Socio-political organization and socio-political movement: general and specific. Socio-political organization and movement: general and specific

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Socio-political organizations and movements

TOtest work

in the discipline Political Science

“Socio-political organizations and



Public organizations and movements are non-state entities, and movements are non-state entities that unite people according to their interests and professions. They have rich history. Already in ancient world Along with the state, there were associations of representatives, as a rule, of the propertied classes and free citizens. They also took place in the medieval period of human history. These associations were most often based on religious ideas (knightly associations, orders of crusaders, and so on).

The purpose of this test work on the topic “Socio-political organizations and movements” is to reveal the meaning of the ideas of organizations and movements, their role in life civil society generally.

To do this, it is necessary to solve several problems, namely:

1. Describe the significance of socio-political organizations and movements.

2. Characterize the types of socio-political movements.

3. Consider the reasons for the emergence of socio-political organizations and movements.

Political parties, being the center of the political life of society, do not cover with their activities the entire diversity of socio-political processes. The activities of political parties seem to continue in the activities of numerous public organizations and mass social movements.

1. Socio-political organization and socio-political movement: general and specific

Social movements and organizations differ in many ways: in their goals, the functions they perform in relation to the interests of their members, as well as in relation to state power; at the place of activity; by types and methods of activity; by the nature of occurrence, by methods of organization, and so on.

“For example, according to the criterion of purpose, there are socio-political movements and organizations that are revolutionary and counter-revolutionary, reformist and conservative, national democratic, general democratic, environmental. By areas of activity: economic, social, national, international, religious, scientific, educational and others. By place of activity: local, regional, national, international, operating in parliament (functions and other associations of deputies), within management structures, in the system of educational and scientific institutions, in the religious environment. By the nature of occurrence: spontaneous and consciously organized; by method of organization: clubs, associations, associations, unions, fronts; By social composition: youth, women’s, professional” Zerkin D.P. Fundamentals of political science: Course of lectures. Rostov n/d: “Phoenix”, 1997, P. 302.

No matter how diverse they are social movements and organizations, all of them in one way or another are called upon to perform two main tasks: a) expression and implementation of group interests; b) ensuring the participation of members of a particular group or community in the management of public affairs and self-government, and therefore, in the implementation of the principles of democracy (democracy). Hence the underlying reasons for the emergence of social movements and organizations: dissatisfaction of group needs and interests through the activities of institutions of state power and political parties, the presence of economic and socio-cultural problems that cannot be solved by the structures of power and management.

The presence of diverse social needs and interests does not in itself lead to the emergence of social movements and organizations. The factor of interests is triggered precisely when: “... firstly, the state of unsatisfactory interests is fixed in the public consciousness; secondly, certain ideas are emerging in the mass consciousness about the content of group interests and ways to satisfy them; thirdly, there is a growing need among a significant part of various groups and segments of the people to participate in the adoption of social political decisions related to the implementation of interests; finally, fourthly, in the presence of appropriate democratic structures in the political system. In general, social and socio-political movements and organizations arise on the basis of social group interests, subject to the development of self-awareness of certain social groups, realized in social activity related to the satisfaction of these interests” Zerkin D.P. Fundamentals of political science: Course of lectures. Rostov n/d: “Phoenix”, 1997, P. 303.

In complex hard times, people imbued with ideological contradictions first group into protest movements and organizations, then popular fronts, associations, mass movements begin to exist, and within systemic state, party, trade union and youth structures: independent trade union organizations, strike committees, various groups of deputies. Subsequently, there is an integration of movements and organizations formed both outside and inside the political system. Movements such as “Democratic Russia”, “United Front of Workers” and others are taking shape.

Habermas Jurgen, famous German philosopher, sociologist and political thinker. In his works he paid great attention to social science and attached no less importance to language. The problem of socio-political practice was reduced by him to the problem of mutual understanding, the language of political power, party, social groups and so on. In his ideas or other concepts, there is a socio-political orientation. Habermas Jurgen also attached great importance to the ideological and political superstructure. He tried to find out on what principles the action of domination, abstractly represented as the relationship between master and slave, is based. Superimposing this scheme on the entire problematic public life, with its help he tried to explain the mechanisms that should ensure the preservation and stability of society.

“The main problem, in his opinion, is that the distribution of surplus product rests on the privileged assimilation of socially produced wealth by the ruling strata of society. At the same time, unequal distribution must have a “legalized” appearance and be recorded in the system of legal norms. As soon as faith in the legitimacy of the existing order decreases for some reason, a force latently hidden in the system of institutions is released, which can lead to sharp social disagreements, conflicts, and crisis. To avoid such a development of events, it is necessary to establish an order that should be based on an appropriate distribution of power” Political Encyclopedia. In 2 vols. T2/National. Society - scientific foundation; Hand. project G.Yu. Semigin; scientific-editor's council: prev. Council G.Yu. Semigin. - M.: Mysl, 1999, S. 575..

In the 1980s, Habermas Jürgen developed ideas about instrumental and communicative action in his two-volume Theory of Communicative Action. “By communicative action, Habermas understands the influence of individuals, which is ordered according to norms accepted as mandatory. If instrumental action is focused on success, then communicative action is aimed at mutual understanding of the acting individuals, their consensus. It involves coordination of efforts”Political Encyclopedia. In 2 vols. T2/National. Society - scientific foundation; Hand. project G.Yu. Semigin; scientific-editor's council: prev. Council G.Yu. Semigin. - M.: Mysl, 1999, P. 575.

Also, according to his ideas, communicative action is a means of social interaction and serves to form solidarity. Throughout Habermas's theoretical activity, all such topics intersected with each other and became parts of the large-scale theory of communicative action that he created and constantly improved.

