Someone was digging a grave and collecting large potatoes. Slavic dream book Meaning of sleep Potato

Potatoes, in concept folk dream book, second bread. Such a dream cannot foretell anything bad. You have to interpret what you see based on minor details accompanying the main action. This mainly applies to the type of potatoes: whether they are clean or heavily soiled with soil, large or small. In life, you rarely have to dig potatoes alone. In a dream, there are helpers in this labor-intensive task. Their presence also affects the decoding of information. Dream books compiled by psychologists, folk seers and modern interpreters will help you understand in more detail why you have to dig potatoes in a dream.

Such a dream cannot foretell anything bad

The most versatile interpretations of potatoes that had to be dug in a dream are given by Miller’s dream book:

  • Large clean root vegetables dream of success in the business you have started. As a rule, such a dream occurs to people who doubt the profitability of the planned business on the eve of concluding a deal or signing an agreement.
  • To dig up smooth, beautiful potatoes, which in the vision had to be cleared of adhering earth - this dream also prophesies success, but achieving it will require a lot of effort. If this sign relates to intellectual work, then you will have to argue a lot and convince your opponents that you are right.
  • Rotten potatoes dream of unpleasant “slippery” situations. A combination of circumstances will not allow you to easily achieve the desired result even in the most winning project. The evil tongues of envious people and the reluctance of colleagues to work at full capacity can interfere. It can let down the state of health, both your own and those of the people on whom the speed of decision-making in this matter depends.
  • Among the clean harvest, dug up with your own hands, there is a rotten root crop that evokes negative feelings - you dream about it as a warning that in reality on the right track obstacles are encountered. These obstacles should be eliminated immediately so that the labor expended does not go to waste. One misunderstanding with a partner, untimely delivery, left without due attention, can cause serious damage to the entire undertaking.

The explanations of this dream are laconic Wangi. In her opinion, dreams of potatoes mean an improvement in one’s financial situation. If you managed to see that you yourself are sticking a shovel in order to raise a nest of potatoes to the surface of the ground, then the dream foreshadows a change in job to a better paying one. To do this in reality, you will have to make an effort. If you dreamed about the process of digging up vegetables without specifying the details, it is possible that your current boss has decided to promote you or increase your salary.

A more general explanation is provided by modern dream book : I dreamed of potatoes dug up in a field or in a garden - everything will be fine! Any business started in the coming day will have a successful completion.

The dream book interprets this symbol differently Tsvetkova:

  • A potato field, the end and edge of which is not visible, symbolizes hard labour, nor bringing serious income and moral satisfaction, even if the matter can be completed.
  • It’s not your own, thankless task you have to do at this stage of life. Most likely, the situation at work or in the family is reminiscent of Sisyphean work, when, despite the efforts made, everything returns to normal.

Loff's Dream Book considers digging potatoes in a dream as a warning sign. It points to problems hidden in the depths of one’s own body or subconscious. It is necessary to undergo a medical examination and get rid of complexes that interfere with career advancement and free communication with people of different social strata.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse considers not so much the root crop itself as its yield. The larger the mountain of vegetables dug out of the ground, the greater the luck awaiting you in reality. According to this predictor, a large mountain of small potatoes is better than one large root vegetable. If you manage to dig up a lot of clean, large vegetables that have not been eaten by wireworms, this portends a zone of success. Obviously, you didn't just get to white stripe“zebra crossings”, but you confidently walk along the dividing strip of life’s highway.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti after such a dream guarantees interesting acquaintance, which portends more than friendship. But sooner or later this relationship will cause disappointment, moral pain and suffering.

According to Freud's dream book, digging potatoes in a dream is:

  • To the next emergency, the need to work overtime.
  • The psychologist considered rotten potatoes as a symbol of inevitable aging. A reminder that a person is given only one life. You need to enjoy every minute, live to the fullest.
  • Clean potatoes dug up in a dream promise a comfortable but boring life.

Potatoes in the dream book (video)

Seeing large dug up potatoes in a dream - what does it mean?

Dream about how you dig large potatoes, admiring the harvest, enjoying the process - portends receiving well-deserved praise, a reward for the previous stage, during which it was necessary to:

  • work hard;
  • be smart;
  • discover the makings of a leader in yourself.

