What nutritionists and pp bloggers are preparing for the New Year: only the best pp dish recipes. New Year

New Year– one of the most anticipated holidays in the whole world. Beautiful tree, cozy gatherings with loved ones, Santa Claus and, of course, long-awaited gifts. Traditionally, people organize family feasts with a lot of delicious, but incredibly high-calorie dishes. Is it possible to avoid extra pounds and not refuse treats? Today we will tell you what salads to prepare for the New Year so that it is both tasty and healthy. Write it down and save it so you don't lose it!

Salad “Pretty Woman” without mayonnaise

All the ingredients in the salad are perfectly combined and create a harmony of taste.

List of ingredients:
● Smoked chicken meat – 300 g
● Beijing cabbage – 300 g
● Pear – 1 pc.
● Walnuts – 50 g
● Vegetable oil – 4-5 tbsp. l.
● French mustard – 2 tsp.
● Ground black pepper – 1 tsp.
● Salt – optional

Cooking method:
●Chop Chinese cabbage, pear and smoked chicken.
● Prepare the dressing: mix mustard, vegetable oil and pepper.
● Mix all salad ingredients with dressing.

Quinoa with baked vegetables and feta cheese

When hot, this dish will be an excellent side dish, and when cold - delicious salad. Try two options and decide which one you like best.

List of ingredients:
● 7 tbsp. quinoa
● 1.5 tbsp. water
● 2 bell peppers
● 2 zucchini
● Salt, Provençal herbs
● Olive oil
● Brynza cheese

Cooking method:
Rinse the quinoa thoroughly and add to boiling salted water. Cover with a lid, reduce heat to low and leave to simmer until the water is completely absorbed. Cut zucchini and bell pepper into large pieces, salt, add olive oil and Provençal herbs, mix and place on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Bake in an oven preheated to 190 degrees for 30 minutes. Mix quinoa and vegetables, add cheese. If you eat the dish as a salad, you can season it with balsamic vinegar. olive oil.

Salad with arugula and shrimp

Very light, fresh, tasty and low in calories. A storehouse of vitamins and minerals.

List of ingredients:
● Arugula - 30 gr.
● Tomatoes 2 pcs.
● Red basil - 30 gr.
● Shrimp - 100 gr.
● Cucumbers - 150 gr.
● Olive oil - 1 tablespoon
● Lemons - 1 piece
● Garlic - 1-2 cloves
● Pepper, salt - to taste

Cooking method:
First, crush a clove of garlic and fry it in a heated frying pan with oil. As soon as the garlic is browned, remove it. Next, add frozen (already peeled) shrimp to the garlic oil. We're waiting for now excess liquid will evaporate. It will take about 5 minutes. Salt and pepper to taste. I used rosemary as an additional seasoning. Place the prepared shrimp on a separate dish. Now take the greens (arugula and basil) and put them in a deep salad bowl. Next, cut the tomatoes into small slices and put them in a salad bowl. I decided to cut the cucumbers into strips. If desired, you can peel them. Add fried shrimp. Add olive oil, lemon juice, salt. And mix thoroughly.


Incredible, but yes, Olivier can be healthy and quite tasty, so don’t deny yourself it!

List of ingredients:
Chicken breast 250 gr
● Potatoes 150 gr
● Yogurt 100 gr
● Carrots 50 gr
● Eggs 3 pcs.
● Pickled cucumbers 2 pcs.
● Fresh cucumbers 1 pc.
● Peas 50 g
● Onion 50 gr
● Mustard 5 g
● Salt, herbs to taste

Cooking method:
Let's put the chicken on to cook. And when it’s cooked, let it cool – it will be much easier to cut it this way. We will cook potatoes and carrots not in water, but by steaming them - in a double boiler or in a slow cooker. This way, the vegetables will retain much more flavor and nutrients. You can speed up the process if you first peel the vegetables and cut them raw into cubes. Boil hard-boiled eggs. You can do it in the usual way - in water. Or you can, like vegetables, steam them. Now it's the cucumbers' turn. You can take only fresh ones. Or you can have fresh and salted ones - in a 50/50 ratio. Or 2/3 are salted, and the rest are fresh. Let's not forget about onions! We will grind it in the same way. Cut all the ingredients into small cubes: potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, chicken, eggs. All that's left is to make the filling. You need to take regular unsweetened yogurt and mix it with mustard. Now we combine all the products, add dressing, add some salt. Mix everything carefully and put the salad bowl in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

Herring under a fur coat

One of the most popular “New Year’s” salads is herring under a fur coat. Great recipe with a sauce based on sour cream and mustard instead of classic mayonnaise. The rest of the products in this version are the same, the vegetables are boiled. Serve the salad on a large plate.

