Aerobics: exercises and types of activities. Aerobic and anaerobic exercise

Let's talk about aerobics today. Aerobics is considered one of the areas of fitness. What distinguishes it from regular fitness is that all exercises are performed rhythmically and to music.

A distinctive feature of aerobics is exercise of varying intensity.

During the training process, a large number of repetitions occur.

There is minimal rest during work, light working weight and rhythmic exercises with your own weight.

Aerobics are rhythmic bodyweight exercises performed to music. They combine breathing exercises, muscle development and plastic development. Aerobics helps saturate the tissues and human body with oxygen and strengthen it cardiovascular system.

Due to the intensity of the load and the enrichment of the body with oxygen, fat is quickly burned. That's why aerobics considered one of the most effective types fitness, which .

Sports aerobics for weight loss

Aerobics for weight loss is considered best direction fitness to combat excess weight.

According to the recommendations of professional instructors and reviews from visitors to a fitness club, for weight loss it is recommended to do aerobics classes 3 to 4 times a week, no less. But it’s not worth it anymore, otherwise your body will work for wear and tear.

There are several types of sports aerobics for weight loss. You can do it not only in a fitness club but also at home. We will talk about all of them today.

Classic aerobics

Classic aerobics exercises invented American actress. Her aerobics are based on dance movements to rhythmic music.

This workout actively strengthens the muscles. Especially the muscles of the lower body, arms and legs. Helps get rid of excess weight. Strengthens the heart and blood vessels, makes the body more flexible, and improves posture.

Step aerobics

To practice step aerobics, you need to use a special platform - step. This type of aerobics helps strengthen cardiovascular and respiratory system. Training perfectly tightens the muscles of the legs, thighs and buttocks. Aerobics makes the body contour more beautiful.

Strength aerobics

As you understand from the name, strength aerobics uses various machines that work different muscle groups. Strength aerobics is good for those who need to tighten up flabby muscles, make them prominent and remove excess fat.

Dance aerobics

This aerobics is very close to classical aerobics. But here the emphasis is on dance movements to a wide variety of music. Dance aerobics is designed not only to strengthen the musculoskeletal system and tighten muscles, but great importance has a charge of energy that you receive during classes.

This type of aerobics helps correct your posture and improves your mood. All this combined with weight loss, one of the most enjoyable and effective fitness programs.

Strip dance

Strip dance and strip plastic are considered subtypes of dance aerobics. They are aimed at developing flexibility and plasticity of the body, learning the basics of striptease. When practicing strip plastic, the muscles of the legs and thighs are perfectly worked out, in particular, the “breeches” are removed, thanks to the abundance of movements with deep squats.

Aerobic training is also called cardio (kardio is translated from Greek as heart), i.e. literally this means that such activities primarily affect the cardiovascular system. These types of training include aerobics, walking, swimming, rollerblading or cycling, etc. In the article about what it is, we found out that to provide the body with energy, an ATP molecule is needed, which can be obtained in two ways - aerobic and anaerobic energy generation. In the first case, the process occurs with the participation of oxygen, in the second - without it. During anaerobic exercise, so-called anaerobic glycolysis occurs, where muscle glycogen breaks down into lactic acid, which ensures the restoration of ATP. But the restoration of ATP with the help of glycogen is possible without lactic acid, if oxygen is present. Aerobic exercise is based on this biochemical reaction, and this is what makes it different.

The essence of aerobic training is that it does not involve a large number of muscle fibers, as a result of which it is considered low-intensity, and the body manages to replenish energy costs directly during exercise. This is why we can perform aerobic exercises for quite a long time. But how does energy restoration occur?

As we already know, ATP is restored either by creatine phosphate or by glycogen. Creatine phosphate is used under conditions of high-intensity short-term exercise, glycogen under conditions of less intense and longer training. Glycogen can provide us with energy with or without oxygen. Without oxygen, glycogen breaks down into lactic acid, with the participation of oxygen it is oxidized and at the same time produces carbon dioxide and water.

This type of energy supply is almost 13 times more effective than anaerobic energy supply.

Fat burning effect

It's no secret that aerobic training is considered the most effective in terms of fat burning. The fact is that there is not a lot of glycogen in the muscles and liver, so it is necessary to take energy from other sources, which is fat. It also oxidizes remarkably well. Fat is located either under the skin in the form of fatty tissue, or in the form of triglyceride droplets in the muscles. In the first case, fatty acids are transported by the blood to the muscles, in the second, they are taken directly from the muscle. But this does not mean that if you do aerobic exercise for 90 minutes every day, all the fat will go away. In any case, the overwhelming majority of energy is provided by glycogen. Even among world-class marathon runners, only 20% comes from fat cells. Therefore, aerobic training for burning fat is extremely effective, but is not a panacea. The main factor in losing excess weight is balanced diet. It is important to understand what to eat during the day, as well as before and after classes. But thanks to its accessibility, you can lose weight at home, rather than going to the Gym. But here it is worth noting that in any fitness club there are a lot of areas, for example, treadmills, elliptical trainers, cycles, and various group classes. You can choose the optimal training option in terms of load and duration. This is especially important if you are a beginner. In addition, in the gym you can combine strength training with cardio, for example, in a circuit format. The result will be much better both in terms of health and weight loss.

Endurance concept

Aerobic training is the most The best way build endurance for both men and women, but what does this mean? What we mean here is that the body, adapting to this kind of load, begins to redistribute its energy resources, accumulating more glycogen and triglycerides in the muscle. Thus, when receiving the next load, you will have significantly more resources to complete the exercise. But increasing endurance requires a competent approach - aerobic training must be of appropriate intensity and duration.

