Zinaida is a beautiful name and a bright personality. Origin and character of the name Zinaida

Meaning of the name Zinaida: this name for a girl means “belonging to Zeus,” “divine daughter.”

Origin of the name Zinaida: Greek

Diminutive form of name: Zina, Zinasha, Zinulya, Zinusha, Zinya, Zisha, Ina, Ida.

What does the name Zinaida mean? Stubbornness and a penchant for perfectionism help her in her work. Girls prefer professions related to finance and documentation. She will marry a calm, hardworking man and establish her own rules in the family.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Zinaida celebrates her name day once a year: October 24 (11) – The Holy Martyr Zinaida was the sister of St. Apostle Paul; In the name of Christ she healed the sick, thereby converting many pagans to Christ; She was stoned for her faith in Christ.

Signs: If on Zinaidin's day the mud spreads across the ground and the horse's hoof is filled with water, then the snow that falls will immediately establish a winter path.


  • Zodiac – Scorpio
  • Planet – Pluto
  • Zinaida's color is green
  • Auspicious tree - pine
  • Treasured plant - chrysanthemum
  • Patron – Scorpio
  • Talisman stone – emerald

Characteristics of the name Zinaida

Positive features: The name Zinaida gives activity, generosity, ability to great feeling. As a rule, despite her fragile appearance, Zina is distinguished by her particular strength of character. She knows what she needs in life, does not doubt the correctness of her choice and follows her goal. The little girl is a cheerful singer, a joker, and her father's favorite. At school age she can become seriously interested in philosophy and is capable of studying foreign languages. She openly expresses her opinion and is not afraid to enter into discussions. With age, a girl hides her straightforwardness and firmness, knows how to look elegant and impressive, but her strength of character is manifested in everything.

Negative features: The name Zinaida brings selfishness, straightforwardness, assertiveness, arrogance, impatience, and masculine firmness. A woman named Zinaida strives to be first, does not tolerate encroachment on her independence, but can consciously give her life to service to a strong man or a high idea.

Personality of the name Zinaida: What character traits does the meaning of the name Zinaida determine? This is the "iron lady". Endowed with will, perseverance and remarkable talents, she has been making her way to the heights of success since her school days. She is always well dressed, fast, decisive, she is irresistible to infantile, poetically minded men, or even simply " mama's boys"Having married such a person, who is certainly already known, if not famous, Zinaida either completely subjugates him to her will, or after a few years (or even months) leaves the obstinate man.

The girl is capricious and impatient, does not like refusals, she will be able to win and get what she wants. It is necessary to educate with great patience, to instill respect for the authority of elders, and the ability to forgive insults. Not a single one will escape the sharp gaze family secret. As a teenager, she loves her parents very much and is devoted to them to the point of oblivion. She is very inquisitive, loves history, theater, cinema, music, and ancient painting.

At school Zinochka - right hand teacher, loves to be set as an example for others, is a little arrogant, strives to be a leader among her friends. She is faithful to her friends, and often remains so in adulthood.

Zinaida has a strong will and attaches great importance to high morality. She has a practical mind, capable of adapting to any life circumstances. It hurts to experience disappointments and failures, remembers grievances. The meaning of the name Zinaida has an amazing memory. This girl will reconstruct any event that happened many years ago, from a month and a year down to the smallest detail. Zina always knows what to do and what to say in each specific case. She will never sacrifice her interests, but she is also incapable of meanness. The person with the name knows and appreciates her work; she can work as an accountant, salesperson, secretary, pharmacist, teacher.

Most often, the girl is beautiful, and also knows how to present herself favorably and effectively. Zinaida has no end to suitors, but she marries a “mama’s boy” with whom it is difficult to family life, and in material terms there is no sense - everything that Zina has, she earned herself, working like a convict for two rates. It happens that Zinaida gets tired of her childish husband and she is left alone.

Zina is quite self-centered, convinced that everyone around her should live exactly as she sees fit. The girl knows everyone’s responsibilities to society, to themselves and, of course, to her personally.

Zina is very practical, thrifty, and a little stingy. But if he sees a beautiful and high-quality thing, then he will not regret the money. She perfectly prepares various homemade tinctures and won’t refuse to drink them herself.

If everything is going well in her marriage, she is absorbed in it: she is busy improving the apartment, sewing, knitting, cooking, and becomes less sociable.

Zinaida and her personal life

Compatible with male names: A successful marriage of a name with Bogdan, Vladimir, Voislav, can happen with Alexander, Anton, Afanasy, Bazan, Budimir, Vadim, Danila, Denis, Dobrynya, Ignat, Roman. The name Zinaida is also combined with Seraphim, Yaroslav.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Zinaida promise happiness in love? Zina is attracted to strong and powerful men. She becomes their ally, but sometimes she can learn a bitter life lesson. At the very beginning of their acquaintance, Zinaida hides strong character traits from a man, but in marriage she will show herself firmly, on a par with a powerful man. Because of this, constant clashes and even brawls are likely, but a girl with this name does not give up her position and becomes even more closely attached to her husband. The bearer of this name is a good mother, “she watches over her daughter and protects her son.”

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: She is smart and calculating. In his actions he relies on logic. She can realize herself in politics, research work, and journalism. Zina with a low intellectual level can become a leader in production or Agriculture, realizing his vanity and amazing performance.

Business and career: She Zinaida attaches great importance to prosperity and abundance. At the same time, she is generous and patronizes those in need. She is a good housewife, she knows how to spend money rationally, accumulate it and increase it.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Zinaida: The girl is predisposed to diseases of the excretory and reproductive systems, arthritis and rheumatism.

