Where in Europe is the warmest January. Which European countries are warm in winter? Where it is warm in Europe in winter

Europeans can get out of winter in spring without leaving the continent or by going to neighboring islands. Southern Europe in January offers tourists rather warm weather - above 15 ° C.

PROturizm compiled an overview of European countries, where it is warm in January as well. Most warm in winter- Spain, Portugal and Italy. The Mediterranean coast and the shores of the Atlantic Ocean are able to present tourists in January with pleasant sunny weather with temperatures up to 20 ° C.

Where is it warm in Spain in January

The southern coast of mainland Spain belongs to Andalusia. Most southern beaches Costa del Sol (Spanish for Sunny Beach) and Costa de la Luz (Coast of Light) live up to their names, even in winter there are very few cloudy or rainy days here. In January, on the coast, the temperature is kept at around + 15-16 ° С. Many resort towns are suitable for young people and for married couples... Amusement parks, aquariums, dolphinariums and even penguinariums are open for tourists. A cable car will take you up to the mountains with a beautiful view of the sea and the surrounding area. Spa life does not freeze even in winter months.

Since the temperature drops at night, when booking accommodation, always check if the room is heated.

In the Mediterranean of Spain, the Balearic Islands belong, in the Atlantic Ocean - the famous Canary Islands.

At the top of our list of hot spots in January is the Canary Islands. They are located almost off the coast of Africa. The main Canary Islands - Tenerife, Palma and Gran Canaria - are called continents in miniature. Here you can visit several seasons at the same time. In the mountains, at an altitude of two kilometers, there is snow even in summer, and on the coast and in winter the temperature is kept at + 20 ° C.

Balearic Islands

Largest island Balearic Islands- Mallorca. Resting place of the royal family of Spain. Despite its popularity, it is one of the ecologically clean places in Europe. Windy weather and rare rains will not prevent tourists from admiring the local landscapes, rich forests, valleys and mountains. average temperature months + 16 ° С. The sea is crystal clear, excellent sandy beaches. It is a pity that January does not apply to swimming season, but there will be time to visit various in color and style historical monuments... Traces of prehistoric times are obscured by evidence of the rule of Carthage, Rome and the Moorish conquerors.

Portugal in January

Portugal rivals Spain and Italy not only for warm weather during the winter, but also for sightseeing. The mixture of European and South American cultures gives the country a unique flavor. The warmest in Portugal in January - on the island of Madeira + 18-19 ° С. Another Portuguese possession in the Atlantic Ocean is the Azores archipelago, but in winter it is foggy and rainy. But there is no snow on the Azores at all.

Holidays in European resorts are quite an expensive undertaking, but a trip in January will cost tourists 20-40% less.

In theory, this Portuguese island does not belong to Europe, it is on another slab, but we close our eyes to that. Madeira in January will surprise you not only with the air temperature - sometimes + 25 ° С, but also with the water temperature in the ocean: + 19 ° С. The island's weather is determined by the current of the Gulf Stream. The climate here is one of the mildest in the world.

Madeira is easily accessible by plane from Lisbon. A great opportunity to put together a combo tour, but prepare for the possibility of rain in the Portuguese capital.

Madeira's landscape is mountainous. The most high point- Piku Ruivu (1862 m). The average temperature in winter is + 16 ° С. The north-west of the island is more cloudy; within Funchal it is a little drier. The city can be explored using sightseeing buses - yellow and red. Choose hotel rooms on high floors, from where you can enjoy a gorgeous view of the ocean. Four-star hotels often have their own swimming pools, because the resort is considered year-round.

Traditional activities include a stroll through the market, lunch at a fish restaurant and a funicular ride to the tropical garden on Mount Monte.

Maderjanska cuisine offers excellent meat and fish dishes with local wine. In the center of Funchal there is an old winery where you can stock up on Madeira prepared according to old technologies.

By the way, the port of the island in Funchal accepts cruise ships sailing from Europe to the Caribbean.

Is it warm in Italy in January?

For walking along the streets of Italy, the wardrobe will have to be selected separately for each city. The warmest region in January is Sicily: + 15 ° С (+ 9 ° С at night). At this time on the mainland in Naples + 13 ° С during the day (+ 5 ° С at night). Winter evening in Sorento will delight you with the same temperature. Winters in southern Italy are mild.

For comparison: in Rome + 11 ° С, wind and humidity, in Venice + 6 ° С and flooding, in Milan it is cool, + 6 ° С, in Florence + 9 ° С.