Seeing in a dream how you are digging large potatoes, admiring the harvest, enjoying the process - portends receiving well-deserved praise

Any merits to the family, work team, neighbors or random people will not go unnoticed. The reward will find its hero. These will not necessarily be material benefits, but this will not make signs of outside attention less valuable and pleasant.

Digging potatoes in a dream with your hands or a shovel

If in life there is a way to extract potatoes from the ground special significance does not, then in decoding the dream this process is given a special meaning.

Digging potatoes out of the ground with a shovel in a dream

Digging potatoes with a shovel is a sign of a secret that will soon become public knowledge. It's up to you to discover someone's secret! If potatoes come out of the ground in one dig, then the discovery will be sudden, unexpected. Obviously stunning.

  • If the potatoes are clean, as if washed, then pleasant news is expected.
  • Dirty tubers dream of revealing someone's ugly actions, which he tried to carefully hide.
  • Digging in the ground for a long time with a toy shovel or shovel is a symbol of the intentional effort you make to bring someone to clean water.

Digging potatoes with a shovel is a sign of a secret that will soon become public knowledge

Digging potatoes with your hands

It’s not the best sign when in a dream you have to dig the ground with your hands in order to get a crop out of the ground. Envy is not the best feeling. Having an envious friend does not require enemies. Sworn friends will not resist the temptation to throw you off your pedestal. Following the advice of the shamans, in order to dispel the magic of this dream, you will have to collect a handful of earthen soil:

  • From the cemetery;
  • Forest edge;
  • The banks of a river flowing near it.

It’s not the best sign when in a dream you have to dig the ground with your hands in order to get a crop out of the ground

Mix three different soils and scatter this mixture over the fire. This method of the Indians destroys insidious plans and their consequences.

Digging potatoes with a dead person in a dream: what does it mean?

The dead dream not only of a change in weather, but also of dramatic changes in fate. By appearance potatoes you can judge whether fate has good news for you. The deceased only enhances good predictions and softens the consequences of what is destined to come true.

  • If the deceased, helping to dig potatoes, jokes and jokes, and in life he was not distinguished by an easy character, this may be a warning of a sudden trouble that will be eliminated as outlandishly as it appeared.
  • Digging potatoes in a dream with a deceased relative who is constantly dissatisfied is a warning that not everything is as smooth in business as it may seem. The financial side and the people with whom you have to contact on business issues require careful double-checking. Take a closer look at your surroundings, maybe there is an asp hiding behind the mask of a shirtless guy.

The dead dream not only of a change in the weather, but also of dramatic changes in fate

It’s a good sign if you have to dig potatoes with a loved one who has left this world. Such a dream predicts pleasant communication, joint pleasant chores with living relatives. Clean potatoes may mean that the family will soon become larger due to the upcoming marriage. The soil on the potato on one side indicates that the baby will appear in the near future.

Why do you dream about potatoes: Miller’s dream book (video)

Potatoes are a necessary, priority product for Russian people. Seen in a dream, it promises prosperity and stability. Dug up potatoes that have to be placed in a herd are a long-term prediction. Whatever form this vegetable appears in, it does not foretell grief or irreparable troubles.

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Dream Interpretation Digging Potatoes

Potatoes have many names. And the earthen apple, or the devil's apple, the red apple, the nightshade, even the second bread. Potatoes are a symbol of survival.
The interpretation of dreams where I had to dig potatoes includes two main points: work in the ground, and, in fact, the potatoes themselves. Why we dream of digging potatoes, the dream book gives a twofold interpretation: one side is that the earth is our nurse, and the other side is that such a ritual as burial has a connection with the earth. But the meaning of dreams depends largely on the circumstances and details.

Interpretation in detail

Let's take into account the details and means with which the potatoes were dug:

  • dig with a shovel;
  • dig with your hands;
  • digging while feeling tired;
  • size value.

If in a dream you dig potatoes

As the dream book indicates, root tubers are dug up in a dream more often by those dreamers who, in reality, have to work hard. The path to accomplishing what you wished for will not actually be many times more thorny than it seemed at first. The dream book will help you decide whether to give up your idea or stubbornly move on towards your goal, not seeing obstacles and countless difficulties, yet foreseeing that in the end the desire will not justify the effort.

