Youth business style of clothing for girls. Office clothing style. What's new

The basis of a working woman's wardrobe is business style clothing. Fortunately for fashionistas, the days when it was possible to wear only a skirt with a jacket or pantsuit... The modern dress code gives some freedom in the choice of clothing and its colors... How to dress for work?

The story of one suit

The concept of business style as applied to women appeared only at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Until that time, the fair sex was entitled to only one type of occupation - housekeeping, which determined the female wardrobe. But by the beginning of the last century, ladies emerged from the shadows of pots and diapers. They wanted to express themselves outside the walls of the house. There was a natural need for other clothes for them. Then, probably, they did not even suspect that after only a few decades, the textile industry would be focused on the production of office women's clothing... And the first item of such a wardrobe was a set of a closed white blouse and a dark long straight skirt.

The revolution in business attire for women was made in late XIX v. English fashion designer John Redfern. He created the ensemble, now known in the fashion world as a tailor suit, consisting of a jacket, skirt, stand-up collar blouse and tie. Gloves, a traveling hat and a reticule were also relied on.

Actually, the idea of ​​such a combination of clothes was conceived by Redfern not for the convenience of the female working population of England, but as an outfit for the travel of Edward VII's wife, Alexandra. But the taller costume became very popular, and the fashion for it spread all over the world. True, the invention of the English couturier did not dominate the women's wardrobe for a long time. In the 20s. last century, it was replaced by a suit from Chanel. Everyone who is interested in fashion is probably familiar with him. Chanel offered business ladies a comfortable and stylish ensemble of a straight knee-length skirt, a cardigan and a sleeveless jumper, which ladies wore instead of a blouse.

In the 1930s. the suit became the basis of the women's wardrobe. He was popular not only among working women. The suit was so comfortable that women put it on with or without reason - for a walk, on a visit, for evening outings. Since then, this item of clothing has not left the ladies' wardrobes. Of course, the suit was not the most worried. better times, but fair half humanity comes back to him again and again. A good quality suit not only solves the problem of how to dress for work, but also helps to look perfect at events of any level.

Office style etiquette

Office clothes - the very case when they are greeted by clothes... A woman dressed elegantly and to the point is perceived business partners as confident in herself and her capabilities, as well as able to make decisions. Therefore, the office wardrobe must be treated carefully. When purchasing things for work, you choose, first of all, the image and reputation, and not clothes.

Fashion is a lady with a changeable character, and most importantly, very impetuous. But in every style of clothing there are requirements that have become classic. In the office, for example, there are three of them: high quality fabrics, traditional styles and colors. Wear a pencil skirt, high-waisted pants, white blouses, striped shirts, plain turtlenecks, sheath dresses to the office. To make your look brighter, pick up accessories - a scarf, watch, belt, glasses.

Has become a classic office wear pale blue, pale pink, beige, lilac, olive, dark blue, gray, cherry tones. I don't think it's worth mentioning white and black. Things of these colors are easily combined with each other, so it will not be difficult to create a stylish office ensemble. The optimal combination of shades in the outfit - three... Of the prints, stripes, checks and small polka dots are considered acceptable.

Pay attention to your shoes... Modern fashion allows both stiletto heels and flat shoes in the business world. Choose a model depending on the top. Shoes with a heel of medium height (4-6 cm) are considered universal. It fits both skirts and trousers. Keep track of the color matching of clothes and shoes. This is one of the common mistakes business women make. If you light suit, match accessories of the same color. Black shoes will completely kill your efforts to look elegant.

Follow the rule: “You don't have to have a lot of things in your wardrobe. It is much better if they are combined with each other. " Get several white blouses of different styles, some light-colored shoes, and the look is ready. The combination of these things with skirts, dresses, trousers will allow you to always look stylish and elegant.

The wardrobe must also have classic cut trousers., just not black, but gray shade... It not only looks more elegant, but also easier to operate. Black trousers are impractical due to the fact that they show any error in the cleanliness of your home, car or workplace. In other words, every villi can break your harmonious image. Match gray trousers with a black vest. This is also a classic, a blouse or turtleneck will suit any color, but be careful about accessories - shoes and a bag must be only black and preferably of a similar structure (for example, suede shoes and a suede bag).

