The size of the award on the day of the police. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are waiting for a salary increase from the new year

The salary increase in the police in 2016 is still not a resolved issue. The department's budget for next year is budgeted with a deficit of 40 billion rubles, which means that the police will have to tighten their belts. If we take into account that 90% of all the money allocated for the police goes to pay wages, it becomes clear that a significant increase in wages is not to be expected.

What is the salary of the police in 2015

The reform of the internal affairs bodies began several years ago. Since then, the militia has been renamed the police, and the employees began to receive slightly increased salaries. This year, the average salary of ordinary police officers is 30 thousand rubles, and managers receive up to three times more. Earnings of employees consist of remuneration according to position and length of service. Service of 5, 10 and 15 years increases the benefits. In addition, regional payments and other amounts of money paid for special conditions can be added to the salary.

In 2016, the salary will remain at the same level, but given the crisis in the economy and the budget deficit, the police will have to refuse the following payments or severely cut them:

  • financial assistance - no more than once a year, or even this payment will be cut altogether;
  • compensation for travel to the place of vacation;
  • "thirteenth salary";
  • sums for advanced training and training of personnel;
  • housing subsidies.

Will there be a pay rise in 2016?

Traditionally, the indexation of salaries of employees is carried out in the amount of inflation. Officially, for 2016, this figure is projected at 5.5 percent, however, real inflation could reach 12 percent or even more. Theoretically, in 2016 the salary of police officers will be indexed by 5.5 percent, most likely this will happen in October. But in order to ensure this increase, it will be necessary to find reserves. For example, almost all training programs will be cut, benefits for police officers will be provided only on the condition of 5 years of service in the bodies, etc. There will most likely not be any cuts in the police in 2016, especially given the current difficult political situation.

During the discussion of the law on the budget, the representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs complained to the deputies about the shortage of 40 billion rubles. in the 2016 budget. The Ministry of Internal Affairs has already undergone layoffs, but due to a shortage of gasoline, duty squads leave in one case out of three

Only verbal agreements

Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Alexander Makhonov complained about the lack of funds included in the draft budget for 2016 for the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He made such a statement during the discussion of the budget bill in the State Duma Committee on Security.

“We have formed a budget based on the ideology of the needs budget, we have collected all the needs from the point of view of the minimum provision of the tasks that the state faces. In the end, we received maximum limits, which definitely do not fully ensure the performance of the main functions that face the Ministry of Internal Affairs, ”said the deputy minister.

According to him, additional funds are needed for settlements with resigning employees (over 20 billion rubles), for payments of salaries (7.8 billion rubles), fuel and lubricants (2 billion rubles), clothing allowance (2 billion rubles). .), food (over 4 billion rubles), the location of internal troops in the Crimean district (over 6 billion rubles). The total minimum amount of funds needed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is not in the draft budget for 2016, is 41 billion rubles, Makhonov stated.

The representative of the Accounts Chamber acknowledged that there are risks of the department not fulfilling its obligations.

However, Deputy Finance Minister Leonid Gornin said that the calculation of the needs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has not been confirmed and the funds included in the draft budget are sufficient to fulfill the functions of the department. “In fact, it is necessary to additionally provide for budget allocations in 2016,” Gornin added. Makhonov acknowledged that such a verbal agreement exists.

The official of the power ministry added that the limits that are in the budget for 2016 dictate the need for further reduction in the number of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The chairman of the Duma committee, Irina Yarovaya, suggested discussing this issue separately, not at an open meeting, but the assembled deputies recommended that the current draft budget be adopted in the first reading.

spring sequestration

In total, the draft budget for 2016 provides for 1.029 trillion rubles for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, for 160 billion rubles. less than budgeted for this year.

In May, Deputy Interior Minister Igor Zubov told the deputies that in 2015 the department's funding had already been reduced by 111.3 billion rubles. in connection with the decision of the government to sequester the budget by 10%.

