The best special operations in the world. Getting to know special forces from around the world (14 photos)

Do you remember the old Soviet joke? At a meeting at NATO, generals decide in which army in the world, which elite units are best trained. English Green Berets? Or American? Or someone else? Finally, one old general says that the most terrible troops are in the Soviet Union. They are called a strange word, and due to their special savagery, they are not even trusted with weapons. The Soviet Union conveniently collapsed. In the Russian army, the construction battalion was abolished (replacing it with more favorable phrases “ railway troops" and "engineering troops"), but, nevertheless, it is interesting to know which country owns the most powerful elite special forces.

Of course, it is difficult to compare these troops with each other, since it is impossible to hold a tournament between them according to the Olympic system in the manner of gladiator fights practiced in Ancient Rome, but you can try to evaluate the entry requirements, training, as well as the track record of these military formations. So….

8. Black Stork Squad, Pakistan

A special forces group that got its name from its unique headgear. During training, the fighters of this formation must complete a forced march of 58 km in 12 hours and with full equipment. It fights mainly against Afghans, including the Taliban.

7. Special Operations Unit of the Spanish Navy

Created in 1952, initially only volunteers were recruited there. It was called a “company of mountaineering divers” (the original name, isn’t it?) Later it was transformed into an elite unit. The selection for this unit is very strict. Based on the results of the qualifying course, 70-80% of applicants are usually eliminated.

6. Russian special forces "Alpha"

Created in 1974, of course, under the KGB, later, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, it came under the control of the FSB. After the collapse of the Union, this special unit clearly had more work. All kinds of operations in the North Caucasus and beyond. Alpha fighters fight both with and representatives of organized crime. As you understand, there are an order of magnitude more of both of them in Russia than in the former USSR.

What can you do, the world is changing. For Beslan and Nord-Ost, Alpha is still criticized to this day, making unjustified accusations against the security forces a large number of victims. But, it must be said that in the same notorious Moscow theater, Alpha people corrected the mistakes of other people who showed phenomenal carelessness and indifference. The result was 129 dead hostages, mainly from the effects of paralytic.

However, professionalism and the highest fighting qualities Alpha fighters are beyond doubt. Suffice it to recall the storming of Amin’s palace in Kabul in 1979, numerous operations in Chechnya, Ingushetia, Dagestan and others. For example, the liquidation of the leader of Ichkeria Aslan Maskhadov and the representative of Al-Qaeda in Chechnya and the adjacent regions of Abu Havsa, the release of hostages in Mineralnye Vody in 2001. As for criticism, it seems that the peculiarities of the Russian mentality have an effect. Criticize, look for those to blame, and sometimes even curse, accusing of all known mortal sins, but when it gets hot, tearfully beg for help.

5. Special forces of the French gendarmerie, the so-called intervention group. GIGN

The main combat missions are operations to free hostages, this is the specificity of the group. When seizing the Al-Harak Mosque in 1979 in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, special forces were faced with the fact that only Muslims could be allowed into the territory of the holy city. Then three fighters of the group, and after that they immediately joined the Saudi Arabian troops, who were liberating the mosque from the terrorists. In total, the group’s combat account includes more than 600 freed hostages.

4. Special unit Sayeret Matkal, Israel

The main tasks are reconnaissance and information collection. Therefore, the fighters of this unit spend a lot of time behind enemy lines. Not everyone can withstand the extreme stress of the qualifying course (gibusha). are carried out under the supervision of doctors and a psychologist. Based on the results of the death, only the best are accepted into the unit. One of the group's most memorable operations was the release of an Israeli taxi driver named Ilyahu Gurel, who had been kidnapped by three Palestinians whom he had taken to Jerusalem. His captors held him in a 10-meter shaft in an abandoned factory on the outskirts of Ramallah. However, special forces soldiers found him there too. As for the terrorists, they were given what they deserved.

3. UK Special Air Service, or SAS (Special Air Service)

This is, in a way, a double of a special unit Marine Corps SBS. The motto of this unit is “He who takes risks wins.” The SAS saw action in Iraq following the overthrow of Saddam Hussein. As American General Stanley McChrystal noted, “Their participation was critical. We couldn't have done it without them." This statement best characterizes the role of the SAS in those events, as well as the level of combat training.

2. Special unit of the British Marine Corps - SBS (Special Boat Service)

There is also a very tough selection and high intensity of training. The training course includes all kinds of endurance tests, training in survival skills in combat conditions, training in the jungles of Belize, plus intensive interrogation of candidates for admission. You can take the test course no more than twice.

1. SEALs are an elite unit of the US Armed Forces

The main tactical unit of the US Navy's special operations forces. They are mainly engaged in reconnaissance, sabotage activities and the release of hostages, and also solve other tasks of a tactical nature (clearing mines, combating illegal border crossings). The formation of the detachment began in 1962. First of all, fighters who could swim well and wield bladed weapons were selected for the detachment. From 1962 to 1973, SEALs fought in Vietnam, both as part of reconnaissance teams and as instructors for Vietnamese soldiers. Invaded Grenada (Operation Flash of Fury, 1983). Participated in the Gulf War (Operation Main Chance). They fought in Panama and Afghanistan. On May 2, 2011, a Navy Special Forces team conducted a successful operation to eliminate Bin Laden.

The specificity of training fur seals is that they perceive water not as an obstacle, but as natural environment. Service in the SEAL places increased demands on the health of fighters, both physical and psychological, and therefore the training there is appropriate. What is “” worth when for 5 days the fighters sleep only 4 hours a day, and the rest of the time is occupied with survival tests. The motto of the Navy SEALs - “the only easy day was yesterday” clearly indicates the progressive nature of the loads, which are already to an ordinary person will seem overwhelming.

