Thermal springs in the Carpathians and their properties. Thermal springs of the Carpathians

Hot springs or thermal waters in Transcarpathia are a great opportunity not only to relax, but also to improve your health at competitive prices.

Hot springs have long been used to treat patients (Roman, Tbilisi baths); the corresponding branch of medicine is called balneology.

The list of indications for staying at resorts is very extensive: diseases of the respiratory system, circulatory system, musculoskeletal system, metabolic disorders.

Hot springs are used comprehensively in programs of anti-stress therapy, rejuvenation, therapeutic fasting, body shaping and strengthening the immune system.

The most popular places where hot springs are a feature are Iceland, Hungary, Italy, Georgia, USA, Czech Republic, Japan, where famous geothermal resorts, aquatic centers and swimming pools are located. In Ukraine, this is Transcarpathia.

The most popular and famous thermal waters and hot springs of Transcarpathia are conveniently located in the vicinity of the main roads, along the highway: Mukachevo - Beregovo; Mukachevo – Khust; Mukachevo - Uzhgorod.

The thermal waters of Beregovskoye are located 20 km from the city of Mukachevo and 70 km from Uzhgorod, near the border with Hungary - the resort of Kosino and the city of Beregovo.

Thermal complex "Zhaivoronok - Pachirta".

Complex "Zhaivoronok - Pachirta" is located in the city of Beregovo. This is a modern thermal pool, which was built in the style of Roman baths at the end of 2011.

Hot spring waters fill two swimming pools. Large swimming pool designed for 80 people, with an area of ​​160 sq. m., The smaller one is 15-16 sq. m., pool depth is from 90 to 140 cm. Near the complex there is a hotel, restaurant, and wine tasting room.

In the main pool, the water temperature is 31-33 degrees; it also has a hydromassage, a geyser and two waterfalls. And in a separate corner of the pool there is a so-called jacuzzi, where the water temperature is 42-45 degrees.

Staying in hot mineral water perfectly cleanses skin pores and heals minor wounds almost before your eyes. Healing properties this water has been proven by many studies by doctors and personal experience visitors.

Address: city of Beregovo, Thermal complex "Zhaivoronok - Pachirta", website:

Complex "Thermal waters Kosino"

The largest thermal resort in Ukraine is located on the territory of a 200-year-old oak grove with an area of ​​8 hectares. The territorial location of the complex near the border with Hungary significantly influenced the style in which it was made. Basically, this is the Austro-Hungarian style, which corresponds to white plaster and brown wood, with special carvings on it.

If you look inside the complex, you will see the reception and a large hall. Everything is done in the Austro-Hungarian style, especially emphasized by the working Austrian wood-burning stove, rare Wall Clock, handmade curtains, with embroidery in the form of tulips typical of this territory.

Just 15 years ago, on this territory there was old base. And in 2006 the territory was purchased, then in 2012 a 5-year project was launched to develop a health and recreation complex. Built its own hotel.

The composition of the water is unique not only for Ukraine; in Europe there are similar hot springs in only one place - in the world famous resort of Hajduszoboszlo (Hungary).

Kosino thermal water rises from a well 1190 m deep, its temperature is about + 55 °C, and it enters the complex’s pools cooled to a temperature of +32-41 °C. The water tastes salty and has a cloudy, yellow tint due to its rich iron content.

Medical indications for treatment with thermal mineral baths:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system
  • cardiovascular
  • peripheral nervous biliary system
  • peripheral vessels
  • skin diseases.

Address: Beregovsky district, Koson village, More information on the page: .

Thermal complex " Warm waters»

The main potential of the “Warm Waters” complex is the hot springs that fill the therapeutic baths with thermal mineral sodium chloride, boron-bromine water with a high iodine content at a temperature of 36-38 C °

Hot springs are indicated for use:

  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • Diseases nervous system
  • gynecological diseases
  • Respiratory diseases (non-tuberculous)

Address: Khust district, Velyatino village, details on the page thermal complex “Warm waters”.

Sanatorium "Thermal Star", Nizhnee Solotvyno village, Uzhgorod district

The Termal Star sanatorium is located 12 kilometers from the city of Uzhgorod and 35 kilometers from the city of Mukachevo, in the picturesque area of ​​the Carpathians, on the shore of the lake. Surrounded by mountain forests, shrouded in crystal clean air The sanatorium provides extraordinary opportunities for wonderful relaxation and treatment in Transcarpathia. The sanatorium covers an area of ​​12 hectares.

