Celebrities of gay women. Stars with non-traditional sexual orientation you didn't know about

David Fisher is not the first husband of musician Elton John. On February 14, 1984, eight years after his coming out, the artist married sound engineer Renate Blauel, but then the marriage lasted only four years. Sir Elton John met the love of his life in 1993. Furnish helped his future husband get rid of addictions, and in December 2014 the couple got married. At that time, the guys were already raising their first child, Zachary, whom she helped bring into the world surrogate mother. On January 11, 2013, the couple's second son, Elijah Joseph Daniel Furnish-John, was born.

Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka

How I Met Your Mother star Neil Patrick Harris began dating her future husband in 2006, and four years later they became parents to twins - a boy and a girl - through a surrogate mother. The couple got married two months after New York State passed its marriage equality law in June 2011.


Cynthia Nixon and Christine Marinoni

Actress of the series “Sex in big city", 49-year-old Cynthia Nixon and Christine Marinoni began dating in 2004, after Cynthia gave up her married life with Danny Moses, a British professor. In February 2011, Cynthia and Christine had a son, Max, whom Marinoni gave birth to. The girls legalized their relationship a few months after same-sex marriage became legal in New York State.

Ellen DeGeneres and Portia De Rossi

TV presenter Ellen DeGeneres staged a large-scale coming out in 1997. She appeared on the cover of Time with the quote, “Yes, I'm a lesbian,” and later came out to her psychoanalyst, played by Oprah Winfrey, on Ellen. Ellen has been having an affair with actress Portia De Rossi for 11 years. On August 16, 2008, after the ban on same-sex marriage was lifted in California, the girls got married.

Stephen Fry and Elliot Spencer

Fotodom / Rex Features

Stephen Fry, who for a long time struggled with his homosexuality, accepting himself only at the age of forty, when he began dating his friend Daniel Cohen. Earlier this year, the 57-year-old actor married 27-year-old stand-up comedian Elliot Spencer.

Jim Parsons and Todd Spivak

The Big Bang Theory star Jim Parsons came out in 2012, revealing that he had been dating Todd Spivak for 10 years.

Tom Ford and Richard Buckley

Designer Tom Ford and journalist Richard Buckley, men's editor-in-chief of Vogue magazine, have been together since 1986. The guys became parents for the first time in September 2012: the surrogate mother gave the couple a boy, Alexander.

Jodie Foster and Alexandra Hedison

At the 2013 Golden Globes, while receiving the Cecil B. DeMille Award for Lifetime Achievement and Lifetime Achievement in Cinema, Jodie Foster came out openly and officially, drawing tears and applause. celebrity guests. Foster admitted that she dated producer Sydney Bernard for 14 years, and now the girls remain close friends. In April 2014, the actress married photographer Alexandra Hedison.

" In addition to his work on camera, Fry is known as a writer and public figure.

How the coming out happened: Fry has been hiding his sexuality since he was in school. The actor decided to tell the whole world that he was gay only in 1997, when he was 40 years old. The actor outlined his youthful experiences in the autobiographical book “Moab is my washbasin.” Since then, Fry has become a frequent advocate for the rights of the LGBT community. He actively spoke out against the Russian law banning gay propaganda and met in 2013 with the initiator of the law, deputy Vitaly Milonov. “It’s all very sad,” Stephen tweeted after the meeting.

Has he played gays? In the Wachowski brothers' film V for Vendetta"Fry's character lives in a totalitarian state and is forced to hide his homosexuality.

Photo: New Line Cinema Known for: The Briton was remembered by the public as the villain Magneto in the film series " X-Men"and the wizard Gandalf the Gray in the film adaptations" Lord of the Rings" And " Hobbit" For services to acting was knighted in 1990.

How the coming out happened: Sir Ian opens up about his sexuality live BBC radio station in 1988, which did not prevent him from subsequently receiving all his most stellar roles and the order of knighthood. McKellen has distinguished himself as a civil activist who is concerned about the rights of sexual minorities. So, in 2011, the actor called Mayor Sergei Sobyanin a coward after the cancellation of the gay pride parade in Moscow.

Has he played gays? In the British series Sinners, which tells the story of an elderly gay couple, Sir Ian plays one of the two main roles.

photography: Paramount Pictures Known for: In the popular series Heroes, which tells the story of people who gain superpowers, Quinto played the villain Sylar, who opens the skulls of other mutants to take away their powers. It is also worth noting his role in “ Star Trek» director JJ Abrams where he played legendary character franchise - Vulcan Spock.

How the coming out happened: Quinto revealed that he is gay in an interview with New York Magazine in 2011. He discussed with the publication the problem of legalizing same-sex marriage, saying that if you look at the state of affairs through the eyes of a gay man, everything is hopeless. When the US Supreme Court allowed non-traditional couples in 2015 sexual orientation marriages are legal, Quinto responded on Instagram: “I am overwhelmed with gratitude to the Supreme Court and the thousands of LGBT activists who fought and sacrificed to bring us to this historic moment.”

