Educational opportunities for practice-oriented learning for students. The essence of practice-oriented training



1.1. Comparative characteristics of existing technologies for teaching students.

1.2. Assessment of the situation of teaching chemistry students in educational institution.

1.3. The essence and technological characteristics of practice-oriented learning for students.

1.4. From the history of the formation of a practice-oriented approach to teaching students.

1.5. Criteria for assessing the educational effectiveness of practice-oriented training.

Conclusions on the first chapter.


2.1. Practice-oriented approach to content development educational material lesson.

2.2. Structuring the lesson in accordance with the practice-oriented approach to learning.

2.3. Methods for diagnosing the effectiveness of practice-oriented learning for students.

2.4. Experimental testing of the educational effectiveness of practice-oriented training.

Conclusions on the second chapter.

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Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) on the topic “Educational opportunities for practice-oriented teaching of students”

The relevance of research. IN modern conditions It is especially important to organize the learning process so that its educational result is manifested in the development of one’s own internal motivation for learning, thinking, imagination, creativity, sustainable cognitive interest of students, in the formation of a system of vitally important, practically in demand knowledge and skills, ecological culture, which allows students to adapt to life and treat it actively and creatively.

The goals of education in a modern Russian school include not only the acquisition of knowledge, but also general development students. For this purpose, more and more new technologies are being developed: programmed training, phased formation of mental actions (P.Ya. Galperin), developmental training (V.V. Davydov, L.V. Zankov, D.B. Elkonin), personality-oriented training (V.I. Zagvyazinsky, E.F. Zeer, V.P. Zinchenko, I.S. Yakimanskaya), as well as a number of innovative areas, such as vital education (A.S. Belkin), humane pragmatism based on anthropic principle(V.D. Semenov), ethical pedagogy (M.N. Dudina), etc.

However, despite the fact that there are creatively working teachers in educational institutions, new directions in the technology of the educational process are sometimes slowly implemented in mass practice. The problem is that the educational material that is used in the learning process is far removed from the actual practice and life experience of students; they are rarely discussed in training sessions practical problems and situations from Everyday life. Most often this happens due to the confusion of the tasks and functions of science and the academic subject, their unjustified convergence. As a result, the learning process becomes overly complicated and disconnected from real life, which leads to students losing interest in learning.

For a solid assimilation of knowledge in a particular subject, it is necessary to form a positive attitude and interest among students in the material being studied. They usually perceive material that is interesting, familiar, and personally meaningful as less difficult. Therefore, the teacher is faced with the task of organizing the educational process so that it becomes a cognitive, creative process in which students’ educational activities become successful and knowledge is in demand. One possible solution to this problem is to develop a practice-oriented approach to student learning.

The essence of practice-oriented learning is to build the educational process based on the unity of the emotional-imaginative and logical components of the content; acquiring new knowledge and forming practical experience their use in solving vital tasks and problems; emotional and cognitive saturation of students’ creative search.

The relevance of developing practice-oriented training lies in the fact that this approach can significantly increase the effectiveness of training. This is facilitated by a system for selecting the content of educational material, which helps students assess the significance and practical relevance of the acquired knowledge and skills. Creative homework assignments are widely used in the learning process; students have the opportunity to turn to their imagination and creativity. In the practice-oriented educational process, students not only apply their existing life experience, but also form new experience on the basis of newly acquired knowledge. This experience becomes the basis for the development of students and the formation of their environmental consciousness.

Practice-oriented learning in accordance with the idea of ​​humanization of education allows us to overcome the alienation of science from people, reveals the connections between knowledge and the everyday life of people, the problems that arise before them in the process of life. Along with a consistent and logical presentation of the fundamentals of science at all stages of education, each topic studied contains material reflecting its significance, the place of one or another natural pattern in everyday life.

The system of practice-oriented training we have developed includes elements of traditional and problem-based learning, on the one hand, and personality-oriented and vitality-based learning, on the other. At the same time, thanks to the integration into a single whole, the disadvantages inherent in each system separately are eliminated, since the shortcomings of one system are balanced by the advantages of the other.

The relevance of developing practice-oriented training for students is due to the following circumstances:

Within the framework of a practice-oriented approach, the effectiveness of learning is significantly increased due to an increase in the student’s personal status and the practice-oriented content of the material being studied;

In the process of interaction in the “teacher-student” system, feedback channels are constantly operating;

The system develops students' interest in creativity and allows them to experience the joy of creative activity.

The degree of development of the problem. In the psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature, various approaches to organizing the educational process of students are discussed (V.V. Davydov, M.V. Klarin, P.I. Tretyakov, T.N. Shamova, etc.).

The logic of the study was influenced by works on didactic problems (I.Ya. Lerner, V. Okon, M.N. Skatkin, etc.), a number of learning theories that explain the essence in different ways didactic process and offering various ways its construction (A.S. Belkin, P.Ya. Galperin, V.I. Zagvyazinsky, JI.B. Zankov, E.F. Zeer, V.D. Semenov, I.S. Yakimanskaya, etc.).

A significant contribution to the substantive aspect of the study was made by works devoted to the problem of implementing in the learning process the system of principles of modern didactics, acting in integral unity and interaction (B.S. Bezrukova, O.S. Grebeshok, A.A. Kirsanov, I.Ya. Kuramshin, N.N. Tulkibaeva, Yu.S. Tyunnikov and others).

Didactic and methodological approaches to the selection and structuring of the content of educational material are reflected in the works of O.S. Zaitseva, N.E. Kuznetsova, E.E. Minchenkova, S.T. Satbaldina, V.V. Sorokina, E.V. Tkachenko, L. A. Tsvetkova and others.

