The largest viper in the world. The largest snakes on earth

In the 1930s, a reward of one thousand dollars was even announced for anyone who could prove the existence of an anaconda with a body larger than 12.2 meters. Then the premium increased to 6 thousand dollars, and the size of the snake decreased to some 9 meters and 12 centimeters. No one ever received the award. By the way, today it is about 50 thousand dollars, so everyone who wants to get rich and enjoy the jungle can start searching.

In fact, it's fair to share the top spot between the anaconda and the Asian reticulated python.

According to unconfirmed reports, the record python that lived in one of the Japanese zoos in the 80s had a length of 12 meters 20 centimeters. However, officially the longest specimen listed in the Guinness Book of Records is a python caught back in 1912 on the island of Celebes (Sulawesi) in Indonesia. Its length was 9 meters 75 centimeters.

The biggest reticulated python of those kept in captivity is a female Samantha, 7 meters 50 centimeters long, who was caught on an island in Borneo. She died in 2002 at the Bronx Zoo (New York). After her death, the record holder's laurels passed to the python Fluffy, the pet of herpetologist Bob Clark, who lived at the Columbus Zoo (Ohio, USA). Its length was 7.3 m and its weight was about 135 kg. Fluffy died in 2010 at the age of 18 due to an internal tumor.


Fluffy's lifetime photo

The average length of reticulated pythons is 4-8 meters.

Thus, the anaconda and the reticulated python still compete with each other for the right to be called the longest snakes on Earth.

The largest snakes on Earth are non-venomous. They kill their prey by strangulation, wrapping themselves around it in tight rings. Here it is worth mentioning the possible danger of these snakes to humans.

Giant snakes attacking brave travelers in the deep jungle and eating people are a favorite plot of many adventure stories. However, contrary to the imagination of writers, the anaconda is not dangerous for an adult. Cases of attacks by giant snakes on people are rare and are usually caused by the fact that the snake did not calculate its strength or made a mistake in assessing the size of a person, seeing only part of his body under water. No specialist has ever seen a snake that could swallow prey weighing more than 60 kg. However, such snakes can pose a danger to children and adolescents; There have been cases of fatal attacks by reticulated pythons on children. However, despite their gigantic size and aggressiveness, reticulated pythons are often kept in terrariums.

At present the longest anaconda world's largest snake, which was donated to the New York Zoological Society. Nine meters and one hundred and thirty kilograms is the most dangerous combination of parameters. But a few years earlier, farmers in Colombia stumbled upon an even larger specimen: the anaconda they caught reached almost twelve meters in length.


Cases of attacks on humans by anacondas are also rare. Georg Dahl, explorer of the jungle South America, wrote: “They asked me if I would dare to meet a boa constrictor in the forest. To this I can answer quite sincerely that I have met them in the forest more than a dozen times, and they, in my opinion, are no more dangerous than amateur sausage. The boa constrictor and the sausage are approximately equally aggressive. For a boa constrictor to become angry, you need to tease it a lot. He often expresses his dissatisfaction with a loud hiss. And if you continue to bother the boa constrictor after that, it is capable of biting you, as if angry dog. And he won’t immediately let you go with his thin, curved back teeth.” (Anaconda belongs to the subfamily of boas; in old literature, anacondas were also called water boas, since they lead an aquatic lifestyle).

It must be admitted that giant snakes suffer much more at the hands of man than people suffer from them. Firstly, in many countries they are eaten. Secondly, their leather with beautiful patterns is used to make shoes, as well as handbags and other haberdashery items.

Bearing in mind the presence of these reptiles deadly poison, and irritability. During the period of laying and protecting their nest, these reptiles can even throw themselves at their own shadow - their behavior becomes so inadequate.

However, no one ever compares a person, for the sake of offense, with such a very formidable representative of the suborder of snakes as the python. Meanwhile, this predator is no less dangerous. Perhaps this is because even the largest snake, the reticulated python, rarely attacks a person. The size of a person does not allow him to swallow it. The python is not capable of tearing the victim into pieces and chewing food. Teeth are used by reptiles only to hold the victim.