Pay attention to sheath dresses. They appeared in the 30s. of the last century and still do not lose their relevance. Sheath dresses are combined with almost everything: turtlenecks, shirts, blouses. Beads will add elegance to the look. If you have worn a striped shirt under your dress, choose an accessory that matches the strip. Do you like romantic blouses? Then the beads will look more beautiful, contrasting in color to it. The outfit will be complemented by a bracelet made of natural stones, as well as a wide belt.

Regarding the color scheme of the dresses. Favorites are pastel shades and solid colors. Allowed and more bright colours, but the main thing here is not to overdo it. The length of the dress should be up to the knee (plus or minus a few centimeters). The same requirement applies to skirts.

Office style is impossible without blouses. They are versatile and appropriate in any situation, from a normal working day to important negotiations. Give preference to those made with the addition of polyester. Of course, 100% natural fabric is more pleasant to the body, but it wrinkles quickly and easily. It is not only inappropriate in business communication, but it will not add to you self-confidence.

The basic element of an office wardrobe is a suit. It should fit you perfectly. Let there be only one suit in the closet, but High Quality... Modern fashion offers many options for this basic model - with trousers (wide, narrow, high-waisted), a skirt (straight cut, pleated, narrow), a dress. The jacket can be of different cut - fitted, shortened to the waist or mid-thigh, single or double-breasted .... Trends recent years allow shorts instead of trousers. They should be made of dense plain fabric or with a small pattern, free cut, straight, knee-length. If you are wearing tights, then match them to the shorts. Give preference to dark. By the way, in business negotiations, a suit with a skirt is considered more appropriate than trousers and even more so shorts.

It is advisable to wear tops under the jacket. The blouse option, popular for many years, is considered bad manners in the modern business world. And do not use chains as accessories! The ideal companions of the costume are watches, earrings, a scarf, and a brooch, but exclusively for the trouser version. Long time this accessory was considered not fashionable, but recent times the brooch appears more and more often on the lapels of jackets or dresses in the collections of many designers. The main requirement for this decoration is good quality... The brooch does not have to be made of precious metals, jewelry is acceptable, but expensive.

If we talk about accessories, I would like to note that silver, pearls and amber have been at the peak of popularity for several seasons in a row. In an ensemble, always combine products from the same material. This rule applies not only to office style.

What to avoid in office style?

So, in the wardrobe of a stylish business woman blouses of various colors, a suit (preferably two - with a skirt and trousers), dresses (pay attention to knitted ones), several trousers, skirts, a vest, several cardigans in neutral tones, plain turtlenecks and tops under the jacket. This "gentleman's" set will allow you to remain not only a professional, but also a woman in any situation. What, on the contrary, must not be in office style?
- low quality clothing. Make it a rule: let there be only a couple of things in the closet, but branded. As one friend of mine says, "I'm not rich enough to buy cheap clothes." Give preference to the classics. In such things, you will always be, as they say, in a trend;
- sportswear ... Save your T-shirts and sneakers for the gym. It's another matter when your company is allowed, for example, to come in free style clothes on Fridays. Then jeans and a sweatshirt will be in place in the office;
- socks, the elastic of which is peeking out from under the trousers. Better to wear knee-highs. And no fishnets in the office! This has already become a "classic", which it is time to award an award, like the one that is awarded every year for bad films to bad directors. Don't repeat their mistakes. Become the director of a film called "My SUCCESSFUL professional life". Fishnet stockings will not directly affect your career, but they will spoil the impression of you;
- transparent elements in clothes. Chiffon blouses don't count. But leave lace, guipure for personal meetings.

The most important requirements for office wear for women are cleanliness, neatness and quality. The modern fashion industry offers big choice office outfits. With the current freedom in dress code requirements, it is not difficult to look elegant and feminine in the workplace. Choose things in which you are comfortable, do not shake, you can freely raise your hand, bend over. Combine them, add accents and always remain a lady. Business lady!