Large potatoes - to success in work

According to Miller's dream book, digging potato tubers in a dream is a good omen. When the dreamer happened to see how he digs up potatoes and immediately plants them again, the interpretation states that every movement made now is another brick in the foundation of upcoming success. The fact is that now there will be a series of actions on your part, each of them will become, surprisingly, very effective. Don't miss the favorable moment and the job is halfway done.

When in a dream you happened to dig a very large, almost clean, potato, all your efforts and efforts will be appreciated by your superiors and an undeniable triumph, honors, and recognition awaits you.

The interpretation of dreams in which you dug soiled, rotten and small potatoes with soil stuck to it speaks of disappointment and what is coming black line. This is a call to abandon the idea that has captured you, because it is not worth your efforts and aspirations. There is little chance that you will be able to implement it, but even if you implement it, the results will be minimal and not at all attractive.

Dead man and potatoes...

If you were digging potatoes with a dead person in a dream, the dream book says that minor changes are foreseen in your life, such as not a long-term trip to previously unvisited places, or maybe you will experiment with your appearance. Or the weather may simply change, which will somehow interfere with your plans and disrupt the course of events. But the fact that a deceased person participated in the work still confirms that if not today, then tomorrow you will complete your plan without losses.

Maybe you found yourself face to face with a huge amount of work and remembered how you didn’t appreciate those moments when you were together, how you used to put the whole burden of work on your shoulders loved one, without thinking that he was struggling with all his strength to complete the job.

To the hint and warning

Who else was in your dream

The interpretation of dreams where you had to dig up potatoes with a deceased person may be a warning that in the near future you will need an assistant, otherwise you will not be able to cope with the volume alone. So start looking for people in advance so that worries don't take you by surprise. Or you will need help in solving complex issues, because the dead sometimes come in a dream, with the goal of warning about impending events. If you strain your memory and remember what qualities prevailed in a person during his lifetime, how he acted in difficult, almost insoluble situations. This will help you find your solution.

It happens in a dream that you were digging potatoes, but did not find them in the hole, but the deceased came and dug them up. This means that he hinted to you that the solution is also hidden, you just need to dig deeper. Otherwise, your opponent may dig deeper and bask in the glory at your expense.

Conflicting interpretations

Sometimes the interpretations of dreams are very different. If you follow the dream book of birthday people, then those born in the summer who dream of digging up tubers will expect a large harvest of vegetables. Those born in the fall - to a great financial harvest, but those born in winter with such dreams should understand this as a signal for the prevention of viruses and chronic diseases.

Digging rotten potatoes in your dreams is a sign of stagnation in business.

If in your dreams you dig potatoes alone, in reality everything will be exactly the opposite - you will be lucky in matters of the heart.

If in your dreams you painted pictures of a whole potato field in which you worked with your whole family, digging it up, then you will soon have to commit large purchase. It could be a new car or new house, and maybe even real estate in another country.

When events in dreams indicate that the time has come to dig potatoes, and you arrived at the beds without tools, without containers and containers in which to collect them, then this is a call to exert your last strength for the successful completion of your plan . You are really very tired, because the work was very intense, it squeezed all the juice out of you, but there was only one drop left to complete the grandiose undertaking. The results will be stunning.

If in your dreams you dig up potatoes and immediately sell them from the field, this good sign, claiming that you will be able to get rid of guests who, due to their incorrect behavior, become uninvited, or from close friends or relatives who are visiting. And if you cook it over a fire right in the field, then real life you will have to fight for your success. It will be hot and there will be serious competition, but it will be worth it.

In the event that you dig potatoes and throw them at each other, in reality very large scandals can occur that can lead to massacres. Avoid heated and stressful situations.

If you see in your dreams a large mountain of dug up potatoes, this predicts a large cash flow from a successful occupation, which you will invest in an even more successful enterprise.