The largest snake in the world feeds mature age birds, lizards, toads, rabbits, jackals, can hardly swallow a roe deer, antelope, a monkey, a small crocodile. If the prey is too large, the python may regurgitate it. Due to the fact that the largest snake chooses its food based only on the size of a living creature, a child or a small person may well become its victim.

The python's jaws are extremely mobile, its mouth has the ability to stretch, which allows it to “stretch” over the killed victim like a stocking on a leg. After the prey is inside it, the predator falls into a state of hibernation: it digests food and practically does not move during this time. If the reptile is lucky enough to feast on wild boar or roe deer, the “rest” can last up to 40 days.

Reticulated pythons are often kept in zoos, because everyone wants to see what they look like (the photo shows the moment of the rescue of one of the representatives of this species, stuck in the fence of the Palaborwa Zoo).

The colors of snakes are very diverse; their backs can be covered with such a unique pattern that you can’t help but think: “Did carpet weavers copy designs for luxurious carpets from them?”

Usually this subspecies of snakes reaches a length of four to eight meters, but sometimes it can grow up to ten meters. For example, the largest snake in the world, the reticulated python, was caught in Indonesia. Its weight was 447 kg, and its length was 14.85 m. It would cost such a monster nothing to swallow a cow or a person! One glance is enough to cause panic in any living creature.

The distribution zone of the reticulated python includes Africa (to the south of South and Southeast Asia. These crawling cold-blooded creatures prefer to settle in savannas, tropical and subtropical forests near bodies of water. After all, the big python snake loves to swim and be in the water. long time. They can crawl beautifully through trees.

Pythons differ from their close relatives, boas, in that they are oviparous reptiles. Female reticulated pythons can lay more than a hundred eggs at a time. The female python protects her clutch by curling up in a ring around the eggs. If necessary, the mother can even, by contracting her body muscles, increase her temperature in order to warm her future offspring. So it’s hard to blame a naturally cold-blooded female python for being cold-blooded towards her children.

Below is a list (with photos) of the longest snakes in the world. Please note that some of the figures given are very approximate and are based on the average length of the individual species. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of the rarest snakes in the world.

Texas rattlesnake - 1.7–2.5 m.

Texas rattlesnake (Western diamondback rattlesnake) - poisonous rattlesnake, found in the United States, Mexico and southeastern Canada. Loves plains, deserts, semi-deserts, sandy places, pine-oak forests, rocky gorges and slopes. They usually grow up to 120 cm in length, but individuals over 180 cm are found, but rarely. The maximum measured specimen was 213 cm. Males are slightly larger than females. Average weight 1.8 to 2.7 kg. Very large specimens can weigh up to 6.7 kg.

Eastern indigo snake - 2–2.6 m.

Eastern indigo snake (Drymarchon couperi) - species large snakes originally from the United States. It is the longest snake in the USA. Often found in sandy areas, as well as in tropical forests among swamps. They feed on fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and small mammals. Unlike many snake species, mature male eastern indigo snakes are slightly larger than females. They are immune to the venom of other snakes. The largest measured individual reached 2.8 m. Their average weight was 2.2 kg, although there were individuals that reached 5 kg.

Eastern Brown Snake - 2.4–3.4 meters

The eighth place in the list of the longest snakes in the world is occupied by the Eastern Brown Snake. This is a species of venomous snake that lives in wetlands in Australia and North America. Considered the second most venomous land snake in the world. One of its bites contains enough poison to kill about 20 people. Most of their diet consists of fish and frogs.

Bushmaster - 2.5–3 m.

The bushmaster is the largest representative of venomous snakes in South America. It lives in the dense tropical forests of Equatorial America, from Costa Rica to Brazil, as well as on the island of Trinidad. Prefers to settle near water, away from areas inhabited by people. It is quite rare. The bushmaster snake grows from 2.5 to 3 m in length, very rarely up to 4 meters. Weight from 3 to 5 kg. It feeds mainly on rodents, birds, lizards and other snakes. Average duration their life is about 20 years.

Tiger python – 2.4–3 m.

The tiger python is a large non-venomous snake common in many tropical and subtropical regions of South and Southeast Asia. They usually reach a length of 2.4–3 meters. However, the longest recorded specimen, found in Pakistan, was 4.6 m long and weighed 52 kg. They feed on reptiles and birds, but, as a rule, prefer mammals. There are also known cases of attacks on large pythons, leopards and jackals. They are very slow, timid and rarely attack first. They are good swimmers and can stay underwater for many minutes if necessary. Good at climbing trees.