During the winter months, car rental prices are reduced by 15-30%, it is easier to find free parking, and attractions are free from crowds of tourists.

Sicily island in winter

On the Italian island of Sicily, the sun shines 330 days a year. You will only need warm sweaters if you want to go to the mountains. (Two ski resort located on Mount Etna and one near Palermo). Mild climate and warm weather(15-20 ° C) ideal for hiking and sightseeing.

Sicily in January is covered with lush vegetation. They begin to bloom white and pink almond trees. The area is interesting for its rocky-hilly relief and the highest active European volcano - Etnoy, around which there is a natural reserve.

The sights of the island of Sicily are not inferior to the ancient monuments of the continental part of the country. Sicily has its own architectural style - Sicilian Baroque, it has its own valley of temples.

After the capital of Palermo, the main cities of Sicily are Messina, Syracuse and Catania. Palermo was founded by Phoenicians, Syracuse and Messina - immigrants from Greece. Catania is interesting for buildings built from basalt and solidified lava from Mount Etna.

Each city on the island is unique, for example, the handsome resort of Taormina continues to captivate creative personalities and bohemians.

Warm January in Europe

We have not mentioned Malta, Cyprus and Greece in this article - they also have warm winter weather. Rain-hardy hikers have the perfect opportunity to combine mountain vacations with countryside exploration, local food tasting and homemade wine... Fresh greens and fragrant citrus fruits, ripening by January, will surprise tourists unfamiliar with the mild winters of the countries of southern Europe.

Warm winter is a godsend for lovers of excursions. Bring a windproof jacket with you, make sure the hotel provides you with a heater, and a trip to historic sites free of tourists will be remembered for a long time.

Olga Morozova

Snowy cities, widespread flu, short light days, slush, frost and blues - that's back side medals called "Russian winter". The soul craves for the exotic, and the body, tired of beriberi, for a powerful influx of vitamin D, which, as you know, is produced from the sun's rays.

I just want to take a vacation - even an extraordinary one - and even give up somewhere in warm countries. packages "to the south" are scattered like hot cakes on a market day. But where to go Russian vacationer to warm the frozen bones?

Those who are not attracted by the long flight turn their searching eyes to Europe. Obtaining a visa to the Schengen area is difficult and troublesome, but if successful, you will find a rich excursion and cultural program. But the question is: "Where is it warm in Europe in winter?" It rains even in Greece and the Balearic Islands. Not cold, of course, but not hot either: + 15-20. The sea also does not inspire long swims. In the south of Italy and Spain it is a little warmer: + 20-25, but the water temperature leaves much to be desired.

Only two archipelagos remain, where summer does not leave, but only slightly mutes its sultry light. These are Madeira, which belongs to Portugal, and the Spanish Canary Islands. They belong to Europe, but lie in tropical latitudes. If you are planning a holiday in February and ask which countries are warm in winter, any travel agency will advise you to visit the Canary Islands. After all, they are famous all over the world for the carnival, which begins at the end of January and lasts until the very beginning of Lent. The fun takes place in a completely comfortable atmosphere. The air temperature is suitable for sunbathing and the water for bathing.

If we look at northern, Arab, Africa, then in which countries is it warm there in winter? In fact, you can go to Egypt, Oman, UAE, Morocco. It won't be too hot in any of these powers, but seasoned Russians are quite comfortable. Choose Sharm El Sheikh of the two. Although it is located north of Hurghada, the wind rose there is such that it is warmer in the resorts near the Israeli border in winter. In the UAE, real summer reigns (as we used to perceive it). However, daytime +30 in the evening give way to tangible coolness. A thick sweater and warm windbreaker will not be superfluous.

Well, if you are not afraid to travel by plane for a long time and with transfers, then the answer to the question "in which countries is warm in winter" is greatly expanded. First, even in temperate latitudes summer comes in December and February. It's time to go to Australia South Africa, country Latin America... What resorts can you recommend in these regions? Fernando archipelago to Noronha in Brazil, Uruguay, Chilean Land of Lakes (in the extreme south of the country), East Cape in South Africa- this is a far from complete list of wonderful places.

Well, now let's remember school geography lessons and think about which countries are warm in winter, spring, summer ... In short, all year round? Correctly, lying near the equator. "Land of Smiles" Thailand, Seychelles, Fiji, Mauritius, India. And also "black" Africa - Kenya, Zambia (there you will find the equatorial sun and real European service.

