What are army outfits? What is a daily outfit in the army? How long does an outfit last in the army?

As we have already said, they will not take your mothers into the army, and therefore you will have to do everything yourself.

I will try to tell you as much as possible about what awaits you.

I have already said that you yourself will have to wash your uniform, clean your boots and entrusted weapons, make your bed, clean the room and outside.

The rest is done by the outfit, which in most cases is assigned for a day. Hence the name - daily outfit. Daily duty is assigned to maintain internal order, protect personnel, weapons, military equipment and ammunition, premises and property of the unit, monitoring the state of affairs in the units and timely taking measures to prevent offenses, as well as to perform other duties in the internal service.

The commanders of the units from whom the daily duty is assigned are responsible for selecting soldiers and preparing them for service. On the day preceding the detachment, fighters assigned to the daily detachment must be released from all classes and work.

On the day of joining the outfit, during the period specified in the daily schedule, you will be given at least 3 hours to prepare for the outfit and at least 1 hour for rest. Which, as a rule, results in a healthy sound sleep.

After a refreshing sleep, a daily outfit in set time arrives for a briefing, which also tests your knowledge of your responsibilities. The daily outfit must be ready for duty 15 minutes before leaving for the divorce.

As a part of the daily squad, as a rule, there is supposed to be a duty officer for the unit, who is responsible for everything that happens outside its territory. In addition, the duty officer is also entitled to an assistant who will replace the duty officer during his absence or sleep. The rest of the time he carries out the instructions of the duty officer. It is clear that this does not mean fulfilling any personal requests.

For this (and other equally important things) there are messengers who work as military walkers and, part-time, as Sherlock Holmes. Usually they are given an order, for example, like this: “Urgently find Major Ivanov and tell him that the unit commander is calling him to headquarters.” After this, the messenger's problems begin. And the most important thing is where to look for Major Ivanov. As you understand, not all people are conscientious and hard-working; there are also those who avoid work in every possible way. Surely you have encountered similar citizens. Some in the army also sin with this, and therefore, when you find the major you are looking for sleeping in some nook, you can hear that he saw his commander in a coffin and that you did not see him. Now get out of it yourself, figure out how you managed not to find the officer. To be fair, it must be said that such cases are very rare, but they do happen. And therefore it is necessary to know about them.

You have already learned that each unit has a headquarters, which means that measures must be taken to ensure its normal functioning and security, as well as measures to ensure the safety of the unit’s relics, including secret documentation, a banner and a portrait of the president. One of the military personnel is specially assigned to perform these tasks. This person is called the duty officer at the headquarters.

In addition to the security and defense of the headquarters, it is necessary to ensure protection from encroachment on the entire territory of the unit. To do this, your place of service is surrounded by a fence and one or more checkpoints are equipped - checkpoints to ensure control over the entry of anyone into the territory of the unit. A duty officer and assistants on duty are assigned to each checkpoint, acting as external security. The guard, as a unit, carries out the service of protecting especially important objects with the help of weapons, and the company squad protects your restful sleep and is responsible for weapon, stored in the company premises.

In addition to security functions, the outfit monitors the cleanliness of the premises. The army consciously supports the desire of military personnel for cleanliness and order. Basically, work to maintain cleanliness is carried out by the previous team. You begin to understand the rule “make someone else do it today, otherwise tomorrow you will do it yourself” after handing over the first order in your life: having regretted the previous order, the soldier accepts the territory as it is. And exactly 24 hours later he deeply repents of what he has done, scrubbing the floors and toilets until they shine. You should know that the army has its own specifics: as a rule, old-timers surrender their territory to young ones much faster, since it is not customary to find fault with “grandfathers”. In turn, it cannot be said that the “grandfathers” leave behind dirt - a younger fighter from their outfit is involved in cleaning. As a result, he has to clean up not only his own, but also someone else’s territory.

The hardest part of the outfit for me was what the soldiers call “standing on the nightstand.”

One soldier from the squad constantly stands opposite front door to prevent outsiders from entering the barracks. It is clear that strangers just don’t walk around like that and, at best, the matter will end in the theft of personal belongings, and at worst, a single saboteur can easily destroy the entire unit. A sleeping orderly is hidden threat the lives of his colleagues. These lines may have made you smile, but I urge you to take this seriously. Unfortunately, such cases have happened before, are happening in our time, and no one is immune from them in the future.

So, let's return to “standing”. This activity is quite tiring and unpleasant - boring, legs get tired, a lot of stress on the whole body. Over time, of course, you can get used to a lot of things, but still, unpleasant feelings and memories of performing the duties of an orderly remain forever. And this despite the fact that the orderlies replace each other every two hours. But, as I already said, the main thing is not to count how much is left.

The barracks are guarded by orderlies day and night. Therefore, orderlies do not sleep all the time allotted to a soldier according to the daily routine, but only half of it. And then only after cleaning all the premises littered during the day by the least conscientious soldiers.

That’s why I liked to rest more during the second shift - while the soldiers settled down, while your comrades, the orderlies, cleaned the premises...

Look, half the time before bed has already passed. I don’t really want to sleep at this time, since before the outfit we managed to sleep for an hour or two during the day.

At night, you can’t really move away from the front door and the weapons room either - you have to make sure that the person on duty in the unit doesn’t appear, who is worse than any saboteur for those on duty - the unit on duty. It is unclear whether the saboteur will appear that night or not, but the duty officer tries to arrive at the most unexpected time. Accordingly, the service had to be completed with full diligence.

True, since the late 1990s, weapons storage rooms very often stand empty (or are adapted for other needs), and weapons are handed over to warehouses. So the only weapons available may be bayonets for internal use.

