Method of destruction and disposal of disinfection of biological waste. Collection and transportation

Veterinary and sanitary rules for collection and disposal biological waste determine how to deal with the remains and corpses of animals. They are aimed at preserving environment and provision normal conditions life activity for the population. Failure to comply with these rules entails serious liability.

General standards for disposal by veterinary services

These rules are mandatory for all animal owners and for livestock farms, without taking into account the peculiarities of their functioning. They are also designed for enterprises that collect, process, transport and distribute products of biological origin.

The following are commonly referred to as biological waste:

  • animal corpses;
  • fetuses that are stillborn or obtained as a result of abortion;
  • remains of laboratory animals;
  • veterinary confiscations obtained as a result of scheduled and unscheduled inspections;
  • other types of waste resulting from the processing of veterinary raw materials.

According to established veterinary rules, the owner of an animal is obliged to notify a veterinary specialist of the incident within 24 hours after the discovery of its corpse or stillborn baby. It is he who determines the procedure for disposal of animal remains. The owner or manager of the enterprise must cover the costs of delivering waste to the recycling site.

Animal waste must be disposed of only at specialized enterprises. This process can occur by burning, disinfection, and sometimes by burial in cattle burial grounds. Resetting is strictly prohibited veterinary waste into bodies of water.

Rules for collecting animal waste for disposal

After examining the carcass, the veterinarian presents a permit that allows for its cleaning and disposal. The collection of stray animals is the responsibility of the owner of the territory where they are found. If a corpse is found in a vehicle, the person is obliged to contact the nearest state veterinary service, where he can obtain an opinion on the possibility of disposing of the remains.

Other rules for collecting biological waste include:

Organization of recycling

  • transportation of remains to the disposal site is carried out in a car with a waterproof body that is easy to clean;
  • After loading waste, the storage area must be disinfected;
  • treatment of the soil where the waste was located, treated with bleach and dug up;
  • the truck, equipment and tools, and workers’ clothing are disinfected after each transportation.

How is such waste disposed of?

Biological residues that have been approved by the veterinary service for processing into feed are subject to sorting and grinding. Fresh corpses are allowed to be skinned, which must be properly disinfected. Waste must be recycled into several types of feed - bone meal, feather meal, meat meal, and special feed additives. This process involves several technological operations:

  • heating of crushed waste in special vacuum boilers to a temperature of 130°C;
  • sterilization for an hour;
  • drying the resulting mass in a vacuum under a pressure of 0.05-0.06 MPa for several hours;
  • waste can also be boiled in open boilers for 2 hours from the moment of boiling.

Destruction of biomass by veterinary services

Disposal of biomaterial can be carried out by burial or incineration. The destruction of animals using the first method is carried out only in isolated cases. To do this, it is necessary to dig a trench that meets the requirements of veterinary standards. Its depth should be at least 2 m, and its dimensions depend on the volume of waste being dumped. The bottom of the dug hole is covered with lime at the rate of 25 kg per 12 square meters. m.

Before burying animals, their bellies are opened, which prevents the burial grounds from opening themselves due to accumulated gases. A mound 1 m high must be erected over such a place and the area fenced off accordingly.

The corpses of laboratory animals that have been infected with certain diseases are always disposed of. They can be burned or disinfected using an autoclave, followed by burial. It all depends on the identified disease.

The combustion of biological waste always takes place under the supervision of a veterinarian: in furnaces or in earthen pits. To do everything right, dig two holes located crosswise. Their length should be 2.6 m, width – 600 mm, depth – 500 mm. The trenches are filled with a layer of dry grass and wood waste located to the edge.

At the intersection of two pits, crossbars made of metal profiles are laid on which the remains are placed. They are covered with sheets of metal, and the firewood is doused with kerosene and then set on fire. Inorganic residues that appeared after the combustion of biomaterial are buried in a trench, which complies with veterinary rules.

Selecting a site for construction of this building entrusted to the local administration, in agreement with the center of veterinary and epidemiological surveillance. The placement of these objects in a protected area, park or other protected area is strictly prohibited by veterinary rules.

Biological waste must be disposed of at cattle burial grounds, which are equipped taking into account the following standards:

  • must be located on elevated areas, the area of ​​which does not exceed 600 square meters. m;
  • location level groundwater– not less than 2 m from the surface;
  • size of the sanitary protection zone: to roads – 0.3 km, to residential buildings – 1 km, pastures – 0.2 km;
  • the distance between pits and veterinary organizations is not regulated;
  • the territory of the cattle burial ground must be fenced with a fence at least 2 m high, with a gate for vehicle entry;
  • a trench of 1-1.4 m is dug along the perimeter of the fenced area, with the arrangement of a shaft from the resulting soil;
  • when constructing a pit for the disposal of biological waste, a 3x3 m pit with a depth of 10 m is built in the center of the site;
  • a canopy is installed over the pit. A room for storing materials and equipment will be equipped nearby;
  • reception of the constructed cattle burial ground is carried out with the participation of representatives of veterinary supervision;
  • the cattle burial ground must have convenient paths for transport.

