Find out your moon sign at birth. How to find out the lunar zodiac sign: description of the signs

Horoscope for 2019- this is professional personal horoscope for the current year by date of birth. You yourself can choose one of three semantic text interpretations, in accordance with your interests - business, health or love - family. When forming a horoscope, not only descriptive texts are generated, but also a table of aspects of the planets, where the aspects themselves are shown with colored lines. The color of the lines corresponds to the nature of the aspect: red - tense, green - harmonious. At the same time, tense aspects bring problematic situations and stimulate action, and harmonious aspects bring easy situations and luck. Blue color- describes planetary connections, which can be both tense and harmonious (read the text of the aspects). To view the horoscope for the year for past or future periods, you can use the paid Forecast Horoscope.

Tarot Horoscope- This zodiac horoscope, combining the accuracy of modern astrology and the centuries-old wisdom of Tarot cards. For a long time it was believed that the images on the cards have a complex interpretation with astrological point view, but after analyzing life path many great and famous people, astrologers were able to uncover the mystery of the Tarot cards and draw a parallel between their meaning and the position of the Sun in a person’s birth horoscope. Compose free horoscope Tarot and secret knowledge" will open: you will find out under the sign of which Tarot card you were born, and what sacred meaning your life path has.

Love horoscope allows you to answer how suitable people are for each other in matters of love and intimacy. Like the compatibility horoscope, the spiritual aspects of human relationships are also considered here. Aspects of sexual compatibility of partners may appear in the texts, or there may be no information at all - such aspects are not present in all horoscopes. There are three planets that determine sexual compatibility partners are Venus, Mars, and Pluto. If a couple has connections between these planets, then the couple has what we call "Sexual Aspects", and this is a very reliable indicator of whether this man and woman are suitable for each other. Only one in a thousand couples has three or more of these aspects.

Horoscope by date of birth is a free accurate horoscope with psychological portrait, an astrological description of a person’s personality, from the point of view of the location of our planets at the moment of birth solar system. The planets, being in different Zodiac Signs, endow you with certain character traits and thereby lay the foundation of your destiny. More full version– An individual horoscope will also tell you which zodiac houses the planets were in at the time of your birth and what connections (aspects) they formed with each other, thereby creating a unique star pattern of your personality. This drawing, which has the astrological name “ Natal chart"is the key to understanding your destiny and purpose.

Born with Moon in Scorpio

Scorpio belongs to a water sign and is under the influence of Pluto and Mars, so a person will be subconsciously tuned to crisis situations, which in the end must necessarily lead to destruction, transformation and internal restructuring.

Be that as it may, in the end everything will be destroyed, since this is a consequence of the influence of Pluto, which brings chaos and the ultimate destruction of the structure. Then only two paths will await you - self-destruction (in this case, there is a complete absence of higher values, but only destruction and death), as well as transformation or change, provided that there are higher goals.

That is why such people will be at an unconscious level tuned to a situation of crisis, change and risk, since constant destruction has a very strong impact on inner world person. Such people are very different due to a certain degree of hysteria, very strong excitability begins to appear, sudden mood swings will be observed, a person’s constant need for psychological renewal, since there is absolutely no balance in the inner world.

But no matter what structure arises, sooner or later it will still begin to collapse, since a person will constantly be in a state of increased activity, there is a constant need for changes and the creation of some new structure. If this does not happen, then an internal negative psychology will begin to form. Consequently, a person will not observe any positive changes, everything will be in black tones and taken for granted, which has absolutely no value, and will not be subject to destruction. For such a person, there is absolutely nothing valuable in the world that is truly worthy of existence, even to the point of misanthropy.

The Moon, which is in Scorpio, can give a person a heightened psychological gift. For example, when the Moon is in Cancer, it gives a person the opportunity to subtly feel the psychological mood of another person, and when the Moon is in Scorpio, then a person gets the opportunity to feel both the inner world of a person and his most painful places, flaws, complexes and weak spots. It is Pluto that helps strengthen such capabilities, and thanks to Mars, the aggravation and acute manifestation of this gift occurs.