Most importantly, increasing endurance allows you to increase your anaerobic threshold, i.e. The lactate pathway for energy production is activated much later, since the amount of creatine phosphate and glycogen in the muscles is increased. Therefore, the correct one should include both aerobic and anaerobic exercises.

Benefits and contraindications

Aerobic training has many advantages:

  • Strengthens the muscles that are responsible for breathing. It is especially important to note the training of the diaphragm, on which the health of the organs located above it largely depends.
  • Skeletal muscles are strengthened;
  • Has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • Increases blood flow and oxygen delivery and nutrients to all organs and tissues;
  • Reduces the risk of diabetes;
  • Blood pressure normalizes;
  • Stress is reduced;
  • Excess fat is burned;
  • The quality of sleep improves.

Like any other type of physical activity, aerobic exercise has a number of contraindications:

  • Heart failure;
  • Pulmonary edema;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Myo- and endocarditis;
  • Circulatory failure;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Other heart diseases.

Principles of Cardio Training

When performing aerobic exercise, you need to monitor your condition, namely, your heart rate (HR). Maximum heart rate is calculated using the formula 220 – age. The normal resting heart rate is 60-80 beats. The average load should be approximately 60% of your maximum heart rate. That is, if you are 30 years old, then your maximum rate is 190 beats. For an effective and safe workout, you should stick to the level of 190 * 0.6 = 114 beats per minute. You can start more intensive exercises only after 2-3 months, provided you are in good health. Then you can increase your heart rate to 75% of the maximum.

Before training, be sure to do a good warm-up.

Watch a short video about the benefits of cardio training.


As you can see, cardio training is extremely beneficial for health and promotes fat burning, provided proper nutrition. It has good compatibility with strength training, and it is available for those who want to study at home. It doesn’t matter whether you are a girl or a guy, you want to lose weight in the abdomen or thighs, or increase your stamina, improve general health- no difference. This type of physical activity will allow you to achieve all these goals.

Materials used:

  • Vadim Protasenko “Think or super training without misconceptions”
  • Mike Mentzer "Supertraining"
  • Hartmann U., Tünnemann H. “Modern strength training. Theory and practice"

Aerobics is a mandatory element that should appear in the life of a losing weight person who wants to lose excess weight for a long time. What is its essence, how does it work, what are its basic rules, directions and contraindications for classes? We'll talk about all this and more further.

What is aerobics and what are its benefits?

One of the most popular and effective ways lose weight and get in good shape physical fitness is aerobics. It helps not only to lose extra pounds, but also to recharge your batteries and great mood. Aerobics is suitable even for those who have never exercised before. It is easy, understandable, and its effectiveness is obvious.

Aerobics for weight loss is the repeated repetition of a certain set of exercises, which is performed with a certain intensity and to music.

Aerobics differs from other types of physical activity in a number of advantages:

  • makes it possible to model the body and generally improve the health of the body;
  • accelerates metabolic processes in the body;
  • ensures maximum energy consumption in minimal time;
  • increases endurance and resistance of the body to physical activity;
  • increases plasticity and grace, improves coordination of movements;
  • guarantees gradual burning of fat (using excess fat as an energy source);
  • promotes the removal of toxins and other harmful substances from the body;
  • improves the functioning of the heart and vascular system;
  • has a large number of different training areas;
  • no need for special expensive sports equipment and exercise machines.

Another important advantage of aerobics for weight loss is its accessibility. Having mastered the basics of training with a trainer, you will be able to train not only in gyms, but also at home and at the same time achieve equally good and noticeable results. All you need is desire, some free time, and an aerobics video.

Basic Rules

To achieve the best results and quickly lose weight using aerobics, and most importantly, keep it on for a long time, you should adhere to the following basic rules.

  • Before training, you should always warm up to warm up your major muscle groups. It is this that will prepare the body for subsequent intense exercise and minimize the risk of injury during exercise.
  • If possible, stabilize joints using special elastic knee pads, elbow pads, and bandages.
  • Include cardio exercises in your exercise routine. When executing them Special attention pay attention to proper breathing. Improper breathing will not be able to provide the body with enough oxygen and will significantly reduce the effectiveness of training.
  • Be sure to alternate cardio exercises with strength exercises. The latter will ensure muscle strengthening, as well as active fat burning (even after completing the exercises). You should allocate at least 10-15 minutes to strength training in each workout.
  • You should always end a set of exercises with a cool-down. Often this rule ignored. This is not true. Abruptly stopping exercise does not allow the body to recover normally, and also negatively affects the functioning and condition of the heart.

As a cool-down option, you can use calm walking or stretching exercises.

  • The optimal duration of one aerobics session is 60 minutes. During the first 20-40 minutes, the body burns reserves of substances from muscle tissue and only after this time begins to consume fat.

Determining the optimal load

The most popular and accessible way for everyone to determine the optimal load during aerobics is to calculate your personal “corridor” of heart rate (HR), within which the pulse should be during exercise.

If the load is low, the heart rate will not be high enough. In this case, the training will be ineffective and will not bring the desired result. With excessive load, the pulse will be much higher than the permissible norm, which, in turn, will cause too active and strong stress on the heart muscle.

To calculate the optimal “corridor” of heart rate, subtract the age of the trainee from 220. After that, calculate 0.6 and 0.8 from the resulting number. These numbers will determine the maximum and minimum heart rate values ​​allowed during exercise.