List of ingredients:
● Salted herring - 1-2 pcs. (depends on the size of the plate and fish)
● Onion - 1 pc.
● Potatoes - 2-3
● Medium carrots - 1 pc.
● Chicken eggs - 2-3 pcs.
● Red beets - 1-2 pcs.
for the sauce:
● Sour cream 10% fat - 200 g
● Mustard powder - 1 tsp.
● Pepper, salt - to taste.

Cooking method:
Boil vegetables (except onions) and eggs in advance, cool and peel. Three on a coarse grater on separate plates.
Chop the onion finely enough, scald with boiling water if you want to reduce its sharpness a little. We gut the herring and separate the fillets from the bones. Cut or divide it into small pieces. In a blender, beat all the ingredients for the sauce. The ingredients are ready - let's start assembling the salad. Place pieces of herring on the bottom of a large and fairly deep salad dish or herring bowl. The next layer is chopped onion. Then, coating each layer with sour cream and mustard sauce, place the vegetables and eggs in the following order: potatoes, carrots, eggs, beets. Spread the sauce on top of the beets and decorate. Our herring under a fur coat is ready, the photo shows that outwardly it cannot be distinguished from the mayonnaise salad we are used to.

Enjoy these recipes on this wonderful holiday and stay in shape. Bon appetit!

If it so happened that the period of weight loss fell on new year holidays, there is no need to make a tragedy out of this. Firstly, your sad mood can spoil the general atmosphere winter's tale. Secondly, you don’t have to fast at all. You can simply prepare something low-calorie for yourself that will fit into your diet and will not ruin your figure.

We present to your attention delicious dietary dishes for the New Year that will allow you to enjoy the festive table with everyone. These recipes can become the basis of the menu for the entire Christmas holidays.


First of all, select diet recipes salads, because without them the New Year's menu will look meager. Low calorie, healthy foods that do not burden digestion, beautiful design- and even those who are not losing weight will envy your dish.

  • Salad with pomegranate

Place lettuce leaves on the bottom of the plate. Place one onion (it’s better to take the red sweet variety) into half rings. Mash 200 g of canned tuna without oil with a fork. Cut 100 g of ripe avocado pulp into cubes and immediately sprinkle them with lemon juice. Cut 10 cherry tomatoes into halves. Place the ingredients on lettuce leaves in layers in the following order: avocado, tuna, onion, tomatoes. Sprinkle pomegranate seeds on top. Pour over the dressing, for the preparation of which mix 20 ml of olive oil, 10 ml lemon juice, 5 g mustard seeds, ground black pepper. Since this is a dietary dish, it is better not to add salt.

  • Salad with shrimp

Wash 25 g of injections, dry and use whole for salad, without chopping. Place it on the bottom of the plate. Tear 50 g Parma ham into thin slices and place them on top of the arugula. Boil and peel 5 king prawns. Peel 6 hard-boiled quail eggs, cut them into halves. Arrange both shrimp and eggs beautifully on a plate. Mix 15 ml of olive oil with 10 ml of balsamic vinegar, you can add ground black pepper to them. Pour this dressing over the salad. Sprinkle 15 g of grated Parmesan cheese and 30 g of chopped pine nuts on top.

  • Celery salad

Place one onion into half rings, 1 Bell pepper(it’s better to take red) - into thin straws. Grate 100 g of celery root. To prepare the dressing, mix 100 ml soy sauce with 20 ml lemon juice. Mix it all. Place in a mound on lettuce leaves. Top with cubes of one ripe avocado and halves of 5-6 cherry tomatoes.

