How to get into the army with category B. Categories of suitability for military service

Regardless of whether a man has been in the army or not, everyone knows the way to the military registration and enlistment office. After all, initially every young man must be registered for primary military registration after he turns 17 years old. Subsequently, his relationship to the army will be determined by a specially created commission, but first he will be required to undergo a medical examination. It is carried out by competent specialists who, based on records in medical card confirm the presence or absence of diseases.

It is important to understand that the duties of the military commission do not include making a diagnosis and a full examination, so if a young man expects to receive a deferment or release, then measures must be taken long before the first summons from the military registration and enlistment office arrives.

Attitude to service of citizens with different categories

The main factor determining whether a citizen belongs to a certain category is his state of health, but the commission will also take into account education, the presence of a military specialty, sports category and some other indicators.

Some difficulties in understanding the duties and rights of a conscript arise as a result of incorrect interpretation of fitness categories. The reason for this is the coincidence of certain indicators in two or three different categories, so we will provide a detailed interpretation of the values, according to the Schedule of Diseases.

  • Categories A and B do not interfere with compulsory military service, which is, in fact, similar. The differences lie in the fact that a conscript with category “A” is considered absolutely fit, which cannot be said about a young man with category “B”. In the second case, there are restrictions imposed on the choice of type of troops. These restrictions depend on the diagnosis.
  • Categories B or D on a military ID mean that the young man, based on the results of a medical examination, received exemption from the army. A significant difference in status is that with category “B” a citizen remains liable for military service. IN war time he will most likely be drafted into non-combatant units. With category D, a young man is exempt from military service, up to and including deregistration.
  • I would like to highlight category “G” as a separate point, since its distinctive feature lies in its possible temporary nature. According to the law, citizens have the right to a deferment, or. It is in the last given case that the military commission assigns category “G”, which means a deferment of 6 months or a year. But it does not exempt him from military duties, since after the specified period the young man will be examined again. If he was referred for treatment, its effectiveness will be assessed. In any case, Article “G” is subject to correction. If the citizen is fit for service, then the letter “B” will appear on the military ID instead of the previous entry. The absence of positive dynamics during the course of the disease will lead to the conscript being transferred to the reserve.

Who can count on this category

Before receiving a subpoena, you need to really weigh your options so that the commission’s decision is not so unexpected. This means that it is useful to become familiar with the diseases that are a good reason to treat military service reflected the fitness category “G”.

According to the Schedule of Diseases, you can create a list of diagnoses for which a delay will be assigned for a more detailed examination or course of treatment. It is this document that the commission uses to justify its decisions. Category “G” will be included in the military ID, thanks to the diagnosis from almost all groups of diseases.

Infectious diseases

  • Temporary disorders caused by intestinal infections.
  • Primary syphilis.
  • Dermatophytosis.


  • Consequences of surgical treatment of tumors.

Blood diseases

  • The rehabilitation period after successful treatment.

Endocrine system disorders

  • Complications after acute illnesses.

Mental disorders

  • Mild disorders.
  • Short-term asthenic state.

Disorders of the central nervous system

  • Short-term dysfunction of the central nervous system.

Visual impairment

  • Postoperative rehabilitation period.

Hearing impairment

  • Complications after a chronic disease.

Respiratory diseases

  • Suppuration.
  • Pleurisy.

Skin diseases

  • Consequences of the illness.

How to get a sick leave

Once again, it should be noted that if a citizen is trying to get temporary or permanent release, then you will have to prepare for the commission meeting in advance. The reason for this is the functionality of the commission members. They are not even theoretically required to make a diagnosis. Even if certain health problems are detected, the commission has the right to send the young man for additional examination, assigning these responsibilities to the doctors of the territorial hospital.

The most ideal option is to collect evidence of the disease in the medical record. To do this, you must immediately consult a doctor at the first manifestation of symptoms.

Even the very fact of the appeal, in which the young man complains about his health, plays an important determining role, and if treatment was prescribed, and even more than once, then the chances increase to almost one hundred percent. The period of relapse during the conscription period will be a ticket to category “G”, but, unfortunately, this cannot be specially organized.