“The indicated volumes of spending cuts inevitably require a corresponding reduction in the staffing of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs,” the document signed by Zubov said in the State Duma.

In the summer it became known that Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the government to cut 110,000 police officers.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs insisted that the layoffs would not affect territorial, linear and operational police units working directly with the population, as well as special forces, police officers in Crimea and internal troops.

Zubov told the deputies that the shortage of patrol officers, which over the past five years has decreased from 132 thousand to 71 thousand people, is going to be leveled in the police by the introduction of video surveillance, emergency call buttons, automated systems for traffic control and navigation, control systems and control over mobile Safe City police squads. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is also counting on the activation of the people's squads. With the adoption of the law “On the participation of citizens in the protection of public order” a year ago, 77.7 thousand people signed up for squads, and 132 million rubles were allocated from regional budgets to finance them.

The leader of the Moscow police union, Mikhail Pashkin, in an interview with RBC, predicted a reduction in 2016 of another 40 thousand employees in the event of underfunding on the scale that Makhonov spoke about. According to Pashkin, now the situation has developed in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, when the queue for subsidies for housing for employees who have served more than ten years has stretched for a hundred years, bonuses have practically ceased to be paid, and the daily supply of gasoline allocated for the crew of the PPS is 7 liters per shift.

“A month ago, at a meeting with [Prime Minister Dmitry] Medvedev Kolokoltsev complained that the squads and alarm groups leave only in one case from three , as only 30% are provided with gasoline. That is, they do not have money to fulfill their direct obligations, ”said RBC. deputy chairman Committee Alexander Khinshtein. However, the Ministry of Finance did not satisfy most of the needs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, starting from the purchase special equipment and ending with current needs. According to Khinshtein , the committee will raise the problems of the Ministry of Internal Affairs when discussing the budget in the future, but the department itself should take a more active position.

Today, almost a million Russians celebrate their professional holiday - those whose service, according to the song, is "both dangerous and difficult."

Along with diplomas and awards, police officers are given cash bonuses on this day. However, by no means to everyone and by no means always in accordance with merit, members of the police union believe. The CrimeRussia found out why operatives and patrolmen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who often risk their lives are rewarded with amounts that are incomparably smaller compared to the bonuses of their colleagues in the offices of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in Moscow.

The issue of bonuses by November 10 worries law enforcement officers from different regions of Russia. It was not without scandals - in 2012, for example, it turned out that Rostov police officers received three times less bonuses compared to Krasnodar colleagues (18 and 52 thousand rubles, respectively). Therefore, every year, starting from the end of October, professional forums and police communities in social networks begin a lively exchange of information about who, when and how much. However, this year more than usual.

It all started with the fact that the Mash Telegram channel published a post with the transfer of bonuses in the amount of 300 to 400 thousand rubles for Police Day to several senior officials of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow. The first in the list of names with 300 thousand rubles of the award was a certain “secretary of the head of the Moscow police Olga Lyukova”. Intentionally or not, reality was distorted, but the game on stereotypes was a success, which naturally caused a strong reaction from Internet users, and later from the police union.

In fact, it was not the mythical “secretary”, but the assistant to the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Moscow, lieutenant colonel of the internal service Olga Nikolaevna Dyukova, who was appointed to this position less than a year ago, received a considerable amount, even for a leader in general’s shoulder straps. According to the Petrovka 38 newspaper, Dyukova previously held various positions in the Office of Records Management and Regime of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (UDiR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation). By the way, the second assistant to the head of the capital's main department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Colonel of the Internal Service Timofei Vitalyevich Yudin received exactly the same award. Dukova's position does not fundamentally change the essence of the matter - but it attracted public attention to the problem. After all, the size of the bonus to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other law enforcement agencies in the regions is several orders of magnitude lower than in the capital, even for those who have a higher rank. And even then, judging by the data from the police forums, the award will not be given to all regions.

Meanwhile, as The CrimeRussia found out, 300 thousand rubles is not the largest amount of bonuses to Moscow policemen in order No. 3457 of the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow, Oleg Baranov, dated October 31, 2017.

