All about aquarium shrimp. Breeding aquarium shrimp at home

Most of the freshwater shrimp kept in our aquariums come from Asia. Their length, as a rule, does not exceed 6-8 cm. Almost all of them are omnivores, but prefer lower aquatic vegetation. Shrimp are generally quite hardy creatures. Shrimp are interesting mainly during the day when they are active image life, quickly moving along the bottom in search of food and crawling along the leaves of plants. In a moment of danger, they make jerky swimming movements in the water column using contractions of the tail fan.

Shrimp molt regularly. Throwing off the chitinous shell. During molting (two to three days before molting and one or two after), they do not feed. Having freed themselves from the old shell, the shrimp take refuge in thickets of plants, under stones or in other shelters. After molting, the shrimp's integument is soft, and for some time, until the shell becomes hard, the animals are defenseless. After molting, shrimp recover damaged and lost limbs. In young individuals this happens faster, in adults it happens gradually.

Shrimp are peaceful. They do not attack their own kind or other inhabitants of the aquarium.
Although, when kept with fish, they themselves can become quite tasty food.

All types of aquarium shrimp are not picky about their living conditions. With the exception of some, for example, Sulawesi shrimp.
An aquarium of 10 liters or more is suitable for successful maintenance. In which you can place 10-15 shrimp. But you need to remember that sooner or later they will multiply and choosing a fry will not be so easy. Therefore, we advise you to start immediately with large aquarium volumes.

Aquarium shrimp Looks better on black soil. Although this is a matter of taste.
Amazingly, they live in temperatures ranging from 15 to 30 degrees Celsius. So, if the temperature in your apartment does not drop below 17 degrees, you can safely keep a shrimp tank without heating means. Although ideal temperature for them it will be 24-25 C.

Thus, you can save on heating, but aeration will not do this. It is imperative to install aeration in the shrimp tank. Krill, unlike fish, is very sensitive to oxygen saturation in water.

Very good for shrimp the presence of living plants is important in their habitat - an aquarium. It would be ideal to plant Java moss. Shrimp need it for hiding and cleaning. Of course, any plants will do for a start, even hornwort and pistia.

Water filtration for shrimp. Must be placed on the internal filter nylon stocking, there must be a pre-filter on the intake tube of the external filter, otherwise the shrimp will be sucked in.

Lighting for shrimp not really necessary, except to see the food :). But the plants that will be in the shrimp tank simply need it.

And now the unpleasant moment when keeping shrimp.

Aquarium shrimp are very sensitive to the chemical composition of water. The water that is replaced must be clean and well settled. You also need to monitor the environment; the use of various types of sprays and fresheners in the room where there is an aquarium with shrimp is unacceptable; surface gas exchange has not yet been canceled. Be very careful when changing water and ventilate the room. In addition, shrimp do not tolerate high concentrations of nitrogen compounds in the aquarium.

Nutrition of aquarium shrimp

Everyone eats shrimp! In the literal sense of the word. They are constantly searching for food. They clean up dead parts of plants, the corpses of other residents (if there are any) and the smallest particles of everything that can be eaten. These arthropods need to be fed, or rather fed, no more than once every two days. However, it is not advisable to feed them on the day when the water is changed. Hungry shrimp are better able to withstand stress or other unwanted changes.

You can feed them with any food, from dry daphnia to live and concentrated and balanced branded food.

You can feed them with Tetra shrimp food. The food should be balanced and varied. Try to alternate feeds.

Shrimp tank maintenance.

Maintaining a shrimp tank is not particularly different from maintaining an aquarium with fish.
Water changes should be done once a week ~ 1/3 of the total volume. It is advisable to do a light siphon of soil every few months. Remove dead plant parts and shells from the reels. We emphasize! Everything must be done very carefully. Shrimp much fewer fish and it is possible to inadvertently injure or even kill them. But in general there is nothing complicated or unusual.

Breeding aquarium shrimp.

There is no need to help shrimp in breeding! They do everything well themselves.
If the conditions are favorable and your shrimp are good, then the offspring will not be long in coming.
During the period when the female is ready to reproduce, she releases pheromones into the water. All males begin to frantically chase around the aquarium and look for a female. Mating lasts no more than a second. Although the process of searching for a female usually lasts for hours. Soon after mating, the female develops a so-called saddle on her back. Cherry shrimp are yellow, special shrimp are drunken gray. This is caviar at a certain stage. Subsequently, the female molts and the eggs move under the abdomen, and after 3-4 weeks the fry will appear.
Juveniles do not need special care. He immediately eats what his parents eat. It hides in the thickets and swims jerkily. The above applies only to shrimp: neocardina cherry and neocardina special. There are complex types of shrimp that a beginner will not be able to breed, because... they need a special approach and a lot of knowledge and experience, for example, Amano shrimp, filter feeders.

