Stone who was born on February 6th. Berlin International Film Festival "Berlinale"

The zodiac sign of people who celebrate their birthday on February 6th is Aquarius. It belongs to the element of Air, and Uranus is considered its patron planet. Such individuals immediately arouse sympathy due to their humanity and ability to help even strangers. They always have a wide circle of friends, but there are few real friends. They are not characterized by long-term friendships - they prefer to meet new people.

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    general characteristics

    Aquarians are accustomed to openly expressing their point of view, even if it does not agree with the opinions of others. They feel other people and can foresee their secret desires. Representatives of this sign are able to provide moral assistance and know how to reassure loved ones. They are especially attracted to communication with extraordinary personalities.

    Aquarians have a sanguine temperament and are distinguished by an easily excitable nervous system. Even the slightest troubles negatively affect their well-being and lead to a decrease in energy. They can be absent-minded and dreamy, but even in this state they capture everything that is happening around them. They have high intellectual abilities, but not very good memory. Such people are not prone to hoarding and can be content with the minimum.

    When building relationships, people born in February are guided by the principle of equality. They will never put pressure on their loved ones and demand anything from them. If they have lost trust and interest in a certain person, they will no longer communicate with him. For the sake of maintaining independence, they are ready to give up ties even with close and dear people. As soon as they begin to be put under pressure and forced to do something, they make every effort to break off all relationships.

    In the eyes of other people, Aquarians often look self-centered. They like to go against public opinion.

    Aquarians are loyal to the shortcomings and weaknesses of other people. They are particularly touchy, but do not engage in combat with enemies. They prefer a peaceful existence, simply refusing connections with unpleasant people.

    Those born under the sign of Aquarius need communication, but sometimes they have a desire to be alone and do nothing. Despite the fact that they are surrounded by a large number of people of different social levels, they feel lonely. Often their behavior in the eyes of others looks spontaneous and sudden, and only a few can understand them. They constantly analyze current events and fight for justice. Aquarians easily spot deceivers, but they do not try to reveal their true colors to others.

    • tolerance;
    • attentiveness;
    • individuality;
    • openness;
    • tact;
    • humanity;
    • optimism;
    • determination.

    The negative traits of this sign include unpredictability, superficiality, indecisiveness, cunning, and rebellion. Among Aquarius you can meet very eccentric people, as well as those who are completely in the grip of superstitions and illusions. They are suspicious of everything and may have phobias and a predisposition to depression. They strive to refuse any obligations and protect their freedom in every possible way.


    Aquarians, regardless of age, are children by nature, and this is manifested in their behavior and manner of dressing. They will not wear strict business suits, but will prefer fashionable jeans, T-shirts and jumpers. They love various new products and follow fashion. Sometimes they look too extravagant and even ridiculous, which the people around them cannot appreciate.

    Men are successful with women, they always have a lot of friends and acquaintances, but at heart they are loners. When they experience physical or mental exhaustion, they withdraw from communication and withdraw into themselves. They will not smile and pretend that everything is fine if in reality they are tormented by mental anguish.

    Men of the Aquarius sign have every chance of a successful career, and natural talent and charm help them in this. However, they cannot be called hardworking - they prefer not to strain too much and not create difficulties for themselves. Such people are not spenders, but they are rarely rich, since they do not make a cult out of money. They will never strive for financial independence - they know how to be content with little.

    Aquarius men are fickle in relationships - they like to start new romances that quickly end. They don't need a lover as much as they need a friend. In relationships they want to remain free and independent and do not take on any obligations. They cannot even imagine that only one woman can be next to them all their lives.

    If Aquarius decides to get married, then his partner must have common interests and worldview with him. She should not concentrate all her attention on the financial situation of the family. She should be next to her chosen one during periods of victories and defeats. Finding such a woman is not so easy, so men often get divorced and start new relationships. Aquarians treat feelings superficially and do not experience disappointment after another failed romance.

    Guys are not jealous or selfish. They will not react to scandals and hysterics. Aquarians cannot get along with a woman who considers them her property. They spend most of their time outside the home, so they will not be actively involved in solving everyday issues. But they want to return to clean and well-kept housing, where a hearty dinner awaits them. If there are children, they easily establish trusting relationships with them, but do not pamper them with your attention.


    Girls of the Aquarius sign are distinguished by their special charm, elegance and grace. They have a bright appearance and instantly attract attention. Their appearance is original and bright. Even if they are not beautiful, they will definitely be one of the most interesting women in the company. They will never let you get bored and will find a hundred ways to cheer up their interlocutors. These women have a positive reputation among friends and girlfriends.

    Aquarians have developed intuition, which helps them look into the future. They easily distinguish friends from enemies, but never start conflicts. Women prefer to enjoy communication, avoiding any negative manifestations emotions. They will be uncomfortable with pessimistic and depressed people who lead a moderate lifestyle. They need adventure, bright emotions and new acquaintances. Such people do not like to deceive, but they can hide some information.

    The Aquarius girl is open, but will not be overly frank. She has innovative thinking that allows her to find a way out of difficult situations. IN at a young age It is difficult for her to find a field of activity that would completely satisfy her, but then she becomes more disciplined and practical, which helps her achieve success in her career.

    In her relationship distinctive characteristics are:

    • impermanence;
    • friendliness;
    • softness;
    • self-will.

