First aid lesson. Lesson summary "First aid"

Kids are tireless explorers. True, sometimes active knowledge of the world around us is not at all safe. He climbed a tree and fell down, spilled hot tea on himself, tasted it laundry soap- what happens in life! General rule for all unusual situations: keep cool! Because the health, and perhaps the life of your child, depends on this circumstance.

Bruises and wounds

Cones. I didn’t notice the corner of the table, fell off the sofa - and now a red-purple bump was growing on my forehead. The best thing to do is to immediately apply cold to the injured area: a heating pad with ice, a wet napkin, a spoon, a chop from the freezer, or a pack of frozen vegetables (what exactly is not important). Just remember to wrap the ice in a clean cloth.

✔Bruises. If the skin is not damaged, apply an ice pack to the injury site for 5 minutes. If your baby categorically objects, try a cold compress and change it often. Raise the bruised limb higher to prevent swelling. The next day, the ice will give way to warm compresses. Wet the towel warm water and apply it to the bruise for 5 minutes several times a day. An iodine mesh on the affected limb can also alleviate the condition. However, if your child hurts his stomach when falling from a bicycle, hits his head, injures his eye, or the joint is very swollen and causes pain, consult a doctor.

✔Bumps and bruises are perhaps the most common childhood injuries. A napkin soaked in cold water and wrung out, a handkerchief, a compress with alcohol, and a bag of ice will help you here. It cools and relieves pain. A doctor should be consulted if the pain does not go away and the child is unable to move the leg freely.

IN home medicine cabinet You must have a bandage, plasters of different sizes, an elastic bandage, disinfectants, scissors, painkillers and antipyretics, and a thermometer. Be healthy! Good luck! And let your knowledge remain unrealized.

✔Stretches. As soon as trouble occurs, you must try to prevent the child from putting any strain on the affected limb. Cooling and rest are the best treatment. To limit mobility, you can use an elastic bandage, apply a cardboard splint, or hang your arm in a sling.

✔Injuries. Sharp sticks, stones, curbs - everything can cause head injuries. In this case, as a rule, swelling immediately develops, the wound bleeds heavily - there are a lot of superficially located vessels in the scalp. The best thing to do is to quickly apply pressure to the edges of the wound using a clean cotton cloth or bandage to stop the bleeding. With heavy bleeding, the likelihood of infection getting into the wound is not high (unless, of course, the edges of the abrasion are dirty). If the wound is deep and more than a centimeter, you need to consult a doctor - usually the edges of the wound are sutured or connected using special paper clips. All other wounds can be sealed with a bactericidal plaster.

✔If a child falls and gets an abrasion, the wound must be cleaned of dirt and small stones using a handkerchief or tweezers; blot the wound with a tampon of warm water. It is advisable not to bandage. Only when the wound is wet can a patch or sterile bandage be applied.

✔Concussion. Climbing a tree is so interesting! But sometimes climbing lessons end sadly - the branch under the foot breaks and the baby ends up on the ground. If after a fall the child complains of nausea, drowsiness, headache, or you feel that the baby is not behaving as usual, be sure to call a doctor. If he falls and loses consciousness (even if only for a few seconds), go to the hospital immediately!

✔Fractures. Without an x-ray, even a doctor cannot always determine the presence of a fracture. If the child cannot move his arm due to severe pain, if there is a visible deformation of the limb, and the swelling increases literally before our eyes, the baby most likely has a fracture. Until the doctor examines you, you must apply cold to the damaged area and apply a splint. It will help create peace for the injured limb. When applying a splint, be sure to fix the two adjacent joints as well. For example, if the bones of the forearm are damaged, the wrist and elbow joints are fixed. You can use cardboard folded in several layers as a tire. Wrap it in cotton wool, wrap it in a bandage - the homemade splint is ready. Place your sore hand in it, like in a cradle, and hang it on a scarf. If your legs are damaged, it is difficult to find cardboard of this size, so a piece of plywood and a small board will do.


It is not surprising that when children begin to crawl and then walk, they try to taste everything. Fortunately, 90% of poisonings result in recovery. But here seconds count and the prognosis depends on the actions of the parents.

First aid:

Call “03” immediately, be prepared to report the child’s weight, possible toxic substance, symptoms;
With your finger wrapped in a damp handkerchief, remove any remaining toxic substance from the baby’s mouth;
if the baby is unconscious, lay him on his side so that he does not suffocate when vomiting;
if the baby is conscious, give him more to drink, better clean water. But not milk! It can cause fat-soluble poisons to enter the bloodstream faster;
Give your baby the tablets crushed in water as soon as possible activated carbon, it adsorbs poisons onto itself, preventing them from penetrating into the blood. Dosage - gram of coal per kilogram of child’s weight;
Do not try to make your baby vomit. Often, vomiting itself is more dangerous than the poison that enters the baby’s body.

To prevent trouble from happening:

remove everything chemical substances(perfumes, creams, household chemicals) so that the baby cannot get to them under any circumstances;
Carefully check the expiration dates of medications and ruthlessly get rid of expired ones. It is better not to store medications in a medical cabinet. Experience shows that such a locker is of great interest to the baby. Instead, purchase a case that can be locked with a key, or simply put the medicine box on the mezzanine. Even ordinary vitamins will become poison if you eat a whole pack of them;
Always read medication labels carefully before giving them to your baby, so you can avoid tragic mistakes. This is especially true for unscheduled “night” situations.

✔Electric shocks

A rosette is a very attractive item for a baby, because you can stick a finger or a nail in it! So get on all fours and try to follow your child’s path around the apartment. How many times have you come across sockets and extension cords, wires and accessible electrical appliances? Children are resourceful people; they can bite the wire and severely burn their face. Some babies, having found an extension cord plugged into an outlet, can lick it and also get severe burns.

And little gentlemen, walking around the room without a diaper, sometimes accidentally urinate on the socket and receive an electric shock.

First aid:

if the baby is lying motionless, do not touch him with your hands, otherwise he will give you an electric shock;
turn off the electricity (if this is not possible, then turn off the power source);
use any wooden object (for example, a rolling pin or a chair leg) to discard the wires or simply move the crumbs away from the point of impact;
Is the baby not breathing? Start artificial respiration and chest compressions.

To prevent trouble from happening:

install plugs on all sockets accessible to the baby;
Wind up all long cords of electrical appliances in such a way that they extend only from the electrical appliance to the outlet (you can secure the coiled ring of wires using electrical tape);
make sure that (if possible, of course) everything electric wires were out of the child's reach. And if you have something connected through an extension cord, wrap the connection with insulating tape so that the baby cannot pull the plug out of the socket;
Always put away electrical appliances (iron, mixer, meat grinder) when you have finished working. Place table lamps in such a way that the baby cannot reach them;
Do not use electrical appliances near water (shower, bath).

Often the little man’s favorite place to play is the kitchen: mom prepares dinner, while I go about my business!! This is where dangers can lurk for the young researcher. Firstly, the handles of frying pans and pots should not be within the child’s reach; splashes from food on the stove can fall on a crawling baby; An electric kettle can also become an object of “love” for your child. Never drink tea with a small child in your arms; one awkward movement and the cup of tea may tip over.

