How to save a family budget real tips - Important tips for saving. How to save money and plan a family budget if you are not an accountant

Greetings to all readers on the pages of my blog. I have already devoted more than one article to ways of earning. A huge number of people are looking for opportunities to earn extra money, because there is never a lot of money. Let's try to look at the problem from the other side. How to save the family budget, while not limiting your basic needs. I collected real advice, and even managed to test something for myself.

From this article you will learn:

Sooner or later, in any family, the question of budget optimization arises. Someone just loves the order in financial affairs, others are looking for ways to save money in order to save money for the purchase of some expensive thing. And for some, saving is the only way to make ends meet. This is especially true with a small salary.

As they say, money loves an account, and planning a family budget is not at all shameful. After all, the same Bill Gates would not have topped the Forbes list if he had scattered money left and right.
Let's see what conditions must be met for proper accounting and planning of your finances.

Calculation period

First of all, determine the period for which you will draw up your financial plan. This is the period during which the "circulation" of money in your house will take place. After this period, you will calculate your income and expenses, analyze and draw conclusions.

A month is most often taken as the billing period, since every month we receive a salary, pay for utilities, children's sections, etc.

You can set for yourself any other time period, if it is more convenient for you.

Determine income items

Income in our case is all the money that will flow into your wallet during the billing period.

It could be a salary, unemployment benefits, childcare, profits from your own business, stipend, interest on deposits.

The main thing here is to take into account only those amounts that you receive regularly. If you do not receive a fixed salary, but for example, interest on sales, then take the average value for calculation. It is better to slightly underestimate the amount than to hope for more, and in the end go into the red.

You should not think that the friend you lent to will return this amount on time. Or that you win a million in the lottery. It may or may not happen. The way your income is small, but constant. The money that comes to you spontaneously or in excess of your usual income is better to put aside in a reserve fund, so to speak, for a rainy day.

If you live alone, you clearly understand all receipts and can easily track them.
If you are a family person, then it would be right to discuss everything with your spouse in advance. And here it is important to be on the same wavelength, because if your spouse does not support your desire for savings, then you will have quarrels and misunderstandings, which should not be allowed when planning a family budget. Try to find a compromise.

Unfortunately or fortunately, now 90 percent of people receive a salary on the card. Therefore, it is no longer possible to put all the money in one box in the old fashioned way. Some families consciously maintain a separate budget. And there is nothing reprehensible in this either. But then you need to distribute areas of responsibility. For example, the husband takes care of the rent and maintenance of the car, while the wife buys groceries for the house and makes sure utility bills are paid on time.

Main Cost Items

The most important step on the path to savings will be the definition of cost items. For convenience, you can write them out on a piece of paper or make a spreadsheet in Excel. So it will be clearer, and you will be able to correctly distribute between all the articles, without losing sight of anything.

This should include all expenses that cannot be avoided and purchases, without which it is impossible to live in the billing period.

So, the main cost items include:

  1. Food.
  2. Means of household chemicals and hygiene.
  3. Communal payments.
  4. Rent (if you rent).
  5. Loans, mortgages, taxes.
  6. Fare.
  7. Car maintenance and repair.
  8. Children's circles and sections.

Your list may be shorter or longer, depending on your family size, needs, and lifestyle.

Now let's go through each article in detail and figure out what you can save on.


It's not for nothing that I wrote this article at number one. Most families spend the most on food. And this is absolutely normal, because this is a basic human need.

The main rule for saving on groceries is to go to the store full with a pre-compiled shopping list so as not to pick up too much.

  1. Choose simple foods that will be the basis of the diet. For example, meat and poultry, instead of ready-made cutlets, sausages and sausages. This is not only profitable, but also useful. As a rule, a kilogram of meat costs less than a kilogram of sausage. And too cheap sausage should give you an idea about its quality. Judge for yourself, because for its production, in addition to meat, many additional ingredients were used, labor, time and resources were expended.
  2. Although there is a saying among the people that a chicken is not a bird, however, this is not at all the case. And this bird is very good. Do you know how to use one chicken as efficiently as possible and cook three whole dishes? But I know: bake the wings, thighs and drumsticks in the oven, cook the basics from the breast, and cook the broth for the soup from the leftovers and bones.
  3. Try to avoid ready meals and semi-finished products. They always cost more, and besides, you can't really judge their quality. As an exception, there may be canned food and stew. You can buy several jars and put them in the closet in case of an emergency. The main thing is not to forget about the shelf life.
  4. Don't buy too many perishable foods. This applies to dairy products, bread, vegetables, fruits. I try not to stockpile strategically, but only buy what I can eat within a week or its shelf life. A bunch of bananas thrown into the trash will not return back to your wallet!
  5. Remember about promotions and discounts that can now be found in any chain store and supermarket. But pay attention to the date of manufacture of the products. Sometimes promotions are arranged to attract customers, and sometimes in connection with an urgent need to urgently sell unusable goods. To track stocks, it is convenient to use mobile applications, such as Edadil. The service determines your location by geolocation and finds the nearest stores. Catalogs with discounts and promotions are updated in a timely manner, and you can always choose one or another product at the best price.
  6. One of my friends, in order not to buy too much, always makes a menu for the week. For example, she prepares soup for three days, and main dishes every day. On Mondays she has mashed potatoes with cutlets, on Tuesdays pilaf, on Wednesdays pasta with sausages, and Thursday, as in the Soviet Union, fish day. It's comfortable. Firstly, you don’t have to puzzle over what to cook, and secondly, you will know exactly what products and in what quantity you will need.
  7. For those who want to save money, it is better to eat at home and take ready-made food in containers to work. Eating in canteens and restaurants is always more expensive, especially if you have a large family.
  8. Do not write off pets. Well, if you taught them to eat the remnants of their own food. But, for example, my Luntik's food costs about 1000 rubles a month.

Household chemicals, hygiene and care products

As a rule, there are no problems with the first part. Each housewife has her own tricks, but everyone has long known that, for example, it is more profitable to buy a large pack of washing powder than several small ones. The problems start with the second part. And it is in women. I mean cosmetics. Girls are such girls, I want to sweep everything related to this topic from the shelves, try new items to take possession of the entire palette of shadows and shades of nail polishes.

How to learn to save on cosmetics? How to wake up a sense of proportion, which either sleeps, or even died long ago?

Let's judge objectively.

  1. We leave care products that you cannot do without due to age or health problems. For example, if you have dry skin, then of course, without a moisturizer, you can't go anywhere. But it is not necessary to produce thousands of tubes. Firstly, you simply cannot use them all and sooner or later they will deteriorate. Second, take pity on your skin. She is unlikely to appreciate constant experimentation.
  2. With decorative cosmetics, everything is simple. Every woman needs 2 sets - for daytime makeup and for evening makeup. The remaining 150 shades of lipstick and shadows are not always needed even by professional makeup artists, not to mention us.

Communal payments

You can save money on this too. First, make sure you have meters installed for all types of resources - water, gas, electricity. Payments on meters are much lower than according to the standards. This is especially true for water. I don’t know who came up with the standard, but since we installed flow meters, our spending on cold and hot water has been reduced by about a third.

Second, use your resources sparingly. I have one bad habit. I walk around the house and leave the lights on everywhere. For this, my husband calls me an electric fairy. I slowly start to fight with myself, but this is not always possible. And electricity, by the way, is not cheap.

