Photos of mushrooms are oily. False boletus: their difference from an edible mushroom

Well, there is simply not a person on the planet who has not heard of such a mushroom as the butterdish. In addition to its attractive appearance, butterdish is very tasty, healthy and grows on absolutely any soil, in the same place as russula. But they also have a significant drawback - difficulty in preparation. This is not a champignon that can simply be thrown into a frying pan and fried without prior heat treatment. The butter dish requires more delicate manipulations during preparation. Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves.


Mycologists divide all mushrooms into three types:

  1. Tubular (their cap consists of small tubes).
  2. Lamellar (the caps form the plates).
  3. Marsupials (spores are kept in special storage facilities).

Boletus mushrooms are classified as the first type. The cap is a sponge formed by many small tubes. There are spores inside the tubes. The cap of a young mushroom has a semicircular shape with a ring at the edge. The old mushroom has an open cap, and the ring on the leg is barely noticeable. When you cut into a mushroom, its edges begin to turn slightly blue.

Edible types of oil cans

Ordinary oiler. This species is the most common in Russia. The hat is flat with curved edges. There is a noticeable bump in the center. Color brown.

The pulp is very juicy. The leg is solid, white. The older the mushroom, the darker it becomes. In very old fruits, the stem becomes dark brown. Its height varies within 10 centimeters.

The species is found almost everywhere, but favorite place However, as with any mushroom, the area is coniferous.

Ideal conditions for the development of a species family:

  1. Sandy soil.
  2. Good drainage.
  3. Dampness.
  4. Air temperature from +18 degrees Celsius.

It grows between July and October.

Larch oiler. It got its name due to the fact that it can most often be found in the larch habitat area. The mushroom is edible, but the taste is simple, without any aftertaste.

  1. A convex cap that becomes flatter as it ages. Its color is very bright. Fruits of a bright yellow, orange, or less often, dark brown hue may be found.
  2. The pulp is dense, yellow in color. When a young mushroom is damaged, its color does not change. If you damage an older fruit, then it will acquire a pinkish or reddish tint.
  3. The leg resembles a mace. Sometimes it has a curved shape. Height up to 12 centimeters, thickness does not exceed 3 centimeters. The color of the ring is white/yellow, less often brown.

The oiler is grainy. Also a very popular look. It tastes good. Unlike other butterfish, this species does not have a ring on the stem.

Main characteristics of the mushroom:

  1. The cap is convex, small, with a diameter of 4 to 10 centimeters. In dry weather it sparkles in the sun. When it rains, the mushroom becomes slimy. The skin color is brown, yellow-orange, less often burgundy.
  2. The pulp is dense, yellow in color. Smells like hazelnut. Does not change color when damaged.
  3. The leg is dense, cylindrical in shape, light yellow in color. In older mushrooms, it turns dark brown closer to the root. The leg acquires this shade due to the fact that the mushroom secretes juice. It is no more than 8 centimeters in height and 1.5-2 cm in thickness. On the surface of the stem there are often granular formations, which is, in fact, how the mushroom got its name.

These are not all types of this mushroom. There are also others, however, less common in the Russian Federation. These are: white, yellow-brown, gray, American and swamp oilers.

False mushroom

The false oiler is a poisonous member of its genus. After consuming it, intestinal upset may occur. By itself, it tastes very unpleasant.

In order not to get poisoned, you need to pay attention to its appearance, because it is this that distinguishes a poisonous representative from an edible one.

Edible mushrooms have yellow and brown caps. The false one is dark purple.

How to cook

Have you read the description? edible species, we saw their photos, now it’s our turn to tell you how to cook this unique mushroom.

These mushrooms are one of the favorite varieties for cooks. Not only adults, but also children love them.

There are many ways to process butter. They can be pickled, fried, boiled. Below we will describe examples in various ways making these “slimy goodies.”


The soup made from them is very light and lean. After eating 100 grams of soup, a person will receive only 90 kilocalories.

To prepare it, you will need:

  1. 350 grams of mushrooms.
  2. 450 grams of potatoes.
  3. One carrot.
  4. One onion.
  5. A couple of bay leaves.
  6. 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  7. Salt and spices to taste.

The recipe is extremely simple. It is prepared in the same way as other soups. First, potatoes are boiled, spices, fried onions and potatoes are added, and finally fried butter is added.