The fate of Zinaida in history

What does the name Zinaida mean for a woman’s destiny?

  1. Princess Zinaida Alexandrovna Volkonskaya (1792–1862) was one of the most beautiful and intelligent women of her time. Having married Prince Nikita Grigorievich Volkonsky, she first lived in St. Petersburg, where, both in rank and wealth of her husband, and in her intelligence and beauty, she occupied a high position at court. When, after 1812, she left Russia, she occupied the same brilliant position abroad, especially in Teplitz and Prague, where Emperor Alexander, who was in Germany at that time, loved to be in her company, just as then, when she lived in Paris, Vienna and Verona.
  2. Zinaida Evgenievna Serebryakova (1884-1967) - a wonderful Russian artist, came from a family talented architects, painters and sculptors. Everyone in the family lived by art; it was so commonplace that the girl’s special talent and desire to become an artist did not surprise anyone. Zinaida Serebryakova entered great art with her self-portrait painting “Behind the Toilet” (1908). The most significant is Whitening the Canvas (1917). Serebryakova was a person of high spirituality and exceptional talent.
  3. Zinaida Slavina (born 1941) - Soviet and Russian actress theater and cinema, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1986).
  4. Zinaida Khostikoeva (1937 - 1995) - Soviet Ossetian poetess. In North Ossetia, Khostikoeva’s works are included in school curriculum on Ossetian literature for grade 11.
  5. Zinaida Palvanova (born 1944) is a Russian poet.
  6. Zinaida Sharko (born 1929) - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist RSFSR (1980).
  7. Zinaida Tudvaseva (born 1947) - Russian linguist and philologist, researcher of the Komi-Permyak language, leading methodologist on the Komi-Permyak language.
  8. Zinaida Bitarova (born 1950) - poetess, prose writer, playwright.
  9. Zinaida Zhuchenko-Gerngross is a staunch monarchist and opponent of revolutionary parties, a provocateur.
  10. Zinaida Tulub (1890 - 1964) - Soviet writer.
  11. Zinaida Donets - doctor biological sciences, Professor of the Department of Ecology and Zoology, Faculty of Biology and Ecology, Yaroslavl State University.
  12. Zinaida Sidelnikova (1920 - 1996) - editor of the book editorial office of the Orlovskaya Pravda publishing house, Oryol and Prioksky book publishing houses, journalist, in 1944-1946. editor of works by J.V. Stalin.
  13. Zinaida Udaltsova (1918 - 1987) - famous Soviet scientist-historian, teacher, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1976), director of the Institute of General History of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Zinaida in different languages ​​of the world

Translation of name to different languages has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. On Spanish translated as Zenaida, in French:Zenaide.

Zinaida is generous, active and firm. Zina's timid look and modest appearance usually hides fortitude and strength of character. A woman always knows what she is striving for, never doubts her choice, strives for the goal with the most better ways. She goes through life easily and cheerfully, but is capable of deep and serious thoughts. She is often fascinated by philosophy and productive discussions.

Character and destiny

The meaning of the name Zinaida speaks of a straightforward person, although the woman tries to hide it. Zina knows how to look chic and elegant, but her strength is noticeable even in her eyes. In some matters she is selfish. Her stubbornness and assertiveness scares people. Zinaida can be arrogant and impatient, even showing masculine fortitude. She wants to be first in everything, to prove her independence.

Zina's fate is arranged smoothly due to the woman's prudence. She thinks logically in any situation and analyzes events, which helps her avoid repeating mistakes. Her calling is in politics, science, research, journalism. Zina needs an area where she can shine. And although her intellectual abilities are very modest, she achieves success through diligence.

Because of her vanity, Zina desires prosperity and even abundance, which she often achieves. Although even negative sides her character does not make her greedy and selfish. Zina spends her money wisely. She can devote herself to her career or submit to a man. In both forms she will be happy. Zina wants a strong and powerful man. She may be susceptible to diseases of the reproductive and musculoskeletal systems.

The origin of the name Zinaida diverges in several ways. Some researchers are sure that it is ancient Greek and comes from the family name Zenais, which means “from the family of Zeus”, “belongs to Zeus”). Among the Greeks, the name was masculine, but later became feminine. But among the Romans the name meant “caring.” The Arabs believe that the name Zinaida translated from their language will be “beautiful.”

What does the name Zina mean for a girl, young girl and woman

Little Zinulya is quite charming. She tries to conquer the peaks already in childhood. She should be raised to be patient and modest, otherwise the adult Zina will be arrogant and irritable. Little Zina also needs to instill a sense of respect for her elders. The mother must show the girl that she needs to forgive insults. Perfection is what the name Zinaida means for a little girl. She is praised at school and set as an example for others. Zina is the leader in the class, although this makes her arrogant. At school, the girl is distinguished by her loyalty to “her people.”

Young Zina is capricious. She is impatient and harsh about failure. Such a girl does not hear refusals, but accumulates grievances. Young Zinaida often loves her parents very much and wants them to be proud of her. Her devotion to her family cannot be bought for anything in the world.

In her youth, the girl loves to visit theaters, cinema, galleries, concerts and exhibitions. Zina prefers ancient art, is interested in history. A girl with that name is more charming than beautiful. She knows how to dress and behave favorably.