Burns, as we know from the course of valeology and life safety, are divided into 4 groups. The first, the mildest one: redness and swelling of the skin. With the second degree, bubbles already appear...

In case of a burn, be sure to consult a doctor!!! What should you do first? Place the burn area under running water cold water, but not ice-cold and keep it this way for 10-20 minutes (longer is possible) so that the burn does not spread to the lower layers of the skin. Home remedies such as vegetable oil, all kinds of creams can aggravate the situation by causing the burn to “go” into the skin. So leave the wound open until the doctors arrive. If a blister forms, there is no need to puncture it to avoid infection. If the burn surface is large, then you need to place the child under the shower and then just call a doctor.

Do not take off your clothes so as not to remove your skin too.

First aid:

In case of burns, it is necessary first of all to stop the spread of damage in depth. Therefore, the wound needs to be cooled - to do this, direct a gentle stream of cold running water (from the tap) onto the burn or apply any cold object to it. Even a piece of meat from the freezer will do, wrapped in a clean cloth, of course. Cool for no more than an hour;
Apply a sterile bandage. Do not open the resulting blisters, and especially do not cut off the “extra” skin. This can cause infection in the wound. By the way, for the same reason, doctors do not recommend treating a burn with urine, even from children’s urine;
familiar home remedies (herbal and butter, protein, flour, etc.) reduce heat transfer to the damaged area and, therefore, “drive” the burn deeper, complicating subsequent treatment. In addition, they seriously contaminate the wound;
take your child to the hospital immediately.

To prevent trouble from happening:

cook only on the far burners, turning the handles of pots and pans towards the wall;
while standing at the stove, never hold the baby in your arms (even if he persistently demands attention) - droplets of boiling oil and scalding steam, invisible to an adult, can get on the child’s skin;
When you open the oven door, make sure that no one is nearby;
kids love to pull the tablecloth off the table and tug at unfamiliar wires. Therefore, toddlers can easily knock over an “instant heating” electric kettle or a cup of freshly brewed tea;
If you drink hot drinks (coffee, cocoa, tea), never do this with a child in your arms. One awkward move and the baby will suffer a severe burn. Do you want to have some tea? Choose a time when the baby is sleeping in bed;
When choosing a heater, give preference to oil heaters - they do not have open spirals. Do not leave household appliances unattended: irons with steamers - common reason burns in children;
before bathing your baby, check the water temperature with a special thermometer (or, in extreme cases, with your elbow);
a baby can knock over a container of boiling water on itself during a banal inhalation. If you want to carry out the procedure, bring your child to the bathroom, sit him down (but not in the bath), close the door tightly and turn on a hot shower. This will be quite enough, especially if you put a small container with a collection of herbs or a healing solution in the bath. If your doctor often recommends such procedures to you, it is better to purchase an individual inhaler at the pharmacy.

When a mother gives her child a small piece of fruit and a cookie, it won’t even occur to him that he could choke on this piece (judging even by own experience). Some children spit out pieces that they cannot chew. Others will try, and diligence can play a cruel joke on them. If a child chokes, this may pose a risk of suffocation. baby in in this case you need to lift it up by the legs and lightly pat it on the back, or put it face down on your shoulder and also pat it on the back. If the child more than a year, then you can put it on your knee so that top part hung down and patted between the shoulder blades

A baby can suffocate if he puts the most common objects in his mouth - coins, screws, pieces of balloons, small parts of toys, beads. Babies can suffocate while vomiting.

First aid:

if some foreign body gets into the respiratory tract and the child begins to cough hysterically, tilt the baby forward, place his stomach on your knee and spank him between the shoulder blades;
if the baby is vomiting, lay him on his tummy, with his head raised (it is better to turn it to the right).

To prevent trouble from happening:

do not tie the bars of the playpen or crib with ribbons, do not tie toys with long cords, do not decorate the playpen or crib with balloons tied to strings;
The crib should not be placed in such a way that there are curtain cords nearby;
never let babies play with hard objects that can block their breathing;
check all your baby’s toys: what if they contain easily breakable parts that can get into the baby’s mouth;
if you are playing with balloons, keep a close eye on all the pieces of burst balloons. Once in the mouth, they can cause choking;
remove all laces and ties from caps and vests;
do not hang chains around your neck; if they get caught, the baby may suffocate;
Do not allow your baby to run around with food in his mouth.

✔Foreign bodies in the eye

Often the child rubs his eyes when he gets foreign body. In summer it can be flies, specks of dust, specks; At home, something dry can get into your eye: sugar, salt, fluff. First of all, you need to rinse your eye. Soak a handkerchief in boiled water and try to remove the trapped object.

To remove the float, gently move your finger along the closed eyelid in the direction of the eyelid: the foreign body may exit through the lacrimal canaliculi. If that doesn’t work, then pull the eyelid so that the eyelashes fall under the eyelid so that the caught body catches on them.

It happens that someone bites you in the eye. This causes the eyelid to swell and turn red. Don't panic. Make soda lotions, they will help relieve itching.

Dilute half a teaspoon in half a glass of boiled water. Moisten gauze, bandage or handkerchief and apply several times a day for five minutes. But: with a closed eye!

The insect can be removed with the edge of a clean, damp cloth. If the baby squeezes his eyelids tightly, try using light stroke movements to drive the foreign body from the outer edge of the eye to the inner one. In the same way, you can remove a speck or grain of sand from your eye.
However, if you suspect that iron or wood shavings or glass shards have somehow gotten into your baby’s eye, never try to remove these foreign bodies yourself with tweezers or cotton wool - you can damage the cornea.
While playing in the sandbox, the baby forgot and rubbed his eye with a dirty pen? Less than a couple of hours later, the eye turns red, and the baby complains of pain and pain? Most likely, the baby has developed conjunctivitis. Wash your children’s eyes several times a day with strong brewed cool tea, give your baby a separate towel for the sore eye and strictly make sure that the baby does not touch it with your hand, otherwise an infection may occur; switch to the other eye. Instill the albucid solution several times a day, and if the situation does not improve after a day, go to the ophthalmologist.

Summary of the educational lesson in preparatory group on the topic of:


Developed by: teacher of MBDOU " Kindergarten combined type No. 42 “Crane”, Pskov PETROVA S.A.


Introduce children to basic first aid techniques.


1. Reinforce the basic rules of safe human behavior in everyday life.

2. Foster a desire to be healthy, a sense of responsibility for personal safety, and a desire to provide help.

3. Make children understand that often first aid can save a person’s health and life.

4. Develop attention and observation, the ability to independently use the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

5. Train in the ability to use the telephone.

6. Activate children’s speech, develop the ability to compose sentences according to a given beginning, and work on improving dialogic speech.

7. Develop finger motor skills.

Preliminary work:

Selection of material on the topic.

Conversations about healthy lifestyle.

Excursion to the medical office, conversation with the nurse.

Review of posters and brochures on first aid.

S/r games: “Hospital”, “Polyclinic”, “Pharmacy”.

D/i: “If the baby is injured,” “Give first aid.”

Learning the song “Naughty Guys.”