There are a lot of recipes for making pickled butter. For one of them you will need:

  1. One kilogram of mushrooms.
  2. Half a liter of water.
  3. One tablespoon of sugar.
  4. Two teaspoons of salt.
  5. One bay leaf.
  6. Black and allspice 2-3 pieces.
  7. 2 pieces of cloves.
  8. 6% vinegar – 50 ml.
  9. 1-2 cloves of garlic.

The oils are pre-cleaned and washed well. Then they are boiled for 20 minutes in salted water. To prevent the mushrooms from darkening, you can add a little citric acid to the water.

After the mushrooms are cooked, you need to prepare the marinade. To do this, take a saucepan and pour into it all the ingredients described above except garlic and vinegar. Place this on the fire and bring to a boil. When the mixture boils, add butter and cook for 30 minutes. Five minutes before removing the pan from the heat, add vinegar to the marinade.

Then all this is sorted into banks. The jars are pre-sterilized. Place a clove of garlic at the bottom of the jars, and pour the marinade on top of it.

How to fry butter

Frying in sour cream

Nobody fries mushrooms just like that. It's not as tasty as combining mushrooms with some kind of suitable product, for example, with sour cream. Sour cream will make the mushrooms fragrant and tender.

To prepare such a dish, we will need 500 g of the butter itself, 4 tablespoons of sour cream, 1 onion, a little vegetable oil and butter and spices to taste (garlic, salt, etc.).

Now let's start cooking:

  1. First of all, rinse the boletus, cut into small pieces and boil for 7-10 minutes in salted water.
  2. Cut the onion into rings and fry it in vegetable oil until golden brown.
  3. Add the mushrooms and fry them in a frying pan for about 5 minutes over medium heat. Set the heat to low and add butter. Fry the butter for another 10 minutes.
  4. After 10 minutes, add spices and sour cream. Cover the dish with a frying pan and simmer for about 5 minutes.
  5. The dish is ready to be served.

Fried boletus with potatoes

This is the standard method for preparing fried mushrooms. To prepare, we need 400 g of butter, 500 g of potatoes, 1 onion, vegetable oil and spices.

After boiling the mushrooms, place them in a colander to drain excess juice. Meanwhile, heat the oil in a frying pan. Next, we begin to fry the butter. Meanwhile, finely chop the onion and add to the butter. Fry mushrooms and onions for 3 minutes.

Preparing the potatoes. You can fry it in the same pan in which you cooked the mushrooms, or use a second one. Add potatoes and spices to the pan. Fry it. 2-3 minutes before complete cooking, add mushrooms. The dish is ready to eat.

It is not very difficult to distinguish between real and false boletus. The name of the mushrooms speaks for itself: they have a rather slimy skin, as if watered with vegetable oil.

This article will help you better understand mushrooms such as boletus, and also learn how to distinguish an edible mushroom from a look-alike.

Photos and descriptions of common boletus

Common oiler (Suillus luteus) has a cap with a diameter of 4-15 cm. The mushroom is also called autumn oiler, yellow oiler, true oiler, late oiler. Their shade is light chocolate, brown, olive, yellow-brown or light gray. The shape of a young mushroom is similar to a hemisphere. The edges may be raised, and the slimy skin is freely separated from the pulp.

This species has butterfly legs no more than 11-12 cm high, lighter than the cap. The hue is often yellowish, the shape is like a cylinder and there is a white membranous ring. The leg is fibrous and solid.

Mushrooms have this tubular layer: the pores are whitish and light yellow in color, slightly round and small.

In young butterflies, the edges of the cap are connected to the stem by a whitish and thin film. Gradually the mushroom grows and the cap straightens, then the film spreads and a light ring can be seen appearing on the stem.

The pulp of mushrooms is juicy and is often damaged by various pests.

When it grows: The growing season for common butterweed begins from mid-summer until autumn (the first frost). When the temperature becomes sub-zero, the mushroom stops bearing fruit. A large harvest can be harvested in September. Optimal temperature for fruiting about 20 degrees.

Where can I find: The mushroom can be found in meadows, sandy soil, next to birch, pine and oak trees. The butterdish does not reject such neighbors as porcini mushrooms, chanterelles and russula.

Granular boletus - photo and description

Granular oiler (Suillus granulatus) It also has the names early butterdish and summer butterdish. The cap of this species can reach up to 11-12 cm in size in mature mushrooms. IN at a young age has a rounded-convex shape or pillow-shaped.

