Aquarius man: a loyal and devoted friend or a free romantic. How to keep an Aquarius man (04/11/2016)

A graceful, witty Aquarius girl can be very original in society. Among the representatives of this sign there are young ladies who can shock with antisocial behavior. But in most cases, the unpredictability of Aquarius is limited by etiquette. She strives to amaze with a spectacular hairstyle or bright clothes, an unusual tattoo or multiple piercings. But all these external manifestations are just a desire for freedom of creativity. Such a girl attracts glances and captivates the hearts of the opposite sex.

Aquarius character

Aquarius is an original and freedom-loving sign. He strives to do a lot and see a lot. That's why Aquarians love travel, new hobbies, views, ideas. For all its outward openness, this is a very closed sign. He does not seek to tell the whole world about his true thoughts and feelings. At the same time, Aquarius is sociable, he has many friends and acquaintances.

The changeability of the sign can surprise strangers. Aquarius is sometimes decisive, sometimes timid, sometimes sociable, sometimes silent, sometimes interested, sometimes indifferent. It is sometimes difficult for him to understand his own mood.

Aquarius is open to everything new and unknown. He quickly gets carried away and is able to inspire people and carry them along. But he often lacks constancy - he rarely completes the work he has started, preferring to pass it on to his colleagues.

Aquarius is a devoted friend, ready to help in the most difficult situation. But he is internally free and does not become attached to people. Often chooses creative professions.

The Aquarius girl is charming and spontaneous. She doesn't stick social standards and is capable of surprising with its originality.

Element of Aquarius

Air helps Aquarius penetrate and understand many areas of life. This light element gives the sign liveliness and intelligence. The air is always filled with plans, ideas, thoughts. He is fluent in multitasking situations, which allows him to quickly and efficiently solve most issues.

But emotionally, this is a cold element. There is no fiery passion or aquatic romance in it. Air looks at people and situations with detachment, but is always ready to help. He is a reformer and strives to give the world freedom. But most often people do not understand the aspirations of Air. It is too ephemeral and vague.

A girl born under the sign of Aquarius

Aquarius - male sign. It gives its representatives clarity of thinking and a penchant for analysis. What does the horoscope promise for the young lady? An Aquarius girl can be outwardly helpless. But inside she has a core: she knows exactly what she wants from life, what she should strive for. She knows how to analyze situations and attaches importance to actions, not words.

This is a determined, energetic girl. She loves to talk, discuss new trends and projects. Strives to delve into politics and social life, in art and esoteric practices.

She has a lot of friends. The Aquarius girl is friendly and impulsive. The characteristic of the sign gives her independence and a certain amount of masculinity. She can easily turn dreams into real actions. However, her ideals often change. That's why people are offended by Aquarius, although she always tells the truth. It’s just that today she has one truth, and tomorrow she has another.

The Aquarius girl, having become an adult matron, remains lively and inquisitive. The years have hardly changed her. Lightness and eccentricity will help her attract the attention of men even in old age.


The Aquarius girl is responsible and hardworking. The characteristics of the sign allow her to choose a profession that requires a sharp mind and exact word. Such a young lady can become a journalist or lawyer, teacher or translator. But if she sets a goal, she will definitely achieve it.

A passion for freedom can force Aquarius to change jobs. Moreover, she is capable of radically changing the type of activity - the ability to delve into and understand will help her easily master a new profession.


The Aquarius girl does not like calculating, stingy men. Its compatibility with other signs is more based on the breadth of a person’s soul, his ability to understand and help. She does not tolerate lies and deception. Intuition will help you figure out where untruth or injustice awaits you.

Aquarius looks more at spiritual qualities. She will take a small salary calmly. What is more important to her is decency, erudition, and talent of a person. She does not like excessive emotional manifestations of feelings and passion, preferring calm, friendly relationships.

This girl is open to new acquaintances and new experiences. An Aquarius can easily change apartments or cities. And her companion must give her freedom of movement. In relationships with her, you should focus on trust and partnership.

Aquarius has good compatibility with Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Leo, Gemini. Calm relationships await with Aries, Taurus, Libra. You should avoid long-term contacts with Cancer and Virgo.


When choosing a husband, the Aquarius girl will avoid despots and conservatives. She would rather prefer an intellectual visionary with whom she can discuss the most incredible projects and dreams. She will not tolerate criticism - there must be equal relations in the Aquarius family.

