Woman born on February 1st. US National Freedom Day

Holiday February 1: Day of Enthronement of Patriarch of Moscow All Rus' Kirill

It was on February 1, 2009 that the enthronement of the sixteenth Patriarch of Moscow of All Rus', Kirill, took place in Moscow. The ceremony took place in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. It is known that it is the elevation to the patriarchal throne, which takes place during Divine Liturgy, is a significant and even epochal event for the church, and it is not surprising that it is particularly solemn.

The newly elected patriarch was ordained to the ringing of bells from the five bell towers of the temple, and at the entrance he was met by two senior priests and a layman who handed him bread and salt. The liturgy itself was attended by 4 thousand people. Since then, February 1 has been celebrated as an annual Russian holiday. Orthodox Church, which in importance can be equated to the Name Day of Patriarch Kirill.

The name of the holiday comes from a word of Old Irish origin that means "milk". In his book “Druids,” the writer F. Leroux notes that there is another version associated with the word “Shower.” It is believed that February is a kind of peak winter period when people begin to run out of vitamins and, as a result, strength.

At this time, it is especially important to eat right, dress warmly, and get proper rest. And it was during the Imbolc period that it was assumed that the entire week after the holiday should be spent carefree, in idle fun and festivities, in order to strengthen the body and only then devote oneself to fasting and cleansing.

Today, Imbolc is celebrated not only in Ireland. If we talk about the history of the holiday, it is quite interesting. So, in accordance with Celtic mythology, the Mother of Bread rested on this day in the Land of Spirits to gain strength. At Samhain, she gave all her energy to God in order to help him in his revival. And therefore, Imbolc is a holiday marking the recovery and cleansing of the Goddess, and with her, the earth.

It was also believed that it was during the Imbolc period that witches performed initiation rites. The history of the holiday has its roots in paganism. According to beliefs, on this day you need to beat butter from freshly milked milk and sacrifice it to the Goddess. You also had to prepare a piece of bread with butter and leave it in the churn overnight.

Various rituals were also performed on this day, since Imbolc is associated with fire and its cleansing power. Fortune telling was also popular, especially for the betrothed and upcoming wedding. But there were also restrictions associated with the ban on news intimate life During the holiday, sewing, drinking alcohol and going to other people's villages.

It was supposed to clean the house, water livestock and dogs with water, wash yourself. On the table on this day you can see a large number of dairy dishes, meat seasoned with garlic and onions. And also, it is very desirable that at least one of these dishes contains raisins.

On this day, Americans remember that every person has their own rights and freedoms.

Russian neurologist, morphologist, psychiatrist, physiologist of the nervous system Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev was born on February 1, 1857

On this day, straightforward nonconformists celebrate their birth, openly and convincingly expressing their thoughts, defending attitudes that often contradict the rules accepted in society or a group. A keen mind and progressive thinking allow them to clearly express their views, most often subordinated to humanistic ideals and radiating positive energy. According to the horoscope, those born on February 1 under the zodiac sign Aquarius are usually not distinguished by delicacy, but their harmonious development and natural intelligence allow them to maintain a good relationship with others.

Tenacious, strong-willed and self-confident, birthday people of this date are not used to retreating, are mentally prepared for any difficulties, and have intuition that allows them to avoid many mistakes and undesirable situations. Their life can be called risky, varied, too contrasting, but it is rarely empty or easy. At the same time, people born on the first day of February usually expect high social status and fame. In their nature, along with high self-awareness and decency, their nature contains cunning, cunning, and resourcefulness. What will outweigh and what choice a person will make, accordingly this is the fate that awaits him.

People of this date are energetic, often impatient, like children, and often suffer from emotional problems, especially in their youth. Their feelings are impetuous and involuntary, scattered in different directions and uncontrollable, which repeatedly fails those born on February 1st in difficult situations. The vast differences between their inner resilience and emotional vulnerability create the impression that two completely different personalities coexist within these people. They usually need to make every effort to master the processes occurring in the mind and gain victory over personal unsettlement in order to begin to understand themselves and get rid of the turmoil in life. As a rule, these Aquarians require a lot of effort and time to channel their multifaceted talents and abilities in the right direction.

Some of those born on February 1st are quite indecisive and unable to stand up for themselves. Therefore, despite their ambition, they often fail to reach their intended heights. In addition to everything, the sensual side of the nature of the birthday people of this day requires constant support and control, without which it can create quite serious problems for them.

On the basis of all these qualities, the internal priorities of these people are formed: the most important thing for them is spirituality, then - feelings and after them - emotions. Unfortunately, in this hierarchy, representatives of the date do not give any place to their intuition, although they can confidently rely on it. Moreover, it is intuitive connections that can unite all their contradictory talents into a single personality. But very often the power of their overdeveloped reason and logic completely supplants their intuition. Although for Aquarius, who celebrate their birthday on February 1, according to the horoscope, it is not so much self-control that is more important, but an instinctive understanding of themselves and their desires.

