Fairytale spring. How plants grow


MADOU "Kindergarten of a combined type "Rainbow"

Tales of Spring

Compiled by: Educator

Alexandrova L.A


Mother Nature had four daughters: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. The youngest, Vesna, was a very fragile, tender girl. Her dress and shoes were made from young shoots, leaves and buds. The older sister, whose name was Leto, loved green color, and all her green outfits were decorated with summer flowers. Sister Autumn was an adult, she wore beautiful multi-colored costumes that combined all kinds of colors and decorated her head with a wreath of autumn flowers. The oldest sister was Winter. She had a stern disposition, but with her beloved sisters she was as soft as the first fluffy snow. Winter liked to dress only in white dresses and crystal ice shoes.
One day, Mother Nature gathered all her daughters and told them: “You are already adults and can take care of the household yourself. Therefore, I allow you to take care of business on your own.” The sisters were glad that Mother Nature allowed them to take charge and began to distribute responsibilities. This is where they encountered their first difficulties. Everyone wanted to be in charge. Winter said: “I’m the eldest and that’s why I want everything around to be white and white, so that there are big snowdrifts and then we can build snowmen, skate and jump into the snowdrifts.” Autumn says: “I don’t agree that everything is white and white. And for me everything will be colorful, bright and festive. We will walk and run through the puddles after a big autumn rain.” Summer said: “Sisters, what are you arguing about, it’s all wrong. It's green time bright sun, colorful flowers - this is a miracle. We will be able to sunbathe all day long, swim in the sea, listen to the chirping of birds and on dark clear nights look at the stars and sing songs around the fire.” But no one asked the opinion of Vesna’s youngest sister. Everyone decided that she was too small and would not be able to offer them anything interesting, so she would not manage.
Since the sisters could not come to one decision, the older sisters decided to take turns running the household. But who will be on duty first and who will be second? And then they decided to cast lots. The first duty fell to Summer. Summer came into her own and did her job properly. The bright sun was shining, the birds were singing cheerfully, everyone was swimming and sunbathing. It's time for the second sister to be on duty. But who will it be? The lot fell on Autumn. Autumn also tried to show herself as a good housewife. She carefully colored everything in different colors and abundantly watered the earth with thunder showers. Everyone reaped a rich harvest and were happy and praised Autumn. Now it's time to be on duty older sister- Winter. She knitted a white down blanket and covered the ground. She decorated the trees with frost and covered all the reservoirs with ice. The animals in their holes were warm and cozy under a large cover of snow, everyone was skiing, playing snowballs and having fun until they dropped.
Three months passed and it was time for Leta to be on duty. But then everyone saw that this was simply impossible. There are no leaves on the trees to turn green, no grass on the ground and no flowers to bloom. Butterflies and other insects that should pollinate flowers so that they become more and more sleepy, birds have not returned from the south, and there is still ice on the rivers and lakes. There is nothing but white snow, frost and ice. Summer cannot come into its own.
And then the sisters Summer, Autumn and Winter called Mother Nature for help. They asked her to make leaves on the trees, melt the snow and ice, call the birds home, wake up the animals and other inhabitants of the forest, release the grass from the ground and warm up the sun more strongly. But Mother Nature said: “Why are you turning to me for help? You have a sister, Vesna.” “So she’s still very little and doesn’t know how to do anything. How can such a baby put everything in its place?” - asked the sisters. But Mother Nature suggested that they not ask questions, but simply hand over duty to Vesna and they would see everything for themselves. And the sisters saw it. Spring first melted the snow and ice. Drops rang, streams ran, rooks, swallows and other birds flew in. Buds swelled on the trees and bushes, green sprouts began to emerge from the ground, snowdrops appeared, and gardens bloomed. The air warmed up and it became warm and joyful. Butterflies are flying everywhere. The birds have chicks. Everything woke up and came to life.
Then the older sisters realized how unfair they were towards younger sister and did not appreciate her abilities and talents. Even though she is small, Spring is remote

Russian folktale

A spring stream runs to the river, rings and rejoices. Suddenly on his way big Stone got up. The stream beat, beat against him, pushed, pushed - and did not move. A hare came running to drink water. The stream asks:
- Hare, hare, move the stone! I can't run any further!

The hare pushed and pushed the stone, did not move it and ran away. A wild boar came running to drink water. The stream asks:
- Boar, boar, move the stone! I can't run any further!
The boar pushed and pushed the stone, did not move it and ran away. A bear came to drink water. The stream asks:
- Bear, bear, move the stone! I can't run any further!
The bear pushed and pushed the stone, did not move it and left. A mole crawls out of a hole and says:
- Creek! Give me some water to drink, I'll move the stone.
And the stream to him:
- Where can you, small and blind, move the stone! His hare, boar and bear pushed, pushed and - did not move!
The mole drank water. And let's dig holes and passages under the stone. I dug and plowed all the ground under the stone. The stone moved and fell into the ground.
The stream became happy, rang, gurgled and ran further towards the river.

Forest thaw

Oh, what a soft, warm thaw it was!.. Snowflakes were swirling, and the forest smelled of spring. The hedgehog sat on the porch of his house, sniffed the air and smiled.
“It can’t be,” he thought, “that just yesterday the trees were cracking in the forest and the angry Santa Claus was creaking under the windows with his large felt boots, but today he’s not there at all! Where is he?"
And the Hedgehog began to wonder where Santa Claus could hide.
“If he climbed a pine tree,” the Hedgehog reasoned, “then somewhere under the pine tree there are his big felt boots. After all, even Little Bear can’t climb a pine tree in felt boots!
“If he climbed under the ice,” Hedgehog continued to think, “then somewhere on the river there must be a hole, and steam must come from it. Because Santa Claus sits in felt boots at the bottom and breathes. And if he completely left the forest, I will definitely see his traces!”
And the Hedgehog put on his skis and ran between the trees. But there were no felt boots under any tree, he didn’t see a single hole in the river, and he didn’t find any traces anywhere.
- Father Frost! - Hedgehog shouted. - Call me back!..
But it was quiet. Only snowflakes were spinning around, and somewhere far, far away a Woodpecker was knocking.
The hedgehog stopped, closed his eyes and imagined a beautiful Woodpecker with red feathers and a long nose. The woodpecker sat on the top of a pine tree and from time to time threw his head back, squinted and, as if angry, knocked with his nose: “knock!” Pine bark splashed and, rustling softly, fell into the snow...
“Probably the Woodpecker knows where Santa Claus is,” thought the Hedgehog. “He sits high and can see everything.”
And he ran to the Woodpecker.
- Woodpecker! - Hedgehog shouted from afar. -Have you seen Santa Claus?
- Knock Knock! - said Woodpecker. - He left!
- Where are his traces?
The Woodpecker hung his nose towards the Hedgehog, squinted, looked at him and said:
- And he left without a trace!
- How? - Hedgehog was surprised.
- It’s very simple! A cloud arrived and sank low. Santa Claus first threw felt boots on him, then he climbed in and swam away...
- Where? - asked the Hedgehog.
- To Kudykina Mountain. Knock-knock! - said the Woodpecker.
And the Hedgehog, reassured, went home and on the way imagined the snow-covered Kudykina Mountain, on which Santa Claus was probably walking now and creaking his large felt boots.

