Man: why do you have a dream? An important person according to the dream book

Dreams about people can predict a lot for the dreamer. They serve as a warning of danger, or foreshadow future happiness. If you dream of a person, you need to determine who he is and whether you know him. This will help to correctly interpret the dream.

If you dream about a person, as it is interpreted in dream books

Dreams about people are considered relevant for the sleeper, because in life he encounters a society where there are enemies.

Based on this, fairly well-known esotericists offered their own interpretations of such visions:

  1. Vanga in her dream book paid great attention to the plot of the dream. She believed that if the same person is constantly seen, this signals the need to change the situation in life. Also, the sleeper should act quickly, otherwise business will stagnate. When you see in a dream the individual you are talking about Lately If you think very often, this means that the dream is based on obsessive thoughts. In this case, the dream does not foretell anything. She also wrote about why a loved one dreams of wearing black clothes. This vision warns of the need to be on alert due to impending danger.
  2. Nostradamus believed that a vision of a person was a good omen. He believed that the dream of a man sitting on a rock foreshadows an amazing event. At the same time, it will be able to completely change ideas about life. If in a dream he turned out to be a stranger with a bestial look, then the sleeper will have to meet the Antichrist in the future. When a person in a dream was angry and aggressive, this means that a despotic tyrant will soon find himself in the role of ruler of the state. If you dreamed of a wounded person, then enormous trials await you in the future. Also in a dream, material wealth plays a big role. If you dreamed of a beggar, expect minor troubles that could lead to the loss of property. When he was rich, this is considered a prosperous sign. IN in this case the dream promises a comfortable life and prosperity in the family.
  3. IN family dream book it is indicated that if you have a dream in which the dreamer is unable to understand the gender of a person, this means the need to change your position or place of work. In addition, if he was on a hill, the dream foreshadows drastic changes in the dreamer’s life. Dreams with evil people prophesy grief from current events.

I dreamed of a familiar person

To interpret a dream, it is very important to know who you dreamed about. If the dreamer was familiar with the person, then this is considered a sign that serious events may occur. In this case, the interpretation takes on special significance if the dream is repeated daily. When a familiar person appears in night dreams for a long time and often, this indicates the presence of an internal astral connection with him. In addition, the dream indicates that she is strong enough, the relationship with the dreamed person is strong and reliable.


When I dreamed stranger, which does not bring any emotions, this may mean that he is the personification of a missed chance to change his life.

According to Miller's theory, unknown man considered a good predictor of financial success. In addition, if he was handsome and rich, then expect great life changes. Opposite meaning have dreams in which there was an unkempt and ugly person.

For unmarried girls, this vision is considered a warning about unwanted pregnancy which will be the consequence of a dissolute life.

Why do you dream about the person you like?

Dreams about objects of sympathy have another meaning. When you dream about a person you like, the dream often does not carry any sacred meaning. Most likely, the dreamer is real life thinks a lot about her object of desire, which is why thoughts about her lover do not leave even during sleep. On the other hand, a dream in which the dreamer saw a beloved face foretells him a romantic date. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the night when the beloved was dreamed, since the day of the week is of great importance for the interpretation of dreams.

A lot of people, a crowd

When many people dream at the same time, then it’s worth thinking about your internal state. Often a crowd in a dream signals the manifestation conflict situations that make the sleeper nervous.

In this case, it is necessary to consider the behavior of the crowd. When the crowd is noisy, then the dream has no interpretative value. If people are silent in a dream, this means that in real life the dreamer will soon have a hard time enduring trials. In order not to explode from an overabundance of emotions, you should take a vacation for a while. In addition, when the company consisted of strangers, this is considered an omen that someone is waiting for the sleeper. huge conflicts and quarrels.

In some cases, the vision indicates the dreamer’s loneliness in reality. In this case, it is advisable to visit a psychologist and also make friends.

The gender of society in a dream has a huge influence on the interpretation:

  1. If it was not possible to find out the gender, it is interpreted that the dreamer has a great chance of getting into the elite.
  2. When you dreamed about women who were aggressively opposed to the dreamer, this is a warning that the fair sex in the future may deceive and cheat on the dreamer. Young and unmarried girls dream on the eve of a confrontation with failures.
  3. If there were only men in the crowd, the dream recommends being wary, because it portends both trouble and self-interest. Therefore, in the days following the dreams, you should think through every step.