In general, the concept of “socio-political movements” covers various associations of citizens, associations, unions, fronts that are not directly included in state and party structures, but are to one degree or another subjects of political life, combining to varying degrees the functions of cooperation and opposition and criticism, opposition and struggle towards state institutions and political parties. This concept covers a wide range of associations - from those that directly influence the adoption of political decisions, characterized by a high level of organization and structure, to purely political ones that do not have a clear organized core. This diversity poses a certain difficulty in typologizing movements, analyzing the reasons for their emergence, ideological and political position, social base, and relationships with authorities. At the same time, we can highlight the most general signs socio-political movements, distinguishing them from parties.

The ideological and political orientation of the movements is much broader and more vague, and the goals are much narrower and more specific than those of the parties. This allows people with different political views to participate in the movement, but who support the specific political goal for which the movement is created and acts. This determines the ability of movements to acquire a large scope.

Movements, as a rule, do not have a unified program or charter. They differ in the inconsistency of the number of participants. Movements usually do not have a strong center, a unified structure, or discipline. The core of movements can be either independent initiative groups or committees or commissions created by parties. They rely on the unorganized masses and can also be supported by various public organizations and autonomous associations of some parties. In general, the basis of movements is the solidarity and voluntariness of their participants.

Socio-political movements strive to influence power, but, as a rule, they themselves do not achieve power.

There are many types of socio-political movements:

From the point of view of attitude towards the existing system, movements are conservative, reformist and revolutionary;

On the ideological basis - liberal-democratic, conservative, socialist;

On a national basis - national liberation, for the self-determination of the nation, cultural and national autonomy, etc.;

By demographics - youth, students, etc.;

By scale - international, regional, country, state, republic;

According to methods and methods of action - legal, illegal, formal, informal, oriented towards peaceful or violent actions.

Socio-political movements perform important functions:

They condense the interests and sentiments of wide heterogeneous sections of the population:

They set goals and develop ways to achieve them;

They create a large political force focused on solving a specific political problem;

They lead mass protests, organize non-violent and sometimes violent protests.

The second half and especially the end of the 20th century are characterized by the growth and strengthening of the role of socio-political movements, which indicates the involvement of a huge number of people in politics.

There are various options for the relationship between socio-political movements and parties.

Independent socio-political movements do not enter into any relations with parties. This happens when participants in movements, having a certain political interest, at the same time, they are not satisfied with the activities of the parties. Many movement participants do not want to associate themselves with party affiliation at all.

The creation of some movements is initiated by a party or a bloc of parties with the aim of involving the broad masses of non-party people in the struggle for the put forward political task.

Parties can take control of movements (for example, behind spontaneous mass protests, the social environment of which is the least socially protected strata, there may be parties adhering to the strategy of destabilizing the social system).

2. Traditional and new types of socio-political movements and organizations. Their dynamics

Having achieved success in solving their problems, political movements usually cease to exist (this happened, for example, with the movement against the placement of cruise missiles in Europe and others), but in a number of cases, when the tasks put forward are too complex, their solution requires long-term efforts, access to the levers of power, political movements acquire the characteristics of a party and are transformed into it (this, for example, happened with the “green” movement). Thus, socio-political movements can be the initial stage of party formation, and, having become a party, they can retain the name “movement”. However, this is not a necessary result of the evolution of movement. Political movements do not displace parties and do not turn into a stage of their formation.

There are several reasons why people are interested in social movements and organizations. Firstly, in recent years, and perhaps even in recent decades, political parties are increasingly losing their authority among the broad masses and especially among young people. People sometimes get tired of doxology and political games party leaders who often use the trust of ordinary party members for their own personal interests - to get to power at any cost. People from the outside see this and do not want to join this or that party, do not want to be a bargaining chip in political games.

In addition, membership in a political party requires discipline and requires voting in elections only for the candidate of one’s own party. People, and especially young people, prefer the broad democracy of public organizations and their true self-government. A person can freely move from one organization to another, participate in any mass movement, without tying his hands to any of them.

Secondly, mass public organizations and movements attract numerous supporters into their ranks by the fact that they do not strictly adhere to any ideological concept in their activities. Ideology is the destiny of a political party. And people often do not see the benefit of any ideology. Their main contents are political problems, issues of power, and not the material interests of ordinary people, their everyday needs.

Today, mass movements and organizations are characterized by the desire to go beyond existing ideological systems and to rethink the realities modern world, put forward alternative ideas and concepts that adequately reflect the vital problems of our time.

Look for alternative development paths modern civilization forced by the current reality itself, which, according to many prominent scientists - both social scientists and natural scientists - is leading increasingly to a dead end, to a universal catastrophe: thermonuclear, environmental, food. Awareness of this expands the circle of participants in alternative movements.

Thirdly, the growing interest of the broad masses in social movements and organizations is also due to the fact that these movements quickly grasp the novelty of the social situation, respond more quickly to changing situations, and more fully take into account the everyday, immediate needs of the people in their demands. Political parties are to a certain extent bound by party ideology, which cannot change quickly; it remains stable over a relatively long period of time.

Socio-political movements and organizations, depending on their connection with the political system, can be institutionalized (formal) and non-institutionalized (informal). The first, so to speak, are recognized by the political system as its constituent element and function in accordance with a set of formal rules. The latter arise and act outside the system, according to rules not prescribed by it. These are the so-called informal organizations. However, in socio-political life everything is subject to dynamics. Mutual transformations of public organizations are also possible. Some informal movements and organizations are turning into formal and even political parties. This is the dialectic of many informal organizations in the former USSR.

