Which country had the highest temperature? Temperature minimums and maximums on earth

at 10 trillion degrees Celsius was obtained artificially on Earth. The absolute record was set in Switzerland during an experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. Now guess where in the Universe the most low temperature? Right! Also on Earth.

In 2000, a group of Finnish scientists (from the low temperature laboratory in University of Technology Helsinki) while studying magnetism and superconductivity in the rare metal Rhodium, it was possible to obtain a temperature of only 0.0000000001 degrees above absolute zero (see press release). This is currently the lowest temperature recorded on Earth and the lowest temperature in the Universe.

Note that absolute zero is the limit of all temperatures or -273.15… degrees Celsius. Such a low temperature (-273.15 °C) is simply impossible to achieve. The second record for temperature decrease was set at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 2003, they managed to obtain ultra-cold Sodium gas.

Obtaining ultra-low temperatures artificially is an outstanding achievement. Research in this area is extremely important for studying the effect of superconductivity, the use of which (in turn) can cause a real industrial revolution.

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Equipment for achieving record low temperatures

Equipment to achieve record low temperatures provides several successive stages cooling. In the central part of the cryostat there is a refrigerator to achieve a temperature of 3 mK, and two atomic cooling stages using the nuclear adiabatic demagnetization method.

The first atomic stage is cooled to a temperature of 50 μK, while the second atomic stage with a Rhodium sample made it possible to achieve record low negative temperatures already in the picokelvin range.

Lowest temperature in nature

Lowest temperature in nature

In nature, the lowest temperature was recorded in the Boomerang Nebula. This nebula expands and ejects cooled gas at a speed of 500,000 km/h. Due to the enormous speed of release, the gas molecules were cooled to -271/-272 °C.

For comparison. Typically, in outer space the temperature does not drop below -273 °C.

The figure of -271 °C is the lowest officially recorded natural temperature. And this means that the Boomerang Nebula is colder than even the relict radiation from Big Bang.

The Boomerang Nebula is located relatively close to Earth at a distance of only 5,000 light years. At the center of the nebula is dying star, which once, like our Sun, was a yellow dwarf. It then became a red giant, exploded, and ended its life as a white dwarf with a hypercold protoplanetary nebula around it.

The Boomerang Nebula was photographed in detail by the Hubble Space Telescope in 1998. In 1995, using ESO's 15-meter submillimeter telescope in Chile, astronomers determined that it was the coldest place in the Universe.

Lowest temperatures on Earth

Lowest temperature on Earth

The lowest natural temperature on Earth, -89.2 °C, was recorded in 1983 in Antarctica at Vostok Station. This is an officially registered record.

Recently, scientists made new satellite measurements in the area of ​​the Japanese Fuji Dome station. A new record figure for the lowest temperature on the Earth's surface was obtained -91.2 °C. However, this record is now disputed.

At the same time, the village of Oymyakon in Yakutia retains the right to be considered the pole of cold on our planet. In Oymyakon in 1938, an air temperature of -77.8 °C was recorded. And although a significantly lower temperature (-89.2 °C) was recorded at Vostok station in Antarctica, this achievement cannot be considered a record low, since Vostok station is located at an altitude of 3488 meters above sea level.

To compare the results of various meteorological observations, they must be reduced to sea level. It is known that increasing above sea level significantly lowers the temperature. In this case, the lowest air temperature recorded on Earth is already in Oymyakon.

Lowest temperature in the solar system

The lowest temperature in the Solar System, -235 ° C on the surface of Triton (a moon of Neptune).

This is such a low temperature that the cooled nitrogen would likely settle on Triton's surface as snow or frost. Thus, Triton is the coldest place in the solar system.

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Temperature in physics is a quantity that quantitatively expresses the degree of heating of various bodies. Considering that the field of study often includes not only solids, but liquids and gases, then there are more general concept temperature as the degree of kinetic energy of particles.