As it grows, it straightens out and takes on a flat shape. The shade of the skin of the cap of the granular oiler becomes yellow-brown, chestnut or red-brown.

The tubular layer of the mushroom is covered with small yellowish pores. Fleshy flesh slightly Brown. It is also characteristic that the granular oiler lacks a ring on its stem. The shape of the leg itself is cylindrical, solid, smooth.

The granular oiler has twins: the cedar oiler (Suillus plorans) and the unringed one (Suillus collinitus). If we talk about pine trees, they live under pine trees, which have 5 needles in a bunch. Unringed ones have a dark cap, which has a pinkish coating at the base of the stem.

When it grows: This type of mushroom can be found in June and until the beginning of November.

Where can I find:

White oiler - photo and description

White oiler (Suillus placidus) or as it is also commonly called, soft/pale oiler. The mushroom cap grows no more than 10 cm. Young mushrooms, as a rule, have a convex and spherical cap shape. The color is yellowish or off-white.

This type of mushroom has a smooth and slimy cap surface in rainy weather. The skin is easily removed, and the flesh is juicy and soft.

Tubular layer with a depth of about 5 mm. The color of the tube may be yellowish or light yellow. As the mushroom grows, the color changes to a yellow-green hue, and mature age takes on a light brownish tint.

The legs of the white oiler reach up to 8 cm in height. Solid and cylindrical shape. They do not have rings; in adulthood, the stem of the mushroom is covered with red-brown spots.

When it grows: their first appearances begin in June and end in November.

Where can I find: usually grows in coniferous and mixed coniferous forests. Likes to grow in small groups or even solitary individuals. You can also find them near young pine plantings.

Description and photo of larch oiler

Larch oiler (Suillus grevillei) has a cap no more than 3 cm in diameter. The shade is most often yellow, lemon or brown. Young mushrooms have a slightly convex shape, and then it changes to an outstretched one. The skin can easily be removed with pieces of pulp, sticky to the touch, without tubercles.

The stem of the mushroom reaches up to 12 cm. The shape is cylindrical, solid and thick. There is a ring of light yellow color, as well as a shade of the stem like the cap.

The tubular layer of this type of mushroom is covered with small yellow pores. The flesh is fleshy and slightly brown in color.

There are pine boletus twins (Suillus plorans) and unringed ones (Suillus collinitus).

When it grows: The first fruits can be in early June and until the end of October.

Where can I find: usually you can see a grainy oiler near the young ones coniferous forests and also on sandy soils.

Butter - incredibly tasty and healthy mushrooms. They chose conifers and mixed forests and appear already at the beginning of summer. They contain very valuable and useful substances. They contained B vitamins, carbohydrates, and essential amino acids that are well absorbed by the body.

Lecithin, found in boletus, prevents the formation of cholesterol and atherosclerotic plaques.

Butter is indicated for people suffering from headaches and gout. However, along with undoubted advantages, mushrooms have harmful properties. So, it is known what they contain a large number of chitin, so those who have disorders in the gastrointestinal tract should not get carried away with them.

Oilseeds accumulate harmful pollutants well. Only those collected away from industrial enterprises and highways.

Signs of poisoning

Another danger to human health is the so-called false butter. Due to inexperience, novice mushroom pickers can put in baskets false doubles. And this is fraught with serious consequences, since the toxins contained in them can lead to poisoning and disruption of the entire body.

Signs of poisoning:

  • dizziness,
  • heat,
  • intestinal disorders.

If such a problem happens to you, you need to urgently contact medical institution and rinse the stomach.

Almost all edible mushrooms have poisonous doubles, the use of which is not recommended.

Main differences

How to distinguish false boletus from healthy mushrooms? To begin with, it is important to know that they grow in several waves. Early oiler, or larch, appears already in early summer and, as a rule, grows in young pine forests. It is easily confused with the false and poisonous oiler. It is not advisable to salt representatives of the first wave, since the seaming is often torn off, but for cooking delicious soups, delicious roasts and aromatic seasonings best mushrooms just can't be found.

Pine butterfly appears in mid-summer and belongs to the second wave of mushrooms. It is excellent for pickling, but can easily be confused with the poisonous panther fly agaric. Unlike a real oiler, toxic representatives have characteristic spots, which is why they got their name. Their hats are clean, but sometimes they have streaks - tan marks. The leaves, stuck to the caps, also leave marks. Thus, it is better to collect small young mushrooms with absolutely clean caps.