Adult Zinaida stands out from the crowd with her morality. She knows how to adapt and always assesses the situation from a practical perspective. She has a will of steel, rare talents and a colorful soul. Zina does not accept infantile partners, but is looking for famous or outstanding personalities. Closer to old age, a woman accumulates grievances and remembers old ones. Failures and disappointments hurt her the most. The name means excellent memory for a woman. Zina is not reputed to be mean, but she always stubbornly defends her interests.

Name forms and declension by case

Full: Zinaida.

Abbreviated: Zina, Ina.

Diminutives: Zinochka, Zinushka, Zinok, Zinulya, Zinusha, Zinka, Zinaidka, Zinura, Zinyasha, Zinya, Zisha, Idushka.

I. Zinaida

R. Zinaida

D. Zinaida

V. Zinaida

T. Zinaida

P. Zinaide

Name in the Orthodox calendar

There are two names on the church calendar: Zina and Zinaida. The first one comes to mind is June 22. The name is associated with the martyrs Zinon and Zina, who lived in Arabia and were wealthy people, but accused the ruler of idolatry and were brutally killed. Those with a second name are honored on June 20, October 24 and November 12.

Love compatibility with male names

Zinochka will be happy with a man named Bogdan, Grigory, Vladislav, Ivan, Mikhail and Stepan. There is less understanding in marriage with Anton, Alexander, Yaroslavov, Roman and Denis.

The meaning of each letter in the name Zinaida

Z – protection from people, intuition and rich imagination.

And – spirituality and peacefulness.

N – protest, unwillingness to accept everything as it should be.

And – spirituality and peacefulness.

D – responsiveness and thoughtfulness.

A – the desire to create something new, leadership.

Zinaida is a rather rare name, undeservedly forgotten in our time. Meanwhile, this name is almost divine - Zenais was the name of the beloved daughter of the supreme deity ancient mythology, ruler of gods and people - greek god Zeus. Translated from ancient Greek, the name Zinaida means “divine” or “born of God.”

This is rare, original, bright and beautiful name has a tremendous influence on its owner. Among the owners of this name are many women who have forever left their mark on history: Soviet actress Zinaida Kiriyenko, Russian artist Zinaida Serebryakova, scientist-historian Zinaida Udaltsova, poetess and playwright Zinaida Bitarova and many others.

Name day patron saints of Zinaida

The patroness of all Zinaidas is the martyr Zinaida of Tarsus, Native sister Apostle Paul. Throughout her life, the woman healed the sick in the name of Christ, thereby converting Christian faith many pagans. For her holy faith in Christ, idolaters stoned the preacher to death.

In our time, people pray to the icon of the holy martyr Zinaida of Taria for the healing of mental and physical illness.

Zinaida celebrates her name day once a year - October 24 (October 11 to church calendar, old style).

Characteristics of the name

The most important qualities of all Zinaidas are a sober mind, cold calculation and penetrating abilities. From an early age, Zina understands perfectly well when to remain silent, and when to let out emotions and scream - you can be sure that she will never miss her benefit.

Zina knows what she wants from early childhood and achieves what she wants with enviable tenacity. She has sharp mind and trusts it much more than his heart. The desire to achieve one’s own at any cost can easily turn into egocentrism - Zinaida will be firmly convinced that everyone around her should act as she wants. And if in ordinary life Zina manages to hide her egocentrism from others, then she can more than take it out on family members and subordinates.

You shouldn’t argue with Zinaida; it’s difficult to convince her. But a woman is not capable of meanness, she will not wish harm to a person. Zinaida's strong will is combined with no less high morality. Despite her stubbornness and tough character, Zina will not sacrifice the interests of other people for the sake of her goal.

The name Zinaida endows its owner with longevity, hard work, love of change, as well as dual character, forcing a woman to question and double-check everything. Any information serves as food for thought, analysis, and not always correct conclusions.

Despite everything, Zina is a pleasant person to talk to - she skillfully masks her shortcomings and negative character traits. A woman loves money and luxury, knows how to beautifully flatter and flirt, and is drawn to communicate with influential people.

Zinaida rarely has natural beauty, but she knows how to present herself favorably and effectively, so she has no shortage of fans.

With age, Zinaida's character may change in better side- a woman will learn to get around sharp corners, become a little softer and more flexible.

Zinaida has a sense of beauty, an understanding of harmony and beauty. She has some psychic abilities, is often interested in occult sciences. However, her subtle spirituality, spiritual beauty and peacefulness are often hidden behind a rebellious character, a critical mind, and a desire not to take anything for granted.

Another positive quality Zinaida - loyalty to friendship, constancy and reliability. But it is very important for her to learn not to follow her passions, otherwise Zina will easily slide into gluttony, sybaritism and laziness, which she will try to disguise behind ostentatious intelligence and politeness.

Zinaida in childhood

Since childhood, Zinaida has strived for leadership; she wants to be the first in everything, and because of this, she often conflicts with her peers. She respects power and authority, so she strives to be in sight of teachers, curries favor with them and with class leaders.

Zina is a good student and really likes being set as an example. She has an excellent memory; the girl can easily recall events that happened many years ago. Often graduates from school with a gold medal.

In adolescence, all girls dream of unusual and mysterious names, and Zinaida is no exception. Being very young, the girl will strive to join semi-elite companies, she will want to join the “golden youth”, but with age this will pass - sober calculation, and not ambitious thoughts, will prevail.

Young Zinaida's behavior always shows arrogance and some coldness; she can constantly terrorize her parents until she achieves what she wants. As a teenager, she becomes a regular at discos and club parties, and even then she begins to be drawn to a luxurious and carefree life.

Her complex character prevents Zinochka from having many friends, but with those she has, she will be friends all her life. She will gather around her a close-knit and devoted circle of friends who will be able to solve any problems.

