What types of foot massage are there? You can maintain your health with foot massage - one of the best manual practices.

A leg and foot massage can relieve fatigue, tone the leg muscles and the entire body; in addition, one cannot fail to note the excellent relaxation component if you know how to do a foot massage. And in fact, massage of the legs and feet is a very pleasant procedure that will lead, if not to the degeneration of the body, then to a surge of new strength for sure.

How to properly massage your feet

How to do a foot massage: technique

Massage of the lower extremities is carried out as follows: a cushion or rolled blanket is placed under the patient’s knee, because when affecting the muscles, the partner should not experience even the slightest pain.

To conduct a proper massage, it is not enough to know only the technique; you also need to create a cozy and favorable atmosphere.

The room should have normal temperature, and if the partner feels a chill with his leg, which remains open, and does not feel the massage yet, he should cover it with a towel.

Aromatherapy for foot massage: how to do it?

For a relaxation massage, you should use oil with a pleasant scent. The effects of aromatherapy also play a key role in the relaxation effect.

If the massage is carried out to relieve any pain, then a warming cream can be used.

Remember, the main thing is to create an atmosphere and have at least basic skills in conducting the procedure, and then everything will be quite simple, and you will give great pleasure to your partner.

Features of foot massage

These types of massages are slightly different from, for example, a back massage. The whole difference is that when massaging the legs, not only the muscles are stimulated, but the entire body as a whole is quite beneficial influence.

And the reason for this is a large number of reflex points that are responsible for the condition of the entire body. In the foot, the concentration of such points is especially high, and in today's reflexology they are correlated with the area of ​​the spine.

In view of this, stimulation of this area will significantly help relieve back pain and bring general relief to the body.

Stimulation of the toes will promote effects on the eyes, teeth, ears and gums. Surely many, when they were sick in childhood, their grandmother or mother rubbed their feet with alcohol, after which the cold miraculously went away.

And you can write about the reflex points that are located on the plantar part of the foot for a very long time, because there are points there that influence general health and some organs separately.

Only proper massage and active influence on such points will have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Shiatsu foot massage - step by step

Proceed to working with the meridians on the front side of the body. Handle the patient's feet carefully to avoid causing discomfort. The pressure on both legs should be equal and should be relieved at the joints.

Passive rotation of foot massage. Position yourself at the patient's feet. Grasp his ankle with one hand and his knee with the other and carefully lift his leg. Use your body weight to gently rotate your leg at the hip, supporting yourself on your own leg if necessary. Rotate your leg a couple of times to either side to relax your hip, and lower it gently.

Palm pressure. Move to the hip. Place one hand on his stomach and the other hand along the outer thigh to the knee, stimulating the Stomach meridian. Place your hand, press, hold and release. Carefully continue moving across the knee and further down. When you reach your ankle, remove your hand. Repeat this technique.

Swipe thumb along the tibia until you reach the bend below the knee. Place your thumb on this point and slowly press it with the pad. Agree on the amount of pressure applied with the patient because this point is often sensitive. Massaging point B 36 tones digestion.

Palm pressure using shiatsu massage technique. Take your leg under your knee and foot, bend it and place it on your side. Place one hand on the patient's abdomen, and with the other, walk along the inside of the leg from top to bottom, stimulating the Liver meridian. Consider the patient's flexibility. If necessary, place a pillow for support. Apply less pressure in the knee area. Repeat.

Pulling. Take a stable position. Grab your ankle with one hand and the other top part feet. Lift your leg slightly and pull it towards you. Release and repeat. This technique helps release energy from the joints and improves the flow of energy in the feet.

Palm pressure. Support your ankle with one hand and place the other on the instep of your foot. Press forward by bending your ankle. Consider the patient's flexibility. Repeat the entire technique a couple of times, gradually increasing the pressure slightly to stretch the back of the foot.

Pressure in foot massage. Take a stable position, feet shoulder-width apart, knees bent. Raise the patient's legs and place their feet on your thighs. Lean forward, directing the force of pressure on the patient, as if trying to push away, overcoming his natural resistance. The technique helps you relax and find balance.

