Where does dust come from in an apartment and how to get rid of it? Why is house dust made up of human skin?

Have you started to notice that the skin on your hands is drying out and no creams are helping the situation? Does your runny nose stubbornly resist nasal drops and doesn’t go away for weeks? Do you swallow handfuls of vitamins, but still constantly feel lethargic? Perhaps it's not a weakened immune system, but dust.

Composition of household dust

Dust - what's in it! Ordinary household dust consists of tens or even hundreds of types of particles of various origins. About a third of the dust consists of mineral particles, and 20% of dead skin flakes. We shed dead cells constantly, and over the course of a person’s entire life, on average, they lose about 18 kilograms of dead cells. Another 12–15% are the smallest textile fibers. Their source is carpets, drapes, our clothes, wallpaper, Stuffed Toys, upholstery of sofas and armchairs. The more such items there are in the house, the more dust is generated in it. 7–10% of household dust is pollen, mold spores and other plant particles. The rest is microscopic balls of fat that stick other dust particles together and prevent cleaning, pet hair if you have them, and a huge number of microorganisms and tiny insects.

Where does dust come from at home?

Scientists have long found the answer to this question. In fact, from almost everywhere. Together with the air, billions of mineral particles are carried into our homes - these are the smallest grains of sand, and salt crystals, and microscopic flakes of soot from the street, and dust from old plaster. It's possible that some of these particles came from the Sahara Desert, while others were once ocean salt—during storms, the sea releases microscopic salt crystals into the atmosphere. Scientists from the University of Arizona conducted a study that confirmed that 60% of dust enters our apartments from the outside - brought in with a draft through windows and doors and carried by households on clothes and shoe soles. Accordingly, than more family- the more dust there will be in the house. The remaining 40% is dust generated by the home environment and people themselves.

Where is there more dust - in a metropolis or in the open air? According to statistics, a city dweller inhales about a billion dust particles per minute, while a rural dweller inhales only 40 million. Therefore, it is the townspeople who should pay Special attention cleanliness of the house. The dangers of house dust are not a myth, but a very real danger.

However, the most common harm caused by household dust is allergies. The most optimistic statistics say that every tenth inhabitant of the Earth is allergic to dust. But some believe that it affects about 40% of people. And this seems to be true, because often even the patients themselves do not suspect that the cause of their illness is ordinary household dust. Dust allergy symptoms are often confused with a cold. There really is something in common - this disease is manifested by a chronic runny nose, sore throat, sneezing, inflammation of the mucous membranes, dry cough and redness of the eyes. Allergic dermatitis is also common, when the skin becomes very dry, irritated and sensitive, itching or characteristic blisters occur - the so-called urticaria.

In the worst case, allergies can trigger the development of bronchial asthma - a very dangerous disease that kills 5,000 people every year in our country alone, mostly children.

Why does dust cause allergies? It's all about its components. Mold spores and plant pollen are powerful allergens - everyone who suffers from hay fever in the spring and cannot calmly smell bird cherry knows this. But plants bloom only once a year, and dust surrounds us constantly. However, allergies to dust are most often caused not by flora, but by fauna - insects that live in every lump of dust.

If you follow all these recommendations, you can not only make life easier for family members who suffer from dust allergies, but also, over time, completely get rid of this disease. Sometimes, if an allergy sufferer manages to avoid contact with the allergen for a long time, the allergy goes away forever.

Did you know...

The Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM) has certified the Rainbow system as an air purifier. No other vacuum cleaner has received such a certificate.

Did you know...

Constantly living in a dusty room can cause pneumoconiosis, fibrosis and even lung cancer. In order to reduce the risk, it is worth getting rid of the abundance of napkins, decorative pillows and soft toys in the house, and also clean using a vacuum cleaner at least once every two weeks.

The main pollutant of the home is ordinary indoor dust flying from the streets, household items, human bodies and pets. Some people neglect to clean the room, leaving several layers of dust on cabinets, under the sofa, on bookshelves and in other hard-to-reach places. But you shouldn’t ignore it - it will cause a lot of problems, including with the respiratory system. Dust particles can also provoke allergies.

Many have noticed that dust particles appear within a few hours after cleaning. Dust comes from different sources: from the street, from furniture, from household items and parts decorating the interior. The more things there are in the room, the more dust accumulates, settling on their surface.

Figurines, carpets, curtains, paintings, vases - objects that collect dirt in the home. If the home owner wants to decorate his interior with these details, then it is important to clean it on a regular basis.

There are several sources from which dust particles are formed:

  • Human skin. The keratinized scales of the epithelium fall to the floor, remain on the bed linen, and settle on clothes.
  • Pet hair. Cats and dogs shed constantly, which also creates dust particles. Some of them bring grains of sand from the street.
  • Fibers from clothing, carpets, sofa covers, and bedspreads also form dirt in the house.
  • Dust accumulated on interior items, if they are not washed periodically, easily scatters throughout the apartment.
  • Concrete walls of the house and wallpaper can crumble from old age.

Dust from hallways and streets flies through cracks in windows, sockets, vents and air conditioners. If a residential building is built in an area where there is a lot of sand, then there will be a lot of dust in the rooms. Dirt can travel great distances. Even the dust that is formed from desert sands can fly thousands of kilometers.

Where is it most?