    Aquarians can be both affectionate and gentle, and cruel. They are used to going to extremes. If they really love their partner, they will not cheat on him, but they should still have some amount of freedom. When choosing a man, they do not pay attention to his social status and financial independence - it is important for them that their partner is a friend and shares their interests.

    Aquarius women are in no hurry to get married and think for a long time before deciding to take this important step. They collect as much information as possible about a potential life partner in order to understand in advance whether their union will be successful. The future husband of an Aquarius woman should under no circumstances limit her and subordinate her to his will. In marriage, she will not refuse to communicate with her former friends and girlfriends. She will still need experiments, research and adventure, which not everyone can accept.

    An Aquarius woman will not be able to become an ideal housewife. There are more interesting things to do in her life than cleaning, cooking and doing laundry. But there will always be many guests in her house, whom she greets warmly. Her partner should share her interests and act the same socially active image life. Otherwise, it will be impossible to avoid conflicts in the family, and the companion will go in search of another extraordinary person.


    In the horoscope, Aquarius is the most freedom-loving and independent sign. He will never impose himself and demand mutual feelings. An exception may be the period at the beginning of a relationship, when Aquarius will make every effort to charm his partner. He will show himself to be affectionate, attentive and charming, although in life he may not be so.

    Representatives of this sign will not love a partner simply for who he is - they value freedom much more and need relationships on equal terms.

    Aquarius needs a kind, sympathetic and sincere partner. He will not be able to tie the knot with calculating and idealistic individuals. But he is not on his way with spineless people either - he will take pity on them and provide help, but will not experience true feelings for them. In love, a representative of this sign is always unpredictable. He can be sentimental and vulnerable, and then merciless and cruel.

    At the beginning of a relationship, Aquarians are very romantic, but then they cool off towards their partner and behave strangely. They cannot express their love in words, but prefer to act. But most often their feelings are superficial and at the slightest misunderstanding the couple diverges. These people do not suffer after another breakup, since freedom is more important to them than a relationship that does not suit them.

    The compatibility of Aquarius with all zodiac signs is shown in the table:

    Zodiac sign


    People create a promising couple that has every chance of building a long and strong union. Active and persistent Aries is attracted to Aquarius by his penchant for adventurousness and adventure. They do not limit each other's freedom and respect the right to personal independence. Problems may arise due to the impulsiveness of these signs, which leads to loud scandals. In addition, Aries will want to take the place of leader in this pair, which Aquarius will not like

    This is a dysfunctional union in which the partners are very different from each other and have different worldviews. Mutual interest may arise between them, but it disappears with the appearance of the first problems. Taurus will not be able to understand a frivolous and flighty partner, since he is accustomed to constancy and stability


    The signs are ideal for each other, have similar characters and temperaments. They love change and are constantly moving towards something new. Aquarius and Gemini are able to adapt to any circumstances and easily find a way out of difficult situations. They take marriage seriously and do not rush into this decision

    Already at the first stage of the relationship, misunderstanding reigns in this couple. People cannot find compromises and often quarrel. Cancer loves to spend time at home and is attached to it, while Aquarius prefers leisure with friends. This is one of the most unfavorable astrological unions, which will be full of resentment and mutual nit-picking

    Between the signs will immediately flash passionate romance, but as problems arise, not a trace will remain of the old feelings. They will begin to fight for power. In this situation, Aquarius will stop admiring his partner and will distance himself from him emotionally. It is important for partners to determine in advance who will be in charge in the family and learn to find compromises

    These people have different goals, worldviews and interests. Virgo prefers to lead a home lifestyle and does not like noisy entertainment. Aquarius, on the contrary, strives to travel and meet new people. The union between them is rarely strong, and its rupture occurs on the initiative of Virgo

    This is one of the most favorable unions, in which bright feelings appear between partners from the first minutes of acquaintance. There will rarely be conflicts between them. Libra will give Aquarius affection, tenderness and warmth and, if necessary, will not pay attention to some of the shortcomings of this sign


    All that can connect these signs is intimate life. No matter how much Aquarius likes Scorpio, he will not be able to withstand the difficult nature of the sign. Closeness, silence and jealousy of a partner will constantly irritate him and make life unbearable

    This perfect couple, in which harmony reigns from the beginning of acquaintance. In life, such unions are distinguished by their duration and stability. People have a similar character, goals and worldview, love society and easily realize their goals. In everyday life they are ready to give in to each other

    The signs will not be able to get along in the same territory, so the relationship will quickly fall apart. Serious and reasonable Capricorn is not able to understand a partner who wants to enjoy life and freedom, and also does not strive to create a family

    Two representatives of the same sign get along well with each other and have every chance of a long-term relationship. Their vibrant social life does not interfere with their ability to build a family, and they do not feel unwanted or rejected, knowing that they can rely on each other at any time

    A short-lived relationship will arise that will be remembered by both partners for a long time. Pisces will quickly become attached to Aquarius, but the latter will not be able to constantly be in the company of a melancholy and boring person

    Aquarians often choose extraordinary and strange partners, for example, those who belong to some subculture or have unusual profession. They do not worry about what people might think about their chosen one, because to some extent they themselves do not correspond to social stereotypes. They listen only to themselves and the voice of their reason, do not know how to compromise, and it is difficult to argue with them.

