Earth zodiac signs. Earthly zodiac signs: characteristics

In China, signs are viewed through the prism of 5 elements: Wood, Metal, Earth, Water, Air. On the territory of Russia - through 4: Air, Fire, Water, Earth. Each element has its own positive sides and negative. Knowing the types of zodiac signs, their advantages and disadvantages, you can carefully adjust your self-development.

Representatives of the Air element

Representatives have excellent memory, high level intelligence. They are sociable and cannot live outside of society. From positive qualities you can note:

  • cheerfulness;
  • love of freedom;
  • erudition;
  • contact;
  • ease;
  • sincerity;
  • mobility.

Thinking abilities combined with sobriety guarantee such people success in any endeavor. Their disadvantages include variability, excessive talkativeness, inconstancy.

Gemini (21.05 - 21.06)

They quickly change their clothing style, manners, work, place of residence, etc. People are impatient with a conservative person.

Gemini women are several people rolled into one. They are showy and love variety. Routine everyday life is alien to them, so girls strive for a holiday every day. A changeable character makes it difficult to find a permanent life partner.

Men are distinguished by dexterity and grace. They are charming, witty, cheerful. That's why girls like Geminis. But their mood often changes. Because of this duality, one job, one love, one family are not enough for them. Expect a lasting marriage possible only with Gemini men who are over 35.

Libra (24.09 - 23.10)

Libras are charming, they perfectly distinguish truth from lies, but they can fall for “light” flattery. They love to be the center of attention. They spend a lot of time on their appearance. But they are indiscriminate when choosing their immediate environment. The negative quality of people of the zodiac sign born from September to October is - constant spending of savings on unnecessary acquaintances.

Libra ladies are feminine. They are characterized by sexuality and a miniature physique. They are in no hurry to get married early; they prefer to spend their lives on free love. Only by the age of 30 do scales mature for a serious relationship.

Libra men are charming and can easily please girls. They are good-natured, generous, and have a good sense of humor. Tend to live a comfortable life. They don’t deny themselves anything. They love to eat delicious food, but watch their figure.

Aquarius (21.01 - 20.02)

On the one hand, Aquarians do not tolerate gloss, pathos, or obsession. On the other hand, they love to shock the audience with their originality. TO strengths people are characterized by creativity, independence, responsiveness, and friendliness. To the weak - frivolity, impulsiveness, irresponsibility. And it doesn’t matter whether a person was born on a significant day on February 14 or on January 27 - everyone has the qualities listed above.

Women attract attention. They are beautiful, graceful, witty. There is always the best around them better society. The Aquarius man stands out for his bright, lively intellect. He is a rebel by nature, always pursuing the goal of making things better. He goes through life alone because he is fixated on his own interests. But at the same time, Aquarius is faithful and reliable friend, who will always lend a shoulder.

Fire signs

They are able to make decisions and act immediately. They are impatient, active, energetic. They are characterized by the following qualities:

  • resourcefulness;
  • hot temper;
  • assertiveness.

Lions (23.07 - 23.08)

Leos have the gift of creation. These are active people who strive for popularity and success. They are generous, determined, and brave. Ambition and self-control are strong traits of Leo.

The girls are always cheerful and joyful. No one can convince them to abandon their chosen direction. They don't want to play second fiddle. Women can be generous, generous, frank and open.

Leo men are able to grasp information on the fly. The fire sign has hot blood. And it is this energy that attracts girls to him. But such people often catch fire and quickly burn out. They are impatient with everything. It is difficult for them to finish what they start.

Sagittarius (23.11 - 21.12)

Sagittarius is considered the most positive sign of the zodiac, regardless of when he was born, November 25 or another date. He is enthusiastic and energetic, endowed with charisma. Strives for self-education. Their attention is focused on universal human problems. The reverse side of the Sagittarius character is tactlessness and boasting.

The Sagittarius woman needs a man who can show her the whole world. She is demanding and harsh. But she doesn't have enough money to complete freedom. Gossip and gossip are of little concern to Sagittarius. The girl is confident in her honesty and decency. He is not afraid for his reputation.

The Sagittarius man is amorous. He is attractive, charming, noticeable among others. But his straightforwardness often shocks those around him. But you can be sure that Sagittarius is always sincere in his statements.

Aries (21.03 - 20.04)

The very first sign of the zodiac is Aries. His planet is Mars gives confidence to his students. Those born from March to April endow their wards with an optimistic attitude and friendliness. Negative traits of Aries include rudeness and selfishness. Those born from March 31 to April 20 are distinguished by their nobility.

Women feel happy only while moving. A penchant for analysis and “self-examination” are alien to them. They constantly prove their point of view and love to argue. Girls are distinguished by their intelligence and masculine mentality.

The Aries man is freedom-loving and values ​​his independence very much. He is charming, emotional, treats all people well. Doesn't like being contradicted. Avoids the ordinary . Strives for exaltation in relationships, romance, sincerity.

Representatives of the element of Water

They are distinguished by excessive emotionality and acute sensitivity to the opinions of strangers. They doubt their actions. They often become self-absorbed. Disadvantages include laziness and pessimism. Favorite books for zodiac signs:

  • Cancers prefer to read poetry and detective stories;
  • Scorpios choose sharp subjects that leave no room for boredom;
  • Pisces like classic novels and science fiction.

