Reasons for academic leave for male students. For what reasons are academic leave given?

Dear reader, if you decided to carefully study this article, then you are also wondering why students take academic leave? I often heard similar conversations in the dean’s office, but I still didn’t fully understand what the concept of “academic leave” meant. However, the World Wide Web and its unique opportunities allowed me to significantly expand my own horizons and get an answer to this rather important question.

Academic leave, what is it?

Having read Wikipedia, I now know for sure that this term means leave for an indefinite period of time, which is granted to a student for certain vital circumstances, and on which even human life may depend.

Simply put, a student can take a break from studying, but only very good reason . It could be like circumstances family plan both medical indications and natural disasters, which become a true surprise in the life of a particular student.

Separately, it is worth noting that academic leave is available not only to students of higher educational institutions, but also to vocational schools, colleges and academies. However, it is important to understand that such a break in study has its own time frame, which every student who dreams of getting the desired “crust” and profession in their favorite specialty must adhere to in the future.

Thus, the granted academic leave should not exceed twelve calendar months from the date of officially signed permission from the dean of the faculty or rector (different universities have their own rules). If the student does not have enough time to resolve his problems, then within the specified period he must report to the dean’s office and resolve this difficult situation. As a rule, for valid reasons, an extension of academic leave for another 12 calendar months is allowed, that is, as a result, the student can interrupt his studies for two years.

Medical indications for academic leave

Most often, students take academic leave for health reasons, since some are not able to cope with the physical and mental load, which is inherent in the educational process.

However, in in this case A special medical report must be provided to the dean’s office confirming the student’s deteriorating state of health. It is issued on an individual basis by a clinical expert commission of a municipal medical institution in a student clinic or at the place of immediate registration (district clinic).

Separately, it is worth clarifying that the present diagnosis can be written down in the certificate only with the consent of the patient, otherwise the predominant disease must be encrypted with a code. Thus, among the medical reports there must be the following certificates:

1. 95/у is issued for a period of 14 calendar days and confirms the patient’s incapacity for work. Students of secondary vocational educational institutions and universities can obtain such a certificate, regardless of the form of study;

2. -027/у confirms the patient’s stay on outpatient or inpatient treatment;

3. conclusion of the CEC, as confirmation of the prevailing diagnosis.

However, in this matter the decisive word is the word of the rector or head educational institution who, after individual consideration of this issue, agrees or refuses to grant academic leave.

As a rule, leave is denied for medical reasons. educational institution cannot, however, the student must attach a statement to the medical report in which he describes in detail the situation that has developed in his fate.

Academic leave due to pregnancy

One of the most common medical indications, according to which a higher education institution must grant academic leave, is pregnancy and childbirth. It is immediately worth noting that in this case there is no refusal, and in general, more than one person cannot prevent the replenishment of the family.

It must be said that academic leave for pregnancy and childbirth is mandatory, but the student is simply obliged to provide a conclusion from antenatal clinic, confirming her “interesting position.”

As mentioned above, academic leave is granted for a year, but in this case its terms vary somewhat, and in case of difficult childbirth, a long recovery period and the need to care for the baby, it is extended for another couple of years.

This happens solely at the request of the young mother, but must also be recorded in a separate document. It is quite possible to leave an academic leave earlier, but later for no apparent reason is strictly prohibited.

As for the financial side of the issue, a future mother studying at a higher educational institution has the same rights to social benefits like other pregnant women. However, it is not possible to receive the required financial assistance at an educational institution, so it is advisable to contact the social service with this question. Here it is important to understand that study is not official employment, which means that, alas, maternity leave is not issued at such a “job”.

Some pregnant girls voluntarily refuse academic leave due to pregnancy, leaving their studies only to care for their newborn child. This is their full right, which they can exercise in any university course. One way or another, in this case, it is extremely important to correctly register academic leave, which is impossible without presenting a special medical certificate with stamps and signatures of doctors.

If graduate students take a temporary break from their studies, then this right also extends to this category of patients in the same situation, but the difference is that the social benefit is paid by the higher educational institution, and not by the social service. The fact is that in this case the university is considered the main type of work activity, and therefore assumes all financial obligations for the material support of the future mother.