Relationships with others.

Most of the representatives of this zodiac sign and dates know how to see beauty in any situation and try to find it in people. They are fair in their relationships with others and are ready to help those in trouble. Often, in their support of one person, they neglect the interests of others, which creates conflict situations. Their inflexibility, rigidity and often uncompromisingness leads to the emergence of ill-wishers and the need to wage a constant struggle with them. This situation is contrary to their principles, so it usually leads to psychological problems and makes them suffer.

Aquarians of this date are characterized by changeability in their personal lives, therefore, for a harmonious relationship, the partner needs to change with them, without expressing dissatisfaction and protests. It’s even better if the chosen one can keep them on their toes, constantly awaken their imagination and push them to action. These women and men prefer interesting, lively and active partners, great importance give them an intellectual level of development. In passion, these are gentle and attentive lovers. Such Aquarians try to protect their loved ones from the outside world so that they feel calm and confident. They are practical, consistent, ready to sacrifice everything they have for love.

Representatives of the zodiac sign and this date know how to convince and lead, and make people listen to their opinions. They always have ready-made plans and projects, which they do not keep to themselves, but try to announce at every convenient opportunity along with their innovative vision of the world. In their professional field, these bright and active people demonstrate strength and confidence, often becoming masters of their craft and confidently ahead of their competitors.

Very purposeful and stubborn, people born on February 1 are usually confident that they are right and defend their own positions to the last. A sharp mind helps them, logical thinking, insight and foresight. In relations with colleagues, the birthday people of the day manage not to quarrel, despite their characteristic harshness. The interests of the common cause are more important to them than their own ambitions.

People of this day often cannot cope with their indomitable emotionality, which negatively affects their nervous system and health in general. Under the influence of their impressionability, they tend to worry about anything, resulting in nervous tension and stress. Excessive excitability, in turn, provokes the development of psychosomatic disorders and creates numerous problems in terms of general well-being.

Tips for a better life

Control your feelings and emotions. Get rid of their impetuosity, involuntariness, absent-mindedness and lack of control. Don't be led by your excitability and emotional vulnerability.

Be more decisive, know how to stand up for yourself and defend your convictions. Pay more attention to your intuition, trust your gut feeling. Try to understand yourself better and understand your desires.

In your support of one person, do not neglect the interests of others. Do not create conflicts on this basis, do not make enemies. Cultivate flexibility, gentleness and the ability to compromise.

Tame your emotionality and impressionability, take care of your nervous system. Prevent the occurrence of psychosomatic disorders - get rid of accumulated negativity in a timely manner.

Aquarius is the zodiac sign of those born on February 1, and, as befits Aquarius, these people are distinguished by a deep innovative spirit, progressiveness, and intolerance for the old and dead. Openly and loudly, as befits an Aquarius, because the zodiac sign corresponds to the date of February 1st; a person born on this day declares his thoughts, projects and principles.

He knows how to convince and lead, knows how to make people hear and listen to his opinion. He announces his plans, projects and his innovative vision of the world every time the opportunity arises. These people are bright, active personalities, ebullient optimists, they feel the strength and confidence that makes the crowds follow them, the confidence of everything new that, as if through a megaphone, broadcasts through these people.

Diseases of those born on February 1

There is absolutely no doubt about what zodiac sign February 1st is, since people born on this day have many of the classic traits of Aquarius. Even their health problems are among the most common among Aquarius. Aquarius often cannot cope with his indomitable emotions, which greatly affects his nervous system and well-being in general. Their sensitivity often leads them into a trap; in a fit of passion, these people, as they say, can make a mess.

The most important thing that Aquarius born on February 1 should avoid is all drugs that intoxicate the mind, from medications to drugs and alcohol. You shouldn’t joke with such emotionality by using additional doping for the body. Try to become the master of your emotions, do not use crutches from the outside, because bad habits, and medications are highly addictive. Exercise regularly, but try not to overexert yourself.

Running in the morning, visiting the pool, Pilates, and gymnastics will be useful. Try to quit smoking if you still smoke. Do not eat a lot of sweets: the calming effect of tobacco and sugar is only a temporary effect; over time, on the contrary, you will become even more nervous and easily excitable. Most healthy diet you will have a diet that includes high-quality soups, bread, fresh vegetables, cereals, lean meat without seasonings.

Work and career of those born on February 1

When communicating with these people, do not forget what zodiac sign is on February 1st. Aquarius constantly amazes those around him with more and more new ideas and projects, among which there are slag, and there are also very worthy proposals. Don't dismiss the innovation of these people. Abstraction is not for them; most often those born on February 1 give out very specific proposals. Rarely do these people show attentiveness and consideration; most often they are straightforward and harsh.

