Basic summer wardrobe for a young mother. Basic wardrobe for a young mother

Our article is dedicated to those young mothers who do not consider a tracksuit to be ideal clothes for walking and want to look well-groomed and stylish during maternity leave.

What fell out of the closet

Grooming, beauty, outfits, hairstyles, manicure, makeup - all this makes up a pleasant and important part in a woman’s life. But, having given birth to a child, many young mothers are faced with inevitable changes: all the time, until the last second, is spent on their beloved baby, and there is no time to make a cup of tea for themselves, not to mention soaking in a bubble bath, getting a manicure or go to the hairdresser. By sacrificing all your personal time for the benefit of your child, you can feel like a great mother, but at the same time carefully avoid looking in the mirror. After all, what is shown there can hardly be called a “stylish and well-groomed woman.”

Why is this happening? Why do many young mothers, even having free time and finances, stop taking care of their appearance, turning into a kind of free application to a stroller with a baby? Why, when going for a walk, do people wear something that, as they say, “fell out of the closet”? Yes, simply because things from " past life“have become small or inconvenient, you won’t start making Easter cakes in an office pencil skirt and running around the lawns after your child in heels. And you should go and buy a couple of new things, but how to do this with a screaming baby in your arms? And what exactly to buy so that it looks stylish and doesn’t interfere with fiddling with your child for your own pleasure?

Reflections at an open closet

When looking at your wardrobe, immediately put aside business suits and sets, if you have them: you can forget about the office dress code. The sandbox has its own dress code and it includes two main rules: simplicity and comfort. When studying the clothes you have, really assess the state of things: how much time you spend outside the home, where exactly you go, and what things you need accordingly.

If you spend 70% of your time on the playground, then 70% of your clothes should be suitable for this situation: not restrict movement, not look too formal, not be too expensive, so that there is no tragedy if the thing gets dirty or torn during games. Jeans, cardigans, T-shirts and sweatshirts, slip-ons or moccasins, a backpack - all this looks modern and stylish and does not interfere with walking and playing with the child.

20% of a young mother’s wardrobe should be allocated for going out “with people” - shopping, walks around the city, visits with the child to the clinic, to developmental classes, etc. Here you will need clothes that are a little less casual, more elegant: you can replace the jacket with a stylish trench coat left over from your “pre-pregnancy life”, and sneakers with pumps, and instead of a backpack, take a comfortable leather bag with you.

And another 10% of your wardrobe is for special occasions: visits, holidays. Here it would be good to choose a comfortable and very laconic dress that you can wear more than once. After all, with various accessories(belts, collars, necklaces and earrings) it will look like new every time.

We take into account the nuances

After conducting an audit of your wardrobe and finding out what is available and what is sorely lacking, you can begin to compile a shopping list. And here you should immediately take into account some nuances that will allow you not to make mistakes and not buy something that will later gather dust in the back of the closet. If you are still feeding your baby and do not intend to stop breast-feeding in the near future, care should be taken to ensure that clothing is as suitable as possible for a nursing mother.

For walks on the playground, you should not choose things that easily wrinkle, tear, or hinder movement. A chiffon dress can get caught on a swing and tear, and white jeans will no longer be white after the first gatherings on the side of the sandbox. Of course, this does not mean that a new mother should only choose khaki clothes made from bulletproof and water-repellent materials. Natural fabrics in natural shades - cotton, linen, denim - will make walking comfortable and caring for things easy.

Another nuance is hands-free. If, when going down the steps, you have to constantly lift the hem of a long skirt, then it is unlikely that you will be able to take them down at the same time. stroller. If you decide to take a fashionable clutch with you, then you will have to carry it in your hand all the time, and it will be uncomfortable for you to pick up your baby. There are many beautiful and at the same time comfortable clothes that will not hinder your movement. Leave clutches and floor-length skirts for walks with the whole family, when dad will carry the stroller and run after the baby, and you can show off and feel like not a nanny, but a real princess.

Making a shopping list

Our task is to create a small but thoughtful basic wardrobe, where all things will be combined with each other. Choose something you already have that fits you well and fits into your current lifestyle. Maybe you have a couple of great tops and tunics sitting in your closet, but you don't have the right size skirt or pants to go with them. Or maybe, on the contrary, the jeans fit great, but all the T-shirts have become too small and do not emphasize your advantages. Knowing exactly what you need, you won’t spend any extra time or extra money in the store.

It is also important to decide on a style before going to the store: glamour, sport-chic, classic. Items in the same style are easier to combine with each other. Styles such as casual, sport-chic, and classic elements are ideal for a young mother’s wardrobe. The same goes for gamma: It is advisable to make a basic wardrobe of two or three calm and neutral colors, then you can get dressed in a minute, taking the first things you come across from the closet, and they will look great together. Black has always been considered the most universal, but this color is too gloomy for a young mother’s wardrobe. Take blue and gray as a basis if you like cool shades, or brown, sand, khaki if you prefer warm tones.

