Review of modern anti-tank missile systems. Anti-tank guided missile system ptrk kornet

It will not be a secret to anyone that many copies, models, systems of the domestic, or rather, the Soviet defense industry, were rightfully considered the best weapons in the world. This applies not only to small arms (Kalashnikov assault rifles, Mosin rifles, etc.), but also to armored vehicles and even missile systems. Russian, “Bassoons” are used with deserved success in the armed forces of many countries around the world.

At the same time, it must be said that Western arms manufacturers can also surprise with their developments, which are in no way inferior, and in some cases may even be ahead of domestic weapons in their tactical and technical characteristics.

Today's realities are such that, thanks to the rapid growth of China's defense industry and the active actions of the West, many states refuse to cooperate with Russia, including for purely political reasons. Therefore promotion Russian weapons and armored vehicles are not going as well as we would like. That is why potential buyers are focusing on Western-made weapons. Therefore, below we will give examples of the main competitors of domestic ATGMs, which we mentioned in.

Thus, the most widespread Western development is BGM-71 TOW- a universal ATGM that can be mounted either on the chassis of tracked or wheeled vehicles, or installed in a stationary position. The complex was put into service in 1970. It uses semi-automatic, command-driven missile guidance, which is carried out by the operator. The BGM-71 TOW is one of the most common ATGMs in the world. In addition to American troops, it is in service with a number of European armies and Israel.

This complex has a large number of modifications: BGM-71B, BGM-71C Improved TOW, BGM-71D TOW-2, BGM-71E TOW-2A, BGM-71F TOW-2B, TOW-2N, BGM-71G, BGM-71H, TOW, TOW-2B Aero, TOW-2B Aero, MAPATS.

To a certain extent, the American complex is similar to domestic ones (semi-automatic command control), but at the same time it costs much more not only in operation, but also directly in production. The average cost of a BGM-71 TOW reaches 60 thousand dollars, which is a significant amount even for non-poor countries.

It is known that these American systems were used in the Vietnam War of 1957-1975, the Iran-Iraq military conflict of 1980-1988, the Lebanon War of 1982, during the Gulf War of 1990-1991, as well as in progress peacekeeping operation UN in Somalia in 1992-1995, in the Iraq war 2003-2010.

In total, more than 700 thousand missiles were produced, and more than a thousand anti-tank guided missiles were exported during the period 1999-2007 alone.

Also currently in the American army, one of the most common armor-piercing systems is FGM-148 Javelin ATGM, which was put into service in 1996. This complex is designed to destroy not only armored vehicles, but also protected objects, in particular, bunkers and pillboxes, as well as low-flying, low-speed targets (drones, helicopters). This is the first serial complex of the third generation with an infrared guidance system that ensures operation on the “fire and forget” principle.

The caliber of the complex's rocket is 127 mm, its length reaches almost 1.1 m, and its weight is 11.8 kg. The total weight of the complex is 22.25 kg. The complex can fire at a distance from 50 m to 2.5 km with a maximum rocket speed of 290 meters per second. The missile provides armor penetration of 70 cm.

The complex was initially developed to replace the M47 Dragon anti-tank missiles, which were in service with the American army until 1975. It is known that the total cost of the development and production program of the complex was $5 billion, and the cost of one unit is close to $100 thousand, which makes the FGM-148 Javelin the most expensive ATGM in the entire history of the existence of such weapons.

The FGM-148 Javelin missile is made according to a traditional aerodynamic design with drop-down wings and is equipped with an infrared homing head and a tandem warhead. It can attack the target both directly and from above, which makes it possible to hit everything modern views tanks. And due to the “soft trigger” system, shooting from a closed room is possible.

Ammunition guidance is possible in difficult conditions meteorological conditions, at any time of the day and in conditions of increased smoke. At the same time, it is impossible to counteract the missile using simple remedies optical-electronic suppression, since the guidance system does not receive a modulated signal.

Due to its relatively light weight, the complex can be transported over relatively long distances, but at the same time its dimensions do not allow movement in forests or bushes. After the complex is brought into working condition, the shot must be fired within a few minutes, since the product becomes expended regardless of whether the shot was fired.

Another American-made anti-tank missile system - FGM-172 SRAW/Predator. It is designed to destroy battle tanks, lightly armored vehicles, as well as long-term defensive structures at a range of up to 600 m.

The caliber of the rocket reaches 141.5 mm. The total weight of the complex is 9 kg, while the mass of the rocket reaches just over 3 kg.

This complex is a relatively inexpensive and lightweight disposable weapon with a simplified guidance system. The rocket is launched by one person from the “shoulder” position. Like the FGM-148 Javelin, it features a soft release with low levels of smoke, infrared radiation and sound, allowing it to be used from enclosed spaces.

The FGM-172 SRAW consists of a transport and launch container, a missile, an optical sight and a launch mechanism. It was developed to replace the M-136 and M-72 LAW anti-tank grenade launchers, which are in service with the American Marines. It was assumed that this complex would complement the FGM-148 Javelin.

In Europe, in the mid-70s of the last century, Great Britain, France and Germany began working together to create a third-generation anti-tank missile system with an infrared guidance system. The result of their work was the emergence of a portable anti-tank missile system TRIGAT MR, the purpose of which was to destroy armored targets at a range of up to 2.2 km.

The launcher is equipped with a thermal imaging sight, a trigger mechanism, and a power source. The missile is controlled by a coded laser beam. The only action that the operator performs launcher during a shot, this is keeping the crosshairs on the target. The operator can also change the target for the missile during its flight.

The weight of the launcher of this complex is 17 kg, the mass of the rocket is 15 kg with a length of 1045 cm and a diameter of 15.2 cm. The weight of the warhead reaches 5 kg. The range of the projectile ranges from 200 m to 2.4 km, and it flies to its maximum distance in 12 s.

The installation can be used in a temperature range from -46 to +63 degrees Celsius.

Later, only the Germans continued the development of the complex in a helicopter version with a long-range missile (up to 5 km) LR-TRIGAT, ordering 700 missiles of this power from the European concern MBDA to arm Tiger helicopters; all other customers of these vehicles refused the missiles.

It should also be noted that the MBDA concern continues to work on the production of the very popular ATGM MILAN second generation. This is a joint Franco-German anti-tank man-portable missile system, which was put into service in 1972, gaining wide popularity around the world.

The complex includes a launcher (consists of an electronic unit, a sight, a power source and a control panel) and a launch container with a missile. The total weight of the complex is 37.2 kg, the mass of the rocket reaches 6.73 kg, its length is 769 mm, and the wingspan is 26 cm. The rocket launches at a speed of 75 m/s, accelerating to a maximum of 200 m/s. The flight range ranges from 25 m to 3 km, while armor penetration reaches 80 cm.

The complex has a number of modifications: Milan 2, Milan 2T, Milan 3, Milan ER. MILAN was used by anti-Iraqi coalition troops during Operation Desert Storm, but the complex’s missiles were unable to penetrate the armor of Iraqi T-55 tanks.

Currently, the complex is in service with 44 countries, including Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Armenia, Belgium, Syria, Libya and India.

The French army today uses lightweight portable ATGM Eryx. This is a complex short range, the main purpose of which is to destroy tanks, fortifications and engineering structures, and surface targets. It is possible to launch a rocket not only from a tripod machine, but also from the “shoulder” position. The complex is equipped with a semi-automatic command guidance system.