Why do I dream about the same person?

To find out why the same person dreams, it is necessary to approach the interpretation of the dream from a psychological point of view. Perhaps the dreamer is fixated on the same routine things. This usually indicates that the sleeper is constantly walking in circles. Based on this, you need to change something in your life so that everyday worries do not lead to a mental disorder.

Reasons why you dream about a person you don’t think about

Most common cause these dreams, it is believed that the dreamed person this moment misses the dreamer. It also means that he is constantly thinking about him.

On the other hand, a dream signals a need for help. Usually, some time after the visions seen, a meeting with the object of the dream will occur. Based on this, the sleeper is recommended to call the person to make sure that everything is fine with him.

When interpreting a dream, it is necessary to remember the sensations from the dream. If the vision was disturbing, then expect troubles at work, which old friends will help solve. If during the dream the sleeper felt happy, then the dream indicates that in reality it is difficult for the sleeper to obtain happiness, which is why the vision is a signal from the subconscious about its need.

Interpretation of dreams depending on the day of the week

Depending on the specific day of the week when the dream was seen, the interpretation of the dream will have different meanings:

  1. A person had a dream on Monday; the reason for the dreams was the emotional experiences of the dreamer, since the Moon is considered the patroness of dreams on this day.
  2. Since Tuesday is considered the day of Mars, dreams on this day foreshadow great results in work. Visions on Tuesday symbolize the dreamer's aspirations to move towards his intended goal.
  3. On Wednesday, dreams about people often have little significance as a foreshadowing. Usually the vision is associated with thoughts about the person in the dream.
  4. On Thursday, the dream is the most significant for interpretation. On this day, almost all dreams come true. Such dreams promise activity in the professional field, as well as excellent results of the work done.
  5. On the night from Thursday to Friday they come prophetic dreams. If you dreamed of a person on this day, the dream should be interpreted in the love sphere. Usually the vision reflects the dreamer's desires, and it is also able to foresee future relationships.
  6. On Saturday similar visions warn the sleeper about making a mistake.
  7. On Sunday dreams have positive interpretation. In any case, the dream is considered an omen of success and prosperity.

Many psychologists explain why people dream about people who often think about them. From the esoteric side, such visions signal both trouble and well-being. In any case, the interpretation of dreams must be approached consciously, taking into account the plot of the visions.

Good day to all! It is morning in my hemisphere and I have just woken up. I dreamed of an old friend whom I saw a couple of days ago, but there was no opportunity to say hello. Lately I’ve been thinking about him and realized that I missed him, but our schedules still didn’t coincide.

It reminded me of the times when I saw the same person every night. I didn't understand why. And I was tormented by the question “ What does it mean if a person dreams ? After all, this is probably not just like that! Are you familiar with this condition? Perhaps you are confused and want an answer. This article is dedicated to you!

Can this person think about me?

IN adolescence I thought a lot about dreams. At that time I was not yet familiar with psychology, and therefore I read a lot of esoteric books. There I was looking for information about whether there is a connection between who you dream about and how that person feels about you. After all, you really wanted the boy you were crazy about every day , was in love with you too! What if there is some unknown connection? And the constant appearance of the same person suggests that.

I want to disappoint my readers who believe in this. There is no pattern. Science refutes such speculation. After all, sleep is a personal property that does not in any way depend on the psyche of another person.

Of course, it could be a coincidence that people dream about each other . But if they do not have a clear coincidence of plot, events, faces and colors, there is no need to talk about a telepathic connection.

If someone else dreams of you too man, you can rejoice. But to see this as a craft higher power not worth it.

What's the catch?

Night dreams come in a wide variety. From desired events to nightmares, strange plot twists or simply chaotic changes in images. However, there is one unifying factor: they are emotionally compelling.If your child has predominantly nightmares, and you don’t know what to do about it, I suggest reading my .

A dream is not a mysterious message, not God's grace or the machinations of the devil. This is just a set of symbols that have meaning for each individual person.