Consequences of improper animal disposal

The owner or enterprise does not have the authority to independently dispose of biological waste. Specialists from sanitary and veterinary services must be involved in this process.

Rosselkhoznadzor inspectors periodically conduct inspections of areas near populated areas. Their goal is to identify unauthorized dumps of biomaterials and identify offenders. Inspection of cattle burial grounds by such specialists is carried out annually.

All violations entail administrative penalties. At the same time, improper disposal of biological waste has a negative impact on the environment.

Biogas, which is released during the decomposition of corpses, can lead to human death in high concentrations. There are a huge number of diseases that can spread from animal remains. Only timely and correct disposal of such waste can prevent such dangers.

Video: Biological waste disposal facilities

1.1. Veterinary and sanitary rules for the collection, disposal and destruction of biological waste (hereinafter referred to as the “Rules”) are mandatory for animal owners, regardless of the method of farming, as well as organizations, enterprises (hereinafter organizations) of all forms of ownership engaged in production, transportation, procurement and processing of products and raw materials of animal origin.

1.2. Biological waste is:

Corpses of animals and birds, incl. laboratory;

Aborted and stillborn fetuses;

Veterinary confiscations (meat, fish, other products of animal origin), identified after a veterinary and sanitary examination at slaughterhouses, slaughterhouses, meat and fish processing organizations, markets, trade organizations and other facilities;

On the examination of low-quality products of animal origin and the procedure for their use or destruction, see order of the Veterinary Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 1997 N 36

Other waste obtained from the processing of food and non-food raw materials of animal origin.

1.3. Animal owners, within a period of no more than 24 hours from the moment of death of the animal, discovery of an aborted or stillborn fetus, are obliged to notify a veterinary specialist who, based on the results of the inspection, determines the procedure for disposal or destruction of biological waste.

1.4. The responsibility for delivering biological waste for processing or burial (incineration) rests with the owner (manager of a farm, personal, subsidiary plot, joint stock company etc., public utilities service of the local administration).

1.5. Biological waste is disposed of by processing at veterinary and sanitary recycling plants (workshops) in accordance with current rules, disinfected in biothermal pits, destroyed by burning or, in exceptional cases, buried in specially designated areas.

1.6. Places designated for the burial of biological waste (livestock burial grounds) must have one or more biothermal pits.

1.7. With the introduction of these Rules, the destruction of biological waste by burial in the ground is strictly prohibited.

1.7.1. In the area served by the veterinary and sanitary recycling plant, all biological waste, except those specified in clause 1.9. of these Rules are processed into meat and bone meal.

1.7.2. In exceptional cases, in case of mass death of animals from natural disaster and the impossibility of their transportation for disposal, burning or disinfection in biothermal pits, burial of corpses in the ground is allowed only by decision of the Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the Republic, another entity Russian Federation.

1.7.3. In the breeding zone reindeer(districts permafrost), in the absence of the possibility of constructing and equipping cattle burial grounds, burial of biological waste in earthen pits is allowed. For this purpose, special areas are allocated on pastures and on the route of nomadic herds, if possible on dry high places, not visited by deer.

It is prohibited to dump biological waste into water bodies, rivers and swamps.

1.9. Biological waste infected or contaminated with pathogens:

Anthrax, emphysematous carbuncle, plague great cattle, camel plague, rabies, tularemia, tetanus, malignant edema, bluetongue of cattle and sheep, African swine fever, botulism, glanders, epizootic lymphangitis, melioidosis (false glanders), myxomatosis, hemorrhagic disease of rabbits, fowl plague are burned on the spot, as well as in incinerators or in specially designated areas;

Encephalopathy, scrapie, adenomatosis, visnamaedi are processed into meat and bone meal. If it is impossible to process them, they must be burned;

Diseases that have not previously been recorded in Russia are burned.

1.10. At radioactive contamination biological waste in a dose of 1x10-6 Cu/kg and higher, they are subject to burial in special storage facilities in accordance with the requirements for radioactive waste.

1.11. These Rules define the conditions:

Collection, disposal and destruction of biological waste in livestock complexes (farms), farms, personal farms, subsidiary plots, populated areas, places of accumulation, nomadic (passage) of animals; when transporting animals and livestock products;

Non-proliferation of pathogens of infectious and invasive animal diseases;

Prevention of human diseases by zooanthroponotic diseases;

Protecting the environment from pollution.

2. Cleaning and transportation

2.1. A veterinary specialist, when examining the corpse of an animal, a stillborn, an aborted fetus and other biological waste, gives an opinion on their collection, disposal or destruction.

2.2. In accordance with paragraph 4 of clause 6 Regulations on the Department of Veterinary Medicine of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated November 16, 1993 N 1162, in the event of an animal contracting the disease specified in paragraph 1.9 of these Rules, a representative of the state veterinary supervision gives a mandatory instruction for the slaughter or destruction of animals by all persons. Before their slaughter or destruction, these persons are obliged to take measures to prevent access to them by unauthorized citizens, as well as animals, including birds and insects.