    While in a relationship, Aquarius can become self-absorbed and not pay attention to their partner. Not every person can withstand his constant searches and torments, thoughts and reassessment of life priorities. This sign almost never takes active steps to maintain relationships, so he is often left alone. Some Aquarians prefer to constantly change partners, since they cannot be with one person for a long time.

    People born under this sign need to have a simpler approach to love. It should not be identified with a cage that can deprive one of freedom. The idea of ​​translating love into friendship should be abandoned. True feelings must be tested by time, so there is no need to break off alliances at the slightest trouble. Being born on February 6 is not a test of constant change, but an opportunity to become versatile personality who can adapt to any partner and build a relationship with him, and this chance should definitely be taken.

    Work and career

    Among Aquarius there are many gifted and versatile personalities. They usually choose a profession based on their vocation, but often change their place of work and even their field of activity. They need a free schedule, trusting and respectful relationships. Often, until retirement, they cannot decide on their vocation, so they change one job after another.

    To avoid unnecessary searches, Aquarians need to choose specialties that require a certain degree of freedom. Such people can be successful archaeologists, chemists, physicists, programmers and photographers. In all areas of activity, they will strive to experiment and put forward new ideas, which for others look quite utopian, although they are realistic. They often earn a reputation as eccentrics and unrecognized geniuses.

    Aquarians can achieve success in professions that involve active communication with people. Among them there are quite a lot of representatives of the following specialties:

    • teacher;
    • psychologist;
    • journalist;
    • sociologist;
    • doctor.

    Aquarians can be successful in the field of art. Professions related to cinema, television and radio are suitable for them. For example, on February 6, the following actors and musicians who became celebrities were born:

    • Andrey Zvyagintsev;
    • Crystal Reed;
    • Dominic Sherwood;
    • Josh Stewart;
    • Irina Grineva;
    • Francois Truffaut;
    • Charlie Heaton;
    • Vladimir Seleznev;
    • Vera Shpak;
    • David Hayter;
    • Bob Marley;
    • Vicki Chase.

    Aquarians can be good specialists, but they will not devote themselves completely to work. They often need periods of solitude and take long vacations to spend time away from everyone.

    Such people should abandon activities related to the provision of services, as well as business. They do not want to work for other people, but most often they achieve success in the role of subordinates, as they become more responsible and disciplined.


    Most often and severely, Aquarians suffer from nervous and cardiovascular system. They need to learn to cope with stress and have a philosophical attitude towards all problems. It is important for them not to succumb to melancholy and despondency. Vulnerable parts of the body are the calves and ankles, so you need to regularly strengthen the ankle joint and practice dancing or race walking.

    Aquarians are prone to hormonal imbalances and metabolic disorders. They are susceptible to colds, allergies, paralysis and kidney disease. They are prone to accidents involving electrical current. Poisoning from medications and stale food is possible. The cause of illness in Aquarius is mental and physical stress.

    Diseases usually begin abruptly and are acute in nature. People of this sign often refuse treatment, but want to get better quickly. Non-traditional treatment methods work on them. Various decoctions and extracts of medicinal herbs are beneficial for them.

    To improve health, people born on February 6 are recommended to exercise their lungs. physical activity and spend more time in nature.


    Aquarius is an outgoing and friendly zodiac sign that can get close to almost anyone. He loves to help close people, as he feels responsible for their well-being. He often gives advice and puts forward his opinion, even when he is not asked for it. A representative of this sign is able to absorb all the negativity and stress from friends without judging them.

    Aquarius needs active and optimistic companions, and boredom and monotony can ruin him and drive him into depression. At the same time, close people must share his interests and have a similar worldview.

    Aquarius can communicate productively with the following zodiac signs:

    • Aries;
    • Twins;
    • Sagittarius;
    • Scales;
    • Virgo.

    Often, due to the large number of acquaintances, Aquarius finds it difficult to maintain relationships with friends, so they usually do not have close connections with anyone. Such people do not need anyone's advice. They themselves rarely delve into other people's problems and do not like to listen to the revelations of others.

    Fate and luck

    The fate of Aquarius cannot be called simple. He is constantly in search of something new, changing friends, partners and place of residence. He often gets into conflict situations with his loved ones, and some invisible force pulls him into a whirlpool of change. His life is often marked by forced sudden job changes, divorces and separations from best friends.

The most unusual and unique people are born on February 6, under the zodiac sign of Aquarius. Wherever they appear, they are always the center of attention. His originality and originality they arouse general interest, and sometimes disapproval from others. They are often said to be like they are from another planet. It is sometimes very difficult for others to understand their actions and behavior.

Personalities born on this day are very popular in society; they like to attract attention. They prefer to be different from others; they do not recognize restrictions and standards.

People born on this day are stubborn, original and freedom-loving individuals. These are born innovators, their gaze is directed far into the future. They like to break traditions and break stereotypes. Actions, behavior and appearance often shock others. These are great intellectuals who are constantly looking for fresh ideas. They love to engage in self-development. When making decisions, they are always guided by reason, not feelings. If the decision is made, it will be extremely difficult to convince them, since they only recognize their own authority.

Socially active, they like to spend time in large and noisy companies. These are sociable, cheerful and sociable people. They like to rant about philosophical, political and social topics. They strive for fairness and objectivity in their judgments. They are indifferent to criticism addressed to them. Tolerant and loyal to human weaknesses. They are less flexible with family members and sometimes display such negative characteristics as despoticism.

