Where the Kama River flows into the Volga. The Kama River is the main tributary of the Volga


Kama- a river in the European part of Russia, the left and most major influx Volga River.

Above the confluence of the Belaya Kama River, it has a Tatar name Chulman(Cholman)


Length 1805 km, basin area 507 thousand km?. The height of the source is 331 m above sea level, at the mouth 36 m. The average slope is about 0.011%. Current speed at low summer levels is 0.32-0.93 m/sec, at elevated levels- up to 1 m/sec or more. Originates in the central part of the Verkhnekamsk Upland from four springs at former village Karpushata, now part of the village of Kuliga, Kez district Udmurt Republic . Flows mainly between hills High Trans-Volga region along a wide, sometimes narrowing valley. In the upper reaches (from the source to the mouth of the Pilva River) the channel is unstable and winding, on the floodplain of an oxbow lake. After the confluence of the Vishera River it becomes a high-water river; the banks change: the right one remains low and is predominantly meadow in nature, the left one almost everywhere becomes elevated and in places steep. There are many islands in this area, and there are shoals and rifts. Below the confluence of the Belaya River at the Kama, the right bank becomes high and the left bank low. In the lower reaches of the Kama flows in a wide (up to 15 km) valley, the width of the channel is 450-1200 m; breaks into sleeves. Below the mouth of the Vyatka River, the river flows into the Kama Bay of the Kuibyshev Reservoir (the backwater from which sometimes reaches the mouth of the Belaya River).

At the confluence of the Kama and the Volga, the water flow in the Kama is 4300 m?/sec, and the water flow in the Volga in the same place is 3100 m?/sec, thereby the Kama is more powerful river than the Volga. However, the length of the Kama is less than the length of the Volga from the source to the mouth of the Kama, so the Kama is considered a tributary of the Volga, and not vice versa.


There are 73,718 rivers in the Kama basin, of which 94.5% are small rivers less than 10 km long. The main tributaries on the left are the South Keltma, Vishera with Kolva, Chusovaya with Sylva, Belaya with Ufa, Ik, Zai; on the right - Kosa, Obva, Vyatka. All the right tributaries of the Kama (Kosa, Urolka, Kondas, Inva, Lysva, Obva) and some of the left ones (Veslyana, Lunya, Leman, South Keltma) are lowland rivers flowing from the north. Mountainous, cold and swift rivers originate in Ural mountains and flow into the Kama from the left (Vishera, Yayva, Kosva, Chusovaya and a number of their tributaries).


Food is predominantly snow, as well as underground and rain; During the spring flood (March - June) more than 62.6% of the annual flow passes, in summer and autumn - 28.3%, in winter - 9.1%. The range of level fluctuations is up to 8 m in the upper reaches and 7 m in the lower reaches. Average consumption at the Kamskaya hydroelectric station 1630 m?/sec, at the Votkinsk hydroelectric station about 1750 m?/sec, at the mouth about 3500 m?/sec, the largest about 27,500 m?/sec. Freezing is accompanied by abundant formation of inland ice and ice drift for 10 to 20 days. Freeze-up occurs from early November in the upper reaches and late November in the lower reaches until April. Spring ice drift from 2-3 to 10-15 days.

Economic use

Railway line along the Kama in Perm

3 reservoirs and hydroelectric power stations have been created on the river: from the mouth of the Urolka River (996 km from the mouth of the Kama) the Kama Reservoir (Kama Hydroelectric Power Station) begins, immediately below it is the Votkinsk Reservoir (Votkinsk Hydroelectric Power Station), followed by the Nizhnekamsk Reservoir (Nizhnekamsk Hydroelectric Power Station).


The creation of reservoirs improved navigation conditions. The Kama is navigable to the village of Kerchevsky (966 km) - the largest raft roadstead, and in high water - another 600 km. Navigable depths on the lower Kama are maintained by dredging. Main ports and marinas: Solikamsk, Berezniki, Levshino, Perm, Krasnokamsk, Tchaikovsky, Sarapul, Kambarka, Naberezhnye Chelny, Nizhnekamsk, Chistopol. From Perm there are regular passenger flights to Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Astrakhan and Ufa. The picturesque banks of the Kama attract a large number of tourists.