Business Office Style clothing in the understanding of most business workers is associated with the concepts of dullness and everyday life. In this regard, originality in their office wear is reduced to zero. Designers urge to give free rein to imagination and create interesting images in a seemingly boring style like.

The pencil skirt is a classic business dress. Business ladies underestimate this indispensable wardrobe item. In vain, because the skirt, thanks to its special cut, emphasizes the dignity of the figure, giving the image femininity and sophistication. The combination of a pencil skirt and a blouse made of silk or cashmere in light shades will add romance. If the dress code is not limited only to black and white in the charter, then you can safely choose a skirt in pastel shades, which will add lightness to the business style. In this case, the blouse can be of dark deep tones. An appropriate accessory is the belt, which can be either narrow or wide enough. Such an element does not contradict the dress code and works to create a stylish look.

Such an element of the wardrobe as a skirt-trousers is undeservedly bypassed. It is generally accepted that it is voluminous and, as a result, reveals the flaws in the figure. Stylists protest, arguing that the skirt-trousers, on the contrary, due to its flowing fabric, emphasizes a slender waist and beautiful hips. The model with a high waist and a belt looks original. Pockets can be an interesting detail. The form-fitting top looks bold with a wide hem for an eye-catching and sophisticated look. It is good to combine a classic skirt-trousers with bright scarves or bracelets. These accessories will dilute the strict office style of clothing. Almost any footwear is suitable for a skirt-trousers. An exception may be knee-high boots and high lace-up sandals: the flowing fabric can create unwanted wrinkles in the calf.

A silk blouse tucked into tight leather trousers emphasizes the dignity of the figure and the taste of a business woman. An interesting detail can be a special cut of the collar, as well as patch pockets that actualize the image. The color of the shirt can range from pastel to deep colors. Lace-up ankle boots or classic pumps will help complete the look of a business style.

Men's style is still popular in women's wardrobe. However, business casual clothes are inappropriate. For a business woman, a strict and stylish option is suitable: a wide jacket and trousers with arrows - this image must be accompanied by a necklace, a feminine bracelet, an elegant watch on a thin leather strap, or two stylish and silk scarves in one. Long earrings accentuate the delicacy of the neck. Within the framework of male style a woman can afford to wear ankle-length pants. Open legs become even more feminine against the background of wide trousers in a man's cut. The color of the components of the image can give a special charm. Discreet makeup and red lips add femininity.

Such an element of the wardrobe as a jumpsuit is becoming popular not only in the informal sphere, but also in business life. A shortened model and a floor length will look equally advantageous on a businesswoman. The jumpsuit goes well with a turtleneck and a blouse. If the authorities consider such an image too frivolous, then you can put on a jacket made of non-coarse fabric over it. Stylists advise to complete the look with a bright brooch or an elegant fabric bandage around the neck.

These main trends of the season will allow you to create a unique individual image suitable for a business style. At the same time, it is not necessary to purchase new things, it is enough just to look through your wardrobe. With the right combination of clothing items and accessories, the image will turn out to be bright, memorable and does not contradict the rules of the charter on the dress code of the office.

You may well not follow a fashion or a particular style. But research shows that our first impressions of other people are within 7 seconds of meeting. Your appearance really matters. In addition, our initial perception of people influences the interpretation of their subsequent behavior due to our possibly erroneous expectations. The business office style is more demanding in this regard.

Office style involves not only how you look through the eyes of others, but also how you feel about yourself. When you are tastefully and properly dressed, you feel good, your mood improves and your productivity improves! And, of course, there are a number of nuances that should be taken into account when choosing office clothes, and in general.

80% of your clothes can be safely thrown away!

The average person wears about 20% of the clothes they have on hand, with the remaining percentage consisting of unused items that simply get in the way of the closet. We live in an accessible consumer society and often make purchases without thinking too much, much less thinking carefully about how this or that thing suits us.

Informed shopping is of course a waste of your time, and we share valuable advice how to define your official for an individual body shape. But before talking about body shapes, use general rules compliance with office style.