Cancers (22.06 - 22.07)

Cancers are natural psychologists. They absorb the emotions and feelings of those around them. But they are trying to restrain their own. They are difficult to deceive and easy to offend.

The Cancer woman is practical and prudent, romantic, tender with a vulnerable, subtle soul. She doesn't like to let strangers into her inner world. Constantly waiting better life. She tends to dredge up the past, identifying places where she should have done things differently.

A Cancer man will always be able to provide material wealth for himself and his family. It is not typical for him to advertise his capital. He is everyone possible methods will understate the level of well-being.

Scorpios (24.10 - 22.11)

Is this a water sign or a fire sign? Many people also think that Scorpio is an earth sign. But still, Scorpio belongs to the element of Water. Scorpios have a very strong character. They ignore their own and others' weaknesses, but can be generous. At the same time mysterious and exciting. And it doesn’t matter whether the zodiac sign or another number was born on October 29, it is one of the hottest.

The woman is distinguished by her courage and assertiveness. She has power. At the same time, it is soft and feminine. For a Scorpio man, life is a struggle. Therefore, among them there are many successful people, businessmen

Pisces (21.02. - 20.03)

Pisces are wise, receptive. Their responsiveness often leads to communication with manipulators. They are subject to other people's influence. Pisces are characterized by evasiveness and lack of self-discipline. Such people know how to quietly alleviate the suffering of others. They love to help loved ones.

Women do not regret the money they earn. They prefer comfort and luxury. They often achieve success in creative professions. Men are also endowed with talents and skills. They can achieve unprecedented heights without difficulty. But they need a strong patron who can guide them in the right direction.

Earth zodiac signs

Horned earth signs according to the horoscope (Taurus, Capricorn), Virgo - are practical, respectable. They are characterized by caution and prudence. If they see a goal, they persistently achieve it, showing enviable penetrating power. They are attracted by the desire to succeed.

Taurus (21.04 - 20.05)

Taurus (otherwise known as Thores) is a zodiac sign that is characterized by silence. How to recognize a Taurus person? It is easy to distinguish him from the crowd by his long silent behavior. Until he gets to know the person better, he will give the impression of being “silent.”

Girls are capable of infuriating and frightening even the most strong man. There needs to be a good reason for such behavior. However, usually the woman is calm, surprisingly reserved. Her honesty is combined with the standard female whims. The Taurus man is firm in discipline, but is generous with his wife's whims. He rarely spares money and at the same time always thinks about tomorrow. He works a lot and often needs proper rest.

Capricorns (22.12 - 20.01)

Purposeful, persistent difficult situations, responsible. They are not afraid of loneliness.

The Capricorn woman is naturally charming. She easily wins the hearts of the opposite sex. He always keeps himself within the bounds of decency, not allowing himself to give in to the will of his feelings. Men are reserved, firm, practical. They skillfully hide their real feelings. They strive for fulfillment in a professional environment.

Virgo (24.08 - 23.09)

They personify justice and purity. Virgos are the embodiment of the principle of order, the victory of reason over feeling. They strive more than anyone else for excellence in everything; they spend their entire lives learning and teaching others. They like to notice flaws and point them out to others.

Women are endowed with a strong-willed character. They are distinguished by their practicality, analytical mind, and fortitude. They do not like noisy meetings and avoid crowded places. They are honest, open, stable. Men are characterized by prudence. They direct their efforts towards achieving material wealth. They are able to calculate the situation many steps ahead.

Where did the names of the signs come from? From the names of the 12 corresponding zodiacal constellations, into which the sun alternately enters during its annual movement.

Astrologers consider Aries, Leo, Capricorn, and Scorpio to be the strongest. In war they show their best personal qualities. Taurus and Virgo are called the most faithful: they are very attached to their partner. Virgos support their family, even if the relationship has long come to an end.

Leos strive for a royal life. There are many rich people among them. It is important for them to have a prestigious position; they do not want to work for anyone. Second place is taken by Gemini, Aquarius, third place goes to Aries, Libra. Leader zodiac signs - Libra, Aries, Capricorn.

Leo, Sagittarius, Aries do not waste time on trifles, do not look for a double bottom. They speak straightforwardly what they think. Taurus, Aquarius, Virgo do not like empty chatter or embellishing their speech. Zodiac Cancer, in a word, is the only one of all who can behave with dignity in conflicts.

Aquarius, Leo, Gemini top the list of the most noble signs of the zodiac, the most refined and delightful. Most rare sign on the planet - Scorpio, the most common - Virgo.

The dates of birth indicated above are approximate. If you were born at the junction of two constellations from the 19th to the 24th of the month, you need to take into account the year of birth to reliably determine your sign. For example, the sign of someone born on February 19, 2001 is Pisces, February 19, 2005 is Aquarius.

To know detailed horoscope by day of the week you can use specialized services. For example, the amurnet horoscope will tell you how to plan today. This information will help you find out the answer to the question: what does my sign mean? For the “Aries” (or other sign) portfolio, you can add information of an informal nature from fan fiction about zodiac signs.

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Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are Earth signs of the zodiac. These are calm and practical people. Their attention is drawn to realistic goals: buy a new car, renovate an apartment, save money for children’s education, etc.