The total weight of the complex with a tripod reaches 15.8 kg, the mass of the rocket is 10.2 kg. The length of the rocket is 89.1 cm, the diameter is 13.6 cm. The rocket launches at a speed of 18 m/s and reaches a maximum speed of 245 m/s. The firing range ranges from 50 to 600 m, armor-piercing - 90 cm.

Currently, the complex is in service with the armies of Brazil, Canada, Norway, Turkey, Malaysia, France and Chad.

Another light short-range anti-tank missile system is produced by the Swedish company Saab Bofors Dynamics. This - RB-57 NLAW with an inertial guidance system. This is a new generation complex, which is designed to destroy tanks and armored vehicles equipped with dynamic protection at short range. Only one person is required to operate it. The total weight of the complex is 12 kg, the missile's flight range ranges from 20 to 600 m, and the complex is brought from the stowed to the combat position in 5 seconds.

The defeat can be carried out not only frontally, but also from above. Can be started from enclosed spaces.

Sweden produces another man-portable anti-tank missile system, which at one time became the first anti-tank missile system capable of hitting targets from above. This RBS-56 BILL. Its main purpose is to destroy battle tanks, armored infantry vehicles, self-propelled artillery units and other armored vehicles, as well as fortifications at a distance of 150 m to 2.2 km.

The missile's destructive properties were improved by increasing the weight of the shaped charge and its diameter, as well as by using an unusual design and circuit design. The direction of the warhead's cumulative jet is deviated from the longitudinal axis of the missile by 30 degrees, and the missile's flight path passes 1 m above the guidance line, which makes it possible to avoid obstacles on the ground and hit the target from above.

The complex consists of a launcher on a tripod adjustable in height, a missile in a launch container, and a sight. To operate it, three people are required - a commander, an operator and a loader. It takes 10-15 seconds to deploy the complex from its traveling state into combat mode. It is possible to fire from a standing, lying, sitting, or kneeling position.

Israeli specialists also provide worthy competition to American manufacturers of transportable and man-portable anti-tank missile systems. The most successful man-portable missile system is the family Spike. These are multifunctional anti-tank missile systems, which are designed to destroy tanks, fortifications and engineering structures, as well as surface targets.

The complexes of this series have a firing range from 400 m to 8 km (Spike-ER), the weight of the missile is 9 kg, the diameter is 17 cm. The warhead is tandem cumulative, weighs 3 kg. The rocket can reach a speed of about 130-180 m/s.

The Spike complex has a number of modifications: Mini-Spike, Spike-SR, Spike-MR, Spike-LR, Spike-ER. Separately, it is necessary to highlight the Spike NLOS variant, which uses an anti-tank missile with optoelectronic guidance and a range of up to 25 km. The weight of the complex is 71 kg.

All variants of the Spike complex have an infrared guidance system, which in some models is supplemented by a fiber-optic control system. Due to this, in terms of its technical characteristics, the Israeli complex is significantly ahead of the American Javelin.

Currently, the complex is in service with many countries of the world, in particular, France, Germany, Israel, Azerbaijan, Colombia, Chile, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Peru, Singapore, Slovenia, Spain, Ecuador, Finland, Romania.

Another Israeli anti-tank missile system, which is in service with the Israeli armed forces and is also exported - MAPATS, which is developed on the basis of the American TOW complex.

This complex was developed in the early 80s. The developers were faced with the task of creating a laser-guided anti-tank missile system for the Israeli army in order to expand the capabilities of wire-guided ATGMs.

The weight of the rocket in the container is 29 kg, the starting weight of the charge is 18.5 kg, and the mass of the warhead reaches 3.6 kg. The rocket has a length of 145 cm. The total weight of the complex is 66 kg. The rocket can fly at a distance of up to 5 km s maximum speed 315 m/s. In this case, the armor penetration is 80 cm.

China also has its own production of ATGMs. True, by and large, many Chinese complexes are copies of Soviet technology. Thus, the main anti-tank missile system in the Chinese army remains a modernized copy of the Soviet Malyutka complex. It's about O ATGM HJ-73, equipped with a semi-automatic guidance system. This complex belongs to the first generation of ATGMs, which were adopted by the Chinese army in 1979. It is used as a portable complex and is also installed on combat vehicles infantry, light automobile chassis.

Over the course of several decades, the HJ-73 was repeatedly upgraded in order to increase its combat effectiveness and armor-piercing power. The complex includes a guided solid-fuel rocket, a launcher, and control equipment.

There are the following modifications of the complex: HJ-73B, HJ-73C. However, despite the modernization, in general the HJ-73 retained the shortcomings characteristic of its prototype: low level of combat readiness, low missile flight speed.

The missile can cover distances from 500 m to 3 km at a speed of 120 m/s. The weight of the rocket reaches 11.3 kg, length - 86.8 cm, diameter - 12 cm. Armor-piercing with these parameters is 50 cm. The weight of the launcher is 32 kg. To transfer from traveling to combat position it takes almost 2 minutes.

To replace the HJ-73 was developed Second generation ATGM HJ-8, which is a copy of the American TOW. Development of the complex began back in 1970, and only 14 years later it was tested and delivered to the troops. In the Chinese army, it is used as a transportable complex, and is also placed on infantry fighting vehicles, helicopters and light automobile chassis.

The complex includes a guided solid-fuel rocket, a launcher, optical sight, an infrared radiation receiver, as well as a computer and auxiliary equipment for maintaining the control system and checking the serviceability of the rocket.

The HJ-8 has been repeatedly upgraded to improve performance characteristics and, consequently, increase accuracy and armor-piercing power. Thus, the HJ-8A, HJ-8C, and HJ-8E variants appeared. Separately, it is necessary to note the newest modification of the complex - HJ-8L, which has the highest parameters of combat effectiveness and armor-piercing up to 1 m. The new complex is equipped with a lightweight launcher with a periscope sight.

The complex in various modifications was exported to United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, Thailand and countries of the African continent.

In parallel with the modernization of the Chinese HJ-8 complex, its analogue (actually a copy) was being improved in Pakistan. Baktar Shikan. Some changes were made to it compared to the original: a thermal imaging sight was installed, the equipment for checking the functionality of the complex was improved, its weight was reduced, combat unit- tandem cumulative.

The maximum flight range of the rocket is 3 km. Baktar Shikan is equipped with control equipment that allows you to automatically track the missile along the target's line of sight. For transportation, the complex is disassembled into 4 parts (sighting unit - 12.5 kg, control system unit - 24 kg, launcher - 23 kg, missile and container).

The complex can be placed on an off-road vehicle chassis and can be transported using helicopters and transport aircraft.

American TOW systems are also very successfully copied in Iran. It comes from a series of complexes Toophan(Toophan-1 and Toophan-2) with wired and laser controlled, cumulative and tandem-cumulative warhead. The diameter of the missiles of the complexes is 15.2 cm, length - 1.16 m. The weight of the projectile reaches 20 kg. The missile is capable of covering a distance of up to 3.5 km during the day and 2.5 km at night at a speed of up to 310 m/s. At the same time, its armor-piercing capacity is 55-76 cm.

A copy of another American anti-tank missile system was made in Iran Dragon (Saeghe). The M47 Dragon\Saeghe was purchased in America in 1970 and was used during the Iran-Iraq War. The complex is equipped with a semi-automatic missile control system and a cumulative warhead. The missile can cover a distance from 65 m to 1 km, while its armor-piercing power is 50 cm.

The creation of the Iranian version of the complex is an attempt to create a lightweight portable anti-tank system, which requires only one operator to operate, and which can be brought into combat condition as quickly as possible. At the same time, the missile of the complex has a short flight range and difficulties in controlling the projectile after launch. That is why this ATGM is currently in service only with certain Iranian special forces.