“United Nations (UN) - international organization sovereign states, created in 1945 at a conference in San Francisco on the initiative of the leading state participants in the anti-Hitler coalition on the basis of a voluntary combination of their efforts. The UN was born as a result of the great victory over fascism. The foundations of its activities and structure were developed during the 2nd World War (1939-1945)” Political Encyclopedia. In 2 vols. T2/National. Society - scientific foundation; Hand. project G.Yu. Semigin; scientific-editor's council: prev. Council G.Yu. Semigin. - M.: Mysl, 1999, P. 86.

In general, the activities of the UN are aimed at peaceful coexistence, at peaceful relations between states, to be more precise, there is a UN Charter, the goals of which are: maintaining international peace and security, preventing and eliminating threats to peace and suppressing acts of aggression, settling or resolving by peaceful means international disputes or situations that may lead to a breach of the peace; development of friendly relations between nations based on respect for the principle of equality and self-determination of peoples; implementation of international cooperation in resolving international problems economic, cultural, and humanitarian character and fostering respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, without distinction of race, sex, language or religion; fulfilling the role of a center for coordinating the actions of states aimed at achieving these goals. The Charter also provides for the principles of international cooperation and enshrines such points as the conscientious resolution of disputes only by peaceful means.

3. Socio-political organizations and movements in Russia: history and modernity

Social organizations and movements received significant development in bourgeois society, especially with the entry into the historical arena of the working class - people freed from feudal serfdom and given freedom by law to unite in various public organizations. With the help of organized social movements of various directions, the working class achieved tangible results in the struggle to improve their living conditions, for social freedoms and political rights.

"On new level Public organizations and movements rose in their development after the Second World War. They have become widespread. This was facilitated by the strengthening of the democratic trend in the socio-political life of peoples, the rise of the national-political life of peoples, the rise of the national liberation struggle, and especially the struggle for peace, against the threat of a new world war. Today, the scope of activities of public, non-governmental organizations and mass movements is such that they cover almost all aspects of the life of human society. They consist of hundreds of millions of people, they have a powerful influence on international relationships, on the internal political processes of states” Vorobiev K.A. Political science: Textbook for universities.-2nd ed. Rev. And additional - M.: Academic Project, 2005. P. 286..

Due to the passage of time, the collapse of former ideals occurs, propaganda occurs, primarily through the media. People's worldviews also change; views on the past can change dramatically in the opposite side, because everything in life is impermanent. There was a destruction of youth organizations, primarily the Komsomol. Despite all the shortcomings in the work of the Komsomol in Soviet times, it was an organization that united young people, defended their interests, and organized young men and women for useful and interesting activities. The creation of new socio-political organizations, the solution of local and local problems strengthen the sense of mutual understanding and contribute to the growth of the authority of organizations.

Public organizations are characterized by a system of connections and the similarity of interests of its members, a way of developing and making decisions to achieve common goals. In Russia there are movements such as: LDPR, led by one of the founders V.V. Zhirinovsky, “Yabloko” (G.A. Yavlinsky), etc.

Currently, the most popular movements are: the green movement, anti-globalization, anti-war, women's, democratic youth movement and others. All these movements are international. In each country there are many mass movements on a national scale, reflecting the specific situation developing in it. Many social movements and organizations have emerged in recent years in the area former USSR, including on the territory of Russia.

A characteristic feature of modern mass social movements and organizations is that, as a rule, they are either directly related to politics or indirectly influence the quality of the activities of political institutions.

Social and socio-political movements and organizations, unlike parties, are more popular in their social composition. They arise both from class and on a class-like and inter-class basis. So, if the labor movement is class, then the trade union movement is interclass.

Associations and organizations arise, as a rule, spontaneously in connection with the emergence of a specific interest among citizens and the need for its implementation. This is how they arise various organizations entrepreneurs, farmers' associations, charities and other organizations. Some part of these organizations may cease to exist when the corresponding need is satisfied. However, the overwhelming majority of them become permanently active, gaining strength and authority over time.


There is a growth and strengthening of the role of socio-political movements, which indicates the involvement of a huge number of people in politics. There are various options for the relationship between socio-political movements and parties, but independent socio-political movements do not enter into any relations with parties. This happens when participants in movements, having a certain political interest, are at the same time not satisfied with the activities of the parties. The creation of some movements is initiated by a party or a bloc of parties with the aim of involving the broad masses of non-party people in the struggle for the put forward political task.

People voluntarily unite in associations (associations, unions, organizations, centers, clubs, foundations, etc.), the associations that make up civil society reflect the widest range of economic, family, cultural, legal and many other values ​​and interests of citizens. The specificity of all these associations that form civil society is that they are created not by the state, but by the citizens themselves. These associations exist autonomously from the state, but within the framework of existing laws in the state.

Thus, the activities of public organizations and movements are a real indicator of the process of establishing democratization of the political system, civil society, as well as the development of self-government.


1. Political science: Textbook for universities/Under. ed. M.A. Vasilika. - M.: Yurist, 1999.

2. Vorobyov K.A. Political science: Textbook for universities.-2nd ed. Rev. And additional - M.: Academic Project, 2005.

3. Zerkin D.P. Fundamentals of political science: Course of lectures. Rostov n/a: “Phoenix”, 1997.

4. Maltsev V.A. Fundamentals of Political Science: Textbook for Universities. - M.: ITRK RSPP, 1998.

5. Political science: Textbook/A.Yu. Melville [etc.]; M.: Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, TK Welby, Prospekt Publishing House, 2004.

