When Chinook salmon spawn in Kamchatka. Chinook salmon: a unique fish of the salmon family

Chinook salmon are a very popular salmon species for a variety of reasons. Its properties and qualities are known to a large number of people. In particular, this applies to chefs and fishermen who know the excellent characteristics of this fish. Fishermen love the size of Chinook salmon, which can sometimes reach two meters in length. As for the weight, it is comparable to that of a human, and in some cases even exceeds it - 60 kg.

Chinook salmon are found in America and Kamchatka. Moreover, the largest specimens can be found in our Far East. But the Americans do not look after their rear in terms of catch. They catch significantly more chinook salmon from their reservoirs than we do. Chinook salmon spawn in clean rivers. In this they are similar to other salmon. Wherein they live in salt water, therefore, after the eggs ripen and the fish mature, they move to sea waters, after which they return home to spawn.

In general, the epithet “royal” may be inaccurate for some people. The reason for this is that this fish can also be called princely and a number of other words. However, for an ordinary fisherman this does not play a significant role. We have Chinook salmon, photos of which will be attached at the end of the article, about 400 tons are caught per year. It would seem like a lot, but in America this amount is several times higher.

At the same time, we have very well organized sport fishing for kingfish. It happens that fishermen come across specimens that are less than a meter long and weigh about 11-12 kg on average. If an amateur fisherman is lucky, he will be able to catch a fish weighing 30 kilograms. Also, recently this fish is at risk of ceasing to be a delicacy. Okay, Chinook fish will be like this for quite some time. It’s just that its deficiency will be compensated for by artificial breeding conditions, as is the case, for example, in New Zealand.

True, artificial fish breeding still occurs in natural reservoirs. It's not just New Zealand that is breeding kingfish. In America, the question “what is Chinook salmon” does not even arise, since such large catch numbers there are achieved precisely through breeding. Our fish farmers have a lot to learn from their American colleagues.

About the nutritional value of this inhabitant of reservoirs

This fish is rich enough a large number of elements which we will now list.

If you're looking to prevent a lot of disease, then Chinook salmon is a really good option. Be sure to catch it, and the benefits will not keep you waiting. If you constantly catch Chinook salmon, the risk of a number of heart diseases is significantly reduced. vascular system: arrhythmias, angina pectoris, ischemia, heart attack, stroke and neurological - depression and so on.

The fact is that any fish contains tryptophan - amino acid, which is subsequently converted by the body into serotonin – the hormone of joy. In addition, understanding the fact that you can afford such expensive fish also improves your mood. And if at the same time you caught her yourself, and plus the weight reaches 30 kg, then really, what kind of depression can we talk about? You can also see a photo of this fish.


Chinook salmon are not easy to catch. To do this, you need not only to have strong gear and good bait, but also to actively engage in fishing. Without experience, few people can catch such a high-quality catch. Nevertheless, this is not only an opportunity to improve a person’s health, but also to earn money. One kilogram of Chinook salmon costs about 400 rubles. If at the same time it is further smoked, then its value can be much greater - up to one and a half thousand units of Russian currency.

It should be remembered that if Chinook salmon is sold in a store, it can often be counterfeited. There are known cases when ordinary salmon was sold under the guise of its more expensive analogue. And at the same time people didn't even feel the difference, since the taste is quite similar for all salmon. But the benefits and nutritional value were not the same. True, if we talk about nutritional value, it is important to understand one more point: everything depends not only on the type of fish, but also on many other factors:

  • living conditions. Obviously, if the conditions are different, the fish eats completely different food, then it will not have the same complex of microelements as those that consume foods high in calories and rich in various nutrients;
  • floor. This is also a fairly important indicator. Males are richer in microelements.

In general, you need to look to calculate the nutritional value of each product according to the situation. Average data is not that accurate.

King Chinook

Red salmon. Chinook salmon. Fishing for Chinook salmon and sockeye salmon. Kamchatka Chinook salmon

Sockeye salmon, or red salmon, is not as widespread in our country as pink salmon and chum salmon. Along the Asian coast of the Pacific Ocean, sockeye salmon enters only the rivers of Kamchatka, Anadyr and, to a lesser extent, the rivers of the Commander and Kuril Islands. Along the American coast it is much more widespread, especially in Alaska, and extends south to California. Sockeye salmon is a more cold-loving species and is not found in the sea at surface temperatures above 2 °C.

From other species of the genus Oncorhynchus it is easily distinguished by its numerous, about 30-40, densely seated gill rakers. Sockeye salmon meat is not pink, like other salmon, but intensely red in color and has excellent taste. In the sea, sockeye salmon is silvery, and only the back is painted dark blue. The wedding outfit is very impressive. The back and sides become bright red, the head turns green, and the dorsal and anal fins turn bloody. There is little black color, usual in the breeding plumage of chum salmon and pink salmon, only the mature male sockeye salmon has black spots at the end of the caudal fin, and females sometimes have dark transverse stripes on the body, however, the color is very variable. In the rivers of Bering Island you can find sockeye salmon of a golden-bronze color. Going to spawn in the Ola River basin of the Taui Bay of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, the red one also does not deserve this name, since its color is greenish and only its belly is slightly pink.
The length of sockeye salmon reaches 80 cm. It spawns preferably in lakes, in places where groundwater. Sockeye salmon caviar is smaller, up to 4.7 mm, intensely red. This fish enters the rivers quite early, in Kamchatka at the end of May - June. The spawning of sockeye salmon lasts until the end of summer, on Bering Island - until December.
Young sockeye salmon emerge from eggs in mid-winter, but remain in the mounds until March. Unlike chum salmon and pink salmon, fry live for a long time in fresh water. Most migrate to the sea only the next year after hatching, reaching a length of 7-12 cm, some stay for 2 or 3 years, only a few go to sea pastures in the same summer. Sockeye salmon most often becomes sexually mature at the 5-6th year of life.
In the sea, sockeye salmon feed mainly on crustaceans. Of all the salmon, she especially prefers the relatively small, but very fatty calanid crustaceans, colored red with carotenoid pigments. These pigments pass from swallowed crustaceans into sockeye salmon meat.
Two forms of sockeye salmon enter the Bolshaya River and a number of others in Kamchatka - spring and autumn, or summer, the spawning periods of which differ by 15-20 days. A similar late-spawning sockeye salmon in the Kamchatka River is identified as a separate form “azabach”. The ability of sockeye salmon to form residential forms that mature in fresh water is remarkable. They are widespread in the lakes of America, and in some cases only males are noted, but sometimes females also mature. In our country, resident sockeye salmon were found in the Kronotsky, Nachikinskoye, Dalny and Nlye lakes of the Kamchatka Peninsula. According to Soviet researchers, the number of the dwarf form can increase so much that it can compete with juveniles of the anadromous form in the fight for food. In years when the maturation of sockeye salmon without rays in the sea becomes widespread, the salmon economy suffers significant damage, since the dwarf forms are not used by the fishery. In the USA, Canada and Japan, resident sockeye salmon are often bred as sport fisheries. In favorable conditions, it can reach a mass of 700 g and is a desirable prey for the amateur fisherman.