Modern aquarists have long gone beyond the traditional keeping of fish. Today, in artificial tanks you can increasingly find other aquatic inhabitants - turtles, frogs, crustaceans, snails. Even a shrimp can no longer be called a rare aquarium inhabitant. Such diversity is impressive, but only if the company is chosen wisely and everyone coexists peacefully. All unusual creatures are of interest, and aquarium shrimp are no exception. Who do these crustaceans get along with, and how difficult are they to keep?

These crustaceans can be found all over the world - they live in both fresh and salt water. However, there are many varieties of shrimp, and each of them has its own habitat:

Almost all successfully domesticated shrimp come from various Asian regions. Shrimp are crustaceans and belong to the phylum arthropods. But, unlike marine crustaceans, they have maxillary, thanks to which creatures not only move, but also capture and hold food.

In addition, aquarium shrimp have five pairs legs and quite massive tail, which helps them escape from enemies. After all, with the help of it, individuals can move quickly and spasmodically. Aquarium shrimp are very modest in size, but at the same time they have an excellent sense of smell and touch, which is provided by elongated antennae.

Besides, eyes These creatures can rotate, contributing to an expanded visual range - it is difficult for enemies to catch these big-eyed inhabitants by surprise. And such unusual organs of vision are very helpful in finding food. Oromaxillary system shrimp's is quite complex: it includes three jaws, the task of which is to grind food, as well as jaws that hold food in the mouth. Other limbs help these arthropods grab food and crawl. Size individuals depend on their gender, it varies within 3-8 cm.

Features of shrimp

Most freshwater shrimp are omnivores whose diet is based on lower aquatic vegetation. In addition to being omnivorous, they are distinguished by high endurance.

The most interesting thing to watch is shrimp in daytime days when they are most active - then the crustaceans quickly move along the ground surface, looking for food, and they are also able to deftly crawl along the leaves of plants.

When the shrimp senses danger, it begins to move quickly, making jerking movements due to the contraction of the tail. These creatures are prone to regular molting; they shed their shell shell, consisting of chitinous plates. During this period - 2-3 days before molting and 1-2 days after - they do not eat shrimp.

When shrimp are freed from the old cover, they hide in secluded places - plants, under pebbles or in grottoes, and for good reason - their soft tissues are left without a hard shell that performs protective functions.

After shedding their “skin,” crustaceans recover damaged or lost limbs. Regeneration processes in young animals are the most intense, while in adults they are slow and gradual.

Keeping aquarium shrimp

Freshwater crustaceans do not need special conditions, even a beginner can maintain and care for them. For one and a half dozen individuals, a 10-15 liter tank is enough. However, it is worth considering that these crustaceans are quite prolific, and sooner or later the number of inhabitants will increase, which means it is better to immediately place them in a more spacious aquarium.

These creatures look most impressive against the backdrop of black soil, but here you can rely on your own taste. The most suitable are following conditions keeping aquarium shrimp:

  1. Water temperature– 24°-25°С. Although shrimp can live if this parameter drops to 15°C or rises to 30°C, it is still better not to test the inhabitants for viability.
  2. Heating– not required if the air temperature in the house does not drop below 17°C.
  3. Aeration is necessary– Crustaceans react very sensitively to a lack of oxygen in water.
  4. Live vegetation required– It is best to plant Java moss in the tank; shrimp use it as a hiding place and for cleaning. Beginners are recommended to start with unpretentious plants - pistia or hornwort.
  5. Water must be filtered– you just need to put a nylon multilayer mesh on the end of the filter. If the device creates a strong current, it can be reduced using special nozzles.
  6. Lighting– shrimp usually do not need additional light sources, but plants need moderate lighting for growth and development.

Particular attention should be paid to water quality, since aquarium shrimp immediately react to changes in water chemical composition. For replacement, you can only use clean, well-settled water. It is enough to just add water containing chlorine once, and the crustaceans will begin to get sick and die.

In addition, it is important to avoid the appearance of any chemical impurity in environment. Do not use sprays or fresheners in the room where the shrimp tank is located. It is advisable to regularly ventilate the room. Also, shrimp do not tolerate increased concentrations of nitrogenous components very well.

Who do shrimp get along with?