The largest amount of dust deposits accumulates on the following surfaces:

  • Household appliances: TVs, monitors, system units computers, kitchen electronics and washing machines.
  • Blinds, window sills, vents. Dust often settles on old double-glazed window frames.
  • Books and bookshelves. It is advisable to store them under glass.
  • Clothing, soft toys and household items, especially from natural materials. Wool also leaves lint.

How to clean properly?

You need to clean your living space at least once a week. It all depends on the number of things, residents and the area in which the apartment is located.

Completely unrealistic, but its sources can be minimized. You must remember the following rules:

  • The room should be ventilated. However, to prevent dirt from flying inside, you need to use a special mesh.
  • Unnecessary items should be thrown away, sold, or removed from the home. They only collect dust and spoil the health of those living in the room.
  • Be sure to change bed linen at least once every 10-14 days. It is advisable to do this weekly.
  • You should clean carpets and rugs yourself or take them to a dry cleaner.
  • You need to sort out the contents of your cabinets and chests of drawers, as dust also collects inside the furniture.
  • It is important to wipe the leaves of plants and flowers with a damp cloth.
  • Walls should be washed or vacuumed. The method for cleaning the surface depends on the material.
  • Curtains need to be steamed: this will make them beautiful and destroy pathogenic bacteria with hot steam.
  • It is important to clean the ventilation grilles.

If there are animals living in the house, then it is necessary to carry out both wet cleaning and vacuuming.

Products that help fight dust

Few people know, but some products can help fight dust and prevent its occurrence:

  • Polishes with antistatic effect. The amount of dirt will not be reduced, but it will settle on the furniture in smaller volumes.
  • Chlorophytum - the plant is believed to prevent dust particles from settling in its surroundings.
  • Humidifier. With its help, dust will become more noticeable.
  • Membranes for windows. Prevents dust from settling from the streets.

Among other things, a regular vacuum cleaner can help fight dust. It is important to choose quality equipment. Do not neglect cleaning the house, because the health and well-being of the residents depends on it.

Damage to Health

An allergic reaction that develops due to dirt in the house can provoke asthma, bronchitis, and pneumonia.

Getting rid of dust is the dream of every housewife. But as soon as you tidy up the house a little, harmful specks of dust again settle on all surfaces.

For many people, dust is not only unsightly, but also dangerous, since it is a source of allergic reactions.

To lead effective fight with dust formation, you need to, as they say, “know the enemy by sight”, and then develop a killer strategy against him.

Wikipedia gives the following answer to this question: these are solid particles, and the diameter of a dust particle is less than a tenth of a millimeter.

Its sources are plants, rocks and, according to Wikipedia, space. Pets also contribute to dust formation. About a third of the dust particles are nothing more than tiny particles of the skin's epidermis and fur.

Renewal of the skin of people and animals occurs gradually. According to statistics, each person produces about 0.5 kg during the year. such small particles. In general, the composition of dust is quite complex.

The reason for the danger can be understood by examining a speck of dust under a microscope. It turns out that dust particles represent favorable environment for the proliferation of harmful microorganisms. This is not only dust mites, but also mold fungi.

It is mold and mite waste products that cause allergies. In addition, excessive dust can also cause intoxication, since house dust also contains toxic substances.

How to reduce dust formation in the house

Dust not only spoils the interior and damages the reputation of the owner, but also poses a health hazard.

Especially for children, since it has been established that the highest concentration of particles is located at a distance of 70-150 cm from the floor. How to get rid of dust in an apartment for a long time?

Here are tips to help reduce dust in your room.

How to get your apartment in perfect order

The “dust collectors” are more or less dealt with. Now we make the apartment perfectly clean and take measures to get rid of dust in the house.

So, how to properly wipe dust from furniture and surfaces?

The procedure is approximately this.

  1. Put clothes in closets and shoes in closed drawers. If you are a lover of interior decor, place it in a glass display case.
  2. Vacuum upholstered furniture thoroughly. It is advisable to treat soft toys, furniture and bedding with a steam generator. It kills dust mites and disinfects objects.
  3. The steamer is convenient for treating curtains. They will look fresher because the steam kills microorganisms. If you have a lot of windows in your apartment or house, you should purchase a powerful floor-mounted steamer with a large water tank.
  4. Spray your houseplants regularly with a spray bottle. It is advisable to wipe the dust from the leaves with a piece of soft cloth.
  5. Brush your pets periodically. By the way, if you are allergic to pets, consider placing the animal in good hands. "Hypoallergenic" hairless breeds of cats, dogs and guinea pigs– myth. Allergies can also be caused by small particles of the epidermis.
  6. To clean floor coverings, furniture and mopping, purchase a vacuum cleaner with an aqua filter. After wet cleaning with such a vacuum cleaner, the air becomes noticeably cleaner. Collecting dust in a “classic” dust collector does not solve the problem. It has been established that almost 30% of the dust from the old “Rocket” or “Typhoon” returns back to the room. Don’t be surprised that after cleaning with an old vacuum cleaner, dust appears again.
  7. To clean dust in hard-to-reach places, use special attachments for a vacuum cleaner.
  8. During cleaning, set all windows to ventilation mode. To avoid dust from the street, use mosquito nets and cover them with moistened gauze.
  9. Wipe the dust in the room not only from the surfaces, but also from the ceiling. A piece of clean, dampened cloth placed over a clean mop will help. Don't forget about the walls.
  10. Make sure there are no cobwebs in the corners. It is an excellent dust collector.
  11. When cleaning floors, don't forget about baseboards. Dust particles settle on them very intensively.