Personal and family life

The ideal partner for people born on February 6th is a bright and interesting personality who can share their aspirations without limiting their freedom and personal space in any way. They are attracted to creative and extraordinary people. Because of the desire to avoid all sorts of restrictions and frameworks, people often resist marriage. Love relationship with these people they are somewhat reminiscent of friendship. At home will not tolerate routine and monotony. At home they try to create an atmosphere of lightness and ease.

They get along best with the signs of their native air element - Libra and Gemini. Such unions will be based on common interests and views on life, as well as intellectual and creative compatibility. Relationships with Aries, Leo and Sagittarius will also be successful. The energy and strong-willed qualities of fire signs will be an excellent complement to the cold, airy intelligence. In relationships with Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, Aquarians will reveal their emotional potential, and from Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn they will be able to learn the prudence of earth signs and perseverance in overcoming life’s difficulties.

People born on February 6 are enthusiastic and passionate people. If they are busy with something, they plunge into it headlong. They are constantly having new ones. promising ideas. He is better than others at creating something new and unusual. Easy to operate multitasking, hardworking and are able to replace almost any employee. They learn quickly, grasping information on the fly.

Famous Volodya


Talisman stones will help neutralize negative character traits and attract love and good luck. Sapphire awakens an extraordinary emotional perception of the surrounding world. The stone will relieve fear and self-doubt and own strength. Pomegranate will help in the fight against inconstancy, and will also breathe life into even fading feelings.

Chrysoprase will bring good luck into the life of its owner and help cope with grievances. Fluorite will protect you from mood swings and nervous breakdowns. Jade will help you achieve your goals and protects you from troubles. Amethyst will lift your spirits and save you when you feel low. A gifted talisman has greater power than one purchased independently.

The colors of good luck will help enhance the effect of talisman stones. Soft and calm shades of blue will bring back inspiration and hope, and will also resist negativity. Blue will calm the nervous system and normalize its functioning. Green and yellow will make thoughts positive and clear. How brighter color, the stronger its energy and impact on humans. The colors of luck for Aquarius can be used both in clothing and in the interior.

Attention, TODAY only!

The date of February 6th is patronized by the zodiac sign of Aquarius, and people born on this day hate frameworks, templates, restrictions, love originality, originality and difference from others, like real Aquarians. By nature, they are fully endowed with talents that even allow them to change the course of history.

Regardless of what zodiac sign is on February 6, people born on this day are very attentive to personal relationships, which does not correspond to classic Aquarius. They are far-sighted and love to invent a non-standard approach even to standard things, they are well versed in human psychology and do not allow others to mislead them.

Diseases of those born on February 6

For those born on February 6, presentable appearance means a lot, as it directly affects their image. To keep your skin looking young and healthy for as long as possible, use cosmetics only made from natural ingredients and eat fresh, natural foods, avoiding chemicals.

Always take care of yourself, don’t even let the rush at work throw you off your important schedule of alternating work and relaxation, and don’t skip cosmetic and anti-aging procedures. By nature, those born on February 6th are built strongly and athletically, which allows them to endure stress and fatigue with greater ease. Regular sex is important to them, but in search of the best partner or partners, you shouldn’t indulge in peddling, getting lost in sensual pleasures.

Work and career of those born on February 6

For those born on February 6, popularity is very important, at least in a narrow circle, the attention that others can bestow on them, attention to their person and, finally, love. All this, of course, speaks of deeply hidden complexes and self-doubt. The image they struggle so much with is that of a handsome, successful person who has found happiness and is always lucky.

They are very susceptible to flattery, it is important for them to receive feedback and approval from others; they simply lack their own confidence in assessing themselves. These people are very sociable, sociable, and finally, beautiful, because they carefully and a lot take care of themselves - in all this lies the secret of their popularity, which they so desperately seek.

Aquarius - the zodiac sign of those born on February 6 allows these people to generate ideas for the whole team. Their colleagues or bosses will only have to sift out the unnecessary and select suitable ideas. Those born on February 6 value the attention of others so much that they allow themselves to be treated with familiarity, and sometimes even outright disrespect and teasing. At the same time, they are loved and trusted, it’s just that people tend to test the boundaries of what is permitted and go further and further if they are not stopped in time.

But those born on February 6 are so afraid of losing public love that they are ready to allow themselves to be treated in any way. There are some advantages to this: they are praised if everything goes well, and are not blamed if some emergency happens, since they are friends with everyone and enjoy the trust of the team. Recognition and appreciation are very important to them; without them they simply do not understand life. Here we see sick vanity and ambition, which those born on February 6 need to work on.

Remembering February 6 - what is the zodiac sign, we may be faced with the fact that the most primitive and uneducated of those born on this day, in pursuit of constant innovations and changes, will constantly change their views, change friends and lovers, change their hairstyle and appearance.

Aquarians born on February 6 can even get involved in searching and collecting constant pleasures, and become advocates of an immoral lifestyle. More developed and complex characters, whose birthday falls on February 6, change gradually, their core remains unchanged throughout their lives.

In order to somehow break out of the trap of expecting constant approval from others, they should focus on their nature, and measure their benefit by the need for loved ones and members of their families. You shouldn’t run away from yourself into constant entertainment.