Copies of the Soviet Malyutka complex are also being made in Iran - ATGM Raad(with a manual missile control system, a cumulative warhead, armor-piercing 40 cm, firing range from 400 m to 3 km). In addition, there is an Iranian version of the Russian Konkurs-M ATGM - Tosan. At the moment, this particular complex is the most common anti-tank missile system, along with the American TOW and Iranian Toophan.

Tosan is equipped with a semi-automatic missile control system, the warhead is tandem-cumulative, its weight is 3.2 kg. The caliber of the rocket is 135 mm. The armor-piercing ability of the missile, according to various sources, is 67-80 cm. The missile can cover distances from 70 m to 4 km during the day and up to 2.5 km at night and using a thermal imaging sight.

There is a theoretically powerful ATGM in India. This third generation anti-tank missile system Nag with infrared guidance system. It was created in 1990 to combat existing and future tanks and armored vehicles. Capable of operating at a distance of up to 6 km. The launcher has an aiming system and hydraulic guidance drives.

The complex is located on the Russian BIP-1 chassis and is equipped with a tandem-cumulative warhead and an active radar or thermal imaging guidance head. It is possible to place additional missiles inside the armored hull.

Thus, it is quite obvious that weapons manufacturers and military equipment there is enough in the world, and if someone does not want or cannot work with Russia, then the same ATGMs can be purchased in America, in Europe, or in China, Iran, etc.

With their appearance on the battlefield, tanks and other armored vehicles intensified the development of adequate countermeasures. One of the most advanced and formidable anti-tank weapons in combat today are ATGMs - anti-tank missile systems. Over time, ATGMs have evolved from a means of combating enemy armored vehicles to one of the most multifunctional types of high-precision weapons. Thanks to the ability to hit a wide range of targets (including airborne ones), ATGMs have become an effective reserve for combined arms commanders and one of the most mass species weapons. All this is clearly confirmed by the experience of using these systems over the past 60 years, when they were used in almost all armed conflicts and local wars.

The birthplace of ATGMs is Germany

The creator of the first ATGMs - anti-tank guided missiles, as well as many other interesting military developments, is considered to be Germany and specifically the engineer Max Kramer. In 1941, BMW began research and development work in the field of controlled missile weapons. The development of the world's first ATGM known as the Panzerabwehrrakete X-7 (defensive anti-tank missile) began in 1943. This missile was named X-7 Rotkappchen (translated from German as “Little Red Riding Hood”). The main one for this ATGM was the X-4 air-to-air guided missile. The first 7 test launches of the rocket were carried out on September 21, 1944, and at the end of 1944 - beginning of 1945, about a hundred more launches were carried out in Germany.

By the spring of the last year of the war, the Ruhrstal Brekwede company produced about 300 Panzerabwehrrakete X-7, the rocket was made according to the “tailless” aerodynamic design. The cigar-shaped rocket body is 790 mm long. and diameter 140 mm. equipped with a stabilizer on an outrigger beam and 2 forward-swept wings. At the ends of the wings, 2 containers with wires were mounted. The ATGM was aimed at the target using a special tracer located in the rear part of its body. The missile gunner was required to ensure that this marker was aimed exactly at the target throughout its flight. The “Little Red Riding Hood” launcher was an ordinary rail tripod, 1.5 m long and weighing 15 kg. The weight of the ATGM was 9 kg. To date, not a single reliable evidence has been found of the use of these missiles in combat conditions.

After the war, samples of the X-7 were used by the victorious states to create their own ATGMs. At the same time, the most significant successes in creating such missiles were achieved in the West. In France, in 1948, the SS-10 ATGM was created on the basis of the Little Red Riding Hood; in Switzerland, the Cobra ATGM was designed two years earlier.

First generation ATGM

On May 8, 1957, the USSR issued a government decree on the creation of guided missile weapons. And already on May 28 of the same year, the Kolomenskoye Design Bureau began creating the Shmel ATGM. The work on creating rockets was headed by the young engineer S.P. Nepobedimy. The main principle that guided the creators of the rocket was its simplification; of the complex instruments, only a fuse and a two-stage gyroscope remained in it. The missile was controlled by an operator, while commands to the missile were transmitted via a two-wire cable that was unwound from a reel mounted in the ATGM. The design of the rocket itself was also extremely simple: at the base there was a cumulative warhead, behind it there was a gyroscope, then a reel with a cable, and then the sustainer and launch solid fuel engines.

In April 1958, the first test launches of the still uncontrollable “Bumblebees” were carried out, in the summer they tested controlled versions, and already on August 28, the ZM6 “Bumblebee” ATGM as part of the 2K15 complex was demonstrated to the military-political leadership of the USSR at the Kapustin Yar training ground. On August 1, 1960, the Shmel was finally adopted by the Soviet Army. The first generation ATGM systems experienced their baptism of fire in the war between Israel and Egypt in 1956 (French-made SS-10s were used). Soviet Shmel anti-tank systems were first used in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war.

ATGM "Malyutka"

A feature of all first-generation ATGMs was that the missile was aimed at the target manually (the “three-point” method); the operator used a joystick to align the missile with the target, keeping it constantly in view. The transmission of commands from the ATGM to the missile was carried out through a wire that unwound from a special coil installed in the missile itself. The speed of the first ATGMs was 150-200 m/s, the probability of hitting the target was 60-70%, such missiles had a “dead zone” of 200-400 meters, the minimum firing distance was 500 meters, the maximum was 3 kilometers. One of the most famous first-generation ATGMs was the Soviet Malyutka complex.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the Malyutka ATGM:

Firing range, minimum – 500 m, maximum – 3,000 m;
Guidance system: command, wire, manual;
Armor penetration of cumulative warheads – up to 400 mm;
The weight of the warhead is 2.6 kg.

Second generation ATGM

An analysis of the use of ATGMs in real armed conflicts demonstrated the need to improve this type of weapon, since the first generation ATGMs, due to manual control, were sufficiently effective only at a range of no more than 1 kilometer. Such missiles had a low marching speed and low rate of fire. Their use required highly skilled operators. All this was the reason that designers began work on new generation complexes, in which they tried to eliminate these problems or reduce their impact. This is how the second generation ATGMs with a semi-automatic guidance system were born. Research and development work on their creation began in 1961.

The warheads of the new ATGMs with equal warhead mass in comparison with the first generation usually had 1.5-2 times greater armor penetration. Average flight speeds increased to 160-200 m/s. The time to transfer to a combat position has been reduced to an average of 1 minute. The minimum effective firing range was reduced to 50-75 meters, which made it possible to hit targets at short distances. ATGMs were equipped with special transport and launch containers (TPCs), which were used for storing and launching ATGMs. But at the same time, a number of disadvantages remained, among which we can note the need for the gunner to accompany the entire flight of the missile until it hits the target, without changing his firing position for 20-25 seconds.

TOW ATGM first series

It is worth noting that the leaders in the development of second-generation ATGMs were the Americans, who in 1970 adopted the portable TOW system (main developer - Hughes Aircraft), and in 1972, the portable Dragon ATGM (creator - McDonnell Douglas). At the same time, in Europe, the ATGM NOT, as well as the portable MILAN (created by the Franco-German concern Euromissile), were adopted into service in West Germany and France. The first domestic ATGMs belonging to the second generation entered service with the troops in 1970, 1974 and 1978 - these are the portable ATGM 9K111 “Fagot”, the portable ATGM 9K113 “Konkurs” and the portable ATGM 9K115 “Metis”, respectively. The developer of all ATGMs was the Instrument Design Bureau from Tula.