A little time passes after the end of cleaning, and it is the turn of the first shift to rest, but before going to bed, you must first wake up your shift. The second shift is much harder: while you’re cleaning, while you’re laying down, while you’re falling asleep - you look, and someone wakes you up: “Get up, do your duty!” This means that until the morning we will have to fight sleep and loneliness together with another orderly. The last half hour has been tempting to shout ahead of time: “Company, get up.” Depending on your mood, you wait a couple of minutes after getting up or wake up your comrades earlier for the same couple of minutes. But in general, it is recommended to do a wake-up call exactly when it’s supposed to - then neither your brother soldier nor the officers will pick on you.

After a general uplift, serving becomes morally easier, but physically harder. Because if at night the orderly can sit on a chair, then during the day this option is impossible - you must greet the incoming commanders, and at the same time look smart and fit. So that the boss can see how good things are in his department and be happy about it.

We also had an outfit for the officers' dormitory. I served for the last year and a half in such a wilderness where not every bear would wander, and therefore the officers lived in a dormitory for three or four days while on combat duty. The duties of the duty officers included staying at the post, answering telephone calls, and waking up officers at the time they indicated. And everything would be fine, but, as you know, there are no outfits in which you can properly relax.

Two friends are talking, and one of them says to the other: “I work as a fireman. Everything is fine. Sleep as much as you want. The salary is great. But only when there’s a fire, at least quit.”

Same with this outfit. Everything is fine until the morning. But then the commandant of the hostel comes and begins cleaning all the rooms, changing linen and other delights of the work of maids in a soldier's uniform. And so on until the evening, when, after the end of working hours, the officers again have to clean and wash everything before handing over the assignment.

And this is not the biggest problem. The real problem arises when, when handing over duty, you need to report the presence of entrusted material assets. In a hostel, these are keys, a registration book, beds, pillows, blankets, curtains, and so on. In the end, at one fine moment I decided to play a prank on our fellow sufferers who replaced us. I spent, in my opinion, a couple of hours counting the clips in each room that attached the curtains to the cornices and wrote down in the delivery book “curtains - 1346 pieces.” When asked what it was, he explained what it meant and hinted that the soldiers were stealing them for their own needs, so strict accounting and control were now carried out in the entrusted building. Including bigtelek.

Three weeks later I joined the outfit again. There were curlers in the acceptance book. They increased and decreased in it, but every day serious men, called upon to defend the Motherland, counted them and handed them over one by one to the next squad. What's good about a soldier? The fact that he is not always obliged to think - he needs to follow orders. This disgrace lasted for about two months, until the watchful eye of the boss picked out these lines in the book and an imperious hand removed the creasers forever. Which probably caused enormous relief and sincere joy in the soldiers’ souls.

The outfits, as I already said, are different.

It is clear that if something appears on the table, then there are those people who prepare it all. And besides, they clean, wipe, carry and wash other people’s dishes. They are called dining attire.

If you want to be closer to bread, butter, sugar and other soldier delicacies, go to the mess hall, but know that, frankly, the mess attire, despite its visual appeal, is not very pleasant. Moreover, if you join it with old-timers, who for some reason believe that young people should work for them. To this misfortune add non-working potato peelers and the lack of the required quantity hot water. Which means peeling everyone’s favorite vegetable with forks (because there are no knives) and washing dishes in the bathroom, first in boiling water, and then in greasy, cooled water.

Placing pots on tables should be done at a fairly fast pace. So that we have time to set all the tables with still hot soup and main course. In some places, to speed up the process, “accelerators” of the second year of service are installed with belts at the ready. And here, if you gape, you risk getting another star (and now, probably, an eagle) on your body.

In addition to peeling potatoes, washing dishes and arranging cutlery, the responsibilities of the duty outfit also include the work of waitresses and cleaners, which also does not bring much joy.

Since “grandfathers” from time to time really like to find fault with the first person on duty, for example, with the question: “Why is the table poorly wiped?”, then if you happen to be this unfortunate person, I do not recommend admitting that you are responsible for the cleanliness of the tables ( even if this is actually the case). Better say that you are bringing firewood or any other nonsense here. And you have nothing to do with the cleanliness of the table. Why are you in trouble? The message that you are a dishwasher sometimes doesn't work. “Grandfather,” if he has chosen you as a potential object of aggression, will always find traces of fat or dirt on his spoon or plate. Even if they are not there.

The day of dressing up in the dining room ends quite late, since after dinner, in addition to washing dishes, you also have to wash all the floors in the dining room. This is in addition to cleaning tables. And since moms are in the army, how. We found out that for some reason they don’t call you, then you will have to do it exclusively yourself. With a high probability, upon returning to the barracks, you will fall onto your bunk and fall into an almost lethargic sleep. Until the next day you are woken up early to take care of breakfast for your still sleeping comrades.

I had a second song story connected with the dining room. I had already served for a year, and when all the non-commissioned officers went on guard duty to guard and defend facilities of national importance, I had to take our group to the dining room. After thinking a little, I, out of great intelligence, instructed the formation to sing the song “Oh, the viburnum is blooming in the field by the stream, I fell in love with a young guy...”. I thought it was funny that thirty men's tinned throats would sing this song. It turned out really funny. Until I saw the colonel in the darkness at the door of the dining room. He probably liked it too, since I, apart from the verbal suggestion reinforced by strong abuse, did not receive any other punishment.

In addition, the outfit includes a duty signaller-drummer, a fire brigade, a duty officer and park attendants, drivers of duty tractors, an on-duty paramedic or sanitary instructor and orderlies at a medical station. I won’t talk about their life. I'd rather spend my time and paper on something more useful.