6. Political science: tutorial for universities/Scientific editor A.A. Radugin.-2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Center, 2001.

7. Political encyclopedia. In 2 vols. T2/National. Society - scientific foundation; Hand. project G.Yu. Semigin; scientific-editor's council: prev. Council G.Yu. Semigin. - M.: Mysl, 1999.

Socio-political movements are effective method expression by large masses of people of political ideas, views and interests. This form of exercise of power can reflect views on the management of the state and society both from individual citizens and from numerous groups.

Socio-political organizations and movements: reasons for their appearance

Citizens actively unite in mass political movements to express their own views and satisfy their interests. That is why socio-political movements were incredibly popular during the period from the 19th to the 20th centuries. As a rule, they were workers' associations. The main distinguishing feature of this expression of people's power is the lack of statehood. It is important to draw a parallel here with the presence of state parties that are supported by the government. The ease of creating a social movement lies in the fact that the formation process is not under the control of government authorities.

Socio-political movements are stable social movements that are reliably bound by common social interests. Each participant strives to achieve one goal, which is completely identical to the goal of the political movement. The solidarity of the participants is what allows the social wave to exist and develop.

Leaders and Slaves

The most active participants in the movement are individuals who are dissatisfied with the current regime in the country, and who are also fighting against the current system of exercising power. At the same time, leaders do not seek to express their proclaimed views through legal means. On the contrary, dissatisfaction with the activities of many forces activists to take the path of hostility with the head of state and the political regime.

Another reason for the formation of opposing views is the “diversity” of the members. Any socio-political organizations and movements include representatives of various segments of the public. In one movement it is possible to meet both representatives of diverse ethnic cultures and preachers of various religious concepts. The common goal of political groups can unite even those who are not familiar with tolerance.

Objectives of social movements

Any socio-political movements, no matter what their goal, are called upon to fulfill two main tasks:

  1. Protection of group interests. The basis of the popular movement lies in the expression political concepts. At the same time, both the public as a whole and the head of state should become familiar with the views of the civil masses. In addition, the activity of the movement is aimed not only at the expression of desires, but also at their further implementation. The last task is achieved either through revolution or powerful reforms on the part of the state manager.
  2. Implementation of democracy. The complete renunciation of the masses from managing the affairs of the state speaks of the active creation of popular movements. That is why, in a democratic state and civil society, anti-state socio-political movements are more a rarity than commonplace among citizens. Expressing political views illegally indicates a lack of implementation of the principle of democracy - the basis for the prosperity of the state and civil society.

The citizen's willingness to follow the movement...

It is unlikely that a member of civil society is ready to follow the political movement from the very first calls, supporting its ideology and calling for the speedy fulfillment of the goal. No. Such a decision depends on many factors that are gradually formed in the minds of every citizen of the state, depending on the internal political situation:

  1. The main factor is the systematic dissatisfaction of human needs and interests of the individual. It is important to take into account that such deprivations throughout long period time are imprinted in the public consciousness.
  2. As soon as a clearly defined problem appears, a huge number of ways to resolve the negative situation are formed in the individual’s consciousness. As a rule, achieving a goal is socially political movement characterized by the implementation of the most optimal and convenient steps and means.
  3. Every day the need for the implementation of popular reforms is growing. That is why, wanting to make a greater contribution to improving living conditions for themselves, their families, and society as a whole, citizens actively follow the leaders of political movements.

Starting point of a political citizens' movement

Month after month, the consciousness of every resident of the state is saturated with conflicting ideas about the ideal state program. Hard times are coming; events requiring change; time for approaching reforms... And here comes the starting point for the formation of a protest wave.

Socio-political movements do not appear out of the blue and do not actively begin implementing their programs to improve public life, no! After a small wave of rallies of similar content passes through a certain region, popular fronts and mass popular movements begin to exist. Moreover, initially the “root of evil” originates within youth organizations, trade union structures, and political parties. Subsequently, the current acquires large proportions, attracting an incredible number of people. Gradually, programs are formed to achieve the established goal, a name is put forward, and leaders are identified.

Signs of socio-political movements

Like any form of power, the will of the popular movement has many distinctive features. Signs of socio-political movements:

  • Lack of specific standards. Not a single political movement is capable of providing a clear charter regulating the activities and organizing the structure of the people’s “militia”. Moreover, leaders are not able to present a single program; there is only a goal ahead.
  • If parties have a strictly defined number of mandates, then you will not find this in social movements. The more people are interested in the activities of a political movement, the more effectively it carries out its activities. Due to the “blurred” composition of the popular masses, it is impossible to determine the number of adherents of a particular ideology or reform.
  • Lack of clearly defined authority and central control.
  • Any social movement adheres to the principle of voluntariness, on the basis of which it gives every citizen the right to accept or reject a social idea.

Of course, this is far from full list all the features that characterize socio-political movements. The table shown in the photo below can show a complete list of signs that are most optimized for understanding and memorization.

The role of social movements in the history of the Russian state

Ask any student to tell about the socio-political movements in Russia in the second half of the 19th century high school, and you can probably get a decent story. And all thanks to the fact that the formation of various currents in our state, the implementation of reforms, the organization of popular uprisings are small but stable steps towards a fair state, democratic governance and civil society.

The pages of history provide vivid examples of socio-political movements:

  • the well-known Decembrists;
  • social democratic movement;
  • Essers - socialist revolutionaries, main goal which was the overthrow of autocratic rule and many others.

The active formation of public organizations in the second half of the 20th century occurred due to the high discontent of the masses public administration. On the one hand, changing the state system by force brings a large number of harm to the inhabitants of the country, and on the other hand, these are small, unstable steps towards the formation of civil society.