It lists on five pages the heads of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow, who were lucky this year to celebrate their professional holiday on a grand scale with taxpayers' money.

Lieutenant General Andrei Ponorets

The highest awards in the Moscow headquarters were received by the deputy head of the capital department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General of the Internal Service Andrey Ponorets and the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow, Major General of Justice Natalya Agafyeva. Their immediate supervisor accrued 400 thousand rubles each.

An impressive figure, in general, is justified - the deputies of the head of the main department actually carry out operational management of the Moscow structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, comparable in number to the personnel of three army corps.

Yes, and the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow, the capital's operatives say, was not left without the encouragement of the leadership. According to the Telegram channel Oper Leaked, on the Day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of Russia, he received a bonus of 3 million rubles “from above”. But this information, apparently, is destined to remain in the category of rumors.

Carrot and stick

The next gradation steps in the "bonus" order of General Baranov - 350 and 300 thousand rubles are of much greater interest in terms of the dynamics of the upcoming career ups and downs in the Moscow headquarters.

In the category of 350 thousand rubles, the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow was awarded the head of the Moscow State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and Deputy Chief of Police Viktor Kovalenko, the head of the rear - Colonel of the Internal Service Alexei Makarov, the head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moscow, Colonel Andrey Zakharov and the heads of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the capital's administrative districts. And although among the operas “on the ground” a murmur swept that, they say, the heads of the district police departments were awarded the same way, regardless of high-profile disclosures, the general indicator of protecting the population and incidents on personnel, this is not entirely true.

Major General Viktor Kovalenko

According to the order, certain conclusions can be drawn about which of the police chiefs under the new head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow, instead of Anatoly Yakunin, who left for another position, are doing well, and who is not very good.


Major General Baranov was appointed by the decree of Vladimir Putin as the head of the Main Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow in September 2016. Having started his career in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 1989 with an ordinary employee of the 173rd police department of Moscow, over the years of service, Oleg Baranov managed to work as the deputy head of the Moscow Organized Crime Control Department, as well as the deputy head and head of the MUR. Since 2012, Oleg Baranov has served as Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow. He was awarded medals "For Courage" and "For Distinction in the Protection of Public Order". By decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 14, 2012, he was awarded the special rank of Major General of the Police.

As The CrimeRussia wrote earlier, the new head of the Moscow Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from the very beginning has established himself as an active and uncompromising leader. Until the end of 2016, a covert check was carried out in all 125 district departments and 10 district departments of the capital's central office. The units were "cleansed" primarily of employees with a dubious reputation and key appointees of the former head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow, Anatoly Yakunin.

Major General Oleg Baranov

In particular, Sergey Ternovykh, the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the TiNAO, with whom Yakunin worked in the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Voronezh and Novgorod regions, the son-in-law of Anatoly Yakunin Mikhail Gusakov, who worked as the deputy head of the MID, and the former press secretary of the metropolitan police Sofya Khotina, with whose husband Yakunin also worked in Voronezh region. In March 2017, the head of the operational department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moscow, Gennady Golikov, as well as the head of all district police officers and police officers of Moscow, Mikhail Pavlichuk, retired.

Shortly thereafter, at an internal meeting, General Baranov harshly criticized the leadership of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow. He noted the low efficiency of operational activities, failure to meet deadlines in criminal cases and malfeasance of police officers. Six heads of departments for administrative districts received severe reprimands and a warning about incomplete official compliance. As The CrimeRussia found out, two members of the spring "black list" of General Baranov are no longer listed among the leadership of their police departments on the agency's official website. These are Major General Sergei Veretelnikov, head of the ATC for the SAO, and Colonel Boris Sheinkin, acting head of the ATC for the TiNAO (now he serves as deputy head of the SZAO).