I consider it necessary to inform you that all members of the daily squad must firmly know their duties in order to fulfill them accurately and conscientiously. What does this mean? The fact that you will have to learn these very duties, as one of my friends said, “not by heart, but word for word.” And your knowledge can be tested at any time. Especially if this time is immediately close to the date of your call. That is, you may be asked to sleep only after you have learned the duties of an orderly. You have to teach them while standing on the bedside table, while preparing for an outfit, and during the time that should be free. Know that your commanders will ensure that you learn all the necessary information, and therefore I recommend that you learn everything you need as soon as possible. It will be easier for you. You can trust me.

The entire outfit is subordinate to the regimental duty officer, and without his permission no one has the right to stop or transfer to anyone the performance of their duties.

But there is also something pleasant in all this: military personnel who change from daily duty are freed from classes and work on the day of the change. Which, as a rule, is no longer expected at the time the order is handed over.

In addition to the daily work order, the army has such a thing as a work order. This is when soldiers do not master combat training and are not busy with anything else in accordance with the daily routine, but march in formation to the place of digging, unloading and other similar entertainment. These outfits are one of the main components of a soldier's life. Depending on the type of work, you will define them for yourself as pleasant and, accordingly, unpleasant. Outfits are divided into those that ensure the normal functioning of your unit, supervisory assistance locality, in which you serve, and Timur’s movement to provide services for the everyday life of officers and their relatives. In common parlance (and in accordance with the law), work for the benefit of officers is classified as slave labor. Because it is not paid and does not relate to your job responsibilities. But this knowledge should not be shared with commanders. They may be offended. And you can live with them and live with them.

What is an outfit in the army? What are the duties of an orderly? What are the pros and cons of the outfit?

In the army, attire is one of the job responsibilities of every serviceman, regardless of position and rank. And contrary to stereotypes, this is not a punishment for guilty soldiers.


So, in the army, every serviceman is required to wear a uniform - a conscript soldier, a university cadet, a contract soldier, an officer. General provisions The charter defines several of their varieties. There is a garrison and daily duty. The second one listed is the most common. There is also an object guard, combat duty and work order.

It is worth noting one important nuance. If a serviceman has been guilty of something or violated the Charter, then he can, on all grounds, be subjected to work or for a day.


In principle, you can understand what a dress means in the army. Now it’s worth talking about the features of each type. For example, when a military member is assigned a work order, he may be assigned to perform some activity in the kitchen. Let's say peeling potatoes. Or they may be sent to clean the barracks. Wash floors, sweep, scrub toilets in the toilet. Sometimes they are sent to do agricultural and auxiliary work. This usually lasts a maximum of four hours. In the army, work orders are allowed only during times when there are no combat or training activities.

Now - a few words about the patrol. Or, as it is correctly called, garrison outfit. Within its framework, a serviceman is obliged to protect public order outside the territory of his unit, but within the garrison (region or region). For example, soldiers serving in the Ministry of Internal Affairs may be sent to patrol the city, and they will have the right to prosecute people who drink alcoholic drinks in the wrong place.

But the most common outfit in the army is for a day. In fact, it’s an analogue of a patrol. Only the serviceman does not leave the territory of the unit. He is obliged to ensure the safety of personnel, as well as protect weapons and equipment. This outfit lasts for a day. And the next day after that, the serviceman is released from service or study.

Combat duty is usually performed at training grounds, as well as during martial law or when transporting employees.

Object guard is the last type of outfit. The military is assigned to the protection and defense of warehouses with equipment, banners, ammunition and equipment. It usually lasts 12 hours.

Orderly and his duties

Talking about what an outfit is in the army, one cannot help but touch on this topic. An orderly is the person in the daily squad of soldiers or sailors. He is responsible for the integrity of property, ammunition and weapons under his protection. The orderly is also obliged to monitor the order and cleanliness of the premises and the compliance of other military personnel with the daily routine.

The list of his responsibilities is wide. The orderly must remain in his place at all times and leave only with the permission of the company duty officer. He is also obliged not to let strangers inside, not to allow anyone to take weapons, ammunition and other property out of the barracks. Also, the orderly must report to the duty officer about everything that happens in the company - be it any malfunction or violation of the Charter by someone. During the general rise, he is obliged to wake up the personnel. The same applies if there is an alarm or fire at night. The orderly must monitor how military personnel wear their uniform. And if in cold weather someone intends to leave the room undressed, order them to warm themselves. He is also obliged to ensure that military personnel clean their clothes and shoes in strictly designated areas. It's the same with smoking. And finally, the orderly himself does not have the right to sit down, unbutton his jacket and take off his equipment. This is what dress means in the army.

First-hand opinions

Every second Russian served in the army. The outfit is something they are all familiar with. And each person who served has something different to say about it. Naturally, there are pros and cons. Dressing out of turn in the army is the most unpleasant thing. Because a soldier, if he is guilty, will have to do the dirtiest work. As mentioned above - wash toilets, scrub toilets, peel whole bags of potatoes.

But there are advantages. You can communicate with the company duty officer and prove yourself to your superiors. Sometimes - charge the phone and even use it. And having completed the tasks of the orderly, even read a book at night. But all the advantages are counterbalanced by moral and physical fatigue. You have to stand motionless for several hours at a time, and this monotonous and exhausting task requires endurance and patience. In general, if a young man joins the army, then it is better to comply with the Charter and behave appropriately - so as to be included in the outfit only when it is his turn, and not as a punishment.

What is an outfit in the army

Have you often heard this phrase on TV? Last names, of course, may change, but the frequency of pronouncing this phrase from the screens remains unchanged. Personally, from my youth I remembered it thanks not only to popular Soviet army films, but also to TV series known at that time like “Soldiers”, “Kremlin Cadets” and the like.