The balneological procedures of the “Thermal Waters of Transcarpathia” complex are unique in that the treatment is based on natural high-silica mineral thermal waters of Transcarpathia (highly mineralized chloride-sodium weakly acidic thermal and low-mineralized hydrocarbonate calcium-sodium), rich in mineral salts, the special healing properties of which have been known since ancient times .

Indications for treatment at Thermal-Star are:

  • organ diseases musculoskeletal apparatus
  • peripheral nervous system
  • skin diseases
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • digestive and genitourinary systems
  • general decrease in vitality
  • psycho-emotional disorders

Address: Transcarpathian region, Uzhgorod district, village. Nizhnee Solotvino, 226

Sanatorium "Teplitsa", Vinogradovo

The hot springs of thermal waters of the Teplitsa sanatorium come from the depths of Black Mountain in the city of Vinogradovo. These mineral thermal waters differ in temperature, level of mineralization and their chemical formula. Mineral waters are recommended for external and internal use.

In the sanatorium "Teplitsa" mineral drinking water effectively treat:

  • cardiac system;
  • digestive organs;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • skin diseases;
  • endocrine diseases.

There is a pump room in Teplice, mineral pools and thermal departments. Everyone who wants to improve their health and restore strength constantly comes to the sanatorium, which has become a very popular place for relaxation and treatment.

Thermal, mineral waters and springs of the Teplitsa sanatorium in Transcarpathia are an ideal place where you can relax, improve your health, rejuvenate the whole body with the help of SPA treatments, cryosauna, massages, mineral baths, drinking a course of mineral water rich in silicon, saunas, hamam., swim in thermal water, breathe clean air, take walks through the beech forest, listening to birdsong.

We are sure that the hot springs of Transcarpathia in the autumn winter period, will be able to pleasantly surprise you and improve your well-being. Having visited the thermal resorts of Transcarpathia, you will find many other reasons to return here over the next year.

Alexander Koval, enjoy your stay with Tourinform Zakarpattya.

In Ukraine, thermal springs of medicinal mineral waters are located in Transcarpathia. On their basis, sanatoriums have been created that actively use hot water in medicinal purposes. The course of treatment consists of taking a bath or visiting thermal pools. Depending on the temperature, thermal springs are divided into warm, hot and very hot. To take therapeutic baths, their temperature is adjusted to a comfortable level. The duration of the procedure and their number are prescribed by the doctor, taking into account the health status of the vacationers and the characteristics of the water.

The effect that mineral water from a thermal spring depends on its composition. Prices for this type of treatment are very affordable.

Thermal spring in Vinogradovo

One of the most famous thermal springs in Transcarpathia is located in the city of Vinogradovo and is called “Teplitsa”. The composition is boron carbonate, bromine, silicon, ferrous, sodium chloride, slightly acidic water. "Greenhouse" has a temperature of 39 0 C and high degree mineralization (44.5-47.4 g/dm3).

Taking baths with Greenhouse relieves pain, inflammation and spasms, regulates the functioning of the central nervous system, and normalizes metabolism. In addition, a course of balneotherapy with water from this source restores microcirculation and improves capillary blood flow, increases the tone of peripheral vessels, including large ones (veins). Hydrokinesitherapy relaxes skeletal and smooth muscles, which increases the range of joint movements.

A course of treatment with thermal water from the Vinogradovsky spring is indicated for diseases (in remission) of the following systems:

  • musculoskeletal: arthritis, polyarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, spinal osteochondrosis, periarthritis, consequences of fractures, ankylosing spondylitis, spondylosis, spondyloarthrosis, contractures (arthrogenic, neurogenic, osteogenic, scar), condition after joint replacement, myositis and others;
  • cardiovascular: hypertension (grades I-II), hypotension, neurocirculatory dystonia; coronary heart disease, cardiosclerosis, Raynaud's disease, varicose veins without thrombophlebitis and trophic disorders, obliterating atherosclerosis (without ulcers) and a number of others;
  • respiratory: sinusitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, laryngitis;
  • endocrine: mild diabetes mellitus and hyperthyroidism, uric acid diathesis, obesity, gout;
  • nervous: neuritis, polyneuritis, radiculitis, plexitis, post-traumatic lesions of peripheral nerves, nerve roots.