A reminder card with telephone numbers of a children's and adult clinic, an ambulance with symbols.

Ambulances on strings tied to pencils.

First aid kit with a set of medications.

Demonstration book “Give First Aid”.

A set of pictures from the d/i ​​“If the baby gets hurt.”

Cards depicting moments of first aid.

Doll of Doctor Zdravinka.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Educator. “Hello!” Guys, we just said hello and said the wonderful word “hello.” Who knows what this word means? ( wish you health ). They used to say “health”, hence the word “hello”.

Today we will talk about health. First of all, let's define what it means to be healthy.

*D/i “Continue the sentence” (the teacher says the beginning of the sentence, the children come up with the end and pronounce the whole sentence).

To be healthy means (don’t get sick, don’t cough, don’t stay in the hospital, be strong, etc.).

Healthy man (plays sports, does not smoke, is strong, cheerful, etc..).

In a healthy person (no pain in your legs, no caries in your teeth, no bruises or wounds, good vision etc.).

- What can prevent us from being healthy? What factors influence our health? (≈germs, weather, carelessness...).

How do we tell the doctor that we are sick? (by phone or in a clinic).

What do you need to know to call a doctor? (clinic telephone number).

- What to report, when will you call the clinic? (last name and first name, age of the patient, home address, what hurts).

2. Educator. Let's try calling a doctor by phone. And the “Medical Assistance” telephone card will help us with this. Fig.1Fig. 1. Telephone memo

* Reviewing the telephone memo, determining the meaning of symbols.

*Practical tasks for children (the teacher conducts a dialogue with the child over the phone on behalf of the receptionist):

- “Suppose you have heat. Call yourself a doctor."

- “Let's say your mother has a sore throat. Call her a doctor."

- “And if your grandmother has a heart problem. Where should I call to get her

provided emergency assistance?

After completing the task for the first time, discuss whether everything was done correctly. Pay attention to whether the child said hello, whether he used polite words: “please”, “thank you”, “be kind”, “goodbye”, whether he correctly explained the reason for the call, etc.

Draw children's attention to the fact that for adults, a doctor is called from an adult clinic, and in emergency cases, an ambulance.

3. Educator. And now we will go to the “Emergency Station”. Who knows what an "Ambulance Station" is? Our city is large, there are many residents, and several people can get sick at the same time. Then the ambulances will rush to different parts of our city. Let's see how quickly ambulances travel to the sick.

* Finger game “An ambulance rushes towards a patient like a bird along the highway” (A rope is tied to a corrugated pencil, its other end is tied to an ambulance. Children twist the pencil in their hands, twisting the rope - whose “ ambulance"will reach the patient faster).

4. Educator. Doctor Zdravinka came to visit us. Fig.2.

Hello. Hello guys. Are you all healthy? Do you have any bumps, abrasions, or cuts? Are you taking care of your health? I heard that Sasha was recently fooling around with her brother at home and got her finger caught in the door. And Lera burned her hand with a hot kettle at home. Doctors will undoubtedly help you cope with the trouble, but before they arrive you need to provideFig.2. Doctor Zdravinka.

first aid to the victim. Often, first aid provided can save a person’s health and life. I want to talk to you today about injuries and how to provide first aid in case of accidents. And my first aid kit and magic book will help us with this.

a) Examination of the contents of the first aid kit.

*D/u “What is this for?”

(bandage, cotton wool, hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, iodine, adhesive plaster, cotton swabs, tablets)

- This is hydrogen peroxide. It is needed for washing wounds.

This is green. It is needed to lubricate wounds to kill germs.

This is a patch. It is needed to seal wounds. Etc.

Convert Special attention Children are reminded that only a doctor prescribes the tablets; under no circumstances should they eat them themselves, and wounds should only be treated with clean hands.

B) Looking at and reading Dr. Zdravinka’s book. Fig. 3.

1 page.

The boy Petya rode proudly

On my bike

And then he began to get reckless -

I didn’t hold the steering wheel with my hands!

And fell onto the road

He skinned his legs

Fig.3. Book by Doctor Zdravinka.He clutched his knees with his hands,

“Oh, how painful it is!” shouted.

To avoid falling,

You have to hold the steering wheel tightly!

Guys, Petya injured his knees. He needs help. How?

Abrasion, wound : 1.Tell an adult.

2. Rinse the wound with hydrogen peroxide.

3. Lubricate the area around the wound with iodine or brilliant green (these liquids kill germs).

4. Cover with adhesive tape and bandage with a clean bandage.

Who will play the role of Petya, who is injured in a fall from a bicycle? *Practical first aid: treatment with hydrogen peroxide, lubricating the edges of the abrasion with iodine, applying a bandage (a sticky red film is glued to the knees, you can bandage one knee and seal the other with a plaster).

Page 2.

Vanya was swinging on a swing,

Tanya ran up to him,

The swing took off and behold -

Tanyusha was hit in the forehead.

Imagine that you were in Tanya's place. What are you going to do?

Injury: 1. Tell an adult.

2. Apply something cold to the bruised area.

*D/i “Choose an object to apply to the bruised area.”

On the table various items: spoons, rulers, mugs (wooden, metal, plastic), spatula, coin, handkerchief, scoop, box, etc.). Children choose an object and apply it to their forehead. Why did you choose this particular subject? How can you use a handkerchief for a bruise? (wet it with cold water).

Page 3.

This is how Alena’s nose looks -

Blood suddenly began to drip.

Is the situation familiar?

But there's no need to cry.

What advice do you have for Alyonka?

Bleeding from the nose : 1. Tell an adult.

2. Sit down with your chin down.

3. Apply cold to your nose.

4. Hold a handkerchief to your nose (adult: place a swab with hydrogen peroxide in the nostril).

*Exercise for fingers “Twist a tampon.”

Children are invited to try to twist a cotton swab. Remind you to do this with clean hands.

Page 4.

It's bitterly cold outside,

He bites his cheeks and nose.

But Vanya doesn’t go home,

Walks all day long.

And now my fingers are numb,

He doesn't know what to do.

Guys, do you know what to do?

Frostbite: 1. Tell an adult.

2. Gently rub the frostbitten area with your hand and a clean handkerchief until it turns pink.You can't rub it with snow!

3. Return to a warm room (drink hot tea).

What should you do if you just feel cold? (jump, run)

Physical education minute. / Author Petrova S.A./

Fingers are a little frozen/ move the fingers of both hands

We'll just crush them/ rubbing fingers together

And let's clap our hands,/ clap

Let's breathe warm air into them./ palms in a boat, inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth into the palms

If the nose, cheeks too/ show decree. fingers on nose and cheeks

Freezing in the cold/ pressed palms to cheeks

Let's rub them carefully/ rub cheeks

But not with snow, but with a hand./ rub your nose

If your feet are cold -/ roll from heel to toe

We need to run and jump./ run and jump on the spot

If you are still cold - / hug themselves

Get out of the walk!/ walk to the chairs and sit down

5 page.

Kolya was playing by the fire

And I was pleased with the game.

And when the fire burned,

I couldn't stand the pain -

He screamed in pain

I started complaining to my mom.