Let's figure it out true essence this expression and the very concept of “outfit in the army.” What is this? And most importantly, does it carry a positive or negative connotation?

We'll talk about this in this article.

The first thing I like to start with in such explanatory articles is a definition. Let's look at the theoretical part. Namely, in the meaning of the word “outfit”.

Dress in the army - subdivision, a group of military personnel in a military unit, on a ship and in a garrison, assigned to perform internal, guard and garrison services, as well as to perform economic and other work; these works themselves.

I would like to draw your attention to the following: there are two meanings of this word. The first is group of military personnel, and the second is work, for which these same servicemen were assigned to the squad.

It turns out to be some kind of tautology. The outfit was assigned to the outfit. But for the army this is absolutely normal, friends. In the army, in general, what is abnormal in civilian life is normal.

Therefore, just remember that the word outfit in the army is used both to designate a group of military personnel (for example, when the commander utters the phrase: “Daily outfit, get out of order”), and to denote work (for example, when uttering the phrase: “Tomorrow in the outfit is assigned...")

What, do you think this article will end here? That I don't have anything else to tell you? No, my friends, this is not true at all! The fun is just beginning.

IN adolescence my grandmother, mother and uncle (who served at one time and took part in hostilities in both Chechen campaigns) told me: “Learn to peel potatoes, Vlad, you will feel comfortable in your army uniform.”

For the life of me, I still remember these phrases from each of them. And thanks to this, I really got the impression that a dress in the army is a dress in a canteen, during which you need to prepare breakfast/lunch/dinner for your unit.

And that there are no other outfits at all!

However, in reality everything turned out to be completely different. I learned through the army that there are a huge number of types of outfits. For example, a company outfit is one type of outfit. By the way, considered the main one. Let's talk about it in more detail.

Company outfit

It consists in the fact that a company duty officer is appointed from among the old-timers. It is allowed to appoint someone from the sergeant corps and well-trained privates to be on duty in the company. In 90% of cases, duty officers (in our country, for example) are appointed from among three junior conscript sergeants. And only on weekends do contract sergeants take over on duty. But more on that later.

Let's get back to the topic. What does the company duty officer do and why is he needed at all?

In order to most accurately answer this question, we will need to turn to the Charter and read the article about the responsibilities of the company duty officer. And it sounds like this:

The company duty officer is appointed from among the sergeants and, as an exception, from among the most trained soldiers. He is responsible for the strict implementation of the daily routine and compliance with other rules for maintaining internal order in the company, for the safety of weapons, ammunition boxes, company property, personal belongings of soldiers and sergeants, and for the correct performance of duty by orderlies. The company duty officer is subordinate to the regimental duty officer and his assistant, and in the order of internal service in the company - to the company commander and the company sergeant major.

The company duty officer is obliged to:

- when an alarm is declared, raise personnel, notify military personnel passing military service according to the contract, before the company officers or company sergeant arrives at the company, follow the instructions of the regiment duty officer;

- monitor the exact implementation of the daily routine in the company, carry out a general rise of personnel at the appointed time;

- know the location of the company and the order of its call, the presence of people in the company, the number of people on duty, sick, arrested (in custody), dismissed from the regiment or sent as part of teams, as well as the presence and exact consumption of weapons;

At first I copied all the responsibilities here, then I realized that you would just stop reading this. I will make a separate article with the responsibilities of the company duty officer, but later.

To summarize, the company duty officer must know everything that is going on in the company, and also keep an eye on everyone.

In order for him to do this effectively, he has assistants - orderlies. There are as many as 3 orderlies in one outfit. These guys are appointed from among us, the new recruits. Spirits, let's face it.

They essentially do all the dirty work in the barracks. They monitor the cleanliness of the location and require its observance from every serviceman.

Each of these three takes turns standing “on the nightstand.” It looks like this:

Orderly on the nightstand

The orderly on the bedside table is a soldier who stands near the entrance to the barracks location and calls the company duty officer if necessary. In addition, he answers telephone calls and gives commands according to the daily routine.

I have already written a separate article about the daily routine in the army. There you can familiarize yourself with the basic commands that the orderly gives throughout the day. And the commands known to everyone are “Company, rise”, “Company, hang up” and so on...

The orderly does not have the right to leave the bedside table empty, that is, at any given time one of the three orderlies must stand on the bedside table.

Therefore, they change in order to prevent their legs from completely going numb. Each outfit decides for itself how long it will last on the nightstand. There is no standard for the amount of time each orderly must stand. My advice is half an hour. Not more.

And yes, I’ll answer right away one of the most frequently asked questions about this theme. At night they also stand. One by one. Thus, each orderly sleeps no more than two hours per day.

Well, we have analyzed the company outfit - the main outfit in the army - in some detail. Now I will briefly talk about other types of outfits that exist in my unit.

There are quite a lot of species. I'm sure I won't even remember everything. However, among them there are:

  • Outfit for the educational building.
  • Outfit for the sports complex.
  • Outfit for the park.
  • Headquarters outfit.
  • Dining room outfit.
  • Infirmary outfit.
  • Warehouse outfit.
  • Etc.

As you understand, there are many types of outfits. In general, I want to say that in addition to the different responsibilities of these outfits, they also differ in the number of people joining the outfit.

This can be one person, as in the case of a dining outfit, or 2 people, as in the case of a headquarters outfit (duty officer and messenger). The standard number of people in an outfit is 3.

If we return to the story at the beginning of the article about peeling potatoes and ordering around the dining room, then I would like to say that in modern army soldiers don't peel potatoes. Moreover, they no longer cook for themselves.

