Is it possible to prevent conflict? The best way to get out of a conflict is to avoid it.

In public transport, an entertainment venue or on a playground. There are plenty of options. And there are two participants in the conflict: you and your opponent. We will offer 10 points that will tell you how to avoid conflict and keep your nerves in order.

Turn off extrasensory perception

One of the opponents in the conflict must have psychic abilities. He never asks directly; he “reads the thoughts” of his interlocutor.

Let's give an example: Masha went shopping with a friend. In one of the stores, a friend picked out a cute yellow dress for a future party. She doesn’t realize that Masha has the same dress, and she wanted to go to the party in it. While her friend is paying for the purchase, Masha comes up with a story: they say that the girl specifically bought the dress because she treats Masha badly. As a result, the friend's expression of joy leads to a scandal.

If Masha had said directly that she had the same dress and asked to choose a different outfit, the conflict would not have occurred. However, people tend to independently figure out the thoughts and motives of another person. Because of this, an internal conflict arises, turning into hatred. Later it erupts into a scandal.

To avoid conflicts, you need speak directly about your desires, fears and concerns. Don't think they are obvious. People around you simply don’t know that you have a different point of view from them.

Control your emotions

splash negative emotions occurs when released into the blood large quantity norepinephrine. This is one of the hormones stress. If you are a conflict person, work on the physical component of your personality. Glycine D3 can suppress norepinephrine: it has an inhibitory effect, removes “internal shaking” and fear. Blocks utopian thoughts.

Great for helping cope with emotions breathing exercises A.N. Strelnikova. Watch a video demonstration of the complex exercises.

Dim the lights

Bright light excites nervous system . When there is a conflict, mute it or close your eyes. 30–50 seconds in a state of “darkness” will help you concentrate on the problem and find a solution to the conflict.

Make a joke

Most conflicts take place in the wake of mutual accusations. This means that you no need to come up with a joke from scratch - just respond to your opponent's attack. For example, the interlocutor shouts that you are stupid. Smile and say: “But he’s as handsome as a penguin on a helicopter.” A humorous phrase will confuse your interlocutor and allow the conflict to fade away.

Mirror your opponent's claims

To reduce aggression on the part of your interlocutor, mirror him. This way you will quickly come to a constructive dialogue. After each phrase, clarify: “Did I understand you correctly?”, “Do you want to say...”.

Wait for the other person to speak

It is not necessary to actively participate in the conflict. Give your opponent the first word, listen to the claims to the end. During breaks, encourage a further monologue: “And?”, “Continue, please.” Soon the interlocutor will be tired and ready to talk about business.

Admit your mistake

You are not right? Admit the mistake at the beginning of the conflict. This will eliminate the need to listen to hurtful words and waste time arguing.

Acknowledge mistakes with dignity: turn off your emotions, stop blaming yourself. Briefly and succinctly state the situation. Explain why you did what you did. Indicate that you are ready to make things right. The voice should be even, the head slightly raised. If you are worried, postpone the conversation until another time or take a sedative.

Leave the room

The conflict can be stopped by turning around and leaving the room.

Do not implement the advice if the conflict occurred at work. In this case, apologize and ask for a break. Drink water or wash your face to calm your emotions.

Lower your expectations

Conflict presupposes an outcome. Even if the result is reconciliation, the means to achieve it can greatly affect the relationship with the other party. Therefore, leave the dispute unfinished and let your opponent take offense. Return to the conversation when the anger subsides.

Keep your voice down

During a conflict, the conversation becomes louder. Don't let this happen and say your words more quietly. The interlocutor will adapt to your tone. 5-7 minutes of dialogue with a calm intonation provide a 100% solution.

Finally, watch the video that clearly demonstrates how to avoid conflict. Have a good mood!