It’s good that Kolya ran to his mother. What do you think mom will advise Kolya?

Burn: 1. Tell an adult.

2. Place under running cold water (15 minutes).

5. Hello. Some of the guys in my book got into trouble because they weren't careful and didn't take care of their health. Are you like that too?

Educator. Our guys will now sing a song about naughty kids and about themselves.

Song with movements "Naughty guys". /Author Petrova S.A./

Naughty guys once went for a walk -/ walk in place

Some climbed the tree, and some started throwing stones. /depicted “according to the text”

Petya walks along the fence, and Foma walks through the puddles,/ arms to the sides, walking in one line;


Have taken there are children somewhere and friends are playing in them, /shocks horizon. palms of others

Other + jugglers.

It’s not difficult for us to guess how the walk ended, /spread their arms to the sides

Naughty guys don't should walk alone. /they threaten their fingers. a lion. etc. hands

Take turns

Elevators are wet from a puddle, blood from the finger because of the glass , /showing on feet. + pointer finger up

Bumps, abrasions, bruises... - the kids went for a walk!/ hands: on the forehead, knees, back + arms spread

To the sides

We guys are not like that, and we party well./n spring

Well, if something happens, we’ll fix it easily, /swaying to the sides

We’ll provide first aid, let’s go to the teacher, / step forward

We will always help ourselves andWe will not let others down./ come back clapping

6. Doctor Zdravinka thanks the children for the song and wants to check how the children have learned the rules of first aid:

*D/i “Help those in trouble” (for a picture depicting a specific accident, the child selects cards depicting the necessary first aid). Fig.4. Fig.4. Cards.

Hello . You guys should study

Strive for excellence in techniques

In order to know and be able to

How to avoid trouble and survive.

If trouble happens to you -

Tell adults everything, always.

Wounds should be smeared with iodine,

If you have a cold, drink tea with honey.

And remember - medications

It is dangerous to give without a doctor.

But you can trust any child

Plaster and iodine, bandages and brilliant green.

Doctor Zdravinka says goodbye and wishes the children to always be healthy.

7. The teacher sums up the lesson and asks what the children remembered and liked most.



  • formation of primary skills in determining the type of injury,
  • studying the algorithm for providing first aid for injuries.


  • development of skills in providing first aid in practice and the ability to independently make decisions in extreme situations.


  • education of humanism, compassion, mercy, readiness to help, both in combat and in peaceful (everyday) situations.

Lesson type: combined

Duration: 70 min.

Lesson delivery method : informational and visual

Technical means and visual aids:

  • Kkroektor
  • posters
  • supporting notes, text assignments
  • individual dressing package
  • first aid kit
  • medical tourniquets
  • dressing bandages

Lesson steps



Checking the external and internal (psychological) readiness of students for the lesson

Examination homework

Frontal survey

Preparing students for active and conscious learning of new material

Ensuring motivation and acceptance by students of the goals of educational and cognitive activity, updating background knowledge, skills (communication of topics, goals)

Formation of new knowledge

Ensuring the process of perception, awareness, comprehension, primary generalization, systematization of material new to students

Consolidation of new knowledge

Checking your understanding of the essence of new concepts

Formation of skills and abilities

Development of skills and abilities creative work, application of knowledge in standard and non-standard situations

Summing up the lesson

Analysis of success in achieving the goal, evaluation of students’ work in the lesson

Informing students about homework

Motivation for homework, instructions for completion



The teacher receives a report from the duty officer about the group’s readiness for the lesson, absentees :

- Good afternoon! As the epigraph for our lesson today, I took the words of Bernard Shaw: “Now that we know how to fly through the sky like birds, swim through the water like fish, there is only one thing left for us to do - learn to live on Earth like people.”(Appendix No. 6, slide No. 1)

Work plan:

  • repetition of the topic: “First aid for bleeding”
  • new topic
  • solving situational problems new topic
  • expert presentation
  • summarizing
  • homework assignment

Students listen to the epigraph and lesson plan and write it down in a notebook.


“Guys, when I asked you to repeat the topic “First aid for bleeding” in the last lesson, I said that this is very important not only in today’s lesson, but also in the future of your life.” I suggest that two students prepare their questions individually at the board .

The teacher calls two students to the board and distributes assignments.

Task No. 1: Indicate the correspondence between the type of bleeding and its signs.

(on the cut sheets there are separate phrases on the types of bleeding and their characteristics)

Task No. 2: Look at the picture, indicate what it illustrates, decipher the meaning of symbols 1-10.

(the figure shows a person, the points of finger pressure during arterial bleeding are indicated by numbers 1-10)

The teacher asks questions to the whole group:

  1. complete the phrase: “The flow of blood from damaged vessels is called _____________” (bleeding).
  2. name the types of bleeding relative to the surface of the affected body? (external, internal)
  3. name the types of bleeding based on the type of damaged vessels? (capillary, arterial, venous, mixed)
  4. What type of bleeding is most dangerous?
    A. Parenchymatous
    B. Arterial +
    B. Venous
    G. Capillary
  5. Indicate the approximate amount of blood loss that can lead to death? (1-2l.)
  6. Name quick way stopping arterial bleeding? (finger pressure)
  7. What is the most reliable way to stop arterial bleeding? (tourniquet)

Now let's see how they answered at the board.

Right answers:

Task No. 1: Arterial bleeding :

  • bright scarlet blood
  • blood is released in a pulsating fountain or elastic stream.
  • a pool of blood in 1-2 minutes of bleeding exceeds 1 meter in diameter.

Venous bleeding :

  • the blood flows down in a passive stream with many streaks.
  • The color of the blood is dark burgundy.

Capillary bleeding:

  • blood oozes over the entire surface of the wound

Mixed bleeding :

  • characterized by signs of arterial and venous

Parenchymal bleeding :

  • observed when parenchymal organs are damaged (liver, spleen andother)
  • blue discoloration of the skin in the area of ​​injury
  • pale (grey) skin, damp to the touch
  • feeling of unquenchable thirst

Task No. 2: Temporal, carotid, subclavian, axillary, brachial, ulnar, radial, femoral, popliteal artery, artery of the dorsum of the foot.

Then the teacher, if desired, invites two students to demonstrate in practice the method of applying a tourniquet for arterial bleeding of the forearm, one demonstrates, the other is an extra.

So, we remembered everything we need today. Also in the last lesson, I told you about the most necessary rules for applying bandages. I asked you, if possible, to fasten the bandages that I showed you at home, on your loved ones. We will return to this during our lesson.

And now guys - we are ready to move on to a new topic!


- Today I ask you to help me formulate the topic and purpose of our lesson. To formulate the topic, let's turn to the video.

Students are offered video material on military topics with elements of fierce battle (1.5 min).

The teacher asks the question: “ What associations do you have with the war?”

The joint work of the teacher with students is determined by the topic of the lesson, students write down the topic in a notebook.

Subject: "First aid for wounds" (Appendix No. 6, slide No. 2)

Please answer me the question: “Only in war time Are we facing injuries? But first, let's look at the statistics:


  • domestic and industrial injuries – 100 thousand people
  • in road accidents – 30 thousand people
  • drowning - 15 thousand people

400 people die every day as a result of accidents. Slide show (Appendix No. 6, slide No. 3).

