Taoist breast massage – restoration of lost energy. Taoist facial massage for rejuvenation

Taoist massage is the conventional name of a whole group of massages that have come down to us since the times Ancient China are still very popular to this day. The technique of this type of massage is based on knowledge of the laws of energy circulation in human body . Its main purpose is to restore the physical and spiritual functions of the body.

The Taoist massage technique is useful for a wide variety of disorders - from energy disruptions to congenital gene pathologies. In general, it is quite unique in terms of energy exchange and is part of the teachings of Tao.

I would like to highlight one of its main purposes - ensuring the unhindered flow of qi through the channels of the human body.

The first stage of the massage is diagnostics of energy meridians

The main purpose of Taoist massage

The main goal is to eliminate all obstacles that arise on the human body for the free passage of vital energy. During the massage the patient receives peace of mind, inner harmony with oneself, gaining peace of mind.

  • people suffering from neurasthenia, and especially under stress;
  • people with bad habits;
  • for chronic fatigue;
  • in case of indigestion;
  • in case of sleep disturbance;
  • early aging.

Today, many beauty salons offer their clients this type of procedure, which includes skin care for the face, neck and décolleté. The procedure restores the former beauty of the face and the youth of the skin.

Of course, some may doubt whether one is capable of including so many functions. You should not doubt or trust the Taoist technique, because it is not a certain type, but a whole system that brings together several types of massage.


In order to achieve certain results, you need to turn Special attention on the:

  1. restoration of proper breathing. Exactly correct breathing able to provide unimpeded flow of energy;
  2. activation of biologically active points.

According to the results of medical research, it was found that the effect of Taoist massage improves blood circulation, activates metabolism, saturates the brain with oxygen, and improves functionality internal organs.

Taoist facial massage

Taoist facial massage has a powerful rejuvenating effect, akin to. To implement it, knowledge and traditional traditions are taken as a basis. Chinese medicine. A thorough diagnosis of facial skin is a significant component of ancient healing technology.

Each area of ​​the face reflects the functioning of a specific internal organ. An experienced specialist in the condition of facial skin can identify problems related to the functioning of internal organs. These could be rashes, wrinkles or spots. By influencing certain points on the face, the harmonization of energy flows, the process of cleansing and rejuvenation of tissues is launched.

Areas of the face reflecting the work of internal organs

For greater effectiveness, pleasant music is played during the procedure, which encourages the patient to relax. Breathing becomes smooth and deep.

Before starting the procedure, you need to cleanse your facial skin. Facial peeling is also used, which helps exfoliate dead skin cells.

After thorough cleansing, the massage therapist begins to diagnose energy meridians, and then massage biologically active points. Working out the points helps to improve the tone of the facial muscles, strengthen the contours of the face, and improve lymph circulation. The removal of waste and toxins is also enhanced. Additionally, the massage therapist works on points that improve the functioning of internal organs.

In combination with carried out. It relieves muscle tension, eliminates headaches and gives a feeling of lightness. The average duration of one session is 50-80 minutes.

Biologically active points of the face


  • severe diseases of internal organs;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • allergic reactions;
  • blood diseases;
  • malignant and benign tumors;
  • pregnancy.

Norbekov M.S.


We will tell you about some health complexes known in the East. They are united by ease of implementation and the selection of exercises. They consist of alternating self-massage techniques and simple gymnastics. Like many health-improving complexes, exercise helps you gain additional energy and replenish its reserves.


An ancient healing system will help you find inner peace, maintain health,
will teach you the right path. Attention, reader!


In one of our earlier books, you and I, dear reader, have already talked about the fact that man was created for a longer life than its current duration.

It is quite natural for a person to live a long time - by today's standards of life expectancy - 100-200 years. Why modern man does not use the potential that is inherent in it by nature? The reason for this is our ignorance, laziness, the habit of living “like everyone else,” the ever-accelerating rhythm of modern life, and enormous loads of different nature.

But how do you master it? natural wealth, how to return to the normal life expectancy given by nature itself?

You need to take care of yourself, take care of yourself. For example, the state of human health is largely
depends on the functioning of his endocrine system. Therefore, normal functioning, balance
the endocrine system is very important. Meanwhile, diseases of this system have now become commonplace even among the younger generation.

Stormy joy or boundless sadness, or something else - outbursts of strong emotions can
destroy emotional balance. Let's add to this the usual negligence regarding one's health, bad habits, etc. The accumulation of disturbances in the functioning of one of the most important life support systems of the body, aggravated by self-neglect, leads to a gradual descent into illness. In order to prevent such destructive outbursts, it is important to
learn to manage emotions. Then, having bridled this horse, you will advance further in comprehension
laws of managing yourself, your health. It is important to understand: paying attention to yourself, your thoughts, your mood will help prevent many diseases.

The exercises that we give in our books help you learn to control yourself - to different levels, is the ability to cheer up when you are tired, and relax when you are tense, to maintain the health of one or another organ without drug intervention, etc.

In order to maintain health and youth, it is necessary to live in a natural rhythm for the human body. It is important to follow some rules. Reader, in our various books we have mentioned some of them. What are these rules? This is how the ancient Taoist healing system talks about them.

1. Be confident!

2. Act consistently and gradually.

3. Overcome the negative in yourself: anger, anger, envy. Curb your desires. Anger and other negative emotions will ruin all your activities.

4. While working, imagine yourself young and smiling.

5. When performing massage or exercises, work so that the movements are smooth and continuous, as if “flowing”.

Something will seem familiar to you, reader, won't it? This shows how universal the conditions for maintaining youth and health are in the human body. More than once we will come across how different health systems interpret one thing, essentially: be attentive to yourself, don’t be lazy, improve your spirit, don’t forget to train your acquired skills.

So, let's move on to the massage itself. Before performing any massage, be it a separate one
exercise or a set of exercises, you need to prepare your main instrument - your hands, or more precisely, your hands, palms.



Let us remind the reader of one of the techniques that we talked about in the previous book, “What to do to turn breathing into a miracle medicine.” It was about breathing. Where you, the reader, were introduced to a unique breathing practice that includes healing sounds.

Along with the set of exercises that was proposed there, we want to offer you an excellent addition to the breathing exercises themselves. Only this time you will get acquainted with a small set of massage exercises. You can do it in any environment, whenever you want. Those who have read the above publication do not need repetition. One has only to combine the already known equipment with the new complex. But those who are not familiar with this technique need some explanation.

In Taoist practice, there are several healing sounds associated with the major internal organs. By pronouncing a certain sound, we have a beneficial effect on the lungs, heart, liver, kidneys, spleen and pancreas, etc. You can enhance the effect of the sound by performing certain exercises. You will find a description of them in the book “What to do to turn your breath into a miracle medicine.”

On these same pages you will learn how you can support the body and activate the work of the main internal organs by performing a simple massage. It is no secret that there are several areas on the human body where you will find nerve endings leading to all or many of the most important organs for human life.