The content of the article:

Conflict is a situation of confrontation that can arise either between two people or between groups of individuals. This is one of side effects communication between different personalities with different views, characters, goals and worldviews. It cannot be eradicated, but it can be avoided or minimized. To do this, you need to know the nature of conflicts and the basic methods of preventing them.

The concept of conflict and its types

There are many definitions that describe the concept of conflict. But at the same time everything is shown the main point of this phenomenon - opposition, contradiction, confrontation between people, expressed out loud.

This is a complex dynamic process, which gets its name from the Latin “conflictus”, which means collision. It can be based on subjective or objective “inconsistencies”. More often it has an open character and is accompanied by emotions with a “minus” sign, but it allows you to consider the issue from all sides and hear the opposite point of view.

In the process of formation, a conflict situation has several successive stages development:

  • Subject stage. This is the stage of the emergence of a conflict, when the subject of divergence of views is discovered.
  • Conflict interaction. At this stage, the discovered subject of conflict is expressed openly. The confrontation is developing.
  • Conflict resolution. There can be two options for the ending: complete repayment of the conflict, when the situation is resolved, or partial, when it only subsides or is postponed until later.
The modern classification of conflicts is based on many factors: the number of participants in a conflict situation, its manifestation, consequences, forms of confrontation, etc. Therefore, the number of types of such confrontation is very large. Here are some of the most popular classifications: conflict situations.

Main types of conflicts:

  1. According to the social consequences. According to their outcome, confrontations can be successful or failed, destructive or constructive, constructive or destructive.
  2. By levels of parties to the conflict. Depending on who acts as the warring parties, conflicts are distinguished between individuals or groups of people, between associations, state entities and cultures.
  3. By source of occurrence. The following topics can lead to confrontation between the parties: discrepancy between values, identification, interests.
  4. According to the form of confrontation. Confrontation can manifest itself openly, aggressively or peacefully.
  5. By scale. Depending on how many participants the conflict situation involves, it can be local (local) and limited to a few people or a team, as well as regional, when entire regions come into conflict. Also, the conflict can grow to interstate and global proportions.
  6. In relation to the participants’ attitude to the conflict situation itself. Considering that the parties to the conflict themselves may have different attitudes towards the misunderstanding that has arisen, the confrontation can be genuine, accidental, hidden or false, objective or subjective.
  7. By tactics. The manifestation of confrontation can occur in different shapes: in the form of debates and debates, in the form of a game, or more harshly - in the form of active physical influence (fight, military action).

Causes of conflicts

Human existence is multifaceted, and therefore the reasons for confrontation can affect the most different areas human activity. The conflict can be based on purely emotional hostility, non-acceptance of certain forms of behavior or certain situations, etc. Let’s focus on the most significant factors that create conflict situations.

Common causes of conflicts:

  • Goals. Misunderstanding or rejection of the desired result, when people see the outcome of their activities (actions, decisions, behavior) differently, often leads to confrontation.
  • Views. Often a conflict arises between parties who differ in their vision of ways to solve a certain situation (problem).
  • Feelings. A conflict situation can also be of a purely personal nature, when its participants simply cannot agree on the level of emotions and feelings towards each other.
If we consider these causal factors from the perspective of areas of human activity, they will look like this:
  1. Causes of social conflicts. Social confrontation is a necessary condition for the development of society. It can be based on several positions: social inequality, heterogeneity of culture and customs, differences in values ​​and ideology. Many social confrontations are based on economic factors and the degree of distribution of power. Within a family, the reasons for conflicts can be different views on life, raising children, intimate relationships, jealousy, financial and everyday problems, bad habits and addictions.
  2. Causes of conflicts within an organization. Being forced to be within a heterogeneous team within the same organization inevitably leads to confrontations. The spark for the flare-up of a conflict in this case can be the struggle for leadership, unsatisfactory working conditions, differences in interests, understanding of the labor process and subordination, distribution of material benefits and incentives.
  3. Causes interethnic conflicts . The desire to improve the economic situation or boundaries of influence, living conditions, restoration of lost rights or geographical boundaries. Historical, religious and confessional differences provide no less reasons for ethnic hatred, political games and the numerical superiority of one nation over another.
Understanding the cause of a conflict situation gives a great advantage to those who want to manage it. Most effective method How to avoid conflict is based precisely on knowledge of its nature.

