Mobile Internet MTS: tariffs, connection and prices. Internet and television from MTS for home

Currently in Russia there are quite a few providers that provide home television and Internet services. MTS is one of them. Unlike mobile Internet, MTS home Internet has enormous speed and does not impose traffic restrictions. MTS is one of the few providers that provide Internet using GPON technology. For those who are not aware, this technology is many times superior to ADSL. In theory, Internet speed using GPON technology can reach 1 Gbit/sec. In practice, the speed will depend on the tariff plan (no more than 500 Mbit/s). To help you understand the difference, it provides a speed of 4 Mbit/s.

  • Important
  • In Moscow and the Moscow region, MTS provides home Internet services together with MGTS.

What is home Internet MTS

MTS provides home television and Internet services using ADSL and GPON technology. ADSL technology is old and is not capable of providing high-speed Internet access. However, it is still actively used due to its availability. If you have a wired telephone in your home, then there will be no problems connecting to the Internet using ADSL technology. GPON technology looks much more attractive, however, at the moment it is available only in Moscow and some cities in the Moscow region.

Features of GPON technology:

  • To connect subscribers to GPON, an ONT modem is needed;
  • Internet access speed from 10 Mbit/s to 2.5 Gbit/s;
  • The technology allows you to connect several phone numbers;
  • It is possible to connect additional services (video surveillance, alarm, digital television, etc.);
  • The fiber optic cable is routed directly to the subscriber.

As you can see, GPON technology has many advantages over ADSL. The problem is that it is not available to everyone. Even if you live in Moscow, there is no guarantee that it is possible to connect MTS home Internet in your home using this technology. GPON technology involves laying a cable from the telephone exchange to an apartment building, and then to the subscriber’s apartment. If your home is not connected to shared network, then no one will run a cable to a residential building for the sake of one subscriber, since this is unprofitable for the provider.

Advantages of home Internet from MTS

MTS home Internet is connected using ADSL or GPON technology. The second option is preferable, but is not available to everyone. If you live in Moscow in apartment building, then most likely GPON technology will be available to you. In most regions it is still provided via ADSL. Of course, MTS has tariffs for both technologies.

Home Internet from MTS provides the following advantages:

  • High quality connection using GPON technology;
  • Free Wi-Fi router;
  • Large selection of tariffs;
  • Free installation of fiber optic cable;
  • Credit payment system.

All this is wonderful and cannot go unnoticed by subscribers. GPON technology is of particular interest, but as noted earlier, today it is not available everywhere. You can check the possibility of connecting to home Internet from MTS by leaving a request on the MTS or MGTS website (read how to submit a request below). Why not only MTS, but also MGTS? The fact is that MTS and MGTS (PJSC Moscow City Telephone Network) have combined their services in Moscow and provide customers with essentially the same tariffs.

It’s also good news that MTS home Internet connection is completely free. You just need to leave a request and specialists will install the cable into your apartment. Moreover, you will receive Wi-Fi router for free. In fact, you will only need to pay a subscription fee. Again, this is provided that your apartment has an Internet connection using GPON technology. for home Internet are quite varied, so each subscriber will be able to choose the best offer for himself. An overview of all tariffs is given below.

Disadvantages of home Internet from MTS

Of course, home Internet from MTS has many advantages. Free connection and a Wi-Fi router as a gift is only called positive emotions, however, it is too early to draw conclusions. It is unlikely that you will be able to name at least one service from MTS that is ideal in everything. There are always pitfalls and this case not an exception to the rule. Before connecting to MTS home Internet, you should definitely familiarize yourself with all the nuances of providing this service.

MTS home Internet has the following disadvantages:

  • If the contract with MTS is terminated, you will have to pay the cost of the equipment, since the Wi-Fi router is provided for rent, which is included in the subscription fee;
  • In case of early termination of the contract (12 months), the subscriber is obliged to pay a penalty for laying cable in the apartment (the amount is determined individually);
  • It is problematic to call the support service and receive qualified assistance;
  • If you are not an MGTS subscriber, then the cost of home Internet will be higher for you.