For them, it is mainly material objects that are of value. Thanks to this, representatives of Earth signs can be called objective. They believe what they see for themselves and can verify, or what is proven by science. And various fictions and philosophical arguments fall on deaf ears.

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However, there is also back side medals. The realism of the Earthly zodiac signs covers with an invisible door the exit to another part of life - the intangible. Longing of the soul and high impulses, interest in lyrics and spirituality - all this does not come immediately, usually in middle age.

They say about Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn that they are the “salt of the Earth.” The qualities of these people formed the basis of the foundation modern culture. They are consistent and reliable. You can really rely on them. Moreover, they will help you not with words, but with deeds.

About Earth signs in general

Earthly zodiac signs solve assigned tasks methodically and conscientiously. Accuracy and attentiveness are always noticeable in their actions. They are simply created in order to improve the material world. And after a good job they feel deep satisfaction.

Often Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn know how to do a lot with their own hands. They make excellent business executives. These zodiac signs also love to dig in the ground. A dacha, a vegetable garden, flowers near the house - these are their main wishes.

Earth signs sometimes suffer from the fact that it is difficult for them to make friends. This is due to natural shyness. Of course, with age, shyness goes away, and several real friends appear.

Another reason for difficulties in making friends is the reluctance to engage in empty conversations. People of Earth would rather go and do something useful than chat with a friend about this and that. However, the older Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn get, the more they are loved in society.

Earthly people achieve success and material security in life more easily than others. They get their way not through any special talents, but through diligence and hard work. Since childhood, they rely only on themselves. Representatives of the Earth element know very well that “you can’t catch a fish out of a pond without difficulty.”

Positive traits:

  • reliability and performance;
  • serious approach to life;
  • objectivity and realism.

Negative qualities:

  • tendency towards pessimism;
  • it is difficult to relax, rest, have fun;
  • excessive frugality and obsession with material values ​​to the detriment of spiritual ones.

Features of Taurus

The earthly nature of this zodiac sign is associated with volcanoes. In ordinary life, they are reliable, stable and calm, like mountains. But as soon as a critical mass of internal tension accumulates, a volcanic explosion occurs. And then Taurus is able to destroy everything in its path. It is difficult to piss him off, but if this happens, you better watch out.

Usually Taurus enjoys life and appreciates its beauty and harmony. He is a friendly and generous person.

To be completely happy, he needs comfort and a sense of prosperity in all areas of life.

Some people consider Taurus to be slow. He really doesn't like rushing. He prefers to do everything thoroughly and soundly. Taurus doesn't like change. He would rather maintain and improve an existing project than open a new one.

Earth sign Taurus has a craving for art. Many representatives of this zodiac sign sing or play beautifully. musical instruments. They also receive a huge supply of energy from earthly pleasures - swimming in the sea, massage, baths, tasty food, physical training.

Features of Virgo

This Earth sign is associated with fertile soil, black soil. Virgos are very businesslike, they work intensively. They carry out current affairs with their usual thoroughness and scrupulousness. They hate sitting idle. And even if all the work has already been completed, they will still be able to find something that can be improved and completed.

Virgos are endowed with a sober outlook on life. They don't understand why some people refuse to take off their rose-colored glasses and have their head in the clouds. Representatives of this zodiac sign have excellent analytical skills. They know how to analyze facts and find weakness, which is then strengthened and modified.

Virgos are able to notice the most insignificant details, which, however, are also important for analyzing the situation.

They are given exact sciences. Another one important feature People born under the Earth sign of Virgo have a desire to be useful to others. That is why they are so drawn to the fields of medicine, education and administration.

Representatives of this Earthly zodiac sign are clean and neat. They keep order in the house. And if one of the household members violates it, for example, puts things anywhere, Virgo will immediately make a remark and ask to maintain order. Also, part is boring but necessary work Virgo does around the house under the slogan: “Who else if not me?”

Features of Capricorn

The earthly nature of this zodiac sign is associated with rocks. Capricorn's gaze is directed upward - to where the tops of the rocks beckon. He strives for achievements. Thirsts for success, material security and movement career ladder. However, Capricorn will not rush; time and patience are his best allies.

An important trait of this Earth sign is responsibility. He is entirely responsible for himself. And sometimes he’s even ready to take responsibility for other people. Capricorns often become bosses and directors because they are not afraid to be responsible for the results of the team’s work.

Ambitiousness pushes Capricorn forward towards the desired goal.

It is very important for him that others respect and recognize his merits. And there is something to respect Capricorn for: punctuality, discipline, and the ability to plan.

Capricorns build their lives in accordance with their life principles. They strictly follow them. And few people are able to turn a representative of this sign off the intended path. His forward energy and focus are very strong.

Thus, Earthly zodiac signs are aimed primarily at material values. They bring order, creativity, solidity and reliability into our lives.

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Earthly zodiac signs stand firmly on the ground, they are unemotional, ponderous, and a little inhibited. They love stability and pay great attention to money. For example, Capricorns will feel confident and free only when hugging a money bag. Representatives of the earthly element are practitioners by nature, they will never believe in anything until they themselves touch, try, and examine from all sides. Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn do not have the spiritual impulses of Air, the sensuality of Water, the passion of Fire, they come from the Earth, do not conquer sky-high heights, but feel great in a society where money decides everything.

