Where do lynxes live? Common lynx: description, habits and lifestyle. Encyclopedia of Animals

Siberian lynx is carnivorous mammal an animal belonging to the order "Predatory" and belonging to the family "".

The lynx can rightly be attributed to the most dangerous forest cats. Its preferred habitats are dense dark coniferous forests in the taiga.


I have always admired this forest beauty; I have not seen her in the forests, but in zoos, I was able to observe this amazing animal.

Many people are interested in what animal is the lynx? In this section, we will try to answer the question posed. In appearance it can be compared to a tall adult dog; the lynx's body length is no more than 135 cm. The body is short and dense, the tail is short, about 45 cm. The head is small and has a rounded shape. Long hair, located on the sides of her face, may slightly resemble sideburns.

This cat has a short muzzle, wide eyes, and round pupils. Their paws are powerful and they have very formidable weapons. The cat's claws are unusually sharp, their length can reach ten centimeters, and are shaped like a curved hook. The ears are medium in size, and have long panicles on them.

The paws have powerful and thick black pads, which, during the harsh Siberian winter, become overgrown with short but at the same time thick hairs.

As a result, the sole of the animal's paws resembles the shape of skis; they are very useful, as they help the cat to easily press down snowdrifts by reducing the load on the loose support.

The colors of these beauties are very diverse, depending on their habitat. In the Siberian forests, the cat has a color from reddish-brown to dark smoky. In addition, its color is diluted by pronounced spotting along the top of the body and on the sides. The abdomen has long but sparse light-colored hair.

The weight of the Siberian lynx can reach up to 30 kilograms, but these are the rarest specimens; often this animal weighs from 18 to 25 kg. As for females, their weight is significantly less than that of males, and can hardly reach 18 kg.

If we compare its fur with other cats, then the lynx has the thickest and most valuable coat. On the top and sides of the body, the length of the hairs is up to 5 cm, and on the stomach the length can reach up to 7 cm.

Range and habitat

This cat species is recognized as the most northern species that has ever lived on Earth. In Scandinavia it can be found even beyond the Arctic Circle. Until the mid-twentieth century, its range was much wider, and the lynx could be found in Central and Western Europe.

In the second decade of the twentieth century, its numbers declined greatly, due to actions that directly began to influence the decline in the population of this species of animal. Poachers and amateurs carried out mass shooting of animals for wool and trophies.

Let's give a few countries where it remained to live and reproduce. European countries:

  • Czech Republic;
  • Hungary;
  • Romania;
  • Spain;
  • Serbia;
  • Sweden;
  • Poland;
  • Slovenia;
  • Macedonia;

But this list is not complete; there are at least 10 more countries where it can be found. On the territory of Russia, it prefers to live on Sakhalin and Kamchatka; by the way, the lynx appeared here relatively recently. She really loves cluttered and dense coniferous forests.

More wild cat can be found in the Caucasus and Central Asia, but in these places its population is very small. Concerning middle zone Russian Federation, then its habitat will look like this:

  • Russia;
  • Georgia;
  • Estonia;
  • Belarus;

In Ukraine, it can be seen in mountainous areas, such as the Carpathian Mountains. This animal also lives in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan.


The lynx animal prefers to live in deep, dark forests. Also, forests located at higher elevations can become its place of residence. May wander into the forest-steppe or forest-tundra.

Our animal has several advantages that allow it to be at its best compared to other types of predatory animals. She climbs trees very well, runs fast, jumps far and swims well.

We previously wrote that it can live within the Arctic Circle and beyond it. In such places she feels great, the only thing that may not suit her is the lack of food in sufficient quantities.

Lynx leads sedentary image life only if there is an abundance of small and large animals. Otherwise, it begins to migrate from one place to another in search of food.


The lynx goes hunting in the dark. This fact completely destroys the myth that it jumps from a tree onto its prey. Tries to get as close to prey as possible, often trying to hide near a fallen tree or in dense bushes.

Choosing the most appropriate moment, usually this is a distance of 10 - 15 meters and instantly attacks, making jumps from 3 to 5 meters. Once caught in the paws and teeth of a predator, the prey dies within a few seconds.

Razor-sharp teeth and claws tear arteries in the neck and flesh of the animal, leaving no chance of salvation. Having eaten enough, she hides the remaining food in the snow or under small tree branches. A less fortunate hunter likes to follow the lynx - the wolverine, who is not averse to feasting on the remains of the prey.