Why do you dream about digging potatoes? In such a plot there are two important symbols: potatoes and earth. According to dream books, the earth, on the one hand, gives life - everything that feeds us, animals, and birds grows on it. On the other hand, it is associated with the sad funeral ritual, dampness, and heaviness. But potatoes in dreams almost always predict positive changes, success, and profit for the sleeper. True, there is one clarification - the dreamer will have to achieve all this with his own hard work.

Therefore, dreams about harvesting potatoes are interpreted ambiguously. Much depends on the details you see. For example, on how ugly this crop was, what the tubers were in quality and size. However, the wisest thing to do is take a dream book and carefully read all the interpretations related to harvesting potatoes.

Shovel or hands

More often, dreams about having to dig are seen by people who have to work hard. And it just so happens that on the way to the goal there will be many more obstacles and difficulties than it seemed at first.

The dream book also warns that the resulting result of all efforts may even disappoint the dreamer - his path to his cherished goal will be so thorny and problematic. So before it’s too late, it’s better to think about everything carefully again, and only then start implementing your plans. You will receive information that someone carefully concealed, which is why you dream of digging potatoes with a shovel.

The dream book believes that knowledge of these secrets will help the sleeper and have a positive impact on his future. This also applies to the dreamer’s personal life and his position in the service or in business. Did you dream that you were digging up tubers? In this case, the dream book warns against excessive impulsiveness and frankness. Be careful, your every rash act or statement can be used for their own purposes by enemies who are just waiting for you to take at least one wrong step!

The Indians believed that after such a dream it was necessary to take urgent measures for their own safety. The recipe they offer is quite exotic, but is said to be effective. So, if you get your hands dirty in the ground while sleepily harvesting potatoes, go to the cemetery, to the forest and to the river bank. Take a handful of earth in these places. Wait until midnight, build a fire and rub the collected soil over the fire. This way you will disrupt the insidious plans of your enemies!

Health requires attention!

If you felt tired and exhausted, the dream book strongly recommends paying attention to the state of your body. It is likely that you need good nutrition, a course of vitamin preparations. Sometimes this is a signal that you are under stress. Overwork, non-compliance with the daily routine - constant lack of sleep can lead to disastrous results. Find the time and opportunity to see a therapist. A preventive examination will help prevent the development of serious diseases or prevent the exacerbation of chronic ailments.

About prospects

Why do you dream that you are harvesting potatoes on your plot according to Miller’s dream book? The seer believes that this is a good sign, suggesting that the patience and diligence shown by the dreamer now will bring rich fruits in the future. Thanks to these qualities, he will achieve success and earn high authority among others.

In another dream book, there is such an explanation of the same plot - any plausible deed will not go unnoticed. On the contrary, the results will pleasantly surprise even the dreamer himself. But the dream book specifies this period, it is extremely harmful to leave any tasks unfinished. Try, despite your fatigue, to cope with all your obligations. Then it will be easier, and most importantly, success will literally inspire you and give you impetus for new achievements.

The dream book assures that clean, healthy, large tubers mean that you will experience real triumph in reality. Your boss will appreciate your work, and your colleagues will understand that you deserve an increase in earnings, a bonus or other reward.

Unfortunately, the vision in which rotten, dirty, pest- and disease-ridden land was taken out of the ground has a completely different interpretation. The dreamer faces a difficult, dangerous period in life, the dream book summarizes. In addition, the idea, the implementation of which the sleeper spent a lot of time and effort, will turn out to be unpromising. Even if it is possible to implement it, the results will be very modest, if not disastrous. And of course, you won’t have to dream about any profit anymore. We can only hope to recoup the financial investment.

Why ? The dream that a deceased person helped you dig up potatoes evokes an unpleasant, heavy feeling. If it was a friend or relative, then this is a sad reminder of him. Don’t be alarmed, the dream book does not predict anything sad or bad. This picture can “pop up” in your subconscious only because you once had to work in the garden together with the deceased person you saw.

What else can you dream about? similar plot? The dream book will contain explanations regarding the change in weather and the fact that you are very worried about the upcoming event. For example, travel, passing an exam, an important meeting. Such a phantasmagoria can be seen in a dream even because you are planning to radically change your appearance. Let's say do new haircut, change hair color. The dream book warns that one should not succumb to superstitious fears. Prejudice and negative options possible development events in our thoughts are extremely harmful, because they can actually “attract” troubles and problems.