Such people can become excellent psychologists and psychotherapists who can clearly see and identify a person’s weaknesses. If a person has negative tendencies, then he can become a manipulator or a very cruel sadist who can press on the right points and mock the person for a very long time. Also through Scorpio there is a connection with another world, and such a person can become a clairvoyant, a medium, and on an unconscious level they begin to perceive a parallel world.

Lunar birthday general information:

Many people in Western culture are already accustomed to the fact that they celebrate their birthday according to the solar calendar, while they know their zodiac sign and take into account their character traits based on it, but at the same time, ancient astrology considers the lunar birthday to be very important. Since it can also be used to determine character traits for a particular person, the purpose of the personality, the qualities that he possesses and those that he should learn. For example, in Vedic astrology First they look at what sign the Moon is in.

In India, first of all, you will be asked your lunar sign, this will be your lunar birthday. If on this moment If you already know what specific lunar day your birthday was, then it’s worth telling you what specific features the Moon has endowed you or your loved ones with, and what you would do well to pay attention to, what you should develop, what to fear, and what to give up .

In this article:

If we consider the compatibility of a man and a woman from the point of view of stars, constellations, zodiac signs, then we should not forget about important point. Position of the Moon at the moment of birth. Along with the classic zodiac signs, there are also Lunar signs. They influence our destiny in incomprehensible ways. The Moon is one of the most powerful energy objects in near space. Be sure to know your lunar zodiac sign.

Astrologers advise always taking into account lunar compatibility if you are seriously looking for a partner for life.

this compatibility guarantees you complete mutual understanding and a successful marriage. What else is needed for happiness? Sun compatibility gives us a chance to find our ideal love. Do not neglect the advice of astrologers, they will help you find harmony in life.

The moon influences our lives

The influence of the Moon and the Sun on our lives is undeniable. The moon controls the ebb and flow of the world's oceans and affects human well-being. This is a huge source of energy. It is believed that the Moon is a female symbol, giving support specifically to women. Her soft energy has always been associated with femininity. In many religions of the world, the male god is the Sun, and his wife-goddess is the Moon.

Since ancient times, women have used moon water for treatment, love spells, various magical rituals. The moon influences the female cycle. But that is not all. The main thing is that it determines the characteristics and character traits of a person. At the moment of birth, the position of all stars and planets is taken into account to compile a horoscope. In addition to the classic zodiac signs, there are also lunar ones. They are associated with the position of the Moon on the day and hour when a person is born.

The same situation is with the Sun. The sun and its energy influence a man’s life. Both of these luminaries help us better consider our partner or select a person for the greatest compatibility.

Men and women meet, fall in love, but it doesn’t always work out strong union. The thing is that they are endowed with different energies, which simply cannot exist in harmony. This leads to various unpleasant consequences:

  • frequent betrayals;
  • quarrels, scandals in fashion;
  • misunderstanding;
  • passion gives way to apathy;
  • the mercantile interests of one and the pure love of the second.

It is impossible to deny the influence of zodiac signs on our life and destiny, love, marriage, friendship. In every aspect of life there is a part of the inexplicable. But the answers to the questions are hidden in horoscopes. Many do not believe in this, but in vain, because even if you study the simplest, classic horoscope of your zodiac, you will find a lot of correspondence with reality.

How to determine your Moon or Sun sign

First of all, you need to know your date of birth: day and month. This is enough for the classic calendar of zodiac signs.

It’s very good if you also know the time, but this is not always the case. It is generally accepted that if the exact time of birth is not known, the time of 14:00 is taken. The more accurate the information, the more you can learn about the character of the man or woman you have chosen as partners. It’s interesting to learn about yourself, first of all. Sometimes a horoscope gives answers to all your questions:

  • why work isn't going well;
  • difficult to build relationships;
  • no friends;
  • frequent streak of failures.