As they say, you can't run away from yourself. You must define what it means for you to be to the right people and society and try to realize oneself in this field. Maybe it will be enough to simply live in harmony with others? This is much more difficult than it seems, and this path will teach that respect and sincere praise from other people is impossible without self-sacrifice and sacrificing part of your aspirations and interests.

Waitangi Day in New Zealand

February 6th is New Zealand's National Day. Back in 1840, on the coast of the Waitangi River, the British and Maori signed the Treaty of Waitangi. This treaty forever dispelled tensions between the Maori population and the new European settlers. According to historical data, it is known that at the end of the 19th century, dirty trade and illegal purchase and sale of land were carried out in New Zealand. French immigrants provided serious competition. The British Empire promised to deal with lawlessness and return the Maori to their rightful land, and equalize their powers with the British. In return for this, the Maori were offered British citizenship. The treaty, which included these proposals, was signed on February 6, 1840 by William Hobson, the first governor of New Zealand to represent the interests of the British Crown, and the Maori chiefs. In 1840, New Zealand was already officially part of the British Empire. Initially, the text of this agreement was compiled in English, and then translated into Maori. Errors in translation and the absence of much legal and government terminology in the Maori language caused great disagreement in the interpretation of the rights established by this treaty. This agreement was not yet adopted unanimously; some Maori leaders refused to sign it. There are still tensions and disagreements over the signing of that treaty, but despite this, Waitangi Day is celebrated throughout the country. The festival includes various concerts, presentations of the cultural heritage of the Maori people, beautiful exhibitions and various games. The biggest celebration takes place on the Waitangi coast. Early on the morning of February 6, a ceremony is held to raise the New Zealand flag. The scene of signing the contract is played out. After all the opening speeches have been made, the celebration begins. On this day you can visit the museum, watch folk dances, listen to wonderful music, watch and take part in traditional Maori ritual ceremonies.

February 6 in the folk calendar

Aksinya's day, Ksenia the half-winter

On February 6, the memory of Xenia of Milas was revered; she was a Christian saint, who was revered by the Orthodox Church as a saint. Ksenia decided to devote her existence to God, take a vow of celibacy, having made such a decision, she left Rome and headed to the island of Kos. Arriving at the place, Ksenia took monastic vows, a little time passed, and a whole monastic community formed around her. It is known that the saint led an ascetic existence and denied herself everything. Our ancestors, who lived in the northern provinces, noticed that on Aksinya’s day winter was approaching the middle, so they called the saint by this nickname. It was believed that by this time half of the winter supply of bread should already be eaten. The peasants said: “Half-winter in half, but it doesn’t divide the winter evenly - by spring it’s harder for the peasant.” On this day, “economic” signs took place: peasants carefully checked the prices of bread. If grain became cheaper at the market, people knew that there would be a rich harvest. They also said that if the price of bread is low during the half-winter season, then it will not rise until the new harvest. There were other methods of fortune telling. It was necessary to weigh the loaf in the evening and the next morning. If bread loses its weight overnight, that means its price will decrease and vice versa. This tradition was in the north. In the south there was a different custom: rye bread was also left for the whole night, and in the morning you had to look at it. If there seemed to be more grain than initially there was, you can expect a good harvest in the summer. Aksinya's day was also called the spring indicator. It was believed that the weather of this day corresponded to the weather of the entire spring.

Historical events of February 6

France of the 16th-17th centuries was a unique arena of inter-class struggle, which was expressed in sword fights - duels. In that historical period The so-called “blurring” of class boundaries took place in the country; the noble “caste” was actively assimilated with the military, the clergy and the mob. But, despite the first prerequisites for the formation of the French civil society, ancient traditions and foundations still prevailed, especially in the noble society, in which the principles of honor and dignity stood above all else. Naturally, when different social communities collided, so-called inter-class clashes occurred, which were expressed in armed street clashes. The duel could be provoked by particularly serious reasons, such as blood feud, self-defense or protection of a woman or child, jealousy, or completely harmless ones, such as an offensive word, a misunderstood gesture or a disliked look. In the worldview of the youth of that era, the dominant stereotype was that only through a duel can one psychologically assert oneself as an individual and rise up the social and career ladder. In addition, duels often took place on the basis of jealousy, and the winner, according to an unspoken rule, was the first contender for the woman’s heart. Fatal fights were commonplace in France at that time. Since the beginning of the 17th century, various bans on dueling were issued many times in France, but they did not produce significant results. Cardinal Richelieu of France put an end to duels; he drew up a decree banning duels, the document was signed by King Louis. It ordered the execution of those who provoked the duel, and those who succumbed to the provocation, to be deprived of all positions, pensions and other royal favors.

On February 6, 1886, the German chemist Clemens Winkle, analyzing the argyrodite mineral, discovered a new chemical element. The scientist decided to name the new element in honor of his state - “germanium”. The great Mendileev absolutely agreed with this discovery and with this decision. Mendeleev called the discovery of "germanium" the crown of his periodic table. After the support of the discovery of Winkle and Mendeleev, the fate of the new chemical element was decided, it entered forever periodic table chemical elements Mendeleev. The two outstanding scientists maintained an active correspondence until their deaths and were close comrades and colleagues in science. Later it became clear that “germanium” is the most important element contributing to the development of scientific and technological progress. In the future, “germanium” as a semiconductor began to be used in the production of circuits for radio and television equipment, computing equipment and measuring devices. Already in our time, the immunological properties of “germanium” were discovered; as a result, the element can fight oncological diseases. In addition, it delivers oxygen to all tissues and organs of the human body.