Have you played gay characters in films? In the first season " American history horror" the actor played a gay ghost who, with his lover, cannot leave the world of the living. Neil Patrick Harris turned down the role because he didn't like the fact that the gay couple in the series committed suicide before becoming ghosts.

photo: 20th Century Fox Television What is it known for?: The actor became famous for his role as womanizer Barney Stinson in the TV series How I Met Your Mother, for which he received four Emmy Award nominations and two Golden Globe nominations. In addition to the popular sitcom, the actor appeared in such films as “ Starship Troopers" And " Disappeared" Harris managed to show himself as a presenter. So, in 2015, Neil hosted the 87th Academy Awards ceremony. For the first time, an openly gay person acted as the host of this event.

How did the coming out happen?: The actor told People about his sexuality in 2006: “I’m happy to dispel all misconceptions and rumors. I'm proud to say I'm gay and living happily. life to the fullest doing the same thing with wonderful people." In 2014, Harris married actor David Burtka.

Did he play gays?: Together with her husband she appears in the comedy “ A Killer Harold and Kumar Christmas"as himself.

Photo: MelodyJSandoval/Flickr Known for: Received four Emmy awards in the category “Best Actor in a Comedy Series” for the brilliant theoretical physicist Sheldon Cooper in the sitcom “ The Big Bang Theory».

How the coming out happened: Rumors that Jim Parsons was gay circulated for several years. In 2012, Parsons himself told the authoritative New York Times about his homosexual relationships. Jim lives with art director Todd Spivak. “I never saw Todd and I as gay activists. We live simply - we make coffee in the morning, walk the dogs, nothing special,” the actor told E! Online.

Has he played gays? He was noted for his role as a fighter for gay rights in the film “The Normal Heart,” dedicated to the problem of AIDS.

photography: Hartswood Films Known for: Remembered by fans of the British series " Sherlock", in which he played Professor Moriarty, subsequently receiving a BAFTA award for his role as best actor background. This November will be a company Daniel Craig in a James Bond film.

How the coming out happened: Scott has never hidden his orientation. In 2013, he told the Independent how happy he was that people don’t see anything wrong with his homosexuality: “Of course, you have to understand that it doesn’t make me better either. I would compare it to kindness, talent or the ability to play the banjo - just a fact."

Has he played gays? Starred in the film " Pride", which tells the story of a group of gays and lesbians trying to help the miners' union.

Photo: Gage Skidmore/Flickr Known for: In the TV series White Collar he played the conman Neal Caffrey. In the story, the FBI pulls Bomer's character out of prison and forces him to help the bureau with "smart" crimes.

How the coming out happened: In 2010, a reporter for Details magazine asked the actor about his sexuality, Bomer hinted that he was gay, but did not go into details. Two years later, Matt publicly announced his sexuality.

Have you played gay characters in films? He played one of the main roles in the HBO film “The Normal Heart,” which raised the issue of sexual minorities.

Xavier Dolan

Photo: Benedetto Pavano/Flickr Known for: At the age of 16, he dropped out of school, without even a high school diploma. But four years later he received the Jury Prize at the Cannes Film Festival for the film « I killed my mom ». In 2014, Dolan received the same award at Cannes for « Mommy », and in 2015 he became a member of the festival jury. In addition, the director often stars in his films.

How the coming out happened: Xavier is openly gay; he does not hide his homosexuality and regularly discusses this topic in his film works.

Has he played gays? He appeared as a gay man in the films “Tom at the Farm,” “Imaginary Love,” and “I Killed My Mother.” Dolan calls the latter his autobiography.

Denis O'Hare

photo: Your Face Goes Here Entertainment Known for: The actor is famous for his work in the TV series True Blood, where he appeared in the image of an ancient vampire king. In one scene, his character kills a news anchor and declares to the world about the rights of vampires.

How the coming out happened: Denis announced his homosexuality while still a high school student. In 2011, he married designer Hugo Redwoods, after which he and his husband managed to adopt a child.

Has he played gays? In the fourth season of American Horror Story, O'Hare plays one of several gay characters.

Christian Nairn

Photo: GabboT/Flickr Known for: In Game of Thrones, one of HBO's most popular series, Christian plays the Stark family's servant, Hodor. His hero is strong and resilient, but suffers from dementia. The only phrase that Nairn repeats throughout the series is his character's name - "Hodor".

How the coming out happened: Christian told the whole world about his sexual preferences when the topic of same-sex marriage was raised on a Game of Thrones fan forum. “When you talk about the LGBT community, you talk about my community,” Nairn responded to fans.

photo: guccio@文房具社/Flickr Known for: He became popular after starring in the TV series “Escape,” where his character goes to prison to help his brother escape. The actor also plays the role of supervillain Captain Cold in the DC Comics series The Flash.

How the coming out happened: The actor's sexuality became known when Miller announced that he himself was gay, boycotting the St. Petersburg international film festival in protest against Russian laws on gay propaganda. In an interview, Miller said that at the age of 17 he tried to commit suicide, afraid that people would hate him for being gay.