In the decades that have passed since the creation of the first special forces, the fight against terrorism has turned from a vocation into a real science. However, each state has an approach to the destruction of bandits terrorizing civilians different ways, mine. And our own, specially trained people, who can be compared with each other only in terms of efficiency and work results. 5th place. FBI HRT/SWAT. USA The special unit of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation is one of the most invisible in the media space. Hostage Rescue Team (HRT) fighters do not often appear on TV screens and news broadcasts from the United States, but these are the people who perform the most hard work on combating terrorism and especially dangerous criminals on American territory. Such special forces are available at each of the 56 FBI departments, which allows them to respond to any threats with almost lightning speed. Contrary to popular belief, HRT does not replace police special forces SWAT. In case of urgent need, SWAT and HRT act together, under unified control. HRT fighters are somewhat similar to the fighters of the Russian “Alpha” or “Vympel” - getting into the American unit is considered a great honor, and only two out of ten candidates are able to pass the selection. To enroll in the HRT, it is necessary to have close to ideal health, fast and accurate shooting skills, and also pass a mental health assessment specialist. In addition to traditional small arms, the HRT is armed with helicopters and even combat boats. “Wide profile” of the work of HRT specialists - from detaining criminals to working in coastal zone- is provided by its own detachments of divers and demining center employees, so the FBI special forces can act autonomously and independently in almost any situation. HRT within the US law enforcement agencies is considered one of the most well-equipped: since the founding of the FBI special forces in 1983, the management has drawn up a separate budget, which includes not only the purchase of modern types of weapons and protection, but also armored cars with mine protection. Like many foreign ones special forces, HRT was created in the image and likeness of the British special forces SAS, and the training of the first groups of American special forces was carried out by retired British military personnel. However, despite good equipment and funding, HRT is mainly engaged in preparation for possible combat work: the unit’s specialists spend almost every day at the shooting range. The HRT fighters became widely known for the “hunt” for the brothers Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, suspected of organizing a terrorist attack in Boston. This also includes the protection of top officials of the state at official receptions. Employees of SWAT (Special Weapons And Tactics) - US police special forces - work almost on an equal footing with HRT. Despite some differences in structure and jurisdiction, US police special forces have the most modern weapons and equipment and are almost always the first to work in critical situations. Snipers deserve special mention in SWAT. Many of the shooters are not only experienced police officers, but also professional shooters who take prizes in federal and international competitions.
4th place. BRI/RAID/GIGN. France As in many European countries, the starting point for the creation of special anti-terrorist groups in France was the terrorist attack during the Olympic Games in Munich in 1972. Almost immediately after the failure of the German special forces and the death of Israeli athletes at the hands of the Black September terrorists, several regional special forces were formed, united in 1976 into a single combat detachment GIGN - the Intervention Group of the National Gendarmerie. In the same year, the baptism of fire of a unique special forces unit by European standards took place: GIGN specialists freed hostages from a bus seized by militants in Djibouti. From 1980 to the mid-1990s, GIGN fighters participated in a whole series of special operations. Experts in the field of law enforcement agencies recognize the release of a hijacked Air France plane in Marseille in 1994 as one of the most difficult and successfully carried out. However, the results of the assault caused controversy in the expert community for a long time. And although the Algerian terrorists who hijacked the plane in the country of departure were eliminated, during the assault, 25 passengers on the flight were injured of varying degrees of severity.
Currently, GIGN has almost 400 fighters and wide-ranging specialists - from snipers to mine-explosive experts. Together with other French BRI special forces and RAID GIGN fighters have participated in the elimination of terrorists over the past two years - since November 2015. The GIGN special forces soldiers were subjected to the strongest criticism only once - during the liquidation of terrorists in a kosher food store in Paris during the assault, in addition to the terrorists, three hostages were killed, but experts still disagree as to whose fault it was that civilians died - as a result unprofessional actions of special forces or at the hands of terrorists. The employees of the BRI special forces, a unique combat group, whose forces carry out both investigations and active actions to capture/eliminate especially dangerous criminals, are also worthy of special mention. The competence of BRI includes not only operational search activities, but also external surveillance, assaults and much more. A separate program in the training of employees, according to BRI commander Christophe Molmy, is negotiations with bandits. According to experts, BRI fighters were among the first to get to the scene of a hostage crisis in a kosher food store in Paris in January 2015. French RAID special forces are also involved in particularly difficult tasks. RAID employees deservedly enjoy respect not only among colleagues in France, but also in other countries, since the unit’s fighters regularly undergo high-altitude, mountain, parachute, special canine and other types of training and courses. RAID also has traditionally strong programs for sharing experience. Including with Russian security forces. One of those who meet with RAID employees are specialists from the Central Specialist Service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow.
3rd place. BOPE. Brazil The exotic and virtually unknown BOPE special forces from Brazil are engaged in perhaps the most dangerous and difficult work. Officers of the unit are engaged in the fight against organized crime and carry out regular raids to clear favelas of drug dealers and arms dealers. BOPE (port. Batalhão de Operações Policiais Especiais), or Special Police Operations Battalion, is five companies of the most experienced officers and specialists in almost all types of organized crime groups. The geography and social situation in Rio de Janeiro leaves a certain imprint on the actions of the Brazilian police special forces, created in the image and likeness of the American SWAT, adjusted for the local mentality. Operating mainly in the narrow streets of poor areas of Rio, BOPE special forces do not adhere to one single operating pattern. The mentality, as well as the tendency of favela residents to drug trafficking and other illegal activities, also leaves an imprint on the methods of delivering special forces to the place of work. In addition to armored vehicles with mine protection and armor of the fifth protection class, BOPE fighters also have helicopters at their disposal.
The minimum set of tests for enrollment in BOPE is as follows: fire training, high-altitude/mountain training, parachute jumping, hand-to-hand and knife fighting skills in cramped conditions. On average, according to experts, up to 90% of volunteers are eliminated at the selection stage. Since 2009, BOPE has been the only special forces unit that allows women to serve. Provided that the candidate has the minimum experience for such work and passes all tests. The main difficulty when joining the BOPE service is the conditions in which Brazilian specialists have to work. The slums of Rio are mountains, a city, and a jungle practically in one bottle. There are practically no analogues to the special unit from Brazil, which is responsible not only for the fight against drugs and the release of hostages - the only special unit similar in the specifics of its tasks was formed in neighboring Colombia.
2nd place. GSG-9. Germany After the Bavarian police failed to storm the terrorists and free the hostages in Munich, the German Ministry of Internal Affairs felt the need to create a special unit, unique even by world standards, whose main task would be the fight against terrorism. It took the German Ministry of the Interior everything less than a year- already in 1973, Hans-Dietrich Genscher, the then head of the German Ministry of Internal Affairs, reported to the leadership about the formation of the battle group GSG-9 (German: Grenzschutzgruppe) - Border Protection Group. As is the case with other special forces, getting into GSG-9 from the very moment the foundations are extremely difficult. There were always more people wishing to join the Grenzschutzgruppe than there were vacancies. This is what causes some bias in the consideration potential candidates. Preference is given to those who served in the ranks of the border guard service or the Navy: it is believed that it is those who come from army special forces who have the most developed skills and perform their assigned tasks faster and more efficiently than others. GSG-9 personnel are experienced but young officers. Most of those who serve in GSG-9 are under thirty. German anti-terrorism specialists also have quite a few differences from foreign units. Combat groups have a pronounced “specialization”: GSG-9 has a special “marine” detachment, which is responsible for combat work with river and sea vessels of various displacements - a kind of analogue of Russian combat swimmers. The unit also includes top-class paratroopers, explosives bombers and a special “fire group” whose main specialization is the use special weapons in a city environment.
GSG-9 is considered a unique special forces unit for a number of reasons. The first reason is the almost complete absence of foreign weapons and auxiliary equipment. Almost all the “tools” for the work of the German special forces are provided by domestic and “friendly” companies - Heckler Koch, Steyr Mannlicher, Sig Sauer and others. Main feature in this case, it is sending prototypes and experimental weapons for “testing”, based on the results of work with which the manufacturer makes changes to the design. To help the GSG-9 fighters, a separate aviation detachment has been formed, capable of delivering an anti-terrorism group not only to any point in Germany, but and peace. The tasks of GSG-9, in addition to anti-terrorist work on the territory of the country, have recently also included the protection of diplomatic and other government missions of Germany abroad. Security of embassies, assistance to the intelligence services of friendly states and much more are carried out practically without interruption from the main activity. One of the most elegant operations of GSG-9 is the neutralization of a lone terrorist in Dusseldorf. The fanatic who hijacked the KLM airliner was neutralized without noise, dust or the use of weapons in a matter of seconds. The absence of American-style shooting is noted by all experts in the field of law enforcement agencies. In the entire history of the group, small arms were used by GSG-9 specialists only twice.
1st place. ALFA/VIMPEL Russia The Special Purpose Center of the FSB of Russia is not just anti-terrorism professionals gathered under a single command. These are special people performing impossible tasks. Contrary to popular belief, domestic specialized publications place Alpha and Vympel at the top of the ratings of anti-terror groups not based on nationality. It’s just that Russian special forces carry out tasks where any other rapid reaction group fails. And European/American and any other counter-terrorism groups do not have such experience. Despite the fact that in Russia there are many special forces units that are part of the Russian Guard, Alpha are ultra-professionals in anti-terrorism work. Once formed for secret sabotage work, “Alpha” and “Vympel” in 1998 expanded the range of tasks they could solve. The Special Purpose Center of the FSB of Russia, created in 1998, clearly defined the main areas of work of the units - anti-terrorism. Yes, the tasks of the TsSN FSB and the Russian Guard differ from each other, but the most dangerous and complex “events” are carried out jointly by the specialists of the TsSN FSB and the Russian Guard. It is worth noting that not a single foreign unit has experience similar to the combat work of Russian specialists in the North Caucasus. Neither the French RAID and GIGN, nor the German GSG-9, nor many others have ever carried out operations anything like the assault on the theater center on Dubrovka. Experts explain that European experts still do not call the decision to enter the building, where the entire auditorium was held hostage not just by militants, but also by suicide bombers ready to sacrifice themselves, as anything other than “impossible.”
European specialists cannot comprehend how in a matter of seconds it is possible to neutralize a dozen armed fanatics ready to die and at the same time neutralize all improvised explosive devices, the force of which was enough for the building of the center on Dubrovka to “fall” on the heads of the stormers. Such problems, of course, are not solved by chance, although trained people. To be invited to serve in Alpha or Vympel is still considered an honor, and not everyone inspires such trust. 95% of candidates are “weeded out” at the selection stage, and only 5% of “highest-class specialists” end up serving in the FSB TsSN. Russian anti-terrorism is specialists who can solve any problem. At sea, land, in the air and wherever the situation requires it. As experts note, there are no impossible tasks for Alpha and Vympel. There are only deadlines and execution of actions. For the FSB TsSN, in addition to special training programs, special equipment is also being developed. Recently, in many videos where FSB TsSN specialists perform combat missions, you can find black, angular armored vehicles with an unusual design. These are Falcatus and Viking, developed specifically for Russian special forces. However, even before the advent of special equipment, the FSB TsSN carried out tasks that were impossible, from the point of view of Western security officials. Many foreign experts on anti-terrorism and security forces still, even 16 years later, call the operation to liberate a school in Beslan captured by militants the best among those known to the world.

Who are engaged in performing the most complex tasks. This post will introduce you to the five most famous and prestigious special forces in the world.

Special Air Service, UK

Britain's Special Air Service gained worldwide fame after the storming of the Iranian embassy in London in 1980. Britain's colonial past guaranteed wide application SAS units in various countries and in various conflicts. The history of this structure dates back to the Second World War on the North African front of combat operations in Libya and Egypt. The Nazi troops did not spare these paratroopers. They were subject to a special order from Hitler for immediate destruction. Thus, in 1944, 55 British operatives were shot.

SAS patrol in North Africa during the Second World War.

Modified and heavily armed SAS jeep

In April 1980, six Arab terrorists broke into the embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in London and took 26 people hostage from among the visitors and staff of the diplomatic mission. They demanded the release of almost a hundred of their comrades from Iranian prisons. Otherwise they threatened to blow up the embassy. The first to arrive on the scene were SAS soldiers, who set up their headquarters in a nearby building. Negotiations began, and within a couple of days several hostages were released from the embassy, ​​but on May 5, when the terrorists’ demands were not met, the lifeless body of the diplomatic mission’s press attache was thrown out of the building.

For several days, SAS soldiers practiced the assault on a full-size mock-up. On May 5, Operation Nimrod was broadcast live. It took 15 minutes, and only one of the invaders survived. He was sentenced to life imprisonment, but was released in 2008 and helped to start life under a new name. No SAS soldiers were injured. Among the hostages, one person was killed and two more were seriously injured.

Margaret Thatcher with SAS soldiers who stormed the Iranian embassy

Selection for SAS takes place twice a year: in winter and summer. Only military personnel can join the British special forces. Historically, people with a background in the Commandos or the local equivalent of the Airborne Forces have been welcomed there. In addition to the physical exercises inherent in SEAL selection, British candidates are screened out by a two-hour, 13-kilometer march carrying 25 kilograms on their shoulders. Each day the distance increases and ends with a 65-kilometer march over an 886-meter-high hill.

The fighters are then sent to learn survival, navigation and jungle fighting techniques. The most recent test is hide and seek in the jungle with tracking "hunters". But even candidates who are not caught will have to endure interrogation and torture that lasts for 36 hours. The fighters are starved, thirsty and deprived of sleep, and they, in turn, must repeat: “I cannot answer this question.”

The mountain that British Special Forces candidates so often storm

Sayeret Matkal, Israel

One of the most secret Israeli special forces of the IDF (Israel Defense Forces), Sayeret Matkal, primarily specializes in deep reconnaissance behind enemy lines. However, the unit is also tasked with combating terrorism and rescuing hostages outside of Israel. It is alleged that it was created in the image and likeness of the British SAS.

