Karelia is a land of unprecedented beauty. Beauty of Karelia

Karelia is a picturesque corner of the North-Western part, our vast country. This unique region is represented by numerous architectural monuments and amazing nature. A large number of lakes, rivers and reservoirs attract guests to Karelia who want to see with their own eyes the advantages of the republic. That is why tourist season here lasts throughout the year.

Traveling to Karelia is always an exceptional pleasure. This land of lakes and forests, rivers and waterfalls, unique natural monuments has always attracted and continues to attract curious travelers.

The Republic of Karelia belongs to the Northwestern District Russian Federation, it has its own flag, coat of arms and anthem. The first mention of the republic is found in the chronicles of 1143.
The region is famous throughout the world for its stormy rivers, steep slopes and virgin forests. The international a tourist route, which is better known as the Blue Road. It connects such countries as Finland, Norway, Russia and Sweden.
The pride of Karelia is its capital - the city of Petrozavodsk. Its embankment is lined with crimson-colored Shoksha quartzite and decorated with various sculptures in the avant-garde style.

Flora and fauna of Karelia

Lives on the territory of the republic a large number of animals and birds listed in the Red Book, these include the flying squirrel, seal and brown long-eared bat. Among the 285 bird species, 36 are on the verge of extinction.
The most common inhabitants of Karelian reservoirs are muskrats, European and Canadian beavers. In addition, in the forests of Karelia you can meet brown bear, leopard, wolf, wild boar and badger.
Flora of Karelia - present natural wealth countries. Growing here pine forests are rich in unique trees, which are about 500 years old. In some regions you can see deciduous forests where birch, aspen and alder grow.
Since ancient times, Karelia has been considered the land of berries. All sorts of berries grow here: blueberries, raspberries, cranberries, currants, strawberries, lingonberries, stoneberries, cloudberries and others.

The best places in Karelia

The most famous place in the region is the flat Kivach waterfall, which in size is second only to the Rhine Falls located in Switzerland.
The Kivach waterfall is located on the Suna River in the reserve of the same name, 50 kilometers from the capital of Karelia towards Murmansk. It is popular both among tourists and local residents, and is especially loved by newlyweds. What makes it beautiful are the black mountains and seething foamy streams of water, as well as the surrounding wonderful nature of protected places.
Lakes Onega and Ladoga, rivers Okhta, Kalga, Pisto, Kem and Shuya. This is just the beginning of a large list of amazing reservoirs in Karelia.

Karelian sights

The sights of the republic include:

  • Ruskeala marble quarries, located near the city of Sortavala.
  • The island of Valaam, where monasteries, monasteries and landscape architecture flaunt.
  • The Martialnye Vody resort is considered the oldest in Russia. It was opened by order of Peter the Great.
  • The city of Kondopoga, on whose territory the Ice Palace and the Palace of Arts are located.
  • Karelian Puppet Theater.
  • Kizhi Island, where the Museum of Wooden Architecture is located. The decoration of the museum is main church, which belongs to the UNESCO monuments.


Tourism is well developed in Karelia, so Largest cities republics such as Kem, Belomorsk, Sortavala, Pudozh and Kondopoga warmly welcome guests from all over the world. The region offers recreation in children's camps, diving, rafting, various holiday tours, boat trips, unforgettable extreme safaris on ATVs and recreation in tourist complexes. Holidays in Karelia are a pleasure for every taste, as married couples, and supporters active rest and fishing.

Accommodation for tourists in Karelia and Petrozavodsk

Currently, hotels and sanatoriums that previously existed on the territory of Karelia have ceased to cope with the influx of tourists attracted by excellent fishing, both summer and winter, the opportunity to hunt and engage in the most various types sports In this regard, new accommodation facilities, which belong to the category of mini-hotels, began to open throughout the republic and in its capital.
Mini-hotels in Petrozavodsk have become very popular in Lately, since accommodation in them is not expensive, and the comfort fully meets all the requirements of a modern traveler. This type of hotel and boarding house is an opportunity to simultaneously receive quality services and home comfort. Having settled in one of them, tourists enjoy going on excursions around the city and its surroundings. The capital of Karelia guarantees a real holiday at the European level.
Mini-hotels in Petrozavodsk appeared relatively recently, but they are developing in last years very active. By staying in such a hotel, you will not overpay for a room, but at the same time you will be provided with all the necessary amenities.