2.3. The collection and destruction of carcasses of wild (stray) animals is carried out by the owner in whose jurisdiction the this area(in populated areas - municipal service).

2.4. If a corpse is found in a vehicle along the route or at the place of unloading of animals, their owner is obliged to contact the nearest organization of the state veterinary service, which gives an opinion on the cause of death, determines the method and place of disposal or destruction of the dead animal.

2.5. Vehicles allocated for the transportation of biological waste are equipped with waterproof closed bodies that can be easily sanitized. The use of such vehicles for transporting feed and food products is prohibited.

2.6. After loading biological waste onto a vehicle, the place where it was stored, as well as the inventory and equipment used, must be disinfected.

The soil (place) where the corpse or other biological waste lay is disinfected with dry bleach at the rate of 5 kg/sq.m, then it is dug up to a depth of 25 cm.

2.7. Vehicles, inventory, tools, equipment are disinfected after each delivery of biological waste for disposal, disinfection or destruction.

For disinfection use one of the following chemicals: 4 percent hot solution of caustic soda, 3 percent solution of formaldehyde, solution of drugs containing at least 3 percent. active chlorine, at a liquid consumption rate of 0.5 liters per 1 sq.m of area or other disinfectants specified in the current rules for veterinary disinfection of livestock facilities.

Workwear is disinfected by soaking in a 2% formaldehyde solution for 2 hours.

3.1. Biological waste approved by the veterinary service for processing for feed purposes at veterinary and sanitary factories, in the workshops of technical factories of meat processing plants, and recycling shops of livestock farms is sorted and crushed.

It is allowed to remove skins from fresh corpses, which are disinfected in the manner and means in accordance with the current Rules.

3.2. Utilization shops of livestock farms process biological waste obtained only in this farm. The import of biological waste from other farms and organizations is strictly prohibited.

3.3. Biological waste is processed into meat and bone, bone, meat, feather meal and other protein feed additives, based on the following technological operations and modes: heating of crushed waste in vacuum boilers to 130 degrees C, sterilization itself at 130 degrees C for 30 - 60 min. and drying the boiled mass under vacuum at a pressure of 0.05 - 0.06 MPa at a temperature of 70 - 80 degrees C for 3 - 5 hours.

3.4. When processing bird corpses, biological waste obtained from animals suffering from encephalopathy, scrapie, adenomatosis, visnamaedi, as well as waste crushed weighing more than 3 kg, sterilization in vacuum boilers is carried out at a temperature of 130 degrees C for 60 minutes, in all other cases cases - at 130 degrees C for 30 minutes.

3.5. Biological waste approved by a veterinarian for processing, except for those specified in clause 3.4, after thorough grinding, can be boiled in open or closed boilers for 2 hours. from the moment the water boils.

The resulting boiled feed is used only within the farm for 12 hours. from the moment of manufacture for feeding pigs or poultry as an additive to the main diet.

4.1. Burial in earthen pits

4.1.1. Burial of animal corpses in earthen pits is permitted in exceptional cases, specified only in paragraphs 1.7.2 and 1.7.3 of these Rules.

4.1.2. At a selected location that meets the requirements of paragraphs. 5.2 and 5.3 of these Rules, dig a trench at least 2 m deep. The length and width of the trench depends on the number of animal carcasses. The bottom of the pit is filled with dry bleach or other chlorine-containing disinfectant containing active chlorine of at least 25 percent, at the rate of 2 kg per 1 sq.m of area. Directly in the trench, before burial, the abdominal cavity of dead animals is opened in order to prevent spontaneous opening of the grave due to accumulated gases, and then the corpses are sprinkled with the same disinfectant. The trench is filled with excavated soil. A mound with a height of at least 1 m is poured over the grave, and it is fenced in accordance with the requirements of clause 5.6 of these Rules. There will be no further burials at this location.

4.2. Destruction of corpses of experimentally infected animals

4.2.1. The corpses of laboratory animals infected during a diagnostic study of pathological material are disposed of depending on the results of the study.

When isolating pathogens listed in clause 1.9 of these Rules, the corpses of laboratory animals are burned or disinfected by autoclaving at 2.0 atm. within 2 hours. with subsequent discharge of disinfected residues into a biothermal pit.

If pathogens of other diseases are isolated and if the test results are negative, the corpses are processed at veterinary and sanitary plants, dumped in a biothermal pit or burned.

4.2.2. The corpses of animals experimentally infected with pathogens specified in clause 1.9, as well as other pathogens classified in groups 1 and 2, when working with cultures of pathogenic microorganisms, and subsequently dead or killed, are burned and disinfected by autoclaving at 1.5 atm. within 2 hours. with subsequent discharge of disinfected residues into a biothermal pit.

4.2.3. The corpses of dead or euthanized laboratory animals experimentally infected with pathogens of other groups of microorganisms are burned, dumped in biothermal pits, or processed into meat and bone meal.

4.3. Burning

4.3.1. The combustion of biological waste is carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian, in special furnaces or earthen trenches (pits) until a non-combustible inorganic residue is formed.