If larger prey is being hunted, a surprise may await the wild cat. When it attacks a sika deer, it is able to drag a lynx on itself for several meters; sometimes the victim manages to escape from the tenacious clutches of the predator. But if you trust the statistics, in most cases, the cat kills its victim after some time.


The lynx's diet is very varied; it can consist of both rodents and artiodactyls. More often she likes to catch and eat various fish that live within her place of residence. In search of food, she can walk more than thirty kilometers a day.

IN harsh winters the animal can go to the outskirts of its property and attack domestic dogs and cats. I suggest you study the menu in detail wild beast. The most favorite food for this type of cat is: white hare, as well as:

  • Roe deer;
  • Musk deer;
  • Bad deer;
  • Foxes;
  • Partridges;
  • Raccoon dogs;
  • Grouse;
  • Beavers;

This list does not include all the animals that our heroine can eat.

The animal eats little; one caught hare can last it for 3-4 days. For a lactating female, this food is enough for one meal. A caught large artiodactyl animal can feed a single individual for more than 1.5 weeks.

Usually some, being well-fed, do not hunt until the main supply of food runs out, but a lynx during this period can unnecessarily kill a fox or marten. This is probably due to the fact that she sees these animals as obvious competitors. Since their diet is very similar.

The lynx animal performs one of the most important tasks of exterminating weak and sick animals, preventing them from infecting healthy generations.


The breeding season for lynx begins in March. At this moment, they behave quietly, except occasionally, making menacing sounds and purring. A female can be followed by 2-3 males, who periodically arrange fights against each other.

Outside of breeding, they lead an exclusively solitary lifestyle.

Individuals who have formed a pair move on to the next stage, which is called “greeting.” First of all, they start sniffing each other's noses.

After this, perform a movement with your heads, which is more reminiscent of head-butting cattle. After some time, the cats mutually lick each other's fur.

The female's pregnancy lasts from 65 to 70 days. There can be from 2 to 5 babies in a litter. The female chooses the place before giving birth thoroughly; often these places can be: holes, cracks in rocks, ravines with holes and other safe places.

Lynx cubs are born blind, their weight does not exceed 350 grams. On the twelfth day after birth, babies' eyes begin to open. They feed on rich mother's milk; after a month, the female begins to feed the cubs solid food.

Both family members participate in raising offspring. When they grow up, they go hunting with their parents and this can continue until the next breeding season. Then, they leave their native lair to begin an independent solitary life.

Young males reach sexual maturity after 35 months, and females are ready to mate at 23 months.


Common Siberian lynx in wildlife can live no more than 23 years.

  1. Despite the fact that she leads a secretive lifestyle, she is not afraid of humans. But he won’t have time to attack either. Not one truthful, authoritative source says that the lynx specifically hunted a person in order to kill him.
  2. A wild adult lynx can quickly get used to a person and even allow itself to be picked up.

Lynx (lat. Lynx) is a genus of animals of the subfamily Small cats, family Felidae, order Carnivora, class Mammals. The article describes representatives of this genus.

Two other cats that have the word "lynx" in their name: the caracal ( steppe lynx) and the jungle cat (marsh lynx) do not belong to the genus lynx.

What does the word "lynx" mean?

In languages ​​related to Russian, words close to lynx have the meaning “red”, “red”. It would seem that the etymology is simple - the name of the beast is given by the red color of its skin. In fact, the common Slavic root rysь goes back to the Indo-European leuk’ - “to glow”, “to burn” (can be compared with the Russian moon, ray). From these roots arose such words as fair-haired, bald ( highest value, apparently, was “light”, “luminous”, “glossy”). So it turns out that the lynx was so named because its eyes glowed, “burned” in the dark. And the red color gave only the initial “r” - already by association with color.

The lynx has well-developed hearing and vision, but its sense of smell is weak. The tassels on their ears are sound sensors. If a lynx is deprived of this hair, it will hear much worse.

Approaching the bedding area, the lynx jumps so that its tracks are not near the shelter: in this way it imitates its absence. During the day she dozes, but her rest is sensitive, since the predator notices any movements around her.

The wild cat leads a solitary lifestyle, carefully monitoring the absence of competitors in the chosen territory.

Females stay with the brood. Only during the breeding season are lynxes found in pairs.

What does a lynx eat?