Sometimes a dream about digging up potatoes serves as a hint that you will need help in an upcoming difficult task. The dream book interprets such a vision as a reminder of best qualities deceased person. Maybe it’s worth following his example and thinking about how he would act in the current circumstances. This is especially useful when there is a complex task ahead, a large amount of work.

Do not give in to despondency, be purposeful and confident that this unusual providence will support you in the future. Only then will you realize that you have gained invaluable experience that will come in handy more than once in the future.

Potatoes entered the Russian diet relatively recently - at the beginning of the 18th century. However, it is considered one of the most popular vegetable crops is rightfully considered the second bread. Potatoes in a dream may well be a reflection of the day’s efforts in growing, caring for and collecting this tasty root vegetable, but at the same time in the interpretation various dream books This is quite an expressive symbol. So why do you dream about potatoes?

Dream Interpretation: seeing potatoes in a dream

Miller's Dream Book suggests that when you dream of potatoes, you can expect profit. Dig it out - achieve success.

If you see potatoes with sprouts that the dreamer plants in the ground, this is a good sign. In reality, all your dreams will soon come true.

According to Vanga's dream book Towards the completion of a long-awaited event, I dream of potatoes. This could be receiving a marriage proposal or a salary increase.

There is a new acquaintance ahead - this is what potatoes are dreamed of, according to Ukrainian dream book . But taking tubers out of a barn or cellar is a danger of getting sick.

Azar's Dream Book predicts that large potatoes on earth mean profit.

By eastern dream book If you dream of potatoes in the ground, a difficult life stage lies ahead. However, thanks to the presence of spirit, you will be able to survive it.

Family dream book warns that Colorado potato beetles on potatoes mean damage. This could be a loss or loss in business.

Why does a woman dream about potatoes?

Potato unmarried portends successful development for a woman business sphere. Very soon, the dreamer will expect recognition in her professional field.

Potato flowers, dreamed girl, are a harbinger of a romantic adventure. You may even receive a marriage proposal.

Dreamed small potatoes married The lady signals temporary financial problems. Large tubers promise a harmonious environment in the house and good security.

When you dream about potatoes pregnant a woman, she will have to go through a rather difficult process of childbirth. However, the dream is a positive omen - everything will be fine with the woman in labor and the baby.

An interesting offer will soon come if you had to plant potatoes in a dream into the ground. It can concern both personal life and business cooperation. It’s also worth remembering what color you planted potatoes in your dream. Pink tubers delight lonely dreamers with the news of a successful romance, and foretell a happy period for families life together. Planting material is almost white predicts the emergence of new prospects. Yellow tubers indicate unexpected support from friends. Connections will help you carry out your planned transaction very profitably.

Stable career predicts a dream in which you had to plant potatoes in pots. The dreamer himself limits the possibilities of his own development.

Plant potatoes in winter or burying obviously rotten tubers in the ground is a warning sign. You can lose part of your income if you act carelessly.

The plot of a dream in which I happened to plant potatoes warns of a threat to one’s financial condition. in someone else's garden. Works with good mood on own plot They promise to receive an unconditional reward for their work. If the landing was carried out through force and with reluctance, it is worth paying attention to other people’s claims. Someone decided to take away a tasty morsel, and you will have to make an effort to maintain your own income.

Why do you dream about digging potatoes?

To correctly interpret what it means dig potatoes out of the ground in a dream, it is necessary to remember what tool was used. If it was a shovel, in reality you will have to find out information that for a long time was a secret for the sleeper, but was crucial for his well-being. The use of a rake and pitchfork suggests the need to fight vanity. Digging potatoes with a toy scoop indicates ill-considered actions. Digging up root vegetables with your fingers symbolizes hard work, sticks or other improvised means, hints that it’s time to compare own desires with opportunities, and adjust aspirations.

It is also worth considering what kind of gather potatoes in a dream. Smooth, beautiful tubers portend an increase in strength and a successful solution to all assigned tasks. If the potatoes turn out to be rotten, the joyful period in reality is coming to an end, and you will have to postpone the implementation of your plans.