Winter in Europe is different: in the north - heavy snowfalls and sunless weeks, the Mediterranean beckons with sunny weather, and the central part - with cozy cafes and a Christmas atmosphere. This is the best time to visit megacities and villages: there is no influx of tourists at this time, so you can visit more interesting places will also appreciate the price cut due to the low season.

1. Rovaniemi, Finland

Well-established Christmas clichés apply to Rovaniemi like no other place. This is the earthly residence of Santa Claus. Everyone's favorite bearded man lives in a cave, and the presence of snow and reindeer makes the atmosphere even more festive. Museum "Arktikum" gives an idea of ​​the life of these latitudes.

Helpful advice: Temperature falls below freezing more often than rises above it. Therefore, you need to take warm winter clothes with you.

2. Christmas markets: Germany and Austria

In December in Germany and other countries of central Europe, fairs are opened, imbued with a romantic Christmas atmosphere. Here you can buy everything: from gingerbread to sleigh bells and all sorts of goodies, accompanied by a glass of warm mulled wine.

Helpful Hint: Fairs in Cologne, Vienna and Munich draw crowds of tourists, but fairs in small towns can be a pleasant surprise.

3. Abisko, Sweden

The most distant place in northern Europe, reachable by train, is Abisko in Lapland. This is a real find for lovers harsh winter... The sun does not rise in December and January for several weeks, so this place is one of the best in the world for observing the grandiose polar lights... Here you can also go skiing along the national park and enjoy the dog ride.

Helpful Hint: Stop near Kiruna and visit the famous ice hotel.

4. Athens, Greece

It's no use trying to remove 500 people with Photoshop with best photo Parthenon. But if you come here in winter, you will not have such a problem. All the disadvantages of summer vacations are crowding of people, high prices for tourists, heatwave, queues, air pollution - absolutely absent in winter. This is the best time to visit the ancient sights of the country and get acquainted with the local culture.

Helpful Hint: Try to travel around the islands, but keep in mind that most accommodations are not rented out in winter.

5. Copenhagen, Denmark

During a fabulous winter in Europe, be sure to visit the home of Hans Christian Andersen. Forget the famous Little Mermaid and head towards the city's cozy bars and cafes to watch the snow fall outside. In the city center is the 19th century Tivoli amusement park, which looks romantic and sentimental during Christmas time, warming visitors with festive illumination and local wine.

Helpful Hint: Forget a meal at the Noma restaurant, which is considered the best restaurant in the world (seats are booked very quickly, so make your order several months in advance).

6. Budapest, Hungary

Couples skating and holding hands, exhaling balls of steam in the frosty air ... No better place to join them than picturesque park Varoshliget in the capital of Hungary with a huge outdoor ice rink. Are you cold after skiing? Budapest is famous for its magnificent thermal baths.

Helpful Hint: At night, try to find ruin pubs - these are drinking establishments set up in abandoned buildings.

7. Jasna, Slovakia

In Slovakia, you can go skiing at affordable prices. Rentals and meals are also affordable, and the local friendliness is no match for the arrogance of the Alpine slopes. The Jasna resort is the best in Slovakia, it is located among the impenetrable Tatra mountains, with long slopes, on the sides of which there are snow-covered coniferous trees.

Helpful Hint: Direct flights to Slovakia can be expensive, so get there with transfers.

8. Andalusia, Spain

Part of Andalusia is located south of the African coast, which explains the mild winter climate. Accommodation is inexpensive, there are no large crowds of tourists near such famous attractions as the fortress-palace of the Alhambra near Grenada or the Seville Cathedral. Lively night life and the local tapas make these places especially attractive to tourists.

Helpful Hint: If you love snow rides, be sure to visit the Sierra Nevada near Grenada.

9. Transylvania, Romania

You won't be able to visit Dracula's lair when the sun is shining and sheep are grazing in the fields, is it? It is worth looking at the leaden-gray sky, bare trees and a thin layer of snow all around. Brasov and Sighisoara are separated by two hours by train and are magnificent medieval towns that have a lot to do with Vlad the Impaler, known as Dracula. Although there is no reliable evidence that he ever visited his (so-called) castle.

10. Venice, Italy

The extraordinarily beautiful and fantastic Venice Carnival is held in February. He is one of the most bright events in Europe. Extraordinarily realistic costumes and ominous colored masks tell the city's history on the canal. Participation in costume dancing is enough expensive pleasure Despite this, there is always the opportunity to watch what is happening for free by buying a mask on the street. You just need to be prepared for a big pandemonium.