The unique nature of the Republic of Karelia

In the vicinity of Petrozavodsk you can admire huge, picturesque boulders, rocks, stunning in their beauty, low-growing northern trees, including Karelian pine, which creates a special microclimate in the capital. Everyone who travels as part of organized groups or with personal guides will learn a lot of interesting things about the features of the unique Karelian flora and fauna, will see low-growing, dwarf trees that grow miraculously among stones where there is practically no soil.

What else is Karelia attractive for tourists?

Nature. Karelia is famous for its lakes and forests, beautiful landscapes and clean air. Here everyone can find entertainment: hunting in winter and summer, exciting jeep trips, bicycle tours, river rafting, just walking and hiking.
Karelia is famous for fishing, which attracts many fishermen to this region. There are as many lakes in the republic as in Finland. Yamoozero is considered the most visited. In the lakes of Karelia, rich in fish, you can find pike, roach, perch and other fish. Fishing is so popular that fishing excursions are even specially organized.
Tourists are also interested in water routes along the Shuya, Vodla, Chirka-Kemi, and Okhta rivers. Many tourists enjoy a leisurely journey through the quarries, overgrown with bushes and trees. These places are incredibly beautiful.

Karelia is a region rich in cultural, historical and natural monuments and objects, of which there are about 4,000 in total.
The world-famous Orthodox monasteries, which are located on the islands of Valaam, Kizhi and the Solovetsky Islands, are extremely popular, especially among foreign tourists. They are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Tourists are also attracted by the unique combination of Russian architecture, monastic culture and northern landscapes.
Karelian petroglyphs are also known, which are from 5 to 6 thousand years old. They are also called the “Stone Chronicle”. These are some of the most ancient images known to scientists. Many centuries ago, these drawings were carved into the rocks by ancient people. Here you can see images of birds, animals, people, as well as some symbols. Karelian petroglyphs differ from other petroglyphs in that they are located on horizontal rocks, that is, they are underfoot. You can see petroglyphs in the eastern part of Lake Onega (on capes and islands).
There are many more interesting things here, for example, every year in the second half of July Karelia attracts many guests. At this time, the Onega Sailing Regatta of cruising yachts is held on Lake Onega. Foreign athletes also take part in it. Start and finish of the championship in Petrozavodsk.
The famous Marcial Waters resort, founded in 1719, is also located here. It is famous for its sulphide-silt mud and mineral water, which are considered the richest in the world in iron content.
Lovers of active recreation and nature come to Karelia to visit the reserve and near the Kivach waterfall, admire the beauty of the Kostomuksha reserve, climb Mount Vottovaara, look at the Kuzova archipelago, sail to the Solovetsky Islands, and walk through the Paanajärvi, Vodlozersky and Kalevalsky national parks. Beautiful clean Onega and Ladoga lakes attract tourists all year round. And how can we not remember the famous Karelian birch, which is the pride of the republic...

Karelia for history and culture lovers

Monasteries, cathedrals and temples, their beautiful architecture and thirst for spiritual enlightenment attract tourists to Petrozavodsk and other cities of Karelia, to chapels in the villages of Vasilyevo, Voronii Ostrov, Volkostrov, Chuinavolok, Tambitsy, Korba, Kotchura, Vorobyi, Ust-Yandoma, Novinka, churches in Megreg, Kondopoga, Virma, Lychny Island, Sennaya Guba, Kem, Pryazha.
Those who are interested in history and love native culture, excursions to the Kalevala Museum of Rune Singers, the Karelian State local history museum, Maritime Museum "Polar Odyssey", Museum fine arts, Precambrian geology, postal and puppet. Syamozerye and Kindasovo are unique towns, rich in historical monuments and spiritual culture of the local population.
The Valaam Monastery stands on the island of the same name, one of the 50 islands of the Lake Ladoga archipelago. This is the most famous monastery in northern Russia. Scientists have not been able to establish when it was built, but it is assumed that it was the first half of the 14th century. The patron saint of Valaam is Apostle Andrew the First-Called. And this is no coincidence, because according to legend, he visited this place and christened it with a stone cross. Now the Vallam Monastery is considered the monastery of Orthodoxy Northern Russia, and there is a museum in it, which is very popular among guests of Karelia.
On the island of Kizhi in the north of Lake Onega, a unique museum of ancient wooden architecture was created, exhibits of which were collected throughout Karelia. The central place in it is occupied by the Transfiguration and Intercession churches of the 18th century, which are built exclusively from wood, without a single nail. Every year more and more Russian and foreign tourists come to Kizhi. The museum has been recognized as a World Heritage Site and included in the UNESCO list.