The other side of the coin...

When talking about socio-political movements in Russia in the second half of the 19th century, it is important to mention popular movements that are popular to this day. For example, unions of entrepreneurs and bankers created in the last century still accept “recruits” into their ranks.

People's movements are thus able to influence public funding, notify public authorities of investment problems, announce the introduction of additional necessary benefits, propose solutions financial problems and so on. Trade unions defend the rights of workers throughout the country. Many legislative decisions are made due to the influence of social trends. Sometimes a popular movement created several decades ago becomes stronger every year.

The influence of political organizations on public consciousness

Consistency is not the best sustainable factor in human life, which is why the popular consciousness of people is so easily deformed. Special role The media play a role in the formation of new principles and ideals. When asserting the same facts, presenting them with the best side newspapers, radio, television, a person thinks about his way of life and decides: “The time has come for changes!”

For long history In our country, this slogan was repeatedly mentioned when making one or another decision. For example, socio-political movements of the 19th century attracted peasants because representatives of organizations shared the labor of workers. Helping a person to do hard work, the leaders of political movements gave a clear explanation of the coming of a better life if he supported the views of the public. And such measures of influence on the consciousness of citizens soon bore fruit, bringing them ever closer to revolution.

Public organizations and the younger generation

Despite the large number negative qualities And Negative influence on government bodies, socio-political movements in Russia play a significant role in the development and formation of the younger generation.

Surely every resident of the USSR was an October child and participated in the work of the Komsomol. Thanks to the activities of such organizations, the interests of young people were fully protected. High organization and a sense of duty to the Motherland raised courageous young people, as well as kind and sympathetic girls. And the children had a desire to work much more often than the modern generation.

Mass movements in the cycle of modernity

Today, the most massive socio-political movement can be called fighters for women's rights. Representatives of the “green” movement, fighting for environmental cleanliness, can also boast of an active position.

As for government affairs, due to the development of the modern management apparatus, the activities extremist organizations is burnt to ashes even during the birth of the idea. The constitutions of developed countries proclaim the right to freedom of speech as one of the main natural rights of man and citizen. Thus, everyone is given the opportunity to express their dissatisfaction both in official form and through rallies.

Invitation to politics

Many citizens of the state, due to contradictory views on international relations, express a great desire to participate in politics. An incredible number of social movements lead to the formation of more more political views, thus attracting the masses.

Opportunity to take part in implementation government programs provided to both educated businessmen with two higher education, as well as for people in working professions. In any case, at this stage of modernity, social movements are more characterized by positive qualities rather than causing harm to society.

Among the variety of social movements, the following typology is distinguished, using social class characteristics as a criterion: - movements that have a pronounced class character;

  • - movements that have a pronounced inter-class or non-class character (national liberation, anti-war, environmental, etc.).
  • - movements expressing the interests of a social stratum that is clearly separated professional group(intelligentsia, military, doctors, lawyers create their own social movements). In this case, layers or groups can act like a class, i.e. create political movements that express their group aspirations.

In relation to the existing system, they distinguish: conservative, reformist, revolutionary, counter-revolutionary movements.

Depending on the degree and form of organization, movements are distinguished: spontaneous (existing, as a rule, for a short time); weakly organized (mass democratic movements, highly organized (they come out with generally significant ideas, reflected in programs, legally formalized, have a structure and functions regulated by relevant documents).

Consequently, public organizations and movements are subjects of politics. We can talk about their political subjectivity when they are capable of conscious actions aimed at meeting the needs and interests of social groups that influence the course of political processes. The significance of public organizations and movements is closely related to their political role in society. “Public organizations and movements in the political system are clearly distinguished, first of all, as non-state or non-governmental organizations, distinguished from other elements of the political system by the non-party nature of their activities and a broad social base. Public organizations and movements, being the foundation of civil society, have become a factor of social change, a means of public control, and bring order to public life. Political role social organizations and movements are determined by the situation when the demand for specialization increases organizational structures state and there is a growing expectation on the part of both the state and various groups of the population that public organizations and movements can promote democratization and counter the bureaucratization of political life.

Typology social movements can be carried out by various reasons. According to the goals and areas of activity, they distinguish anti-war, environmental, women's, youth movement, the movement for racial and national equality, the consumer movement, religious movements and many others.

In relation to the existing system, social movements are divided into revolutionary, counter-revolutionary, reformist, conservative, reactionary; by methods and methods of action - violent and non-violent.

Social movements can be formed on various social bases. Some of them, for example, anti-war, environmental, national liberation movements, are interclass (non-class) in nature. Others have a pronounced social class character - workers, peasants, bourgeois movements, as well as movements of the intelligentsia, farmers, and small owners. Social movements can also be grouped along gender and age lines - youth, children's, women's movements, pensioners' movements, etc. Movements of scientists, doctors, writers, etc. are created along professional lines.

The division of voluntary associations into public organizations and movements is largely conditional, and it is not always easy to differentiate between them. Social movements, as organizational principles strengthen, often become the basis for the formation of public organizations and even political parties. Thus, the development of the environmental movement led to the creation of various kinds of environmental unions and associations, and then green parties in many countries. Popular movements and fronts in a number of former USSR republics evolved and took shape into national democratic parties.

Functions of public organizations and movements

Important theoretical and practical significance has the identification of the functions of public organizations and movements, since this helps to understand their place in the system of civil society and the rule of law, as well as to show the forms and methods of manifestation of their activity.