First I would like to say that you will never dream of something that you have not seen. That's how the brain works. The complex physiological process of sleep, during which information moves from short-term memory to long-term memory. The necessary space is cleared, the body is rebooted.

Thus, the flashing pictures are the result of what you saw, knew and about. thought very often.

Do you see what I'm getting at? If you constantly dream of the same dream or person, it’s not just that, you’re dreaming about what your life is filled with. The subconscious is trying to reach out and say something. I have written another article covering .

What do you dream about and why?

If you dreamed about the guy you like or is dead relative, there is reason to think. Turning to dream books is appropriate only if you dream of individual symbolic images: flight, water, horse. But a dreamed person is always an individual phenomenon, but obviously this person is dear to you. Therefore, if you want to get a transcript of why you had this or that vision at night, it makes sense to do it together with a psychologist. In particular, one way to talk to your subconscious could be .

Reveals in more detail the mechanism of occurrence of night images Freud in his book “Nothing Happens by Chance”.

What can a dream represent?:

  1. Secret desires. What's in effect certain rules, restrictions, we do not allow ourselves to realize. After repression, desires do not go away; they can subside for a while, but occasionally seep into dreams, reminding of themselves. If you suspect that you have a hidden conflict between the subconscious and consciousness, perhaps my article will help you.” ”.
  2. The need for change. It happens that the usual state of affairs is no longer pleasing. Only a step separates you from a decisive change in life. A dream can tell you exactly how to implement this step or what is preventing you from taking it.
  3. Actualization of grief. The most stressful situations is , his or his own illness. In such situations, mental exhaustion occurs and the brain tries to remove some of the overstrain. at night.
  4. Realization of creative potential. Often it can “illuminate” in a dream. IN It is generally accepted that it is thanks to dreams that contact between the subconscious and creativity is established.
  5. Model of real relationships. Relationship with loved ones may be contradictory, overly emotional, and confusing. All this is an integral part of life. Meeting another person in a dream often projects a real interaction. So, after waking up, you can analyze the dream, understand how to solve the problem, establish communication, evaluate, and possibly.
  6. Reflection of health status. For example, if you constantly dream that close a man pierces your heart with a knife. In reality, this may mean that relationships with this person cause severe anxiety, provoke attacks of tachycardia, and can cause a heart attack. Or shackles on the legs as a sign of approaching rheumatism. Sometimes such a direct dependence occurs.

An important clarification: the dream must be holistic, have a plot or meaningful images. Because with chaotic flashing of frames that are in no way connected with each other, fragmentary, it may simply be a consequence of playing back information received during the day and not carry special significance. May flicker familiar , whom you saw by chance, but did not pay attention to it special attention. You can read about what to do if you stop dreaming .

One way or another, when during the day everything is fine, but as night falls you will have dreams that cause a strong emotional reaction, it is worth analyzing what you are dreaming. You can write your dreams in a journal to see connections and understand what they mean to you.

If a person is dreaming. General definition concepts

What does it mean if a person dreams? It would seem, what’s unusual in such a dream. It would be much more illogical and scary if non-existent creatures or some unprecedented images and animals came to us at night in our dreams. What to do if nighttime phenomena recur? And if you dreamed about a person more than once, not twice, and his visits continue for several nights in a row? Perhaps in this way our subconscious wants to warn us about something or warn us? Let's try to figure it out. There is a fairly widespread belief that whoever we dream about, no matter whether it is a man, woman or child, is most likely thinking about us. This person purely emotionally sends us signals that, transformed on the astral level, are embodied in our dreams. Whether this is true or not is, of course, up to the sleeping person, or rather the awakened one, to decide. However, in the morning, still try to contact him or her by calling back, stopping by for a visit, or simply sending an SMS. It definitely won't get any worse. What if the person actually needs your help, support or care? If it is impossible to establish contact, our ancestors advised asking about the reason for the “arrival” of the night guest in a dream. Perhaps this way we can “talk” and clarify the situation. On the other hand, according to psychologists, we simply cannot help but dream about those about whom we ourselves constantly think or worry. They appear in dreams as a continuation of our daytime thoughts, plans and actions.