By the way, energy-saving light bulbs really help to save. Verified by personal experience.

Instead of long “swims” in the bath with foam and salt, give preference to washing in the shower. By the way, scientists have proven that excessive washing dries and spoils the skin.

Other types of payments (rent, loans, children's sections) are fixed. It is unlikely that they will be reduced.

Although, you can try to reduce the monthly payment on the loan. This is common practice. However, this is unlikely to be beneficial for you, because by reducing the monthly payment, you automatically stretch the loan term, which means that in the end you will pay a large amount due to interest.

Unforeseen expenses

This is the most insidious item of expenditure. These always happen suddenly, and according to the law of meanness, even at the most inopportune moment, when money is already running out.

Anything can be here:

  1. Diseases. Even for the treatment of a banal ARVI, the doctor will write you a prescription for 500-1000 rubles.
  2. Car repair. Regular maintenance, oil changes and consumables should be included in the main expense immediately. And unexpected expenses can be very different, from minor breakdowns to the replacement of expensive parts.
  3. Replacement of large and small household appliances due to breakdowns.
  4. Buying clothes. This is a favorite theme of all girls. If you are a shopaholic, like me, then this is not treated. But you can try to moderate your desires. Very often in glossy magazines and online publications there are articles about the basic wardrobe. And I advise you to listen to them. Indeed, if you have a few simple things of a classic cut that go well with each other, you can create many interesting looks for any occasion, and diversify them with stylish accessories.

But don't jump on everything. And especially the discounts. Even if it seems that at a reduced price you can buy two things instead of one. Just imagine that you can not buy the second thing, but save the money saved for a trip to the sea.

The situation is more difficult with children. After all, they grow quickly, and almost every season you need a new set of clothes and shoes. But there is also the other side of the coin. Due to the rapid growth, used children's clothes are often sold on sites like Avito or Yula for a nominal fee. Moreover, they can be almost not worn. I myself repeatedly bought clothes for my daughter for the next season, and missed the size.

To prevent unforeseen expenses from confusing you, you need to create a reserve fund. Set a certain amount that you will save from each paycheck. Or it can be money saved on purchases, bonuses, 13th salary, etc.

Mobile applications

Planning a family budget is not an easy task, so I recommend that you use special programs for this. It is impossible to keep all the nuances in your head. Need to write down. Fortunately, now, in addition to the barn book and diary, there are many mobile applications and services that are very simple and easy to use. And most importantly, you will never forget them at home, because they will be in your phone.

There are a lot of such applications in the AppStore and PlayMarket, for example, Monefy, Tram Tracker, expense and income log. The principle of operation is the same for everyone - you enter data on all your income and expenses daily, while sorting them into categories (food, housing, communications, etc.). And the application calculates your current balance.

Everyone has one minus - sooner or later you will forget to make some small change, and then you will puzzle for a long time why the balance does not converge. Therefore, you should not rely entirely on such services. Use them mainly to analyze your spending.

All sorts of applications for tracking discounts and promotions are very convenient. I already wrote about Edadil. This is probably my most favorite app. I think its main advantage is that it works in all cities, even the smallest ones, where there are chain stores such as Magnit, Pyaterochka and some local chains.

Residents of large cities will certainly appreciate the Biglion and KupiKupon apps.

Here you can find discount coupons for visiting museums, theaters, children's and entertainment facilities, as well as discounts for services, shops, hotel stays, etc.

Dear friends! It is impossible to teach someone how to spend money rationally, only you yourself can understand what ways to save the budget are right for you. Each person has certain needs, habits, principles and traditions. I wish you to be reasonable and moderate in your spending, not get sick, not fall into the hands of scammers and earn as much as you need for a comfortable existence. Treat money easier, and they will reach out to you! Best wishes!

Hello dear readers! Sometimes it seems that money is flowing away like water, although it seems that you do not allow yourself anything extra. This is especially noticeable in the decree - there are more expenses, and the total income is less, most often twice! Willy-nilly, you think about ways to save the family budget. In I shared how I save on a child, in this one I will talk about 15 ways to save 40-50% of your money! Only useful life hacks are waiting for you, with specific numbers and links. I myself use all these secrets - some for many years, and some have recently been introduced. Believe me, the difference is noticeable. I really hope that you will not just scroll through the article, but read it carefully or at least add it to your bookmarks, since there are simply no analogues to this page on the Internet. Your money is only in your hands! And it is not beneficial for anyone but you to save your budget.

There was a time when I did not look at the prices of goods, carelessly putting them in the basket ... Now, on maternity leave, I finally learned the prices of products and began to notice yellow price tags. An experienced eye already automatically determines whether the price of a product is acceptable or not.

Stock Savings

It's probably not a secret for anyone that the cheapest products can be bought in Dixie, but the choice there is poor. Therefore, I began to use the services of the Crossroads. And it turned out that Perekrestok is also not so expensive! And the quality of the products is higher. There are definitely discounted items in every category, and in such a large store, the selection is huge. Let's say I need to buy cottage cheese and milk. Well, today I will take not “33 cows”, but “White City”, since there is a promotion for it. You are unlikely to feel the difference, and if so, it will be your experience. Also look carefully - maybe there is similar products are even cheaper than promotional ones, it’s just that the eye doesn’t cling to them as much as to the yellow price tags. As a rule, cheap analogues are no worse than expensive ones on the same shelf.

We save the budget on points at the Crossroads

Also in the Crossroads there is an interesting system of scoring, which You can pay up to 100% of purchases. To do this, you need to get one of the cards. I have the simplest, and it gives a discount of about 1% in the form of points. There is a x2 payment card - if you pay with it, you will receive 2 times more points for purchases at Perekrestok and 1 point for every 10 rubles in other stores. There are Tinkoff-Crossroads and Alfa-Bank-Crossroads debit and credit cards, they give 3-4 points for every 10 rubles, as well as many interesting bonuses such as instant crediting of 4000 points (400 rubles) to the account, an increased number of points on your birthday and for your favorite products. In general, if you are interested, I can describe in more detail, or study the conditions yourself. The system is very curious and, most importantly, it works and saves the family budget.

At the moment, I have accumulated 7600 points, which is 760 rubles. I plan to go to the store for free the other day and thus really save our budget :). Upd. 11.18: Already 8900 points, i.e. 890 rubles, for which I successfully bought products!

And at the Crossroads there are about a hundred partners who also accrue points. What does it mean? The fact that if you decide to buy something online from one of the partners (and they are all well-known and reliable), Crossroads will give you a certain number of points for the purchase. For example, I recently bought books in the book24 store for 1200 rubles. and I got 1300 points on the Crossroads map(130 rubles). To do this, before buying, you need to go to this page, find the desired store and go to the partner's website by entering the Perekrestok card number. Points are awarded within 40 days, but usually much sooner.

How to save money at Perekrestok online

By the way, now I'm trying order groceries online, and I really like this service at the Crossroads. For convenience, download the application of the same name. Firstly, the application is much more visible which products are cheaper - you can sort by price. Secondly, there you will find all the promotions and their conditions. Thirdly, Crossroads gives 1500 rubles- 500 rubles for the first three orders from 3000. To receive this special offer, follow this link. So, I ordered products for 3050 rubles, and paid only 2550 rubles. Delivery from 2000 is free, if you do not need to specify a specific interval. And, finally, convenience - everything was brought, sorted into categories, so it remained to shove one bag into the freezer, the other into the refrigerator, the third into the bathroom. And the courier was cute and friendly :-D. In general, I'm delighted so far.