When academic leave is officially received, the expectant or new mother does not have to worry about being expelled from the ranks of students. This certainly will not happen during her absence, since this category of students is protected by law. All actions that are contrary this provision, are illegal on the part of the administration.

And the last thing that needs to be noted: academic leave to care for a child can be obtained by both a young mother and a new father, but at the same time providing a certificate stating that the other parent did not exercise this right. It is important to remember this, otherwise problems with the dean’s office may not be avoided in the future.

Academic leave for family reasons

However, health status is not always the main reason for academic leave; sometimes certain family difficulties arise that get in the way of receiving the long-awaited higher education. Among the most common family circumstances, it is worth highlighting caring for a sick relative, financial difficulties and others. global problems in family.

If we're talking about about a sick relative, then in order to receive special leave it is required that the characteristic patient live in the same area as the student and really need his care and guardianship. In this situation, it is necessary to provide a special certificate from a medical institution stating that a relative has a serious illness that requires round-the-clock care. It is possible that the dean’s office will also require a certificate of family composition confirming that there are no other relatives capable of performing the function of a caregiver.

In cases where money difficulties arise in the family, problems at the university certainly cannot be avoided. As a rule, young maximalists are in a hurry to give up higher education and go to work to financially support their family.

In order not to lose future specialists, it was decided to grant academic leave to such students, but in any case, the dean’s office must provide the relevant document. Only on its basis can a decree be drawn up with the further release of the student from studying and attending a higher educational institution.

Such financial difficulties are usually associated with the unexpected death of one of the relatives and the layoff of parents at work. The situation is common, so the university always meets such situations halfway. unforeseen circumstances. In general, a break in studies can last one year, but if necessary, this period can be extended by three years, but it is important to coordinate such nuances on a strictly individual basis.

One way or another, the reasons for an unexpected break in studies must be compelling and respectful, otherwise the university management simply will not accommodate the student and put him on notice. But frequent absenteeism and poor academic performance can become a reason for early expulsion, so if you need to temporarily leave your studies, a certificate of confirmation is required. Otherwise, there certainly shouldn't be any problems.

Conclusion: So, in conclusion, we can only add that not everyone is entitled to academic leave, and it can be taken only in case of emergency. However, teachers still recommend completing your studies on time, otherwise after a long break it is very difficult to get back on track, and years pass.

Now you know about why do students take academic leave.

Elena / 11/17/2009, 04:46

Anna / 12/03/2015, 12:52

I entered the institute in absentia on a paid basis, remotely. But now I understand that I can’t cope with the workload, as I have a small child. I have already paid for the autumn semester, if I pick up the documents, they will return the money to me or not. Or is it better to take an academic leave.

Olga / 05/14/2010, 07:13
/ 24.11.2010, 00:27

Sergey‚ juris / 10/02/2012, 22:07

If you give the rector a blowjob, then this will be the best reason

Vitaly / 05/16/2011, 14:21

Anton / 06/02/2013, 13:24

2 years have passed, I wonder if you were drafted into the army or not? And what have you got with military department? I have a similar situation, so I'm interested.

/ 09.06.2011, 15:46

Oops / 07/01/2011, 09:01

you can recover, but only again in the second year, if those whom you cared for were disabled people of groups 2 and so on (and there is certificates for this) and they must be members of your family. the reason will be that you were their guardian and therefore could not pass the session.

Shonchalai / 08/07/2014, 20:28

Hello. I have a similar situation with you. And I would like to know if you were allowed to do it as you intended? To restore in September to that group, that is.

Vera / 11.28.2011, 16:37
hope / 02/24/2012, 14:04
Alena / 02/26/2012, 00:30
Alena / 03.28.2012, 17:40
Alice / 04/16/2012, 18:27
Olga / 05/17/2012, 12:10
Olesya / 07/16/2012, 13:26

Irina / 09/07/2012, 16:55

Olesya, tell me, did you find the answer to your question?