  • Dietary “Herring under a fur coat”

Well, what would New Year be without this dish? It turns out that it is easy to make it dietary. Before laying it out in the usual layers, adopt a few tricks. Firstly, the herring must be lightly salted and pre-soaked in milk for at least 4 hours. Secondly, potatoes can be replaced with eggs if the diet prohibits the consumption of starchy vegetables. Thirdly, do not boil foods, but bake them in the oven in foil. Well, and most importantly, use homemade dietary mayonnaise, not store-bought mayonnaise.

The rest of the recipe is traditional: lay out layers of potato slices (eggs), chopped herring fillets, chopped onions, grated beets and carrots, and then repeat everything, only the potatoes (or eggs) are no longer slices, but also grated. Spread a small amount of mayonnaise every 2 layers. Before serving, the salad should be soaked in juice and cooled for at least 4-5 hours.

Video recipe for homemade diet mayonnaise:

  • Diet "Olivier"

Another surprise for everyone losing weight in the New Year. We magically turn your favorite salad into a dietary dish. What do I need to do? Replace the sausage with boiled chicken fillet or veal, canned peas- frozen, store-bought mayonnaise - homemade, salted cucumbers- fresh (it’s better to just remove the skin from them). As in the case of “Herring under a fur coat,” we remove the potatoes if the diet requires it, and put them in instead more eggs. Boiled carrots, onions and black pepper remain unchanged. No need to add salt.

As for the proportions, then every housewife probably knows the “golden” ratio of the quantities of all products to her taste.

First meal

Traditionally, dietary New Year's dishes do not involve serving hot food to the table. Secondly, salads are yes, but soups are usually not welcome. However, those who are losing weight have every right to violate these canons.

  • Garlic soup with cauliflower

Place 3 heads of garlic (unpeeled, cut off only the top and trim the base) on aluminum foil, pour in 30 ml of olive oil, sprinkle generously (to taste) with any ground pepper. Wrap tightly. Bake for an hour in the oven at 160°C. Cool, clean.

Place 3 onions into thin half rings, sprinkle with black pepper, and sauté for 10 minutes. Add to them 4 thinly sliced ​​cabbage inflorescences, 20 g of chopped thyme and 200 ml of dry white wine. Wait until the liquid is halved, add 200 ml of water, cook covered for half an hour.

Mix the resulting mixture with garlic, pour in 0.5 liters of low-fat milk, add 100 g of grated Parmesan. Beat in a blender. Boil. Before serving, garnish with parsley, from which you can lay out a Christmas tree on the surface of the dish. Believe me: the aroma will be such that everyone present at the New Year's table will want to try your creation, despite the fact that it is dietary.

  • Beetroot

It will fit perfectly into the New Year's menu, as it is a cold first course. It is difficult to find a less calorie recipe: 100 g of prepared soup yields only 60 kcal.

Boil 4 small beets, peel, grate, and add a liter of cold boiled water. Add a pinch of citric acid, stir, refrigerate for 4 hours. Boil and peel 2 eggs and 4 potatoes. Cut 2 cucumbers into small cubes. Grind 1 onion, 30 g parsley and green onions. Mix all ingredients, season the soup with 10% sour cream.

Second courses

Well what festive table without the second one? Do you think that it is too fatty and high in calories, and therefore forbidden when losing weight? You are wrong! And the recipes below are proof of this.

  • Dietary chicken baked with apples

For the New Year, they usually cook either duck with apples or chicken with potatoes. But in the first dish the calorie content of the meat is off the charts, and in the second the vegetable contains too much a large number of starch. But this does not mean that you have to give up such goodies. A little holiday magic and a dietary dish on your table!

1 kg chicken fillet rinse, cut into small pieces. Dice 2 tomatoes. Mix them and simmer in a dry frying pan (the tomatoes will release enough juice so that nothing burns). 2 green apples peel, cut into cubes. Mix all the ingredients, place on a baking sheet greased with olive oil, pour in low-fat milk until it covers them completely, bake for 45 minutes at 180°C.