Top 10 things for a young mother's basic wardrobe

  • Sports suit. It can be called a kind of uniform for young mothers. Yes, it is incredibly comfortable, almost like pajamas. But stylish women follow one simple rule: sportswear- for sports. Therefore, put your suit aside; you will need it when you decide to sign up for a fitness class or go for a run in the morning. And for walks, choose more appropriate options.
  • Jeans. This is a universal item that easily adapts to both casual and dressy styles. If after giving birth you have gained weight and gained weight, you should not squeeze into “jeans from your past life”; they will create folds of fat on the waist and hips, visually making you much fuller than in reality. So don't hesitate to choose a larger size. If you like things that fit your figure - choose skinny, they are still in fashion. If you want to camouflage your plump figure after childbirth, pay attention to boyfriend jeans, they are now at the peak of fashion, and due to their design they will visually make you slimmer.

Now also very fashionable "holey" jeans with scuffs and holes, but they are more difficult to fit into different images, so it is better to purchase a model without “special features”. You can wear basic jeans with a business blouse, a glamorous sequined top, or a colorful country-style tunic.

  • T-shirts. You should avoid the same mistake with them: do not wear a tight knitted T-shirt if it becomes too tight for you: you will seem fat. In addition, it is now fashionable to wear loose T-shirts: for example, if you have always worn S or M, buy L. A couple of extra centimeters of fabric works wonders, covering up extra pounds on the stomach and waist, and at the same time gives comfort and freedom in hot weather. summer days. In addition, it has long been known: oversized items always make a woman visually small, fragile and slender.

  • Vest– a real must-have for a casual wardrobe. Striped items always add slimness, and the vest itself carries the mood of carefree, relaxation, sea and summer.

  • Shirt. However, if you don’t like the nautical style, instead of a vest, you can buy a cotton shirt in your favorite color. Shirts are all the rage right now. Roll up your sleeves, unbutton a pair top buttons, tuck the shirt into your jeans or wear it untucked, and layer it with a statement necklace in a contrasting color—the shirt gives you plenty of options to look sharp and casual at the same time.
  • Turtleneck, sweatshirt. For cool weather, a turtleneck is indispensable. It will protect your throat from the wind and keep you warm. If you don’t like things with a neck, buy a sweatshirt and a couple of matching scarves to cover your throat in cool weather.

  • Dress. Many mothers completely cross out dresses from their maternity life. But a well-chosen dress will help you hide what you don’t like about your figure and focus on the most advantageous areas. Costs avoid fitted models and thin tight knitwear(will show all the flaws in the figure). Ideal - a dress with a straight silhouette or a trapeze. They will remove attention from problem areas of the waist and hips and focus on beautiful breasts, graceful collarbones, and slender legs.

  • Skirt. Many mothers prefer to walk with their children only in trousers and jeans: they say, you can’t sit down in a skirt, you can’t climb a hill, it’s almost on the verge of indecency. However, it all depends on the chosen style and length: avoid too narrow options and mini lengths. And in cool weather, you can add thick and opaque colored tights to the skirt, which will make the image noticeable and unique and protect you from the cold and playful breeze.

  • Accessories. Necklace in the sandbox? Why not? Of course, you shouldn’t weigh yourself down with family jewelry, gold and diamonds when going to the playground. But an unusual medallion or a bright necklace, funny earrings or a favorite bracelet will emphasize your individuality and make you an interesting woman, and not an aunt-motie who wears shabby clothes at home and in the yard and dresses up only on special occasions. After all, a true woman looks well-groomed everywhere and always. Not for others, but for yourself. Simply because he respects and loves himself and never neglects himself.

  • Shoes. As for shoes, fortunately, your foot size does not change after childbirth, and you won’t have to throw out your favorite shoes. Unless during the period maternity leave send high-heeled shoes on vacation: in them you risk getting stuck in the sandbox and looking ridiculous. However, a small heel is quite appropriate when walking with a child, especially if you go to a public garden, park, embankment, or cafe. And for the playground with sports equipment and with swings, it is better to choose sports or casual shoes: moccasins, slip-ons, sneakers and sneakers. After all, the child does not sit still, and every now and then you have to belay him, catch him, take him off, catch him, climb the hill after him. It is more convenient to do all this in shoes with reliable and stable soles.

Well, why do you need all this?

This is a question your husbands or parents might ask you. And you yourself may think: Is it really so important to look beautiful, modern, interesting? There, I pulled on my jeans, put a sweater on top, grab the stroller and off I go! Of course, as our grandmothers like to say, “the main thing is that there is no war.” And so that everyone is healthy, and so that there is enough money for food. All this is true. But no one puts you before a choice: buy new jeans or a bag of groceries? You can afford one or two inexpensive items a month, and in a short time your wardrobe will sparkle with new colors. Sales, stocks, second hand stores - there are many options for dressing on a budget.