They are very purposeful and stubborn, feeling that they are right, they will stand to the last. They are helped not only by a sharp mind, but also by a highly developed intuition. They willingly use it to avoid unpleasant topics that they do not like to talk about. Due to this, those born on February 1 manage not to quarrel with anyone, despite the harshness of their nature and often even scandalousness.

Those born on February 1 may suffer greatly due to their sensitivity, especially in adolescence. They do not control their feelings at all and scatter them too much. In an excited and calm state, a person born on February 1 is very different from himself, as if two different personalities live in him. They are choleric, very impulsive, it is difficult for them to control their emotions, which can take them very far.

They need to study themselves, analyze their feelings and actions, the motives of their actions, otherwise their life will be like a sharply swaying swing. They need to try to get together without being scattered among diverse emotions, and direct everything in one direction, be it creativity or the embodiment of some idea, only then will they be able to fully realize their potential and preserve their health.

It happens that those born on February 1, despite all the strength of their nature, never make a career and do not reach the desired heights. Often, paradoxically, this is hampered by their indecisiveness and unwillingness to defend their own rightness or defend themselves. In addition to indecision and giving up, they can be hampered by out-of-control emotionality.

Also, those born on February 1 often do not listen to their intuition, which is why they make wrong decisions or do not pay attention to important things. Emotional and mental life for them it almost always comes first, so it is especially important for them to learn to understand emotions and restrain some of their impulses.

It happens that these people completely drown out the arguments of reason and the calls of intuition and, for example, indulge in all serious things or begin to mindlessly waste their lives in pleasure, having fallen into the hook of hypertrophied sensitivity. The ability to keep a tight rein on yourself cannot always solve these problems; it is much more useful to understand yourself and understand what exactly you want to achieve in life, how you want to see yourself now and in general.

People born on February 1 attach great importance to individuality, people and the human factor. Colleagues and subordinates of these people will never have to complain about the boss’s lack of understanding; he will definitely not treat people as soulless machines.

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Aquarians born on February 1 are straightforward nonconformists who express their thoughts frankly and convincingly. Intelligence and progressive thinking allow you to clearly, without hints or subterfuge, state your beliefs at every opportunity. Although you may sometimes be completely absorbed in your own thoughts, your innovative spirit fuels your humanitarian ideals and radiates positive energy into the world.

People born on February 1st usually experience many problems due to their increased excitability. Powerful emotions puts them in a difficult situation from which it is difficult, if not impossible, to get out. Smart and bright personalities Those born on February 1 must be wary of the temptation to use any means of disconnecting from reality. Moderation is very useful, but - what is important! - regular physical exercise(aerobics, jogging, swimming). Regarding diet, excessive consumption of sugar and tobacco should be avoided, which, although calming for a while, ultimately makes people more excitable. Cereals, fresh vegetables, bread, good soups and stews (without sauce) are perhaps the most preferred way of maintaining normal health for those born on February 1st.

Those born on February 1 are not distinguished by delicacy, but despite this, they are harmoniously developed. Dissatisfied with abstract solutions, they shock others with their ideas. Tenacious, strong-willed and confident, these people know when they are right and will not back down an inch. They are mentally prepared for various circumstances and have an intuition that allows them to bypass any issues that are undesirable for discussion. Thus, despite their scandalousness, they manage to maintain friendly relations with others. Individuals born on February 1 are energetic and youthful, but often impatient, like children. For those born on February 1, emotional problems can be a disaster, especially in youth. Their feelings are scattered in different directions, impulsive and uncontrollable, which repeatedly fails these people. Observed a big difference between their mental toughness and their emotional vulnerability, and at times it feels like there are two different people. Until they make every effort to master internal processes and overcome personal unsettlement, at least in order to begin to understand themselves, their lives will proceed in turmoil. The most enlightened natures born on this day ultimately channel their versatile talents into constructive channels, but this takes time.

Oddly enough, those born on February 1 are sometimes so indecisive that they cannot stand up for themselves even where this is expected of them. Others, observing them from the outside, sometimes wonder in confusion why these people never achieved heights, despite their ambition. In addition to the state of mind, the sensual side of those born on February 1 requires support and can give rise to additional problems if it gets out of control. From the above-mentioned qualities, a personal hierarchy of these people is formed: preference is given to sincerity, then feelings come, and in third place - emotions. Unfortunately, those born on February 1 too often neglect their intuition. However, it is precisely this that should be developed and especially relied upon, since intuition is capable of strengthening scattered connections and uniting talented but turbulent traits into a single personality. Often the problem is that the power of reason and logic, very developed in those born on February 1, can crowd out intuition. When the mind is at times disturbed, these people tend to be immersed in the element of feelings and physical sensations, often resulting from emotional outbursts and the habit of not denying themselves anything. For people born on February 1, self-control is not as important as understanding what they want. When solving complex cases, they take into account human factor, which is their highest goal. These actions influence their progress forward - to where humanity and understanding of the state of mind are the main criteria.