The history of the Solovetsky Islands is closely connected with Karelia. They are located in the White Sea, bordering Arkhangelsk region. Since the 15th century, there has been an Orthodox monastery here, which became the center of spirituality in Russia, having played a lot important role during the development of the North. It consists of several pre-Christian white stone temples, canals and an ancient botanical garden. The Solovetsky Kremlin was built from wild boulders and is a powerful fortress.
Even the most sophisticated tourists can find entertainment in Karelia at any time of the year. Connect with nature, pray in Orthodox monasteries, see new places - all this is Karelia.

The Republic of Karelia is located in the northwestern part of Russia, and a special ecosystem has formed on its territory. Here Fresh air and massive forests that occupy most of the territory. Among the most important natural objects are Lakes Ladoga and Onega. Small rivers flow through the territory of the republic (the longest of them is the Kem River).

Karelia is located in the temperate continental region climatic zone. Winter here is long and snowy, but mild; frosts are extremely rare. The Karelian summer is short and cool, with temperatures generally not exceeding +20 degrees Celsius. Closer to the sea coast, the weather becomes unpredictable and changeable, as it partially manifests itself here. maritime climate. There is frequent precipitation here.

Flora of Karelia

In the north of Karelia and in the mountainous areas, plants such as spruce and birch grow, which are found in the tundra zone. A significant part of the territory is coniferous forests, rich in pine and spruce trees, as well as other species of evergreen plants. The closer you go to the south, the more intensively it is replaced by deciduous trees:

  • - alder;
  • - elm;
  • - maple;
  • - Linden;
  • - birch;
  • - aspen.

Found in forests different kinds shrubs, including blueberries, blueberries, wild rosemary. Moss moss and heather can grow here. A huge number of mushrooms grow in the forests.

Fauna of Karelia

Large populations live on the territory of the republic brown bears, lynxes, wolves, as well as white hares, squirrels, badgers, and beavers. Otters, muskrats, seals, and martens live near reservoirs. In the south of Karelia live wild boars, moose, Canadian minks, and raccoon dogs. A huge number of birds live here:

  • - sparrows;
  • - loonie;
  • - hazel grouse;
  • - wood grouse;
  • - golden eagles;
  • - loons;
  • - partridges;
  • - seagulls;
  • - black grouse;
  • - hawks;
  • - owls;
  • - eiders;
  • - ducks;
  • - waders.

A huge number of sea and river fish are found in the reservoirs of Karelia. These are salmon and salmon, pike and ruffe, smelt and flounder, pike perch and roach, river trout and herring, perch and cod. Different types fish are anadromous, lake-river and sea, depending on the type of reservoir.

Karelia has many interesting natural objects. Their safety, self-regulation and viability depend solely on people. The less the local population interferes with this ecosystem, the richer the world of flora and fauna in Karelia will be.

Karelia is called by many names... The center of wooden architecture, a storehouse of mushrooms, clear lakes, the most mysterious region of Russia... In truth, this region, in addition to its unusual and delightful nature, has some kind of mystery scattered all around, like fog.

In the depths of the forests and among the swamps, impenetrable peat bogs with dried out trees, there is something that is not found in the rest of Russia.

The most famous directors could shoot films with mystical plots here, and an infinite number of documentaries about the beauties of the region could be created, but Karelia is not a place of mass frenzied tourism (except for a few popular places), rather a nature reserve, in some places preserving its pristine nature. And that’s good: they would trample and kill all the charm of beauty...

In the West, Karelia neighbors Finland, in the south - with the Vologda and Leningrad regions, in the east - with the Arkhangelsk region in the north - with Murmansk region, in the northeast it is washed by the White Sea..