Helpful advice: Book your accommodation in advance, and preferably in the vicinity of Venice. Traveling by train back and forth on the same day will cost significantly less.

15 November 2017, 15:52

Europeans can get out of winter in spring without leaving the continent or by going to neighboring islands. Southern Europe in January offers tourists rather warm weather - above 15 ° C.
PROturizm compiled an overview of European countries, where it is warm in January as well. The warmest winters are Spain, Portugal and Italy. The Mediterranean coast and the shores of the Atlantic Ocean are able to present tourists in January with pleasant sunny weather with temperatures up to 20 ° C.

Where is it warm in Spain in January

The southern coast of mainland Spain belongs to Andalusia. The southernmost beaches Costa del Sol (Spanish for Sunny Beach) and Costa de la Luz (Coast of Light) live up to their names, even in winter there are very few cloudy or rainy days. In January, on the coast, the temperature is kept at around + 15-16 ° C. Many resort towns are suitable for both young people and couples. Amusement parks, aquariums, dolphinariums and even penguinariums are open for tourists. A cable car will take you to the mountains, from where you can see a beautiful view of the sea and the surrounding area. The resort life does not stop during the winter months.

Since the temperature drops at night, when booking accommodation, always check if the room is heated.

In the Mediterranean of Spain, the Balearic Islands belong, in the Atlantic Ocean - the famous Canary Islands.

Canary Islands

At the top of our list of hot spots in January is the Canary Islands. They are located almost off the coast of Africa. The main Canary Islands - Tenerife, Palma and Gran Canaria - are called continents in miniature. Here you can visit several seasons at the same time. In the mountains, at an altitude of two kilometers, there is snow even in summer, and on the coast and in winter the temperature is kept at + 20 ° C.

Balearic Islands

The largest island in the Balearic Islands is Mallorca. Resting place of the royal family of Spain. Despite its popularity, it is one of the ecologically clean places in Europe. Windy weather and rare rains will not prevent tourists from admiring the local landscapes, rich forests, valleys and mountains. The average temperature of the month is + 16 ° С. The sea is crystal clear, excellent sandy beaches. It is a pity that January does not belong to the swimming season, but there will be time to visit historical monuments of various colors and styles. Traces of prehistoric times are obscured by evidence of the rule of Carthage, Rome and the Moorish conquerors.

Portugal in January

Portugal rivals Spain and Italy not only for warm weather during the winter, but also for sightseeing. The mixture of European and South American cultures gives the country a unique flavor. The warmest in Portugal in January - on the island of Madeira + 18-19 ° С. Another Portuguese possession in the Atlantic Ocean is the Azores archipelago, but in winter it is foggy and rainy. But there is no snow on the Azores at all.

Holidays in European resorts are quite an expensive undertaking, but a trip in January will cost tourists 20-40% less.

In theory, this Portuguese island does not belong to Europe, it is on another slab, but we close our eyes to that. Madeira in January will surprise you not only with the air temperature - sometimes + 25 ° С, but also with the water temperature in the ocean: + 19 ° С. The island's weather is determined by the current of the Gulf Stream. The climate here is one of the mildest in the world.

Madeira is easily accessible by plane from Lisbon. A great opportunity to put together a combo tour, but prepare for the possibility of rain in the Portuguese capital.

Madeira's landscape is mountainous. The highest point is Piku Ruivu (1862 m). The average temperature in winter is + 16 ° С. The northwest of the island is more cloudy, and within Funchal it is a little drier. The city can be explored using sightseeing buses - yellow and red. Choose hotel rooms on high floors, from where you can enjoy a gorgeous view of the ocean. 4-star hotels often have their own swimming pools, because the resort is considered year-round.

Traditional activities include a stroll through the market, lunch at a fish restaurant and a funicular ride to the tropical garden on Mount Monte.

Maderjanska cuisine offers excellent meat and fish dishes with local wine. In the center of Funchal there is an old winery where you can stock up on Madeira prepared according to old technologies.

By the way, the port of the island in Funchal accepts cruise ships sailing from Europe to the Caribbean.

Is it warm in Italy in January?

For walking along the streets of Italy, the wardrobe will have to be selected separately for each city. The warmest region in January is Sicily: + 15 ° C (+ 9 ° C at night). At this time on the mainland in Naples + 13 ° С during the day (+ 5 ° С at night). A winter evening in Sorento will delight you with the same temperature. Winters in southern Italy are mild.