The river is inhabited by sterlet, sturgeon, bream, carp, crucian carp, asp, silver bream, ide, chub, bleak, pike perch, perch, ruff, pike, burbot, catfish, etc. In the upper reaches (and in places in tributaries) taimen and grayling are found. Aquatic vegetation is well developed, especially in numerous bays and backwaters. Currently, the Kama River is heavily polluted by industrial wastewater.

Length1805 km
Pool area 507,000 km?
PoolCaspian Sea
River basin Volga
Water consumption 4100 m?/s (near Chistopol)
SourceVerkhnekamsk Upland
· Location With. Kuliga (Kezsky district of Udmurtia)
· Height331 m
EstuaryKuibyshev Reservoir
· Height36 m
· CoordinatesCoordinates: ? / ? (G) (I)55°21?50? With. w. 49°59?52? V. d.? / ? 55.363889° N. w. 49.997778° E. d.(G) (I)55.363889 , 49.997778
River slope0.11 m/km

Kama begins in the northeast of Udmurtia. Its source lies among the low hills of the Verkhnekamsk Upland, near the village. Karpushata, Kez district. It flows from a well dug under an old birch tree, several springs - Far, Upper and others. Streams of springs merge into a small stream, which rushes along the bottom of a shallow ravine, overgrown with bird cherry and mountain ash.

The Kamsky stream, merging with the small river Bystrushka and the Yakunin Kama stream, becomes a small river that flows to the northwest for about 35 km and leaves the republic. In the middle course it returns to Udmurtia again and crosses its eastern and southeastern parts for 180 km. Here is Kama - large river, having a wide, well-developed channel and extensive floodplain.

Kama length - 2032 km. Basin area - 522 thousand km2 (2 times more area Oka basin). In the European part of Russia, only three rivers exceed the Kama in length: the Volga, the Ural and the Dnieper. If the Kama flowed straight, its path would be 4.5 times shorter - from the source to the mouth in a straight line, only 445 km. In the upper reaches, the Kama forms something like a giant loop. This peculiar direction of its flow is explained by the influence of ancient glaciation, which resulted in a restructuring of the river network of the Kama basin.

Kama is a lowland river. The height of its source is 331 m above sea level, near the city of Sarapul - 64 m, at the mouth - 36 m. Average
its slope is small, about 0.11%, but it is almost 2 times greater than the Volga slope. The flow speed of the Kama (before the construction of the reservoir) at low summer (low-water) levels is 0.32-0.93 m/sec, at elevated levels - up to 1 m/sec or more.
But the fall of the Kama is not the same in different parts of the current. The river has not yet reached its full equilibrium profile and continues to deepen its channel.

The Kama is a high-water river. The average annual flow rate near the city of Sarapul, according to observations from 1914 to 1954, is 1730 m3/sec,
the largest - 2510 m3/sec, the smallest - 1070 m3/sec (before the construction of the Kama and Votkinsk hydroelectric power stations). After the creation of the Kama and Botkin reservoirs, the flow rate is 1820 m3/sec. The average annual flow at the river mouth is 3.8 thousand m3/sec.

In terms of water content among Russian rivers, the Kama ranks ninth.

The width of the Kama channel in the middle reaches ranges from 500 to 1500 m. Its channel is unstable due to the easy erosion of the rocks that make up the floodplain, so the Kama has many branches and channels that form islands, as well as starorsky and lakes in the floodplain. Many of these lakes become overgrown and turn into swamps.

The depth on the reaches ranges from 2.5 to 3 m, on the riffles - 1.6-1.8 m. In the area below the village. Mazunino to the village. Karakulino depths decrease to 0.4 m (Mazuninsky roll). Further downstream the depth increases and reaches 8-9 m. After the confluence of the river. The White Kama becomes wider and fuller. There are no shallow riffles here.
Average duration ice cover 5-5.5 months. Freezing in the upper reaches begins earlier than in the lower sections of the river; opening occurs in the opposite direction.

On average, in Udmurtia the Kama freezes on November 17 (with deviations in both directions by 11-14 days). The river becomes ice-free on May 2 (with a deviation of 10-14 days). The duration of the navigation period is approximately 180 days.

The spring level rise begins 2-3 days before the river opens. In the spring months, more than half of the total annual flow occurs. The average duration of the spring flood near Sarapul is 65 days. The water rise is sometimes more than 5 m above the chart zero. Often the river overflows its banks, flooding the entire width of the floodplain and spreading over 10-12 km. Water consumption increases by 80-100 and even 120 times. During low-water times, the water level in the river drops and it narrows in places to 600-700 m.