For example, such an area is the ears. We remind you that in this area there are, as mentioned earlier, about 170 bioactive points. Knowing the “topography” of the ears, you are able to actively influence the condition of a particular organ with simple manipulations.

Or feet. Massaging them , you improve the functioning of the body's most important systems. Moreover, by the painful sensations in the massaged areas, you can determine which systems have a malfunction. Massaging painful areas eliminates minor problems and makes the treatment of a serious illness more effective.

The same can be said for finger massage. Each finger on the palm corresponds to the most important life support systems of the body. So, by massaging the thumb, we influence the spleen and pancreas. Massaging the index finger has an effect on the lungs. Middle finger is responsible for the heart. Nameless - for the liver. And the effect on the little finger has an effect on the kidneys.

In breathing practice using healing sounds, we worked precisely with these organs listed above. Thus , By influencing the indicated fingers, we can influence the internal organs, performing healing sounds simultaneously with the massage or simply massaging the fingers.

So, here is another health complex.

Let us briefly recall the technique of healing sounds: how they are pronounced, which organs each sound corresponds to and how to work with them.


There are six healing sounds in the Taoist technique, which we proposed in the book “What to do to turn your breath into a miracle medicine.” Only five of them are used in this complex. We will work only with those associated with internal organs that correspond to the fingers. Because we mean simultaneous impact on the fingers.

We pronounce healing sounds quietly, barely audible, always while exhaling. Let's practice, take a deep breath, for 4 counts. Exhalation is also performed in 4 counts. In this rhythm, try to pronounce the healing sound of the lungs as you exhale: S-S-S-S-S.

Now practice the kidney sound. In this case, the first part is pronounced quickly, stretching out in the second part: CH-U-E-E-Y.

Then the healing sound of the liver: SH-SH-SH-SH-SH-SH. It's time for the healing sound of the heart: H-A-U-U-U-U-U-U.

And finally, we train the healing sound of the spleen and pancreas: H-U-U-U-U-U-U.

Gradually, when this is done automatically, we make the spoken sounds minimally audible, almost inaudible.

It is in the order described that the ancient Taoist system invites you to work with these sounds within the framework of the breathing complex. This is described in detail in the book “What to do to turn breathing into a miracle medicine.”

Here we offer you a different order - because we are dealing with a different technique. The basis of our impact is finger massage. We start massaging with the thumb, so the healing sounds will follow in a different order.

If you are currently embarrassed by the need to pronounce unusual sounds, leave them. Give yourself time to get used to the idea that this is also - along with massage - a healing practice, and them, massage and healing sounds,

can be combined.

Just do a massage, it’s very simple. We place the finger being massaged into the fist of the other hand and twist, pull and stretch the finger being treated. Having processed each finger of one hand, we begin to work on the other. Such simple procedures can be performed anywhere at any time, which is why this technique is convenient.


We take the thumb into the fist and massage it, twisting and stretching.

To enhance the effect on the spleen and pancreas, we pronounce a healing sound. Ancient knowledge, due to the close location and interconnection of these organs, often considered them as a single whole. Therefore, the exercise supports both organs.

Connoisseurs of this healing practice compare the healing sound of the spleen and pancreas with the cry of an owl: H-U-U-U-U-U.

Thumb massage also helps to cope with anxiety and unrest, which, according to ancient medicine, reside in the spleen and pancreas. You can put it another way: massage of the thumb affects the nerve endings located in it, so that it allows you to relax, overcome anxiety and worry. Which, in turn, in a complex biochemical way protects the health of such vulnerable organs as the spleen and pancreas from bursts of anxiety.


We work with the index finger. We influence the lungs. We clasp the index finger with the fingers of the other hand. We process the entire finger, from base to tip. We massage it, twisting and pulling.

If you intend to enhance the healing effects on the lungs, say the healing sound of the lungs. The jaws are closed, softly. The tip of the tongue gently touches the lower gum behind the front teeth. The position of the lips is a soft half-smile. Lips slightly parted. When you exhale, the air comes out between the teeth. We exhale, easily pronouncing the sound S-S-S-S-S. The sound is almost inaudible - as experts in this healing practice say, it will seem to you that this sound is made by vibrating the lungs themselves.

Massaging the index finger helps to cope with anxiety, grief or sad mood. According to the ancient belief, their houses are lungs.


We work with the third finger of the hand, influencing the heart. The middle finger clasps the fingers of the other hand. We process the entire finger, from base to tip. We massage it, twist it and pull it out. Taoists believed that by strengthening the heart, we can remove hatred and cruelty from it
and injustice.

In any case, these conditions can be combated with a simple massage.
middle finger.

Along with the finger massage, we also perform a healing sound that supports the heart: H-A-U-U-U-U-U-U. The sound is barely audible.


We work with the ring finger, affecting the liver. The ring finger is wrapped around the fingers of the other hand. We work on the entire finger, from base to tip. We massage it, twist it and pull it out. Massage, as the Taoists believed, removes anger and the like from its haven - the liver.

Intensifying the effect on the liver, we use the healing sound of the liver. Eyes wide open, with a slow exhalation we barely audibly say: SH-SH-SH-SH-SH-SH.

Now, wanting to cope with an attack of anger, we work with the ring finger of one hand, then the other.


The fifth finger of the hand, as we have already said, is associated with the kidneys. By massaging the little finger, we strengthen them, and in addition, we get rid of fear. The little finger clasps the fingers of the other hand. We work on the entire finger, from base to tip. We massage it, twisting and pulling. Along with painful sensations, if any, all kinds of fears go away from the kidneys under the influence of massage and healing sound.

Intensifying the effect on the kidneys, we use the healing sound of the kidneys: CH-U-E-E-E-Y.

Now, when you feel a twinge of fear, you know: you need to thoroughly massage your little finger, and you won’t care!


Many books have been written about the qigong system, we will not repeat ourselves, we will only remind the reader that this system works with the energy circulating in the human body. The system helps you learn how to use energy using breathing exercises and gymnastics. We suggest you only touch the healing capabilities of this system by using some massage techniques.


I would like to offer you, the reader, several exercises that will complement the techniques already known to you from our previous publications. For example, breathing technique, where we worked with these same organs using breathing and healing sounds.

We perform massaging movements gently, the palm may be at a short distance from the treated area of ​​the body. Can be applied over clothing. Working according to this system, we activate our own energy. How? Attention.


Let's imagine the heart: where it is located, what it roughly looks like. Let's focus on the heart.

Place your hand just below your left chest. Place the other palm on top. Men place under the left breast left palm down, top right. Women place their left palm down, with their right palm on top. We begin to massage with circular movements. 12 movements to the left and 12 to the right. Performing circular movements, we will enhance the effect of the massage with a special breathing pattern. After 3 circles that you drew with a massaging palm, we will perform “point breathing” 3 times. Brief deep breath in and out. The next 3 circles, and again - 3 short inhalations and exhalations. And so on.

Feel how the energy that lives in your body moves after the massaging palm.