Clean birds

Most of all, Hedgehog loved these first truly spring days! There was no longer a single island of snow left in the forest, thunder rumbled in the sky at night, and although lightning was not visible, real torrential rain continued until the morning.
“The forest is washing away! - thought the Hedgehog. - Christmas trees, stumps and edges are washed. And the birds are now flying from the south, and the rain washes their feathers too!”
And in the mornings he went out onto the porch and waited for clean, washed birds.
- We haven’t arrived yet! - said Belka.
- Car-r-r! They're having trouble on the way! - Crow lisped.
And the Hedgehog sniffed the air and said:
- It still smells like clean birds!
And the Woodpecker then began to clean his feathers at the very top of the pine tree.
“I have to be clean too! - he thought. “Otherwise they will fly in and say: why are you so dusty, Woodpecker?”
The hare was sitting under a bush and washing his ears.
- Take the fir cone! - Hedgehog shouted. - A spruce cone washes better!
- What do you recommend to clean my horns with? - asked Moose, going out to the edge of the hedgehog’s house.
“Sand,” said the Hedgehog. - There is nothing better than cleaning your horns with sand. And the Elk went to the river bank, lay down near the water and asked the Fox, who was catching fleas in the rapids, to clean his horns.
“It’s inconvenient,” muttered Elk, “birds will fly in, and my horns are dirty...
- Now! - said the Fox.
He was cunning and knew how to clean himself. He sat up to his neck in icy water and held a bunch of last year's grass in his raised paw. The fleas had frozen in the water and were now crawling down the paw to this bunch. And when everyone crawled down. The fox threw last year's grass into the water, and it was carried away by the current.
- That's all? - said the Fox, crawling out onto the shore. -Where are your horns? The elk bowed its horns, and the fox began to polish them with sand.
- To make them shine? - he asked.
“No,” said the Hedgehog. - Shiny horns are ugly. They should be... foggy
- That is, so that they don’t shine? - Lis clarified.
“So that they don’t shine,” said the Hedgehog.
And Elk even snorted - he felt so good and pleased.
And the Woodpecker had already completely cleaned his feathers and was now clean and young.
The hare washed his ears and washed his tail.
And the Hedgehog had long since wiped each needle with a rag and was so clean that even the cleanest bird could not tell him that it was cleaner than him!

Spring Tale

This has never happened to Hedgehog before. Never before had he felt like singing and having fun for no reason. But now, when the month of May arrived, he sang and had fun all day long, and if anyone asked him why he was singing and having fun. The hedgehog just smiled and began to sing even louder.
“That’s because spring has come,” said the Little Bear. - That’s why the Hedgehog is having fun!
And the Hedgehog took a violin from the closet, called two hares and told them:
- Go, take your drums from last year and come back to me!
And when the hares came with drums over their shoulders. The hedgehog told them to go behind, and he went first, playing the violin.
-Where is he going? - asked the First Hare.
“I don’t know,” answered the Second.
- Should we beat the drums? - he asked the Hedgehog.
“No, not yet,” said the Hedgehog. - Don't you see: I play the violin!..
And so they walked through the entire forest.
At the edge of the forest in front of a tall pine tree, the Hedgehog stopped, raised his muzzle and, without taking his eyes off Squirrel’s hollow, began to play the most tender melody he knew. It was called: “Sad Mosquito.”
“Pi-pi-pi-pi-i!..” - the violin sang. And the Hedgehog even closed his eyes - he felt so good and sad.
- Why did we stop here? - asked the First Hare.
- Don't you understand? - Hedgehog was surprised. - Red Sun lives here!
- Should we beat the drums?
“Wait,” the Hedgehog grumbled. - I'll tell you when…
And again he closed his eyes and started playing “Sad Mosquito.”
The squirrel was sitting in the hollow and knew that it was the Hedgehog standing under the pine tree, playing “Sad Mosquito” and calling her Red Sun... But she wanted to listen to the violin longer, and so she did not look out of the hollow.
And the Hedgehog played all day until the evening and, when he was tired, nodded his head to the hares - and they quietly drummed so that the Squirrel knew that the Hedgehog was still standing below and waiting for her to look out.

How Hedgehog went to see the sunrise

On spring evenings, everyone in the forest dances: the Hare with the Squirrel, the Woodpecker with the Tit, the Bear with the Donkey, and even the old Wolf walks around the old stump and, no, no, sits down to the music...
“Quack! Quack! - ducks shout from the river.
“Kwa! Kwa!” - the frogs echo them.
“Ugh!..” sighs Owl. He doesn’t like bright spring evenings so much...
“Everyone is having fun,” Hedgehog thinks, walking along the path between two Christmas trees. - Everyone is dancing and singing. And then they get tired and go to bed. And I won't go to bed! I’ll walk until the morning, and when the night ends, I’ll go up the hill and watch the dawn...”
And the moon is already shining in the sky, and the stars are setting around it in a circle, and the Hare falls asleep, the Squirrel hides in the hollow, the Little Bear goes to his home, the Donkey runs past the Hedgehog, the Wolf yawns with all his wolf's mouth, and just falls asleep with his mouth open, and the Hedgehog still walks along the path from Christmas tree to Christmas tree, between two pines, and waits for dawn.
“I’ll go up the hill!” - he says to himself. And along the way he comes up with what it might be like - a spring dawn.
“Green,” thinks the Hedgehog. “Everything is green in spring!”
And on the hill a fresh breeze is blowing, and Hedgehog is cold. But he still walks back and forth along the very top and waits for dawn.
- Come on! - Hedgehog mutters. - Where are you? I'm already cold!..
But there is still no dawn.
“Where is he staying? - the hedgehog thinks. “He probably overslept!”
And he lies down on the ground, curls up in a ball and also decides to sleep a little, and then immediately wake up when dawn comes.
And falls asleep...
And the dawn comes blue-blue, in white shreds of fog. He blows on the Hedgehog, and the Hedgehog moves his needles.
“He’s sleeping...” whispers the dawn.
And he starts to smile. And the wider he smiles, the brighter everything around him becomes.
And when the Hedgehog opens his eyes, he sees the sun. It floats head over heels in the fog and nods its head at him

Extraordinary spring

It was the most extraordinary spring that Hedgehog could remember.
The trees blossomed, the grass turned green, and thousands of rain-washed birds sang in the forest. Everything was blooming.
First the blue snowdrops bloomed. And while they were blooming. It seemed to the hedgehog that there was a sea around his house, and that if he stepped off the porch, he would immediately drown. And so he sat on the porch for a whole week, drank tea and sang songs.
Then the dandelions bloomed. They swayed on their thin legs and were so yellow that, waking up one morning and running out onto the porch, the Hedgehog thought that he found himself in yellow, yellow Africa.
"Can't be! - Hedgehog thought then. “After all, if this were Africa, I would definitely see a Leo!”
And he immediately dashed into the house and slammed the door, because he was sitting right opposite the porch real Leo. He had a green mane and a thin green tail.
- What is this? - muttered the Hedgehog, looking at the Lion through the keyhole.
And then I realized that it was an old stump that sent out green shoots and blossomed overnight.
- Everything is flowering! - Hedgehog sang as he went out onto the porch.
And he took his old stool and put it in a vat of water.
And when he woke up the next morning, he saw that his old stool had bloomed with sticky birch leaves

It was not grandfather Omniscient or grandmother Znayushka who told us the spring fairy tale. Spring itself whispered it. The fairy tale turned out to be kind, sunny, warm. We are waiting for spring, and fairy tales about it are close to us.