Example: The age of a woman attending aerobics is 35 years old.

220 – 35 = 185

It follows that for a 35-year-old woman, the heart rate during exercise should not go beyond 111-148 beats per minute.

Second the right way Determining the optimal load during aerobics is called the “talking test”. Its essence:

  • the load is optimal if during training a person has enough breath to maintain a short conversation and briefly answer questions;
  • the load is too great if the trainee cannot pronounce at least 3-4 words in a row during a lesson.

The load should be selected individually for each person, taking into account:

Main directions

Modern aerobics is a whole complex of various directions and different subspecies. Let's consider the most popular and widespread of them, their features, advantages and disadvantages.

Step aerobics

The second name is Step. A fashionable trend that makes it possible to burn about 600 kcal in 1 hour of training. Classes are conducted using a special step platform and consist of all kinds of steps and jumps on it.

Additional weights are used as desired.

During training with the platform, you can perform both cardio and strength exercises.

Main advantages:

  • high-quality training of the leg muscles without significant increase in muscle volume;
  • excellent load on the heart muscle, as well as the vascular system;
  • an economical option for training (the step platform is relatively inexpensive, so you can conduct home workouts based on it);
  • no special dance training required;
  • provides significant energy consumption (compared to standard aerobics without steps);
  • stimulates rapid burning of subcutaneous fat.

The disadvantages of step aerobics include:

  • not suitable for people with significant obesity;
  • contraindicated for varicose veins;
  • To achieve noticeable results, you should do at least 3-4 sessions per week.

When practicing step, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • perform all movements as smoothly as possible, without significant jerks;
  • on time and in small portions;
  • place your entire foot on the platform;
  • load one leg for no more than 60 seconds, then perform exercises on the other, observing the order;
  • do the exercises facing the step platform;
  • Always keep your legs slightly bent at the knees (to prevent damage to the joints), your back as straight as possible, while straining your abdominal muscles as much as possible.

From the video you can learn what step aerobics is, its basic rules, how to choose a step platform, as well as a set of exercises that can be performed at home.

Dance aerobics

Is a complex dance exercises which are performed to music. The main advantage of this direction is that, in addition to the opportunity, the dancing itself is very interesting, exciting and fun. At the same time, you don’t need any equipment at all for training. You don’t even need a sports mat for exercise, since dance aerobics does not contain exercises performed in a lying or sitting position.

Based on the amount of calories and fat burned during exercise, this type of training is considered extremely effective. During dance aerobics, the legs, abdominals, and buttocks area lose weight the fastest and become more toned. In addition, exercise has a beneficial effect on posture and heart function.

Depending on the movements used, as well as the chosen music, there are several main subtypes of this direction:

  • Zumba. A type of Latin dance that is available in any fitness club. Zumba involves relatively simple technical point vision of movement (springing steps, swaying hips, etc.), characterized by a certain rhythm of execution and special incendiary energy.
  • Belly dance. The second name is belly dancing. A popular and sought-after area of ​​dance aerobics, which allows you not only to lose excess weight, but also to increase plasticity, grace, and improve your body. During such training, almost all major muscle groups are involved.
  • Strip of plastic. Effectively fights excess weight, improves posture, and enhances female sexuality. As a rule, training consists of 3 main blocks: strength, dance, stretching.
  • Hip-hop. The most intense and energy-consuming type of aerobics. An hour-long workout can burn up to 500 Kcal.

Why the method of losing weight using dance aerobics is highly effective and how to perform dance movements correctly - fitness trainer Nadezhda explains in the video.

Water aerobics

The ideal way to lose weight for anyone and everyone, regardless of age, level of physical fitness and initial weight.

Water aerobics has many benefits. One of the main things is that during exercise the joints experience minimal stress, since the training takes place in water, which is extremely important for people suffering from severe obesity.

Other advantages:

  • exercises in water provide intense exercise and a good weight loss effect;
  • during training in water the body does not overheat;
  • water makes it possible to evenly distribute the load on the main muscle groups and form a beautiful muscle relief;
  • for very fat people Water aerobics is the only possible way of intense training.

Water aerobics has only one drawback - it can only be done in the pool, but not at home.

Instructor Elena Golubtsova will tell you all about the advantages of water aerobics and its effectiveness in losing weight in the program “Time to Live”.

Strength aerobics

A specific type of exercise, during which the main load falls on the muscles of the legs, abdomen, buttocks and shoulder girdle. The main benefit of strength training is that it allows you to:

  • provide rapid burning of fat;
  • improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Strength aerobics consists of a set of exclusively strength exercises, which in most cases are performed with small weights, but very rhythmically. Also actively used during strength training own weight the body of the trainee.

In most cases, strength aerobics includes the following types of exercises:

  • presses;

In this case, the same exercises can be performed in different interpretations. Strength aerobics allows you to simultaneously achieve two goals: lose weight and tone your major muscle groups.

The set of power aerobics exercises for losing weight in the lower body, presented in the video, includes a warm-up, a main part and a final part, suitable for people of different levels of physical fitness.

Intense aerobics

It has its own fundamental differences:

  • intense loads during classes alternate with short rest;
  • a set of exercises includes both strength and cardio exercises;
  • The average workout duration is only 10 to 20 minutes.

Despite such a short time classes, intense workouts provide an amazing weight loss effect. This type of physical activity will be an excellent option for those who really want to lose weight, but do not have a lot of free time to exercise.