Diamond python - 2–4 m.

The diamond python (Morelia spilota spilota) is a species of snake found in the coastal regions of south-eastern Australia. Females are larger than males. An adult, as a rule, grows up to 2 m, but it is extremely rare to find a specimen reaching 4 meters. By their nature, they are not aggressive and do not pose any danger to humans. They feed on lizards, birds and mammals such as opossums.

Boa constrictor – 5–5.5 m (in captivity 2–3 m)

In fourth place in the ranking of the longest snakes is the “Boa constrictor” - species non-venomous snakes living in dry places, near bodies of water in North, Central and South America, as well as on some islands in the Caribbean. Females are usually larger than males. Individual specimens can weigh up to 27 kg. They feed mainly on small mammals, birds, and sometimes reptiles.

King cobra - up to 5.7 meters

King cobra is the longest in the world poisonous snake. It is found mainly in the tropical forests of India and Southeast Asia. They live in caves and burrows. They climb trees well and swim well. They feed mainly on other poisonous snakes, as well as reptiles. Their body weight on average reaches 6 kg, but there are individuals up to 20 kg.

Anaconda - up to 9 m.

Anaconda or green anaconda- a non-venomous snake that lives in South America mainly in the Amazon River basin. Found in Brazil, Guyana, Suriname, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia and Paraguay. This is the heaviest and one of the longest snakes in the world, reaching an average of 5 meters. The largest one measured was a female found in Venezuela. It reached 97.5 kg with a length of 5.2 meters. According to unofficial data, anacondas up to 40 m long are found in the Amazon jungle, but many zoologists consider these data to be exaggerated and untrue. It is estimated that with a length of 40 meters, the snake would weigh more than a ton, which would seriously hamper its movement. However, many local Indian tribes claim that such snakes do exist. In addition, the Amazon River basin is poorly studied and therefore the existence giant anacondas, still remains a mystery. Anacondas feed on almost everything they can catch - birds, reptiles, and various mammals. Is one of the most dangerous creatures of the Amazon.

Reticulated python - up to 10 m.

The reticulated python is the longest and one of the largest snakes in the world, living in tropical forests, woodlands, and mountain slopes in South and Southeast Asia. The average length of an adult reticulated python is about 5–7 m, but not according to official data, specimens reaching 10 m were found. One of the largest measured individuals was a snake discovered in Indonesia, it reached 6.95 m and weighed 59 kg, but at the same time I haven't eaten for 3 months. There is also a record of a reticulated python discovered on the Indonesian island of Sumatra, which reached a length of 32.23 meters and weighed 172 kg. These snakes feed on a variety of animals: rodents, frogs, reptiles, deer, roe deer, wild boars, crocodiles, monkeys, and sometimes even tigers, although in very rare cases. It is also known that on the island of Borneo, a 6.95 m long reticulated python swallowed a female Malayan bear weighing 23 kg. Their average lifespan is about 20–30 years.

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Snakes live on every continent except Antarctica. They live in everyone climatic zones, spread in water and land. There are flying snakes that can cover long distances by flying from tree to tree. The size of these animals is shrouded in legends. Archaeologists have discovered the remains of the big snake, who lived 60 million years ago, its length is 15 meters, weight is 1000 kg. The size of most modern snakes living on the planet within one meter, the smallest are less than 10 cm, but longest snakes in the world reach 8 meters. In this case we are talking about reliable and recorded facts.

Length 2 m

Or the Levantine viper opens the ranking of the longest snakes in the world. Its name translates as iron club and is associated with the shape of its body - the snake has a large head and a wide body. Body length reaches 2 meters, and females are larger than males. What distinguishes the viper from other vipers, and it is to this family that it belongs, is the ribbed scales at the top of the head. The viper chooses arid and open spaces to live; it is common in the countries of Asia, Africa, and in some areas of Transcaucasia.

