What happened before the collage? Photo collage is an innovation in the world of photography

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Tate Gallery

(Tate Gallery) - state National Museum in London, it houses over 60 thousand works of art: paintings, engravings, drawings, sculpture. The museum is divided into two parts: the British or old Tate Britain gallery, presenting a collection of English painting from the 16th to the 19th centuries. and foreign art of the 19th century, and Tate Modern - European and American art from 1900 to the present. The core of the Tate Gallery's collection is the private collection of Sir Henry Tate (1819–1899).

Guggenheim Museum of Modern Art

() opened in 1937, when industrialist Solomon Robert Guggenheim, at the age of 58, decided to start collecting art. Consistent avant-gardeism became the motto of the Museum workers. Now the collection of the Guggenheim Museum consists of a huge number of works of art with late XIX centuries to the present day.

Collage price!

Speed ​​and cost of creation original gift are directly dependent on the complexity of the composition, the number of images used and the overall size.

Usually a simple portrait photo collage in A2 format, costs from 1000 rubles. and is compiled in 2-3 hours. An accurate cost calculation is possible only after taking into account all wishes and checking the source materials.

The history of collage

The first evidence of the use of collage techniques dates back to approximately the 2nd century BC, which roughly corresponds to the invention of paper in China.

Before the 10th century, the use of collage is extremely rare. Since the 10th century, Japanese calligraphers began to use specially processed and glued paper from small pieces in their work.

In Europe, the history of collage begins in the thirteenth century. Gilded leaf elements began to be used in the decoration of Gothic cathedrals around the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Gems and metals began to be used to decorate holy images and their frames.

Despite the use, prior to the twentieth century, of artistic techniques similar to collage, some critics argue that collage art did not emerge until after 1900, with the first phase of modernism.

Dada- only one rule: never follow any rules.

Dada is a literary and artistic movement born in Europe during the First World War. Because of the war, many French and German artists and writers ended up in neutral Switzerland. They were so enraged by the horrors of the war that they decided to take on a protest mission.

For example, the Tate Gallery, in its art history glossary, states that collage "was first used as an artistic technique in the twentieth century."

According to the Guggenheim Museum's glossary, the artistic concepts of collage are associated with the beginnings of modernism and involve much more than the idea of ​​composition of disparate elements. Paper pasted onto paintings by Braque and Picasso offer a new perspective on the painting as the volumetric parts of the collage collide with the flat surface of the painting. From this point of view, collage is part of the manifestation of art between painting and sculpture, and this new technology the construction of compositions provided a new perspective on both the creation of sculptures and painting. Over time, collage began to not only indicate a technique, but also became an important art form itself. The history of collage can be traced back hundreds of years, but it was only at the beginning of the twentieth century that this technique emerged as a completely new art.

The term "collage" was coined Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso at the beginning of the twentieth century, in 1910-1912, when collage became a distinctive part of modern art.

The collage technique was essentially used in the early twentieth century to create avant-garde works, mainly by representatives of Cubism, Picasso and Braque. The latter, in particular, adopted it in the autumn of 1912 with the so-called “Papiers colles” (“Pasted papers”): Braque pasted painted sheets of paper, newspapers, wallpaper, etc. onto the canvas and thereby created one or another composition (for example , "Guitar", 1912), and in addition to the frequently used paper, he soon also added cigarette packs, matchboxes, and playing cards.

According to some sources, Picasso was the first to use collage techniques in his oil paintings. According to the history of collage described in the Guggenheim Museum's glossary, Braque adopted the concept of collage before Picasso, applying it to charcoal drawings. Brak purchased a roll of paper with imitation oak and wheat, and cut them into pieces and glued them onto the charcoal drawings. Later, Braque also used wooden parts, connecting and combining them different ways with images. Picasso may have been the first to use collage to create paintings.

In the mid-1940s there was a time of intense experimentation, Louise Berliawsky Nevelson created sculptural (volumetric) collages from found wooden fragments, pieces of furniture, interior items, wooden boxes, barrels, as well as architectural remains, staircase railings, wooden panels . Rectangular, very large in size, painted black, they resemble giant paintings that can sometimes be viewed from different sides, or even view through.