Receiving a registration certificate (certificate) after passing a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office is a significant event for young man. Some people dream of serving in the Airborne Forces, while others dream of category “B” in the assigned service. It is after determining the fitness category that the conscript will be able to have a clear idea of ​​whether he is subject to conscription for military service or whether his health condition will not allow him to serve in the military.

Many conscripts cannot understand the degree of their fitness, because they do not know where the category of fitness is indicated in the registration form and how it is designated. On the registration certificate, the category is not indicated by a deciphered phrase with a diagnosis, but is encrypted in letters of the Russian alphabet from “A” to “D”. Each of these letters corresponds to a state of the body, which indicates either complete physical and mental health conscript, or about the presence of strictly defined deviations or diseases that block the path to service in certain kinds troops, and for some they make it impossible altogether.

The concept of “fitness category for military service” was introduced to determine the ability of a conscript, due to health reasons, to perform military service in general and the ability to serve in certain types and types of troops. Most highest category suitability is "A". Further, the state of fitness follows in descending order up to category “D” - complete unsuitability for military service due to serious illness or disability.

With category “A” (fit for military service), a conscript can count on serving in the most “elite” units included in the first echelon troops:
Airborne Forces;
Marine Corps;
air assault units;
troops special purpose.

High requirements for health and mental resistance to stress are due to the fact that the fighters of these units are introduced into the combat zone in the first place. It is they who bear the brunt of the first minutes of combat contact with the enemy. The success of the entire further military operation largely depends on how physically prepared they are.

Fitness category "B"

Category “B” (fit for military service with minor restrictions) is one of the most common among modern conscripts. Category “B” in the conscription does not prevent service, but indicates that the conscript has health problems in one or more areas.

Typically, conscripts with category “B” staff the second echelon troops, military-technical and logistics services.

Available individual characteristics health (mild myopia, flat feet, scoliosis, previous injuries or infectious diseases) do not indicate that the conscript will not be able to serve with full dedication in the first echelon troops. But the state is not interested in causing or aggravating existing problems with health during the period of service. Therefore, employees with category “B” have less physical activity.

Read also: Categories in the military registration and enlistment office - fitness for service for health reasons

Fitness category "B"

Will they be drafted into the army if the registration form says “limitedly fit for service”? There are a certain number of conscripts who are happy to accept the fact that they have been assigned category “B” in the assigned category - it means that such a conscript is not fit for military service in peacetime.

A certain “subculture” that promotes avoidance of military service by any means believes that category “B” on the registration certificate is a special success. Many of these conscripts strive not to improve their health, but to worsen their condition and know by heart the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 4, 2013 N 565 (as amended on March 30, 2017) “On approval of the Regulations on military medical examination.” In essence, such conscripts are people burdened with a chronic disease that will accompany them throughout their lives.

After confirmation of category “B”, the conscript is issued a military ID, which indicates the military specialty (MRS) according to specialized education, if any. If the assigned category is “B”, there may be certain restrictions when hiring.

Fitness category "G"

If the registration form says “temporarily unfit”, then this is nothing more than category “G”. This fitness category is assigned to persons who are sick at the time of passing the medical examination - in the acute phase infectious disease or exacerbation of a chronic condition, as well as for conscripts who have problems with excess or underweight, moderate degrees of myopia, mild flat feet and some other diseases that can be treated or deficiencies that can be corrected by medical methods. This is evidenced by provision 5 of Article 17 in the registration document, which states that the conscript is limitedly fit for service, indicating the reasons and period of deferment.

The most popular category is “G” in the assigned category among “draft dodgers” who do not have serious illnesses, but specifically support painful conditions, receiving over and over again deferments from service for one conscription and, thus, waiting for him to turn 27 years old - the age when urgent conscription is no longer possible.

Those who have received category “D” have restrictions in their further choice of specialty, since they are denied access to universities of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other law enforcement agencies, and they are not accepted for work in some civilian specialties. In addition, fitness category “D” creates problems with obtaining special law for management vehicles or possession of a weapon.