Can we now guess what goals our lesson?


1. Formation of primary skills in determining the type of injury;

2. Ability to provide first aid for injuries.

So, problem is that eyewitnesses incidents – 70%, either unable or unwilling save the victim. Our task, having reached goals lesson, answer the question: “THE EYEWITNESS OF THE INCIDENT IS THE SAVIOR OF THE VICTIM?”


In order to learn how to properly provide first aid for injuries, you must first know their types:

During the lecture there is active communication between the teacher and students

- Do you have any questions for me?


- Now, please, let's try to systematize what we have understood. Situational tasks will be offered to your attention. We will work according to options ( Appendix No. 2, Appendix No. 3).

The task consists of 2 parts, the first part is theoretical, in the form of a test. It will be necessary to mark (x) correct answers. Corrections are not allowed. Test execution time is 5 minutes.

The second part of the tasks is practical. We are not implementing it yet.

Each student receives his own assignment. Students solve a situational problem, check themselves, checking the correct answers on the screen, and give themselves grades. (Appendix No. 6, slide No. 10). The teacher asks to raise their hands who answered “excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory”. Writes the results on the board.


Now we will try, after consolidating our theoretical knowledge, to apply this knowledge in practice. Let's move on to the second part of our situational task. First, the first option is assigned the role of “victims,” and the second option is assigned the role of “eyewitnesses” of the incident. After providing first aid, they need to switch roles.

The process will be monitored by experts: 2 people for each option. They will check the correctness of first aid and fill out expert sheets (Appendix No. 4). The expert sheets indicate the time standards for performing these bandages, as well as penalty points for which the score is reduced. During the task, experts give ratings to each “eyewitness” and “victim”, after which they make comments on the positions indicated on the expert sheet.

Students in groups perform the practical part of a situational task. Experts monitor the time it takes to fulfill the standards for the appropriate dressings; they can help and explain (

Providing first aidin case of accidentsin emergency situations (practical work)

Equipment and preliminary preparation: PC; presentations for the lesson on this topic (computer , screen, multimedia projector), handouts.

During the classes

1. Organizing time.

Hello! Guys, we have an open lesson today.

Let's start our lesson.

Health is one of the main prerequisites for the harmonious development of a person.

A person lives in complex, changeable conditions, every second experiencing the powerful influence of the environment, which in some cases disrupts the flow of physiological processes in the body, leading to poor health, the development of disease and injury.

The body's defenses, as a rule, actively cope with unfavorable factors if they are within acceptable limits. When the boundary of permissibility is violated, a person needs help from the outside, sometimes urgently, immediately.

In critical situations, everything often depends on the first aid provider further development and the course of the disease, and perhaps even the life of the victim. Therefore, each of us is obliged to master basic first aid techniques, in other words, to be able to quickly assess the patient’s condition and alleviate his suffering.

Protecting and strengthening people's health is a matter of paramount importance and a truly national task. Important role This area should include knowledge of first aid in case of accidents.

Guys. Now we will watch a video about some natural disasters.Fragments from the videos “Lightning”, “Floods”, “Fires” are shown.

Your task : While watching the film, identify: What damage to the human body is possible in these emergency situations and write them down in the table in front of you?

first aidin case of accidentsin emergency situations

Show fragments of real-life emergencies of a natural and man-made nature.

Now tell me the topic of our lesson? /The guys suggest their lesson topics/

(I generalize and name). So:

Lesson topic: First aid in case of accidents.

Our tasks : Learn how to properly provide first aid in case of accidents.

What is the purpose of our lesson?(The guys offer their options). (I generalize and call).

The purpose of the lesson: Study the rules of first aid in case of accidents and learn how to correctly perform the techniques of providing them.

Question: Why did you come to today's lesson?Student answers:...

Our goal not only learn the rules of first aid, but also

Learn to determine your first aid actions when various types injuries;

Determine the situation, need and type of first aid.

Learn to apply a hemostatic tourniquet, immobilization splints and sterile dressings on individual parts of the body.

Now we will look at slide films that will guide you through practical exercises in providing first aid in case of accidents.

The slide movie starts showing.

First aid- this is a set of emergency medical measures carried out to a suddenly ill or injured person at the scene of an incident and during his delivery to medical institution.

People who have had an accident or suddenly developed a serious, life-threatening illness need first aid.

Accidentcalled damage to human organs or disruption of them

functions under sudden environmental influences.

Accidents often occur in conditions where it is not possible to quickly report them to an emergency medical service station.

First medical aid in case of an accident must be provided at the scene of the accident before the arrival of a doctor or delivery of the victim to a medical facility.

Wounds - is a violation of the integrity of the skin, mucous membranes, tissues, caused by mechanical, thermal, chemical and other influences, leading to disorders of the functions of organs, or the whole organism.

Depending on how and what is inflicted, the wounds can be cut, chopped, stabbed, bruised, crushed, torn, bitten, or gunshot.

Especially life-threatening injuries internal organs, head, blood vessels.

Under the bleeding refers to the release of blood from damaged blood vessels.

There are arterial, venous, capillary and parenchymal bleeding.

The most dangerous is arterial bleeding.

1. Show yourself in practice the order of applicationhemostatic tourniquet.

The teacher demonstrates the application of a hemostatic tourniquet to the femoral part of the lower limb.

Your aim : Learn practical steps to apply a hemostatic tourniquet.

Now, working in pairs, learn how to apply a hemostatic tourniquet when bleeding from wounds of the shoulder, forearm and palm.

2. Show yourself in practice the order of applicationimmobilization splint.

The teacher demonstrates the application of an immobilization splint for a fracture of the femoral part of the lower limb.

Your aim : Learn practical steps to apply an immobilization splint.

We work in pairs.

(Practical activities of students).

3. Show yourself in practice the order of applicationheadbands in the form of a “cap”.

Your aim : Learn practical steps to apply a headband in the form of a “bonnet”.

And now you will demonstrate all this on each other.

(Practical activities of students).

4. Show yourself in practice the order of applicationbandages on forefinger, hand, elbow joint.

The teacher demonstrates the application of a spiral bandage on a finger.

Your aim : Learn practical steps to apply a bandage to the index finger, hand, and elbow joint.(Practical activities of students).

Students demonstrate applying a spiral bandage to the index finger...

5. Show yourself the order in practiceapplying a bandage to the ankle joint.

Your aim : Learn practical steps to apply a bandage to the ankle joint.

And now the application of a figure-of-eight bandage to the ankle joint is demonstrated by Maria Mezentseva and Ksenia Melkozerova.(Practical activities of students).

And so, we have discussed with you several ways of providing first aid in case of natural and man-made emergencies.

Conclusion: Now let’s check if all the tasks have been completed.

Now I would like to know your opinion on today's lesson.

What would you like to see and learn in the next lessons?

We listen to the opinions and wishes of students.

Knowledge and skills in first aid are necessary for everyone, because an accident or acute illness can happen at any time and anywhere: at home, on the street, at school, at work, while playing sports, etc.Words flash on the screen.