Table classical astrology: Zodiac signs

date Classic Zodiac Elemental element
December 22 to January 20 Capricorn Earth
January 21 to February 19 Aquarius Air
February 20 to March 20 Fish Water
March 21 to April 20 Aries Fire
April 21 to May 21 Taurus Earth
May 22 to June 21 Twins Air
June 22 to July 23 Cancer Water
July 24 to August 23 a lion Fire
August 24 to September 23 Virgo Earth
September 24 to October 23 Scales Air
October 24 to November 22 Scorpion Water
November 23 to December 21 Sagittarius Fire

To go to lunar horoscope, first you need to deal with the classic one.

  • Look for your date of birth, or the date of the man or woman you are interested in.
  • The date determines the zodiac sign and elemental element.
  • When this data is known, you can move on to the second stage.

Position of the Moon in the constellations

Now, knowing your classical sign, you can find the position that the Moon occupied in relation to each of the constellations. A small example:

A person’s birthday is May 25, which means his zodiac sign is Gemini, but lunar calendar will be a Virgo. This is worth taking into account, because now not only his compatibility as a Gemini, but also as a lunar Virgo is important. It happens that for a man or woman this becomes the decisive factor why the relationship did not work out.

Moon compatibility

According to the classic horoscope, the couple is a complete coincidence, but they personally have scandal after scandal, breakups, betrayals. What's wrong? You can’t trust the horoscope predictions or your own eyes and feelings?

To believe or not to believe is up to you to decide. But, in addition to classical compatibility, lunar compatibility is also important. To do this, find your moon sign and partner’s lunar zodiac sign.


Aries - Aries: this relationship develops very quickly, but ends just as quickly. The problem of paired signs.

Aries - Taurus: Relationships develop slowly. Taurus is in a hurry, but Aries will always slow down.

Aries - Gemini: if there are no common interests, nothing will work out for this couple.

Aries - Cancer: Cancer's mood swings can ruin everything. Watch your emotions.

Aries - Leo: emotional struggle of strong signs. Who will emerge victorious will be decided by fate.

Aries - Virgo: a nervous match in which Virgo can leave first. Undesirable partnership between a man and a woman.

Aries - Libra: passionate relationships that drag on. It is better if the partners are over 30 years old.

Aries - Scorpio: both are jealous and do not trust each other. The union breaks up easily.

Aries - Sagittarius: you cannot limit the freedom of Sagittarius, otherwise you will lose him.

Aries - Capricorn: living together fails, too much opposition.

Aries - Aquarius: Aries will be cooled by the Aquarius mentality.

Aries - Pisces: the romantic relationship of these signs is a joy for everyone. Good couple.

Aries is a rational sign


Taurus - Aries: a sensual couple who takes a straight path to marriage. A good union.

Taurus - Taurus: soul mates and harmony in a couple. It can be difficult, but these difficulties can be overcome together.

Taurus - Gemini: intellectual relationships lead to breakup. Too much calculation and not enough feeling.

Taurus - Cancer: not comfortable together. Desire for competition.

Taurus - Leo: strong personalities on the battlefield. It’s hard for them to live together, but if they overcome the first 5 years, then it will be easier.

Taurus - Virgo: all responsibility will fall on Taurus, this is especially unpleasant for a Taurus woman.

Taurus - Libra: The search for peace and harmony does not always yield results. The pair is 50% good.

Taurus - Scorpio: union of feelings, jealousy, passion. If you endure it, you will be happy.

Taurus - Sagittarius: envy in a couple can ruin everything. Especially if for a man this is a mercantile union.

Taurus - Capricorn: mystical compatibility makes the couple very happy.

Taurus - Aquarius: too different to be happy together.

Taurus - Pisces: romance and love. Everything is harmonious in this couple.


Gemini - Aries: passionate relationship full of emotions. It can be hard if you want a quiet life.

Gemini - Taurus: absolutely different people who have a hard time together. They don't understand each other. For these signs it is better to be just friends or colleagues.

