Record temperature in the world. Records in science and technology

Weather records, which are extreme weather indicators officially registered on our planet, have always been of interest to many inquisitive people. As you know, those who live in a zone with sharp continental climate. IN summer period in such regions it is worth heatwave, and in winter there are severe frosts. And now, when the thermometer outside the window drops below -40 degrees, it may seem to us that it simply cannot get any colder, but this statement is very far from the truth. This article aims to answer the question, what is the most low temperature on the ground. In addition, after reading the presented material, you will find out where and when the minimum air temperature was recorded on our planet.

The South Pole of Cold is the place with the lowest recorded air temperature on Earth

At first glance, a reader more or less familiar with geography may think that the coldest places on the globe should be those places that are farthest from the equator - the South and North Pole. However, this is not entirely true, although the weather at these points can be very severe. In addition to the two geographic poles mentioned above (they are understood as the points where the axis of rotation of our planet intersects with its surface), there are also the so-called poles of cold - regions of the globe where the lowest air temperatures were recorded in a given hemisphere. In addition, the term “pole of cold” is often used to name the coldest place on the entire planet.

So, South Pole cold is officially recognized by the inland Russian station “Vostok”, which is located in the eastern part of Antarctica (see figure).

On July 21, 1983, a temperature record was recorded here - -89.2 degrees. This is the lowest temperature ever recorded on the surface of the globe. At the end of 2013, during a conference of the American Geophysical Union, researchers reported that in August 2010, the lowest temperature in the world was recorded at one point located in Antarctica - -93.2 degrees. However, this weather record was not officially recognized, since information about the air temperature this time was not recorded. traditional way- using a thermometer, and based on the results of analysis of satellite data from NASA.

North Pole of Cold. Two candidates at once

As for the North Pole of Cold, today there are several opinions about the exact coordinates of its location. The most famous contenders for the title of the North Pole of Cold are 2 settlements located on the territory of the Sakha Republic: the village of Oymyakon and the city of Verkhoyansk. On January 15, 1885, an air temperature of -67.8 degrees was recorded in Verkhoyansk (location shown on the map below). Experts who disagree with the recognition of this city North Pole cold, dispute this statement by the fact that during that period, observations of temperature changes had not yet been carried out in Oymyakon.

This objection was refuted in February 1933, when the same temperature was again recorded in Verkhoyansk. At the same time, in Oymyakon the air temperature was 0.1 degrees higher and amounted to -67.7 degrees. The works of Soviet geologist Sergei Obruchev, carried out jointly with geographer-cartographer Konstantin Salishchev, show the lowest air temperature for the Northern Hemisphere - -71.2 degrees. However, due to the lack of documentary evidence of the authenticity of the temperature measurements taken, this record was not officially recognized.

According to other information, the temperature allegedly recorded in Oymyakon in 1938 is considered a record low for the Northern Hemisphere - -77.8 degrees. Based on these data, it is concluded that Oymyakon is the coldest place on Earth, since, despite the fact that lower temperatures were recorded at the Antarctic Vostok station, the latter is located at an altitude of 3488 m above sea level. And bringing two temperature records to sea level makes it possible to recognize Oymyakon as the “absolute world champion.” Scientists who support the idea that Oymyakon is the record holder cite data according to which absolute annual minimums in this village are on average lower than in Verkhoyansk by 3.5 degrees. However, officially the absolute minimum air temperature in the Northern Hemisphere for Oymyakon and Verkhoyansk is considered equal, amounting to -68 degrees.

IN summer months Over the past few years, we have increasingly complained about the unbearable heat of July or August. This topic always comes up in everyday conversations, where we complain about unbearable climatic conditions. It is especially difficult for residents of large cities. The same topic regularly appears on the pages and in videos of the media: “Today the highest temperature in the last n years was recorded...” and “The temperature record was broken again...” In this regard, it would be interesting to know what temperatures are generally possible in our planet.

And above all about Russia

Yes, it was in our country that one of the weather temperature records was recorded. Only it was not the maximum, but the lowest. In the city of Oymyakon, which is located in Yakutia just 350 kilometers south of the Arctic Circle, a temperature of -71.2 °C was recorded. This happened in 1926. For a resident middle zone or southern regions, it’s even difficult to imagine such cold! By the way, city residents immortalized this moment by establishing

Vostok station

And this record again belongs to the Russians. The station may not be located on the territory of the country (it is located in Antarctica), but it is the fruit of the labors of Soviet science and engineering. And it was here in 1983 that air quality across the entire planet was recorded. This figure was -89 °C.

Canadian frosts

The country is the northernmost in the Western Hemisphere, so it's no surprise that Canada also boasts (or complains about) record low temperatures. On "Eureka" average annual temperature is -20 °C. And in winter it regularly drops to -40 °C.