Many wood compositions are much smaller in scale. These are usually pieces of wood, wood shavings or waste collected on a plane, paper, canvas or on wooden board. Framed like photographs, three-dimensional collages provide the artist with the opportunity to exploit the properties of depth, natural color, and textural diversity inherent in wood. The wood collage technique is also used in combination with painting, drawing and other media in one work of art. Surrealist artists made extensive use of collage. One of the collage techniques, used mainly by representatives of cubism, is cutting an image into squares, which are then put back together in a random order or with minor rearrangements. Collages obtained using similar methods are called retrecissement (French narrowing) from Marcel Marien, the first to use a similar technique of surreal play, using similar methods of collage construction solutions.

John Heartfield. Don"t be Frieghtened, He"s a Vegetarian

According to many art historians, the first person to translate the collage technique into an art form and present it to the public in 1924 was John Heartfield (German graphic artist, one of the founders of photomontage), who used collage as a satirical weapon against Hitler and Nazism. mainly using it when combining photographs. George Gross recalls in his writings: "When John Heartfield invented photomontage, in my office at five o'clock in the morning in May 1916, no one had the slightest idea of ​​its enormous potential, as is often the case in life, we stumbled upon gold mine without even knowing it."

Other founders of the technique include Raoul Hausmann, Hannah Hoch, Paul Citroen, Michael Meyer and in general most of the artists associated with movements such as Dada and Bauhaus, and even the surrealist Max Ernst.

Collage is also used by the Italian Futurists and many other artists in the history of the twentieth century, including Robert Rauschenberg, it is fair to say, one of the leading masters of this technique, leading a style of pop art that emphasizes objects and fragments Everyday life in the spirit of the movement itself.

The exhibition of New Realism at the Galerie Rive Droite in Paris marked the international debut of artists who founded what came to be called Pop Art on the European continent and the United States. Many of these artists used collage techniques in their work.

Collage - definition, varieties

Dada Art in The Weimar Republic

Collage- literal translation from French - gluing, appliqué, from English - a combination of dissimilar elements. Collages are divided into two large groups: - “volumetric” and “flat”. Volumetric collages are created using a variety of objects and materials, combining them with each other. Flat - including photo collages - are made up of images, photographs, drawings and their parts, placing the elements on one surface.

Collage is an artistic technique for creating images based on combining elements that are dissimilar in color, size, material, and texture on some basis. A feature of a collage is the ability to either highlight the main idea of ​​an image, or vice versa – to camouflage it using color and the texture of the materials used.

The types of collage are:

Application (application - overlay, application)
gluing specially prepared elements cut from paper, leather, fabric, plant and other materials onto a base.

Assembly (assemblage - connection, association, fastening)
a technique for creating compositions from elements that make up an associative series, according to one or more characteristics.

Bricollage (bricollage - making homemade products, working at home)
the technique of making works of art, design and finishing elements, from any materials of natural and/or artificial origin that are not combined in the usual presentation.

Decoupage (decoupage - cutting, carving, carving)
the art of decorating objects by gluing pieces of paper of different colors, textures and sizes in combination with special effects of paint, varnish, and other coatings. Usually the surface of the object is completely hidden by the finishing and has the appearance of inlay.

New direction - photo collage and photomontage

With the development of photography there appears the new kind collage - photo collage.

Initially, this is photography using background pictures, memorable and simple beautiful places, made using various techniques, from drawing to creating dummies of objects. Next, the characters were given the opportunity to “change clothes” - a hole for the face appeared in the images, now the degree of naturalness was determined by the skill of the artist who created the image.

Increasing the quality of photographs made it possible to create the next type of collage - photomontage. This is really the combination of two or more photographs into one, which requires a lot of different knowledge and skills. Photomontage is very complex and painstaking work, which takes many hours of hard work. Technically, photomontage is created in several stages - selection of photographs, according to the degree and angle of lighting, and the quality of the photographs themselves. Creating an appliqué or printing using masks, further retouching, removing image borders, applying shadows, making lighting natural, and only then printing the final result.

Modern photo collage - new possibilities

To date, digital photography and modern software, allow you to create photo collages highest quality, visually indistinguishable from the original photographs.

More professional use modern means digital image processing will help you find yourself among your favorite movie characters or in the image of various historical characters, from the paintings of famous artists, on another planet or in another historical era. It is also possible to remove or add various elements to the final image, from text and vignettes to individuals in the picture.