Nastya / 11/18/2012, 13:54
Anna / 07/13/2014, 14:37

Deteriorating health and other extenuating circumstances force a student to take an academic leave, a kind of leave of absence for one year, after which one can continue studying at a university. We will tell you about each of the reasons to take an academic leave and explain what documents in a particular case need to be submitted to the dean’s office.

For what reason can a student take a leave of absence?

Academic leave for medical reasons

If you have serious health problems (chronic or frequent illnesses, injuries), you have the right to take academic leave by providing a doctor’s certificate. Academic leave for medical reasons is also issued during pregnancy. In this case, you must bring to the dean’s office a certificate of a normal pregnancy of more than 24 weeks or a pathological pregnancy of any period.

Medical indications are the only reason that gives a 100% right to academic leave. The university considers other valid reasons and makes its decision.

Academic leave due to conscription into reserve service

In this case, the student must provide the dean's office with a certificate from the district (city) military commissariat. The duration of academic leave will correspond to the period specified in the certificate.

Other valid reasons

Academic leave for financial reasons

A student can apply for academic leave if he cannot pay tuition fees under the contract. This situation may result from the illness or death of the breadwinner, disaster, disaster, fire or other objective circumstances. The reason for receiving academic leave may simply be the difficult financial situation of the student or his family.By the way, academic leave for financial reasonsgranted no earlier than after successful completion of the first year of study).

Here are a few more reasons for taking academic leave that are considered valid:

    The need to constantly care for a sick relative (father, mother, child). In this case, you need to confirm the validity of the reason with relevant documents (conclusion from a health care organization and birth certificate).

    Studying at a foreign university in the direction of the university.

    Preparation and participation in national teams of Belarus in official championships and international competitions.

How long is sabbatical leave?

Academic can be taken for no more than a year for the entire period of study. If you leave in the first semester, leave is granted from the date of application until September 1 next year. Are you taking academics in the second semester? Then you will be given leave until February 1 of the next year.

How to get academic leave?

You need to go to the dean's office and write a statement. If necessary, attach documents to it. Next, the dean’s office will submit your application for consideration to the rector, who will decide whether to grant academic leave or not.

How to return to university after academic leave?

When the academic leave comes to an end, it will be necessary to submit an application to the dean's office addressed to the rector for return from leave. If academic leave was granted for medical reasons, the application must be accompanied by a doctor’s statement that your health allows you to continue studying at the university.

Other leaves that a student can get

Leave to care for a child until he or she reaches age three years

To receive such leave, you must submit the child’s birth certificate to the university. Interestingly, the father of the child can also receive such leave. In this case, it will be necessary to provide a certificate from the mother’s place of work or study stating that she has not been granted leave to care for the child.

The vacation period is set from the date of application until reaching a child of three years. If the leave expires during the school year, then at the request of the parent who is caring for the child, the leave can be extended until the end of the current school year.

Leave for military service

Such leave is granted on the basis of a summons issued by the district (city) military commissariat. After leaving service, a former student has the rightwithin one year from the date of dismissal continue studying at the university under the same conditions.

Is it possible to combine vacation and study?

When a student has the desire and opportunity to combine vacation with studying at a university (we are talking about leave to care for a child until he reaches the age of three, leave in connection with military service or service in the reserve), you can additionally submit an application and ask to study at the university on an individual schedule. In this case, the paying student will be required to continue paying for tuition in accordance with the concluded agreement.

If you wanted to take an academic leave, but did not find your reason on the list (“tired of studying”, etc.), we advise you to think: is it worth looking for a reason for taking time off in this case?Try to figure out why you. And move on!

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You won't be able to take a sabbatical from work. However, usually, when looking for an answer to this question, what they actually mean is not academic leave, but student (study) leave. There is simply a substitution of concepts. Below we will figure out what the difference between them is.

What is a sabbatical leave?

Speaking in simple words, academic leave or, as students say, “academic” is the student’s right to interrupt the educational process for a certain period, which cannot exceed 24 months. You cannot take academic leave at work - it is provided by the educational institution, not the employer. This right is given to students by clause 12 of Art. 34 laws on education.

A person who has taken an academic leave continues to be considered a student of this educational institution and enjoys the corresponding privileges, for example, preferential travel on public transport. However, he cannot take part in the educational process.

