Prohibitions related to money. What you can and cannot do on Orthodox Christmas

Since ancient times, on the night before Christmas, people usually spent magical rituals and fortune telling. Our ancestors turned to magic on this magical evening to find a way out. difficult situation or attract all benefits, in particular material ones, into your home. Higher power can help a person find the right way in life and become financially stable. What ritual should you perform on Christmas Eve to attract money into your life for the whole year?

Fire attracts wealth and warmth into the house. That's why candles are usually lit at Christmas.

The basic ritual of Christmas is known to many from children's books. This is making a Christmas cake with a coin placed inside it. The housewife bakes a pie according to her favorite recipe and leaves a coin in it. The person who gets this “surprise” in the pie will find good luck and luck in the coming year. Please note: the pie is cut at the table, not before serving. It's also worth wearing a new outfit for Christmas, especially if you run your own business. Financial affairs will improve, revenue will increase significantly, and influential partners or investors will appear.

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At Christmas, you can perform one more ritual: on the eve of Christmas Eve we buy new pot flower pot and fill it to the top with soil. Directly on Christmas Eve we place 3 green candles around the pot, after which we begin to draw index finger along the edge of the flowerpot, always clockwise, you also need to say the words:

As the twelve months ring, So the purses of the Servant of God (name) would ring and rattle. Like the roosters crow twelve times, So the twelve dawns keep money And twelve times they say to themselves: “ Money to money, Wallets to wallets, Everything that’s mine is with me and all the money is with me».

Extinguish the candles as soon as you read the plot 3 times, but it is important to remember that this pot must be in the same place for 12 days and you must light these candles for 12 days, and on the 12th day they must burn out to the end.

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In ancient times, a ritual with coins was popular, which was aimed at creating money talisman. Coins were placed in the dish and placed on the table. After this, dinner began with 3 spoons of kutia - a traditional Christmas dish of cooked cereals with the addition of honey, dried fruits and nuts. After family members try the treat, they must take a coin from the common dish and place it under their plate. To yourself or in a whisper, but clearly, you need to say any conspiracies to increase 3 times:

« Let this coin serve my wealth and become my talisman».« For money to flow, bless my luck.»« Serve as my wealth and as a faithful talisman for me.»« Add more and don't end. Good luck, turn around to face me!».

After dinner, you should put the coin in your wallet and carry it all year round. It is forbidden to waste it. There is a belief that such a coin will attract money to the house. This ritual must be performed every year. If you believe in his power, then everything will work out in any case. Before next Christmas, you can spend a coin and make yourself another talisman to add more money. With such an irredeemable coin, money will stick to you like a magnet, and your family will have prosperity - the ritual will affect everyone in it.

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In the evening, when it becomes dark, you need to take a small cup of rice and toss the rice, saying: “Out of one, ten will be born, out of ten, a hundred, out of a hundred, a thousand, so that my slave(s) (name) money will be born and multiplied.” and stayed in my house. "

Until January 8, do not touch the rice, but on this day collect it and wrap it in a red rag, placing the bundle behind the icons.

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To keep money flowing, on Christmas Eve you should place paper bills, preferably large denominations, under your pillow, as well as of different denominations. In the morning after waking up, you need to take out one of the bills without looking and read a spell on it with a request to attract luck and prosperity into your life.

“The Lord went to Jerusalem, and a poor man followed him. Having performed many miracles, the poor man suffered a bit. Give me, Lord, riches, so that we will not know beggary. Amen! »

Money ritual is carried out in complete solitude, and no one is allowed to talk about it. The banknote should always be carried with you; it is a kind of talisman, as well as a talisman.