Gemini - Gemini: fragile relationships that are built on a common idea. When the idea is exhausted, everything ends.

Gemini - Cancer: Both will have to change if they want to stay together.

Gemini - Leo: An attractive couple who surprises everyone with their whirlwind romance.

Gemini - Virgo: An intellectual couple who quickly falls in love. But, just talk family life few.

Gemini - Libra: harmony and comfort. They feel good together and always will.

Gemini - Scorpio: a union of equals. Men here get what they want, and women are ready to give.

Gemini - Sagittarius: freedom-loving signs. They will not be able to be together in an atmosphere of restrictions.

Gemini - Capricorn: mercantile relationships on the part of Capricorn can ruin everything.

Gemini - Aquarius: They have deep feelings and the ability to wait. This union will last for a long time.

Gemini - Pisces: Warmth in communication allows Pisces to warm up. This is the kind of love that makes it possible to live your whole life holding hands.

Geminis are smart and fickle


Cancer - Aries: not a very successful pairing, because Cancer is too sensitive for such a union.

Cancer - Taurus: Passion and love make them a good match.

Cancer - Gemini: Cancer's sense of humor can ruin everything, because Gemini simply does not understand it.

Cancer - Cancer: very powerful emotions and relationships full of romance.

Cancer - Leo: everything depends on the mood of Cancer. Leo will be ready to obey his temper. A good match for a Cancer woman.

Cancer - Virgo: too different, but if they are together, everything will work out.

Cancer - Libra: Libras have a hard time making decisions. Be calm, your partner will not let you down.

Cancer - Scorpio: a successful union for a man. In it he will be able to realize his best features.

Cancer - Sagittarius: the same rhythm of life gives this couple a good chance of success.

Cancer - Capricorn: Eternal values for them are united. For these zodiac signs, the weather in the house is most important.

Cancer - Aquarius: cold relationships built on material values.

Cancer - Pisces: these water signs have complete harmony.

a lion

Leo - Aries: bright couple, ready to do anything for her love. A successful union.

Leo - Taurus: a connection based on feelings. There are conflicts due to mistrust.

Leo - Gemini: public figures who cannot stay at home. They feel good together.

Leo - Cancer: Cancer's depressive tendencies are not to Leo's liking. There may be a quick separation here.

Leo - Leo: bad combination, because Leos are used to being first in everything. And so you have to constantly fight for power at home.

Leo - Virgo: Leo does not share Virgo's hobbies, and she criticizes him. The union will not last long.

Leo - Libra: they know how to love each other and this is the most important thing.

Leo - Scorpio: Leo will be very jealous in this union, although in vain.

Leo - Sagittarius: very active life couples, their relationship is full of enthusiasm and fun.

Leo - Capricorn: a sophisticated union that spiritually enriches both.

Leo - Aquarius: it’s too hard for Leo and Aquarius, because these are not just different characters, but different views on life and problems.

Leo - Pisces: a very successful couple, because they know how to appreciate each other for the good.

Leo is magnificent and generous


Virgo - Aries: Virgo cannot calmly look at Aries' mistakes. She will want to re-educate him.

Virgo - Taurus: good concentration on relationships. This couple will be successful.

Virgo - Gemini: their life is one big intellectual conversation. It brings incomparable pleasure to both of them.

Virgo - Cancer: Virgo is too critical in such relationships, wants to fix everything.

Virgo - Leo: a successful combination of zodiac signs. The two of them are better together than with anyone else.

Virgo - Virgo: Think they're not compatible? Quite the opposite. This union is blessed by the Stars.

Virgo - Libra: harmonious love and complete understanding in a couple. They need to be together.

Virgo - Scorpio: a very passionate couple. They should solve all their problems in bed.

Virgo - Sagittarius: Sagittarius can teach Virgo a lot, for example, to look at life more simply.

Virgo - Capricorn: if they can find mutual language and goals, then their life will be full of pleasant surprises and happiness.