The prey of a lynx can be any animal that it is able to overpower:

  • small mammals (chipmunks, sables, dormouse, raccoon dogs, marmots, beavers, etc.);
  • birds (grouse, hazel grouse, partridge, black grouse, bustard, pheasant);
  • large animals: roe deer, chamois, musk deer, wild boar, argali, fallow deer, sika and reindeer;
  • occasionally the lynx attacks herds of goats and kills several individuals at a time;
  • She kills foxes and martens as competitors, and not for food;
  • Canadian lynx also eats fish, marmots, martens, squirrels, and gophers;
  • The bobcat can also eat;
  • sometimes predators attack small domestic animals and poultry(For example, ).

Taken from: www.lynxexsitu.es, CC BY 3.0 es

When night falls, the animal goes out hunting. The lynx either waits for prey in ambush or steals it (that is, it gets as close as possible to the victim in order to overtake it in one jump), but never attacks from a tree. She moves slowly, stopping periodically and listening.

Whenever possible, she follows the beaten path, retracing her old steps, especially in winter. It sneaks up on prey from the leeward side. The attack begins with one, less often with 3-10 jumps. If the attack is unsuccessful, she will repeat a series of jumps over a short distance and then give up the pursuit. A lynx eats 2-3 kg of meat per day, and if it is very hungry, then up to 5 kg.

Taken from: www.lynxexsitu.es, CC BY 3.0 es

Types of lynxes, names and photos

The lynx genus includes 4 living species. Below is the classification.

Rod of Lynx (lat. Lynx):

  • Lynx canadensis– Canada lynx
  • Lynx lynxCommon lynx
  • Lynx pardinus– Iberian lynx, Spanish lynx, Sardinian lynx
  • Lynx rufusRed Lynx, red lynx

In the Pleistocene, the fifth representative of the genus, the species Lynx issiodorensis, whose remains have been found in Africa, Eurasia and North America.

Below is a description of the four varieties of lynx.

  • Common lynx (lat. Lynx lynx)

Other names: European, Eurasian. The largest and tallest of the lynxes. The length of its body is 80-130 cm, the length of the tail is from 10 to 24.5 cm, the height of the animal at the withers is 60-75 cm. Male lynxes weigh from 18 to 30 (according to some sources 36 kg), females - from 8 to 21 kg. But this is not the limit: the weight of one male from Siberia reached 38 or even 45 kg.

In summer, the Eurasian lynx has a relatively short, reddish or brown coat, which is usually more brightly colored in animals living in the southern regions of its range. In winter, the fur becomes thicker, its color varies from silver-gray or ash-blue to grayish-brown. The underside of the animal's body, including the neck and chin, is always white. The fur is usually marked with black spots, but their placement and number are highly variable. Some individuals have dark brown stripes on the forehead and back. Several subspecies have been identified within the species.

The common lynx is the northernmost species of the cat family, living even beyond the Arctic Circle. Lives in forests, thickets of trees and shrubs, on rocky areas, in deserts, in mountains up to 5500 m above sea level. In Russia, the lynx lives in taiga and wilderness areas mixed forests, including mountain ones, sometimes enters the forest-steppe and forest-tundra, and is found everywhere, right up to Sakhalin and Kamchatka.

  • Canadian lynx (lat. Lynx canadensis)

Some sources call the Canadian lynx a subspecies of the common lynx. The body length of the animal varies from 67 cm (according to some sources from 80 cm) to 106 cm, tail - 5-15 cm, height at the withers - 48-56 cm, weight - from 4.5 to 11 (according to some sources up to 17. 3 kg). In winter, the lynx's fur is grayish-brown, in summer it is yellowish-brown with small white specks. Among the representatives of the species there are no melanists or albinos, but an individual with blue fur was seen in Alaska. On the underside of the animal's body, the fur is thicker and lighter. Black hair grows on the edges of the whiskers, on the tail and on the back of the ears.

Canadian lynxes live in the forests of Alaska, Canada and northern regions USA to the Rocky Mountains in Colorado.

  • Pyrenean, Spanish, or Sardinian lynx (lat. Lynx pardinus)

Other names: Iberian, leopard lynx. Previously, it was considered a small subspecies of the common lynx.

This is an animal with a short body, long legs and b O a larger tail than other members of the genus. The body length of males is 65-82 (in some sources up to 100) cm, tail - 12.5-16 (according to some sources 30 cm), height at the withers - 40-70 cm, weight from 7 to 15.9 kg. Females are smaller, their body length ranges from 68 to 75 cm, weight – 9-10 kg. The Iberian lynx has short, bright yellow or reddish-brown spotted fur, similar in color to.

The range of the Iberian lynx is limited to the mountainous regions of Spain. Back in the middle of the 20th century, its populations extended from Mediterranean Sea to Galicia (Western part of Ukraine). By 1960, it had lost 80% of its former range. This is the most rare view lynx, listed in the International Red Book.

