Test the speed of your Internet connection in Russian. Services for testing real Internet speed, which is better

Checking your Internet connection for stability is not at all difficult. All you need is one team and time, the more the better.

I ask you not to confuse the speed of data reception and transmission with the stable operation of the connection. This different concepts. Speed ​​in a completely different way. There are specialized online resources for this purpose.

All users know that a fast and stable Internet connection is necessary for comfortable viewing of dynamic content, downloading large files, and playing online games. Especially for games!

To download large files, if there is a possibility of a possible connection failure, it is recommended to use downloader programs with the ability to reload. But during the game, if a break occurs, you either crash from the mission or wait for the Internet connection to be restored with a “frozen” picture, while team members continue to play.

A simple speed test won't tell you anything in this case. It will only take a snapshot of your feed at the moment.

To control stable work it is necessary to ping the network for an extended period of time. If you get a bad final result, this will be a serious reason for analysis.

The good news is that you don't need a third party software for monitoring. The Command Line and the correct command will suffice.

So, if you suspect that your Internet channel is not stable, I recommend doing the following test. Let's get started?!


Open Command line(possible without administrative rights), give the following command:

Ping -t

and press the Enter key.

This command will send Google queries( You can use the address of another server, for example the one you want to connect to. Google DNS is provided as an example. You'll start getting a new answer every second, so let the team work for as long as possible.

You will see serious errors immediately. But others will need to be analyzed. If you decide to stop the statistics collection process, press the Ctrl + C key combination on your keyboard. The final report will be displayed below.

You need to check how many packets were lost. Ideally there should be none. Then, how big is the difference between the minimum reception and transmission time and the maximum. Huge difference in time and a large number of lost packets - this clearly indicates problems.

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Hello, site readers IT lessons. Today we will deal with the popular question “ How to correctly measure the speed of an Internet connection?“Everyone is interested to know whether we are getting those megabits per second that we paid for and why sometimes files or sites loadoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooossssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssyour your your your yours your your your you you you you you you you your you you you you pay for yourself" and you your your your your your yours and why sometimes files or websites will load very slowly...

In this IT lesson you will need the knowledge gained in the previous two lessons: “” and “”

Of course, you would like to press one button and quickly find out your speed... this is also possible, but the accuracy will be low. In addition, you need to take into account some factors that affect the data transfer speed and the result of its testing.

The lesson is big, if you need to find something specific, you can use the content:

What affects Internet speed?

First, let's look at what can affect the quality of Internet connection speed measurements. And there are many such factors:

  • Speed, with whom you contact when checking your Internet speed (this can also include the speed of access to the site from which you are downloading something)
  • Speed ​​and settings if your computer is connected to local network through him
  • Working on the computer at the time of verification
  • Antiviruses and firewalls running in the background
  • Computer and operating system settings

In most cases, the most important item on this list will be the first item – server speed. Let me give you a few illustrative examples.

Example 1.
If you connect your computer to the local network using a cable (twisted pair), then connection speed with another computer on the same network(in your city) will be very large, for example, 70 Mbit/s .

Example 2.
Now we measure the speed between our computer and some server at the other end of the country. Maybe we'll get about 20 Mbit/s .

Example 3.
Let’s imagine that all 800 regular readers of the IT-lessons website connected to this server at once and began downloading different files. Communication speed with a busy server will decrease and for you it will be, for example, 3 Mbit/s .

Example 4.
Now let's try to download the file from a server in another country, for example, in Australia, we get less 1 Mbps!

Now, I think it’s clear that the measured speed depends on which server you chose to test: its location, its own maximum speed and his workload. That is, you need to understand that:

The speed of all servers (containing sites and files) is different and depends on the capabilities of these servers.

The same applies to other points (for example, the connection speed will differ when connecting to the network directly or through a router, and will also depend on the characteristics of this router).

How to improve verification accuracy

It is advisable to follow these steps if you want to get the most accurate result of checking your Internet connection speed. If approximate measurements are enough for you, you can move on to the next section of the lesson.

  1. Connect the network cable directly to the computer(V )
  2. Close all programs, except for the browser (in which there should be one bookmark with this IT lesson)
  3. Stop programs downloading in the background(torrent clients, download managers, etc.), except those you chose to test Internet speed
  4. Temporarily disable your antivirus (don't forget to turn it on later), because... in some cases it may affect online test results.
  5. Launch Task Manager (hold down the Ctrl+Shift+Esc keys at the same time) and go to the “Network” tab. Make sure the network is not overloaded (“Network Usage” should be less than 1%). If the network is being actively used, a program or Windows may be updating. In this case, wait until the downloads finish or restart your computer.