Passive Rotation. Assuming the same position as in step 7, lean further forward, grab his knees and bend his legs towards his chest using your body weight. Rotate your legs in both directions at the same time to relieve tension in your lower back. Gently lower your legs, then repeat all techniques on the other leg.

Palm pressure. Position yourself near the patient's hips. Place one hand on his body, and move the palm of the other down the leg, along the Bladder meridian, starting under the buttocks and ending above the ankle. Apply less pressure under the knee. Each time you press with your hand, hold it and gradually release the pressure.

Stretching in Shiatsu massage. The patient's legs are in their original position. Take one leg by the ankle and bend it towards the buttock, resting your other hand on the sacrum. After determining the patient's degree of flexibility, try to touch the heel to the buttock, but if you feel resistance, stop. Release your leg, relax and repeat the action.

Circles with thumbs. Move to the patient's feet. Grasp his leg and use both thumbs to make circles on the ankle bone to relieve tension on the joint. Try to work directly with the ankle. Repeat it all. Press your fingertips into the protruding bunions and make small circles in one area to release blocked energy and stimulate circulation in your feet.

Kneading. Run your knuckles along the ball of your foot, working around the K 1 point. Try to relax your hand so you don't dig into your foot. Use your other hand to support your foot underneath for support and resistance to pressure. You can do this over the entire foot, but do not touch the instep.

Pulling. Support the leg with one hand, and use the thumb, index and middle fingers of the other to pull his toes in turn. Squeeze your finger, pull, apply light pressure and release. Perform the technique by stepping back approximately 2.5 cm from the end of the finger. Then return your leg to the starting position and repeat on the other leg.

Stretching in shiatsu foot massage. Position yourself at the patient's feet. Take him by the ankles, lift him slightly and pull him towards you. Don't overexert yourself if you weigh much less than the patient. Repeat twice to release blocked energy from your joints.

Pressing with feet. Place your heels on the balls of the patient's toes so that your toes are on the floor. Apply gentle pressure as you lift up and down through your heels. Distribute your weight so that the pressure is pleasant and even. Do not put pressure on the instep of your foot.

Palm pressure. Ask the patient to lie on their side and flex the upper leg to open the Gall Bladder meridian. Place a pillow under your knee. Place one hand on your body and the other hand down your leg. Do not touch the knee area. Apply pressure with your palm while maintaining contact with your body. Place your hand, press, hold and release. Repeat on the other leg.

Chinese foot massage from the back

This massage is carried out after massage of other areas of the body.

Continuation of massage of meridians and individual points on the legs and feet. Having finished performing the techniques on one side, move on to the other. The pressure and pace should be the same when massaging.

Apply the oil to your foot by stroking. Then roll your thumbs from hip to ankle along the Bladder Meridian, which runs down the center of the thigh and ends above the ankle bone. Do not apply pressure under the knee. Repeat, alternating fingers.

Thumb pressure. Press your thumb on point B1 60 - at the level of the ankle joint in the back. Hold for a few seconds and release.

Rolling with thumbs. Repeat rolling down the outer thigh without applying pressure behind the knee. Draw quite sharply along the Bladder meridian to the ankle. Imagine that during the massage you are rolling energy down your leg. Repeat this technique.

Pulling. Grab your foot by the heel with one hand and underneath with the other. Carefully lift your leg and pull it towards you. When returning to the starting position, rock it slightly to stimulate the flow of energy.

Circles with thumbs. Take your feet and place your big toes on the K 1 point in the center, under the balls of your feet. It stimulates energy. Make circles with both fingers at the same time, gradually applying more pressure - this will help you cover a larger area than when massaging one point.

Squeezing. Take your foot with both hands and squeeze it on both sides. Then squeeze one side of the foot towards you, and the other away from you. This will help relieve tension in the foot muscles. Repeat the squeeze, moving up and down, until you feel the muscles relax.

Squeezing. Support the foot with one hand and use the fingers of the other to squeeze along the outer edge, pressing fairly firmly. Squeeze and squeeze the soft part of the foot from the heel to the little toe. Repeat 3-4 times, then squeeze point B1 67 on the little finger and quickly withdraw your fingers with a slight click.