Many women manage to run the household, look after the baby, but at the same time do not forget about themselves. Why voluntarily turn into a little Cinderella? Believe me, no one expects this from you. And the husband will only be glad if his beloved wife looks stylish and fashionable, like from a picture in a glossy magazine. And children with youth They will get used to the fact that they have the most beautiful, well-groomed and fashionable mother!

Dear readers! Tell us what things dominate in your wardrobe. Have the contents of your closet changed since you had a baby?

Spring is a time of change: an increasing number sun rays, the awakening of nature and bright rich colors around us push us to change. Some change jobs, some move to another country, and some decide to dramatic change your style. For example, I love changing my hair color :) And, to be honest, this desire again took over my mind. But today is not about that. It's no secret that almost every woman wants to update her wardrobe with the arrival of the long-awaited spring. Since my post about is still popular with you, I decided to create a capsule wardrobe for you for spring. The conditions do not change: I will limit myself to only 20 items (including shoes and outerwear). And from these 20 things I will put together 30 looks to show you that even such a small but well-thought-out wardrobe can be varied and highly functional.

Last time I designed a wardrobe for a working woman with a fast-paced lifestyle. social life. This time I chose a young and active mother as the heroine. This task will be more difficult, but personally this topic is close to me, since I myself recently became a mother, and this, of course, was reflected in my wardrobe. You can read about my mini capsule wardrobe for a young mother and stylish tips in Now I prefer slightly different things, which I am going to take into account when putting together my spring capsule wardrobe. But don't be afraid, this won't be a boring selection of sweaters, jeans and sneakers, but a stylish, functional and, most importantly, comfortable wardrobe that will suit not only moms. If you are a freelancer, a student, or your job does not require a strict dress code, then this wardrobe will suit you too.

1. Analysis of lifestyle and main activities

2. Development of a style concept

4. Defining the color palette

5. Building a capsule wardrobe

Analysis of lifestyle and main activities

So let's start with the analysis. This important stage, since you must understand what your wardrobe should be like and what its tasks are. Clear wording will help you avoid situations where you stand in front of your closet and realize that you have absolutely nothing to wear. I’ve written about this many times, but I’ll repeat: clothes should completely match your lifestyle. Not the one you want and the one that leads American actress, model or cutie from Instagram, namely yours, here and now. According to my observations, most wardrobe problems arise because we buy clothes for an imaginary lifestyle. Therefore, many girls and women have a lot of elegant dresses, one-shoulder tops, clutches and high-heeled shoes, but have nothing to wear to work in the office. Everyone has their own life and, accordingly, their own needs. What looks great on Rihanna will look ridiculous at a meeting with the boss or on the playground.

Young mothers have a lot of different activities. Basically, I highlighted the following:

- active walks and everyday activities (shopping, playgrounds, child care, trips to the doctor, household chores, etc.) - 50%

— meeting with friends, going to the cinema, museums and other entertainment – ​​30%

- parties and “going out” – 10% (any mother can afford to relax :))

leisure — 10%

Development of a style concept

For my capsule wardrobe for spring, I chose an urban chic style with the addition of romantic and rock elements. Keywords: Comfortable, stylish and multifunctional clothing. Judging by the analysis of classes, 15 images should be suitable for walks and everyday activities, 9 - for meeting with friends and entertainment, 3 - for going out, 3 - for active recreation.

Selecting categories and type of clothing

In this case, I can give the following advice on choosing things:

— I recommend focusing on comfortable and easy-to-wear items made from easy-to-care fabrics. Don’t try to wear minis and stilettos for a walk with your child; there are many ways to dress comfortably, but at the same time, stylishly. Although, no one canceled the short skirt.

— Choose simple-cut items without unnecessary elements, and add brightness to the image through accessories. You should not dress up in a dress with a complicated design with a fastener at the back or too tight-fitting trousers. Movements should not be constrained: you move a lot, squat, bend, run, since the perpetuum mobile in the form of a cute baby does not like to sit still.

— As usual, I advise you to choose more tops than bottoms, as this will make the wardrobe more diverse.

- Choose comfortable shoes from quality materials, because you have to spend almost the whole day on your feet. Of course, everyone has their own concept of convenience. So be guided by your own feelings.