Hot spring treatment in Vinogradovo has a number of contraindications: diseases in the acute phase, all forms of tuberculosis, infectious diseases, earlier than a year after acute thrombophlebitis, stage II-III rheumatoid arthritis, severe pain syndrome, stage II-III hypertension, liver cirrhosis, oncological, hematological diseases; unstable angina. If you have serious health problems, be sure to consult your doctor before visiting a hot thermal spring. Such procedures have a serious impact on human physiology and can cause the opposite effect to the expected one.

You can take a course of procedures with water from a spring in Vinogradovo at the Teplitsa sanatorium. The cost of visiting the thermal pool is included in the price of the spa package.

Sanatoriums with hot springs in Velyatino

Another source of hot thermal water in Transcarpathia is located in the village of Velyatino (Khust district). Its temperature is in the range of 40-60 0 C. It enters the pools, where it is cooled to 30-38 0 C. In composition, it is bromine-chloride-sodium water of high mineralization (100 g/l). Its advantages include a high iodine content.

The Velyatinsky thermal spring improves the functional state of the nervous, endocrine and immunological systems. The procedures have an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic effect, and activate metabolic processes. Thermal water improves capillary blood flow and microcirculation. Chlorine and sodium penetrate the skin and have a long-term effect on the body, creating a long-lasting effect from baths.

It should be noted that the source in Velyatino is able to increase vascular tone, which improves the condition of vacationers with varicose veins, vegetative-vascular disorders, hypotension, and asthenic syndrome.

Thermal water from the Velyatinsky spring has a beneficial effect on the body with the following disorders of its functioning:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system: arthritis, polyarthritis, inflammatory and degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine and joints (osteochondrosis, spondyloarthritis, spondylitis, osteoarthritis, spondylosis, spondyloarthrosis and others), periostitis, tendovaginitis, bursitis, myalgia, myositis, condition after injury;
  • nervous system: radiculitis, radiculoneuritis, polyneuritis, plexitis, solaritis, consequences of meningitis, spinal cord and brain injuries, arachnoiditis and other diseases;
  • respiratory organs: bronchial asthma without severe attacks, pulmonary emphysema without heart and pulmonary failure;
  • heart and blood vessels: initial stages of hypertension, varicose veins, cardiosclerosis and a number of others;
  • endocrine system: type 2 diabetes mellitus, obesity, gout, uric acid diathesis and others;
  • gynecological diseases: chronic salpingitis, parametritis, infertility.

There are pools with water from the thermal springs of Velyatino in the Warm Waters complex. Prices for visiting them are low. You can choose the most suitable option based on the ratio of price and procedure time. For some groups of the population (children, disabled people, pensioners and others) discounts apply. More detailed information about current prices is on the complex’s website – You can live during the course of treatment in “Warm Waters”, the nearby health complex “Trembita” ( or in the private sector of the village. Velyatino.

Treatment at hot springs in Beregovo

Among the unique healing factors of Transcarpathia are the hot thermal springs of silicon-nitrogen-carbon dioxide-chloride-sodium waters of high mineralization in the city of Beregovo. Their initial temperature in the springs reaches +50 0 C. In the pools the water is cooler - its temperature is +30-36 0 C.

Taking such baths accelerates the breakdown of fats, reduces the amount of cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins in the blood, which prevents the development of atherosclerosis. For those who already suffer from this disease, carbon dioxide baths improve general state body: decrease arterial pressure, improve sleep, coordination and memory, reduce irritability, reduce headaches and dizziness.

The carbon dioxide contained in water, influencing the receptors of the nervous system, increases the release of histamine, acetylcholine, cholinesterase, and serotonin into the blood. This substance also has a tonic effect on the central nervous system and cerebral cortex, increases mental performance, improves supply internal organs oxygen.

Beregovo thermal springs have a calming and analgesic effect and improve hemodynamics by expanding skin capillaries and accelerating blood flow. A course of balneotherapy in Beregovo normalizes general health, indicated for skin diseases, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, cardiac and nervous systems:

  • osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis, polyarthritis, consequences after injuries to bones, muscles and tendons;
  • migraine, neurosis, radiculitis, sciatica, neurasthenia, insomnia;
  • hypertension I-II degree, hypotension, phlebitis, atherosclerosis.