General characteristics of the earth element

Among the 12 zodiac signs, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn stand out as the most realistic and practical. They are constant and dependent; they look for the same qualities in their partners in any area of ​​life. The Earth very rarely follows its feelings; it acts with its mind. Representatives of this element often create couples with the goal of combining social and financial resources with a suitable partner in order to achieve greater success than alone.

Secretly, these signs are ambitious; they cherish the dream of conquering the world, although they will never admit it. By nature, Capricorns, Virgos and Taurus are moneylenders; they don’t do anything for nothing, even to close people. Representatives of these signs want to get at least something in return. Their motto is: “If I do as you want, what will I get in return?” Even in bed they are passive and will never do more than is required of them.

Distinctive character traits of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn

Earthly zodiac signs are sensualists, but they will never admit it. It costs them nothing to hide their real feelings, to hide their desires deeply, because they can prevent them from achieving their goals and working with full dedication. It costs the Earth nothing to choose between love and success; it will easily choose the latter option.

Representatives of this stubborn and straightforward element stand firmly on their feet, they love and know how to make money, and their horoscope indicates success in the financial sphere. Earth signs do not strive to get a star from the sky, but they don’t need to. Money is their goal, because it opens almost all doors and solves all issues. Capricorns, Virgos and Taurus look with a condescending smile at the attempts of other zodiac signs to please someone, because this is alien to the Earth. They will never understand freedom-loving, passionate, romantic people. Capricorns, Taurus and Virgos are too down-to-earth, devoid of imagination, and petty. And this is their problem.

Positive aspects of earth signs

Capricorns, Taurus and Virgos are incredibly thrifty. They love, and most importantly, they know how to manage money. Earthly zodiac signs never shift their worries and responsibilities onto the shoulders of others. They manage everything perfectly on their own, relying only on themselves. Representatives of the earthly element are not afraid of work; they take on any task with great zeal. They make excellent leaders, as well as meticulous, correct subordinates. The Earth understands very well that in order to achieve something in life, you need to work, and tirelessly.

To others, earthly zodiac signs seem too callous, unemotional, greedy, and picky. The characteristics of Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo still indicate that they will never abandon their loved ones and friends in trouble. They are always ready to rush to the rescue, support, help financially if it is in their power. The earth gives a feeling of security and comfort, so next to a representative of this element any person will feel as if behind a stone wall.

Negative character traits

Earthly zodiac signs sometimes suffer themselves and irritate those around them with their pessimism. In any business, they first see the bad side, and then only the good. Capricorns are particularly pessimistic; they emit too much negativity. Representatives of the earth element need to learn to look at the world more openly and notice bright colors.

Virgos, Taurus and Capricorns are overly demanding, both of themselves and of those around them. They are used to working hard, so they expect the same from others. Representatives of other elements do not always like such assertiveness and demandingness of the Earth, so scandals and omissions may arise on this basis. The compatibility of zodiac signs largely depends on the unity of characters and outlook on life. For example, it will be difficult for Fire and Earth to get along, because the former is used to giving and receiving luxurious gifts, making surprises, and surprising a partner. The Earth has no imagination, because people of this element are realists; the most you can get from them is a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates.

Compatibility with other zodiac signs

The Earth does not feel comfortable with all people. Stability, constancy, sincerity - these are the qualities that Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn value so much in others. Compatibility of zodiac signs is very important, because the Earth will only be happy next to a person who also brings something to the relationship, gives a piece of himself. Representatives of the earthly element can go to great lengths for the sake of their soulmate and forgive some offenses. But they will never forgive betrayal, because nothing can be worse than betrayal.

Earth signs get along well with each other, because it is much easier to speak the same language. The only problem is the lack of variety and interesting hobbies. Routine can consume such a couple, despondency and kill feelings. Therefore, you need to think about romance at least occasionally.

Earth signs of the zodiac also feel comfortable with Water. The compatibility of these elements is high. Romantic and gentle water signs do not allow the Earth to become stale and bored. With Fire and Air, Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo will have a hard time. Married to a representative fire element The Earth will need to be lenient towards the temporary hobbies of the other half. The air often suits strong storms, so you will have to be sympathetic to his mental and emotional torment.

General characteristics of Taurus

What are people born at the end of April and in the first two decades of May like? First earth sign in zodiac horoscope associated with a volcano. Taurus are calm, balanced, reliable, you can rely on them in any situation. They resemble a mountain that will endure all storms and adversities, but sometimes their volcanic nature awakens in them. And then it won’t be good for anyone.

The most routine work is performed by earthly zodiac signs. The characteristics of Taurus in this regard are the best, because he knows how to manage his attention, abstract from external stimuli and concentrate on a specific task. Even in an inappropriate environment, representatives of this sign can perform any work on autopilot, while they themselves think about future plans.

Taurus prefer stability, they hate change because it disrupts them peace of mind. Any changes should be made gradually and correctly. Well-being comes first for representatives of the earth sign, because it is the key to prosperity and success. Taurus like to make plans for years to come, while they slowly but surely move towards their goals. And, as a rule, they achieve significant heights.