The largest and most valuable of the Pacific salmon. The average size The running Chinook salmon is 90 cm, but there are also significantly larger specimens, reaching a weight of more than 50 kg. The taste of Chinook salmon meat has been famous since ancient times. The Americans call the Chinook salmon king salmon, and the Japanese gave it the title of “Prince of Salmon.”
Chinook differs from other salmon in its large number of gill rays, more than 15. Its back, dorsal and caudal fins are covered with small round black spots. The mating plumage is less pronounced than that of chum salmon, pink salmon and sockeye salmon; only the male becomes blackish during spawning, with red spots.
Like sockeye salmon, Chinook salmon gravitate in their distribution to the American Pacific coast, where they go south to California. There is little of it along the Asian coast, although occasionally it enters many rivers from the north of Hokkaido in the south to Anadyr in the north. In our country, Chinook salmon enter the rivers of Kamchatka most of all, and they go to spawn earlier than other salmon, from mid-May. The “great joy” of the Kamchatka aborigines when catching Chinook salmon is understandable - its appearance in the rivers indicated the onset of spring, the end of an often hungry winter. Chinook salmon spawn throughout the summer. The powerful fish is not afraid of fast currents and uses its tail to knock out spawning holes in large pebbles and cobblestones. The female lays up to 14 thousand or larger eggs, like those of chum salmon. The fry that emerge from the eggs, like the red fry, remain in the river for quite a long time. Some of them, especially males, mature there, reaching a length of 75-175 mm. True residential forms are also found in American rivers. In the Columbia River, Chinook salmon come in two forms—spring and summer. The timing of spawning in these forms is hereditary.
Chinook salmon live in the sea from 4 to 7 years. Like sockeye salmon, this is a rather cold-loving species and feeds preferably in the waters of the Bering Sea adjacent to the ridge of the Commander and Aleutian Islands. Chinook salmon feed in the sea mainly on small fish. Due to its rarity, its commercial significance in our country is insignificant.
Chinook and sockeye salmon fishing
Chinook salmon is the largest of the Pacific salmon, reaching a weight of 57 kilograms. Small chinook salmon can be confused with coho salmon, but chinook salmon are characterized by black gums on the lower jaw, and small dark spots cover not only its back and caudal peduncle, but also both blades of the caudal fin. The breeding plumage of Chinook salmon is uniform, pink-brown, without stripes or spots.
The young remain in fresh water for one or two years, but some fish, like chum salmon and pink salmon, can slide into the sea immediately after leaving the nests. Chinook salmon live in the sea for up to 5 years, then return to rivers to spawn. It begins to enter fresh water in May, the peak of its run falls in the second half of June, and individual specimens are caught until September. Along with large fish, the spawning stock includes muzzles - males 22-47 cm long and dwarf males. The latter can mature at a length of 10 cm in the first year of life in the river.
The main spawning rivers of Asian Chinook salmon are located in Kamchatka and the Koryak Highlands; there are small herds of it in Chukotka. Single specimens of Chinook salmon are also found on the Okhotsk coast, in the Magadan region.
Chinook salmon is an excellent object for sport fishing. Its catching under licenses is organized in Kamchatka. The usual weight of chinook salmon in the licensed area on the Bolshaya River is from 5 to 12 kilograms, but some manage to catch fish up to 20-30 kilograms. Like coho salmon, chinook salmon greedily grab the lure.

Spinner spoons for catching chinook salmon in Kamchatka are used only with rotating, rather large ones, a petal made of polished metal 40-55 long and 25-35 mm wide, the rod is made of strong steel wire, the tee is no less than No. 14. To make the spoon more noticeable to the fish, its decorated with bright beads, and colored plumage is placed on the tee. They use only Kamchatka spinning equipment with a sinker weighing 50-100 grams on a separate leash. The fishing line must withstand a load of at least 20-30 kilograms.
Chinook salmon fishing requires patience. You have to carefully fish the deep reaches of the river, make a lot of empty retrieves in order to feel at least one bite. Kamchatka fishermen believe that having one or two bites per day is already good, but catching Chinook salmon is good luck. What makes fishing especially difficult is that the peak run of Kamchatka Chinook salmon usually coincides with high water, so in years with a lot of snow, the water in the rivers at the end of June can be very high and muddy. Of course, in such conditions the fish can notice the spoon only with close range.
A bite from this fish is usually felt as a short sharp push. Chinook salmon is a strong fish, although not very fast, and if fished incorrectly, it can crush any tackle. Specimens weighing more than 10 kilograms always have to be released several times by 10-40 meters and carefully pulled up again. The moments when the fish begins to shake its head sharply near the shore are especially dangerous for the gear. Chinook salmon, especially large ones, rarely jump out of the water entirely; more often they only show their back. The strong current of Kamchatka rivers makes it difficult to catch this large fish. Experienced fishermen who do not stand on ceremony with coho salmon at all - they drag it ashore or throw it directly over the side of the boat by the fishing line; they always take chinook salmon with a hook. This is reasonable - in shallow water near the shore, it sometimes simply goes berserk and is capable of tearing a fishing line with a diameter of 0.8-0.9 millimeters.
Sockeye salmon, or red salmon, unlike other Pacific salmon, most often spawns in lakes, always in places where springs emerge. This fish does not find suitable reservoirs for breeding in all pools. In particular, in the Magadan region it enters in small quantities only into the Ola and Taui rivers. There are many sockeye salmon in the Okhota River and in some basins of the Kamchatka Peninsula; large herds of this species also live in the lake systems of the Koryak Highlands and Chukotka. Young sockeye salmon feed in lakes, usually from one to three years, then they move to the sea, most often for two or three years. Homing in sockeye salmon is quite clearly expressed - most fish return not only to the same lake, but also to the same spawning ground where they were born. River sockeye salmon is occasionally found; its spawning grounds are located not in lakes, but on river reaches and in backwaters.
Silver sockeye salmon resembles chum salmon in size and body shape; the easiest way to distinguish these species is by the number of gill rakers on the first gill arch - chum salmon have from 18 to 28, and sockeye salmon always have more than 30. There is an ingenious “folk” way to distinguish these species . A freshly caught chum salmon can be easily lifted by the tail with one hand, but sockeye salmon has softer fin rays, and it will definitely slip out.
The mating plumage of sockeye salmon is bright red, only the head is green, hence its second name - red. Its entry into rivers begins in May - earlier than other salmon, and continues until the end of July. In the Magadan Region, recreational fishing of sockeye salmon is permitted only under licenses in the first half of summer. Compared to other salmon, it takes lures less actively. Like coho salmon and chinook salmon, there are small migratory male sockeye salmon - muslins, as well as dwarf males living in fresh water that spawn with migratory females. Some lakes, for example, Kronotskoye in Kamchatka, are inhabited by a residential form of sockeye salmon - kokanee. This small fish up to 30 centimeters long, males and females die after the first spawning. Residential sockeye salmon are caught well with flies and small spoons. As an object of sport fishing and food for large predatory fish, it was introduced into many lakes and reservoirs in western North America.

Kamchatka Chinook salmon
Chinook salmon. King salmon. King salmon. Kamchatka, June, high water. One of the largest and strongest salmon is a trophy fish. Two rivers famous for large Chinook salmon are Bolshaya and Kol.
Tackle for catching Chinook salmon must be durable and reliable. Here you need to pay attention to heavy loads when fishing and fishing in water that carries a lot of suspension, and you need to be more confident with it. A rod 2.7-3 m long with a test weight of up to 40-60 g is suitable, as for catching salmon or taimen and an appropriate reel. It is better to use a high-quality 50 lb 0.2 line, since the mouth of the Chinook salmon is hard and fishing is carried out at depth.
Turntables. This type of bait has been tested for salmon. In some cases it works flawlessly. But at great depths and fishing in the lower horizon, only front-loaded ones and the so-called “rocker arm”, or Kamchatka rig, are good - a wire corner, at one end of which a heavy sinker is attached, and a rotating spoon without a core is attached to the other on a leash, the main fishing line is attached to corner. You can fish either by casting or using it as a donkey, i.e. threw it into the hole and sit and wait for a bite, the main thing is to secure the spinning rod more securely. The option is not very sporty, but effective.
Several models with a Long-type petal No. 3-4, homemade with a heavy core and proven Blue Fox from 3 to 5 numbers, various colors and heavy “Murans”, with the obligatory replacement of tees - Europe does not know such a large fish, or is simply saving , all manufacturers equip spinners with very low quality tees. They are scrapped. It is necessary to use only high-quality Japanese tees made of the thickest wire.
Mostly everyone catches with oscillating spoons. Despite their apparent simplicity, these baits are not simple; each requires its own individual approach. But if you choose the right type of spoon and the right rhythm of retrieve, you can use them to catch any fish in almost any conditions.
Various sizes and weights of oscillating spoons are possible, as well as their combinations - in fishing slang, a “sandwich”: two identical oscillating spoons are connected to each other through the same winding rings, and a compact, heavy bait is obtained. “Sandwiches” often help out when catching large representatives of the noble family. Another undeniable advantage of this type of spinner is effective fishing in conditions of very strong currents. And finally, cheapness, i.e. the opportunity to select effective bait from inexpensive manufacturers.
Lures weighing from 25 to 45 g work well - oblong, “crocodile” type, and narrow with a 5-shaped bend, both branded Japanese and Polish ones. and salmon Finnish fish.
Mostly caught using spoons. Several fish were caught on the spinners, mostly in calm areas. About half of the more than twenty fish caught bit on a “sandwich” of two 15-gram Finnish spoons. It was also used to catch the largest fish - an 18-kilogram silver male Chinook salmon. We also came across several sims.
In the first days, the Chinook run was weak, and it was not caught very actively, but by the end of the trip the bite improved. Almost all the fish were caught with oscillating spoons. There was not a single bite on the wobblers, although they specifically drove “killer” models to the Chinook salmon outlets. The spinners were caught in places with calm currents and in bays where Chinook salmon like to go to settle. The consumption of the spinners turned out to be decent, since we were fishing with a step-by-step retrieval at the bottom. The main weight of baits is 35-40 g.