On May 7, 1895, the outstanding Russian physicist and inventor Alexander Popov showed in action the device he created and called the “lightning detector.” The purpose of the device was to register electromagnetic waves. In the history of science and technology, Popov’s apparatus is considered the first unique radio receiver capable of wireless telegraphy. In 1897, using a wireless telegraph communication device, Popov was able to transmit telegraph messages between a coastal naval base and a warship. The triumph of the Popov system can be considered an incident that occurred in the winter of 1899, when the Russian warship Admiral General Apraksin stumbled upon underwater reefs near the island of Gogland, off the coast of Finland. To organize a rescue operation, reliable and clear communications were required. In this case, the wired telegraph line could not help the sailors in distress; it was decided to involve Popov’s wireless telegraph apparatus in the operation. By February 6, 1900, the rescue team managed to establish constant, reliable radiotelegraph communication. At the same time, fishermen were in distress at sea, drifting on an ice floe that had broken away from the glacier; only a ship that arrived in time could save them. Popov managed to transmit a radiotelegraph message to the icebreaker Ermak, the ship immediately put to sea - the fishermen were saved. In April 1900, the battleship Apraksin was released from “stone captivity”, and Popov’s wireless telegraph was adopted for the needs of the fleet.

In the 20th century, the world saw many great violinists, pianists and vocalists. However, we will focus on a unique boy, Yehudi Menuhin. He became a great violinist while still a child. Disabled from birth (his upper limbs were abnormally shortened), he proved that the most important thing for a person is not physical ideal forms, but a deep and powerful spiritual world. Yehudi Menuhin was born in New York on April twenty-second, 1916, into a Jewish family. His family fled to the United States from the Russian turmoil that was brewing at the beginning of the 20th century. The boy began to play the violin at the age of 3, he was taught by musicians L. Persinger, A. Bush, D. Enescu. At the age of 8, he earned his first money - $200, winning one of the music competitions. Soon his fees began to amount to tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars. People went to his concerts because he was not just a brilliant violinist, he was a genius and a child prodigy. Soon the family moved to Paris, where grandiose concerts were organized for the boy in Europe. Yehudi found his fame and triumph. Throughout his life, the great violinist and conductor traveled and toured a lot; he visited almost all countries of the world and was recognized as a genius everywhere. On Yehudi's initiative, many countries organized music competitions and music schools for gifted children. A film was made about the life of the great violinist and conductor - “Yehudi Menuhin - violinist of the century.”

Terrorist attack in the Moscow metro, committed by a suicide bomber, 02/06/2004. According to investigators, the terrorist attack was carried out by a certain Anzor Izhaev, a native of the North Caucasus. He managed to smuggle almost 4 kg of an explosive device into one of the train cars; the terrorist was literally shrouded in bags of explosives. The detonator was located on his belt and was activated manually. As a result of the explosion, 41 people were killed and another 250 were injured of varying degrees of severity. As the investigation found out, Izhaev arrived in Moscow by bus, disguised as a merchant. It also turned out that the terrorist was helped by a Russian accomplice who converted to Islam and ardently supported the ideas of holy jihad. As further investigation revealed, the group of Russian degenerates included several other people who actively helped in organizing and carrying out the terrorist attack in the metro. All of Izhaev’s accomplices were arrested and put on trial, all sentenced to life imprisonment. After the terrorist attack in 2004, a special anti-terrorism program began to operate in Moscow and other large cities of Russia, which involved the creation of a centralized 24-hour video surveillance network. In addition, metro stations use smoke detectors, metal detectors and X-ray inspection systems. An emergency center to combat terrorist attacks has been created in Moscow. All metro train cars are equipped with video surveillance and metal detectors.

Born on February 6

Nikolai Dmitrievich Zelinsky was born on February 6 in Tiraspol, into a family of nobles. Even as a child, his parents died of consumption, and the guy was raised by his grandmother. Nikolai became interested in chemistry at the age of 10. He studied with a specialization in organic chemistry, Nikolai graduated from the university with honors in 1884 and was left at the chemical department. Zelinsky was on an internship in Germany, where, as a result of chemical experiments, he was able to obtain poisonous mustard gas, but he himself suffered from it. Later, Zelinsky worked as a teacher at Novorossiysk University, and at the same time continued scientific research. Nikolai defended his doctoral dissertation. In 1893 he moved to live in Moscow. There he published more than 300 scientific papers, Zelinsky first discovered an intelligible method for isolating alpha amino acids, interpreted the reaction scheme, and managed to obtain different amino acids. Nikolai Zelinsky is the author of thermal cracking of oil. Zelinsky moved to St. Petersburg in 1912. During World War I, Nikolai continued to explore oil, increased the percentage of toluene yield, this was of great importance in the manufacture of explosives. Zelinsky developed a coal gas mask, which is protection against toxic substances; it was put into production in 1916. Zelinsky was an honorary member of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists and was a three-time winner of the USSR State Prize. It is known that in 1945 Nikolai Zelinsky was awarded the title of Hero Socialist Labor.