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You need to take a new comb (comb) for your hair. The Slavs were sure that the more beautiful and rich the comb looked, the better the life of its owner would be. It's hard to attract wealth with cheap items. Use a new comb to comb your comb every day for a week, morning and evening, mentally setting yourself up to attract wealth and good luck into your life and reciting the following spell:

“I comb my hair, I comb out my troubles. I call on the angels for help, I cry out a prayer to the Christmas heavens. I read prayers to the Lord and humbly bow to him. Protect from troubles, take away from temptation, save your soul from devilish temptation. I comb, I comb, I comb for luck and money. Tell me, a sinner (name), what to do. Get wealth and good luck for the house. Amen! "

The ritual with the comb, in addition to its monetary purpose, cleanses a person’s aura and rids him of bad thoughts. This comb should be used throughout the next year until Christmas, and at the end, throw it in the trash without regret. If you update your comb every year, you will definitely see how you have become much richer, and your affairs have improved significantly.

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Make a fire from 7 birch logs, prepare a couple of cones. The whole family and guests, including pine cones, are allowed to be attracted to the Christmas fire. As soon as all the logs begin to burn, throw the cones into the fire one at a time, making wishes. It is important to wish for material goods, and not the amount of money with which you can buy what you want. Those who have been burned will definitely fulfill what they want, if, of course, it is assigned to you from Above.

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You will need:

Green candle, - laurel leaves, - a full box of matches.

No one else should be present during the ceremony. The ceremony should be carried out in a clean and ventilated room. Place a table in the center of the room and wipe it down. Place the dish and light a candle on it. On 7 bay leaves, write your request for welfare (material desires). Turn to the candle so that it illuminates the path to money for him. When 1/3 of the candle has burned down, light the bay leaves and place them on a plate. After the ceremony, the ashes are thrown into a natural reservoir.

With enormous power has a Christmas spell to attract good luck and money. Stand in the middle of the room where you spend the most time in the house. Raise your arms up so that you form a bowl above your head and circle around yourself 7 times clockwise. Then look at your raised palms and repeat these words 7 times:

« I’ll get myself some money, I want to attract wealth. Angels, help, give me abundance. Amen.»

For greater effect, this ritual can be performed every evening before Epiphany. After which you will see how your income will increase, and money will begin to come even from unexpected sources. Be happy with every amount, even if at first it is not very large, and over time the budget will increase many times over.

Christmas Eve is the day before the Nativity of Christ. The name Christmas Eve itself comes from the word “sochivo” - this is the name of rice or wheat porridge with honey, raisins and nuts.
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Who among us doesn't want to have more money? They are always needed in any situation, and if a person says that happiness cannot be found in money, then he either simply does not understand what he is talking about, or he means that happiness is in the amount of money you have.

But, as they say, you can’t easily pull a fish out of a pond; money by itself rarely comes to anyone. They need to be earned, that's for sure. However, while earning money, you can enlist the help of magic, which will help you be more successful in this matter.

Start with what many people usually neglect modern people, saying that all this is nonsense, superstition.

In fact, everything is quite serious: there are several rules, if you do not follow them, you will not have money:

  1. Get rid of the habit of cracking seeds and help your household/employees get rid of it if you have such an addiction.
  2. Don't whistle at home and don't let anyone else do it.
  3. Don’t count pennies, try to sell them right away in the store or give them away to the poor without counting.
  4. Be sure to have a piggy bank at home, preferably with a gold and green colors, from time to time, do not forget to “sacrifice” a coin or two to your pig (preferably with a larger denomination, 10 rubles is an excellent option).
  5. Change your wallet as soon as the old one begins to wear out. Buy from natural material(since money doesn’t go into an old wallet), it’s advisable to take a leather one, don’t skimp, be sure to be red and, if you find one, with a mirror. By the way, you can buy a mirror separately and put it in your wallet.
  6. Do not crumple or bend the bills when you put them in your wallet, do it carefully, and the money will go into your hands.
  7. Keep cash only in your wallet – don’t put it in your pockets or bags.
  8. If you carry a piece of dried horseradish in a secret pocket of your wallet, it will attract money like a magnet. Cinnamon oil works the same way, so if you don't like the horseradish option, you can try fragrant cinnamon.
  9. Get a red folder and put all your bills and receipts there, and you will always have money to pay them.