A number of works by I.P. are devoted to the study of various aspects of lesson design and the development of its structure taking into account the specifics of the acquired content. Volkova, T.I. Goncharova, Yu.B. Zotova, E.H. Ilyina, S.N. Lysenkova, M.I. Makhmutova, V.A. Onshtsuka, A.M. Sokhora, V.F. Shatalova and others.

In the publications studied by the author, no developments were found that reveal the essence of practice-oriented learning with educational opportunities. The existing system of selection and structuring of educational content does not allow the majority of students to realize the social and personal necessity of the knowledge they acquire, does not awaken cognitive interest, and does not imply the widespread use in learning of activities aimed at intellectual development students, which affects the effectiveness of the educational process and makes it difficult for students to practically apply knowledge to explain problems that arise in the process of their life. This situation is explained by the contradiction that has arisen between the need for students to master a system of vitally important, practically in demand knowledge and skills, to develop their creative abilities, to develop their environmental consciousness and the insufficient research into practice-oriented learning and its educational opportunities.

Identifying this contradiction allowed us to define the research problem: what are the ways and means of effectively implementing practice-oriented learning?

The relevance of the problem under consideration served as the basis for determining the topic of the dissertation research: “Educational opportunities for practice-oriented teaching of students.”

We introduced a limitation in the study: when considering practice-oriented learning for students, we limited ourselves to studying the problem using the example of the academic subject “Chemistry”.

The object of research is the process of student learning.

The subject of the research is ways and means of implementing a practice-oriented approach in the learning process of students.

The purpose of the study is to identify ways and means of implementing practice-oriented learning for students and its educational opportunities.

The dissertation research is based on the following hypothesis. Practice-oriented learning for students will be effective if:

Determine the functions, develop rules and content for its implementation in the educational process;

Identify educational opportunities for training based on a practice-oriented approach.

In accordance with the goals and hypothesis of the study, the following tasks were defined:

1. Study the state of the problem under study in pedagogical theory and practice.

2. Determine the functions, develop rules and content for the implementation of a practice-oriented approach to student learning.

3. Develop and test the structure of a practice-oriented training session.

4. Identify educational opportunities for practice-oriented training.

5. Experimentally test the degree of effectiveness of practice-oriented learning for students.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study were fundamental works in the field of methodology of psychological and pedagogical sciences (J.I.C. Vygotsky, V.I. Zagvyazinsky, P.F. Kapterev, Ya.A. Komensky, A.N. Leontiev, A.S. Makarenko, V. .A. Sukhomlinsky), theoretical principles of individualization of training (B.I. Vershinin, A.A. Kirsanov, I.E. Unt), conceptual works in the field of theory and practice of education and training (A.S. Belkin, V.P. Bespalko, M.V. Klarin, V.S. Lednev, I.Ya. Lerner, V.D. Semenov, N.F. Talyzina), scientific provisions on the essence of didactic principles in teaching (B.S. Bezrukova, O.S. Grebenyuk, L.V. Zankov, Ya A. Komensky, V. N. Maksimova, M. I. Makhmutov, M. N. Skatkin, V. V. Shapkin).

During the study, various theoretical and experimental methods were used. Theoretical research methods included analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the problem, generalization and systematization scientific provisions on the topic of research, consideration of educational program documentation, textbooks, educational and methodological materials on teaching at school, analysis of the state of the problem of teaching in the system of general secondary education and personal teaching experience. Among the experimental methods, surveys of students and teachers, pedagogical observation of students’ activities, experimental training, midterm and final control of knowledge, skills, abilities, the method of expert assessments and a pedagogical experiment were used. Main stages of the study

At the first stage, the theoretical-search stage (1994-1995), the main tasks were the study of literature and the theoretical justification of the study; his hypothesis, problem and objectives were formulated. Based on the results of the theoretical and exploratory stage of the study, a practice-oriented approach to teaching students has been developed, which has educational opportunities and allows students to master a system of vitally important, practically in demand knowledge and skills.

At the second stage, the pilot stage (1995-1998), the practice-oriented learning of students with educational opportunities was experimentally tested and adjusted. At this stage of the study, experimental teaching of chemistry was carried out for students in grades 8-10 of the municipal educational institution No. 173 of Yekaterinburg - mining and geological lyceum, and the results of the experimental work were analyzed. During the formative experiment, the main provisions of the hypothesis were tested.

At the third stage, the final one (1998-1999), an analysis and synthesis of the research results were carried out; correction of conclusions obtained in the first and second stages of the study; introduction of a practice-oriented approach to teaching chemistry into the educational process of the mining and geological lyceum.

The scientific novelty of the study is as follows:

1. The essence is determined, functions are identified, rules and content for the implementation of a practice-oriented approach to student learning are developed.

2. The influence of practice-oriented learning on the selection and structuring of the content of lesson material, the choice of methods, means and forms of teaching has been studied.

3. The structure of a practice-oriented training session has been developed, reflecting both the content and process side of training.

4. The educational possibilities of practice-oriented learning for students have been identified and the effectiveness of its implementation has been experimentally proven.

The theoretical significance of the study lies in determining the functions and rules for the implementation of practice-oriented training, which lays the foundations for social and professional mobility based on balanced relationships between the individual and the environment.

The practical significance of the study is that with the participation of the author, a system for selecting and organizing the content of educational material of the lesson, the structure of a practice-oriented lesson was developed and implemented in the educational process, the choice of methods, means and forms of training was carried out in accordance with the functions and rules for the implementation of practice-oriented training; the content of a practice-oriented learning process was developed and implemented using the example of the academic discipline “Chemistry”: a system of conducting an experiment within the framework of a practice-oriented approach to teaching chemistry, educational and cognitive tasks containing problems encountered in everyday life, diagnostic tasks to determine the level of motivation, training, consumer culture of students.