Has he played gays? No.

George Takei

Photo: Nathan Rupert/Flickr Known for: He became widely famous after his role in the science fiction series "Star Trek" and several films of this franchise, where Takei got the character of helmsman Hikari Sulu, the manager of spaceship Enterprise.

How the coming out happened: According to Takei, his sexuality was no secret to everyone involved in the creation of Star Trek and in fan circles. The actor publicly announced his homosexuality only in 2005, giving an interview to Frontiers magazine. Three years after his announcement, Takei married another actor, Brad Altman.

Has he played gays? With actor Jesse Tyler Ferguson appeared in a social video from the company Funny or Die, in which he jokingly condemned homophobes.

Jesse Tyler Ferguson

Ferguson right photo: Disney | ABC Television Group/Flickr Known for: Ferguson gained fame playing in the comedy series "Class" and "Modern Family."

How the coming out happened: When Jesse decided to tell his parents about his sexuality, he was over 20 years old. To which his mother replied that she already guessed about everything and was waiting for this conversation.

Has he played gays? In the TV series Modern Family, which brought Jesse great popularity in the United States, Ferguson and Eric Strawnstreet play a gay couple.

Photo: Isabelle/Flickr Known for: The Russian audience might remember the actor for his role as Grigory Melekhov in the film adaptation of Sholokhov’s novel “Quiet Don”, filmed by Sergei Fedorovich Bondarchuk.

How the coming out happened: The actor has always been openly gay and did not hide his orientation. In one of the interviews, Rupert discouraged young colleagues from coming out, as this could seriously harm their careers.

Has he played gays? Played the role of a gay man in the film " Best friend", where his character was an object of desire main character, played in turn by the singer Madonna.

Richard Chamberlain

photo: Wikipedia Commons Known for: Richard has starred in many classic American TV series. Such as "Shogun" and " The Thorn Birds“, the actor’s filmography includes more than 80 roles.

How the coming out happened: He publicly confirmed his sexuality only in 2003. Although before, many tried to get Chamberlain to admit his homosexuality. For example, in 1989, the French women's magazine Nous Deux published an article in which the actor was openly called gay.

Has he played gays? The actor appeared in the role of an elderly gay man in the fourth season of the series " Desperate Housewives ».

Famous men who carefully hide their personal lives from intrusive journalists cannot but be of interest. And if they are also beautiful, talented and damn attractive, then their mystery awakens in common man an unbearable desire to get to the bottom of the truth.

This is not at all surprising, because what is carefully hidden behind seven locks always leads to the most extraordinary thoughts. We have prepared for you a selection of representatives of domestic show business, O gay of which there are persistent rumors. While some people literally have it written on their foreheads, others can’t even tell!

Sergey Lazarev

And even though the singer’s countless army of fans refuses to believe such rumors, more and more rumors are circulating that Seryozha Lazarev is far from ideal. The Diva herself has repeatedly spoken out about the singer’s unconventional orientation, leaving the latter in a state of shock.

“You shouldn’t get married so as not to be lonely! But you shouldn’t at all, as I understand it. You personally need a friend, a life partner. Because all these cupcakes-schmex, they come and go. I know that you have a friend and assistant Misha. And I just congratulate you on the fact that he loves you very much.", - Alla Borisovna once spoke out.

The affair with Lera Kudryavtseva, it turns out, was a diversion?

Nikolai Tsiskaridze

Ballet dancer Nikolai Tsiskaridze does not like to talk about his personal life and is in no hurry to start a family. Charming Tsiskaridze does not hide his involvement in the LGBT community at all and often jokes quite caustically and boldly on such topics.

Oleg Menshikov

Fans of the handsome actor find this hard to believe, but more and more sources confirm: “Oleg Menshikov gravitates towards the stronger sex...” Well, who to love is a purely personal matter. It's not for us to judge!

Nikolay Baskov

“Kolya is the most notorious gay I've ever met!"- the singer’s ex-producer once said. Even if the rumors about the artist’s gay orientation turn out to be true, it is unlikely that he will decide to come out. Mature women of strict views certainly will not understand such a statement. And they, as you know, are the main audience of the charming singer.

Victor Sukhorukov

Viktor Sukhorukov is one of the most secretive actors in Russian cinema. At 66 years old, the artist has no wife or children. In one of his interviews, he said that his celibacy is a kind of sacrifice placed on the altar of art. However, spiteful critics are convinced that the artist simply does not want to advertise his unconventional orientation.

Evgeniy Mironov

Another bachelor Russian show business, rumors about whose unconventional orientation have been wandering around the Internet for several years. A few years ago social media literally blew up the news that Mironov entered into a homosexual marriage with actor Sergei Stakhov. The news turned out to be fake, but talk about the actor’s strange addictions does not subside. A man of mystery, nothing less.