Trituration. Take your foot in your hands and rub it with your palms. Special attention pay attention to point K 1, which was kneaded in step 5. You can rub it with sufficient force. Then place your foot down and pull your toes one at a time to release lingering chi energy. Repeat on the other leg.

Chinese foot massage from the front

Continue the massage, moving upward from the feet to the hips and following the meridians. Engage with acupressure channels and points, many of which require special treatment. Massage first one side, then the other, pressing with equal force, without interruption.

Rolling with thumbs. Rub the oil into your hands and roll along the inside of the patient's leg, starting just above the ankle. Press fairly hard and at a fast pace. Go around the soft part below the knee and stop just above it. Repeat 2-3 times, asking the patient about the sensations. These areas can be very sensitive.

Thumb pressure. Return to the ankle and find point Yar 6, three fingers above the joint, behind the bone. Apply gentle pressure; this point can be very sensitive, especially in women. When pain occurs, make circles on the spot to dissipate the chi energy.

Thumb pressure. Move to the other side of the patient's leg. Find point B1 36, which is located on the outside of the tibia, three fingers below the knee. Press lightly with your thumb and then gradually increase the pressure. Hold for a few seconds and release. This technique improves digestion.

Stroking. At the end of the technique, stroke the outside of the leg to direct the chi energy into the feet. Make sharp movements with your palm and fingers down towards the ankle. Repeat a couple of times, then move to the patient's legs.

Rotation. Take your foot by the ankle with one hand and place the other on your foot. Turn your foot in different directions several times, then bend it forward as far as the flexibility of the joint allows. This helps relieve joint stiffness.

Rolling with thumbs. Take the foot from the bottom and find the point that is located in the depression between the big and second toe. Alternating your fingers, perform small rolls along the point towards the ankle. Repeat 2-3 times. This technique relaxes and tones.

Thumb pressure. Switch to thumb legs. Grasp it firmly with one hand and press down on the outer corner of the nail with the edge of your thumb. This stimulates the BR 1 point, which is beneficial for nutritional energy. Then release and repeat on the other leg.

Wiggle. Stand at the patient's feet and grasp his ankles. Lift his legs slightly and gently rock him while pulling him towards you. Your shoulders should be relaxed - this helps you hold yourself correctly and stimulates the flow of energy. Then return your legs to the starting position, wait a second and release.

Holistic foot massage - photo step by step

Complete the body massage with complete muscle relaxation and deep work and stretching of the legs. Perform techniques on each side alternately, with equal pressure. Finishing the massage on your feet will complete the massage.

Stroking. Stand at the patient's feet. Apply oil to your hands, place your palms side by side on his leg and move it up to his thigh. Then open your arms, spread your fingers, and work your way down the sides of your leg, easing the pressure until you return to your ankle. Repeat 3-4 times.

Squeezing. Place your hands above your ankles one after the other. Squeeze his leg with your thumbs and forefingers and guide him up toward the knee. Press with part of your palm between the thumb and index fingers. The palms are relaxed so as not to press directly on the bone. Stop under your knee. Repeat.

Squeezing. Go around the knee and continue the squeeze, moving up the thigh. Press harder using your body weight. Walk several times from the knee to the top of the thighs without touching inside legs. To make the technique as effective as possible, spread your fingers as wide as possible.

Pressing with the lower part of the palm. Proceed to massaging with the bottom of your palm to apply more pressure. Lead one hand after the other and knead around the top hip joint, making circles in one place and pressing deep and upward.

Kneading. Stand to the side of the patient. Stretch your thigh muscles without touching the inner side. Press your thumbs away from you and guide the rest towards you, alternating rhythmic rolls. Move up and down the thigh, ending above the knee.

Wiggle. Grasp the knee from below with the fingers of both hands. Bend your leg slightly and swing it from side to side, supporting it with your hands. The patient should relax so that you are pumping the leg, not him.

Squeezing. Perform a push-down, from the knee to the ankle. The arms are relaxed and follow the shape of his leg. The closer your hands are to each other, the more pleasant it will be for the patient. Add oils if necessary to avoid stretching the skin.