In addition to compositions on one sheet, collages of several images of different sizes and decorative elements are currently popular. Photos can be framed in the same style, in the same frames. How Alternative option- photos are stylized different periods time - black and white with carved edge, sepia, color, digital, frames can also be chosen different styles- from simple wooden to modern - plastic and metal.

Despite its apparent simplicity, modern photo collage is a serious and hard work, which in addition professional skill, requires special knowledge, composition, theory of light (lighting), combination and compatibility of colors and simply artistic taste.

A conversation about what collage is should begin with the meaning of the word itself, which denotes a type of modern art. In French word collage means "pecking". It is from this translation that one can very easily formulate a definition: collage is a technique in fine arts, when the entire work is performed by gluing materials of different colors and textures to a base - a substrate.

Collage owes its appearance to artists who preferred special directions and techniques for performing work. In particular, the Cubists and Dadaists. It was in their works that collage began to be used for the first time. Initially, the materials for creating compositions were newspapers, paper, leftover fabrics, and photographs. The basis of the work was canvas.

What is collage in the modern concept, what materials will be needed to complete it

Today's artists involve the use modern materials. For example, to create a piece in this style, you may need several types of glue.

  • Wallpaper. Used in areas where the surfaces to be bonded are in complete contact with each other. A high-quality one also allows you to securely attach dry leaves to paper or canvas. It is convenient because it does not leave marks on the surface of the paper.
  • Special glue used in floristry. It will be needed for areas of the collage where you need to attach transparent elements. For a strong connection, a spot application of glue will be sufficient. But you need to use it carefully - it can discolor the material.
  • It is very popular due to its ability to reliably connect materials without subjecting them to deformation. Using PVA you can strengthen fairly heavy elements of the work. The main disadvantage of glue is its long drying period.

When creating a collage, it is also common to use various tools and technical materials. In addition to glue, you will need scissors, which should be sharp enough: they will need to be used to cut out elements for the future composition. Creating a background for a collage is done with gouache or watercolor - and naturally, for this work you will need a sprayer, brushes and sponges, and a palette for diluting paints.

It’s impossible to talk about this without remembering the photo collage. A new unique image in this art form is obtained by “gluing” photographs and paintings together. They use it as “glue” and the whole process takes place on a computer.

The subject matter of glued works is quite diverse: you can also find children's collage, and a photo collage on canvas, and a version that uses paintings by great artists of the past.

Now, knowing what a collage is and having studied the technique of its implementation, you can try to create an unusual and interesting picture that would complement the interior. But there is one “but” here - for all its apparent simplicity, creating a collage is not an easy task, it will require careful selection of the texture and color of the material, exceptional accuracy in work, and, naturally, imagination and taste.

The art of photography is a long-explored field. But you always want something new. An excellent solution was to create a new direction. Today we will find out, This is a rather fashionable trend in design now. It allows you to combine those details that cannot be obtained through photography.

What is a photo collage?

The term “photo collage” usually refers to the combination of a certain number of photographs into one whole, which create one complete composition.

How to make a photo collage? This is perhaps the most troubling question for many. If you have the desire yourself, then there is nothing difficult about it. You need to show maximum imagination, patience and follow the rules.

Necessary things to create a collage

As many people know, photo collage is something that does not require special artistic knowledge and skills.

To properly compose a collage, you should think through small details, such as:

  • The main idea of ​​the future work.
  • Materials for production.
  • The basis of the work.

Everyone should understand why he actually makes a photo collage from photographs and what he wants to emphasize with his work. Each detail should reflect the main essence and complement the entire composition.

It must convey the main idea of ​​its creator and present it from some completely different and unusual side to the human eye.

Materials used in manufacturing may be different. In addition to standard photographs, you can use clippings from newspapers and magazines, various items, notebooks and even perfume bottles.

As a base for work, preference should be given to strong and reliable material so that the glued objects are held firmly. Sheets of thick cardboard, chipboard and fiberboard are excellent for such work.

Making a collage

Having drawn up the ideological line itself, it is worth starting to implement the work itself and create a photo collage. This can be done using programs, as well as independently, manually.

Before applying the objects to the base, it is better to first draw a sketch with a pencil in order to arrange everything correctly necessary elements in the picture.

After drawing the sketch, you should prepare the future base on which the objects themselves will be located. Special attention You should pay attention to the strength of the fastening of parts, since only well-reinforced elements look ideal on the canvas.

You can make a great photo collage without the help of scissors and glue. To do this you will need a computer or laptop.