Maksim Galkin

Comedian and perennial favorite of Diva Russian stage has long been attributed to unconventional orientation, namely, a love affair with a colleague Maxim Drobotenko.

Like, “friends” spend a lot of time together, stay in the same room when traveling and generally look at each other with loving eyes. Fans star couple The Pugalkins refuse to believe such rumors, because Alla Borisovna cannot marry a gay man!

Andrei Malakhov

Andrei Malakhov and his companion Natalya Shkuleva have been together since 2011, but the couple talk very little about their personal lives. IN Lately There are caustic rumors in the press that Malakhov’s marriage is just a fiction. Rumor has it that Natalia has another, loving husband who does not live in Russia, and for Malakhov this marriage is a way to hide his unconventional orientation.

By the way, Andrei Malakhov is so intelligent and friendly that his fans would certainly forgive him for the most frank statements.

Alexander Rybak

The famous singer from Norway has long stated that he is not interested in girls, because his heart is occupied by a man. There is an opinion that Rybak revealed his sexuality in order to attract additional attention to his person at the Eurovision Song Contest.

And fans of the handsome artist flatly refuse to take his words seriously and simply do not believe that their favorite prefers men.

Philip Kirkorov

Well, what about without everyone’s beloved Philip Kirkorov, whose personal life appearance and manner of behavior raise a lot of questions about the orientation of the outrageous singer. There are rumors that in the video for the song “Snow” he filmed his young lover, and the song itself is dedicated to him.

The Richest portal has compiled a rather unusual list - the TOP 15 richest gay celebrities. Many names may seem unfamiliar to you, but among them are the CEO of Apple, a music tycoon, the famous Armani and others. Let's go in order...

15. Bella Thorne - $2 million.


Once upon a time, 18-year-old Bella Thorne came out in one tweet (to a fan’s question “are you bisexual?”, she simply answered “yes”). And it seems like just a week after breaking up with Gregg Sulkin, whom she dated for a year, Miss Thorne was already promoting her relationship with her friend Bella Pendergast. Be that as it may, this beauty is already worth a couple of million bucks, and her most notable film, by the way, is called “Dirty Wet Money” (2007).

14. Clay Aiken - $7 million


Clayton Aiken - American singer, winner of the American Music Award and Billboard Music Awards, started out on folk show, similar to "The Voice". He is completely unknown here, but in the USA he is very popular and is considered one of the most beloved graduates of the American Idol competition in its entire history. Aiken came out in 2008 after his son was born, and he appeared on the cover of People magazine holding the baby, telling the world that he couldn't raise him while living a lie. Previously, People asked Aiken about his sexuality, and he responded: “What I say doesn’t matter because people will still believe what they want to believe.” A well-known gay portal sadly writes about Akin: “alas, we still live in a world where all people are considered heterosexual by default, so coming out famous person only counts if she does it in public.” Well, we believe that this cunning man will earn the 8th million, and he will go far!

13. Ellen Page - $14 million


Well, the first real actress on the list, we can talk about her roles, and not about coming out... Ellen is known for her leading roles in many great films: “Juno” (for this role she received an Oscar nomination), “Inception”, “Tallulah”, “Face to Face” and a dozen others. She excels at portraying complex, psychologically authentic characters. And it is logical that her fees grow from year to year.

Most recently, she starred opposite Evan Rachel Wood in Into the Woods and earned $1.16 million. Well done, Ellen!

12. Neil Patrick Harris - $16 million


Oh, times, oh, morals! Neil Patrick Harris is known mainly as an actor in the series How I Met Your Mother, as well as a couple of rom-coms. As reported in 2013, Harris takes home $225,000 per episode of How I Met Your Mother, which certainly says a lot about the times in general and decent pay in particular. His partner, David Burtka, a news and entertainment correspondent, has a net worth of $2 million. They have been in a public relationship since 2007 and have two children together. We wish the same for you - both millions and children!

11. Anderson Cooper - $100 million


Now Russians will recognize this name - Anderson Cooper. But this is a highly respected person in the global news industry. His show, Anderson Cooper 360, has aired over 1,500 episodes on CNN. And that's not to mention his wealth of reporting experience. Over the course of his career, Cooper has won multiple Emmy Awards, covering such important events, like the death of Princess Diana, the death of Pope John Paul II and the wedding of Prince Charles.

Anderson came out publicly in 2012: "The fact is, I'm gay, always have been and always will be, and I've never been happier and prouder and more comfortable being gay." He told DailyMail that his loved ones always knew about his “secret”, and he did not consider it necessary to expose this fact to the public, because the main thing is that he always strived to be a good and honest journalist.
The American publication OUT included Cooper in the ranking of “The Most Influential Gay Celebrities of 2012,” and he took sixth place on this list.