“Everyone should always be prepared to provide first aid!”

I thank everyone for solving all today's problematic issues.

Assessment student performance results.

Homework: Prepare for the next lesson: gauze, cotton wool, needle and thread for making a cotton-gauze bandage.

Who has questions? (No questions). All lesson participants are given instructions on providing primary care.

Thanks for the work.






in an extreme situation.

Technical equipment:



improvised tires;


task cards.

During the classes

1. Opening remarks.

1. School injuries

2. Sports injuries

3. Domestic injuries

5. Natural injuries

The class is divided into 3 groups.

Card No. 1.

Tasks - matches















9. Elevated position







3. Work in groups.



Head injury

Some questions:

4. What types of wounds do you know?

depending on time).

Situation 1.

On a Sportsground.

Situation 2.

In the dining room.

Situation 3.

In class.

Situation 4.

At a break.

5. Lesson summary



Didactic goal:Application of theoretical knowledge in practical activities in case of injuries and traumatic brain injury.

Lesson questions:

  1. Repeat the types of wounds, types of bleeding.
  2. The need for asepsis and antiseptics.
  3. Rules for applying bandages.
  4. Possible complications from injuries.
  5. Evacuation of victims.

Type of lesson: combined.

Educational and material support:TSO (TV), cards with tasks for group work, reminders, bandages, hourglass.

Preparatory work:To conduct this lesson, the class is divided into 4 groups, tables, diagrams, posters “Types of dressings”, “Types of bleeding”, and a video were prepared to illustrate the teacher’s story.

Lesson plan:

  1. Introductory part – 1 min.
  2. Organizational moment (distribution of control cards) – 1 min.
  3. Completing tasks in groups and filling out control cards – 2 min.
  4. Collective discussion of completed tasks in groups, deepening and expanding knowledge on the topic – 34 min.
  5. Summing up the lesson – 2 min.

During the classes

Organizing time

Check the class's readiness for class. On the board there is an aphorism: “The job of the smart is to foresee trouble, the job of the brave is to deal with trouble when it comes.” Pittacus.

Guys, today we are conducting a practical lesson on the topic “Providing first aid for wounds and traumatic brain injury.” Why do you think we are conducting this practical lesson? Try to formulate the purpose of our lesson. Students independently formulate the goal; if the formulation is inaccurate, the teacher leads them to a correct understanding of the goal of the lesson.

Guys, we started studying the section “Fundamentals of Medical Knowledge” in the 5th grade and every year our knowledge became more in-depth and stronger. Today in class we will review theoretical questions and learn how to provide first aid for the most complex injury: traumatic brain injury.

Students are given cards with tasks. In two minutes, students, according to the answer algorithm, give as complete an answer as possible on the proposed topic.

Testing theoretical knowledge. One student from the group answers all questions within one minute. s

  1. Definition of "WOUND".
  2. Types of wounds
  3. Types of bleeding. 1 MP for bleeding.
  4. Definition: asepsis and antiseptics.
  5. List possible complications of injuries.
  6. First aid for injuries.
  7. What is fainting? 1medical care for fainting.
  8. Types of dressings.
  9. The meaning of first aid.

After completing the theoretical task, we apply bandages:

  • for the finger (spiral bandage).
  • on the area of ​​the shoulder and shoulder joint (spica bandage).
  • bandage on the knee joint (spiral bandage).
  • bandage on the hand (cruciform).

These dressings can be combined with each other depending on the location and complexity of the wound.

Let's begin to study the correct first aid for traumatic brain injury. This injury is considered one of the most life-threatening. To confirm my words, I suggest you listen to a military traumatologist... (video recording).

Who usually becomes a victim of traumatic brain injury and when? The common phrase “he was dropped as a child” is usually accompanied by a characteristic gesture at the temple. It so happens that this sad topic more often becomes a reason for jokes rather than for sympathy. However, a person who has actually suffered a traumatic brain injury is not laughing. After all, its long-term consequences can manifest itself not only in mild “damage to the mind,” but also in more serious complications. After all, such an accident can happen to anyone, anywhere. Babies fall from cribs and tables, older children from swings. Schoolchildren suffer because of their own pranks. Adults suffer this injury in car accidents and other accidents. For older people, slippery sidewalks become fatal.

Medicine distinguishes three forms of closed craniocerebral injury. Concussion is the mildest and most common of these. In general, any injury affecting the brain -very serious testfor the body. Therefore, a person’s life will depend on the speed and correctness of the assistance provided.

Head injuries can cause concussion and compression of the brain. The causes of a concussion can be different, but the most common are: head injury, fall, street accidents. Signs of a concussion: short-term loss of consciousness at the time of injury, nausea, dizziness, tinnitus, unsteady gait.

What changes occur in the brain during injury?

The fact is that the brain, inside and outside, has cavities filled with cerebrospinal fluid. After injury, excess accumulation of this fluid in the cranial cavity leads to increased intracranial pressure. As a result, compression of the brain substance occurs, which causes its slow atrophy. Vascular disorders also appear - in the form of dystonia or cerebrovascular insufficiency. The outflow of venous blood from the cranial cavity is disrupted.

What “shifts” in nervous system can cause traumatic brain injury?

Subsequently, some trauma sufferers develop neurosis with a predominance of depressive, euphoric, hysterical and other personality changes. A person can become aggressive, conflictual, or, conversely, lethargic and indifferent. Memory deteriorates and performance decreases. One of the severe consequences is post-traumatic epilepsy.

Of course successful outcome in the treatment of traumatic brain injury depends on how quickly it is identified. Therefore we must rememberits main symptoms:

  • Blackout of consciousness for several seconds or minutes immediately after injury;
  • Nausea;
  • Headache, weakness, dizziness;
  • Double vision, photophobia;
  • Convulsions;
  • Different pupil sizes;
  • The protruding tongue deviates to the side;
  • Facial asymmetry;
  • Balance imbalance;
  • Numbness of hands and feet;
  • Amnesia – the victim does not remember events that occurred before and after the injury.

What help can you provide to the victim yourself?

To provide first emergency aid, a number of measures must be taken, such as:

  1. lay the victim on his back with his head and upper torso slightly thrown back;
  2. apply a cold compress to the head to reduce the increase in cerebral edema;
  3. When vomiting, turn the victim's head to the side and remove vomit from the mouth and throat.
  4. unbutton any clothes that are blocking your breathing;
  5. If breathing and heart stop, perform artificial respiration and chest compressions.

Remember! In case of loss of consciousness, there is no need to bring the victim out of unconsciousness; you need to wait for him to return on his own. When consciousness returns, the victim must be sent to the hospital in a supine position.

Before you begin to provide first aid to the victim, be sure to ask him for permission to provide assistance, since according to the new law of the Ministry of Health, we do not have the right to provide assistance without the permission of the victim. But often people with a traumatic brain injury are in a state of shock or unconsciousness. In this case, it is important to calmly, convince and explain to the victim about the need to provide him with first aid.