Virgo - Aquarius: good combination for people who are ready to be independent.

Virgo - Pisces: cyclical relationships, because none of them can decide on something more serious.


Libra - Aries: a very impulsive couple. Scandals give way to passionate sex.

Libra - Taurus: not everything will work out right away, but there is a chance.

Libra - Gemini: friendship-type love. You can talk about everything with your partner.

Libra - Cancer: they were both looking for harmony in life, but they will only find it next to each other. This is a good union of different signs.

Libra - Leo: Libra gives Leo the opportunity to express himself. In any case, this is a harmonious couple.

Libra - Virgo: good compatibility In young age.

Libra - Libra: They have a similar worldview, so living together is not at all difficult.

Libra - Scorpio: They have similar goals: love, marriage, children.

Libra - Sagittarius: Sagittarius is too direct. This is hard for Libra.

Libra - Capricorn: such a couple can exist for a long time on mutual respect.

Libra - Aquarius: Don't think this match is even the least bit passionate. They are together, but cold.

Libra - Pisces: there is romance and love for life here. They were lucky if they managed to meet.

Libra is friendly and generous


Scorpio - Aries: not a good match due to their personalities. There will be no peace in the house.

Scorpio - Taurus: completely different goals make this couple unhappy.

Scorpio - Gemini: A jealous couple who won't last long together.

Scorpio - Cancer: they dream of ideal partners and meet. For these zodiac signs, such a union will be wonderful.

Scorpio - Leo: an emotional couple who suffer from their own passion. A little calm, do not overdo it in expressing emotions.

Scorpio - Virgo: they value each other for their good qualities.

Scorpio - Libra: an attractive couple, because Libra's manners are so pleasant to Scorpio. They are happy together.

Scorpio - Scorpio: a difficult pairing. It's harder for them together than it might seem. Why suffer so much, look for another couple.

Scorpio - Sagittarius: they respect each other, and only then - love.

Scorpio - Capricorn: a good match, but there is too little passion and emotion. It's getting boring.

Scorpio - Aquarius: it’s hard for them because of constant jealousy and suspicion. But in vain, no one wants to cheat on their partner.

Scorpio - Pisces: a romantic union of two lovers of sensual relationships.


Sagittarius - Aries: Sagittarius is too impatient, and Aries wants a calm relationship without haste.

Sagittarius - Taurus: strong signs don't always get along together. You need to rethink your values, otherwise your couple will collapse.

Sagittarius - Gemini: very high compatibility. They are attracted to each other, so don't even try to get between them.

Sagittarius - Cancer: you need to improve all the time, otherwise your couple will get bogged down in negative emotions.

Sagittarius - Leo: they are very interesting together, they never get bored. The couple is very active, so they should expect a wedding soon.

Sagittarius - Virgo: there can be no love forever, because Virgo criticizes everything. Sagittarius will go to a less demanding partner.

Sagittarius - Libra: a harmonious union that gives inspiration to both. Good predictions from an astrologer.

Sagittarius - Scorpio: a union based on love and devotion simply cannot fail.

Sagittarius - Sagittarius: Sagittarius gets the chance to find out what it's like to live with him.

Sagittarius - Capricorn: Capricorn is safe and comfortable. If Sagittarius suddenly wants this, then the couple is ideal.

Sagittarius - Aquarius: they feel special, misunderstood. In such a couple, the union is based on the fight against the world.

Sagittarius - Pisces: Romance with Pisces is possible when traveling. Get ready for the trip, the most intense feelings of your life await you.

Sagittarians are cheerful and carefree


Capricorn - Aries: These zodiac signs can coexist peacefully in the same house. Without much passion, but fun.

Capricorn - Taurus: they are close in spirit, and love makes them even closer.

Capricorn - Gemini: dangerous relationship, because each of them is ready to commit treason.

Capricorn - Cancer: there is an attraction between them from the very beginning, which develops into passionate love.