We focus on well-being. You can increase or decrease the number of circles written out. If you feel that you can massage longer, do this, for example, at the second or third massage session. Remember the principle: gradualism and consistency!


The liver softens and regulates the activity of vital energy. Therefore, it is so important to maintain this organ in a healthy state. Let's imagine the liver: where it is located, what it looks like. Let's focus on the liver.

Place your hand below the lowest right rib. Place the other palm on top. Men place their left palm down and their right palm on top of the liver area. Women place their left palm down, with their right palm on top. We begin to massage with circular movements. 12 movements to the left and 12 to the right. Performing circular movements, we will enhance the effect of the massage with a special breathing pattern. After 3 circles that you drew with a massaging palm, we will perform “point breathing” 3 times. Brief inhale and exhale. The next 3 circles, and again - 3 short inhalations and exhalations. And so on. We focus on well-being. You can increase or decrease the number of circles written out.

Let us feel how the energy living in our body moves after the massaging palm. Let’s also imagine that under the influence of a massage, energy moves inside the liver, and then goes down, removing “toxins”.

Let’s take what is described for 1 cycle; complete at least 3 cycles in total per session.


Let's imagine the lungs: where they are located, what they look like. Let's focus on the lungs.

Place both hands on the lung area. If any part of you is affected, place your palms on that area. We begin to massage with circular movements. 12 movements to the left and 12 to the right. Performing circular movements, we will enhance the effect of the massage with a special breathing pattern. After 3 circles that you drew with massaging palms, we will perform “point breathing” 3 times. Brief inhale and exhale. The next 3 circles, and again - 3 short deep breaths and exhalations. And so on. We focus on well-being. You can increase or decrease the number of circles written out.

Let us feel how the energy living in our body moves following the massaging palms. Let's also imagine that under the influence of a massage, energy moves inside the lungs. We fill the affected areas with energy.

Let’s take what is described for 1 cycle; complete at least 3 cycles in total per session.


Ancient medicine believed that the spleen produces antibodies that can protect the body from certain diseases. Next to the spleen is the pancreas. Its main function is to produce insulin. Its excess or deficiency threatens the body with serious diseases. Ancient knowledge, due to the close location and interconnection of these organs, often considered them as a single whole. Therefore, exercises or methods of massage of these organs are often combined in health practices.

Let's imagine the spleen and pancreas: where they are located, what they look like. These organs are located on a line connecting the navel and the middle of the lower left rib. They are located somewhere in the middle of this line. Let's focus on these organs.

Let's place our hand on this area. Place the other palm on top. Men place their left palm down and their right palm on top of the liver area. Women place their left palm down, with their right palm on top. We begin to massage with circular movements. 12 movements to the left and 12 to the right. Performing circular movements, we will enhance the effect of the massage with a special breathing pattern. After 3 circles that you drew with a massaging palm, we will perform “point breathing” 3 times. Brief deep breath in and out. We breathe and focus on the spleen and pancreas (or one of these organs). We imagine how energy fills these organs. The next 3 circles, and again - 3 short inhalations and exhalations. And so on. We focus on well-being. You can increase or decrease the number of circles written out.

Let us feel how the energy living in our body moves after the massaging palm. Let's also imagine that under the influence of massage, energy moves inside the spleen and pancreas.

Let’s take the above for 1 cycle; complete at least 3 cycles in total per session.


We offer you a set of exercises that combine elements of gymnastics and massage techniques. Unusually invigorating exercises will help you gain energy before a busy day. Tibetan monks use similar exercises to invigorate themselves at the beginning of the day. We present here a simplified version of the exercises. Both a child and a young adult can perform it; this complex is also available to the elderly.

After waking up, let’s do some simple exercises in bed. It is best to do it immediately after waking up. We work with our eyes closed. We collect attention and focus it on each movement performed.

Place your palms on your ears. The thumbs are located behind the ears, the index fingers “pass” along the entire auricle. Palms move down. We do it at least 30 times.

These manipulations give vitality, and in addition, prevent the appearance of wrinkles on the face, massage the facial nerve, strengthen the gums and teeth, improve vision, and activate blood circulation in the temporal region.

Place the right palm on the forehead, and place the left palm on top. When moving, the little finger passes over the eyebrows. We move our palms left and right, at least 20 times in each direction.

This exercise increases blood circulation, relieves headaches and dizziness.

Now let's start massaging the eyes. Let me remind you that we perform the exercises with our eyes closed, concentrating on performing the movements.

Massaging closed eyes the back of your bent thumbs. We work in circular movements. We perform at least 15 movements.

This exercise prevents various eye diseases, improves vision, and also calms the nervous system.

We massage the throat. We move one by one along the throat with palms from top to bottom. The palm seems to cover the throat. We perform at least 20 such manipulations with each hand.

Exercise has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes and the functioning of internal organs.

We massage the stomach. Place your palm on your bare stomach, men - the right, women - the left. Place the other palm on top. We work around the navel in a clockwise circular motion. We perform the movements at least 30 times. Exercise increases blood circulation, normalizes the process of food absorption, improves intestinal motility, strengthens the abdominal muscles, and normalizes the functioning of internal organs.

Lying on your back, we pull in our stomach, bring it as close to the spine as possible, then stick it out as much as possible. We perform such movements at least 20 times. It will be just great if you begin to perform this element 2-3 times during the day. With similar manipulations we eliminate stagnation of bile and blood. We activate the movement of lymph. We remove excess weight, normalize the functioning of the liver and intestines.

Let me remind you that we perform the exercises with our eyes closed, concentrating on performing the movements. Lying on your back, bend your leg at the knee and forcefully pull it towards your chest. The heel of the bent leg hits the buttock. We sharply straighten our leg and lower it. We perform these movements 15 times with each leg.

Strengthen the abdominal muscles, massage the internal organs and glands internal secretion.

It's time to rise. We sit up in bed and put our feet on the floor. Place your left leg on the knee of your right leg and palm right hand massage the arch of the foot and perform at least 20 movements. Switch legs and use the palm of your left hand to massage your right leg. Exercise regulates the functioning of the heart. In addition, it helps with inflammation of the joints of the legs, rheumatism and gout.

The next exercise is also performed while sitting. Let's fold our fingers into a lock and place them on the back of the head. We massage the back of the head, leaning back. We work in circular movements. We perform at least 10 movements.

Exercise increases blood flow in the head and increases the movement of cerebrospinal fluid. Excellent for the condition of the neck and chest.

We complete the complex with a massage of the inner ear. The palms are located on the ears, the fingers, almost touching, are located on the back of the head. We alternately tap the back of the head with our fingertips. The exercise stimulates the occipital part of the cerebral cortex. The exercise also has a beneficial effect on tinnitus, prevents deafness, and helps with headaches.


We offer this complex to the reader for a reason. This, like the Tibetan complex, which can be performed in bed, is one of the best ways cheer up, that is, this is a great option
morning exercises. This complex will give you vigor and confidence in your abilities. It activates the body’s most important life support systems and stimulates them all without exception.