How to Avoid Conflict

Most people who become participants in a confrontation try to justify their behavior by circumstances, emotional background, provocative behavior of the interlocutor, etc. They don't even realize that there are ways to avoid conflict - in any situation.

There are some tips general, which will help nip the conflict “in the bud” regardless of what its cause is and how many participants there are:
  • Keep your emotions under control. The best way warning or constructive completion of a conflict situation - turning off emotions and your Ego. It is a “sober head” that will help to conduct a dialogue in such a way that you will not later regret what was said or done.
  • Don't beat yourself up. Learn to live in this moment, without running your thoughts and fantasies into the future - do not think up what is not there and what has not yet happened. It often happens that we deceive ourselves, building in our heads unimaginable variations in the development of events, on which we then base our claims. Although it turns out that they all turned out to be far-fetched.
  • Be attentive to your interlocutor. If you have a reason to discuss a problem, give advice or find out something, choose to talk right time- when the interlocutor is in the mood for dialogue. If he is out of sorts, tired, upset or angry, you have every chance of turning communication into a conflict situation.
  • Don't remember the past. Make it a rule not to “link” past misdeeds and mistakes of your interlocutor to today’s problem. Such tactics will only worsen the confrontation. This is a very effective way to avoid conflicts with loved ones.
  • Do not accumulate grievances and problems within yourself. Unresolved controversial issues, unexpressed experiences and grievances tend to accumulate and splash out in a fountain of negative emotions. Naturally, conflicts cannot be avoided during such outbursts.
  • Stay calm and polite. To ensure that a conflict situation is quickly resolved or does not arise at all, watch your speech. Don’t be hysterical, speak in a calm tone, without insults, ridicule or mockery.

How to avoid conflicts with your boss

A large part of our lives is spent at work, so the potential for misunderstandings in this area of ​​life is great. Moreover, they can arise on several levels - with colleagues or with a higher-ranking employee or boss.

The main rules on how to avoid conflicts at work with your boss:

  1. The boss is always right. Remember this main principle any guide. And even if it is very difficult to comply with it, in any case your opposition should be thoughtful, tactful and adequate.
  2. Calm, just calm. If you have fallen under the hot hand of your boss or consider the claims made against you to be unfounded, restrain yourself from a violent response. Wait until the “aggressor” calms down, and only then find out all the points you don’t understand.
  3. Stop gossip. Make it a rule not to discuss management with your colleagues. Even outside of work and in informal settings. There is no guarantee that your words will not reach the ears of the object of discussion.
  4. Right Relationships. Avoid frivolity and ingratiation when communicating with management. Only professionalism in communication and behavior will help you avoid confrontation with both management and colleagues.

How to avoid conflicts with colleagues

Basic ways to avoid conflicts with work colleagues:
  • Keep your distance. A working relationship will not only provide you with the most effective conditions work, but will not make you an object or victim of gossip.
  • Be impartial. If you are drawn into a conflict, do not choose sides and remain neutral. You don’t know how it will end and what consequences it will leave behind. Be calm and reasonable even when you are one of the parties to a conflict situation. Even if the cause of the conflict is personal “intolerance.”
  • Follow the one-on-one principle. Try to seek resolution to any misunderstandings and disagreements alone with your interlocutor, outside the group.
  • Respect the experience of others. If you are uncomfortable with comments or attempts to interfere in your work by more experienced employees, do not hesitate to calmly find out the reason for this attitude towards yourself. If you are truly “sinful”, accept help and improve.