Various aquarium inhabitants love to feast on these small crustaceans, while the shrimp themselves are peaceful, friendly and unobtrusive. In order not to endanger them, you should take the issue of choosing neighbors seriously. It is best to attach shrimp to small, non-aggressive fish - neon, guppies or zebrafish. They also feel good in the company of snails - both of them will not be attacked.

Shrimp feeding regime and diet

Shrimp are omnivores and spend most of their waking hours searching for food. They are real orderlies underwater world– they eat dead areas of plants, the remains of other inhabitants (if any are found), and even microscopic particles of food that have settled on the ground. In general, everything you can profit from.

The main menu of shrimp is already available in the tank; the owner only needs to feed his charges a couple of times a day. It is not recommended to do this more often. You should not give food to crustaceans on the day of a water change; they are more resistant to hunger. stressful situations and other unwanted changes.

Shrimp will eat any food that is offered to them. This can be either dry daphnia or concentrated, balanced branded diets. Some manufacturers produce special menus for shrimp, they meet all the needs of these unusual creatures and are considered the best option. It is advisable to alternate food so that the inhabitants receive everything they need and their menu is varied.

How to care for a shrimp tank

Caring for such a tank is practically no different from caring for a container in which fish live:

  • water is changed weekly, approximately 30-35% of the total volume;
  • soil siphoning is performed 1-2 times a week, a fairly easy procedure;
  • biological waste - snail shells, dead plants, etc. should be removed as they appear.

Any activities related to the invasion of shrimp habitat should be carried out as carefully as possible - these creatures are smaller than most fish, and they can be accidentally crushed or even killed. Otherwise, there are no particular difficulties.

Breeding aquarium shrimp

When it comes to reproduction, shrimp are completely independent - they do not need help or special conditions. If you take good care of them, individuals that have reached sexual maturity will soon begin to produce numerous offspring. If the female is ready to reproduce, she gives a signal to the males in the form of pheromone secretions. And then you can watch real race– the males begin to rapidly rush around the tank in search of the supposed “bride.”

A male can spend more than one hour to find a female, and mating lasts no more than a second. After fertilization, a “saddle” is formed in the female’s back area - in shrimp of the cherry variety it is yellow color, for special – gray. In fact, it is the eggs that show through at a certain stage of development.

Afterwards, the female molts, and the eggs end up under the abdomen. And after 21-28 days the fry appear. Young animals do not require special care; the babies immediately eat what their parents eat. They hide in dense vegetation and swim in jerky movements.

Not all shrimp are easy to breed, and if there are no problems with neocardine cherry and neocardine special, then to obtain offspring from Amano and filter feeders it is worth gaining knowledge and experience.

Diseases of aquarium shrimp

Another threat is pathogenic fungi, from which even those individuals that live in clean water, corresponding to all the required parameters. Fungi gradually deprive the individual nutrients, poison the body with toxic toxins. In this case, the risk of death of the inhabitant is very high.

Shrimp can also suffer from viral infections that are difficult to cure. No matter what the shrimp are sick with, the affected individuals should be removed from the general container into a separate tank and the water should be changed.

Freshwater shrimp are creatures with unusual appearance, thin, graceful and at the same time quite dexterous. And if you provide them with decent conditions, they will become wonderful inhabitants aquarium, attracting attention and preventing the owner from getting bored.

Photo of aquarium shrimp

Video about aquarium shrimp

Imagine: shrimp are good not only as a snack for beer, but can also be a real decoration for an aquarium. IN last years Keeping shrimp is becoming a very popular activity among aquarium hobbyists. Sooner or later, aquarists begin to become interested in all the nuances of reproduction of small invertebrates, looking for an answer to a question: how to breed shrimp in an aquarium.

First of all, I need to tell all newbies : to start, buy the simplest ones, and best of all - cherry shrimp (aka). This is the easiest species to keep and breed, with which even a completely inexperienced person will have no problems, and initial knowledge will gradually accumulate one way or another, after which you can take on more complex species without fear.

For most shrimp, the term " reproduction ", but not " breeding" Because if the shrimp tank is created to the maximum favorable conditions, then your pets will reproduce ( and in significant quantities and literally non-stop ) without any of your participation and regardless of whether you have a desire to get offspring or not. Of course the presence of individuals of both sexes is mandatory, as is the fact that they have already reached reproductive age.

Stop this process impossible. Well, unless you are an enemy of shrimp and are not ready to sacrifice their lives, reducing the degree of comfort to a minimum. But in the case when the shrimp in the aquarium are capricious for some reason and do not want to start procreation, you can stimulate them with massive water changes or by completely transplanting invertebrates into a new aquarium with new living conditions.