Almost simultaneously with their adoption into service, the second generation ATGM systems were tested in real combat operations. New capabilities of the complexes led to a revision of their tactics combat use. It was suggested that the complexes would be divided according to methods of transportation and firing range. Now a motorized rifle or infantry platoon was assigned portable complex with an effective firing range of up to 2000 meters. This ATGM was serviced by a crew of 2 people. In turn, a portable or transportable ATGM with an effective firing range of up to 4000 meters was assigned to larger units - a company or battalion.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the TOW ATGM, basic version BGM-71A:

Firing range, minimum – 65 m, maximum – 3,750 m;
Control system: guided visually from the launcher via wires;
Armor penetration of cumulative warheads – 600 mm;
The weight of the warhead is 3.9 kg.

Generation 2+ ATGM

The creation and modernization of the second generation ATGM was carried out continuously and as new technical capabilities emerged. Subsequently, many complexes painlessly evolved to generation 2+. Thanks to the use of the latest scientific and technical achievements, ATGMs became formidable high-precision weapons that made it possible to effectively hit a wide range of targets. One of the most illustrative examples of the effective use of complexes of this generation was the use of the Shturm ATGM. For example, in 2003, the Iraqi military, thanks to the use of Shturm-S and Shturm-V ATGMs, were able to hit 43 enemy MBTs of the latest developments, as well as more than 70 different armored vehicles, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, self-propelled guns, air defense systems and anti-tank systems of coalition forces.

ATGM Shturm-S

These systems were also successfully used during the Georgian-Russian conflict in August 2008. Then, up to 2/3 of all targets (weapons, military and special equipment, as well as Georgian Armed Forces facilities) were hit through the use of air-based ATGMs. As part of the counter-terrorism operation in the North Caucasus, anti-tank missile systems were used to destroy various kinds weapons, as well as bunkers, pillboxes and other types of fortified firing points, to destroy enemy personnel.

A feature of the second generation ATGM was that the missile was aimed at the target in a semi-automatic mode (two-point method). With this method of aiming, the operator of the complex only needs to combine the crosshairs of the sight and the target, and the missile is aimed at the target independently. This made it possible to increase the probability of hits to 90-95%, while maintaining the transmission of commands from the complex to the missile using a wire, maintaining the flight speed at the level of 150-200 m/s. This problem was solved after wireless communication lines appeared. After this, communication between the complex and the rocket was carried out using a special radio link that was noise-resistant and had several overlapping frequencies. In addition, ATGM tracking was also possible in the infrared range; thermal imaging sights appeared on second-generation systems.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the Shturm ATGM with the Ataka ATGM:

Firing range, minimum – 400 m, maximum – 6,000 m;
Control system: either radio command or laser beam;
Armor penetration of tandem cumulative warhead – up to 800 mm;
The weight of the warhead is 5.4 kg.

Third generation ATGM

Simultaneously with the development of means of destroying armored vehicles, and in some cases even ahead of this development, means of protection against them were improved. They also made their own adjustments to new tactics for using units and conducting combat operations. The main feature of the third generation ATGM was that the missile began to be aimed at the target completely automatically. The racket is equipped with a homing head; it automatically finds the target and destroys it.

Kornet-EM ATGM based on the Tiger

The main directions in the development of third-generation ATGMs today are as follows: increasing the likelihood of destroying an armored target with one fired missile; increasing the maximum firing range; increasing the survivability of the complex on the battlefield and all-weather use; achieving high combat readiness and increasing the rate of fire; implementation of the “see-and-shoot” and “fire-and-forget” principles in practice; high noise immunity, as well as the implementation of fiber-optic data transmission to the operator with the ability to control the flight of the missile and capture the target with the homing head after the launch.

Wide Application ATGMs in the role of high-precision weapons for company-level motorized rifle units led to another significant difference, namely the equipment of the warheads. Nowadays, third-generation ATGMs can be equipped with powerful tandem cumulative warheads providing armor penetration at the level of 1000-1200 mm, incendiary (thermobaric) and high-explosive warheads, as well as high-explosive fragmentation warheads. The most advanced Russian 3rd generation ATGMs include the Kornet-EM and Khrizantema complexes, which are well known outside Russia.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the Kornet-EM ATGM:

Firing range, minimum – 100 m, maximum – 10,000 m;
Control system: automatic with tele-orientation in the laser beam;
Armor penetration of a cumulative warhead is 1100-1300 mm.
Warhead weight - 4.6 kg;

Information sources:

“Baby”, “Bassoon”, “Metis”, “Cornet” and “Chrysanthemum” are not nicknames of hooligans, but names of formidable weapons. The history of domestic anti-tank missile systems (ATMS), which became the best in the world.

"Malyutka" - the first in service

9K11 or “Malyutka” was the first Soviet anti-tank system, developed in 1960 at the Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau in Kolomna under the leadership of Sergei Pavlovich Nepobedimy. Intended to destroy tanks, bunkers and other protected targets, this ATGM became the first mass-produced complex of guided anti-tank weapons in the USSR. This complex (and its modifications) began to be adapted for installation on surface and airborne assets.

In 1963, work began on adapting the complex to the Mi-1U helicopter, and later, at the production transferred to Poland, Mi-2 helicopters were produced in the URP modification, which were armed with four such complexes. The combat capabilities of the complex were first discussed openly after the IDF's 252nd Tank Division was almost completely lost to anti-tank fire on October 6, 1973 during the so-called Yom Kippur War. After such a successful performance, the complex began to be produced by almost all allied countries of the USSR: Bulgaria, Iran, Poland, Czechoslovakia, China and Taiwan.

Light sight "Fagot"

9K111 or “Bassoon”, despite the similarity in name with a light wind instrument, is an even more formidable weapon. Having developed this complex in 1970, the Tula Instrument Design Bureau made an incredible breakthrough in the development of anti-tank missile systems.

A former employee of the Tula Instrument Design Bureau, Sergei Smirnov, in an interview with the Zvezda TV channel, explained why “Bassoon” turned out to be so successful:

“The main advantage of the complex, first of all, is that it is universal. 9K111 can use completely different missiles from its launch platform - from Factoria to Konkurs and Konkurs-M. This concerns the first innovation. Regarding the second, semi-automatic guidance was used in the complex for the first time among domestic ones - this is when the operator points the complex at the target, and the missile itself “builds” the aiming line. By the third important advantage It can be attributed to the fact that only two people tolerate the complex - and this is important. The smaller the crew, the lower the probability of noticing it and, accordingly, suppressing it with fire or completely destroying it.”

Only officially, the 9K111 complex was or is still in service with countries such as Bulgaria, Hungary, India, North Korea, Libya, Nicaragua, Poland, Romania, Peru, Syria, Vietnam, Afghanistan. Just like its predecessors, the Fagot can be mounted on a mobile chassis based on army equipment, thereby increasing the fire capabilities of an entire unit.

"Metis" will chew through any bunker

“One hundred and fifteenth,” as the developers themselves called it, or 9K115-2 “Metis-M” was developed in the early 90s. The creation of the complex was carried out during the most difficult years for the country, but, despite the difficult economic and political situation, in 1992 the Metis-M complex, developed on the basis of an earlier version 9K115, was put into service. Tula gunsmiths, who developed and built this complex, put into it unique feature– from the very beginning, from the drawing board to its implementation in metal, this complex was designed as a means of combating promising types of tank armor. The new tandem cumulative part of the complex's missile is capable of penetrating almost any known to the world tank, including tanks with mounted and built-in dynamic protection. However, in addition to tanks, Metis is capable of turning around a serious, protected object.