The medical staff checks the health of conscripts. a commission that assigns them certain categories. There are 5 of them in total: fitness category A, B, C, D, D. These categories describe the health parameters that conscripts must have in order to be assigned to a particular branch of the military in which they will serve in the army.

Procedure for taking the examination

To undergo a medical check with comprehensive examination You should initially report to the military registration and enlistment office at your place of residence. If you are coming to the military registration and enlistment office for the first time, you need to take with you as many documents as possible. The following are required to be presented:

  • passport;
  • birth certificate;
  • medical record from the clinic;
  • discharge from other hospitals;
  • certificates of sports ranks;
  • other qualification certificates.

In addition, the medical card from the clinic at the place of residence must contain records confirming the blood test, urine test, fluorography and electrocardiogram. When examined at a military commissariat, the check is carried out by general practitioners, ophthalmologists, surgeons, neurologists, otolaryngologists, dentists and psychiatrists. After all the doctors have passed through, a medical council is held, at which each individual conscript is assigned a certain degree of suitability.

Also, suitability category A provides for the absence of various mental disorders. There should be an absence of metabolic disorders, allergies and various anomalies received at birth. Moreover, visual impairment is not allowed. If a young man has myopia, then the focus of his lenses should not exceed 6 diopters.

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Types of categories

All diseases leading to restrictions can be seen in a special document attached to the law on the VVK. In addition, all categories have additional varieties called the purpose indicator (PI). For example, suitability category A has 4 similar indicators, indicated by the corresponding numbers. Other categories may have more or less such purpose indicators.

The presence of any number assigned to fitness category A means that the conscript has various restrictions that prevent him from serving in certain troops. The higher the number, the large quantity he has diseases. When the commission assigns fitness category A-1, then you can serve in elite military units special purpose and special units.

All fitness categories A, B, C, D or D with their indicators of purpose are recorded not only in the military ID, but also in, since the initial registration of young people with the military registration and enlistment office occurs at the age of 16-17 years. Such an event is called registration and is performed in conjunction with a medical check.

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Explanation of expiration marks

When examining young people Special attention refers to height, which is also specified in fitness category A. If conscription is carried out into the special forces, Marine Corps or tank forces, then if the height is over 185 cm, the soldier will not be enrolled in the military unit. But for service in the Kremlin regiment, such a soldier is very suitable.

Moreover, a young man or man who wishes to serve in airborne troops or similar units, must have certain physical characteristics. This candidate must be over 170 cm tall and weigh no more than 90 kg. In addition, special attention is paid to vision. If there is fitness category A, a person’s vision must be 100% or have minimal deviations not exceeding 0.5 diopters.

To determine the ability of a young man to serve in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in general and in particular to serve in certain branches and types of troops, categories of suitability of conscripts for military service were established and legislated. The fitness category of an individual young person is determined when passing a medical commission in accordance with the Schedule of Diseases. The awarded fitness category will determine whether he is fit for military service or will be exempt from military service.

Fitness category A

The conscript is fit for military service, has no health problems, and is subject to conscription without restrictions by branch of service.

  • A1 Passable without restrictions, has no deviations in health or pathologies. He had no serious illnesses.
  • A2 Passable with restrictions on load with subsequent selection, seriously ill, suffered a serious injury (fracture or concussion). Does not interfere with service in special or special forces.
  • A3 Suitable with restrictions on load with subsequent selection, designation indicator 3 means that minor difficulties with vision are detected (for example, myopia of less than 2 diopters).
  • A4 Passable with restrictions on load with subsequent selection, destination indicator 4 means that minor difficulties with the foot have been detected (for example, flat feet of the 1st degree).

Fitness category B

The conscript is fit for military service with minor restrictions.
This fitness category is assigned to conscripts who have diseases that do not qualify them for exemption from military service. The stronger the disease, the lower the group in the category, and any kind of existing disease must meet the criteria in the military medical schedule of diseases and not go beyond the scope of non-combatant types of diseases/not fit for combat duty.