Everything happens in the following sequence: an adult, sexually mature, healthy female collects eggs in her ovary. It is located on her back - where the carapace (cephalothorax) connects to the abdomen (tail part). This area is called " saddle» (English: “saddle”), it usually differs sharply in color from the entire body of the female. The color of the saddle depends on the species of the shrimp: it can be green, black, orange, brownish, pink, white, yellow. This actually shows the eggs through the transparent shell.

By the way: the color of caviar is not considered a reliable species characteristic, since it constantly varies. For the same cherry shrimp in an aquarium, the caviar can be either bright yellow or bright green. Freshwater aquarium shrimp are diverse, many of them have chameleon abilities, that is, they change color depending on many reasons: water parameters or mood.

As soon as the eggs reach the required degree of maturity, the female begins to molt and sheds the old shell. For your information , The molting process for shrimp takes only a couple of minutes. The discarded shells do not need to be thrown out of the aquarium; shrimp eat them and this serves as an excellent complementary food, replenishing the lack of minerals. After molting pheromones of the egg, that is, the partner ready for mating, immediately appear in the water column.

The males begin to look for such an attractive “lady”, and only the fastest of them manages to impregnate her. Then the female gradually moves the fertilized eggs into her abdomen, under her tail. There eggs are glued to the pleopods (swimming legs) of the expectant mother and the second phase of their development begins.

Pregnancy shrimp

Pregnancy lasts about a month - it all depends on several factors, including the species of invertebrates and how you care for the shrimp in the aquarium. Female often “knocks its legs” - it washes the offspring with a current of water, providing effective ventilation, which is mandatory for masonry hygiene.

As soon as the period required for the cubs to fully develop has passed, all the shrimp hatch simultaneously. They are quite active and instantly spread over the entire bottom, starting to feed on their own.

Newborn shrimp are no more than 4 mm in length, but in shape and even sometimes in color they completely copy their parents. They grow quickly, feed on yeast, algae, detritus (like adults of many species), and after 1-1.5 months they become sexually mature and will also begin to regularly bring about 15 new shrimp every 30-45 days. The number of shrimp grows exponentially until it reaches the maximum allowable population size.

After this, the shrimp continue to reproduce, as if by inertia, but the rate of reproduction gradually slows down, the population size drops and sometimes falls below the optimum. Then their fertile function is activated again and the number of freshwater shrimp in the aquarium increases again. In short

One of the decorations for your “jar” can be aquarium shrimp.
Keeping shrimp in an aquarium is becoming more and more popular every year. There are many types of them. Like all living organisms, they require certain conditions. Some types of aquarium shrimp are unpretentious and are suitable for beginners.
In this article we will talk about keeping shrimp in an aquarium, breeding shrimp in an aquarium, and also consider what types of shrimp exist for an aquarium.

Shrimps- These are crustaceans that live in both salt water and fresh water. Freshwater aquarium shrimp are relatives of those individuals that, in the process of evolution, have adapted to live in fresh water bodies.

Shrimp for the aquarium. Description

All types of aquarium shrimp differ from each other both in size and body color. Despite all these differences, the body structure of aquarium shrimp is the same.

These crustaceans do not have clearly defined claws. Instead, shrimp have jaws that are designed to hold, capture and deliver food to the mouth. In addition to the feeding process, the jaws also perform a motor function.

Shrimp red crystal

Aquarium shrimp also have a well-developed tail, which helps them in case of danger. In addition to the tail, they can boast of a good sense of smell, a sense of touch, which is provided by long antennae, and large viewing angles, which, in turn, are provided by the eyes.

The size of shrimp depends on the species. Medium and small species reach sizes of 2-5 cm. Large species- 15 cm.

Aquarium shrimp: types

  • cherry Body color: red, females are more inconspicuous. Dimensions 2.5-3 cm. female, 2 cm. male. An unpretentious type of shrimp. Ideal option for beginners. It reproduces quickly and can live in small aquariums.
  • blue or bee shrimp. Shrimp with a bluish color. Relatively the new kind. The sizes of the individuals are 2 cm, male, 2.5 cm, female. Not aggressive and unpretentious in maintenance. The reproduction rate is high.
  • yellow.As the name suggests, the color of this type of shrimp is yellow. Males reach a size of 2.5 cm, females - 3 cm. Not aggressive, unpretentious species. Like previous species, yellow shrimp reproduce quickly. An excellent option for beginners.
  • green. Shrimp with a greenish color. Dimensions: 3 cm males, 3.5 cm females. Easy to maintain, non-aggressive. Playback speed is average.