According to hydrologist D.L. Sokolovsky, who summarized centuries of observations on the Kama, in three spring months the river carries 61% of the total water mass, and during the rest of the year - only 39%. Melted snow waters play a major role in feeding the river, and rainfall and ground nutrition play a secondary role.

The mineralization of water in the river varies from 132 to 328 mg/liter. The mineralization of the water of its tributaries is 100-200 mg/liter higher: up to 255-368 mg/liter.

According to the classification of O. A. Alekin, the Kama belongs to rivers of medium mineralization. The lowest water hardness is observed during the period spring flood, the greatest - at the end of winter.

Every year, the Kama carries 130 billion m3 of water and up to 500 thousand tons of sediment into the Volga.

The temperature of the Kama water gradually increases and reaches a maximum in July (but according to long-term data, the average July temperature is 4-20.4°). In channels and backwaters the temperature is higher than in the main channel.

On the territory of Udmurtia, many tributaries flow into the Kama: on the right side - Siva, Nechinka, Bolshaya Sarapulka, Malaya Sarapulka, Izh, Toima, Vyatka and others: on the left - Bolshaya Uzhuikha, Sholya, Kambarka, Bui, Belaya and others.
The Kama and its tributaries have a very great importance in the development of the economy of Udmurtia. Up to 12% of the total population of the republic lives in the Prikamsky district of Udmurtia.

On the Kama and its tributaries there are Largest cities Udmurtia: Sarapul, Izhevsk, Votkinsk, Kambarka. At the confluence of the Kama river. Big Sarapulki is the city of Sarapul, which has important industrial and transport significance. Sarapul - major port. Near the city a railway bridge was built across the Kama, which carries Railway Moscow - Ekaterinburg.

Sarapul is one of the most beautiful cities in the Kama region. The light line of the embankment under construction encloses the city from the Kama side; from the west, a dense wall of mixed forest approaches; Startseva Mountain rises from the north. This is one of the most picturesque places on the Kama. From a high ravine (more than 80 m above the river) the expanse of the Kama valley opens up. Its low left bank is covered with forests. The high right bank rises above the river with wooded slopes, often abruptly falling down to the water. This unique, well-preserved corner of the forested Kama region is a wonderful natural attraction of Udmurtia, subject to protection and study.

20 km below Sarapul on the left bank is the port of Kambarka - one of the largest transit points in the entire Kama basin. In terms of cargo turnover, Kambarka is second only to Perm. From Kambarka to the mouth of the river. The Belaya Kama flows mostly in low floodplain banks. There are many archaeological and historical monuments. So, against the mouth of the river. Belaya, flowing into the Kama from the left, near the village. Cheganda are located multi-story deep caves dug into an almost vertical bank. Apparently, copper ores were mined here in ancient times; Later, the caves were used by robbers, since the flow of the Kama and Belaya can be clearly seen from the caves over a long distance. In case of a raid, a long underground passage was dug from the caves into a deep ravine overgrown with forest. Now the caves attract many tourists. Not far from here is the Chegandinskoye fortification of the Bronze Age. Items found here during excavations are stored in the Sarapul Museum of Local Lore. On the right bank of the Kama there are a number of historical monuments of the Kama region.

Nowadays, on the border of Udmurtia with the Perm region, a powerful Votkinsk hydroelectric power station (1 million kW) was built on the Kama River. The average long-term energy production is 2.3 billion kWh. The dam raises the level of the Kama to a height of 23 m. The Votkinsk reservoir has an area of ​​1125 km2, volume - 9.7 km3. In terms of volume and size, it is only slightly inferior to the Kama Sea. The maximum width of the reservoir is 10-12 km. The coastline is slightly indented, so the processes of destruction of the banks are less intense than on the Kama Reservoir.

57 small rivers flow into the Votkinsk Reservoir. It has big influence pa Kama tributaries due to flooding of their estuarine areas. The backwater of the Votkinsk hydroelectric dam extends up the Kama for 365 km. The upper border of the sea came close to Perm, to the dam of the Kama hydroelectric station.