Let's go directly to practical magic: on the new moon, pour a full glass of water, place it on the windowsill behind the curtain in the beam moonlight and wait for the full moon. When it comes, you need to wash your face with water from this glass in the light of the moon and say:

“Just as you, month, were thin and became full, so I have every good thing to be full.”

You will see for yourself that money will flow to you like a river and new opportunities will open up at every step, the main thing is to do everything right.

Rules to follow!

Do you want your Christmas money rituals to be effective? Then make it a rule to give alms to the poor. You may not sympathize with these people, perhaps they really have fallen due to their own laziness, but remember that you are giving alms for your own good, so do it with a light heart and without negative emotions, thinking to yourself that everything you give will be returned to you. much more. You can even say out loud when giving alms:

“Let the hand of the giver never fail.”

Since ancient times among knowledgeable people exists strong faith in the fact that any magical action performed on the eve of or during a holiday revered by the people has a special magical power. Holidays that are loved and observed by everyone, such as New Year or Christmas, are not just days of riot magical powers, but also a time when people think about the future and make plans for the coming year.

This is the time that is considered the best for conducting money rituals. Below we present to your attention the most effective and at the same time simple solutions, which can be carried out without the help of a professional magician and without appropriate training. On New Year We carry out the following ritual so that money can be found throughout the year and new opportunities to earn it open up:

  1. On December 31st you need to buy an envelope at the post office, write yourself a letter with Best wishes regarding finances, seal it in an envelope along with the bill, write your address on the envelope and mail this letter to yourself.
  2. IN next year When you receive a letter, keep it, do not spend the banknote, always carry it with you in a secret pocket of your wallet.

Ritual with coins

You can also go to New Year's Eve Place three coins in a beautiful red bag on the refrigerator, tails up, just warn your household not to touch the bag. Before sitting down to the New Year's table, you need to place a coin, tails up, under each family member's plate. Let these coins lie under the plates all the time festive dinner, and then let each family member take his own coin and carry it with him as a talisman all year.

On Christmas Eve, you can perform the following ritual: on the eve of Christmas Eve, we buy a new flower pot, fill it to the top with soil, immediately on Christmas Eve we place three green candles around the pot, then we begin to move our index finger along the edge of the flowerpot, always clockwise, and say:

Extinguish the candles as soon as you read the plot 3 times, but remember that this pot must stand in the same place for 12 days and you must light these candles for 12 days, and on the 12th day they must burn out.

Envelope with money

Another effective step for Christmas: buy two envelopes and put money in them (as much as you can), write your address on one envelope, and the church address on the second. Take the envelopes to the post office and, placing them in the mailbox, say:

“To whom the church is not a mother, I am not a father.”

It is worth paying attention to rituals for the waxing moon, which also have enormous power.

On the 13th, the month is unimportant, but you need to guess so that the moon is waxing, you need to go to church and buy 13 candles there, again you need to guess so that they give you change in small change. If it doesn’t work out, ask for an exchange. Go home without talking to anyone, even if they say hello, try to slip unnoticed by everyone.

There shouldn't be anyone at home either. Opening front door, cross the threshold of the apartment and forcefully throw the money on the floor. It is advisable that no one in the household sees them on the floor ( you can put a rug on top). First thing in the morning, collect all the coins, tie them in a bundle and keep them with you, preferably under your mattress.

There are great rituals for the full moon, for example this one: full moon take a candle, always green, a piggy bank and three coins. On a full moon, light a candle and, pouring coins from hand to hand, say:

Then put the coins in the piggy bank and place the piggy bank in a visible place. When guests come to you, always jokingly invite them to throw a coin into the piggy bank - then you will have a lot of money.