Pulling. Grasp the ankle with both hands, top and bottom. Lift your leg slightly and pull towards you until you feel resistance. Then carefully lower your leg.

Pressing with thumbs. Take the patient's foot in your hands (palms on bottom, thumbs on top). Place your big toes side by side in the middle and slowly spread them out to the sides, towards the edges of the foot. At the same time, apply pressure from below with your remaining fingers so that the foot bends slightly. Repeat at the base of your fingers.

Squeezing. Knead your foot between the phalanges of your toes with your big and middle fingers, trying to move as far as possible. Gently press and move towards you to the base of your fingers. Repeat on all four zones to relax your foot. Use the balls of your feet to avoid pinching or tickling your foot.

Squeezing. Continue squeezing with the thumb and index finger of one hand on each toe. You can rotate them slightly. Use your other hand to support his foot and heel. Continue until you are about an inch past your finger. Gently lower your foot.

Wiggle. Place your palms on either side of your thighs. With one hand, swing your leg inward, then with the other, outward so that your whole body reacts. Gradually work your way down to your foot. Finally, squeeze your toes with your hand. Repeat on the other leg.

Foot massage: video instruction

Massage is not only a pleasant procedure, but also improves the health of the whole body. It activates soft tissues and nerve endings, affecting all systems. Chinese healers believe that the feet contain projections of all organs that can be used to treat various diseases. The difficulty is that doctors study massage techniques for for long years and they know exactly how to carry it out. Before you please your loved ones with this procedure, it is worth learning how to properly massage your feet so as not to harm the person.

Preparing for a massage

Foot massage is different from other types. The fact is that this area is devoid of large muscles and soft tissues. It contains a large number of nerves, blood vessels, tendons and ligaments.

Before the procedure, you should properly prepare:

  • You can steam your feet in a bath with sea salt.
  • Using a brush or pumice stone, you should remove all rough areas of the skin so that they do not interfere with the desired points.
  • For convenience, you should use any massage oil.

Foot massage is performed lying or sitting. The legs should be relaxed, and their position depends on the comfort of the massage therapist. If it is not possible to use a special table, you can place your feet on a support or on your lap.

Foot massage techniques

There are a huge number of foot massage techniques. The simplest is an ordinary relaxing massage that will help relieve fatigue and swelling of the legs after have a hard day. This procedure is especially useful for women who prefer shoes with heels.

Finger massage

Massaging your feet at home starts with your fingertips. They should be kneaded, starting from the pads and ending with the base. Then you can carefully rotate each finger in both directions in the joint area, but do not make sudden movements. Finally, you can bend and straighten your fingers.

When massaging the feet, it is better if the person lies on his stomach. This way the massage therapist will have access to the entire surface of the foot, and the leg muscles will be relaxed. The general technique is simple:

  • To begin with, knead the entire foot with light strokes, then you can squeeze it with your palms and move it several times from the toes to the heel or vice versa.
  • Then you need to massage the edges of the foot, especially the heel and instep area. You can do light pinching with your fingers.
  • The next stage is warming up the joints. To do this, you need to slowly and carefully roll the heel and knuckles.
  • At the end, you can walk the edge of your fist along the growth line of the toes and along the entire foot.

Those areas where the skin is rougher (heels, toes) can be affected more strongly. The remaining areas require very careful handling.

It will be easier to massage the feet if the person lies on his stomach

Bone massage

A special bone massage scheme is the prevention of its diseases. A protruding bunion often appears as a result of wearing uncomfortable shoes or walking on high heels. To stimulate its blood circulation, you need to take the big toe separately and perform circular movements with it in both directions. These steps will help prevent bone deformation.

Ankle massage

Ankle massage is the next step. You need to work with the ankle when your foot is on a support. First, the Achilles tendon and calf muscles, which move the foot, are kneaded by stroking and pinching. Then the feet must be grasped by the heel and rotated in both directions.


Ki Thai massage stop is based on the impact on certain points. It is believed that human feet are a projection of all internal organs, and on the soles there are special biological active points. If you press them with your fingers or special devices ( acupressure) - you can activate any system and launch the mechanism of its self-healing.