  • Dietary jellied meat

1 turkey wing and 6 chicken wings, 1 beef and 2 veal shanks, pour water, boil. Remove the foam, add whole peeled onions and carrots (1 piece each), 3 garlic cloves to the water. Cook over low heat for 4 hours. 10 minutes before turning off, add 4 chopped garlic cloves, 5-6 black peppercorns, a couple of bay leaves. After removing from the stove, remove the meat, cool, disassemble it into fibers, separate it from the bones, and place it on serving plates. Strain the broth and pour it over the meat. Cool everything and put it in the refrigerator for a day.

  • Turkey rolls

Cut 1 kg of turkey fillet into wide strips so that you can then roll them into rolls. There should be 8 of them. Hit each one with a hammer. Sprinkle with ground black pepper on both sides. Leave in the refrigerator for 1.5 hours. Grind 150 g of parsley and dill. Do the same with 6 cloves of garlic. Mix them, add a little low-fat sour cream and soft cheese. Take out the turkey and roll the resulting mixture into it. To prevent the rolls from rolling out, tie them with thick thread or pierce them with toothpicks. Wrap each one in foil, place on a baking sheet, pour a little water (the dish will be more juicy). Bake for about an hour at 200°C. Remove, unfold the foil, cool and only then cut.


New Year's Eve is long, and those who love sweets and are forced to give it up due to weight loss can reward themselves for their willpower. No, high-calorie cakes and pastries are still prohibited, but dietary desserts can be prepared as an excellent alternative to them.

  • Diet cake "Napoleon"

Whip 4 chicken eggs. Add 85 g cornstarch. Stir, add a packet of vanilla sugar and a little sweetener (to taste). Mix. While constantly stirring, pour in a glass of low-fat milk (it should be warm or at room temperature). Knead the dough.

The cakes are baked in a dry frying pan with a non-stick coating without oil (with it the cake will turn out to be too high in calories, which means it will no longer be dietary). Pour some dough into it and smooth it out with a spatula. Once it's browned, flip it over like a pancake. Everyone can do it different quantities cakes, as it depends on their thickness and the diameter of the pan.

To prepare the cream, pour a glass of low-fat milk into a saucepan, add 15 g of corn starch, 25 g of milk powder, sweetener (to taste). Mix. Place in a water bath. Bring with constant stirring until thickened. Cool. Grease the cakes. Grind the latter and sprinkle the resulting crumbs on top. You need to prepare it early in the morning so that it has time to soak in the cream in the refrigerator by New Year's Eve.

  • Raffaello cakes

This sweet dish will look so appetizing that all guests will probably be drawn to it, without even suspecting that it is dietary. Another advantage is that it can be prepared in just 10 minutes. Mix the pulp of 4 bananas with 200 g of a mixture of chopped nuts (walnuts, pine, almonds). Grind everything thoroughly in a blender. Roll the resulting mass into balls, roll in coconut flakes, and refrigerate for at least 4 hours. Serve on a platter, also garnished with shredded coconut (it will resemble snow).

What sweets are allowed when losing weight and what are not? And also, what to replace them with? The answers to these questions are in our article.


Good news for everyone losing weight: any diet allows you to drink a couple of glasses of dry red wine on New Year's Day. It is quite dietary and fits into the system proper nutrition. But there are other low-calorie non-alcoholic drinks for this wonderful holiday that you can use to decorate your feast without spoiling your figures.

  • Lime cocktail (70 kcal)

Peel 4 limes, 1 lemon, 3 oranges. Douse them hot water. Cut limes and oranges into slices. Squeeze juice from lemon. Cut half a salad cucumber into thin slices (you can peel it first). Mix all ingredients, adding a bunch of mint. Place it all in a wide glass vessel. Pour 800 ml mineral water without gas. Leave in the refrigerator for an hour, but stir it every 15 minutes.

  • Apple Punch

Mix 300 g of sliced ​​and cored apples, 50 g of orange peel, ½ stick of cloves, a pinch of cinnamon, 5 cardamom seeds, a packet of vanillin, sweetener (to taste). Pour 3 liters of cold water. Put on fire. After boiling, cook for 10 minutes. Leave for an hour at room temperature, then in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. After this, strain and add the juice squeezed from 1 lemon.

Many girls have been asking for a long time to create and post a sample holiday menu. I myself always wanted to make some kind of cheat sheet that would always be at hand. And since numerous New Year holidays are just around the corner, I decided to collect the best dietary dishes for the New Year 2019, and only those recipes that will not affect your figure in any way!