4.3.2. Methods for constructing earthen trenches (pits) for burning corpses. Two trenches are dug, arranged crosswise, 2.6 m long, 0.6 m wide and 0.5 m deep. A layer of straw is placed at the bottom of the trench, then firewood is placed to the upper edge of the hole. Rubber waste or other solid combustible materials can be used instead of firewood. In the middle, at the junction of the trenches (crossbar), crossbars made of raw logs or metal beams are placed and the corpse of the animal is placed on them. The corpse is lined with firewood on the sides and top and covered with sheets of metal. The firewood in the pit is doused with kerosene or other flammable liquid and set on fire. They dig a hole (trench) measuring 2.5 x 1.5 m and a depth of 0.7 m, and the excavated earth is laid parallel to the longitudinal edges of the hole in the form of a ridge. The pit is filled with dry firewood, stacked in a cage, up to the top edge of the pit and across it. Three or four metal beams or damp logs are placed on an earthen mound, on which the corpse is then placed. After this, the wood is set on fire. Dig a hole measuring 2.0 x 2.0 m and a depth of 0.75 m, at the bottom of it a second hole measuring 2.0 x 1.0 m and a depth of 0.75 m is dug. A layer of straw is placed at the bottom of the lower pit, and it filled with dry firewood. Firewood is doused with kerosene or other flammable liquid. At both ends of the pit, between the woodpile and the earthen wall, an empty space of 15 - 20 cm is left for better air draft. The lower pit is covered with crossbars made of damp logs, on which the animal's corpse is placed. They cover the sides and top of the corpse with firewood, then a layer of peat (dung) and set fire to the wood in the lower pit.

4.3.3. Trenches (pits) of the specified sizes are intended for burning the corpses of large animals. When burning the carcasses of small animals, the size is reduced accordingly.

4.3.4. Ash and other unburnt inorganic residues are buried in the same pit where the burning took place.

5. Placement and construction of cattle burial grounds (biothermal pits)

5.1. The selection and allocation of a land plot for the construction of a cattle burial ground or a separate biothermal pit is carried out by local administration authorities upon the proposal of the organization of the state veterinary service, agreed upon with the local center for sanitary and epidemiological surveillance.

5.2. The placement of cattle burial grounds (biothermal pits) in water protection, forest park and protected areas is strictly prohibited.

5.3. Cattle burial grounds (biothermal pits) are placed on a dry, elevated plot of land with an area of ​​at least 600 square meters. m.

The groundwater level must be at least 2 m from the ground surface.

5.4. The size of the sanitary protection zone from the cattle burial ground (biothermal pit) to:

Residential, public buildings, livestock farms (complexes) - 1000 m;

Cattle runs and pastures - 200 m;

Automotive, railways depending on their category - 50 - 300 m.

5.5. Biothermal pits located on the territory of state veterinary organizations are part of the auxiliary structures. The distance between the pit and the production buildings of veterinary organizations located in this territory is not regulated.

5.6. The territory of the cattle burial ground (biothermal pit) is fenced off with a solid fence at least 2 m high with an entrance gate. WITH inside fence around the entire perimeter, a trench is dug with a depth of 0.8 - 1.4 m and a width of at least 1.5 m with the construction of a shaft from the excavated soil.

A bridge is built across the trench.

5.7. When constructing a biothermal pit, a hole measuring 3.0 x 3.0 m and a depth of 10 m is dug in the center of the site. The walls of the pit are laid out of red brick or other waterproof material and raised 40 cm above ground level with a blind area. A layer of crushed stone is placed at the bottom of the pit and filled with concrete. The walls of the pit are plastered with concrete mortar. The covering of the pit is made in two layers. Insulation is laid between the layers. A hole measuring 30 x 30 cm is left in the center of the ceiling, tightly closed with a lid. An exhaust pipe with a diameter of 25 cm and a height of 3 m is removed from the pit.

5.8. A shed 6 m long and 3 m wide is built over the pit at a height of 2.5 m. A room is built nearby for dissecting animal corpses, storing disinfectants, equipment, special clothing and tools.

5.9. Acceptance of the constructed cattle burial ground (biothermal pit) is carried out with the mandatory participation of representatives of the state veterinary and sanitary supervision with the drawing up of an acceptance certificate.

5.10. The burial ground (biothermal pit) must have convenient access roads.

Before entering its territory, a hitching post is set up for animals that were used to deliver biological waste.

On challenging the legality of paragraph 6.1 of the Veterinary and Sanitary Rules, see Decision Supreme Court RF dated April 11, 2006 N GKPI06-139

By the ruling of the Cassation Board of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated June 13, 2006 N KAS06-193, this decision was canceled in part and the provision contained in paragraph 6.1 of these Rules was declared invalid, according to which cattle burial grounds and biothermal pits that do not belong to organizations are objects of municipal property

6.1. Cattle burial grounds and biothermal pits owned by organizations are operated at their expense; the rest are objects of municipal property.