Grounds for academic leave

The circumstances on the basis of which students of technical schools, universities and colleges are granted this right are determined by the Ministry of Education and Science, specifically by Order No. 455 of June 13, 2013:

    medical indications - the presence of a disease that prevents further education will have to be confirmed by a doctor’s report and all related certificates must be provided;

    family circumstances - this includes pregnancy, leave to care for a sick child or close relative - the grounds will also have to be confirmed with documents: any paper that has legal force- a certificate from a gynecologist, a medical card from a relative, a certificate from a doctor stating that the patient needs care;

    call for conscript service- a summons from the military registration and enlistment office indicating the place and period of service will be required;

    exceptional cases - the death of one of the close relatives: mother, father, brother, sister, grandmother or grandfather; internship abroad and others.

Academic leave You can take it as many times as you like. As a rule, its duration is 1-2 years. Later, the vacation can be extended, but you will have to provide all documents again for confirmation.

Keep in mind that, just like at work, no one will sign your application for academic leave without sufficient grounds. The last word in this matter remains with the rector.

Is it always beneficial to take a sabbatical?

Taking “academic” is not always the best solution. For example, when a child is born, lawyers do not advise taking out an academic leave. You can go on maternity leave at work. But in order not to lose your place of study, it is more profitable to take out parental leave - this possibility is also provided for by law.

Only in this case will the young mother receive social benefits. It may not be a lot of money, but it obviously won’t be superfluous. And during the period of academic leave they do not even pay a stipend.

The only advantage of “academic” is that you don’t have to pay for training during this period, and the student retains his place. Later he will be able to continue his education from the semester where he left off.

By the way, in many educational institutions there is an unspoken rule: academic leave is granted only after passing the intermediate session. This is convenient for students and teachers: they do not have to continue studying from the middle of the semester.

Also, one should not take the “academic” course as an opportunity to “opt out” of being drafted for military service. During the period of academic leave, the student loses the right to a deferment from the army. If, according to the conclusion of the medical commission, he is found fit, then the “academician” will go to serve.

However, there are situations when you cannot do without a break in your studies. For example, it is not easy for a full-time student to get a job. After all, most of the day is occupied with training. And hiring an employee for several hours a day is unprofitable for an employer. A situation arises when a student is forced to interrupt his studies due to a difficult financial situation.

A certificate for academic leave from work will confirm the availability of a workplace assigned to the employee. The dean's office may consider this as a basis.

Only the difficult ones will also have to be confirmed: provide certificates of parents’ salaries, a certificate from the fund social protection population to recognize a low-income family, an application for academic leave from work and other documents confirming the availability of a job and the need to work. How to document this? What other documents are needed, for example from work?

Application for academic leave: sample

To take an “academic student”, you will have to write an application addressed to the head of the educational institution and attach all supporting documents. These include a certificate of employment for academic leave (a sample can be obtained from the educational institution), extracts from medical documents and others. The application and documents must have legal force, i.e. be correctly executed. A sample application is shown in the photo below.

The final decision remains with the administration of the university or college. It must be accepted within 10 days from the date of application.

“Iron” reasons for academic leave are usually considered:

  • conscription;
  • pregnancy and child care;
  • medical indications.

The more convincing the evidence presented, the higher the chances of getting a break and retaining your place of study. Attach all available medical certificates, an application for academic leave from work, documents proving the illness or death of a close relative.

By the way, students of the commercial department are exempt from paying tuition fees during their academic leave. However, the head of the educational institution has the right to refuse if he finds your arguments not convincing enough.

What is student leave?

The relationship between employer and employee is regulated by the Labor Code. At work, academic leave is out of the question. After all, this concept has nothing to do with labor relations.

When people ask whether it is possible to take a sabbatical from work, we are usually talking about student leave. It is used for passing final tests, laboratory and coursework.

In this case, the relations of the parties are regulated by Art. 173-177 of the Labor Code. And in the case where the training programs do not have state accreditation, employment contract.

Thus, you can take a student leave at work, but not an academic leave. However, they are often confused with each other. For example, without understanding the meaning of the concepts, they ask how academic leave is paid at work.