Network usage in task manager (green line jump - process of checking Internet connection speed)

In addition, every the measurement must be carried out several times to improve testing accuracy.

How to measure Internet connection speed

There are several ways to measure the speed of your Internet connection. Let's consider them in order of increasing complexity of use.

  1. Online services

Since we are now at the “Beginner” level, we will consider the first method in detail, and for experienced users I will briefly describe the remaining two.

Method 1. Measuring speed using online services

This is the one the easiest way to measure“Press one button and find out everything quickly.” The accuracy is relative, but the simplicity is attractive. 🙂

note that online tests have different accuracy!

I will tell you only about the most popular services.


Let's start with the most popular and most accurate online test to check Internet speed(and it’s free, too). I will dwell on it in more detail and advise all readers of the site to use this method first.

Here's a quick guide:

2. Find the button " Start checking" and press it:

Click the "Start Scan" button

3. At the end of testing, you see three results:

First number indicated by the word “Ping” (read “ping”), means network packet transmission time. The smaller this number, the better quality connections (preferably less than 100 ms).

The second number is the data acquisition speed. This is exactly the figure that providers advertise when connecting (it is for these megabits per second that you pay your honestly earned rubles/hryvnia/dollars/yuan :)).

The third number is the data transfer speed. As you can see, it can be noticeably lower than the receiving speed, but the provider is silent about this (but, in most cases, high outgoing Internet speed is rarely required).

If you want to measure the speed of your Internet connection to a specific city, then select it on the map (all are available big cities planets) and click the “Start scan” button again.

This way, you can check the examples I gave for yourself.

The creator of the “speed test” has another interesting online service, which checks Internet connection qualityhttp://pingtest.net/.
On the company's main website there are many more interesting opportunities for testing network connections http://www.ookla.com/.

Other online Internet speed testing services

The principle of operation for all services is the same: press a button, wait, get a number... but the results are different.

2. Add several downloads from different fast file servers, for example this (test archive) and this (Linux distribution)

3. Set it in the settings maximum amount streams(sections for downloading)

4. We monitor the maximum speed file uploads:

The maximum speed achieved is highlighted in the image with a red rectangle.

What speed do you need to download movies?

We have learned how to measure the speed of data transfer over the Internet, now let’s see where this can be applied.

Let's say we want to download average quality movie, which usually takes 1.4 Gigabytes. Let's calculate at different speeds:

  • Speed 100 kbps– about 32 hours (it’s better not to wait for the movie to download using the mobile Internet)
  • Speed 1 Mbit/s– This movie will take 3 hours to load
  • Speed 3 Mbit/s– 1 hour download
  • Speed 15 Mbit/s– less than 15 minutes to load
  • Speed 50 Mbit/s– about 4 minutes
  • Speed 100 Mbit/s– about 2 minutes

Compare with time music downloads(for example, an mp3 file in good quality, about 10 MB in size):

  • Speed 100 kbps– less than 15 minutes of loading
  • Speed 1 Mbit/s– 1.5 minutes loading
  • Speed 3 Mbit/s– 0.5 minutes

At the same time, it is worth remembering that there is a guaranteed speed and a speed not guaranteed by the provider (we dealt with this in the IT lesson).

Bottom line

So, today we learned how to check the speed of the Internet (Internet connection) in three ways. We learned that in addition to speed, we also need to take into account the quality of communication, which is indicated by “ping” (we will deal with this separately). They also clearly assessed what speed would be sufficient to download a movie. Thus, we have completed the topic of units of measurement of information and data transfer speed. What's next?

Have you already guessed? Of course, a test! This time there will be few questions, but I advise you to re-read (including this one). If you're ready, here you go

Copying prohibited, but you can share links.

Figuring out how to check your Internet speed can be extremely important. The reason is the slow loading of sites or the desire to make sure that the data declared by the provider corresponds to real indicators. The following methods for determining data transfer speed will help users cope with the task.

Before you start checking your Internet speed, you need to familiarize yourself with several preparatory steps that will make the procedure easier to understand.

