Winter forest. Myths and reality

These stories will inform children about such a time of year as winter, talk about the beauty of this time of year, about seasonal changes in nature, about the New Year and all the winter holidays.

A story about winter “The Book of Winter”

Snow covered the entire ground in an even layer of white. The fields and forest clearings are now like the smooth blank pages of some giant book. And whoever walks along them will sign: “So-and-so was here.”

It snows during the day. When it ends, the pages are clean. When you come in the morning, the white pages are covered with many mysterious symbols, dashes, dots, and commas. This means that at night various forest inhabitants were here, walking, jumping, and doing something.

Who was? What did you do?

We need to sort it out quickly strange signs, read the mysterious letters. It will snow again, and then, as if someone has turned the page, again only clean, smooth White paper before your eyes.

A story about winter “New Galoshes”

Has arrived real winter. A road stretched across the ice across the river. The frost painted whatever it wanted on the glass. And there was deep snow on the streets.

“Tanyushka, dress properly,” said the grandmother, “it’s not summer now.”

And brought it to her from the closet winter coat With fur collar and a knitted wool scarf. A few days later, Tanya’s mother brought galoshes for felt boots from the city. The galoshes were new and shiny. If you run your finger over them, they will squeak and sing! And when Tanya went outside, her footprints were printed in the snow like gingerbread cookies. Alyonka admired Tanya’s galoshes and even touched them with her hand.

- How new! - she said.

Tanya looked at Alyonka and thought.

- Well, do you want, let's split it? - she said. - One galosh for you and one for me...

Alyonka laughed:

- Lets do it!

But she looked at her felt boots and said:

- Yes, it won’t fit me - the felt boots are too big. Look at their noses!

The girlfriends walked down the street: what should they play? Alyonka said:

- Let's go to the pond and skate on the ice!

“It’s nice on the pond,” Tanya said, “only there’s an ice hole there.”

- So what?

“But my grandmother didn’t tell me to go to the ice hole.”

Alyonka looked back at Tanya’s hut:

- Your hut is over there, and the pond is over there. Grandma will see it, won't she?

Tanya and Alyonka ran to the pond and skated on the ice. And when they returned home, they didn’t say anything to grandma.

But the grandmother went to the pond to get water, returned and said:

- Tatyanka! Did you still run to the ice hole again?

Tanya widened her eyes at her grandmother:

- How did you see it, grandma?

“I didn’t see you, but I saw your footprints,” said the grandmother. - Who else has such new galoshes? Oh, you don’t listen to your grandmother, Tanya!

Tanya lowered her eyes, paused, thought, and then said:

- Grandma, I won’t disobey anymore!

A story about winter “Forest in winter.”

Can frost kill a tree?

Of course it can.

If a tree freezes all the way through, to the very core, it will die. In especially harsh winters with little snow, many trees die, most of them young ones. All the trees would have disappeared if each tree had not been cunning in order to conserve warmth within itself and not allow frost deep inside itself.

Feeding, growing, giving birth to offspring - all this requires a lot of effort, energy, and a lot of heat. And so the trees, having gathered strength over the summer, by winter refuse to eat, stop eating, stop growing, and do not waste energy on reproduction. They become inactive and fall into deep sleep.

The leaves exhale a lot of heat, down with the leaves for the winter! Trees shed them, refuse them, in order to retain the warmth necessary for life. By the way, the leaves dropped from the branches and rotting on the ground themselves provide warmth and protect the delicate roots of the trees from freezing.

Little of! Each tree has a shell that protects the living flesh of the plant from frost. All summer, every year, trees lay porous cork tissue under the skin of their trunk and branches - a dead layer. The cork allows neither water nor air to pass through. The air stagnates in its pores and prevents heat from emanating from the living body of the tree. The older the tree, the thicker the cork layer it contains, which is why old, thick trees tolerate cold better than young trees with thin stems and branches.