Of course, this list cannot be called complete. We have cited only those shortcomings that have been officially confirmed. If you believe the reviews about MTS home Internet, then there are many more negative aspects. You can read the reviews at the end of the article, but for now let’s look at tariffs for home Internet. If you have anything to add, leave comments at the end of the article.

MTS tariffs for home Internet

As noted earlier, MTS and MGTS have combined their services and jointly provide home Internet services using ADSL and GPON technology, so the tariffs for these providers will be the same. Tariffs for MTS home Internet are subject to regular changes. Tariff plans differ from each other maximum speed access to the network and the size of the subscription fee. If you plan to connect to the Internet using GPON technology, then the minimum Internet speed will be 100 Mbit/s.

Home Internet tariffs using GPON technology:

  • “Internet GPON – 100 Mbit/s” - 450 rubles/month;
  • “Internet GPON – 200 Mbit/s” - 490 rubles/month;
  • “Internet GPON – 300 Mbit/s” - 800 rubles/month;
  • “Internet GPON – 500 Mbit/s” - 1600 rubles/month.

As you can see, prices are no higher than those of other Internet providers. In addition, the obvious advantage of home Internet from MTS using GPON technology is that the fiber optic cable is pulled into the apartment for free. In addition, you receive a free Wi-Fi router. True, these services will be free until you stop using the services of this provider. If the contract is terminated, you will have to return the router or pay for it. If the contract was terminated earlier than a year after connecting the service, you will also have to pay for the work of laying the cable into your apartment.

Home Internet tariffs using ADSL technology:

  • “Home Internet – 3 Mbit/s” - 150 rubles/month;
  • “Home Internet – 6 Mbit/s” - 200 rubles/month;
  • “Home Internet – 20 Mbit/s” - 300 rubles/month;
  • “Home Internet and TV – 20 Mbit/s” - 490 rubles/month.

Tariffs with daily payment are also available for MTS and MGTS subscribers: “Home Light – 20 Mbit/s” for 20 rubles per day and “Home Light – 6 Mbit/s” for 10 rubles per day. Prices may vary depending on region. The data provided is relevant for Moscow and the Moscow region. You can find out prices for your region on the MTS or MGTS website.

  • Important
  • The cost of home Internet tariffs using ADSL technology may vary depending on the region.

How to connect home Internet MTS

Of course, home Internet from MTS has disadvantages, but these are typical for any provider. If you have studied the terms of service in detail and are satisfied with everything, you can leave a request for connection. The operator will examine it as closely as possible. short term and will inform you whether the service can be connected.

You can connect MTS home Internet in the following ways:

  • On the MTS website;
  • On the MGTS website;
  • By calling 8-495-636-0-636;
  • In any MTS communication store.

You can choose any of the above methods for connecting your home Internet. After reviewing the application, a specialist will contact you and explain what further actions need to be taken. We recommend submitting an application through the MTS or MGTS website. Calling support is often problematic. Let's take a closer look at what the procedure for submitting an application for a home Internet connection looks like. For example, we use the MTS website; by analogy, you can perform all the actions on the MGTS website.

To connect your home Internet to MTS, follow these steps:

  1. Follow the link;
  2. Select the tariff plan you are interested in;
  3. Read the terms of service and click “Connect”;
  4. Fill out the application to connect the service and click “Submit”.

Your application time depends on various factors. The decision may come within a few hours or only after a few days. If MTS home Internet is available to you, a specialist will explain to you what is required to connect to the service.

Today, mobile operators are actively occupying the niche of providing telecommunications services. Home Internet and television from MTS no longer surprise anyone, besides the quality of service and low prices attract a sufficient number of subscribers. In addition, various connection technologies allow you to use a whole range of options and extensions. And now more about what offers MTS presents to its potential subscribers, as well as about prices for home Internet for a computer or laptop and tariffs for related services.


Let's start with the fact that residents of the capital are served by the Moscow subsidiary MGTS, which deals with the same telecommunications services and installation of the necessary equipment for TV and telephony. Tariffing is incredibly simple. Subscribers are presented with a direct relationship between price and connection speed. Mono tariffs look like this:

  • 30 Mbit/s - from 300 rubles, depending on the availability of connected telephony and the need to add a router to the kit, the cost can increase to 400 rubles per month;
  • 60 - from 450;
  • 100 - from 600 rubles;
  • 200 - from 900;
  • 350 - 1100;
  • 500 - 1600.

