The composition and importance of mechanical engineering in the Russian national economy. The importance of the mechanical engineering complex and its structure

Meaning of Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical engineering is one of the most important industries, which is of great importance not only for industry as a whole, but also for the country’s economy. In addition, mechanical engineering determines the level of scientific and technological progress as it provides equipment to all branches of industry. Mechanical engineering also includes not only the production of machinery, equipment and household items, but also the repair and maintenance of mechanisms, metalworking.

The role of mechanical engineering for the country:

  • Provides equipment to all complexes in the country
  • The development of all sectors of the economy depends on mechanical engineering
  • All achievements of scientific and technological progress are being implemented
  • Ensures the country's defense capability
  • The largest complex in the country
  • 20% of industrial production comes from mechanical engineering
  • 1/3 of those employed in industry
  • More than 50 thousand machine-building enterprises

If we consider in more detail, then everything that a person uses is mechanical engineering products, cutlery, clothing, shoes, all this is created thanks to the equipment and machines used in production.

Without mechanical engineering products, people cannot exist as a whole, since we use everything that is produced in factories:

  1. Airplanes, helicopters, tanks, missiles, machine guns and other weapons
  2. Buses, trams, metro and other transportation
  3. Machine tools, excavators, bulldozers and other equipment
  4. Television, communications, mobile phones
  5. Satellites, equipment, and orbit, etc.

The role of mechanical engineering in the economy

Mechanical engineering provides a huge impetus for the development of other industrial complexes.

The dynamics of the economy directly depends on the introduction of new technologies into industry innovative technologies. The constant development of mechanical engineering launches the process of development of machine tool industry, which ensures an increase in production potential while producing competitive products.

Machine tool engineering is a kind of lever in a large industrial mechanism that starts the process economic development. Therefore, engineers and designers Special attention focus on the development of this particular industry.

Note 1

Mechanical engineering must not only constantly develop, but also be efficient. Therefore, for the strategic development of the country’s economy, the most important factor is the modernization and support of mechanical engineering.

Improving the machine tool industry helps reduce time and labor costs, which has a positive effect on product costs.

The share of mechanical engineering in GDP is 10-12%. Transport and equipment are the main products of Russian mechanical engineering. Many industries are directly dependent on imports (robotics, machine tool manufacturing), but there are also those that cover the country’s needs completely (military industry, automotive industry, carriage building).

Most of the mechanical engineering products are supplied to the domestic market, while exports account for only 5%.

In 2015, an order banning the import of mechanical engineering for state and municipal needs came into force. Problems with these needs will be solved by enterprises within countries.

Also favorable condition The development of mechanical engineering is undoubtedly facilitated by the presence on the territory of the country of the necessary natural resources. The availability of qualified personnel and the interest of the state also play an important role.

The use of machines increases the intellectual and muscular development of the population, increases labor productivity, improves quality, and gradually replaces manual labor.

The role of mechanical engineering in the national economy

The national economy provides raw materials to industry, while in return it receives machinery, chemical equipment and consumer goods from industry. It follows from this that mechanical engineering creates instruments of production for the national economy.

In addition, the introduction of new machines, mechanisms and equipment requires new working professions aimed at using modern technology. Which leads to the intellectual and professional development of the country.

Note 2

At present, there is not a single branch of the national economy that does not use units produced by mechanical engineering enterprises.

Thanks to mechanical engineering, people can save time and obtain efficient products that satisfy various needs.

Transportation of goods directly depends on the development of the transport industry, in turn, the cost of goods depends on transportation.

Mechanical engineering also provides equipment, transport, and the railway industry (cars, rails, engines, etc.), which is used for transporting goods over long distances and for transporting the population.

Mechanical tools used by people in social processes are the skeletal system of production. The degree of development of the tool used measures the functioning production forces person. Not in vain new era economy is called the machine-building era.

The role of mechanical engineering in the defense of the country

Not a little important Mechanical engineering is essential to the country's defense system; it is equipped by the military-industrial complex, which equips the country's military forces with the necessary equipment and weapons.

Military engineering enterprises differ quite large sizes, city-forming.

The level of development of military engineering plays a role decisive role in ensuring the country's security, and determines the technical re-equipment of the main sectors of the economy. It also plays an important role in the country’s foreign policy.

Military engineering accounts for more than a third of exports of machinery and equipment.