How to avoid conflicts with friends

Life shows that moments of misunderstanding and disagreement can arise even between the most best friends. Given the same life, there are never too many good friends, so you shouldn’t risk them and enter into confrontation with them.
  1. Avoid conflicts. If you see that your friend is aggressive and a conflict situation is inevitable, physically move away from the confrontation. You can remember about urgent matters, an unresolved problem, an iron not turned off - anything that will give you a reason to stop communicating with a friend at the moment of his “inadequacy”.
  2. Pause. Try not to react to comments and barbs immediately, especially if they are petty and insignificant. Use classic method counts up to 10. And then it will be clear how to answer and whether it is worth answering at all.
  3. Set your priorities. If a conflict is inevitable, think about what is more important to you - to preserve friendly relations or prove your point. In this case, you can blindly agree with the instigator or try to find a solution together. amicable solution the problem that has arisen.

How to avoid conflicts with parents

The conflict between fathers and children is an eternal problem of relationships, the relevance of which will exist as long as its participants themselves. Parental love combined with life experience is not always found mutual language with youth and the desire for independence.

Basic principles on how to avoid conflicts with loved ones:

  • Don't be afraid to admit your mistakes. Try to approach the causes of conflicts impartially and correct when necessary.
  • Don't give in to your feelings. Leave without response provocations and intentions to throw you off balance. Often emotions prevent you from seeing the root of the problem and the correct way to solve it.
  • Be tactful and forgiving. Politeness, a calm tone and the ability to listen without interrupting are the best ways to show importance good relations with loved ones. Make allowances for your relatives’ age, emotional background, and health status. Everyone experiences mood swings and poor health.
  • Prevent conflicts. Do not accumulate resentment and misunderstandings so that they do not create the basis for confrontation.

How to avoid conflicts with children

No less reasons for misunderstanding and conflict may arise with your own children. This makes it much more difficult to maintain a productive parent-child bond.

The main rules on how to avoid conflicts with children:

  1. Look to the root of the problem. Very often, children use conflict situations to attract attention. And parents - first of all. Learn to first see the cause of the confrontation that has arisen and only then choose the path to resolve it.
  2. Criticize correctly. It is unpleasant for a child, like any adult, to hear criticism addressed to him. Therefore, try to make comments to your child correctly: firstly, essentially, and secondly, with continuation, that is, explaining how he can improve and become better.
  3. Explain your refusals. If you don't intend to satisfy your child's every desire, learn to argue for it. Ignoring will only worsen the problem, since the child perceives such an attitude towards himself as indifference.
  4. Communicate with children more often. It is confidential communication that makes it possible to find out everything that your child breathes - his fears, desires, moods, dreams. And, accordingly, avoid conflict situations.

How to avoid conflicts with your loved one

If relationships with parents and children are blood relationships, then relationships with your other half have a slightly different perspective. This perspective provides a lot of reasons for conflicts to arise. And if you can't find the best way, how to avoid conflicts in the family, this family may or may not exist, or not become.

Basic ways to avoid conflicts with your partner:

  • Respect your other half. Remember that your soulmate is a person who has his own tastes, habits, interests and preferences. In the end, this is the kind of person you fell in love with.
  • Be sincere and honest. The best cement for strengthening relationships is sincerity and openness. At the same time, do not forget that it is dishonest to demand from your partner what you cannot do or do not possess yourself.
  • Listen to yourself. Before you start a conflict or get offended, look inside yourself. Perhaps you are talking about emotions, fatigue or ordinary hunger. And keep in mind that your other half may be driven by the same reasons.
  • Be more kind. It is well known that a kind word is also pleasant for a cat. Therefore, notice more good things in your partner, praise and motivate.

Important! Remember that happy people simply do not have time and reason to sort things out with someone and gossip.

How to avoid conflicts - watch the video:

IN modern world conflicts have fertile ground for development, but this does not mean that this state of affairs should be accepted as the norm. Peaceful communication and mutual understanding make life more beautiful and fruitful. Therefore, it is worth fighting to reduce all confrontations to a minimum.