Parents need to teach the girl to forgive insults and treat others with respect. The child must understand that the world does not have to revolve around her alone. If Zinaida’s behavior cannot be corrected, in adult life her relationships with others will not be easy.

Sexuality of Zinaida

More from adolescence Zinaida enjoys increased interest among men - and this despite the lack of obvious natural beauty. She attracts attention with her bright appearance, manners, graceful figure and mysterious behavior.

Zina knows how to obey a man, appear weak and vulnerable. But Zinya’s sharp heels unmistakably find weakness in the character of the chosen one, and unnoticed by himself he can become henpecked.

When it comes to sex, Zinaida is not the most passionate partner, but if she loves her man, she will try to please him, maybe even surprise him. She will never refuse sex to her husband and will show maximum tenderness and caution. Zinaida knows how to diversify sex life, but not by frequent changes of sexual partners, but by openness to sexual experiments.

Married Zinaida, compatibility with male names

Zinaida is a passionate and easily carried away nature, so she usually gets married early and out of great love. She is attracted to strong and passionate men, but she usually marries a potential henpecked man and a mama's boy.

Soft and feminine on the outside, the woman has a despotic character, which is especially pronounced in marriage. Often, Zinaida’s first marriage collapses, and during the divorce proceedings, Zinaida will fleece her ex-betrothed like a stick. It is not easy to leave such a woman, only if she herself wants it.

Having driven her husband to heel, Zinaida will still be forever dissatisfied - now because her husband does not show the proper strength of character. The husband can only come to terms with his wife’s commanding nature, or the marriage is doomed to failure.

Zinaida will quickly take all finances into her fragile hands, and her house will always be a “full cup.” She always knows better than anyone what her family members need.

Zinaida is a zealous and even a little stingy housewife, but she will not spare anything to furnish her family nest. She is practical and there is no room for unnecessary clutter in her home. Zina is an excellent cook, loves canning and doing handicrafts. You can be sure that Zinaida will do everything to make her house the envy of others.

She can be capricious, demanding, responsible towards others, but at the same time be responsive, generous, and caring towards loved ones.

Zinaida's children will be more drawn to their father - the despotic nature of their mother will weigh them down. Zina is strict in her upbringing and does not spoil her children.

A woman needs to understand that for happy marriage just one financial well-being not enough, rather the opposite - mutual respect and trust are much more important. Unfortunately, such wisdom comes to Zinaida only with age.

A successful marriage is possible with men named Ivan, Bogdan, Vladimir, Zakhar, Grigory, Mikhail, Yuri and Stepan. You should avoid relationships with Roman, Yaroslav, Denis, Danila, Vadim, Alexander, Ignat and Anton.

Zinaida's health

In general, Zinaida has good health, but even such an energetic woman needs rest and peace, which she often forgets. Stress can greatly weaken nervous system women, especially in old age. Zinaida needs to learn to get rid of negative thoughts and emotions.

Under no circumstances should Zinaida drink alcohol, even in small quantities - she has a natural predisposition to alcoholism. A woman should be attentive to heart and liver disease, and beware of radiculitis and rheumatism.

Longevity was granted to Zinaida by nature, but on the condition that she gives up alcohol and smoking.

Business and career

Despite the fact that Zinaida has strong will, she sets small goals for herself, so she rarely gets to the top of the career ladder. If she doesn't like her job, she will easily leave it and find another one.

Zinaida can be safely entrusted with the responsibility and difficult work, she will handle it great. An entrepreneurial spirit will allow a woman to achieve success in trade and in running her own business.

Zinaida has excellent speaking skills, so she can be involved in politics, journalism or journalism. Zina will definitely enjoy work related to finance, accounting, record keeping and organizational activities.

Zinaida will make a good bank worker, secretary, economist, salesman, merchandiser, notary or lawyer. She can become an excellent leader - work for results will be of paramount importance to her.

A teacher or educator, Zina will turn out to be overly picky, even despotic, so she should not go into this profession.

Talismans for Zinaida

  • Patron planet - Pluto.
  • Patronizing zodiac sign is Scorpio.
  • Most good time of the year - summer, lucky day of the week - Tuesday.
  • The color that brings good luck is green, brown, emerald.
  • Totem plant - Chrysanthemum and pine. Chrysanthemum - beautiful flower, symbolizing longevity, happiness and fidelity. Pine is a symbol of constancy, strength, masculinity and good luck. In the East, pine is associated with longevity and resistance to all life's troubles, and in Christianity, pine represents vitality and devotion to faith.
  • The totem animal is the scorpion, which is a symbol of wisdom, justice, and also some duality. It appears small and harmless, but is deadly poisonous.
  • The talisman stone is emerald. It is considered a stone of wisdom, pragmatism and prudence. Emerald helps you move along career ladder, enhances mental capacity and concentration, gives the gift of foresight. But Zinaida should know that emerald brings good luck only to decent and moral people, and for hypocrites and liars it promises only misfortune and illness.

Horoscope for Zinaida

Aries- an uninhibited and straightforward personality with leadership habits. Always says what he thinks, without caring about the feelings of others. He always acts decisively and on a grand scale, but not always successfully. Men are crazy about Zinaida-Aries - she knows how to present herself effectively. She needs a husband strong man, otherwise he will immediately become henpecked.

Taurus- a patient and reliable woman who knows her worth. He doesn’t flaunt his virtues, doesn’t try to prove anything to anyone, but always stands firmly on his own. She leads a calm and measured life; in marriage she happily hands over the reins of power to her husband.