Defining the color palette

I chose the following color scheme:

basic – black + gray

basic (neutral) – white

additional – pink + beige

I tried to avoid large quantity bright colors and prints, because this way the wardrobe looks more holistic and is better combined. Black and gray suit everyone; such outfits always look discreet and stylish. They are easy to combine (especially suitable for those who have a problem with this), they are very practical in terms of wear, which is important for mothers who daily face various types dirt and stains. To prevent the wardrobe from being boring, I added different shades of pink: powder pink, dirty pink and fuchsia. Also, to add some spice, I chose two pieces with animal prints that would be well balanced with the primary colors. You can replace pink with your favorite color and animal print with any other print. I think the scheme is clear.

Capsule wardrobe

At first, I planned to create a capsule wardrobe of 20 items without shoes. But while working on the project, I was able to limit myself to 17 items (including outerwear), so I decided to immediately add shoes. The result was a spring capsule of 21 items.

Spring and autumn capsule wardrobes are the most difficult, since they require the most clothes and shoes: both warm enough for the beginning of spring and the end of autumn, and practically summer-like for the end of spring and the beginning of autumn. I'm glad I managed to get by with 17 things! The main thing in a small wardrobe is to choose multifunctional items. And, of course, accessories in the form of scarves, caps, hats, bags, brooches, scarves, thanks to which you can wear the same things in different ways. In my selection, I focused on the period from the end of February to the beginning of May, when outerwear is still needed.


1. Black coat with gold buttons (classic and elegant)

2. Light gray coat (cocoon coat can be combined with both classic and sporty outfits, very versatile)

3. Black leather jacket (universal, will make any look more interesting)


1. Powder pink jumper (universal, dilutes the black and gray palette)

2. Striped top (universal)

3. Top with fuchsia straps (a bright element for elegant looks)

4. Light gray sweater with long sleeves (universal)

5. Dark gray oversized sweater (universal)

6. Black T-shirt with the logo of your favorite band (sporty and bright element)

7. Black turtleneck (universal)

8. White blouse with ties (romantic classic element)


1. Black leather sleeveless dress (versatile item)

1. Classic cut black shorts (universal item)

2. Gray high-waisted jeans (versatile item)

3. Black trousers (an elegant element)

4. Dirty Pink Cropped Pants (Sporty Element)

5. Skirt with leopard print (bright element)


1. Low boots with imitation snake skin (bright element)

2. White sneakers (sporty element)

3. Black brogues (universal)

4. Black classic shoes with strap (an elegant element)

And now the most interesting thing is the images that can be created from these things.

As you can see, with only 17 items and 4 pairs of shoes, you can create outfits for every occasion. The main thing is the compatibility of colors, correct proportions, versatility of things and compliance with your style and lifestyle. I like that all the looks turned out not boring, but stylish and comfortable, which is very important for a young mother. You don’t have to walk around only in jeans and sneakers and think that stylish outfits no longer for you!


If you have a small wardrobe or few outerwear, try to choose as neutral things as possible that go well with both a skirt and dress, and with trousers. Classic black coat knee-length suits almost everything (except for long skirts - the silhouette is too loaded and unattractive). It can be worn with both shoes and sports shoes. Very practical for mothers. A cocoon coat is perfect for casual style looks, but also with an elegant scarf and a tight-fitting hem for weekend outfits. It is very comfortable, you can easily wear oversized sweaters under it and not look like a Michelin man :) A black biker jacket will enliven any look and add drive, especially in combination with snake boots or a rocker T-shirt.


With a limited number of shoes, they should be as multifunctional as possible. So instead of classic stilettos, I chose low-heeled Mary Janes. They look very elegant yet comfortable. You can spend the whole day in them without sad consequences. I like the way they look with thick black tights and a skirt or shorts (attention, they really lengthen your legs!), as well as with cropped trousers (emphasize the elegance of the ankle). Brogues are very practical and elegant shoes: they look interesting with feminine outfits and add zest to everyday looks. If you don't like men's boots, you can replace them with loafers. It is too a good option. For athletic shoes, choose something classic in basic colors like Adidas Originals, Stan Smith, Nike Air Max or Converse so that you can wear it with coats and skirts.

The most multifunctional things:

- black turtleneck. She looks good in both casual looks and more dressy outfits. It can be worn on its own or as an additional layer under a dress or a tank top. More interesting tips You will find how to wear turtlenecks in.

- sleeveless leather dress. It is perfect either on its own or in combination with a white romantic blouse, black turtleneck or oversized sweater. Tops can be worn both underneath and on top. This way we get an additional skirt.

- black pants. Very versatile. If you need to go for a walk, wear it with sneakers and a sweater, if for a party - with shoes and a bright top, if for the theater - with a white blouse. The main thing is to choose the right style and the right length for your figure. Personally, I like them slightly cropped.

What things are the most functional? You can find my top 5 items in a minimalist's wardrobe at.

The most striking things:

- top fuchsia color. It will liven up any outfit, good both on its own and in combination with a turtleneck or biker jacket. A bright top should be in a capsule.