Manufacturing with software

The main action in this procedure will be to move photos to HDD computer or laptop.

You will also need to install a photo editor on your PC. Another option is to use the on-line service to create the necessary sketch of the future collage.

Let's consider the main stages of working with standard photo editor programs.

After downloading and installing the program, we need to create new project. In the list that appears, you need to select a template to work with (usually there are a sufficient number of options presented). After this, you need to go to the settings and set the necessary parameters.

After creating a project template, you can customize the background of the sketch, insert a frame, an additional photo collage with effects, write text, tilt or resize the picture, remove unnecessary template elements and add your own.

The resulting finished work must be scaled to the required size so that it can later be printed on photo paper of the required dimensions.

Summing up

How to make a photo collage at home can be seen from the description. But to create a personal, unique masterpiece, it is enough to show your talent, imagination and diligence. Of the options currently available, there are two methods: independent and programmatic.

The first requires time, preparation of parts, accurate calculation of each of them on the basis itself. In addition, you should carefully consider the choice of glue for fastening the elements.

The second method is simpler. Allows you to quickly get an interesting and unique composition that has a solid structure. It can be placed in a picture frame or placed as a separate element in the interior.

A collage made in one of these ways will perfectly complement almost any interior, adding new colors, sophistication and uniqueness to the design. The variety of materials used allows you to combine completely different objects with each other, which further expands the possibilities of creating such a creation. Photo collage is a convenient and irreplaceable thing when creating photo albums and ideological composition.


Collage, photo collage are very popular nowadays because... used in all graphic editors. Every photographer should know Photoshop. A new high-quality stage in the history of collage appeared with the advent of Photoshop. Photo collage is a free, arbitrary combination, sometimes not even interconnected, of several styles of photographic images in one picture or photograph.

To create a photo collage, a theme based on the game “CrossFire” was chosen.

The plot of the game is based on military operations. "CrossFire" popular online game in Russia, China, Canada, Europe.


History of collage

Collage (French collage - gluing), a technical technique in the fine arts, gluing onto any base materials that differ from it in color and texture. A collage is also a name for a work made entirely using this technique. Collage is used mainly in graphics for the sake of greater emotional acuity of the texture of the work, the unexpectedness of the combination of dissimilar materials. Collage was introduced as a formal experiment by the Cubists, Futurists and Dadaists (gluing scraps of newspapers, photographs, wallpaper, pieces of fabric, wood chips, etc. to canvas).

Collage is an art that challenges painting" (Louis Aragon).

Collage is when an image is created from various pieces of completely understandable objects, which in meaning is something completely different, that is, a poetic metaphor, but not made with words, but with images.

A collage is a graphic work mounted in the form of a single composition from parts of different natures and different origins.

Collages are compositions made up of different images, opposite in nature or in harmony, placed next to each other or superimposed one on top of the other. It is a whole that is more than the sum of its parts.

Collages are not just a set of pictures collected on one plane. This is the art of making one whole from incompatible things.

A collage is a certain collection of individual elements, “brought together” and representing something meaningful

Photo collage

Photo collage is a free, arbitrary combination, sometimes not even interconnected, of several styles of photographic images in one picture or photograph.

The effect of a photo collage is achieved by superimposing one image on another, combining several photo images in one, sometimes even with graphic elements (mosaic) or using a chaotic set of various images (puzzle). As photography developed, it became possible to use various techniques and methods for creating collages using special effects. It should be noted that this direction art is becoming more accessible to an increasing number of people who do not have professional photography skills or computer processing photographs (for example, using Photoshop). A lot depends primarily on the imagination of the author himself and his desire to do something unusual or surreal. Photo collage is possible in several genres, such as satirical, philosophical, political, metamorphic, propaganda and other images.

To the most prominent representatives world of art in the field of photo collage include: D. Hartfield, R. Hausmann, H. Hoch, M. Ernst, L. Moholy-Nagy, A. Rodchenko, V. Stepanova, E. Lisitsky, Y. Rozhkov, G. Klutsis and etc.

The technique of photomontage began its development back in the 19th century, almost simultaneously with the development of photography itself, and was initially used to correct technical features pictures of that time. In those days, photographic materials were poorly sensitive to shades of blue, so they were difficult to distinguish, for example, the sky and clouds. To add the necessary shades, photographers used combined printing.