Chinese medicine considers the human feet to be a projection of all organ systems

There are a total of 9 main points on the feet that you can work with at home:

  • For liver diseases, the point is applied, which is located 2 cm below the base of the thumb.
  • Another 1 cm lower is the point that is responsible for lung health. It can be massaged to prevent colds.
  • 1 cm below the little finger is the point on which you need to press for gallbladder diseases.
  • For stomach diseases, massage the point located in the middle of the foot, 1 cm above the heel.
  • For kidney disease, general loss of strength and decreased performance, press on the area located in the cavity between the 2nd and 3rd fingers.
  • The next point is responsible for pain in the stomach and pancreas, as well as the ankle. It is located on the inside of the foot in the cavity.
  • On the upper surface of the foot, 3 cm above the recess between the 1st and 2nd toes, there is an area responsible for the work nervous system. It is massaged for insomnia, irritability, and frequent mood swings.
  • Between the outer ankle and tendon calf muscle there is a point that needs to be massaged for pain in the head and bladder.
  • The last point is located between the inner ankle and the tendon of the calf muscle. It needs to be used for diseases of the genitourinary system.

Traditionally, acupressure is performed using pressure. Active points are kneaded with your finger for 5-10 minutes. An alternative method is acupuncture, or acupuncture. Thin, sharp needles are placed into the points to activate them. Acupuncture is a traditional treatment method in Chinese medicine, but healers know a lot of nuances about how to handle needles. You can figure out how to do a foot massage at home, but learning to do acupressure may be unsafe.

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese technique aimed at healing the entire body.

Chinese foot massage has contraindications. It is not recommended if there is a general deterioration in health ( viral diseases), tumors, inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

Massage for injuries and diseases of the limbs

There are no contraindications for foot massage if it is just a relaxing one. In case of various diseases, injuries and congenital pathologies, the location of the bones can be damaged if procedures are carried out at home. Special meaning have therapeutic massage procedures for children - a qualified doctor will be able to improve the condition of a child with conditions such as flat feet, varus or valgus feet and other defects.

The problem is that a child’s bones grow and form quickly, and one must not miss the moment when this process can still be influenced by exercises or procedures.

Massage after fractures

In case of fractures of the bones of the foot, a plaster cast is applied, and during the process of fusion of the fragments, the leg is completely immobilized. You can begin to massage the limb while the foot is fixed with a bandage, if there is no damage to the skin and soft tissues. Around the fracture site, you can gently knead the skin and muscles with stroking or slow circular massage movements.

After a fracture, it is necessary to develop the limb. At correct execution blood circulation and innervation of the fracture site improves, intensive tissue regeneration occurs. Massage movements in in this case can be performed after special exercises.

For flat feet

If a child has flat feet, a massage is required, which can smooth out the manifestations of the disease and promote bone alignment. These procedures are useful not only for children, but also for adults - the legs get tired even with the correct placement of the feet, and with pathologies, the blood cannot circulate normally.

Massage procedures for flat feet are performed in several stages:

  • warming up the lumbar spine, from which the nerve endings extend to the feet;
  • massaging the lower leg muscles, developing the ankle joint;
  • scrolling the phalanges of the fingers;
  • massage of the calf muscle tendon.

For this disease, it is useful to use a massage mat. It has special convexities that stimulate biologically active points on the feet and increase blood circulation. You can lay it on the floor and put your feet on it while working or relaxing. There are also special children's rugs that look similar to adult ones, but the bulges on them are less rigid.

Massage for joint diseases

Whenever various kinds diseases, the patient will have to learn how to massage the feet on their own, because the procedures must be performed daily.

Thus, massage helps relieve pain and swelling in case of arthrosis of the foot, arthritis of various origins, as well as gout of the foot. The main rule is that you first need to stretch the areas above the sore joint, and then act directly on it. Massage should not cause pain. If the joints begin to hurt with slight pressure, it is better to pay attention to the surrounding tissues, calves and ankles. This way you can improve blood circulation in the problem area, which will speed up the healing process.