In the 50s of the last century, the structure was formed with an eye to uniting the best physically and intellectually developed youth in Israel. With the growing threat of Palestinian terrorism in the late 60s, the Sayeret Matkal unit began to develop the world's first methods and techniques for releasing hostages and countering terrorism.

One of the first such operations for Israeli fighters was the release of hostages of passenger flight 571 Vienna - Tel Aviv in May 1972. Terrorists from the Palestinian Black September organization hijacked a Belgian plane, more than a hundred passengers and staff, and threatened to blow them all up unless Israel released more than 300 Palestinians from prison. Sayeret Matkal fighters trained on a similar vessel in a closed hangar, while the main one had its wheels flat and fluid drained from its hydraulic systems. The terrorists were then assured that the Boeing needed maintenance.

Men in White - “Sayeret Matkal”

The operation to free the hostages involved 16 disguised fighters, among whom was the current Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu. He was wounded, as were two other hostages. Two terrorists and one passenger on the plane were killed. It is noteworthy that the commander of the assault group was also the future Prime Minister of Israel Ehud Barak, and negotiations with the terrorists were conducted by Shimon Peres, who at that time was the Minister of Transport, and later became... yes, the Prime Minister of Israel.

Four years later, the Sayeret Matkal unit caused a stir in Uganda, where terrorists brought about a hundred Israelis on a hijacked plane. Their release was complicated by the unfriendly government of Uganda, which required the transfer of hundreds of military personnel 4,000 km away. While Sayeret Matkal fighters stormed the airport terminal, two more units held back the Ugandan military. As a result, three hostages were killed and ten more were wounded. On the Israeli side, only the unit commander was killed, while the terrorists and Ugandans lost a total of 52 people and several dozen helicopters.

The old Entebbe airport, where the Israeli special operation was carried out, later named after the deceased Jonathan Netanyahu, commander of Sayeret Matkal

Return of passengers to their homeland.

GSG 9, Germany

The special forces of the German Federal Police were formed six months after the tragic events at the Munich Olympics in 1972. Then, as a result of an unsuccessful attempt to free the hostages, Palestinian terrorists killed 11 members of the Israeli Olympic team. Germany realized that without specially trained fighters it would be impossible to resist a new type of threat. Therefore, it was decided to create a unit called Grenzschutzgruppe 9 (“Border Protection Group 9”).

The main challenges for GSG 9 were hostage taking, terrorism, and kidnapping. Also, the division’s specialists are involved as consultants both within Germany and abroad.

A real baptism of fire for German special forces was Operation Magic Fire to free hostages from the Landshut plane of the German airline Lufthansa in 1977. The terrorists wandered in the sky for a long time (from Rome through Dubai to Mogadishu in Somalia) and demanded the release of their accomplices from German prisons, as well as the payment of a multimillion-dollar ransom. But their journey ended in a Somali city, where GSG 9 fighters arrived. Under the cover of darkness, in black uniforms and with painted faces, three groups of special forces stormed the plane, shot two terrorists, mortally wounded a third and captured a fourth. More than 80 passengers were rescued.

Hostages return home

After the Landshut incident, GSG 9 was able to tell the German government that it would never negotiate with terrorists again.

The successful operation was followed by another storming of a plane carrying hostages in Düsseldorf, which took place without firing a shot, and the arrest of terrorists in a town in the north of the country. One of the latest incidents that required the intervention of GSG 9 fighters was mass kill at a McDonald's restaurant in Munich this summer.

Only German police officers who have served in the force for at least two years can join the ranks of the special forces. In addition to medical and psychological testing, they take 5K run, 100m sprint, jumping, pull-ups, bench press, etc. They also need to pass pistol and submachine gun shooting. The best are selected for a 22-week training, and only one out of five successfully completes the course.

United States Navy SEALs, USA

Over the years of their existence, American Navy SEALs have acquired almost mythical status. Largely thanks to cinema. Just look at Steven Seagal, who played a former SEAL soldier in the action films Under Siege and Under Siege 2. This abbreviation stands for SEa, Air and Land (“Sea, Air and Land”), and is translated as “seal” or “fur seal”. Bruce Willis (Tears of the Sun) and Michael Biehn (The Rock, The Abyss) played SEAL team commanders on multiple occasions.

The Navy SEALs were created in 1962 with the signature of then US President John F. Kennedy. This decision was influenced by the tense situation in relations with the Soviet Union, the Cuban crisis and the Vietnam War. The tasks of the newly formed unit included sabotage and counter-guerrilla activities on the territory of the mock enemy.

To a greater extent this concerned the Vietnamese theater of military operations. In particular, Navy SEALs participated in the Phoenix program under the auspices of the CIA. Its essence was to eliminate key people in the Vietnamese army and people sympathetic to the Viet Cong - the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam.

Subsequently, the SEALs participated in all major US military conflicts: in the invasion of Grenada, where the group was unable to rescue the local governor general from house arrest; in the Iran-Iraq conflict of the late 80s, where the unit distinguished itself by capturing the Iran Air, which was mining the waters of the Persian Gulf; in the invasion of Panama, where the main sabotage task of the SEALs was the destruction of the local army's watercraft and the plane of General Noriega, who was overthrown as a result of the intervention.

In modern history, the most significant operation was the destruction of the number one terrorist Osama bin Laden in Pakistan. Operation Neptune Spear, developed by the CIA, involved 40 SEALs from DEVGRU, formerly known as SEAL Team Six. A unit in Black Hawk helicopters with M4 assault rifles, night vision goggles and pistols approached the terrorist’s house on May 2, 2011, where they began clearing the premises. In addition to the terrorist, four more people were killed who resisted the special forces. The country's top leadership watched the operation live.

Bin Laden's hideout. He and his wives lived on the second and third floors behind a high fence

Before a SEAL candidate can begin training, he must pass a series of psychological and physical tests. The latter include swimming 450 meters in a minimum of 12 and a half minutes; 42 (optimally 100) push-ups and 50 (100) squats in 2 minutes, 6 (25) pull-ups and a 2.4 km run in 11 minutes. Naturally, candidates with better results have a better chance of making it to training camp. However, 80% of all those selected still break down and do not complete the training.

Alpha Group, USSR (Russia)

Like the German GSG 9, the anti-terrorist special unit in the USSR was created after the terrorist attack at the Munich Olympics. Six years before the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow, the KGB chairman initiated the creation of Unit A. Only KGB officers passed through strict selection criteria there. The first squad was recruited to those fit for service in the Airborne Forces, and therefore both physical data and psychological endurance were strictly taken into account.

Most of the Alpha Group's operations were carried out on the territory of the Soviet Union. The unit's track record includes the capture of deserters in Sarapul, who took local schoolchildren hostage in 1981, the storming of a Tu-134 plane in Tbilisi with Georgian terrorists trying to escape from the USSR, as well as not the most unpleasant assignments in the union republics during the slow collapse of the country .

A group of fighters who were to storm Amin's palace

The most high-profile episode in the history of Group “A” was the storming of Amin’s palace (special operation “Storm-333”) in December 1979, which dragged the Soviet Union into a long and grueling war in Afghanistan. 24 Alpha fighters, in parallel with 30 KGB special reserve soldiers, dressed in Afghan uniforms with a white bandage on their arms and cleared the palace floor by floor, while other special forces provided them with external cover.

As a result of the operation, Afghan President Hafizullah Amin was killed, on whose orders Prime Minister Nur Taraki was removed from office in September of the same year. Amin's repression threatened the fall of the regime of the local dominant party, which could lead to a change political course countries.

Since the 90s, the unit has been part of the Russian FSB, where it specializes in anti-terrorism activities. Separate Alpha groups existed in Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. On their basis, the national special forces of these countries were formed. Belarusian "Alpha" was created in March 1990. It was part of the structure of Group “A” of the 7th Directorate of the KGB of the USSR as Group No. 11 with a deployment in Minsk.

Country: Brazil
Number of people: 400 people. 95% of recruits are eliminated at the training stage.


Favelas, densely populated slums in the hills around Rio, founded 300 years ago by freed slaves. Favelas are divided into 950 districts, each of which has its own laws established by local authorities. A stranger, especially a white one, can easily be shot or stabbed here, unless, of course, he came to buy drugs. Streets with a width of one and a half meters exclude access by car. Many windows, doors and some holes on all sides make it difficult to understand where the shots were coming from. The police do not dare show themselves in the favelas; only special forces enter here. Any conflict with the local population turns into a close-quarters urban battle with the use of firearms, which, by the way, can easily be bought under the counter from the same police officers.


Colt Commando assault rifle. 800 rounds per minute. Light weight and short barrel are ideal for mobile urban combat. BOPE fighters are trained to shoot with both the right and left hands, so that it is more convenient to maneuver in the slums.


Rebuilt and fortified old casino on a hill high above the city. It rises in the very center of the favelas.


Running up hills and stairs with 30 kg of armor on your body and 5 kg of weapons. Close combat. Doom shooting on a special training ground simulating slums.


Some favela streets are still wide enough for a caveirao - a completely black armored special forces vehicle, affectionately nicknamed "the big skull" - to drive through them. The only weak point of these armored cars is the wheels. Brazilian special forces joke that they can change tires faster than Formula 1 mechanics. Amnesty International recently spoke out against the use of caveirao. The fact is that special forces often practice “mobile sweeps” - shooting suspicious passers-by in favelas directly from the windows of a truck. Human rights activists consider this poaching.

Country: Colombia
Number of people: 500 people.