If a person is dreaming. Man

According to ancient dream book Mayan people, this dream can have both positive and negative interpretation. It all depends on what kind of person he is and what he does. For example, if a man is naked, then the sleeping person will most likely receive an interesting offer. However, in order for this to actually happen, it is recommended to find, burn and scatter his photograph to the wind, or simply write his name on paper and carry out the same procedure. A dream in which a man is making or building something is considered bad. In this case, the sleeping person may be in danger: from a simple household injury to a car accident. To prevent this, you should wear it for several days. Golden ring on any toe of the left foot. New modern dream book, intended for the whole family, insists that if we see a handsome and superbly built man in a dream, then this can only promise one thing: our future life will be filled positive emotions, wealth and fame. But an ugly man or a gloomy old man will bring nothing but troubles, worries, difficulties and disappointments.

If a person is dreaming. Woman

Let's return again to the Mayan people. This time, his representatives say that if a woman has such a dream, it means that her man is faithful to her, and there is no reason to suspect cheating on his part. Although, to consolidate the sign, it is still recommended to drink a glass of warm melt water every day before bed for a week. But if a representative dreams of a woman strong half humanity, and the dream is intrusive, it is still worth listening to yourself. Perhaps there is a problem with potency. But in general, ancient people in this case, he advised eating as much parsley, horseradish, ginger and hot pepper. In modern Russian dream book managed to find information that everything depends on the appearance of the lady in the dream: a toothless old woman with a stick - to losses, a black-haired gypsy - to gossip, and only a young lady with luxurious brown hair who appears in dreams will bring good news.


Well, let's sum it up. So, if you dream about a person, be sure to pay attention to him and remember that this dream is significant. It is ready to change your life, and therefore it is definitely worth adopting.

Why does a person dream?

Family dream book

Person - If you dream of a person and you don’t know whether he is a man or a woman, then in reality you will have to change your job and find yourself in a new team in which you will not be welcome. If the person you dream about stands on some kind of eminence, this means that changes are coming in your life that can radically change it in better side, although it won't be too soon. A dream in which you see evil man, promises you and your loved ones grief.

Why does a person dream?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

A vile person is an unexpected necessary acquaintance.

Why does a person dream?

Spring dream book

Seeing yourself bandaged means using a cunning move.

A bare-bellied man - to a boring boss, from whom you will ask for something, but will not receive it.

A bare-legged man means a showdown.

A naked person means illness.

Seeing a big-headed man means replacing the boss.

Seeing a world-famous person next to you is a recipe for misunderstandings.

Seeing a freckled man in a dream means minor problems.

See a lot in a dream talking man- to an event that will literally leave you speechless; to an extraordinary shock.

Seeing a big-faced person is an insult to feelings.

Seeing a one-fingered person, that is, a person who has only one finger on his hand, means a lonely old age; you will have to outlive all your children and relatives.

To see an exhausted person in a dream means to learn about someone’s emotional experiences; to sympathy.

Seeing a skinny person means losing money.

Seeing a scratched person in a dream means a minor offense against the family.

Seeing a stocky person in a dream means that you will have to compete with a very stubborn person.

Seeing yourself hairless in a dream means ruin; seeing children hairless is a shame; seeing your mother hairless means destruction.

Seeing a person without a tongue means patience from your children; to see yourself without language - to songs, to feasts.

Redbeard - to a merry fellow, to a good friend.

Seeing a stooped person means care, litigation.

Seeing a cross-eyed person in a dream means reporting facts, fictitious rumors about your views and standards of your life. Beware of slips of the tongue.

A shaggy person means chaos in the house.

If you see a frail person, this means the child’s ill health and weakness.

Hollow-toothed - dreams of blatant lies.

Black-browed person - you will really like one person, you will think about him and look for him chance encounters, but this person is married.

Black-haired - an unpleasant type will ruin your mood.

A black-eyed person means suspicion will arise.

A dark-skinned person dreams of distrust and surveillance of someone.

Seeing a long-armed man in a dream means robbery, extortion; perhaps someone is getting close to your goods.

Long-nosed - you will mind your own business and get hit on the nose.

A long-legged man means a long and long journey.

Blond - to anxiety.

A man in black - to destruction, if not the body, then the soul

Big-lipped - you will meet a liar and a freeloader.