The capital of Karelia is the city of Petrozavodsk.

The area of ​​the republic is 180,520 km², the population is 632,533 people - according to 2015 data, the population density is 3.5 people/km². There is enough space for everyone. For comparison: the area of ​​Moscow is 2511 km². population density - 4823 people/km².

It is never very cold or very hot here, the summer is short, there are slight frosts, even in June there is a heat of 20 degrees Celsius, which is noticeable due to high humidity region, and the winter is snowy, but usually without severe frosts.

In the photo the city of Petrozavodsk

Karelia is rich in swamps and peatlands. The area has abundant mineral resources: iron ore, titanium, diamonds, quartz, mica, etc.

“The subsoil resources of Karelia include:

489 explored deposits,

31 types of solid minerals,

386 peat deposits,

14 deposits groundwater household and drinking purposes,

2 deposits mineral waters,

10 officially recognized and over 200 registered geological monuments.”

In addition to swamps, peat, and minerals, Karelia is rich in water resources: many lakes, the largest of which (by the way, they are the largest in Europe) are Ladoga and Onega.

Pictured is Lake Onega

“There are about 27,000 rivers in Karelia, of which the largest are: Vodla (length - 149 km), Kem (191 km), Onda (197 km), Unga, Chirka-Kem (221 km), Kovda, Shuya, Suna Kivach and Vyg waterfalls.

There are about 60,000 lakes in the republic" .

Pictured is Lake Ladoga

You can look endlessly at the blue surface of the lakes and the mesmerizing pictures of picturesque landscapes, the majestic boulders surrounding the lakes. The spirit is captivating and you immediately feel cool fresh air Karelia.

« Diverse flora and fauna: roe deer, lynxes, badgers, squirrels, wolves, bears, minks, beavers live in forests where currants, strawberries, buckthorn, common hazel, etc. grow.”

85% of the territory of the republic is forest fund. Therefore, among the most important treasures of Karelia are forests and nature reserves.. Here is a clarification: swamps and swampy forests occupy more than 30% of the territory of the republic.

There are also many beautiful monuments of wooden architecture in Karelia.

« The natural reserve fund of the Republic of Karelia includes 168 specially protected natural areas(SPNA) .

Objects of federal significance include two nature reserves, three national parks, two federal zoological reserve, as well as the Kem-Ludsky section of the Kandalaksha Nature Reserve located within Karelia, located in the Murmansk region.

The network of protected areas of regional importance includes 45 reserves, 107 natural monuments, 1 resort area, 1 botanical garden, a protective zone of the Kivach federal reserve, a unique historical and natural landscape territory of Valaam, a Kizhi museum-reserve with a protective zone and 4 object with the status of “land of historical and cultural significance.”

« There are many cultural institutions in the republic dedicated to the history of the unique territory, theaters, and museums.

Interesting places and cities: Petrozavodsk, Sortavala, Kondopoga, Segezha, Kostomuksha.”

“The most interesting things about Karelia” in the “My Planet” program:

Let's talk about relaxation and the most beautiful places and attractions of Karelia.

Karelia is in fifth place (after resorts Krasnodar region, Crimea, Caucasian Mineralnye Vody) by popularity Russian places rest among Russian tourists according to the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR).

““Traditional active, cultural and ecological (“green”) types of tourism are popular in Karelia.

Karelia attracts tourists with its historical and cultural monuments, ecologically clean nature and low population density. Karelia is popular among lovers of water tourism, travelers on bicycles and cars, fishermen and hunters. Cruise ships ply along Lakes Ladoga and Onega in the summer.”

A trip to Karelia is no less expensive than a holiday in Crimea: for example, a winter a snowmobile tour for five days - from 26 thousand rubles, spending a few hours with a Husky (a breed of dog) will cost 3-4 thousand rubles, a weekend - 13 thousand rubles, a three-day tour to Kizhi from 35 thousand rubles. In summer - river rafting, jeep tours for several days (up to a week) - from 10 thousand to 40 thousand rubles.

The cost of a weekend in Karelia (2 days), with the route - Kizhi Island + Kivach Waterfall + Marcial Waters + Petrozavodsk today will cost an average of 7.2 thousand rubles.”