Household chemicals and appliances - to help

Various aids can help you get rid of household dust.

  1. Humidifiers. With their help, the struggle for cleanliness is much simpler, since, after moistening, the dust particles settle and are more noticeable. It is enough to rub the surfaces with a microfiber cloth so that they are completely free of dust.
  2. Hygrometers. These are devices with which you can control the level of humidity in a room. Excessive dampness causes mold to grow, and dry air keeps particulate matter suspended.
  3. Modern window design. The micro-ventilation function helps prevent dust from entering the room.
  4. A good remedy for dust is an “air washing” device. This device passes air through itself, while filters trap dust. This device is especially helpful in a room after renovation or in a new building.
  5. Polishes with antistatic effect. Of course, they do not reduce the dustiness of the room, but the surfaces remain clean, since dust does not sit on them for a long time. Such products are not recommended for use in rooms where allergy sufferers live. Dust in suspension can trigger an allergy attack.
  6. To prevent dust from settling on furniture longer, use a special “dust spray” made by yourself. Mix a glass of water, 0.25 cups of grape vinegar and 2 tablespoons olive oil. If you spray the mixture with a spray bottle and wipe with a piece of microfiber, dust will not appear on the surface for longer.

Cleaning the car

A conscientious car owner tries to keep the car clean, but the speed with which dust can appear in the cabin can shock anyone.

How to remove dust and dirt from inside a car and what to use to wipe surfaces?

Simple rules for cleaning the interior of the “iron horse” will help maintain perfect cleanliness in the cabin.

  1. Do not neglect timely replacement of the cabin filter. The cost of this procedure is low, and the dust content of the air is reduced.
  2. Clean the ashtray, wipe with a damp cloth and wipe dry. It's no secret that the ashtray is the main source of dirt in the car. If you remember about it last, you will have to do all the cleaning activities all over again.
  3. Remove the rubber mats from the car, rinse thoroughly and dry.
  4. Clean the car floor from dirt.
  5. Thoroughly vacuum carpets, seats and all interior surfaces. To get rid of dust in hard-to-reach places and crevices, use a regular soft paint brush.
  6. Now it's time for wet cleaning. Wash the floor and side surfaces machine, wipe the dust on the front panel and plastic parts with a damp cloth.

After cleaning the interior is completed, you can begin washing the external surfaces of the car.

Now your car will shine like new!

Within a couple of hours after thorough cleaning, dust particles float in the air and form a thin film on the surfaces of objects in the apartment. Even if all doors and windows are tightly closed. It is useless to fight this, but you can minimize this problem. And this is very important for ensuring the normal life of allergy sufferers, young children and asthmatics.

Sources of dust

Dust is small solid particles of mineral or organic origin. These include particles of smaller diameter from fractions of a micron to a larger diameter - 0.1 mm. The larger ones are up to 1 mm in size and belong to the category of sand.

The dust that settles on the Earth is 70% of natural origin, and the remaining 30% comes from waste from human activity. The most significant and widespread source is soil. When the wind blows, it rises high and spreads over long distances. Deserts make a special contribution to its creation.

When the sea is rough, tiny droplets appear, they are destroyed by air bubbles that rise to the surface of the water. These droplets then dry out and saturate the air with salts.

The largest dust particles come from volcanoes. An inactive volcano emits smoke. Grains of sand from volcanic ash can be transported over long distances and this is how they end up in our homes. And this substance is included in its composition.

A significant source of dust settling on the ground is combustion products: burning of oil and coal, forest fires.

Methods for removing wax and paraffin from clothes

Celestial bodies flying near the Earth leave behind cosmic dust particles.

All these dust particles are in our houses and apartments.

Composition of dust in the apartment

It settles on vertical and horizontal surfaces and includes many particles. Its composition:

It is suspended in the air and penetrates into apartments from the street, through cracks in windows and doors. A in the apartment its sources are:

  • Pets;
  • People;
  • dirt brought from the street on clothes and shoes;
  • destroyed furniture or other materials.

For example, foam rubber begins to deteriorate after 10 years of use; it releases substances that seriously threaten human health.

Factors causing dust accumulation

Dust particles tend to accumulate and there are objects that attract them to a greater extent. These interior elements include:

  1. Carpets (floor and wall). If you don't have time to vacuum every day, it's best to skip them.
  2. Carpet strongly attracts dust particles and dirt is difficult to remove from it.
  3. Unnecessary old things such as newspapers, magazines, books, some clothes. Do not place or hang these items throughout the house. Place them on shelves and take them out as needed.
  4. Massive curtains and canopies. If you are not going to knock them out or vacuum them every day, replace them with compact curtains and laconic blinds.
  5. Stuffed Toys.
  6. The flooring in the apartment, wool elements - lint is added to the dust.

How to get rid of mold in a washing machine

For example, in a three-room apartment, up to 40 kilograms accumulate over a year.

Hazardous component in house dust are dust mites. They appear everywhere and do not depend on lifestyle or cleaning frequency. They live in dust and can only be seen under a microscope. These insects have several dozen species and can trigger asthma, allergies and have other dangerous effects on the human body.