The results of the study can be used in practice educational institutions.

The testing of the research results was carried out in the educational process of the municipal educational institution No. 173 of Yekaterinburg - the mining and geological lyceum. The results of the study were presented and approved at scientific and scientific-practical conferences and seminars:

International seminar on teaching chemistry at school “Pushchinskaya autumn - 96” (Moscow, 1996);

Russian scientific and practical conference “Improving the academic level of educational institutions based on new educational technologies” (Ekaterinburg, 1997);

Scientific and practical conference “Quality - in the name of better life"(Tomsk, 1997);

Scientific and practical conferences " Innovative technologies in pedagogy and production" (Ekaterinburg, 1997, 1998);

International scientific and practical conference “Teaching technology as a factor in the development of the creative potential of the individual” (Krasnoyarsk, 1998);

Post-symposium on chemical education within the framework of the 16th Mendeleev Congress (Moscow, 1998);

Scientific and practical conference “Professional competence of a teacher and innovative processes in education” (Ekaterinburg, 1999);

All-Russian scientific and practical conference “Education is the basis sustainable development"(Ekaterinburg, 1999).

The following are submitted for defense:

1. Definition of practice-oriented learning as a didactic approach to teaching students, based on the unity of the emotional-imaginative and logical components of the content, the acquisition of new knowledge and the formation of practical experience in their use, emotional and cognitive components when performing creative tasks.

2. A set of educational opportunities for practice-oriented learning: motivation of learning, cognitive interest, student training, consumer culture as a form of manifestation of environmental consciousness.

3. The structure of a practice-oriented lesson as an educational session, reflecting the development of the content and procedural aspects of the educational process, including blocks: motivational, synectic, implementation, algorithmic, binary, modeling, continuity - and allowing maximum use of the possibilities of content and teaching methods for practical -oriented construction of the educational process.

Structure and scope of the dissertation. The dissertation consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references, and appendices.

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Conclusion of the dissertation on the topic “General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education”, Kalugina, Inna Yurievna

Conclusions on the second chapter

An experimental test of the educational effectiveness of the implementation of a practice-oriented approach to teaching students showed that the learning process can be considered as a cognitive creative process in which the learning activity for the student is successful and knowledge is in demand.

In the course of the pedagogical experiment we conducted, it was established that practice-oriented teaching influences the formation of the content of the educational material of the lesson and involves changing the technology and structure of the lesson.

A practice-oriented approach to selecting the content of lesson material allows us to enrich it with knowledge that satisfies the vital needs of students and reveals the social and ideological functions of chemical education. Organizing the content of lesson material on the basis of practice-oriented learning provides great opportunities for developing sustainable cognitive interest among students.

A practice-oriented approach to organizing the content of educational material involves treating the student as an interlocutor, a partner who has the right to make his own decisions.

The implementation of practice-oriented learning involves the use of new technology and lesson structure, as the goals and principles of learning change. In choosing the structure of a practice-oriented lesson, the structural components of the educational process are decisive. When preparing a practice-oriented lesson, the content of the educational material is brought into line with the rules for implementing a practice-oriented approach to student learning.

When forming its content, the educational material of a practice-oriented lesson is structured in the form of blocks. Blocks: motivational, synectic, implementation, algorithmic form a mandatory part of the structure of a practice-oriented lesson, while blocks: binary, modeling, continuity form a variable part of the lesson structure. The presence in the structure of a practice-oriented lesson of various blocks that are closely related to each other makes it possible to satisfy the interests of students with left-hemisphere thinking, who prefer material presented in the form of diagrams, algorithms, tables, and students with right-hemisphere thinking, who are closer to the form of presenting material in the form of images , analogies, fairy tales, associations. Thus, under the influence of a practice-oriented approach to learning, the content becomes individually oriented.

New technology and the structure of a practice-oriented lesson make it possible to raise students’ personal interest in the subject and make learning motivated.

New structure A practice-oriented lesson, in contrast to the structure of a traditional lesson, reflects both the content side of the learning process and the procedural one, which makes it possible to make maximum use of the possibilities of the content and teaching methods for the practice-oriented construction of the educational process.

Practice-oriented teaching of chemistry leads the student to a complex perception of chemistry and forms in him at the same time a perceptual image of the “presence” of chemistry in a person’s life (based on observations, sensations, feelings) and a cognitive (verbal-informational) and practical (with functional application).

By the educational effectiveness of a practice-oriented approach to teaching students, we understand the maximum possible developmental educational result, ensuring sustainable cognitive interest, increasing the level of learning, and formation at a certain level of consumer culture.

The effectiveness of practice-oriented teaching of chemistry was assessed on the basis of diagnostic techniques that determine the level of formed educational and cognitive interest, the strength of internal motive, educational achievements of students and the level of consumer culture associated with knowledge of chemistry.

The level of development of educational and cognitive interest among students in experimental classes is higher than among students in control classes. In the experimental classes, 60% of students had two levels of formation of educational and cognitive interest: situational and stable. For students in experimental classes, the share of internal motivation for learning in the structure of student motivation increases.

Thus, within the framework of practice-oriented learning, students have developed a high level of educational and cognitive interest, indicating the presence of a stable motivation to study the subject.

The values ​​of quantitative indicators characterizing the level of educational achievements of students in experimental classes are higher than those of students in control classes. In experimental classes, more than 70% of students master educational material at a level “above normal”, which indicates high level training.

In experimental classes 10 (A, B), 50% of students have a consumer culture formed at an average level, while in control class 10 (B) only 5% of students have average level consumer culture.