The cork shell is not enough. If severe frost manages to break through, it will encounter reliable chemical defense in the living body of the plant. By winter, various salts and starch, converted into sugar, are deposited in tree sap. And the solution of salts and sugar is very cold-resistant.

But the most best protection from frost - a fluffy blanket of snow. It is known that caring gardeners deliberately bend chilly young fruit trees to the ground and cover them with snow: it makes them warmer. In snowy winters, the snow covers the forest like a duvet, and then the forest is not afraid of any cold.

No, no matter how severe the frost, it will not kill our northern forest!

Our Prince Bova will stand against all storms and blizzards.

A story about winter “Winter Night”.

Night has fallen in the forest.

Frost taps on the trunks and branches of thick trees, and light silver frost falls in flakes. In the dark high in the sky Visibly and invisibly, the bright winter stars scattered.

Quiet, soundless in the winter forest and in the forest snowy glades.

But even on frosty winter nights, hidden life in the forest continues. A frozen branch crunched and broke - it was a white hare running under the trees, softly bouncing. Something hooted and suddenly laughed terribly: somewhere an owl screamed. The wolves howled and fell silent.

Light weasels run across the diamond tablecloth of snow, leaving patterns of footprints, ferrets hunt for mice, and owls silently fly over the snowdrifts.

How beautiful the winter forest looks and how nice it is to take a walk in it! Everything around is white, covered with soft fluffy snow. On the branches of mighty trees, especially on the wide legs of evergreen fir trees, small piles of snow settled down, looking like real hats. All the trees bent over, strained by the snow. When such a hat falls from a branch, it straightens and seems to shoot out, aiming for the sky.

The sky is blue and clear, like a tear. The snow glistens in the sun, shimmering and playing sun rays stingy winter sun all the colors of the rainbow - it’s even painful to look at this luxury of nature. It's frosty. The snow crunches and creaks underfoot. And if you take a little snow in your hands and look at it carefully, you can see individual snowflakes, which are the best work the art of a wonderful master - nature itself. It’s as if some fabulous jeweler skillfully carved these delicate tiny stars. The trees in the forest are everywhere covered not only with snow, but also with frost and frost. It is quiet in the forest on a winter day, it seems that everyone is sleeping, covered with a snow-white blanket. Sounds in the frosty air travel very quickly and sound over a long distance. Therefore, to hear that not everyone is sleeping - a crow croaked, a magpie chirped, and then another one raised its voice. winter bird. And very close by is a titmouse chirping. I took some bread and flour for the walk, and I’ll also sprinkle it for the birds, because winter time It is very difficult for them and it is very difficult for them to find food on the ground covered with a blanket of snow.

No, for sure, not everyone sleeps in the winter forest. Here are someone's footprints in the clean snow. Who was running here? Most likely, it was a hare in his white winter sheepskin coat who was fleeing from a hungry gray wolf or from a red-haired beauty - a fox. The sun disappears very early in winter, so don’t hesitate. It’s time for me to hurry home, because the snow on the tops of the Christmas trees is turning pink, and the slender white birches themselves are turning pink and golden. Here, first blue, and then violet and blue shadows make their way through the snow between silent trees. The sky begins to turn red in the west, and darkness is rapidly coming from the east, which in a matter of minutes overtakes the traveler and forces him to rush to his home. You can already see even the thin crescent of the new moon.

It's getting dark and it's getting much colder. And I return home, retracing my steps, once again stamping on the crunchy snow. And as soon as I left the forest, I turned around, and the forest was already completely black against the background of a blue snow carpet. Good night, a quiet and welcoming winter forest, covered with a beautiful winter blanket, we will see you again!

Winter came. All the paths in the forest were covered. The bear lies down in hibernation for the whole winter. How beautiful and mysterious this winter forest is. Snow-white, light snowflakes are flying and circling around. Everywhere you look, white is everywhere, pure snow falls on cold ground. There are snowdrifts and snowstorms everywhere. Birds fly south. Winter is a fabulous and magical time of year, especially in the forest.