Sultry Libya

Now let's walk a little through places whose temperatures sharply contrast with those above. After all, here is the highest temperature on the planet! For example, Libya is famous for its incredibly high temperatures. And in the town of Al-Aziziya, which is 40 kilometers south of Tripoli, the highest temperature on Earth was recorded among settlements. In September 1922 it was +58 °C. A real inferno, in comparison with which the heat of our country will seem like a light spring warmth!

And again Libya

If our native Russia presented us with the lowest temperature records, then Libya is otherwise in the lead. In 2004-2005, the local Dashti Lut desert recorded the highest temperature in earth's surface. It was +70 °C. Interestingly, this same desert is also the driest place on Earth (along with the Chilean desert. Not a single thing is able to survive here. Living being, even bacteria!

Hot Ethiopia

But in this country the average annual highest temperature throughout to the globe. The local area of ​​Dallol is located 116 meters below sea level and is covered with volcanic salt. Of course, nothing living lives here. And the temperature in these conditions is +34.4 °C on average per year.

Our Earth is amazingly beautiful. We have the opportunity every day to enjoy its beauty and use its gifts. But there are places where a person begins to realize how pathetic he is before the greatness of nature. For example, the hottest regions of the planet. Often Earth temperature record people can hardly measure and record - the “baking” is simply unbearable! So, the hottest journey on planet Earth begins.

The first stop will be. Today this city is a ghost. From 1960 to 1966 average annual temperature indicator reached significance here +34,4 °C, which is a record for today. The heat in Dallol lasts almost the whole year. This place is also famous for its hydrothermal vents. Dallol, located near the Afar Basin, experiences constant volcanic activity. The alien landscapes near the volcano look fantastic!

Next we go to. In the early autumn of 1922, in the Al-Azizia region, Earth temperature record - +57,7 °C. However, it is not officially recognized due to measurement errors. It is also interesting that this place is located near the Mediterranean Sea.

Temperatures set world records and in. The air temperature in the Kebali desert oasis is up to +55 °C.

High temperatures were also recorded in the United United Arab Emirates. meet you with incredible heat, with air temperatures +56 °C. Rain here is very rare, the precipitation level never exceeds 3 cm. This desert is very inhospitable.

The state of California in the USA is also ready to compete for the temperature record on Earth. acquired the name “Death Valley” for its dry and hot air. This place is recognized by the World Meteorological Organization as a world record holder with a maximum +56,7 °C. It is surprising that some species of animals live in Death Valley. At night, foxes, lynxes and many rodents crawl out of their holes. The valley becomes very beautiful when it rains. During this period, it is covered with various colors. This is very mysterious place, where stones move in an unknown way, leaving traces of their movements.

Talking about temperature records on Earth, Australia is not to be missed. This continent is the driest. Most of it is desert. In 2003, the temperature was recorded in the region +69,3 °C on the surface.

Israel also experienced high temperatures. , is famous for its unbearable heat. In 1942, the record air temperature for all of Asia was recorded here - +53,9 °C.

is another " hot spot" on our planet. The area is very picturesque - there are spectacular ravines of red sand. A NASA satellite measured mountain system Tien Shan temperature +66,8 °C on the surface.

Residents who are located in... suffer from constant heat. Collections of ancient manuscripts are still kept here. Unfortunately, the elements make their own adjustments: many streets are covered with sand, and huge dunes are formed. The Aborigines are haunted by the constant heat. The air temperature here reaches +55 °C. The only salvation for local residents from the unbearable heat is the Niger River, which flows 24 kilometers from the city.

And finally, let's remember. From 2004 to 2009, this desert established more than one absolute Earth temperature record. In 2005, the highest temperature on the surface of our planet was measured in the Dasht-Lut desert - +70,7 °C.

What's the weather like? In principle, it is possible to live at +50°C and -50°C, and even in a greater range. Air conditioners, fans and jackets will help us with this. Well, someone, of course, will die and nothing can be done about it, because we don’t live in a terrarium.

What is the lowest air temperature ever recorded on Earth?

The lowest air temperature on Earth was recorded at the Soviet Antarctic Vostok station on July 21, 1983, when the platinum thermometer at the weather site showed -89.2°C. This is the lowest temperature in the entire history of meteorological observations.

The lowest temperature recorded in our country is -78°C. Incredible frost occurred in the upper reaches of the Indigirka River.

The lowest air temperature in inhabited areas of the planet was recorded in 1964 in Yakutia in the village of Oymyakon - -71.1°C. The entire interfluve of the upper reaches of the Yana and Indigirka rivers is considered to be the region of the cold pole of the Northern Hemisphere.

What is the highest air temperature ever recorded on Earth?

The highest temperature on Earth recorded in Libya in 1922 is +57.8°C.