“I assure husbands that in every dispute the wife will be convinced by the statement: “You are my dearest treasure!” It is impossible to explain why men so rarely turn to this wonderful argument." © Vladimir Levi

What does it mean to avoid conflict?

Avoiding conflict is one of the strategies for getting out of conflict. Evasion or avoidance is an attempt to get away from conflict at a minimum cost.

Typically, a conflict participant chooses this method of conflict resolution after unsuccessful attempts realize your interests with the help active strategies, such as cooperation or compromise. Actually, the conversation is not about resolution, but about the fading of the conflict.

Avoidance can be an effective conflict resolution

Firstly, avoidance can be a completely constructive way out of a protracted conflict. Secondly, if the conflict does not affect the direct interests of both conflicting parties or when the disagreements that arise are not so important for the parties and they do not need to defend their rights, the conflict can be avoided. Conflict is also avoided when one of the opponents does not want to waste time and energy on resolving a controversial issue.

In what cases is it better to avoid conflict?

Conflict can be avoided in cases where one of the opponents has great power, or when he feels that he is absolutely in the wrong.

Use the opportunity to avoid conflict when for at least one of the opponents the relationship is more important than their own interests and principles.

Benefits of Avoiding Conflict

You should not think that avoiding conflict is an escape from the problem. Avoiding conflict will allow you to buy time to study the conflict situation and gain Additional information before coming to a solution to the problem.

Several ways to avoid conflict

In order to avoid conflict, first understand the reasons that prompt you to go into conflict. This could be your inner desire to dominate, aggression and other unconscious motives. Any conscious or unconscious motives can provoke conflict. Therefore, no matter how trivial it may sound, in order to avoid conflict you do not need to do or say anything that may cause misunderstanding or alienation from your opponent.

Life is full of clashes and disagreements, so you must find a more conservative way to respond to them. For example, acts of genuine kindness and empathy can go a long way toward easing conflict. especially since kindness is defense mechanism from the negative feelings that conflict causes.

Understand your counterpart to avoid unnecessary conflict

Get to know his state of mind, understand what he wants, what makes him go into conflict. By showing empathy and kindness, you can already avoid conflict.

If you value relationships or the person himself does not need to continue arguing, it is better, of course, to avoid conflict. WITH show the person something nice, such as a compliment or good news. This will ease a tense situation and may lead to mutual understanding.

How else can you avoid conflict?

Don't follow the lead of provocateurs. A person who avoids conflicts tries not to communicate with such people. There will always be those around who are interested in involving others in conflict. If you still have to contact a potential provocateur, try to control your emotions. Thus avoiding unnecessary conflict.

In general, try to avoid as much as possible. negative people and dramatic situations, because they are the main destroyers of self-confidence and inner harmony. Surround yourself with positive and happy people who will not provoke you or involve you in conflict situations.

How to avoid generational conflict?

The only way out of this situation is to accept the views of the other side, mutual respect and tolerance. For example, pensioners, having stopped performing their daily professional responsibilities, find themselves in a difficult psychological situation when they need help and support from loved ones.

Teenagers, in turn, are at an age when categorical behavior and complete denial of the opinions of adults is normal for them. Between pensioners and young people stand mature people, who may also suffer from different views on the lives of their parents or children. IN in this case Each party must be tolerant of and respect the opinions of others. Only such mutual understanding can be the answer to the question of how to avoid conflict between different generations.

Should conflicts always be avoided?

A conflict situation is always a clash of interests. Such a confrontation assumes that each side will try to defend its desires and point of view, which will inevitably lead to various kinds disagreements. Of course, it is difficult to argue with the fact that a bad peace is better than a good quarrel, and it is better to remain silent somewhere than to provoke a conflict.