Former Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Moscow Anatoly Yakunin

But in the pre-holiday order of the head of the Moscow Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to receive bonuses, the acting head of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the SAO Colonel Sergei Vasilevsky and the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the TiNAO Colonel Shamil Sibanov appear instead. It is noteworthy that in six months Sibanov managed to get out of the outsiders in the eyes of General Baranov. At the time when he received a reprimand, the colonel was still in charge of another ATC - in the North-Eastern Administrative Okrug. Another former person involved in the "black list", the head of the Department of Internal Affairs for the South Administrative District, Major General Roman Plugin, was also able to "repair his karma." Sibanov's successor in his former post, appointed in May 2017 as the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the North-East Administrative District, Colonel Vasily Petrunin, will also receive his 350 thousand rubles for the holiday, as well as the generals-"excellent students" Igor Zinoviev (former head of the MUR, now head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Eastern Administrative District of Moscow), Anatoly Feshchuk (SZAO), Andrey Puchkov (ZAO) and Yuri Demin (YuAO).

Major General Oleksandr Bukach

Things are much more alarming for Major Generals Alexander Bukach (CAO) and Boris Pischulin (South Eastern Administrative District), who earned their “partial service” in the spring. They won't see any awards for Police Day this year.

Major General Boris Pischulin

It is noteworthy that the order does not contain the name and acting head of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department Alexander Bynenko, whom General Baranov introduced to the heads of the central office on April 7, 2017. At the end of September, it was reported that the legendary MUR would soon be headed by the deputy head of the GUNK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Sergei Kuzmin. Judging by these signs, Bynenko will no longer become the head of the Moscow “detectives”.

Colonel of internal service Marina Lobova, acting head of the UDiR of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow, was not mentioned in the order, but a source in law enforcement agencies called the deputy head of the UDiR Colonel Natalia Bychkova, who received 300 thousand rubles, "actually the future head of the records management department."

If the logic of the leadership of the Moscow police is generally clear in accruing monetary incentives to the heads of subdivisions, the recipients of bonuses in the amount of 300 and 200 thousand in the same order aroused indignation among some of the rank-and-file employees, and from someone a bitter smile.

The majority of recipients in this category are heads of auxiliary units of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, however, located in close proximity to the “distribution point”.

For example, the head of the department of mobilization training and mobilization (UMPiM) Alexander Dyachkov - "chief in gas masks", as he was called in a commentary on the order in the VK public "Police Ombudsman" or head of the URLS, "chief psychologist" of the capital's police department Viktor Gordun, editor-in-chief the weekly newspaper "Petrovka-38" Alexander Oboidikhin, head of the personnel department Yegor Panov, head of the cultural center of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Colonel of the Internal Service Yuri Rybalchenko. All of them and many of their other colleagues received awards of 300 thousand rubles. Also, several officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were awarded prizes of 250, 200 and 100 thousand rubles.

Alexander Oboidikhin

Junior officers and sergeants of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moscow, as well as civilian employees, are also waiting for bonuses for the holiday. According to unofficial data, employees will receive from 5 to 20 thousand rubles for the holiday, and junior officers - in the amount of salary depending on the rank, and even then not all.


The payment of bonuses to employees of the internal affairs bodies is regulated by Section IV of the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of January 31, 2013 N 65 “On approval of the procedure for providing monetary allowance to employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation”. Usually paid monthly at 25% of salary. At the same time, bonuses are not paid if an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is suspended from service, has a disciplinary sanction, violation of service discipline, violation of a contract, or due to loss of confidence. Also, incentive cash payments in the form of one-time bonuses are provided for police officers (Federal Law of November 30, 2011 N 342 (as amended on April 3, 2017)). They are additional, so their size is regulated according to the funds that are allocated for the payment of monetary allowances. The decision on such a payment is made by the head of the territorial division in which the employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs works.

Recall that in 2015, General Baranov's predecessor as head of the capital's central office, Anatoly Yakunin, ordered the heads of the district police departments, the Moscow traffic police, the Internal Affairs Directorate on the Moscow Metro, OMON, the commanders of the 1st and 2nd operational regiments and a number of other units to limit payments of one-time premiums.