3rd grade. Essays on the theme “Forest in winter”

It's cold all around. The hares in the forest changed their fur coats. Wolf and fox tracks lie on the white silvery snow. Bullfinches sit ruffled on the branches of snowy trees. But who is there? So it’s winter after all! She walks like a swan swimming on a lake. Winter walks and covers everything around with frost, and snowflakes fall like cotton wool. Winter is like a mistress in the forest, taking care of the trees not covered with snow, decorating the winter forest with snow. How good winter is!

4th grade. Essays on the theme “Winter in the forest”

I love being in the forest in winter. All the trees are covered with snow lace, and the tops of the snow-covered fir trees are decorated with unusual garlands of cones. In winter, tiny birch trees stand out in a clearing in the forest. How good they are now, how pretty! The blizzard silvered the lush hair of the slender pines. Glubok winter dream forests, but life glimmers under the snow, and in the forest clearings you can see paths of animal tracks: foxes, white hare, elk. In winter, in impenetrable forests, bears sleep in their dens. Squirrels build their houses in the thorny branches of spruce trees - nests.

5th grade. Essays on the theme “Winter Forest”

- a wonderful time of year. And it’s especially good in the forest in winter.

It seems to us that peace and soundlessness reign in the winter forest, but this is only at first glance. When the sun appears, the entire forest transforms and shines. Many forest dwellers have gone into hibernation, and those who remain are making great efforts to feed themselves. Here is a cowardly hare, tearing the bark off a birch tree, and here is a titmouse flying from tree to tree. Suddenly snow fell from a huge spruce branch; it was a squirrel jumping with a nut in its teeth. Even the wolf and the fox do not sit still, they scour the forest in search of prey. Bullfinches are like rowan berries. Squatted on a branch. In the distance, an elk with huge antlers wanders importantly.

And the forest itself is decorated with fluffy, snow-white snow, sparkling in the rays of the sun. How nice it is in the forest in winter!

6th grade. Essays on the theme “Winter in the forest”

The forest is especially beautiful in winter. This sight is like a fairy tale. Huge giant trees stand in white coats of snow, fluffy branches are covered with armfuls of snow, and here and there traces of animals are visible on the ground. Beautiful winter forest! Most of all I like to walk in the winter forest on skis.

Dress warmly, take your skis and poles and head straight into the forest. Light, slightly crunching snowflakes break under your feet, giving the impression that you are not walking along a snowy forest road, but gliding along soft fluffy light clouds.

Beautiful winter walk in the forest, but the best thing, in my opinion, is sledding and ice skating. It’s an unforgettable feeling when you’re flying down a mountain on a sled, the wind is blowing lightly in your face, snowdrifts are rushing under you, and there’s a blue, clear sky above.

Nature is beautiful in winter: frozen rivers play like a mirror in the sun, snow caps of trees playfully sway in the wind, light snowflakes fall whirling to the ground. I love winter, because this time reminds me of a fairy tale, fun, and I understand that miracles happen and winter is direct proof of this.

7th grade. Essays on the theme “Forest in winter”

When real winter reigns in the forest, behind a noisy and damp city, even those who consider this time of year too annoying and harsh are subject to its cold beauty. And indeed, it is in wooded areas that all the beauty of winter is revealed in its true meaning, striking the imagination with wonderful and amazing paintings. How majestically beautiful are the tall pines, whose paws bend to the ground under the weight of snow covers, in their proud immobility. How magical and mysterious the icy bushes and tree branches seem, framing the dark trunks like a lace pattern. How contrastingly bright and unexpected a scarlet spot of a rowan bunch can suddenly seem on a snow-white sparkling background, how fascinating it is to observe the tracks of birds and animals on an untouched canvas of the purest snow. In winter, even the night forest is transformed, losing its gloomy and sometimes terrifying face and replacing it with exquisite mystery, a blue glow moonlight and intricate shadows that seem strange mythical creatures, change their appearance and appear only with the arrival of darkness. It’s good to be in the forest in winter, when the weather is windless and frosty, and clean and fresh snow creaks under your feet. It’s good when soft flakes quietly fall on tree branches and melt sweetly in the palm of your hand. At this hour it is so quiet and blissful that only goodness and peace, enjoyment of the true beauty and joy of life reign in the soul.