Chinook- a fairly common fish, which is one of the largest representatives of the salmon family. Because of its unusually original taste and special appearance, this fish is known throughout the world. Every fisherman wants to catch Chinook salmon. This fish has several original names in the world.

For example, the Japanese call Chinook salmon “the prince of salmon,” and the Americans call it “the king of salmon.” All these names emphasize the size of this fish, because on average it reaches 90 centimeters in length.

Chinook salmon habitat

The habitat of Chinook salmon is quite diverse and extensive. It includes Kamchatka, southern California, the Commander Islands, the rivers of British Columbia, as well as rivers such as the Amur, Anadyr, etc.

Here you will find a similar article about fish.


Chinook salmon differs from other fish in its special appearance. It has a strong and strong torpedo-shaped body, a fairly large head, and black gums on the lower jaw. Chinook salmon are not distinguished by their bright colors. Its dorsal part is olive-colored, and its belly and sides are light silver.

One of the features of the external appearance of this fish is dark stripe running between the body and head. Like other fish of the salmon family, the appearance of Chinook salmon changes during the mating season. Her body turns brown and her back turns black.

How big does Chinook salmon get?

As mentioned earlier, Chinook salmon reaches quite large sizes. In addition to being the largest salmonid fish, Chinook salmon are also the largest freshwater fish in the Northeast region. The weight of Chinook salmon varies from six to seventeen kilograms, and its length ranges from 75 to 105 centimeters.


Sea-dwelling Chinook salmon can reach maturity between two and five years. Some species (for example, dwarf ones) have the ability to reproduce as early as two years. Spawning begins at the end of July and lasts until August.

Females make depressions in places with a rocky bottom and a high-speed current, after which they begin to spawn eggs, which in turn are fertilized by the males. After this, the females bury the hole. After spawning ends, Chinook salmon die while still near their nests.

Depending on the dimensions, females can produce four to twenty thousand eggs. After 6 months, young individuals begin to swim out of the nests, the majority of which remain in the reservoir for one year, and some for two years.

At this time, young individuals feed on insects and their larvae, as well as juvenile fish and crustaceans. During the spring migration period, when the migration to the sea begins, these young individuals gather in mixed schools with other salmonids such as coho salmon and masu salmon.

Here we covered the issue of reproduction.

How to catch more fish?

I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective:

  1. . Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates her appetite. It’s a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to impose a ban on its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Reviews and instructions for other types of gear can be found on the pages of my website.
  3. Lures using pheromones.
You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading my other materials on the site.

Useful properties of chinook salmon

First of all, the value of Chinook salmon meat is determined by its protein and fat content. Chinook salmon is extremely rich in proteins. 100 grams of this fish contains 20 grams of protein.

Chinook salmon also contains many healthy fats, for example, Omega-3, the need for which is very high in humans because... they ensure normal functioning of the brain, protect human cells, etc.

As for vitamins, then The meat of this salmon fish contains vitamins of such groups as A, B, C, E, B and K, as well as Chinook meat is rich in minerals such as sodium, phosphorus, calcium, fluorine, etc. The calorie content of Chinook is low. 100 grams of meat from this fish is 148.4 kcal.

Also, Chinook salmon meat contains acids such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). It is these acids that give the meat of this fish special value.

Thanks to EPA, special bioactive substances are synthesized in the human body - prostaglandins, which protect the human body from the appearance of severe pathologies, and blood always flows where it is needed on time.

In turn, the value of DHA is determined by the fact that it ensures the normal state of nerve cells and eyes, and also thanks to DHA, other cells of the body maintain their normal state.

Thus, EPA and DHA provide support for cell structure, normal functioning of metabolic processes, and a reduction in the risk of heart disease. Chinook caviar also has beneficial properties.

It strengthens bones, reduces the risk of blood clots, stimulates blood circulation and improves visual abilities. The caloric content of Chinook salmon caviar reaches 250 kcal.

Chinook salmon in cooking

Chinook salmon meat is crimson in color and has a particularly rich and intense range of flavor sensations. Its bright taste characteristics are similar to salmon meat, but at the same time with less fat content. The quality of Chinook salmon meat is much higher than other meats salmon fish. Lightly salted Chinook salmon is especially popular.

It is consumed as an independent dish and used in various salads. And in some US restaurants, this fish is baked on bricks and presented as a special treat. Chinook salmon can be found on sale in a wide variety of forms.

A wide variety of recipes are prepared from fresh chinook salmon: from simple appetizers to independent main courses.

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One of the main contraindications for eating this fish is an allergy to Chinook salmon meat or caviar. People with special needs should eat this fish with special care. diseases of the pancreas, gastrointestinal tract, chronic colitis.

Pregnant women should also be careful when consuming chinook salmon, as The meat of an adult may contain mercury compounds, which is not good.

Sport fishing

Sport fishing for Chinook salmon is quite common. It is mainly carried out in fresh water bodies during the period of migration of adult individuals to spawning grounds. Chinook salmon are caught using both artificial baits and animals.

The most popular animal bait is red caviar, which is placed in special bags. Fishing is most often done with float gear, but sometimes they also use bottom gear.

The color of the bait is important because... Correctly selected color of artificial bait can decide the outcome of your fishing trip. The skill in fishing for Chinook salmon is to catch an individual of this fish by fly fishing, using large flies.

In turn, in salty reservoirs, Chinook salmon are caught by trolling, using dead forage fish as bait.

One of the fundamental factors of fishing in this case is the correct determination of the time and depth of fishing, since by correctly selecting the data of these indicators, you can rely on a fairly good catch.

The salmon family includes many varieties of red fish, and Chinook salmon is one of these beautiful representatives. It is capable of gaining a lot of weight; in addition, it can be distinguished from similar representatives of salmon species by external characteristics.

Moreover, its meat is particularly healthy and has a distinct taste. Thanks to these characteristics, the meat of this fish is considered an excellent starting product for preparing all kinds of healthy and quite tasty restaurant dishes.

Chinook salmon, as one of the brightest representatives of the salmon family

Chinook salmon has a number of other names related to its important. Thus, the Americans call the Chinook salmon “the king of salmon,” and the Japanese gave it an equally colorful name – “the prince of salmon.” Based on these names, it is not difficult to guess how valuable this fish is. In addition, the name indicates that this fish is cunning, smart, swift and strong.

According to scientific definitions, Chinook salmon belongs to the freshwater species of the salmon family. Despite this, the fish spends the bulk of its life outside the boundaries of fresh waters and at a considerable distance from the places where it was born. This is due to a certain life cycle, which characterizes almost all representatives of salmon.

Chinook salmon are found between the western limit of the Pacific coast of the United States and the north Japanese Islands, as well as in Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands.

In the fresh waters of British Columbia, Washington, on the territory of the Russian Federation, in the basins of the Anadyr and Amur rivers, a freshwater population of Chinook salmon is found.

Nowadays, artificial breeding of salmon species is increasingly being practiced, and Chinook salmon is no exception. Chinook salmon are bred on artificially constructed farms located on the Great Lakes in the USA and water bodies of New Zealand. This approach is dictated by the modern living conditions of mankind, when the amount of fish caught is constantly increasing, due to which its quantity is decreasing.

Chinook fish: description

If we compare Chinook salmon with other species of the salmon family, Chinook salmon can be distinguished by their significant weight. The average fish weighs from 6 to 17 kg, although some anglers managed to catch a specimen weighing up to 30 kg. The record weight of this fish was recorded at 60 kg. The average length of the fish is from 85 to 115 cm, but sometimes there are individuals from 1.5 to 2 meters long.

External distinguishing features are stripes big size, located between the head and its body. The color of the fish largely depends on the places where it lives and can have either a light gray color or a greenish-silver or olive color. The abdominal region of the fish and its sides have a silvery tint. On the sides, above the lateral line and on the surface of the back, dorsal and caudal fins there are small dark dots. When the time comes to spawn, the Chinook salmon changes its color: there is a bright brown tint in the body area, and the head area darkens. As a rule, most species of fish of this family, before the spawning period, radically change their appearance.

Chinook salmon can be distinguished from other species of this family by the small spots that are visible on the back, tail and fins of the fish. In addition, on the body of the Chinook fish there are no X-shaped spots and pink stripes characteristic of salmon along the body.