Terms used

When working with various services and programs, the user encounters words whose meaning may be unknown or incomprehensible. Some of them will be discussed below:

Preparing the device

The device from which Internet speed testing will be carried out requires little preliminary preparation. It should be taken into account that the speed when connecting from modems and routers is significantly lower than a home (cable) connection. What need to do:

  1. Connect to the network from the device on which the scan will be performed. If other equipment is connected to the signal source, first disconnect them from the network.
  2. Close programs that can affect the result: torrent client or browser with open tabs, others.
  3. When checking through online resources, disable browser extensions, including the ad blocker.

Speed ​​measurements are also available with Wi-Fi, but the information may be inaccurate.

Built-in tools

This method is quite simple and accessible for checking Internet speed on Windows computer 7 or Windows 10, while the procedure itself does not depend on the OS - operating system. Execute as follows:

  • Open the Network and Sharing Center by left-clicking on the network icon in the taskbar.

  • Find an active Internet connection among the available ones and click on it.
  • The window that appears will contain the properties of the Internet connection, allowing you to see the approximate speed.

This method is seriously inaccurate. It helps to find out the highest Internet speed, but may give exaggerated data. There are often cases when, at a speed of 1 Mb/s or less, values ​​of 15 or more Mb/s are shown.

Checking with online services

A simple option on how to find out and check the Internet speed on a computer is sites specifically designed for this. With their help, the speed of wi-fi and any other connection is measured. The best will be discussed below.

Before starting any check, it is necessary to clarify the speed indicators officially provided by the provider. Knowing these data, it will become clear to what extent the stated values ​​correspond to reality.

“Speedtest” is one of the popular services for checking and testing Internet speed, which is quite simple to use for this purpose.

  1. Go to the official website of the service.
  2. Click on the “Begin test” button.
  3. After this, the service will determine the necessary indicators. The ping will be shown first, then the incoming and outgoing speeds.


A simpler service for measuring Internet speed, created in Russia, is 2ip.ru. When visiting a site, certain indicators are automatically detected, including the user's location and provider. To find out necessary information, scroll down the page and click on the “Start testing” button. Based on its results, the necessary information is provided.


This site is intended for web developers and those who want to check a certain Internet resource for errors and other parameters. However, it is also possible to measure Internet speed.

For this:

  1. Click on the “Test Internet Speed” button.
  2. In the window that opens, select “Start Internet speed test.”
  3. Based on the results, the basic information described in the previous examples is displayed.

Internet meter

A service from Yandex that allows you to test Internet speed. To do this, just go to its page and click on the “Measure” button. In addition to the information described above, user information is displayed, including provider, IP address and location.


This service differs from all others in that the user does not need to click on any buttons or search for data among other information. When you open the site it will start automatic check Internet signal. The window displays large numbers with the necessary information.


The resource was created specifically for users of the specified company. To use it, just go to the website and click on the “Start testing” button. The check will take no more than two minutes.

Other services

There are a large number of other sites that can be used to check speed indicators online. The sites below are equally effective and are recommended for use:

  • Speedmeter.de.
  • Voiptest.org.
  • MainSpy.ru.

Using software

Considering that problems with the Internet signal can be serious, using online services sometimes does not produce results: the site, for example, does not load. In this case, you should pay attention to the individual utilities installed on the PC.

Torrent clients

No matter how surprising it may seem, using a torrent client it is possible to determine the Internet speed on a laptop or PC. During the download process, each torrent will provide information about the name, file weight and the amount of traffic processed. To find out how quickly a file is transferred - using BitTorrent as an example - left-click on the line with the names of the columns listed above. In the window that appears, check the box next to the “Download” item, if it is not immediately displayed, and view the resulting values.

Special utilities

In addition to online services, there are also programs for PCs that can be used to test the Internet connection. Works with any type of connection: Wi-Fi, router, etc.

One of the few programs with a portable version. It is lightweight and takes up little space after installation. For quick access In addition to functions, the utility icon is added to the taskbar. To get accurate information about the downstream (DL) and upstream (UL) speeds, you need to click on this icon.

There are a considerable number of others on the network, no less effective programs. The list of the most common includes the following:

  • LAN Speed ​​Test.
  • Speed-O-Meter.
  • BWMeter.


Using the tools described above, the user learned how to determine the Internet speed on a computer and obtain information about the current Internet connection at home. To ensure accurate information, you must use several of the methods listed above.

Internet speed test is a free service that will check the real situation with your Internet provider.

A unit of measurement for Internet connection speed.