The photo shows the architectural ensemble of Kizhi

If you are going to Karelia, be sure to visit Kizhi (Kizhi Pogost) - you will not see such beauty anywhere else, this is one of the most striking creations of wooden architecture.

“A world-famous architectural ensemble located on the Kizhi island of Lake Onega, consisting of two churches and a bell tower of the 18th-19th centuries, surrounded by a single fence - a reconstruction of traditional churchyard fences.

The architectural ensemble of the Kizhi Pogost is included in the List world heritage UNESCO".

In the photo is the island of Valaam with the monastery

The Botanical Garden, Kivach Waterfall, Valaam Island also deserve attention no less than Kizhi. Lake Ladoga, whose name has been familiar to us since first grade high school, of course, is inferior to Baikal in volume fresh water, but not by much: this is the largest freshwater lake in Europe. Its shores are connected by Karelia and Leningrad region. In the old days, many grandiose historical battles took place on Lake Ladoga.

Yes, the bogs of Karelia are not only beautiful from afar and as “helpers” in preserving peat reserves, but near them there is an abundance of cranberry and cloudberry berries.

There are a total of 69 officially registered swamps, and not just as swamps, but as “state regional swamp natural monuments on the territory of the Republic of Karelia.”

In Karelia you can clearly see that swamps are not only mud, frogs, mosquitoes, bogs, slush, dampness, but also natural monuments, Beautiful places, gorgeous views.

On the territory of the republic you can find rare and beautiful butterfly Swallowtail, owls, hawks, golden eagles, marsh harriers.

Lake Onega is one of the main attractions of Karelia and the second largest freshwater lake in Europe. Its borders connect Karelia, Vologda and Leningrad regions.

“The cities of Petrozavodsk, Kondopoga and Medvezhyegorsk are located on the shores of Lake Onega. About 50 rivers flow into Lake Onega, but only one flows out - the Svir.”

Petrozavodsk has many architectural and historical monuments.

“The most famous of them: Architectural ensemble of Round Square late XVIII century, the building of the former provincial male gymnasium of 1790, the architectural ensemble of Karl Marx Avenue of the 1950-1960s, the embankment of Lake Onega with a large number of sculptures - gifts from sister cities and others.”

The most beautiful attraction in Kondopoga is the Assumption Church, built in the 18th century, 42 meters in height. There is also an Ice Palace with 1850 seats and a Palace of Arts with an organ hall.

Tourists who have been to Karelia note the impassability of some rocky, marshy areas, as well as the lack of infrastructure, cluttered recreation areas, changeability, unpredictability of the climate, but at the same time the unusual, “abandoned”, pristine beauty of the region.

Almost everyone who spoke about their trips to the republic was delighted and satisfied; a few expressed minor complaints: this says something.

From tourist reviews:

« Waterfall "Kivach". What a beauty it is, and no need to go abroad! I’ll warn you right away - lovers of five-star hotels and helpful service will be disappointed. for the rest, be sure to go, be sure to fall in love with Karelia, and be sure to have a great vacation.”

« One of the most interesting places for holidays in Russia. Stunning nature, especially in northern Karelia, real fairy-tale forests, huge boulders, mosses and centuries-old spruce trees, many lakes and real northern lights in winter.

The choice of recreation is very diverse, from relaxing in cottages with saunas and barbecues to tents and trips to marble quarries and waterfalls.

All this is inexpensive, unusual and unforgettable, and most importantly, there is truly fresh and clean air, mushrooms grow right in the city (in Kostomuksha), a sea of ​​berries, you just have to leave the house.”

« Now I understand why the song says “I will dream about Karelia for a long time”... Even a brief acquaintance with this amazing land I really remember it for a very long time...

Last year I had the opportunity to visit the island of Kizhi - the most famous on Lake Onega, with magnificent wooden churches, with real old Karelian houses for large (20 - 25 people) families. The domes of churches, covered with aspen ploughshares like scales, shine silver in the sun.”

« People immediately fall in love with these places and want to return again and again. getting there is convenient and easy, by train or by car, along very good new routes, which also deserve special attention; in some sections of the road the route runs in the middle of huge rocks.