For example, the first, breathing exercise. In addition to the actual massaging effect, it will help those who still do not know how to breathe correctly. It introduces you to deep abdominal breathing. That is, from the very beginning, this exercise sets you up for the desired tone.

Next, we work with the ears, which, as has been mentioned several times, are simply a storehouse of all kinds of bioactive points. They affect various organs and parts of the body. For example, by performing the simplest ear massage below, we stimulate the activity of the adrenal glands. In addition, by massaging the auricles, we have a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, and this is what defeats colds, sore throat, runny nose, and even allergies.

Tongue movements and gum massage help prevent stomach diseases and duodenum, kidney and bladder diseases, eliminating congestion in the liver and gall bladder. Puffing up the cheeks will serve the same purpose - how simple! - massage of the nose and eyebrows, abdominal massage, exercises for the body and abdominal cavity, etc. You will also find here exercises for the prevention of hearing and vision impairment.

Rubbing the palms, which begins each exercise using massage, can overcome temper, for example. It is known that the tips of the fingers are directly connected to the brain. That is, rubbing hands promotes mental balance. This feature of finger massage in the East has been used by merchants since ancient times. This exercise was often used by them; it helped them remain calm and balanced when dealing with a particularly capricious customer. Therefore, a merchant rubbing his hands is by no means a speculator anticipating profit. This is a person putting his psyche in order. The active effect of massage on the hands, palms and, in particular, on the fingertips promotes psycho-emotional and physical health.


We perform the exercises while sitting, except for the last exercise. Before starting the massage, let's activate our hands. Rub your palms until they become hot.

When practicing the complex, it is important to focus on performing the exercises. Before we begin, let’s sit with half-closed eyelids, thinking about something pleasant.

1. Let's sit comfortably, legs slightly apart, hands on knees. Let's close our eyes and take a few deep breaths, 15-20. As you inhale, we round and stick out your belly; as you exhale, you pull in your belly. We massage the abdominal cavity in this way.

2. Rub your ears with your thumb and index fingers. At least 20 rubs for each ear.

3. Then we work on the ears with our palms. Palms move up and down. The downward movement of the palms bends the ears downwards, and the upward movement returns them to their normal position. We perform at least 20 rubbings of each ear.

4. Clench your teeth at least 20-30 times. Now let's do 30-40 tappings with our teeth.

5. We write the letter “o” with our tongue, massaging the front side of the upper and lower gums, behind the lips. Let's start performing this element 3 times, gradually increasing it to 20 times.

Saliva is released when the tongue works, accumulate it. And at the end of the massage, swallow it.

6. At an average pace, inflate your cheeks, massaging your cheeks with air. Let's perform the exercise at least 30-40 times.

7. Massage your nose. On the sides of the nose, place the backs of two phalanges of the thumbs. We massage the nose, moving the phalanges of the fingers down to the corners of the mouth and up. We begin the movement from the bridge of the nose. We work at an average pace with light pressure. We perform at least 15-20 passes down and up.

8. Massage your eyebrows. Eyes closed. We work with the backs of the two phalanges of the thumbs. Massage from the bridge of the nose to the temples and back. We perform the massage with light pressure. We perform 20-30 passes from the bridge of the nose to the temples and back.

9. Massage the scalp with stroking. With your left or right palm we move from the forehead to the back of the head and back, 10-15 times. Then we act on the point of connection of the head and cervical vertebra. We work with a vibrating movement for 15-20 seconds.

10. Massage the eyes. We work with the eyeballs under closed eyelids. We make circular movements clockwise. Movements are slow. Then we make the same movements counterclockwise. We make at least 10 movements in each direction. Let's rub our hands and lightly rub with warm palms or fingers - massage the closed eyes. Now let's open our eyelids. We quickly close our eyelids several times and blink.

11. Continue the eye massage. Eyes open. We work with eyeballs, movements left and right. Now let's extend our right arm to the side, at shoulder level. The head is motionless, the eyes are squinted to the right. The gaze is focused on the fingertips of the right hand. We move the hand in a horizontal plane, from right to left, to the left shoulder. Then we return the hand to its original position. The eyeballs move after the hand, without letting the fingertips out of sight. We take the movement of the hand from right to left and back as 1 cycle. We will perform at least 5 cycles.

Let's repeat the same manipulations with the left hand. We follow her movements with our eyes. The gaze is focused on the fingertips of the left hand. The head is motionless. We also perform at least 5 cycles.

12. Continue massaging the eyes. The head is motionless. Let's stretch our arm forward and slightly to the side. The hand is slightly arched, the fingers are slightly apart. Choose a point to concentrate your gaze. Let it be a fingernail, such as the middle or index finger. We fix our gaze at this point. Slowly bring your hand closer to your face and bring your fingers almost to your nose. We move our hand back to the starting position. We will take the approach and removal of the hand as 1 cycle. We will perform at least 10-15 cycles.

Let's change hands. Let's do the same movements with the other hand. We also fix our gaze at one point located in the area of ​​the nail of one of the fingers. Slowly we bring our hand closer and further away, following the agreed point with our eyes, the head is motionless. We perform at least 10-15 cycles.

13. Let's massage your face. We will relieve fatigue and tension after the work done. We massage the face with both palms, grabbing the cheeks, forehead and temples. Movements as when washing. We work from the bottom up. “We wash ourselves” at least 15-20 times.

14. Massage the back of the head. Place intertwined fingers on the back of your head. The massage is performed in counter traffic. The intertwined fingers try to bend the head to the chest, and the neck diligently moves the head back. Thus, the head remains almost in its original position, leaning back slightly. We work at an average pace. We perform at least 15-20 movements.

15. Massage the shoulder. Right palm rub the area of ​​the left shoulder in a circular motion. Then we change hands. Using circular movements, rub the area of ​​the right shoulder with your left palm. First we work light movements, barely touching. Then we accelerate the movement of the palm, increasing the pressure on the treated area of ​​the body. We devote at least 20 rubbing movements to each shoulder.

16. We work with the muscles of the back and abdomen. Let's put our hands in a “lock”. We pull our folded arms up and to the right, lifting ourselves above the seat. Then we pull ourselves up and to the left. Let's return to the starting position. We perform the described movements alternately up and to the right, up and to the left at least 10 times in each direction.

17. We work with the lateral back muscles and shoulder joints. Arms are bent at the elbows. We move our hands forward and backward, our hands work in antiphase. When one of the hands goes forward, the other moves back. Kind of like how an athlete uses his hands when running. We perform the exercise at an average pace. It is necessary to practice at least 20-30 movements.

18. Massage the lumbar area. Let's lean forward slightly. Place warmed palms on the lumbar region. We rub the lower back with up and down movements. One palm is located in the highest part of the back that the palm can reach. Other - on the sacrum. The palms move simultaneously, towards each other. We begin rubbing as close to the spine as possible, gradually moving our palms along the lumbar region to the sides. The passage from the spine to the lateral surfaces of the lumbar region will be taken as 1 cycle. We work with pressure, at an average pace. We perform at least 20-30 cycles.