Length 2.4 m

Belongs to the asp family. The average length is 1.5 meters, but the maximum value is recorded in 2.4 meters. Its venom ranks second in toxicity among all snakes living on land. If a meter-long individual releases up to 10 mg of poison with a bite, then larger representatives are capable of squeezing out 40 mg. The snake is common in Australia and New Guinea. Because of its love for mice, it is often found near farms and residential buildings. The asp is very aggressive and always puts up fierce resistance.

Length 4 m

Bushmaster (surukuku) despite its impressive size in 4 meters very shy and prefers to settle in uninhabited areas of South America. Such a giant has no less large fangs, which can reach 4 cm. The color will not allow the surukuka to be confused with other vipers: the yellow-brown body is covered with large black diamonds on the back. The bushmaster is very patient: in an ambush while hunting, he can wait for his prey for several weeks.

Length 4.3 m

An inhabitant of the savannahs of Africa reaches 4.3 meters in length and is among the ten most big snakes in the world. She is the most fast snake. Maximum speed The speed that a mamba can reach is 19 km/h. She does not need to wait for the victim in ambush; she will easily catch up with him. The mamba got its name because of the color of its mouth, which is shaped like a coffin. Because of the cut, the snake’s mouth looks smiling, but this has nothing to do with the animal’s emotions; the mamba has a bad reputation as a killer.

Indian python Length 5 m

Light tiger or Indian python - one of the varieties of tiger pythons, the length of which reaches 5 meters. The tiger python adapts perfectly to any conditions. He feels great both on land and in water, and moves nimbly through the trees. The color of the Indian python is gray or brown. People, especially in India (the snake's habitat), often keep the animal as a pet so that he hunts rats and mice. The species is protected by law from hunting. This is caused by a sharp decline in the population due to extermination for the production of python skin products.

Length 5.5 m

Found in South and Central America, it reaches 5.5 meters. The boa constrictor prefers to settle in areas with constant sources fresh water but it could be forest areas, mountain slopes, coast. Boas lead a solitary lifestyle and unite only during the mating period. The snake is not poisonous and deals with its prey by suffocating it. Diet includes rodents, birds, lizards. Common boa constrictor unpretentious either in food or in living conditions. It is often started at home.

Length 5.7 m

the longest venomous snake, reaching 5.7 meters and growing throughout its life. Habitat: Southern and Southeast Asia. This is the only representative that feeds on its relatives, for which it received the name “snake eater”. When meeting a person, the cobra bends its body so that its eyes are at the same level as the person's eyes. In this position, the snake can move freely. This is one of the few snakes capable of making barking sounds. The cobra does not release venom just like that; it can make idle bites to save it for large prey. She can also control the dose of injections. The giant squeezes its victim with such force as an object weighing 360 kg would exert pressure on the body. Without food, a snake can survive up to 3 months.

Length 5.74 m

With a body length of 5.8 meters, it is one of the three largest snakes in the world. The official record was recorded in an Illinois park, where the baby python lived with a body length of 5.74 meters. The species is distributed in China, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, and India. The snake chooses to live rainforests, jungle, swampy areas. Python is an excellent swimmer, and at a young age moves very quickly through the trees. The predator has thermal locators that allow it to detect prey by thermal radiation and smell. It feeds on rodents and birds, but can also attack goats, pigs, and monkeys. In areas where cold temperatures are possible, pythons hibernate, eat nothing and wait for warmth. Due to their calm disposition, dark tiger pythons are often kept in home terrariums.

Length 6.7 m

Or the water boa deservedly received this name, since it reaches 6.7 meters in length and can have a body weight of more than 100 kg. Anaconda has chosen the tropics of South America as its habitat and prefers rain forests, since most of the time it stays in the water and never crawls far from it. The anaconda feeds on small and medium-sized predators and can even attack turtles. She strangles her prey, but does not break its bones, as many snakes do, but swallows it whole. This allows you to create a mouth that opens 180 degrees. Anaconda does not attack humans. The only exception is the fact that a snake in India swallowed a 13-year-old boy. But more often she herself becomes a victim of people who hunt her for her skin.