Ronald Reagan(February 6, 1911 - June 6, 2004), 40th President of the United States (1981-1989), outstanding statesman and political figure

Ronald Wilson Reagan was born on February 6, 1911 in Illinois, into an ordinary working-class family. According to historians, the Reagan family comes from Irish, Scottish and English settlers. Ronald spent his childhood and youth on the streets of small towns and villages in Illinois. This region of the United States was an underdeveloped and remote state, here the young Reagan learned that a person forges his own happiness, and here he was instilled with some opposition to the central government. In 1932, Ronald graduated with honors from college and received a bachelor's degree in art. After his studies, Ronald begins working as a sports commentator for a small radio company. He is good at commentating on sporting events, and his oratorical abilities are opening up. Soon he is invited to work at the larger radio company NBC. In 1937, Ronald decided to try his luck in Hollywood, at first he worked in various minor jobs, but then he began to be invited to act as an extra and in episodes, and then the main roles of the future president followed. During the war, he was not called up for military service due to poor eyesight. In 1966, Reagan was elected governor of California. Reagan ran for the presidency in 1968 and 1976, but lost. And finally, in 1980, the already quite elderly Reagan (69 years old) was elected President of the United States. The reforms and transformations carried out by Reagan in all spheres of life of the American state gave a powerful impetus to the development of the American state; it was under Reagan that the United States became a truly great power.

Alla Tarasova(February 6, 1898 – April 5, 1973), distinguished Soviet actress theater and cinema

This actress was spoken of as great even during her lifetime. For more than fifty years, the great actress played on the stage of the Art Theater in Moscow. Since the beginning of the 30s, each of her works has been an outstanding event in history. theatrical arts. Alla Konstantinovna Tarasova was born on 02/06/1898 in Ukraine, in Kyiv, into a family of doctors. Her father was a famous Kyiv doctor and professor of medicine. Graduated from the Kyiv Women's Gymnasium. Since 1916, Tarasova has been the leading actress of the Moscow Art Theater, she was a great student of the great Stanislavsky. She played dozens of outstanding theatrical roles; theater was her vocation; the actress was not very lucky in cinema. She played no more than ten film roles, the most famous of which were: Empress Catherine, the wife of Emperor Peter, in the film “Peter the Great”, Kruchinina in the film “Guilty Without Guilt”. Tarasova was more of a dramatic actress, but she could also play comedic roles, but she still loved drama more. In theater circles, she enjoyed enormous popularity and authority, and despite the fact that Tarasova appeared in few films, the entire Soviet Union knew her. The great actress died in Moscow in 1973.

Paul Bragg(February 6, 1895 – December 7, 1976), American naturopath and nutritionist, author of The Miracle of Fasting

Paul Bragg was born on 02/06/1895 in the USA. After graduating from high school, Paul served in the army for three years and then went to live in New York, where he married Niva Parnin, and from their union two daughters were born. The family soon moved to Indianapolis, where Bragg worked for an insurance company as an ordinary agent. A few years later, Bragg returned to the Eastern United States, where he joined the Christian Union youth movement, and at the same time worked in schools as a physical education teacher. In 1929, Bragg developed his own system of a healthy lifestyle and began traveling around the country with his lectures. Bragg's book, The Miracle of Fasting, brought him worldwide fame. Bragg argued that the average person should live 120 years. At the heart of his doctrine healthy way life, there were the principles of healthy eating, raw food diet and fasting fasting days. Bragg believed that short fasts have a miraculous effect on the human body: they cleanse it, rejuvenate it and get rid of diseases. Bragg was an ardent opponent of eating table salt, and instead of regular water, the naturopath advised taking only distilled water. He also did not ignore a healthy diet, which should consist of 60% vegetables and fruits. Bragg taught his clients health-improving gymnastics and proper breathing. In Russia, based on Bragg’s teachings, RDT (fasting-dietary therapy) was developed, introduced by Professor Nikolaev.

Alexander Efimov(February 6, 1923 - August 31, 2012), Soviet military leader, Air Marshal, Hero of the USSR

Born on February 6, 1923 in the Voronezh region, in a family of railway workers. Sasha spent his childhood and youth in the town of Millerovo. In 1942, Alexander graduated from the Lugansk aviation school, after which he immediately went to the front. By the end of the war, Efimov became the commander of a special assault squadron. During the war years, Efimov carried out more than two hundred combat missions and destroyed more than 85 German aircraft. Efimov was a talented pilot; he was an excellent pilot of a fighter, an attack aircraft, and a bomber. For courage in battle, he was twice awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. In his hometown, a monument was erected to the marshal. After the war, Alexander Nikolaevich graduated from the Air Force Academy, and then the General Staff Academy. For half a century military service Alexander Nikolaevich rose to the rank of Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Air Force and Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR. In 1975, Efimov was awarded the rank of Marshal. Alexander Nikolaevich was also engaged in teaching and was a professor and academician of the Military Aviation Academy. In 1993 he resigned and became involved in public activities. He headed a number of veterans' organizations and actively supported the patriotic views on the development of Russia and President Putin. He died at the age of 90.

At first glance, February 6 is an unremarkable winter day. But it is not so. It turns out that the date is filled with significant events. There are also many holidays and traditions associated with it.

Whom do Orthodox Christians revere?