Jungle. Eternal twilight under a thick canopy of foliage. You can stand a meter away from the enemy and not notice him. Vermin, 100% humidity and lack of roads are not even discussed: the locals have been accustomed to this since childhood. In the impenetrable thickets in the center of the country there are coca plantations that produce 700 tons of cocaine a year. As a result, the powder will settle in the nostrils of residents of the United States and Europe, powdering the noses of half of Latin America along the way. Since the mid-80s, the Americans and British have been trying to block the great river at the very source and allocate a lot of money and specialists from their own special forces to train “hunglas” - fighters with Colombian field laboratories where 95% pure cocaine is boiled down. Storming these establishments means not only exchanging 5mm bullets, but also the prospect of losing a leg or two. Few people know that Colombia firmly holds the first place in the world in the number of incidents with anti-personnel mines. Drug lords like to plant a Hunglas surprise.


The good old Colt Commando in the M4 version - the shortest of all with a folding telescopic butt. Just enough to carry it through the jungle. On the other side, the special forces are greeted exactly the same. This is generally the most popular weapon in Latin America.


There are four divisions in the country. Their bases are located at least an hour's drive from big cities, close to their native jungle.


Forced marches through the thickets in full equipment (the weight of armor and weapons is about 20 kg). Shooting at targets hidden among foliage and vines.


American Black Hawk helicopters. The most luxurious gift from a northern uncle. With the help of this reliable and compact machine, you can look out from above for coca plantations and throw “hunglas” to any point in their mountainous, impassable country. You can also shoot from above if the battle on the ground takes a particularly unpleasant turn. The most amazing people in Colombian special forces they are helicopter pilots. They seem to be able to land casually on the roof of a shabby village hut, smiling and masterfully bickering with someone they know on air. Before our eyes, one landed on a steep hillside, and the blades turned out to be about twenty centimeters from the protruding stone.

Country: Poland
Number of people: 237 people. The best police officers come here and undergo testing for three years.


Densely populated city blocks, built according to Soviet GOST standards. It is in small apartments on the outskirts of Warsaw and other cities that those whom the ZOA hunts live, and hide weapons, prostitutes, heroin, etc. there. All this flocks here before being distributed throughout Europe: Poland, with its seven borders and membership in the European Union, is an ideal transit point. Special operations take place almost every week. Sometimes they are quite extreme, as, for example, in the small town of Magdalenka. Two Russian arms dealers then dug in in a private house, so that forty special forces could not storm them for 12 hours. The “Russian mafia” planted a mine under the door, grenades were dropped on the heads of stormtroopers, and fire was continuously fired from the windows. As a result, the criminals were taken dead, having lost two fighters. However, initially the Polish special forces were created with an eye on even larger game. After September 11, the small but proud Eastern European country decided that it, too, was under threat from terrorists. So far, fortunately, these ambitions have not come true.


MP5 submachine gun. German quality, 9 mm caliber, weighs only 2.5 kg, can be used with a silencer and a combat flashlight - just what you need for quiet urban sweeps. The main disadvantage is the price. Still, you have to pay for the opportunity to snatch from a holster the same thing as the British SAS. By the way, the holster of the Polish special forces, which in addition to weapons also contains a walkie-talkie and smoke bombs, is fastened high on the chest. On the side of the thigh there is an additional holster with a Glock GmbH pistol. The uniform also includes a Robocop Kevlar helmet, knee pads and body armor - all in non-marking black.


Carrying out operations in high-rise buildings requires mastery of close combat techniques, rappelling from rooftops, and the art of breaking windows with your feet. The Polish special forces are constantly mastering all this in specially built “death houses”. Since most operations, according to the old KGB tradition, are carried out between three in the morning and six in the morning, they also train in pitch darkness, using night vision devices.

Country: Mexico
Number of people: 87 people.


Mexico City, the largest metropolis on Earth. Here South America meets North America and does its most unpresentable business. In a crowd of 25 million people, it's pretty easy. Nevertheless, the local police do not give up and tirelessly search for criminals in order to engage in a shootout with them - almost every day one of the law enforcement officers dies in the line of duty. The special forces also work in the Stakhanov regime - two or even three trips a week. However, not all of them end in an assault. In many areas, the power is held by cocaine cartels, which place special people at the entrance to the intricacy of streets, so they know about the visit of GOPES in advance, and they prefer to leave. Some, however, take the fight. They have enough weapons and arrogance to meet stormtroopers with a barrage of fire (even rocket launchers!), and then what happens resembles a real war. Thanks to the investments of our northern neighbor, a lot of money and very serious people are circulating here. If someone decided to intimidate someone with the help of special forces, then they need to work it out for real.


  • Australian Army Special Forces (SOCOMD)
  • 1st Command Regiment
  • 2nd command regiment - Former 4th Royal Australian Regiment Commandos. They are part of the Tactical Assault Group - East (TAG-E)
  • SASR (English) Special Air Service Regiment) - Regiment of the Special Airborne Service. This unit, in addition to general military tasks, is charged with carrying out counter-terrorism measures. They are part of the Tactical Assault Groups - West (TAG-W)
  • IRR (Incident Response Regiment)
  • [edit] Australian Navy Special Forces
  • CDT (English) Clearance Diving Team) - a unit of Australian combat swimmers.


  • EKO Cobra
  • Jagdkommando is a special forces group of the Austrian Federal Army. The group is trained for participation in multinational operations, for operational detection of intelligence services and for paramilitary protection individuals abroad. Some of the commandos are combat swimmers.


  • Army special forces
  • Special Purpose Battalion of the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan.
  • Palandj (Special Forces Group of the Azerbaijani Ground Forces).
  • Gartal (Special Forces Group of the Azerbaijani Ground Forces).
  • Navy Special Forces
  • Special Forces DSX
  • Special forces of the Ministry of National Security
  • Special unit of the Ministry of National Security of Azerbaijan - fight against terrorism, release of hostages, force cover for the operations of the Ministry of National Security of Azerbaijan.
  • Special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
  • DIN Rapid Response Regiment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan.
  • Shahin Special unit for combating terrorism of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan.
  • Albania
  • Forcat RENEA is an Albanian counter-terrorist formation.
  • ROS (Reparti i Operacioneve Speciale)
  • Unit 326


  • Argentine Army Special Forces
  • The 601st Commando Company is a special unit of the Argentine ground forces. Stationed in Campo de Mayo.
  • The 602nd Commando Company is a special unit of the Argentine ground forces.
  • Argentine Navy Special Forces
  • "Buzos tacticos" (Tactical Sabotage Group) is a special unit of the Argentine Navy. Most known to the public actions: Operation Rosario, Operation Algeciras.




  • Rapid Action Battalion (Bangladesh)


  • Army special forces

The 5th separate special forces brigade is a reconnaissance and sabotage unit. Located in Maryina Gorka (Pukhovichi district, Minsk region). Formed in 1963, it has high combat training and extensive combat experience. She took part in hostilities as part of a contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan, and was one of the Soviet troops that carried out special events in Transcaucasia during the Azerbaijani-Armenian conflict. At the end of the 80s, an officer company was created as part of the brigade, which was staffed exclusively by officers and warrant officers. The brigade is one of several special forces units that are part of the Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus. It belongs to the army special forces, and in terms of the nature of the tasks performed, it is fundamentally different from other special forces units included in the security system of the Republic of Belarus.

33 Guards a separate special forces detachment - a reconnaissance and sabotage unit. It is staffed by officers and warrant officers. Performs particularly important tasks.

  • KGB special forces

"Alpha" Formed in 1990 in Minsk. Initially it also served the Baltic republics of the USSR.

  • Border Troops Special Forces
  • Separate Active Events Service (OSAM) - a unit whose task includes anti-terrorism activities in the border zone. The eldest sons of the President of the Republic of Belarus A.G. Lukashenko, Victor and Dmitry, served in this unit.
  • Special Forces internal troops Ministry of Internal Affairs

3rd separate Red Banner Special Purpose Brigade (military unit 3214, located in Minsk in the Uruchye microdistrict, “Uruchenskaya brigade”) - carries out tasks to combat riots, combat terrorism, provide assistance to border troops in the event of complications in the operational situation on border. In addition, the brigade is undergoing training under a combined arms program in the event of an armed conflict. Formed in the 1990s. based on the 334th regiment of the 120th division.

  • Special Rapid Reaction Unit (SOBR) - subdivision of the "Uruchenskaya Brigade".
  • Police special forces
  • Special Purpose Police Regiment (PMSN) — located in Minsk (analogous to the Russian riot police). Formed in the fall of 2005 on the basis of the Minsk riot police. In August 2012, the PMSN was renamed OMON (press)
  • Special unit for combating terrorism "Almaz" (SPBT "Almaz") - a unit that performs tasks to combat terrorism. Reformed from the special forces of the department for the execution of punishments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the BSSR. According to the combat and special training program, each employee: undergoes training in tactical fire training, special fire training, has urban mountaineering skills, takes a combat swimmers and light divers course, and a parachute jumping course.


  • Army special forces
  • Parachute reconnaissance brigade "Nest on the Eagle" (Eagle's Nest).
  • Special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
  • SOBT (Specialized Detachment for Combating Terrorism) is an anti-terrorist unit.


  • BOPE (Batalhão de Operações Policiais Especiais)
  • GATE (Grupo de Ações Táticas Especiais)
  • ROTA (Rondas Ostensivas Tobias de Aguiar)

Great Britain

  • SAS-22 - 22 Regiment of the Special Airborne Service, is the main anti-terrorist special forces of Great Britain, formed during the Second World War. The most successful operations were actions against the IRA in Ireland, Holland, and Germany. Participated in thousands of operations from the Sahara to Malaysia. The most famous operation is the release of hostages in the Iranian embassy in London in 1980. A combined detachment of employees of the Increment regiment acts in the interests of foreign intelligence MI6.
  • SBS (Special Boat Service) is a special unit of the British Navy.