Even the weather, most often rainy and cool, does not overshadow the overall impression of the trip. It is in this place that you can relax mentally and spiritually, gain strength...”

« I have been in love with the Russian northern region for a long time and irrevocably. I visited my sweet spot last year at the end of August and lost my head. What a wonderful place, the air is magical, fresh, and what silence there is in the forests of Karelia.

I recently went to see the film “The Dawns Here Are Quiet,” and my heart ached from the memories. I visited the place where Renat Davletyarov’s film was filmed. The landscapes are the most beautiful, it’s impossible to forget.”

« How little and how much it takes to fall in love with these places! It seems that all you have to do is come and that’s it – the magic of the Russian North will not let you go. Karelia, in the tangles of pine roots on the shores of Lake Onega, the silvery planks of Kizhi roofs, the vast expanse of fields and the foam of waterfalls, and all this is Karelia.”

« Yeah, the roads there are certainly impassable, but the fishing is magical. Many forest lakes. There is an island in Ladoga, the locals call it 3 pines, there is a house right on the rock and a little further on there is a bathhouse. The easiest way to get to it is from Lyaskel along the Yanis River or from the village of Khiidinselga (Sawmill). I advise you to visit there, the beauty is indescribable, great fishing and a lot of mushrooms, you can see Valaam from the cliff...”

A beautiful part of the Russian North - a place that is definitely worth visiting, in fact, I’m saying this without pathos or advertising - our country has a lot of wonderful nature that cannot be compared with abroad. And although abroad is also good, “home” is much better.

You can choose hotels, tours, and book tours on many websites. In addition to recreation centers, there are sanatoriums.

Very praised winter holidays when can you meet New Year in the backwoods coniferous forests in a small house, almost buried in a snowdrift, next to a pack of Husky dogs, in the middle of a frostless winter, so that Winter sun It blinded my eyes through the windows in the morning and the snow crackled under my feet while walking. In winter there is a kind of beauty there, and in summer, of course, the landscapes are still the same, but in snowy times there is its own charm - anyone who has been will understand what we are talking about.

In our age of widespread urbanization, corners are becoming increasingly valuable. globe, despite everything, retaining their pristine freshness and beauty. There is one such place in Russia, and its name is . Our virtual trip today will be dedicated to the natural attractions and riches of the Republic of Karelia.

Features of the nature of Karelia

What is so special about the nature of Karelia that people come here on vacation not only from all over Russia, but also from all over the post-Soviet space? Karelia is a northern region, taiga. Anyone who goes here on vacation at least once will not be able to resist the temptation to return to Karelia at least once more in their life. And this is not surprising, because in a relatively small area, dense forests full of berries and wild plants, crystal lakes, and swamps covered with simply fantastic mosses and lichens have found their place. It is here, in Karelia, that a city dweller will receive unique opportunity see Her Majesty Nature in all its glory. And it doesn’t matter at all what time of year you decide to go to Karelia - both in winter and in summer it will find something to impress its guests.

  1. The Lahdenpokhsky district of Karelia, which is located just 150 km from St. Petersburg and less than 50 km from Finland, without exaggeration, can be called the door behind which all the riches of this region are hidden. unique region. Compared to the rest of Karelia, the climate in the Lakhdenpokhsky region is the mildest, with moderate frosts in winter and fairly cool summers. Starting from mid-May, amazing white nights await guests in this part of Karelia. But the most important natural attraction of the Lakhdenpokhsky region of Karelia was and is Lake Ladoga, which is the largest lake in Europe. It is Lake Ladoga that is the habitat the rarest representatives local flora and fauna, many of which have found their place on the pages of the Red Book. The coastline of Lake Ladoga is very picturesque - islands of various sizes, bays and straits, rock formations, channels and capes are woven into a bizarre lace.
  2. You can enjoy all the wealth of mineral waters of Karelia in its Medvezhyegorsk region, where more than forty healing springs emerge from the bowels of the earth. Three of them - Tsaritsyn Key, Salt Pit and Three Ivans - for unique medicinal properties acquired the glory of saints among the people. In addition, guests of this part of Karelia will encounter picturesque, pine forests the banks of which are so rich in wild berries and mushrooms. And it will be interesting to combine forest walks with a tour of the architectural and historical sights of Karelia, because it is in this area that they are most concentrated.
  3. In the very heart of the republic, in its Kondopoga region, there is the first protected reserve of Karelia - “Kivach”. It was formed in the 30s of the last century, and in its relatively small territory it accommodates all forms of relief characteristic of Karelia. The flora of “Kivacha” is represented by more than 600 species of various plants, and the fauna includes more than 300 species. On the territory of “Kivach” there are also their own water resources- the Suna River, which has more than fifty waterfalls and rapids.
  4. In the north-west of the Republic of Karelia is located national park"Paanajärvi", which was published at the very end of the 20th century. On its territory you can see all the richness of the wild nature of Karelia, from centuries-old pine forests to the lake of the same name. Lake Paanjärvi, although it has a small area, is quite deep. Its waters are inhabited by rare species fish, and most representatives of the taiga fauna - wolves, foxes, moose, wild boars - wander quietly along the banks. In addition to the lake, in Paanjärvi Park you can see beautiful mountains, rivers and waterfalls.