19. Massage the stomach. Rub it with your palm, with slight pressure. We perform spiral movements clockwise in the abdominal area. We begin to work - around the navel, gradually, in a spiral, approaching the borders of the abdomen. Then gradually, also in a spiral, we return to the navel area. We will perform at least 30 cycles.

20. We work with the abdominal and lower back muscles. We perform the exercise while sitting. Place your palms on your thighs. We perform circular rotational movements. Rotate the body at the waist. At the beginning of the exercise, we move slightly, but quickly.

We gradually increase the amplitude of movement and perform rotations of a larger diameter. Performing the greatest rotations, we slow down the pace. Then we again narrow the range of movements, speeding them up. Let's perform 15 -20 “circles” in one direction. And the same amount - to the other. At the end of the exercise, perform rhythmic retraction of the perineum and anus at the same time, at least 15-20 times.

21. We work the muscles of the back, abs and legs. We sit leaning back. Emphasis - hands located behind the back. Alternately stretch your legs forward, pull your toes, and return to the starting position. We perform at least 15-20 movements with each leg.

22. Massage knee joints. Let's rub our hands. Place the hot palms on your knees. Rub your knees in a circular motion. We work with light pressure, at an average pace.

23. Massage your feet. Before starting the massage, warm up your hands by rubbing. We sit almost cross-legged. Feet almost touching. The hands of both hands hold the feet so that the thumbs are located on the soles of the feet, and the remaining fingers lie on the back of the feet. Thumbs We run our hands along the sole, from the toes to the heel and back. We work at an average pace.

24. Massage the stomach. Let's sit comfortably, legs slightly apart, hands on knees. Let's close our eyes and take a few deep breaths, 15-20. As you inhale, we round and stick out your belly; as you exhale, you pull in your belly. In this way we massage the abdominal cavity. We repeated the exercise with which the complex began.

25. Invigorating massage, tapping technique. Legs slightly apart. With the palms of both hands we lightly hit ourselves in the face: on the cheeks, forehead, cheeks.

26. Then pat on the neck, chest, stomach, buttocks, thighs. We process each of the listed areas at least 10 times.

27. We perform the last exercise in motion. We walk around the room, raising our knees high. We try to reach the stomach with our knees. We swing our arms freely and widely. The walking pace at the beginning of the exercise is slow. First, we speed up the pace. Then we slow it down.

Breathing is free, without delay.


This complex uses massage techniques known in the Tai Chi system. Perhaps the reader will come across exercises that are already familiar to him. For this complex we will not rub our hands, as these are calming exercises. On the contrary, we need to remove excess energy.

Shake your brushes several times to get rid of excess energy.

Let's relax our spine and shake our whole body. This is a little like how an animal shakes itself off after a swim - a dog, for example.

This shaking helps clear the energy channels, which will help you calm down. And it will prepare you for further massage exercises. When performing each element, at the end of it we shake our hands, as if “shaking off” diseases and problems that passed into our hands during the massage.

We begin to massage the scalp. Dip your fingers into your hair and massage your scalp. We work with our fingertips - in wave-like or circular movements. Pressing lightly, we move our fingers from the back of the head, from the temples, from the forehead - to the top of the head. Let's perform several passes, at least three, in the indicated directions.

Again we work with the scalp in the same directions: from the back of the head, from the temples, from the forehead - to the crown of the head. But we carry out the same “route” using the tapping technique. The fingers are relaxed and half-bent. Lightly tap the hair roots with your fingertips. We tap at least 3 times in each direction. Letting go of “extra” energy.

Now we grab strands of hair in our fists, pull them, feeling how the skin of the scalp is stretched. Avoiding painful sensations. And, of course, we don’t “thin out” the hair. After finishing the exercise, we release the energy by shaking our hands.

We stroke the back of the head and neck. We work from top to bottom, towards the spine. We also massage the shoulders. We stroke until a feeling of warmth and pleasant relaxation appears in the treated areas. Letting go of “extra” energy.

We massage the face using the stroking method. Let's start with the forehead. Place your fingertips in its center. Massage in both directions towards the temples. We perform stroking at least 3 times. Shake your hands, removing excess energy from your fingers.

Let's lower our fingers a little, they are now on the line of the eyebrows. We move from the bridge of the nose to the temples, pinching the eyebrows. Don't forget to get rid of excess energy.

We got to the eyes. Let's close them. Let's lightly tap the eyelids. Moving from
bridge of the nose to the temples. We also process the whiskey with light tapping. We do it at least 3 times. Letting go of “extra” energy.

Now place your fingertips under the eyes, at the top of the cheekbones. We move along the upper part of the cheekbone to the temples with a light tap. Shake off the energy from our hands.

Let's perform the same steps at the tragus of the ears. We move from the tragus to the temples with tapping movements. Let's dump the energy.

Place your fingertips at the top of your ears. Let's knock several times with relaxed fingers. Let's release the energy.

Let's work with the ears. Place your hands on the ears. We bend them in different directions - up, down, to the sides - 10-12 times. After this, knead the tips of the index and thumb all areas of the ears. The result of this exercise should be “burning” ears. We release excess energy.

Let's close the ear canals - like plugs - with our thumbs. Let's try to press and release your fingers several times until you feel a pop. You should feel the air hitting your eardrums.

Now let’s cover our ears with our palms, so that the fingers of both hands, almost touching, rest on the back of the head. Let's perform a light massage of the inner ear, lightly tapping the back of the head with your fingertips. We release excess energy.

We complete the anti-stress complex with a facial massage.

With some force, but not painfully, we slap ourselves with our palms on the face: on the cheeks, forehead, etc. We treat the face with this pat at least 3 times.

Now let's place our fists on the highest point of the cheekbones. We work with our knuckles from top to bottom. We move, tapping, down the cheekbone to the center of the chin. We perform this element at least 3 times. Shake your hands, releasing excess energy.

Here, dear reader, is an effective and simple way to overcome stress.


Perhaps ours A new book is not as comprehensive as you and we would like, but we do not pretend to be encyclopedic completeness. In addition, here, on the pages of this book, we only talked about self-massage.

Still, we learned a lot of new things, reader, didn’t we? Perhaps some exercises or massage techniques seemed familiar to you? This is true. Not many massage techniques that were completely unknown to you were posted on these pages. We are convinced that mastery of proven techniques and practices will teach you, if desired, to model them into your own complexes, some options that are suitable for you.

As always, we are convinced that a more complete mastery of Norbekov’s massage techniques will help you, the reader, feel more confident in the waves of life. In addition to the already known technique, we gave several complexes of contact massage. We are confident that, thematically selected and designed to invigorate or calm, relieve pain or an approaching disease, these exercises will bring you, the reader, health. Some techniques of the more familiar method of massage, as you may have noticed, are supplemented by breathing practice and elements of internal massage.