Taurus' relationships with others

Representatives of the first earth sign are considered closed, cold, aloof people. They rarely share their secrets and plans for the future with others, but if they want to stand out and please someone, then it doesn’t cost Taurus anything to transform into a pleasant interlocutor or a grateful listener. Such people never really listen to the opinions of others; they simply don’t care. Taurus expresses interesting ideas, but at the same time it is sometimes difficult to communicate with them. Interlocutors may feel as if they are talking to a wall that lets any remarks fall on deaf ears.

Behind their equanimity and detachment, Taurus often hide real feelings and experiences. This mask is designed for the people around you, because it costs your loved ones nothing to unravel the true mood of a seemingly calm and balanced representative of the earthly element. A horoscope based on zodiac signs can tell you a lot about a person. For example, Taurus, impervious to the opinions of others, fulfills any whim of their lovers. These are caring and gentle partners, for whom family comes first.

What is Virgo like?

People born at the end of August and in the first two decades of September are the most efficient of all the zodiac signs. Virgos are calm and focused, they do not generate ideas at the speed of light, as Geminis do, and do not show leadership qualities, like Leos, but as performers they are irreplaceable, because they are not afraid of any difficulties. Representatives of earth signs are incredibly pedantic, they take a thorough approach both in their studies and in carrying out everyday tasks. Virgos are incredibly petty; this character trait very often prevents them from seeing the big picture and highlighting the main accents.

Virgo at home and in the work team

Work, work and once again work - this is the main thing in the life of representatives of the earthly element. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s January, April, July or October outside the window. The Virgo zodiac sign cannot live without work. Such people love to bring order to chaos, they love to compare before and after, to realize that this beauty is their doing. Both at home and at work, Virgos talk about their work achievements; work dominates everywhere. Despite their hard work, representatives of this sign do not know how to save money.

Virgo is a zodiac sign that likes to keep everything under control. That is why such people strive to play the role of commander-in-chief in the family and completely control the actions of their other half and children. Of course, not everyone likes this, so Virgo should not even get along with Leo and Gemini, or she will need to curb her ardor.

Main character traits of Capricorn

The last representative of the earthly element has perseverance, ambition, and diligence. Capricorns make excellent leaders; they also excel as managers and can manage their own company. They are calm and thorough, moving towards their intended goal slowly but confidently, thinking through everything down to the smallest detail. Almost all Capricorns dream of leaving a mark on history, of standing out from the crowd in some way.

Representatives of the earthly zodiac sign are divided into two categories: homebodies and restless ones. The first ones do not depend on the opinion of the crowd and do not have excessive ambition. The latter always go forward, striving to climb to the top.

Capricorns at home and at work

The zodiac sign (it’s not at all difficult to determine by date of birth) can tell a lot about a person. Capricorns are among those people who do not know how to separate home and work. In pursuit of some goal, they are ready to work without rest, risking exhaustion. Excellent organizers, they solve any problems at work on their own, without shifting them onto the shoulders of others.

Romantic, sensitive Capricorns show their coldness at the beginning of a relationship, but immediately melt away as soon as they are convinced of the sincerity of their partner’s feelings. These are excellent friends who will never betray or abandon you in difficult times. Capricorns are afraid of old age and helplessness, so they are prone to hoarding. The desire to save more money for the future often develops stinginess.

What should we learn from earth signs?

The Earth is calm, balanced, stands firmly on its feet, knows what it wants, and knows how to earn money. Representatives of other zodiac signs sometimes lack all these qualities. Capricorns, Virgos, Taurus are clumsy, devoid of imagination, but still they take tiny steps closer to their cherished goal, without changing course. Well-being and material security are the most important thing for them, so earth signs will never remain hungry and cold.

What should Earth signs learn from representatives of other elements?

Capricorns, Taurus and Virgos are too fixated on work and achieving success, so they forget about romance, tenderness, caring for loved ones, and relaxation. Earth signs should learn to separate work and home, spend more time with family, and participate in household chores. Earth should learn lightness from Air, passion from Fire, tenderness from Water.

Earthly zodiac signs stand firmly on the ground, they are unemotional, ponderous, and a little inhibited. They love stability and pay great attention to money. For example, Capricorns will feel confident and free only when hugging a money bag. Representatives of the earthly element are practitioners by nature, they will never believe in anything until they themselves touch, try, and examine from all sides. Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn do not have the spiritual impulses of Air, the sensuality of Water, the passion of Fire, they come from the Earth, do not conquer sky-high heights, but feel great in a society where money decides everything.

General characteristics of the earth element

Among the 12 zodiac signs, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn stand out as the most realistic and practical. They are constant and dependent; they look for the same qualities in their partners in any area of ​​life. The Earth very rarely follows its feelings; it acts with its mind. Representatives of this element often create couples with the goal of combining social and financial resources with a suitable partner in order to achieve greater success than alone.

Secretly, these signs are ambitious; they cherish the dream of conquering the world, although they will never admit it. By nature, Capricorns, Virgos and Taurus are moneylenders; they don’t do anything for nothing, even to close people. Representatives of these signs want to get at least something in return. Their motto is: “If I do as you want, what will I get in return?” Even in bed they are passive and will never do more than is required of them.

Distinctive character traits of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn

Earthly zodiac signs are sensualists, but they will never admit it. It costs them nothing to hide their real feelings, to hide their desires deeply, because they can prevent them from achieving their goals and working with full dedication. It costs the Earth nothing to choose between love and success; it will easily choose the latter option.