Aerobics at an intense pace burns fat approximately 6-12 times faster than regular aerobics.

U modern man suffering from physical inactivity, the metabolism is very slow. Exercising at an intense rhythm guarantees a huge load, which “accelerates” the metabolism not only during the workout, but also for 4-6 hours after. This means that after such exercises a person continues to lose weight for a very long time.

For an intense workout, it doesn't matter what exercises are performed. It is important how.

Execution rules:

  • any exercise should be performed with maximum intensity;
  • rest between exercises occurs in movement, for example, steps are performed in place or the same exercise, only at a slow pace;
  • after that - again work to the limit of your capabilities.

There can be 10 or more such approaches during training. Ideally, include different exercises in the complex that will involve all major muscle groups.

The main thing during classes is to give 100%, until you feel a burning sensation in your muscles.

The video clip shows a set of intense aerobics exercises, selected in such a way as to ensure maximum energy expenditure. The extra pounds will disappear before your eyes.

A set of exercises to perform at home

If it is not possible to go to aerobics at a fitness club and exercise under the supervision of an experienced instructor, you can master a simple complex to perform at home.

For beginners, experts advise choosing simple combinations that include the simplest exercises - jumping in place, steps, lunges, exercises with your own weight, performed at a fast, rhythmic pace to music.

For home training to become aerobics, the exercises need to be combined into blocks of 2-3 movements each and these combinations must be performed in 3 approaches.

See below for an approximate version of the complex for home training.

1. Warm-up:

  • . Starting position – standing straight, shoulders as relaxed as possible, rib cage– open, shoulder blades – brought together as much as possible. Take a step to the right, then stand left leg. Repeat in the opposite direction. During steps, your legs should be slightly bent at the knees. During steps, perform circular rotations with your arms back and forth as quickly as possible. This will increase your heart rate and warm up quickly. Walk in this manner for 3-5 minutes.

  • Steps with raised knee/leg. Make a slight lunge forward with your right leg, bend your left leg at the knee and lift it as high as possible in front of your chest, press it to your stomach. Return to the starting position and do the same for your left leg. During movement, the arms can move completely freely. Time to complete – 2-3 minutes. For physically fit people, you can raise a straight leg.

  • . Start with the neck muscles, alternately tilting your head to one side or the other.

Afterwards, proceed to tilting the body forward-backward-left-right. Bend your lower back back and stay in this position for 10-15 seconds. Light stretching before starting the intense part of the session will help avoid injury and muscle strain.

  • . Step your right foot back and lower your knees to the floor. Slowly return to the starting position. Repeat for the left leg. The number of repetitions is at least 10-12 times for each leg.

A 10-15 minute warm-up will be enough to warm up the main muscle groups well.

2. Main part:

  • . Starting position – standing. Start quickly jumping on your toes with your legs bent. Completion time: 1 minute at a fast pace.

  • Passing an imaginary or real ball. Feet shoulder width apart. Squat as far as possible, turning to the left. Then straighten up sharply the opposite side, sending the ball up and to the right with your hands. During the exercise, you should tense your abdominal muscles as much as possible. Repeat the exercise in different directions for 2 minutes. When performing the exercise, you can use a small ball or weights, or you can do it without equipment.

  • . Take a lying position (as in push-ups). On the count of one, jump forward. On the count of two, return to the starting position. Do 15-20 jumps. While holding, try to keep your torso parallel to the floor, do not tilt your pelvis forward or down.

  • . Squat down, then jump up vigorously, pushing your feet off the floor as hard as possible. Repeat jumping for 2-3 minutes.

  • Running in place with legs raised. Imitate running on a treadmill by raising your legs high and bending them at the knee joints. Run as fast as possible for 1 minute, and more slowly for the second. Time to complete the exercise is 4-6 minutes.

  • . During the exercise, do not forget to pay attention to the abdominal muscles. Lie down on the floor. Bend your legs at the knees and place your feet on the floor, hands clasped behind your head, elbows spread to the sides. Raise on the count of one top part torso, trying to get your stomach as close as possible to your knees. Hold for 1-2 seconds. Return to the starting position. You should do 20-30 lifts in one approach. The number of approaches is at least three.

  • . Stand in a plank position and push up from the floor 15-20 times. During the exercise, your feet can be on your toes or on your knees.

3. Cool down. You should finish your workout with a cool-down. You can do light stretching of the main muscle groups, or simply walk around the room at a calm pace for 5 minutes.

Instructor Daria Sushakova will show and tell you how to finish your workout at home by stretching all the main muscle groups in the video:


Despite the benefits of aerobics for losing excess weight and improving overall health, such activities are not suitable for everyone.

Aerobic training is doing physical exercise, the main goal of which is to strengthen the cardiovascular system, develop endurance and burn fat.

During aerobic training, muscles, in addition to energy, also require a fairly large amount of oxygen, which forces the lungs, heart and blood vessels work much more intensively.

Aerobic exercise includes running, brisk walking, swimming, cycling, jumping rope, dancing and so on. They also include all kinds of team sports, such as football, basketball, volleyball, tennis and others.

In this article we will talk about what aerobic training gives us, how to do it correctly and how to get the most good result from their implementation, we will also touch on the topic of comparing aerobic and strength training.

What does aerobic training give us?

Regular aerobic training has many advantages, both physically and emotionally.