Capricorn - Leo: lovers, they can move mountains for each other. A lucky couple.

Capricorn - Virgo: little in common, but a lot of mutual claims.

Capricorn - Libra: this is a very successful union, because everyone finds in their partner what they have been looking for for a long time.

Capricorn - Scorpio: exciting passions and bright declarations of love. This couple can overcome anything.

Capricorn - Sagittarius: They both value freedom, so don't try to keep your partner by your side for 24 hours.

Capricorn - Capricorn: they know how to appreciate each other, this is the main thing. The couple has an excellent chance of a long, happy life.

Capricorn - Aquarius: sudden surprises and surprises await these two throughout their lives.

Capricorn - Pisces: Capricorn will be in the role of the victim here, and Pisces will simply use him.


Aquarius - Aries: They want to be together, but value independence. This is the only way a union is possible.

Aquarius - Taurus: Taurus is a very stubborn sign and is not always ready to cooperate. Maybe they're better off apart?

Aquarius - Gemini: an interesting couple that draws everyone into their whirlpool of fun. Active relationships until old age.

Aquarius - Cancer: Cancer has a hard time making life-changing decisions. If Aquarius agrees to take it upon himself, everything will work out.

Aquarius - Leo: a brilliant couple, but Aquarius quickly gets tired of his partner's fame. You'll have to come up with something if you want to be together.

Aquarius - Virgo: if Aquarius does not want to live under the gun of constant criticism, then it is better to find another partner.

Aquarius - Libra: affectionate partners in this union can decide everything between themselves.

Aquarius - Scorpio: Scorpio is not comfortable, because Volodya is very cold, not emotional. You want to escape from such an alliance.

Aquarius - Sagittarius: this is love, because it helps both become better people.

Aquarius - Capricorn: serious attitude gives them a lot to life common features. Nice to see such a couple.

Aquarius - Aquarius: they are completely unpredictable, so you can expect from such a union either all-consuming love, or cold contempt for each other.

Aquarius - Pisces: Pisces has only dreams of love on their mind. If Aquarius likes this, then it will turn out to be a wonderful romance that can develop into something more.


Pisces - Aries: This craving cannot be stopped. It’s like a magnet between them that doesn’t let them both in.

Pisces - Taurus: calm love between two adults. They can achieve everything only together.

Pisces - Gemini: they have a lot in common, but otherwise, the couple is unpredictable. Sometimes they can't stand each other.

Pisces - Cancer: warm feelings arise between them immediately.

Pisces - Leo: there is a lot of romance and tenderness in the relationship between them. How long this will last depends only on the couple themselves.

Pisces - Virgo: Opposites attract here, even despite Virgo's criticism.

Pisces - Libra: they are drawn to each other, but Libra spoils everything with their calculations many steps ahead. This won't work with fish.

Pisces - Scorpio: all this is thanks to the incredible charisma of Scorpio.

Pisces - Sagittarius: a very exciting relationship for both. They feel good with each other, and this is the most important thing.

Pisces - Capricorn: for those who seek only material values in life, such a union is not suitable.

Pisces - Aquarius: this is a good union, but emotionally it is very difficult for them.

Pisces - Pisces: they are very similar, perhaps even in appearance. The couple has a very strong attraction and compatibility.

In astrology, the zodiac is the belt of twelve constellations through which the Sun passes throughout the year. We have all long been accustomed to calculating our character, our destiny and forecasts for the near future, depending on what sign we were born under. It turns out that not only the Sun, but also the Moon “travels” in the zodiac signs. It’s just that she is in each sign for a much shorter period of time, only 2-3 days. It depends on what sign the Moon is in today daily horoscope person, and the moon sign by date of birth influences our character.

Moon in Zodiac Signs Moon in Aries Sign

In the house of Mars - the god of war and struggle. On the throne of the Sun - the ruler of creativity, energy, light, joy, consciousness. In the element of Fire. Emotions and behavior. When the Moon enters Aries, the active principle takes advantage...