The system unit for measuring temperature is Kelvin (abbreviated K), in which absolute zero is taken as the reporting point - the state of matter with zero kinetic energy of particles. In everyday life, degrees Celsius (abbreviated °C) are most often used, for which the reporting point corresponds to the freezing point of water. One degree Celsius is equal to Kelvin, and corresponds to 1/100 of the temperature difference between the freezing point and the boiling point of water. Absolute zero is −273.15 degrees Celsius.

From the point of view of quantum physics, even at absolute zero temperature, there are zero oscillations, which are caused by the quantum properties of particles and their surrounding physical vacuum.

Average annual temperature

Our planet is in the life zone of its star. The life zone is a space far enough away from its star in which water in liquid form can exist on the surface of the planet. Modern meteorologists (specialists in earth's climate and weather) are most often used temperature measurements ground air using mercury or alcohol thermometers (the freezing point of mercury and alcohol is -38.9°C and -114.1°C, respectively).

According to the international methodology, measurements should take place at a two-meter height from the surface of the earth in a special meteorological booth, remote from the anthropogenic landscape. Average annual temperature surface air on the Earth's surface is +14°C. At the same time, in certain parts of the planet, the surface air temperature differs greatly from this value due to different seasons or days, different geographic latitudes, distance from the ocean, altitude above mean sea level, and proximity to volcanic areas.

Earth's temperature range

The smallest temperature difference in surface air is observed in the equatorial regions of the World Ocean. So on Christmas Island, which is located in the central equatorial part Pacific Ocean seasonal temperature changes are limited to the range of 19-34 degrees Celsius. However, it is believed that the most even climate is observed in the town of Garapan on the island of Saipan (Mariinsky Islands). During the 9 years from 1927 to 1935, the lowest temperature here was recorded on January 30, 1934 (+19.6°C), and the highest was on September 9, 1931 (+31.4°C), which gives a difference of 11 .8°C.

Continents are characterized by significantly higher temperature differences. In Death Valley (California), +56.7°C was recorded on July 10, 1913, and +57.8°C was recorded on July 13, 1922 (this value was later disputed). At the Russian Vostok station, on July 21, 1983, -89.2° C was observed. The largest temperature difference was recorded in Russian Verkhoyansk - 106.7° C: from -70° C to +36.7° C. The lowest average annual temperature was recorded in 1958 South Pole(-57.8°C). The highest average annual temperature was recorded in the town of Ferandi (Ethiopia) in the 60s of the 20th century (+34°C).

The surface temperature of the Earth is even more extreme due to the fact that the dark surface during the day can warm up to significantly higher temperatures compared to the air. In Death Valley (California) on July 15, 1972, +93.9°C was recorded. It is likely that such high surface temperatures can cause strong wind abnormal short-term spikes in air temperature (in July 1967, a sharp increase in air temperature to +87.7°C was recorded in Iranian Abadan).

Distribution of Earth's annual maximum temperatures

The surface of our planet is a source of thermal electromagnetic radiation, the maximum of which is in the infrared region of the spectrum (according to Wien's displacement law).

Thanks to this property, near-Earth satellites can measure the temperature of any point on the Earth's surface, unlike ground-based weather stations.

Analysis of Aqua satellite images for 2009-2013 made it possible to determine that the maximum surface temperature in the Iranian desert in 2005 reached +70.7 °C.

Statistical distribution of annual maximum temperatures surface on the planet shows four clusters (glaciers, forests, savannas/steppes and deserts).

Other analysis satellite images for 1982-2013 showed that minimum temperatures in Antarctica can reach -93.2 °C.

Despite the fact that the earth's surface receives on average 30 thousand times more energy from the Sun than from the earth's interior, geothermal energy is important element economies of some countries (for example, Iceland).

Record drilling Kola well showed that at a depth of 12 km the temperature reaches +220°C.

The +20 °C isotherm in the earth’s crust occurs at depths of 1500-2000 m (regions permafrost) up to 100 m or less (subtropics), and in the tropics it comes to the surface. In mountainous areas thermal springs have temperatures up to +50…+90 °C, and in artesian pools at depths of 2000-3000 m, water with a temperature of +70...+100 °C or more.