The husband will have to come to terms with a huge circle of friends and acquaintances. This girl inspires people with her enthusiasm. They are drawn to it as a source of energy.

Big problems in the family can begin due to the freedom-loving nature of Aquarius. She does not need control, she will avoid in every possible way established framework behavior. Therefore, the husband should trust his wife more.


Aquarius with children also adheres to the principle of freedom and equality. She does not patronize them and does not subject them to strict control. This woman knows how to find a middle ground in communicating with her children.

She believes that everyone has the right to make mistakes and try themselves in different guises. But Aquarius puts respect in the family and for the people around her first. She will not tolerate bullying or insults. At the same time, he knows how to put the disobedient person in his place with a calm word and a cold look. There's no room in her house protracted conflicts or ugly scandals. She will be able to interest children and teach them the same rich life which she leads herself.

Aquarius and Aquarius

If the age difference is not so great, then there will be more chances for a harmonious relationship. Both partners will learn to trust each other. They intuitively know that separation is not a reason for betrayal. Therefore, even at a distance, Aquarians are able to remain faithful. At least as long as they love.

The Aquarius girl and the Aquarius man love sex. They are prone to experimentation and unconventional forms. But among Aquarius there are also those who are absolutely indifferent to sex. Therefore, in a relationship it is important to find mutual language to identify differences in temperament. But most often their sexual compatibility is ideal.

Over time, Aquarius may become bored with their relationship. If the basis is only sex, the couple will have to break up. If they are closely connected by social, spiritual, family ties, then they may well remain close friends. And they will look for sexual partners on the side.

It would be possible to describe for a long time in all colors what kind of genius lives inside every Aquarius, what fascinating storytellers and romantic gentlemen they are, what a brilliant future shines for them and what strong family they are capable of creating... But to be honest, a family without you. Why? Because in 99% of cases love relationship With an Aquarius, you will have to lose yourself and put his interests first every day. Yes, you will be “good” together, the apparent stability of your relationship and passion will be the envy of your acquaintances, his boss will regularly reward such a good employee with bonuses and invite good family man together with your kids to a corporate event for the company's management team. Yes, everything will happen, but the price for this is your daily hiding of your true self.

To win and then keep an Aquarius man, you need to step over your character, desires, habits, principles and dreams, be a monkey who puts glasses of a different color on his nose every hour, or a microwave oven that can freeze, defrost, cook a dish, fry a kebab, at the same time consist of iron and always look cool. Agree that the above metamorphoses are only possible if you are out of your mind or if you are not embarrassed by the prospect of acquiring many faces.

Of course, 1% happy relationship with an Aquarius still exists, but only if a girl can be for him at the same time an ardent lover and a friend, bring him closer and then further away, not say yes or no - fool his head throughout his life, and is able to constantly get carried away by more and more new things ideas. You also need to take care of him, never criticize him, cook, wash, iron and improve in everything under his strict guidance.

If all of the above makes you sad, then I’ll add a drop of honey: among Aquarius men there are a huge number of brilliant people. This means that one fine day, after a couple of decades of marriage to an Aquarius, your titanic patience and forgiveness may be rewarded with the title of wife of a laureate Nobel Prize. But keep in mind that many people remember the geniuses of science, but the names of their wives... If all this does not bother you and you are captivated by his fantastic courtship, gallantry and charm, or you simply cannot understand what he really needs from you, just read on - I’ll tell you what awaits you in this relationship.

Do Aquarians get married?

You must have really liked this guy, impressively courting and slightly cynical. You have two options. The first, with the expectation of a short but “fruitful” relationship. Aquarius man doesn't mind physical intimacy with a girl he knows only recently. If he likes you outwardly, then immediately getting closer (or after a couple of dates) will not be difficult, and you will continue to be connected by varied and non-binding sex. This is the path to acquiring the status of a mistress, but not a bride and wife. Moreover, he may have two or even three such mistresses in parallel, but not one will guess about the existence of the other two. Such a connection is convenient for him: these relationships do not separate him from relationships with the rest of humanity, do not take away his freedom, and he has plenty of time for work and self-realization. But one condition - do not insist on meetings, they will take place on his initiative. And what will be required of you beautiful view and readiness for bed delights.