They feed mainly on human skin. Upper layer The epidermis, or rather its small particles, sheds daily and is an ideal food for dust mites. They live in bedding, pillows, blankets and furniture. For them nice home are dust bunnies that collect in corners and under beds or sofas. They are dangerous to those who have respiratory problems, but are generally harmless to a healthy person.

For two weeks indoors per square meter. cm can deposit up to 12 thousand dust particles, and dust mites live up to four months. During this time, it produces excrement two hundred times its weight, and lays up to three hundred eggs.

The back wall of the refrigerator is considered the dustiest place in the house. As it works, it heats up and heats the air, creating a river of air that flows from the floor to the ceiling and covers the back wall of the refrigerator with dust. Air indoors contains more dust than to eat on the street, if a person does not live in a large industrial city. To reduce dust in an apartment, you need to create a draft.

Fighting mold in the house and apartment: effective methods

The benefits and harms of dust particles

With large particles, dust settles quickly and is easy to deal with; you can simply remove it with a damp cloth. Fine particles pose a risk to human health. They settle on objects slowly and enter the human body through the respiratory tract. Dust particles of mineral origin are especially dangerous; a common source is house insulation material. A person's immunity decreases and malignant tumors can form. If it gets into food and drinking water pulmonary diseases and infectious diseases develop.

Dust has negative qualities and a person receives dangerous consequences from interacting with it. But for the planet


    Introduction (relevance, goals, objectives, hypothesis)

    Theoretical part

    What is dust and its types.

    Sources of dust and its composition.

    The effect of dust on the human body and objects around us.

    Places where dust accumulates in the apartment.

    Basic methods and means of combating indoor dust.

    Is there any benefit from dust?

    Practical part

    Studying the composition of dust in the apartment

    Consultation with a biology teacher and a nurse.

    Questioning and processing of results

    Conclusion. Conclusion


    Application: Literary page



Who among us has not watched with admiration the dance of dust particles in a ray of sunlight, or drawn on the dusty side of the glass surface. One day I saw Sunbeam in a room in which some tiny particles were moving, I became interested: WHAT IS THIS? Mom said it was dust.

Then during spring cleaning, wiping the dust on the TV, shelves and windowsill, I became curious about what it consists of, whether it is harmful or not, why it appears, whether it is possible to get rid of it for good.

Hypothesis : if I know what effect dust has on the human body and I know ways to combat it and apply them in practice, I will be able to maintain my health.

Target : study of indoor dust and its effect on the human body.

Tasks :

1.Study theoretical material on the topic: what dust is, its types and composition.

2. Find out how dust affects human health.

3. Identify places where dust accumulates in your home and determine effective ways to combat it.

4. Study the opinions of peers on the topic through a survey

    Theoretical part

II .1. What is dust and its types.

I started working on the theoretical part by studying lexical word dust and turned to the dictionaries.

In S.I. Ozhegov’s dictionary I learned thatP eul - these are the smallest dry particles floating in the air or accumulating on the surface of something.

On the Internet in the encyclopedia Wikipedia: dust - small solids organic or mineral origin. Dust is particles with an average diameter of 0.005 mm and a maximum diameter of 0.1 mm. Larger particles cause the material to discharge , which has dimensions from 0.1 to 1 mm. When exposed to humidity, dust usually turns into .

By their nature, dust is distinguished between atmospheric and industrial.
Atmospheric (natural) sources dust, scientists around the world call the following phenomena:

    Salt seas and oceans . For example, Dead Sea salt can be found in the dust of every apartment. How? First, when the water of the Dead Sea hits the rocks on rocks ah, tiny splashes remain, they dry out, turning into salt. This salt is then picked up by the wind and carried throughout the world, where it settles in the form of dust.

    Space – formed during the destruction of falling meteorites.Thanks to extraterrestrial dust, our planet is gaining about ten tons of weight every year. Cosmic dust most often falls to Earth along with meteorite showers.

    Volcanic – thrown into the atmosphere by the force of a volcanic explosion. For example, a volcanic eruption in Alaska in 1912 resulted in dust pollution of the upper layers of the atmosphere even in Europe and the USA over the next 2 years.When a volcano erupts, huge amounts of tiny rock particles are released into the atmosphere. They, just like salt crystals, are carried by the wind to the most remote corners of our planet. Unfortunately, dust is produced not only by active volcanoes, but also by dormant volcanoes. This is confirmed by the smoking volcano Sakurajima in Japan. According to scientists' measurements, while in an inactive state, every year this volcano releases 14,000,000 tons of dust into the atmosphere. The city of Kagoshima, located near the volcano, is recognized as the dustiest populated area on our planet. The sidewalks, roofs of houses, and lawns of Kagoshima, despite the efforts of residents, are constantly covered with a dense veil of dust.

    Smoke – formed over a large area during forest and peat fires.

    Loess (loess-loess-loose dusty soil of light yellow color) – brought from the deserts by dry and hot winds.Every year, about a hundred million tons of microscopic grains of sand from the Sahara are carried around the world by rain clouds and wind. They settle as dust in the countries of North and South America, litter Europe and even distant Australia.

    Soil – Withmicroscopic soil particles do approximately the same thing as with sea ​​salt and with volcanic dust. The wind picks up dry grains of sand and carries them through the streets and houses.

Also distinguish

Radioactive dust - arising from nuclear explosions; this dust is thrown to a height, picked up by air currents and spread many thousands of kilometers from the explosion site, settling with precipitation and becomes a source of radioactive contamination.