  • Army special forces
  • 1st Special Airborne Division of the Bundeswehr.
  • DSO (German) Division Spezialle Operationen) - special operations division of the Bundeswehr.
  • GebJgBrg 23 - 23 Alpine Rifle Brigade, consisting of 3 mountain rifle battalions, a mountain artillery battalion, 2 mountain tank companies, a reserve company, a support company and a company for training and using animals.
  • KSK (German) Kommando Spezialkräfte) - a special unit of the German ground forces. The group's tasks include conducting reconnaissance and sabotage activities.


  • SEK M is a special forces unit of the German Navy whose mission is to conduct special operations abroad. Number of people: 800-1000 people.
  • German Marines are an elite unit designed to conduct critical combat operations as part of amphibious assault forces. It is a highly mobile amphibious force of constant readiness, capable of independently operating at any point globe and in any climatic zones. Number of people: 1000 people.

Police special forces

  • GSG 9 is an anti-terrorist unit of the German Federal Police. Number of people: 300 people. According to the state, it is a division of the border control agency. According to German law, the group cannot be used outside the country, but sometimes this law is circumvented.


  • Most of the country's special forces are subordinate to the IDF - the Israel Defense Forces, some - to the Israeli police and intelligence services. All special forces regularly participate in combat and real combat operations. Most special forces are staffed by conscripts. The special forces of the Nachshon prison service and the anti-terrorism units YAMAM and LOTAR Eilat are staffed on a professional basis. To serve in special forces, a medical profile of “97” (the highest) is required. Conscripts who are fit for health reasons are sent an offer approximately six months before conscription to undergo “gibush” (“rally” - Hebrew) - selection for service in special forces. Gibush take place on a voluntary basis, only those who wish to do so. Over the course of 2-3 days, candidates undergoing gibush perform various tests for physical and intellectual fitness for service - in a stressful environment, in conditions of hunger, fatigue, lack of time and sleep. People are identified who can endure difficulties and work in a team. Those who pass the selection are drafted into the appropriate units. In Sayeret Matkal, Shaldag, Maglan and Shayetet-13, for the pilot course and for the naval officer course, the gibush is carried out separately in each of the units, for the remaining units the gibush is a common one, the BAKUM (military registration and enlistment office) decides which unit to recruit to. For service in Sayeret Matkal and for courses for pilots and naval officers, gibush can be carried out within a week. Those who do not pass can pass through to other units. To serve in these units (where there is a separate gibush) a certain level of clearance (“sivug bithoni”) is required, mandatory conditions are residence in Israel for more than 5 years, no relatives abroad. Only children in the family (“ben yachid”) are not accepted, as an exception - with the written consent of the conscript’s parents. In reconnaissance companies of infantry brigades (Golani, Givati, Tsanhanim, Nahal and Kfir), killing is carried out after conscription, within the unit, before the young fighter’s course (“tironut”). To serve in the “Psagot” and “TIBAM” units, a specialized higher education obtained before conscription is required (an appropriate deferment before conscription is provided - “atuda akademai”). Service in special forces is extremely honorable and prestigious, guaranteeing a “worthy place in life” after demobilization. Conscripts who dream of getting into them begin to independently prepare for death during their school years.

Israel Defense Forces Special Forces

  • "Sayeret Matkal" - "Compound 101", special forces of the General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces. He specializes in intelligence and security operations abroad, and also carries out anti-terrorist measures together with YAMAM in the country and independently abroad. The only unit of this level in the world that is staffed by conscripts. Military personnel, during their service, usually sign a contract under which the service period is 6 years, instead of 3, as in the entire IDF (Israel Defense Forces).

"Maglan"- “Long-Range Anti-Tank Missile Unit.” The most secret special unit of the IDF, except for the name, there is practically no information in the public domain. It is armed with Nimrod missiles - launch range 30-50 km, hit accuracy - tens of centimeters (with laser correction by an observer near the target), disassembled and carried by two soldiers or transported in a jeep. Used for targeted destruction of particularly important targets. It is possible that it has something to do with nuclear potential Israel.

"Duvdevan" ("cherry")- also known as Unit 217. The main goal is the targeted destruction or arrest of terrorists in the Palestinian territories with the help of external transformation into Arabs (Yehidat Mistaaravim - a unit of pseudo-Arabs). One of the selection criteria for service is the absence of a typical Jewish appearance, preferably an appearance similar to an Arab, and fluent knowledge of the Arabic language.

Sayeret "Egoz" ("walnut")- Unit621. The goal is to fight the partisans. Organizationally, it is part of the Golani infantry brigade, but in reality it acts independently. Since 1995, it has killed more terrorists than any other unit. Engaged in the destruction of ambushes organized by terrorists in order to kidnap IDF soldiers and destroy launchers NURS shelling Israeli territory. Those who “fallen” (could not meet the requirements for service) from Sayeret Matkal, Shayetet-13 and Sayeret Shaldag are usually sent to serve in “Egoz”.

"Sayeret Shaked" (almond), another version of the decoding of the name “Shomrei Kav Darom” - guarding the southern border) - a special unit of the Southern Military District. Specialized in operations in the Gaza Strip and the Negev Desert. It was staffed mainly by Bedouins and Druze, the officers were Jews. Showed outstanding performance during the Six Day War, the War of Attrition and the Yom Kippur War. Currently disbanded as a separate special forces unit. As a regular infantry battalion, it was transferred to the Givati ​​brigade (in 1983).

"Okets" ("sting"), Unit 7142- special canine unit.

"Yakhalom" ("diamond" or "brilliant")— special forces of engineering troops (undermining or clearing targets, solving engineering problems behind enemy lines). Usually works closely with Sayeret Matkal during operations.

"Rimon" ("Garnet")- a special unit within the Givati ​​infantry brigade, a special anti-terrorist unit deployed on the border with Egypt and the Gaza Strip.

"Sayeret Golani, Sayeret Givati, Sayeret Tsanhanim, Sayeret Nahal"- reconnaissance companies of the corresponding infantry brigades. In addition to army reconnaissance and sabotage training, they undergo the LOTAR (fight against terror) course. They act during combat operations in the interests of their units, in their sector of the front. Can be used to support other special forces and as auxiliary anti-terrorism units. Sayeret Tsankhanim (reconnaissance unit of the parachute brigade) - participated together with Sayeret Matkal in the operation to free the hostages in Entebbe.

Unit 5114 - Psagot battalion— Division special communication and electronic countermeasures. Engaged in ensuring communications with other special forces during operations, suppressing enemy communication systems and target detection. Operates in the area of ​​operation, has training at the level of other special forces.

TIBAM Division - “Tikhnut be-Ezrat Makhshev”— computer planning. A special unit of “hackers”, acting in the interests of other special units. Hacking enemy computer systems, protecting our own, three-dimensional modeling of the operation object, etc. Operates in the operation zone, has appropriate combat training.

Unit 869 - Modiin Sade unit» - field reconnaissance. Permanently attached to Sayeret Matkal. Provides other units with intelligence information about the operation area, monitors changes in the situation during the planning and conduct of the operation, and clarifies the achieved results of the operation. Has appropriate combat training.

Israeli Air Force Special Forces

"Shaldag" ("kingfisher")- Israeli Air Force special forces. Tasks: reconnaissance of targets in the interests of the Air Force, air guidance, finishing off and clearing the target after an air strike. One of the three most prepared units (the other two are Sayeret Matkal and Shayetet-13). Sayeret Shaldag operated illegally in Iraq during Operation Desert Storm. He was engaged in the “hunt for SCUDs” in the interests of Israel, separately from the United States and its allies.

Unit 669- Israeli Air Force special forces. Tasks: rescuing downed pilots, evacuating fighters from behind the front line, air evacuation from the battlefield. To maintain combat readiness, it also evacuates citizens in extreme situations.

Course "Tais"- Israeli Air Force pilot training course. It has nothing to do with special forces, but those expelled from the course, as a rule, are sent to serve in Sayeret Matkal, Sayeret Shaldag and other special units. On average, one out of ten applicants completes the course.

Israeli Navy Special Forces

“Shayetet 13” (Flotilla 13, Shayetet Shlosh-esre, “shayat”, Commando Yami) - special forces of the Israeli Navy. Performs tasks similar to Sayeret Matkal (reconnaissance, sabotage, anti-terrorism), but related to operations at sea. (“Yam” - sea, Hebrew).

"Kurs Hovlim"— Israeli Navy officer training course. Trainees are brought to the level of combat training corresponding to other special forces. The course is distinguished by a very high level of intellectual and physical activity, and particularly stringent service conditions. Those expelled from the course, as a rule, are sent to complete their service in Shayetet 13.

Special Forces Mossad

"Kidon" ("Bayonet")- a special unit within the Metzada department (security operations department) in the Mossad. Objectives: liquidation and kidnapping of Israel's opponents abroad. It is staffed by soldiers who served in the IDF, in various special forces, after additional training at the MOSSAD Academy and obtaining the qualification “Katsa” (MOSSAD operations officer). The actions of “Kidon” are shown in the feature films “Sword of Gideon”, “Munich” (dir. S. Spielberg).

Israel Police Special Forces

YAMAM - (Yehida Merkazit Meuhedet - Special central unit), formally - part of Magav, in reality - acts independently, the main anti-terrorist unit of the Israeli Police. Some tactical developments of YAMAM and elements of its training were used in the USSR when creating the Alpha and Vympel groups.

YAMAS (short for "Yehidat Mista'aravim") - a unit of “pseudo-Arabs”, part of Magav. It solves the same problems as “Duvdevan” - targeted destruction of terrorists in the Palestinian territories. The difference from Duvdevan is that he works more through the police. Detection, destruction and capture of criminals hiding in Arab territories. Duvdevan is more involved with paramilitary terrorist organizations - Hamas, Hezbollah, which have their own large units and military facilities (large enough targets for an army unit).