“Bonuses to personnel should be carried out only for the disclosure of grave and especially grave crimes, within the allocated funding. Payments of additional material assistance should be made in case of emergency, ”Yakunin’s telegram said. Restrictive measures were taken "until further notice" in order to "strengthen control over the use of appropriations allocated for monetary allowances and wages."

In the order of General Baranov, the reason for the award appears - "for the successful and conscientious performance of their official duties and complex and important tasks and in connection with the celebration of the Day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies."

However, the police "on the ground" questioned this wording - does the performance of tasks by the generals and colonels of the head office really correspond to the size of their encouragement in financial terms? The website of the police union on this occasion cites as an example the story of the awarding of two employees of the Sevastopol division of the Russian Guard, who, at the risk of their own lives, saved the driver from a burning car. The authorities noted their courage - each was awarded a bonus of ... 2 thousand rubles.

At two million rubles - five times more than the police generals in Moscow received for the holiday, the Ministry of Internal Affairs estimated the life of the traffic police inspector Sergei Grachev, who was shot down to death by an FSB officer at the Novy Arbat dividing line at the end of September. His fatherless two small children and a widow were given just such an amount. In the case of the accrual of benefits, as well as with bonuses, it is said on the website of the trade union of Moscow policemen, there is nothing to complain about in terms of regulations - everything is according to the law. But is it a matter of conscience?

In our country, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is one of the largest and most important structures. The number of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, includes the police. The number of police officers in total is over a million as of 2019. There are 565 police officers for every 100,000 people in Russia. This is the highest number of police officers per person in the world. Despite this, the police continue to replenish their ranks every year. This is due to a significant increase in wages, which have increased several times over the past two years thanks to the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs carried out in 2012.

Before the reform, the salary of a district police officer was about six thousand rubles, in the capital region this figure was slightly higher - ten to twelve thousand. This situation forced employees to leave their jobs, to quit the police.

What about today?

The salary in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is quite flexible and varies from a minimum mark of fifteen thousand for an ordinary employee to seventy-five thousand for the deputy head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. What will be the salary of a policeman depends on:

  • ranks;
  • positions;
  • service life;
  • and region.

In addition, starting from June of this year, the premium for irregular work schedules, social risk and health hazards has become significant.

The allowance can be from thirty to sixty percent, depending on the nature of the service. For example, the average salary of a district police officer in Moscow this year is about fifty thousand rubles. This figure is an average, excluding additional payments and bonuses.

Is a salary increase expected?

In October this year, the State Duma is expected to adopt a project on indexation of salaries for state employees. The police officers are also included in the number of budget employees. According to this bill, taking into account inflation, an increase of up to seven percent of wages or monetary allowance is predicted.

According to official sources, more than half of these funds will be used to modernize police stations, purchase modern equipment, and improve skills. Also in this regard, the amount of pension and compensation payments to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who serve or were injured and suffered during the service will be revised.

The salary of police officers is formed both from funds allocated at the Federal level and from deductions from the regional budget.

If the links between the federal and regional budgets are correctly formed, a corresponding bill will be issued, reinforcing various provisions for deductions to the federal budget. This means that the financial crisis will not be able to prevent an increase in monetary allowances and various benefits for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This bill is now considered in the State Duma.

Therefore, a significant increase in wages is predicted starting from October this year. Despite negative analytical forecasts that indexation is unlikely to be carried out due to the financial crisis and expected inflation, the salary of police officers may increase up to five and a half percent. In addition, additional funds will be allocated for housing for employees, benefits, vouchers to health resorts for them and their family members, as well as an improvement in the social package.

According to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the police need modernization in terms of equipment and training. “It is necessary to be prepared for any critical situations in the country due to political instability in the world. The police and military personnel must be ready to fully ensure the internal security of the country, including from external threats,” Kolokoltsev said.