Twins- an optimist and lover of life, she looks at the world broadly with open eyes. She gets carried away easily, but also easily gives up what she has started for the sake of another, more interesting idea in her opinion. He often changes his place of work and changes his partners no less often. Inconstancy is its main drawback.

Cancer- a kind and sensual woman who is afraid of change. She becomes attached to people, to the team, to her husband, and is terrified of changing anything in her life, even if she is not happy with it. He loves order in everything and cannot stand chaos in anyone, including in the soul. In love, one is always guided by the heart, not the mind.

a lion- a born artist, and she plays not only on stage, but also in life. She changes her roles depending on the circumstances, adapts well to people and easily gains trust. Men often become its victims without noticing it themselves.

Virgo- an easy-to-communicate, inquisitive nature who knows how to win over her interlocutor. She knows how to think rationally and take advantage of any situation. She values ​​her freedom very much, so she needs a husband who will not limit her in anything. In addition, he will have to take on financial support for the family.

Scales- a generous and delicate person who will never intentionally offend anyone. Her thoughts are usually pure and noble, but with those around her she usually behaves slightly aloof and as correctly as possible. The advances of men are pleasant to her, but Zinaida-Libra knows how to remain faithful to her man.

Scorpion- a changeable and obstinate person who does not know how to control his emotions. If she is interested, she will work hard until the result; if interest disappears, Zinaida immediately quits the job she has started. It’s the same story with men: today she loves, tomorrow she is not interested in him.

Sagittarius- a vain and ambitious nature, very insecure. She knows how to hide her ambitions and desires; at first glance, she seems to be a strong and confident woman. But her soul is always in turmoil, she is never completely frank. She is not very successful with men because she behaves unnaturally - Zinaida is very afraid that her partner will be disappointed in her and leave her.

Capricorn- a practical and confident woman who knows how to inspire and justify trust. She is persistent and patient, clearly follows her goal, while there are not enough stars in the sky, she always thinks realistically and pragmatically. Cannot stand coquetry and hypocrisy. Zinaida-Capricorn was created for the family; she will become a reliable and loyal friend to her husband.

Aquarius- independent and impetuous nature, able to think outside the box. You can entrust her with any task - she will bring it to its logical conclusion without putting it off indefinitely. Able to separate the important from the unimportant. Prefers to be friends with men with whom he enjoys success.

Fish- a nervous and sensual woman who often remains misunderstood by others. She has her own view of the world - sophisticated and pretentious. Zinaida-Pisces has practically no girlfriends, but she has a lot of male fans who are attracted by her mystery and detachment. But her demands are too high, so no man can meet them. All that Zinaida lacks is a little simplicity.


The name Zinaida is of ancient Greek origin. Most likely it was formed from the male name Zenais, which in turn was very popular among the Greeks. The literal interpretation of this name sounds like “from the family of Zeus,” or in the modern interpretation, “belonging to Zeus.”

The female name Zinaida previously enjoyed enormous popularity in Russian-speaking countries, like many outdated names, but today it is rarely used. It has excellent significance compatible with many zodiac signs, strong energy and more...

Popularity: Today the name Zinaida is not even among the hundred most popular female names, although in Soviet times it was found everywhere. Now it accounts for no more than 5-6 girls out of 10 thousand newborns.

Conversational options: Zina, Zinulya, Zinochka

Modern English analogues: Zinais, Zina, Zenaida

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Zinaida usually promises its bearers a cheerful character, filled with optimism and positivity, and good luck in life. In most cases, this is a noisy, very energetic and restless person with many unattainable goals. She is a chatterbox who knows no rest, a spoiled woman, an optimist, a successful hard worker, a gold digger and simply a comedian. You won’t get bored with such a woman, and communicating with her is a real pleasure.

And we can also note the fact that for the most part Zinas are very unusual girls trying not to yield to men, having very strong force will, and trying to be the first in everything. That is why they often make excellent leaders.

Advantages and positive features: The most important advantage of all bearers of the name Zinaida is that they are for the most part diligent, responsible, purposeful and effective girls who always achieve their goals, whether there are ten of them at once, or just one...

Zinaida has a bad attitude towards people who throw words to the wind and do not strive for anything good. And the bearers of this name despise people who are not capable of good deeds.

By the way, the female name Zinaida is not very well known in Europe, but its derivative form, a male name, is known...

Character of the name Zinaida

The nature of the name Zinaida is such that it endows the bearer of this name form with a whole bunch of good qualities. Usually among their huge list are such as optimism, positivity, eloquence, talkativeness, friendliness, devotion and loyalty, creativity, mobility, energy and activity, ingenuity and perseverance. In fact, Zinaida’s character is usually endowed with everything that is necessary for the full development of an individual and the rise of popularity in society, but at the same time, the character is also endowed with a bunch of qualities that, on the one hand, are important and necessary, but on the other, are undesirable. Eg, we're talking about about energy, which at the right moments prevents Zinaida from concentrating on important matters and achieving the required result. On the other hand, the character promised by the name Zinaida is such that it presupposes that Zina will become a successful lady - in most cases, she becomes popular in society, a successful, diligent and lucky woman. True, there is one “but” - the fact is that upon reaching maturity, Zinaida changes, as does her character; in particular, her adherence to principles manifests itself, which in some cases prevents her from accepting right decisions and act according to your heart.

At the same time, it should be noted that, as in the case of other names, this one has a drawback in the form of a strong dependence on additional factors. Thus, character can change depending, first of all, on astrological factors. The character of the woman named Zinaida is especially strongly influenced by her zodiac sign and time of year of birth...