YASAM “Yehidat Siyur Miyukhedet” — detaining especially dangerous criminals, patrolling in the Palestinian territories, suppressing local unrest, dispersing demonstrations. Something between riot police and SOBR.

LOTAR Eilat (“LOTAR” - “Lohama be Terror” - Counter-Terrorism), Unit 7707, is a separate small anti-terrorism unit operating in and around the city of Eilat, due to Eilat's geographic distance from the rest of the country and its proximity to the Egyptian and Jordanian borders. In terms of training and equipment, it is identical to YAMAM. He copes with small situations on his own; in the event of major problems and the arrival of YAMAM, he comes under his operational subordination.


Mishmar Ha-Knesset "Knesset Guard" a special unit whose task is to protect and defend the administrative building of parliament and the personnel located in it.

Nachshon (named after the biblical character Nachshon ben Aminadawai — Special unit of the Shabash of the Israeli Prisons Administration (outdated name: ABAM - avtaha ve mivtsayim - security and operations) - solving sudden problems in penal institutions (liquidation of riots, release of hostages, conducting searches, etc.), as well as escorting special dangerous criminals when moving them across the country or abroad and ensuring the safety of law enforcement officers when they receive threats from prisoners and their accomplices (has the right to operational activities). It is staffed on a professional basis, mainly from people who served in MAGAV. Since 2005, it has its own canine unit (separate from “Okets”) and recruits women (to work with female prisoners). Works closely with the police and Shin Bet (Sherut Bitakhon Klali, Shin Bet - “Main Security Service”, Israeli counterintelligence).

Shin Bet (Sherut Bitakhon Klali, Shin Bet - “General Security Service”, Israeli counterintelligence) - also has its own special forces. The name, number, tasks performed are unknown.

Most Israeli special forces are recruited from conscripts. Those who have completed their military service are in the reserve and perform the Miluim reservist service. At any time they can be recruited to participate in special operations, replenish their units or form new special forces, if necessary.

Iraq (during the reign of Saddam Hussein)

Special forces of the Main Directorate of Foreign Intelligence

Ku'uat 999- special intelligence unit. Consisted of 7 battalions with highly trained personnel. Each battalion had its own service sector. The 7th Battalion supported activities against the United States. The soldiers studied foreign languages ​​at the native level, customs and traditions of the country of service.

Republican Guard Special Forces

Separate brigade for the protection of the president.

Special Republican Guard ("Al-Harith al-Jamhuri al-Khas") - SRG, it was also called the “Golden Division”.


2 commando divisions — Special units of the ground forces;

SSN "Code" — Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)


ARW (Army Ranger Wing)- a universal special forces unit capable of solving problems on land, on water, under water, in the mountains, in the jungle and desert.


Civil Guard Special Forces

GAR (Grupos Antiterroristas Rurales)- anti-terrorist unit. Mainly operates in the north of the country against Basque separatists.

UEI (Unidad Especial de Intervencion)- anti-terrorist unit. The task includes the release of hostages, conducting reconnaissance and sabotage activities in temporarily occupied territory, and organizing guerrilla warfare. The fighters undergo parachute, mountaineering, and underwater training.

Police special forces

GEO (Grupo Especial para los Operaciones)- police anti-terrorism unit, where people come to serve the best specialists Spanish intelligence services.


  • Italian special forces are coordinated by a special center, Operatori Speciali Servizio Informazioni (O.S.S.I).

Italian Army Special Forces

COL MOSCHIN - 9th Parachute Regiment.

Italian Navy Special Forces

Italian Marine Corps- amphibious assault, capture and retention of the enemy’s coastline, protection of our own naval bases.

TESEO TESEI- a detachment of combat swimmers (Raggruppamento Subacquei e Incursori).

Police special forces

Gruppo Intervento Speciale (G.I.S.) - a special anti-terrorist unit of the Carabinieri.

Nucleo Operativo Centrale di Sicurezza (N.O.C.S.) — special unit for the protection and defense of nuclear facilities. The task of N.O.C.S., in addition, includes carrying out anti-terrorist measures at these facilities.


Army special forces

First Parachute Battalion (1st b).

First Special Purpose Service (1SSN).

JTF-2- anti-terrorist unit.


Special Operations Forces of the People's Army of the DPRK

The largest special forces in the world - more than 90 thousand people. It consists of 10 “sniper” brigades, 12 light infantry brigades, 17 separate reconnaissance battalions and 1 airborne battalion. Service life - 8 years.


Special units of the Chinese People's Republic divided into MTR (special operations forces) of the ground forces and MTR of the navy

MTR of the ground forces

"DaDui"- combat-ready units capable of conducting reconnaissance and combat operations in local conflicts in conditions of high technology application.

In addition, army groups, field divisions and regiments also have units that are limitedly capable of conducting special reconnaissance and special operations. Each of the 18 army groups includes a special reconnaissance group, which can be equivalent in size and combat capabilities to a separate battalion. Each division includes a special reconnaissance company of about 120 people. Each regiment has a special reconnaissance platoon of 30 to 40 people.

All of these units should also be considered part of the ground forces of special operations of the Chinese Armed Forces, since they are capable of conducting direct impact actions and conducting special reconnaissance. The level of their training and equipment is comparable to the level of special forces groups in military areas.

MTR of the Navy

Reconnaissance company, marine divisions of the Southern Fleet. The company is stationed in Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province and is located separately from the rest of the Marine Division, approximately five kilometers away. The company size is about 100 people. It organizationally consists of a headquarters and two platoons of 30 people each. The company also includes a unit of combat swimmers of up to 40 people.


Army special forces

Scorpion- 25th separate air assault brigade for special purposes. Scorpio fighters wear a green beret with an image of a scorpion printed on it.

Ilbirs- special forces brigade, part of the South-Western Regional Command

Separate mountain rifle battalion for special purposes

Karakurt- special forces of the Ministry of Defense of Kyrgyzstan

Special forces of the State Committee for National Security

Alpha- anti-terrorist unit.

Kalkan- combat operations department

National Guard Special Forces

Panther- air assault brigade

Special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

CHER- anti-terrorism and fight against crime.

The special forces detachment "SHER" was created to fight crime, illegal gangs, liquidate their bases and protect the constitutional rights of citizens. The detachment consists of professionally trained officers and warrant officers who have undergone special training in Turkey, China, the USA and Russia. Every year in the fall, military personnel take exams for the right to carry " maroon beret» The founder and commander of the detachment was Colonel A.A. Shamsutdinov

Special forces of the State Security Service

Arstan- a secret sabotage and reconnaissance unit, also provides security for the top officials of Kyrgyzstan and guests of the Kyrgyz Republic, disbanded after the 2010 revolution.

Special Forces of the Drug Control Agency (DCA)

Kyrgyi- a unit that carries out reconnaissance, surveillance and further special operations against drug trafficking and the detention of drug traffickers. They cooperate with the Border Troops unit “Boru”.

Special Forces of the Border Troops of the State Committee for National Security

Boru— fight against terror and combat cover in border zones. Deployed in dangerous border areas (on the borders with Uzbekistan and Tajikistan)

Special forces of the State Penitentiary Service

Omega- special forces of the State Penitentiary Service. The main functions are the suppression of riots and unrest in the institutions of the State Penitentiary Service, combat cover during the transfer of especially dangerous criminals.

Police special forces

SOBR— special rapid response units located in regional centers

OMSN- special police detachment, special forces groups are located in each district department of internal affairs

Moldova and Transnistria

The specific state structure of Moldova and the presence in its composition of the unrecognized Transnistrian Moldavian Republic determines the presence in this country of two armed forces independent of each other, and in the recent past, they fought among themselves.

Special Forces of Moldova

OPON- special police squad. The units took an active part in the Transnistrian conflict.

Foulgere- anti-terrorist unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moldova.

Special forces of Transnistria

Presidential Security Service.

Dniester- separate special purpose brigade of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the PMR. The brigade includes special forces

Cobra- separate special purpose reconnaissance company

SOBR- a special police rapid response unit.

Delta- special unit of the MGB of the PMR.

Special Forces Group in the amount of 14 people, consisting of former GRU special forces soldiers. Formed as part of the 2nd Battalion of the National Guard.

Special purpose detachment of the PMR Ministry of Defense.

Special forces squad "Scorpion" of the Ministry of Justice of the PMR


Army special forces

H.J.S.- paratroop special reconnaissance unit.

H.J.K.(Jegerkommando) - reformed from HFJS (Haerens Fallskjermjegerskole), reconnaissance and sabotage unit. In 2006, HJK was officially renamed Fosvarets Spesialkommando/Haerens Jegerkommando (FSK/HJK)

FSK(Fosvarets Spesialkommando) - anti-sabotage, anti-terrorist unit. The main task is to assist the police in the fight against terrorism and protect oil rigs in the North Sea.

Navy Special Forces

M.J.K.(Minedykkertroppen) - anti-sabotage unit.

M.J.L.(Marinejegerlot) - underwater sabotage unit. In 1991, renamed MJK (Marinejegerkommandoen).

MDK(Marinejegerkommandoen) - the Mine Diver Command.


FOES(Fuerza de Operaciones Especiales) - reconnaissance and sabotage unit, consists of paratroopers and combat swimmers. The division is divided into three groups (Grupos de Operaciones Especiales), each of which serves a different region of the country:

GOE-center - located in Callao;

GOE- north - to Caleta Cruz;

GOE- northeast - in the Peruvian jungle, its location is in Pukaipo - (Pucallpo).


Special forces of the Armed Forces

Thunder(Grupa Reagowania Operacyjno-Manewrowego) mobile rapid response group is a special unit of the Polish Army.

1st Special Commando Regiment; military unit of the Special Forces of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland. Assault, combat swimmers.

Formosa- (Morska Jednostka Działań Specjalnych “Formoza”) a special Polish naval unit, consisting of combat swimmers.