Significant amounts have already been allocated for this from the state budget for the next three years. The police themselves note that both wages and working conditions have improved significantly compared to last year, and they expect that, thanks to the adoption of relevant bills, the police service will become one of the priority and highly paid positions in the country.


    Who wrote this text and when was this information received? In 2016, there is not enough money for the salaries of employees. A limited amount of money for gasoline, A-4 paper. And say that optimization. In connection with the sanctions, there is no money in the budget, the supply was reduced to the maximum, they threaten to lower wages. I'm taking vacation days. The police department, in which the criminal investigation department drives 3 cars, when 5 are needed, this is an optimization. Of the three cars, 1 is 80% broken, the second with a torn suspension.
    In general, our police force is a dream team!

    1. A fabulous article, since 2011, salaries have not even increased by half a percent, although inflation over this period was more than 37%. All bonuses have been canceled, the car fleet is 70% rubbish, no money is allocated for repairs. Corruption flourishes in the authorities expensive houses grow like mushrooms, expensive cars like change socks...

      1. Trying to keep pensioners with such promises for the quarter, they will not be able to raise them in October, they will convince that from January 2017 we will live and work and earn even better and more. It has long been over 20, and we are waiting for a social package, housing, etc.

    Elections are just around the corner, they are just getting aggravated ... Before talking about an unrealistic increase and improvement in 2012, let them ask for a certificate of 2 personal income tax of any policeman for 2011 (before the increase) and for 2016 equivalent to length of service and position, after which they will take a calculator and try to explain on their fingers where they see a colossal increase!!! From personal experience 2011 - 370.t.r. 2016 - 440t.r. = increase less than 20%!!! Not 2 times, not 3 times… but less than 20%! Having increased salaries according to their position and rank, they deprived them of many other things, and the salary - as they chatter in a zombie box, salaries have not changed much! Payments for housing with a length of service of 10 years are not given, they say there is no money, bonuses for the year are divided at the top, processing colleagues for 400-500 hours a year is forgiven! If we had left it as it was in 2011 and kept the banal indexing, now it would be an order of magnitude better! A homeless policeman with 15 years of experience is not uncommon - funny and sad at the same time! Compensation for renting housing since 2008-3600 cannot be raised, with the cost of a small family of 15,000 per month in the Far East! And why are Muscovites, Sochi, Pitertsy better than the Far Eastern regions, that this payment is 15,000!?!? Where is the social justice? I only believe that the retirement age will be raised to 30 by 2025. Thanks to Dima Medvedev with his liberal government!

    How can you leave it like that, you need to throw dust in the eyes of the people, and leave all the rest, who have been added, completely without pants. But our valiant education, everyone suffers from a lack of salaries, they all sit there for 1.5-2 rates, they don’t let young people work and receive 40-50 tr, plus a pension, which was also canceled for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

    I agree with all the above statements, over the past 5 years the police have fallen into a greater decline than ever, office equipment is 80% old, computer equipment in terms of its equipment can only compete with the "computers" of 2003-2005, not to mention the automotive park, employees often use personal cars and gasoline to carry out their duties, and if you write a report for compensation in accordance with a government decree, then you will be rotted or fired faster than anything. Well, there are no words about uniforms .. the employees wear the remains of uniforms from the time of the valiant police, they look more like the Germans near Moscow in 1941, they simply don’t give out uniforms, but force them to purchase them at their own expense, and the cost still just rolls over from 35,000 to 75,000 rub., exert pressure with reprimands .. and not only, what can we talk about .... Why the farther from the capital of our beloved homeland, the greater the chaos ...

    During the period of perturbation, the dollar cost 31 rubles, the average salary of a junior commanding staff (policeman) was equal to 1,100 dollars. What prevented them from tying salaries to the dollar, or the leading world currency? the apparatus has always been clean and white. The cops have a salary several times lower than that of the MCh, FSIN, VV - well, then it’s not worth listing.