In the course of an experimental study, it was shown that in the process of teaching chemistry on the basis of practice-oriented training, the level of students' educational achievements increases, as evidenced by the increase in the level of motivation for learning and students' training, and the growth in the level of formation of consumer culture associated with knowledge of chemistry.


Our research confirmed the hypothesis and allowed us to draw the following conclusions.

1. The relevance of the problem of practice-oriented teaching of students is due to the fact that the implementation of this approach to teaching allows us to remove the aggravated contradiction between the need for students to master a system of vitally important, practically in demand knowledge and skills, develop their creative abilities, develop their environmental consciousness and insufficient research on practical -oriented learning and its educational opportunities.

2. Practice-oriented teaching of chemistry is a didactic approach due to the following circumstances:

It is universal in nature for learning;

Performs a regulatory function in the development of content and teaching technology;

Indicates what the ratio of theoretical and practical should be in teaching chemistry;

Its implementation gives a different qualitative result, significantly changing the attitude towards the subject;

Allows you to eliminate functional illiteracy in the application of chemical knowledge;

Contributes to changing the situation with the study of chemistry;

Meets the requirements of the time.

3. The essence of practice-oriented learning is to build the educational process based on the unity of the emotional-imaginative and logical components of the content; acquiring new knowledge and developing practical experience in its use in solving specific vital tasks and problems; emotional and cognitive saturation of creative search. Practice-oriented training of students ensures the inclusion of subject knowledge in the system of value knowledge that functions freely in human life. The implementation of practice-oriented learning for students lays the foundations for social and professional mobility based on balanced relationships between the individual and the environment. The learning process within the framework of a practice-oriented approach is a cognitive creative process in which learning activities for students are successful and knowledge is in demand.

4. An analysis of the history of the formation of practice-oriented education showed that it is in a certain way connected with the principles of “connection of learning with life”, “polytechnicism”, “professional orientation”, “interdisciplinary connections”, “connection of chemistry teaching and the environment”, “applied orientation teaching chemistry." The connection between teaching chemistry and real life based on practice-oriented training, it contributes to the formation of creative mental activity and is personally significant.

5. Selection and structuring of the content of educational material in accordance with the practice-oriented approach to learning allows you to implement social function in teaching, provide students with auxiliary applied knowledge and skills, and cultivate the need to acquire new knowledge.

6. The structure of the training session, in accordance with the practice-oriented approach to learning, is filled with appropriate content that allows students to use logical and imaginative thinking, raise the student’s personal status, and make learning motivated. In contrast to the structure of a traditional lesson, the structure of a practice-oriented lesson reflects both the content side of the learning process and the procedural side, which makes it possible to make maximum use of the possibilities of content and teaching methods for the practice-oriented construction of the educational process.

7. The educational effectiveness of practice-oriented training presupposes the maximum possible developmental educational result, expressed in sustainable cognitive interest, increasing the level of training, and formation at a certain level of consumer culture.

6. Practice-oriented teaching of chemistry leads the student to a complex perception of chemistry and forms in him at the same time a perceptual image of the “presence” of chemistry in a person’s life (based on observations, sensations, feelings) and a cognitive (verbal-informational) and practical (with functional application) .

7. Practice-oriented learning has educational opportunities and allows students to make the learning process a cognitive, creative process in which students’ learning activities are successful and knowledge is in demand, since:

The exchange of information between teacher and student is based on the use of the capabilities of both the left and right hemispheres of the brain of both the student and the teacher;

Students become aware of the social and personal need for acquired knowledge;

Organizing the content of educational material presupposes treating the student as an interlocutor, a partner who has the right to make his own decisions;

The selection of practice-oriented educational material, which enhances the practical orientation of the content of school education, is in close connection with the use of the emotional-imaginative component, allows for the formation of stable cognitive interest, increases the flow of information and ensures a strong assimilation of the material being studied.

8. Processing of the data obtained during the experiment and generalization of the results led to the conclusion that practice-oriented training of students has significant educational opportunities and provides a developing educational result, expressed in the formation of sustainable cognitive interest, increasing the level of training and the level of consumer culture, thereby confirming the research hypothesis.

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143. P.M. Malashko. -Mn.: Universitetskoe, 1987. -501 p.

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146. Orzhekovsky N.A. On psychological and pedagogical requirements for a creative problem in chemistry // Chemistry at school. 1997. - No. 6. - P.20-25.

147. Orzhekovsky N.A., Bogomolova N.V., Davydov V.N., Suzhina T.E. Teaching students to solve experimental creative problems // Chemistry at school. 1993. - No. 5. - P.67-71.

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151. Pichugina G.V. Let's review chemistry using examples from everyday life. M.: ARKTI, 1999. - 145 p.

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155. Polosin B.C. It is important to be passionate yourself in order to captivate the children // Chemistry at school. 1996. - No. 5. - P.2-4.

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162. Reshetova Z.A., Deryabina N.E. System-structural approach to the construction of the academic subject “Chemistry” // Chemistry: Supplement to “First of September”. 1997. -No. 20. - P.8-10.

163. Rotenberg B.C., Bondarenko S.M. Brain, learning, health. -M.: Enlightenment, 1989. -238 p.

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199. Titova I.M. The concept of humanization of developmental education. // Chemistry at school. 1996. - No. 3. - 14-16.

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233. Walters D. Chemistry (Atoms, Molecules and Elements). London: Franklin Watts, 1982. - 38p.