Rule 1

Your clothing should highlight your strengths and hide your flaws. Create a specific focus for those around you on your best body parts. The right accents can be set using bright accessories: scarves, shawls, jewelry, stylish belt, etc.

Rule 2

Almost every item needs the right fit for your specific body shape. This is very important rule and you shouldn't ignore it. We all possess individual forms, which may not always be taken into account by the production of a particular model of clothing.

Rule 3

Office style is practically not fashionable. Style manifests itself in knowing oneself and expressing oneself in the best possible way.

Office Style: Body Shape - Apple

It is a rounded body shape, with a softer upper part (large bust), with a slight outline of the waist, often with full legs... These features are especially evident when worn dark colors above and light below, which is often the best way suitable for office style.

Tops: Choose a form-fitting top under the chest or just below the upper abdomen. And then the cut should be free.
Jackets: The "classic style" of jackets, below the hips, always looks good, as well as the now fashionable "boyfriend" style.
Dresses: Excellent silhouette of dresses with little or no waistline, knee-length in a strict style.
Shoes: She should be on high heels and is made in a curvy rounded style to compliment your shape. Open-toed shoes look very good.
Skirts: Formal skirts are straight in the front or with inserts on one side. As well as fluffy and long skirts.
Pants: You should take into account the fullness of the legs with this shape, so opt for wide trousers.
Cardigans: The length of the cardigan should be up to the calf of the leg and you should not resort to the size "back to back", let it be a little looser.

Office Style: Pear Shape

The shape of the body is small narrow shoulders in relation to the thighs. On such a contrast of the legs, the waist and flat tummy are clearly visible.

Tops: Blouses, T-shirts, shirts - everything that will emphasize your upper part body and balance it with the hips.
Jackets: Never wear a jacket that ends at your widest point (in this case, your thighs). Choose longer styles. And make sure the jackets have shoulder pads to shape your shoulders.
Dresses: Choose dresses with a prominent waist and flared hem. This style will look very flattering and hide full hips.
Shoes: Bulky, full-heeled shoes with a rounded toe will balance your lower body.
Skirts: As with dresses, choose more curvaceous options to create light image... A-line skirts are also good.
Pants: Choose wide pants to minimize the mass on the lower half and so visually the legs will look thinner. Wear jeans only when absolutely necessary for fashion.
Cardigans: Again, long styles work well for this shape.

Office Style: Body Shape - Hourglass

You can call this body shape excellent! Luxurious balance between the upper and lower body in relation to thin waist- the standard of femininity. Office style with such a figure calls for darker colors at the bottom and lighter tones at the top. If the color of your shoes matches the color of your trousers or skirts, stockings, then you can visually lengthen your legs and look much slimmer yourself.

Tops: Styles with a V-neck will suit you to accentuate your bust. But for the office, it is worth choosing a detail on the shoulder that still distracts from the chest from time to time. Use flowy fabrics and avoid coarse shirts. Don't hide your dignity.
Jackets: Jackets with three-quarter sleeves look great as they expose thin wrists. Always choose fitted jackets. Prefer rounded cuffs and avoid sharp lines.
Dresses: Any dresses that accentuate your waist and graceful silhouettes of your figure.
Shoes: Open-toed and platform shoes are suitable for you. Lovely, feminine shoes with low heels that will accentuate your look.
Skirts: Pencil skirt, flared skirt and just fluffy skirts middle length perfect for the office.
Pants: Classic trousers will suit you, as well as tight ones, with the exception of those styles that visually increase the hips. The same goes for jeans.
Cardigans: Everyone needs a card! Again, choose longer styles, but wear a belt with them, with your waist this is a must.

A modern, purposeful woman striving to make a career constantly experiences the close attention of colleagues and partners. This situation requires her to always be at her best, not only professionally. Appearance women play an important role in her successful career growth.

General rules for choosing clothes for the office

First of all, suiting fabrics: the office style of clothing assumes purely woolen fabrics or with a slight amount of synthetics. They should be matte, smooth. Tweed, dense knitwear, thin cotton are quite appropriate. Office wear for women does not allow transparent or shiny fabrics, laces. Linen clothing is undesirable because it wrinkles heavily during wear and looks sloppy.