  • Strengthening the heart muscle. Increasing the efficiency of its work, as well as reducing the heart rate at rest.
  • Improves blood circulation and lowers blood pressure.
  • Strengthening respiratory and skeletal muscles.
  • Active development of body endurance.
  • Losing excess weight.
  • After 2-3 weeks of training, there is an improvement in mood and relief from depression.
  • The quality of sleep improves, it becomes healthier and deeper, which contributes to the high-quality recovery of the body after training. A person begins to fall asleep much faster.
  • The problem of lethargy, which worries many people, disappears. Regular training promote a cheerful state throughout the day.

Also, an undeniable advantage of aerobic training is that, due to the increased speed of blood circulation, it increases a person’s life expectancy and makes it possible to look younger than one’s age. Aerobic exercise is excellent prevention most diseases, especially cardiovascular diseases.

How should you do aerobic exercise?

You probably knew about the benefits you read above even without this article. But not everyone knows how to perform such workouts so that they bring maximum results, and therefore, for most people, doing, say, jogging in the morning does not bring the desired results.

In the world of sports, each exercise has its own goal and in order to achieve it, you need to know how to do it correctly. Aerobic exercise is no exception.

Most people who start aerobics have the goal of developing endurance. These, in principle, are the main goals of such training, the rest comes as a pleasant addition. So, to lose weight, it will not be enough to do a morning or evening jog lasting 10-15 minutes. Let's explain why.

To perform certain loads, the body needs energy, this is logical. And it would be good if it draws energy from fat deposits on our body. But, unfortunately, it consumes this energy mainly from carbohydrate reserves. This is how nature works and nothing can be done about it. However, when the supply of carbohydrates runs out, the body has no choice but to spend its own energy reserves - fats. This is exactly what we need.

When performing aerobic exercise, carbohydrate reserves are depleted within approximately 20-30 minutes. Thus, fat loss begins only after this time. Of course, we burn some fat reserves during these 20-30 minutes, but these losses are very insignificant. The optimal duration of aerobic training will be 40-45 minutes, no more, otherwise you will begin to lose muscle along with fat.

Aerobic training should be performed 3-5 times a week - this will give excellent results. If you are a beginner, you should start with 3 times a week for 15-20 minutes. This will prepare your body for further stress. Gradually, the duration of training should be increased, but not earlier than after 2 weeks.

Both beginners and experienced athletes should definitely warm up before training. It will warm up the muscles and prepare the body for exercise. Warming up also reduces the likelihood of all kinds of injuries. After finishing your workout, do not rush to sit down or stop; before doing this, you should walk around for a couple of minutes and restore your breathing.

As mentioned above, aerobic training involves a variety of exercises and activities, each of which burns a different amount of calories. Below is a table with the approximate number of calories burned per 1 minute of exercise.

Combining aerobic and strength training

In the world of bodybuilding, there is an opinion that combining aerobic exercise is a big mistake. However, back in the late 70s, it was found that the proper combination of these workouts gives excellent results, especially in order to give muscles relief and lose excess weight.

As mentioned above, muscles need energy to overcome certain loads. The loads in strength training are very large, which means they consume a lot of energy, that is, carbohydrates.

Thus, if you conduct an aerobic workout after a heavy workout, then the reserves of carbohydrates will already be depleted and the body will spend energy from its reserves, that is, from fats, to perform aerobic exercise. This will significantly improve and speed up the result.

A huge mistake would be to do aerobic training before strength training. When we make this mistake, we start lifting weights without having the energy to do so. This will only entail strength training with very light weights, which will not be enough to increase muscle mass or strength.

The myth that aerobic exercise destroys muscle mass is not entirely a myth, but it is also not entirely true. Yes, if you really do marathon races, this will entail loss of both fat and muscle, but if you do aerobic training no more than 3 times a week lasting 15-20 minutes after strength training or 40-45 minutes of independent training, then this will only be beneficial and won't steal an ounce of your muscle.

When incorporating aerobic training into your program, it is highly recommended to increase your protein intake to 2 grams per kilogram of body weight. In other words, if you weigh 70 kg, then your daily protein intake will be 140 grams.

This can be easily achieved by using protein shakes or by increasing your intake of protein-containing foods such as meat, fish, poultry, eggs and dairy products. But remember the fat content is also present in them and it is much higher than in protein powders.

How to increase the effectiveness of aerobic training?

Below are a few simple tips, the implementation of which will help make aerobic training even more effective.

  • Avoid eating foods high in carbohydrates before training. This food can be eaten three hours before training, not earlier.
  • Do aerobic exercise outdoors. After all, let’s say running fresh air will give best result than running on a treadmill in a stuffy gym.
  • The level of stress on the body must be average, otherwise aerobic training will turn into anaerobic.
  • Eat enough protein.
  • Combine aerobic exercise with strength training (first strength training, then aerobic exercise)
  • Train regularly, namely 3-5 times a week.


In conclusion, I would like to say a few words about nutrition. The problem of obesity is the cause of poor nutrition, aerobic training is the solution to this problem. However, it is worth understanding that carrying out such training in combination with poor nutrition will give a very weak result, and may not give it at all.

Therefore, think about your diet and try to treat nutrition not as satisfying your taste needs, but as “fuel” for the body’s vital functions. After all, this is precisely the original purpose of nutrition.

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Step aerobics is a low-impact cardio workout that is based on simple choreographic movements on a special hill (step platform). Step aerobics is a very popular class in group classes due to effective and at the same time gentle on the joints load.

Step aerobics is equally suitable for both beginners and advanced. At the same time, you can do step aerobics not only in the fitness room, but also at home. To do this, just purchase a step platform and choose a suitable video training for yourself. Let's figure out the benefits of step aerobics and how to do it correctly.