Thermal pools in Beregove are located on the territory of the Transcarpathia complex (outdoor) and in the Zhavoronok complex (indoor). Everyone can visit the Zhavoronok pools. Prices for visiting them depend on the length of stay - you can purchase a one- or two-hour stay, or a pass for the whole day. For children and pensioners, the cost of the procedure is lower. You can view prices in detail on the Zhavoronok website –

Health resorts at the thermal spring in Kosino

Hot thermal springs of Transcarpathia come to the surface near the village of Kosino (Mukachevo district). In composition, these are sodium chloride waters of medium mineralization (level 8.5-11 g/dm 3). In the well the temperature reaches +60-80 0 C, in the pools – +35-40 0 C.

Baths with sodium chloride water improve the tone of the veins, venous blood flow and microcirculation, and reduce blood viscosity. They regulate the processes of excitation and inhibition, which has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system. Due to the fact that the tissues of various organs are better supplied with oxygen and cleared of metabolic products, the functional activity of the body increases. Among the main effects that thermal springs of this type have: improved nutrition and organ function, pain relief, immunostimulation, reduction inflammatory processes, restructuring of metabolism, stimulation of microcirculation.

A course of balneotherapy at the Kosinsky spring is prescribed for diseases of the following organs and their systems:

  • musculoskeletal: osteochondrosis, arthrosis, arthritis, polyarthritis, diseases of joint tissues, conditions after injuries and operations;
  • cardiovascular: stage I-II hypertension and post-myocardial cardiosclerosis with circulatory disorders not higher than stage I, atherosclerosis and varicose veins of the limbs, acroangioneurosis, endarteritis (circulatory disorders stage I-II);
  • gastrointestinal tract: chronic cholecystitis (without stones), condition after removal of the gallbladder, biliary dyskinesia;
  • nervous: injuries to nerve nodes and endings, radiculitis and others.

Contraindications: thrombophlebitis, stage II-III renal failure, autonomic polyneuropathy, exacerbation of chronic diseases.

There are pools with thermal water from a source in Kosino in the Kosino Thermal Waters complex. The complex offers several price packages for visiting them. Prices depend on the age group (adults, children) and time spent in the pool (3 hours or unlimited). Discounts apply for groups of 15 people or more. Current prices for the current season are indicated on the complex’s website –

Sanatoriums with thermal springs in Solotvino

Another famous thermal spring of Transcarpathia is located in the village of Nizhne Solotvyno. It is located in the Uzhgorod district of the Transcarpathian region. According to the composition, the waters of the Solotvinsky spring are classified as highly mineralized chloride-sodium weakly acidic thermal and low-mineralized hydrocarbonate calcium-sodium.

Indications for taking baths with water from the Solotvinsky spring include diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular and peripheral nervous systems, skin, digestive tract, and genitourinary system.

Most often people with arthrosis, arthritis and their consequences, spondyloarthritis, stage I-II hypertension come here to improve their health, coronary disease heart disease, peripheral vascular diseases, acroangioneurosis and other diseases.

You can undergo a course of treatment with thermal water from the Solotvinsky spring at the Termal-Star sanatorium-resort complex. Current prices for visiting the thermal pool, description of living conditions, treatment, etc. helpful information on the complex’s website –

Sanatoriums in Transcarpathia with thermal iodine-bromine springs

In Transcarpathia there is a thermal spring of methane iodine-bromine water. It is located in the village of Dolgoye (Irshavsky district). Part of the mineral hot water Iodine affects blood microcirculation, elasticity of the vascular wall, lipid metabolism, stimulates protein synthesis and connective tissue regeneration processes. Bromine enhances inhibition processes in the cerebral cortex, normalizes the ratio of excitation and inhibition, reduces blood pressure, muscle tone, has a calming effect.

Baths with iodine-bromine water have a vasodilating effect, improve the condition of the myocardium, and reduce the manifestation of vascular atherosclerosis. The procedures help eliminate insomnia and headaches.

A course of balneotherapy with methane iodide-bromine water can be taken at the Borzhava sanatorium. Here it is used to treat diseases of the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems. The cost of a course of mineral baths with a thermal component in Borzhava is included in the price of the sanatorium package.

Natural thermal springs of Transcarpathia are located in many places. The most popular pools are located in Kosino, Beregovo, Valyatino.

In general, the thermal waters of Transcarpathia have truly healing properties for the human body, which have been known since ancient times. Even in ancient times, people healed their bodies by bathing in natural hot springs.

Scientists study thermal waters and determine which substances are contained in it the most, based on the analysis of which a certain natural spring treats certain diseases, and in many cases is also an excellent preventive measure, because such hot waters destroy many pathogenic microorganisms. The thermal waters of Transcarpathia help everyone improve their health and alleviate many chronic ailments. Addresses and descriptions of hot springs in Transcarpathia are below.