The Iberian lynx lives in mixed forests, steppes and among rocks. It is found at altitudes from 400 to 1300 meters from sea level.

Taken from: www.lynxexsitu.es, CC BY 3.0 es

Taken from: www.lynxexsitu.es, CC BY 3.0 es

  • Red Lynx, or red lynx (lat. Lynx rufus )

This is the smallest lynx among the four species. The size of the animals excluding the tail is 47.5-105 cm ( average length body – 82.7 cm), tail – from 9 to 20 cm, height at the withers – 30-60 cm, weight of males from 6.4 to 18 kg, females – from 4 to 15 kg. The largest animal of this species weighed 27 kg.

The American lynx has shorter legs than other species and narrow paws, as it does not need to move through deep snow. The animal's muzzle appears wide due to the looseness of the hair growing on it. The color of the lynx's coat is variable, usually it is grayish-brown with black streaks, the underside and whiskers are white with black speckles. On inside the tip of the tail has a white mark. There are lynxes that are completely black and white.

Red lynxes live across most of the continental North America: From southern Canada to central Mexico. They prefer open habitats and inhabit deserts, savannas, forests, grassy and shrubby steppes. Found up to 3500 m above sea level. The species includes many subspecies.

The common lynx (Lynx lynx) is an animal belonging to the species of mammals and the genus of lynx, which includes four species. The common lynx belongs to the fairly widespread order Carnivora and the Feline family.

Description and appearance

Today, our planet is inhabited by several species of lynx, which differ somewhat in size, skin color and distribution area. Currently, the lynx is the northernmost species of all the felines..

This is interesting! The image of a lynx found enough wide application in heraldry, therefore such a symbol is often found on the flags and coats of arms of various cities, including Gomel and Ust-Kubinsk in the Vologda region.


A short and dense body is characteristic of all lynxes, regardless of the species. The ears have long and well-defined tufts of hair. The tail is quite short, with a very characteristic, “chopped off” part. The head is small in size and has a pronounced round shape. Long hair in large quantities located on the sides of the muzzle, and forms very peculiar “whiskers”. The muzzle is shortened, with wide eyes and round pupils. Paws large sizes, V winter period with good pubescence.

This is interesting! With the onset of winter, the lower part of the lynx's paws becomes long and quite thick hair, thanks to which the animal can move even through very deep and relatively loose snow, like on skis.

Lynx sizes

The average body length of an adult lynx can vary between 80-130cm. The height of the animal at the withers reaches 65-70cm. As a rule, an adult and well-formed lynx is similar in size to a fairly large, massive dog. The weight of an adult male lynx varies between 18-25 kg, but some males are capable of reaching a weight of 28-30 kg, and females most often weigh no more than 18-20 kg.

Skin color

The coloring of lynx fur today is very variable, and can be represented by many types of colors and shades, which directly depend on the geography of the habitat of the individuals. The color can vary from reddish-brown to fawn-smoky tones, with less or more pronounced spotting on the back and paws, as well as on the sides of the animal.

On the belly of the lynx, the hair is quite long and soft, silky, but not thick, and almost always pure white with rare, relatively noticeable specks. In the southern regions, individuals have a more pronounced red coloration, and also have relatively short and dense hair. The predatory animal sheds in spring and autumn.


The average life expectancy of a common lynx in natural conditions is about fifteen or seventeen years old. In Europe and in Siberian taiga, the main enemies that greatly reduce the lynx population are wolves.

In captivity, including zoos and nurseries, such predatory individuals can live for a quarter of a century or a little more.

Lifestyle of the common lynx

Along with most other species of predatory animals, the common lynx prefers to be nocturnal or so-called twilight image life. This is a solitary predator, but the female and her cubs live together for several months.

This is interesting! Lynxes go out in search of their prey after it begins to get dark. The tassels located on the ears of the predator serve as a kind of device that makes it easier to detect prey.

In addition to hunting with the so-called stealth, lynxes are able to wait for their prey in ambush. This predatory animal often lies in wait for its prey near hare trails, as well as near the main watering hole for ungulates.

Where does the lynx live, its range

Lynxes prefer to inhabit dense dark coniferous forests and taiga, but sometimes they can enter forest-steppe or forest-tundra. The animal can easily climb not only trees, but also rocks, and can also swim very well.