Length 7.5 m

the most long snake in the world. This was recorded in New York, where the Samantha python, measuring 7.5 meters, lived. The reticulated python gets its name from its color, which resembles a fishing net draped over its skin. Pythons feed on birds, rodents, monkeys, and attack goats and pigs, and can even attack large specimens up to 60 kg. There was a recorded case of a python swallowing a 23-kilogram bear. For reference: it takes a python 2.5 months to digest such large prey. Before the law to protect reticulated pythons was enacted, they were on the verge of extinction. Their valuable skin and edible meat made them the object of hunting. Pythons are now being successfully bred in captivity.

Their appearance frightened travelers in the forest, vacationers, and various legends and myths describe the most terrible and often fatal cases of encounters with them. And among the people there is a very persistent myth that the largest snakes are not dangerous to humans, but a small and not at all scary viper can cause fatal bite. Photos of the largest snakes in the world are truly impressive. So, are they really dangerous? Here is what modern researchers write about this.

What is the largest snake in the world

It is believed that this is an anaconda. Many researchers write that this snake can be about 7 meters or more, but in nature there are no snakes larger than 10 meters. However, other researchers insist on what is the largest snake in the world reticulated python. Its length reaches about 8 meters. This is very beautiful snake with an interesting color that resembles a variegated carpet.

Many even argue what is the largest snake in the world and is it poisonous? Researchers have not yet given an exact answer. There is an opinion that the largest snake is the anaconda, others disagree with this and argue that it is a reticulated python or even King Cobra. However, most researchers are inclined to believe that snakes larger than the anaconda do not exist in nature. And they find new evidence for this argument.

top 10

So, the top ten largest snakes in the world included black Mamba, the length of which usually reaches 3 meters.

Very dangerous snake originally from Africa. The black mouth gave its name to the snake, which since ancient times has terrified everyone who met it on its way. Some researchers have claimed that some snakes are up to 3.5 meters long, but there is no exact evidence of this. This snake is very poisonous, and before the invention of an antidote, its bite was considered fatal. However, even now the antidote will not work if the mamba has bitten the head. The person then dies within 12 minutes. If you look at photos of the largest and most dangerous snakes in the world, the black mamba really looks scary. This snake strikes quickly and swiftly.

9th place is occupied by the Bushmaster snake, up to 4.2 meters long.

It is found in southern Africa and is considered the largest venomous snake in this area. It often lives near ponds, abandoned houses and landfills. He is cautious and very afraid of people. Only 25 bushmaster bites have been recorded in the world, and 5 people have died from the poison.

The 8th place is occupied by the amethyst python.

This snake got its name due to its beautiful smoky tint, reminiscent of a noble stone. This snake is considered the largest in Australia. Like all pythons, it is not poisonous, but a bite can cause allergic reaction. The length of the snake can reach 7.5 meters or more.

7th place is occupied by the king cobra.

One of the most dangerous snakes in the world. Its poison can affect the respiratory system. Found in Asian countries, the main habitat is trees. Many researchers argue , what is the largest snake in the world among venomous snakes and they believe that this is the king cobra. Very often she hides in caves. However, the number of deaths from this species is not too large, since the cobra doses the poison during an attack and can only use it for hunting. The average length of this snake is about 5 meters.

6th place – common boa constrictor.

The length of this non-venomous individual can be about 5.5 meters. Despite the absence of poison, it is fatal, as it crushes with its weight chest victims (hence the name - boa constrictor from the word “strangle”).

5th place – Indian tiger python. One of the most beautiful and non-venomous snakes in the world, the length of which can be about 6 meters, sometimes more.

This snake lives in India, Pakistan, leads night image lives and eats small rodents and small animals, not more cat. The length of an adult is about 6 meters.

Often found in Thailand and India. Eats birds, small animals, lizards.

The hieroglyphic python ranks 3rd among the largest snakes. His average length- about 6 meters.

This snake is not poisonous, but very aggressive and dangerous. There is a known case where a python climbed into an apartment and strangled a child.

2nd place is occupied by the anaconda, the length of which can reach up to 8 meters.

A very large and dangerous snake that can even eat a person. Found in difficult places, so the most large individuals may be unknown to science.

The leader among the largest snakes is the reticulated python.

It lives in Asia and reaches a length of up to 8.5 meters or more. It is very aggressive and very dangerous to humans; it can eat or strangle even a monkey or a donkey.

So the largest snakes can be very dangerous, even if they are not poisonous. And it’s good if they are not in southern countries.