10. Christina Aguilera - $130 million.


Christina, how did she get here? She, of course, collaborates with LGBT representatives (Linda Perry, and Sih with Le Tigre)... In 2005, Aguilera said in an interview, without thinking, that scenes of lesbian love turned her on: “Two women in bed are sexier than two men. I love experimenting with my sexuality. Sex is a wonderful thing, I love having sex.” And then many considered her as bisexual, but since then she has married twice and become a mother, and the public has finally lost interest in her sexuality. And Christina herself never spoke out on this topic, and even more so, she never considered herself LGBT. But, nevertheless, they put it on the list...

Her career peaked in 2013, when she brought home $82 million from various royalties, appearances and a concert tour. Aguilera also had a major success in 2010 when she appeared in the film Burlesque, which grossed more than $100 million and proved that Aguilera is a star in more than just the recording studio.

9. Miley Cyrus - $165 million


This girl has everything in order with both her brains and her sense of humor. When she appeared on the cover of the men's magazine Maxim, readers ranked her first on the list of the sexiest girls. Miley rightly notes: “Everyone says that I’m a lesbian, but I say that for me it’s a compliment, and if you want to insult me, then call me something else. People think that if I have short haircut, that means I’m a lesbian... But it was after I cut my hair that I ended up on the cover of Maxim magazine, in which I took first place.”

Miss Cyrus told the press, which is so worried about her sexuality, that she is pansexual: sex and the gender of her partner do not matter to her. However, many celebrities began to declare themselves as pansexual - this is such a new fashion among celebrities who do not want to identify themselves as heterosexuals or the LGBT community. Pansexuality means being interested in a person regardless of their gender, orientation, or gender identity. And bank accounts... but Miley is okay with that in perfect order! She earns decent money both as a musician and as an actress. When she participated in the show Hannah Montana, she received $15,000 for each episode. By the age of 17, she had already earned more than $100 million. Not bad at all, isn't it?

8. Lady Gaga - $280 million


An outrageous singer and actress (have you seen her in American Horror Story?), having earned a net $280 million, Gaga, in principle, can already retire. She earned $33 million in 2014, and her most successful year so far was 2015 ($59 million). And the question of the crazy Gaga’s orientation doesn’t interest us too much. She herself says this: “I love sex, and it doesn’t matter to me what gender my partner is, but not all of my boyfriends understand this. They're scared that I like women. Having learned about this, they begin to feel out of place, whining that we are good together and do not need a third person in our relationship.”

7. Ellen DeGeneres - $400 million


DeGeneres is the host of the entertainment talk show “Ellen: The Ellen DeGeneres Show” and a favorite of the American public. She wrote three books, opened the Eleveneleven record company and received thirteen Emmy statuettes." Ellen became the first openly lesbian to play a lesbian character in film. Ellen's popularity peaked in February 1997, when the comedian appeared on "The Oprah Winfrey Show" (The Oprah Winfrey Show). Oprah Winfrey Show is openly gay and has earned over $70 million in the last three years. In case you're wondering, her partner and fellow actress Portia de Rossi has a net worth of $20 million.

6. Tim Cook - $400 million


You probably guessed that in the position general director Apple pays well. But so good! Tim Cook has earned $400 million so far. Before that, Cook was chief operating officer and received $73.9 million in 2013. As you can imagine, Cook's income is fairly closely related to iPhone sales (sorry, not to the quality of their chargers ).
If you care about his personal preferences, then he says it this way: “I am proud to be gay, and I believe that this is God’s greatest gift.”

5. Sir Elton John - $480 million


This guy is known and loved all over the world, which, in fact, confirms the size of his fortune. After all, $480 million doesn't fall from the sky.

Sir Elton John says he has never spoken about his sexual orientation before because no one has ever asked him about it. Yes, they didn’t ask him about the details of his personal life until 1976, when Rolling Stone magazine published an interview with him. Currently, he is married to David Furnish and happily talks to the press about himself and his life. The couple has two children – Zachary and Elijah. Interestingly, the millionaire is not going to leave his children a large inheritance. "Children must learn to appreciate hard labour, wealth can ruin their lives." Here it is...the original!

This very wealth of Elton John would have been even more substantial if he had not squandered money left and right. He cannot deny himself a bunch of different expensive collections (photos, glasses, art and antiques, etc.), and owns real estate all over the world.

4. Michael Kors - $1 billion.


Billionaire, first on the list of American special celebrities... Michael Kors may be an incredibly rich fashion designer, but, as you will see below, he is not the richest on this list. However, with $1 billion in the bank, there is nothing in this world that is out of Mr. Kors's reach. His brand produces a line of clothing, bags, accessories, jewelry, shoes and fragrances. It also probably helped that he was a judge on Project Runway for five seasons.

In 2011, the US tabloids (and not only) were filled with funny headlines like “Michael Kors is getting married.” Michael Kors has never hidden his sexuality. He has been living with Lance Leper for about 20 years (Lance holds the position of creative director of the brand Michael Kors). An office romance, practically: once upon a time young Lance came as an intern to the Kors company.