On the night of the full moon, you can take the next step: in advance you need to take a pen, a tin can with a lid (from tea, for example), seven coins, a bay leaf. Lay it all out in front of you at night, right hand take coins one by one and put them in the jar, saying:

Hearing the sound of coins falling into the jar, imagine that they are multiplying all your income. When you run out of coins, write your name on a bay leaf and put it in a jar with the coins. Now you can tightly close it with a lid and store it where no one but you can see it.

Turning to magic and rituals will help attract those benefits that a person lacks. One of the most popular rituals is the lure of material wealth. In order for there to be prosperity in the house, you need to know how to perform rituals correctly and what signs exist for Christmas so that money can be found in 2018.

Popular beliefs have developed over the years and many people believe in them. There are also some Christmas signs that bring financial well-being to your home. On the eve of the bright holiday, it is important to monitor what is happening around and not miss the signs:

  1. Who will come in first? On a holiday, it is customary to invite relatives and friends to visit you. It is worth paying attention to who will come to the house first. Financial well-being will be received by those whose threshold is the first to cross the threshold of a man or boy. You cannot negotiate with a man you know in advance so that he comes earlier. In this case, the sign will not work.
  2. Baking with a coin. Many housewives themselves often help their guests gain financial stability. There is a sign for money to be found; for Christmas 2018, you can put a coin in holiday baked goods. Whoever gets a piece with a surprise will definitely have material well-being and luck will not leave him.
  3. Home flowers. It is important to make sure that before Christmas everything houseplants were watered. It is worth taking care of them, wiping or watering the leaves, adding fertilizer, and removing faded flowers.
  4. Don't ask for anything. On Christmas Eve you cannot ask or give. This sign applies to everything: food, money, things. If you suddenly run out of matches, it’s better not to be lazy and go to the store. If you don’t have enough money, you can’t borrow it before the holiday; it’s better to wait a day. Also, don't give anything. If suddenly the evening before a holiday a neighbor comes into the house and asks for salt, it is better to politely refuse.
  5. New outfit. There is one more sign for Christmas in order to make money in 2018 - you should wear a new outfit. This belief promises financial stability to those who mind their own business. It is popularly believed that it will also help attract good luck in business and new ventures. It is necessary to remember that you cannot celebrate the holiday in the dark; it is better to purchase new thing light colors.

Candles for Christmas

Most people associate candles with something magical and magical. To get rich in 2018, you should also buy some candles for Christmas. They will not only bring prosperity, but also create comfort in the home. It is important to choose candles of the right sizes and colors. The fact is that different colors symbolize different benefits. To attract money, it is best to use green green candles; it is not for nothing that many banknotes are issued in this color. Green creates the vibrations necessary for financial well-being. It is better to use only new products.

But if there are no new candles in the house or they don’t match the color, don’t be upset. Christmas loves fire. Therefore, you can light all the candles in the house. Those who have a fireplace at home will be especially lucky with money. There is a sign that a fire lit in a house will attract rustling banknotes with great force if a ritual is performed at the same time.

During the ceremony you must remain alone. Before doing this, you need to clean and ventilate the room well. To perform the ritual you will need a table, a green candle, 7 bay leaves and a dish. A table is placed in the center of the room. The candle is attached to a dish and placed in the center of the tabletop. A request for financial well-being. First you need to let the candle burn down to 1/3. Only after this are the leaves set on fire and placed on a dish around a candle.

The ritual is completed when the candle burns out completely. The remaining ash from the bay leaf should be collected and thrown into a natural reservoir. If he is not nearby, then you can scatter the ashes in the wind. In this ritual, not only the green candle, but also the bay leaf itself helps to gain prosperity. Since ancient times, it has been considered one of the main elements for rituals to attract money.

Only positive emotions

In order for there to be money in the house, there is a sign that at Christmas 2018 you need to communicate only with those people who evoke positive emotions. You should only invite people into your home or visit those who are pleasant. It is necessary to refuse any kind of negative influence.