If you are not comfortable using the services of the Crossroads, study the promotions of your store. Believe me, no one wants you to save your family budget. Therefore, you need to reach everything yourself.

Total: because we spend 15,000 rubles a month on groceries, with the help of Perekrestok points we can save from 1 to 3% or from 150 to 450 rubles per month plus points from other stores. It's hard to calculate, but in the process I will update the article and you will get the most complete picture of the savings at the Crossroads. Subscribe to the comments at the bottom of the page!

Upd. Over the past two months, Perekrestok has awarded me 7,500 points, or 750 rubles (including the purchase of books in book24, which I successfully spent on groceries.

2. We save the family budget on household goods and appliances

Do you still buy mops, organizers, phone cases and kitchen gadgets from hardware stores? Or in Auchan, which is even worse (in a large store there are many temptations to buy too much!). I've been doing this for a long time Aliexpress. The iPhone case cost me 100 rubles there, despite the fact that it is so beautiful and has been serving for half a year. They sell the same ones for $500 and up. And there you can find incredible devices that you will not find here. For example, for 500-1000 rubles on Aliexpress you can get a whole bunch of different kitchen appliances.

I also bought an iron here (2,500 instead of 5,000 rubles in Russia) and a video baby monitor (1,500 rubles instead of 10,000 rubles or more). I order here children's clothes, and yarn, and toys, and nail polishes, and gifts. In general, I don’t risk taking adult clothes here, but my husband buys, and successfully. The downside is a long delivery, up to 60 days, but if you have nowhere to hurry, then be sure to use it. Equipment is usually delivered within a week. If the goods do not arrive, the money is returned in 99% of cases.

In addition, some promotions with discounts take place on Ali at a certain time, they must be tracked. If I'm not urgent, I throw the product into the basket and wait. There are also different games and roulettes that give coupons - recently I paid with such a coupon for 150 rubles for an order of 900 rubles, it turned out to be 750. In general, Aliexpress constantly comes up with something, and you can save up to 70% of your money. By the way, there is a big sale on Aliexpress right now. Hurry up to buy everything you need before 11/12/18.

Over the past year, I have bought goods from Ali on 25000 rubles and saved at least as much.

3. How to save the family budget on books and education

Our family is required to study or read all the time. Live and learn! Once I bought books in paper form - sometimes I really want to look through real paper and smell the printing ink ... But when there were so many unread books that they occupied two huge shelves, I completely switched to e-books. Thus, they will save not only money, but also space! And somehow I got used to it, and even more convenient, because. I read at night in the dark, from the phone. My husband has a backlit reader. By the way, it costs 5000 rubles and pays off in 10-15 books. Think it paid off a long time ago.

Therefore, now I buy books on Litres - and not from the application, but from the site, so for some reason the prices are cheaper. So I sat down and now considered that e-books are about 60% cheaper than paper books. Politics is now hardened, so finding the right book to download for free can be difficult or even impossible if it is new. Plus, after all, the work of the authors should be paid, so I prefer Litres. Their application is very, very convenient, it is pleasant to read and leave notes. Books are stacked on a virtual shelf - you can always return to them from any device, sort them into folders. By the way, now they have a permanent promotion - every three weeks you can download one book for free. They are chosen randomly, but you can often find books with good ratings and it's great to expand your horizons! Therefore, I enthusiastically go to Litres to check the book of the day - in case there is something interesting there. And it has been three times already.

One e-book will save a lot of space and money on paper books.

But sometimes you have to buy paper books- especially if it is children's literature, encyclopedias and tutorials or gifts. Some of my friends and parents can't get used to reading on electronic devices, so if I want them to read a book, I buy it in paper form. I do this in a wonderful book24 store - books are much cheaper there than in the Labyrinth, promotions are constantly going on + you will definitely be given a promotional code of at least 15% (usually when you sit on the site for a while, a discount message pops up) + some of the money will be returned to your account with points that you can pay next time. As a result, it turns out to be very profitable - so, recently I bought 8 cool books for 1200 rubles, and before that - 3 huge encyclopedias for 2000 rubles. instead of 3000 in the Labyrinth.

Total: I buy about 2-3 books a month and I save the family budget by 1000 rubles a month!

As far as education is concerned, you can study on maternity leave - remotely and for free. It seems that I'm talking nonsense here, right?) Free cheese is only in a mousetrap!

However, over the past year I have already taken several courses, the quality and usefulness of which is beyond praise! I gained new knowledge in the field of physics, financial management, attended courses on finding a purpose and interface design, moreover, from leading universities in Russia, such as NRU HSE and MEPhI. There are also a huge number of courses from foreign universities, up to Cambridge. Maybe not all of them are free, I didn't know. But I haven't paid a penny yet, because I don't need a certificate, just information. Well, here it is: all this can be found on the Coursera website. As a rule, courses are presented in an interactive format - video lectures alternate with tests and text materials, there is a forum where you can chat with classmates. In general, you get involved in the process, you can even contact the teacher. It feels like you are sitting at your desk, but at the same time you are at home and you can pause at any time. And yes, it saves the family budget a lot!

4. We save the family budget on clothes

People often ask me where I buy clothes, and I advertise my favorite chain to everyone. wildberries. In general, it is surprising to me why so few of my friends still do not use this service. Probably bad PR… Our family has been shopping there for 4 years already and saves quite a lot of money from the family budget thanks to a personal 15% discount and regular promotions.

What is the point? You go to the wildberries website, find a catalog and choose clothes online. Everything is presented with pictures from different angles, reviews, ratings, dimensional grid. Clothes are brought to your home or to the point of issue (free of charge), you try them on, and if something does not fit, do not take it. You can send a courier home and you won't owe anything. The main thing is to meet the fitting in 20 minutes, so do not collect a lot of things - it is better to break them into several orders. At first I had a lot of refusals, but then I got the hang of it and already clearly know my size and my styles. Therefore, as a rule, the clothes brought to me fit me perfectly. And the percentage of the discount depends on the percentage of your redemption. As far as I know, maximum discount - 17%. In addition, it is cumulative with other promotional offers. Again, there is sorting by price, discount, filter by color, composition, company ... And no more shopping trips! How much time I saved on this, and do not count. I recently bought a dress for 250 rubles in 10 minutes. The dress is gorgeous, by the way. The husband estimated at 1500, because. sewn qualitatively, sits perfectly. He liked it so much that he asked to order more, in a different color :).

I bought my favorite dresses in wildberries at quite affordable prices.

And recently, for the first time, I used an analogue of my favorite store called lamoda and bought a swimsuit there for 1,500 rubles instead of the expected 4,000 rubles.

Total: I buy clothes for an average of 20,000 per year, or 1,600 per month and save at least 17% on this (and sometimes even 70%!), i.е. not less than 3400 rubles. in year.

5. Save with Active Citizen

For several years now I can call myself an active citizen! :-) To do this, I installed the Active Citizen application and go through the voting organized by the government. With the help of the people's response, important city issues are resolved - transport, educational, construction. We can influence the life of the city, hooray! Maybe it's just an illusion, but it's still nice. Unfortunately, the application is available only for residents of Moscow.