Novice mushroom pickers confuse boletus mushrooms with panther fly agarics

Late boletus is well suited for pickling. It is believed that autumn mushrooms the most nutritious and tasty. They differ from others with a bright chocolate hat. However, the autumn butterdish also has its counterpart, which is characterized by a rich reddish cap. Underneath is a spongy layer that is darker and denser than that of a real mushroom.

False oiler is not fatal, although it has an unpleasant bitter taste and can cause stomach upset.

Before you throw a forest dweller into the trash, try to correctly identify it. Moreover, there is characteristic features, by which it is easy to distinguish and reject inedible individuals.

For example, a false oiler has pronounced plates on its inner surface. This is the main visual difference between edible representatives. The hat also plays an important role. In the poisonous representative it has a purple color.

The inner surface of the false mushroom has pronounced plates

Do you want to be absolutely sure that you have found it? edible oil dish? Just turn it over and place it on the cap. WITH inside a light film must be present. Take it away. If the structure inside the cap is porous, then this is an edible mushroom. If it is lamellar, feel free to throw the mushroom out of the basket. In addition, the false oiler has a gray color on the inside of the cap and purple stem, and also turns very yellow when cut. These signs indicate that the mushroom should not be taken. Experienced and experienced mushroom pickers pay attention to this pattern: the lighter the mushroom, the more poisonous it is. Toxic individuals have a loose structure and crumble heavily. While real edible mushrooms have dense, elastic mycelium, and the caps are bright and beautiful.

How to distinguish false boletus from edible ones?

Delicious boletus is easily distinguished by its brown cap with an oily coating. But there are other mushrooms masquerading as them. You need to know what a false oiler looks like so as not to carry extra weight from the forest. Putting a double in the basket can cause serious stomach upset later on.

Description of false oils

IN middle lane There are no truly poisonous oils. This makes me happy! But lookalikes of real butternut squashes are practically inedible and can cause stomach upset.

Source: Depositphotos

It is easy to distinguish false boletus from the description

Among the 50 varieties of oily beauties there are 2 inedible species: yellow-brown and Siberian. They are not toxic, but completely tasteless. These boletus are similar in appearance to edible ones; their underside is tubular. The main difference: when cut or broken, the flesh turns bluish-purple.

Edible mushrooms are often confused with pepper fly mushrooms. They are reddish-brown, and the underside of the cap has a large cellular structure. These mushrooms are not poisonous, but have a very bitter taste. Although some mushroom pickers do not disdain them and boil them for 15 minutes before cooking to remove the bitter aftertaste.

Even more often, spruce moth is disguised as an oil can. This mushroom has a grayish or purple slimy cap. Its underside is not tubular, but lamellar, gray in color. Knowing these nuances, it is not difficult to visually distinguish the mushroom.

This is important because severe intestinal upset may occur after eating mothweed.

All twins grow in the same conditions as edible forest products and ripen at approximately the same time - in summer and autumn. And mushrooms prefer to settle in spruce, pine and mixed forests.

How to distinguish false and edible boletus

The handsome butterfly has a tight leg, in a light skirt. The flesh is yellowish, the pores are almost invisible. The false oiler also has a faded purple skirt. But it does not hug the leg, but seems to hang on it.

The main differences of the edible butter dish:

    • yellow underside of the cap with faint tubularity;
    • brown sticky skin, practically without spots;
    • light skirt with legs;
    • the lower part of the leg is slightly darker than the upper.

Most poisonous mushrooms there are spots on the cap. U edible butter There are also grass stripes or small dents. This makes identification difficult. In order not to worry, it is better to take only young fungi with smooth caps. Collect mushrooms whose caps are no more than 4 cm in diameter.

If you are new to “silent hunting,” before going into the forest, familiarize yourself with the main features and descriptions of edible and poisonous forest gifts. And remember the main rule of the mushroom picker: if in doubt, don’t take it!

The summer-autumn period is a real haven for mushroom pickers. It is at this time that forests delight lovers " quiet hunt» an endless variety of edible mushrooms. And, of course, boletus comes first in terms of duration and number of collections. But we must not forget that false boletus always grows next to such healthy and tasty brethren, causing a lot of problems for unwary mushroom pickers.