The highest soil temperature was recorded at Shurchi station in Uzbekistan. The temperature of irrigated light gray soils here reaches 79°C. At the Repetek station in Turkmenistan, the sand is heated to 77°C.

Which maximum temperature Can a person withstand outside air?

For a short time a person can be in dry air with very high temperature. A person can tolerate temperatures of 160°C. This was proven by English physicists Blagden and Chantry, who conducted an experiment on themselves. A person can tolerate a temperature of 104°C for 26 minutes, 93°C for 33 minutes, 82°C for 49 minutes, and 71°C for 1 hour; This was established during experiments with healthy human volunteers.

What is the minimum outdoor temperature that a person can withstand?

It depends on the state of his health and clothing, but most importantly - on the speed of the wind. In Yakutia in winter, people spend hours in the cold, with air temperatures below -50°C, but they are dressed appropriately, and in the conditions of the central part of the Siberian anticyclone there is usually no wind. In Antarctica, winterers from continental stations are also happy long time you have to be outside, but there very coldy often accompanied by strong winds. Therefore, warm, windproof clothing is not enough there, and people are forced to wear a mask or cover their faces with the hood of a fur jacket (“parkas”). The staff of research stations in the Arctic and Antarctic, who by the nature of their work are forced to regularly be outdoors, sometimes use electrically heated clothing, which weighs less than ordinary warm clothing, is less bulky, and less restricts movement. Minimum temperature, at which people spent a short time in the air, is -88°C.

And two more facts

The maximum temperature of solid objects with which people can come into contact for a long time is about 50 degrees Celsius (at a higher temperature a burn occurs).

At a constant body temperature of more than 42°C, a person dies.

World record for rate of temperature change March 11th, 2015

I didn’t even think that a temperature record could occur in the mild and warm climate (in my opinion) of the United States.

In the US state of South Dakota there is a small town called Spearfish. It is home to just over ten thousand inhabitants. But Spearfish holds the world record for the rate of change in air temperature.

Let's see how it was:

On January 22, 1943 at 7:30 am the air temperature in the city was -20 degrees Celsius. Then the Spearfish rose strong wind and after 2 minutes the air temperature on the streets rose to +7 degrees. Since then, Spearfish has held the world record for the rate of temperature change: 27 degrees in two minutes.

By 9 a.m. the temperature had risen to 12 degrees above zero. As soon as the wind died down, it dropped again to -20°, and this took only 27 minutes.

Due to the sharp temperature jump, many of the windows in the city's windows cracked and the roofs became icy.

The warm, dry wind that made this happen in Spearfish sudden change temperature, called Chinook. The local population nicknamed him “the snow eater.” Under the influence of a strong Chinook, 30 cm of snow can completely disappear in just one day - it will simply melt and evaporate.

Chinook wind caused another temperature record, when on January 15, 1972 in the city of Loma, Montana, the temperature rose from -48 to +9 degrees in one day (57 degrees in 24 hours).

More weather records:


  • Most heavy rain was registered on November 27, 1970 in Guadeloupe - 3.8 cm/min.
  • Colombia received the most rain during the year - the precipitation level was 13.3 meters.
  • The greatest amount of precipitation in a year on Earth fell in the period 1860-1861. in Cherrapunji, India - 26,466 mm.
  • Day s the largest number precipitation occurred in March 1952 in Kilaos (Reunion Island), where 1870 mm of precipitation fell.


  • The largest snowflake was 38 centimeters in diameter.
  • The record snowfall for the amount of snowfall was recorded on February 13 - 19, 1959 on Mount Shasta, California, USA. Then 4.8 m of snow fell.
  • The heaviest one-day snowfall was recorded in Silver Lake, PC. California, USA, April 14 - 15, 1921, when 1.93 m of snow fell in one day.
  • In one year (from February 19, 1971 to February 18, 1972), 31.1 meters of snow fell in the town of Paradise on Mount Rainier, Washington State, USA.


  • Heavy hail (weighing 1 kg) was observed by residents of Bangladesh on April 14, 1986.
  • The largest hail is considered to have fallen on June 22, 2003 in Nebraska - 17.8 cm in diameter, 47.8 cm around the perimeter.
  • May 30, 1879 in pc. Kansas, USA, during the passage of the tornado, hailstones up to 38 cm in diameter were formed. As they fell to the ground, holes measuring 17 by 20 cm were formed.
  • In April 1981, hailstones weighing 7 kg were observed in Guangdong Province, China. As a result of this hailstorm, 5 people were killed and approximately 10,500 buildings were destroyed.
  • In 1894, a hailstone fell in Bovina (USA), with a turtle 20 cm long inside.
  • Some tea-growing areas of Kenya experience an average of 132 hail days per year.