3. Jennifer Natalia Pritzker - $1.76 billion.


According to Forbes, Jennifer Natalia Pritzker has become the first transgender billionaire. Before her gender reassignment, she was known as James Pritzker, a retired lieutenant colonel who served 11 years on active duty in the US Army and 16 years in National Guard. Jennifer is one of 11 Pritzker family members on the list. richest forbes. In 2007, the family sold its stake in industrial conglomerate Marmon Holdings to Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway for $4.5 billion, but continues to control the Hyatt Hotels chain. This is how a woman made it to the top of the richest Americans for the first time...

Natalya donated $1.35 million to a project related to transgender people on military service, which is designed to improve the quality of public dialogue on the issue. Openly trans people are still prohibited from serving in the American army: the abolition of the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy applied only to gays, lesbians and bisexuals.

2. Giorgio Armani - $6.8 billion.


His biography is well known to the general public, we will not repeat it. From latest messages The paparzzi know that the world famous Italian couturier, 81-year-old Giorgio Armani, vacationed with his young lover Jano at the ski resort of Sir Moritz. The old man is still wow!

1. David Gaffan - $7 billion.


When it comes to show business bigwigs and the most influential people in the music industry, we can't help but mention David Gaffen. He created the labels Asylum Records (1970), Geffen Records (1980) and DGC Records (1990), which recorded The Eagles, Bob Dylan, Tom Waits, Share and many other stars. Elton John, Aerosmith, Guns N' Roses and Nirvana are just some of the big names who have signed contracts with his company. He sold Asylum Records in 1990 for $550 million.

They say that when Gaffen took up filmmaking, his lover long years became Tom Cruise. And Tom soared to the very top of Hollywood Olympus, and Gaffen helped him get into the films of cult directors such as Coppolla, Ridley Scott, Tony Scott, Scorsese, Barry Levinson and Oliver Stone. They say it, but we don't believe it.

Perhaps the most impressive fact about Gaffen is this: he was kicked out of college for a fake UCLA diploma, which he forged to get a job at the William Morris Agency.
In 2007, OUT magazine named Gaffen the most influential gay man in America (congratulations!).

The LGBT community is developing every day. All new public faces come out and admit their sexuality without hiding anything. This is a serious trend, since in the 21st century the attitude towards gays has completely changed. And now you can almost calmly talk about who you really are.

In Russia, unlike in the world, this is a little more problematic. While Australia and Germany have legalized same-sex marriage, Russian Federation passed a law banning LGBT propaganda among minors. Therefore, in Russia, openly public gays are mainly LGBT activists who defend the rights of homosexuals. Among representatives of show business, politics and other fields of activity, there are only rumors. But no one openly admits their sexual preferences.

The most famous “gays” in Russia according to society

As he says, not only the Earth is full of rumors. Many fans and media conducted investigations, trying to figure out Russian pop stars. But in the end - only rumors, guesses and conjectures. To keep abreast of all the events, let’s go through the main list of who is included in the LGBT community.

Sergey Zverev. Famous showman, winner of the World Hairdressing Championship. His appearance can be described in one word – “shocking”. Due to his appearance and his occupation, Zverev is classified as a person of non-traditional sexual orientation.

According to the same criteria, the “rainbow community” also includes Boris Moiseev. In fact, his grandfather Boris Moiseev is a real gay, which he has spoken about publicly more than once.

An information boom was caused by the news that Sergey Lazarev- homosexual. He famous singer, presenter, performed at Eurovision 2016. This is not the first time he has been credited with a fascination with men. This topic became especially relevant after he broke up with his girlfriend Lera Kudryavtseva. The media literally exploded with headlines that Lazarev was gay. According to them, this was confirmed by his mother ex-girlfriend, all his friends talk about it. The singer himself has never said that he considers himself to be part of the LGBT culture. He only advocates support, but, according to him, is not part of it.

Maksim Galkin- comedian, presenter, husband of Alla Pugacheva, has two children from her. But the label “gay” hangs on him even after the wedding. According to the majority of media: a handsome, well-groomed, successful man is necessarily homosexual.

For the same reason, the list included Nikolay Baskov. The media has visited the “Golden Voice” of Russia more than once: for the hairstyle, for the behavior, and for the songs. Like others, Nikolai does not say anything about his identity in the context of homosexuality.

The list of possible “gays” on the Russian stage does not end there. But these are just guesses, and you shouldn't pay much attention to them. Moreover, considering that they also like to call “non-traditional” Philip Kirkorov.

The most famous real gays in Russia

Moving from possible homosexuals to those who actually openly admit their orientation, it should be remembered that these are mainly activists who defend LGBT rights. You cannot hear about them on federal channels; they are not actors or singers. There is little, if any, information about these people. But they exist and are not ashamed to be themselves.

Pavel Samburov– coordinator of the LGBT Rainbow Association. A simple, kind person. His organization is engaged in promoting the ideas of tolerance, getting rid of various forms discrimination on different levels life - from everyday to political.

Igor Kochetkov– LGBT activist, public figure. Considered one of the founders of the Russian LGBT Network. By education, he is a candidate of historical sciences.