How can you save the family budget with the help of Active Citizen? The fact is that points are given for voting, which can then be exchanged for various rewards:

  • Subway rides
  • Parking points
  • Tickets to theaters and museums
  • E-books (remember point 4 and read generally for free)
  • And souvenirs - sweatshirts, blankets, baseball caps, notebooks, passport covers, T-shirts and much more.

All with the symbols of the project - it looks quite decent!

If you go through all the voting, evaluate new items and share it in all 4 social networks (facebook, twitter, VK and classmates), you can earn about 600-700 points per month, and these are two e-books, or 100 parking points, or a visit to 1-2 museums, or almost a T-shirt :).

According to rough estimates, I received goods there for 3,800 rubles - these are two cozy sweatshirts for me and my husband, a T-shirt for my daughter, a selfie monopod, a passport cover and a notebook. The cover, by the way, is very cool, with the inscription, I'm really proud every time I get my passport))).

Total: nice savings on 300-500 rubles per month+ participation in the life of the city.

Active citizens in prize sweatshirts

6. How to save money on cosmetics

Many people still buy cosmetics offline - in local stores, in Letual, Ile de Beaute, Yves Rocher and so on. Of course, some things like perfume and lipstick are better to “try on” on the spot, but most personal care products require only your knowledge of the type of skin - dry, oily or normal. In addition, most creams in such stores do not have a good composition. But the price is wow! For more than a year I have been shopping at the iherb organic cosmetics store. So far, out of the dozens of products ordered, I didn’t like one - this is toothpaste, from everything else I just eat! According to reviews and ratings, it is easy to choose what is right for you, and in the description for each product you will find the full composition. The price is also pleasing - for a dozen funds it takes me only 4000 rubles, but after all, in the order, sorry, a high-quality organic eye cream or the best bb cream in the world. In addition, you will receive a 5% discount if you enter the code VAS3760 in your shopping cart, and after each order, the store gives you 10% bonuses that can be spent on your next purchase. In addition, iherb regularly hosts promotions that give an additional discount to the two above. Usually around 10-15%. Total you save 25-30% of the family budget on cosmetics and not at the expense of quality. What's the catch? You just need to know and track all these discounts. The first time I had no idea about them and paid full price! Now I'm so sharpened up that I can give master classes :).

By the way, on iherb, my girlfriends order not only cosmetics, but also vitamins, nutritional supplements, as well as delicious delicacies, such as coconut chips. Their price, however, is a bit high, but I have not tried anything tastier, honestly ... I just trudge from them! Moreover, they are not harmful, like local chips, but completely natural.

So, I save with iherb about 625 rub. per month.

My last iherb order

7. Saving the family budget on beauty salons

Do you still get manicures in the salon for big money? Yes, of course, it's nice to be courted and done professionally. I also went for shellac for a while - it was my only way to escape from the house from a baby)). And I was also so lucky - I got a good master who did everything beautifully and accurately, and it was nice to chat with her! But another time she was not, and I went to another. This woman cut out a piece of my finger with a machine (I'm not kidding!), didn't even apologize and took the job 1500 rubles. I didn’t really want to swear, I thought that a small cut would heal soon. But I could not do anything with my right hand normally for two weeks! Of course, I went to the salon and described the situation. Then I was offered to do a manicure next time for free. I was delighted - there is justice in the world! The next day, another “specialist” was waiting for me - an Asian-looking girl who constantly doubted whether she was doing it, did not completely remove the remnants of manicure, and her work lasted less than two days (shellac). And the saddest thing is that she cut three of my fingers. For about a month I walked with terrible hands covered with sores. And by the way, the administrator took her words back and required to pay at least 50% this manicure. Dear, but a manicure should decorate the hands of a girl, and not disfigure! Seeing my condition, they did not demand money. I also had to spend 400 rubles to remove this beauty, already in another salon. But now I do my own manicure.

No one will do better than you! You may not know all the tricks, but now everything can be learned on youtube. In addition, you will do a regular manicure for free, minus materials - varnish, nail file, stickers, base, cuticle sticks, nail polish remover - all this will cost you 500 rubles and will last for six months. For shellac, you need to purchase materials and a special apparatus - about 3,000 rubles. In the salon, a manicure costs no less than 800 rubles., but it lasts for 3-4 days. Shellac costs from 1200 rubles. and last a couple of weeks. Huge family budget savings! I forgot to say that after three shellacs, my perfect, hard nails began to bend, break, exfoliate ... It's terrible. My mother has been doing shellac for a long time herself, and everything is in order, although initially her nails are worse. When my nails return to normal, I will also purchase the necessary materials, learn the basics of shellac from the video and do it myself.

Total: 80 rubles per month instead of 1500-3000 (also a pedicure!) And 3000 rubles one-time - savings 97%.

8. Save on clothes repair

Since we have touched on the topic of independent work, I will also tell you about the repair and tailoring of clothes and how you can save on this.

If you have a sewing machine, then God himself ordered learn to hem pants. I recently learned, and it turned out not to be difficult at all! Saved 600 rubles. Slowly, little by little, you can save large sums and not run once again in the studio. For example, if you need to sew or hem something simple - bed linen, curtains, a children's T-shirt. The good thing is that you can get the item in the right color and material, because there are much more fabrics to choose from than ready-made items! And also, saving and self-pride. Recently I sewed a bag for an electric planer, it took only an hour and a half and a piece of fabric. You can cope even faster if the machine is "on the go", i.e. it does not need to be taken out and threaded.

Also last year I repeated the sewing lesson at school and sewed myself a skirt. I sewed on ready-made patterns in the evenings, it took about a week for 30-40 minutes. I learned how to sew a zipper, make a belt, cut a pattern on tracing paper, process the edges. And most importantly - I got a perfectly fitting skirt! I love her.

If you have children, you will constantly hem and darn, at least once a month, or even once a week. Unless, of course, you buy a new thing as soon as it cracked. Then saving the family budget is definitely not about you :).

Total: 0 rubles instead of 500 rubles per month. Only threads are needed (buy a set of all primary colors once).

9. We save on doctors and tests

Once upon a time, like many others, I thought that doctors were better in paid clinics. Until I started to meet familiar faces in them - from the clinic. Yes, most free doctors do just that - in the morning they are taken in a city hospital, in the evening - in a paid one. And the only difference is that you will smile wider and do the tests a little faster. And in such clinics they like to carry unnecessary tests in order to rip off more money. Even if you go on VHI, then they rip off the insurance. What can I say if I was offered anesthesia during childbirth three times in order to pay for the epidural. By the way, read mine - maybe you can avoid some mistakes and believe that there are natural births in the hospital. The main thing is awareness and a little medical knowledge. I gave birth, by the way, for free- while in the same maternity hospital, girls took contracts for 150,000 rubles and lay with me in the same room. And were observed by the same doctors.

Similarly, with clinics and our sores. Today we HAVE to figure them out ourselves. For doctors are sitting in order to refer you to another specialist or write out tests. Also, God forbid, they will be able to prescribe the medicine. Often, by the way, and without analysis, they do it “for fuck off”. Alas, it is. So I use doctors if I need something. I go and ask for a referral for tests. Which ones are needed - a more narrow-profile doctor will say, they usually know a lot about their business, so first you need to go to the therapist and ask for a referral to him.