And the ground city dust - is a mixture of soil particles raised into the air, road surfaces, smoke, soot, plant and animal organisms (spores, bacteria, molds and others).

II .2. Sources of dust and its composition.

Have you noticed? That even in a clean and tightly locked apartment, and even with closed windows, a noticeable layer of dust settles in two weeks. Scientists have calculated that approximately 12 thousand dust particles settle per 1 square cm of floor or furniture. In a standard three-room apartment, up to 40 kg of dust is generated annually. What about an apartment, entire cities are buried under dust over the years. Approximately 500,000 dust particles are contained in every liter of air in a city apartment. Think about what we breathe!

Of course, not all this dust has a safe natural origin. Toxic dust of anthropogenic origin is especially common in urban dwellings. Fortunately, not all dust generated by human activity is dangerous.

Does not pose a serious threat to human life and health anthropogenic dust, the sources of which are :

    Erased pieces of furniture, carpets and rugs.

    Particles of dead skin, nails and hair of humans and pets.


    Pollen and spores of indoor plants.

    Fabric fibers.

Sources of unsafe anthropogenic dust:

    Fungi and other microorganisms.

    Erased particles rubber tires car wheels.

    Combustion products of mineral fuels: wood, coal, oil - and car exhaust gases.

    All kinds chemicals(powders and liquid cleaning and washing products, shampoos, aerosols, etc.).

    Cigarette smoke.

    The smallest remains building materials and peeling paint.

These are the main sources of house dust. Now we know where it comes from. However, we see that not all sources of dust formation are safe for human life and health.

How dangerous is this? What is dust made of? R ass let's watch compound

house dust:

    35% from mineral particles

    12% – textile and paper fibers

    19% – skin flakes

    7% – pollen

    3% – soot and smoke particles

    The remaining 24% is of unknown origin.

They live in house dustsaprophytic mites .

Dust particles are capable of collecting and holding on their surface volatile toxic substances that enter the air of residential premises in various ways. Dust, for example, is the main source of the most powerful known poison entering the human body -dioxin. When toxic dust settles on food products and enters the respiratory tract, it has an adverse effect on our health.

II .3. The effect of dust on the human body and objects around us.

How does dust affect our health?
Environmentalists around the world are unanimous in their opinion that dust is unsafe for human health. Inhaling air with a high concentration of dust has the same harmful effect on the lungs as half a cigarette.

Typically, dust particles float in the air and their behavior directly depends on their size. Dust grains with a diameter of more than 10 microns quickly settle on the surface, but particles with a diameter of less than 5 microns that hang in the air for a long time are especially dangerous. It has been established that fibers with a diameter of less than 3 microns do not leave the lungs with the current of exhaled air.
Our body has good protection against dust particles. They stick to the mucus covering the surface of the respiratory tract and, together with this mucus, move towards the exit - into the larynx. They are moved by countless cilia that line the lining of the respiratory tract. These cilia synchronously perform wave-like movements that bring out all the microscopic particles trapped inside the lungs. Sneezing, coughing and expectoration removes them. However, if dust in the air exceeds all standards, this system cannot cope.

The dust that accumulates in our homes contributes to the exacerbation of chronic diseases such asasthma, allergies and diabetes .

But that's not all. Dust not only awakens existing diseases in the body, but leads to the emergence of new ones, for example:

    viral diseases

    bronchial asthma

    hearing impairment

    kidney diseases

    myocardial infarction



    skin diseases


Book and newspaper dust causes so-called “library” allergies with various manifestations - from sneezing to asthma attacks.

Dust irritates the mucous membranes - lungs, bronchi, eyes, skin, etc. This can lead to ulcers in the nasal septum, rhinitis, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, conjunctivitis, dermatitis, etc. And dust that gets into the lungs causes various diseases -pneumoconiosis.

Many people live in room dust for weeks and months and feel great pathogenic microorganisms, viruses:streptococci, staphylococci, tuberculosis and diphtheria bacilli.

Some types of dust, such as manganese, causepoisoning. Cement, asbestos, and glass wool dust increasecancer risk.

Dust from household chemicals is a strong allergen. If you wash dishes, floors or windows with miracle solutions, or use washing powder, then after they dry, a thin film of “chemicals” forms, and then dust.

Considering that a person spends quite a lot of time at home every day, diseases caused by household allergens are year-round. At first, manifestations of the disease can only occur with massive contact with dust (during cleaning, repairs). Over time, the disease intensifies and makes itself felt every morning, attacks of sneezing, lacrimation appear, and finally the most serious complication comes - attacks of suffocation at night or late in the evening.

But of courseThe biggest harm of dust is the spread of epidemics. Dust wanders from house to house, carrying with it heaps of pathogenic microbes, bacteria, fungi and viruses, enters the human body through the respiratory tract and infects it with infection.

But dust is “rich” not only dangerous viruses and microbes, but also “nasty” microorganisms: molds and mites.

What some people have house dust can cause allergic phenomena, it was noticed a long time ago, but only about twenty years ago it became known that allergies are caused not by the dust itself, but by microscopic mites living in it. 70-80% of this fauna consists of one species, the so-called bed mite.In modern houses where we suffer from very dry air, dust mites are almost or completely absent - they require high humidity. Therefore, by the way, they are not afraid of wet cleaning, but their number decreases after dry cleaning.