For subscribers living in Moscow, the offers “ Home-light» with daily tariffs.

The service is provided to users with established telephony.

Because of technology throughput does not exceed 50 Mbit/s. This is the maximum value, and a day of use will cost 30 rubles, 25 at a speed of 30 and 20 at 10 Mbit/s.

As for the combined offers, which include dozens of TV channels, they are not presented very extensively. The most popular remains home Internet and the package “ Optimal» with GPON technology. This is a high connection speed of up to 150 Mbit/s and 80 channels for 549 rubles per month, and this price will include an antivirus, a router and a modern set-top box.

And now a little about other regions. Let's consider Saratov and the connectivity options there. There are only 4 mono-tariffs in the city:

  • « Profitable 70“- its value is in increasing the basic speed of 70 megabits at night to 100, the subscription fee is 350 rubles;
  • « Economy» — 25 megabits per second for 400 per month;
  • « Comfort» — 50 megabits for 450;
  • « Prestige» - up to 100 for 550 per month.

The range of tariffs can be connected together with digital television, 129 channels, 23 of them in HD quality.

The subscription fee will increase in the first two tariffs to 550 rubles, and in the last two to 600 and 700. But “Beneficial”, in addition to speeding up, will allow you to use a modern HD set-top box without additional payment. That is, it is worth noting that the Saratov line is diverse and has quite reasonable prices.

The company also offers to form comprehensive offers including home telephone, tariffs for such packages may vary in price due to terrain and other technical conditions. Details must be clarified at sales offices or by phone hotline 8 800 250 0 050 .


It will not be possible to carry out the installation work on your own, so you will have to contact the company’s specialists. This can be done both at the sales office and on the website by leaving a request with contact information. Managers will certainly call you back and clarify the necessary details, including a convenient time for the installer to visit. The telephone number for independent communication with the company can be found on the website; in Moscow it is 8 495 636-0-636.

Additional options

For comfortable use of basic services, MTS has prepared a number of additional ones. For example, " Promised payment”, which allows you to postpone the payment deadline if it is not possible to pay the payment. " Voluntary blocking» will save money when the Internet is not needed or the subscriber is planning to leave. You can watch your favorite TV channels on your computer. Plastic bag " Promo PC"with 15 channels is free, but " Basic PC» will cost 99 rubles and will allow you to watch 56 channels.

And, of course, " Antivirus» will protect against malware and inappropriate content.

The price depends on the subscription time, the number of protected devices and the software developer.

You can manage tariffs and additional options directly on the website in “ Personal account».

Subscribers' opinions

Reviews quite contradictory, from extremely positive to angry and full of indignation. The main reasons for dissatisfaction are the poor quality of services and maintenance. Stable work Only a few can boast of equipment.

“You can’t trust MTS with your leisure time, not to mention work. I often need to send projects, set up the admin panel of a corporate website, but... in most cases I can’t do this right away, only constant calls to technical support save me.”
Elizaveta, 27 years old, Saratov

“Outside the city, there are not many options for connecting to high-speed Internet access. The quality of service is quite tolerable and the price is reasonable.”
Kirill, 32 years old, Moscow

“I want to change provider, I’m tired. The set, including television and telephone, leaves much to be desired, and so does the price. Expensive and pointless. Nothing really works, and I’m tired of arguing with the installers.”
Marina, 28 years old, Tyumen

Many people are faced with the need to have access to the Internet in a private home or country house. Often this issue is resolved by connecting to mobile or satellite Internet. The well-known operator MTS also offers the opportunity to connect to the Internet in a private house.

Offer from MTS for owners of private houses

Telephone connections have long been available in all populated areas, because coverage possibilities wired Internet have expanded significantly.

MTS satellite Internet to a private home is the fastest, universally accessible way to access the Internet. At the same time, the user receives the widest coverage possible when using special equipment. Price for Satellite Internet MTS to a private home will be indicated by the operator or consultant during the discussion of connection details.