Duration of student leave

The duration of additional leave depends on the type of education received and the stage of the educational process. For correspondence and part-time training:

    when receiving higher education with a bachelor's, specialist's or master's degree, in the first and second year the employee receives 40 days, and from the third year onwards - 50 days, additional leave for each course;

    when completing residency, postgraduate and assistantship internship programs, students receive additional leave for a period of 30 calendar days during the calendar year;

    employees receiving a candidate or doctorate degree are entitled to additional leave for a period of 3 or 6 calendar months, respectively. This happens in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation (Resolution No. 409 of 05/05/2014);

    When receiving secondary specialized education in the first and second year, the employee receives 30 days of additional leave for each course, and from the third year onwards - 40 days for each course.

In addition, full-time and part-time students can take advantage of additional leave to pass final exams and defend a diploma.

Timing depends on curriculum and cannot exceed:

  • 4 months upon receipt of higher education;
  • 2 months upon receipt of secondary specialized education.

But that's not all. At the request of the employee, 10 months before defending his diploma, the working day can be reduced by 1 hour. Thus, the employee receives 1 additional day off per week.

How does an employer pay for student leave?

An additional day off to prepare for the defense of a diploma is paid in the amount of 50% of the average wages employee. At the request of the employer, during the period of preparation of the employee to defend his diploma, he may be given 2 additional days off per week, but this time unpaid.

The employer will also pay half of the cost of travel to the place of study, but only once a year.

In addition, during the period of student leave, the employee retains his average salary.

It should be noted that this is only true for part-time and part-time students. When studying full-time, the procedure for paying for student leave is determined by the employment contract: by law, the employer is not obliged to pay for these days.

Please keep in mind that personal income tax is withheld from the calculated amount.

These guarantees are provided to the employee Labor Code and the employer has no right to contradict him. Keep in mind that average earnings must be calculated and paid before the start of the vacation, but it does not say how many days before the start. Therefore, an employee often receives money on the last working day before school leave.

What should you pay attention to if you are planning to take a leave of absence?

It’s just not always possible to take advantage of these guarantees. To be eligible for them, education at the appropriate level must be obtained for the first time. However, there is one important nuance here that is often forgotten.

In a situation where an organization sends an employee for training, additional education It doesn't have to be the first time. But all aspects of granting leave and paying for it must be discussed with the employer in advance - when signing the student agreement.

Another important nuance is that the right to benefits is provided only at the main place of work. If a person works somewhere else part-time, at the second place of work he will have to take leave at his own expense.

It is advisable to provide for and stipulate this situation in the employment contract. Otherwise, providing leave at your own expense is the right, but not the obligation of the employer.

It's a different matter when it comes to granting student leave. Based on the summons certificate, the employee may not go to work even without the employer’s consent. But only on condition that all documents are prepared properly.

No production necessity can serve as a basis for refusing to grant an employee student leave.

In addition, in order to get a job, workers often agree to unfavorable conditions specified in the employment contract and a “gray” salary in an envelope. In this case, if student leave is granted, it will be paid at the official rate specified in the contract. And the employee will not see the money that is usually handed over in an envelope.

Such behavior deprives employees of legal rights and guarantees, so lawyers always advise reading the employment contract carefully and not making concessions to dishonest employers. It is better to miss a vacancy than to prove your rights in court for years. Moreover, it is expensive and often futile.

How to apply for student leave?

To receive student leave, you will have to take a certificate of summons from the educational institution. This document specifies the period for which the employee should be granted leave.

However, it cannot be more than specified in the law, unless otherwise provided by the employment contract between the employee and the employer. The procedure is as follows:

    write an application addressed to the head of the organization, attach to it a certificate of summons from the educational institution and submit it to the personnel department of the enterprise against signature;

    the HR department issues an order in the established form, signed by the manager;

    The accounting department calculates average earnings and prepares the corresponding pay slip;

    data on the provision of study leave must be recorded in the employee’s personal file and time sheet.

Each stage must be monitored personally so that there are no unpleasant surprises later.