But if you look at the situation from the other side, it turns out that conflicts also have certain benefits. For example, they help to understand existing problems. This applies to both personal relationships and business ones. Expressing your opinion is always better than silently experiencing your own dissatisfaction.

“One philosopher studied dispassion for three years, paying a coin to every person who insulted him. When his apprenticeship ended, the philosopher stopped giving out money, but his skills remained: one day he was insulted by some ignoramus, and instead of attacking him with his fists, he laughed. “Wow,” he said, “today I got for free what I paid for three whole years!”

IN Everyday life We often encounter the fact that someone has ruined our mood. Could this have been avoided? And who is really to blame for the spoiled mood: the one we consider to be the culprit, or our perception of what happened? Or maybe, in fact, the problem lies within us and we don’t understand something or don’t know how to do something? After all, if we continue to experience this event, it means unresolved conflict remained in us.

There is no doubt that there is a fairly broad category of people - brawlers who project their inner conflicts and contradictions on others. Such people are easy to identify. They find fault with everything, make comments to everyone, try to teach and express their dissatisfaction with everything.

Scandalists do not accept the world just the way he is. They have a clear idea of ​​what it should be like, who should do what and what should not be done. They try to dominate at every opportunity and impose their worldview on others, which constantly provokes conflicts.

Such people are always in tension. They are not in harmony with the outside world around them; it is difficult for them to realize themselves. And they accumulate chronic dissatisfaction, which they try to express to others at every opportunity.

In order for such a person to express his dissatisfaction or make a remark to you, there is not necessarily a serious reason for it. He usually himself is just looking for a reason to reveal his hidden internal conflicts.

Learn avoid scandals When communicating with such people it is not difficult. It is enough to understand the hidden mechanisms and motives of conflicts. After all, you can only influence what resists. It is enough to remove the fulcrum for the conflict, and their impact on you will become impossible. And the fulcrum of influence on you is your Ego, your perception of this situation, your beliefs, your thoughts and words. It is quite difficult to curb your Ego and this is not a matter of one day, but in this case you can simply leave the line of influence and thus prevent conflict.

To deprive the brawler of the opportunity to drag you into conflict, the following should be applied rules:

1. Do not react to provocations. Don't retaliate. Brawlers are like unbalanced dogs looking for a reason to bark at someone. Don't be like them. You don't get down on all fours and start barking at a dog that barked at you?

2. Do not get involved in dialogue with brawlers. Don't start a conversation with them or support the topic they propose. Remember that all this is a provocation.

3. Don't make excuses if they attack. This is not the best way to protect yourself. If you have nothing to say, remain silent, pause.

4. Avoid answering questions from scandalists. Ignore them or answer questions with questions, depriving them of the opportunity to “play on their own field.” Ask counter questions, but remember that they should not be provocative.

5. Don't get personal. If the scandalous person touches on your personality, try to move the conversation to another topic.

When communicating, remain calm and cool. Understand what's behind every word. Think that there is so much beauty around and there is no reason to worry.

Remember: brawlers are just waiting for your response. They deliberately provoke conflict in order to recreate their Ego, which is in conflict with the outside world, and by entering into dialogue with them, you can fully experience this conflict for yourself.

But any conflict cannot be one-sided. In order for a conflict to be transmitted to you, it needs a response from you. If you get rid of your internal conflicts, then external conflicts and brawlers will disappear from your life along with them.

And I will tell you how to learn this in the following articles.

Stanislav Milevich

P.S. When you meet conflicting people who can “get under your skin,” thank fate for giving you the opportunity to practice eliminating the imperfections of your worldview and communication. Practice interacting with them until you learn to accept them as part of the harmonious world around you.

Arguments with a loved one, family members or colleagues can have many consequences: educational, beneficial, destructive or painful. Most people would agree that arguing is exhausting. If you are looking for ways to avoid conflict situations, there are immediate steps to prevent quarrels both now and in the future.