The second way is to marry an Aquarius. If this is your goal, then intimacy before marriage is taboo. It's difficult, but doable. Of course, he will need variety in sex after the wedding. But you must always remain an unread book for him. You need to force him to conquer you constantly. Never tell him that you are crazy about him, don’t hang yourself around his neck. Perhaps this will help keep him on for a long time close, because he wants to be a conqueror.

The longer you are friends with an Aquarius man, the higher your chances of marrying him. Be friends, but never tell him that you are only friends. Having heard this, he can come to terms with the fact and will easily continue such friendly meetings for 10 or 15 years, without taking steps towards more.

You have a better chance of becoming his only love if he is over 35 years old at the time of your romance. Until the age of 35, Aquarians search, communicate with people, learn new things, and it never even occurs to them that some girl can take away all their time and attention. But what about the rest of humanity and the great discoveries that this guy has already embarked on?

The most insidious sign of the zodiac is Aquarius

There will come a time when it seems to you that your relationship has moved on. new level. You can even go with your friends to wedding salons and choose a dress, and you and he have already discussed where your wedding will take place. But in reality... he doesn’t think about getting married and somewhere a day before the wedding he will simply disappear from sight, not answering calls and your messages, full of anxiety and indignation. And what of the fact that you already ordered a cake and glued a “wishing tree”, what of the fact that he introduced you to his parents a long time ago and hugged you so tenderly throughout the entire family picnic? Nothing. A couple of days later he will show up as if nothing had happened and say that he worked a lot, and then lay down to take a nap and just fell asleep. It was you who decided that you have the right to take the Aquarius guy away from his grandiose plans. And his parents know very well that their son is quite cunning and not simple. And this is not the first time they have seen such a potential bride, to whom he smiles playfully.

What should you do in such a situation? Turn around and leave, never trusting Aquarius again. Or continue to be friends with him as if nothing had happened. In this friendship there may be passion, and jealousy, and joint projects, and even a new proposal of marriage in 5 years. But it is not a fact that the union will still take place, and having taken place, it will not turn out to be one of those marriages that break up after a couple of days or months. Perhaps the breakup will happen in a couple of years, but this will only hurt you more: from the feeling of annoyance that he never appreciated you. Yes, he didn’t appreciate it, but he believes that it is enough that you appreciate his originality and extraordinary mindset. This is a one-goal game. Therefore, you will have to accept him for who he is - extravagant and constantly in search of something that he sometimes vaguely imagines to himself. Accept and endure everything or leave and find a quiet haven with Capricorn or Libra, there is no other way.

What tests you should never give an Aquarius man is telling him that you have fallen in love with someone else or that you are leaving for someone else. Then, without blinking an eye, he will say: “I see, well then, let’s remain friends.” You weren’t counting on such a reaction, did you really want a scene of jealousy? Remember that Aquarius lets go of his “only love for life” easily, as soon as she mentions it. It’s just that the next day he will go in search of new sensations, without a bit of regret.

No one can change an Aquarius man

Even you... Unfortunately, the Aquarius man is one of those who are not inclined to part with dignity. And if the breakup happened, especially on your initiative, then you are much more likely to find yourself in what is called “drenched in mud” than to hear: “God grant that your beloved be different.” After leaving him, in a couple of days you will certainly hear from mutual acquaintances that he told them that you only needed him for money, that you never loved him, that you only wanted to have a child, climb the ladder. career ladder, you had nowhere to live and you regularly, shamelessly, brazenly cheated on him, in the end you simply abandoned the poor unfortunate man. Even if the breakup is entirely his fault, Aquarius will never admit this either to friends and colleagues or to himself. You can try to leave him so that he will demonstrate his other self, hidden behind the mask of integrity. You may be pleasantly surprised to suddenly hear that he speaks of you as a ray of light in his life. But this is as likely as the end of the world in the evening of the same day. Do you remember when they predicted the death of our planet? It seems like 5 billion years from now. So your probability of receiving a rose from an Aquarius after leaving is the same.

When trying to win an Aquarius man, remember that they are mercantile, selfish, cannot withstand serious tests, break up easily, cannot stand criticism, although they themselves are not averse to giving instructions and making exorbitant demands on their chosen one. Most likely, for him, you are one of 10 people who are madly in love with him, but who knows, maybe you are one in a million, capable of conquering this “balloonist” and becoming the only love of his life?