Seeing a tiny person in a dream means a fire, a flood, in general, a natural disaster, in front of which you will be confused and will not be able to do anything.

A broad-shouldered person - you will gain power and gradually cope with all troubles.

Why does a person dream?

Summer dream book

Seeing a person bandaged from head to toe means an accident.

A bare-bellied man - dreams of shame.

If you dream of a bare-legged person, this means poverty or buying shoes.

Seeing someone next to you in a dream famous person- to demonstrate your abilities in some matter.

Seeing someone thoughtful in a dream is a sign of sadness.

Seeing someone being capricious in a dream means illness.

Seeing a freckled man in a dream means fun.

Seeing a person in a dream with long arms- means that someone loves you very much and is drawn to you.

Seeing a person with a very long nose in a dream means get ready for plastic surgery.

A long-legged person - perhaps she will participate in a beauty pageant.

Seeing a talkative person in a dream is a sign of stress.

Seeing a big-faced man in a dream means an unpleasant meeting.

Seeing a one-fingered person in a dream means injury.

Seeing an extremely malnourished child in a dream means a long-term and incurable illness.

Seeing a skinny person in a dream means deception.

Seeing a badly scratched person in a dream means getting even more severe wounds in reality.

Stocky person - you have problems with your figure.

A red-bearded man means a catch from someone you think poorly of.

A stooped person - a person without conscience and honor will seek an approach to you for his own benefit.

A cross-eyed person - everything is presented to you incorrectly; they are telling lies.

A frail person means lack of money.

A gap-toothed man means an inveterate scoundrel will be near you.

Black-browed person - someone will make fun of you.

Black-haired man - it’s not enough to say that you will lose, you will give everything with your own hands.

A black-eyed person means a loving pastime.

If you dream of a dark-haired person, you will experience humiliation from an unfamiliar person.

If in a dream you see yourself very beautiful, with blond hair, this means illness.

Seeing a man in black - you will receive power and wealth without happiness.

If you dream of a man with an unpleasantly big mouth, you will never accept the advances of a gentleman who is forcing himself on you.

Seeing a tiny person in a dream means a big victory.

A broad-shouldered person - don’t brush your friend aside, you’ll need him soon.

Why does a person dream?

Autumn dream book

Seeing a bandaged person in a dream means a clash with victims.

A bare-bellied man - dreams of shame.

A broad-shouldered person means you are naive, times have changed, don’t expect help, rely on your own strength.

If you dream of a bare-legged person, you will have to buy shoes.

To see a world-famous person next to you in a dream is a sign of snobbery.

Seeing someone thoughtful in a dream means that in reality you often think about the meaning of life.

Seeing a freckled man in a dream is fortunate.

Seeing and listening to such a person in a dream means they are trying to say a lot of nasty things about you, but nothing will stick to you.

Seeing a long-armed man in a dream means someone’s hands are reaching out to your good.

Seeing a person with a very long nose in a dream means a curious person is hanging around you, who wants to know everything about you.

Seeing such a person in a dream means a scandal.

To see a one-fingered man in a dream - no one will tell you.

Seeing an extremely exhausted person in a dream means dystrophy.

Seeing a skinny person in a dream means loss of authority.

A scratched person dreams of some changes for the worse in your life.

A stocky man - dreams of trouble.

Red-bearded man - meet an extremely interesting person.

Stooped - dreams of difficult work.

Seeing a cross-eyed person in a dream means you are misunderstood.

Frail - to a surge of strength.

A black-bearded man means protection and help from a strong person.

Seeing a black-haired man in a dream means headache, pressure.

Black-eyed man - a new profitable acquaintance will take place.

A dark-haired person means falsehood and hypocrisy, which you will soon encounter.

If you dream of a blonde trying to look after you beautifully, this is a sign of deception.

A man in black dreams of a difficult, hopeless life.

If you dream of a big-lipped man, you will live with an unloved person.

Seeing a tiny person in a dream is a big problem.

Why does a person dream?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

A deaf person is a nuisance; to be yourself is a disease.

Red-bearded - you will make a useful acquaintance.

Why does a person dream?

Modern dream book

Seeing a believer in a dream means that you should be less lenient with your weaknesses and be stricter with yourself, otherwise you will make an irreparable mistake.