Karelia - The republic is located in the north-west of Russia. In the northeast it is washed by the White Sea - the length of the Karelian coast is more than 630 kilometers. The republic borders on Finland in the west, and the Murmansk region in the north (on another part of Russia). Lake Onega is located in the east of the republic. Lake Ladoga is the main part of the southern border of Karelia.

The territory of Karelia is 172.4 thousand square kilometers, with a population of approximately seven hundred thousand inhabitants.

Republic of Karelia detailed map:

Created using Yandex.Maps tools

From a scientific point of view, the very first ancient people and their settlements appeared more than 5,000 years ago here. The landscape of Karelia is unique feature his character. It has a countless number of lakes with intricately curved shores, as well as rivers, rocks and high hills covered with dark green taiga.

Rivers and lakes play an important role in Karelian nature. The rivers are mostly small. But they tend to have a lot of rapids, shavings and waterfalls. Kivach is the most famous and beautiful waterfall. Its height is about 11 meters. A number of rivers in Karelia amount to more than 23 thousand. Suna, Kem, Chirka-Kem, Shuya, Vodla, Vyg are the largest of them. More than 95 percent of Karelian rivers are slightly less than 10 kilometers long.

Kivach waterfall.

The number of lakes in Karelia is about 61 thousand. The average number of lakes of various sizes located per thousand square kilometers of territory is about 350. The republic is the region with the highest concentration of lakes in the world.

Most of the territory of the Karelian Republic consists of swamps. These swamps are often covered with low trees. The lakes and swamps of the republic are a large reservoir of high-quality fresh water - about 2 thousand cubic kilometers.

Forests occupy approximately 50 percent of the Karelian territory. More than half of these forests consist of pine, a third of them consist of spruce and only 1/10 are deciduous trees.

Lots of stones, another feature of Karelian landscapes.

These are different stones, boulders, small hills that consist of many large stones and the like. Stone materials used in construction - granite, quartzite, marble, and others - are one of the main riches of the Karelian region. Kkarelian cities began to appear a long time ago. Olonetsky is the most ancient of them. It was known from 1137. Pudoga (now Pudozh) was founded in 1391. The capital of the Republic of Karelia, Petrozavodsk, was founded in 1703 by the famous Russian Tsar Peter the Great. In many cities, such as Kondopoga, Medvezhyegorsk, Belomorsk, Kostomuksha, Segezha, created during the Soviet Union.

The republic has a great cultural and historical heritage. The most ancient monuments human culture, petroglyphs (stone sculptures), stone “labyrinths” on the shores of the White Sea, a unique complex of wooden buildings of Kizhi (18th - 19th centuries), stone temples on Valaam, Pudozh, Olonets, are subjects of great cultural significance for the whole world.

Karelian nature and historical monuments are the main reasons for the popularity of Karelia as large center tourism.

The republic attracts the attention of many people from Russia and other countries.

A magnificent video about the nature of Karelia with voice acting “Hotel California” - a harmonious combination of filming and sound!

Another original video“In the very north of Karelia” - how many miracles there are!

Republic of Karelia Nature of Karelia Republic of Karelia Nature of Karelia Republic of Karelia Nature of Karelia