The main functions common to all public organizations and movements include:

  • 1) Identifying and satisfying interests and needs members of the association. People unite in organizations and movements in order to satisfy certain specific needs related to professional affiliation, age characteristics, individual inclinations, etc. These interests may initially appear in a very vague, personal and emotionally charged form. Public organizations and movements transform such vague views and opinions into clear demands and programs of a given association, thereby contributing to the articulation of the interests of their members. Along with political parties, public organizations and movements solve, to a certain extent, the problem of aggregating interests, i.e. coordination through discussions of many particular requirements and the establishment of a certain hierarchy and priorities between them. This function of public organizations and movements acquires particular importance in conditions of an undeveloped party system.
  • 2) Social integration and mobilization function involves the unification and organization of group members and their supporters around the goals of this formation. This function may also have a broader context that goes beyond the framework of a specific public association. Public organizations and movements attract public attention to acute problems, put forward their solutions, seek public support for their endeavors.
  • 3) Socialization function. By involving its members in public decisions significant problems, public organizations and movements contribute to the formation of their active life position, increasing political education and culture, and attracting citizens to the management of state and public affairs.
  • 4) Representative function or the function of representing and protecting the interests of its members in relations with other political institutions. Public organizations and movements not only contribute to the awareness and expression of the specific interests and needs of their members, but also undertake the obligation to represent these interests and bring the group’s demands to the attention of government bodies, political parties, and ruling elites.

Social movements, participating in public political activity, can perform the following Functions:

  • - participate in the formation of government structures;
  • - take part in the discussion and adoption of political decisions;
  • - represent and protect the interests of citizens;
  • - exercise social control;
  • - form public opinion etc.


Public organizations and movements are non-governmental entities that unite people according to their interests and professions. They have a rich history. Already in the ancient world, along with the state, there were associations of representatives, as a rule, of the propertied classes and free citizens. They also took place in the medieval period of human history. These associations were most often based on religious ideas (knightly associations, orders of crusaders, and so on).

Political parties, being the center of the political life of society, do not cover with their activities the entire diversity of socio-political processes. The activities of political parties seem to continue in the activities of numerous public organizations and mass social movements.

Socio-political organization and socio-political movement: general and specific

Social movements and organizations differ in many ways: in their goals, the functions they perform in relation to the interests of their members, as well as in relation to state power; at the place of activity; by types and methods of activity; by the nature of occurrence, by methods of organization, and so on.

For example, according to the criterion of purpose, there are socio-political movements and organizations that are revolutionary and counter-revolutionary, reformist and conservative, national democratic, general democratic, environmental. By areas of activity: economic, social, national, international, religious, scientific, educational and others. By place of activity: local, regional, national, international, operating in parliament (functions and other associations of deputies), within management structures, in the system of educational and scientific institutions, in the religious environment. By the nature of occurrence: spontaneous and consciously organized; by method of organization: clubs, associations, associations, unions, fronts; by social composition: youth, women, professional. Zerkin D.P. Fundamentals of political science: Course of lectures. Rostov., 1997. P. 302.

No matter how diverse social movements and organizations are, all of them are one way or another called upon to perform two main tasks: a) expression and implementation of group interests; b) ensuring the participation of members of a particular group or community in management public affairs and self-government, and therefore, in the implementation of the principles of democracy (democracy). Hence the underlying reasons for the emergence of social movements and organizations: dissatisfaction of group needs and interests through the activities of institutions of state power and political parties, the presence of economic and socio-cultural problems that cannot be solved by the structures of power and management.

The presence of diverse social needs and interests does not in itself lead to the emergence of social movements and organizations. The factor of interests is triggered precisely when, firstly, the state of unsatisfactory interests is fixed in the public consciousness. Secondly, when certain ideas take shape in the mass consciousness about the content of group interests and ways to satisfy them. Thirdly, there is a growing need among a significant part of various groups and segments of the people to participate in making socio-political decisions related to the implementation of interests. Finally, fourthly, in the presence of appropriate democratic structures in the political system. In general, social and socio-political movements and organizations arise on the basis of social group interests, subject to the development of self-awareness of certain social groups, realized in social activity related to the satisfaction of these interests. Right there. C 303.

In difficult, difficult times, people, imbued with ideological contradictions, first group into protest movements and organizations, then popular fronts, associations, mass movements begin to exist, and within systemic state, party, trade union and youth structures: independent trade union organizations, strike committees, various groups deputies. Subsequently, there is an integration of movements and organizations formed both outside and inside the political system. Movements such as “Democratic Russia”, “United Front of Workers” and others are taking shape.

Habermas Jurgen, famous German philosopher, sociologist and political thinker. In his works he paid great attention to social science and attached no less importance to language. He reduced the problem of socio-political practice to the problem of mutual understanding, the language of political power, party, social groups, and so on. In his ideas or other concepts, there is a socio-political orientation. Habermas Jurgen also attached great importance to the ideological and political superstructure. He tried to find out on what principles the action of domination, abstractly represented as the relationship between master and slave, is based. Imposing this scheme on the entire problematic of social life, he used it to try to explain the mechanisms that should ensure the preservation and stability of society.

The main problem, in his opinion, is that the distribution of surplus product rests on the privileged assimilation of socially produced wealth by the ruling strata of society. At the same time, unequal distribution must have a “legalized” appearance and be recorded in the system of legal norms. As soon as faith in the legitimacy of the existing order decreases for some reason, a force latently hidden in the system of institutions is released, which can lead to sharp social disagreements, conflicts, and crisis. To avoid such developments, it is necessary to establish an order, which must be based on an appropriate distribution of power. Political Encyclopedia / Sub. ed. G. Semigina - M., 1999. P. 575

In the 1980s, Habermas Jürgen developed ideas about instrumental and communicative action in his two-volume Theory of Communicative Action. By communicative action, Habermas understands the influence of individuals, which is ordered according to norms accepted as mandatory. If instrumental action is focused on success, then communicative action is aimed at mutual understanding of the acting individuals, their consensus. It involves coordination of efforts. Right there. C 575

Also, according to his ideas, communicative action is a means of social interaction and serves to form solidarity. Throughout Habermas's theoretical activity, all such topics intersected with each other and became parts of the large-scale theory of communicative action that he created and constantly improved.