Sergei Smirnov, a former employee of the Tula Instrument Design Bureau, explained the main feature of the complex in an interview with the Zvezda TV channel:

“The trick is that when, say, concrete, the main material for the construction of any bunker or bunker, is pierced, a high level of pressure arises, which, in turn, leads to rapid crushing of the concrete, and in simple terms, it practically turns into dust in those places where the cumulative jet passes, and when the ammunition breaks through reverse side object, then you can already detect high action behind the obstacle. That is, not only the integrity of the object itself is violated, but also the enemy personnel located in it are killed. Regarding the thickness of concrete up to three meters, I can safely say that the enemy has no chance. Especially if the shot was fired by an operator who is located somewhere in an infantry fighting vehicle or infantry fighting vehicle and can fire with high accuracy,” the expert said.

Universal "Cornet"

Introduced in 1994 Nizhny Novgorod The Kornet ATGM blew up the then military-analytical community on both sides of the ocean. The Tula Design Bureau managed to do something unprecedented - to create an anti-tank complex that was virtually ideal for combat, and any soldier can be trained to operate it in less than a day. In Kornet, Tula masters were able to actually implement full protection from jamming - active and passive, turning it into a real tank killer. As in the case of previous ATGMs, the Kornet contains the genes of a universal fighter: an installation with a different number of launch containers can be mounted on the turret of an infantry fighting vehicle, infantry fighting vehicle, and other masses of military equipment. On the basis of this ATGM, Tula even developed their own universal turret module “Cleaver”, which, if necessary, can be easily mounted even on the BTR-80, infantry fighting vehicles, boats and patrol ships. In “Cleaver”, to the use of their “Kornet” complex, the Tula residents also added cannon armament in the form of a 30-mm 2A72 cannon with a firing range of up to 4000 meters, turning the complex into a weapon with enormous firepower. Another advantage of the Kornet is that the missiles of the complex, subject to storage conditions and safety measures, can safely wait in the wings for as long as 10 years.

More recently, based on the Tiger armored car, a universal complex was presented, consisting of the vehicle itself and the Kornet-M ATGM - a modernized version of the 9K135 complex, located inside an armored hull. The complex mounted inside the Tiger can destroy 16 enemy tanks, that is, it is able to effectively fight an entire tank company at once, and eight such vehicles, each with 16 guided missiles, can replace them in their effectiveness. artillery battalion anti-tank guns MT-12.

"Chrysanthemum" can do everything

9K123 "Chrysanthemum", developed by Sergei Nepobedimy, went through a very difficult path from the drawing board and completely new principles of targeting and use and reached mass production with many changes. For this purpose, ATGMs were the first in the world to develop a special all-weather radar system for detecting and tracking targets with the ability to control the missile while aiming at the target.

The new radar control system ensured that the complex could operate in absolutely any weather conditions, day, night, and in any situation on the battlefield - be it smoke from fires or just thick fog. In the spirit of new times, the complex was given the ability not to perceive enemy-made or natural interference. The “Chrysanthemum” of the Kolomna Instrument Design Bureau is a truly universal weapon. It can be used on tank vehicles with the ability to automatically target a target via a radio channel, and if there is a second semi-automatic control channel, it can fire at two targets at once. Due to the short flight time and powerful ammunition, a platoon of three Chrysanthemums, equipped with missiles with an over-caliber tandem-cumulative warhead, can repel an attack by a tank company without exposing itself to virtually any danger.

What do they have?

American engineers have created a very ambitious project called BGM-71 TOW. TOW is a universal ATGM that can be mounted either on a stationary position or on the chassis of a wheeled or tracked vehicle. In terms of control, the ATGM adopted in the 70s is relatively similar to domestic ones: semi-automatic command, which is carried out by the operator. The TOW missile is controlled, as is the case with some domestic ATGMs, by wire, and only in the latest modifications - by radio channel. However, despite all the similar features, American analogues are significantly more expensive both in operation and in production. On average, the price of a TOW ATGM fluctuates around 60 thousand dollars - expensive thing even for rich countries.

Andrey Kolesnikov, expert in the field of artillery and anti-tank systems, for a long time taught at the Yekaterinburg Higher Artillery Command School, in an interview with the Zvezda TV channel, he explained the point regarding the cost of domestic and foreign ATGMs:

“I don’t see anything surprising in the price of the American complex. It's always been like this. From their side it is more expensive and well-promoted, from ours it is cheaper and more reliable. Everything, as always, was learned in battle. In my memory there were three cases when I was in communication with different people I heard stories about the unreliability of this particular complex. The first time I heard about failures was during the Gulf War in 1991, then I heard about failures in Iraq in 2003, and the third case of equipment failures, namely massive ones, happened in Afghanistan at the end of 2010, when they were using it to shoot at the Taliban in the mountains. For 60 thousand dollars, death is too expensive. It's better to take ours. And it’s five times cheaper and the reliability is always at its best,” the expert said.

Russian complexes, unlike foreign ones, have always been and are being made with an emphasis on minimal training. It is enough to cite one curious fact: a soldier can be trained to fire from the Kornet ATGM, which was discussed just above, in 12-14 hours, with a detailed study of the design and operating principles. All ATGM samples Russian production, which are cheaper to produce and maintain, have already found their customers all over the world, including in the Russian army itself, and none of the operating countries for long years I have not yet sent a single complaint to the manufacturer. And this speaks of quality and attractiveness Russian weapons more than any advertising brochures.

Aviation anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs) are designed to destroy armored targets. For the most part, they are analogues of the corresponding missiles that are part of ground-based anti-tank missile systems (ATGM), but adapted for use from aircraft, helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles aircraft. Specialized aviation anti-tank missiles have also been developed, which are used only with military aircraft.

Currently, three generations of ATGMs are in service with the aviation of leading foreign countries. The first generation includes missiles that use a wired semi-automatic guidance system (CH). These are ATGMs "Tou-2A and -2B" (USA), "Hot-2 and -3" (France, Germany). The second generation is represented by missiles using laser semi-active CH, such as the AGM-114A, F and K Hellfire (USA). Third-generation missiles, which include the AGM-114L Hellfire (USA) and Brimstone (UK) ATGMs, are equipped with autonomous CHs - active radar seekers operating in the microwave (MMW) wavelength range. ATGM is currently being developed fourth generation- JAGM ((Joint Air-to-Ground Missile, USA).

The capabilities of an ATGM are determined by the following tactical and technical characteristics: maximum flight speed, type of guidance system, maximum missile launch range, type of warhead and armor penetration. The most active work in the field of creation and development of anti-tank guided missiles is carried out in the USA, Israel, Great Britain, Germany and France.

One of the directions for the development of ATGMs is to increase the effectiveness of hitting armored targets equipped with multi-layer armor, and to ensure the simultaneous launch of several missiles at different targets. Demonstration programs are being carried out to equip these weapons with dual-mode homing heads operating in the IR and MW wavelength ranges. The development of such missiles with autonomous launch vehicles continues, which, after launch, hit the target without operator participation. At the concept level, the creation of a hypersonic guided missile to combat tanks is being explored.

Anti-tank guided missile AGM-114 "Hellfire". This ATGM is designed to destroy armored vehicles. It has a modular design, which makes it easy to upgrade.