You also probably don’t think that he can return from work and be silent as a rock, and then turn around and leave slamming the door because of an unprepared dinner, even if you had the intention good reason. He also loves money. This is the weakness of Aquarius. Although often an Aquarius man spends the lion's share of his income on purchasing a cooler car or apartment than on actually selling it worthwhile project. Most likely, he will also buy a car or something else for you, but only after he upgrades his jeep.

Among the representatives of this sign, along with brilliant personalities, there are many gigolos who like a variety of sex and living at the expense of a friend. There are many wealthy "sons" of rich parents. Of course, perhaps they will successfully continue their father’s business in the future, but they obviously cannot do without an obsequious attitude towards their superiors. They also like to marry for convenience. Yes, there are self-sufficient and truly successful Aquarius men thanks to their business skills, but in parallel with marrying a girl whom they consider a worthy match for themselves not only spiritually, but also materially, they also marry their grandiose ideas. It is not without reason that among Aquarians there are many scientists who disappear for days in laboratories, always putting family in second place.

There are weak Aquarius men and strong ones. In general, this is the unity of the devil and the angel.

They do not like acting, do not want to produce an effect, do not respect grandeur, but do not mind shocking others. They know how to do something nice, but mostly for themselves. They don’t want to be like anyone else, they want to be free from material values.

They always strive for power, prestige, and a high position in society.

Curious, drawn to the unknown. They will not stop until they know the truth. They never rush headlong into the pool. Generous and insightful.

There may be something soft, smooth, subtle about Aquarius men. Often they cannot choose between reason and instinct.

Many representatives of this sign are mystical and religious. Vegetarianism is respected. Always full of good intentions towards every person. They don't know what hatred is. They are simple, polite, trusting. The latter quality brings many problems.

Sometimes Aquarians are too naive and uninsightful. Such people lack a sense of remorse and guilt. They rarely restrain their sensitivity and step aside for a while in the event of an incorrect action.

Representatives of this sign always achieve their goal, albeit slowly.

If they are constantly told what to do or restrained, they can become unfriendly, unfriendly, rude, jealous, imprudent, and insensitive.

Which girls are attracted to?

In an emotional sense, such men practically do not open up.

They love to dream, however, they do not strive to realize their desires in life. This quality often prevents them from pursuing the woman they like.

They prefer to create illusions about their chosen one, then, having gotten to know her better, they are disappointed, preferring friendly relationships to love.

In rare cases, they show the person they like their negative traits. They become detached, inaccessible, cold, rude, sometimes cynical, disgusting.

The idea that they can be affected by the difficulties of life and love is a mistaken idea. Failure may upset him, but don’t break your heart into pieces. Such men will quickly recover and move on.

They cannot stand relationships that resemble a “birdcage.” Rarely worn wedding rings, afraid to plunge into the abyss everyday problems. If they are subjugated by a relationship, they dream only of liberation, which they prepare in silence.

Aquarius has the most high percent divorces, compared to other signs. They prefer to give themselves to the company rather than to one person. They give more to strangers than to family.

What does an Aquarius man like in a woman? To conquer Aquarius, a woman should be able to captivate with just one glance, be mysterious and have the ability to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

He will definitely notice the lovely beauty and appreciate her.

Cheerfulness and positivity- qualities that must be present in a girl of a representative of this sign.

The chosen one who appreciates every day she lives with her beloved, never loses heart and easily overcomes all obstacles - this is the one that such a man needs.

These young people love to overcome various difficulties. Therefore, he is impressed when a girl shows signs of attention to him, but does not let him get close.

Aquarius will not appreciate a person who rushes into his arms on the very first night. Ease of accessibility is not a quality that will attract representative of this sign.

Such guys love it when his chosen one is interested in various hobbies. He likes it when a girl has something to talk about, that is, educated, erudite, with deep intellectual abilities, able to support any topic of conversation.

It won’t hurt if both have the same interests, hobbies, and hobbies.

Entrepreneurship and integrity- these are the qualities that will definitely win the heart of Aquarius. The one who knows how to restrain herself will definitely please such a man.