Interpretation of sleep by the type of potato

As a sign of pleasant troubles associated with acquiring significant capital, you dream of potatoes large and smooth. Entrepreneurs can expect very lucrative contracts, and they should pay attention to all incoming offers.

Big potatoes symbolize excellent profits. Everything will work out soon.

If you dreamed small potatoes, small but empty troubles await ahead. This also reflects the sleeper’s dissatisfaction with insufficient attention to his person from others.

Receiving good news means clean potatoes in a dream. We must rejoice.

Against, dirty potatoes foretell the onset of difficulties. There's trouble ahead.

The dream also has a bad meaning rotten potato. A difficult stage of life comes when you have to fight for your own happiness.

A new source of income portends young potato. It’s worth looking around, and you’ll find benefits in something you never thought of.

TO important events appears in dreams old potato. Its quality will tell you whether they will be sad or favorable.

Great sign - raw potato. It signals joyful events in reality.

If you dream cleaned potatoes are good. Such a vision promises good luck.

Has positive symbolism fried potatoes in a dream. You may receive a tempting offer for a new project or even a change of job.

Boiled potatoes in a dream warns that in reality the sleeper fulfills the wishes of others. We must devote time to our own life aspirations.

Why do you dream about a lot of potatoes?

Bucket potatoes means successful completion of the task. The main thing is that the root vegetables are smooth and strong.

Bag Excellent quality potatoes mean well-being. Spoiled or very small tubers warn of troubles with finances.

It's good when you dream garden with potato. In reality, successful prospects will appear.

Even rows in field with potatoes without weeds foreshadow successful implementation idea. Projects will develop according to plan.

Lots of potatoes in the cellar symbolically represents an attempt to hide a secret.

Interpretation of sleep based on actions with potatoes

In order to find out why you dream about potatoes, you definitely need to remember your actions. It is also worth considering the type of occupation in reality.

For farmers and gardeners spud potatoes - a sign to prepare for a rich harvest. For businessmen, such a dream predicts significant profits.

Weed potatoes are a double symbol. This and fun meeting with friends, and the danger of skin disease.

Hard work lies ahead in reality, if you dreamed about it collecting potatoes in the garden. But the material return will please you.

Iterate potatoes - worry about mistrust of someone around you. There is reason to doubt if there is a rotten tuber.

You will be able to cope with bullying and evil ridicule of yourself if you dreamed about it clean potatoes. Tubers that are too small indicate dissatisfaction with oneself.

Soon there will be guests in the house if you dream cook potatoes. Most likely, visitors will be from afar.

Fry potatoes - a prosperous stage of life begins. But if it's burnt, you should keep your plans to yourself.

Good sign - prepare a potato dish in a dream. These are positive events and decent pay for real work.

Soon you will be able to meet with friends if you dreamed about it There is potatoes in a dream. You'll have a lot of fun. Enjoying baked tubers means good luck accompanies everything.

To envy, a dream appears in which it is brought steal potatoes. It is worth fighting this negative feeling.

If you dream sell potatoes, in reality someone is very tired of the sleeping person. The dream suggests that you will soon be able to part with clingy guests and acquaintances.

There is an unexpected find ahead, if you dreamed about it buy potatoes. The smoother and larger the tubers, the more expensive it will be.

Potatoes in a dream are a multi-valued symbol, but mostly carry a positive meaning.

In life there is only one association - hard and exhausting work that requires patience and strength.

But in our dreams there are different rules, and potato is a multi-valued symbol. How can you interpret a dream in which you were digging potatoes?

Dreaming of digging potatoes - dream symbolism

On the one hand, a dream about digging up potatoes is associated with the root crop itself. Potatoes, according to many dream books is a symbol of fertility, prosperity, success that comes through hard work.

On the other hand, there is another difficult sign in the dream - . And it is interpreted ambiguously. The earth is the nurse and it is also our last refuge.

To decipher such a complex dream, you will have to try to remember all the details:

  • what color and size were the potatoes;
  • whether the tubers were dirty or clean;
  • your manipulations with potatoes (planting, digging, etc.);
  • was there anyone with you;
  • where did you dig potatoes;
  • what was the weather like?