By studying special literature, you can easily learn how to give a relaxing foot massage to a man, woman or child, and even to yourself, which is described in detail. In order not to cause harm, it is better to perform only familiar techniques and listen to the person’s feelings. Massage the child's feet using light pressure or stroking, so as not to damage fragile muscles or ligaments. For congenital pathologies such as flat feet or varus feet, it is better to consult a specialist. In this case, the benefits of massage will be noticeable, but at home you can waste time and not improve the child’s condition.

Well, how, you say, are legs and sex connected? Well, how's that? Yes, when someone “remembers your paws”, it is, of course, wildly pleasant, but the feet are far from the genitals. Today you will learn what foot massage does for sex and its quality.

Erotic foot massage: the legends of the East are amazing!

  • Eastern women have always practiced foot massage for seduction.
  • It was believed that Chinese priestesses of love could bring a man to orgasm, only using erotic massage stop.
  • Ancient Indian doctors write that spouses should stroke each other's feet if they want to achieve health and sexual harmony.
  • Arab wives from the harems fought for primacy, pleasing the master by stretching their legs. There is still a common belief in the East that a woman can take possession of a man forever if she skillfully caresses his feet.

Coincidence? Don't think!

Foot massage and female orgasm

It's not just men who can get aroused by rubbing their feet. A professor at the University of Gronnigen in the Netherlands has identified a pattern based on which the temperature of the legs affects women's pleasure from sex, as well as the manifestations of orgasm. Women with warm feet (in socks, or warmed up by massaging) have an easier – and more intense – orgasm. The feeling of numb legs unconsciously prevents people from focusing on the sensations in the groin area. Therefore, if your partner hasn’t liked anything in bed for a long time, perhaps it’s worth stretching her legs and she’ll get a taste for bed games again!

Nervous place

The sensitivity of the feet is explained by the fact that they are placed on 72 thousand nerve endings. I think many have heard that there are many areas responsible for internal organs and body zones. They are distributed, in general, according to the principle from head to pelvis - or from toes to heels. The toes and the areas under them are responsible for the brain and head, the ball and arch are for the internal organs and spine, the middle of the foot is for the esophagus, and the heel and ankle are for the pelvic and groin area. It is precisely on the last zones that those same Chinese moths delicately lie. Let us also learn how to properly massage the feet to bring an ocean of pleasure to our partner!

How to massage your feet: step by step

Foot massage is carried out in the direction from the toes to the heels. To facilitate movement, use foot cream or aromatic oil prepared.

First comes stroking and rubbing (detailed description ). Light movements stroke the lower limbs from below and above. Rubbing should bring your feet into a warm, heated state, so you should quickly (but not very deeply) rub your feet using your fingers with transverse movements back and forth and also crosswise.

The second phase is kneading. The easiest way to do this is when you grab your leg so that you can knead your foot with your two thumbs. Perform circular pressing movements from toes to heel.

Pay special attention to the heels and ankles, which, as you remember, are responsible for the genitals. Kneading the heel activates the muscles in the pelvis, the ankle is responsible for groin area. First, pamper the ankle with light stroking, then rubbing and pinching. The varied sensations here will help send waves of excitement up your body.

Great welcome - kneading the knuckles of a fist. Make a fist with your working hand and grab your ankle with the other. Press your knuckles into the surface of your foot as if a wheel were rolling on it.

Toe massage- a welcome moment, because they are usually pressed against each other, and the membranes between the fingers rarely experience touch. Remember each finger individually, and also twist it moderately left and right (a slight crunch is normal). The skin under and between the fingers must be ironed, and light pinching can also be applied.

After you scroll each individual finger, rotate your ankle several times clockwise and counterclockwise, to relieve her of tension.

End your session soothing, stroking movements. You can also grab your leg, grab it and press it through your palms from ankle to toes, like a bunch of greens, for example.

Learn how to properly massage your feet, because it not only prepares your partner for sex, but is also manifestation of the most sincere and tender care and intimacy.

There are energy points on the human foot, the state of which determines the functioning of such organs as: esophagus, gallbladder, thyroid, liver and organs of vision and hearing. Feet need to be looked after regularly. And in order to avoid health problems, special massages of the legs and feet should be carried out periodically.