Butterflies belong to the genus of tubular mushrooms and to the Boletaceae family. Their name comes from the fact that their cap is slippery and makes your hands oily. There are more than 50 representatives of this extensive genus, differing from each other taste qualities, place of growth and appearance. But not all of them are edible.

The most delicious and widespread representative of this genus in our country is the common buttercan, also called the late or yellow buttercan. By appearance it is difficult to confuse it with other mushrooms.

Its cap has a hemispherical shape with a tubercle in the center, usually brown, but there are individuals with olive-brown caps. In young butterflies, the underside of the cap is covered with white skin; as the mushroom grows, this skin lags behind the cap and is held on a stalk in the form of a skirt, grayish-violet in color. Bottom of the cap yellow color and fine-porous tubular structure. The flesh of the mushroom cap is white with a yellowish tint. The skin is easily separated from the juicy pulp.

The stem of the mushroom is white, only brown spots are noticeable at its base; it has a regular cylindrical shape with a height of 11 cm and a diameter of 3 cm.

Boletus grows in deciduous, mixed, coniferous and pine forests, as well as in plantings among heather and cereals. They prefer open edges, hills and young plantings to cleared areas or dense and shady forests. They usually grow on sandy and calcareous soils, in compacted foliage or needles. Butterflies do not like loneliness; if you find one mushroom, you will meet a whole family very close by.

These mushrooms grow actively after rain or dew. Their collection begins in early June and ends at the end of October.

Butterflies are very tasty and healthy mushrooms, rich in vitamins and amino acids. Mushroom pickers love them for these qualities, but novice lovers of “silent hunting” do not always know whether false boletus exists in nature, or whether they can be found next to ordinary ones.

Differences between false brothers

Unfortunately, most often mushrooms similar to boletus grow next to edible representatives of the tubular genus. Why do novice mushroom pickers often confuse false butterflies with their edible relatives? Although false representatives are most often not poisonous, they have an unpleasant bitter taste and can cause stomach upset. These include: Siberian butterfly, remarkable and pepper. Distinctive features false oiler is that at the break of the mushroom the color changes, the cap is darker, and the spongy layer is red.

Mushrooms similar to boletus usually grow not far from their edible relatives. Of course, an experienced mushroom picker can easily distinguish it from an oil can, but amateurs should take a closer look at their finds.

There are characteristic distinctive features these mushrooms are for butter, knowing which you will never go wrong with your choice:

  1. The inner surface of the cap has a lamellar structure.
  2. The outer surface of the cap is gray with a purple tint.
  3. The ring hangs down the stem and is white or light purple in color.
  4. The pulp has a reddish tint and changes color quite quickly when cut.

Beginning mushroom pickers confuse butter mushrooms with panther mushrooms. These toxic representatives of the butterfly have spots on their gray cap. The whole difficulty is that edible buttermilk can also have marks on the cap from sunburn and from sticking leaves.

Therefore, to avoid mistakes, it is best to collect small, young mushrooms with absolutely clean caps.

You can also confuse an ordinary oil can with a wet spruce one. In appearance, she is very similar to him. In addition, it grows at the same time and in the same area as boletus. Spruce fly has a grayish mucous cap to the touch, and its body consists entirely of gray plates.

Young moths are white, but gradually their color turns black or dark brown. Under her cap there is a white film, which, when torn, forms a velvety ring in the form of a skirt. This similarity to real boletus mushrooms misleads novice mushroom pickers. It is believed that the mushroom is not poisonous, but experienced “hunters” try to avoid this mushroom.

Clinical picture of poisoning

Knowing that there are false boletus and how to distinguish them from ordinary boletus, novice mushroom pickers still make mistakes and sometimes bring home their false brothers or poisonous neighbors. Having cooked and eaten even a little of these mushrooms, people realize that they have been poisoned.

In case of boletus poisoning, symptoms appear quite quickly:

  1. Dizziness.
  2. Increased sweating.
  3. Increased body temperature.
  4. Diarrhea.
  5. Nausea, vomiting.
  6. General malaise.

When the first signs of intoxication appear, you must immediately call an ambulance, do a gastric lavage and give the victim a drink of sweet and strong tea.

To avoid boletus poisoning, you need to examine each mushroom very carefully. If you have doubts about some specimens, then it is better to leave them in the forest, do not chase quantity. It's better to have it in your cart less mushrooms, but these will be real, tasty and healthy boletus than their similar false or poisonous counterparts.