From left to right: Green Shrimp, Cherry Shrimp, Yellow Shrimp, Blue Shrimp

  • rednose shrimp. It has a reddish-transparent color, with a pronounced red nose. Can be used to control unwanted algae. Body size reaches: females 4 cm, males 3 cm. For breeding, the larvae require salt water. Not aggressive, medium difficulty.
  • Amano shrimp. Light green, transparent color with a light stripe on the back that stretches from the head to the tail. Adult size: 4 cm male, 5 cm female. A peaceful type of shrimp, easy to keep. Larvae need salt water.
  • harlequin shrimp. Has a bright contrasting color. Black, red and white colors are combined. This is a small species of shrimp, males - 0.6 cm, females - 1.2 cm. Low reproduction speed. For beginners, maintaining this species will be more difficult.
  • cardinal. Vibrant look shrimp. The color varies from dark red-pink to light red with white dots along the body. Dimensions: male 2 cm, female 2.5 cm. Reproduction rate is low. Requires experience in content (not for beginners).
  • red crystal. Also called the red bee. A popular species in the aquarium hobby. Has a bright red color. Dimensions of an adult: male 2.5 cm, female 3 cm. High reproduction rate. Beginners may have difficulty with the content.

Conditions for keeping shrimp in an aquarium

Mostly freshwater shrimp It is not difficult to keep in an aquarium, unlike some ornamental species.

One of important factors there is a proper aquarium for shrimp, with enough space for each individual. Two specimens coexist in one liter of water. Although some species feel great in aquariums that have been replanted with their own kind.

In most cases, shrimp are kept in separate aquariums, shrimp tanks. You can also add them to fish. But even peaceful fish can hunt for small shrimps. Therefore, it is important that crustaceans have more places to hide: decorations, plants, stones.

The optimal temperature for keeping shrimp will be 20-28°C. But a drop to 15°C will not harm them. The shrimp will become less mobile and stop reproducing. But an increase in temperature to 32°C is destructive.

You need to change the water no more than once a week, about 1/5 of the total volume. The water that is added must be heated to room temperature. Shrimp can live in tap water. The rigidity should be higher. Since during the molting process they need necessary elements to strengthen the new shell.

It is important to siphon the soil thoroughly, since the life of shrimp produces a lot of waste. And with an increase in ammonia, diseases can occur.

Lack of oxygen also has a bad effect on shrimp. Therefore, install a good compressor.

If you have a shrimp tank and no one lives in the aquarium except crustaceans, it is not necessary to put it.

It is also not necessary to light an aquarium where shrimp live. But for a more attractive look, we still recommend installing at least minimal lighting. And don't forget about the lid. Since some types of these crustaceans can jump out of the aquarium.

Let us remind you once again about shelters. It is very good when there are live plants in the aquarium, especially.

From left to right: Rednose Shrimp, Cardinal Shrimp, Harlequin Shrimp, Amano Shrimp

What to feed shrimp in an aquarium?

Aquarium shrimp are omnivorous and unpretentious to food. They eat leftover fish food and eat algae formations, thereby cleaning the plants and aquarium. They feed on dead plant leaves and dead fish. You can feed shrimp with boiled vegetables or special food that can be bought at any pet store.

It is important not to overfeed the shrimp. You can give food no more than 1-3 times a week. Shrimp can go without food for 7 to 10 days.

Shrimp breeding

Shrimp are bisexual crustaceans.Females are much larger than males. Females also have a more convex abdomen and a larger tail. When the female reaches sexual maturity, eggs appear under her tail. She secretes a special substance to attract a male. The male does his job, fertilizes the eggs. The mother shrimp carries fertilized eggs for 4-6 weeks, from which larvae are formed. And the larvae grow into full-fledged shrimp.

Who do freshwater aquarium shrimp get along with?

Shrimp in the aquarium get along with snails, peaceful, small fish. With the exception of aggressive fish: some species of Barbs, all fighting fish, Cichlids, .

After reading our article and following these simple tips You can keep and breed shrimp at home. And they, in turn, will delight you with their beauty and habits. Because they are very interesting to watch!


Types of aquarium shrimp

Cherry shrimp

Very often lives in home aquariums. The name is due to the red color of the body. This species is deservedly popular, because it is unpretentious to living conditions, and also reproduces very quickly.

The maximum size of an adult is 2.5-3 centimeters. Thanks to this, cherry shrimp can get along in small aquariums, the size of which does not exceed 10 liters. You can start growing experience with cherry trees.

Aquarium tiger shrimp


For shrimp, it is very important to have a proper aquarium with enough space for each individual. The aquarium must be selected with a liter of water per shrimp. However, when maximum sizes bodies of 2 centimeters in one liter two individuals can coexist.