Aquarians born on February 1 have a unique combination in their character: although they have a highly developed cultural spirituality, they do not have a sense of tact. February 1, the zodiac sign Aquarius is people who are constantly bursting with interesting and unusual ideas, which are capable of hitting other people.

Those born on February 1st have high perseverance and confidence. They know that they are always right and never deviate from their plans. These people are very strong morally, and they are always ready for the blows of fate, and have amazing intuition that helps them get around the sharp corners in life. And despite their scandalous nature, people born on February 1 know how to maintain friendly relations with the people around them.

Such individuals are very active and do not have patience, as they want to get everything at once. Therefore, for such people, existing problems with emotions can cause a lot of trouble, especially in at a young age. It is difficult for them to control their feelings, since they are very impulsive and uncontrollable, and their feelings and emotions are constantly changing. They need to make great efforts to keep their mood and emotions under control.

Despite the impulsive and a strong character Those born on February 1 need psychological help and moral support. These people often do not listen to their inner voice and this leads to some problems, so these people need to learn to listen to their intuition.

Love and career in the life of Aquarius

In love, Aquarius is the most fickle sign of the zodiac. But despite this, Aquarians are very happy in marriage. In love, they are attracted to new sensations, new partners and new emotions. They may show indifference and coolness, but in fact, for them, sex, love and marriage occupy a very important place in their lives. Aquarius is indifferent to the institution of marriage, and such people are often married more than once. They are tired of routine and monotony in marriage, and they need bright emotions. If you are married to your partner, he receives this, then there is no need to fear that their marriage will be destroyed. If Aquarius truly falls in love with his partner, then this marriage will be long and reliable.

An Aquarius's career can be successful if he has exactly the job that he likes. After all, Aquarians are revolutionaries and geniuses by nature, but their careers do not always go well. Aquarians spend their entire conscious youth trying to find their place in the sun. And in mature age dramatic changes are coming in their lives, but they are not stable and calm. But nature has endowed Aquarius with the ability to think outside the box and the gift of providence, and if he learns to use these two gifts, he will achieve great success. It has the following positive qualities skills that will help him make a successful career: communication skills and diplomacy. They love to be visible and, of course, violate standard norms of behavior. Aquarians constantly conflict with their superiors and because of this they often change their place of work. Therefore, in order for Aquarius to succeed in his career, he must decide for himself what is more important to him: work or money.


Aquarians are hyperactive and emotional and this leads to problems in life. They are recommended to engage in the following sports: jogging, aerobics and swimming. And they need to engage in sports constantly. They should also abstain from tobacco and sweet products. Those born on February 1st should include cereals, soups, bread, and fresh vegetables in their menu. Also consume stewed meat dishes.

They are very often susceptible to illness and overwork. They do not like to be treated, as it tires them. In terms of activity, they go from one extreme to another: they can be active or lazy. They also constantly suffer from insomnia due to the fact that they are constantly worried about minor events in their lives. Aquarians have very fragile bones. There are also problems with metabolism and gastrointestinal tract. Aquarians are required to lead a healthy and active image life.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of Aquarius:

  • goodwill and friendliness;
  • seriousness;
  • sobriety of mind;
  • desire to learn new things in this world;
  • do not stop at what is planned and achieved;
  • excellent knowledge of human psychology;
  • desire to constantly change;
  • easily inspired.

Disadvantages of Aquarius:

  • laziness;
  • isolation;
  • irresponsibility;
  • stubbornness;
  • indifferent attitude towards problems.

Personality Features

Aquarius is the most unique, unpredictable and eccentric sign of all the zodiac signs. All his thoughts and reasoning are unusual and new, and all his decisions constantly surprise those around him with their ease and eccentricity. Aquarians are experimental geniuses. And friendship is very important to them, and they have unique property— manage to attract unusual and talented people. For Aquarius, in terms of love, it is very important to feel spiritual closeness and mutual respect than to build love created on love attraction.

As for the choice of profession, among Aquarius there are most often people who have non-traditional professions, such as astrologers and healers; also among Aquarius there are born writers and artists. And they should pay attention to professions related to extreme sports, such as pilots and extreme travel guides.

Aquarians born on February 1 are talented and very determined, they have high and developed intuition. They are very ambitious and stubborn. They do not back down from their opinions and are very confident in themselves. Such people are born fighters for justice; they are constantly fighting not only for their own justice, but also for the justice of other people.

The most important thing is to understand that his main weapon and talent is the gift of intuition, which he must develop. Aquarians also need to be more patient. They need to learn to control their emotions. And they need to be able to independently manage themselves and their lives.