So, recently I for a week passed tests for 5000 rubles and went to a free specialist, whose appointment in a paid clinic costs 1,500 rubles. And in every clinic there is always a good doctor. Many of my friends during pregnancy were observed in a paid clinic for a lot of money. But if there are no pathologies in pregnancy (and this is 90% of cases), then this is not necessary. We have a quite friendly, and most importantly, an adequate and intelligent gynecologist in our local clinic, especially since I finally got pregnant with her! And just something calmed me down and prescribed folic acid. Others dragged along the tests and prescribed all sorts of filth - as if the cooler the name of the pills, the higher the qualification.

Prices for pregnancy management in the nearest clinic. Why, if it's free?

By the way, if your clinic is completely useless, just attach to any other. Now this is done without problems and even remotely! Might have to go there. But 50 rubles for a bus is much cheaper than thousands and tens of thousands of rubles for medical expenses.

And even earlier, I was too lazy to go to the clinic for tests - the queue, they take a long time, I need a referral. But still it is 350 rubles for OAM and 600 rubles for UAC! And if additional ones are needed - bakposev, Nechiporenko, biochemistry - you will go bankrupt. They also calmly give directions for ultrasound - I recently did almost all the organs. Is free! I don’t know how it is in the regions, but in Moscow now it’s rare to get into a long queue. Take a referral - 15 minutes, the next day come from 8 to 11 in the morning and take tests in 10 minutes, get it in three days, and not in one, as in invitro. If it is urgent - then yes, there is nowhere to go. And if you have time - you can save a great family budget!

Total: up to 100% savings, or from 950 rubles per month to infinity. Over the past six months, we have saved about 8,000 rubles.

10. Saving the family budget on coupons

A few years ago, coupons burst into our lives like something supernatural. We bought them cautiously and were afraid of being deceived. But now only the lazy does not get them! I can no longer count on my fingers how many times I have used them. Basically, I buy coupons for entertainment (trampolines, quests, a wind tunnel, archery, petting zoos, bowling alleys, water parks, art parties, etc. - yes, I bought all this :) or in a cafe. Coupons usually provide big discount of 50% and more or already include this or that event. Not always the service is of high quality, as well as at full price. But saves the family budget notably! And by this link you will also receive a 5% discount on the coupon itself.

So, if you go somewhere with your family at least once a month, you will save about 50% of your entertainment budget. I save on coupons on average about 10000 rub. per year or 800 rubles. per month.

11. Independent travel as a way to save the family budget

Do you still take all inclusive tours from travel agents? Do not want to bother with visas and buying tickets? This can be understood. I still can’t get through to my parents how much cheaper and more interesting it is to travel on my own.

We ourselves began to practice this in 2014, and for the first time we went to Spain ourselves. First time there and in general in Europe. So, of course, it was scary. And terribly interesting! We were driven (well, by me) by a thirst not only for economy, but also for adventure, for new knowledge. I myself collected the documents for a visa, bought tickets myself, booked hotels (one on booking, one on the Spanish website of the hotel), even bought tickets for buses and to Port Aventura online - all for the first time. It turned out that everything is not so difficult! With the help of the Internet, everything is now possible.

True, for the first time being in a foreign country without much knowledge of English and especially Spanish, we were confused and spent an hour looking for a bus stop :-D. But I still remember this moment fondly. In Spain, we went further - and did not take a single excursion, we rode buses and metro everywhere. But we visited places where tourists usually do not look, but in vain. They avoided queues and turmoil, walked at their own pace, planned trips based on their interests. By traveling alone, you will learn much more and absorb because you think more. You don't have to think about the tour bus. You will be taken, brought, fed - and therefore the trip is practically not remembered. Man needs to think! And if you also remember about 50 people on the bus and stops at the sights for 5 minutes ... Is this a trip? In general, I can talk about this for a long time, sorry)).

Now, actually, about saving the family budget. How much can you save by going on vacation on your own? According to my calculations, from 30 to 50%. And given the usual cost of a tour, this is a lot. This is especially true for Europe - that's where it makes no sense to take "all inclusive". In Europe, the transport network works great, besides, inexpensive, a lot of cafes, hotels - you can stop at any time you want. Why limit yourself? For example, thanks to independent travel, we first lived 10 days away from the hype at sea, then went to Barcelona for 4 days, and studied this city and its surroundings thoroughly and at the same time slowly. It cost us about 1.5 times cheaper than the tour. We also traveled to Paris, Montenegro, Nizhny Novgorod and Sochi. It turned out much cheaper than in a package tour. For example, in Paris we spent 1,000 euros, while my parents spent 2,000 euros there. And recently, our friends went to Italy, where they spent only 900 euros for two in 10 days. Friends who went there on a tour in the same year paid 4,000 euros! Moreover, the former had more impressions, since they really had a trip - they rode bicycles, respectively, they could stop wherever they wanted. Unless a vacation in Turkey is beneficial in this regard - it is better to take a last-minute ticket. So, decide for yourself - to have or not to have :).

Total: savings from 30 to 50% or from 90 to 150 thousand rubles. in year(1 or 2 independent trips to Europe).

12. Save money with cashback

Oh grief! Only recently I learned what cashback is. Previously, this word was completely unfamiliar to me - a sinful me. How did I live without it?!

As you already understood, I make most of my purchases (and even products!) via the Internet. And I pay too. And just for people like me, there is a cashback - a small part of the money that is returned for online purchases. I am currently using the iPhone app. CashForBrands and in a month I have withdrawn 350 rubles to my mobile phone. All you need is to go to the application before buying and through it go to the store of interest. The application receives a percentage of your purchase for attracting a client, and you get a part of this money - that's all their attraction. Everyone benefits. Therefore, use it, my dears, and get some of your money back, thus saving your budget. At least enough to pay for the phone or even the Internet.

Total: savings of about 5%, or 350 rubles per month(when buying goods on the Internet for 7000 rubles.)

13. Save on cafes

I used to go to cafes very often, and it took a decent part of the family budget. This is especially true of my favorite sushi ... To go to Yakitoria or Yaposha, I had to save 1500-2000 rubles! So sushi was a rare treat. Now, on maternity leave, I can afford sushi every week:-R. And it's all thanks to institutions like Sushi wok- sushi to go. It is easy to drive with a stroller to the nearest such store and wait for the order for 10 minutes. And the benefit is huge. So, my favorite set of 26 rolls (700 grams) costs only 400 rubles. This is enough for two. They also have discounts and promotions, for example, a free drink from 800 rubles. In general, sushi is now not as far away as before)).

I sometimes still go to a cafe, but not to eat there, but to have a cup of coffee and chat with a friend. What is there - on maternity leave you start saving so much that you drag a container of homemade food with you! :-D Yes, now I rarely spend 1000 rubles for lunch.

Total: savings of about 70% or 1000-1500 rubles per month(this is if you don’t go to a cafe once a month :)

You can eat deliciously and inexpensively if you take food to go

14. Save the family budget with Edadil

If you haven't installed the Edadil app yet, do it! It will help you find great deals in different stores. How did I live without it? For example, diapers have run out - you open Edadil and see which store has a discount on them now. There must be one in some! The application also allows you to get cashback from the purchase of certain products. In general, an extremely necessary thing for those who are trying to save money.

Also in Edadil there are always coupons for cafes and grocery. For example, now in Shokoladnitsa the second drink is free, and at Perekrestok there is a 12% discount on purchases over 3,000 rubles.

Saving: from 10 to 50%, the absolute value depends on your consumer basket.