The point where the minimum temperature was observed is not the highest part of the glacier: its height is about 3900 meters versus 4093 meters at Plateau A (Argus).

An earlier analysis of Aqua satellite imagery from 2004-2007 confirms that the coldest winter temperatures are observed on Ridge B, which connects Plateau A and Plateau F (Fuji).

In areas of active volcanism, thermal springs appear in the form of geysers and jets of steam, bringing steam-water mixtures and vapors to the surface from depths of 500-1000 m, where the water is in a superheated state (+150...+200 °C). Temperatures up to +400 °C are observed in underwater hydrothermal vents (“black smokers”). In volcanoes, the lava temperature can rise to +1500°C.

Based on laboratory experiments, seismological data and theoretical calculations, it is believed that temperatures in the depths of the planet can exceed 7 thousand degrees. Several options for the theoretical temperature of the deep layers of the planet.

If our planet did not have an atmosphere, then according to the Stefan-Boltzmann law it would average temperature would be equal not to +14 °C, but to -18 °C. The difference is explained by the fact that the earth's atmosphere absorbs part of the thermal radiation from the surface (greenhouse effect). This largely explains why, with increasing altitude above the surface of the planet, not only pressure, but also temperature decreases.

The temperature maximum in the stratosphere (at an altitude of approximately 50 km) is explained by the interaction of the ozone layer with ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. The temperature peak in the exosphere (ionosphere) is associated with the ionization of molecules in the outer rarefied layers of the atmosphere under the influence of solar radiation. Daily fluctuations in this layer can reach several hundred degrees. Volatilization occurs in the exosphere earth's atmosphere into the space.

Temperature fluctuations on other planets in the solar system

A good example of temperature fluctuations if the Earth had no atmosphere is. According to observations of the LRO satellite, the surface temperature of our satellite varies from +140 ° C in small equatorial craters to -245 ° C at the bottom of the polar crater Hermite (Ermite). The latter value is even lower than the measured surface temperature of Pluto -245 °C or any other celestial body in the Solar System for which temperature measurements have been carried out. Thus, temperature fluctuations on the Moon reach 385 degrees. According to this indicator, the Moon ranks second in Solar System after .

Measurements from instruments left by the crews of the Apollo 15 and Apollo 17 missions showed that at a depth of 35 cm, temperatures are on average 40-45 degrees warmer than on the surface. At a depth of 80 cm, seasonal temperature fluctuations disappear and the constant temperature is close to -35 °C. The temperature of the Moon's core is estimated to be 1600–1700 K. Much higher temperatures can occur during asteroid impacts.

Thus, in ancient terrestrial craters, cubic zirconia was discovered, the formation of which from zircon requires temperatures exceeding 2640 Kelvin. Achieving such temperatures is impossible with terrestrial volcanism.

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Winter is already over, but memories of frost and cold are still fresh in my memory. When it's below zero, your breath takes away, your lips begin to crack, your skin dries out... Your legs and arms freeze. Every year there are reports of people who decided to take a short break in a snowdrift. And no amount of civilization, science, medicine, nanotechnology can save us from this most terrible victim of winter.

However, in most Russian cities winter temperature rarely drops below 30-40 degrees from zero, whereas this is not the limit at all. Even on our warm and cozy planet there are places with a rather frightening climate. And the lowest temperature on Earth can impress anyone.


A small village in Yakutia is considered a real pole of cold. It is the coldest populated area. About five thousand people live in it, who are accustomed to the local climate and consider it a completely worthy payment for life in native land.

And the climate here is truly more than harsh. The village is not only located far in the north, it is also quite high relative to sea level and remote from the oceans. And due to the fact that it lies in a lowland, frosty air flows here in winter. The sum of these factors gives impressively low average annual temperatures, and the absolute minimum was -64.3 degrees Kelvin. It’s not very comfortable, but people have adapted to this too.

Vostok station

No matter how paradoxical it may be, the temperature is lowest at the South Pole. Of course, “southern” in this case means “located at the bottom of the map,” and not “in the warm and pleasant south.” The coldest continent is frozen through, only in the summer does a small surface layer of soil thaw, allowing a limited amount of flora and fauna to survive.