"Spring Tale"

Once upon a time there was Spring. She walked shyly and timidly on the ground. Dressed up in brighter yellow tones, the sun saw Spring and gave the order: “Salute to Spring!”

The rain immediately began to rush the snow:

“Come on, go away, I need to sweep all the paths with a silver broom.”

The snow reluctantly fell apart, but was in no hurry to leave. Yes, the sun urges him on. The snow got angry, turned black with anger, and began to run away in streams.

Spring splashes across the emerging puddles. And cheerful icicles in time with her step:

- Drip-drip-drip-drip!

Spring looked at them approvingly. The fact is that she loved it when everything around her was ringing, making noise, and singing.

“Hold on, snowdrop,” said Spring, “it will soon be warmer!”

And then suddenly an unfamiliar sound was heard. Spring looks around and sees a willow persistently knocking on the glass with its gray paw.

“Look,” she says to everyone around, “what earrings I have, this year they are especially fluffy.”

Spring smiled and quickly waved to the willow tree.

The fact is that Spring was in a hurry. She had to catch a concert. The migratory birds arrived and staged a concert in . Spring, of course, could not miss such an event.

The concert was especially fun. The leader was Spring. In her honor they sang songs, told poems and fairy tales.

The sun's order to salute Spring was fulfilled!

Questions for a spring fairy tale

Which proverbs are suitable for a spring fairy tale?
The sun will give orders and spring will say its thing.
Spring is famous for its beauty and boasts of its warmth.

Who gave the order to salute Spring?

Why did the snow turn black?

For what reason did the snowdrop smile?

What did the willow boast about?

In honor of whom was the concert in the Emerald Forest held?

Tales about spring: 11 educational fairy tales in pictures and tasks for children. We introduce children to the world around them.

Tales of spring

In the article you will find a selection entertaining educational tales about spring in pictures and tasks for children. Use them on a walk, when looking at spring paintings and photographs, and in conversations about spring.

  • discuss it
  • While walking, observe the phenomena mentioned in the fairy tale.
  • act out dialogues from fairy tales with toys or pictures.
  • come up with a continuation of the fairy tale, in which new heroes will participate.

In the article you will find 11 fairy tales about spring for children of different ages - from preschool to primary school, as well as two cartoons - fairy tales about spring (“Spring Tale” and “Snow Maiden”).

Tales about spring: How to hear spring in the forest?

Spring can be seen on the street, in photographs, in paintings. Can you hear spring? How? Try it with your child on a walk or on the way to kindergarten, children's club, to the store, to visit to listen to spring. How can you tell by the sounds that spring has come? (drops of icicles are dripping, streams are ringing, birds are singing, etc.)

Listen to Spring's tale about its secrets and how you can hear it.

E. Shim. Spring.

“Do you hear?
Light drops call forth, streams splash, waves rumble like strings... The music is getting louder and more joyful!
It’s me, Spring, riding through the forest today. I have a team of twelve fastest streams. They spread their foamy manes, rush down the hills, carve a path in the dirty snow. Nothing will stop them!

Fly, my silver horses, hey, hey! Ahead lies a deserted land, fallen asleep in a dead sleep. Who will wake her up, who will call her to life?
I, Spring, will do it.

I have full handfuls of living water. I will sprinkle the earth with this water, and immediately everything around will come to life...

Look - I waved my hand, and - the rivers wake up... so they rise, swell... break the green ice above them!

Look, I waved it again and the trees and bushes awaken... the branches straighten... the sticky buds unfurl!

Look - for the third time I waved my hand, and - all the small living creatures began to scurry away... birds were flying from the distant south... animals were getting out of dark holes!

Move over, forest people, you will sleep! I myself am in a hurry - I’m in a hurry and I don’t tell others to lie still. Hurry up, otherwise the violent flood will catch up with you, surround you, and some will have to swim.

I can’t wait, I have a long way to go. From the southern edge of the earth to the northern, to the very cold seas, I must rush on my fast horses.

And then Frost is stubborn, at night he secretly throws an icy bridle on my horses. He wants to detain me, stop me, turn living water into dead water.

But I won't give in to him.

In the morning the sun will heat up my horses, they will rush off again and destroy all the ice barriers.

And again the light drops call, again the streams splash, again they rumble... He sings living water, and the earth awakens to new life!”

Journey to the spring forest. After reading the fairy tale, ask your child to imagine that you are in the forest in the spring. What sounds will you hear? What sounds of Spring did you and your children hear in the fairy tale (re-read the words from the story:

  • “Rivers are waking up... so they rise, swell... break the green ice above them!” - and ask - “If the rivers rise and break the ice, then what can you hear?
  • “all small living creatures have fallen asleep” - what are these sounds? So, what else can you hear in the spring forest?
  • “birds are flying from the far south” - what can you hear?
  • “I have a team of twelve fastest streams. They spread their foamy manes, rush down the hills, carve a path in the dirty snow. Nothing will stop them! - what kind of sounds do we hear in the spring?

Discuss with children:“Why does the fairy tale say that “the sun will heat up the horses”? What kind of horses does spring have? How will the sun warm them up? What kind of icy bridle does Frost throw on the horses of spring? (it covers them with ice at night, and in the morning and during the day the ice melts and streams flow).” It is very important that children themselves try to figure out what kind of horses these are, and discover for themselves this figurative comparison - streams are like horses in Spring’s harness, on which she rides across the earth.

Draw Spring in her harness.

Ask your child:“How does spring keep forest people from sleeping? How does she wake them up? Re-read the passage: “Move, forest people, you will sleep! I myself am in a hurry - I’m in a hurry and I don’t tell others to lie still. Hurry up, otherwise the violent flood will catch up with you, surround you, and someone will have to swim.” Tell us about the spring flood.

The following tales about spring will help you tell about the flood.

Tales of Spring: Spring Flood

G. Ladonshchikov. Bear

“Without need and without worry
The bear was sleeping in his den.
I slept all winter until spring,
And, probably, he saw dreams.

Suddenly the clubfoot woke up,
He hears: drip! —
What a disaster!
I groped in the darkness with my paw
And jumped up -
Water all around!
The bear hurried outside:
Floods - no time for sleep!
He got out and saw:
Snow is melting…
Spring has come."