In general, the concept of “socio-political movements” covers various associations of citizens, associations, unions, fronts that are not directly included in state and party structures, but are to one degree or another subjects of political life, combining to varying degrees the functions of cooperation and opposition and criticism, opposition and struggle towards state institutions and political parties. This concept covers a wide range of associations - from those that directly influence the adoption of political decisions, characterized by a high level of organization and structure, to purely political ones that do not have a clear organized core. This diversity poses a certain difficulty in typologizing movements, analyzing the reasons for their emergence, ideological and political position, social base, and relationships with authorities. At the same time, we can identify the most general characteristics of socio-political movements that distinguish them from parties.

The ideological and political orientation of the movements is much broader, and the goals are much narrower and more specific than those of the parties. This allows people with different political views to participate in the movement, but who support the specific political goal for which the movement is created and acts. This determines the ability of movements to acquire a large scope.

Movements, as a rule, do not have a unified program or charter. They differ in the inconsistency of the number of participants. Movements usually do not have a strong center, a unified structure, or discipline. The core of movements can be either independent initiative groups or committees or commissions created by parties. They rely on the unorganized masses and can also be supported by various public organizations and autonomous associations of some parties. In general, the basis of movements is the solidarity and voluntariness of their participants. Political science: textbook for universities / Ed. M. Vasilika. M., 2006. P. 104

Socio-political movements strive to influence power, but, as a rule, they themselves do not achieve power.

There are many types of socio-political movements:

  • - from the point of view of attitude to the existing system, movements are conservative, reformist and revolutionary;
  • - according to ideological basis - liberal-democratic, conservative, socialist;
  • - on a national basis - national liberation, for the self-determination of the nation, cultural and national autonomy, etc.;
  • - according to demographics - youth, students, etc.;
  • - by scale - international, regional, country, state, republic;
  • - by methods and methods of action - legal, illegal, formal, informal, oriented towards peaceful or violent actions.

Socio-political movements perform important functions:

  • - condense the interests and sentiments of wide heterogeneous layers of the population:
  • - set goals, develop ways to achieve them;
  • - create a large political force focused on solving a specific political problem;
  • - lead mass protests, organize non-violent and sometimes violent protests.

The second half and especially the end of the 20th century are characterized by the growth and strengthening of the role of socio-political movements, which indicates the involvement of a huge number of people in politics.

There are various options for the relationship between socio-political movements and parties.

Independent socio-political movements do not enter into any relations with parties. This happens when participants in movements, having a certain political interest, are at the same time not satisfied with the activities of the parties. Many movement participants do not want to associate themselves with party affiliation at all. Right there. P. 105

The creation of some movements is initiated by a party or a bloc of parties with the aim of involving the broad masses of non-party people in the struggle for the put forward political task.

Parties can take control of movements (for example, behind spontaneous mass protests, the social environment of which is the least socially protected strata, there may be parties adhering to the strategy of destabilizing the social system). Right there. P. 105

Having achieved success in solving their tasks, political movements usually cease to exist (this happened, for example, with the movement against the deployment of cruise missiles in Europe and others), but in a number of cases, when the tasks put forward are too complex, their solution requires long-term efforts, access to levers of power, political movements acquire the characteristics of a party and are transformed into it (this, for example, happened with the “green” movement). Thus, socio-political movements can be the initial stage of party formation, and, having become a party, they can retain the name “movement”. However, this is not a necessary result of the evolution of movement. Political movements do not displace parties and do not turn into a stage of their formation.

There are several reasons why people are interested in social movements and organizations. Firstly, in recent years, and perhaps even in recent decades, political parties are increasingly losing their authority among the broad masses of the people and especially among young people. People sometimes get tired of the glorification and political games of party leaders, who often use the trust of ordinary party members for their own personal interests - to get to power at any cost. People from the outside see this and do not want to join this or that party, do not want to be a bargaining chip in political games.

In addition, membership in a political party requires discipline and requires voting in elections only for the candidate of one’s own party. People, and especially young people, prefer the broad democracy of public organizations and their true self-government. A person can freely move from one organization to another, participate in any mass movement, without tying his hands to any of them.

Secondly, mass public organizations and movements attract numerous supporters into their ranks by the fact that they do not strictly adhere to any ideological concept in their activities. Ideology is the destiny of a political party. And people often do not see the benefit of any ideology. Their main content is political problems, issues of power, and not the material interests of ordinary people, their everyday needs.

Today, mass movements and organizations are characterized by the desire to go beyond existing ideological systems, to rethink the realities of the modern world, to put forward alternative ideas and concepts that adequately reflect the vital problems of our time.

The current reality itself forces us to look for an alternative to the paths of development of modern civilization, which, according to many prominent scientists - both social scientists and natural scientists - is leading increasingly to a dead end, to a universal catastrophe: thermonuclear, environmental, food. Awareness of this expands the circle of participants in alternative movements. Vorobiev K.A. Political science: a textbook for universities. M., 2005. P. 225

Thirdly, the growing interest of the broad masses in social movements and organizations is also due to the fact that these movements quickly grasp the novelty of the social situation, respond more quickly to changing situations, and more fully take into account the everyday, immediate needs of the people in their demands. Political parties are to a certain extent bound by party ideology, which cannot change quickly; it remains stable over a relatively long period of time.