6.2. The gates of the cattle burial ground and the lids of the biothermal pits are locked with locks, the keys to which are kept by specially appointed persons or a veterinary specialist of the farm (department) on whose territory the facility is located.

6.3. Before being discharged into a biothermal pit for disinfection, biological waste is subjected to a veterinary examination. At the same time, the compliance of each material (by tags) with the accompanying documents is checked. If necessary, a pathological autopsy is performed.

6.4. After each discharge of biological waste, the pit lid is tightly closed.

When a biological substrate decomposes under the influence of thermophilic bacteria, an environmental temperature of about 65 - 70 degrees C is created, which ensures the death of pathogenic microorganisms.

6.5. It is allowed to reuse the biothermal pit 2 years after the last discharge of biological waste and the exclusion of the anthrax pathogen in samples of humidified material taken throughout the depth of the pit every 0.25 m. The humidified residue is buried on the territory of the cattle burial ground in the ground.

After cleaning the pits, the integrity of the walls and bottom is checked, and if necessary, they are repaired.

6.6. On on the territory of a cattle burial ground (biothermal pit) it is prohibited:

- graze livestock, mow grass;

- take, carry out, transport earth and gummed residue beyond its borders.

6.7. Collapsed mounds of old graves at cattle burial grounds are subject to mandatory restoration. The height of the mound must be at least 0.5 m above the ground surface.

6.8. In exceptional cases, with the permission of the Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the republic or another subject of the Russian Federation, it is allowed to use the territory of a cattle burial ground for industrial construction, if since the last burial:

At least 2 years have passed in the biothermal pit;

In an earthen pit - at least 25 years.

An industrial facility should not be associated with the reception, production and processing of food and feed.

Construction work is allowed to be carried out only after disinfection of the territory of the cattle burial ground with methyl bromide or another drug in accordance with the current rules and subsequent negative laboratory analysis of soil samples and gummed residue for anthrax.

6.9. In case of flooding of a cattle burial ground during the construction of hydraulic structures or flood waters, its territory is trenched with a trench at least 2 m deep. The excavated earth is placed on the territory of the cattle burial ground and, together with the burial mounds, is leveled and rolled. The trench and the territory of the cattle burial ground are concreted. The thickness of the concrete layer above the ground surface must be at least 0.4 m.

On challenging the legality of paragraph 6.10 of the Veterinary and Sanitary Rules, see the Decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of April 11, 2006 No. GKPI06-139

6.10. Responsibility for the design, sanitary condition and equipment of a cattle burial ground (biothermal pit) in accordance with these Rules rests with the local administration and heads of organizations in charge of these facilities.

Registration N 1005


to the Veterinary and Sanitary Rules for Collection,

recycling and destruction of biological waste

Veterinary and sanitary card to the cattle burial ground (biothermal pit) N _______ 1. Location_______________________________________________________________ (republic within the Russian Federation, region, _________________________________________________________________________ region, autonomous region, autonomous okrug, district, ________________________________________________________________________ settlement) 2. Location of the cattle burial ground (biothermal pit) on the ground (attached is a copy from the land use map on a scale of at least 1:5000 (1 cm 50 m), referenced to a permanent landmark (trigonometric tower, paved road, power line, etc.) 3. Distance from the nearest populated area and its name __________________________________________________________________________ m; -.-.- .-.-.- farm (complex)__________________________________________m; -.-.-.-.-.- pastures_________________________________________________m; -.-.-.-.-.- reservoir_________________________________________________________m; -.-.-.-.-.- roads_______________________________________________________ (between which ________________________________________________________________________ settlements and its characteristics) 4. Description of the area: characteristics of the surrounding territory ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ soil_________________depth of groundwater____________m, direction of precipitation flow___________________________________________. 5. Which settlements, livestock farms (complexes), farms, organizations use a cattle burial ground (biothermal pit) ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 6. Area of ​​the cattle burial ground _______________________________________ sq.m 7. Fencing of the cattle burial ground _______________________________________________ 8. Sanitary characteristics of the cattle burial ground: a) the first burial of biological waste was in 19_____ b) animals that died from anthrax were buried in _______; c) animals that died from emkar and other diseases caused by spore-forming microorganisms listed in clause 1.9 of these Rules were buried in _______________________________________________________. Back of the card _________________________________________________________________________ Date Identified Remedy Instructions Control Execution. about shortcomings (list of works to be performed Date of inspection, verification needs to be done). Duration of work Full name, position of execution. Executor. inspector ________________________________________________________________________ Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the district (city) ________________________ Last name AND O (signature) The veterinary-sanitary card was received by _______________________ ________________________ _________________ (Position) (Last name First name Patronymic) (Signature) The veterinary-sanitary card was drawn up in 3 copies and transferred one copy at a time: 1 ._______________________________________________________________________ (organization, farm) 2._______________________________________________________________________ (state veterinary organization) 3.________________________________________________________________________________ (state sanitary inspection body)

The natural cycle of substances, established ecosystems and food chains in nature have ensured the natural recycling of biological materials for years. This even applied to cases where animals died as a result of infections.