Representatives of this stubborn and straightforward element stand firmly on their feet, they love and know how to make money, and their horoscope indicates success in the financial sphere. Earth signs do not strive to get a star from the sky, but they don’t need to. Money is their goal, because it opens almost all doors and solves all issues. Capricorns, Virgos and Taurus look with a condescending smile at the attempts of other zodiac signs to please someone, because this is alien to the Earth. They will never understand freedom-loving, passionate, romantic people. Capricorns, Taurus and Virgos are too down-to-earth, devoid of imagination, and petty. And this is their problem.

Positive aspects of earth signs

Capricorns, Taurus and Virgos are incredibly thrifty. They love, and most importantly, they know how to manage money. Earthly zodiac signs never shift their worries and responsibilities onto the shoulders of others. They manage everything perfectly on their own, relying only on themselves. Representatives of the earthly element are not afraid of work; they take on any task with great zeal. They make excellent leaders, as well as meticulous, correct subordinates. The Earth understands very well that in order to achieve something in life, you need to work, and tirelessly.

To others, earthly zodiac signs seem too callous, unemotional, greedy, and picky. The characteristics of Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo still indicate that they will never abandon their loved ones and friends in trouble. They are always ready to rush to the rescue, support, help financially if it is in their power. The earth gives a feeling of security and comfort, so next to a representative of this element any person will feel as if behind a stone wall.

Negative character traits

Earthly zodiac signs sometimes suffer themselves and irritate those around them with their pessimism. In any business, they first see the bad side, and then only the good. Capricorns are particularly pessimistic; they emit too much negativity. Representatives of the earth element need to learn to look at the world more openly and notice bright colors.

Virgos, Taurus and Capricorns are overly demanding, both of themselves and of those around them. They are used to working hard, so they expect the same from others. Representatives of other elements do not always like such assertiveness and demandingness of the Earth, so scandals and omissions may arise on this basis. The compatibility of zodiac signs largely depends on the unity of characters and outlook on life. For example, it will be difficult for Fire and Earth to get along, because the former is used to giving and receiving luxurious gifts, making surprises, and surprising a partner. The Earth has no imagination, because people of this element are realists; the most you can get from them is a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates.

Compatibility with other zodiac signs

The Earth does not feel comfortable with all people. Stability, constancy, sincerity - these are the qualities that Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn value so much in others. Compatibility of zodiac signs is very important, because the Earth will only be happy next to a person who also brings something to the relationship, gives a piece of himself. Representatives of the earthly element can go to great lengths for the sake of their soulmate and forgive some offenses. But they will never forgive betrayal, because nothing can be worse than betrayal.

Earth signs get along well with each other, because it is much easier to speak the same language. The only problem is the lack of variety and interesting hobbies. Routine can consume such a couple, despondency and kill feelings. Therefore, you need to think about romance at least occasionally.

Earth signs of the zodiac also feel comfortable with Water. The compatibility of these elements is high. Romantic and gentle water signs do not allow the Earth to become stale and bored. With Fire and Air, Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo will have a hard time. In a marriage with a representative of the fire element, Earth will need to be lenient towards the temporary hobbies of the other half. The air often creates strong storms, so you will have to be understanding of its mental and emotional torment.

General characteristics of Taurus

What are people born at the end of April and in the first two decades of May like? The first earth sign in the zodiac horoscope is associated with a volcano. Taurus are calm, balanced, reliable, you can rely on them in any situation. They resemble a mountain that will endure all storms and adversities, but sometimes their volcanic nature awakens in them. And then it won’t be good for anyone.

The most routine work is performed by earthly zodiac signs. The characteristics of Taurus in this regard are the best, because he knows how to manage his attention, abstract from external stimuli and concentrate on a specific task. Even in an inappropriate environment, representatives of this sign can perform any work on autopilot, while they themselves think about future plans.

Taurus prefer stability; they hate change because it upsets their peace of mind. Any changes should be made gradually and correctly. Well-being comes first for representatives of the earth sign, because it is the key to prosperity and success. Taurus like to make plans for years to come, while they slowly but surely move towards their goals. And, as a rule, they achieve significant heights.

Taurus' relationships with others

Representatives of the first earth sign are considered closed, cold, aloof people. They rarely share their secrets and plans for the future with others, but if they want to stand out and please someone, then it doesn’t cost Taurus anything to transform into a pleasant interlocutor or a grateful listener. Such people never really listen to the opinions of others; they simply don’t care. Taurus people express interesting ideas, but sometimes it is difficult to communicate with them. Interlocutors may feel as if they are talking to a wall that lets any remarks fall on deaf ears.

Behind their equanimity and detachment, Taurus often hide real feelings and experiences. This mask is designed for the people around you, because it costs your loved ones nothing to unravel the true mood of a seemingly calm and balanced representative of the earthly element. A horoscope based on zodiac signs can tell you a lot about a person. For example, Taurus, impervious to the opinions of others, fulfills any whim of their lovers. These are caring and gentle partners, for whom family comes first.

What is Virgo like?