And this is how it was - listen to the fairy tale.

N. Sladkov Bear and the Sun

“Water seeped into the den and wet the bear’s pants.
- May you, slush, dry up completely! - the Bear cursed. - Here I am now!

It’s not my fault, Bear. Snow is to blame for everything. It started to melt, let the water go. But my business is watery - it flows downhill.
- Oh, so it’s Snow’s fault? Here I am now! - the Bear roared.
Snow turned white and got scared. He creaked in fear:

It's not my fault, Bear. The sun is to blame. It’s so hot, it’s so scorching - you’ll melt here!

Oh, so it was the Sun that wet my pants? - the Bear barked. - Here I am now!

What now"?

You can’t grab the sun with your teeth or reach it with your paw. Shines to himself. The snow melts and drives water into the den. The bear wets his pants.
There is nothing to do - the Bear left the den. He grumbled, grumbled, and even scratched his head. Dry your pants. Welcome spring."

This fairy tale is very good for dramatization. Here are figures that you can use to act out dialogues from the fairy tale. You can make a simple finger theater or figures on magnets or for a carpet grapher.

You will find information on how to quickly and easily make a finger theater with your children in the “Dialogues-dramatization” section.

E. Shim. Moose and mouse

“Why are you, moose, taking the rap?

— The river has overflowed. I swam through it, almost drowned... Phew!

- Just think, dear! I suffered more than you.

- Why are you tormented?

- And the puddle spilled near my mink. My entire home was flooded, all the paths were cut off... I’ve been floating on a branch for three days!”

E. Shim. Fox and Magpie

“- Apchhhi!..

- Be healthy, Foxy!

“You’ll be healthy here... The snow is wet everywhere, the streams are overflowing, and the trees are dripping.” Not only the paws - the tail is completely raw. At least squeeze it and hang it on a bush!”

Read the fairy tale “The Woodpecker, the Hares and the Bear” and act it out using toys, pictures or a finger theater. Play plastic sketches - the bear is sleeping, the bear woke up, the bear was scared and angry that the water got it wet, the bear was happy to find sweet roots in the ground, the bear sings a spring song.

E. Shim. Woodpecker, hares and bear

“The snow began to melt in the forest, the hollow water rose and flooded the bear’s den.

The Bear woke up - wow, what a disaster! — there’s a puddle under his belly, his paws are cold, even the fur on the back of his neck is wet... He jumped out, shaking, his teeth chattering.

But the outside is no sweeter. It’s dripping from all the trees, streams are running from the hills, and lakes have overflowed in the clearings. There is nowhere to set foot on dry land!

The Bear splashes on the water - angry - despicable, growls:

- Ugh, you're an abyss, what a waste of life!.. It was bad to sleep in the winter, and waking up was on you! - even worse... What is this punishment for?!

And suddenly he hears a song. Someone cheerfully says:

Knock-knock, the branch is shaking,
There, there, there comes the knock!
Fir-fir? Sixteen holes

The Bear raised his head and saw a woodpecker in a red cap on a birch tree. The Woodpecker leans on his tail-support, hits the birch bark with his nose, giggles - he’s so happy!

- Why are you singing, long-nosed? - asks the Bear.

- Why not sing, grandpa? Spring came!..

- So what's good?

- Yes, you obviously haven’t woken up yet! Spring is red, you know?!

- Ugh, the abyss! Why did you like her so much?!

- Like what? Nowadays every day is a holiday, there is a treat on every branch. So I flew to a birch tree, poked holes in the bark - knock! Knock! - and look... sweet juice is dripping from them. Drink to your heart's content and praise the red Spring!

“Some have sweet juice, some have cold water,” says the Bear. - Shut up, don’t tease, I’m sick without you.

Jump through the bush,
Jump over a hummock,
Back and forth,
Back and forth.

The Bear came closer and saw: hares were playing in the clearing, chasing each other. They were so happy that they didn’t notice anything around them.

- “Tsit, slanted ones! - the Bear barked. – what kind of mess?!

- It’s spring, grandpa! Spring is red!

- What good is it to you?!

- Yes, of course, grandfather! Every day we have a holiday, there is a treat at every step. They ran to this clearing, and here the green grass has already sprouted, you can cram it... How can one not praise and glorify the red Spring?

“Some have grass, some have dirt and slush,” says the Bear. Get out of here, don’t bother my soul, you damned ones...

He wandered further, splashing in the puddles with his paws. And the further into the forest, the more songs and dances. All residents - from small birds to large animals - rejoice with great joy and celebrate the spring holiday. The forest is ringing and walking!

The Bear sat down on a dry hillock, propped his paw up, sunbathed:

- How can it be... Everyone in the forest is happy, I alone have no joy. Am I the worst?

And then the sun came out from behind a cloud. It warmed the Bear’s back, a steam curled over the wet skin... The Bear groaned with pleasure and turned his sides up. It’s so nice to warm up after the cold!

The warm earth also steamed. Bear pulled his nose - it smells!.. Familiar, sweet!

He began to dig the ground, turned away the turf - and there the roots were visible. How did he forget about them?! After all, I had to feast on it, in the spring the roots are juicy, sugary - you won’t find a better treat!

Then he hears: a song. Someone writes:

Oh, oh, lunch is not bad,
The left side is hot,
And behind him is the right side,
I can’t feel my feet underneath me,
Thank you, spring, for reassuring me!

I looked around - there was no one. And the song was very close!

I didn’t realize right away that he started singing it himself.

That's how Spring got in"

Here's another fairy tale about spring and spring flood. Together with your child, figure out how this fabulous spring story ends.

N. Sladkov. Three on one log

“The river overflowed its banks and the water overflowed into the sea. The Fox and the Hare are stuck on an island. The Hare rushes around the island and says:

There is water ahead, the Fox behind - this is the situation!

And the Fox shouts to the Hare:

Sigh, Hare, come to my log - you won’t drown!

The island is going under water. The Hare jumped onto the log to the Fox and the two of them swam down the river.

Magpie saw them and chirped:

Interesting, interesting... Fox and Hare on the same log - something will come of it!

The Fox and the Hare are swimming. A magpie flies from tree to tree along the shore.

So the Hare says:

I remember before the flood, when I was in the forest, I loved to lick willow branches! So tasty, so juicy...

And for me,” sighs the Fox, “there is nothing sweeter than mice and voles.” You won’t believe it, the Hare swallowed them whole, didn’t even spit out the bones!

Yeah! - Soroka was wary. - It's starting!..

She flew up to the log, sat down on a twig and said:

There are no tasty mice on the log. You, Fox, will have to eat the Hare!

The hungry Fox rushed at the Hare, but the edge of the log plunged - the Fox quickly returned to her place. She shouted at Soroka angrily:

Oh, what a nasty bird you are! There is no peace from you either in the forest or on the water. So you cling to it like a burr to a tail!