15. Knitting is another way to save money.

For those who are engaged in knitting, it is no secret that you can quickly and inexpensively knit any thing for yourself. It is especially beneficial to knit hats, socks, mittens and, as I recently found out, swimwear. For all of the above, only one ball of yarn is needed, and this is 150-200 rubles, there is also little time. For example, a hat in a store now costs about 1000 rubles. And the quality loses, because. in stores now you can rarely find a hat or socks made of wool, or for fabulous money. And how many of these hats do you need for the whole family, you also have to change them periodically!

I also knitted children's things - a woolen jacket, a plaid, an elegant dress, toys. But big things are not too cheap in price, often much more expensive than the mass market, but the quality is on a completely different level. I also recently knitted a swimsuit for myself - the yarn cost 150 rubles, the time was a couple of weeks, the price of an ordinary swimsuit in a store is 1500-2000 rubles, and such a knitted one is generally exclusive: -R. By the way, now knitted things are back at the height of fashion!

Cute little things I knitted for my daughter

You can knit both a winter skirt and a swimsuit - both cheaper and 100% exclusive

If you don't know how to knit, Decree - it's time to learn it! It's nice to do something for loved ones, and for yourself, of course. And descendants, perhaps, will be proud of your creations and carefully store them.

Total: savings of about 70% or from 800 to 2000 rubles for one thing.

How much can you save in total?

Oh, well, the article turned out to be long (how good it is to be able to type with ten fingers!). I have been writing this article for more than one week, and I hope not in vain. Perhaps you have learned something new and put at least some of my advice into practice, because it really saves the family budget! At the same time, it does not impair the quality of life at all. Below you will find out How much can you save in total? if you use all of the following methods:

We manage to save so much if we use the methods listed above to save the family budget. The amount is impressive RUB 21,415 per month, or 257,000 rubles. in year! I promised to show you ways you can save 40% or more of your money. And indeed, if earlier our family spent 70 thousand rubles a month, now we are trying to keep within 35-40 thousand rubles. Recently, I have been very passionate about the topic of saving and I think that in fact we don’t need so much to be happy. On the contrary, the less we spend, the more we value what we buy, the less often we throw away food and do not litter our home. Technology that saves time

The vast majority of Russians are forced to live in conditions of austerity - from paycheck to paycheck. The budget of many families is only enough for the bare necessities: buying food, paying utility bills, and minimally updating the wardrobe. Naturally, it is extremely difficult to put off for something more serious in such conditions. In such cases, it is useful to know the basic rules of saving - very often a person does not even think about how to use the available budget more profitably. What can you save on? Magazine IQR offers a number of effective solutions that will help the reader to better manage family finances.

Control of income and expenses - the basis of family budget planning

Can you tell exactly how much of the family budget you spend per month on food? If not, this is already a mistake: the control of income and expenses should be mandatory in every family. Of course, counting every hundred rubles if the total income is more than 40-50 thousand is not necessary, but a spread of 5000 is also not very conducive to savings.

Programs for accounting for family income and expenses

To solve such problems, there are a large number of ways: you can keep records in the old fashioned way in a regular notebook, or you can use specialized personal finance accounting applications for a computer or smartphone. Of this type of software, we can distinguish:

  1. For Windows OS: "Home Accounting", "Sanuel Family", "iCash", "Family Budget".
  2. For gadgets with Android OS : "Family Budget", "Expence Manager", "AndroMoney", "EasyMoney", "HomeMoney".
  3. For gadgets with iOS : "Toshl", "Money OK", "My budget", "Shut up and count my money", "Financial Book", "Kubyshka".

Almost all of the listed programs are free and have synchronization with a PC.

Where is your money going?

Piggy bank

To find out how much money you spend on food every month, the easiest way is to save receipts after each trip to the store. At the end of the month, we simply sum up the costs and get the result. Thus, it will be possible to clarify the total amount and find out exactly what (meat, milk, bread, vegetables, and so on) how much money is spent.

  • public Utilities;
  • household chemicals;
  • hygiene products.

These are irreplaceable types of products that you will definitely have to buy every month: you can hardly do without soap, dish detergent or pay for electricity.

In addition, money may be required for other goods and services:

  • visit to the hairdresser;
  • visiting the gym or sports section;
  • medicines or medical services;
  • training (some courses, lessons, seminars);
  • wardrobe update;
  • travel by public transport;
  • entertainment (visiting cinemas, cafes, excursions);
  • car maintenance (wash, maintenance, refueling, parking).

All this should also be taken into account: calculate exactly how much you spend on such services and goods.

Well, the most serious items of expenditure are the following goals:

  • buying a property;
  • buying a car;
  • buying furniture;
  • purchase of household appliances;
  • repair and finishing works;
  • vacation trip;
  • starting your own business.

Such items should be analyzed separately: determine exactly how much you need to collect. For example, your target is . It is advisable to estimate by what date it can really be done, and write down how much you need to save monthly for this. Now let's talk about how to save on household trifles in order to save money for large and really necessary purchases.

How to save money at home - step by step instructions

Piggy bank with coins

About money and payment methods

Over the past few years, people have begun to use less cash and more - plastic cards. This is really convenient - why carry a wallet full of money with you: it takes up more space than a small piece of plastic, and you can lose it forever (whereas the card will be quickly restored to you), and they can steal it. However, in terms of savings, it is wiser to use just cash.

  1. When using cash, you know exactly how much money you have on you and that you are limited to this amount (which means you will not spend more than you should).
  2. When paying with a card, it is more difficult for you to control your expenses: cash is always in sight, and you can find out the amount in your account only in online banking (or by SMS informing).

Payment by card, however, can be useful in some cases: many banks have affiliate programs with various shops and companies. When you pay for a purchase (or service) in such companies with a card of a certain bank, you get a discount, bonuses, or a small cashback.

How to cut food costs

People leave the lion's share of the family budget in stores: in grocery stores, in shopping centers with clothes, cosmetics. Shopping can turn into unnecessary expenses that can be avoided.

To remember the following:

  1. It is not recommended to go to the store on an empty stomach - you will definitely want to buy everything and more.
  2. Don't go for too big discounts when stuffing your basket: they are most often done to sell off products that are about to expire. Do not buy too many such goods, regardless of the timing: it is possible that tomorrow or the day after tomorrow they will deteriorate.
  3. Visit food markets: food is almost always cheaper in the market than in supermarkets. Feel free to bargain, especially with sellers of meat, dairy products, vegetables and fruits.
  4. If you are shopping at the market or at spontaneous trading points (from sellers selling "on the board" on the streets), try to do it in the late afternoon, when they are already about to close. At this time, it is easier to negotiate a discount, especially if the goods are perishable.
  5. Do not focus on top brands: often less hyped and well-known products are in no way inferior in quality to advertised goods.
  6. Study reviews and ask your friends about what they buy: there are a lot of products on the shelves, and it is possible that goods from some unknown manufacturer will be better than the ones you buy.
  7. Long-term storage products (cereals, pasta, tea, sugar, coffee) are best purchased in bulk, at wholesale depots or wholesale stores. When buying a wholesale batch, the price for one package can be 20-30% lower than when buying at retail.
  8. Find out about current bonus programs: some supermarkets give discounts when buying a certain amount or offer to issue a buyer's card with a savings system.
  9. In addition to customer cards, supermarkets can arrange various promotions, for example, on Thursday they can offer discounts on fish or dairy products. Ask about this too.
  10. Make a clear shopping list and take it with you (you can - on paper, you can - in the application on your smartphone). So you will not forget about the necessary goods, and you will know exactly what you need and what is not on the list, and what you do not have to buy.
  11. Set aside a certain amount of time for shopping. It is advisable to schedule some other business after this (for example, cooking or relaxing). This way you will have less time to wander aimlessly between the shelves, which means that you are unlikely to buy something extra.
  12. Conduct "market research": find out and remember what costs in different stores. A supermarket near the house is convenient, but it is quite possible that there is a store across the street where groceries are much cheaper.
  13. If you often go shopping, take “your” durable package with you - spending 3 rubles 5 times a week on packaging, you will overpay 720 rubles a year.