— skirt with leopard print. It will add some spice, you can tone it down with black or experiment with bright colors. I like it with a turtleneck, and with a white blouse, and with fuchsia, and with stripes.

— Dirty pink trousers. A bright accent, looks great with gray clothes and a matching sweater. A great option for sporty but stylish clothing.


Tights can work wonders. Simply by changing them, you can change the mood of the outfit. Therefore, the same dress or shorts look different thanks to simple tights. But don't wear green, red or blue. It won't make you look better. Limit yourself to black and transparent.

Instagram. Write to me by email and tell me about yourself and your lifestyle, what you expect from your wardrobe, what you like and what problems you have with your current one. I will choose one story and prepare a capsule just for you!

Hello everyone! The birth of a child makes serious adjustments to a woman’s lifestyle. The daily schedule gets confused, there is not enough time and energy, and I constantly want to sleep. Young mothers, absorbed in the baby, push self-care into the background. Even when the child grows up, this maternal habit remains.

In fact, a woman who understands that she looks stylish and well-groomed feels more self-confidence and a surge of physical and moral strength. Don’t think that since you’re on maternity leave, no one can see you. He contemplates you every day own child, for which you will later become an example. Therefore, remaining a woman, and not just a tortured mother, is our direct responsibility.

  • Well maintained appearance.
  • Selected wardrobe.
  • Parts and accessories.

Not many components. Let's talk in more detail about how to learn to be stylish without spending a lot of time and effort.

Appearance of a happy mother

Circles under the eyes, gray complexion, stale hair - all this often accompanies the image of a woman who has recently given birth. Looking at her, it’s difficult to talk about the joys of motherhood. Why show the public that you sleep 4 hours a day. It’s easy to disguise external fatigue a little. Just a few cosmetic assistants can help restore freshness to your face:

  • Powder.
  • Color corrector (if you need to hide signs of fatigue under the eyes).
  • Mascara.
  • Moisturizing lip gloss.

To look good, you don’t have to spend time every day on complex makeup with shadow transitions and eyeliner. It is enough to powder your face or apply foundation, line your eyelashes with mascara and apply gloss to your lips. The face will become much fresher and more expressive. For a playground, nothing more complex is required.

With hair the situation is more complicated. Lucky are those who have gorgeous hair that can be pulled back into a luxurious ponytail or braid. Those whom nature has not endowed with such wealth find other ways out.

  1. A haircut. You don’t need to think about your hairstyle, but you will have to do some light styling in the morning. You should choose a haircut that requires minimal maintenance time.
  2. Carving. This is a long-term hair perm that lasts about two months. Hair looks more voluminous and curly, and styling time is reduced to a minimum.
  3. Hairstyle. Every girl has a hairstyle that she does quickly and easily. By tying your hair together, you can hide its staleness if you didn’t have enough time to wash your hair. But the hairstyle should look neat. It can be complemented with jewelry or a beautiful hairpin.

Young mother's wardrobe

If before maternity leave you adored elegant dresses, tight skirts, high heels and dress shoes, now it's time to save them for special occasions.

What parameters in choosing a wardrobe are important for the mother of a baby?

  • Comfort
  • beauty
  • Practicality

There is one rule: if you always want to look stylish and not spend a lot of time in the morning choosing what to wear, you need to have 5-7 things for each area of ​​your life that will resonate with each other in style, color, fabric texture, style. In addition, every woman knows about, which has things suitable for everyday wear. They are practical and easy to combine with other clothes.

For a young mother, such things can be:

  • jeans;
  • plain T-shirts in neutral shades and colors;
  • cardigan;
  • Jean jacket;
  • wedge shoes or ballet flats.

Now we’ll tell you how to choose and select clothes.

Size. Without accepting the changes in their figure after childbirth, some women go to extremes. Someone is trying to fit into their previous wardrobe, while others, embarrassed by excess weight, buy things a size larger, hiding the kilograms. To avoid looking ridiculous, you need to buy clothes that fit your size. Even if you strive to lose weight and do everything for it. Wonderful! When you lose weight, update your wardrobe. But now only true to size. Then things will sit correctly and beautifully.

Quality. It is important to pay attention to the material. It should not wrinkle, but it should be easy to wash. When choosing knitwear, pay attention that it does not stretch and keeps its shape. Cotton pants and trousers, despite being made from the same material, will look different. Cotton with the addition of elastane looks very neat and is comfortable to wear.

Colors. Practicality does not mean that colors should be boring and monochromatic. It is important that they fit together. But when choosing, for example, trousers, it is better to give preference to blue, gray, emerald shades than white.

Dress and sundresses. Pants are very comfortable, but nothing emphasizes femininity like a dress. It is also convenient because you don’t have to worry about what to wear it with. Don’t be afraid that wearing a dress will be uncomfortable when walking with your child. If you choose the right style and length, it will not cause problems. A wide skirt to the knee or slightly below is what you need. The maxi length looks great and stylish. But if the child is active, you have to run a lot, and the skirt interferes with walking, then it is better to refuse this option for now. But for mothers walking with a stroller, a floor-length dress or sundress is very suitable.