The allergenic properties of dust have been known for several centuries. One of

first mention refers to XVII century: Flemish doctor John

Baptista described a monk who began to choke while sweeping.

A person inhales up to 12 thousand liters of air per day, in 1 liter

which contains up to 500 thousand dust particles.

Up to 6 billion deposits on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract per day

specks of dust Dust particles settle in the alveoli and also disrupt the process

enrich the blood with oxygen, and penetrating into the blood, they are carried through the bloodstream

by organs and tissues of the body.

Up to 80% redundancy immune system spent on

neutralization of dust entering respiratory organs and into the bloodstream.

Basic harmful effects We have already studied how dust enters the human body. Now let's move on to considering the harmfulness of dust for the objects that fill our home.

Firstly, dust destroys all coatings: fabric, wood and many others. We already know that dust is an accumulation of small solids. So, they rub against each other and against home furnishings, thereby gradually turning them into dilapidated, worn-out, worn-out trash.

Dust is no less harmful for household and computer equipment. As it settles on the parts of the mechanism, it contributes to the difficulty and deterioration of the operation of the devices, and can cause corrosion and even short circuits. In addition, the accumulation of dust inside the equipment increases the noise of its operation.

So, now we know that dust is unsafe and that we must definitely fight it. But how to detect it? It's time to get acquainted with the main “habitats” of dust in our homes.

II .4. Places where dust accumulates in the apartment

Of course, dust is everywhere in our houses and apartments. But we can identify places where it simply accumulates on a grandiose scale.

German scientists have conducted a lot of research on dust, its nature and places of accumulation. In one such experiment, it was found that there is twice as much dust in rural houses as in urban ones. However, village dust is less harmful, since it mainly carries natural character. Highest concentration toxic substances was discovered in the dust of urban and suburban apartments in industrial zones. Here, the main components of house dust are harmful elements such as lead and cadmium.

Old buildings accumulate much more dust than new ones.

Regardless of whether your home is urban or rural, the places where dust accumulates the most are the same:

    computer technology, TV, radio

    upholstered furniture, carpets and rugs


    baseboards and corners of rooms

    smooth, uncarpeted floors

    open shelves

    Stuffed Toys

A particularly “diligent” dust collector is the rug in front of front door. It must be vacuumed every day to prevent additional dust from making its way into the home.

II .5. Basic methods and means of combating indoor dust.

What are the main methods and means of dealing with dust?

Do you want to live longer? Do you want to be healthier? It is possible, necessary and not difficult to deal with harmful dust! And the main thing is to arm yourself with this knowledge not in theory, but in practice.

It is impossible to defeat dust - to completely expel it! But we should try to reduce the extent of her “residence” in our homes. The answer seems obvious: the only way to combat dust is to clean your home.

But it's not that simple. You need to deal with dust wisely so as not to drive it around the room. Only regular “smart” dust control will reduce its harm to health.

Ways to get rid of dust:

    If possible, eliminate so-called “dust collectors” in the apartment: open shelves with books, soft toys, scattered clothes, etc. At the end of the season, pack clothes and shoes that you do not wear in special cellophane covers.

    When cleaning your apartment, use a vacuum cleaner ( the best option: vacuum cleaner with water filter).One Japanese company began producing a vacuum cleaner that not only collects dust along with mites, as all other vacuum cleaners do, but also heats the collected dust, killing mites. This, according to the inventors, prevents the mites from re-dispersing from the dust collector throughout the apartment.

    Do not use a broom under any circumstances.

    Wet clean your apartment as often as possible: open shelves of cabinets, table surfaces, window sills, headboards, etc.

    It is advisable to wash the floors in the apartment at least twice a week. It is good to add 10-20% to the water for washing the floor.table salt solution.It kills dust mites.

    To combat ticks, it is necessary to ventilate, freeze or warm bed linen, pillows, mattresses, blankets more often - these arthropods are afraid of both cold and heat, say, a temperature of plus 40 ° C kills them in two days, and a higher one - much faster.

    Ticks are also afraid of direct rays of the sun, and ultraviolet radiation not only kills ticks, but also decomposes the allergens contained in them and in their excrement in two hours (these allergens can withstand boiling in water for an hour without disintegrating). In case of severe infestation, it is necessary to change all pillows and mattresses, preferably with new ones with synthetic filling (feather filling for some types of ticks serves as an additional source of food).

    Once a month, treat house slippers, where ticks also find shelter, food, and a means of transport to neighboring rooms, with formalin vapor or vinegar essence, tying the slippers for some time in a plastic bag with a few drops of liquid at the bottom. Insecticides are not used because their effect is short-lived and dangerous to humans.

    Wipe dust from furniture and household appliances daily. Particularly visible is the dust that accumulates on the TV, computer, fan, air conditioner and kitchen hood. Polished or varnished furniture, as well as parquet floors, deteriorate from moisture. They need to be wiped with a dry, but soft, fluffy cloth that absorbs dust well (flannel, cloth).

    It is advisable not to use furniture brooms that are advertised as attracting dust. Doctors are against it - such brushes are harmful because they do not wipe, they only brush away.

    Wash curtains and blankets more often.

    Wash your bed linen once a week.

    Your pillows should be made of synthetic material - they should also be washed.