The main part of the country's defense is equipped with such types of engineering products as aircraft, missiles and industrial equipment.

Mechanical engineering also plays a big role in the development of the space industry, providing it, together with research centers, with the latest and most advanced products.

Mechanical engineering is the largest complex industry that determines the level of scientific and technological progress in everything national economy, since it provides all industries with machines, equipment, instruments, and the population with consumer goods. Also includes metalworking, repair of machinery and equipment. It is especially characterized by deepening the specialization of production and expanding its scale. To the listed divisions of mechanical engineering should be added “small” metallurgy - the production of steel and rolled products, both in the foundries of machine-building enterprises, and in individual specialized enterprises for the production of castings, forgings, stampings, and welded structures for mechanical engineering. In the specified industry structure, the most complex is mechanical engineering, which includes such important sub-sectors as mechanical engineering for intersectoral production(electronic and radio industries, instrument making, machine tool and tool manufacturing, bearing industry, etc.); production of equipment for sectors of the national economy(road construction engineering, transport, tractor and agricultural engineering, etc.); for industries(power engineering, metallurgical, mining and ore engineering, chemical engineering, manufacturing technological equipment for the textile industry, etc.); For non-production sphere (municipal engineering, production of household appliances and machines, military equipment, etc.). In addition to industry classification, mechanical engineering can be divided into stages of the technological process to the workpiece; machining and assembly. According to metal intensity, as well as labor and energy intensity, it is customary to distinguish heavy, general And average mechanical engineering. Heavy engineering is characterized by high metal consumption, relatively low labor intensity and energy intensity. It includes the production of metal-intensive and large-sized products. General mechanical engineering is characterized by average consumption rates of metal and energy, and low labor intensity. This is mainly the production of equipment for certain industries. General and secondary mechanical engineering are quite similar and do not have clearly defined patterns in geography. In mechanical engineering there is chronological classification. The newest industries that emerged in the second half of the 20th century are highlighted. First of all, these are industries of the highest levels of mechanical engineering: electronics, radio engineering, robotics, rocket and space industry, etc. New industries that arose in the second half of the 19th and first half of the 20th centuries: aircraft and motor transport equipment, locomotive and diesel locomotive construction, manufacturing equipment for numerous sectors of the national economy and industry, etc. To the old industries that arose in the 18th and first half of the 19th centuries. includes the production of metal products for primary sectors of the economy - agriculture, forestry, and mining. Great importance are purchased nowadays new forms of cooperation between countries. Meaning machine-building complex difficult to overestimate. Its most important task is to implement the achievements of scientific and technological progress, ensure comprehensive mechanization and automation of production, and supply national economic sectors new technology, population satisfaction with modern consumer goods. 2. Raw materials of the industry The main structural material in mechanical engineering is ferrous metal and, therefore, the main supplier of raw materials is ferrous metallurgy. At the same time, in modern mechanical engineering, ferrous metals are increasingly being replaced by non-ferrous ones, primarily by light ones (aluminum), as well as by composites and plastics. However, in mechanical engineering, which is the most complex industry that determines the level of development of scientific and technological progress, everything is not as clear as in other industries. Here, the main role is played by labor-intensive, knowledge-intensive, non-material-intensive industries (with the exception of a number of sub-sectors of heavy engineering, production of metal products and structures, blanks, etc.). Therefore, first of all, we should talk about the main resource - a sufficiently large number of highly qualified work force. Consumers, who are not only the population, but also other enterprises and even industries, are also of great importance. The following problems directly relate to mechanical engineering: reducing metal consumption by improving its quality and reducing the weight of products, reducing waste and losses of metal during its processing - due to the production of a larger share of rolled products. 3. Industry location The location of mechanical engineering in general is determined by socio-economic factors and, above all, by the availability of sufficient large quantity qualified labor resources, as well as consumers of finished products. A characteristic feature of mechanical engineering that influences placement is the high development specialization and cooperation. Specialization facilitates the organization of mass production, promotes more rational use equipment, increasing labor productivity. One of the most characteristic in terms of the widespread development of specialization and cooperation of enterprises in mechanical engineering is the automotive industry. 5. Industry structure Higher levels of mechanical engineering (fine, precise, precision engineering). This group of newest industries includes the electronics and radio industries, the production of precision machines, machine tools, instruments and tools, robotics, rocket and space technology and is distinguished by the lowest metal intensity and the highest labor and knowledge intensity. Technological process mainly comes down to precision machining and assembly. Automotive industry is typical representative medium-sized mechanical engineering, producing complex machines and equipment of medium size for sectors of the national economy, specialized in the stages of the technological process, with developed cooperation and orientation of the main production to areas of concentration of qualified labor resources, distinguished by high technical culture. The automotive industry includes enterprises producing cars of all types, buses, trolleybuses, motorcycles, bicycles, as well as automobile, motorcycle, bicycle and boat engines and spare parts. Heavy engineering includes the production of equipment for metallurgical enterprises, mining, mining, large power and handling equipment, heavy machine tools and forging and pressing machines, as well as other metal-intensive and large-sized products. Agricultural engineering includes enterprises for the production of agricultural machines for the mechanization of all types of agricultural production (tillage, sowing crops, harvesting), including livestock farming. Tractor engineering includes enterprises for the production of tractors, tractor and combine engines, specialized enterprises for the production of units, components, parts and spare parts for tractors. 