Nice summer day

People do not live there, with the exception of particularly extreme scientists studying this inhospitable region. There are stations there from many countries, including Russia. And it was the inhabitants of the Russian “Vostok” who recorded the temperature, which for a long time was considered minimal - -89.2 degrees. This happened historical event June 21, 1983. And for almost twenty years this record seemed absolute.

Fuji Dome

Antarctica is an extremely inhospitable continent, but there are some impressive places there, for example, the Fuji Dome, also known as Mount Valkyrie. This hill is located in Queen Maud Land, one of the coldest areas. In addition, it is located at an altitude of 3600 meters above sea level, which makes the climate even more harsh. By the way, the Fuji Dome is one of the most high points continent, which contributes to unique weather conditions.

Bad day

It was in this area that the existing this moment temperature minimum - 91.2 degrees. It is interesting not only that this is the minimum temperature, but also the first recorded one that crossed the line of 90 degrees below zero.

The method for detecting this temperature also differs. The fact is that most often the temperature is measured with a regular alcohol or electronic thermometer. The result obtained shows the temperature of the surface layer of air. But the new temperature record was measured not in the usual way, but from a satellite. Thus, the temperature of the earth's surface was measured, and therefore many question the validity of this record.

Somewhere over Sweden

If we talk not about the surface temperature, but about the entire planet, including the atmosphere, then the lowest temperature will differ significantly from the values ​​already mentioned.

Thus, in the Earth’s atmosphere at an altitude of 85 kilometers above Sweden in 1963, a temperature minimum that had no analogues was recorded -143 degrees below zero Celsius.

On the other hand, if you continue to rise, the temperature will decrease until it reaches -270 degrees, characteristic of outer space. True, it will no longer be considered a planet.

Somewhere in the laboratory

In 2001 Nobel Prize in physics was given to a group of scientists who were able to develop theoretical basis cooling the substance to ultra-low temperatures and testing them in practice. To do this, the gas is cooled in a magnetic trap, where it cannot come into contact with the walls and be heated by them.

Later, based on this technique, the lowest temperature on the planet and in the entire Universe was obtained - 0.0000000001 Kelvin, which is one picokelvin above absolute zero.

It is unlikely that this particular thermometer was used, but the result would be similar

In outer space it is even higher, because its space is heated by the background radiation left after the Big Bang. Currently, the average temperature in interstellar space is about 3 degrees Kelvin. The Universe is gradually cooling, but very slowly, by about 1 degree every 3 billion years.

Therefore, so far the lowest temperature has been recorded on Earth, of course, if there are no other civilizations on other planets with their own scientists seeking to learn the secrets of matter and energy.

Russia is the most big country in the world, occupies 1/8 of the Earth's land mass and is extremely rich in natural records. Here is the deepest lake in the world - Baikal, the highest mountain peak - Elbrus, Franz Josef Land, the northernmost archipelago on the planet, the longest European river- Volga. The list could go on for a very long time.

In addition to geographical records, Russia holds another one - weather records. The fact is that it is in the territory of the largest country in the world that the lowest temperature is recorded.

On the right bank of the Yana River is the northernmost city of Yakutia - Verkhoyansk. It’s hard to even call it a city. Rather, it is a small urban settlement with a population of 1,150 people, according to the 2015 census.

Frosts are not uncommon in Russia, but the town has become famous for its extreme weather conditions. It was here that on January 15, 1885, the temperature dropped to -67.8 0 C, which today is the lowest officially recorded temperature in the world in the territory of a permanently populated area. Such terrible cold is very difficult to survive today. And then in Verkhoyansk there was no centralized heating, and people themselves had to keep their houses warm with the help of firewood. During that harsh winter, many wild animals, birds and stray dogs froze.

The town confirmed its record in February 1892, and in the winter of 1933 the frost outside was -67.7 0 C.

I wonder what short summer here the temperature rises to 30 0 C. The absolute maximum was recorded in July 1988, when the air in Verkhoyansk warmed up to +37.3 0 C. Thus, Russia holds another record - the highest a big difference maximum and minimum temperatures.