Let's sum it up

Don't confuse the 2 at all different concepts: academic and student leave. The educational institution sends the student on academic leave, in particular, so that he can improve his difficult financial situation.

During the period of academic leave, the student is not awarded a scholarship and cannot take part in the educational process. There is also no need to pay for training. However, he retains his student status and can enjoy the corresponding benefits.

An educational institution has the right to provide financial assistance to a student if he finds himself in serious life situation: I had an accident, lost my only breadwinner, was diagnosed with a serious illness and required expensive treatment. However, this is a right, not an obligation of the educational institution.

During an academic leave, a student loses the right to a deferment from the army. If, according to the conclusion of the medical commission, he is found fit for military service, he will go to serve.

As a rule, academic leave will not be denied for medical reasons in the event of conscription for military service. The decision on other grounds provided by law is made by the rector. Above we also looked at what an application for academic leave looks like.

At work, student leave is provided to employees who combine paid work and study. In this case, the law provides for a number of restrictions, which are also discussed above. In other cases, the employer cannot refuse to provide such leave to the employee. At the same time, the employee retains his average earnings, but only if he studies part-time or full-time. correspondence department.

In the case where an employee is studying full-time, the relationship is regulated by an employment contract. Unless otherwise provided in it, the employee’s average earnings are not retained.

Anton Petrov,

During the semester, you attended the institute poorly (to be honest, you didn’t visit it at all, not even the labs), you don’t know many of the teachers by sight, and you started to forget the name of the deputy dean. Deep down, you feel that the session will be so-so, if you are allowed into it at all. But you reject thoughts about going to the academy (or, God forbid, about expulsion), because you have not yet sunk to the point of staying for repeated studies. They say that in the second year only complete slobs and losers remain, and you will somehow get through the session.

Nothing like this. Don't give up. You never know how life will turn out. But the fact that during the semester no one thinks about the academy is true. Everyone hopes for a favorable outcome. Maybe you'll get lucky. Suddenly everything will go away by itself for free. As a rule, everything doesn’t work out for free on its own, and at the beginning of the session the deputy dean hints to you that if you don’t go to the academy, you’ll have to say goodbye to the institute for an indefinite period. This is how you come to the conclusion that being an academic is serious and quite real.

How to take a sabbatical? How, to whom and for what is it given?

It’s very simple, but it won’t make it any easier for you. Academic leave is not given to anyone who wants it. It is given only for a good reason: either illness or family circumstances. Officially, you cannot go to academia for money. Bring a certificate that you were sick, please leave. Difficult family circumstances? (Very vague concept.) Of course, take a vacation. Just be sick for at least 28 school days during the semester, but the fact that you came home drunk and were scolded by your parents is not a family circumstance. Or rather, not the one for which you are entitled to an academic degree.

If you haven't been sick for a month, if your house hasn't burned down or died close relative, then you won’t see the academician. But you need it, don't you? Therefore, you will have to take it illegally. That is, you will still have to take it legally, but you will have to present fake documents confirming your good reason.

What's wrong with fake documents? And the fact that they may not be accepted, rightly doubting their authenticity. What's wrong with that? Well, they will say that the documents are fake or made illegally. Think about it, I'll bring others. But no. There will be no second attempt here. Because you will suffer severe punishment for the fact that the documents are not real. How severe it will be depends on the mood of the decision maker. Either expel you to hell without the possibility of reinstatement, or expel you, but with the right to reinstate. By and large, both options are bad, because no one will give you a deferment during your recovery, and you find yourself defenseless before the military registration and enlistment office.

Option one. Help purchased through an ad.
The most unreliable. Where is the guarantee that the certificate is real and in some way taken from an existing clinic, and not printed on a printer? You can verify this when meeting with the seller. Printed certificates should be immediately rejected, because later in the dean’s office there will be a high probability that the difference between your certificate and all the others gathering dust in the deputy dean’s desk drawer is too obvious.

Did you know
The certificate from the deputy dean goes to the dean, from him to the human resources department of the institute, where, in addition to the secretary of the human resources department, it will be reviewed by the institute lawyer, and there (it is possible) a request will be made to the clinic: whether such a certificate really took place, from there it will go where -something else where it will be stored along with your application. The more unnatural the certificate looks, the more likely it is that it will be “killed” in the first office.