They can be added to fish or you can prepare a separate aquarium - a shrimp tank. When kept in a community aquarium important role plays the correct neighborhood. The fact is that fish and shrimp are antagonists by nature. This is not about simple competition. Fish often hunt them, mistaking them for food.

When choosing plants for an aquarium, you can pay attention to Java moss. Adults can hide in it and larvae can grow. In a general aquarium there should be more such moss, then not a single fish will be able to get the shrimp from its shelter.

Shrimp, like fish, are cold-blooded animals, so whether they are active or not depends on the temperature that was created in the aquarium. It should be 20-28 degrees. But even a drop to 15 degrees will not be fatal for them. They will become less active and stop reproducing.

If the water is heated to 32 degrees, protein coagulation will occur in the body, which means probable death for all individuals. Crustaceans have increased sensitivity to sudden changes in temperature. For example, a jump of 7 degrees threatens fish with disease and shrimp with death. Therefore, if a change is planned, it must be done gradually.

The amount of water that is replaced in the aquarium should not exceed 1/5 of its volume. This procedure can be repeated no more than once a week. Shrimp can live in tap water, but it should be replaced only when the temperature warms up to room temperature.

The chemical composition of water does not have of great importance. The main thing is that there is no copper in it, otherwise both adults and larvae will die. In addition, the water hardness must be high, otherwise during molting they will have nowhere to get the necessary substances to build a shell.

It is important to siphon the soil frequently as shrimp leave a lot of waste. If ammonia levels rise sharply, they will get sick.

Lack of oxygen also has a detrimental effect on these crustaceans. To enrich water with oxygen, it is necessary to install a special compressor.

If a filter is used, it must be covered with a sponge, otherwise small individuals will get inside. In shrimp tanks, a filter is not necessary, but in a general aquarium you will have to install one.


Shrimp - aquarium decoration

Many individuals are brightly colored in almost all shades of the rainbow and look impressive against the backdrop of the green vegetation of the reservoir. But shrimp in an aquarium are very demanding in terms of keeping conditions. They are not only decoration, but also orderlies of the reservoir, cleaning it from numerous organic waste plants or food.

These are peaceful representatives of the aquatic world. Shrimp in a community aquarium can be combined with calm and small fish, kept with aggressive and predatory species Not recommended.

IN favorable climate Shrimp offspring appear within one to two months. The young are small, inconspicuous in size, and face many dangers from fish and parents. When Riccia and Java moss are present in the aquarium, the survival rate of young individuals increases. But it is better to breed the population in a vessel separate from the fish.

In a common tank, crustaceans feed on leftover food from fish. Once a week they can add herbal supplements - zucchini, potatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, cabbage, spinach. They can survive for a long period without food at all, feeding on organic microparticles. You can safely leave shrimp alone for a couple of weeks without fear that they will not survive.

Conditions for keeping and caring for shrimp in an aquarium

  1. Shape and size of the aquarium. Shrimp can live in vessels of any capacity, but the most preferred are volumes from 35 to 100 liters. You can purchase up to 10 individuals per hundred liters of volume, so that they do not compete with each other in terms of living area and food.
  2. Water temperature. Shrimp can successfully adapt to water at a temperature of 20-28 degrees. Water renewal should be carried out weekly in a volume of up to 40%. Freshwater crustaceans are quite sensitive to water quality. It should be clean and rich in oxygen, its composition should be soft and neutral.
  3. Aquarium equipment. Equipment for their maintenance requires a system of filtration, aeration, heating and lighting. The stream from the filter should not be directed to the center of the aquarium, but to the side, so that a small internal flow is formed. Shrimp often reproduce, and young ones may end up in the filter. Therefore, it is better to use a sponge filter in the vessel, into which it will be impossible for them to get into. The water intake area can be covered with a fine mesh. Crustaceans are quite sensitive to the presence of oxygen in water, so the compressor must be turned on constantly. Heating and lighting can be adjusted to suit the needs of fish and plants.
  4. Decoration of an aquarium. When setting up an aquarium for shrimp, you should create shelters where they can hide during the molting period. Castles, sunken ships, snags, and tree roots are suitable for this. Young individuals often molt and hide in them.
  5. Priming. It is recommended to use rocky soil for an aquarium, like in streams. Such an atmosphere will bring the shrimp closer to their usual habitat. Once a year, it is necessary to wash the soil, this way you can remove accumulated organic matter from the aquarium and improve the quality of the water.
  6. Holes in the aquarium. Shrimp can crawl out of the pond. Only small gaps should be left in the vessel for air flow between the lid and the aquarium itself. The remaining holes can be covered with pieces of foam rubber. Shrimp live from one to two years.