At the same time, you yourself need to give kindness to others. There is a sign that prosperity will come if you buy exactly 20 apples on this day. Change cannot be taken from the seller. 17 apples should be distributed to those in need, and the rest should be brought home. The fruit must be eaten completely, including the core. Then in 2018 there will be financial well-being in the family.

A purchase made on Christmas or Christmas Eve can also bring material benefits. You can purchase both small and large things. Gifts are purchased for yourself or as a gift. There is no need to doubt, the purchase will last a long time and will bring cash flow to the house.

How not to scare away wealth

At Christmas there are many signs for money. But material well-being can not only attract, but also scare away. Therefore, you need to know what you absolutely cannot do on the eve of the holiday or on the Bright Day itself.

  1. Don't be in debt. If there is money that was borrowed, it must be returned. If you remain obligated on the day of the holiday, you don’t have to expect wealth in the coming year.
  2. You cannot do household chores before Christmas: cleaning, washing things or ironing. All preparations must be made in advance. Exists folk sign– if you do cleaning on a holiday, then there will be no wealth in the house.
  3. You cannot eat all the dishes completely. A little of each needs to be removed from the table and back into the refrigerator. And also on festive table Guests' plates should not be left empty. If the hostess does not want to put dishes on plates before guests arrive, then she should put napkins on them. Another sign that scares away money is an old tablecloth. You should buy a new tablecloth before the holiday to cover the table.

The right jewelry to attract money

In every house Christmas tree costs until Christmas. There is no need to remove it before this holiday. It is believed that live spruce absorbs positive energy. The tree is not only filled with emotions, but also conveys them to the things that weigh on it. Therefore, you need to know how to properly decorate a Christmas tree.

For great wealth, the tree is decorated with large bills; you can use money from other countries. Instead of paper bills, sometimes coins are hung on the tree. Red jewelry will help attract wealth into your home. Now it has become fashionable to decorate the New Year's beauty with large red bows, so buying them will not be difficult. Under the tree you should place a pot, preferably made of clay, into which you should place a pile of clean coins and banknotes.

To make money in 2018, you should follow the listed signs at Christmas. Then in the coming year wealth and good luck will come to the house.

The Nativity of Christ is celebrated according to the Julian calendar from the evening of January 6th all day on January 7th. This holiday occupies an important place in the lives of many people; it is a holiday of love, warmth, faith, goodness and happiness.

January 7 is the best time to visit and receive guests. It is important that you should communicate better at Christmas only with those people who can bring you happiness - happy families or those who are expected to have an increase. As a rule, edible gifts are given at Christmas.

Christmas Traditions

The holiday begins in the evening, when Christmas Eve was quietly celebrated with family at a pre-holiday dinner by candlelight. The table was always covered with a white tablecloth and twelve dishes were served, and people sat at the table in an even number. If there was an odd number of guests, then one free cutlery was set on the table. It was not customary to sit down at the table until the first star appeared in the sky - the one that once announced the birth of Christ to the wise men in Bethlehem.

The main dishes for Holy Evening are wheat or rice porridge with honey, poppy seeds and raisins and uzvar - dried fruit compote. Today, hardly anyone will make porridge, so any dishes can be on the table (it’s better to exclude meat dishes). On the first day of Christmas - January 7 - married children (with a daughter-in-law or son-in-law) were supposed to visit their parents after dinner. Fresh bread and pies stuffed with coins were required on the festive table. It was believed that whoever found the coin would have good luck all year long.

Signs for Christmas

As Christmas goes, so will the year.

At Christmas it is customary to light more candles, lights, a fireplace - if you have one. Candles bring warmth and wealth into your home. If you have pets, then at Christmas you need to feed them abundantly - then the whole year will be satisfying and successful financially.

One special candle must be lit for deceased relatives - then they will help you attract good luck and prosperity in the coming year.