If a traumatic brain injury is accompanied by damage to the bones of the skull, penetrating fragments of foreign bodies, scraps of clothing, then in no case - it is forbidden delete them. This can lead to heavy bleeding, pain to the victim and irreparable consequences for a person’s life. If dust and dirt gets into the wound, first of all, take antiseptic measures. To do this, you need to drip a few drops of hydrogen peroxide into the wound and apply a sterile bandage without adding powders or ointments.

When applying bandages, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Bandage in the most comfortable position for the victim, observing his face;
  • The bandage is usually kept in right hand, and with the left hand they hold the bandage and straighten the bandage. The bandage is passed from left to right and rolled out without lifting it from the surface of the body. Each subsequent move of the bandage should cover the previous one by 1/2 or 2/3 of its width;
  • Bandage the arm with the elbow joint bent at a slight angle, and the leg with the elbow bent at a slight angle knee joint. Bandaging the limbs begins from the periphery and the bandage moves towards the root of the limb. Intact fingertips should be left open so that blood circulation can be monitored;
  • When applying a bandage and at the end of bandaging, check whether the bandage is tight, whether it is too loose, or whether it will fall off or unwind.

When the scalp is injured, a “bonnet” type bandage is used.

  • A piece of bandage (“tie”) about 0.5 m long is placed with the middle part on the parietal region.
  • The ends of the bandage, lowered down in front of the ears, are held taut by an assistant or the victim.
  • After two rounds around the head through the forehead and back of the head, the bandage brought to the tie is wrapped around it and led through the occipital region to the opposite end of the tie.
  • On the other side, the bandage is again wrapped around the tie and drawn obliquely, covering the frontoparietal region.
  • After applying the bandage, one end of the bandage is tied to one of the ends of the tie under the chin.

The most durable bandage for the crown, back of the head and lower jaw is the “bridle”.
Explanation of the correct application of the bandage:

  • After a fixed move around the head, the bandage is applied obliquely along the back of the head to the right side of the neck and under the chin.
  • From here, several vertical moves are made until the crown or chin is covered, then the bandage is brought to the back of the head and secured with a move around the head.
  • When bandaging the chin, additional moves are made to this bandage.
  • After the securing move around the head, the bandage is carried obliquely to the back of the head, along the surface of the neck and horizontal moves are made around the chin.
  • Then they move on to vertical strokes and secure the bandage in a circular motion around the head.

Now we work in pairs.
Calling an ambulance:
- if you are not alone, then immediately;
- if one, then only after providing first emergency aid!


So, today in a practical lesson we repeated the section of the program “Fundamentals of Medical Knowledge” and learned how to correctly apply a bandage for a traumatic brain injury “CAP” and “BRIDLE”. We worked very well, I think all the knowledge gained in life safety lessons will be able to help you in any difficult situation to find the right solution to save people. I know every home has storage space medicines and I want reminders with the correct algorithm for providing emergency care to be in your home medicine cabinet.


Answer the questions: what signs are observed with bruises and concussions, general concussion, and what is first aid for such injuries?


Workshop on life safety on the topic: "Providing first aid

help with various types of injuries"

GOAL: Systematization of knowledge and skills on the topic “Providing PHC.”


Updating theoretical knowledge of PMP terminology;

Application of theoretical knowledge in practical activities (ability

apply bandages, tourniquets, immobilization of limbs);

Procedure and rules of conduct in an emergency (at school - loss

consciousness in class, broken limbs; in the dining room - cut, bleeding,

on the street - damage during the game, hit on the head with a ball).


Fostering a general culture of the individual;

Fostering a sense of camaraderie among older teenagers;

Formation of need careful attitude to your health.


Formation of emergency situation analysis and decision-making skills

in an extreme situation.

Technical equipment:



improvised tires;


task cards.

During the classes

1. Opening remarks.

Today we are conducting a general lesson on the topic “Providing

PMP for various types of injuries.” What do you think we are for?

are we teaching this lesson? Try to formulate the purpose of the lesson? (Students

independently formulate the goal: determining the strength of assimilation

acquired knowledge, the ability to apply it in practice).

Very often in life people find themselves in situations in which

they don’t know how to behave, and sometimes well-being and even

human life. Here in order to be useful, and maybe save

person, we teach this lesson. Let's remember the types of injuries that can most often

get a person (the teacher offers a type of injury, and the students

talk about alleged injuries):

1. School injuries

2. Sports injuries

3. Domestic injuries

4. Agricultural injuries

5. Natural injuries

6. Occupational injuries

2. Testing theoretical knowledge.

The class is divided into 3 groups.

In groups, students complete “matching tasks” (card No. 1).

Card No. 1.

Tasks - matches


















9. Elevated position



Each type of damage corresponds to the use of PMP, it is necessary

restore these correspondences. After 3 minutes, representatives of each

groups reproduce the matches on magnetic boards (opposite each

the type of damage indicates the number of the corresponding PMP intake).

The teacher checks the assignment using the key: DAMAGE







3. Work in groups.

The next task is of a practical nature in providing primary care.

I suggest one representative of the group come to the table and choose

card with specified type damage requiring immediate

medical care. You are given 2 minutes to discuss the task, after which

2 people from each group must come out for its practical



Open fracture of the lower limb

Fracture in the forearm

Head injury

While the guys are completing the task, the rest are invited to answer

Some questions:

1. What are the tasks of first aid?

2. What available means can be used when providing primary care?

3. What is a wound, and what signs is it characterized by?

4. What types of wounds do you know?

5. Which bleedings are called internal and which external?

6. What is the danger of bleeding?

7. What methods of temporarily stopping bleeding exist?

8. What types of fractures do you know?

9. What is traumatic shock?

10.What dressing material can be used when the

fracture, and what - with a closed one?

4. Solving situational problems

Often it seems to us that trouble emergency could happen where

- then far away, where we are not, and we can never be. But this is

can happen in everyday life: a child pulled a hot one from the stove

the kettle on himself, the baby fell from a tree, hit his head, someone tripped,

someone slipped and if it was you who happened to be nearby, then why are you all-

will you do it anyway? Let's look at a few of these life situations (The children are given situations from school life and are asked

discuss them collectively. The number of situations considered in

depending on time).

You need to analyze the situation (definition of consciousness,

signs of possible damage), actions to provide emergency medical care.

Situation 1.

On a Sportsground.

While playing football, a student was hit in the head with a ball.

Situation 2.

In the dining room.

The student slipped on spilled jelly. You observe bleeding.

Situation 3.

In class.

A student lost consciousness during class.

Situation 4.

At a break.

While running down the stairs, the student tripped and fell, feeling

acute pain in the ankle joint.

5. Lesson summary

Our lesson is coming to an end. I think that the assigned tasks are with you

completed. But I think the main outcome is not the grades, which

you have earned, and those skills that you can apply in difficult

Open lesson on life safety

First aid

Teacher primary classes

Sedenkova Marina Yurievna

Lesson format: practical lesson on practicing first aid skills.

Goals and objectives of the lesson:


    • Teach students to provide first aid and self-help in case of accidents;

      to learn to meaningfully perceive and concretely present game tasks (situations), to support the progress of their solution with independent (own) forces and actions.