The soldiers themselves cook only for Navy. And in other branches and branches of the Armed Forces, they are serviced by the Slavyanka company.

In general, I can say that the duties of the outfits depend on what work they are assigned to. If you go into uniform, you won’t necessarily be an orderly or on duty. And you can do completely different things.

For example, the same dining room outfit is one person who, at each meal, checks the number of people who came with the one who was supposed to come. He also ensures that the order of meals for military personnel is not disturbed, and that silence and, again, order reign in the dining room.

And you don’t even need to peel the potatoes! ;-)

Dining room attendant

Pros and cons of outfits

This main question, which I personally can’t figure out to this day. Is it good or bad to dress up?

The fact is that I communicate with almost every serviceman who joins the unit in one role or another. And with those who were in the corps, and with those who took over the company, of course. Yes, with everyone!

People were divided into two parts. For those who gladly join the outfit and volunteer there, and for those who try to avoid the outfit.

I have compiled my top pros and cons of outfits, which I want to show you right now.

I’ll immediately make a reservation that the lists were compiled based on communication with comrades, as well as own experience. All pros and cons are subjective. So, let's go.

Pros of dressing up in the army:

  1. You can communicate a lot with your junior sergeant(the company duty officer in your outfit) and show yourself to your superiors.
  2. You can charge and even use your phone.
  3. You can read a book or do some of your own business when you have completed all the orderly’s tasks for the night.
  4. They give you a bayonet.

Disadvantages of dressing up in the army:

  1. You get physically tired from having to clean a lot. And most importantly, stand on the nightstand.
  2. Calluses rub on my feet. In some cases, the legs simply become swollen.
  3. You don't sleep much. 2 hours a day is very little.
  4. Are you working out? dirty work. Namely, you clean, wash, put away, and so on.

Of course, these are not all the pros and cons that the guys express and that I noticed.

Nevertheless, I will leave each reader the right to choose his answer to the question: “Does the concept of “outfit” in the army have a positive or negative connotation for you?”

Yes, some will say that it all depends on Where you step into the outfit. Yes, some will say that a lot depends on with which junior sergeant and officer you will have to work all day.

All of you will certainly be right. But my opinion is this: attire is a negative component of military service. For me, the cons are stronger than the pros. And primarily because of sleep. Rest is very important in life. Even more so in the army.

What color does the word “outfit” mean to you now?

P.S. I hope that the article was useful and interesting. I continue to prepare a series of articles with benefits for those who are about to join the army literally in the next autumn conscription. The first ones can be found at this link.

Thanks for reading, friends. This motivates me to write further.

What are army outfits?

The main part of a soldier's service is spent in various outfits. The outfits are different. First, let's figure out what an outfit is. A daily outfit is assigned to maintain internal order, protect personnel, weapons, military equipment and ammunition, premises and other military property of a military unit (unit), monitor the state of affairs in units and timely take preventive measures offenses.

They join the army for a day. Usually from 19:00 to 19:00 the next day. Before joining the outfit, you will have to go to the divorce of the daily outfit, which takes place on the parade ground. The responsible officer interceding with you asks everyone about their responsibilities. You will have to study a lot in the army. And if you do not learn your duties on time, you will be assigned as an orderly in the company every day without taking a shift.

So, the most popular and unsuccessful outfit is considered to be the company orderly. Speaking in simple words, you will have to stand on the nightstand with your partner for a day. And the rest of the time, while your comrade is standing on the stand, you must restore order in the barracks. Wash floors, dust, wash the washroom, and toilets. And all this several times throughout the day, while you are in your outfit. In addition, you must constantly monitor the weapons room and not allow anyone to bring anything in, take it out, etc.

But there are also other outfits where not everything is so sad. For example, you can be an assistant to the duty officer at the checkpoint (Checkpoint). During the day you stand at the checkpoint in a bulletproof vest and helmet and check those entering and exiting the territory of the military unit. As well as cars entering and leaving. And of course you constantly open and close the gate.

You can also be on daily duty at headquarters and in the park. And also on duty as a patrolman. Walk around the unit and catch saboteurs, those who are on the territory of the unit illegally. You check your documents and ask for passes. There are also outfits on the tower. During the day you stand on a high tower and observe. What kind of outfits will be in your unit depends on where exactly you end up. By the way, if you mess up in any outfit, then you are immediately sent to the orderly, so don’t mess up.

Dress in the army is...

Dress in the army - This one of the job responsibilities of military personnel, regardless of rank and position. Outfits in the army are, contrary to popular belief, there are not always punishments for guilty soldiers - in addition to kitchen, cleaning and agricultural work, the orders imply ensuring the safety of military equipment and strategic objects, and most importantly - the safety of personnel.

Dress in the army: what is it?

Decree of the President of Russia “On approval of general military regulations of the armed forces of the Russian Federation” No. 1495 dated November 10, 2007 imposes on all military personnel - conscripts, cadets of military universities, contract soldiers, including officers, certain job responsibilities, which include wearing outfits.

Dress in the army is nothing more than the performance of these duties in accordance with the order. The general provisions of the Charter contain several types of outfits:

  • work order;
  • garrison outfit;
  • daily outfit;
  • combat duty;
  • object guard.

Important: out of turn, that is, as punishment for any offense (most often expressed in violation of the Charter), a serviceman may be subject to work duty or daily allowance.

Features of each type of outfit in the army

Work order

Military personnel are involved in carrying out various works in a military unit, including utility, kitchen, agricultural, cleaning, etc. The duration of such duty cannot exceed 4 hours a day.

Important: execution of a work order is permitted only during free time from training and combat activities.