Early childhood

The meaning of the name Zinaida usually gives the character of a little girl named this way a lot of qualities that are difficult to get along with. She is spoiled, active, efficient, unplanned, undisciplined, restless, active and energetic. He can’t sit still for a minute, he’s always on the move, and he’s always coming up with things to do that make the hair on everyone’s head stand on end.

This girl has more than enough energy, it is almost impossible to pacify her, and the significance of this name, plus everything else, has too much influence on her nature. The most interesting thing is that no matter how hard the parents try, they will never be able to re-educate her, but nevertheless, there is still a way out - the parents just need to give her to some section where she can throw out everything your energy out. The meaning of this name, in addition to everything, bestows a huge number of others no less important characteristics, moreover, they appear in the girl named after Zinaida already in early childhood- practicality, excellent imagination, excellent imagination, eloquence and friendliness, honesty and cheerful disposition, positive thinking and optimism.

You won't get bored with such a little girl. She always makes everyone around her happy, and at the same time she doesn’t try to please anyone, everything works out by itself. But there is also a drawback - this girl has a strong pride, and she gets very offended, especially when the minimum attention of others is concentrated on her...


The teenage girl, whose parents at birth decided to choose the rare name Zinaida, has a completely unpredictable, but quite interesting nature. Zinaida, over whom the meaning of this name protects, is a talkative, restless, unpredictable, eloquent, disobedient, playful leader, next to whom no one will ever achieve peace. She is so energetic and active that she doesn’t sit still for a minute, and what’s more, she gets the people around her going – no one can sit next to her, she will have to move, act, do something, that’s how she influences people.

Teachers at school are often dissatisfied with her behavior, which makes her parents nervous, but at the same time there is a plus that outweighs this drawback - this plus is the ability to independently cope with any problems, in one hundred percent of cases to achieve the goal and results, the ability to be serious at moments when it is needed most.

A girl named Zinaida has a complex nature, this is a fact, but it is positive on all sides - the meaning of this name endows the girl named in this way with eloquence, attentiveness, caring, optimism and positivity, unprincipledness and ingenuity. And the meaning most often turns the girl named by the name variation Zinaida into an excellent friend and faithful comrade - she will never betray loved one for his own benefit, will not deceive for his own protection, will not take advantage of someone else’s weakness.

Adult woman

If a girl named Zinaida has a lot of energy, splashing out in the form of pampering and unpredictability, then an adult woman named so no longer has this drawback. But there is another drawback - its role is played by the inability to see their true face in people, it is difficult to distinguish between traitors and good people, idealizes everyone and tries to align them with one line.

The meaning of this name bestows idealistic views and gullibility, which manifest themselves precisely at the stage of maturity - Zinaida does not see bad in people, trusts everyone without exception, does not want to believe that a person can consciously be bad. That is why, in most cases, she forgives people for their misdeeds. But there are also moments when Zinaida is not ready to forgive, this concerns deception and betrayal, she does not forgive such offenses, and moreover, she may, slightly, but still take revenge for them.

An adult Zinaida can become a careerist and a hard worker - the meaning of this name form can bestow hard work, responsibility, diligence, commitment and a sense of duty, but only proper upbringing can help them manifest themselves. What also helps Zina find success in her work is her fantasy and imagination, the creativity that lies within her and manifests itself already in adolescence.

Interaction of Zinaida’s character with the seasons

Spring - under the auspices of this season, a child is born who is restless, exuberant, active, optimistic and extraordinary. She is open-minded, doesn't like being alone and loves sports. Movement and communication are her weaknesses. She is cheerful and charming, wins people over and manipulates them. Its downside is gullibility.

Summer - meaning summer months creates in the character named after Zinaida a love of adventure and travel, daydreaming, a well-developed imagination and passion. Not sociable, but interesting to everyone around her, has organizational skills and can be a leader, but does not want to be the center of attention. Unable to concentrate on what is most important.

Autumn is capricious autumn weather gives the baby an excellent sense of humor, politeness, delicacy, sincerity and unscrupulousness. Responsible, rarely able to give up on the path to her own goal, often worries about uncertainty and strives for stability. She needs not just a husband, but a friend who can bestow care and love.

Winter - and here we are talking about an interesting and versatile careerist by birth, a girl with the gift of eloquence. She finds it without any problems mutual language Even with unapproachable people, she is not ready to conflict and lie. She is dreamy and active, does not sit still and dreams of perfection. Everything is complicated with the opposite sex - she doesn’t accept men as they are, she tries to idealize everyone.

The fate of the name Zinaida

The fate of the name Zinaida in relationships with representatives of the opposite sex, in love and in marriage, is such that it requires her to search for a long time for a man with whom she can have a normal relationship. But Zinaida’s fate turns out this way for a reason - the reason is Zina’s character and her attitude towards the male half...

Zinaida herself is beautiful in soul and nature, she can easily win the man with whom she wants to build a relationship, her destiny involves many different relationships. But the problem is that at the start of a relationship she tries to seem like a compliant and flexible girl, while in marriage, on the contrary, she demonstrates her leadership with all her might. Her destiny is in marriage, to be a leader, a vamp woman, patronizing her chosen man. After the wedding, she will not allow herself to be led, and at the same time she will not tolerate an attack on her personal freedom.

But Zinaida’s fate presupposes that she will become a full-fledged mother, the kind that is usually held up as an example. Zinaida is a good mother and wife, she is an excellent housewife, she will never allow herself to betray or lie. She is also a lover of luxury - her destiny is to be a spender, but moderate.