And Soroka, as if nothing had happened:

Now, Hare, it's your turn to attack. Where have you seen the Fox and the Hare get along? Push her into the water, I will help!

The Hare closed his eyes and rushed at the Fox, but the log swayed - the Hare came back quickly. And shouts at Soroka:

What a nasty bird! He wants to destroy us. He's deliberately inciting each other!

A log is floating along the river, the Hare and the Fox are thinking on the log.”

Tales of spring: spring conversations in the forest

Hares give birth to babies in March. They are called “nastovichok” (from the word “nast” - crust on the snow). The wolf's cubs appear. They are born very small and blind. Other animals also give birth to babies.

Here spring fairy tale about one such little bunny - a baby. It contains a very unusual word “cramming”, that is, making notches.

E. Shim. Everything has its time

“The Nastovich bunny was born in March, when the earth was still covered in white snow.

The Bunny's fur coat is warm. The Hare's milk is nourishing. The little hare sits under a bush, looking in all directions with round eyes. It’s okay, you can live...

Days pass. The Little Bunny is growing. And he became bored.

“Well,” he says to the Hare, “will it be like this all the time?” Sit under a bush, on White snow look, wait until they feed you milk?

“Wait,” the hare says. - Everything has its time. Soon spring will be in full swing, you will be running through the green forest, cramming sweet grass.

- Will it be soon?

Days pass. The sun is warming up, the snow is settling in the forest, there are puddles around the trees.

The little bunny can't wait:

- Well, where is the green forest, where is the sweet grass? I don't want to wait any longer!

“Wait,” the hare says. - Everything has its time.

Days pass. The snow is melting in the forest, the drops are clicking, the streams are ringing.

The bunny is unbearable:

- Well, where is the green forest? Where is the sweet grass?! I won't, I won't wait any longer!

“Wait,” the Hare says again. - Everything has its time.

Days pass. There is high water in the forest, fogs are spreading over the damp earth, the cries of cranes can be heard in the sky.

“Well,” the Little Hare is sad, “I guess these are fairy tales - about green Forest yes weed... None of this happens in the world. And I waited in vain!

- Look at that! - The hare says. - Look around!

The Little Hare looked around and saw the first green leaves on the birch tree. Tiny, tiny! I looked at the ground and saw the first blade of grass emerge. Thin - thin!

And the Little Hare was so happy. I was so happy! He jumps on his awkward legs and shouts:

- Yeah! Yeah! Spring has flared up! The leaves on the trees are green! The grass on the ground is sweet! That's good! That's great!

“The time for your joy has come,” the Hare grins.

“Yes,” says the Little Hare, “how long!” I'm exhausted! I waited and waited and waited and waited...

“And if I hadn’t waited,” says the Hare, “would you have been happy about a tiny leaf, a thin blade of grass?”

In the spring, not only bunnies are born, but also other babies - animals. Listen to a fairy tale about how the mothers of the little animals talked to each other. Before reading, show your child pictures of animals and their babies and ask them to guess how many children each has. Write down the number or draw in circles the named number. And then read the story and see if the children guessed it. This is not a mathematical problem, and the most important thing in it is not to guess and sketch the number, but just the opposite, to discover a miracle for yourself! – and be amazed by the natural world! Therefore, do not tell the kids the correct answer, give them the opportunity to experience the joy of discovery amazing world nature!

E. Shim. Hare family

“At the birch edge, forest mothers boasted to each other about their children.

- Oh, what a son I have! - said mom Deer.– You can’t look at him enough. The hooves are chiseled, the legs are straight, the neck is high... light as a breeze!

“Mmm, son, of course, he’s not bad,” said the mother. Badger.- But what does he care about my children! They are so smart, so smart! We were born in March, we already opened our eyes in April, and now – can you believe it? - they even run out of the hole... - How many of them do you have? – asked the Deer.

- Of course, not one or two. Three!

“We can congratulate you,” said my mother. Hedgehog. – But still, my children cannot be compared with yours. I have five souls! And you know, they already have fur... and even their needles are becoming hard... Well, isn’t it a miracle?

- Oink! - said mom Kabanikha.- Five is good. Well, what do you say if there are ten of them?

- Who has ten of them?! – Jezhikh’s mother was amazed.

- Oink-oink... I have exactly ten, and all as one... oink!.. furry... oink!.. striped... oink! They squeal subtly, like birds... Where else can you find such a family?

Before the mothers had time to agree, a voice suddenly came from the field:

- And I have a better family!

- And mom appeared at the edge of the forest Hamster.

“Come on,” she said, “try to guess how many children I have!”

- Also ten! – Kabanikha’s mother grunted.

“Twelve?” asked Mother Badger.

- Fifteen? – Hedgehog’s mother whispered and was scared herself when she named such a large number.

— — No matter how it is! - said Mom Hamster - Raise it higher! I have children - eighteen souls, what time! And why talk about fur, about eyes - it’s all nonsense. My kids have already started working. Even though they are small, everyone is already digging a hole for themselves and preparing their own housing. Can you imagine?

- Yes, your family is the most wonderful! - all the mothers admitted. – Just think: eighteen children are workers!

Mothers would have been surprised for a long time if she had not appeared at the edge of the forest Hare.

She didn’t boast, she walked quietly.

No one would have known how many children she had if Olenich’s mother had not asked:

- Well, how many souls are there in your family?

“I don’t know,” said the Hare. - Who counted them... Maybe a hundred, maybe a thousand, maybe even more.

- How so?! - Moms jumped up. - Can't be!!.

“That’s exactly what happens here,” said the Hare. – We are not used to babysitting our children. Bunnies are born, we feed them once, and then we leave them somewhere under a bush - and goodbye!

- Why? How merciless! - the mothers shouted.

- And then it’s better this way. The little hares will hide under a bush, become quiet - neither the wolf nor the fox will find them. And if we were nearby, we would bring trouble upon them.

- But they are small!

- Small, but remote... And they know how to hide, they see vigilantly, and they hear sensitively. Yes, their fur coats are warm.

- Who feeds them?

- Yes, any Hare that you meet. We don’t have other people’s children, they’re all our own. Today I will feed one, tomorrow I will feed the other. So it turns out that all the bunnies in the forest are from my family. And no one knows how many there are. Maybe a hundred, maybe a thousand, maybe even more. Do the math, try it!

And then all the mothers realized that the most amazing family in the forest was the hare.”

Tales of Spring: Migratory Birds

They return home in the spring migratory birds. The rooks arrive first. They are not afraid of the cold. Later - starlings, followed by larks.

Thawed patches appear on the ground, and birds find seeds, bugs, and larvae in the thawed patches.

Read a very interesting spring educational fairy tale for children about what once happened in a spring thawed patch.

N. Sladkov. Whose thawed patch?

“I saw the Forty-first thawed patch - a dark speck on the white snow.
- My! - she shouted. - My thawed patch, since I saw it first!
There are seeds in the thawed area, spider bugs are swarming, the lemongrass butterfly is lying on its side, warming up. Magpie's eyes widened, her beak opened, and out of nowhere - Rook.