Proper management of shrimp will allow them to lead a healthy life and reproduce. Such unusual mollusks will delight the owner for a long time with their bright colors. appearance and decorate the pond.

Shrimp aquarium

Freshwater shrimp appeared in collections Russian amateurs not so long ago, and have already managed to win new fans. One of their main advantages is their small size and, therefore, the ability to live in small-volume aquariums, which can easily fit into any city apartment or even on an office desk. What requirements do these crustaceans make for their home?

Volume and type of aquarium

As a shrimp tank (shrimpcaria), a rectangular or cubic-shaped container is preferable, but not too high, since shrimp usually swarm at or near the bottom. The volume of water can be from 5 liters (for 10 individuals of dwarf undemanding species). However, only experienced craftsmen can take care of an aquarium of such a small size.

Most often, shrimp are kept in cubes - cubic-shaped aquariums produced by well-known manufacturers with a capacity of 20 or 30 liters (the most popular are Aquael Shrimp Set and Dennerle Nano Cube).

For beginners who decide to start their journey in aquarium keeping with crustaceans, it is better to purchase a larger jar - 40 or 50 liters, in which it is much easier than in a nanocube to create a stable environment that is so necessary for shrimp.

For the propagation of demanding species (for example, crystals) a container of 50 liters is also required.

The shrimp tank must be tightly closed with a lid or cover glass, and the holes for the wires plugged with sponges: shrimp are quite capable of escaping from it, especially if the conditions are not ideal.

What to prefer: a separate shrimp tank or a mixed aquarium?

It depends on the type of crustacean.

Large decapods - amano shrimp, filter feeders and macrobrachiums can live with almost any fish, except for large predatory cichlids (in the case of adult macrobrachiums, fish are more at risk).

Cherry shrimp and other relatively undemanding shrimp are often kept with small or medium-sized non-aggressive fish:

  • viviparous,
  • various algae eaters,
  • neon,
  • rasborami.

Many of them are not averse to profiting from shrimp fry, but if there is enough moss and small-leaved plants in the aquarium, the babies hide well and are not easy to catch.

Small, fastidious purebred shrimp (high-grade crystals, wild Sulawesi) are usually preferred to be kept separately from fish.



Heater and fan

Aquarium contents



Design, scenery

Aquarium freshwater shrimp are very beautiful creatures, which you can’t stop admiring. These wonderful pets can decorate your home and also give joy in the saddest moments. Caring for such pets will not be a huge task for you, the main thing is that your aquarium shrimp are not deprived of love.

What do aquarium shrimp eat?

Aquarium shrimp - compatibility with fish

Remember that shrimp can grow and reproduce well only if their neighbors in the aquarium are fish that will not encroach on their lives. The existence of the babies will be threatened by all neighbors who are larger than them in size, and whose oral cavity will be able to grab the shrimp.

IN wildlife These cute creatures are common food for various fish. Therefore, sensing danger, they got used to hiding with the help of plants, stones, and soil. It is worth taking note of this fact for owners who are planning to make friends between shrimp and fish. Bettas, goldfish, cichlids, melanotenias, swordtails, platies and many other cute creatures can eat or torture your little ones. Boraras brigittae will be excellent neighbors for tiny pets.

To best set up your aquarium, you should match the shrimp to the fish, and not vice versa. Filter-feeding shrimp, Mucrobrachium rosenberghi, as well as the Palameon species will not be vulnerable targets for their neighbors, and may even become dangerous cohabitants for them.

If you want to create an aquarium in which aquarium shrimp would live together with fish, you should not select neighbors at random, then keeping your pets safe will be at risk. And this can really bother you. It's best to think carefully about your choice.

Macrobrachium shrimp: content features

To diversify your home water world, many aquarists keep not only several species of ornamental fish, but also some crustaceans that lead a bottom-dwelling lifestyle. Representatives of this class - shrimp - have long become inhabitants of artificial domestic reservoirs. Their content, however, has a number of characteristic features.



Maintenance in an artificial home pond

Aquaterrarium dimensions. Since Japanese decapod shrimp are quite aggressive by nature, the optimal amount of water for keeping them is 15 to 20 liters per adult.

More dense settlement will inevitably cause a showdown in the struggle for territory. The battles are, as they say, not for life, but for death. The consequences of such fights can be disastrous. This is not only damage or loss of limbs, but also the death of one of the opponents.