Moon in Taurus

In the house of Venus - the goddess of love, beauty and finance. On the throne of the Moon, which is associated with tenderness, motherhood, and the subconscious. In the element of Earth. Emotions and behavior. When the Moon enters the sign of Taurus, the peaceful,...

Moon in Gemini

Visiting Mercury - the god of trade and science. In the element of Air. Emotions and behavior. Emotions are quick, easy, changeable, superficial. Most of the attention is from material things, the body, emotions (as it was under the Moon in...

Moon in Cancer

The moon is in its house. On the throne of Jupiter. In the element of Water. Emotions and behavior. When the Moon enters the sign of Cancer, it finds itself in its own home, making the work of the subconscious more active. She protects traditions, home, family. IN..

Moon in Leo

In the house of the Sun - the god of love, joy, creativity, awareness. On the throne of Pluto - the god of magic, sexual, transformational energies, influence on others, power. In the element of Fire. Emotions and behavior. When the Moon enters a sign...

Moon in Virgo

In the monastery of Mercury - the god of science and trade. In the element of Earth. Emotions and behavior. When the Moon enters Virgo, a concrete and pragmatic approach takes advantage. Much more attention is paid to the little things. This -..

Moon in Libra

In the house of Venus - the goddess of love, beauty and wealth. On the throne is Saturn - the god of legality, responsibility and strength. In the element of Air. Emotions and behavior. When the Moon enters Libra, we once again begin to seek elegance and...

Moon in Scorpio

In the house of Mars - the god of masculinity and war; in the house of Pluto - the god of death and rebirth, magic, sexual energy, passion. On the throne of Uranus (in exaltation) - the god of providence and change. In the element of Water. Emotions and behavior...

Moon in Sagittarius
Moon in Capricorn

In the house of Saturn - the god of time, patience, asceticism and trials. On the throne is Mars - the god of will, swiftness, and courage. In the element of Earth. Emotions and behavior. The emotional background during this period is one of the most stable... continue →

Ruling planets WITH scorpion: Mars and Pluto.

Talismans WITH scorpion: beetle, scorpion.

Scorpio Personality: Introverted, observant, passionate, sexual, emotional, strong-willed, persistent, tenacious.

There are two types of representatives of this zodiac sign: the low, underdeveloped type, symbolized by Scorpio, and the developed, spiritually completed type, symbolized by the soaring eagle. It is rare to find a middle ground between these two extremes.

People born under the sign of Scorpio have an uncanny ability to analyze almost everything in the world, to get to the essence of every matter. There is a certain paradox: those around them perfectly see the results of their work, but for some reason they do not pay attention to them. Not all employees can understand what exactly Scorpio does at work.

You can call them fighters on the invisible front. Since these are secretive individuals, they do not always like to tell others about their true profession. Scorpios can safely be classified as manipulators, since they quickly recognize all the dark sides of a person and are able to achieve complete and unquestioning submission on the part of the desired object. Scorpio's income is changeable.

He achieves the greatest success in managing other people's or partner's finances and resources. He never takes life lightly; everything he does, he does seriously. Scorpio can be a bioenergeticist, a magician, a healer. Scorpios are born with a strong body, full of vitality and energy, but over time this can be wasted and they can gain excess weight.

Scorpio cannot always understand what exactly is required for his body. Also, representatives of this sign are very sexual, and therefore when they are still small, it is worth considering that puberty occurs very early and the child should be explained from childhood about correct sexual relations in a simple form. Family Scorpio immediately strives to take a leading position.

They suppress any points of view and related initiatives, and if a person is too intrusive, then a long and persistent process of suppression begins until full condition when a person cannot do anything else. They are thrifty and economical and always strive to create a strong and stable material base.

Also involved in planning issues family budget and how much can be put into the bank for safekeeping. With children, Scorpios are domineering and strict parents, however, they are always ready to help in difficult times and will never offend anyone.