So, you have a certificate from an existing clinic in your hands. It bears the stamp of the clinic, a triangular seal “For sick leave” and a round seal of the attending physician. All you have to do is make a diagnosis and the timing of the illness.

Did you know
The certificate must be in form 095/U “On temporary disability” (student, technical school student, etc.). All inscriptions on the certificate are written in a special “medical” handwriting: feminine, fast and incomprehensible. The certificate number usually consists of two or three digits. If there are several certificates (after ARVI you managed to get a complication and get acute bronchitis), then the numbers on them should not be adjacent, but close to each other. For example: 122 and 131. Basically, of great importance this does not have, but if there is such a possibility, then set the dates of severe and prolonged illness so that they fall within the semester, the test week and the beginning of the session; the situation looks more advanced.
There was a case
One of my friends naturally fell ill with an acute respiratory infection and brought a doctor’s certificate to the “war”. The case is quite ordinary, if not for one “but”. The certificate was number 666.

What diagnosis to make? Decide for yourself. Don’t try to invent exotic diseases like St. Vitus’s dance or tropical fever: most likely there will be a special approach to them and the subsequent finding out where you managed to pick up this kind of rubbish. ARVI and acute respiratory infections with complications, influenza (look at the time of year - in the summer the flu is alarming) and acute bronchitis are completely neutral.

Option two. The help is as real as it gets.
You are lucky, you have an acquaintance at the clinic (without an acquaintance, no doctor will write you a real certificate unless he wants to lose his accreditation). In this case, you can write any diagnosis; in case of doubt, the same acquaintance will help you confirm the accuracy of the certificate; from a broken leg to pneumonia.

Before submitting a certificate to the dean's office, it must be certified at polyclinic No. 44 (Fakultetsky lane, 10, tel.: +7 499 158-95-00), to which MAI is attached. But here, too, not everything is so simple: no more than two months should pass from the day the certificate is issued to the day it is certified. Otherwise, no one will certify it to you, because all the deadlines have expired. To the question “Why?” except for the answer “Where were you before?” you are unlikely to achieve anything. Therefore, do not miss the moment of making a decision about the academic: if you decide on it too late, then the certificate for which you were sick during the semester will not be certified to you.

By the way, there are certificates with stamps from clinic No. 44. At first glance, they greatly simplify the situation: you don’t need to certify anything, since the stamp of the desired clinic is already there. But this also has its downside. The HR department makes a call to the “sponsored” clinic, after which your idea crumbles to dust.

In order for the certificate to be certified, you need to bring an extract from medical card the institution where you received treatment. This will prove the legal origin of the certificate. If the certificate is purchased, then you will have to suffer with the extract: where you will get it is unknown. The second option is advantageous in all respects: bringing a doctor’s note from a friend is as easy as getting a certificate from him.

With a certified certificate, feel free to go to the dean’s office and present it to the deputy dean. In the dean's office you will write a standard application for academic leave. The Deputy Dean will put his visa on it (will write something like “Provide academic leave"). With an endorsed application and registration certificate, you go to the military registration desk (third floor of the State Civil Aviation Commission), which is open very pretentiously: from 13:00 to 16:00, except Fridays, where you receive a small and nondescript rectangular stamp on your application. The next step is also simple: again to the deputy dean, along with him and the documents to the dean. You leave all your wealth, acquired through dishonest labor, with the dean; the rest will be done for you. All you have to do is come to the deputy dean in a week and make sure that the rector’s order to grant you academic leave has already been issued.

Despite the fact that academic leave is issued for a good reason, no one will teach you for free for the same semester. Vacation must either be worked out or paid if there is no time to work or it’s simply a waste of time. Working out is low-intellectual work, expressed, for example, in cleaning the territory. Have you seen students sweeping leaves in the fall and removing snow in the winter? That's right, that's what they are, the sick ones. The payment is calculated using a tricky formula (the amount is not taken from the ceiling and is individual for each student) and amounts to approximately 100 US dollars.

Next time we will tell you how to successfully return from a gap year.