The creation of the reservoir provided seasonal regulation of the Kama flow below the dam of the Botkin hydroelectric complex. The average daily flow here is currently about 4000 m3/sec, which is 2.5 times higher than the flow of the Kama in its natural state at the site of the hydroelectric complex before the construction of the dam. The reservoir creates favorable opportunities for integrated use river water resources. Transport conditions on the Kama River within Udmurtia have improved over a distance of 100 km. After the reservoir was filled with water, wide reaches with depths of up to 20-25 m were formed. The shipping channel was straightened and expanded to 300-400 m, which made it possible to organize two-way traffic of ships and rafts and shortened the straight line waterway between Perm and the ports of the lower Kama for several
tens of kilometers. The volume of transportation from Perm to Sarapul and further to the mouth of the river increased approximately 2 times. At the dam of the Votkinsk hydroelectric power station on the left bank of the Kama River arose new town- Chaikovsky.

Electricity from the Votkinsk hydroelectric power station is supplied via high-voltage lines to the Perm region and Udmurtia.
The Kama is one of the most important waterways in the European part of Russia. Navigation on it lasts more than 6.5 months. The Kama connects Udmurtia with the Urals, Volga region, Volga-Vyatka and Central Industrial regions. Every year, over 40 million tons of various cargoes are transported along the Kama, which makes up a fifth of the cargo turnover of Russian rivers. Millions of tons of timber, oil, grain, building materials and other cargo. In terms of the volume of timber cargo transportation, Kama ranks one of the first places in the world. Water resources are used for domestic and technical purposes. There are dozens of cities and towns on the banks of the Kama River. The Kama is a river of a great past, a wonderful present and a wonderful future.

KAMA (Sanskrit käma) is a term of Indian thought denoting sensual desire or sensual pleasure. In Hinduism, kama represents the satisfaction of sensory desires as one of the goals, and therefore values, of a person (purushartha). Of all… … Philosophical Encyclopedia

River, Volga river; Udmurtia, Kirov region, Komi Permyak Autonomous District, Perm region, Tatarstan. In Russian in chronicles it was first mentioned in 1220 as Kama. A number of etymologies are known. According to the most plausible of them, the name Kama, like the names... ... Geographical encyclopedia

Kama combined oatmeal. It is prepared from flour ground from pre-roasted seeds of rye, oats, barley, peas, and black beans, taken in equal parts. Kama as a product is characteristic only of Estonian cuisine. This is one of… … Great encyclopedia culinary arts

God of marriage and love among the Indians. Explanation 25000 foreign words, which came into use in the Russian language, with the meaning of their roots. Mikhelson A.D., 1865. KAMA God of marriage and love among the Indians. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language.... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Estonian national combined oatmeal, a mixture of flour from pre-roasted rye, oats, barley, peas, beans, taken in equal parts. This is one of the oldest products of the Baltic peoples, left over from Neolithic times and... ... Culinary dictionary

KAMA, a river in the European part of Russia, the left, largest tributary of the Volga. Length 1805 km. Its sources are on the Verkhnekamsk Upland and flows into the Kuibyshev Reservoir. The main tributaries: Vyatka, Belaya, Chusovaya, Vishera. Mole rafting of timber along the Kama and... ... Modern encyclopedia

River in the European part Russian Federation, left, largest tributary of the Volga (flows into the Kuibyshev Reservoir). 1805 km, basin area 507 thousand km². Average water flow 3500 m³/s. On the Kama Kama, Votkinsk, Nizhnekamsk hydroelectric power stations. Main... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

KAMA, a river in the Urals, the left, largest tributary of the Volga (flows into the Kuibyshev reservoir). 1805 km, pl. basin 507 thousand km2. Average water flow 3500 m3/s. On the Kama Kama, Botkinsk, Nizhnekamsk hydroelectric power stations. Ch. tributaries: Vyatka, Belaya, Chusovaya, ... ... Russian history

- (Old Indian kâma, “desire”, “sensual attraction”, “love”), in ancient Indian mythology the god of love. K. is defined in Vedic texts as “self-born”, emerging from the heart of Brahman, as the son of Dharma. In the Atharvaveda he is repeatedly called upon... ... Encyclopedia of Mythology

Noun, number of synonyms: 4 god (375) gods of love and marriage (17) river (2073) ... Synonym dictionary

Camilla Dictionary of Russian personal names. N. A. Petrovsky. 2011… Dictionary of personal names


  • Kama Sutra. Harmony in love and sensual pleasure, Vatsyayana Mallanaga. The Kama Sutra is not a catalog of positions or a guide to exotic sex. This is a deep book about how to love each other without losing the freshness of feelings, about how to have fun...
  • Kama in the morning for toy monkeys, Vatsyayana Banana. "Kama in the morning for toy monkeys" has become a bestseller on Amazon." It's time for all the monkeys to cast aside their inhibitions and doubts..." "Kama in the morning for toy monkeys", full of bright...