The chosen one should also be calm. However, you should not be too quiet, otherwise the relationship will turn into a routine.

Aquarius dreams of a woman who will take care of him and look after him. She must constantly pamper him - bring him breakfast in bed, treat him when he is sick, cheer him up in moments of despair and sadness.

Intimate life is also of particular importance for such a man. Since he is somewhat cold in bed, his chosen one must be a passionate person who can ignite the fire of passion in her partner.

Those born under this sign are quite flighty, so frequent mentions of serious relationship, marriage can frighten him. He will be afraid for his freedom and then all is lost.

What's not to like

Selfish. A woman who is unable to care for her man, who is accustomed to caring only about herself and who thinks about her personal needs, is unlikely to stay long in his life.

Not possessing own dignity . A girl who prefers to hide from problems and difficulties behind the back of her chosen one, who has no goals and future prospects, will never attract Aquarius.

He only needs purposeful and ambitious women.

Controlling every step of your loved one. In this case, the man will suspect an attempt on his freedom. A woman who wants to be with an Aquarius needs to understand that excessive control will put an end to the relationship.

In general, Aquarius needs a girl who will clearly know what she wants, respect his opinion, decision, and support him in his endeavors and difficulties. Only in this case will she be able to win the heart of the freedom-loving chosen one.

How to get his attention

What does an Aquarius man like in a woman? To get this man's attention, a girl should be unconventional. There must be something about her that other representatives of the opposite sex do not have. For example, extravagance and the ability to perform unthinkable acts.

Boredom is perhaps the worst thing for Aquarius. Therefore, a chosen one who has a sense of humor, the ability to act quickly in certain situations, knows how to surprise, keeps her man in good shape, will win his heart forever.

The woman also should not be predictable- This is the real enemy of relationships. She should become a mystery for him that cannot be solved.

Aquarius will only become attached to the girl who will completely devote herself only to him. This man will not tolerate even the slightest flirtation from his chosen one.

About treason in in this case there is no talk at all. Representatives of this sign will never forgive the betrayal of their beloved.

Those born under the sign of Aquarius are maximalists. His girlfriend should get over it. She must:

  • be prepared for the fact that he will be able to suspect treason even in the most insignificant and innocent offense;
  • be able to adapt to the interests and preferences of your loved one, which, by the way, can change several times a day.

Even though Aquarius loves freedom, he treats his woman as property. The chosen one must constantly keep him informed of events and inform him where she is and where she is going to go.

Under no circumstances should a girl throw tantrums if, for example, he is late at work. And there’s no need to talk about constant calls.

Unfortunately, keeping an Aquarius man is not so easy. Women's charms alone are not enough. It should be understood that this representative of the zodiac series is quite cool, aloof and isolated.

Therefore, it is not possible to penetrate deep into his soul. He will never court or take the first steps to a woman who is waiting for just this.

Prefers initiative from the opposite sex.

He never succumbs to women's tricks and tricks. He will have sex only when friendly contact has been established.

Can love from a distance. This is an absolute advantage over representatives of other zodiac signs.

That's all there is to know about the characteristics of an Aquarius man and what kind of women he likes. Remember: you cannot be sure that this man is completely submissive. He's completely unpredictable. They say about such people: “He has seven Fridays a week.”

The girl must act slowly, each time getting closer to her chosen one.

Aquarius women are bright, sociable, sincere and completely unusual. Such girls practically burst into another person’s life and make it completely different. And their natural attractiveness, extraordinary appearance and lack of complexes make them extremely popular among members of the opposite sex. And today many are interested in what an Aquarius woman is like in love? What properties does it have? How to make her happy?

Without a twinge of conscience, such ladies can be called incredible bright personalities. This is facilitated by their unusual appearance, as well as their addiction to original outfits. For example, a woman can wear her great-grandmother's blouse and leather pants without embarrassment. This approach always gives them the opportunity to remain in the spotlight - which is exactly what they crave.

Such a lady is incredibly sociable - she always has many friends, of both sexes. Often she becomes the soul of the company. The purpose of her life is the search for originality, the race for something new and unusual. Routine and gray everyday life drive her into mortal melancholy right to the point of depression.

Aquarius in conversation

As already mentioned, representatives of this sign cannot imagine their lives without constant communication and new acquaintances - they need this no less than air. They are erudite and well-read, so conversation with them is easy.