Providers indicate speed in kilobits or megabits. The exact picture can be found by converting the declared quantity into bytes. One byte is converted into eight bits. For example: your contract specifies a speed of 256 Kilobits. Some quick calculations give a result of 32 kilobytes per second. Real time Does uploading documents give you reason to question the integrity of the provider company? An Internet speed test will help.

How does the online service work?

The program determines the exact data using the transmitted information. From your PC it is sent to our website. And then back. The test reveals the average value per unit of time. The process is quite simple and only requires a short wait.

What factors affect connection speed?

  1. Bandwidth.
  2. Connection quality.
  3. Line congestion at the provider.

Concept: channel capacity.

What is this factor? Everything is very simple. This is the maximum amount of information that is theoretically possible to transmit using this provider. The given data is almost always less bandwidth. Only a few companies managed to get close to this figure.

Several online checks give different results.

Is it possible. The numerous influencing factors lead to slight variations in the result. A permanent coincidence is unlikely. But there should not be a strong difference.

How to check Internet speed?

  1. It is necessary to close and disable all transmitting programs (radio, torrents, instant messaging clients).
  2. Launch the test using the “Test” button.
  3. A little time and the result will be ready.

It is better to measure your Internet speed several times in a row. The error of the result is no more than 10 percent.

Let's conclude:

If you have any doubts about the correctness of the data provided by your provider when connecting, you can do so in different ways.

  1. Use the Internet Speed ​​Test service.
  2. Check the information in the contract.
  3. Measure it yourself based on the time it takes to load documents.

The first point will help you check quickly, efficiently and simply. No calculations, disputes or difficulties. Our tester is minimally loaded. Has only one control button. And it gives the right results.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. There are a lot of online services that allow you to do this, and they will be discussed below. But often all this is not needed - all that is required is quickly test your internet channel and understand how well it corresponds to that tariff plan, for which you pay money to the provider.

Not long ago, the bourgeois service “nPerf Speed ​​Test” offered me to install their script on the site. It works very clearly and does an excellent job of checking the quality of your connection with global network. Just click on the “Start testing” button just below (this is not a screenshot, but a completely working speedometer).

At first data download speed is measured from the network (usually this test is the most important for most users), then goes recoil speed measurement, and in the end it is calculated ping, i.e. delays in response when accessing any server on the Internet.

Yes, actually, what can I say. Try it yourself. Just above is the window of this online meter and you just need to click on the button.

Measure your internet speed on your computer right here

Despite the fact that the above speedometer is extremely easy to use and, importantly, is completely translated into Russian, it is worth mentioning several nuances associated with its use. The test usually takes one or two minutes (depending on the speed of your connection), after which you can see the test results in the same window:

You will see the main indicators in the right column:

  1. Download speedmost important characteristic for those who often download something “heavy” from the Internet.
  2. Unloading- testing return channel, through which you will upload files to the network. It is important for those who post a lot of something on the Internet, for example, upload videos to YouTube, (on,) or something else heavy, or in large quantities. This is also important when actively working with cloud services. Although in the latter case both speed values ​​are important.
  3. Delay- this is essentially the good old one, which is very important for those who play online. It will determine the response speed, i.e. reaction time to your actions (the quality of the Internet channel is tested). If the delay is long, it will be difficult or even impossible to play.

I have an Internet provider MGTS (Gpon) and a tariff with a declared channel width of 100 Mbit. As can be seen from the speed measurement graphs, such a figure did not work out in either direction. In principle, this is normal, because my signal transmission from the router to the computer goes through the electrical network, which apparently has interference. In addition, there are several other Internet users working in the apartment besides me, and it’s beyond my power to force them to stop.

Let us return, however, to our measurement tool. On the right side of its window you will see the name of your provider and the IP address of your computer. Under the “Start Testing” button there is a wrench, by clicking on which you can select speed units:

The default is megabits per second, but you can select megabytes, as well as kilobytes or kilobits. , can be viewed via the link. In general, the speed in megabytes will be about eight to nine times less than in megabits. In theory, it should be 8 times, but there are service packets that eat up part of the channel speed.

Let's go over the meter's capabilities and differences from competitors (we'll talk about competitors below):

  1. Like other similar online meters, it runs on Flash, but does not require any additional plugins - it works in all browsers including mobile ones
  2. This speed test is developed in HTML5 and can measure channels wider than Gbit/s, which is not available to many other online services.
  3. You can check any type of connection including WiMAX, WiFi and local networks

Yes, also this speed test allows you to choose a place, where the data will be downloaded from and where it will be sent, by the transmission speed of which you will judge the quality of your Internet channel. By default, the server (?) closest to your current location is selected for testing (it’s not difficult).