However, all this is suitable not only for welcoming 2019 and seeing off 2018, but also for any other celebration - birthdays, meetings with girlfriends, family holidays!

Getting ready for the holiday correctly

Our traditions are so closely connected with hospitable feasts that for most PP-ers, especially beginners, the holiday turns into real torture. Many people experience real stress on the eve of the celebrations, tormenting themselves with questions: “to eat or not to eat?”, “to drink or not?”, “how not to lose control,” “what if I get fat again from eating a sandwich?” Some even refuse to communicate with friends and family because they are afraid of not being able to restrain themselves and succumbing to temptations!

Perhaps the New Year is one of the most difficult of these holidays.

But what if you cook only healthy meals?

After all, there are so many delicious things in PP - holiday salads(light, tasty and without mayonnaise!), meat and fish, seafood and even sweets - cakes, desserts, candies!

It turns out that we won’t give up on the feast, we’ll talk to our loved ones, we’ll eat some delicious food, and we won’t forget about losing weight and a healthy lifestyle!

This is just a dream!

PP menu for the holiday: basic rules

We will create the New Year's menu so that no one goes hungry. Basically all the recipes have already been described by the site’s authors. PP Delicious! - you just need to follow the links.

It’s easy to prepare all this, since most of the recipes are “lazy”, that is, there is no need to kill yourself near the stove.

IN list of dishes for a festive dinner feast I advise you to include:

  • something meaty;
  • something fishy;
  • sandwiches;
  • 2-3 types of cold appetizers;
  • several salads;
  • dishes for those with a sweet tooth.

In addition, buy more fresh, varied fruits and vegetables. Be sure to think about drinks - homemade juices without sugar, compotes. , for example, is the ideal solution!

Can be done non-alcoholic mojito:

  1. in 3 l. Brew 3 tablespoons of water. green tea;
  2. cool, squeeze out the juice of 1 lemon, cut another half into rings and throw in like this;
  3. Tear fresh mint there (a small bunch).
  4. If you want, add honey or any other sweetener.

Question about alcohol on the holiday table decide for yourself. Ideally, the drinks should only be non-alcoholic, but I think a glass of champagne during the chime or wine is quite possible.

The best holiday recipes

Now let's move on to the list of what exactly will be on the dietary New Year's table.

Something meaty

The easiest way is to bake a whole chicken, rubbing it with salt and spices.

Marinate raw for an hour, bake for 2 hours at 200 degrees.

If the wing legs burn, cover them with foil.

Chicken is also good cold.

The coming year is the year of the Pig, so astrologers recommend not serving anything from pork to the festive table, which fits perfectly into the principles of proper nutrition!

Something fishy

Those who post will definitely like these recipes!

Sandwiches and snacks

Low-calorie snacks are not a myth either.! Make and cook deviled eggs - not a snack, but a real dream for those who love fitness, as There is simply a record amount of protein in such a dish - 11 g per 100 g with a calorie content of 65 kcal!

I also recommend baking grilled marinated champignons. It's easy to make them:

  1. fill a 3-liter jar with mushrooms (before washing them and drying them);
  2. Pour in the juice of half a lemon, 3 tbsp. soy sauce, 2 tbsp. vegetable oil and 0.5 tsp. ground chili pepper;
  3. shake every 15 minutes for an hour;
  4. then place the mushrooms on a baking sheet and bake for 40 minutes in the oven at 200 degrees.

Equally good hot or cold!

Low-calorie holiday salads

I don’t know why, but many people have a problem with salads for the holiday. There are just a lot of recipes, you can look for yourself, perhaps you will like some of them more than those proposed.

I offer 3 different options:

  • Of course, what would a New Year be without;

On the eve of the New Year, every woman is busy planning the festive menu. To prepare something delicious this time to surprise your loved ones. Solving this already difficult task becomes more complicated if a woman is trying to lose weight.

Is it really possible that on a holiday she will have to leave the chosen path and go along a crooked path with a bowl of Olivier in one hand and French meat in the other. We will not allow this! We are offering to you diet menu on the festive table at home - of course, without mayonnaise and other non-dietary excesses.