    If you have washing machine There is a dryer, it’s very good to “heat” in it after washing, for about 15 minutes, soft toys, sofa pillows, blankets, etc.

    They will help you houseplants– they absorb some of the dust. Carefully care for the plants, spray them, wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.

    Upholstered furniture and carpets need to be vacuumed at least once a week, using a modern vacuum cleaner. Contrary to the belief that a carpet is a good dust collector, it must be said that by collecting dust, the carpet does not allow dust to spread into the air of the apartment. Every winter, take your carpets out to clean in fresh snow. Or take it to the dry cleaner once a year.

    Consumer electronics will help you get rid of dust in your apartment: air purifiers, humidifiers, air conditioners with air filters. The humidity in the house should be 50%.

    Is it worth moving? A more drastic solution to your dust mite problem is to move to an altitude of about thirty-six hundred feet or higher. Mites, like most types of mold, cannot live at such altitudes.

IMPORTANT: When cleaning, it is necessary to remove dust from all corners of the room: from under beds, sofas, cabinets and other things, since in the dark dust decomposes faster than in the light, and gaseous substances are formed that pollute the air in the room. In addition, in the dark and dust, microbes remain viable longer.

II .6. Is there any benefit from dust?

Well. All the facts speak against dust. It turns out that this

the most useless creation of nature? Let's try at least a little

rehabilitate the subject of our research.

Is there any benefit from dust?

In the 60s of the twentieth century, the American biologist B. Commoner formulated four basic principlesecology (ecology is the science of organisms in their environment). They read:

1) Everything is connected to everything.

2) Everything has to go somewhere.

3) Nothing comes for free.

4) Nature knows best.

Based on these principles, we can say with confidence: if

dust exists, which means it is needed for something.

To do this, let us turn to the third meaning of this word in Explanatory

dictionary “Dust is the same as pollen.” What is pollen? In the same

the source reads: “Pollen is cells that develop in anthers

stamens and involved in plant reproduction.” In other words

Among the delicate petals of the flower are the stamens. On their tips

maturespollen . Pollen is needed for plant reproduction, except

In addition, bees, wasps, and butterflies feed on it.

The second meaning of the word “pollen” is “a light dusty coating on

wings of butterflies and on the body of some insects.” Do I need to prove

which for most plants, butterflies and some insects

Is dust, that is, pollen, vital? Probably not.

Have you noticed that some species of birds “bathe” in

dust. This is how they get rid of harmful insects.

Cosmic dust causes a weakening of the light emitted by stars and other celestial bodies. It is possible that if the earth received more sunlight and heat, then life on it would be unsuitable for us humans due to high temperatures.

According to theoryVinogradov (Alexander Pavlovich Vinogradov (1895–1975) – academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, developed issues of the formation of the earth’s shells (chemical evolution of the Earth)) andfrom dust and gas dispersed in solar system, formed (by modern concepts) our planet Earth. Each particle of dust and gas has its own characteristics: 1) some are harder,

others are softer; 2) some need a higher temperature to melt, others need a lower temperature; 3) as a result of movement, these particles were united by properties, grouped and united into shells. From the children's encyclopedia, I learned that this is how the shells were formed: the core (in the center), the mantle, the earth's crust (on top).

After watching a video documentary about dust on the Internet, I learned interesting information about its benefits. The jungles of Central and South America receive most of their mineral fertilizers along with a cloud of dust from the Sahara (desert). The dust replenishes iron deficiency in the ocean and helps bananas grow in Hawaii. Volcanic dust is a natural fertilizer. Since ancient times, people have settled on the slopes of volcanoes and cultivated the fertile soils.

Dust is a valuable source of information. American scientists have discovered the truth about climate ancient egypt. Thanks to plant pollen preserved in dust.

Dust is also needed to form clouds. If there are no suspended particles in the atmosphere, then fog will not arise and rain will not fall.

Another argument in favor of dust.

This is necessary at least in order to accustom small children to work: it’s not difficult to take a cloth and wipe the dust from the surface of the table or bedside table. Here is another, this time educational, plus in favor of dust: it helps in education and developmenthard work . But if dusting your room doesn't sound like fun, you can add a littleromance . After all, dust particles are very small and unusually light. They are carried by the wind over vast distances, so that in the layer of dust that we wipe from our table, one can find grains of sand from the Sahara Desert, crumbs of pyramids, ashes of volcanoes, particles of kangaroo wool, marble specks of ancient

ruins, pollen from distant plants and even cosmic dust from distant


    Practical Part

III .1. Studying the composition of dust in the apartment

Study of dust levels in different places in the apartment and at different heights.

For work I used adhesive tape (adhesive tape). I collected dust samples from the following rooms:

    hallway – floor, shelf at a height of 1 meter

    hall - floor, on the cabinet 2 meters

    bedroom – under the bed, on the nightstand 0.5 meters

According to the degree of pollution, the places are ranked as follows:

in 1st place: hallway floor, shelf

in 2nd place: hall floor, closet

in 3rd place: bedroom floor, bedside table

Conclusion : There is more dust in the hallway, since many small particles get into the room from the street on a person’s clothes and shoes. On samples taken from the floor

    in the hallway there are large particles of dust, hair, fibers from outerwear;

    in the hall - small fibers, cat hair, human hair,

    in the bedroom - small fibers, hair, fluff.