Life span and reproduction

The life cycle of Chinook salmon is divided into several stages:

  • Birth in a freshwater river.
  • Living in this place for two years.
  • Moving to the sea and living there until 3-5 years of age.
  • Returning to the places where she was born to continue her family line.

Males of certain species of this family, growing in length from 10 to 50 cm, may not leave their places, while reaching sexual maturity. They participate in the spawning process along with other males. Chinook salmon spawn in small rivers, moving to permanent spawning grounds, covering up to 4 thousand kilometers. The process of fish spawning can last for quite a long time: in normal natural conditions - from June to August, and in northern latitudes - from autumn to winter.

While in the river, the fish eats:

  1. All kinds of larvae.
  2. Insects.
  3. Not a big fish.
  4. Not large crustaceans.

When it moves to the seas, its diet consists of:

  • Crustaceans.
  • Cephalopods.
  • Small fish.
  • Plankton.
  • Krill.

Chinook fish meat is characterized as particularly valuable due to the presence in it of all the necessary nutrients that ensure the normal functioning of the human body, as well as the ability to prepare various dishes due to its excellent taste. Chinook fish meat is rich in vitamins B1 and B2, as well as vitamins C, PP, K, E. In addition to vitamins, the meat contains a whole bunch of useful microelements, such as zinc, selenium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, molybdenum , sodium, nickel, chromium, fluorine, etc.

Chinook salmon meat contains up to 20 g of protein per 100 g of product. Fatty acids choline and Omega-3, which are not reproduced by the human body, are also found in meat. This applies to docosahexane (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic (EPA) acids, the function of which is aimed at strengthening cell membranes, which contributes to the correct implementation of metabolic processes in the human body. Fish meat, including its caviar, is characterized by a high rate of digestibility, which makes it possible to absorb all the useful components as efficiently as possible. Thanks to these properties, fish occupies a special place in the human diet.

Chinook caviar is characterized by the presence of a bitter taste, and individual eggs reach a size of up to 6-7 mm. At one time, the fish can lay up to 14 thousand eggs.

The percentage of fat in the meat is very small and amounts to only 11-13.5%, which is somewhat less in comparison with the meat of other types of fish of the salmon family. The meat is characterized by a rich red color with a raspberry tint. Its meat tastes like salmon meat. With proper and competent preparation, Chinook salmon meat can turn out much tastier than salmon meat.

The energy value of Chinook fish meat is estimated at 146 kcal per 100 grams of product. These indicators can vary within small limits, depending on its habitat, age, gender, time of fishing, etc.

The benefits and harms of Chinook fish

By consuming Chinook salmon, you can achieve the following results:

  • Prevent destructive and atrophic processes occurring in the central nervous system associated with age-related factors.

  • Reduce the risks of developing sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease and dementia.
  • Have a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Improve blood circulation processes in the body.
  • Strengthen bone tissue, reduce the likelihood of blood clots, as well as osteoporosis.
  • Ensure the normal functioning of the visual organs, optimize the activity of the nervous system with the generation of new nerve cells, ensure high-quality removal of harmful substances from the body, feeding the cells with full-fledged active substances.
  • Maintain the tone of the vascular system, thanks to the secretion in the body of biologically active components that help protect the body from various pathologies of complex origin.

Contraindications for consuming Chinook salmon meat include the possibility of adverse reactions during pregnancy. Despite this, such reactions occur very rarely (1 in 250 cases), which cannot be attributed to the seriousness of this indicator. In addition, the consumption of Chinook salmon meat is limited to people suffering from chronic gastrointestinal problems.

According to experts, fish are considered the most valuable when they have not yet begun to ascend the river to their spawning grounds. But there is a danger of its uncontrolled fishing, which could lead to a significant decrease in the population of this tasty and healthy fish.

Most fishermen note that Chinook salmon is a rather cunning and cautious fish. They claim that the fish choose parking areas that are difficult to reach from a fishing point of view.

Fish grown artificially, contains a larger amount of harmful substances, so catching it in such places is not recommended. In such cases, preference should be given to individuals caught in natural conditions.

Chinook salmon meat in cooking

The meat of this fish is not only healthy, due to the presence of vitamins and useful elements in it, but also tasty, which allows you to cook from it healthy dishes various categories. Dishes prepared from lightly salted chinook salmon are extremely appreciated. As a rule, the meat is salted according to a special recipe, after which it is suitable for delicious cold appetizers, as well as for preparing salads. In addition to this cooking option, Chinook salmon meat can be marinated, smoked, grilled, etc. In America, Chinook salmon meat is cooked on heated coals or bricks, which is considered a delicacy. There are fans of dried fish, especially balyk (fillet) of this fish. When Chinook salmon meat is cooked with a high salt content, it is subsequently soaked and boiled, after which it is consumed as a snack.

How to deliciously cook Chinook salmon meat

The most delicious dish made from Chinook meat is lightly salted Chinook. To prevent the fish from losing some of its nutritional and beneficial properties, it is subjected to shock freezing. After the fish is caught, it is cut up and frozen in a special way directly on the fishing vessel, in refrigeration chambers.

Chinook salmon fried with green peas and buckwheat

Cooking steps:

  • First of all, you should get rid of the scales and cut the carcass along the ridge, removing all the insides.
  • The resulting fish fillet is cut into separate small pieces, salted and sprinkled with the juice of half a lemon, and also sprinkled with seasonings such as khmeli-suneli (others are also possible).

  • At the next stage, the fish is marinated in the refrigerator while the buckwheat is prepared.
  • Buckwheat is prepared in a frying pan by frying in vegetable oil with chopped onions. First of all, fry the onion until golden brown, after which buckwheat is added to it. All this is poured with water in a ratio of 1:3 and cooked over medium heat until cooked.
  • The pickled chinook salmon is taken out of the refrigerator and fried in a frying pan on both sides, with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil.
  • Prepared buckwheat, fried fish and green pickled peas for decoration (and not only) are poured onto a plate.

  • Should not be consumed a large number of Chinook caviar per day (more than 5 teaspoons) due to its high sodium content. The fact is that it binds fluid in the human body and, as a result, leads to stagnation and disruption of metabolic processes.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the consumption of Chinook salmon meat or its caviar by pregnant women, as well as breastfeeding mothers. The presence of harmful substances, especially mercury, can affect the normal development of the fetus.
  • Considering the fact that this fish, during its life, is capable of accumulating some harmful substances, and especially mercury, when buying it, it is better to give preference to medium and small-sized specimens.



Chinook fish is a representative of Pacific salmon. It reaches quite impressive sizes. On average, it grows up to 90 cm in length, but in American reservoirs there are individuals up to 1.5 meters.

On average, it weighs about 25 kg, but its representatives weighing 40-50 kg are often lifted from the ocean.

In appearance, this is a noticeable fish that cannot be confused with anyone else. It has a large head and a torpedo-shaped body. The color is not bright: the back is dark with a green tint, the sides and belly have a silver tint. During spawning, the color of the fish changes, it becomes red-brown, with a completely black back. Teeth similar to fangs appear; in males, in addition, the jaws become curved.

Round small black spots can be seen on the back, dorsal and caudal fins. A dark stripe crosses the throat.

Chinook salmon is a fish that has a distinctive feature from other salmon - it has a larger number of gill rays.

In Russia it is considered rare, so production on an industrial scale is low.

Chinook salmon are an anadromous species of salmon. To spawn, it enters rivers, sometimes traveling up to 4000 km. In search of a suitable place for breeding, this fish begins its migration in May. Spawning usually takes place from June to August. However, in the reservoirs of America it continues during the cold season.

Like other salmon, the female digs a hole in the pebbles. Upstream it spawns, where it is fertilized by males and swims to the prepared “nest”. Later, the hole is filled up, and the fry hatched from the eggs will remain inside for about another 6 months.

For the next year (sometimes two), the fry live in the river and later go to sea. They feed on insect larvae, small crustaceans and small fish.

Migrations occur at night; young individuals hide during the day. Before going to sea, they gather in flocks. Now the basis of their diet is squid, planktonic crustaceans, and small fish.

In the sea, the Chinook fish, a photo of which can be found in this article, lives up to 4-5 years, after which it reaches sexual maturity and goes to spawn. Its life cycle is completed by the age of seven.

Adults leaving for spawning stop feeding, using reserves accumulated in the oceans. At first, they retain their grasping reflex.

This is a cold-loving fish species. You can meet it on the American coast (from southern California to Alaska), in the Arctic on the Aleutian and Commander Islands and in Kamchatka.