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Before moving on to a direct consideration of the essence of the practice-oriented approach to teaching students, it is necessary to clarify the meaning of the concepts essence, approach and practice-oriented learning. An approach is a set of techniques, methods of influencing someone, something, studying something, conducting a business. Essence is a set of essential properties and qualities of a thing, the substantial core of an independent being. And finally, practice-oriented training is a type of training, the primary goal of which is to develop in students the skills and abilities of practical work that are in demand today in various spheres of social and professional practice, as well as developing an understanding of where, how and why the acquired skills are used in practice.

Sphere of mass higher education Today it is undergoing quite significant transformations under the influence of the demands placed on its graduates by current social and professional practice. The main motive for such requirements is that a young specialist must be prepared at a university in such a way that he can be involved in labor processes without any problems or delays, productively using the qualifications, experience and competencies acquired during training.

In such conditions, one of the areas of educational practice begins to acquire special weight - practice-oriented learning, about which there is still no certainty both from the general theoretical base and from the forms and technologies of training. So far, only a number of statements do not cause controversy - this kind of training should be focused on specific practice, and not on textbooks, and should be carried out in close cooperation between educational institutions and industrial organizations.

A significant obstacle to the transition to practice-oriented training is the lack of generally accepted methods by which appropriate educational forms should be developed.

The activity approach (with its ideology and technologies) forms the basis of practice-oriented education, that is, this type of education, the purpose of which is to develop in students the skills that are in demand today in various areas of social and professional practice, and an understanding of where, how and for whereby the acquired skills are used in practice.

The essence of practice-oriented learning is to build the educational process based on the unity of the emotional-imaginative and logical components of the content; acquiring new knowledge and developing practical experience in using it in solving vital tasks and problems; emotional and cognitive saturation of students’ creative search.

Practice-oriented learning in accordance with the idea of ​​humanization of education allows us to overcome the alienation of science from people, reveals the connections between knowledge and the everyday life of people, the problems that arise before them in the process of life. Along with a consistent and logical presentation of the fundamentals of science at all stages of training, each taught topic contains material reflecting its significance, the place of one or another natural pattern in everyday life.

Within the framework of practice-oriented training, the unconditional priority (and the main “educational material” is) is the activity organized and carried out with the intention of obtaining the intended result. For this, the training itself must be organized in a non-traditional way. It must be transformed into a specific type of activity, composed of many individual acts of activity, organized into a single whole and aimed at achieving a common goal.

practical oriented approach training

One of the directions for the development and modernization of Russian professional education is practice-oriented and interactive technologies aimed at developing the personal competencies of a specialist. The task is set to update vocational education on a competency-based basis by strengthening the practical orientation of vocational education while maintaining its fundamental nature.

In the context of the new paradigm of focusing the educational process on the formation of professional competencies of a specialist, practice-oriented and interactive teaching strategies are becoming the leading technologies, which are aimed at creating a new type of thinking for teachers and, accordingly, mastering complex skills for organizing the educational process in new conditions. New technologies are aimed at the practical implementation of psychological and pedagogical conditions that are optimally adapted to the interaction between the teacher and students.

The didactic characteristics of these technologies consist of the following features of the educational process:

. problematic structure educational information;

.practical orientation training sessions;

.individualization in the approach to students' learning opportunities;

.opportunities to implement productive forms of activity during training sessions: design, modeling, construction;

.democratic forms (dialogue and facilitation) of organizing the learning process.

Taking into account the expected changes, the college adopted a targeted program for training the teaching staff to work under the new Federal State Educational Standards for secondary vocational education. In accordance with this program, work has actively begun on the development of curricula, training programs and modules. In addition to the development of educational and methodological documentation of a new generation, the target program provides for a gradual transition to practice-oriented teaching technologies and assistance to teachers in mastering new technologies and methods.

Today there are many well-known teaching technologies that can be classified as practice-oriented: critical thinking technology, interactive learning technologies, project technology, problem-based learning technology, information and communication technologies, etc.

Elements of these technologies, various techniques and teaching methods that contribute to the formation of practical skills and professional skills are widely used in the activities of the college teaching staff. In the secondary vocational education system, several directions towards practice-oriented education can be distinguished. On the one hand, practice-oriented education is associated with the organization of educational, industrial and pre-graduation practice of a student with the goal of immersing him in a professional environment, correlating his idea of ​​the profession with the requirements of a real employer, and understanding his own role in work. On the other hand, it is considered the most effective to introduce professionally oriented teaching technologies that contribute to the formation in students of personal qualities, knowledge, skills and abilities that are significant for future professional activities, ensuring high-quality performance of functional responsibilities in their chosen specialty. And also, the formation of practice-oriented education is associated with the use of opportunities for contextual (professionally oriented) study of core and non-core disciplines.

The main stages of practice-oriented training for a student can be presented in Figure 1.

Introduction of professionally oriented technologies into the educational process

Immersion of the student in a professional environment

Contextual study of core and non-core disciplines

Figure 1. Stages of practice-oriented training

Practice-oriented educational technologies include interactive learning technologies, contextual competency-based learning technologies, modular learning technologies, and self-regulated learning technologies.

Creating a practice-oriented learning process will make it possible to approximate the content as accurately as possible academic disciplines to the future profession, the possibility of building a holistic educational process, will create conditions for the targeted formation of the competitiveness of future workers.

Thus, the implementation of a practice-oriented approach contributes to the improvement of existing educational programs and technologies for creating conditions for training workers in industry and regional service markets with a qualitatively new level of professional competencies, ready for professional activities in modern conditions.

When implementing practice-oriented training, the following principles must be taken into account:

The principle of practice-oriented goal setting;

The principle of choosing an individual educational trajectory;

Principle of learning productivity;

The principle of primacy of the student’s educational products;

The principle of situational learning;

The principle of educational reflection.