To see a believer praying in a dream means your prudence will finally be rewarded as it deserves, success awaits you.

A dream in which one of your loved ones has become a believer foreshadows harmony in the family and the selfless attitude of loved ones towards you.

If you often dream of some strangers, this means that you are busy with yourself too much and you need to look for society and friends.

See in a dream handsome man or talking to him means that you will experience great pleasure; see scary person- to some kind of shock, cheerful - to worries and troubles.

If the person you dreamed of is gloomy or sad, you will become immersed in other people’s worries.

Why does a person dream?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

A certain person, a strange person - fear.

Seeing a hairy man is your pursuer / involution, degeneration of your soul.

A person with an unnatural skin color is a conspiracy against you / some kind of lie or flattery.

To meet a two-headed person means your dual position, the absence of a single line in behavior and spiritual life.

Why does a person dream?

Dream Interpretation of Happy Omens

To meet a crazy person (fool) is fortunately and fortunately.

Why does a person dream?

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

A man in white, black clothes - To his death (possibly illness). If the person is unfamiliar, then this could be a vision of a saint, an angel, an unclean one, or death.

Why does a person dream?

Ancient Russian dream book

To see a person in a dream - having a pleasant appearance, foretells joy, pleasure and health for a woman, and for a man such a dream signifies annoyance and futile efforts at some business.

Why does a person dream?

Dream book of catchphrases

MAN - personality – “dark (bad, secretive) personality”; “doll” is a heavily made-up, stupid woman. “The man or woman of my dreams” - ideal man or a woman. Derived words: masculinity, femininity. See add. “ideal man or woman” (in mythological words).

Why does a person dream?

Italian dream book Meneghetti

Indicates a typology that specifies and represents in a condensed form the way of life and behavior of the subject. One of the projections of the dreamer's lifestyle.

Why does a person dream?

Dream book for women

If you dream of a person and you don’t know whether he is a man or a woman, then in reality you will have to change your job and find yourself in a new team in which you will not be welcome.

If the person you dream about stands on some kind of eminence, this means that changes are coming in your life that can radically change it for the better, although this will not happen too soon. A dream in which you see an evil person promises grief for you and your loved ones.

Why does a person dream?

Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

A naked person means illness (rarely death). It is bad to undress in a dream.

If you call a person and he doesn’t hear, you look for him and don’t find him - to his death.

A man in white, black clothes - to his death (possibly illness).

If the person is unfamiliar, this could be a vision of a saint, an angel, an unclean person, or death.

Why does a person dream?

Idiomatic dream book

To see a person in a dream – Personality – “dark (bad, secretive) personality”; “doll” is a heavily made-up, stupid woman. “the man or woman of my dreams” is the ideal man or woman. Derived words: masculinity, femininity. See Add. “ideal man or woman” (in mythologist. Sl.), this is how what you dream about in a dream is deciphered.

Why does a person dream?

Dream book for the whole family

If you dream of a person and you don’t know whether he is a man or a woman, in reality you will have to change your job and find yourself in a new team in which you will not be welcome.

If the person you dream about is standing on some kind of eminence, this means that changes are coming in your life that can radically change it for the better, although this will not happen too soon.

A dream in which you see an evil person promises grief for you and your loved ones.

Why does a person dream?

Dream interpretation horoscope

Human tall- don’t relax, otherwise you’ll miss something important.

Red-haired person - in your environment there is a harmful adventurer who seeks to interfere with his plan.

The man behind you is a betrayal

Why does a person dream?

Online dream book

A person who is unfamiliar to you is a hint that you are trying to attract new people to yourself, since the breadth of your social circle is a measure of success for you. More interpretations According to the dream book, abnormal A tall man- warns that some of your qualities have been showing up too strongly lately and are dominating the others, which can make your life more difficult. If our dream book was useful to you, then add it to your browser so that it is always available at your fingertips. Already used by more than 450 users!© Author-compiler: Alexey Krivenky. Photo:

Why does a person dream?

Universal dream book

If in a dream you see a lonely person and envy him, you want to be in his place - this means that the thoughts or experience of living alone are pleasant to you. If what you see is unpleasant to you, it makes you irritated or afraid, then the thought of living alone does not attract you.