All recipes offered in the New Year's menu are available on our website. TO detailed description cooking, you can follow the links in the text. Please note that all dishes are prepared from meat/fish and vegetables, there are no dishes with complex carbohydrates - this is the basic principle of the dietary menu for the holiday table. Here we go?

Festive menu for the New Year's table at home

Dietary meat dishes

Hot dishes

When compiling a menu for celebrating the New Year at home, we are guided by the principles of proper nutrition. We suggest cooking it with hot meat and vegetables.

The first option is a very impressive dish. If you don't like this type of meat, study the recipe. Serve this dish with fresh tomato sauce - very tasty and juicy.

To prepare a New Year's meat dish, choose only fresh products High Quality, pay attention to the color and smell. The proposed recipe is given for 5-6 servings, so if you are gathering a large company, it is better to prepare two pumpkins. Of course, instead of two small ones, you can cook one large one; in this case, do not forget to increase the cooking time.

Meat snacks

What's a New Year's table without cold cuts? Will we really have to give it up this time? Sausage and carbonates of unknown quality are an excellent substitute for pastrami and boiled tongue.

Boil the tongue with roots (celery, onions, carrots) and two or three peas of allspice, do not forget to add salt. Do not rush to remove them from the broth after cooking. Leave the tongues in the broth for two hours, this will have a positive effect on their taste.

Along with the cold cuts, serve grated horseradish and chopped barrel cucumber - both of these components perfectly complement the tastes of the offered meat delicacies.

Recipes for fish dishes on New Year's Eve

Sliced ​​fish

Many people cannot imagine a holiday table without lightly salted fish. As ingredients for the fish plate, we offer lightly salted trout and. You can decorate the fish slices with a spoonful of red caviar and herbs.

If you are creating not only a dietary, but also a budget menu for the New Year, then real caviar can be replaced with seaweed caviar. It is not only quite tasty, but also healthy.

Hot fish dishes

As a hot dish, you can have (trout baked in parchment) - very impressive, or mackerel (hake, pollock) - very tasty and beautiful. By the way, fish with vegetable marinade must be prepared in advance; take this into account when creating a menu for the holiday table at home.

You can stuff inexpensive fish - read the recipe. In the selected New Year's dishes, not only their calorie content is valuable, but also the time spent on cooking. If the treat is made in advance, this means minus the preparation of one dish on the holiday.

It's no secret that the New Year falls during Lent. If you try to comply with it, despite holidays, then they will come in handy; among them you will surely pick up some kind of dish suitable for the holiday.

New Year's vegetable dishes

Roasted Vegetable Appetizers

You can surprise your guests with the help of portioned hot vegetable appetizer “Parmigiano” - baked with cheese. It is advisable to serve the dish hot. Therefore, prepare eggplant cocottes in advance.

Before serving, you just need to sprinkle them with cheese and bake them in the oven. No cocotte makers - no problem. Bake the dish in a small ceramic dish and serve it in it. Another version of the dish made from vegetables "Terrine" - and pepper.

Pickles and pickles

The role of vegetable snacks perfectly fulfills sauerkraut And . Despite their simplicity, pickles will appeal most to men, because there is nothing more wonderful than snacking on ice-cold vodka with a crispy cucumber.

Light salads for the New Year's table

It’s time for the salads, and here we’ll have to disappoint you - there won’t be any Olivier! The New Year's festive menu includes recipes for dishes without mayonnaise, for example, spicy. Its beauty is not only in its taste, but also in the fact that it needs to be prepared in advance, that is, one dish minus on a holiday. And this is nothing more than a huge gift for every housewife.

The same can be said about Korean carrots - you need to prepare the dish in advance.

We suggest making another salad vegetable; it can be either Greek or gourmet Italian. . There is another salad that, when served creatively, is a real masterpiece. It's about o - in the link you will find its dietary version, without cheese and mayonnaise.

Dietary desserts for the New Year

Good news - there will be a dessert, or even two. We invite you to prepare and fruit salad. For the salad, take your favorite fruits, the standard set is apple, pear, kiwi, orange, banana.