Police special forces

SPAP- Samodzielny Pododdział Antyterrorystyczny Policji special police units are available in all voivodeships, their tasks are anti-terrorism, detaining armed criminals.


Army special forces

Commando Battalion(Batalhão de Comandos) - part of the Rapid Reaction Brigade, assault unit (400 people)

Special Forces Squad(Força de Operações Especiais) - part of the Rapid Reaction Brigade, an anti-terrorist unit for operations outside the country (200 people)

Pathfinder Company(Companhia de Precursores Aeroterrestres) - special forces airborne troops, assigned to the Parachute Troops School, acts in the interests of the parachute battalions of the Rapid Reaction Brigade; unit of paratroopers from extreme heights, preparation and reconnaissance of landing bridgeheads (70 people)

Navy Special Forces

Detachment of sapper divers(Destacamentos de Mergulhadores Sapadores) - are administratively subordinate to the fleet command and operationally subordinate to the operational naval command in Oeiras.

Marine Special Forces Division(Destacamento de Acções Especiais) - subordinate to the command of the Marine Corps (Corpo de Fuzileiros), numbering no more than 20 people.

National Republican Guard Special Forces

Presidential Guard Squadron(Esquadrão Presidencial) - presidential security unit;

Grupo de Intervenção de Operações Especiais (GIOE)- special forces of the Republican Guard;

Police special forces

Grupo de Operacoes Especiais (GOE)) - an anti-terrorist special unit within the public security police (Policia de Seguranca Publica). Number - 150 people.


Army special forces

Vulturii— Special Operations Battalion. The deployment of the battalion until 2006 was a state secret, until the Chief of Staff of the US Armed Forces visited it, and the American Embassy in Romania published a press release in this regard, which caused a huge diplomatic scandal. Until this moment, the Romanian intelligence services carried out a number of actions to exclude any discussion of issues about this unit (purpose, name, deployment) on the Internet. Some providers have been prosecuted for such attempts.

HUMINT— Special Operations Battalion. Created on the basis of the 404th reconnaissance and sabotage battalion of the General Staff. At this moment, the battalion has 200 personnel.

HUMINT&CI— NATO Intelligence and Counterintelligence Center, with a Romanian component (Сentru de excelenta de spionaj si contraspionaj al Aliantei Nord-Atlantice, cu componenta romaneasca).

Saudi Arabia

National Guard- special units staffed by Bedouins, adherents of Wahhabism. Created as a counterweight to the army to protect the monarchy.

Brigade No. 1 special purpose named after Faisal bin Turki.

Special anti-terrorist unit. The unit is the most secret in the Arab world, and therefore its departmental affiliation and staff are unknown. It first manifested itself in March 2001, when he had to storm a Russian Tu-154 captured by four Chechen terrorists and landed in Medina. Then his actions, which resulted in the death of three people (including flight attendant Yulia Fomina, who died from a special forces bullet), were harshly criticized by employees of the FSB Special Operations Center.


  • 72nd Commando Reconnaissance Battalion
  • Counter-Terrorist Group of Serbia (PTJ, Anti Terrorist Jedinica)
  • Gendarmerie (Serbia)
  • Special Anti-Terrorist Group (SAI, Special Anti-Terrorism Unit)
  • Special brigade


  • Syrian ground special forces:
  • Special purpose division (three regiments).
  • Separate special forces regiments (18 regiments in total).
  • All units have combat experience.


"FBI SWAT Teams"- this special unit within the FBI was created to combat terrorism and especially dangerous criminals. FBI SWAT tasks: neutralize or destroy terrorists, free hostages, storm buildings, prevent terrorist acts.

"Hostage Rescue Team"- FBI anti-terrorism special unit.

"SWAT» (originally English) Special Weapons Assault Team; now English Special Weapons And Tactics) - special units of the US police.

"SRT"(Special Reaction Team) - military police units in the Army, Marine Corps, Navy and Air Force of the United States, created to respond to high-risk situations within the same military base or formation. The units are equivalent to FBI SWAT or SWAT teams.

The US Armed Forces operate the US Special Operations Command, which includes the United States Special Operations Forces. A common mistake is to call the SOF “US Special Forces,” which is incorrect, since only the Green Berets are “special forces.”

"US Army Special Forces Green Berets" are special operations groups of the US Army. There are 5 groups in the regular army and 2 in the national guard. Each group includes 3 battalions and has about 1,500 people. Each regular army group has its own area of ​​responsibility: Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East, Africa, Latin America. The Green Berets specialize in counter-guerrilla warfare and sabotage operations. The only one US special forces. Under the command of USASFC (United States Army Special Forces Command), which reports to USASOC (United States Army Special Operations Command), which in turn reports to USSOCOM.

75th Army Ranger Regiment The US Army is the oldest unit of the US SOF of the American Army. On this moment consolidated into the 75th Ranger Regiment. They specialize in conducting force (“raid” in American terminology) operations. They have the structure of a standard infantry regiment. We are armed with all types of the most powerful weapons that can be carried manually. The personnel of the deep reconnaissance companies attached to each corps have weapons and training similar to the Rangers, although they do not formally belong to the Special Operations Command. The regiment reports to USASOC.

First Special Forces Operational Detachment "Delta"(First Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta aka 1st SFOD-D) is an operational detachment of the American Army. Created in 1977. Moreover, at first it was planned to create anti-terrorism groups in the United States on the basis of the Green Berets, but the high command of the US Armed Forces decided to create new forces. Based at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. The detachment consists of 3 battalions. It is staffed by the best rangers and special forces. It is part of JSOC - Joint Special Operations Command, one of the components of US SOCOM along with the Army, Marine, Air Force and Marine commands. It is known that the Charlie Platoon of the Delta Force participated in the operation in Mogadishu (1993), in Operation Acid Gambit to free an American citizen. Consolidated instead of DEVGRU into JSOC (Joint Special Operations Command), receiving the name Combat Applications Group (CAG).

160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment "Night Stalkers"(Special Operations Air Regiment) is an army aviation unit operating in the interests of American special forces and MTR. Equipped with helicopters. It can also act as an independent combat unit. Part of USSOCOM.

"SEAL"— The US Navy Special Forces are often called “seals” or “seals” in the media. It is part of NAVSOC, which in turn is subordinate to USSOCOM (as well as the MTR Command of other branches of the military), however, it is not directly subordinate to USSOCOM.

Naval Special Warfare Development Group (NSWDG) or DEVGRU (DEVelopment GRoUp) is the former SEAL Team Six, formed by Richard Marchenko. Together with CAG, it is one of the two main counterterrorism units of the US SOF, under the command of USSOCOM.

US Marine Force Recon (FORECON)— USMC intelligence is considered the elite of an elite branch of the military. The first Marine reconnaissance units were formed during World War II and were called “raiders.” In 2001, during an anti-terrorist operation in Afghanistan, fighters of this special unit captured the airport in Kandahar, which ensured the safe landing of the main allied forces. The main task of KMP reconnaissance is to conduct covert reconnaissance operations at a considerable distance from the coast. Marine Intelligence conducts its operations only in favor of the Corps—Force Recon does not report directly to USSOCOM.

United States Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command (MARSOC)- USMC reconnaissance units under the command of MARSOC (Marine Special Operations Command) (hence, under USSOCOM). Unlike FORECON, it is a unit of the Marine Corps, directly subordinate to USSOCOM.


  • Due to the closed nature of Turkmenistan, information about the special units of this country is limited. Due to the fact that Turkmenistan has not been at war since gaining independence, and the operational situation in the country has remained calm, experts believe that its special forces are less combat-ready compared to similar units of Central Asian states.
  • Army special forces
  • Separate air assault battalion (formerly 4th battalion of the 56th parachute brigade).

Special forces of the Ministry of National Security

  • Special conduct for carrying out sabotage and reconnaissance activities during a special period (created on the basis of a freelance group of the KGB under the “Alarm” plan.
  • Rubezh is a special unit of the border troops of the Ministry of National Security.

Special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

  • Special police unit (created on the basis of riot police).
  • A special unit of the penitentiary system (analogous to the OSN FSIN) - a staff of 20 people, designed to solve problems within penal institutions (riot, hostage-taking, etc.)


Special Forces of the General Staff

  • OKK (Special Purpose Command) is a special reconnaissance unit, better known as “burgundy berets,” whose mission is to conduct reconnaissance and sabotage activities and organize the partisan movement in temporarily occupied territories.

Army special forces

  • 1st Commando Brigade - task - anti-intelligence and anti-sabotage activities, based near Kayseri.
  • 2nd Commando Brigade - based in Bolu.
  • SAS, Su Alti Savunma, Navy Special Forces, Marines - based in Izmir
  • SAT, Su Alti Taaruz, Navy special forces, combat swimmers (sabotage special forces)
  • Special detachment of mountain rangers.

Navy Special Forces

  • SAT (Su Altı Taaruz) is a unit of combat swimmers.
  • Marine brigade - based near Izmir.


  • Army special forces
  • Special Operations Forces Brigade (BSSO).
  • Special forces of the National Security Service
  • Detachment “C” is an anti-terrorist unit (analogous to the Russian Alpha).
  • Special purpose brigade "Kalkon" (Shield).

Special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Separate Rapid Reaction Brigade (SRBR) Previously, the special forces of Uzbekistan were trained in Russian training centers and were trained by Russian instructors. After the cooling of relations with Russia, Uzbek special forces are trained by specialists from the USA, Turkey, and Great Britain. There is also an OBSO (separate special operations battalion) “Kaplan” (“Lynx”), created in 2001 similar to the high-mountain alpine units of Austria (“Jagdkomand”), consisting exclusively of employees with an officer rank who have undergone special training, including themselves, the ability to withstand extreme stress on the body caused by high-altitude conditions, the ability to adequately respond to the slightest changes in the operational situation, and other abilities that put them on an equal level with many special forces in the world.