On samples taken on shelves, a closet, or a nightstand, there are no large fibers, hair or wool, but a lot of very fine dust. Moreover, there is less of it in visible places, and more of it on a tall cabinet.

Conclusion : the higher the furniture, the finer (lighter) the dust. Dust accumulation is visible in visible places, so cleaning (dusting) is carried out more often.

When collecting dust again, it was found that there was more dust at a height of 0.5 m than at a height of 2 m.

There is more dust in those rooms where people appear more often and there are more of them.

Thus , we can conclude that at school there is more dust in the corridor during recess, since there is a large accumulation and movement of students there. Therefore, wet cleaning of the floors in the corridors is carried out during lessons after 2 and 4 lessons. This means that it is not recommended to run in the classroom, as dust rises into the air, and during the lesson we, the students, breathe it. Ventilation of classrooms and the presence of indoor flowers are very important.

III .2. Consultation with a biology teacher and a nurse.

To obtain the reliability of the information I found, I consulted with biology teacher Olga Vladimirovna Nurkenova. We examined dust samples under a microscope. Unfortunately, we did not see mites under the microscope, but we were convinced of the correct composition of the dust, the presence of hairs and particles of feathers and grains of sand.

And during a conversation with a nurse, I learned about the serious impact of dust on the human body. Tatyana Vladimirovna Vashchenkova revealed the significance of some human diseases that are caused by dust. After all, dust not only awakens old diseases, but also leads to the emergence of new ones.

Having studied the topic, I came to a conclusion: there is no need to wait for dust to accumulate, but it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning regularly. This will prevent many diseases.

III .3. Questioning and processing of results

In order to study the opinions of students in our and parallel classes, I compiled a questionnaire of 5 questions. A person took part in the survey. Regarding the first question: did you see the dust? 100% answered “yes” and the places of the greatest accumulation of dust in the apartment, noted the places under the cabinets, under the bed and in the hallway. Regarding the second question: what type of cleaning do you prefer at home: 91% of students answered with a vacuum cleaner, 68% - wet cleaning, 32% indicated with a broom. On the third question: how often is wet cleaning carried out in the apartment? 53% of students once a week, 42% of students once a month, 5% answered differently, some 2 times a month, some every day, some I don’t know. On the fourth question: can dust be harmful to human health? 89% answered “yes”, 11% - “no”. On the fifth question: do you think that plants help in the fight against dust? 72% answered “yes”, 28% - “no”.

It can be concluded that although respondents are aware of the dangers of dust on human health, they nevertheless do not consider it serious and wet cleaning is often carried out only 1-2 times a month. Having compared the test results in autumn and winter, I noticed that in winter there is less dust and apartments are cleaned less frequently.

    Conclusion. Conclusion

I enjoyed working on this topic:

    search for information on the Internet;

    work with encyclopedias;

    conduct surveys and process the results, acting like a real scientist.

With delight, I looked at and compared the composition of dust from different rooms.

While working on the project, I learned a lot of new and interesting things about seemingly ordinary dust. I met my biology teacher O.V. Nurkenova, who expanded my knowledge on the topic and gave me confidence at certain stages of my work. After talking with the nurse, I became convinced of the dangers of dust and the need to combat it.

    Having studied the topic, I now know for sure that dust contains harmful

human health substance, so it is necessary and not difficult to fight it!!!

    If earlier I did not attach importance to cleaning the room, now I am convinced of the importance of high-quality daily wet cleaning, and once a week, general cleaning, to preserve my health and the health of my loved ones.

    Indoors, dust accumulates more in places where more people show physical activity (hallway, hall), and in bedding there is a greater accumulation of mites - saprophytes.

    A survey of students showed that they know about negative impact dust on human health, but did not attach special importance to this. After my speech to the class, the children's opinion changed. This is very good. And we decided not to run around in the school office, regularly ventilate, spray the flowers and take an active part in general cleaning.


    Explanatory Dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov

    School phraseological dictionary

    I'm exploring the world: Children's encyclopedia: Ecology / author-comp. A.E. Chizhevsky-Moscow: AST Publishing House LLC, 1998

    My first encyclopedia: Popular science edition for children / author. L.Ya.Galpershtein - Moscow: Rosmen-Press CJSC, 2007.

    Big children's encyclopedia. translation from English into Russian by T. Pokidaeva-Moscow “Swallowtail”, Atticus Publishing Group LLC, 2008.

    The ABC of health in pictures / author.-comp. K. Lyutsis - Moscow: Russian Encyclopedic Partnership, 2004

    Internet resources: encyclopedia Wikipedia, documentary video

    Appendix: Literary page

Dust has existed for a very long time and exists next to people every day. I was wondering if there are phraseological units with this word. I turned to the phraseological dictionary and actually found phraseological units with the word dust.

Look how many proverbs, sayings, catchphrases created

our people, using this word:

- Show off dust in your eyes – boasting, deceiving, creating a false impression,

- lie (roll) in the dust, gather dust - to be in oblivion, to lie without use,

- No noise and dust - quietly and secretly,

- Dust in a column [standing] – 1) about fast driving, jumping; 2) about noise, disorder, turmoil,

- Their work is not dusty - about not hard work,

- Hit by a dust bag - about someone who is stupid, eccentric; about a strange person

- Dusty old days – about a very old event or object,

- Dust – about thoughtless and unnecessary spending of funds,

- You can't see a speck of dust, but it eats away at your eyes.