People born at the end of August and in the first two decades of September are the most efficient of all the zodiac signs. Virgos are calm and focused, they do not generate ideas at the speed of light, as Geminis do, and do not show leadership qualities, like Leos, but as performers they are irreplaceable, because they are not afraid of any difficulties. Representatives of earth signs are incredibly pedantic, they take a thorough approach both in their studies and in carrying out everyday tasks. Virgos are incredibly petty; this character trait very often prevents them from seeing the big picture and highlighting the main accents.

Virgo at home and in the work team

Work, work and once again work - this is the main thing in the life of representatives of the earthly element. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s January, April, July or October outside the window. The Virgo zodiac sign cannot live without work. Such people love to bring order to chaos, they love to compare before and after, to realize that this beauty is their doing. Both at home and at work, Virgos talk about their work achievements; work dominates everywhere. Despite their hard work, representatives of this sign do not know how to save money.

Virgo is a zodiac sign that likes to keep everything under control. That is why such people strive to play the role of commander-in-chief in the family and completely control the actions of their other half and children. Of course, not everyone likes this, so Virgo should not even get along with Leo and Gemini, or she will need to curb her ardor.

Main character traits of Capricorn

The last representative of the earthly element has perseverance, ambition, and diligence. Capricorns make excellent leaders; they also excel as managers and can manage their own company. They are calm and thorough, moving towards their intended goal slowly but confidently, thinking through everything down to the smallest detail. Almost all Capricorns dream of leaving a mark on history, of standing out from the crowd in some way.

Representatives of the earthly zodiac sign are divided into two categories: homebodies and restless ones. The first ones do not depend on the opinion of the crowd and do not have excessive ambition. The latter always go forward, striving to climb to the top.

Capricorns at home and at work

The zodiac sign (it’s not at all difficult to determine by date of birth) can tell a lot about a person. Capricorns are among those people who do not know how to separate home and work. In pursuit of some goal, they are ready to work without rest, risking exhaustion. Excellent organizers, they solve any problems at work on their own, without shifting them onto the shoulders of others.

Romantic, sensitive Capricorns show their coldness at the beginning of a relationship, but immediately melt away as soon as they are convinced of the sincerity of their partner’s feelings. These are excellent friends who will never betray or abandon you in difficult times. Capricorns are afraid of old age and helplessness, so they are prone to hoarding. The desire to save more money for the future often develops stinginess.

What should we learn from earth signs?

The Earth is calm, balanced, stands firmly on its feet, knows what it wants, and knows how to earn money. Representatives of other zodiac signs sometimes lack all these qualities. Capricorns, Virgos, Taurus are clumsy, devoid of imagination, but still they take tiny steps closer to their cherished goal, without changing course. Well-being and material security are the most important thing for them, so earth signs will never remain hungry and cold.

What should Earth signs learn from representatives of other elements?

Capricorns, Taurus and Virgos are too fixated on work and achieving success, so they forget about romance, tenderness, caring for loved ones, and relaxation. Earth signs should learn to separate work and home, spend more time with family, and participate in household chores. Earth should learn lightness from Air, passion from Fire, tenderness from Water.

The first mentions of the location of stars, planets in the sky and their influence on people’s lives date back to the 5th millennium BC. e. They were of interest in Mesopotamia and Egypt, but the names known to us were given to the zodiac signs by the ancient Greeks, connecting them with the myths and exploits of the legendary Hercules. The zodiac signs were also divided by elements.

Many generations of sages and astrologers have sought the connection between a person’s date of birth and the main traits of his character. Their works often replaced the predictions of oracles, accurately describing both the possible actions of people in different situations, and events in a person’s life related to the position of the stars.

Chinese scientists became the founders of structuring zodiac signs by elements. Based on similar character traits, they came up with the idea of ​​dividing them into four groups, associating them with metal, air, earth and water.

In the very first astrological treatises there was a fifth element, but it stood out from the general series, and was subsequently abandoned.

Zodiac signs belonging to the same element did not follow one another, but alternated at intervals of about three months. Thus, the 12 signs were divided into four main groups for the first time.

The Greeks improved the system by replacing metal with fire. In their opinion, the explosive temperament of the representatives of this element was more consistent with an unpredictable flame that easily turns into a fire and a natural disaster.

Main groups

Zodiac signs and elements give detailed description the internal state of a person and the characteristics of his interaction with others. Knowing the date of birth of a relative or friend and understanding the horoscope, you can predict their actions and reactions to various incidents. The main signs of different elements are described in detail, but to complete the picture it is better to study the features characteristic of the zodiac sign.

The three zodiac signs belong to the Earth element: Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo. Their similar qualities and characteristics:

  • reliability;
  • craving for material wealth;
  • stubbornness.

Representatives of this element rarely commit rash acts; it is important for them to have a strong rear, Good work and stability in all areas of life.

Capricorn is not distinguished by a rich imagination, but he is persistent and persistent in any endeavor. He is characterized by a desire to occupy a high position in society, while Capricorn is not picky about his means. Heartlessness and composure are often the main components of his career success. However, he is able to become a loyal friend and support in difficult situations.

Of the three signs, Taurus is the most susceptible to hoarding and love of luxury. He is patient, but if you seriously anger him, the offender will get it in full. Taurus people care about their family and dream that their home will be cozy and that delicious dishes will always be waiting for them in the kitchen.