  • Special forces of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine
  • 10th separate special forces detachment (Kyiv);
  • 3rd separate special purpose regiment (Kirovograd);
  • 8th separate special purpose regiment (Khmelnitsky);
  • Separate reconnaissance and mountain infantry battalions of the Ground Forces of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine
  • 29th separate reconnaissance battalion (Rivne)
  • 54th separate reconnaissance battalion (Novograd-Volynsky)
  • 502nd separate reconnaissance and electronic warfare battalion. Cherkasy Novomoskovsk district Dnipropetrovsk region
  • 15th separate mountain infantry battalion (Uzhgorod) as part of the 128th mechanized brigade (Mukachevo)
  • Also, the 12 tank and mechanized formations (units) of the Ground Forces have reconnaissance
  • Airmobile (landing) units and formations of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine
  • 25th separate Dnepropetrovsk airborne brigade. Gvardeyskoye Novomoskovsk district Dnipropetrovsk region
  • 79th separate airmobile brigade (Nikolaev)
  • 95th separate airmobile brigade (Zhitomir)
  • 80th separate airmobile regiment (Lviv)
  • 102nd separate warehouse of parachute equipment and equipment (Zhitomir) (part of the support)
  • 13th separate airmobile battalion (Zhitomir) as part of the 95th separate airmobile brigade (Zhitomir)

Training units of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

  • 50th separate training detachment of special training (as a separate battalion) (Kirovograd)
  • training airmobile battalion 354 training mechanized regiment of the village. Desna Chernihiv region
  • reconnaissance training company of the 300th training tank regiment of the village. Desna Chernigov region.
  • sniper training company of the 300th training tank regiment of the village. Desna Chernigov region.

Special Forces of the Ukrainian Navy

  • 801st separate detachment for combating underwater sabotage forces and means. (Sevastopol). It includes an anti-combat swimmer team, a special forces group and support units.
  • 73rd Naval Center for Special Operations of the Ukrainian Navy (Ochakov).
  • 1st Marine Battalion (Feodosia). Designed for amphibious operations and use as shock troops in other types of combat operations. The tasks include capturing the coastline, port infrastructure, holding a bridgehead to ensure the transfer and landing of ground forces, as well as the capture of enemy ships and vessels.
  • Reconnaissance company, reconnaissance platoon of the mountain infantry battalion of the 36th brigade of the Ukrainian Navy
  • [edit] Special forces of the military law enforcement service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
  • Anti-terrorist operations in the event of the capture of high-ranking officials and strategic facilities of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine
  • Special Purpose Department of the Northern Territorial Administration Military service law and order in the Armed Forces of Ukraine
  • Special Purpose Department of the Southern Territorial Administration of the Military Law Enforcement Service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine
  • Special Purpose Department of the Western Territorial Administration of the Military Law Enforcement Service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Special forces of the Ukrainian border service

  • mobile border detachment (Bortnichi); at the headquarters of the border service of Ukraine (Kiev)
  • detachment "Foros" - security of special objects;
  • a separate mobile border outpost of the Eastern direction of the Ukrainian Border Service;
  • a separate mobile border outpost of the Northern direction of the Ukrainian border service;
  • a separate mobile border outpost of the Western direction of the Ukrainian border service;
  • a separate mobile border outpost of the Southern direction of the Ukrainian border service;
  • a separate mobile border outpost of the Azov-Black Sea direction of the Ukrainian border service;
  • mobile outposts of border detachments.

Special Forces of the Security Service of Ukraine

Police special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

Golden eagle- a special unit of the Ukrainian police (analogous to the Russian riot police). After the collapse of the USSR in 1991, Ukraine received 5 riot police units located on its territory. Subsequently, they and the operational/special companies of the PPSM were renamed into the Berkut special forces. Structurally, it consists of regiments, battalions, and companies located in all regional centers of Ukraine, Kyiv, and Sevastopol. The main tasks are actions in conditions of extremely complicated operational conditions, the elimination of group hooliganism and riots, the detention or liquidation of armed criminals, and force support for events carried out by local police departments. In normal circumstances, Berkut carries out patrol service to protect public order and is engaged in service training.

Falcon- special unit of the Department for Combating Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. It is staffed mainly by officers. "Sokol" Structurally, it is the special operations department of the regional Organized Crime Control Department. Designed to capture especially dangerous criminals, free hostages, and provide force support for the activities of BOP units.

Titanium— special unit of the State Security Service under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (located in regional centers under the State Security Service). The tasks of the unit include the protection and defense of particularly important and particularly valuable cargo and objects in conditions of increased danger or extreme complications of the operational situation, as well as the provision of security services on a commercial basis to individuals and legal entities.

Griffin- special battalion (company) of the judicial police. The task includes the protection of judges and participants in court hearings in particularly high-profile trials, when the latter’s lives are in real danger, and the protection of participants in the witness protection program.

Cobra- special unit of the traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. The task includes patrolling roads of regional and state significance, searching for stolen vehicles, searching for criminals who have fled from investigation and trial, and combating illegal trafficking in weapons and narcotic drugs. In addition, special forces officers provide escort for top officials of the state and foreign delegations. In 2008, the units were disbanded. In 2010, the unit was restored and staffed with employees transferred from the Berkut and Sokol units. The uniform is standard for traffic police officers, the only difference being white shirts.

Omega- a separate special purpose brigade of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine at military unit 3027.

Special forces GDUVIN

  • A special unit of the State Department of Ukraine for the execution of punishments. The task of the unit is to carry out special measures in places of deprivation of liberty and temporary detention facilities for arrested persons (pre-trial detention centers, prisons): combating riots, releasing hostages, etc.

Medical special forces

  • 699 MOSN at 408 OVG Kyiv


  • Special Operations Command (General Commandant les Operations Speciales (GCOS) Unites under its command all units and formations available in the armed forces intended for conducting reconnaissance deep behind enemy lines, as well as carrying out sabotage actions and other special activities, and units supporting them activities. Tasks - providing military assistance, which consists of training foreign militaries, mainly African states that have entered into an agreement on military assistance with France, conducting military support operations - using the experience of conducting deep raids on enemy territory, combating terrorism, influence operations - involve conducting psychological operations.

GCOS includes:

Units of the Separate Special Command (GSA)— Groupment special autonome:

1st Marine Parachute Regiment- (1 Regiment parachutiste d’infanterie de marine, 1er RPIMa), despite the name it has nothing to do with the Marine Corps. With SAS roots at its core, the 1st Regiment is quite similar to its British counterpart. In order to join the regiment, volunteer candidates undergo a rigorous selection process. The regiment consists of a headquarters, a command company and general services, a training company and three RAPAS combat companies. The training company, if necessary, is capable of forming an additional four RAPAS companies. Each of the RAPAS companies has a specialization:

1st company is intended to conduct operations outside the city, crossing water barriers and protecting and escorting especially important persons.

The 2nd company specializes in operations in urban areas, sabotage and sniping. In addition, company soldiers are trained in the use of mine explosives, and also practice “breaking and entering” techniques.

The 3rd company provides fire support with heavy mortars, air defense, and also conducts reconnaissance on light all-terrain vehicles.

Special Operations Aviation Detachment(Detachment aerien des operations speciales).

  • Five naval special forces units that are part of the Marine Corps and Special Forces Command - Commandement des fusiliers - marins commandos (COFUSCO).

Air Force special forces. These include:

Tenth Parachute Commando Company Air Force— Commando parachutiste de l’air No. 10 (CPA 10). One of the main tasks of the company is to carry out rescue operations on enemy territory for pilots of downed aircraft.

Helicopter Special Operations Squadron— Escadrille des helicopteres speciaux (EHS).

Air Divisionspecialoperations— Division des operations speciales (DOS).

Special forces of the French ground forces

  • The 2nd Parachute Regiment of the Foreign Legion is not formally classified as special forces.

French Navy Special Forces

  • Traditionally, the special forces of the French Navy are named after the officers who were the first commanders.
  • de Penfentegno
  • de Montfort
  • Hubert - a squad of combat swimmers.
  • Joubert
  • Francois. In one of the battles in Indochina, the detachment lost half of its personnel, after which it was withdrawn from the special forces and reorganized into a reserve unit.
  • naval commando units "Trepel".
  • The five remaining units are the French equivalent of the British SBS - Special boat squodron and the American SEALs. However, the Hubert detachment stands out from general list. It is fully staffed with combat swimmers.
  • [edit] Special forces of the French gendarmerie
  • GIGN is a special purpose anti-terrorism unit. Objectives: carrying out anti-terrorist measures, freeing hostages.

South Africa

  • 1 detachment RECCE (Reconnaissance Commando - reconnaissance group) - reconnaissance and sabotage unit (disbanded in 1997).
  • 2nd detachment RECCE - reconnaissance and sabotage unit.
  • 3rd Detachment RECCE - reconnaissance and sabotage unit.
  • 4th Detachment RECCE - a unit of special reconnaissance and sabotage work on the water.
  • 5th RECCE detachment is a reconnaissance and sabotage unit.
  • 6th detachment RECCE - reconnaissance and sabotage unit.
  • 32nd Buffalo Battalion


Army special forces

  • 63rd Airborne Brigade "Sky Otters".
  • 72nd Special Forces Brigade "Mighty Hawks".
  • Cobra is an anti-terrorist unit.
  • Sokolovi is an anti-terrorist unit.
  • Special military police battalions are anti-terrorist units.
  • Special local defense battalions.

Special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

SAJ (Specijalna Antiteroristicka Jedinica)- anti-terrorist unit.

Special purpose battalions (one under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of each republic).


  • Special Assault Team ( English) (Japanese) Tokushu Kyūshū Butai ? ) - anti-terrorist unit of the National Police Agency of Japan ( English)