  • B1 Special forces units, marines, airborne, air assault military units, federal border troops border service RF.
  • B2 Submarines, surface ships; drivers and crew members of tanks, self-propelled artillery units, engineering vehicles based on tanks and tractors.
  • B3 Drivers and crew members of infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers and launchers missile units; other parts internal troops Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, guard units; chemical parts, fuel refueling and storage specialists; anti-aircraft missile units.
  • B4 Special structures, military security and defense specialists missile systems; communication parts, radio engineering parts; the rest of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and organs.

When distributing conscripts into units for further service, fitness categories, especially B1-B4, are very often not taken into account. The fighters are distributed according to the principle of personnel shortage.

Fitness category B

A conscript is limitedly fit for military service, is exempt from conscription, is enlisted in the reserves and receives a military ID. In wartime, with fitness category B, they are subject to conscription to staff the rear units of the 1st and 2nd lines (based on the reserve military registration group of the RA). They are also subject to conscription for military training. At military training camps, or in a voluntary sequence, a citizen can undergo re-examination and be sent to the Military Military Commission. If your health status changes, your fitness category may also change.

A number of conscripts have symptoms of diseases corresponding to fitness category B. To determine the presence or absence of such a disease, it is necessary to undergo an independent medical examination. The diagnosis must be detailed, with detailed description degree of dysfunction. For a number of diseases important role plays the duration of observation in medical organization, frequency of treatment for this diagnosis, availability of inpatient treatment.

Nuance: Until 2005, conscripts with category “B” were required to undergo re-examination every 3 years. Since 01/01/2005, mandatory re-examination has been canceled (based on the RF Regulation No. 886 of 12/31/2004)

Suitability category G

The conscript is temporarily unfit for military service.
A deferment for health reasons from conscription into the army is given for a period of 6 months to 1 year, after which a repeated medical examination is carried out at the military registration and enlistment office. At the repeated military medical commission, the fitness category is again determined, in accordance with which a new decision is made.

Fitness category G is assigned to a conscript if there are deviations in health, underweight, after surgery or injury. A deferment from conscription in accordance with fitness category G can be given for a minimum of 6 months and a maximum of a year.

One of the violations committed by military registration and enlistment office employees is the incorrect examination of a conscript and the incorrect assignment of fitness category G instead of fitness category B in cases where there is a corresponding disease confirmed by documentation. In this case, it is necessary to appeal the decision of the draft commission to a higher draft commission or to court.

Fitness category D

The conscript is not fit for military service. This category exempts you from conscription and from military service in general. Conscripts with this category are issued a military ID, which indicates absolute unfitness. In addition, a corresponding stamp is placed in the passport.

Fitness category in the military ID

The conscript's fitness category for military service is indicated on the military ID in a special column. If a conscript is exempt from conscription for health reasons, for example, hypertension, only fitness category B or D will be indicated on the military ID, but without indicating the specific disease for which the conscript was exempt from conscription. The fitness category on a military ID can be challenged in court if the health status of the person liable for military service has changed in better side. However, military commissars do not always meet such people halfway, because a situation may arise when a conscript received fitness category B, was released from conscription, and after 27 years decided to get a job in the law enforcement agencies and wants to receive fitness category A1.

Restrictions related to the category of fitness for military service

When a conscript is assigned fitness category B or D, there will be restrictions on employment in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, FSIN, SVR, Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The situation has changed due to innovations in the “Regulations on military medical examination”. Now a repeated medical examination of a citizen is provided in connection with a change in his health status, which previously had a fitness category of B-limited-fit. In cases of successful completion of the repeated medical examination, a mark is made on the military ID, where the new category fitness for military service A-fit, or B-fit with minor restrictions. Thus, restrictions can be partially lifted when recruiting for service in the law enforcement agencies and departments listed above. But this does not mean at all that the military medical commissions of the departments will not request data from the military registration and enlistment offices for what reason this or that citizen was exempted from military service upon conscription. The requested data will also be taken into account when making a decision on the issue of declaring a candidate fit or unfit for service in a particular law enforcement agency.