Thermal springs of Transcarpathia

Thermal waters are natural underground sources of water that have a natural temperature necessarily above 20 °C. There are hot springs groundwater, which have a temperature higher than 30-80 °C. Such sources have a beneficial effect on the body due to high content they contain such minerals as magnesium, sodium, sulfur, krypton, calcium and many others. Also beneficial influence The body’s functioning is also affected by the temperature of the water, which is ideally selected and specially cooled, if necessary, before being supplied to the pools.

In Transcarpathia, you can heal your nerves and not only with the help of hot springs in 2015: in the village of Kosino, in the ancient beautiful town of Beregovo and in the village of Valyatyno. Pay attention to the signs near the pools - they will tell you exactly how much time you can spend in a particular source of healing hot springs of underground water.

Thermal spring in Valyatino

The thermal waters in Valyatino contain huge amounts of iodine and bromine. Bromine is a good sedative. Iodine has healing properties. The water here comes out of the ground at a temperature of 40-60 °C; for health procedures, the water is cooled to 35-38 °C before being supplied to the pools.

The healing properties of the thermal springs in Valyatino for the human body are simply amazing.

  • What is treated in Valyatino: diseases of the nervous and respiratory systems, metabolic disorders (metabolism), musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, gynecological problems.
  • Where is the source in Valyatyno: Transcarpathian region, Khust district, Velyatino village, Sanatornaya street, 2.
  • Village of Valyatino: Sanatorium “Warm waters”.
  • Entrance fee to the hot spring pool: 40 hryvnia per person.
  • Where to stay for wellness treatments: hotels in the city of Khust.

Thermal waters of Beregovo

The hot springs of Transcarpathia in Beregovo are probably already famous all over the world. Beregovo has both outdoor and indoor thermal pools. The outdoor pool is filled from a geyser that shoots out from underground at 1080 meters. The waters in Beregovo are rich in silicon and nitrogen. They also belong to carbon-chloride-sodium sources. Water in Beregovo treats many diseases, including dermatological ones. The water smells very much like sulfur. Don't be alarmed that the color of the water has a dirty brown tint, these are healthy minerals They give it this color. The water temperature is 50 °C, but enters the pools in a cooled state to 33 °C. To treat and prevent many diseases, it is enough to stay in such water for only 15-20 minutes. The healing effect is simply amazing.

  • What does thermal water in Beregovo treat: diseases of the musculoskeletal system, diseases of a urological nature (genitourinary system), cardiovascular diseases (including hypertension), diseases of the nervous system.
  • Where is located: Transcarpathian region, Beregovo city, Koryatovicha street, 1.
  • Price for visiting the pool for 2015: about 50 hryvnia.

Swimming pool "Lark" in Beregovo

The Zhavoronok pool is located in Beregovo in a special indoor spring. Among simple procedures, bathing in healing waters can also offer hydromassage and even a jacuzzi. Therapeutic hot mineralized water emerges from the source like geysers, effectively cleansing the skin pores and perfectly helping the body cope with the healing of small wounds. This water improves the condition of the skin, so it is useful for many dermatological problems.

  • Where is located: Transcarpathian region, Beregovo city, Shevchenko street, 112.
  • The cost of procedures for 2015 is: from 100 hryvnia per hour.
  • Where to stay: nearby hotels in Beregovo.

Thermal waters in Kosino

The thermal springs in the picturesque village of Kosino in Transcarpathia are the only ones and therefore unique in their composition not only in Ukraine, but even throughout Europe (there are no analogues anywhere). Such healing-type hot waters belong to sodium chloride springs and have average mineralization. The water has a characteristic yellowish-brown hue and the temperature is 40 °C.

  • The healing properties of thermal water in Kosin: diseases of the nervous system, eliminates many dermatological problems, cardiovascular diseases, various diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The sources are also very effectively used to improve the functioning of the genitourinary system (they help remove salts from the kidneys).
  • Where is it located: Transcarpathian region, Beregovo district, Kosino village, tract 1.
  • The price of procedures for bathing in the springs is for 2015: from 70 hryvnia.
  • Where to stay: hotels in the village of Kosino.