Chinook fish: beneficial properties

Depending on the content of proteins and fats, the nutritional value of meat is determined. Depending on the age and even gender of the fish, it chemical composition is changing. It depends on living conditions, nutrition, and time of catch.

Chinook salmon meat is rich in the following vitamins: C, PP, B1, B2; it also contains sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, molybdenum, phosphorus and other useful substances.

Eating it helps reduce the risk of angina and stroke, protects blood vessels from atherosclerosis, improves brain function, stops depression and reduces the symptoms of senile dementia.

Chinook salmon is a red fish, its meat has a crimson hue, it is fatty, and tastes somewhat like salmon. She is called the "King of Salmon" or "Prince of Salmon". Fish meat is valued much higher than that of its other relatives.

Chinook fish in cooking

It is believed that it has a special taste when lightly salted. So it is used when preparing salads, as a cold appetizer.

The red meat of the fish is often smoked, and it also makes very tasty balyk.

California restaurants serve brick-baked Chinook salmon fillets as a signature dish.

It goes on sale frozen, chilled, smoked and salted. It is easy to prepare, suitable for both frying and boiled dishes. When smoked, it is often used for sandwiches.

When buying fish in a store, it is better to give preference to small specimens, since harmful substances in the body increase with age. Pregnant women should take it with special caution, as many predatory fish(including Chinook salmon) accumulate mercury in their meat.


Chinook fish is a prominent representative of salmonids

Other names for this fish of the salmon family include the American description of chinook salmon as the “king of salmon” and the Japanese name translated as “prince of salmon.”

Judging by the names of the synonyms, people not only value the important economic significance of Chinook salmon, but also, naming it with similar epithets, respect it for its size, cunning, swiftness, and power.

According to the ichthyological classification, the fish belongs to the freshwater species. However, Chinook salmon spend a significant part of their life outside fresh waters, far from their birthplace. The habitat of this fish is localized between the West Coast of the Pacific Coast of the United States and the northern part of the Japanese Islands, Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands.

Some of the population is found in the fresh water of the rivers of British Columbia, Washington, and on the territory of the Russian Federation in the basins of the Anadyr and Amur rivers.

The main difference between this fish and other members of the family is its significant weight compared to other members of the species. The average weight of fish is about 6-17 kg, some fishermen managed to catch specimens weighing about 30 kg, while the established record for the weight of chinook salmon is more than 60 kg. Its length on average ranges between 85 and 115 cm, rarely reaching 1.5-2 m.

Among the external features, a distinctive feature is the presence on the body of the fish of large stripes on the line between its head and body. The color of this representative of salmon depends on its habitat and ranges from light gray to greenish-silver, olive hue.

The ventral and lateral parts of the fish are silver in color. On the sides, located above the lateral line of the Chinook salmon, on the surface of the back, dorsal and caudal fins there are small black spots. During the spawning period, the fish changes color, darkening in the head area and acquiring a rich brown tint in the body area.

The life cycle of a fish consists of:

  • birth in a freshwater body;
  • life in a reservoir until the age of two;
  • going to sea and living in it for the next 3-5 years;
  • return to the place of birth to implement the reproduction function.

Individual representatives of a species that differ not large sizes from 10 cm to half a meter, those belonging to males reach the period of sexual readiness, skipping the stage of going to sea, and can take part in spawning together with other males.

As a rule, for spawning, fish choose small rivers along which they can ascend from the mouth to the spawning site, covering a distance of up to 4000 km. The reproduction process itself is somewhat extended in time and lasts under normal conditions from June to August, and in the conditions of North America it also occurs in the autumn-winter period.

While living in rivers, its diet includes:

  1. various larvae;
  2. insects;
  3. some types of young fish;
  4. small crustaceans.

In sea conditions, the Chinook menu consists of:

  • crustaceans;
  • cephalopods;
  • small fish;
  • plankton;
  • krill.

Chinook salmon meat is valued both from the point of view of the content of substances that regulate the flow of processes important for human health, and from the point of view of its culinary and taste characteristics. Fish contains a huge amount of vitamins B1, B2, C, PP, K, E, microelements such as selenium, zinc, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sodium, molybdenum, nickel, chromium, fluorine.

Chinook salmon is characterized by a fairly high content of proteins (up to 20/100g) and fatty acids such as choline and Omega 3, which are necessary for the body, but are not produced by it.

In particular, we're talking about about docosahexanoic (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic (EPA) acids, which perform the functions of supporting cell membranes and ensuring the normal functioning of metabolic processes in the body. Meat, like fish roe, has a high degree of digestibility, which allows the cells of the body to make maximum use of the beneficial substances of chinook salmon.

The caviar of this fish is distinguished by a specific bitter taste and the large size of individual eggs, reaching 6-7 mm in diameter. At one time, Chinook salmon lay up to 14 thousand eggs.

The fish is characterized by a lower fat content compared to other members of the family, 11-13.5%. Its meat, which has a rich red color with a raspberry tint, resembles salmon in taste, but with a certain cooking method it is valued much higher than it.

The positive effects of fish are:

  • in the prevention of destructive and atrophic processes in the brain organs associated with age-related changes;
  • in reducing the risk of developing sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, dementia;
  • in providing a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • in improving blood circulation in the body;
  • in strengthening bone tissue, reducing the likelihood of blood clots or osteoporosis.
  • DHA ensures normal functioning, regulates the normal functioning of the human visual organs, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and produces new nerve cells, ensures the timely removal of toxic components from the body and provides adequate nutrition to the body's cells.
  • EPA maintains vascular tone and, thanks to the production of bioactive elements in the body, provides protection against the occurrence and progression of severe pathologies.

Where, when and how to catch Chinook salmon

According to fishermen, Chinook salmon has a special food and industrial value precisely at the stage of entering the mouth before spawning, since it has not yet been exhausted by a long movement up the river against its current. However, at this stage, it is important for the state to suppress fishing on an industrial scale or by poaching in order to preserve the fish population.

In general, fishermen characterize Chinook salmon as a secretive and cunning, cautious fish. For example, in small rivers, in order to avoid being caught, for parking and hunting, fish choose places that are difficult from the point of view of fishing.

In cooking, a certain type of salted fish, lightly salted Chinook salmon, which is used as a cold appetizer and for salads, is especially valued. Marinating, smoking, and grilling fish are practiced. In some American states, this fish baked on heated bricks or coals is considered a delicacy and a specialty of restaurants.

Among gourmets, the dried fillet of this fish (balyk) is very famous. For fish with a high salt content, soaking is recommended, followed by boiling and use as a snack.

Is Chinook salmon tasty and how is it prepared?

Most delicious dish Chinook salmon is considered to be its lightly salted preparation. For this purpose, shock freezing is used, which preserves the beneficial substances of the product as much as possible. It consists in the fact that immediately after catching the fish, they cut it up, gut it and freeze it instantly right on a floating vessel in special refrigerators.

  • First of all, the fish is cleaned of scales, cut into pieces along the ridge, and its entrails are removed.
  • One kilogram of fish fillet is cut into small pieces, salted and generously moistened with the juice of half a lemon and sprinkled with suneli hops seasoning.
  • After this, the fish is sent to the refrigerator, where it is marinated while the buckwheat is cooking.
  • Buckwheat is prepared by frying finely chopped onions in a frying pan with vegetable oil, after which, when the onions acquire a golden hue, pre-washed buckwheat is added to it. The resulting mass is poured with boiling water (1:3) and cooked over medium heat until the buckwheat is ready.
  • The marinated fish is taken out of the refrigerator and fried in a small amount of vegetable oil with a well-heated frying pan on both sides.
  • Cooked buckwheat, fried fish and green pickled peas are placed on a plate to decorate the dish.


This fish belongs to family of Pacific salmon. This fish is known throughout the world for its taste and external characteristics.

Japanese fishermen dubbed it "princely salmon", and the Americans are calling "queen of fish", so every fisherman, be he American, Korean or Russian, dreams of catching a trophy specimen of this fish.
Living in both marine and fresh waters, This inhabitant of ichthyofauna enters river beds in early May. Having entered fresh waters, the fish changes its diet, moving from planktonic crustaceans, squid and small fish to high-calorie larvae, young fish and river crustaceans.
The life cycle of chinook salmon in some cases reaches 7 years, while some fish become sexually mature as early as 3 years of life.
After emerging from the caviar shell, fish develop and grow in fresh river waters, and only upon reaching adulthood does it go out to sea, after which, having become sexually mature, it returns to its former habitat for mating and laying eggs. This is exactly what the life cycle of a Chinook salmon looks like.