9-11 grade. Essays on the theme “Winter Forest”

Winter, like a caring mistress, has come to our forests. There is a small hill at the edge. A playful wind blew and blew his white cap off. Winter dressed the trees in heavy snow coats, pulled snow-white hats onto their tops, and didn’t even forget about the branches - she dressed them in downy mittens. And she gave the rowan a white shawl, from under which clusters of berries can be seen, like amber earrings. Suddenly the sun peeked out from behind a gray cloud, and the fairy-tale clearing was no longer recognizable. Everything around sparkled and sparkled, the shaggy branches of the fir trees woke up and reached for the sun. Maybe they are showing off their outfit? A wood grouse began to fuss on a branch. Here is a hazel grouse sitting on a spruce tree. The woodpecker knocked insistently. The squirrel looked out of the hollow; she also wanted to bask in the sun. The birds call to each other merrily. They are happy. And the air is so clean, sparkling, as if saturated with the freshness of the forest. It's easy to breathe in the winter forest. It's a good place to spend a weekend. The forest is always beautiful. But in winter it is truly beautiful. This is the beauty of nature, the beauty of purity and silence. Winter gives joy and tranquility to people who come to the forest. How wonderful it is to look at the mighty spruce trees with garlands of cones hanging on the tops! How easily they support the snow with their branched arms. Their brownish trunk, dark green needles, White snow on the branches, the blue of the sky above merge into a unique palette. You go into the winter forest and your heart becomes joyful and light, and you just want to sing some good song. But despite the bewitching beauty of this winter forest, for some reason I felt sad about it. Freezing and sad, I was about to return home, and then my eyes met a completely inconspicuous green Christmas tree. Unnoticeable among tall trees, she was simply the queen of the forest! Thin but already strong legs-twigs are lightly sprinkled with snow sparkles, the bright pattern of the crown seems to be painted on a winter snowdrift. I seriously thought: what kind of main meaning my essay about winter? Perhaps I want to encourage people to take care and protect nature. After all, if we do not preserve nature, we will not be able to admire such extraordinary beauty winter forest.

The Fairy Tale has arrived
Fluffy snow lay on the branches,
And a funny snowflake mask
Decorates the home palace...

And, entering the snow-white doors,
Suddenly hearts become silent in excitement,
And the forest animals are trusting
They will open their eyes for the winter...

The trees are drowning among the expanses of paradise,
And, encased in ice, the river subsided,
Only the headwind will hear a voice,
And the frost will lightly touch your cheek.

Oh this Forest! So beautiful at any time of the year! But the Forest is most beautiful in winter... Huge snowdrifts, even on the trees, form beautiful, incomparable snow “shelters”; in the Sun the snow shines so brightly that you have to squint or even close your eyes...

Winter is a magical time of year. Especially when more snow falls... It happens that a lump of snow falls from a tree into a snowdrift, or a bird flies somewhere. And sometimes in the winter forest you can even hear the sound of a woodpecker. Or a pine cone will fall from the tree, who knows - under the weight of snow, or an inconspicuous squirrel in its winter attire dropped it due to carelessness...

I'm walking along the Forest path,
Along the way I admire the beauty!
The trees stand like they're wearing fur coats,
Their outfit is fluffy like a feather bed.

Snowflakes creak underfoot,
Rarely do birds fly overhead...
So beautiful and quiet in winter
And nothing will disturb the peace...

The Old Oaks are dozing in the silver malachai...
In a clearing, Elya stands majestically in a lush snow-white coat...