Shoes. Now in stores you can find a huge selection of stylish and comfortable shoes: moccasins, ballet flats, loafers, sandals. A wedge heel will always come to the rescue. It is much more comfortable than a heel, and looks no less beautiful. A lot and in autumn - winter shoes flat, which will go with jeans, trousers and skirts.

What complements the image?

Only accessories help to complement the image, emphasize the “zest”, add style and completeness. A mother walking with her baby should not have complex or expensive jewelry. This is inappropriate and impractical. Here are some simple recommendations to help you choose accessories.

Earrings. Small earrings that match the color of your eyes will suit any wardrobe and will refresh your face. You should not buy long earrings with large details. Otherwise, there is a risk that one day a curious baby will pull them along with the ear.

Beads and chains. When choosing a necklace, remember that you will often have a child in your arms. Therefore, it makes sense to abandon all kinds of beads and necklaces for now.

Bracelets. You should not choose heavy jewelry with many pendants. They are uncomfortable to wear and can injure the child. But leather jewelry, woven, made from small pebbles or shells, knitted, in ethnic style will be a great solution.

Shawls and scarves. Suitable for any set in any season. Even a top and jeans set will look different if you add it neckerchief. The right scarf color, refreshing the face, can sometimes even compensate for the lack of makeup. But you need to learn how to tie scarves so that the ends do not interfere with communication with the child or active walks. On the Internet you can find many ways to beautifully tie scarves. Then with the help of this simple accessory you can significantly diversify your wardrobe.

Hair ornaments. Forget about stretched out elastic bands. Let them serve only to fix the hairstyle. Decorate it with a beautiful hairpin or the same scarf. Combine hair decorations, clothes and other accessories according to style.

  • To make your wardrobe look stylish, you don’t need to grab the first thing you like. Consider in advance what you can wear it with based on your current lifestyle.
  • When choosing things, try to match them in color. Then, with only a basic wardrobe, you can easily get several stylish outfit combinations.
  • There is no need to be afraid of getting dirty while walking with your child or tearing your clothes. The likelihood of this happening is low. Rare mothers climb fences with their tomboys. If you still walk with a stroller, then you don’t have to worry about such things at all. It is enough that the clothes are comfortable, and the shoes allow you to walk a lot.
  • Think ahead. It is better to mentally imagine your image in advance, evaluate the harmony of the selected items, than to quickly put on the first thing that came to hand.

It remains to add that when going for a walk, try to think through not only your wardrobe, but also your baby’s outfit. A girl dressed in frills and a mother in pants and a T-shirt will not look very harmonious together. The same can be said about mom in long dress with frills and a son in a tracksuit. It’s great if any detail in the clothes of mother and child echoes each other: color, pattern, material.

Some mothers even manage to match shoes, jewelry or handbags to the color of the stroller. The main thing is to remember that everything needs moderation. A stylish young mother is not worried about her appearance and is not afraid to get dirty with juice or sand on the playground. She plays calmly with her baby. Clothes do not restrict her movements. She is confident and feels comfortable.

One day this summer I took part in a competition at a Moscow school of stylists. The participants had to create a wardrobe capsule for the summer for mothers on maternity leave and post it on their Instagram. There were tons of competitors, and I, like the target category, looked at the numerous works with pleasure.

And the more I looked, the more perplexed I became. Tutu skirt? Are you serious?! White jeans? Come on?! High heels? Are you walking straight into the sandbox in heels?! There were quite a few skeptics like me. The authors zealously worked through objections: “What, a mother on maternity leave can’t wear heels? “What, you didn’t know that a tutu skirt has long become a staple and is very comfortable in it?” “White jeans are a great alternative to black ones. Don't be prudes! Etc.

Of course, if a mother on maternity leave works (and does not take the baby to the office), regularly attends social events (either without the child, or with the child and a support group) and regularly meets with girlfriends for a glass of wine (without the baby, of course), then heels , floor-length skirts, red lipstick, white clothes will fit perfectly into her wardrobe.

But mothers on maternity leave spend all their time with their children! ALL! There are exceptional days, but here the question of attire does not arise - did we have some kind of life before maternity leave, did we go somewhere? (Really? We went? I don’t remember something...).

When entering “clothes for mothers on maternity leave” into a search engine, we first of all look for outfits for going out. Those. how to dress when leaving the house so that you feel comfortable playing hide and seek and tag, and calmly stop on the way to the best supermarket (well, you have to have fun somehow, don’t laugh) for cakes, and feel confident if suddenly unexpectedly, a friend will invite you for a cup of latte at your favorite coffee shop.