But intensively developing human activities related to the treatment of animals have led to the need for proper disposal and destruction of biological waste. This is important to reduce the impact on the environment and the spread of infectious diseases.

What are biological materials

Before delving into the recycling scheme, it is necessary to find out what the concept of biological waste includes.

This includes the corpses of animals and people, including stillborn fetuses, tissues and organs that are formed as a result of the activities of medical and veterinary institutions and laboratories. In addition, this category includes products from meat, poultry and fish processing plants that are unfit for consumption, including those confiscated after veterinary and sanitary inspections.

Biological waste associated with human body and the activities of medical institutions, are often referred to as medical. Handling them is regulated by SanPiN dated December 12, 2010.

Biological waste refers to waste of animal origin. The rules for handling them were approved by the chief state sanitary inspector of the Russian Federation.

The most an important condition disposal of biological waste is a ban on their burial. This rule has its exceptions that allow burial:

  • mass mortality of animals resulting from natural disasters and disasters, under conditions that it is not possible to dispose of corpses in any other way;
  • complex climatic conditions and distance from the benefits of civilization.
The decision to authorize burial is made at the level of the Chief Veterinary Inspector of the federal subject.

In addition to unauthorized burial, biological waste cannot be:

  • dump into reservoirs, watercourses and swamps;
  • dispose of in household waste collection areas.

The last point is very often violated, which can lead not only to worsening ecological situation, but also to the spread of infectious diseases.

According to the rules, biowaste is allowed to be disposed of in the following ways:

  • provide it to special plants that process waste of this type;
  • burn;
  • disposed of at cattle burial grounds, in biothermal pits in which not only decomposition of organic matter occurs, but also disinfection of waste material.

Let’s try to understand the biological waste disposal scheme in more detail, starting from the moment of collection and transportation of this type of pollutant and ending with its complete neutralization.

Preparatory stage

The decision on the method of disposal of biological materials is made by a veterinarian, who is called if a dead animal, a stillborn fetus or the appearance of another type of waste of this category. In case of infection of livestock with one of the serious pathogens specified in the Veterinary and Sanitary Rules for the Disposal of Biowaste, a veterinarian is also called, who makes a decision on the slaughter of infected animals. Among the diseases that require the killing of livestock are, for example, rinderpest and bird plague, anthrax, and hemorrhagic disease of rabbits.

It is the responsibility of the farm or barnyard owner to transport the waste to the disposal site. As for wild or stray animals, the collection and transportation of their bodies must be carried out by the owners of the territory where the corpses were found. In cities and towns, public utilities are required to do this.

For transportation of biological waste it is not Any will do transport, as well as a car, which will later be used to transport food for people and animals.

The procedure for collecting and transporting waste of animal origin is as follows:

  • vehicles are equipped with a waterproof box;
  • the carcass of an animal is placed in the car;
  • disinfect the place where the body lay, as well as the tools that were used to load the animal;
  • after transportation, the car and instruments are disinfected and the clothes of the employees who collected and transported the corpses are soaked in a disinfectant solution.

The main stage of waste destruction and recycling

Depending on the type of biological waste, as well as the cause of death of the animal, there are several main ways to completely destroy the biomaterial.

Incineration can be carried out on site or taken to special furnaces. Animal corpses, as well as other biological materials, are burned in case of infection with one of the dangerous infectious diseases listed in the Disposal Rules, as well as those unknown in the Russian Federation. In addition, exposure to fire is resorted to if disposal by any other method is not possible.
Large volumes of waste are burned in cremators - furnaces, inside of which the temperature reaches +800 oC. In addition to furnaces, combustion can be carried out in specially equipped pits. The volumes of the pits depend on the size of the animals.

Animal corpses and biomaterials that do not pose an infectious risk are disposed of at special plants. Many livestock breeding and processing plants are equipped with biological waste disposal facilities. But such workshops do not have the right to process products brought from other complexes.
During the recycling process, feed additives for animals are obtained, mainly in the form of meal from meat, bones, and bird feathers.

In some cases, with permission from regulatory authorities, biological material can be destroyed by burial. To do this, a reagent with a high content of active chlorine is poured into the bottom of the prepared pit, the abdominal cavity of the animal corpses is opened, and the resulting common grave is covered with earth to create a meter-long mound.
A special case of burying contaminated material is the creation of cattle burial grounds with biothermal pits.

How are cattle burial grounds organized?

To set up a cattle burial ground with biothermal pits, you need to choose the right location. The selection of a location is made by the local administration and approved by the veterinary and sanitary-epidemiological supervisory authorities.

The location of the cattle burial ground must meet the following parameters:

  1. cattle burial grounds and biothermal pits should not be located in a protected area;
  2. the location of this type of burial should be dry and elevated;
  3. The area of ​​the territory for a cattle burial ground must be at least 0.6 hectares;
  4. the groundwater level should not be below the two-meter mark;
  5. from the cattle burial ground to residential buildings and livestock complexes there should be at least 1 km, to pastures - at least 0.20 km, and to roads and highways - 0.05–0.30 km;
  6. a two-meter fence with a gate should be built around the cattle burial ground;
  7. the walls of the pit must be concrete or brick;
  8. You can easily drive up to the cattle burial ground by car.