Such a lady chooses friends regardless of gender, age, nationality, religious beliefs - the main thing is that it is fun to communicate with the person. Since she openly discusses intimate topics, many men can accept her as an object for bed pleasures - Aquarius cannot stand this, since she desires to be appreciated first as a person.

What job is suitable for an Aquarius woman?

Any profession that gives the opportunity to express and use one’s creative potential is suitable for such a lady. Don't forget that Aquarius is always looking for something new. The lady will devote herself completely to any work.

Such women make good gardeners, fashion designers, designers - these occupations provide enormous scope for constant experimentation. Often, Aquarius women choose the profession of a teacher or educator - here they are constantly trying to improve their teaching techniques, teaching children a non-standard approach.

In fact, any more or less creative profession is suitable for such a lady. But for them it is extremely important that there is a prospect of growth: once the highest limit is reached, the work becomes uninteresting.

Aquarius woman: love horoscope

Such a lady is changeable in love. She often starts short-term affairs, but it is not always easy to persuade her to marry, since these obligations are perceived as a kind of cage.

An Aquarius woman in love often behaves coldly, and from time to time, a little distant. This doesn’t make her an “ice queen” at all; it’s just not easy to show your emotions, especially in public.

Don't worry if your date doesn't ask about your life - it's entirely possible that she's done a great job of getting to know you before the relationship began. Such people tend to remember even little things, carefully analyzing them and drawing up a portrait of their partner.

Such a lady is not too emotional, never finds fault with little things, is not jealous or offended, and always shows tolerance. Some men consider her an impeccable partner who never causes unnecessary problems. On the other hand, you should respect her personal space, love her friends and not demand too much - excessive affection and attempts to control everything will force the lady to leave.

Aquarius Woman: Sexual Horoscope

It’s worth saying right away that ladies born under this sign are almost completely devoid of any complexes. They don’t even try to hide their sexuality, and therefore often have short-term affairs.

An Aquarius woman in love strives for complete dedication. Accordingly, in bed she will do everything necessary to satisfy her beloved man. Such partners receive equal pleasure from giving and receiving affection. Any whim or fantasy of a partner is fulfilled almost instantly - the Aquarius woman does not have any persistent psychological prejudices.

By the way, this feature often forces a lady to connect her life with older, and from time to time even elderly, partners who need care and consolation. An Aquarius woman can have an affair with a man who is insecure within himself, since with him she will be able to fully use her potential.

If we're talking about O long relationship or marriage, then sex for a lady becomes something routine, but obligatory - a kind of ritual before bed. Such a wife will rarely refuse her husband, as she loves to pay attention.

What kind of man would suit a lady of this sign?

Of course, an Aquarius woman in love can become a real treasure. But she is special, so for complete happiness she needs an appropriate partner. She needs a person who can not only accept all her “oddities” and some character traits, but also help her discover something new within herself. So what kind of man is suitable for an Aquarius woman?

This sign has folding a good relationship with Aries, who are ready to praise the charms of a lady, engender confidence and self-love in her. But with Gemini, a woman born under the sign of Aquarius will be able to recognize herself from a completely different side - this couple will always be open to new proposals and ready for extreme, sometimes even unintelligible tricks.

The union of Aquarius and Leo will be wonderful. Despite the fact that at first the lady will feel a little constrained by Leo’s possessive habits, she will be able to realize herself. Leos, in turn, can expand their worldview.

Libra is suitable for Aquarius women. These men are also a little “out of this world” and do not burden themselves with thoughts about the future or endless fidelity. Together they will be able to sincerely enjoy today, forgetting about future problems.

The union of Aquarius and Sagittarius can become harmonious. A man will be pleased to have a spectacular lady next to him, while his partner will enjoy the easy attention of her beloved. Together they will be able to indulge in dreams.

By the way, such a lady would be perfectly suited to an Aquarius man, who would understand her perfectly. But such couples rarely have children, because they are so absorbed in each other that a third (even a child) will always be superfluous.

Let's look further love horoscope. An Aquarius woman is unlikely to get along with a man born under the signs of Taurus, Scorpio and Cancer. Naturally, such pairs often form, and initial stages all the differences in character and worldview even seem very tempting. But relationships usually end quickly.

What will a married lady be like?