On this day, Orthodox Christians pay tribute to Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg. February 6 was created specifically to commemorate the good deeds of this woman, who lived in the 18th century in the city on the Neva. They called her a holy fool and called her the city madwoman. And all because Ksenia renounced her fortune. Having become a widow at the age of 26, quite wealthy and respected, she gave her house to her acquaintances, dressed in her husband’s outfit and took his name. Everyone thought the woman was a victim mental disorder, although in fact she simply sacrificed herself for the sake of saving the soul of a sinner who did not repent before the death of her husband.

From then on, Ksenia walked the streets like a beggar, preaching God's commandments. Many years have passed since they finally took pity on her and began to give her alms. But she only took coins that showed a dragon slaying. When the unfortunate woman died, she was buried in the Smolensk churchyard, where she helped build a church. At the beginning of the 20th century, a chapel was built over the grave of Xenia, and the pilgrimage of believers began here. In 1988, the woman was canonized as a saint, and a church was founded in her honor. religious holiday- February 6.

Worldly holiday

On this day, the whole planet celebrates the International Date. The date was not chosen by chance: it is also connected with the church. The fact is that on February 6, Catholic Christians celebrate the Day of St. Amand, the great apostle, patron saint of merchants, brewers, winemakers, as well as restaurateurs and bartenders. He himself lived in the 6th-7th centuries and was famous for spreading Christian faith in European wine regions. Therefore, it is on February 6 that a real show is organized in all entertainment and drinking establishments. For example, bartenders compete to see who can make the most delicious cocktail the fastest. There are also various tastings, quizzes and thematic competitions for visitors.

Bartenders deserve the honor of having their own holiday. Their profession is no easier than that of firefighters, drivers and teachers. They often spend the whole day on their feet, not only pouring drinks, but also listening to sad stories clients. Bartenders are excellent psychologists who can give valuable advice and only by the visitor’s glance can you guess what he wants to drink at the moment.

Eastern subtleties

In Iran, February 6 is the day of Sraoshi, the mythical character of this country. He is the keeper of the Holy Word and cosmic knowledge, a guide who holds the keys to wisdom. On this day, the Sun enters the 18th degree of Aquarius: it is believed that it is favorable for any endeavors, as well as reading mantras and prayers. The festival of Sraoshi, who was often depicted as a warrior with a camel's head, is associated with the protection of courage and heroism, justice and struggle. This mythical hero resisted dark forces and demons. His totem is the rooster, which symbolizes cockiness, fearlessness and activity.

Sraoshi's colors are red and white. Therefore, on this day it is customary to wear outfits of these shades: the brighter and more colorful, the better. Fun is the main attribute of the holiday. People sing and dance, eat pastries, halva, kozinaki and nuts. Parishioners take an active part in the festive service, which involves the sacred fire. Discord and quarrels between enemies cease. Non-participation in the celebrations is considered a great sin.

New Zealand Day

Holidays on February 6 have a fairly wide geography. In New Zealand, for example, this is a national day. It marks the conclusion of a historic treaty between local Maori tribes and European settlers. The document, signed on the banks of the Waitangi River in 1840, guaranteed the Aborigines protection from rampant corruption and land fraud in exchange for accepting English citizenship. Nowadays, the treaty is criticized by many citizens of the state, considering it unfair towards the Maori.

Despite this, New Zealand Day, February 6, is celebrated on a grand scale. The program is filled with a variety of concerts, shows, competitions, and exhibitions. But the most magnificent celebration takes place, of course, on the banks of Waitangi: here they stage the signing of the treaty and solemnly raise people willingly take part in Maori ceremonial rituals, listen to music and feast on delicious dishes specially prepared for this event.

Holidays falling on February 6 in 2015

Firstly, this is the Samba Carnival in the German city of Bremen. This year, the enchanting event took place on February 6, as it is celebrated annually on the first Friday of the last winter month. Incendiary music, energy and general fun are the main components of the event. Samba lovers come from all over Germany to demonstrate their skills and evaluate the skills of their opponents. There is also a traditional parade that involves drummers, huge dolls, and giant floats with fancy decorations. It all ends with costume parties in local clubs and restaurants.

In addition, the Flower Festival in Thailand falls on the first Friday of February. The stunning colorful event takes place in the city of Chiang Mai, where decorators compete for the best floral creation. Fairs and performances are a must, and millions of different specimens of fragrant plants are carried through the city streets. Girls sew fancy suits and take part in a beauty contest in which the Flower Queen is chosen.

Other memorable dates

The day of February 6 in history is rich in various events. For example, in 2004, 357 skydivers formed a giant flower in the sky. The record in canopy acrobatics was set in Thailand. Almost a hundred years earlier, a distress signal was transmitted for the first time in the world. A huge ice floe broke off and carried 50 fishermen into the open sea. Thanks to the wireless telegraph created by Popov, they were found and saved.

In addition, the name day on February 6 is celebrated by Gerasim, Denis, Ivan, Nikolai, Pavel, Timofey and Ksenia. Usually spent with family, receiving gifts and cards from relatives. As for Catholics, their name day is celebrated on February 6 by Dorothea, Bogdan and Paul.

Interestingly, our ancestors called this winter day Aksinev. What the weather was like on February 6, this is what people predicted for spring: the sun promised a red spring, the cold promised bad weather right up to summer.

And this is not a complete list significant dates and memorable events that are celebrated on a grand scale around the planet. They all have their own flavor. They have one thing in common - originality and colorfulness, a pleasant atmosphere and unique flavor.