Try to master these complexes. In a short period of time, these simple manipulations and exercises will help you overcome seasonal illnesses such as colds and flu. You will see how much easier it is to work during the day if you do it in the morning. tibetan gymnastics in bed, Tibetan massage complex. A massage combined with simple tai chi exercises will also invigorate and add strength. If you have troubles at work or in your family, if you are stressed, use the tips of a soothing tai chi massage. A mini-massage complex will help support the effectiveness of a practice you already know, such as breathing. It affects the same major organs: lungs, heart, liver, kidneys, spleen and pancreas.

Another addition to the same practice is finger massage. Massage will help you overcome negative feelings such as fear, anger and intolerance, hatred and cruelty. You will overcome excitement and worry, sadness and concern. Finger massage can be done with or without practicing healing sounds.

Remember, reader, if we do not help ourselves, no one will save us, “neither god, nor king, nor hero,” as the old song says.

Goodbye, reader, until the new book!

We will meet again in new studies. Very soon you and I will again be studying unknown techniques and practices that bring youth and health!

I wish you health and balance of spirit, reader!


So, reader, new skills and abilities have been acquired, we have analyzed Norbekov’s massage techniques again and again and, I hope, have comprehended previously unnoticed subtleties. We got acquainted with new massage techniques. Once again we were faced with how important it is for physical health to develop spiritually.

There is a whole direction in Eastern medicine - Taoist massage. If you need urgent restoration of the body, then you cannot do without this procedure. The energy component determines the state of the body - the Taoists understood this many centuries ago. We have to understand the essence of them massage technology.

It is generally accepted that Taoist practices have a long-lasting rejuvenating effect. This is a set of techniques that is not so much a massage as an energy exchange between partners. The procedure cannot be imagined without the philosophy of Tao, which is based on ensuring stable circulation of Qi energy. The causes of our diseases, according to the Taoists, lie in the plane of blockage of the channels. Removing clamps leads to good health and longevity.

What are the features of Taoist massage?

As you already understand, Qi energy must circulate freely through the channels of our body. There is a full cycle of Taoist massage - it has its own structure based on basic energy transformations. Here are the key features of the technology:

  • movements are directed along the meridians that run through the most important organs of the human body;
  • the massage is restorative in nature, since Qi is present in each of us from birth;
  • Taoist monks believe that Qi is transmitted genetically;
  • By restoring energy balance, we stop the suffering of our body.

An incorrect lifestyle can lead to suffering - Taoist sages are convinced of this. Low level mobility, chaotic eating, negative emotions and bad habits - these are the sources of our problems. If we don’t allow all this to happen, we will get an extension of our youth. And if your health is already damaged, you need to release healing energy. This is the meaning of the Taoist teachings.

Massage Basics

Taoist massage practices seem very unusual for an untrained person. At first, the session will seem drawn out and boring to you - events will unfold extremely slowly. And it's not just about technology. Taoist monks believe that the client needs serious preparation. If you are trying to master Taoist self-massage, a lot of time will be spent on “setting up” respiratory system. Here are a few more important points:

  1. Bad emotions are neutralized with the help of special movements.
  2. The psycho-emotional state depends on the circulation of internal energy flows (sometimes it is necessary to activate the bypass channel).
  3. Each area of ​​your body needs specific preparation.
  4. The session consists of successive stages, which are not recommended to be interchanged.
  5. The patient is involved in an educational process that helps restore internal balance.
  6. If you do a massage according to all the rules, you will learn to restore your mental balance.
  7. Before starting the session, you need to create a favorable environment.

Types of Taoist massage

There are several types of Taoist practices depending on which part of the body is affected. Even techniques have been developed for the female uterus to promote the most comfortable conception of a child and a successful pregnancy. But remember: no matter what type of massage you choose, you will have to attend sessions regularly and learn some techniques at home.

Some techniques help rejuvenate the body, others are aimed at healing physical ailments. Try to resort to the help of Taoist techniques throughout your life - you will see that longevity becomes a reality. It’s worth starting under the guidance of an experienced mentor.

Taoist breast massage

Japanese and Chinese for a long time keep you young - everyone knows this. But why is this happening? Girls eat right, lead an active lifestyle, avoid drinking alcohol and do not smoke. In addition, many Chinese women are fond of Taoist practices. Residents of the Celestial Empire pay special attention to breast massage. Here are the main steps of this procedure:

  • The chest is slightly squeezed with the palms.
  • 9 rotational movements are performed (they should be gentle, the direction should be towards the center of the shoulder areas).
  • You cannot stretch the skin.
  • The next step is to cover the mammary glands with your palms.
  • Gent pressure (nipples in the center of the palms).
  • The exercise is repeated nine times.
  • All movements are carried out while exhaling.

Taoist facial massage

Facial rejuvenation practiced by Taoists is based on the ancient traditions of Chinese healers. It is important to consider: every area of ​​skin on woman's face associated with a specific internal organ. Therefore, recovery is complex. Restoring energy flows will relieve the patient of blackheads, skin rashes and wrinkles. It is worth paying attention to the following points:

  1. quiet music promotes maximum relaxation;
  2. breathing should be deep and even;
  3. Before the session, the face is cleansed with special cosmetics;
  4. in some cases peeling is performed;
  5. points of biological activity are massaged;
  6. the cervical-collar area is being worked on;
  7. The duration of the session ranges from 50-80 minutes.

Taoist eye massage

To strengthen your eyesight, use one of the proven techniques of Taoist monks. Massage your eyes with warm hands daily and you will soon feel positive changes. Taoist eye massage comes down to four stages:

  • Warm palms touch the eyes (the eyelids are lowered, the massage therapist feels the circulation of vital energy).
  • Pressure on the eyeballs through the eyelids (combined with light circular movements).
  • Three-finger circulation (translational pressing movements with the fingertips).
  • Pressure reverse side fingers (reminiscent of the previous technique, only the pressure decreases).

Taoist testicular massage

For men, massage of the testicles is extremely important because the scrotum is connected to various internal glands. In addition, sexual energy is released and you enjoy the session. The testicles are massaged with gentle, barely noticeable touches. The motion vector is a spiral. The optimal number of repetitions is 36. Stroking the scrotum leads to the release of testosterone. The result is strengthening of male potency.

Taoist penis massage

When people talk about Taoist massage for men, they immediately think of penile stimulation. But the procedure does not boil down to banal masturbation; it is a complex art that has been developed over centuries. The stages look like this:

  1. The head of the penis is pinched with two fingers and gently kneaded.
  2. The foreskin is removed.
  3. Massaging is done in a spiral (18-36 repetitions are recommended).
  4. Massaging of the entire trunk begins in three vectors (lateral and central).
  5. The point associated with the prostate gland is stimulated (spiral rotation in both directions 36 times).