Love and marriage

Zinaida is a beautiful, spectacular and self-sufficient woman, whose main goal is independence and independence, both financial and personal. She is a true workaholic and a leader by nature, so high positions at work will not be long in coming. Zina is slowly but surely approaching such a step in life as marriage. Successful business The lady has excellent feminine intuition and wisdom. She understands that it is better not to compete with men. For her, it is important that her chosen one is smart and brave, but she cannot stand weak-willed men.

Zina will fall in love only with a strong, wise, courageous and fair man. With him, she changes some of her habits, shows complaisance, and the ability to give in. Ideally, Zinaida’s husband is a courageous, purposeful, even strict man who managed to force her to respect and obey him. But you shouldn’t indulge Zina’s whims or follow her lead, since such a manifestation of weakness will make her disappointed in her man, and she will simply leave.

Zinaida perfectly combines work with her household responsibilities. She is a wonderful and dexterous hostess, who has everything in her hands. She can cope with all household chores in just a couple of hours. Her house is always tidy and clean, strict order and discipline reign, and a delicious dinner always awaits her household members on the dining table.

Zinaida as Mother

No one can guarantee or predict exactly how this or that person will behave when such a great responsibility as parental duty falls on his shoulders. However, such strong character traits as Zinaida’s, combined with her ability to love and care, suggest that she has every chance of becoming a good mother. She will love and take excellent care of her children, while also managing to work for her own pleasure.

Zinaida is a very strong and strong-willed woman, she has a very tough character. However, with the advent of children, it changes quite a lot and becomes much softer. In the educational process, Zina still shows her rigor and strength of character; she is demanding, but always fair towards her children. She carefully controls her children, tries not to spoil them too much, and also spares no time and effort for their diversified development and good upbringing.

She is able to unite all family members for the benefit of her children. She believes that the atmosphere prevailing at home greatly influences the development and psyche of her children, so it is very important that everyone in the family has warm, calm, friendly relations. She will not tolerate showdowns or other high-profile conflicts, because she does not want to traumatize the children’s psyche. This is a trait strong woman who loves her children and protects their health and happiness.

Compatibility with male names

The compatibility of the name Zinaida with male names is a rather difficult parameter, but it has already been solved by at least 80% by modern experts in the field of studying this issue. So…

The ideal combination in terms of love and relationships is achieved with those named: Boris, Gleb, Gordey, Egor, Makar, Robert, Trofim.

A strong and reliable marriage with Bogdan, Daniil, Trofim, Frol, Khariton, Kirill, Ilya, Veniamin.

You should not associate your life with Vilen, Vladislav, George, Naum, Plato and Yaroslav.

This restless and active woman needs a calm and balanced man, but in no case a “sheaf” with whom she will be bored...

Forms of the name Zinaida

Short form of the name Zinaida. Zina, Zinaida, Zinulya, Zinura, Zinusya, Zinya, Zisha, Ina, Ida, Zinasha, Zinusha. Synonyms for the name Zinaida. Zinais, .

Short and diminutive options: Zina, Zinasha, Zinulya, Zinusha, Zinya, Zisha, Ina, Ida.

Name Zinaida in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 季娜伊達 (Jì nà yīdá). Korean: 지나이다 (jinaida). Georgian: ზინაიდა (zinaida). Hindi: ज़िनेदा (Zinēdā). Ukrainian: Zinaida. Yiddish: זינאַידאַ (Zynʼaydʼa). English: Zinaida (Zinaida).

Origin of the name Zinaida

The name Zinaida has several versions of origin. According to the most common version, the name Zinaida is derived from the name Zenais, which is translated as “from the family of Zeus, Zeus,” “belonging to Zeus.” IN Ancient Greece this name was masculine, but Lately became feminine.

WITH Latin name Zinaida translates as “caring”, with Arabic name Zina will be translated as “beautiful.”

Character of the name Zinaida

Girls named Zinaida, or Zina for short, have obvious assertiveness and sharpness. Although they are not alien to romanticism and dreaminess, which, however, will not always be visible at first sight. Zinaida - sonorous name, reminiscent of a victory song, but at the same time it may seem simple and devoid of mystery to some.

Zinaida will grow up to be a somewhat arrogant and cold girl. She respects power and authority, so at school she strives to be the first student, a teacher's assistant, and somewhat curries favor with her elders. If Zina is given as an example to other students, she will hardly be able to hide her joy. In general, Zinaida’s ambition is quite developed. She knows very well what she wants and knows how to achieve it. The main thing is that over the years this quality does not develop to the point that Zina begins to think that everyone around her should live as she sees fit.

Zina is charming, but you can’t call her a beauty. But Zina knows how to present herself effectively and advantageously. In addition, girls with this name are very passionate in nature. So Zinaida will not be deprived of the attention of men. Zin, born in the summer, has a softer character.

Zinaida is not averse to gossip. There is no point in arguing with Zinaida. It is better to resolve disagreements that arise by compromise, giving in on something, and not forgetting to remind you that you are trying to maintain a good relationship with her.

The secret of the name Zinaida

It's smart and attractive woman. She is a leader by nature, but knows how this fact skillfully hide in order to appear as a weak woman. True, Zinaida demonstrates such tenderness only at the beginning love relationship, and after marriage he becomes a real tyrant. Because of this, there are constant scandals and conflicts in her family if the husband cannot understand the woman or insist on his own at the beginning of family life.