The style of dress in the office requires extremely calm shades: gray, white, black, brown, blue, burgundy, green.

The length of the skirt is medium. Office footwear - closed. Open heels are allowed, but they should not be slippers. The heel is stable, not very high. Abundance of decor and extravagant shoes bright colors not allowed in a business suit.

Basic things for an office wardrobe

Summer office wear for women should be as light and comfortable as possible. An excellent option is white suit made of fine cotton with trousers or a skirt. Under a fitted short jacket with a three-quarter sleeve, you can pick up several tops in pale pink, green, blue or classic black. Also, the office style of clothing for women involves cotton or silk blouses, plain or pinstriped.

Office clothes for girls for the summer are dresses made of cotton, linen with the addition of synthetics, which allows natural fabrics not to wrinkle. The basic rules are closed shoulders, no neckline. Classic version- this dress is sheath. It can be monochromatic, as well as combined from several fabrics. A thin belt, medium-sized jewelry diversifies a rather laconic outfit.

This season, the English office style of clothing for girls is relevant. Black pants, a white shirt, and a black vest are suitable for this look. A tie will emphasize the elegance of a business image. Into the cold autumn weather on top you can put on a trench coat with a strict cut.

Stylish office wear for girls is not always a black bottom and a white top. A gray, blue or beige skirt is quite possible.

Any pastel shade can be an alternative to classic white. As for the cut of skirts, for overweight women fit a tulip skirt just below the knee, with a slightly high waist. For thin girls, this type of knee-length skirt or slightly higher will visually add roundness. The tulip skirt goes well with blouses, turtlenecks, tops. A jacket, cardigan or coat for such a model is better to pick up cropped or wear them unbuttoned, thus maintaining a sophisticated silhouette.

Stylish office wear is not complete without a versatile pencil skirt paired with a blouse or turtleneck. On top of such a set in the cool season, you can wear a fitted jacket. For girls with wide hips, it is better to choose a high-waisted tulip skirt. The fabric should be dark colors, dense. The beauty of slender hips will be emphasized by a pencil skirt made of softer fabrics, light shades.

Fashionable office wear for women is, above all, style and elegance. Despite the strict dress code, it should emphasize the dignity of the woman, as well as express her individuality.

Clothing style is business card any self-respecting girl. With his help, she can tell the world about herself, about her passions and hobbies. We are all different and we dress differently too. There is only one thing in common - the style of dress in the workplace. Overwhelmingly, it is business style.

Her future career and the attitude of her work colleagues depend on whether a girl knows its basics, how competently she uses it.

The history of the style

Back in the 19th century, such a concept as "business feminine style"Did not exist in nature. At that time, the girls did not strive for emancipation, they did not occupy significant posts, therefore, the clothes they wore were extremely feminine. Crinolines, numerous ruffles, flounces, curls and curls - these are the main elements of style for women of the 19th century. And if someone allowed himself to wear clothes similar in cut to men, they were sure to ridicule them in the feuilletons of local tabloid newspapers.

The situation changed only after two world wars, when women had to restore on a par with the surviving men National economy... Clothing requirements have changed. It had to be, first of all, comfortable, unmarked, preferably in dark colors. Therefore, women began to dress in trousers, jackets, clothes began to look more like men.

Echoing these fundamental changes, models began to be developed business clothes for women. From that moment on, it can be considered that women's business style came into fashion and became a universal tool for positioning oneself as a professional.

Characteristic features of the style

At the moment, the business style of clothing for girls can be divided into three groups:

  1. Classic office style. It is the most conservative of all and means a trouser set or a skirt with a dark-colored jacket, white shirt or a blouse and low-heeled pumps. It is often used as a dress code in large companies.
  2. Business casual. Freer than the previous one, you can diversify styles, mix colors in clothes, add various accessories. This is the most common option in a normal business setting.

    "Friday" business style. According to him, on Friday, you can relax in the severity of outfits and even come to work in classic jeans in combination with a jacket, provided that there are no official business meetings that day.

