying at a catering college. Their first meeting took place with mutual friends, after which the young people began calling each other. Soon the singer arrived in Leningrad and asked her parents for their daughter’s hand in marriage. Their wedding took place in the fall of 1971. Three years later, the family was replenished with their first child, son Andrei, and then daughter Natalya was born. Kobzon's wife worked at the Mosconcert, she received an education and became a specialist in the conversational genre. Ninel often accompanied her star husband on tour, taking care of him and monitoring his diet. Over the years of their long-term marriage, the spouses had disagreements, quarrels, and disagreements, but the love was so strong that they survived all the troubles and remained together.

In the photo, Joseph Kobzon with his family: wife, son and grandchildren.

The son received a musical education in Hollywood. He performed on stage as part of the groups “Resurrection” and “ Moral code", and now has his own business, doing restaurant business. His first wife was fashion model Ekaterina Polyanskaya, and then he married Anastasia Tsoi. The artist’s daughter was Valentin Yudashkin’s press secretary; she is married to lawyer Yuri Rappoport. The children of Joseph Davidovich gave him ten grandchildren, in whom the singer and his wife dote.

Disease. Last news

Back in 2005, the artist was diagnosed with a tumor, then his bladder was removed. Doctors private German clinic Kobzon underwent a successful operation, after which he underwent treatment in Italy. Four years later, he felt unwell again, as a result of which he underwent a second operation. For several years, the singer struggled with this disease, without stopping his creative and social activities.

But already in 2018, Joseph Davidovich made fans worry about his well-being again. Due to a sharp deterioration in his health, he was urgently hospitalized at the cancer center. The artist’s wife said that there is no need to worry, since nothing threatens his life yet.