Indications and contraindications for massage

If you live in big city(unfavorable ecology), Taoist practices are considered mandatory. Practice proper breathing, learn to perceive the flow of internal energies. The philosophy of Taoists will also help those people who:

  • eat poorly;
  • experience chronic stress;
  • get tired at work;
  • abuse alcoholic beverages.

This should also include:

  1. allergies;
  2. skin lesions;
  3. bronchial asthma;
  4. bleeding;
  5. high degree of hair growth.

For men

In men, any contraindications can be serious illnesses genitourinary system, as well as inflammation of the prostate gland. It is not recommended to massage the prostate, testicles and penis if you have anal fissures or sexually transmitted diseases.

For women

Sometimes Taoist massage for women brings not so much benefit as harm. The main contraindication is pregnancy. This also includes sexually transmitted pathologies, diseases of the mammary glands and ailments that affect the uterus. First you need to do treatment, and only then resort to the help of Taoist practitioners.

Our article covered many aspects of Taoist philosophy, but you won’t get an idea of ​​all the subtleties from the Internet. It is worth looking for an experienced mentor and devoting a lot of time to self-improvement. Do not forget about meditation and reading Taoist literature, comprehend the depths of the ancient teachings. The one who walks will master the road.

Taoist massage is a group of individual massages that normalize the functioning of the whole body. It is part of the famous teachings of Tao, the ideology of which is based on ridding a person of existing obstacles that do not allow energy to move normally. All this allows you to achieve inner harmony and improve your emotional and physical well-being.

Chinese teachings indicate that a person ages due to the loss of internal energy, but this process can be restored. A course of massages will help get rid of insomnia, fatigue, stress, and you can also restore strength and slow down the aging process.

If you do special movements correctly, you can improve blood circulation and metabolism, saturate tissues and cells with oxygen, strengthen the immune system and make the skin elastic.

Taoist breast massage

The procedures can be performed on both women and men. So, place your hands on your chest and slowly move in a circle, make 9 turns. You should move from the shoulder to the center of the body. Do not make sudden movements under any circumstances, as this may stretch the skin. Then place your palm on your chest so that its center is on the nipple. Do 10 light pressures.

You can make it located between the ribs. Such manipulations will help open and activate the thymus glands, which are responsible for the rejuvenation of the soul and body.

You should start from the top and work your way down. Walk over this area in a circular motion, paying special attention to pain points. Do everything with your index finger. After the manipulations, the sternum may hurt for 2 hours.

Taoist facial massage

With regular massage you can rejuvenate your skin. It is recommended to do a complete skin diagnosis before a course of procedures. Even in ancient times, people believed that each section on it was responsible for the work of a specific organ.

If you want to carry out the procedures yourself, it is recommended that you study this information. By activating certain points on the face, you can start the rejuvenation process and cleanse tissues and cells. Thanks to massage, muscle tone and blood movement increase, the walls of the circuit are strengthened, and harmful substances and toxins are removed.

Such manipulations can get rid of headaches. For a woman, Taoist massage is an excellent opportunity to preserve the youth and beauty of her face.

Exercise No. 1. It will help strengthen muscles, reduce the risk of wrinkles, increase elasticity and improve complexion. Rub your palms to concentrate the flow of energy into them. Bring them to your face and move them in a circle (about 24 times), first moving up, then to the sides and down.

The right hand should move according to this pattern: up, right, down, and the left hand should move like this: up, left and down. Touches should be gentle.

Exercise No. 2. This will help improve the condition of the skin around the eyes. For women, this place is one of the most problematic. Cover your eyes slightly, and place your palms folded in a “boat” so that the eyes and the center of the palm are at the same level.

Feel the energy moving from your hands to your eyes. Make eye movements to the sides and in a circle in different directions. After this, lower your hands to your face and make 12 pressing movements.

Exercises No. 3. It is used to, as well as reduce the risk of their occurrence. This energy massage will help get rid of insomnia and migraines. Place two fingers of both hands on different sides of the nose, near the wings and move up to the bridge of the nose.

Having reached it above the eyebrows, spread your arms to the sides. Then repeat the same, but go even higher and do everything until you reach the hair.

Taoist massage for men

It is reliably known that representatives of the stronger sex have the most energy points on the penis, and they are responsible for different organs and systems.

The points that are on the upper part of the shaft of the penis affect the stomach and spleen. Active centers on the middle part of the trunk affect the small intestine and liver. The points located at the base of the penis are related to the kidneys, intestines and bladder. The testicles are related to all glands.

The Taoist massage technique for men is as follows:

  • You should start by kneading your feet, which will allow you to relax and activate your sexual center. After this, gradually move up your legs;
  • Using light spiral movements, knead the testicles. Do approximately 36 repetitions. Thanks to this, male testosterone, which is responsible for potency, will begin to be released. The force of pressure depends on the man’s sensations;
  • Move to the head. Pinch it with two fingers and knead it with light movements. Gently pat the head to improve blood flow. Pulling back foreskin, make spiral movements in both directions (36 times);
  • Now rub your penis along the entire length with your hands. Do everything in the following directions: along the central and two side lines;
  • Feel the depression between the prostate and the anus, and massage it with spiral movements in both directions.

Other energy Taoist massage options for men

It is difficult to find representatives of the stronger sex who do not like massage; many even compare the pleasure they receive to an orgasm. It is recommended to massage all significant parts bodies.

Head. Important points are located on the back of the head. Walk along them in a circular motion, gradually moving towards the middle of the collar area.

Shoulder blades. Warming up this part of the body will allow you to relax. Various oils can be used. Using circular movements, massage your shoulder blades, applying gentle pressure.

Spine. You should start with the collar area, and move around each vertebra in a circular motion. When you reach the end of your back, repeat in the opposite direction. After this, lightly move along the spine, applying light pressure. Thanks to these manipulations, you can get rid of pain and relieve tension.

Buttocks and feet. Make circular movements with light pressure and pinching. This will allow you to relax even more. You should massage your thighs with both hands. Grab both sides of the body and start whisking.

Moving to your knees, do the same movements in a circle with light stroking and periodic pats. Move to the foot and massage the toes and the spaces between them. Using your thumbs, massage the center of the foot and move to the heel.

Taoist massage to restore vision

Ancient healers knew how to do massage, which helped restore vision. Many techniques have survived to this day. Let's look at a couple of exercises.

Palming. Rub your hands so that they become warm, but if the exercise is done in the heat, then you need to put them in the cold. Close your eyes and cup your hands over them so that the inside of your hands touches the bottom of your nose.

The palms should not touch the eyes and it is important that no light comes through. The neck should be straight, rest your hands on the table so that your fingers are relaxed. The goal is to completely relax, that is, there should be no white spots before your eyes, only blackness.

The Taoist massage system includes several practices and is part of the philosophy of the Tao. It normalizes not only the functioning of internal organs and systems, but also restores energy balance in the body, harmonizes the mind and consciousness, and teaches relaxation. The complex effect allows you to improve physical and emotional health.