By collecting all the details into a single picture, you will be able to decipher Morpheus’ message.

If in a dream you were digging large potatoes , and she was still beautiful and pure, get ready for a well-deserved triumph in life. Rewards and honors await you for the good deeds you performed not so long ago.

A small and dirty tubers warn of the approaching black line.

The idea you're on this moment absorbed, not worth it. A lot of effort will be spent on its implementation, but the result will not please you. He will not be as attractive as he once seemed.

The most common interpretation says that dig potatoes in a dream to hard work in reality. You will have to work hard and conscientiously.

The path to your goal will not be as easy as you thought. Persistence in work will help you get through it. You should not abandon your plans at the first difficulties. The result will exceed all expectations, and your self-esteem will increase.

In dreams, the tools with which you performed the work also have meaning.

If you are in a dream digging potatoes with a shovel- this is a warning that the truth will soon be revealed.

It is you who will contribute to this, perhaps you will stumble upon new facts that will play decisive role in this case.

This outcome will affect your fate the best way. This applies to business and personal relationships.

A favorable sign if in your dream you watched someone else dig. This promises a successful and very profitable deal.

If you dream of digging potatoes with your hands

Work bare hands in a dream warns against unnecessary revelations and rash actions. Someone from your environment is digging a hole for you, into which you can fall if you are careless.

If in a dream you we dug potatoes and got pretty tired, which means that in reality it’s worth taking care of your health. Get tested so you can take action on time.

But experiencing joy from the process in a dream promises achievement of the set goal. You don’t have to work too hard for this, everything will be resolved by itself.

Picking potatoes in your dream

Harvesting is equally pleasant both in a dream and in reality. Collect in a dream predicts a quick receipt of profit or income from one’s labors.

If the tubers are small, then the amount is insignificant and, conversely, large root vegetables promise a big jackpot.

It's time to enjoy the results of your labor. So, in the near future financial well-being you don't have to worry.

But not all dream books have a good interpretation of such a dream. Somewhere it is stated that picking potatoes in a dream- to hard work in reality. And it may be useless.

You can collect not only potatoes, but also their flowers. This dream also promises a happy family life.

A dream in which potatoes are digging on, warns that soon in reality you will need the help and support of colleagues.

You will be faced with a huge amount of work with strict deadlines, which you will not be able to cope with without help.

Be reasonable and don't turn your nose up at the help offered. This is not a case to keep the laurels for yourself. Only teamwork will help solve this problem.

Digging potatoes with a dead person - what to expect from sleep?

This dream has several interpretations:

  • In reality you miss to a person who has passed away, which reflects the subconscious in dreams.
  • Perhaps there are small ones waiting for you life changes, but they will affect fate. This may be due to an unexpected change of image, some important acquaintance.
  • The dream warns of a situation in which you will need help. appeared in a dream precisely for this message. Remember what he was like in life and what he did in similar situations. This will help solve the problem.

If you dreamed of a woman digging potatoes?

If a woman had a dream, then it has a separate meaning. In the first case, it promises an increase in wages or income. And this will be connected with your efforts; they will finally be appreciated.

In the second case, the dream foreshadows. This action is predictable and expected for you, since you have been working towards this for a long time and have made a lot of effort.

Why does a man dream of digging potatoes?

Men's dream about digging up potatoes promises empty acquaintances and contacts. There is no need to rely on people from your surroundings to difficult situations. Solve your problems yourself.

Otherwise, you will ruin your relationship with the person and will not solve the problem. But don’t be upset, this phenomenon in your life is temporary.

Depending on what time of year the action took place in the dream, this sign will be interpreted. Autumn time promises family harmony and happiness, as well as prosperity for many years.

Digging potatoes in winter in your dream - a good sign. Good news or unexpected financial benefits, such as a bonus, await you in life.

Works in rainy weather do not promise anything positive. Offers big problems that you can't handle.

Digging potatoes in a dream in most cases has a positive interpretation. Even if the decoding seemed unfavorable to you, there is no need to get upset ahead of time. All the events that happen in our lives only strengthen us. Especially when such signs are sent from above.