Kama - (from the Udmurt "kam" - river, current), a river in the European part of Russia, a left tributary of the Volga. Length 1805 km, pool area 507 thousand. km 2. It originates in the central part of the Verkhnekamsk Upland. It flows mainly between the heights of the High Trans-Volga region along a wide, sometimes narrowing valley. After the confluence of the river. Vishera becomes a high-water river. From the mouth of the river Lesson (996 km from the mouth of the Kama) the Kama Reservoir begins and immediately below it - the Votkinsk Reservoir. The Upper Kama crosses the border of the Perm region near the mouth of the Seyva River. Within the Perm region, the Kama River passes half of its route - almost 1000 km, crossing 11 districts and territories subordinate to six cities. In the lower reaches of the Kama flows wide (up to 15 km) valley, channel width 450-1200 m; breaks into sleeves. Below the mouth of the Vyatka River, the river flows into the Kama Bay of the Kuibyshev Reservoir.

There are 73,718 rivers in the Kama River basin, of which 94.5% are small rivers less than 10 km long. To the Kama River, as to center line region, from the elevated outskirts, numerous tributaries flow. All right tributaries of the Kama (the rivers Kosa, Urolka, Kondas, Inva, Obva) and part of the left ones (the rivers Veslyana, Lunya, Leman, South Keltma) are lowland rivers flowing from the north. Mountainous, cold and swift - these are the upper reaches of rivers that originate in the east of the region, in the Ural Mountains, and flow into the Kama River from the left (the rivers Vishera, Yaiva, Kosva, Chusovaya and a number of their tributaries).

The Kama is the fifth longest river on the European continent: only the Volga, Danube, Ural and Dnieper are longer than it. Kama describes a gigantic arc of more than two thousand kilometers. From Kazan to the Udmurt village of Karpushata, where on the gentle slopes of the Ageevsky Log the first streams of the Kama are born from the springs, it is only four hundred kilometers.

The tributary of the Kama, the Vyatka, begins almost there. At first, the Vyatka and Kama flow in parallel - to the north, then they diverge, and before connecting their waters, separated at the source by a narrow wooded ridge, they run a huge path. In the upper reaches the channel is unstable and winding; below the mouth of the Vishera there is a high-water river. The flow of the Kama River over a considerable distance is regulated by the dams of the Kama, Votkinsk and Nizhnekamsk hydroelectric power stations, above which reservoirs were created. At the confluence with the Volga there is the Volzhsko-Kama Nature Reserve. Main cities: Solikamsk, Berezniki, Perm, Krasnoarmeysk, Sarapul, Naberezhnye Chelny, Chistopol.

The total length of the Kama is 2030 km. It collects water from the expanses of the pool, covering an area of ​​522 thousand square meters. km - slightly inferior to France. It abounds in moisture-storing forests and swamps, mountain springs and rivers. The Kama receives more than two hundred significant tributaries, and in terms of its abundance of water it can compete with the Volga; Here are the largest of them: Vishera, Chusovaya, Belaya, Vyatka.

The nature of the Kama basin is diverse. Here are the slopes of the Ural ridge, and ancient plateaus, and low-lying plains. Coniferous forests, similar to Siberian taiga, surround the banks of the Kama in the upper reaches; in the lower reaches, oak groves and lush green linden trees are reflected in its waters.

Since ancient times, the Kama has been the main route of trade for the peoples who inhabited its banks. Already in the 11th century Russian boats appeared here. Ermak’s squad passed along the Kama and its tributary Chusovaya to Siberia, showing the way to many brave explorers - and from then on the mighty river connected Muscovite Rus' with Siberia.

The riches of the Kama basin are countless. More than 12 thousand mineral deposits have been discovered in the Urals, and a considerable share of them are in the Kama basin. In the river basin, forests account for about 14 million hectares. Most of the trees here are spruce, larches, firs, and pines.
The industry of the Kama region is represented by ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, oil refining and coal industries, engineering, metalworking, and chemical enterprises.