Combining all the groups, there are several features that support the business style:

    Any item of clothing of this style should be neutral in color and style. This position is based on the fact that, first of all, clothes do not distract from work, but emphasize the professionalism of a person.

    Clothing should be inscribed in the canons of the classics, having the same unshakable core. Fashion is changeable and fickle, but the classics remain for centuries.

    The quality of fabrics, accessories for sewing business-style clothing should be high. The use of cheap, low-quality fabric in business suits is unacceptable.

    Professionalism has no gender, which means that there is no place for promiscuity, overt sexuality, deep neckline and large slits on the skirt in business clothes for girls.

    The image must be elegant, casual.

Business style

The requirements for the style of business clothes are, first of all, the simplicity of the cut. The jacket should be straight or slightly narrowed in silhouette to mid-thigh length and below. The buttons on it should be medium in size and always match the jacket. The skirt is also straight or slightly tapered from top to bottom. Its length should be no higher than the level of the palm from the knees. Straight trousers, sitting at the waist. Overestimating or underestimating the waist is considered a liberty to interpret the business style.

As for the dress, a sheath dress would be perfect. a safe bet... Blouses and shirts must have at least a small sleeve, open shoulders business etiquette in clothes are excluded.

Color and texture

Color in business style clothes is one of the dominant features, leaving an imprint on the style as a whole. Black, brown, gray, blue are considered classic colors. They can be complemented with pastel shades of various colors. In the warm season, suits of light shades are allowed - beige, caramel, White color... The main thing is that all shades and colors are not flashy, active. In addition, a maximum of three colors can be used in one look.

The fabric pattern should also be neutral. A herringbone, thin stripes, a cage will work well. Leopard prints, bright floral patterns are also unacceptable in everyday business style.


Business clothes should be made of high quality, expensive fabrics. They provide a perfect fit, wrinkle-free and almost wrinkle-free. Sewing clothes should be perfect, all elements are processed so that no threads hang, pockets should not protrude or come off. It is better to choose natural materials: cotton, linen, high-quality silk. The higher the post held, the more expensive and better the outfit should be.


The classic version of the shoe is black pumps with a small (no more than 7 cm) heel. They can be of a different model, but always in the color of the clothes. This rule does not apply to black shoes.

Even in hot weather shoes must be closed (toe and heel), so wearing sandals to the office is strictly prohibited. In addition, tights should always be worn under the shoes despite any climatic conditions... For these purposes, there are thin tights with a thickness of 10-15 den.

Jewelry and accessories

To decorate the image of a business girl, the use of various accessories is allowed, such as a stylish scarf, a sophisticated scarf, and various jewelry. The main thing is not to overdo it with their number. For example, according to etiquette, there should be no more than three pieces of jewelry, including wedding ring the material used for their manufacture is silver, gold or pearls. As for such an accessory as a handbag, it should be of a simple shape, preferably leather, without flashy elements.

Essential elements of a business girl's wardrobe

According to the rules of etiquette, you should not come to work for more than two days in a row wearing the same clothes. To do this, it is not necessary to have a very large wardrobe, it is enough that there are basic elements that complement and replace each other, namely:

    A classic suit (trouser or jacket with a skirt) of a simple cut;

    Several business style shirts and blouses in pastel colors;

    Jacket, blazer or cardigan;

    Straight skirt to the knee;

    Classic sheath dress;

    Low-heeled pumps in black;

    Neutral tights

    Strictly shaped leather handbag;

    Various accessories.

All these elements can be easily combined with each other, making each time a new elegant image of a business girl.

Women's business clothing brands

Now a large number of designers offer their clothes made in a business style. These are such giants as Hugo Boss, Chanel, Armani, Covalli, Donna Kara and others. famous brands. Russian designers they also keep up with them, take, for example, the chic office suits of the Russian brand Definess from Olga Deffi.

Brand clothing is an indicator of the success and professionalism of its owner, but despite this, well-chosen, high-quality clothing of an unknown brand also has the right to an “office” life.