Garrison outfit

A more common name is patrol. That is, the involvement of military personnel in the protection of public order outside the territory of the military unit, but within the garrison (that is, the region in which the unit is located).

Daily outfit

Similar to garrison, but without going beyond the boundaries of the military unit. The task of the daily duty is to ensure the safety of personnel, protect equipment, weapons, etc.

The duration of the assignment is 1 day, while on the next day the military personnel are released from training or service.

Combat duty

Second name - combat service. It is performed in order to solve specific combat missions, usually at training grounds, when transporting military personnel or under martial law.

Object guard

Security, and, if necessary, defense of warehouses with weapons and ammunition, battle flags, and equipment. Another type of guard is the protection of military personnel held in disciplinary military units.

Most often, the duration of guard duty is 12 hours - night and day shifts.

It is necessary for every conscript to know what an outfit in the army is, since this is one of the main job responsibilities of soldiers, which they perform regardless of position and rank. And we are not necessarily talking about punishment, because in addition to harvesting, agricultural and kitchen work, orders are possible to ensure the safety of strategic objects and equipment. The main purpose of the outfits is to ensure the safety of personnel.

Each military personnel, regardless of rank and characteristics of service, must perform certain job responsibilities. This includes wearing outfits. In modern Russian Army similar actions are committed by the following categories of military personnel:

  • conscript soldiers;
  • cadets studying at military universities;
  • soldiers serving on a contract basis;
  • officers.

A job is the performance of certain duties in accordance with an order. Regarding the Charter, the following types of outfits are distinguished:

  • daily;
  • garrison;
  • work order;
  • object guard;
  • carrying out combat duty.

Exemption from military service is possible only for health reasons and is issued exclusively by a doctor.

Daily work order and work order are special categories of duties. They can be assigned to military personnel as punishment for any serious offense. In most cases, we are talking about a violation of the Charter.

Due to the fact that each of the above types of outfits has its own characteristics, these categories should be considered in more detail.

Types of outfits

Each type of outfit provided for in the Russian Army involves actions necessary to ensure the normal existence of military formations in peacetime and wartime.

Work order

Working in the kitchen along the way

For the proper functioning of a military unit, soldiers need to perform a number of mandatory jobs. Therefore, in this case, military personnel are involved in the following duties:

  • auxiliary;
  • kitchen;
  • cleaning;
  • agricultural work, etc.

For all outfits of this type there is one condition - the daily duration of work should not exceed 4 hours.

The work order can only be carried out when the soldier is completely free from combat and training activities. Therefore, before performing these duties, the soldier must complete all priority matters.

Daily outfit

Involves standing guard on the territory of a military unit. The main tasks of military personnel in this case are:

  • protection of equipment and weapons;
  • perimeter surveillance;
  • preventing unauthorized entry into the territory of a military unit;
  • ensuring the safety of personnel.

The duration of this outfit, as is clear from the name, is a day. After serving, the soldier receives one day of rest and is exempt from any activities.

Garrison outfit

Most often it is called a patrol. Unlike the daily patrol, in this case the patrol is carried out outside the military unit. However, the soldiers do not go beyond the boundaries of the garrison. It's about about the region in which the unit is located.

The duration of garrison duty is most often one day, after which the soldier also receives a day of rest. The responsibilities of the serviceman are: monitoring the perimeter, timely identification of potential dangerous situations etc.

Combat duty

Escort of military equipment on combat duty

It also has another name - military service. Used when solving certain combat missions. Most often we are talking about training grounds, under martial law or when transporting military personnel. Taking into account the specifics of combat duty, its duration depends on the task at hand. Usually, average duration duty ranges from several hours to days.

Object guard

In this case we are talking about the protection of weapons depots. If the need arises, these facilities are defended in order to protect ammunition and weapons, equipment and battle flags. In addition, as part of the facility guard duty, military personnel can protect those soldiers who are kept in disciplinary military units.

In most cases, carrying out object guard duty involves two shifts: day and night. Each of them lasts 12 hours.

The guard is considered one of the most honorable outfits. This is explained high degree responsibility, which is why this type of duty is entrusted only to the most distinguished soldiers.

As a rule, only well-trained military personnel who have passed the appropriate test by the unit’s psychologist and managed to pass the corresponding test are assigned to guard duty. The soldier must know the procedure for using weapons, loading and unloading them. He should also know what an army outfit is and memorize the text large quantity articles from the Charter of Garrison and Guard Service.

Pros and cons of outfits in the army

While wearing the outfit, you can communicate on your mobile phone with your family

If we do not consider the outfit from the point of view of punishment, but consider it solely the responsibility of each of the military personnel, then even in this case, such activities have a number of disadvantages. However, many soldiers find considerable advantages in the outfits. To understand what awaits a serviceman while on duty, one should consider both the pros and cons of this type of service.

Advantages of outfits in the army:

  1. The soldier gets the opportunity to communicate with the junior sergeant, who acts as the company duty officer for the duration of his stay in the outfit. Thus, the private can prove himself to his superiors, having the opportunity for further promotion.
  2. A soldier on duty has the ability to charge and use a mobile phone.
  3. Having completed all the orderly's tasks for the night, the soldier can go about his business (for example, read a book).

Now let's look at the disadvantages of outfits in the army. Most often, soldiers complain about the following shortcomings:

  1. Significant physical fatigue occurs. This is especially true for work orders.
  2. Lack of adequate sleep duration.
  3. Most often, a soldier has to do dirty work. We are talking about cleaning, cleaning, etc.

Preparing for the outfit

Before deployment, soldiers are required to be briefed and trained

Before being sent to a detachment, any soldier must undergo appropriate training. Let's look at it using the example of a daily outfit in the army. In this case, the preparatory stage is carried out by the company sergeant major. Moreover, it is carried out in advance.