But the program may make a mistake, or for some reason you yourself will need to measure the quality of the connection between your computer and a server from another country. This is easy to do by simply clicking on the corresponding line at the bottom of the window (see screenshot above).

How to check internet speed on your phone

In principle, you can do exactly the same. Open this page on your mobile phone, then click on the “Start testing and wait for the result” button at the beginning of it. The meter script works quite correctly on mobile devices and displays the characteristics of the forward and reverse Internet channels, as well as the response speed (ping).

If this method seems somewhat inconvenient to you, you can try put it on your mobile phone application"Speed ​​Test" by nPerf. It's quite popular (half a million installations) and largely repeats what you've already seen:

But after testing the speed of the forward and reverse channels, as well as measuring ping, the Speed ​​Test application also measures the loading time of popular social networks (web surfing) and determines how Internet connection is suitable for watching streaming video(streaming) of various quality (from low to HD). Based on the testing results, a summary table is generated and displayed overall rating(in parrots).

Where else can you measure your Internet speed?

Below I want to give examples of free online services that allow you to measure the speed of your Internet connection, find out my or your IP address from which you access the network, determine your location, check a site or file for a virus, find out if the required port is open for you on the computer and much more.

The most famous of them are Speedtest (speedtest.net), Ya.Internetometer (internet.yandex.ru), as well as the universal online service 2IP (2ip.ru), which, in addition to measuring connection speed and determining the IP address, can do many different things , up to anonymous (anonim) surfing the Internet. Let's look at them all in order.

Speedtest (speedtest.net)

The most popular online service for testing Internet speed bears the proud name Speedtest(from the word speed - speed).

As a result of its use, you will find out the incoming and outgoing speeds of your Internet connection. However, you can experience the capabilities of a full-fledged tool only by visiting the developers’ website. It is located at SpeedTest.net(speedtest point no), and not.ru, because in the latter case you will end up on an indecent resource.

I got acquainted with the speed test as soon as I connected my first unlimited tariff, because I wanted to check whether my new provider was deceiving me about the speed of the channel provided. It was only later that I became interested in the more advanced capabilities of 2ip and others like it, which will be discussed in the continuation of this publication.

To activate the speed test All you have to do is click on the “Start” button. Although you can pre-select the location of the server from which the check will be carried out (the “Change server” button):

True, I liked their old design much better. Previously, measuring Internet speed in a speed test was done very clearly (the transfer of data between the selected city and your computer was displayed) and waiting for the result did not cause negative emotions:

Now it's completely boring (bring back the old SpeedTest design!):

Internet meter from Yandex

If the results of the speed test in the Speedtest do not suit you or seem unreliable (or maybe your flash just won’t start), then the Yandex online service will come to your aid - (formerly it was called Yandex Internet - internet.yandex.ru):

Immediately after entering the site, you will see the unique address of your computer from which you accessed the Internetometer, as well as other summary information about your browser, screen resolution and location (determined based on IP).

For that, to determine the speed of your Internet connection, it will be enough to click on this Yandex Internet service the button in the form of a green line "Measure" and wait a minute until the test finishes:

As a result, you will find out how well your channel corresponds to the characteristics declared by the provider, and you will also be able to receive a code for publishing test results. In general, the Internetometer service from Yandex is simple to the point of disgrace, but its main task(measuring channel width or, in other words, connection speed) performs quite well.

Testing speed in 2ip and Ukrtelecom

I have been familiar with 2ip for quite a long time, but at the time when I was just starting to use it, I was little interested in all its capabilities that could be useful to webmasters. Or maybe these opportunities weren’t there before.

When you go to the 2 ip main page, you will immediately have the opportunity to find out and use a number of other mini-services:

Well, and among other things, you can measure speed of your Internet in 2IP. Before starting testing, turn off all downloads, close the tabs in the online video, after which you can fill out the fields with the channel width declared by the Internet provider for downloading and uploading, or you can just forget about it and click on the “Test” button:

It will take some time to check the incoming and outgoing speed of your Internet connection, after which you will be able to evaluate the test results, and at the same time receive a code for inserting a widget with the measurement results, for example, into a post on a forum or somewhere else:

You can check the speed of your Internet connection not only in the services described above, but also in a number of others. For example, Speedtest Ukrtelecom— a very laconic, I must say, online service. Nothing superfluous - just speed and ping numbers:

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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