In 2016, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia will see a significant reduction in staff - by 110,000 people, of which 31,000 will be civil servants. Under the new law, signed in July 2015, the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be reduced to 1.003 million employees.

In this regard, a natural question arises - will the salary of the remaining police officers be increased in 2016? The latest news says that the salary of police officers in 2016 will increase by an average of 2-5 thousand.

Police salary in 2016

Considering that last year the minimum financial supply in the Ministry of Internal Affairs exceeded 15,000, in 2016 police officers will receive at least 17,000. The average police salary in 2016, the latest news about which appeared after the implementation of wage indexation for state employees, will change from 15-75 thousand rubles. up to 18-80 thousand.

Simultaneous downsizing and salary increases for police officers in 2016, according to the plans of the Government, should significantly improve the quality of work of law enforcement officers.

Police salary increase in 2016

After the reform of 2012, with the renaming of the police, salaries increased by 3-4 times, but then a crisis began and the increase in payments froze. As of April this year, a significant increase in police salaries in 2016 is not planned.

Payments will be increased by approximately 6%, however, due to the crisis and the inflation rate of more than 12%, the actual wages for police officers will not change significantly. However, given the rather high level of salaries in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in 2016 most employees are satisfied with this situation.

Police salary indexation in 2016

According to experts, due to the crisis, the level of actual inflation in Russia in 2016 will be from 11% to 18%. At the same time, the increase in police salaries in 2016 will be carried out in strict accordance with government data, which often turn out to be somewhat underestimated. At the beginning of 2016, a figure of 6% was announced.

For this reason, there may be a slight decrease in police salaries in 2016 relative to actual purchasing power. However, these fluctuations will not have a significant impact on the overall level of wages.

When will the police salary increase in 2016

In 2015, the last indexation at the Ministry of Internal Affairs was carried out in October, and until the end of March it was not known whether the police salary would be increased in 2016. The salary indexation for police officers in 2016 took place on April 1. As for the majority of public sector employees, it was 6%.

The next indexation should be expected no earlier than next October, and a significant increase, according to experts, will not happen before 2018. However, on the other hand, given the optimization of the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a reduction in police salaries in 2016 is also not planned.

Police salary in Moscow in 2016

According to Rosstat, the salaries of police officers in Moscow range from 37,000 to 70,000 rubles. Similar salaries are offered to military officers. The managers of the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow, however, earn up to 100 thousand rubles, but no more. In addition, the management staff in the field of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as mentioned earlier, in 2016 will be significantly cut.

police lieutenant salary 2016

The officer salary in the regions depends on the length of service. A police lieutenant receives an average of 36 thousand after 5 years of work. After 10 years of work, the salary of a lieutenant in 2016 is 41 thousand, and after 15 or more - 42 thousand.

However, in 2016, the officers, including lieutenants, were limited to material payments once a year, and some benefits were cut - the 13th salary, compensation for kindergarten and travel expenses. For enlisted personnel, these benefits come into effect after 5 years of service.

Salary of the district police in 2016

The average national salary in the police in 2016 is 30 thousand rubles. At the same time, the salary of the district police was significantly increased in 2016, rising from a minimum of 15 thousand in 2015 to 17 thousand rubles.

The salaries of precinct officers also significantly depend on the length of service in the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. After 5 years of work, in 2016, district policemen receive an average salary of about 25 thousand rubles, after 10 - about 28 thousand, and after 15 years of service, the salaries of privates reach 30 thousand rubles.

Salary of civilian police officers in 2016

The question is also relevant, what salary in the police in 2016 is provided for civilian employees. Despite the lack of ranks, and as a result of allowances, civilian employees in the police are of great importance in the functioning of the department.

Therefore, the government decided that in order to compensate for the lack of allowances, civilian police officers will raise their salaries in 2016 to a minimum level of 13-15 thousand. These funds will also be indexed according to the general scheme, by at least 5.5% during the year.

Perhaps you will be interested.