In 2005, townspeople attended the grand opening of a memorial plaque in honor of the 120-year record - the absolute minimum temperature on Earth in a populated area. Verkhoyansk has officially been awarded the status of the coldest city on the planet and the Pole of Cold of the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth.

Oymyakon, Yakutia

There is another settlement in Yakutia that defends the right to be called the coldest city in the world. Residents of the village of Oymyakona claim that it was here that the lowest temperature was recorded -82 0 C in January 1916. To prove that Oymyakon is the most severe place with a permanent population not only in Russia, but throughout the globe, the following temperature data are provided:

  • 1892 – minus 67.8 0 C,
  • in 1924 and 1926 – minus 71.2 0 C,
  • 1933 – “only” minus 67.7 0 C and minus 69.6 0 C,
  • 1938 –77.8 0 C below zero.

This information is currently being verified, and if it is officially confirmed that such terrible frosts were indeed observed in the Oymyakon Valley, then Verkhoyansk will lose its primacy as the coldest place on Earth and the Pole of Cold, and Oymyakon will receive these titles.

Verkhoyansk and Oymyakon are cities belonging to the Asian part of Russia. In the European part of the country, the lowest temperature was observed in the village of Ust-Shchuger (Komi Republic) on December 31, 1978 - -58.1 0 C.

Vostok station

Above we considered settlements in which the most harsh winters on the planet. If we talk about points earth's surface where he does not live resident population, then the lowest temperature in the world – -89.2 0 C – was recorded on July 21, 1983 at coordinates 78 0 27’ south latitude and 106 0 50'E. The most interesting thing is that these coordinates belong to the Arctic Russian scientific station “Vostok”. Again, the record belongs to Russia...

IN summer months Over the past few years, we have increasingly complained about the unbearable heat of July or August. This topic always comes up in everyday conversations, where we complain about unbearable climatic conditions. It is especially difficult for residents of large cities. The same topic regularly appears on the pages and in videos of the media: “Today the highest temperature in the last n years was recorded...” and “The temperature record was broken again...” In this regard, it would be interesting to know what temperatures are generally possible in our planet.

And above all about Russia

Yes, it was in our country that one of the weather temperature records was recorded. Only it was not the maximum, but the lowest. In the city of Oymyakon, which is located in Yakutia just 350 kilometers south of the Arctic Circle, a temperature of -71.2 °C was recorded. This happened in 1926. For a resident middle zone or southern regions, it’s even difficult to imagine such cold! By the way, city residents immortalized this moment by establishing

Vostok station

And this record again belongs to the Russians. The station may not be located on the territory of the country (it is located in Antarctica), but it is the fruit of the labors of Soviet science and engineering. And it was here in 1983 that air quality across the entire planet was recorded. This figure was -89 °C.

Canadian frosts

The country is the northernmost in the Western Hemisphere, so it's no surprise that Canada also boasts (or complains about) record low temperatures. At Eureka, the average annual temperature is -20 °C. And in winter it regularly drops to -40 °C.

Sultry Libya

Now let's walk a little through places whose temperatures sharply contrast with those above. After all, here is the highest temperature on the planet! For example, Libya is famous for its incredibly high temperatures. And in the town of El-Azizia, which is 40 kilometers south of Tripoli, the most heat on earth among settlements. In September 1922 it was +58 °C. A real inferno, in comparison with which the heat of our country will seem like a gentle spring warmth!

And again Libya

If our native Russia presented us with the lowest temperature records, then otherwise it is Libya that is in the lead. In 2004-2005, the local Dashti Lut desert recorded the highest temperature on the earth's surface. It was +70 °C. Interestingly, this same desert is also the driest place on Earth (along with the Chilean desert. Not a single thing is able to survive here. Living being, even bacteria!

Hot Ethiopia

But in this country the average annual highest temperature throughout to the globe. The local area of ​​Dallol is located 116 meters below sea level and is covered with volcanic salt. Of course, nothing living lives here. And the temperature in these conditions is +34.4 °C on average per year.