6. World mechanical engineering in the late 90s Mechanical engineering occupies 1st place among global industries both in terms of the number of employees and the cost of production. Over 90% of all engineering products are produced the developed countries. There are six machine-building regions in the world: the USA, Europe, the CIS, Japan, China and the newly industrialized countries of Asia. All types of mechanical engineering are developed in the G8 countries and China. Small countries in Western Europe specialize in precision engineering, new industrial countries specialize in labor-intensive branches of mechanical engineering, and in many developing countries ah Africa, South West Asia and Central Africa mechanical engineering is practically absent. 7. Automotive industry of the world 90% of all cars produced in the world are passenger cars. More than 40 million passenger cars are produced annually in the world. The largest manufacturers of passenger cars in the world are: 1) Japan (8.5 million units); 2) USA (6.8 million units) 3) Germany (4.4 million units) The top ten largest car manufacturers also include France, Spain, South Korea, Canada, Brazil, Italy and UK. The world's largest automotive manufacturing centers are Tokyo, Nagoya, Kobe, Yokohama (Japan), Detroit (USA), Wolfsburg, Stuttgart, Munich, Cologne (Germany), Paris (France), Turin (Italy), London (UK), Seoul ( South Korea), Toronto (Canada), Sao Paulo (Brazil). 8. Railway engineering of the world. Railway engineering is developed in the USA, Japan, France, Germany, the Czech Republic, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, China and India. 9. Shipbuilding of the world The leading countries in ship production are: 1) Japan (40% of the world's ship tonnage) 2) South Korea (33% of the world's ship tonnage) 3) Germany Shipbuilding is also developed in Brazil, Taiwan, Denmark, Poland, China, the USA, Finland, Russia and Ukraine. The largest centers shipbuilding in the world are Tokyo, Yokohama, Nagasaki, Busan, Hamburg, Gdansk, Marseille, Toulon, Genoa, Shanghai, Baltimore, New Port News, New Orleans, San Francisco, St. Petersburg, Nikolaev. 10. Aviation industry The aviation industry, focusing on the scientific base and highly qualified personnel, developed only in economically developed countries. The largest aircraft manufacturers are the USA (Houston, Seattle, Atlanta, New York), Russia, France (Paris and Toulouse), Germany (Stuggart and Munich), Great Britain (London) and Italy (Turin). 11. Electrical industry The electrical and electronics industry in developed countries is based on a developed scientific base, highly qualified labor resources and consumers, and in newly industrialized countries - on cheap labor resources. This industry is characterized by a diversified structure, however, among the leaders one can find a rather limited group of countries classified as developed or newly industrialized countries, as well as China. The world leaders in the production of televisions (130 million units) are: 1) China (25 million units) 2) South Korea (16 million units) 3) Japan (15 million units) In the production of radios (about 170 million pieces) are distinguished by: 1) China (over 50 million pieces) 2) Malaysia (more than 20 million pieces) 3) Singapore (20 million pieces) For watch production (about 800 million pieces) ) the leading positions are occupied by: 1) China (almost 400 million units) 2) Japan (about 300 million units) 3) Switzerland (25 million units) In terms of production washing machines China stands out, tape recorders– Japan, computers– USA and Japan, industrial robots– USA, Germany and Japan. 12. Machine tool industry of the world World production metal-cutting machines amounted to more than 1.2 million units at the end of the 1990s. Once the world's leading machine tool industry, Russia has practically lost this industry. Currently, the production of machine tool products is distinguished by: 1) Japan (200 thousand units) 2) China (150 thousand units) And then Germany, the USA, Italy, and Switzerland follow in a dense group, producing approximately 100 thousand machine tools each . 13. Agricultural engineering of the world. Agricultural engineering has a consumer location factor and is therefore concentrated in the main agricultural regions of the world. Developed countries that have achieved the highest level of mechanization Agriculture, are reducing the production of agricultural machinery, paying attention to improving its quality and technological capabilities, and are gradually losing their leadership to developing countries in absolute production indicators. Currently, the following producers of tractors are distinguished: 1) Japan (150 thousand units) 2) India (100 thousand units) 3) USA (about 100 thousand units) Japan's leading position is explained by its specialization in the production of mini-tractors , and in the rest of the world, as a rule, they produce medium and powerful tractors. Table 7 14. Grouping of countries by level of mechanical engineering development USA Brazil Mongolia Saudi Arabia Canada China Iran Libya Germany Australia Peru Madagascar Russia India Cuba Somalia France Argentina Albania Iceland Sweden Mexico Indonesia Laos Italy South Africa Algeria Botswana Japan Korea Egypt Congo Great Britain Spain Chile Panama Switzerland Portugal Iraq Costa Rica Austria Ireland Turkey Haiti Holland Denmark Zaire Tunisia Belgium Norway Nigeria Sudan Poland Finland Vietnam Swaziland Romania Greece Thailand Nepal 15. Distribution of mechanical engineering products Almost ¾ of mechanical engineering products are redistributed between developed countries. This is due to the fact that developing countries cannot afford large expenditures on science. Developed capitalist and newly industrialized countries are distinguished by the scale of mechanical engineering products intended for export, and hence their increased attention to improve the quality of products. The main cargo flows of engineering products are distributed as follows: Japan Þ USA USA Þ Western Europe The mechanical engineering complex of Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries, China, India, and Brazil works primarily for the domestic market, and this often leads to the production of low-quality products.