Stopping a quarrel

    Try to understand what the other person is concerned about. If a person starts a fight or reacts inappropriately to your comments, express everything in words. For example, say, “I understand that this issue is important to you,” or “I understand that you think my idea is a bad idea, but I don’t think so.”

    • If the situation begins to heat up or events develop too quickly, simply remove yourself from the conflict. Say that you need a break and that you will return to discuss the issue later.
  1. Calmly discuss the reasons for each other's anxiety. Try to conduct the conversation as emotionally stable as possible. Don't shout or descend into accusations. It is better to express your point of view briefly and clearly. It will be easier for a person to answer specific example rather than something vague, general or accusatory.

    • Although it may be difficult, try to limit the argument to 1-2 main issues. There is no need to turn it into a fight on the battlefield, where every single flaw in your relationship or friendship is revealed.
  2. Give the person a chance to speak. This means that you actually have to listen to what they are saying to you. There is no need to look for arguments and arguments weak spots. Try to understand what they want to convey to you, regardless of whether you like it or not.

    • Don't rush the other person. Allow him to collect his thoughts and justify his arguments at a pace that is convenient for him. This way he will see your respect and willingness to listen.
  3. Answer with respect. If you do not agree with what has been said, try to find reasons for these arguments rather than immediately argue. Take a few minutes to collect your thoughts before answering. This will prevent you from uttering words that could be offensive to your interlocutor. For example: “Now I understand why you are upset.”

    • If you meet the person halfway, most likely you will also receive a positive reaction to your comments.
  4. Pay attention to your body language. This is just as important as yelling, blaming, or getting personal. Use body language that encourages open communication, such as not crossing your arms and trying to adopt a relaxed posture. Also, in a critical situation, eye contact is very important.

    • Avoid defensive gestures such as crossing your arms, pointing your finger, avoiding your gaze, or hiding your hands. These are all signals that you don't want to talk.
  5. Use a sense of humor. There is no need to make arguments with utmost seriousness. If you think it would be appropriate and the other person is receptive to humor, make a joke a couple of times. This will ease tension and show the other person that you are not defensive or taking things too personally.

    • Never joke at the expense of another person. This will only worsen the conflict.

    Conflict Prevention

    1. Continue to always be a good listener. Never take an inflexible position. Instead, constantly listen carefully to what others are thinking and what they are saying. If the person mentions something that bothers them, take it seriously and respond or apologize.

      • Active listening and responding makes communication easier overall.
    2. Try not to defend your rightness every time. This is a huge source of quarrels between people. Learn to admit when you're wrong. Learn to join the flow and communicate without finding out who is “right” and who is “wrong”.

      • At first it may be difficult to stop and not defend your position to the end, but over time you will notice that your stress level decreases. Without having to always be right, you will be able to enjoy life and respect other people.
    3. If a conflict arises in a relationship, spend some time alone with yourself. Sometimes people just get tired of each other, especially if they see each other too often. Take a break to reduce tension and appreciate each other's time together even more.

      • Time spent with friends will help you strengthen your outlook and fill you with positivity and a cheerful attitude. Perhaps your partner also needs time for himself and his friends.
    4. Put yourself in the other person's shoes. You will learn empathy and better understand what someone is going through. Don't wait for a quarrel when all this may open up. Instead, regularly try to understand the other person's problems and joys. This will make you more connected and less prone to conflict.

      Schedule important discussions. If something excites you, think about how to present it to another person. Decide what you will say, how and when. Keep your arguments short and clear.

      • Don't bring up an issue when passions are heated or without careful thought. Otherwise, you will simply offend the person, receive an emotional response, or simply quarrel.
    5. Sign up for psychological consultation or take up meditation. If you are still struggling with conflict situations, seek help. Invite the other person to consult with a psychologist or practice meditation together. If you are refused, go to therapy yourself. While this may not solve all your problems, you can learn to respond appropriately and feel better about the situation.