What are the benefits of foot massage

Thai foot massage known as foot massage. He affects the body by stimulating reflexogenic areas, placed on the legs. And proper stimulation of these zones helps get rid of depression, increases life expectancy and renews the body.

For this type of massage, ironwood sticks are used. Thanks to this material, the sticks are characterized by strength and durability. In addition, with the help of sticks, all points on the feet are perfectly worked out.

Thai foot massage is very popular and healthy, and it also perfectly relieves fatigue. But it has mainly a preventive purpose.

Interesting to know! During the foot massage procedure, specially designed chairs are most often used; it is easier to relax in them.

For a Thai foot massage, please contact a specially trained massage therapist.

The benefits of Thai foot massage have been proven for thousands of years. After just a few massage sessions, changes occur in the body’s functioning:

  1. Blood circulation improves.
  2. Swelling in the legs is relieved.
  3. Sleep improves.
  4. Relieves pain in the back.
  5. Muscle tone is strengthened.
  6. Digestive function improves.
  7. Decreases arterial pressure(in hypertensive patients).

In addition, during the session the person relaxes and his strength is restored.

Basic execution rules

Note! An important condition A calm environment is ideal for a massage. Pleasant music and dim lighting help to quickly relax and calm a person’s psychological state.

When massaging your feet with your hands, it is recommended to pay the most attention to the big toe or the pad underneath it. It is best to work on reflexogenic zones continuously.

It is advisable to massage progressively or in a circular motion. Sticks or rollers used during massage, necessary for working the feet, mainly have a superficial effect.

The use of special creams or massage oils during traditional Thai foot massage is advisable only at the end of the session in order to increase blood circulation.

Experts say: it is important to do Thai foot massage correctly, then the benefits will be noticeable after two to three sessions

Foot massage is performed using special sticks

Active points for foot massage


Who needs foot massage

Another benefit of Thai foot massage is that it removes all clamps and blocks, and therefore many people simply need it.

In special salons there are several types of Thai massage: for the whole body, arms, head and legs.

  • People with an inactive lifestyle.
  • For those who are concerned about pain in the head, neck or back.
  • For those who want to prolong youth and remove wrinkles.
  • People suffering from insomnia.
  • For those who want to remove harmful toxins and waste from the body.
  • To all those who suffer from depression and stress.

With regular massage procedures, you can reduce the pain of arthrosis and arthritis

Thai foot massage is also useful because it normalizes work gastrointestinal tract and many other organs.

How to do self-massage at home

In order to start doing Thai massage at home, first of all, you need to master its technique well and practice for a long time.

It is important to know! Inept and careless handling of energy zones can be harmful to health.

Self-massage should be done with caution

Before starting the foot massage procedure at home, you need to prepare properly. Without training, Thai massage cannot be done, as vital points will be involved.

Attunement and relaxation are a preparatory stage. Let's look at what co-tuning includes:

After completing the co-tuning, you can move on to foot massage.

Sequence of foot massage actions:

Foot massage, which is performed without activating bioactive points, can be done at home and is suitable for novice massage therapists

Foot and leg massage technique

There are several different techniques for massaging your feet and legs. All of them are effective and help cope with many diseases.

Acupressure– after a couple of sessions, it relieves headaches, improves sleep, and restores the functioning of the stomach. This massage is suitable for absolutely everyone.

Collection of reflexology foot massage, spa foot treatment

Thai foot massage– It has long been known that the benefits of such a massage are enormous. It consists of stimulating reflexogenic zones, on which the functioning of many internal organs depends.

Chinese foot massage– consists of rubbing, pressing and stroking movements, as well as injections. It affects energy points that affect the functioning of certain organs.

Reflexive foot massage– represents pressure on reflex points associated with specific organs. There are about 50 such points.

Choosing a professional massage therapist

There are special massage therapists specifically for Thai foot massage. Professionals who can tell you everything about massage and also help you choose the most suitable therapeutic massage for you.

Massage is directly related to medicine. Therefore, a professional doing massage must have the appropriate medical education and qualifications.

Choosing a professional for Thai foot massage should be taken quite seriously. Improper stimulation of energy points during the procedure can activate any disease and at the same time harm health.