The night before deployment, military personnel are exempt from performing any work. Each soldier receives at least 3 hours of time to prepare for future actions. If a serviceman goes on guard with a weapon, then he is given at least 4 hours to prepare.

Training involves soldiers learning their direct responsibilities. Their list directly depends on what type of outfit will be carried out.

Divorce of daily work order

The next stage is instruction, which must be carried out with personnel. First of all, soldiers are surveyed regarding their awareness of their duties in the unit. In addition, they must not only be knowledgeable in theory, but also be able to apply knowledge in practice.

A soldier may not be allowed to join the squad if he does not know all of his duties. However, use this rule for personal gain will not work, since in such cases there are usually penalties. For example, a guilty serviceman is deprived of the opportunity to receive another dismissal to the city.

“Ivanov, the outfit is out of order!”

Have you often heard this phrase on TV? Last names, of course, may change, but the frequency of pronouncing this phrase from the screens remains unchanged. Personally, from my youth I remembered it thanks not only to popular Soviet army films, but also to TV series known at that time like “Soldiers”, “Kremlin Cadets” and the like.

Let's look at the true essence of this expression and the very concept of “outfit in the army.” What is this? And most importantly, does it carry a positive or negative connotation?

We'll talk about this in this article.

The first thing I like to start with in such explanatory articles is a definition. Let's look at the theoretical part. Namely, in the meaning of the word “outfit”.

Dress in the army - subdivision, a group of military personnel in a military unit, on a ship and in a garrison, assigned to perform internal, guard and garrison services, as well as to perform economic and other work; these works themselves.

I would like to draw your attention to the following: there are two meanings of this word. The first is group of military personnel, and the second is work, for which these same servicemen were assigned to the squad.

It turns out to be some kind of tautology. The outfit was assigned to the outfit. But for the army this is absolutely normal, friends. In the army, in general, what is abnormal in civilian life is normal.

Therefore, just remember that the word outfit in the army is used both to designate a group of military personnel (for example, when the commander utters the phrase: “Daily outfit, get out of order”), and to denote work (for example, when uttering the phrase: “Tomorrow in the outfit is assigned...")

What, do you think this article will end here? That I don't have anything else to tell you? No, my friends, this is not true at all! The fun is just beginning.

As a teenager, my grandmother, mother and uncle (who once served and took part in combat operations in both Chechen campaigns) told me: “Learn to peel potatoes, Vlad, you will feel comfortable in your army uniform.”

For the life of me, I still remember these phrases from each of them. And thanks to this, I really got the impression that a dress in the army is a dress in a canteen, during which you need to prepare breakfast/lunch/dinner for your unit.

And that there are no other outfits at all!

However, in reality everything turned out to be completely different. I learned through the army that there are a huge number of types of outfits. For example, a company outfit is one type of outfit. By the way, considered the main one. Let's talk about it in more detail.

Company outfit

It consists in the fact that a company duty officer is appointed from among the old-timers. It is allowed to appoint someone from the sergeant corps and well-trained privates to be on duty in the company. In 90% of cases, duty officers (in our country, for example) are appointed from among three junior conscript sergeants. And only on weekends do contract sergeants take over on duty. But more on that later.

Let's get back to the topic. What does the company duty officer do and why is he needed at all?

In order to most accurately answer this question, we will need to turn to the Charter and read the article about the responsibilities of the company duty officer. And it sounds like this:

Thanks for reading, friends. This motivates me to write further.

Fewer outfits at work,

What is a dress in the army - this is a question that many conscripts ask. The outfit is official duty every person, regardless of current rank and position in service. This is not a punishment for the culprit at all, but a standard service.

basic information

What it is? What does this concept mean? This issue is discussed in Art. 256 UVS of the Russian Military Forces. It is in it that the purpose and task of the daily work order is stipulated..

The procedure involves maintaining internal law and order, as well as military technical equipment and ammunition. The protection of premises and other areas of the military territory takes place.

Before the deployment begins, the personnel are released from other obligations. The citizen is given three hours before entering the post. If a citizen must take up arms, then at least 4 hours, 1 hour of which is needed for rest or sleep.

Preparation for the procedure involves studying the responsibilities in accordance with approved documents, also leads appearance in accordance with the charter. A soldier must have short haircut, the form is ironed.


Company service. This is a type of outfit in which a chief or senior duty officer for the company is appointed from among those who have already practically served. This could be a non-commissioned officer or a trained private. In many cases, conscript sergeants may be appointed. But this applies to weekdays.

If it's the weekend, then most often contract soldiers take over. Responsibilities of such an intercessor :

  1. If an alarm starts, then you need to wake up the personnel and notify authorized employees who is passing. You also need to follow the instructions of the duty officer;
  2. monitor and fulfill these obligations during the day, as well as lift the train at the specified time intervals;
  3. have an idea of ​​where the company is located at a specific period of time and the order of call, the number of people, including sick people, the number of weapons and their consumption;
  4. other information specified in the regulations of a specific military unit.

In other words, the duty officer is required to know all the information necessary for senior and contract employees. Must also maintain cleanliness and maintain routine. To ensure the effectiveness of the procedure, he has assistants in the form of orderlies.

Assistants in one outfit help the main duty officer. As a rule, there are three of them. Appointed from or new composition. They perform labor activities in the barracks, that is, they monitor cleanliness and demand compliance with it. Each of them stands on a specialized stand and serves.

The place is located near the entrance to the barracks. Also required to answer telephone calls correctly. At the same time, he has no right to leave this place, and if such a need arises, he must be replaced. That is, an empty cabinet cannot be according to the regulations.