Step aerobics: what is it?

History of creation and benefits

If you want to get healthy and beautiful body, then be sure to engage in cardio training on a regular basis. This is a great way get good figure , train the heart muscle and develop endurance. There are many various types aerobic workouts that will help you maintain your heart rate and burn calories during an hour of exercise, but step aerobics has become one of the most popular cardio areas.

Step aerobics was created in the 80s of the last century coach Gene Miller during the period of growing popularity of aerobics and fitness. While recovering from a knee injury, Jean, on the advice of an orthopedic doctor, worked on her joints by stepping on a small box. Successful rehabilitation gave her the idea to create training using elevated walking. This is how a new sports direction appeared - step aerobics, which very quickly became popular all over the world.

Research has shown that step aerobics can help prevent osteoporosis and arthritis. This is also a great way to train your cardiovascular system and burn up to 500 kcal in 1 hour of exercise. Step aerobics has a comprehensive effect on the body, with especially high quality the shape of the legs, buttocks and abdomen is corrected. Exercises on a step platform help eliminate particularly difficult problem areas, which are located on the outer, back and inner thighs.

What is the essence of step aerobics?

So, step aerobics usually consists of a set of basic steps, connected into combinational links. The level of difficulty of steps and links depends on the specific lesson. The workouts are accompanied by rhythmic music and take place at a fast pace. For classes, special plastic platforms with a non-slip surface are used. Step platforms have adjustable heights, so you can increase or decrease the difficulty of your workout.

Typically, step aerobics classes begin with a warm-up and basic steps. Gradually basic steps become more complex and combined into bundles . If you have chosen a lesson for beginners, then the combinations will be simple - no more than 2-3 steps in combination. Intermediate and advanced classes include not only more intense movements, but also higher tempos and more complex versions of the exercises. Therefore, at first it may not be easy for you to repeat the movements in sync with the trainer.

Step aerobics workout usually lasts 45-60 minutes. The lesson is continuous and of increasing difficulty; as a means of rest and recovery, you will periodically return to walking on the spot. If you have not had physical activity for a long time, then it is better to start with regular walking without step to avoid poor health or even heart problems. Some trainers sometimes include exercises for the arms and abdomen at the end of the class to balance the load, since step aerobics mainly loads the muscles of the legs and buttocks.

Step aerobics experienced its peak in global popularity in the late 90s. New trends in group fitness (HIIT, plyometrics, crossfit, TRX) have slightly displaced step aerobics classes. However, even now step classes remain in demand among many lovers of cardio training. Walking on a platform is more gentle load than impact jumping programs, so in terms of safety they will give a head start to many other types of aerobic exercise.

Types of step aerobics

If a group lesson is called “step aerobics”, then this assumes a classic lesson for approximately an average level of training. It is assumed that you can make the activity easier or more difficult by changing the platform level. However, always It's better to take a trial lesson to understand what the program is, as this often depends directly on the coach's vision.

If we talk about the types of step aerobics, we can highlight the following:

  • Basic Step. Training for beginners, where basic steps and simple combinations are learned.
  • Advanced Step. Training for advanced practitioners who have already had experience with step. As a rule, it includes complex ligaments and jumping exercises.
  • DanceStep. An activity for those who love dance choreography. In this program, steps are combined into dance sequences, which will help you not only lose weight, but also develop flexibility and grace.
  • Step-combo. Step aerobics, in which you will find many complex combinations of movements, are therefore suitable for coordinated people. But the intensity of this activity is higher.
  • Step Interval. The workout is done at an interval pace, with explosive intervals and calm recovery intervals. Ideal for quick weight loss.
  • DoubleStep. A workout that uses two step platforms to increase the effectiveness of the workout
  • Power Step. A workout that also uses strength exercises to tone muscles.

Advantages and disadvantages of step aerobics

Step aerobics has a number of advantages that have made it one of the most popular classes in group classes. But step exercises also have a number of disadvantages and contraindications, so they are not suitable for everyone.

Advantages and benefits of step aerobics

1. Step aerobics is one of the most effective types of cardio exercise for losing weight and getting rid of excess fat. In 1 hour of exercise you can burn 300-500 kcal.

2. Step aerobics classes are much more safe for joints than, for example, running, plyometrics, jumping rope. With comparable results and energy costs, you will get a relatively low impact on the leg joints.

3. This is an excellent workout for the lower body, which is the most problematic for the fair sex. You will tone the muscles of your thighs and buttocks, tightening and improving their shape. Moreover, steps on the steppe help precisely dry your feet and reduce them in volume.

4. Step aerobics classes are suitable for the prevention of osteoporosis and arthritis, which is especially important for those who lead sedentary Lifestyle.

5. During step aerobics, you force your heart and your lungs work more efficiently and make them healthier. Such training reduces the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases several times.

6. Regular step aerobics will help you maintain healthy weight, avoiding problems associated with excess body weight: diabetes, stroke, metabolic disorders, joint pain, heart problems.

7. Step aerobics will help you develop endurance, which is useful not only during training, but also in everyday life. For example, when climbing stairs to a high floor, during long walks, or climbing uphill. Step aerobics also develops coordination, agility and a sense of balance.

8. You can independently adjust the difficulty of the workout by changing heights step platforms. The higher the platform level, the stronger the load you will receive.

9. Step aerobics consists of weight-bearing exercises that are ideal for increasing bone density and preservation of bone tissue. This will not only make you more mobile, but will also help prevent bone disease in adulthood.