The AGM-114F Hellfire, developed by Rockwell specialists, entered service in 1991. It is equipped with a tandem warhead, allowing it to hit tanks with dynamic reactive armor. $348.9 million was spent on R&D. The cost of the rocket is 42 thousand dollars.

This ATGM is made according to the normal aerodynamic design. In the head part there is a semi-active laser seeker, a contact fuse and four destabilizers, in the middle there is a tandem warhead, an analog autopilot, a pneumatic accumulator for the rudder drive system, in the tail there is an engine, a cross-shaped wing, which is attached to the solid propellant motor body, and rudder drives located in wing console planes. The preliminary charge of the tandem warhead has a diameter of 70 mm. If the target is lost in the clouds, the autopilot remembers its coordinates and directs the missile to the intended target area, which allows the seeker to re-acquire it. The AGM-114K Hellfire-2 ATGM is equipped with a laser seeker that uses a new encoded laser pulse, which solved the problem of receiving false reflected signals and thereby increased the missile's noise immunity.

A semi-active seeker requires illumination of the target with a laser beam, which can be carried out by a laser designator from a carrier helicopter, another helicopter or UAV, or by a forward gunner from the ground. When the target is illuminated not from the carrier helicopter, but from another means, it becomes possible to launch an ATGM without visual visibility of the target. In this case, it is captured by the seeker after the missile is launched. The helicopter may be in cover. To ensure the launch of several missiles in a short period of time and pointing them at different targets, coding is used by changing the repetition rate of laser pulses.

Layout diagram of the Tou-2A ATGM: 1 - preliminary charge; 2 - retractable rod; 3 - sustaining solid propellant rocket engine; 4 - gyroscope; 5 - starting solid propellant rocket engine; 6 - coil with wire; 7 - tail rudder; 8 - IR tracer; 9 - xenon lamp; 10 - digital electronic unit; 11 - wing; 12, 14 - safety-actuating mechanism; 13 - main warhead
Layout diagram of the ATGM "Tou~2V": 1 - deactivated target sensor; 2-propulsion solid propellant rocket engine; 3 - gyroscope; 4 - starting solid propellant rocket motor; 5 - IR tracer; 6 - xenon lamp; 7- coil with wire; 8 - digital electronic unit; 9 - power drive; 10- rear warhead; 11 - front warhead

Tou anti-tank guided missile. It is designed to destroy armored vehicles. In November 1983, specialists from the Hughes company began developing the Tou-2A ATGM with a tandem warhead so that it would be capable of destroying tanks with reactive armor. The missile entered service in 1989. By the end of 1989, approximately 12 thousand units had been collected. In 1987, work began on the creation of the Tou-2B ATGM. It is designed to destroy armored vehicles when flying over a target - the upper part of the tank hull is the least protected. The missile entered service in 1992.

This ATGM has a folding cross-shaped wing in the middle part of the hull and rudders in the tail. The wing and rudders are located at an angle of 45° relative to each other. The control is semi-automatic, commands to the rocket are transmitted via wires. To guide the missile, an IR tracer and a xenon lamp are installed in its tail section.

The Tou ATGM is in service with 37 countries, including all NATO countries. The rocket carriers are AN-1S and W, A-129, and Lynx helicopters. R&D expenses for the program for its creation amounted to $284.5 million. The cost of one Tou-2A ATGM is about 14 thousand dollars, Tou-2B - up to 25 thousand.

The ATGM uses a two-stage solid propellant rocket engine from Hercules. The mass of the first stage is 0.545 kg. The second stage, located in the middle part, has two nozzles installed at an angle of 30° to its construction axis.

The side combat warhead of the Tou-2B ATGM hits the target when flying over it (into the upper hemisphere). When a warhead is detonated, two impact cores are formed, one of which is designed to detonate the reactive armor mounted on the tank's turret. For detonation, a remote fuse with two sensors is used: optical, which determines the target by its configuration, and magnetic, which confirms the presence of a large amount of metal and prevents the possibility of false activation of the warhead.

The pilot keeps the crosshairs on the target, while the missile automatically flies at a certain height above the line of sight. It is stored, transported and installed on helicopters in a sealed launch container.

Anti-tank missile system "Spike-ER" (Israel). This ATGM (previously designated NTD) was put into service in 2003. It was created on the basis of the Gill/Spike complexes by specialists from the Rafael company. The complex is a launcher with four missiles, equipped with a guidance and control system.

ATGM "Spike-ER" (ER - Extended Range) is a high-precision missile of the fourth generation, the use of which is implemented according to the "fire and forget" principle. The probability of hitting enemy armored vehicles and fortified structures with this missile launcher is 0.9. The high-explosive-penetrating version of its warhead is capable of breaking through the walls of bunkers and then exploding indoors, causing maximum damage to the target and minimal damage to surrounding buildings.

Before launch and during the flight of the ATGM, the pilot receives a video image transmitted from the homing head. Controlling the rocket, he selects a target after launch.

The missile launcher is capable of flying both in autonomous mode and by receiving signals about data changes from the pilot. This guidance method also allows you to divert the missile away from the target in case of unforeseen situations.

As a result of tests carried out by specialists from the Rafael company, the Spike-ER ATGM has established itself as a reliable and high-precision guided missile. Thus, in 2008, a contract worth $64 million was signed between the management of General Dynamics Santa Barbara Systems (GDSBS) and the command of the Spanish Army for the supply of Spike-ER anti-tank missile systems consisting of 44 launchers and 200 Spike-ER missiles. ER" for Tiger helicopters. According to the terms of the contract, the work will be completed by 2012.

Anti-tank guided missile PARS 3 LR. This ATGM has been in service with the German Air Force since 2008. This missile was developed to further replace the Hot and Toe ATGMs. In 1988, after the signing of an agreement between France, Germany and Great Britain, full-scale development of the PARS 3 LR ATGM began. The contract value was $972.7 million.

The PARS 3 LR ATGM is built according to a normal aerodynamic design. The principle of operation is that the operator selects and marks a target on the indicator, and the missile is aimed at this target automatically using a stored image. The ATGM can also be programmed to strike the target from above with an impact angle close to 90°.
The PARS 3 LR ATGM guidance system includes a noise-resistant thermal imaging seeker operating in the wavelength range 8-12 microns.

The missile launch is carried out according to the “fire and forget” principle, which allows the helicopter to change its position immediately after the missile launch and leave the range of enemy air defense systems. The seeker PC performs target acquisition immediately before the missile launch. After detecting, identifying and identifying the target, the missile launcher independently navigates to the target. The homing head uses IR technologies, which ensure clear identification of targets and target designation over the entire range of ranges. The warhead is tandem. This ensures the destruction of tanks equipped with dynamic protection, helicopters, dugouts, field fortifications and command posts.

The PARS 3 LR anti-tank guided missile is structurally composed of four compartments. In the first, under a glass fairing there is a thermal imaging homing head, and behind it there is a tandem cumulative warhead and a combat cocking mechanism. The second compartment contains radio-electronic equipment (three-degree gyroscope and on-board computer). Next are the fuel and engine compartments, respectively. The PARS 3LR ATGM is protected from enemy electronic countermeasures, which reduces the load on the pilot when performing a combat mission.

Appearance of the Brimstone ATGM

Layout diagram of the Brimstone ATGM: 1 - seeker; 2 - preliminary charge; 3 - main charge; 4 - power drive; 5 - solid propellant rocket engine; 6 - control module

Anti-tank guided missile "Brimstone". This ATGM was adopted by the British Army in 2002.