Initially, Igor became known as a publicist. Worked in projects such as GayNews and GayRussia. After the creation of the LGBT Network, he was its executive director. Currently he is the head of the LGBT organization “Coming Out”.

Igor Kochetkov is a well-known human rights activist, author of reports and articles on the situation of LGBT people in Russia. Was nominated for Nobel Prize World in 2014. Married. But, since same-sex marriage is impossible in Russia, he got married in New York with his loved one.

Igor Kochetkov is very disgusting and aggressive person. He is very hostile towards non-gay people.

Evgeny Pisemsky– head of the organization “Phoenix PLUS”, the main directions of which are information about sexual health and relationships of LGBT people. Talks about HIV in the gay community.

Maxim Lapunov– LGBT rights activist who suffered at the hands of homophobic offenders. He spoke at a conference on the persecution of LGBT people in Chechnya. He was forced to openly oppose the current situation because he was subjected to torture and death threats. According to him, Maxim is far from the only one who ended up in a Chechen prison on suspicion of homosexuality. But he is the only one who was not afraid to announce this to the whole world and at least somehow try to change the situation.

The most famous homosexuals in the world

Unlike Russia, in the rest of the civilized world things are much more positive with openly gay people. Many representatives of the LGBT community can be found among actors, singers, cultural figures and politicians.

Sir Elton John- composer, musician, singer. He received a knighthood from Queen Elizabeth II herself. At the same time, he periodically acts in films. Elton John is 70 years old today. In addition to his creativity, he is known as a public figure. Especially for his participation in the fight against the AIDS epidemic.

In 1994, Elton John was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Initially, he declared his bisexuality (gives equal preferences to both sexes), but later called himself a pure homosexual. In 2005, he legalized his relationship with David Fisher. Over time, the couple used the services of a surrogate mother, and their first son was born in 2010, the second in 2013.

Elton John is also known for writing the soundtracks for the cult cartoon “The Lion King.”

Sir Ian McKellen- the magnificent Magneto, the mysterious Gandalf... And these are not all of his roles! For his excellent acting talent, he was awarded the title of knight in 1990. At 78 years old he doesn’t leave acting career, just recently starring in the film “Beauty and the Beast.”

McKellen came out back in 1988 live on BBC radio. Then this step required extraordinary courage. Ian risked public wrath and a lot of problems. However, his talent could not be stopped - and after admitting his homosexuality to the whole world, the actor received his best roles.

Ian McKellen is a civil activist. He does not ignore events concerning the LGBT community. Including in the Russian Federation. He even called Sergei Sobyanin a coward when he decided to cancel the gay pride parade in 2011.

Neil Patrick Harris- the main “playboy” of the series “How I Met Your Mother”. For this role he received two Golden Globe nominations and four Emmy nominations.

Also known for the films “Gone Girl” and “Starship Troopers”. He became the first openly gay man to host the Oscars in 2015.

The actor admitted his sexuality in 2006 in an interview with People magazine. The actor said that he was glad to finally dispel misconceptions and rumors. And that he can openly declare that he is gay and lives a happy and fulfilling life.

In 2014, Neil Patrick Harris married actor David Burtka.

Jim Parsons became famous for his role in the series “Theory Big Bang", where he played Sheldon Cooper, a theoretical physicist who believes that he knows everything, that he is a genius, and loves to teach other characters.

For this role, the actor received four Emmy awards and a Golden Globe award.

Rumors about his orientation circulated for days. And only in 2012 he spoke about his relationship to New publication York Times. His partner Todd Spivak is an art director. Jim also shared that he does not consider his life to be anything special. He never considered himself an activist. The actor lives an ordinary life with Todd: they have breakfast, drink coffee, and walk the dogs.

Matt Bomer is an actor who people remember as the charming swindler Neal Caffrey from the TV series White Collar. He also played in the film “The Normal Heart,” dedicated to the problems of sexual minorities.

The actor's coming out was quite simple - a correspondent from Details magazine simply asked him about Matt's orientation. However, the actor decided not to answer directly, but only hinted that he was gay. And only two years later, Bomer publicly admitted his homosexual orientation.

Xavier Dolan- a film director who dropped out of school at the age of 16 and was left without an education, but received a prize at the Cannes Film Festival at the age of 20 for the film “I Killed My Mother.” He is extraordinarily talented. In 2015, Xavier was already on the jury of the Cannes Film Festival - this is unthinkably fast. In addition to his directing career, he sometimes acts as an actor, but only in his own films - for example, “I Killed My Mother.”

Xavier Dolan's homosexuality is nothing new. The director never hid his orientation. His films often contain discussions about homosexuality. But that’s not all he films about. The paintings are distinguished by their depth.

Zachary Quinto I remember him as the villain Sylar from the series “Heroes” and as the unrivaled Spock from “Star Trek.” There was also an unusual, even partly tragic role - in American Horror Story, Zachary appeared in the role of a homosexual ghost. While alive, it committed suicide along with its lover, and now the gay ghosts are unable to rest.