10. You can do step aerobics not only in special classes, but also at home. There are also free video lessons for beginners, thanks to which you can learn the basics of aerobics on the steppe.

Disadvantages of step aerobics

1. Step aerobics uses combinations of steps and sequences that can take time to learn. During the first lessons, those who study frequently get confused in steps and they can’t keep up with the trainer, which discourages them from doing step aerobics.

2. Stepping exercises are less stressful on the joints than running and jumping, but if you are bothered knee joints, then this type of fitness can solve this problem aggravate. In this case, it is better to pay attention to Pilates classes.

3. Step aerobics is very diverse and practically does not have a single template. Each instructor brings his own characteristics to the teaching of lessons, so not all classes are equally effective and of high quality.

4. Exercises on the steppe include the muscles of the legs and buttocks, while the muscles upper body will receive less workload. In addition, step aerobics must be supplemented with strength training to comprehensively improve your body.

5. Step aerobics puts stress on the Achilles tendon, which is located just above the heel of the foot. In case of non-compliance correct technique, stepping on a platform can cause injury or rupture of the Achilles.

Contraindications for step aerobics:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • Diseases of the joints of the legs
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
  • High blood pressure
  • Phlebeurysm
  • Large excess weight
  • Pregnancy and postpartum period (3 months)
  • A long break from fitness activities (it is better to start with regular walking of 5-7 km per day)

If you have other medical conditions that may prevent you from exercising, it is best to further consult with your doctor.

The effectiveness of step aerobics for weight loss

Is step aerobics effective for losing weight? Before answering this question, let's remember the basic principle of losing excess weight. Your body begins to lose weight when you consume fewer calories than the body can use. Regardless of training, if you eat less than your daily norm calories (), then your body begins to use fat from its reserve reserves for energy.

Cardio workouts are in a great way burn calories, so step aerobics effective for weight loss. In one hour-long session, you can burn one full meal, which means it will bring you closer to your desired goal faster. In addition, step aerobics tones muscles and affects subcutaneous fat by increasing blood circulation, gives energy and relieves stress (which will help avoid overeating).

Of course, there are more energy-intensive workouts that will help you burn more calories in an hour of exercise than during step aerobics. But you need to understand that they will probably be more impactful and traumatic than step classes. In addition, step aerobics is reduces volumes and dries out the lower body rather than weighing it down.

Step aerobics for beginners

If you have never done step aerobics and are just planning to start, then be sure to look at the features of the classes, basic exercises from step aerobics and recommendations on clothing and shoes for training.

Step aerobics for beginners: 10 features for practicing

1. Be sure to remember the correct body position while performing step aerobics exercises: knees slightly bent, back straight, stomach tucked in, buttocks tense, shoulders back, gaze directed forward.

2. Steps must be taken with the entire foot on the platform so that the heel does not hang down.

3. In step aerobics there are no steps for two counts - a minimum of four. This is due to the fact that you not only need to move along the floor, but also climb onto the platform.

4. In step aerobics, unlike classical aerobics, there are no reverse steps.

5. The first time you take a step aerobics class, you will probably feel difficult to repeat exercises after the instructor. You may even get lost and confused in your steps. This is absolutely normal, after 3-4 lessons you will feel much more confident.

6. The higher the step platform is located, the more intense the load. Beginners should choose a height of 10-15 cm. More experienced practitioners should choose 20 cm. Gradually, the height of the projectile can be increased. It has been established that every plus 5 cm added to the height of the step platform will give additional 12% load.

7. You can make your step workout more challenging by using dumbbells or weights on your legs or arms.

8. Half an hour before training, drink a glass of water and be sure to take a few sips of water every 10 minutes during class.

9. If your gym offers step aerobics of several difficulty levels, then it is better to choose a class for beginners, even if you have a good physical training after other workouts.

10. Remember the movements first with your “legs” and only then with your “hands”. Engage your arms only when the lower body has fully mastered the movements.

Basic exercises from step aerobics

To make it easier for you to master step aerobics, we offer you several basic step aerobics exercises in visual pictures.

1. Basic Step

Step onto the step platform with both feet alternately. Performed in four counts.

2. V-steps or V-steps

Step one step at a time with both feet on opposite corners of the step.

3. Step with shin overlapping or Curl

Step your right foot onto the corner of the step platform and swing your left foot back. The heel should touch the left buttock. Then do it on the other side.

4. Step with knee lift or Knee up

Step your right foot onto the corner of the step platform, bend your left knee and pull it towards your stomach. Then do it on the other side.

5. Step with leg lift or Kick up

Step your right foot onto the corner of the step platform and throw your left foot forward. Then do it on the other side.

Standing in the middle of the step platform, alternately touch the floor with one foot and then the other.

Step your right foot onto the corner of the step platform, and take your left foot as far back as possible, without bending it at the knee. Raise your arms in sync with your legs. Then do it on the other side.

8. Leg abduction

Step your right foot onto the step platform and take your left foot to the side without bending it at the knee. Move your arms to the side synchronously with raising your legs. Then do it on the other side.

More complex step aerobics exercises

We also offer you examples of more difficult exercises, which trainers can add to programs for advanced practitioners:

4. Jumping in place

As you can see, in advanced classes, trainers can also include jumping exercises. If you have discomfort while jumping, then it is better not to jump, but to perform a low-impact version of the exercise (just walking).

Thanks to the YouTube channel for the gifs Jenny Ford.