The habitat of this representative of the ichthyofauna is the Pacific sea waters. With the beginning of the spawning period, the fish moves from salty seas to freshwater rivers.

The main centers of fish population accumulation are the following rivers:
river system of British Columbia and Washington Gulf.
Along the shores of the American coast, fish live in the water segment: Kotzebue Bay - Southern California, including the river. Coppermine and the Aleutian Islands.
Asian waters are rich in Chinook salmon in places:
in Kamchatka;
along the river Anadyr;
in the waters of the river Amur;
off the coast of the Commander Islands;
in northern Hokkaido.


Speaking about Chinook salmon, it is impossible not to mention that it is a beautiful, swift fish, with a large head section and a powerful body, reminiscent of a torpedo in shape.
Chinook salmon living in sea waters are inconspicuous. IN color The backs of adult individuals are dominated by dark tones combined with a greenish-olive tint. Sides and belly– silver color. Some individuals have dark spots on the back and tail, behind the fins.

Head from body separated by a dark stripe characteristic of salmonids.
Interesting peculiarity Of all the fish of the salmon breed, Chinook salmon is not spared: with the onset of spawning, it radically changes its color: the transverse dorsal dark stripes practically disappear. The mating plumage of red-brown tones attracts males.

Change in body proportions during the spawning period it is not observed in fish, only males have a slight curvature of the jaws. Females have fang-shaped teeth. Chinook salmon, compared to pink salmon or chum salmon, does not “dress up” so brightly during the spawning period.

How big does Chinook fish get?

Among its relatives, this fish reaches the largest size. Statistical data confirms the fact that individuals weighing up to 60 kg have been caught. Adults reach middle length at 90-100 cm.
Having analyzed fishing practices in the Kamchatka region, it is easy to see that catching Chinook salmon weighing about 30 kg is a great success. Russian fishermen noted the standard for catching this fish: 5-15 kg is the norm.
American representatives capable of growing up to one and a half meters in length. A case of catching a trophy fish weighing 61.2 kg has been officially registered.


Fish spawn in small rivers with fresh water. In search of optimal conditions, fish can travel vast distances, up to thousands of kilometers. Chinook salmon begin to spawn in the summer, from June to August. In the northern rivers of America - with the onset of cold weather: towards autumn or closer to winter.
Chinook caviar is considered a delicacy. It is large and in appearance resembles chum salmon caviar.

Useful properties of chinook salmon

It is certainly difficult to determine the usefulness of fish.

This is because the ratio of the balance of nutrients and macroelements is prone to change, which depends on the characteristics:

age of the fish;
life cycle;
But still, fish contains useful vitamins, only their levels fluctuate.

This fish is rich in vitamin A, B, C, E, K and macroelements in the form of:
Particular benefits for humans lie in docosahexanoic and eicosapentaenoic acids, which support the coordinated activity of the cerebral cortex and have a positive effect on the state of the vegetative-vascular system.

It is these two substances that make fish so valuable, and their effect on the body helps prevent the appearance of:
heart attack;
development of atherosclerosis;
cardiac arrhythmias;
depressive disorders.
The calorie content of fish equivalent to 100 grams of meat is 148 Kcal.
People who consume Chinook salmon caviar will never suffer from diseases associated with:
damage to bones and joints;
the formation of blood clots;
disruption circulatory system;
loss of vision.
Caviar has a calorie content of approximately 250 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Chinook fish reviews

Review 1.

They often say about Chinook fish: Refined dishes are served with it; its caviar is considered a delicacy. Such a fish costs neither much nor little, within 1400 rubles per 1 kilogram smoked fish, but beneficial features And taste qualities the fish fully justify this amount. Sometimes you can show off your style by diversifying the Chinook menu. It is worth saying that the cost of fish is different regions countries are different.

Review 2.
This is a fish that is a pleasure to work with. As a chef I say this with dignity. It's always nice to make spicy sauces for baked fish or serve smoked fish with real sparkling beer. Chinook salmon dishes in our restaurant are among the most requested. Customers appreciate not only the skill of presentation, but also the excellent taste of the fish, which, when properly prepared, becomes even brighter and richer.

Review 3.
We buy Chinook salmon caviar regularly. The children adore her. It is not only tasty, but also healthy. So this is a real jackpot. Despite the inflated cost of the product, you can’t argue with the beneficial properties of Chinook caviar. It is indispensable in the diet of an adult. Our grandparents treat themselves to a delicious snack with sandwiches with Chinook salmon caviar, thereby delighting us with their presence: good health, as well as excellent memory.


What is Chinook salmon?

Due to its outstanding size, chinook salmon (in the Itelmen dialect - “ch’uch’u”) are often called princely or king salmon, which is reflected in the official American name of the taxon - King Salmon. Excellent gastronomic qualities and active resistance when fishing have made it a popular object of commercial, sports and recreational fishing. This fish of the salmon family leads an anadromous (anadromous) lifestyle with pronounced river and oceanic phases.

The only spawning, development of eggs, emergence of fry (parts) and growth of juveniles (from 3-4 months to 1-2 years) occur in fresh water. Full maturation, formation of reproductive function and feeding of the main mass is carried out already in the marine environment. But there are exceptions - some males do not leave the river, forming a residential dwarf subspecies that acquires the ability to reproduce at 2-3 years with a small size of 12-45 cm.

The life expectancy of Chinook salmon is quite short, only 4-8 years. This is due to fatal hormonal changes in the body during the pre-spawning period. Over the course of 1-2 weeks, all producers who took part in the spawning process completely die.

Where does it live?

The original habitat of king salmon in Russia is the Northern Basin Arctic Ocean, Barents and Okhotsk Seas, Commander Islands, Amur, Anadyr, Chukotka, Kamchatka Peninsula. In the USA, Canada and Japan, the species lives in the Sacramento and Coppermine basins, near northern Hokkaido, the Aleutian Islands, Alaska, Cape Krusenstern, and the Kent Peninsula. Freshwater bodies in this area are characterized by low temperatures, sparse vegetation, and poor plankton and benthos. The shortage of food supply was the main reason that forced the fish to go out to feed in the sea.

She has developed a special hypo-osmotic mechanism that allows her to easily adapt to life in water of any salinity. Chinook salmon feels great both in desalinated estuaries and bays, and in open Pacific Ocean several thousand kilometers from the coast. At the same time, the reproductive function remained unchanged - the development of eggs occurs exclusively in the conditions of flowing cool rivers with a pebble or rocky bottom.

In order not to create food competition for growing juveniles and future offspring, during the pre-spawning period the salmon's gastrointestinal tract irreversibly atrophies, the place of which is taken by an additional volume of eggs and milt.

Appearance of Chinook salmon

The fish has a very expressive exterior, which is characterized by:

  • slender long torpedo-shaped body;
  • pelvic fins moved back;
  • small cycloid scales (with a smooth posterior edge);
  • compressed sides;
  • large head section;
  • small eyes;
  • big mouth;
  • two dorsal fins (real and adipose) without spiny rays;
  • 15 gill membranes and black gums on the lower jaw (unique species characteristics);
  • chaotically scattered dark spots covering the upper part of the body, caudal peduncle and both fin lobes.

The appearance and color of Chinook salmon depends on the specific life stage. The standard color scheme is bright silver flanks, white belly, and blue-green or olive back. During the mating season, light tones of color are replaced by purple, burgundy and pink shades. Large teeth grow in the mouth. Males have curved jaws. The body becomes angular and taller. But unlike many related taxa, king salmon do not develop a hump. Females are able to largely retain their original silver color.

Features of spawning

In Russia, salmon spawning time lasts from June to August. Fish in large schools enter the mouths of large rivers and rise up hundreds, and sometimes thousands of kilometers, to reach exactly the places where they were born. Thanks to its powerful body, Chinook salmon are able to overcome the resistance of fast currents (up to 1.5 m/s) and jump over high obstacles. Having reached the spawning ground, the females, with strong blows of their tail, form wide depressions in the pebbles and cobblestones, into which 10-14 thousand large eggs are thrown. After the clutches are fertilized by males, the life cycle of the spawners ends and their bodies begin to rapidly deteriorate.

Nature has provided an additional mechanism of biological regulation, which allows the same shallow-water spawning grounds to be used without excessive pressure of fish. Many river systems During the season there are several spawning migrations of Chinook salmon, separated by intervals of one and a half to two months. This period of time is enough for the water to be cleared of rotting organic matter, and for the eggs to develop into a nimble and tenacious pied fry that can quickly find reliable shelters. This regulatory scheme is especially clear on the coast of North America. Here spring and autumn species forms have developed, which spawn in the same rivers in different seasons.