Massaging the foot in the central part will eliminate lung problems

Thai foot massage has earned its popularity. Its benefits are endless. It promotes healing and renewal of the body. It also brings pleasure and peace.

From this video you will learn how to correctly and technically learn how to do Thai massage of the legs and feet:

In this video, they will share with you the technique of reflexive massage of the foot areas:

You can find out that massage is a “complementary” technique and is a significant addition to traditional medicine from this video:

  1. Massage relieves stress by reducing Massage for promoting mental and physical health in typically developing infants under the age of six months. levels of adrenaline, norepinephrine and cortisol.
  2. Helps fight pain by reducing Myofascial Pain Syndrome: A Treatment Review activation of pain receptors in muscles.
  3. Helps Massage therapy attenuates inflammatory signaling after exercise-induced muscle damage. fight inflammation by reducing the amount of cytokines.
  4. Speeds up The beneficial effects of massage therapy for insomnia in postmenopausal women☆ blood flow in muscles and tissues, improves lymph outflow.

When not to massage your feet

Avoid massage if you have:

  1. Skin diseases.
  2. Skin damage: wounds, burns, frostbite.
  3. Acute inflammatory process.
  4. Thrombosis.
  5. Phlebeurysm.
  6. Tendency to bleed.

How to choose cream or oil for massage

There are a few classic options: creams “Alice”, “Nega”, “Ballet”. They have been used for a very long time, are cheap, do not cause problems and provide good gliding of the hands on the skin. Johnson's Baby clear oil will also work. It is used even for babies, which means it does not cause allergies or irritation.

If you prefer natural oils, choose those that do not clog your pores too much:

  • hemp;
  • argans;
  • almond;
  • avocado;
  • jojoba;
  • grape seeds.

You can also add aromatic ones to them: for 10 grams of base oil, 4 drops of essential oil.

How to give a foot massage to yourself or someone else

Life hacker collected techniques classic massage: It relaxes muscles well and improves blood circulation.

Some movements will be difficult to use for self-massage - just skip them and do what is comfortable to do.

Typically, massage therapists spend 30–60 seconds on each movement. But you can adjust the time based on your sensations.

Warming up

For about a minute, stroke your leg from the calf to the thigh, grabbing the gluteal muscles, and back.

Foot massage

Rub the instep of your foot with your thumb from toe to heel.

Make circular movements with both palms.

Massage of thighs and buttocks

Rub your thigh with your palm in a circular motion from the knee to the buttock.

Make a “nettle”: slide your hands alternately up and down.

When your leg warms up, try tapping it with the edge of your palm or with your palm cupped.

Finish the massage with the stroking you started with.

This collection contains videos from which the movements are taken. You can simply copy the entire work of massage therapists.

How to self-massage your feet using balls and rollers

Massage using a tennis ball or special massage rollers and balls provides a deep effect on muscles and connective tissue, warms up and relaxes clogged muscles.

Massage rollers can be bought at a sports store or ordered on AliExpress. There you can also find massage balls, single or double, or simply buy tennis balls.

Remember a few rules for self-massage using massage rollers and balls:

  1. Roll your body slowly.
  2. Don't roll your joints.
  3. Spend at least two minutes on each muscle group.
  4. If you feel pain and severe discomfort, reduce the pressure. In addition, if the pain is felt in a specific point, you can not act on it directly, but roll out nearby areas.

Massage the front of the thigh (quadriceps)

Place your hands on your forearms, place the roller under the front of your legs and lean your whole body onto it. Roll the front of your legs from knee to hip.

Back thigh massage

Roll the back of your leg from knee to hip. To enhance the effect, cross your legs.

Inner thigh massage

Bend your leg and place it under your inner thigh.

Gluteal muscle massage

Sit on the roller, place your hands on the floor. Place the shin of your left leg on the knee of your right and roll out your right gluteal muscle. Then switch legs and roll out the left side.

Calf massage

Sit on the floor, place a roller under your calves, lift yourself up on your hands and roll out your muscles. To enhance the effect, cross your legs - this will increase the pressure on the roller.

Foot massage

Take off your shoes and step on the massager. Roll it under your foot, pressing down with your body weight. You can use the same massager or buy special models for feet