Each orderly can sleep no more than two hours. This is the main type of outfit. There are also additional types:

  1. across the study area;
  2. infirmary;
  3. warehouses;
  4. dining room;
  5. headquarters;
  6. park area;
  7. sports complex (if there is one).


There is a certain preparation of the composition for action. Brings into itself this function conducting a certain briefing, where there are personnel who subsequently join the outfit for a temporary period of the day. Next, theoretically, applicants must answer all questions, which will clarify their knowledge of their responsibilities.

If a soldier cannot specify his functions, then he has no right to be admitted. But this information is entered into a personal file. At the same time, he may be deprived of the right to personal time and leave.

It is also worth highlighting that there is such a subspecies as a guard outfit. This is the most responsible, since a person carries it with military weapons. And candidates for this post are determined with the utmost severity. Not everyone can join the guard and people with special training, who are correctly consulted by a psychologist.

A soldier who has passed a medical commission must know the procedure for using special ammunition, be able to use it and articles from the specialized regulations of the military unit.

Another subspecies is the duty assistant at the checkpoint (this is the point before entering the military unit). In fact, these people control the arrival and departure of the military unit. They are obliged to comply with the rules of the Charter of Order. Monitors what is brought in and taken out of the unit to minimize theft.

If a soldier has medical training, he can be assigned to an employee in an infirmary or medical center. If he has a musical education, then he is appointed as a signaller-drummer.

Garrison outfit - in other words, a patrol. That is, soldiers are brought in to protect law and order outside the territory of their place of service, but at the same time within the region.

Combat duty is assigned to fulfill specific goals to solve certain problems combat purposes. Often used at training grounds or when transporting people under martial law.

Wikipedia says that almost all obligated people are assigned to a duty. But not everyone can withstand such service. That is why, when they hear the word “outfit,” soldiers think about punishment, and not about paying back their debt to the Motherland.

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Company outfit is the main type of daily attire for conscript military personnel. There are many types of daily duty in the army, such as a battalion security outfit, a canteen outfit, a checkpoint outfit, a fire squad, etc. According to the charter of the internal service of the Russian Federation, daily duty is assigned to maintain internal order, protect personnel, weapons, military equipment and ammunition, premises and other military property of a military unit (units), as well as monitor the state of affairs in units and timely take measures to crime prevention. In this article I will try to reveal the basis of serving in a company.

Organization of service

Organization of service in uniform completely depends on the training of all personnel of the unit and the high-quality performance of official duties. There is an opinion that they “fly into the company” only because of some kind of violation of the service. I'll tell you a secret, this is not so! In fact, the entire personnel of the unit is assigned to the company squad. As a rule, this is one company duty officer and three orderlies who serve inside the barracks during the day. Each of them has their own responsibilities, which you can familiarize yourself with in Here I will not describe all the responsibilities, but will only highlight the basic concepts and order of service.
Generally speaking, company service involves establishing order in the company’s location, protecting property, and observing the daily routine. Upon arrival from the briefing, which in the army is called the “divorce of the daily order,” you begin, according to the inventory, to take over all the property of the company from the previous order in the company. Next, the orderly steps onto the “orderly’s stand” and serves for two hours, giving loud and clear commands to the company about the daily routine.

Orderly for the company while on duty

By the way, a very convenient “gadget” if, for example, you forgot when you have a company formation or some event, then the orderly will remind you of this every five minutes. And yet you shouldn’t focus on it. Wear a watch and study the daily routine so that you don’t have to run out from the washbasin with a brush in your teeth and underpants to an already organized company formation. There is also a place for such cases. While one orderly serves on the stand, the rest are engaged in establishing order in the company. Then they change in turn every two hours during the day. The order of this queue and the organization of the orderly shift are established by the company duty officer.

What is important to know about work sheets?

Each company has such a document as a daily duty sheet, which marks the dates on which the serviceman serves in the company or outside the company.

Worksheets are kept separately for each month;

  • on substitute soldiers platoon commander;
  • on sergeant sergeant major companies.

Worksheets are kept for the year following the current year and then destroyed.
Each unit should also have a service schedule, where you can see the date of joining the unit. It is conducted in order to maintain order.

On a note:

I recommend that you periodically look at the schedule for joining the outfit. Do this so that on your birthday or the arrival of your parents, the date of entering and serving in uniform does not fall and does not overshadow your holiday. Of course, it will be possible to agree with the commanders about replacing you with another serviceman, but it is better to do everything in advance.
Each serviceman serves as a company duty officer no more than 3 times a month. The company duty officer can step in more often. Of course, there are exceptions and you can intercede not three times, but more. Everything will depend on your discipline and attitude towards the service. Speaking of discipline: if you are responsible, you have the ability and desire to manage personnel and you have no complaints about your service, then in the first months of your stay you will be able to take over as duty officer in the company.

From personal experience about the important

Once I had to be sworn in by a friend of mine. After the ceremonial events, all those present were allowed to go to the company headquarters and see the life of the soldiers. Due to the fact that there was nothing new for me there, I decided to look at the daily outfit sheet. Glancing over the documentation, I noticed the name of one soldier. He defended seven squadrons per company in a month that had not yet ended. I looked at the company duty officer and the question, “Is the soldier messing up?” he simply smiled and nodded. Apparently there are reasons for this. Here I would like to address the unit commanders and the persons who assign additional squads to the company. There are many ways of education in the army, and legal ways that can bring a soldier to his senses. I consider it inappropriate to “push” seven orders a month, if only for the reason that this reflects the commander’s bias towards the serviceman, or a complete lack of control over the personnel. This may impose additional questions on various structures during verification. But this is a topic for another conversation.