Hello, grow up, she has already appeared! In the winter I wandered around the crow dumps, and now to my thawed patch! Ugly!
- Why is she yours? - Magpie chirped. - I saw it first!
“You saw it,” Rook barked, “and I’ve been dreaming about it all winter.” He was in a hurry to get to her a thousand miles away! For her sake warm countries left. Without her, I wouldn't be here. Where there are thawed patches, there we are, rooks. My thawed patch!
- Why is he croaking here! - Magpie rumbled. - All winter in the south he basked and basked, ate and drank whatever he wanted, and when he returned, give him the thawed patch without a queue! And I was freezing all winter, rushing from the trash heap to the landfill, swallowing snow instead of water, and now, barely alive, weak, I finally spotted a thawed patch, and they took it away. You, Rook, are only dark in appearance, but you are on your own mind. Shoo from the thawed patch before it pecks at the top of the head!

The Lark flew in to hear the noise, looked around, listened and chirped:
- Spring, sun, clear sky, and you are quarreling. And where - on my thawed patch! Do not darken my joy of meeting her. I'm hungry for songs!
Magpie and Rook just flapped their wings.
- Why is she yours? This is our thawed patch, we found it. The magpie had been waiting for her all winter, overlooking all eyes.
And I may have been in such a hurry from the south to get to her that I almost dislocated my wings on the way.
- And I was born on it! - Lark squeaked. - If you look, you can also find the shells from the egg from which I hatched! I remember how it used to be that in winter, in a foreign land, there was a native nest - and I was reluctant to sing. And now the song is bursting from the beak - even the tongue is trembling.

The Lark jumped onto a hummock, narrowed his eyes, his throat trembled - and the song flowed like a spring stream: it rang, gurgled, gurgled. Magpie and Rook opened their beaks and listened. They will never sing like that, they don’t have the same throat, all they can do is chirp and croak.

They probably listened for a long time, warming up in the spring sun, but suddenly the earth trembled under their feet, swelled into a tubercle and crumbled.
And the Mole looked out and sniffled.

Did you fall right into a thawed patch? That’s right: the ground is soft, warm, there is no snow. And it smells... Ugh! Does it smell like spring? Is it spring up there?

Spring, spring, digger! - Magpie shouted grumpily.
- Knew where to please! - Rook muttered suspiciously. - Even though he’s blind...
- Why do you need our thawed patch? - Lark creaked.
The Mole sniffed at the Rook, at the Magpie, at the Lark - he can’t see well with his eyes! - sneezed and said:

I don't need anything from you. And I don’t need your thawed patch. I’ll push the earth out of the hole and back. Because I feel: it’s bad for you. You quarrel and almost fight. And it’s also light, dry, and the air is fresh. Not like my dungeon: dark, damp, musty. Grace! It’s also like spring here...

How can you say that? - Lark was horrified. - Do you know, digger, what spring is!
- I don’t know and I don’t want to know! - Mole snorted. - I don’t need any spring, it’s underground all year round the same.
“Thawed patches appear in spring,” said Magpie, Lark and Rook dreamily.

And scandals begin in thawed areas,” the Mole snorted again. - And for what? A thawed patch is like a thawed patch.

Don't tell me! - Magpie jumped up. - And the seeds? And the beetles? Are the sprouts green? All winter without vitamins.

Sit, walk, stretch! - Rook barked. - Nose in warm earth rummage!

And it’s good to sing over thawed patches! - the Lark soared. - There are as many thawed patches in the field as there are larks. And everyone sings! There is nothing better than thawed patches in spring.

Why are you arguing then? - Mole didn’t understand. - The lark wants to sing - let him sing. Rook wants to march - let him march.
- Right! - said Magpie. - In the meantime, I’ll take care of the seeds and beetles...
Then the shouting and squabbling began again.
And while they were shouting and quarreling, new thawed patches appeared in the field. Birds scattered across them to greet spring. Sing songs, rummage in the warm earth, kill a worm.

It's time for me too! - The mole said. And he fell into a place where there was no spring, no thawed patches, no sun and no moon, no wind and no rain. And where there is no one to even argue with. Where it’s always dark and quiet.”

Act out a fairy tale using a finger theater. The pictures will help you. Cut out the images and make figures with your children to act out dialogues from the fairy tale.

Interesting fairy tales - cartoons for children about spring

A fairy tale about the return of migratory birds to their homeland in the spring “Spring Tale”

Spring fairy tale - cartoon Snow Maiden

All pictures of this article in good resolution and quality you will find in the presentation “Tales of Spring” in our VKontakte group “Child development from birth to school”(see the section of the “Documents” group under the videos). In the same section you will find and be able to download free presentations for all other articles on the “Native Path” website.

More about spring - games, pictures, materials for activities with children, speech exercises You will find in the articles on the site: Get a NEW FREE AUDIO COURSE WITH GAME APPLICATION

"Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

Click on or on the course cover below to free subscription

Spring has come! It rang and sparkled - it woke up Nature. And miracles began all over the earth! Take a closer look and you will certainly see them. And when you see it, draw Spring - with a brush or with words!

Look how the Wizards of the Word draw it in fairy tales:

Stone, Stream, Icicle and Sun

E.Y. Shim

Finally, finally, it was a real spring day! It’s warm in the forest, there’s light from the clear sun, and the droplets are ringing cheerfully. Animals and birds rejoice: hares chatter, black grouse mutter, tits play their bells.

Grace in the forest!

At the edge of the forest, the old Stone-Boulder boasts:

Bow to me, thank me. This is what I do in the spring!

Is it really you, grandfather? - animals and birds ask.

Me, kids, me! Look how hot my sides are. The snow is melting around me, grass has appeared next to me, butterflies are flying towards me to bask. If it weren’t for me, there would be no spring!

Oh, you old couch potato! - the ringing Brook shouts from the clearing. - Don't boast in vain! You're too lazy to turn around, but I'm at work all day. Let everyone bow to me, let them thank me!

So, you, Brook, are making spring?

Me, stupid, of course I am! Look, I’m melting the snow, I’m giving the trees and bushes water to drink with living water. What would spring be without me?

Hey, chatterbox! - Icicle shouts from the spruce paw. - Don't listen to him, you idle talker! Bow to me, thank me!

Are you, Icicle, making spring?

It wouldn't be me! Only me! As soon as I begin to shed flaming tears, as soon as I begin to gurgle throughout the entire forest, that’s spring for you. Otherwise, spring will begin! Is it otherwise?

Icicle didn't have time to finish. “Kap” - and fell silent. Why? But because the Sun has set behind the forest.

The Sun set and hid - here the Stone-Boulder cooled down, and the Stream froze, and the Icicle froze.

They are silent. And it immediately became clear who was making the spring.


“Do you hear?
Light drops call, streams splash, waves rumble like strings... The music is getting louder, more joyful!