Pineapple, grapefruit, and grapes also deserve to be in a New Year's dish for the holiday table. However, it should be remembered that bananas and grapes should not be abused during the diet.

Low-fat natural yogurt without sugar, or lime juice with one or two tablespoons of liqueur (remember about children), is suitable as a salad dressing. You can decorate the salad with bright pomegranate seeds.

If in New Year's Eve If you want to treat yourself to some baked goods, make some. It is easy to make and does not require any exotic ingredients for its preparation.

Clue. If you can’t find some ingredients for cooking in the store dietary dishes, take a look at the Ozon online hypermarket. Everything's there. And using the discount, you can save a lot.

The choice of drinks for the menu for the holiday table at home should be approached as seriously as the selection of dishes. No packaged juices or soda, only the best for you - berry juice. If you have been freezing berries and fruits for the winter, then their time has come. If you don't have any supplies in the freezer, you can buy a bag of frozen berries to suit your taste.

Preparing fruit juice is not so difficult - 500 grams of berries per 2 liters of water. You place the fruits in cold water, put the pan on the fire and wait until the compote boils. Add sweetener, boil for another five minutes and remove from heat. The fruit drink should sit for some time in order for its taste to become more intense.

A few words about alcohol. The less you drink, the better for your figure. Alcohol stimulates the appetite and makes you eat more than you should. Give preference to dry wines, less sugar - lower calorie content.

Cooking schedule for the holiday table

The day before the holiday you need to prepare

Select suitable dishes:

  • Turkey pastrami
  • Boiled tongue
  • Diet salad with squid (Korean-style squid)
  • Lightly salted cucumbers
  • Frozen berry juice
  • Raffaello from cottage cheese (these can be prepared in advance, provided that they must be kept refrigerated in a tightly closed container)
  • Marinated fish
  • eggplant terrine

Directly on the day of celebration:

  • Lamb baked in pumpkin
  • Fish baked in parchment
  • Eggplant Parmigiano
  • Spicy salted mackerel
  • Vegetable salad
  • Fruit salad

Advice. Make the lamb and eggplant preparations early in the day and store them in the cold. In the evening, you just have to bake the preparations in the oven.

Video, especially for you - a whole sea of ​​ideas on how to decorate a festive table for the New Year


Olivier light. I’ll start traditionally - with Olivier salad. But you can prepare it in a much more noble, refined and low-calorie way. I liked the blogger Svitla-4ok’s version - with baked turkey (you can take chicken) and avocado. Only instead of mayonnaise, of course, use Greek yogurt or make homemade mayonnaise sauce (I’ll write about it below). Recipe - .

Salad with salmon, red caviar and quail eggs. Festive and beautiful? Very! Tasty? Absolutely! What else do you need for a holiday?! I found the recipe on the Ziuk-cook-book blog.

Salad with arugula, avocado and feta– simple, fast, easy, but very tasty. Recipe - .

Main course

The best idea would be to cook in the oven for the main course. chicken with vegetables. We take it for ourselves diet breast, and guests and other household members will be happy with baked chicken legs. Recipe from Tasty Blog.

They sell well at the holiday. Usually the filling is a mixture of some salted herring with mayonnaise... - light and tasty option with avocado and yolk.

Homemade mayonnaise light

For those who cannot survive the New Year without mayonnaise salads, I suggest preparing your own home option sauce! I assure you, it is very tasty, and has nothing in common with the terrible greasy substance from a store-bought can.

You can find several recipes from blogger Tastydiet at the link. Wow! Low-calorie mayonnaise contains only 194 kcal per 100 g.


You can’t do without desserts on New Year’s Eve!) Although even if it doesn’t come to that, then with great pleasure you can drink coffee with a piece of coffee for breakfast citrus cheesecake. Of course, on January 1st, breakfast will be in the evening when you wake up. Usually cheesecake is a fairly rich dessert, but not in this case. Recipe

A healthy menu for the New Year is easy!

This is how tasty but light a New Year's menu can be. When choosing recipes for your holiday evening, exclude everything that contains mayonnaise; it is better to avoid potatoes, fatty meats, salads with croutons and chips, white bread and other wheat products. Then this feast will not leave a significant mark on your figure. Happy upcoming holiday everyone!

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