Chinook salmon fishing - where, how and with what

In fresh water, young animals feed on crustaceans, insects, and fry. In the oceanic environment, the diet consists of zooplankton, crustaceans, squid and all kinds of fish living at depths of up to 35-40 meters. With such a nutritious menu, the voracious king salmon gains weight very quickly. In Russia, the main place for catching Chinook salmon is the fresh water bodies of Chukotka and Kamchatka during the migratory movements of the fish. Especially a lot of it enters the Bolshaya River and its tributaries (Plotnikova, Goltsovka, Nachilova), which stretch for 300 km from the Ganal Range to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

The optimal tackle for catching Chinook salmon is considered to be a powerful sea spinning rod of medium action, which is equipped with a multiplier reel and braided cord (test from 25-30 kg) with increased resistance to abrasive wear. Since fish going to spawn completely stop feeding, bright and large spinners, wobblers and jigs are used, creating an active game by turning around the longitudinal axis.

Chinook salmon perceive such baits as young animals of other species (char, kunja, pink salmon, sockeye salmon) and reflexively grab them to protect their future offspring. The fish does not swallow the bait, but tries to spit it out. That is why an instant sharp hook immediately after the jerk of the tackle is so important.

To catch young Chinook salmon, which constantly lives in the river and actively feeds, animal baits are used in the form of a transparent bag with red caviar, shrimp, or a piece of fish. Fly fishing gear has proven itself well in tandem with large, brightly colored flies. Sea fishing for king salmon is carried out mainly by trolling. Fish carcasses, large wobblers and spinners are used as bait. It is effective to catch Chinook salmon using jigs using large vibrotails, twisters, and crustaceans.

Beneficial features

The taste of the “prince of salmon” is close to salmon, but it is less fatty and high in calories (148-150 kcal per 100 g), which allows it to be used for dietary and gentle nutrition. Excellent for pickling, boiling, steaming, stewing, canning and baking. Red Chinook fish is well suited as a main or delicacy ingredient for salads, sandwiches, canapés, and appetizers. The aesthetic appearance of the fillet, combined with a delicate but dense structure, allows you to prepare very beautiful and appetizing fried dishes that retain their original shape.

A unique culinary ingredient is the bright red chinook caviar, which is characterized by the largest size (up to 7 mm) among all related species. The scarce product is highly valued among gourmets; it has a thin shell and a rich taste with a slight bitterness. Meat and caviar contain many elements. useful for the heart, blood vessels, vision, joints, muscles, musculoskeletal system, nervous system:

  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • antioxidants (selenium);
  • natural antidepressants (tryptophan);
  • vitamins B9, B12, C, D, E, PP;
  • phosphorus, calcium, iron;
  • magnesium, potassium, sodium.

Regular consumption of chinook salmon prevents the accumulation of cholesterol plaques, reduces the risk of hypertension, diabetes, heart failure and the development of eye diseases.
However, there are contraindications that are associated with individual intolerance to salmon foods, metabolic diseases (gout), and pancreatic problems (enteritis, colitis).

Fish Chinook salmon from the salmon family and their most common species. Its most popular size is 90 cm. In Kamchatka waters it grows up to 1.80 m or more, off the coast of America - up to 1.47 m. Among the largest is the Pacific Chinook salmon.

The taste of the fish and its size are famous among fishermen and gourmets. Americans call it king salmon, and the Japanese call it “prince of salmon.” It is known from history that the largest Chinook salmon ever caught weighed 61.2 kg.

The Chinook salmon family also includes its dwarf form, represented only by males. They live only in fresh water bodies and do not go into the sea. They reach sexual maturity by two years and by this time grow in length up to 10...47 cm. They participate in the spawning process in the same way as migratory males.

There are two forms of Chinook salmon in the Columbia River Basin: summer and spring. They differ in the timing of spawning; they are hereditary.

Chinook salmon lives in the sea for 4...7 years.

Description and lifestyle of Chinook salmon

Chinook salmon range

Kamchatka Chinook salmon is found in the Asian (Far Eastern) region. Its most common size in Kamchatka is 75...105 cm and weight 9...17 kg. The fish also lives in the area of ​​the Commander Islands, in the Amur and Anadyr rivers, in Hokkaido.

Off the American coast, red Chinook fish are distributed from Kotzebue Bay to Southern California (including the waters surrounding the Aleutian Islands). In the Arctic it is caught up to the Coppermine River basin. Its largest population is in the rivers of Washington state, British Columbia and the Sacramento River.

Appearance of Chinook salmon

The Chinook salmon has a strong, torpedo-shaped body and a large head. Its color in the sea is discreet: a dark back with a green-olive tint; silvery belly and sides. On the back, above the lateral line (on the sides), there are small dark spots. They are also present on the dorsal fin and tail. Between the body and head there is a dark characteristic stripe.

Chinook salmon, unlike other salmon species, have more gill rays. The small specimen can easily be mistaken for a coho salmon, from which it differs by black gums on the lower jaw and the presence of dark spots on both sides of the caudal fin.

When entering the river before spawning, Chinook salmon, like all of its relatives, changes color and “puts on” its breeding plumage, although it is less bright than, for example, chum salmon and pink salmon. The body becomes red-brown, the back is almost black, without any stripes. The proportions of the body are preserved, only males acquire slightly curved jaws. Yes, both males and females have fang-shaped teeth.

Chinook salmon feeding

While in the river, Chinook salmon feed on juvenile fish, larvae and adults of aerial insects. The diet in the sea consists of squid, small fish, and planktonic crustaceans.

Chinook salmon spawning

Fish spawn in rivers, sometimes rising up to 4 thousand km from the sea. The spawning period is June - August, in the northern rivers of America both in autumn and winter. The process takes the whole summer.

Spawning occurs in spawning pits, which the powerful fish knocks out with its tail in the rocky bottom in sections of rivers with (1.0...1.5 m/sec) current. In the litter of one, there are up to 14.0 thousand eggs. Chinook caviar is larger in size than chum salmon.

After hatching, the fry remain in the river for up to 2 years. Among them there are those, especially males, who remain in the river until full maturity.

Chinook salmon fishing - where, how and what to catch

Chinook salmon fishing in Kamchatka

On the peninsula, catching Chinook salmon has always been considered a difficult task. Mainly because it requires a lot of patience from the angler to catch it. It’s rare to get straight to the joint. To find fish, you often have to fish in many places and do a lot of fishing. And as the locals say, it can be considered great luck a couple of Kamchatka Chinook bites per day.

What do they use to catch Chinook salmon in Kamchatka?

Different regions where fish live have their own ways of catching them. In Kamchatka, fishing for chinook salmon is carried out by fishermen more often with spinning rods, and as bait for them - metal spoons. The latter are necessarily rotating and large (up to 6 cm in length and up to 4 in width).

The metal of the spoon is polished. And its fasteners must be very strong. Hook - tee only and size No. 12 and above. Fishing for chinook salmon will be more catchy if the spoons are decorated with small multi-colored beads and the tee with bright plumage.

In “Kamchatka” equipment, a fishing line of 0.8 mm or more is used, with a dough of at least 20 kg. The spinning rod is also equipped with a separate leash with placed weights.

A very long time ago, fishing turned from a way of obtaining food into entertainment, and now big fish are valued not because they provide a lot of calories, but because they give a chance to compete with a strong opponent. Undoubtedly, salmon is the strongest competitor among freshwater fish. It reaches considerable sizes, is very strong, and what is also important is very hardy, that is, after ten minutes of struggle it will not float to the surface like a log like a pike.

Alaska Chinook Fishing Report

Salmon and salmon are different, and of the entire salmon family, the strongest and hardiest fish is Chinook salmon It’s not for nothing that it’s called King Salmon. For chinook salmon, and for salmon in general, it is better to go somewhere to the north, say, to Kamchatka or Alaska. When we had a choice of where to go, we chose Alaska. Of course, this whole thing will cost a little more, since after all you need to go abroad, but in the end, it’s much easier and more convenient, because the Americans’ service is excellent.

Choosing a base for catching Chinook salmon

First, let's explore the Internet. We book tickets and places at the fishing base, of which there are a great many in Alaska, but it’s still not easy to find places, because the flow of fishing pilgrims to Alaska is truly inexhaustible. These include spinning anglers, fly fishers, and everyone who wants to catch salmon by any means. We found and booked places, and you can already breathe a sigh of relief. Then we read everything we find about Chinook salmon, look at what and how exactly the Americans catch it, and, interestingly, this does not make an impression on us.