It’s me, Spring, riding through the forest today. I have a team of twelve fastest streams. They spread their foamy manes, rush down the hills, carve a path in the dirty snow. Nothing will stop them!

Fly, my silver horses, hey, hey! Ahead lies a deserted land, fallen asleep in a dead sleep. Who will wake her up, who will call her to life?
I, Spring, will do it.

I have full handfuls of living water. I will sprinkle the earth with this water, and immediately everything around will come to life...

Look - I waved my hand, and - the rivers wake up... so they rise, swell... break the green ice above them!

Look, I waved it again and the trees and bushes awaken... the branches straighten... the sticky buds unfurl!

Look - for the third time I waved my hand, and - all the small living creatures began to scurry away... birds were flying from the distant south... animals were getting out of dark holes!

Move over, forest people, you will sleep! I myself am in a hurry - I’m in a hurry and I don’t tell others to lie still. Hurry up, otherwise the violent flood will catch up with you, surround you, and some will have to swim.

I can’t wait, I have a long way to go. From the southern edge of the earth to the northern, to the very cold seas, I must rush on my fast horses.

And then Frost is stubborn, at night he secretly throws an icy bridle on my horses. He wants to detain me, stop me, turn living water into dead water.

But I won't give in to him.

In the morning the sun will heat up my horses, they will rush off again and destroy all the ice barriers.

And again the light drops call forth, again the streams splash, again they rumble... The living water sings, and the earth awakens to new life!”


Without need and without worry
The bear was sleeping in his den.
I slept all winter until spring,
And, probably, he saw dreams.

Stories for children about spring, nature and animals in spring.

Spring! Spring! And she’s happy about everything!

Spring, long delayed by the cold, suddenly began in all its glory, and life began to play everywhere. The woods were already turning blue, and the dandelion was turning yellow over the fresh emerald of the first green... Swarms of midges and heaps of insects appeared in the swamps; a water spider was already running after them; and behind him all the birds gathered in the dry reeds from everywhere. And everyone was going to take a closer look at each other. Suddenly the earth was populated, forests and meadows awoke. Round dances began in the village. There was space for the party. What brightness there is in greenery! What freshness is in the air! What does the sound of birds cry in the gardens!..


It was now impossible to look at the sun; it poured down from above in shaggy, dazzling streams. Clouds floated across the blue, blue sky like heaps of snow. Spring breezes smelled of fresh grass and birds' nests.

In front of the house, large buds burst on the fragrant poplars, and chickens moaned in the heat. In the garden, grass was growing out of the heated earth, piercing the rotting leaves with green stalks, and the entire meadow was covered with white and yellow stars. Every day there were more birds in the garden. Blackbirds ran between the trunks - dodgers to walk. There is an oriole in the linden trees, big bird, green, with yellow, like gold, down on the wings, - fussing, whistled in a honeyed voice.

As the sun rose, all the roofs and birdhouses woke up and poured in different voices the starlings wheezed, whistled, now with a nightingale, now with a lark, now with some African birds, which they had heard enough of over the winter overseas - they mocked, and out of tune terribly. A woodpecker flew like a gray handkerchief through the transparent birches, landing on a trunk, turning around, raising its red crest on end.

And so on Sunday, on a sunny morning, in the trees that had not yet dried out from the dew, a cuckoo crowed by the pond: with a sad, lonely, gentle voice she blessed everyone who lived in the garden, starting with the worms;

Live, love, be happy, cuckoo. And I’ll live alone for nothing, ku-ku...

The whole garden listened silently to the cuckoo. ladybugs, birds, always surprised frogs, sitting on their stomachs, some on the path, some on the steps of the balcony - everyone wished for fate. The cuckoo cuckooed, and the whole garden whistled even more merrily, the leaves rustled... With a honeyed voice, the oriole whistles like a pipe filled with water. The window was open, the room smelled of grass and freshness, the light of the sun was obscured by wet leaves. A breeze blew and drops of dew fell on the windowsill... It was so good to wake up, listen to the whistle of the oriole, look out the window at the wet leaves.

Forest and steppe

Further, further!.. Let's go to the steppe places. If you look from the mountain - what a view! Round, low hills, plowed and sown to the top, scatter in wide waves; ravines overgrown with bushes meander between them; small roshis are scattered along oblong islands; Narrow paths run from the village... but further, further you go.

The hills are getting smaller and smaller, there is almost no tree to be seen. Here it is, finally - the boundless, vast steppe!..

And on a winter day, walking through high snowdrifts after hares, breathing in the frosty sharp air, involuntarily squinting at the dazzling fine sparkle of soft snow, admiring the green color of the sky over the reddish forest!.. And the first spring days, when everything glitters and collapses steeply, through the heavy steam The melted snow already smells of warmed earth, in the thawed patches, under the slanting ray of the sun, larks trustingly sing, and, with a cheerful noise and roar, streams swirl from ravine to ravine...

Spring came

Spring came. Hasty streams gurgled along the wet streets. Everything became brighter than in winter: houses, fences, people’s clothes, the sky, and the sun. The May sun makes you squint your eyes, it’s so bright. And in a special way it gently warms, as if stroking everyone.

Tree buds swelled in the gardens. The branches of the trees swayed from the fresh wind and barely audibly whispered their spring song.

The chocolate scales burst, as if shooting out, and green tails appear. Both the forest and the garden have a special smell - greenery, thawed earth, something fresh. These are the kidneys with different trees different smells echo. If you smell a bird cherry bud, the bitter-tasty smell reminds you of the white tassels of its flowers. And birch has its own special aroma, delicate and light.

Smells fill the entire forest. In the spring forest you can breathe easily and freely. And the short, but such a gentle and joyful song of the robin began to ring. If you listen to it, you can make out the familiar words: “Glory, glory all around!” The young, green forest whistles and shimmers in every way.

Joyful, young both in heaven and on earth, and in the heart of man.


Spring did not open for a long time. The weather has been clear and frosty for the last few weeks. During the day the snow melted in the sun. Suddenly a warm wind blew. A thick gray fog moved in. Water flowed in the fog. The ice floes crackled. Muddy streams moved. By evening the fog disappeared. The sky has cleared. In the morning, the bright sun quickly ate away the thin ice. The warm spring air trembled from the evaporation of the earth. The larks began to sing over the velvet of greenery and stubble. Cranes and geese flew high with spring cackling. Cows brayed in the pastures. Real spring has come.

Steppe in spring

An early spring morning is cool and dewy. Not a cloud in the sky. Only in the east, where the sun is now emerging in a fiery glow, do the gray pre-dawn clouds still crowd, turning pale and melting with every minute. The entire vast expanse of the steppe seems to be sprinkled with fine golden dust. In the thick lush grass, diamonds of coarse dew tremble here and there, shimmering and flashing with multi-colored lights. The steppe is cheerfully full of flowers: gorse turns bright yellow, bells turn modestly blue, fragrant chamomile grows white in whole thickets, wild carnations burn with crimson spots. In the morning coolness there is a bitter, healthy smell of wormwood, mixed with the delicate, almond-like aroma of dodder. Everything shines and basks and joyfully reaches for the sun. Only here and there in deep and narrow ravines, between steep cliffs overgrown with sparse bushes, wet bluish shadows still lie, reminding of the bygone night.