Family budget savings

You can reconsider when and what you eat

  1. Make a clear menu for a week (or for several days). This will save both time (you do not have to think about what to cook every day) and money (you will know in advance how much and what to buy).
  2. Prepare food for multiple meals. This way you can save both gas and food - 5-6 servings will take not much more ingredients than 3-4.
  3. To store food, it is better to buy a set of plastic sealed containers: food is stored longer in a tightly closed container, and it is more convenient to store it than in pans.
  4. Learn culinary arts: there are a huge number of dishes that are prepared quickly, from cheap products, and at the same time have a high calorie content.
  5. Plan your menu correctly, counting carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Firstly, it is useful, and secondly, getting the right amount of elements, you will not want to eat too much.

Cut spending on clothes

We do not go for clothes every day, but we have to spend a lot of money to update our wardrobe. They can also be shortened:

  1. Before you go shopping, make an accurate list of necessary purchases.
  2. Before going to the store, study and remember the existing wardrobe. When choosing clothes, immediately consider what you can wear these jeans or a jacket with - even if it is attractive on its own, but will not go well with other outfits - you are unlikely to look beautiful.
  3. Try to buy things that differ (at least in color) from those that you already have - this way even a small amount of clothes can be combined in different ways.
  4. Do not be shy and do not hesitate to go to second-hand shops. Of course, panties or socks should be bought there only when absolutely necessary, when there is no money at all. But outerwear - pants, knitwear, shoes, bags and briefcases - is sold in good condition, and the price for it is several times lower than in boutiques.
  5. If possible, study the prices of clothes. This can be done when you go to the shopping center for other goods, walk through the clothing rows in the market, see some kind of advertising on the street or on the Internet, you can ask your friends. So you will know what is the real cost and what is overpriced.
  6. Do not forget about the Internet: now through the Internet you can buy any clothes - from socks to winter jackets. These can be online stores or profile groups on VKontakte. The assortment in them may be larger than in a regular boutique, and prices may be lower.
  7. When shopping on the Internet, be sure to ask for accurate measurements - so as not to buy a thing that is not the right size. If you have a non-standard figure, it is better not to order things that should fit perfectly: shirts, tight pants, tight T-shirts.
  8. Buy the right clothes. A randomly noticed promotion or a sent "sms" about discounts can push you to buy a cheap, but not too necessary thing.
  9. Shop at the end of the season. Discounts begin for winter clothes by the beginning of spring (as well as for summer clothes - in early autumn).

We reduce utility and household expenses

A penny saves a ruble!

A rather large amount can be spent on a “communal apartment” monthly, which can also be reduced:

  1. If you do not already have meters for water and electricity, install them. Almost always it turns out to pay less on the fact of the services used than at a fixed rate, unless, of course, you have at least as many registered in the apartment as actually living.
  2. Put energy-saving light bulbs instead of incandescent bulbs: they consume about 50-80% less electricity.
  3. If possible, try to do laundry and cook at night when electricity is at a reduced rate (if you have a two-rate meter).
  4. Do not save when buying windows: a cheap design will retain heat worse, which means you will have to use heaters in winter.
  5. If your window frames still allow heat to pass through, insulate the apartment: it is better to pay for it 1 time than to pay for the work of heaters for 4-6 months.
  6. Save water: Train yourself to turn off the faucet when you brush your teeth or soap up. Leaks should also be immediately eliminated: several hundred liters can run out through a dripping tap per month.

The tips mentioned above are best combined with each other. The 500-600 rubles saved per year due to the fact that you will take your package to the store are unlikely to seriously improve the situation. But in the aggregate, such methods can significantly reduce unnecessary spending from the family budget.

The ability not only to earn, but also to spend money is a real art - only a small percentage of people competently manage their income and expenses, while making savings. But how to learn it? What to do so that, in the pursuit of savings, you do not start to limit yourself in everything, do not spoil relations with family members, and determine the weaknesses of your budget?

Family budget - income and expenses of the family, allowing you to save

You don't need an accountant's education to learn how to save money smartly. It is enough to discipline yourself, to understand where you spend money, making rash purchases. Savings are justified on the purchase:

  • Expensive things that are not liked, but serve to impress others. A smartphone, a new car, a beautiful bag - many purchases can be painlessly abandoned;
  • Excess food sent to the trash bag. Many families buy food "with a margin." Bread dries up, milk spoils, and a whole pot of boiled soup - the household does not have time to eat. As a result, you throw away food and money;
  • Clothes and shoes purchased for fashion rather than practicality. Women who buy things only to please themselves, wear them a couple of times and hang them in the closet are usually prone to such extravagance.

To save the family budget, the income and expenses of the family must be controlled. Without taking into account all the expenses, it will be difficult - you may not even notice where you lowered your entire salary, because you only bought small things.

Family budget - family income and expenses, savings table

You can keep the family budget in the old fashioned way - in a notebook, or use modern tools - Microsoft Excel, mobile applications. For example, the program "Home Accounting" is popular. How to make a table of income and expenses for a month? Her example looks like this:

Family budget for April 2018
wife's salary 20 000
Husband's salary 35 000
Renting an apartment 12 000
Social payments per child 1 000
TOTAL income 68 000
Communal payments 5 000
Loan payments 10 000
Products 8 000
gas station 3 000
Machine Maintenance 4 000
Cloth 6 000
Kindergarten 2 000
other expenses 5 000
Money box 10 000
TOTAL expenses 53 000
Saved money (income - expenses) 15 000

In order not to buy too much during the month, it is recommended to first make a list of upcoming expenses. In addition to paying loans, taxes, utilities and other payments, you need to make planned purchases here, calculating the amount that you can spend. At the end of the month, you will check whether you managed to invest in the budget by buying everything you need.

What can and cannot be saved?

Starting to limit your needs and cut the budget for family spending, it is necessary to find out what you can save on. The expenses of each person are individual: someone likes to go to restaurants and clubs, many like to ride a comfortable taxi, other people do not want to cook and buy semi-finished products. Traditionally, all expenses can be divided into groups.

What not to save Unnecessary expenses that can be waived Expenses that must be removed from the budget
1 Healthy food, medical services, hygiene items; Household appliances, mobile devices; Visiting cafes, restaurants, haunts;
2 Utilities, payment of loans, taxes; Furniture, if old household items can still serve; Bad habits, alcohol, cigarettes, as they also entail spending on medical services;
3 Travel expenses; Interests and hobbies related to financial spending; Food products that only harm the body - semi-finished products, sweets, chips, carbonated drinks;
4 Internet and communication services; Clothes of famous brands; Games, purchase of lottery tickets, participation in draws;
5 Purchase of clothes necessary for the season; Services of specialized companies - for example, cleaning service, delivery; Services that you do not use - a landline telephone, radio point and others;
6 Education, if it is required to get a high-paying job. Jewelry, expensive accessories. Items bought on promotions and sales that you did not plan to purchase.