Christmas - great time for purchases, big and small. Buying something good for Christmas is a great omen and a sign that the purchase will serve you faithfully.

If you are inviting guests over for Christmas, see who enters the house first. If a woman, then the women in your family will be sick all year.

On January 7 you only need to wear new clothes. And don't sit at the Christmas table dressed in black. Our ancestors believed that such people would face failure in business in the new year.

What not to do at Christmas

It was forbidden to sew on Christmas, otherwise someone in the family might go blind. It was also condemned to do anything around the house at Christmas: washing, mopping or sweeping. If you do it on Christmas hard work, all a year will pass without rest.

    Losing a valuable item at Christmas promised poverty, and breaking a mirror even foreshadowed great trouble.

    It was forbidden to borrow money at Christmas - it was believed that the one who borrowed money would spend the whole year in debt.

    On Christmas, you can't do any cleaning or housekeeping chores. This day is created for peace and joy. It’s even better if you don’t clean up until January 14th (the next day of the Old New Year). All garbage collected on January 14 should be taken outside and scattered to the wind, or burned. According to signs, after this there are no evil spirits will not bother you for a whole year.

    You can't swear on a holy day. He who swears takes away the hope of salvation from his ancestors.

    It is not recommended to drink water at Christmas, so remove all mineral water from the table. There is coffee, tea and other great drinks. To be honest, this sign is a little strange, but it’s better not to drink water than to suffer for an unknown reason all year.

    The Seven Blessings of Christmas

    The number seven is considered sacred. There is a belief that whoever does seven blessings on Orthodox Christmas will live happily all year and even has the right to ask the angels for the fulfillment of the very cherished desire. On this day, it is customary to give seven alms for the sake of happiness in the coming year. Usually these are seven identical coins, which must be given to someone who arouses sincere sympathy in the soul, accompanying the alms with a silent prayer. You can also give seven useful gifts. As a rule, these were towels, and when giving them, the giver must say the words: “I give towels, I will die in good time, I will correct evil with good, I will guide my family (my family) to happiness.” On Christmas we greet each other with the words: “Christ is born!” and we respond to these words: “We praise Him!”


    Starting from January 7, for forty (!) days (this period is called peace - our ancestors believed that during this time angels help people in all matters), every morning, when you wake up, make a new wish - imagine how much good will come into your life!

    Signs and superstitions

    If you lose an item at Christmas, you may face losses next year. But if you find a thing, or something else jewelry, then money is already rushing towards you in full sail.

    If you accidentally spill tea or coffee at the Christmas table (this does not apply to alcoholic beverages), then this is good news and great success in life.

    Based on materials from the “Evening” website

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Christmas is a bright and kind holiday that people should celebrate with a pure heart and good intentions. In the old days, on the night before Christmas, it was customary to perform magical rituals and fortune telling. Our ancestors turned to magic to find a way out difficult situation or attract health and prosperity to your home. Supernatural powers help a person find the right path in life and gain financial stability.

Celebration traditions

Not only rituals can attract money to a person’s home. There are traditions, the observance of which will help achieve what you want. They came to us from our ancestors, and many families religiously follow them. Holiday traditions:

  • The hosts must set a sumptuous table. On it besides holiday dishes, favorite treats of all family members should be present. There were twelve dishes on the Slavic table on Christmas night. Women began preparations in advance to please their families.
  • During Christmas week, it is customary to invite guests to your home and visit relatives and neighbors.
  • IN holidays people should give each other gifts and treat each other with traditional dishes. The gift does not have to be expensive, the main thing is that it is given from the heart.
  • There is a service in the church that the whole family must attend. From church people bring candles and prosphora into the house. Candles should be lit and placed in a corner of the house so that the fire does not go out due to drafts. They will fill the house with bright energy.
  • Giving to those in need is encouraged. You can take food to people who beg near the temple or donate your belongings to Orphanage. The good done will be returned a hundredfold.