High in the air, invisible to the eye, the larks flutter and ring. The restless grasshoppers have long since raised their hasty, dry chatter.

The steppe has woken up and come to life, and it seems as if it is breathing with deep, even and powerful sighs.

Childhood years of Bagrov-grandson


In the middle of Lent there was a strong thaw. The snow quickly began to melt, and water appeared everywhere. The approach of spring in the village made an extraordinary, irritating impression on me. I felt a special kind of excitement that I had never experienced... and followed every step of spring. The muddy thawed patches became wider and longer, the lake in the grove filled fuller, and, passing through the fence, water was already visible between the cabbage beds in our garden. I noticed everything accurately and carefully, and every step of spring was celebrated as a victory!

The rooks have been walking around the yard for a long time and began to build nests in the Rook Rosh. The starlings and larks also arrived; and then it began to appear real bird, game, as hunters say.

How much excitement, how much noisy joy!

The water came in strong. The river overflowed its banks and merged with the Rook Grove Lake. All the banks were strewn with all kinds of game; many ducks swam on the water between the tops of the flooded bushes, and meanwhile large and small flocks of various migratory birds were constantly rushing by; some flew high without stopping, while others flew low, often falling to the ground; some flocks sat down, others rose, others flew from place to place; screams, squeaks, and whistles filled the air. Not knowing what kind of bird it was flying or walking, what its dignity was, which one was squeaking or whistling, I was amazed, distraught by such a spectacle. I listened, looked, and then I didn’t understand anything what was happening around me, only my heart either froze or pounded like a hammer; but then everything seemed to me afterwards, even now it seems to me clearly and distinctly, it gave and continues to give inexplicable pleasure!..

Little by little I got used to the coming spring and its various phenomena, always new, stunning and delightful; I say I got used to it, in the sense that I no longer went into a frenzy...

It's already spring


It's spring outside. The pavements are covered with a brown mess, on which future paths are already beginning to appear; roofs and sidewalks are dry; On the floor of fences, tender, young greenery breaks through last year’s rotten grass.

In the ditches, merrily murmuring and foaming, he runs dirty water... Slivers, straws, sunflower shells quickly rush through the water, swirl and cling to the dirty foam. Where, where are these slivers going? It is very possible that they will fall from the ditch into the river, from the river into the sea, from the sea into the ocean...

Dictionary of native nature

The Russian language is very rich in words related to the seasons and natural phenomena, associated with them.

Let's take early spring for example. She, this spring girl still chilled from the last frost, has a lot of good words in her knapsack.

Thaws, snowmelts, and drips from the roofs begin. The snow becomes grainy, spongy, settles and turns black. The fogs eat him up. Gradually the roads are being destroyed, muddy roads and impassability are setting in. On the rivers the first gullies with black water appear in the ice, and on the hillocks there are thawed patches and bald spots. Along the edge of the compacted snow, the coltsfoot is already turning yellow.

Then the first movement occurs on the rivers; water emerges from holes, holes and ice holes.

For some reason, ice drift begins most often around dark nights, after the ravines “grow” and the hollow, melt water, ringing with the last pieces of ice - “shards”, will merge from the meadows and fields.

Hello Spring!

The roads have darkened. The ice on the river turned blue. Rooks are adjusting their nests. The streams are ringing. Scented buds appeared on the trees. The guys saw the first starlings.
Slender schools of geese came from the south. A caravan of cranes appeared high in the sky.
Willow loosened her soft puffs. Busy ants ran along the paths.
A white hare ran out to the edge of the forest. Sits on a tree stump, looks around. A large elk with a beard and antlers came out. A joyful feeling fills the soul.

Sounds of spring

Sokolov-mikitov Ivan Sergeevich

Anyone who has spent the night by a fire in the forest many times will never forget hunting spring nights. The early morning hour in the forest is miraculously coming. It seems that an invisible conductor raised his magic wand and at his sign the beautiful symphony of the morning begins. Obeying the baton of an invisible conductor, one after another the stars go out over the forest. Increasingly and fading in the tops of the trees, the pre-dawn wind sweeps over the heads of the hunters. As if joining the music of the morning, you can hear the singing of the first awakened dawn bird.
A quiet, familiar sound is heard: “Horr, horr, tsviu! Horrr, horrr, tsviu! - this is a woodcock - a long-billed forest sandpiper - pulling over the morning forest. From a thousand forest sounds, the hunter’s sensitive ear already catches the unusual, unlike anything else, song of the wood grouse.
At the most solemn hour of the appearance of the sun, the sounds of forest music especially increase. Greeting the rising sun, cranes blow on silver trumpets, tireless musicians - blackbirds - sing on countless pipes everywhere, larks rise into the sky from bare forest glades and sing.

Beautiful time

Grigorovich Dmitry Vasilievich

April is coming to an end. Spring was early. The snow has melted from the fields. They turn green in winter. It's so good to be in the field! The air is filled with the songs of the lark. Fresh sap moves in the branches and stems. The sun warms the thicket and fields. The remaining snow is melting in the forest and ravine. Beetles are buzzing. The river has entered its banks. It's a wonderful time - spring!

In the March sun

In the calm, in secluded forest glades, the sun is as hot as in summer. You turn one cheek to him, you want to turn the other cheek too - it’s nice.

The horned spruce is basking in the sun, thickly, from crown to hem, hung with old cones, gusset birches are basking, and the forest children are basking - the willow.

We waited

It's spring again. No sooner had the sunset played out than the east began to blush. The forest is thick and scattered throughout Pinega. The long-faced logs, like large fish, hammer away at the newly installed boom with a dull thud. The boom creaks, the water sloshes in the rocky throat of the lintel:

“Ehe-he-he-hey!” A loud echo swept across the night Pinega, jumped out onto the other bank, hooting, along the tops of the pine forest.

The echo began to play like summer. Waiting for brighter days again!

And day is not day, and night is not night... Mysteriously, transparently the sky above the silent earth. They are dozing, surrounded by forests - dark, motionless. The dawn, which never fades for a minute, gilds their pointed peaks in the east.

Dream and reality are confused in the eyes. You wander through the village - both the houses and the trees seem to sway blindly, and suddenly you yourself no longer feel the heaviness own body, and it already seems to you that you are not walking, but floating over a quiet village.

Quiet, so quiet that you can hear the bird cherry tree resting under the window, showering with white flowers. A drop of water reluctantly separates from the wooden bottom of a bucket raised above a well - the depths of the earth respond with a resounding echo. The sweet smell of milk flows from the slightly open barns, the bitterness of the sun radiates from the hut wood, heated during the day. Hearing footsteps, a dove will move under the roof, cooing sleepily, and then, slowly circling, will fly to earth lung feather, leaving behind a thin stream of nesting warmth in the air.