For comparison: in Rome + 11 ° С, wind and humidity, in Venice + 6 ° С and flooding, in Milan it is cool, + 6 ° С, in Florence + 9 ° С.

During the winter months, car rental prices are reduced by 15-30%, it is easier to find free parking, and attractions are free from crowds of tourists.

Sicily island in winter

On the Italian island of Sicily, the sun shines 330 days a year. You will only need warm sweaters if you want to go to the mountains. (Two ski resorts are located on Mount Etna and one near Palermo). The mild climate and warm weather (15-20 ° C) are ideal for hiking and sightseeing.

Sicily in January is covered with lush vegetation. Almond trees begin to bloom in white and pink. The area is interesting for its rocky-hilly relief and the highest active European volcano - Etnoy, around which there is a natural reserve.

The sights of the island of Sicily are not inferior to the ancient monuments of the continental part of the country. Sicily has its own architectural style - Sicilian Baroque, it has its own valley of temples.

Winter holidays - where to go to relax in January, February or early March, so that it is warm and cheap? The choice is not easy. rest in warm countries is quite expensive. We have decided to suggest 10 places to stay in winter for you if you want to bask in the sun but cannot afford too expensive tours.


1. Madeira. This Portuguese island is good at any time of the year. Madeira is located close to the African coast, so there all year round warmly. It is also called the island of spring - temperatures there do not drop below +20 degrees Celsius, but there is no unbearable heat there either. (Photo: [email protected]/flickr.com).
2. Cambodia is one of the cheapest countries for exotic vacation... And winter is best season for traveling around South-East Asia... The only drawback of traveling to Cambodia is high price air ticket, but if you buy it now, other expenses in this country will pleasantly surprise you. (Photo: Stefano Gambassi / flickr.com).
3. Cyprus. Warm and calm winter on this island should interest lovers of ancient attractions, and the prices of tourist trips to Cyprus in the cold season should attract all those for whom important factor their low price is, moreover, now there is an opportunity to buy last minute tours on credit. It is too cold for sunbathing and swimming in winter, but for hiking and excursions in pleasant warmth - just right. (Photo: S Argyro / flickr.com).
4. Islands of Thailand. Turquoise sea, paradise beaches, idyllic views and sunny weather. What could be better when it is terribly cold and cloudy in your home country? In Thailand, especially in the south of the country, in winter the most best weather- sunny and warm, but not hot. (Photo: Mike Behnken / flickr.com).
5. Tenerife. In winter you can spend your holidays in the Canary Islands at half price summer tour so why not travel to Tenerife in February instead of July? Tenerife is the most versatile island in the Canary Islands and for this reason it is called a miniature continent (Photo: @ morenox / flickr.com).
6. Hierro is the smallest of Canary Islands, not as popular among tourists as its neighbors, despite the fact that it is in no way inferior to them in beauty. Hierro, first of all, is wild nature and wonderful landscapes. The island, green and mountainous, is great for hiking. Thanks to unique nature the island of Hierro made the list World heritage UNESCO. (Photo: David Hernández Gómez / flickr.com).
7. Goa. Colorful and captivating India is full of contrasts. Winter is good time to visit India, except in mountainous areas where it is snowy and cold. If you want to relax and bask in the sun, head to Goa, an island that attracts millions of tourists for its sandy beaches, emerald waters, sun and atmosphere of relaxation and freedom (Photo: Gerald Zinnecker / flickr.com).
8. Israel. Winter is the time good prices in Israel. This country cannot be called cheap. However, if you go there not during the holiday season and when there are no serious Religious holidays, then you can count on more low prices... Israel is warm in winter, but not hot, and the weather is good for walking and sightseeing. The Dead Sea is warmer in winter time you can swim there, as in the Red Sea in Eilat, although the water is certainly cooler here. (Photo: Ran / flickr.com).
9. Morocco. Summer in Morocco is a crowd of people, ubiquitous dust and unbearable heat. Winter in Morocco, although the weather is not conducive to swimming in the ocean - it is too cold, however, for walks, excursions and just a pleasant pastime on the coast is the best time. (Photo: T Baran / flickr.com).
10. Croatia. In winter, the weather in this country is more spring than winter. In December, January and February, the air temperature remains above 10 degrees Celsius during the day. At this time of the year, the water temperature in the Adriatic Sea is approximately at the same level. It's not worth visiting Croatia in winter beach holiday, but for active tourism. (Photo: Michal Sleczek / flickr.com).