The rocket is built according to a normal aerodynamic design, the head part is covered with a hemispherical fairing. The body has an elongated cylindrical shape. A cross-shaped trapezoidal tail is attached to the front part of the ATGM; trapezoidal stabilizers are attached to the engine compartment, turning into rotary control aerodynamic planes-rudders. Brimstone has a modular design.

This ATGM is equipped with an active radar seeker developed by GEC-Marconi (Great Britain). It contains a Cossegrain antenna with one movable mirror. The homing head detects, recognizes and classifies targets using a built-in algorithm. During guidance in the final section, the seeker determines the optimal aiming point. The remaining components of the ATGM (digital autopilot, warhead, solid propellant motor) were borrowed without changes from the American Hellfire ATGM.

The rocket is equipped with a cumulative tandem warhead and a solid propellant rocket motor. The engine operating time is about 2.5 s. The guidance module consists of a digital autopilot and an INS, with the help of which guidance is carried out during the mid-flight phase. The rocket is equipped with an electric drive.

The Brimstone ATGM has two guidance modes. In the direct (direct) mode, the pilot enters data about the target he has detected into the missile’s on-board computer, and after launch it flies to the target and hits it without further participation of the pilot. In indirect mode, the process of attacking a target is planned in advance. Before the flight, the target search area, its type, and the starting point of its search are determined. This data is entered into the rocket's on-board computer just before launch. After launch, the ATGM flies at a fixed altitude, the value of which is specified. Since in this case, target acquisition is carried out after launch, in order to avoid hitting friendly troops, the missile seeker does not work. Upon reaching the specified area, the seeker is turned on and the target is searched. If it is not detected and the ATGM has gone beyond the specified area, then it will self-destruct.

This missile is resistant to blackout zones or battlefield decoys such as smoke, dust, and flares. It contains algorithms for recognizing main targets. If it is necessary to destroy other objects, new target recognition algorithms can be developed and the ATGM can be easily reprogrammed.

JAGM anti-tank guided missile. Currently, R&D to create the fourth generation JAGM (Joint Air-to-Ground Missile) ATGM is at the development and demonstration stage. It should enter service with the US Air Force in 2016.
This missile is being created as part of a joint program with the participation of specialists from the Army, Navy and Marine Corps USA. It is a continuation of the program to create a universal missile for all types of national armed forces JCM (Joint Common Missile), R&D for which was discontinued in 2007. Lockheed-Martin and Boeing/Raytheon are taking part in the competitive development.

Based on the results of the competition, scheduled for 2011, full-scale development of the JAGM ATGM will begin. The missile will be equipped with a three-mode seeker, which will provide the ability for radar, infrared or semi-active laser guidance at the target. This will allow the missile defense system to detect, recognize and engage stationary and mobile targets at long ranges and under any weather conditions on the battlefield. A multifunctional warhead will ensure the destruction of various types of targets. In this case, the pilot from the cockpit will be able to select the type of detonation of the warhead.

In August 2010, Lockheed Martin specialists conducted tests to launch the JAGM ATGM. During them, it hit the target, and the guidance accuracy (CA) was 5 cm. The missile was launched from a distance of 16 km, while the seeker used a semi-active laser mode.

If this program is successfully completed, the JAGM ATGM will replace the AGM-65 Maverick guided missiles in service, as well as the AGM-114 Hellfire and BGM-71 Toe ATGMs.

The US Army Command expects to purchase at least 54 thousand ATGMs of this type. The total cost of the program for the development and procurement of the JAGM missile is $122 million.

Thus, in the next two decades, anti-tank guided missiles will remain the most effective and affordable means of fighting armored fighting vehicles. An analysis of the state of their development shows that during the forecast period in leading foreign countries, ATGMs of the first and second generations will be removed from service and only third-generation missiles will remain.

After 2011, missiles equipped with dual-mode seekers will appear in service, which will make it possible to recognize targets (friends and others) with a guaranteed probability and hit them at the most vulnerable point. The firing range of ATGMs will increase to 12 km or more. Warheads will be improved when operating against armored targets equipped with multi-layer or dynamic armor. In this case, armor penetration will reach 1300-1500 mm. ATGMs will be equipped with multifunctional warheads, which will allow them to hit targets of various types.

AGM-114F "Hellfire" "Tou-2A" "Tou-2B" "Spike-ER" PARS 3 LR "Brimstone" JAGM
Maximum firing range, km 8 3,75 4 0,4-8 8 10 16 helicopters 28 airplanes
Armor penetration, mm 1200 1000 1200 1100 1200 1200-1300 . 1200
Warhead type Cumulative tandem Cumulative tandem Side combat (shock core) Cumulative Cumulative tandem Cumulative tandem Cumulative tandem / high-explosive fragmentation
Maximum number of M 1 1 1 1,2 300 m/s 1,2-1,3 1,7
Guidance system type Semi-active laser seeker, analog autopilot Semi-automatic by wire IR GOS Thermal imaging seeker INS, digital autopilot and active radar MMV seeker INS, digital autopilot and multi-mode seeker
Propulsion type Solid propellant rocket engine Solid propellant rocket engine Solid propellant rocket engine Solid propellant rocket engine Solid propellant rocket motor with thrust vector control Solid propellant rocket engine Solid propellant rocket engine
Rocket launch mass, kg 48,6 24 26 47 48 49 52
Rocket length, m 1,8 1,55 1,17 1,67 1,6 1,77 1,72
Case diameter, m 0,178 0,15 0,15 0,171 0,15 0,178 0,178
Carrier AN-64A and D helicopters; UH-60A, L and M; OH-58D; A-129; AH-1W helicopters AN-1S and W, A-129, "Linx" Helicopters "Tiger", AH-1S "Cobra", "Gazelle" Tiger helicopters Aircraft "Harrier" GR.9; "Typhoon"; "Tornado" GR.4, WAH-64D helicopters AN-IS helicopters; AH-1W AH-64A.D; UH-60A,L,M; OH-58D; A-129; AH-1W
Weight of warhead, kg 5-5,8 5-6,0

Foreign military review. - 2011. - No. 4. - pp. 64-70

Anti-tank guided missile systems (ATGMs) are the most common and sought-after type of precision weapons at present. Appearing at the end of World War II, this weapon soon became one of the most effective means destruction of tanks and other types of armored vehicles.

Modern ATGMs are complex universal defensive-assault systems, which are no longer exclusively a means of destroying tanks. Today, these weapons are used to solve a wide range of tasks, including combating enemy firing points, their fortifications, manpower and even low-flying air targets. Thanks to their versatility and high mobility, anti-tank guided systems have now become one of the main means of fire support for infantry units both in offensive and defensive situations.

ATGMs are one of the most dynamically developing segments of the global arms market; these weapons are produced in huge quantities. For example, more than 700 thousand units of the American TOW ATGM of various modifications were produced.

One of the most advanced Russian models of such weapons is the Kornet anti-tank guided complex.

Anti-tank generations

The Germans were the first to develop anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs) back in the middle of World War II. By 1945, the Ruhrstahl company had managed to produce several hundred units of the Rotkappchen (“Little Red Riding Hood”) ATGM.

After the end of the war, these weapons fell into the hands of the Allies, and they became the basis for the development of their own anti-tank systems. In the 50s, French engineers managed to create two successful missile systems: SS-10 and SS-11.

Only a few years later, Soviet designers began developing anti-tank missiles, but already one of the first examples of Soviet ATGMs became an undoubted world bestseller. The Malyutka missile system turned out to be very simple and very effective. In the Arab-Israeli war, with its help, up to 800 armored vehicles were destroyed in a few weeks (Soviet data).