You can get MTS Internet to a private home using the “Internet for Home” service. According to the conditions, you get unlimited Mobile Internet-traffic and installation equipment at a set price.

How to connect MTS Internet to a private home:

  • it is necessary to visit a communication shop where a written contract is concluded;
  • after signing the documents, it is given in hand necessary equipment;
  • a connection time convenient for the client is negotiated;
  • specialists arrive at the agreed time and do everything necessary settings and settings.

A couple of simple steps, and you can use high-speed fourth-generation Internet on following conditions:

  • price per month of use – 50 rubles;
  • monthly traffic at unlimited speed – 100GB;
  • monthly traffic at a speed of 1Mbit/sec – unlimited;
  • the price of a router with an external amplifying antenna is 50 rubles;
  • The price for installing and configuring the system is free.

If the provided traffic of 100GB is over, then the speed is reduced to 1Mbit/sec. Unspent gigabytes do not accumulate.

If desired, receive large quantity Internet with unlimited speed, you can use the additional service “Turbo button 20GB”. Accordingly, another 20GB is added to the existing traffic at high access speed. The cost of a one-time connection including VAT is 10 rubles. The user can use the provided volume for 30 days.

With MTS, home Internet in a private home has become much more accessible. Now everyone can access the Internet at any time of the day or night, regardless of their location.

MTS has a truly unique and balanced telecommunications infrastructure, which includes all communication segments: mobile, Internet access networks via fiber optic lines and wireless networks, landline telephone service. The network already operates 4G LTE segments and fiber optic communications of GPON technology, providing traffic speeds of up to 500 Mbit/s (1,900 rubles/month).

MTS has a unique server infrastructure that provides the entire communications complex. Within the scope of possibilities, digital and satellite television services with a range of VoIP services are also offered.

From this base, the operator has developed and offered a range of mobile, home and mobile network plans that are tailored to the user's needs, including e.g. convenient tariff from MTS for 150 rubles per month. There is an offer for connecting home network infrastructure and connecting personal digital devices to the network, for example, MTS tariffs for Internet access from an iPad.

You can choose the most profitable tariff plan for connection on the website, in communication stores and by calling the MTS support service. Proposed different solutions, including plans with a monthly fee, per-megabyte pricing, with guest access to the network and with the ability to select characteristics.

All tariffs and options for mobile Internet from MTS

Today, MTS offers the most optimal option for Internet access services. Users have the opportunity to choose plan characteristics: with or without a subscription fee, for calls and telephone, for " smart home» or connecting devices such as tablets. MTS and the Internet have a VIP description of tariffs designed for large consumers of telecommunications services.

Please note that MTS tariffs in Moscow for Internet and TV may differ from those offered in the regions, but are the most profitable among other providers. This is due to the fact that each region of the telecom infrastructure is independent, so in some cases, when leaving the “home” region, communication prices may be increased.

The most significant key advantage of MTS is its unique telecommunications infrastructure, which provides access to the necessary services: high-speed Internet connection, digital services, various options that allow you to connect home automation devices with a low fee for the service and a low cost per GB. Clients note high quality service.

MTS tariffs for the Internet (some of the packages listed are unlimited at night):

  • Internet Mini
  • Internet Maxi
  • Internet VIP
  • BIT (Minibit)
  • SuperBIT
  • MTS Tablet

MTS tariffs for Internet access and device connection

If you have a goal to purchase the best service package and home Internet plan, you can safely choose GPON technology rather than ADSL telephony. The name of the MTS package was chosen in accordance with the name of the standard and technology, on this moment the most advanced in the telecommunications industry. The standard is aimed at ultra-performance networks and will appeal to those users who require high-quality, high-speed network traffic. With its help, you can use MTS television and Internet tariff that is most suitable for your tasks.

Even with the Economy MTS Home Internet tariff, the company provides excellent user characteristics that make high-speed network access available to everyone living in an apartment or house. The maximum packages, of course, can be classified as professional, but are available to everyone. Hurry up to connect and gain access to the first-class telecommunications infrastructure of high-speed Internet.