In 2011, Quinto publicly came out as gay in an interview with New York Magazine. It all started innocently enough - with a simple discussion of the prospect of legalizing same-sex marriage in the United States. But then he expressed his opinion from a gay point of view, which was the beginning of his coming out.

Moriarty also did not stand aside. Andrew Scott- an openly gay man who played the role of the main antagonist in Sherlock Holmes. Andrew is Irish-born and plays on television, film, and theatre. Won a BAFTA Award for Best Supporting Actor. Also participated in next movie about James Bond, which was released in 2015.

When talking about the gay community, it is impossible to leave out of sight Stephen Fry. He is best known as a British comedian. But he is also an actor, writer, playwright. He became famous for such TV series as “Black Adder”, “Jeeves and Wooster”. His work together with Hugh Laurie also brought him popularity. Stephen has repeatedly been included in ratings of the funniest people on the planet. He played the role of a gay man in the dystopian film “V for Vendetta” based on the script of the Wachowski brothers (now transgender women, the Wachowski sisters).

For a long time, Fry hid his sexuality. He discovered it for himself a very long time ago, when he was at school. But information about his homosexuality became public only in 1997, when the actor was already 40 years old. Fry writes about this in his autobiography. From 1995 to 2010 he lived with his colleague Daniel Cohen. Since 2010, he dated another actor, Stephen Webb.

Later, Stephen entered into new relationships. And on January 6, 2015, he announced his future marriage to comedian Elliot Spencer, who was 27 years old at the time. The relationship was formalized on January 17. It is Spencer who is called the person who gave Fry a new thirst for life, thereby helping him get rid of depression and loneliness.

Fry became equally famous as an LGBT activist. He is interested in the problem of the homosexual community in Russia. In particular, in 2013, Stephen personally met with Vitaly Milonov, a homophobic deputy of the Russian Federation. Moreover, he expressed support for the campaign against the human rights-violating gay propaganda law in Russia.

The world did not stop at Sherlock Holmes's opponent. Hodor from Game of Thrones joined the rainbow ranks. Or rather, an actor Christian Nairn. His character is stupid, but also strong and loyal to the Starks. The actor admitted that he was gay during the filming of the fourth season of the famous series. This happened when the topic of same-sex marriage was raised on the Game of Thrones forum. Christian responded to everyone who was dissatisfied that when they try to hurt the LGBT community, they hurt his community.

After this, he stated that he had never been ashamed of his sexuality. And, moreover, he did not make it a secret. They just didn't ask him. Nairn's greatest pleasure was that he was able to destroy everyone's favorite stereotype of what gay people are like. After all, many see them as cute boys who for some reason are more inclined to wear feminine clothes, because they are so fragile and cute. And it was Christian who, with his powerful shoulders, destroyed this stupid stereotype, showing that gays are different. And for this, the “rainbow” community thanked him more than once or twice.

Wentworth Miller– the main sex symbol of all prisons. Leading actor in the TV series "Escape". Where, in order to save his brother from execution in the electric chair, he himself ends up in prison. And then he pulls him and himself out, relying on his brilliant mind and cunningly developed plan. After which, Wentworth can be found in series such as The Flash, where he plays Captain Cold. He later plays the same character in Legends of Tomorrow, where he happily kisses the hero Lucha.

And, although today Miller is openly gay, he had to go a long way to admit it. In 2007, Wentworth proudly announced that he was going to get married, after which he would have children and continue to happily build his own life. family life. The media never raised suspicions about his orientation. And he explained his lack of a girlfriend quite easily - he was too busy filming.

The actor opened up to society in 2013, when he refused to attend the film festival in St. Petersburg. With this, he supported the action against the new Russian law “on the promotion of homosexuality.” It was strange for him to attend an event in a country where open love is prohibited and where there is no understanding of basic human rights.

Later, the actor honestly stated that it was difficult for him to admit to himself that he was homosexual. And, when he was 17 years old, he even tried to commit suicide, afraid of how society would react to his coming out. As an adult, Miller became terrified that coming out could harm his career or simply end it.

Ben Whishaw- a person who is easily recognized by his role as a maniac in the film “Perfume”. This film brought him fame in 2013. Like many stars, he did not hide his personal life, but simply did not talk about it. In August 2012, he entered into a civil partnership with Mark Bradshaw, an Australian composer. They met when they worked together on the film " Bright Star", this happened in 2009. Mark played music and Ben played main role. And it happened to them love affair at work, which eventually became something more. Ben announced that he has an official partner (common-law spouse) through his agent.

Also part of the “rainbow” community are Ruper Everett (Quiet Flows of Flows), Richard Chamberland (The Thorn Birds, and also played the role of an elderly gay man in the TV series Desperate Housewives"), Jesse Ferguson ("Class", "Modern Family").

The list of openly gay people in the world does not end there. But to describe all the people who are openly ready to admit their love and their true selves, several volumes the size of Les Misérables are not enough.