Ways to catch Chinook salmon in Alaska

In America, the most popular method of catching Chinook salmon is trolling. Rafting on a boat with a healthy, banana-shaped wobbler trailing behind it. The middle tee of such a wobbler is completely removed,

and instead of the rear one, a powerful swivel and a healthy single hook are hung. A piece of sardine is tied to the belly of the wobbler with fishing line, which gives a trail of smell and allows you to lure fish from afar. This didn’t seem very interesting to us, we like something more active, so we stocked up on spinners, which in the past showed themselves well when fishing for salmon in Kamchatka. These were mainly Salaca, Super Taimen and Cobra Spoon vibrators; there were also a couple of forty-gram Yo-Zuri and Agat. The spinning rods matched the spinners. Heavy, three meters high, especially durable. With three and four thousand spools and Japanese 35 lbs cord. This choice is due to the fact that the reel and rod, not to mention the cord, bear enormous loads. Chinook The fish are very strong and will kill weak tackle quickly, so everything must be of high quality and especially durable.

Fishing base in Alaska

Upon arrival at the base, we saw that it was very well equipped. There is everything you need for life, including a shower with hot water. The staff is polite, saying hello ten times a day, which, given our mentality, somewhat embarrassed us. The American approach is immediately obvious, however, this did not upset us. On the other hand, we were not pleased with the news that we would have to fish almost hourly. From eight in the morning until two in the afternoon, you could fish, then there was a break, until five in the evening and from five to eight - fishing again. There was always a guide with us, without whom we were not allowed to go fishing. All our persuasion by the guide to go fishing, for example, until eleven o’clock, was not successful. He categorically refused to disturb the order of the camp and remain outside it after sunset. By the way, before each fishing trip, he asked us if we were going to go ashore, and if we said that we were going, a firearm would certainly appear in the boat, as if hinting that the territories here were wild, rich in bears and it was an unnecessary risk going deep into the forests is not worth it.

Lures for catching chinook salmon in Alaska - fishing with caviar and spoons

Initially we planned to shine, but on our first run we fished for caviar. This method, new to me, seemed interesting to me, although not as active as spinning, or rather, inactive at all. It was something similar to our running donka. A long fishing line, a Tyrolean stick at the end, a pair of leashes with hooks and a caviar loop. A line with bait drags behind the boat, and you sit with a spinning rod in your hands and “listen” for a bite. The bite, by the way, is very interesting. At first, it seems that someone small is trying to pinch off a piece of the bait, then this “little one” gets impudent, and in the end you either can’t stand it and hook, or the “little one”

trying to pull you out of the boat. By the way, we caught quite a few of these “babies.” The boat's crew of six people catch an average of about ten to three chinook salmon per day, there were three of us, so we caught a little less, but we managed to catch mykiss with eggs, weighing 2 kilograms. The guide immediately freed her from the hook and let her go, not only not allowing her to be weighed, but even to take a photo. Explaining this by the fact that mykiss is the only species of salmon that does not die after spawning, but remains in the rivers, and this two-kilogram individual may well turn out to be my age, or a little younger, 20–25 years old, which is why they are treated so reverently .

We also fished with spoons, and were not left without a catch, but since it was not very convenient to wave three-meter sticks in the boat, we climbed out onto the shore. The guide was constantly nearby at this time, with a gun at the ready, and several times we saw bears from a distance, and once moose. This was not the first time I had seen bears, so they did not make an impression on me, but moose were a completely different matter. I saw European moose, but the moose in Alaska turned out to be much larger and scarier, the bears immediately seemed not as dangerous as these horned tanks, however, the moose did not come close, and they were also in no hurry to develop a conflict, so there were no incidents.

At the end of our stay at the base, which was four days later, it turned out that in total we had caught almost a ton of fish. On the day we often managed to catch the whole company, more than three dozen fish, with an average weight of 8–11 kilograms, so we were very lucky, and besides, the weather was not capricious either. There was a constant temperature of 16–18 degrees, and there was practically no rain.

I think that in Kamchatka there are also such runs of Chinook salmon and you just need to get to them, after all, salmon is salmon, and ours should not differ in any way from the American one. To summarize, I will say that the fishing was a success, I really liked it, and it would be simply a crime not to repeat such a trip. Of course, it hit my pocket, albeit not very hard, but noticeably, which leads to the conclusion that we will not repeat the event soon, although we really want to.

Chinook salmon fishing in Kamchatka, video

Chinook salmon recipes

Fried chinook salmon with buckwheat and green peas

To prepare chinook salmon you will need: 1 kg of fish; buckwheat; seasoning “khmeli-suneli”, green pea, juice from half a lemon, onions, vegetable oil.

Chinook salmon is cleaned of scales, cut along the ridge into 2 parts, and cut into pieces. Salt, sprinkle generously with lemon juice, season with “khmeli-suneli”. And leave to marinate until the buckwheat is cooked.

Small onions are chopped and fried. Add washed buckwheat to it, pour boiling water (1:3), grind and cook until tender.

In a heated frying pan, in vegetable oil, fry the fish on both sides.

Serve with buckwheat, fish, and green peas on a plate.

Chinook salmon chowder

To prepare fish soup, it is better to buy Chinook salmon weighing 3.0...2.5 kg. You will also need onions, small carrots, peppercorns, Bay leaf, potato.

The fish soup is easy to prepare. Everything except the fish is placed in a pan, filled with water and boiled. When the potatoes are half cooked, add fish (usually the head, tail, fins). Another 10 minutes and the soup is ready. It is sprinkled with chopped herbs on top.

The main condition for a good fish soup: the water should only cover the fish. Too much of it spoils the dish.

Chinook salmon baked in the oven

Chinook salmon fillets are large and for baking they choose as much as is needed for the company. For a small portion, it is best to take the fattest part, which is located near the head.

First, the steak is marinated. Sprinkle with salt and sprinkle soy sauce, juice from half a lemon and olive oil. Add seasonings to taste. Rub the marinade over the entire selected piece of fillet, including areas covered with skin. Chinook salmon meat is marinated for about an hour.

Place a layer of potatoes cut into slices on double aluminum foil. Cover it with a layer of onion rings and chopped tomato slices. Add a “blanket” of basil and dill and place the Chinook steak on it. Potatoes, onions, tomatoes are again placed on top in layers and salt is sprinkled on top. The edges of the foil are folded to prevent juice from leaking out.

Place the bundle in the oven, preheated to 180C...190C. Bake for 10...15 minutes. Chinook salmon baked in the oven is served hot.

The set of tomatoes, onions, potatoes is quite conventional. Other vegetables can be used, e.g. Bell pepper, eggplants.

Nutritional value, composition and calorie content of meat

Chinook salmon meat is raspberry-red in color. It has a fat content of 11...13.5%, tastes like salmon fillet. It contains vitamins PP, PP, C, B1, B2. It is rich in zinc, fluorine, chromium, nickel, molybdenum, chlorine, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, and unsaturated fatty acids. It is they, in combination with existing proteins, that have a beneficial effect on metabolism in the human body.

The calorie content of Chinook salmon is 148.4 kcal.

The taste qualities of Chinook salmon fillet have been known for a long time. Its quality is superior to the meat of other salmon fish. Lightly salted fish, which is used in appetizers and salads, is considered especially popular among gourmets. The balyk made from chinook salmon is delicious, and one cannot help but admire the smoked fish fillet from the fish.

Chinook salmon is sold salted, smoked, chilled, and frozen. Lightly salted and smoked fish are consumed like salmon. Canned food is added to salads and used as a snack, seasoned with mayonnaise. The salted one is first soaked, then boiled and served as a snack. Various dishes are prepared from Chinook salmon: baked, fried, and boiled.

The benefits and harms of Chinook salmon meat

The most beneficial in Chinook salmon are eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids. They reduce the possibility of developing angina pectoris and protect blood vessels from atherosclerosis. Improve brain function, reduce heart rhythm disturbances, the risk of heart attacks and strokes. In old age they help avoid depression and senile dementia.

Chinook salmon is an allergen, but causes allergic reactions in 1 case out of 250.

When buying Chinook salmon, you should give preference to smaller specimens. Large fish may contain high concentrations of harmful substances, especially mercury. It's better if it is sea ​​fish, not farm-raised. In the latter case, due to its diet, an excess of harmful substances may also be observed in fish meat.