Chinese philosophy teaches that all human diseases arise from an imbalance of internal energy, constriction of energy channels and disharmony between the mind, body, spirit and consciousness. Taoist massage was created with the aim of restoring normal course energy flows, which leads to the elimination of insomnia, fatigue, and symptoms of depression.

Regular sessions help:

  • Slow down aging;
  • Improve blood circulation in tissues and organs;
  • Improve metabolic processes and natural regeneration;
  • Saturate the cells and tissues of the body with oxygen;
  • Tighten the skin;
  • Improve well-being and mood;
  • Improve condition and appearance skin;
  • Strengthen the immune system;
  • Achieve elasticity of skin and muscle tissue.

Light pressure, stroking, and rubbing are good for relieving tension, fatigue, and symptoms of depression.

With the help of massage you can achieve deep relaxation and satisfaction.

Mechanism of influence on the body

The basis of massage is the process of energy exchange. According to the teachings of Tao, this is the main component of beauty and health, longevity, and harmony. Massage has a positive effect on the systems and organs of the body due to the free movement of energy through the channels of the body.

Influencing acupuncture points, the massage therapist opens the body to energy flows, stimulates the acceptance and understanding of the innate qi energy. Hand movements coincide with the direction of the main meridians.

Tao massage differs from classical massage in complexity and greater softness. The impact on tissue is carried out through impulses transmitted by the hands of the massage therapist. Massage techniques allow you to avoid microtraumas, and the energy with which the treatment occurs cannot cause harm. Impulses are transmitted to organs and tissues in the form of restorative vibrations and trigger natural regeneration processes.

Indications and contraindications

  • Living in poor environmental conditions;
  • Regular stress;
  • Smoking;
  • Lack of sleep and sleep problems;
  • Constant fatigue;
  • Chronic depression;
  • Working under conditions of increased emotional or physical stress;
  • Difficult psychological climate at home and at work;
  • Diseases of internal organs;
  • Problems with potency.

You should refrain from attending sessions during infectious and chronic diseases in the acute stage, severe damage to internal organs. Massage is contraindicated for asthma and allergic reactions, skin disorders and during pregnancy.

Techniques and tricks

The main massage is non-contact, but there are other options for Taoist energy massage, including light touches, stroking, vibration movements, kneading and rubbing.

The Taoist massage technique is aimed at restoring energy balance, and during the session, emotional compatibility between the massage therapist and the client is important. The basis of the procedure is trust and the ability to relax. Chi (qi) energy flows best through a relaxed and calm body.

Breast massage according to the Tao system is performed for both women and men. The technique is simple: place your palms on your chest and make smooth, slow circular movements. Direction - from the shoulder to the center line of the body. A total of 9 full revolutions are made. During the massaging process, any sudden movements that can cause stretch marks to appear on the skin are prohibited. Next, the palm is moved so that its center covers the nipple. Do 10 presses with medium force.

After this, they move on to massage the area between the ribs. The breasts are treated by rubbing and kneading, which leads to the activation of the thymus glands, which are responsible for tissue regeneration. I finish the kneading with circular movements. Direction - from top to bottom, using your index fingers to work out the pain points.

If the massage is done correctly, then within 2-3 hours after the session you may feel slight pain in the chest area. This is a normal reaction to the work of a master.

Before a massage course, it is recommended to conduct a skin diagnosis. If you plan to perform a facial massage at home, you should first study the atlas of acupuncture points. The Tao system teaches that each part of the body and face is responsible for the work and condition of a certain organ. By influencing acupuncture points, the master activates natural rejuvenation processes. This also helps to increase muscle tone, improving facial contour, getting rid of headaches.

First exercise: warm up your palms by vigorous rubbing and visualize how your hands are filled with light and warm energy. Bring them to your face and make 20-22 circular movements: for the right hand the direction is up, right, down, and for the left hand - up, left, down. The next exercise is to cup your palms. Central line palms located at eye level. Visualize how the heat energy passes through the palms to the eyes. After a few seconds, look left and right and make several circular movements. Place your palms over your eyes and apply 8-10 light pressures.

The final exercise helps not only smooth out wrinkles, but also cope with headaches, dizziness, ringing in the ears, eye fatigue, and insomnia. Two fingers of each hand are placed near the wings of the nose and move synchronously up to the bridge of the nose. Move to the sides at eye level and return to the starting position. The exercise is repeated, but the hands reach more high point and so on up to the hairline.

Eye massage

Taoist healers created a practice that helps improve and restore vision. The main thing for its implementation is intention, the ability to relax and concentrate on your feelings. The first exercise begins with warming up your hands by rubbing. The palms are folded into a boat and placed above the eyes so that the inner surface of the boat touches the tip of the nose. But the palms themselves should not touch the eyes. Body position is relaxed. Visualize how light energy passes through your palms to your eyes. Visualization is observed from a minute to five.

The next exercise is performed from a sitting position. Hands rest on the table with elbows. The index finger extends and stops at the level of the center of the eye. They turn their heads to the right and left, slowly and smoothly, and their gaze is always directed forward. If the execution is correct, then a finger passes in front of the eyes at every turn. The benefits of massage are reducing tension in the optic nerves, relaxation and getting rid of photopsia.

Massage for men

According to the Tao system, in men, most of the energy points responsible for the functioning of the main systems and organs are located on the penis. Point stimulation affects the entire length of the organ. On its inner surface there are points that affect the functioning of the prostate gland, heart, blood vessels, lungs and bronchi. On the top there are points associated with gallbladder and bile ducts, liver and small intestine. And at the base of the penis there are acupuncture points responsible for the condition of the skin, the functioning of the large and middle intestines, kidneys and urinary canals.

Taoist men's massage begins with deep kneading of the feet. This will activate the sexual chakra and relax. Using stroking movements with moderate pressure, move along the ankle to the thighs. Light circular strokes work the testicles - this stimulates the production of testosterone and activates the work of all endocrine glands. After this they rise to the head. Movements should be neat, spiral-shaped. Next, they begin to rub the organ along the central energy meridian and lateral lines to stimulate blood flow.

The session is completed by massaging the depression between the anus and the prostate.

How often should I use it?

The first changes in well-being can be felt after just a few procedures. Massage for eyes, face, chest and men's health has no restrictions and can therefore be carried out every day. The duration of a full session is from 40 to 90 minutes. Often the massage is accompanied by calm relaxing music, dim lights and aromatic incense. This environment helps the master tune in to the right vibrations and helps the client relax.

Massage should be performed in the afternoon. Optimal time for work from 16 to 19 hours. The only exception is men's massage - it can be performed both in the evening and in the morning.

Cosmetologists and doctors recommend combining classical massage with the Taoist energy system. Breasts, eye area, facial skin, rib cage, neck, inner thighs and male genital organs contain a large number of points responsible for the operation of all systems and organs. Activating and filling these points with energy is the path to health and longevity. The Taoist system differs from classical and other energy influences in that it is not harmful to health. The master’s energy is absorbed by the patient’s body in the amount necessary for recovery.