In the late 1950s, two American photographers, Walesmann and Michaels, used black and white material to create stunning images. They laid the foundations of modern photomontage. Walesmann decades ago in his darkroom created what we are now trying to achieve using Photoshop.

In the 20th century, the art of collage penetrated especially vividly into advertising, theater and cinema. Later, combined photography, due to the capacity of visual solutions, began to be widely used both by periodicals and in book design.

The photo collage technique comes not only in the form of a combination of several subjects in one. There are mosaic or puzzle techniques (creating a single picture using many small cards with similar motifs or textures inside the photo). A mosaic can be composed as a single picture of something, or it can ultimately form something completely new - for example, if you make one from many different tonal photographs, and then abstract it and look from afar - you can see a person’s face or some other image in the intertwining different story.

A new qualitative turn in the history of collage appeared with the advent of Photoshop, which this moment Almost any photographer owns it. Now, when creating a multifaceted composition, you can easily remove and replace individual photocells or swap them. Such simplification in work, as a consequence, leads to the fact that once elite art becomes mass and accessible to the public. Some works and their authors have long captivated millions of admirers of this art form.

The technique of collage execution, like the collage itself, can be different. Everyone knows that a collage is made up of several pieces (objects). The minimum is 2 images. Maximum - limits are set only by the power and speed of your computer and you yourself.

To begin with, you should divide the collage into concrete and abstract. The style of surrealism is most consistent with an abstract collage (nothing is clear, but it looks beautiful). Specific is when there is specificity. That is, I clearly understand what is shown in the picture.

When creating a collage, sooner or later you have to think about composition and geometry. Composition is nothing more than the arrangement, composition and combination of individual elements into one whole. In addition to the elements themselves, it also includes their perspective, lighting, tonality, contrast, shadows, as well as a number of specific effects that give the work a special “taste”. All this plays an important role in creating a collage. But let's try to figure it out. Personally, I don't do much math when I make a collage. The composition builds on its own as the work progresses. There are collages where it is not there at all, as such. The important thing is not how to build a collage, but how it will be perceived by you and those who will look at it.

The composition can be based on several things. For example, when you are working with one photograph, which already contains composition or geometry. In this case, all you have to do is process the image correctly.

Or when you yourself make a composition from several photographs. There are a number of points here.

There is a so-called central option (centering) - this is when the main object, that is, what attention is concentrated on, is in the center of your work. Or the work itself is structured in such a way that your gaze is somehow directed to the center. This can be either a collage or a regular photo.

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What is a collage and how to make it pictures

Collage is a word that is heard by many. You must agree - at least some certain amount, different from zero, since you heard it. How many people know what it is? I think that most people will make the right guess by saying that it is something from art. But only those who are actually involved in this very art in one way or another, or those who have once encountered collage, can probably say this. Are there many such people? It is enough, but not so much as to say that collage is a well-known term and that in the future I will talk about what it is actually does not have any, even the slightest, meaning. And in general, is there much sense in the fact that a person learns the meaning of some words whose meaning he did not know before?
How to make a collage in Photoshop (Adobe Photoshop) CS6.

On the one hand, these words may never be useful to you, that is, you will essentially waste your precious time. And on the other hand? On the other hand, when we talk about that very word, you won’t have to nod your head, pretending that you understand something, and you won’t have to make a fool of yourself if they ask you if you know what it is. Moreover, it will diversify your lexicon and you yourself will be able to show off your knowledge of some beautiful words which few people know. After all, you will agree that it is much more beautiful to name an object by its real name than to talk about it in the style of “this thing.” But let's return to the collage itself. What is it? Collage is a technique in art when a certain object or material is pasted onto a picture, which differs from the main picture in its color and, at first glance, is absolutely inappropriate here. Initially, it was only an experiment, and many believed that this experiment would end in a complete fiasco. As it turns out, you can guess it yourself, because you’ve heard that word, haven’t you? So, if we talk about what collage is used for in general, besides simply doing something differently, it causes an effect of surprise, gives a seemingly ordinary picture piquancy and unusualness. In general, this is exactly what they like in Lately. No, I’m not saying that a collage will absolutely always come in handy, not at all. However, in those moments when it is done really well and really in a timely manner, the picture comes out much more interesting than without it. In principle, this is all; this information is more than enough to understand the essence of the term.
How to make a photo collage on your computer