Saving does not mean giving up any rest or habitual pleasures. You can always find an alternative and more attractive option for a modest fee. For example, if you like to go to the sea every year, consider Turkey or Crimea instead of Europe.

When managing home finances, it is important to follow simple rules that will help save the budget and use money rationally:

  1. Keep accurate records of income and expenses. At first glance, it seems that this is useless - you know how much you earn and spend. But only a few can accurately say the size of the family budget and the cost of purchases even for a day;
  2. Refuse loans - they eat up the lion's share of funds, interest goes into the void. If possible, try to pay off outstanding debts as soon as possible;
  3. Set aside at least 10% of your income in a piggy bank. This small amount is invisible to the budget, but in a few months it will allow you to make the desired purchases;
  4. Do not buy things spontaneously - because you wanted to, or you suddenly went into the store and saw the object of your adoration. Wait until tomorrow, perhaps the ardor will subside along with the desire to spend money;
  5. Go to the grocery store less often - buy basic goods for a week, and bread and milk - in small stalls where there is no temptation to spend a large amount;
  6. Eat homemade food - it's healthier and cheaper. It is better to cook soup and a main course than to buy semi-finished products, ready-made salads and buns with coffee on the road, they are not cheap. The same goes for home delivery - sushi and pizza will cost too much;
  7. Do not run to the store immediately after receiving the money - having a large amount in your pocket, it is easier to make rash spending;
  8. Control communication and mobile Internet services - often operators connect options that the user does not need, for example, music instead of beeps;
  9. Get a piggy bank for change and send all the iron coins from your pockets into it - you can save tens of thousands of rubles in a year without much effort;
  10. Buy groceries in bulk, clothes out of season, and various little things online, it’s more profitable.

The main thing when saving is to see the problem, realize that it exists, you need to fight it. If you think that you can’t live without chips, fish, beer nuts and new shoes every month, you definitely won’t be able to plan your budget correctly.

The main mistakes when saving the family budget

You may decide that saving is so easy that you can not even attach importance to this activity. But in fact, efforts will be in vain if you fall into the network of errors. The most common of them are:

  • Lack of agreements between spouses, when the wife decides to control the budget, and the husband is against it, or vice versa. Convince your soulmate of the benefits of saving, and if this was not possible, offer to just try for a week;
  • There is no reserve fund - it is necessary to set aside money for unforeseen expenses that cannot be saved on. Who knows what will happen in a month or tomorrow, and a financial pillow will allow you to survive difficult times without infringement;
  • Too austerity, as a result - moral exhaustion, stress. This happens when there is not enough motivation for budget planning, a person denies himself the slightest pleasure and works hard;
  • Children are not involved in the process of family saving. Not only will they not strive for the goal, they will not receive useful knowledge for the future, they will not be able to rationally manage their finances in an independent life.

In pursuit of savings, you should clearly set goals, understand what you can refuse, and what purchases are mandatory. Allowing yourself a break from the daily routine is a prerequisite, and you don’t need to go to resorts. Hiking, going out into nature, a walk in the park or a picnic by the river - city dwellers often forget about pleasant and inexpensive pleasures.

You should start saving the family budget by involving all family members in this activity and controlling expenses. Keep a separate notebook for recording expenses, and you will see that a large proportion of the salary goes to unexpected little things, spontaneous purchases and unnecessary purchases. By giving up on them and starting to save money, you will be able to use family income wisely.

Real advice on how to save a family budget help you reduce your expenses, find a natural balance in life and always be prepared for a financial crisis. Money mean a lot, no matter where we are financially. A single incident can turn everything upside down. And we all know about it. Therefore, it is important to save the family budget in the event of a financial crisis. Below are some savings tips to help you control your family expenses.

  1. Start selling, stop collecting

    People have a lot of things they don't use. But, nevertheless, they keep these things. If you don’t know how to save the family budget, first of all stop buying such things, but since you already have them, try sell them. Today we have enough where we can sell our rubbish; and use the funds for a number of other worthy financial purposes of our family.
  2. Sign up for free customer rewards

    There are a number of retailers that attract customers by giving out rewards for every purchase you make, no matter where you live. So try to subscribe to such. Just create Yahoo or Gmail address just for that purpose and collect as many cards as possible. You can add these and bonuses to earn points on the purchase in the store using bank cards and get rewarded in the form of cash, or some other advantage. To save the family budget, always remember the most important thing - buy only what you need.
  3. Define your shopping list and stick to it

    Make a list before you go grocery shopping. This is the easiest way to save the family budget, as you will only buy items that are on your list. If you don't have a list, it usually ends up unplanned, impulsive purchases. You are buying a product that costs you money but is not actually required. Creating a shopping list will not only help you buy foods that fit your meal plan, it will also help you avoid buying food that often goes to waste.
  4. Tidy up your closet

    Look in your closet and find everything your family no longer uses. Do not throw away, use these things to your advantage. You can sell them for eBay or another site, there is consignment stores. Either option will lead you to extra money for old things that you no longer need. Tidying up the closet is not only a great way to save the family budget, but it will also refresh you psychologically.
  5. Move your bank account for more benefits

    Banks are now simultaneously offering a range of benefits to lure customers in, such as higher interest rates or zero subscription fees for your savings account. Do your research on the latest banking offers on the market. Some banks even offer to sign up for bonuses just for opening an account and for making a direct deposit. Such a simple way will help you save your family budget in the long run.
  6. Avoid convenience foods and fast foods

    When you get home from work, instead of devouring store-bought convenience foods or fast food, try to cook something healthy for yourself and your family. The cooking hour will provide you with a range of simple, cheap snacks and lunch (dinner) options. This will allow not only save the family budget but also to be healthy, which is even more important than just saving money.
  7. Install LED lamps or LEDs wherever possible

    You can save the family budget if you are careful in the use of electricity. Energy-saving light bulbs should be used, which may cost a little more than conventional bulbs but have a longer lifespan. They consume less electricity, resulting in savings on your energy bills. There are two types of lamps you can use: LED lamps or LEDs. Although LEDs are slightly more expensive than LEDs, they light up instantly, do not overheat, and last for decades.
  8. Delete your card details from websites

    People tend to save their bank card details on online accounts to save time. In this case, it is easy to buy a product, just click and buy, which leads to unnecessary purchases. The best way to avoid this is to simply remove the card details from your account. Thus, you will be forced to look for your card and the details on it, which will give you some time to consider whether you really need this or that product. It's annoying - filling in the card number and other details over and over again. Sometimes these forced extra steps- this is what you need to convince yourself that this is the thing you do not need. Thus, you will learn how to save the family budget.
  9. Compare prices

    Most of us shop at one nearby store without even realizing that other stores have better prices. Just prepare a list of the products you want to buy and then buy the same products every time from a different store. As a result, you will find those stores that can offer a lower price. Just make this store your regular shopping destination and you can saving money wisely.
  10. Avoid using credit cards

    People use credit cards out of temptation, for impulse purchases. You should only use them for emergencies. Hide your credit card in a safe place at home, do not carry it in your wallet. Otherwise, in the end you will buy a thing that is most likely not required, which will lead to spending money from the family budget.
  11. By following these seemingly simple tips, you can easily figure out what exactly you are wasting money on and learn how to save your family budget correctly.