The process of waste decomposition in pits is combined with disinfection due to the activity of thermophilic bacteria, which ensures an increase in the temperature inside the pit to approximately 70 °C.

Reuse of biotherms is allowed after a two-year period has passed from the date of burial.

All cattle burial grounds and pits must have a veterinary and sanitary card, which indicates their individual number, address, nearest settlements, roads, pastures and distances to them, and the area of ​​the cattle burial ground.

The card indicates what material was buried and when, who is the responsible person, as well as information about the inspections performed.

The map is drawn up in three copies, which are kept by the owner of the burial, in the veterinary and sanitary services.

Who controls compliance with the rules for recycling and destruction of biowaste

Responsibility for compliance with the rules for handling biological waste lies with animal owners, processing plants, and local administrations. Employees of the state veterinary supervision monitor how correctly the disposal and destruction of biomaterials is carried out.

The same service checks biothermal pits and cattle burial grounds every two years. The inspection data is entered into the veterinary and sanitary record.

In any case, compliance with the rules not only protects against liability to sanitary and veterinary inspection services, but also ensures the protection of the environment and the population from contracting dangerous infections.

Waste biological origin pose a danger to surrounding people, as they can become a source of spread pathogenic microbes and viruses.

Biological waste is nothing more than waste from processing. meat industry, dead birds and animals, as well as organs and tissues that were formed as a result of medical operations and abortions. All of the above waste poses a direct threat, and they should be handled with extreme caution, guided by the current ones for our country. sanitary rules. The rules for the disposal of biological waste divide them into classes 1 and 2 according to the level of danger they pose.

In particular, the following wastes belong to hazard class 1:

  • Dead animals.
  • Dead birds.
  • Corpses of laboratory animals.

Sanitary rules establish that biological waste of hazard class 1 is subject to mandatory disposal. It can be done by . All of them must undergo preliminary disinfection.

Hazard class 2 includes:

  • infected infectious diseases animal remains,
  • skin particles and biological materials from infectious diseases medical institutions,
  • as well as biomaterials that had direct contact with infected patients.

After the waste has been collected and properly packaged, it is transported to the place where it is decontaminated. The procedure for disinfecting biological waste of hazard class 1 is mandatory before its disposal. It is allowed not to subject meat industry waste to the disinfection procedure - it is simply burned in high-temperature ovens - cremators.

Veterinary rules for the disposal and destruction of biological waste of hazard class 2 provide for their unconditional destruction. At the same time, the destruction process is directly controlled by employees civil service Rosselkhoznadzor. Modern veterinary and sanitary rules for the collection and disposal of biological waste provide for the possibility of burying biowaste belonging to hazard category 1. However, in Lately For their disposal, special companies with permits began to use the incineration method. It is carried out in special ovens - cremators. Existing rules for the disposal of biological waste provide for the possibility of epidemiological danger that biological waste may pose. After all, they may well become a source of spreading all kinds of dangerous infections and infecting people with them. These are the dangerous consequences that can result from violating the rules for disposal of biological waste.

If animal waste is found, under no circumstances should you dispose of it yourself. This complex and labor-intensive task must be carried out by specially trained employees of companies with appropriate licenses, giving them the right to carry out such activities. At the same time, with regard to waste of safety category 2, veterinary rules for the disposal and destruction of biological waste provide for the presence of representatives of regulatory organizations at the disposal site.

Disposal of biological waste using modern cremators is characterized by reliability and efficiency. Our company is ready to provide this service at the highest level of quality. If you want the service for the disposal of hazardous biological waste to be performed efficiently and in the shortest possible time, contact us!

You can contact us at any time convenient for you by calling the contact phone numbers listed on the website or leave a request online.

Still have questions? We will be happy to answer them

Biological waste, especially the topic of its disposal, is unpleasant for any person. However, it is necessary to know the rules for collecting and destroying such “garbage”. After all, simply burying biomaterials is prohibited by law due to the inevitability of contamination of soil and groundwater and due to the high probability of the spread of dangerous diseases.

Biological waste is special group remains of animal origin. These include:

  • bird corpses, animal bodies (including biomaterial from vivariums);
  • fetuses born dead and after abortions;
  • meat, fish and other confiscated goods selected during veterinary and sanitary inspections at the places of slaughter of animals, as well as at fish and meat processing plants, retail outlets, etc.
  • other waste generated from the use of food and non-food raw materials of animal origin.

Rules for collection, transportation and disposal in accordance with sanitary standards

All pet owners, regardless of type economic activity, organizations and enterprises whose work is related to the receipt, transportation and processing of meat, fish and other products and raw materials must comply with the Veterinary and Sanitary Rules governing the collection and disposal of generated biological waste. This set of rules was adopted in Russia by V.M. Avilov. back in 1995

Persons conducting livestock farming activities must contact a veterinarian within a maximum of 24 hours from the moment the death of the animal was recorded. It establishes a procedure for the irreversible disposal or transfer of biowaste for processing. Collection and delivery to the place of burning (burial) of residues must be carried out by the owners of farms, etc. farms and workers of utility companies (in collisions with dead stray and wild animals in settlements).