For example, like Sarah Jessica Parker:

Or like Sienna Miller:

Or like Jessica Alba:

But when I go outside in the fall, I mostly see mothers in dark blue jeans, down jackets, zipped up, and with a bag that comes with the stroller. A little later, in winter, this costume ensemble is replaced by an expensive jumpsuit with a parka of the same color... Fashion for pregnant women and mothers on maternity leave is monstrous and merciless. One site suggested pregnant women dress like this in the fall:

Signature: fashion clothes. And this is not the most trash, unforgettable.

In general, I set a goal for myself: to develop 5 looks for fall for a mother on maternity leave (read between the lines: for myself), which will be both aesthetically pleasing and comfortable. And in which it will be warm. And besides, from the things that live in the wardrobes of many girls. And no matter how trivial. That's it, Ostap suffered...

I present to your attention the result of my work.

LOOK #1:

Military style comes back into fashion every fall, so you can safely invest in cargo jackets, khaki shirts and camouflage pants. Since the “military” style comes from the army, it is extremely convenient and practical. which is what we need.

I complement camouflage skinnies with a long T-shirt, an oversized sweater, aviator sunglasses, a shopping bag and an ordinary watch.

I checked: a wool sweater over a cotton T-shirt is WARM! However, if you are from the mimosas, then the look can be easily complemented with a jacket:

LOOK #2:

In the fall/winter 2016 season, eco-leather with eco-suede and faux fur- at the head of the table.

Leather leggings are extremely comfortable and practical. When creating an outfit with such leggings, you need to play on the contrast of textures: smooth leather and knitted jersey, for example.

Skeptics will grin: white sneakers in autumn in OUR country?
(My husband, in his rapper adolescence, rhymed: “You can’t wear white sneakers in my ghetto”).

I have nothing to answer the skeptics. Unfortunately, there is nothing more spectacular than white adidas superstar :). I've been all my life all year round I wear these shoes all the time. I wash it often, of course. Life in general is pain.

Okay, just kidding, there is a way out. The answer is in the photo below.

Leggings and camouflage skinnies are, of course, great, but they don’t lend themselves to a “weekend” look. And here's the next costume ensemble...


This look uses almost only basic items. How good is that, huh? :)

Tapered cropped chinos will look most impressive. Is it cold to wear oxfords on bare feet? Put on your Bart Simpson socks. Bullying is good for moms!


What about skirts? Based on my experience, a pencil skirt is poorly suited for walking with an active baby. But the “sun” or “half-sun” styles are more than that! Just the other day I discovered the combination of a blue skirt with a plaid shirt. I googled it - it turns out that fashionists discovered this America for themselves one hundred hundred seasons ago. I am sharing with you a ready-made costume ensemble.

I didn’t find any very similar outfits. However, there are very good ones that I will be happy to share with you.

The last one, look#5, I planned to combine with a dress. But I changed my mind after I conducted another training “ stylish wardrobe 365 days a year." Girls are good at wearing dresses.

LOOK #5:

This outfit will be paired with your old favorite jeans.

I draw your attention to the combination of a denim shirt with a contrasting sweater. This is the most important feature. You can also combine a striped sweater with a checkered shirt - it looks super cool.

Not a single anarak, sweatshirt, or sweatpants. Not a single vest, not a quilted jacket, not a single fleece pants.

But thermal underwear, snoods, scarves, gloves and hats - as much as you like. Any of these 5 looks can be complemented with warm accessories.

In this article, I tried to reveal the idea of ​​multi-layered bows: either you have everything “wide open”, or each previous layer peeks out from under the next. Plus a combination of textures. Plus a combination of prints. Plus accessories. And - voila! - you look no worse than Kate Moss.

And if you don’t quite understand how complex costume ensembles are created, come

Almost every stylist writing on the Internet has posted his thoughts on the topic of “maternity wardrobe.” And a heated discussion always flared up in the comments between real average mothers who spend 24 hours a day with their offspring, and bohemians - women with high incomes, a crowd of assistants and a busy social life. ​

The first ones defend tracksuits and are sure that they should have a specific wardrobe while on maternity leave. The latter say that during this period the mother is no different from other women and can wear not only comfortable and purely practical things. I think that all these battles are due to an unclear formulation of the question. Moms are not at all interested in how to dress for a rare date with her husband at the cinema or for a bachelorette party in a restaurant. They have clothes for these occasions! But what to wear with your child to make it look beautiful and stylish is a big question.


  • Walks last on average 2 hours.
  • Kids masterfully find the dirtiest areas of the planet and need to quickly remove them from there.
  • Young offspring love to sit on their mothers' arms.

Add to this that the modern supermom still needs to be on time to the store, to school early development and stop the galloping horse. Where would we be without a horse?!