There are also a number of myths about the ban on obtaining a driver's license. However, most often only serious illnesses musculoskeletal system, sensory organs, mental illnesses interfere with obtaining a driver's license, for example, cardiac pathologies are rarely taken into account by the medical commission when determining the possibility of obtaining a driver's license. However, some diseases may not prevent you from obtaining a driver's license in general, but from obtaining a driver's license with a separate category or the right to engage in professional activity in this area.

Any questions? Sign up for your first

This is exactly what this article will talk about. Here you will find answers to many questions asked by conscripts and their parents, girlfriends or wives.

What does it mean?

So, you have passed the mandatory medical commission and the doctors have assigned you category “B”. What does it mean? Simply put, you will not serve in the army in peacetime. You won’t have to wear an uncomfortable uniform for a whole year, follow orders from officers, and get homesick. As you lived in civilian life, so will you. And no one has the right to call you.

But in case of war, you will be drafted, just like those who received categories “A” and “B”. But you don't have to run to the front with a machine gun. You will have safer tasks, for example, helping in medical units, warehouses, factories. You can forget about the war zone forever.

Now you have learned what “limitedly fit for military service” means. But for a conscript to be assigned this category, there must be compelling reasons.

What diseases should there be?

if you have chronic diseases that cannot be cured by anything, then you can be, although not one hundred, but seventy percent sure that you will not be called up. But remember that those who do not have acute illnesses are also accepted into the ranks of the armed forces.

What diseases fall into category “B” (limitedly fit for military service)? Let's get a look:

  • syphilis (primary, secondary, latent);
  • tuberculosis of non-pulmonary organs and tissues;
  • various mycoses, candidiasis;
  • benign neoplasms with minor disorders;
  • slowly progressing blood diseases;
  • goiter that interferes with wearing a uniform;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • moderate mental illnesses of various nature;
  • illnesses nervous system including injuries;
  • eye diseases;
  • heart diseases;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • ENT diseases;
  • illnesses respiratory system, including bronchial asthma;
  • diseases of the digestive system and the absence of more than 10 teeth;
  • various skin diseases;
  • ailments of joints and cartilage;
  • diseases of the spine;
  • limb defects;
  • flat feet;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • lack of height and weight.

Alternative service: is it possible?

And if a young man really wants to serve, does he have a chance? On the one hand, the doctors’ conclusion can be challenged. But if there is a certain risk, then no arguments will help you, you will have to accept it.

You need to remember one more feature. Anyone who is limitedly fit for military service cannot serve under a contract. On the other hand, doctors may offer conscripts treatment for an illness. ABOUT civil service(Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, Ministry of Emergency Situations) can be forgotten. Only healthy children are accepted into such structures. And if you dream of joining the army, then take care of your body in advance.

What if the military registration and enlistment office changes its mind?

Have you already received a military ID marked “limited validity”? Then you will not have to wait for a summons or a second medical examination. Neither at twenty, nor at twenty-five, nor at more than thirty will the military registration and enlistment office bother you.

Of course, these words are valid only in times of peace and while the present law is in force. And it, as a rule, undergoes noticeable changes from time to time. These are the prospects for those who are limitedly fit for military service, which means they do not serve in peacetime.

It is worth adding that having a disability definitely exempts you from military service.

Work in enterprises

If you are applying for a job in an ordinary organization, for example, as a system administrator or manager, then your military ID will probably not affect your employment in any way. But if you plan to go to a civil-military or military organization, then passing army service may be required. But, fortunately, this is not the case everywhere. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about the fate of someone who is limitedly fit for military service.

Category “B” is good news for those who do not want to serve in the army. You can be sure that there will be no summons from the military registration and enlistment office, and there should be no problems with employment. But if, on the contrary, you dream of being a military man, when you have two options: challenge the diagnosis right in the doctor’s office or start treating chronic diseases in advance.