In order to implement the above principles of introducing practice-orientation into the educational process, it is necessary to ensure a number of basic prerequisites:

Motivational support of the educational process;

Connection of learning with practice;

Consciousness and activity of students in learning.

Within the framework of practice-oriented training, the student’s internal motivation develops, as it becomes possible to freely choose ways to solve the problem under discussion; students feel their own competence; experience their own autonomy.

Intensification of the search process, acquisition of knowledge, skills, and professional competencies is the goal of practice-oriented training. A specialist capable of applying acquired competencies in practical activities will be the result of a practice-oriented approach. The educational process is built on the basis of emotional-imaginative and logical components; the formation of practical experience, the acquisition of practical experience and their use in solving professional problems is the essence of practice-oriented training. The implementation of practice-oriented learning involves considering practice as a source of knowledge, as a subject of knowledge with an integrated approach to the analysis of facts, as a means of knowledge.

To determine the effectiveness of introducing practice-oriented principles into the educational process, it is necessary to determine the factors influencing its intensity.

The effectiveness of implementing practice-oriented principles for a college should be measured by the following indicators:

College reputation;

Development (college, socio-economic development of the region, growth of scientific potential);

Result (students employed in their specialty).

To assess professional and personal qualities, it is proposed to use a (qualifying) exam, which allows for assessment at the training stage. This meets not only the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, but also the requirements that life places on college graduates, namely the acquisition of practice-oriented skills during the training process.

Such training will no longer be preparation for future professional activity, but will become a conscious professional action in the present time.

Thus, it has become important to develop the teacher’s methodological readiness and increase his competence. At the same time, competence is understood as the quality of an employee’s actions that provide an adequate and effective solution to professionally significant substantive tasks that are problematic in nature, as well as the willingness to take responsibility for their actions.

List of sources used

1. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2015 N 1662-r “On the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation until 2020”.

2. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2001 N 1756-r “On the Concept of Modernization Russian education for the period until 2010."

3. UN General Assembly Resolution 57/254 “On the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, starting January 1, 2005.”

4. Strategy for the development of science and innovation in the Russian Federation for the period until 2015 (Approved by the Interdepartmental Commission on Science and Innovation Policy (Minutes dated February 15, 2006 No. 1)).

5. The effectiveness of interaction between educational institutions and the business environment: theory, methodology, practice [Text]: coll. monograph / T. N. Bondarenko [etc.]; under scientific ed. Doctor of Economics sciences, prof. A.P. Latkina. - Vladivostok: Publishing house VGUES, 2015. - 188 p.

6. Modern problems of science and education [Electronic resource]: multi-subject. scientific magazine - Electron. scientific zhur: Ed. house "ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCE", 2015. - Access mode:

The article discusses the issue of a practice-oriented approach to learning in an educational institution, the use of practice-oriented technologies, and the gradual formation of professional competencies of a student’s personality in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education.



The article discusses the issue of a practice-oriented approach to learning in an educational institution, the use of practice-oriented technologies, and the gradual formation of professional competencies of a student’s personality in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education.

Practice-oriented approach in training specialists

At the present stage of modernization of vocational education, production needs independent, creative specialists, enterprising entrepreneurs, capable of generating profit, proposing and developing ideas, finding unconventional solutions and implementing economically profitable projects.

The methodological aspect of meeting this need for production and introducing future specialists to the process of social transformation of society is the professional development of students. Without professional education turning to practice-oriented technologies for teaching and educating students, it is quite problematic to fulfill the assigned tasks.

The Federal State Educational Standard provides for strengthening the applied, practical nature of open secondary education and its adequacy to modern requirements of economics, science and public life.

Despite the importance of practice-oriented training for modern vocational education, its content and forms have not yet received sufficient theoretical and methodological development.In pedagogical theory and practice, the essential characteristics of the professional development of future specialists in the educational environment are not sufficiently substantiated educational institution, there is no corresponding model, the implementation of which could provide the opportunity to improve the quality of training of specialists in various industries.

Creation practice-oriented educational environment of an educational institution, the study of its influence on the formation, implementation, disclosure, and self-improvement of the individual remains an urgent problem in pedagogy.

What is a practice-oriented approach to training specialists?

There are at least three approaches that differ both in the degree of coverage of elements of the educational process and in the functions of students and teachers in the emerging system of practice-oriented education.

The narrowest approach connects practice-oriented learning with the formation of students’ professional experience when immersing them in a professional environment during educational, industrial and pre-graduate practice(Yu. Vetrov, N. Klushina).

The second approach (authors T. Dmitrienko, P. Obraztsov) in practice-oriented training involves the useprofessionally oriented learning technologiesand methods for modeling fragments of future professional activity based on the use of contextual (professionally directed) studying core and non-core disciplines.

The third, broadest approach, was very succinctly formulated by F. G. Yalalov in the activity-competence paradigm, according to which practice-oriented education is aimed atacquisition, in addition to knowledge, skills, practical experienceactivities in order to achieve professionally and socially significant competencies.This ensures that students are involved in the work and their activity is comparable to that of the teacher. Motivation to study theoretical material comes from the need to solve a practical problem. This type of practice-oriented approach is an activity-competency approach.

Thus, to build practice-oriented education, a new, activity-competency approach is needed.

In contrast to traditional education, which is focused on the acquisition of knowledge, practice-oriented education is aimed at acquiring, in addition to knowledge, skills, and practical experience. In the general education system, experience of activity means, to a greater extent, experience of educational and cognitive activity. And the acquisition of experience itself is carried out within the framework of the traditional didactic triad “KNOWLEDGE – ABILITIES – SKILLS” by developing practical skills in students. With the activity-competence approach, the traditional triad is complemented by a new didactic unit: KNOWLEDGE - ABILITIES - SKILLS - ACTIVITY EXPERIENCE.