The leading branch of world industry, ranks first among all industries in terms of the number of employees and the value of products. Approximately 9/10 of all engineering products are produced by developed countries, 1/10 by developing countries. However, in Lately In Brazil, India, Argentina, Mexico, and the newly industrialized countries of Asia, mechanical engineering has reached a high level. Main machine-building regions: North. America, foreign Europe, East. and South-East. Asia, CIS. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING COMPLEX (MSC), a set of industries that produce equipment for all departments of the national economy, as well as many consumer goods. The task of MSC is to provide the economy with ever more advanced machines. It includes more than 70 industries: instrument engineering, chemical, electrical engineering, power engineering, machine tool and tool industry, road construction, tractor engineering and automotive industry. Features that determine the geography of the MSK: science intensity (the latest industries - robotics, the production of computers, radio and television equipment is focused on scientific centers), labor intensity (machine tool building, aviation and electronic industries - focused on the availability of qualified personnel), metal intensity (heavy engineering enterprises are focused on metallurgical bases), specialization and cooperation (factories, as a rule, are located in accordance with the location of suppliers of components), customer focus (special heavy equipment, such as grain harvesters or timber trucks, are produced in the areas where they are used).

Concise geographical dictionary. EdwART. 2008.

Mechanical engineering

one of the most important branches of the manufacturing industry. It is this industry that reflects the level of scientific and technological progress and the country’s defense capability and determines the development of other sectors of the economy. Modern mechanical engineering consists of a large number of sub-sectors and industries. It is the most complex and differentiated branch of industry, which produces machinery and equipment, instruments and units, various mechanisms for industrial, household and military purposes, instruments and equipment for scientific research. It is estimated that the global engineering industry produces St. 3 million types of individual products. Based on the range of products produced, the peculiarities of the location of production and the technological process, they are most often distinguished: general mechanical engineering (specializing in the production of production equipment for all sectors of the economy), transport mechanical engineering, electronics and electrical engineering, instrument engineering, power engineering, weapons production and military equipment and a number of other industries. Machine-building enterprises are divided into full-cycle plants and assembly plants (these include enterprises that receive at least 50% of their components from outside). There is a classification of mechanical engineering industries according to the technical and economic features of production, which determine the main. differences in requirements for placement conditions: metal-intensive, labor-intensive and knowledge-intensive mechanical engineering. In economically highly developed countries, mechanical engineering products account for 35–40% of the cost of industrial production, and employ 25–35% of all workers in industry. In most developing countries (with the exception of the "newly industrialized" countries of Asia), mechanical engineering is less important. The leader in world mechanical engineering is the United States, but Japan is quickly catching up with them. Next come Germany and other Western European countries, as well as China, Rep. Korea, Brazil. In terms of exports of mechanical engineering products, Japan (¼), Germany (1/5), Italy, Switzerland, USA, O. stand out. Taiwan, UK.