What does the lonely person you dreamed about represent? If this is an elderly person with an established character, in whose life there is no place for anyone else, it means that you are afraid of close relationships or deliberately prefer loneliness.

If this is a person who has many partners, who breaks hearts and builds relationships with one person or another, then close relationships are not a problem for you, but perhaps their commitment scares you.

If you old man and you dream that you are single or single - perhaps this is a memory of those times when you could do whatever you wanted. Perhaps you would like to become free and independent again.

Why does a person dream?

Dream book of symbols

People (man, woman, crowd, queue...). A man or woman in general in a dream represents one or another feeling, sensation, matter, event, type of relationship or character trait (of the dreamer himself). The attitude towards them is often determined by the stereotype of habitual emotional reactions that may mean relationships with strangers or friends, girlfriends (in reality). A crowd of people is a sign of spontaneity, community ( public opinion), the force of the event, loss of individuality. A long queue, for example, in a store will refer to delay, waiting, trouble and in reality. Unfamiliar woman depending on how she looks and what age, for a man it means the course of his affairs, some undertaking, success or failure. A man for a sleeping person indicates the type of influence. The man in women's dreams, depending on the appearance and age, respectively, shows expectation, hope, help, luck or trouble. A woman in a sleeping dream relates more to the problems of jealousy, rivalry, and maternal impulses.

I had a dream, and therefore I want to know what the person who has not been seen for a long time is dreaming about? It should be noted right away that this dream plot has several interpretations. Today the most common of them will be presented. And, of course, their meaning is accurate.

What if you have a dream that you haven’t seen for a long time?

Why do you dream about a person you haven’t seen for a long time? The first dream book is already ready to answer this question. So, according to his interpretation, this dream means that what is expected ahead interesting period in life, which will be filled not only with meetings with old friends, but also with new acquaintances.

It is possible that this will be some kind of trip for business or personal reasons. One way or another, she will bring the sea into life positive emotions, which, like a warm blanket, will keep you warm for a very long time.

But there is one warning here. At first glance, it may seem that it is not worth going on the above-mentioned trip. And this opinion is wrong, since you can really lose a lot if you abandon it. Therefore, you need to cast aside all your doubts and boldly set off towards adventures, fresh emotions and new acquaintances with interesting people.

By the way, it is important to pay attention to how a person is dressed in a dream, whom you have not seen for a long time. This will help characterize the financial situation for the near future. So, if he is dressed in rags, then you can’t expect any profit. But if a person is dressed well and richly, one can hope for unexpected material income. There is another interpretation of what a person dreams of who has not met for a long time. The fact is that it can symbolize relationships with older relatives, which, by the way, urgently need to be put in order.

It is likely that recently the one who has this dream has had big disagreements with the older generation. Perhaps this is a quarrel with some male representative, a very close relative. This relationship does not have to be blood. For example, it could be a husband, half-brother.

This dream quite clearly indicates that the problem that caused the conflict needs to be resolved very urgently. In the future, it is with this person that he will be very connected. important aspect life, which affects not only the moral side, but also the material side. Addressing the issue now will help avoid more serious and intractable problems in the future.

What does it portend?

Also, many dreams can be interpreted not only from the point of view of dream books, but from psychological aspect. As you know, a dream is a manifestation and processing of what is in a person’s subconscious. The information that the brain produces at night can be very skillfully used not only to understand a person, but also to characterize what worries a person now.

So, if you dreamed of a character from life that someone has not seen for a long time, this means that certain feelings are experienced towards him. As a rule, this is a feeling of melancholy. Thus, the brain provides a kind of reminder that it is time to arrange a meeting. However, it is not only melancholy that makes you see a person in a dream.

Surprisingly, the brain can remember a person because of hatred, any unresolved conflicts or other problems that remain open.

IN like a dream You also need to pay attention to the weather that appears there, or rather the time of year. So, autumn or winter means that the same atmosphere reigns in the relationship with this person. If the weather is summer or spring, then everything will turn out well.

The listed meanings, where a person dreams of someone who has not been seen for a long time, are considered the most accurate and reliable. With their help, you can very accurately interpret a dream. And the plot of the dream itself and its symbolism are quite favorable for the one who dreamed about it.