The practice of employing graduates in recent years shows that employers, when selecting specialists, are interested in personnel who already have, in addition to special education and work experience. Therefore, today young professionals experience difficulties in the competition of the labor market and in adapting to operating conditions. Professional development takes several more years after graduation from an educational institution and requires additional efforts from the young specialists themselves and financial costs for retraining from the companies in which they work.

The main problem of low professional competence of graduates and their lack of competitiveness is the lack of practice in solving problems in the field of future professional activity.

To overcome the identified problems, it is necessary today to redefine the principles, methods and procedures for forming the content of vocational education, as well as to harmonize standards for the training of specialists with professional standards certain area.

When organizing specialist training and shaping the content of education, emphasis must be placed on the principles of dialogism and practice-orientedness. This will allow future specialists to develop dialogical communication skills, a tolerant attitude towards the opinions and views of colleagues, the ability to isolate a problem from a general situation, and choose the best way decisions, predict and analyze results, which meets the criteria of professional competence of a specialist.

The implementation of these principles should be based on:

  • real professional tasks, the complexity of which increases from course to course;
  • the specifics of the professional activities of specialists who work individually, in small groups and in large teams;
  • integration of knowledge, methods various areas science and practice.

A practice-oriented approach to learning in an educational institution should be used by the teaching staff from the first days of training and further contribute to the gradual formation of professional competencies of the student’s personality.

Stage 1 – Semantic

Adaptation to the educational space. Students develop cultural demands and needs, understanding the essence and social significance your future profession, showing sustainable interest in it.

Stage 2 – Value

Beginning of specialization, strengthening and deepening the professional interests of students. Independence in determining the tasks of professional and personal development.

The tasks of laboratory and practical work should be aimed at individual search activity, where the student not only consolidates the basic theoretical principles of the educational material, but learns to predict, plan, in dialogue reveal his opinions and positions on the chosen method of solving an educational problem, and independently organize his activities. It is advisable to organize laboratory and practical work using ICT.

Stage 3 - Practical

Direct acquaintance with professional activities during the period of mastering professional modules and undergoing educational practice, readiness for a differentiated assessment of the level of one’s professionalism and the activity of the position.

During the period of mastering academic disciplines/interdisciplinary courses, students develop projects in small groups of 5-6 people, where the work is based on dialogue. Dialogue is a means of identifying a problem and ways to solve it. At this stage, a full cycle of research activity is performed: from studying the subject area and identifying the problem to its implementation.

The result of the educational practice is a software product developed under the guidance of specialists for solving small-scale problems selected from a range of current problems. In addition to practical work, future specialists become familiar with real production problems, their formulation, solution, documentation and presentation.

Stage 4 – Final

Willingness to organize one’s own activities, choose standard methods and methods of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

The final stage of training includes:

Industrial practice in the type of professional activity, passing the exam (qualification) in the professional module;

Pre-diploma practice and defense of the diploma project (work).

Objectives: formation of practical experience in professional activities on the basis of specific production, development of professional and general competencies by type of professional activity; checking the capabilities of independent work of a future specialist in a specific production environment; collecting and preparing materials for passing the (qualifying) exam for mastering a type of professional activity, writing course work(project). During pre-graduation practice, students perform specific tasks that correspond to the job responsibilities of a worker (employee), and can be hired for vacant positions.

Thus, practice-orientedness and dialogue allow students to acquire the necessary minimum professional skills and skills, experience in organizational work, a system of theoretical knowledge, professional mobility and competence, which corresponds to the educational standard and makes our graduates competitive.


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  2. Mikheev V.A. Fundamentals of social partnership: theory and policy, practice: Textbook for universities. M., 2007
  3. Solyankina, L.E. Model for the development of professional competence in a practice-oriented educational environment / L.E. Solyankina // News of VSPU. – 2011. – No. 1 (0.6 pp.).
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Practice-oriented teaching technologies.

Slide 1 Undoubtedly, a person depends on mathematics as much as on any other science, but mathematics intrudes into people's lives much more often than all other disciplines. You can say – you can’t live without mathematics! A person often encounters situations in which it is necessary to apply mathematical knowledge.

The main goal of education is to teach the student to better understand life, navigate modern society, to make him able to find his place in it in accordance with individual abilities, interests and capabilities. Therefore, the teacher's task is to help the student become a free, creative and responsible person.In order tolaw on educational standards, was implemented, the modern teacher faces many tasks that need to be solved:


    Development of skills and competencies in students to be able to solve problems from everyday to industrial and social;

    Improving the quality of education due to more flexible and durable assimilation of knowledge by students, the possibility of their independent movement in the field of study;

    Making educational outcomes social and personal significant nature, not subject.

    Implementation of differentiated training while maintaining a unified structure of theoretical and practical knowledge;

    A significant increase in students’ motivation and interest in learning.

New demands are placed on modern education; at the same time, new opportunities and new responsibilities have emerged.Now one of the main requirements for students to acquire knowledge is the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in life. Specially selected practice-oriented tasks will help you fulfill this requirement.Therefore, the organization of practice-oriented activities of students in mathematics lessons becomes relevant.

Some of the problems contained in school textbooks can be classified as problems with practical content.Students are interested in composing problems independently.

Slide3 “Tell me and I will forget. Show me and I will remember. Let me act on my own and I will learn.” These words of the wise Confucius are more modern than ever. Of course, it is faster and easier to show and explain than to allow students to discover knowledge and methods of action themselves. Set goals independently, analyze, compare, evaluate, and most importantly, do not be afraid to make mistakes in search of a new path. This is exactly what needs to be taught in school.