Around her, tall maples flaunt in shaggy snow caps. Red beads glow festively on the chest of the rowan...

A fairytale Kingdom full of mysteries and secrets. Life flows here
their own laws, and no one has the right to disturb the peace of the inhabitants of the forest kingdom.

You wander through such a Forest, and you are overcome with such indescribable delight!

I want to spin around, scream loudly and loudly and plop down in a snowdrift. And then just lie and watch the falling snowflakes...

How I miss the Fairytale Winter Forest!

A snowflake flies into my hands,
Melts airily easily
It's like a speck of dust,
It snuck into my Heart.

The air is beautiful and fresh,
The spruce froze in the snow...
I just fell in love one day...
I'm endlessly in the Forest and Winter...

The sun peeked out from behind the tops of frozen trees. Its Rays, running through the branches, rang with a trembling touch.... Bent under the weight of snow, the branches of birches hung like crystal chandeliers on graceful black and white trunks

The malachite paws of huge spruce trees, covered with snow pillows, seemed to freeze in intricate dance steps... Snow-covered bushes were scattered in round, sparkling balls throughout the Forest Glades...

The first snow is softer than feather feathers...
So fresh and beautiful in the world...
There is a primal instinct in winter...
Keep us in special regard...

Just once forever
I gave my heart,
In the world of crystal snow...
I feel good in the Forest in Winter!

Are they really showing off their outfit? The woodpecker knocked more insistently... At such a time in the Forest you don’t even feel tired... A squirrel came out of the hollow. She also wants to bask in the Sun...

Birds call to each other more cheerfully. We rejoiced at the Sun!
And the air sparkles, as if permeated with flickering specks of dust. It's easy to breathe in the Winter Forest...

We played snowballs, tumbled in lush snowdrifts... We enjoyed the extraordinary beauty of the Winter Forest and plunged into Magic world Nature.

Those who have had to walk through the Winter Forest in the bitter cold know about this fairy tale firsthand. Huge snowdrifts, lush large snow-covered spruce trees, massive stumps with snow caps - all this is extremely picturesque, as if in a fairy tale from my distant childhood.

Winter is a real magician! The Winter Forest won my Heart with its pristine beauty and uniqueness...
Despite the mesmerizing beauty of the Winter Forest, for some reason I felt sad...

And the Christmas tree seemed to smile at me cheerfully... And said... Don’t be sad! And precisely at this Fairytale time for real I believe in Magic. When everything around shines, sparkles, shimmers... It seems that some kind of Miracle is about to happen...
The snow creaked and shone under my feet, I threw my head back, closed my eyes and tried to catch fluffy, sparkling snowflakes with my mouth... How wonderful these moments are.... I so wanted to stay longer in this Winter Tale and listen to the ringing silence of the Frosty Forest.. .

I touched a delicate, white spruce branch and the fluffy snowdrift lying on the spruce instantly crumbled into many small stars, scattering in different directions. This mysterious silence was only rarely broken by the rustle of Birds hiding on the silver branches of the Fir Trees and the echoing knock of the Woodpecker...
The frost pinched my cheeks tightly, the snow shimmered, glowed, and everything around seemed bright, snow-white... In the bright rays of the sun, the branches of the fir trees shimmered as if they were crystal...

I will remember our Magical day spent in the Winter's Tale for a long time....
In the Magic Winter Forest!

Fairy tale... Midnight dream...
But where can I get it? Where?
And the Heart wants so much a miracle,
Let it be small, but a Miracle!

I want to believe so bad
That dreams will suddenly come true,
Through the blizzard the doorbell rings -
And here you are on the threshold!

Dear and wonderful, my dear friends and readers, take a walk in the Real Winter Forest, albeit virtual, but at least this way, and we will all hope and expect a lot, a lot of Snow in New Year's Eve, which will give us a Fairy Tale!!!