Geography. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Edited by prof. A. P. Gorkina. 2006 .


See what "MECHANICAL ENGINEERING" is in other dictionaries:

    Mechanical engineering… Spelling dictionary-reference book

    Complex of manufacturing industries. Includes: general mechanical engineering, transport engineering, radio-electronic, electrical, instrument-making industries, agricultural engineering, machine tool building,... ...

    The most important complex branch of the manufacturing industry, including: machine tool building, instrument making, energy, metallurgical, chemical, agricultural engineering (including tractor manufacturing); transport engineering... ... Financial Dictionary

    MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, mechanical engineering, many others. no, cf. (those.). Industrial production of machines. “...Mechanical engineering is the main lever for the reconstruction of the national economy...” Stalin. Dictionary Ushakova. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Publishing house, Moscow. Dating back to 1931, modern name since 1964. Literature on the design, structure, manufacturing technology, operation of machinery and equipment, scientific, technical and industrial journals... Big encyclopedic Dictionary - noun, number of synonyms: 39 aircraft engine building (2) aircraft rocket engineering (1) ... Synonym dictionary

    mechanical engineering- — EN mechanical engineering The branch of engineering concerned with the design, construction, and operation of machines. (Source: CED)… … Technical Translator's Guide

    mechanical engineering- Group of industries producing cars (automotive industry), aircrafts(aviation industry), river and sea vessels (shipbuilding), machines and tools (machine tool industry) ... Dictionary of Geography

Mechanical engineering complex: composition, significance and technological features" First, we will give a definition of the mechanical engineering complex. Then we will consider the sectoral composition of this sub-sector of industry and discuss its importance for the life of the country. We will also learn what the technological features of mechanical engineering are.

Subject:General characteristics of the Russian economy

Lesson: Mechanical engineering complex: composition, significance and technological features

Mechanical engineering complex - is a set of industries that is engaged in the production and repair of a variety of machines and equipment, as well as the production of various metal products and structures

The mechanical engineering complex is complex in its structure. It includes more than 70 industries, which are usually grouped depending on the purpose of the products produced, similar technology and raw materials used.

Rice. 1. Composition of the mechanical engineering complex

Mechanical engineering includes:

1. Heavy and energy (production of energy, mining and handling equipment, diesel locomotive building, carriage building, turbine building, nuclear and printing)

2. Machine tool building. Production of various machines.

3. Transport (automotive, shipbuilding, aviation and rocket and space industries)

4. Agricultural engineering and tractor manufacturing

5. Mechanical engineering for light and food industries

6. Precision engineering (instrument making, electronics, electrical engineering)

Mechanical engineering plays a very important role in the life of the country.

1. It provides equipment to all other complexes in the country

2. The development of all sectors of the economy depends on the level of development of mechanical engineering

3. Here, first of all, all achievements of scientific and technological progress are introduced

4. It ensures the country's defense capability

5. This is the largest complex in Russian industry

6. Currently, mechanical engineering and metalworking account for:

7. 20% of industrial production,

8. 1/3 of those employed in industry.

9. There are more than 50 thousand machine-building enterprises, which is approximately 1/3 of all industrial enterprises Russia.

The technological process in mechanical engineering includes three stages: procurement, machining, assembly.

Rice. 2. Technological process in mechanical engineering

Moreover, the final product consists of a large number of individual parts and components that cannot be produced within one enterprise. Therefore, in mechanical engineering there are widely developed specialization and cooperation.