By nature, Zinaida is a pedant who is busy improving her home. She is somewhat stingy, but loves to buy beautiful and expensive things. She is a real housewife who skillfully creates interesting and unusual dishes. Some Zinaidas are prone to excessive drinking.

Zinaida becomes a good teacher, pharmacist and accountant.

Astrological characteristics of the name

Psychology of the name

Zinaida loves fun, holidays, parties, discos. She despises weak and stupid people and can respond harshly to a caustic joke. Little Zinaida needs to be taught to respect others. It is better not to contradict her in her passionate desires. She tends to subconsciously create Everyday life some acute, dramatic situations in which he plays " main role" In any case, Zinaida knows what she is doing.

Zinaida and pets

Zinaida loves animals, especially cats and small dogs: a lapdog, a Skye terrier, a Scotch terrier, a Japanese Chin, and a Pekingese will become favorites in her home. The dogs, in turn, become sincerely attached to her.

Her character and unbalanced nature are transmitted to her four-legged pupils, so nicknames should be soft.

You can call your dog Zinaida: Lucy, Louise, Fanny, Lada, Leon, Bonnie, Nessie.

Name popularity and statistics

The name Zinaida, which parents gave to their daughter at birth, was previously quite popular. For every 1000 newborn girls this name was given (on average by period, Moscow):
1900-1909: (not in the top ten)
1924-1932: 38 (8th place)
1950-1959: (not in the top ten)
1978-1981: (not in the top ten)
2008: (not in the top ten)

Famous people named Zinaida

Zenaida Bonaparte ((1801 – 1854) full name - Zenaida Laetitia Julie Bonaparte; French princess with the title Her Serene Highness from 1804 and Spanish Infanta from 1808 to 1813)
Zinaida Brumberg ((1900 - 1983) Soviet director and animation film artist, film playwright, Honored Artist of the RSFSR. One of the Brumberg sisters, a creative tandem that created the canons of Soviet animation. Together with Valentina Brumberg they created such films as “Little Red Riding Hood”, “ Puss in Boots", "The Missing Letter", "Three Fat Men" and many others.)
Zinaida of Tarsus ((1st century) early Christian saint, revered as a martyr, commemorated in Orthodox Church October 11 (Julian calendar))
Zinaida Volkonskaya ((1792 - 1862) princess, owner of a literary salon, writer, poetess, singer and composer, prominent figure in Russian cultural life of the first half of the 19th century)
Zinaida Gippius ((1869 - 1945) by husband - Merezhkovskaya; Russian poetess and writer, playwright and literary critic, one of the prominent representatives of the “Silver Age” of Russian culture. Gippius, who formed one of the most original and creatively productive marital unions in the history of literature with D.S. Merezhkovsky, is considered the ideologist of Russian symbolism.)
Zinaida Ermolyeva ((1898 - 1974) outstanding Soviet microbiologist and epidemiologist, creator of antibiotics, full member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences (1963))
Zinaida Mirkina ((born 1926) poet, translator, researcher, essayist)
Zinaida (Zina) Portnova ((1926 - 1944) Soviet underground fighter, partisan, member of the underground organization “Young Avengers”; scout of the partisan detachment named after K.E. Voroshilov in the Nazi-occupied territory of the Belarusian SSR, Hero Soviet Union)
Zinaida Reich ((1894 - 1939) famous Russian actress)
Zinaida Samsonova ((1924 - 1944) Hero of the Soviet Union, medical instructor, senior sergeant)
Zinaida Serebryakova ((1884 – 1967) maiden name- Lancer; Russian artist, member of the World of Art association, one of the first Russian women to go down in the history of painting)
Zinaida Slavina ((born 1941) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1986))

Zinaida Khostikoeva ((1937 - 1995) Soviet Ossetian poetess. In North Ossetia, Khostikoeva’s works are included in the school curriculum on Ossetian literature for grade 11.)
Zinaida Palvanova ((born 1944) Russian poet)
Zinaida Sharko ((born 1929) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1980))
Zinaida Tudvaseva ((born 1947) Russian linguist and philologist, researcher of the Komi-Permyak language, leading methodologist on the Komi-Permyak language)
Zinaida Bitarova ((born 1950) poetess, novelist, playwright)
Zinaida Zhuchenko-Gerngross (convinced monarchist and opponent of revolutionary parties, provocateur)
Zinaida Tulub ((1890 - 1964) Soviet writer)
Zinaida Donets (Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Ecology and Zoology, Faculty of Biology and Ecology, Yaroslavl State University)
Zinaida Sidelnikova ((1920 - 1996) editor of the book editorial office of the Orlovskaya Pravda publishing house, Oryol and Prioksky book publishing houses, journalist, in 1944-1946 editor of the works of I.V. Stalin)
Zinaida Udaltsova ((1918 - 1987) famous Soviet scientist-historian, teacher, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1976), director of the Institute of General History of the USSR Academy of Sciences)

Zinaida celebrates Orthodox name day

Compatibility of the name Zinaida

Zinaida is attracted to strong and powerful men. She becomes their ally, but sometimes she can learn a bitter life lesson. At the very beginning of their acquaintance, Zinaida hides strong character traits from a man, but in marriage she will show herself firmly, on a par with a powerful man. Because of this, constant clashes and even fights are likely, but Zinaida does not give up her position and becomes even more closely attached to her husband. She is a good mother, “she watches over her daughter and protects her son.” Successful marriage with Bogdan, Vladimir, Voislav, Grigory, Zakhar, Ivan, Mechislav, Mikhail, Stepan, Tverdislav.

Name incompatibility Zinaida