Water parameters. For these crustaceans, the purity of water and its oxygen saturation are of no small importance. Therefore, aeration must be powerful and constant, as well as filtration. By the way, shrimps monitor the cleanliness of the aquarium environment on their own and eat them with pleasure green algae- the scourge of all aquariums. That’s why, if voracious river shrimp live in a water house, you don’t have to worry about it becoming overgrown with greenery.

A positive point is the high degree of adaptability of Japanese women (and individuals of other species) to the parameters aquatic environment. Although optimal temperature content for them is 23-25 ​​degrees above zero, they calmly tolerate some deviations from the norm. True, in this case their growth slows down. Like most other aquatic inhabitants, shrimp need water with a neutral pH, but in slightly acidic water (at least 6.5 units) they feel quite satisfactory.

Lighting. But these arthropods do not like bright light. On the contrary, the lighting should be dim, and the aquarium must have dark places.

Priming. Shrimp owners usually use gravel or small pebbles as a bottom substrate; small decorative elements (driftwood, shells, ceramic pots with holes) are installed on the bottom. Such shelters are necessary for the normal life of crustaceans: they take refuge there during periods of molting and during reproduction.

Compatibility and behavioral characteristics

All shrimp molt periodically. In a secluded place, they shed their chitinous shell and wait for a new one to grow. The old shell is gradually eaten away. The frequency of molting varies: for females - every 35-40 days, and for males - once every six months.

Macrobrachiums are quite aggressive towards their neighbors, relatives, all living things and, possibly, themselves (as experts joke). That is why, in order to live together with them, it is better to keep fish that live in average or upper layers aquarium

During the day, shrimp, as a rule, hide in bottom shelters and go hunting dark night. Of course, these clumsy hunters will not be able to catch a awake, active fish, but they can easily grab their sleeping neighbors with long claws and eat them right away. Unless, of course, the fish is small.

But they can also cause serious injury to fairly large fish by biting off, for example, part of a fin (it is better not to keep veil-shaped fish with shrimp). Moreover, in this situation, the shrimp shows enviable ingenuity - it freezes, becoming completely motionless. But woe to the fish that became interested in this detail of the aquarium interior!

Thus, from a management point of view, shrimp can create quite serious problems.


Features of reproduction

Small, peaceful - cherry shrimp

The cherry shrimp (Neocaridina davidi var. red) is without a doubt the most popular shrimp in the aquarium. She is unpretentious, takes root well in different parameters and conditions, it is noticeable, and also peaceful and eats the leftover food in the aquarium. For most aquarists, it is the cherry shrimp that becomes the first shrimp, and remains a favorite long years. Our story will be about the maintenance and cultivation of cherries.

Habitat in nature



In nature, neocardines are very vulnerable, the same thing happens in the aquarium. Small sizes, lack of any defense mechanisms, just a disguise. But red cherries lack this too. Even small fish can eat them or tear off their legs. Ideally, keep cherry shrimp in a shrimp tank, without fish. If this is not possible, then you need to choose small and peaceful fish. For example: cuneiform rasbora, common neon, speckled corydoras, otocyclus, guppies, mollies. I have successfully kept all these fish together with shrimp, and there have never been any problems.

But who knocked the ordinary neocardians to zero are the scalars. After a couple of months, there was nothing left of the mass of shrimp! So avoid any cichlids, even dwarf ones, and especially angelfish. The rule here is simple: the larger the fish, the more likely it is that cherry shrimp are incompatible with it. If you have no choice and you have already put shrimp in the aquarium, then at least add a lot of moss, it’s easier for them to hide there.

Cherry shrimp are great even for beginners, the main thing is not to keep them with big fish. Cherry shrimp adapt well to very different conditions and parameters. Neutral or slightly acidic water (pH 6.5-8), temperature 20–29 °C low content it contains nitrates and ammonia, that’s all the requirements, perhaps. Not a large number of Shrimp can even be kept in a nano-aquarium with a volume of 5 liters. But in order for them to feel comfortable, they need a larger volume and a large number of plants, especially mosses.

Mosses, such as Java mosses, provide them with shelter and food as they trap food particles. They also eat zoo and fit plankton formed on moss branches, without damaging it at all. In addition, mosses provide shelter for shrimp during molting and for juveniles after birth; a large pile of moss turns into a real kindergarten.

In general, a bunch of moss in an aquarium with cherry shrimp is not only very beautiful, but also necessary and important.

An important issue is the coloring of the shrimp. The darker the soil and plants, the brighter they look against their background, but if you keep them against a light background, they become paler. Also, the brightness of the red color depends on the food; live and frozen food makes it brighter, and ordinary flakes do the opposite. However, you can give special food for shrimp that enhances the red color.