Socio-political movements and organizations, depending on their connection with the political system, can be institutionalized (formal) and non-institutionalized (informal). The first, so to speak, are recognized by the political system as its constituent element and function in accordance with a set of formal rules. The latter arise and act outside the system, according to rules not prescribed by it. These are the so-called informal organizations. However, in socio-political life everything is subject to dynamics. Mutual transformations of public organizations are also possible. Some informal movements and organizations are turning into formal and even political parties. This is the dialectic of many informal organizations in the former USSR.

The United Nations (UN) is an international organization of sovereign states, created in 1945 at a conference in San Francisco on the initiative of the leading state participants in the anti-Hitler coalition on the basis of a voluntary combination of their efforts. The UN was born as a result of the great victory over fascism. The foundations of its activities and structure were developed during the 2nd World War (1939-1945). G. Semigin. Decree. op. P. 86

In general, the activities of the UN are aimed at peaceful coexistence, at peaceful relations between states, to be more precise, there is a UN Charter, the goals of which are: maintaining international peace and security, preventing and eliminating threats to peace and suppressing acts of aggression, settling or resolving international disputes or situations that may lead to a breach of peace; development of friendly relations between nations based on respect for the principle of equality and self-determination of peoples; implementation of international cooperation in resolving international problems of an economic, cultural, and humanitarian nature and fostering respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for everyone, without distinction of race, gender, language and religion; fulfilling the role of a center for coordinating the actions of states aimed at achieving these goals. The Charter also provides for the principles of international cooperation and enshrines such points as the conscientious resolution of disputes only by peaceful means. Right there. C 87

Any activity in the field of politics is carried out by groups of people united common goal and the norms of behavior adopted by them. As a result of such actions, ideology, political views and beliefs receive a material form of existence and are brought to life. These organizations are called political; they will be discussed in more detail in this article.

What is a political organization?

If we talk in simple words, then political organizations are a type of public associations whose purpose is the implementation of political beliefs and interests, as well as relationships with authorities.

Among the features of such communities are internal stability, discipline and a clear hierarchy. They have a leader, a leader, as well as a number of people close to him. In addition to these people, such organizations have supporters and members, the number of which is quite stable and documented. They also have passive and active supporters. Active people take a direct part in the life of the association and are members of it. They also express their beliefs and views openly at events. Passives are ready to support the organization in elections, but do not participate in its daily life.

Types of Political Organizations

Political organizations can be classified according to many criteria. For example, if we divide them in relation to the state, then they are:

  • State - directly the government itself, central authorities and local governments.
  • Non-state – these include socio-political organizations, political parties, movements and other communities.

The next parameter for classification can be called a social criterion, according to which associations of a political nature are divided by class composition or nationality.

But these are not all the types into which such organizations can be divided. They can also be divided according to the degree of politicization: either completely political, for example parties, or communities of citizens with interests from other spheres of life. They can also be divided on ideological grounds - communist, liberal, conservative and many others. According to the degree of distribution, political organizations are international, intrastate and intra-country.

What is a socio-political organization?

In science, the concept of a political movement is defined as a community of citizens that sets itself the goal of influencing the adoption of changes concerning social sphere, or, conversely, counteract them. Socio-political organizations fulfill specific goals and objectives that arise during the exercise of power in the political sphere. Among their functions are the establishment social interactions, determination of the order of what is desirable and achievable for a particular group, possession of information about the possibility of allowing conflict situations without going beyond the organization.

Socio-political organization - what is it?

In any country with a democratic system, socio-political organizations are an integral part. They arise due to the expression of civil will and act as a force that has any influence on the authorities. Such communities differ from a social movement in that they have a fixed membership.

Komsomol as an example of a political organization

A typical example of a standard political organization is the Komsomol. Transcript – All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union. Created as an ally and assistant to the Communist Party, the Komsomol was precisely a socio-political organization that did not set itself the task of fighting for power. Almost from the first day of its existence, the Leninist Komsomol was actively involved in the labor, economic, scientific, military and other activities of the country and had a huge, most often positive, impact on these areas of life.

Komsomol, the decoding of the name of which includes the word “all-union”, shows how widespread this organization was. One can judge her role in the life of every Soviet young man.

It should be noted that the Komsomol as a youth organization has survived to this day, although not on the same scale as before. The idea of ​​a communist movement for young people was preserved and continued by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. However, the name has changed: at first it was SCM - the Union of Communist Youth, and since 2011 the movement has been called the Komsomol - the word “Leninist” has been added. But also, if in Soviet times the Komsomol was considered a reserve for the CPSU, and membership in it was mandatory, then similar modern political organizations are not mandatory and are unlikely to have any serious influence on the political life of the state. Rather, it is simply a tribute to memory, preserving the traditions of past years.

Political organizations in Russia

At the end of 2015, 77 parties were registered in Russia, and this is the largest number of officially registered political organizations in the entire history of the state. Almost the entire spectrum of ideological positions is represented: from extreme left to extreme right beliefs. Political organizations represent both parties and social movements and organizations. Among all their diversity, one can find pro-government and opposition communities, and even extremist ones that are prohibited by law.

Political organizations in Russia are represented in government bodies by several parties, each of which has its own number of deputies. Their largest number belongs to the United Russia party, in second place is the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, followed by the A Just Russia party and the Liberal Democrats from the Liberal Democratic Party, who can rather be called conservatives than liberals.