All of the above ATGMs belonged to first-generation weapons; the missile was controlled by wire, its flight speed was low, and its armor penetration was low. But the worst thing was something else: the operator had to control the rocket throughout its flight, which placed high demands on his qualifications.

In the second generation of ATGMs, this problem was partially solved: the complexes received semi-automatic guidance, and the missile's flight speed was significantly increased. The operator of these anti-tank missile systems simply had to point the weapon at the target, fire a shot, and keep the object in the crosshairs until the missile hit. She took over her management Calculating machine, which was part of the missile system.

The second generation of these weapons includes the Soviet ATGMs “Fagot”, “Konkurs”, “Metis”, the American TOW and Dragon, the European Milan complex and many others. Today, the overwhelming majority of these weapons in service various armies world, refers specifically to the second generation.

Since the beginning of the 80s, the development of the next, third generation ATGM began in different countries. The Americans have made the most progress in this direction.

A few words should be said about the concept of creating a new weapon. This is important, because the approaches of Soviet and Western designers were very different.

In the West, they began to develop anti-tank missile systems that operate on the “fire and forget” principle. The operator’s task is to aim the missile at the target, wait for it to be captured by the missile homing head (GOS), fire and quickly leave the launch site. The smart rocket will do the rest itself.

An example of an ATGM that operates on this principle is the American Javelin complex. The missile of this complex is equipped with a thermal homing head, which reacts to the heat generated by the power plant of a tank or other armored vehicle. There is one more advantage that ATGMs of this design have: they can hit tanks in the upper, most unprotected projection.

However, in addition to undeniable advantages, such systems also have serious disadvantages. The main one is the high cost of the rocket. In addition, a missile with an infrared seeker cannot hit an enemy bunker or firing point, the range of use of such a complex is limited, and the operation of a missile with such a seeker is not very reliable. It is only capable of hitting armored vehicles with the engine running, which have a good thermal contrast with the surrounding terrain.

In the USSR they took a slightly different path; it is usually described with the slogan: “I see and shoot.” It is on this principle that the newest Russian ATGM “Kornet” operates.

After the shot, the missile is aimed at the target and kept on its trajectory using a laser beam. In this case, the missile's photodetector is facing the launcher, which ensures high noise immunity of the Kornet missile system. In addition, this ATGM is equipped with a thermal imaging sight, which allows it to fire at any time of the day.

This method of guidance seems anachronistic compared to foreign third-generation ATGMs, but it has a number of significant advantages.

Description of the complex

Already in the mid-80s, it became clear that the second generation Konkurs ATGM, despite numerous upgrades, no longer meets modern requirements. First of all, this concerned noise immunity and armor penetration.

In 1988, the Tula Instrument Design Bureau began development of the new Kornet ATGM; this complex was first demonstrated to the general public in 1994.

"Cornet" was developed as a universal fire weapon for ground forces.

The Kornet ATGM is capable of not only coping with the latest models of dynamic protection of armored vehicles, but even attacking low-flying air targets. In addition to the cumulative warhead (warhead), the missile can also be equipped with a high-explosive thermobaric part, which is perfect for destroying enemy firing points and manpower.

The Kornet complex consists of the following components:

  • launcher: it can be portable or installed on various media;
  • guided missile (ATGM) with different flight ranges and various types Warhead

The portable modification of the “Kornet” consists of a 9P163M-1 launcher, which is a tripod, a 1P45M-1 sight-guidance device and a trigger mechanism.

The height of the launcher can be adjusted, which allows you to fire from different positions: lying down, sitting, from cover.

A thermal imaging sight can be installed on the ATGM; it consists of an optical-electronic unit, control devices and a cooling system.

The launcher weighs 25 kilograms and can be easily installed on any mobile carrier.

The Kornet ATGM attacks the frontal projection of armored vehicles using a semi-automatic guidance system and a laser beam. The operator's task is to detect a target, point the sight at it, fire a shot and keep the target in sight until it is hit.

The Kornet complex is reliably protected from active and passive interference; protection is achieved by directing the missile's photodetector towards the launcher.

The anti-tank guided missile (ATGM), which is part of the Kornet complex, is made according to the “duck” design. The drop-down rudders are located in the front part of the rocket, where their drive is also located, as well as the leading charge of the tandem cumulative warhead.

An engine with two nozzles is located in the middle part of the rocket, behind which is the main charge of the cumulative warhead. At the rear of the rocket is a control system, including a laser receiver. There are also four folding wings located at the rear.

The ATGM along with the expelling charge is placed in a disposable sealed plastic container.

There is a modification of this complex - the Kornet-D ATGM, which provides armor penetration up to 1300 mm and a firing range of up to 10 km.

Advantages of the Kornet ATGM

Many experts (especially foreign ones) do not consider the Kornet a third-generation complex, since it does not implement the principle of missile homing at a target. However, this weapon has many advantages not only over outdated second-generation ATGMs, but also over the latest Javelin-type systems. Here are the main ones:

  • versatility: “Cornet” can be used both against armored vehicles and against enemy firing points and field fortifications;
  • convenience of shooting from unprepared positions from different positions: “prone”, “from the knee”, “in a trench”;
    Possibility of use at any time of the day;
  • high noise immunity;
  • the ability to use a wide range of media;
  • salvo firing of two missiles;
  • long firing range (up to 10 km);
  • high armor penetration of the missile, which allows the ATGM to successfully fight almost all types of modern tanks.

The main advantage of the Kornet ATGM is its cost, which is approximately three times lower than that of missiles with a homing head.

Combat use of the complex

First serious conflict, in which the Kornet complex was used, was the war in Lebanon in 2006. The Hezbollah group actively used this ATGM, which practically thwarted the offensive of the Israeli army. According to the Israelis, during the fighting, 46 Merkava tanks were damaged. Although, not all of them were shot down from the Kornet. Hezbollah received these ATGMs through Syria.

According to Islamists, Israel's losses were actually much greater.

In 2011, Hezbollah used a Kornet to target an Israeli school bus.

During civil war in Syria, many units of these weapons from looted government arsenals fell into the hands of both the moderate opposition and ISIS units (an organization banned in the Russian Federation).

A large number of American-made armored vehicles in service with the Iraqi army were hit by the Kornet ATGM. There is documentary evidence of the destruction of one American tank"Abrams".

During Operation Protective Edge, most of the anti-tank missiles fired at Israeli tanks were various modifications of the Kornet. All of them were intercepted by the Trophy active tank defense. The Israelis took several complexes as trophies.

In Yemen, the Houthis have very successfully used this anti-tank system against Saudi Arabian armored vehicles.


Full-time combat crew, people.2
Weight of PU 9P163M-1, kg25
Time to transfer from traveling to combat position, min.less than 1
Ready to launch, after target detection, with01.Feb
Combat rate of fire, rds/min02.Mar
Launcher reloading time, s30
Control systemsemi-automatic, by laser beam
Rocket caliber, mm152
TPK length, mm1210
Maximum wing span of the rocket, mm460
Maas missiles in TPK, kg29
Rocket mass, kg26
Warhead weight, kg7
Explosive mass, kg04.Jun
Warhead typetandem cumulative
Maximum armor penetration (meeting angle 900) of homogeneous steel armor, beyond NDZ, mm1200
Penetration of concrete monolith, mm3000
Propulsion typeSolid propellant rocket engine
Marching speedsubsonic
Maximum firing range during the day, m5500
Maximum firing range at night, m3500
Minimum firing range, m100

Video about ATGM Cornet

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