Essay on a winter forest for grades 2,3,6,7 according to plan

Essay winter forest grade 2


1.Forest in winter.

2.White clothes

With the onset of winter, the forest is wrapped in a blanket of snow. Trees that have gotten rid of withered foliage put on winter clothes. White fur coats look beautiful on shaggy spruce trees and slender birch trees. A sparkling silver decoration decorates them and protects the branches from severe frosts and blizzards. It seems that along with the trees, securely covered until warmer times, all forest life has come to a standstill.

Essay winter forest grade 3


1.Winter decoration of the forest

2. Forest inhabitants


2.2. Mice


Winter in the forest is magic. The dark, sleeping forest is covered in a white robe, especially beautiful if there is a lot of snow. IN very coldy the sun is shining, the snow sparkles and shimmers. The trees are covered with fluffy caps, you touch one branch and a huge armful of snow will fall on you. If you go into the forest on a frosty winter day, you can see different footprints on the snow blanket. They will tell you a lot about forest dwellers.

The forest is a home for animals and birds. Here you can see the hasty tracks of a hare. Dressed in white fur coat, the cowardly scythe is still afraid of everyone. Having hastily gnawed the branches of the bush, chewed the dry grass and heard a faint rustling, he quickly takes off from his place, only he was seen.

It's hard for wood mice in winter. In search of food, they make long passages in dense snow crust. Having found blades of grass or nuts on the frozen ground, rodents take them to their burrows in the roots of trees.

It is most comfortable and warmest to winter in the forest Brown bear. All summer and autumn the bear eats its sides, intensively preparing for harsh winter. And having put aside fat reserves, the bear chooses a convenient place for its den in order to lie down in it until next spring.

Essay winter forest grade 6


Winter outfit

2.Birds of the forest

3. Squirrel

In winter, the forest is dressed in white, shaggy spruce trees are covered with snow, tree branches are covered with frost. The ground is covered with a downy silver blanket. Everything seemed to freeze...

The silence of the winter forest is deceptive. Life in it does not stop for a minute. Little birds: bullfinches and titmice, having feasted on frozen wild apple berries, start a fight. Flying onto rowan branches and pecking at bright red fruits. Walking along forest paths on a Sunday winter day, you can hear tapping. This is a forest orderly - a woodpecker hollows out tree bark, finding food for itself in the form of bugs. Even in winter, birds that have not flown away warm places, continue to free trees from pests.

Working squirrels do not have to worry about their food. Back in the fall, they prepared nuts, roots, berries and mushrooms for the winter. Now the animal can rest peacefully in a warm hollow lined with dry moss. But no, the fluffy fidget does not sit still: she continues to stock up even in winter, carrying pine cones and tree bark to her nest and arranging her home for future offspring.

Essay winter forest grade 7

1.Forest in winter


3.Walk in the forest

If in the city winter months sometimes it is slushy, gray and dirty, but in the forest there is a real white winter. She decorates the forest with sparkling splendor. The winter forest is beautiful with its solemn and austere beauty. Scooping up a snowball with your palm, you can see thousands of snowflakes of the most varied shapes. Probably some talented artist somewhere above is drawing these unique patterns. I can’t even believe that nature created such beauty.

Finding yourself in the forest after dense urban pollution, you straighten your lungs, inhaling full breasts icy air. Its transparency makes you feel dizzy, and you lean against the trunk of the birch tree, accidentally disturbing her sleep. In response to your touch, the tree shares its chilly robe with you, falling asleep with snow. Having brushed yourself off, you slide further along the crunchy crust, enjoying the silence and cleanliness. On a clear and fine day, you should definitely take a walk in nature, watch the landscape and think about how beautiful and calm it is in the winter forest.

And it’s even better if the whole family or friends go to the forest on skis, ride down the hills, throw snowballs and, if possible, make a snow woman. You can take a thermos with hot tea and pies that mom baked. Even if going into the forest for two hours will bring great pleasure.