Rules for visiting thermal pools

We offer you to familiarize yourself with some general rules which should be observed by everyone when visiting pools with thermal waters:

  • Be sure to bring a swimsuit (women) or swimming trunks (men) for swimming. You can, of course, use regular underwear, but at the expense high temperature you will simply ruin it.
  • It is advisable to have rubber slippers and a towel with you in the pools. If they are not available, you will have to rent these things from the administration.
  • Do not lose the bracelet that tells you that you paid for a swim in the hot springs - you will have to return it when you leave, and the fine for losing it is quite significant.
  • Keep track of your paid time. If you have overstayed your paid time in the pool, you will have to pay extra upon leaving.
  • Before and after visiting the pool, you should definitely take a shower.
  • Certain pools have a fixed maximum stay time in thermal waters of a certain temperature. For example, in very hot springs with a jacuzzi (where the water temperature is much higher than in other pools, such pools are usually smaller in size) you can only stay for 5-10 minutes to have a positive effect on the body.
  • Keep an eye on the children.
  • Be careful - the floor is slippery and you can get injured.
  • Remember the safety rules always and everywhere.

Get healthy, get treatment, swim!

Enjoy your holiday and pastime in the picturesque and beautiful Transcarpathia! Let the mountains, air and water heal your body!

The month of August is at its peak for Ukrainians holiday season. So the beaches are almost completely crowded with vacationers. And after the occupation of Crimea, Odessa region and the Azov coast became the most popular resorts.

Offers you an alternative holiday, instead of the usual sea and sandy beaches. Find out about five unique thermal springs in the Carpathians, where you can relax and improve your health.


On the territory of the resort in Beregovo there are many springs and pools with thermal waters, in which you can swim both in summer and winter.

Transcarpathian hydrogen sulfide thermal water is extremely healing. It is rich in iron, sodium, potassium, iodine and fluorine. This combination of elements is found only in four corners of the world: Iceland, New Zealand, Kuril Islands and in Ukrainian Beregovo. The water mineralization here is 24%.

The price for accommodation in the hotel "Zakarpattya" per person is 70 UAH, visiting the pool - 70 UAH, children under 7 years old - 20 UAH.


In the village of Kosini, Beregovsky district, there is a health and recreation complex "Thermal Waters Kosino". These thermal springs are unique in composition not only in Ukraine, but throughout Europe, with the exception of the water in the world-famous sanatorium in Hungary "Hajdúszoboszló".

By chemical composition They are sodium chloride of medium mineralization. The water in the bath is yellow-brown in color, its temperature is 60-80 ° C.

The waters are well suited for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the consequences of injuries to bones and muscles, cardiovascular, nervous and skin diseases, and is also effective in removing salt from the kidneys.

A stay in the complex for adults for 3:00 costs 200 UAH, the next 30 minutes - 40 UAH, children up to 120 cm tall - free. Subscriptions are valid.


In the village of Velyatin, Khust district, on Sanatornaya street, 2, the Warm Waters dispensary is located. Its thermal springs primarily attract attention due to their high content of bromine and iodine (bromine has calming properties on the human body). Water comes from a well, more than a kilometer deep, at a temperature of 40-40 ° C. Before use, it is cooled to an acceptable level for human body temperature (30-38 ° C).

Carbon dioxide is actively released from the water on the surface. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, respiratory system, cardiovascular and nervous systems are treated here.

The price for accommodation in a sanatorium for a double room is from 300 UAH, visiting the pool is 60 UAH, baths are 50 UAH, children up to 140 cm tall are 30 UAH.


In the Irshavsky district of the Transcarpathian region there is one of largest deposits thermal methane iodine-bromine waters such as Hajduszoboszlo, in Hungary, with numerous outlets of these waters in the villages of Velikaya Rostoka, Malaya Rostoka, Dubrovka, Plotina, Kamenskoye. There are no direct analogues of the thermal methane iodine-bromine waters of this deposit in Ukraine.

Now here the water is used externally in the form of baths in the Borzhava sanatorium (ul. Sichovykh Streltsy, 15) in the village of Dolgom for treatment cardiovascular diseases, organs of the musculoskeletal system.

Accommodation in a sanatorium costs 200 UAH per person, a bath – 35 UAH.


The Mukachevo region is rich in sulfide thermal waters - nitrogen-methane, siliceous and sodium chloride. In the city, in the health-improving complex "Latoritsa" there is an outdoor swimming pool with thermal water. Next to the complex there is a well with thermal water, which flows directly from the source into the bathroom. The water temperature in it is 35 ° C. It is recommended for the treatment of diseases of the skin and cardiovascular system.

The complex is located on Dukhnovicha Street, 93 in a park area next to the Latoritsa River.