Virgo has one trait that creates problems in communication and building long relationship with her. At first, she idealizes her new acquaintance, and then quickly becomes disappointed in him. If she manages to overcome maximalism, best friend, than Virgo, cannot be found. She loves to go shopping, where she tastefully chooses outfits. She is characterized by sophistication and sensitivity.

Aries, Leo and Sagittarius will not let others get bored. They are generators of all kinds of plans and ideas. Fire signs according to the horoscope are distinguished by:

  • passion for travel;
  • self-esteem;
  • excess energy.

Representatives of the element of Fire are capable of sweeping gestures, which they regret more than once with the passage of time. They need to constantly discover something new, for which they go on long trips.

Aries does not tolerate being contradicted and will always passionately defend their point of view. Possessing strong character, he does not strive to become a boss, rather, he wants to get a decent and exciting job that involves business trips. He is a faithful family man and loves children, whom he will mentor and guide in accordance with his views.

Leo behaves regal and proud. He will never do anything to the detriment of his person. He avoids people who do not recognize his primacy. Leo reflects the element of Fire, which gives the zodiac sign generosity and independence. He treats the mistakes of others condescendingly, considering it beneath his dignity to even point them out.

The main fidget in this trio is Sagittarius. Usually during his life he changes several houses, and often countries. He is uncomfortable immersing himself in routine. Extraordinary actions distinguish Sagittarius in any society. His clothing style can also be eccentric and flashy.

Water Group

Sensitive, emotional Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio are strikingly different from each other in many ways, although they belong to the same element. Their most common manifestations:

  • compassion and empathy;
  • flexibility in communication;
  • need for approval.

Pisces are very artistic and easily get acquainted with the most different people. They are interested in views on life that differ from their own, they are not stubborn and are able to admit that their opponent is right. Artists and poets are often Pisces by horoscope, since this zodiac has the most developed sensitivity to emotions and beauty.

Sensitive, always doubtful, Cancer is attached to loved ones and reacts to any changes in their mood. He cannot be alone for a minute. He constantly needs support and a strong shoulder. Cancers are well versed in fashion trends, although they themselves prefer noble antiquities and classic outfits.

Scorpio is a sign of conflicting passions. He has a hypnotic gaze and a bewitching smile. Despite the apparent brutality and self-confidence, Scorpio painfully experiences any mistake or injustice in his soul. He begins to sting those who have offended him with caustic words, but to his real friends he is able to give the last thing he has.

The element of air includes such zodiac signs as Aquarius, Gemini and Libra. They have:

  • passion for superficial knowledge;
  • frequent mood swings and instability;
  • impatience.

Aquarius loves equality in friendship and communication and does not try to adhere to traditions. He rather likes innovative ideas. He is very responsive and would like to help the whole world, so acquaintances often use this quality. However, Aquarius himself is not averse to manipulating people from time to time.

Geminis are constantly moving, not staying long in one place or with one person. For their grace and charm, those around them forgive them for their frivolity. Geminis tell fascinating stories, but do not like to listen to others. Their Notebook filled with phone numbers and names of people whom this zodiac sign considers him his friends and remembers them at the right moment.

Irresistible and gallant Libra does not leave representatives of the opposite sex indifferent. Many people consider them ideal partners and do not want to share with anyone. However, Libra needs access to theaters and exhibitions; they are not ready to sit within four walls, even with their loved ones. They extinguish any quarrel before it flares up and try to say nice things to people.

Knowing which element a person’s zodiac sign belongs to, it is easier to find common ground and understand the motives of his behavior.

The most dangerous is the union of Water and Fire, the participants of which are capable of driving each other into a frenzy with one word. Moreover, Water signs do not always show gentleness and friendliness in order to extinguish the anger of their fiery partner. Rather, they resemble a waterfall rushing quickly down a mountain, trying to win an argument.

All zodiac signs would like to get along with representatives of the Air element. Cheerful and cheerful, they captivate with their spontaneity and funny ideas. However, air signs are not ready to tolerate routine and too strict control, so Air-Earth relationships are difficult.

Feelings of the Air-Fire couple flare up quickly, but usually they are short-lived.

If you have wisdom and a desire to be together, any combination of elements and zodiac signs is acceptable. Small concessions and patience will benefit every union.


Astrology has been a sought-after field for thousands of years, and the compilation natal chart in some countries it was considered prerequisite marriage or organization joint business. The zodiac forecast has too often turned out to be correct, even in cases of predictions that were inexplicable at the time of making them.

It must be remembered that belonging to one or another zodiac sign determines the position of the Sun. Moreover, other planets can be in any of the 12 houses, as astrologers call them.

Even people of the same zodiac sign have different traits precisely due to the complex schedule of planetary movements. In any case, studying the belonging of a person’s zodiac sign to a certain element will allow us to eliminate mistakes and find interesting topics for communication.

My name is Julia Jenny Norman, and I am an author of articles and books. I cooperate with the publishing houses "OLMA-PRESS" and "AST", as well as with glossy magazines. Currently helping to promote projects virtual reality. I have European roots, but I spent most of my life in Moscow. There are many museums and exhibitions here that charge you with positivity and give inspiration. IN free time I study French medieval dances. I am interested in any information about that era. I offer you articles that can captivate you with a new hobby or simply give you pleasant moments. You need to dream about something beautiful, then it will come true!