Clothes and shoes for step aerobics

In step aerobics it is very important to choose comfortable sports shoes. It is better to exercise in sports sneakers with non-slip shock-absorbing soles, which reduce the load on the joints. Shoes should fit tightly on the foot and support the arch of the foot, this will help protect the feet from injury. If you are predisposed to varicose veins, you can wear thick tights to class.

There are no special requirements for sportswear. The most important thing is that it is comfortable and does not restrict movement. It is better to choose high-quality breathable material. Please note which is better don't wear long pants loose cut: there is a risk of injury when stepping onto the step platform.

Step aerobics at home

Is it possible to do step aerobics at home? Of course you can! If you don’t have the opportunity to go to group classes or your gym simply doesn’t offer step aerobics, then you can train at home.

What do you need to do step aerobics at home?

  • Step platform
  • Some free space
  • Comfortable sports shoes
  • Suitable music or ready-made video workouts

Everyone will find sports shoes and a small square of space in the room; free music and ready-made video workouts with step aerobics are freely available on YouTube. The step platform can be replaced suitable subject 10-20 cm high (for example, a small bench). If you don't have anything to replace it, you can purchase a step platform.

The step platform is sold in sports stores. Her average cost amounts to from 1500 to 5000 rubles. The price depends on the quality of the material, strength, coating, stability. Also, the price of a step platform depends on the number of levels: usually there are two-level and three-level ones (i.e. you can set 2 or 3 heights, respectively).

Let's look at examples of step platform models.

Step platforms up to 2500 rubles

Step platforms from 2500 to 5000 rubles

Step platforms from 5000 to 8000 rubles

Reebok Step Platforms

The optimal dimensions of the step platform: length 0.8-1.2 meters, width 35-40 cm. The height of the step is usually 10-15 cm with the possibility of increasing the height to 30-35 cm. The first 2-3 weeks of training at home is better Set the step to the minimum height to master the basic exercises and adjust the correct position of the feet. Gradually increase the step height and increase the difficulty level of training.

When purchasing a step platform, pay attention to its surface. It is important that it is non-slip preferably with a rubberized top. In step aerobics, movements are performed quickly, so with any awkward movement on a sliding surface, you can simply fall.

Step aerobics: video lessons for beginners and advanced

You can do step aerobics at home using: ready video, which are on YouTube. For example, a very good video channel with a wide variety of workouts offers JennyFord. This trainer specializes in step aerobics, so on her channel you can find programs for both beginners and advanced.

There is also a great video channel for home fitnessthegymbox. They also have program options for different levels preparation (see link to playlist with step aerobics). Music for step aerobics can be found on the channel Israel RR Fitness.

1. Jenny Ford - Beginner Step Aerobics Fitness Cardio (30 minutes)

2. Step Aerobics Beginner Workout with Dana (30 minutes)

3. Step (25 minutes)

4. Step aerobics: First level in Russian (30 minutes)

5. Step aerobics: intense workout in Russian (30 minutes)

6. Music for step aerobics Step Aerobics Music (55 minutes)

Step aerobics for weight loss: reviews from our readers

Masha: “A friend invited me to step aerobics classes six months ago. I went without much enthusiasm, I read it on the Internet, but I wasn’t impressed. But how wrong I was!! The lesson lasted 1 hour, but it flew by as if we had been doing it for about 10 minutes. The muscles on my legs were very burning the next day, although I am not a beginner. I’ve been going to the step for six months, 2 times a week, My legs stretched a lot, the riding breeches zone went away, the inside has lost weight, and even the fat above the knees is practically gone!! Now I’m thinking about buying a step machine for home so that I can do my favorite aerobics at home.”

Olga: “In group classes like step aerobics, a lot depends on the coach. I've moved frequently over the last few years and tried step aerobics in 4 different gyms. Everywhere a completely different approach! I liked the step aerobics in the first room the most, but I don’t have the opportunity to go there now. There was nothing in the third either. But in the second and fourth... Collective farm, sorry. No normal music, no load, no interaction between the trainer and the gym. So take your time choosing a section.».

Julia: “Thanks to step aerobics lost 4 kg in 3 months, but what is especially important for me is that my legs have lost weight (I’m a pear), which generally have a hard time losing weight. But literally a week ago I switched to CrossFit - I wanted more intense exercise.”

Ksyusha:“I did step aerobics for a year and a half in the gym, for the last six months I bought a platform and I study at home. I mostly get programs from YouTube... I like videos from Jenny Ford. Thanks to the step, I lost a lot of weight after giving birth, my stomach went away, my hips and sides were deflated... I lost a total of 8 kg in 1.5 years of training, I didn’t particularly infringe on myself in terms of nutrition, although I try not to eat junk food...”

Catherine: “I honestly tried to get into step aerobics, but not my thing at all. All these steps, connections, sequences are very difficult to remember. And when there is such a choice of other cardio workouts around, there is absolutely no motivation to learn step aerobics. Now I'm cycling and functional training, I sweat and get tired several times more, and I don’t have to remember complex movements.”

Veronica: “For me, step aerobics is the rescue. I don’t really like treadmills and ellipses, I quickly get bored and uninterested from monotonous walking and running, so I wanted to choose a more varied cardio for myself. During step aerobics classes, I like cheerful music and unusual movements, and group exercises are somehow motivating. For the first 2-3 lessons I was confused about the movements, but then I got into the swing of things and now I can do many of the movements automatically. Although our instructor always tries to update the exercises. I like".