    • to promote the development of sustainable and strong skills to recognize and anticipate dangers, the need for students to consciously become qualified advisers, consultants and the first “doctors” in extreme situations;

      to develop logical thinking and succinctly competent practical activity of students through the forms and techniques of role-playing, intellectual, competitive, training games, the use of visual and figurative means of influencing their sensory organs and mental catalysts;

      allow students to express themselves in mental aspirations, knowledge, wisdom, abilities, taking into account the problem of a person-oriented approach and individualization of the educational process.


    • influence students’ attitude to the process of mercy and help as a natural behavior and a phenomenon of selfless provision of salvation to those in need;

      to form the need to bring to people kindness, sensitivity, attention, courtesy, fulfillment of human duty, a system of moral qualities and motives for help and mutual assistance, sympathy and empathy towards all people in any situations, especially in extreme ones;

      create an atmosphere of creative application of knowledge and skills, creative teamwork, and intellectual confidence in one’s knowledge and skills.

Interdisciplinary connections (integration):

    Providing: speech development, physical training


    • medical terminology, taking care of your health;
      anatomical information and knowledge about the physiological development of man, his relationship with nature and the environment;

      physical exercises and methods of transportation that require physical effort and preparedness;

      conditions of social adaptation of students in life (in environment- on the street, at school, in nature, at home).

Methodological support for the lesson:

Presentation “First Aid”, electronic physical exercises

1. Dressing material
2. Hemostatic tourniquet
3. Device for ventilation
4. Antiseptics
5. Available materials


1. Organizational moment

Guys, let's give each other kind smiles. A sincere smile is success in any job. People who smile get sick less and do not get discouraged under any circumstances. The knowledge and practical skills you gain today will be useful to you to help those around you and yourself if an accident happens to you. The topic of our lesson: “First medical aid in case of accidents”

2. Updating knowledge

Students read the poem:

Don't stand aside indifferently
When someone is in trouble.
Need to rush to the rescue
Any minute, always.
And if it helps someone, someone
Your kindness, your support,
Are you happy that the day was not lived in vain?
That you have not lived for years in vain.

Guys, let's together define what the concept of “accident” means. What cases are considered accidents? (Children's answers)

Let’s ask for help: “An accident is harm to a person’s health as a result of a combination of circumstances or improper behavior.” What do you think should be done if an accident occurs? (Children's answers)

First of all, you need to call a doctor. But, unfortunately, the doctor cannot always arrive quickly. It is in such cases that each of you should be able to do everything possible before the doctors arrive to relieve the pain, save the life of the victim, and prevent the deterioration of the victim’s condition. This is what we call first aid. Now tell me, what kind of help is called self-help? (The one we provide to ourselves)

3. Physical exercise(musical, presentation)

4. Work on the topic of the lesson

Let's ask for help: 30 minutes of moderate physical activity a day improves health and prevents disease. In order for movement to benefit you and keep you healthy, you need to do the exercises correctly and avoid accidents.

(There is a knock on the door. Three students enter)

What happened to you guys?

(Students explain the situation with gestures)

Guys, you are lucky: our guest is a doctor mother. (Addressing the doctor) Please examine our victims.

Doctor. We have three victims with diagnoses: bleeding from the nose, bruise, speck in the eye. First, you need to seat all the victims comfortably. What do you guys think, which of the victims needs help first? (To someone who has a nosebleed)

Slide - reminder

    When bleeding from the nose, the victim must be seated so that his head is tilted forward.

    Place a cold lotion on the nose, ask the victim to breathe through the mouth, and then squeeze the nose with your hand just below the bridge of the nose (for 3 minutes).

    You cannot tilt your head back, as otherwise blood may enter the respiratory tract.

    After the bleeding has stopped, the victim needs to sit quietly so that the bleeding does not resume.

(Guys provide self-help for bleeding (reinforce skills).)

Doctor. Well done, you can give yourself first aid for nosebleeds.

And now the second accident is a speck in the eye.

Doctor. Let's remember the rules of first aid if a foreign body gets into the eye.

Slide - reminder

First aid rules when a foreign body gets into the eye.

    Place the victim facing the light, open the eyelids and examine the eye.

    Remove the speck with the damp end of a clean handkerchief. If you don't have a tissue, try rinsing your eye with water.

    Instruct the victim to blink; copious tears will help wash the debris out of the eye.

Let's ask for help. Eyes are a person’s main assistants; eyebrows, eyelashes and eyelids serve not only for beauty. They protect the eyes from dust, wind and sweat. In order for our eyes to serve us as long as possible, we need to take care of them.

Game "Yes - no". If you agree with the rule, then say “yes”; if you disagree, say “no”

    Wash your face in the morning.

    Watch TV while sitting close to him.

    Make sure that the light illuminates the page when reading and writing.

    Look at the bright light.

    Use someone else's glasses.

    Do eye exercises.

    Exercise for the eyes. (Electronic)

Eyes are the mirror of the soul. Take care of your eyesight, guys.

    Continued work.

Doctor. We have one last accident left - internal bleeding(injury).

In case of internal bleeding, you need to cool the damaged area, put ice or a bandage moistened with water on it. If there is no water, you can use cold objects. In the old days, copper coins were applied to the sore spot. What other items can be used to prevent internal bleeding? (spoon, children's answers)

Remember. The wound should not be washed with water. Under no circumstances should soil or dirty leaves be applied to it, as this is fraught with the occurrence of such serious diseases as gangrene and tetanus. Any, even the most trivial scratch, if not promptly disinfected, can lead to the development of a purulent infection.

If the wound is deeper or heavily contaminated, then after applying a bandage, the victim should be immediately taken to a medical facility. There he will receive qualified assistance.

6. Consolidation.

- Why did we look at these particular accidents? (They meet often)

We provided first aid to our victims. It is important not only to know the rules of first aid, but also to be able to provide assistance in a timely manner using available means if there are no medications nearby.

When going on a hike, a trip, to the forest to pick mushrooms, or on a bike ride, you should definitely take a first aid kit with you. The first aid kit should contain a minimum of items to provide first aid or self-help in case of need.

In case of injuries and cuts, you must have:

    Rubber tourniquet to stop bleeding;

    Sterile bandages and napkins;

    Bactericidal patch;

    Sticky patch;

    Tincture of iodine;


    Syntomycin emulsion in case of burns or frostbite;

Everyone understands that drugs

It is dangerous to give without a doctor.

But you can trust any child

Plaster and iodine, bandages and brilliant green.


    An alcohol solution of brilliant green, used to lubricate wounds. (Zelyonka)

    Fluffy fibrous mass, made from cotton, used in medicine. (Vata)

    A piece of fabric in the form of a long ribbon for a therapeutic bandage. (Bandage)

    A cake of pressed medicinal powder. (Tablet)

    Thermometer. (Thermometer)

    A cloth coated with a medicinal substance that is applied to wounds. (Patch)

    Organic substances necessary for life: A, B, C, D, etc. (Vitamins)

    An alcohol solution of a dark brown substance used to lubricate wounds. (Iodine)

    A set of medicines for first aid or simple home treatment. (First aid kit)

7. Summary.

What did you remember from the lesson?

What did you want to know more about?