The main Christmas sign for attracting money is making a pie. The housewife prepares a pie according to her favorite recipe and bakes a coin in it. A person who gets a “surprise” will gain good fortune and luck. Important detail: the pie cannot be cut before serving. To ensure there is always money in the house, you need to put a coin on the stove before you start cooking.

Fire attracts wealth and warmth into the home. That's why it's customary to light candles at Christmas.

If there is a fireplace in the house, then it should also burn. It is imperative to remember the deceased and light a candle for their repose. Do not take lamps, candles or matches out of the house. Also, you cannot lend bread, money and salt - this is Bad sign.

You need to wear new clothes for Christmas. This sign is especially relevant for people who own own business. Their financial affairs will go uphill, revenue will increase significantly and influential partners will appear. But for the omen to work, the clothes should not be black. It is better to give preference to calm warm tones.

You cannot work on a holiday. All household chores must be completed in advance. Otherwise you will have to study all year hard work.

Magic coins to attract money

Every person needs money. Therefore, Christmas rituals to attract money are among the most popular. They operate exclusively during the Christmas holidays, so you need to prepare for them in advance.

For the ritual with four coins, you must first prepare kutya. Kutia is a traditional Christmas dish that should be present on the festive table. It is prepared from steamed cereals, to which honey, dried fruits and nuts are added for sweetness. Four coins are placed in the dish. You need to start your dinner with three spoons of kutya. After family members have tasted the food, they must take a coin from the common dish and put it on their plate. You need to say a conspiracy to yourself: “Let this coin serve my wealth and become my talisman.”

The conspiracy is pronounced in a whisper or to oneself. Words must be pronounced clearly. After dinner, you should put the coin in your wallet and carry it for a year. Under no circumstances should you waste it. It is believed that she will attract money to a person’s home. This ritual must be performed every year. If you believe in his power, then everything will definitely work out.

Rituals with a pillow and a hair comb

To make money on Christmas Eve, you need to place paper bills under your pillow. It is welcome if the banknotes are of large denominations and of different denominations. This ritual will bring good luck in the new year. In the morning after waking up you need to eyes closed take out one of the bills. You need to read a conspiracy on her. You should ask the banknote to attract luck and prosperity into your life.

A person must perform this ritual alone. No one else should be present in the room except him. If you reveal your secret to another person, he may unwittingly cause harm and interfere with the ritual. You should always carry the banknote with you; it is a kind of talisman and amulet.

To perform the second ritual you will need a hair comb. It must be new, never previously used. The Slavs believed that the more beautiful and rich the comb looked, the better the life of its owner would be. You should comb your hair with a new comb every day for a week. And silently slowly and thoughtfully ask for wealth and good luck in life.

You should not keep old combs at home; they contain negative energy. Before the holiday, you need to get rid of old things.

A ritual with a comb will not only attract money, but will also cleanse a person’s aura and relieve him of negative thoughts. The main thing is to take the ritual responsibly. Don't rush or take the advice above lightly.

Green candle

To perform a ceremony with a green candle, you need to prepare the following:

  • Green candle. If the store doesn’t have one, you can repaint the one you have at home yourself.
  • Bay leaf.
  • A full box of matches.

It is better to carry out the ritual alone, because strangers can interfere with their presence. The house must first be cleaned and the room ventilated. You need to wipe the table, which is placed in the center of the room, with water. A dish with a lit candle is placed on it.

On seven laurel leaves a person must write his request for welfare. The cherished words must be said over a lit candle. A person should ask for a candle so that it will light his way to money. When a third of the candle has burned out, you need to set fire to the bay leaves and place them on a dish. The ashes are then dropped into a natural body of water.

Don't rush things and wait for instant wealth and happiness. It will take time for a person’s financial condition to improve and for him to no longer have a shortage of money. He must skillfully take advantage of the earning opportunities that come his way.