The river is fed primarily by snow, as well as underground and rain; During the spring flood (March - June) more than 60% of the annual flow passes. Range of level fluctuations up to 8 m in the upper reaches and 7 m in the lower reaches. Average flow rate at Kamskaya HPP is 1630 m 3 /sec, at the Botkinskaya hydroelectric station about 1750 m 3 /sec, at the mouth about 3500 m 3 /sec, largest around 27,500 m 3 /sec. Freezing is accompanied by abundant formation of inland ice and ice drift for 10 to 20 days. Freeze-up occurs from early November in the upper reaches and late November in the lower reaches until April. Spring ice drift from 2-3 to 10-15 days. The creation of reservoirs improved navigation conditions. The Kama is navigable to the village of Kerchevsky (966 km) and at high water levels - by another 600 km.

Main ports and marinas: Solikamsk, Berezniki, Levshino, Perm, Krasnokamsk, Tchaikovsky, Sarapul, Kambarka, Naberezhnye Chelny, Chistopol.

In the European part of Russia it flows main tributary Volga - Kama River, which is one of the largest waterways of the region and the country. There is an opinion that it is not the Kama that serves as a tributary of the Volga, but vice versa. The majestic Kama begins its flow from a source located in Udmurtia in the village of Kuliga from four streams. The river source is located on the Verkhnekamsk Upland at an altitude of 330 meters above sea level. In the Kuibyshev reservoir on the Volga, the Kama completes its long haul, with a length of 1805 km.

general description

In the upper reaches, the Kama channel is winding and forms numerous oxbow lakes - floodplain lakes. For 125 km, the river flow moves in a northwest direction, after which it turns to the northeast (another 200 km). A sharp bend in the stream directs the Kama waters into south direction by territory Perm region. Initially, the narrow river flow overflows into a full-flowing river after the Pilva (Komi Republic) and Vishera (borders of the Sverdlovsk region) rivers flow into the Kama.

The most important facts:

  • The Kama River is land
  • There are 3 reservoirs on the Kama
  • Water nutrition - melt water
  • Freeze-up occurs in November
  • 73,000 different rivers flow into the Kama

The Kama catchment area is 507 sq. km. Most of the tributaries flowing into the Kama are small streams up to 10 km long. The largest flowing rivers are: mountain rivers - Vishera, Chusovaya, Kosva, Yayva, lowland rivers - Kosa, Urolka, Veslyana, Leman, Kondas. To be precise, 73,718 rivers will flow into the Kama. In addition to meltwater and tributaries, the river is fed by underground springs and rain. Greatest depth water artery observed in the Kama Reservoir - 30 m, and average fluctuations in water level - 7-8 meters.

Reservoirs and farming

Historically, the development of the Kama began in the Volga basin. Before the construction of the dams, the length of the river reached 2000 km. The water streams of the Volga and Kama, which previously flowed in parallel, were separated by a 12-kilometer rock ridge. Now the river flows into the Kama Bay of the Kuibyshev Reservoir, the width of which in some areas reaches 40 km. The local natural attraction Tanaevsky floodplain pockets on the territory is also located here national park"Lower Kama".

Reservoirs of the Kama River

Kamskoye- Starts with r. Urolki with a length of 140 km, the right tributary of the Kama. The Kamkoy hydroelectric power station dam is located in Perm. The length of the Kama Reservoir is 350 km, width – 14 km, depth – 30 m.
Nizhnekamsk- The dam of the Nizhnekamsk hydroelectric power station is located in Naberezhnye Chelny. The length of the reservoir is 185 km, its width is 20 km, and its depth is 22 m.
Votkinskoe- The dam of the Votkinsk hydroelectric power station is located in Tchaikovsky, a medium-sized city. The dimensions of the Votkinsk reservoir are 365 km long, 9 km wide, and 29 m deep.

Kama Photos

After the construction of dams on the Kama, the river’s flow speed decreased by one and a half times, and water flow changed color and became darker. It is interesting that the Kama does not have a mouth, since it is formed by the waters of the Kuibyshev reservoir of the Volga. Historically, the Volga is considered the main Russian river flowing into the Caspian Sea, although the Kama is deeper and wider.

The Kama is famous for its picturesque banks; the shipping route extends from the mouth to Solikamsk and the village of Kerchevo. Until 1995, there was the largest timber rafting raid here. You can sail along the Kama to Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg and Rostov-on-Don, Astrakhan and Volgograd. River tourists love the Kama - in terms of its deep water and picturesque banks, it rivals the mighty Volga.