So, I was faced with the task of developing a wardrobe of a dozen and a half items for a mother on maternity leave, in which she would happily spend her stylish summer of 2017. I struggled with this task for several days, and this is what happened.

Sports chic suit

Tracksuits are back in fashion! However, in the city I recommend wearing not the famous shiny ones with stripes, but knitted suits in the sport chic style. As a rule, these are a sweatshirt and trousers in soft, inactive colors. Please note: in order not to turn into an athlete after training, you need to complement your look with neat daytime makeup, clean hair and the right backpack. We will talk about it a little later.


Chinos are short, a palm above the ankle, cotton pants with a loose fit. Please note that it is better not to wear them tight. The material from which they are made must be quite dense. This is their beauty. The look will be more elegant if you iron the creases on your chinos.

Denim skirt

Everyone wears jeans all year round. I offer an adequate, but more feminine alternative - a denim skirt. Choose the length based on your body type: mini, knee-length or midi. All options look relevant. Pencil skirt or A-line, discreet or rock 'n' roll style - it's up to you.
With such a skirt you can create many different sets:

  • Sneakers + sweatshirt + backpack - for playing with a child in the sandbox.
  • Pumps + shirt + vest + shoulder bag - to the cinema with your loved one.
  • Loafers with “tractor” soles + top with lace + sweater with a deep V-neck + canvas tote bag (read about it below) - for a shopping promenade.
  • Leather sandals + a T-shirt with a slogan (which I wrote about in the article “10 fashion trends for summer 2017”) + a boater hat + a straw tote - for the beach.

Denim shirt

Denim shirt - this is the universal “little black dress” (“small black dress") our time.

It can be played with endlessly, used as both a bottom and top layer, and most importantly, it is incredibly practical.

Polo T-shirt

I think there are tons of T-shirts for mothers on maternity leave! But how many people have a polo shirt in their wardrobe?

I highly recommend getting this item. On the one hand, a polo is a very comfortable top. This type of shirt came to us from tennis, and there it cannot be otherwise. On the other hand, a polo looks much more formal than a regular T-shirt, but less formal than a dress shirt.

Feminine top

A top that reveals your collarbones and shoulders, but covers your chest and arms, is a great solution for a balmy July hot evening. It is quite compatible with both chinos and a skirt, and the bravest ones can try combining it with sweatpants from the suit from the first point.

No, it's not utilitarian, I know. But sometimes even the busiest mother of many children I want to feel like a tender, fragile girl again.

Don't deny yourself small pleasures. God is in the details.

T-shirt dress

A T-shirt dress will help you out on a hot afternoon when you need to get ready for a walk in 5 minutes. Take a closer look at the fashionable options with images of rock bands from the 90s - this dress has real character.

Dress shirt

And fashionable, and convenient, and varied. I'm talking about a shirt dress, that is, a shirt dress.
In addition to the obvious combination with sneakers or sandals, current fashion has added a few more interesting options. In particular, it can be worn as a second layer, unbuttoned, or directly over jeans for a fashionable, modern look.

V-neck sweater

A cozy sweater will warm you up on a cool August evening, and in the current weather, even a cool June evening. Light colors are most suitable for summer, but choose according to your desire and mood. A deep, sharp neckline will lengthen your silhouette, and if you have a large bust, it will visually significantly lighten your look.

White sneakers

White sneakers are one of the most versatile pairs of shoes in the modern women's wardrobe. They can be combined with literally everything. And I’m generally silent about convenience.


Espadrilles are textile shoes with straw soles/wedges.
They are incredibly light, ideally combined with summer dresses, sundresses, frills, and frills. Those who are bolder can easily combine coarser textures with espadrilles: denim, leather, wool. In our area, espadrilles are just coming into use, so I guarantee that even in a regular T-shirt and jeans, but with these slippers, you will look like the most stylish mom on the playground!

Tote bag

Today, as part of the section« how to dress for mom on maternity leave» Let's touch on the topic of bags.
Accessories help complete the look.
A canvas tote bag for the summer is the best option for walking with your baby! You can put it in a basket in a stroller and wash it.
And most importantly, such a bag looks very organic in summer.

Urban backpack

An urban-style leather backpack has become an excellent replacement for an ordinary bag for many girls around the world. I definitely recommend it to mothers - your hands will be free and you will look great.

boater hat

Russian girls rarely wear hats, but it is important to remember that health comes first. Therefore, I suggest getting a straw boater hat. This version of the headdress looks natural in the urban jungle (thanks to fashionistas around the world for popularizing this theme). The rest of the hats look either too elegant (made of felt) or resort-style.


Earrings are a stronghold of femininity, and in the summer they are quite appropriate for everyday life in the sandbox. Of course, earrings attract attention to you and your face. Therefore, make sure that everything is in perfect order with you and with your face.