You can register an application on the MTS website. In the upper right corner, follow the My MTS link, indicating the “Home Internet” service. Enter your details and leave a request to connect. Company employees will contact you to resolve issues. Can manage through MTS Personal Account Home Internet tariffs (self-service office and change the characteristics of the service package as needed, including in roaming.

Mobile Internet

To connect to mobile Internet, there is no need to write an application or wait for the cable to be laid.

You can join a secure, high-speed network tomorrow. To do this, select one of the service packages, purchase a card with delivery, or change the plan in your Personal Account, for example, further including MTS Internet tariffs for the day. Choose a package depending on your needs for high-quality network access, taking into account a reliable connection without interruptions.

MST personal account. How to log in after the law is restored

You can connect mobile Internet, which you will later connect with a home router, or separate smaller packages for servicing personal devices or home automation. Each package has its own characteristics.

Connection instructions

  • go to My MTS in the Mobile communications section;
  • log in using your password (SMS message);
  • select the Change tariff command;
  • indicate the version you are interested in.

After this, your package will be activated on the selected service plan. If you purchased a plan, then all options are set by default. The subscriber can buy an unlimited package or one-time Internet services. Constant Internet allows you to connect the required devices to the network.

Connecting MTS home Internet: features and instructions

When we're talking about Home Internet services from MTS imply an exceptional level of connection with ultra-high speed. This is realized through GPON technology, developed by a number of largest companies in the world. MTS was one of the first to offer access to the Internet via a fiber cable, the data transmission characteristics of which can be configured in accordance with user requirements.

MTS Home Internet tariffs offer GPON connection with average speed plan from 30 to 500 Mbit/s due to communication channels. Additionally, the digital television service can be activated.

You can activate the service in 4 ways:

  • MTS Home Internet tariff is connected after an application on the provider’s website. Go to the My MTS system using the link in the upper right corner, indicating the Home Internet section. Fill out the connection and registration form;
  • 8495-6360-636, 8800-2500-050 order in Moscow and the Moscow region, respectively
  • log into your personal section, go to the “Home Internet” tab and activate the service;
  • through MTS and communication shops;
  • call the Contact Center.

0890 - call MTS support service

You can expect excellent conditions and quick activation of the service at home, as well as many additional minutes for calls, since 20% of the amount is returned to your mobile balance. Connect home automation devices, users, TV, video cameras and alarms to the Internet.

Remaining quota on the service package

Each home or mobile Internet package implies certain quotas, even with a conditionally unlimited connection. When working intensively on the network, you have to control the amount of available traffic within the subscriber plan. The number of packages that are still available at your number and tariff plan can be found out in the following ways:

  • in the MTS Contact Center - 08-90 (8800-250-0890) for private subscribers;
  • using the ussd command: ✶217# – check traffic for the connected network access service, ✶111✶217# – number of available packages in the “Ultra” and “Smart” plans
  • Using the portal, you can log into your account using unified registration data. All information is displayed, it is possible to manage the service package;
  • send an SMS with the text “?” to phone 5340, in the return message you will receive a response with the number of available megabytes.

When analyzing which internet tariff is best to choose, choose based on your needs and financial capabilities. Please keep in mind:

  • a home Internet line can be installed provided the entry point is accessible;
  • if the line cannot be established, a mobile access point is used with the appropriate tariff selection.

If you find it difficult to choose the right tariff for your needs, perhaps you are looking for an unlimited option, contact MTS employees for help by calling the Contact Center or visiting a store.

For example, for unlimited mobile access you can connect to the Smart Unlimited service. The tariffs available at MTS can be viewed above in the plans.

Digital television - connection and features

At MTS, satellite television and Internet tariffs are interconnected. The fact is that you can connect to the service anywhere in the country, even in sparsely populated areas. The difference between satellite TV and digital TV is that you do not need to lay additional fiber optic or telephone cable, unlike digital TV. The package allows you to use the broadcast control function, use pause, rewind or record, HDTV format. The package allows you to request videos, programs, launch a media player, enable parental controls and more. In terms of speed, Home Internet allows you to use any video content.

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