Collection and transportation

Vehicles used to collect and transport biological waste must have a closed body that is waterproof. It is necessary that vehicles They were easy to sanitation; their use for the purpose of transporting feed and food products is prohibited.

Collection of biological waste involves disinfection of the place (soil) where the residues were located, as well as the equipment used during loading.

For the purpose of disinfecting equipment and transport, for example, a 4% solution of caustic soda (NaOH) is used. Overalls after collecting and transporting corpses, etc. disinfected with a 2% formaldehyde solution for 2 hours.


Plots of land used for the burial of biowaste are called cattle burial grounds. They must be equipped with biothermal pits. However, the Rules strictly prohibit the disposal of biological waste by burial, with the exception of certain cases.

If the widespread death of livestock occurred as a result of a natural disaster or it is not possible to deliver the corpses to the place of destruction, then with the consent of the Chief Veterinary Inspector of the Russian region, biological waste can be buried underground. It is also sometimes allowed to create holes in the ground for the purpose of storing dead animals in areas with permafrost.

Biowaste generated in the service areas of the recycling plant is processed into meat and bone meal. The exception is waste contaminated with hazardous pathogenic microorganisms(such residues are burned).

Disposal by dumping dead animals and other bio-waste into rivers, lakes, etc., garbage cans, illegal landfills and solid waste landfills is strictly prohibited.

Disposal methods, technical equipment

Disposal of biological waste can be done in several ways:

  1. Recycling.
  2. Burning (cremation).
  3. Burial (in some cases).

The first method involves obtaining residual feed additives for livestock from animals. Biological waste brought to enterprises is sorted and crushed. If the corpses are fresh, they can be skinned, which must then be disinfected. As a result of processing, meat and bone meal, meat meal, bone meal and feather meal are obtained.

The process technology is as follows:

  • crushed waste is heated to 130 o C using vacuum boilers, at the same temperature the raw materials are sterilized for 0.5-1 hour;
  • then the mass is dried under vacuum conditions at 0.05-0.06 MPa and 70-80 o C for 3-5 hours.

Waste that is approved for processing and that is well ground can be boiled in special boilers for 2 hours after the liquid has boiled. The resulting boiled mass is used as an additive when feeding animals within the farm.

Ovens and trenches dug in the ground are used to cremate animal remains.

The process is carried out until ash is obtained, which is a non-combustible component. There are several ways to construct trenches used to destroy animal corpses by burning. For example, 2 trenches are dug in the form of a cross (LxWxD - 2.6x0.6x0.5 m), straw and logs are placed at the bottom (to the top of the recess). At the intersection, wet wooden crossbars or metal beams are inserted, onto which the body is then laid. The corpse is covered on the sides and top with logs and metal sheets. Next, the tree in the trenches is doused with kerosene and set on fire. The parts remaining after the burning are buried immediately.

Burial of corpses is carried out in special cases. In this case, a trench is also dug (2 m deep), the bottom of which is sprinkled with disinfectants. Already in the pits, the corpses' abdominal cavity is opened to prevent the formation of gases that could disturb the grave. Next, the bodies are sprinkled with disinfectants, and the pit with the corpses is covered with earth. Earthen growths with a height of at least 1 m are created above the surface of the trench, then the grave is fenced off.

Note! Animal remains contaminated with pathogenic microflora are disposed of in a special way using autoclaving.

Few Russian enterprises Those processing biological waste constantly face many problems. This and how the process of obtaining meat and bone meal is carried out is discussed in the following video.


In accordance with the law, entrepreneurs and legal entities, the operation of which is accompanied by the generation of biological waste, must keep a log of biological waste. For this purpose, a standard form is used (according to SanPin) of the log of accumulation and movement of biowaste, which can be a separate document or an addition to the documentary materials for regulatory authorities (a sample can be found on the Internet).

A journal for recording animal residues will be needed when:

  • waste inventory;
  • working with PNOOLR;
  • calculating fees for NVOS;
  • inspections by regulatory authorities, etc.

Disposal from veterinary clinics

The generation of biological waste in veterinary clinics is an inevitable process. Therefore, their managers must enter into agreements with specialized companies that collect, export and dispose of biomaterials.

These organizations, as a rule, also dispose of biological waste generated in agriculture, hairdressing salons (we recommend reading interesting article about), and disposal of deceased pets.

A number of companies offer their services for burning animals in cremators. The process can be carried out in two ways. During general burning, several corpses are disposed of simultaneously. In individual cremation, only one animal is burned. And the ashes pet folded into a container intended for this purpose and given to the owner as a keepsake of his pet.

The problem of biological waste disposal is quite acute in many countries. It is enough to imagine numerous cattle burial grounds under your feet and a “picture” of decomposing corpses and other parts of animal origin to understand how important it is to dispose of biowaste correctly and in accordance with the law.