Specialization - production at an enterprise of any one product, individual parts and components

Rice. 3. Types of specialization

Specialization is:

1. subject- production of finished products (production of cars, airplanes, computers)

2. detailed- production of individual parts and components (production of automobile engines or metal products (hardware)

3. technological- production of semi-finished products, performance of individual operations of the technological cycle, (assembly production)

4. functional- production and provision of services (sale of cars by the manufacturer)

At large machine-building plants, specialization is observed at the level of individual workshops; even such an enterprise does not produce the entire volume of necessary components. Small enterprises are usually highly specialized and their work depends on the work of related enterprises. This is why cooperation is so important.

- This is the establishment of production links between enterprises jointly participating in the manufacture of final products.

Rice. 4. Cooperation

Cooperation happens intra-industry when enterprises of the same industry, of the same inter-industry complex, interact.

Intersectoral when production from different industries and different complexes interact.

Mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, tool, and hardware plants that supply their products to the car assembly plant are mechanical engineering enterprises and cooperate with them intra-industry nature, enterprises of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical, tanneries, glass factories, textile factories - these are enterprises of other inter-industry complexes. Cooperation with them is an example intersectoral cooperation.

During the 90s, the importance of the machine-building complex in the Russian economy decreased. A number of enterprises were closed, others reduced production.

The production volumes of agricultural machinery, machine tools, and many types of precision engineering have fallen especially sharply.

The main reason for this was the low quality of manufactured products compared to imported ones and the break in production ties with enterprises of the former republics after the collapse of the USSR.

The situation has now improved somewhat thanks to investment. New factories have been built and are being built, many old enterprises have been reconstructed, new ones have been established and old production connections have been restored.


  1. Customs E.A. Geography of Russia: economy and regions: 9th grade textbook for students educational institutions M. Ventana-Graf. 2011.
  2. Economic and social geography. Fromberg A.E.(2011, 416 pp.)
  3. Atlas of economic geography, grade 9, from Bustard, 2012.
  4. Geography. Entire course school curriculum in diagrams and tables. (2007, 127 pp.)
  5. Geography. School Student's Handbook. Comp. Mayorova T.A. (1996, 576 pp.)
  6. Cheat sheet on economic geography. (For schoolchildren, applicants.) (2003, 96 p.)


  1. Gladky Yu.N., Dobroskok V.A., Semenov S.P. Economic geography of Russia: Textbook - M.: Gardariki, 2000 - 752 pp.: ill.
  2. Rodionova I.A., Tutorial by geography. Economic geography of Russia, M., Moscow Lyceum, 2001. - 189 p. :
  3. Smetanin S.I., Konotopov M.V. History of ferrous metallurgy in Russia. Moscow, ed. "Paleotype" 2002
  4. Economic and social geography of Russia: Textbook for universities / Ed. prof. A.T. Khrushchev. - M.: Bustard, 2001. - 672 p.: ill., map.: color. on

Encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books and statistical collections

  1. Geography of Russia. Encyclopedic Dictionary / Ch. ed. A.P. Gorkin.-M.: Bol. Ross. enc., 1998.- 800 pp.: ill., maps.
  2. Russian statistical yearbook. 2011: Statistical collection/Goskomstat of Russia. - M., 2002. - 690 p.
  3. Russia in numbers. 2011: Brief statistical collection/Goskomstat of Russia. - M., 2003. - 398 p.

Literature for preparing for the State Exam and the Unified State Exam

  1. GIA-2013. Geography: standard exam options: 10 options / Ed. EM. Ambartsumova. - M.: Publishing House "National Education", 2012. - (GIA-2013. FIPI-school)
  2. GIA-2013. Geography: thematic and standard examination options: 25 options / Ed. EM. Ambartsumova. - M.: Publishing House "National Education", 2012. - (GIA-2013. FIPI-school)
  3. GIA-2013 Exam in new form. Geography. 9th grade / FIPI authors - compilers: E.M. Ambartsumova, S.E. Dyukova - M.: Astrel, 2012.
  4. Excellent student in the Unified State Exam. Geography. Solving complex problems / FIPI authors-compilers: Ambartsumova E.M., Dyukova S.E., Pyatunin V.B. - M.: Intellect-Center, 2012.
  1. Draw a diagram of the connections between the mechanical engineering complex and other industrial complexes. Give examples of the products he supplies to them.
  2. Name the machine-building enterprises in your region. What do you think explains the specialization of machine-building enterprises in your region?