An Aquarius woman is just as extraordinary and unpredictable in love as in other areas of life. Quite often such girls get married in early age, and just as often the first marriage ends in divorce.

If you dream of tying such a lady to the kitchen and loading her with household chores, then you can give up such attempts. Your spouse will do what she considers necessary first. And although Aquarians rarely go into conflict, if they need to defend their own principles or views on life, the lady will stand her ground to the last.

It should be noted that there are some other features that the Aquarius woman possesses. The love characteristics of such a girl should include another important feature character - she is not prone to suspicion. This is not the spouse who will rummage through your things or look through your phone call lists. After all, she has so many interests that there is no time left for surveillance. On the other hand, if you give her serious reasons for mistrust, the lady will simply leave.

Most often, Aquarius spouses remain faithful. On the other hand, an affair on the side is not excluded, especially if the lady manages to meet the right man. But in this case, she will most likely simply end the relationship, which has fallen into disrepair.

Aquarius woman as mother

In fact, such a lady often finds it difficult to adapt to the role of a mother. After all, there are so many colors in her life, so many things worthy of attention. And now the child becomes the center of her life - this can cause confusion.

But, be that as it may, Aquarius adapts to the situation relatively quickly. Such ladies become good, diligent mothers who, from adolescence, teach their children to be sincere and truthful.

Famous ladies born under this sign

In order to more accurately demonstrate the character traits of a lady of this sign, it is worth mentioning some recognizable representatives of the fair sex.

Many extraordinary ladies were born under this star, including the world-famous soothsayer Vanga and singer Anna German. Also Aquarius are Ira Slutskaya, Lyubov Orlova, Ira Muravyova, Jennifer Aniston, Vera Brezhneva, Yulia Savicheva and Paris Hilton. Any of them became famous specifically due to their extraordinary appearance, natural charm and complex character.

We have new horoscope— Aquarius man (characteristic). What kind of women does he like? What does this sign love and what does it despise? We are sure that this information will be useful to all women who want to conquer the freedom-loving Aquarius. 😉

Aquarians themselves are very free and never strive to get married, but they make wonderful family men, wonderful husbands and exemplary fathers. The Aquarius man always looks youthful and looks great at an advanced age.

They are characterized by pathological independence, having difficulty accepting other people's help, although they are very sociable by nature and are the first to run to help. What kind of Aquarius man is he? character traits he has, what type of women does he like and what needs to be done to achieve his affection?

Aquarius tries to avoid conflict situations, do not participate in disputes. This does not mean at all that he is taking sides and is ready to change his mind. Quite the opposite - it is almost impossible to convince Aquarius. Even if he is wrong, he will still remain in his opinion.

What type of women does Aquarius prefer?

You can interest such a man with a non-standard type of thinking and an exceptional mind. If a girl is quite independent, but not very proactive, accepts an Aquarius man for who he is, without trying to change him, does not put pressure on him and gives him freedom of action - such a girl is able not only to attract attention to herself, but also to achieve Aquarius man.

What other qualities, according to the characteristics, can you win over an Aquarius? You need to be purposeful, reasonable, not scandalous, and know how to do housework. The Aquarius man constantly needs care, affection and love. Such men are very vain, so they should be generously given compliments and praised in every possible way. This approach will help the girl win his sympathy. A man can and should say nice words, they will always be appropriate.

Aquarius men are different heightened feeling justice. And this does not always have a good effect when choosing a chosen one, because in love all methods are good. If Aquarius finds out about deception, hypocrisy or obvious flattery, he will immediately abandon the girl. A mysterious hidden person with a very eloquent look can attract attention. A lover of everything secret and mysterious, the Aquarius man will quickly take the bait and want to unravel and conquer the mystery woman.

He will pursue the woman Aquarius is interested in quite persistently, using charm and a solid reserve of talents. If the chosen one quickly gives up, this can cool interest in her. There should always be an unsolved mystery in an Aquarius man's woman.

Marriage with an Aquarius man

Having carefully studied the characteristics of men of this sign, it is not difficult to guess which woman he will prefer. Becoming the one for Aquarius is quite simple, but will a marriage with him become happy and strong?