Slide 4 According to research, 25% of the material heard, 33% of what is seen and heard, and 75% of the material remain in a person’s memory if the student is involved in active actions during the learning process.Training based only or predominantly on the transfer of information must be replaced or significantly supplemented by training in activities and activities oriented both to the present and to the future. The status of the teacher is changing: the transmitter of information turns into a manager of the educational process.

Slide 5 Practice-oriented technologies, which are emphasized in the Federal State Educational Standard, are not completely new, unknown to the practice of education. Today there are many well-known teaching technologies that can be classified as practice-oriented: critical thinking technology, interactive learning technologies, project technology, problem-based learning technology, information and communication technologies, etc.

The practical application of accumulated knowledge allows students to develop cognitive and creative skills, the ability to independently construct their knowledge, and navigate the information space. Students independently collect information based on their life experiences.

When studying new topic the teacher needs to show students where the new material is used and what it is needed for. This will help increase motivation to learn and bring the acquired knowledge closer to life situations. Textbooks for grades 5-6 contain many text problems with practical content; the situation is much more complicated with the high school curriculum. Of course, problems from the Unified State Exam materials come to the rescue

(type B1, B2, B3, B4, B6, B12). But when it is necessary to give a new concept, definition, then you have to answer the questions: “Why should this be studied at school? Where can this be applied? After all, if a student asks these questions in class and the teacher cannot answer them, then what kind of need to study can we talk about? Therefore, when preparing for each lesson, the teacher needs to think about this.

This year I have 11.5 and 6 grades. I took 11th grade last year. This is my second year teaching them. And I hear a lot about why we need to study this or that topic. And I decided for myself thatIf, when teaching mathematics to primary school students, systematically and purposefully use practice-oriented tasks, then interest in the subject will increase, and, as a result, the quality of mathematical preparation for the subject will increase.

Of course, I have little work experience, because... I'm after a two year break. This is my second year teaching classes.

I will give a few examples from my personal teaching practice.

    When introducing the definition of sine, you can use the concept of slope.

    By studying the definition of a derivative, you can show where it is used by economists, architects, chemists, etc.

    The topic “Interest” can be associated with investing money in production; in grades 5-6, the ability to pose a problem and draw up tasks.Therefore, already in the 5th grade I introduce students toconstruction algorithm practice-oriented tasks. Students usually create such problems after studying the topic. Together with the students, we set goals, draw up an algorithm, determine sources of information, determine the method of presentation (oral response, mini-project, presentation).

For example the use of interest in the life of a modern person.

Interest calculations applyin almost all spheres of human life:

Variants of entrance exams contain problems involving percentages, and these problems often cause difficulties for schoolchildren. The reason is that the topic “Percentages” is studied in the lower grades 5-6, and not for long, it is reinforced in the 7th grade when solving repetition problems, and in the senior grades this topic is not returned to at all. And therefore, many people who graduate from school do not have strong skills in handling percentages in everyday life. Currently, an understanding of interest and the ability to make interest calculations are necessary for every person: the significance of this topic is very great and affects financial, demographic, environmental, economic, sociological and other aspects of our lives.Percentage is one of the mathematical concepts that are often found in everyday life. Understanding percentages and the ability to make percentage calculations is currently necessary for every person; this facilitates “entry” into the modern information and economic environment and, ultimately, facilitates socialization.

Slide 7 General lesson on the topic “Percentages” in 6th grade.

Together with the children, we identified three main problems in our region?

    Forest protection and restoration.

    Environmental pollution.

    Protection of animals and birds.

Was given homework teams to create tasks on these problems. Consider various life situations with practical content using percentages.

I compiled these tasks for general development.

Slide 8 tasks. Slide 9

Slide 10 1 group

Slide 11 Conclusions:Forests are of great importance in maintaining the ecological balance and perform protective functions, clean the air from industrial and transport pollution, harmful gases, dust and soot.

Slide 12 tasks group 2Slide 13 Conclusions: Do not exterminate birds and animals, build birdhouses in winter and feed the birds.

Slide 14 tasks group 3

Slide 15 Conclusions: The main thing is to start with yourself. Don't litter on the street. Do not leave garbage in the forests, do not break trees, plant more green spaces.Slide 16 Exercise

Slide 17 Total amount of pollutant emissions by Khabarovsk region amounted to 278.352 thousand tons/year. Of these, 127.395 thousand tons/year of pollutants came from stationary sources of emissions, including:



for the production and distribution of electricity, gas and water


metallurgical production and production of finished metal products

production of food products, including beverages


production of coke and petroleum products


transport and communications




extraction of fuel and energy minerals


other industries


Pollution atmospheric air the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur is assessed as very high, unfavorable for human health. Air pollution in Khabarovsk and Chegdomyn is also high.

Practice-oriented learning technologies can be used after each chapter and while studying the topic. INIn high school, when studying stereometry, students construct models of bodies, which are used as visual aids for younger students. Thanks to such tasks, schoolchildren see that mathematics has application in any field of activity, and this, in turn, increases interest in the subject.

Practice shows that systematic work on solving and constructing practice-oriented problems, the use of various techniques ensures stable results of educational activities in the subject:

Now 2 students from the 6th grade themselves bring me tasks and tests in presentations.


The relevance of the problem of practice-oriented teaching of students is due to the fact that the implementation of this approach to teaching allows us to remove the aggravated contradiction between the need for students to master a system of vitally important, practically in demand knowledge and skills, the development of their creative abilities, and the formation of their mathematical consciousness.

The learning process within the framework of a practice-oriented approach is a cognitive creative process in which learning activities for students are successful and knowledge is in demand.