The Aquarius man avoids the shackles of marriage in every possible way, but one day the moment comes when, unexpectedly for everyone, he proposes to his lady love. The core of such a union is the identity of interests. Often, an Aquarius man marries the woman who is his closest friend. In such an alliance, both partners will be comfortable. It is possible that there will be little passion in the relationship, but there will not be scandals or a storm of negative emotions in them either. The Aquarius man is independent by nature, and will look for a reliable and honest partner who can be trusted with the most important thing - taking care of himself.

Representatives of this sign need a quiet, cozy family nest with a well-equipped life. At the same time, they themselves do not like to do everyday household chores. An Aquarius man will be a true friend for both his wife and children. You can’t expect an excess of tender feelings from him, but he is always fair and honest, and knows how to find a common language with children. Children try to entrust their secrets to their father, knowing that he is a reliable ally.

What kind of woman is Aquarius looking for?

The man is a daring, freedom-loving idealist, and at the same time mysterious man. After all, most often, he is very smart and educated, loves sports, and knows how to make money. He feels great in any society, shows his best qualities, captivates with his kindness and sociability.

Read also about sign compatibility:

Aquarius will look for a person similar to himself - secret, interesting, unpredictable. Regarding personal qualities, in addition to mystery, a woman should intrigue Aquarius and constantly arouse interest in herself. Noticing a beautiful stranger, appreciating her, discovering something new in her every day and learning all the unknown facets of her personality - this is what will be interesting to an Aquarius man.

Another type of girl who is perfect for an Aquarius man is a positive, cheerful person who enjoys life and every moment of it, never loses heart and radiates optimism.

Since Aquarius loves riddles and secrets, you can intrigue him by showing interest in him, and at the same time not let him get too close. This approach will excite Aquarius, who loves difficulties, and will increase interest in his person. It is important not to overdo it and stick to the golden mean.

An educated Aquarius will be incredibly interested in an equally intelligent, well-read interlocutor. To attract his attention, you need to understand sports, cars, and art. The ability to carry on a conversation on any topic will be appreciated by the Aquarius man. Having common interests, hobbies and hobbies, a girl can count on increased attention to your person.

Aquarius men also like calm, reserved girls, but at the same time, the girl must regularly surprise her chosen one - bring bright colors to everyday life and in no case turn the relationship into a routine.

An Aquarius man requires care and attention, and if a girl has such qualities, she has every chance of becoming the one. He needs food to be brought to him in bed during illness and to be cheered up when his soul is sad. He will be very comfortable with a girl who is an outlet, on whom he can rely and know that she will not abandon him in difficult times. She should become not only a support, but also an inspiration.

It's no secret that the question intimate relationships Aquarius does not have a frantic temperament. You shouldn't expect a storm of passion from him. For Aquarius, the unity of souls is more important. If a girl has enough passion for two, and she is ready to kindle the fire in her man again and again, then the question of choice is obvious.

Very important point in a relationship with an Aquarius man, never tell him that you dream of marrying him. This may frighten the freedom-loving Aquarius. There is no need to rush things, he will come to this idea himself.

Men of this sign don’t have many wishes and, having coped with them all, the woman will receive a life partner who will move mountains to make the chosen one the happiest.

Who doesn't Aquarius like?

There are several types of women that an Aquarius man absolutely does not like. For example, being a narcissistic egoist who lives only for herself, there is no chance to interest Aquarius.

Also, in the absence of clear goals, aspirations, and life position, a woman will not be able to win over an ambitious and purposeful Aquarius man who is looking for a similar woman. If a girl openly declares that it is important for her to get married as soon as possible and become a housewife, Aquarius, who is panicky about marriage, quickly retreats.

Some ladies are used to controlling every step of a man. This option is completely unsuitable for an Aquarius man. Such attempts at control will not lead to anything good, because Aquarius is incredibly freedom-loving and encroaching on his personal space is a big mistake.

To summarize, we can confidently say that an Aquarius man is ideal a woman will do who knows how to show her emotions, clearly expresses her thoughts, is comprehensively developed, and respects the freedom and interests of her chosen one. By choosing the right tactics, you can not only interest and please an Aquarius man, but also become the one and only for him.

Now you know who an Aquarius man is (characteristics), what kind of women he likes, and which ones he runs away from as fast as he can. There is no need to change for the sake of your chosen one, you just need to hear the man’s wishes and a union is quite possible.