Thanks to its abundant fur, the lynx has perfectly adapted to life in the snow in the Arctic Circle. The spots on the fur make the lynx almost invisible in the daytime among the glare of the sun that falls on the ground, and also camouflage the animal very well among trees and bushes.

Food and prey

Hunt common lynxes, in most cases, on hares. If possible, the animal is capable of attacking medium-sized ungulates, including roe deer, musk deer and wapiti, as well as young wild boars. Lynxes often catch squirrels and martens, and also eat hazel grouse, wood grouse and black grouse.

In search of food, lynxes are able to walk about thirty kilometers within a day, and in very hungry years, the predator often approaches a person’s home, where domestic or stray cats and dogs, and small livestock become its prey. Uneaten prey is buried in the snow or ground.

This is interesting! This one is well known unusual fact, like the unmotivated aggression of lynxes towards foxes. The predator tries to kill the fox at the first opportunity, but the lynx never eats this meat.

Reproduction and offspring

The common lynx is a predator leading a solitary lifestyle. The lynx rut begins in March. During this period, predators emit very characteristic loud screams, and also purr or meow loudly. At the rutting stage, each female is accompanied by several males, fiercely fighting with each other. Educated married couples perform a kind of greeting ritual, and affection is expressed by licking each other's fur.

This is interesting! The female's gestation period varies between 64-70 days. One litter usually consists of a pair of kittens, but sometimes their number can reach five. The born lynx cubs are blind and deaf, so the female initially hides them in a den, which is located under the roots fallen trees, V deep holes or earthen caves. Also, some females sometimes make a den in low-lying hollows or in large rocky crevices.

The average weight of a newborn kitten, as a rule, does not exceed 250-300 grams. The baby lynx's eyes open only on the twelfth day. Until about a month, the female feeds her cubs exclusively with milk, after which gradual feeding of solid protein foods begins. The upbringing of born kittens is carried out by both parents, who not only protect their offspring, but also teach them how to get food for themselves and hide from enemies. Sexual maturity in females occurs closer to two years, and in males several months later.

What is an animal like a common lynx? What habits are characteristic of the animal? Where do lynxes live, what do they eat, what kind of lifestyle do they lead? The answers to these other questions can be found by reading our publication.

Description of the lynx

The lynx is a relatively small animal that leads predatory image life. The body length of adult sexually mature individuals can reach 130 centimeters or more. Females are less massive than males. The common lynx can gain weight of about 25 kilograms.

Representatives of the species have a muscular, well-built body. These cats have a rounded small head, on which there are ears with characteristic tassels at the ends. Thick hair is concentrated on the cheeks, which looks like whiskers. The animal's eyes are wide and expressive. Lynxes have a short tail. Its length can be about 20 centimeters.

The animal's extremely thick, soft fur contains a dense undercoat. The longest hairs are found in the abdominal area. Molting in representatives of the species is observed several times a year. The fur that changes in the fall has a fluffier character than the fur that forms in the winter.

Lynx is a cat with long, well-developed hind legs and more massive front legs. The hind limbs contain four toes. The front ones have five. With the onset of winter, the soles of the paws become covered with thick hair. This change allows the animal to better retain heat while moving through deep snow.

Continuing the description of the lynx, it is worth saying a few words about the color of the animal. The shade and color may vary slightly depending on the habitat. Often the fur of such predators has a grayish-reddish tint. There are lynxes with brown fur, the structure of which has characteristic dark spots.


The common lynx is a northern species of predatory cat. In Scandinavia, representatives of the species inhabit vast territories, right up to the Arctic Circle. A few centuries ago, the animal was widespread throughout Europe. However, in the middle of the last century, the predator was almost completely exterminated. Nowadays, attempts are being made to restore former populations in protected areas.

Where do lynxes live in the vastness of Russia? In domestic latitudes, the predator can be seen in wooded areas remote from civilization. Representatives of the species are distributed in areas from Sakhalin to Kamchatka. On the territory of neighboring states, lynx is found in the Carpathians, mountainous regions of Central Asia, and the Caucasus.

Representatives of the species prefer to inhabit the taiga and occupy territories in mountain coniferous and mixed forests. Occasionally, the predator is found in areas with bushes and low-growing vegetation. In areas where lynxes live, there are usually dense thickets young trees. Here predators set up their lairs to raise their young.

Lynx: habits and lifestyle

Sexually mature individuals lead a solitary life. Each predator controls territories with an area of ​​about 250 km 2. The lynx periodically walks around its property. The animal leaves the inhabited area only if there is a danger to life and a significant shortage of food.

Lynxes prefer to mark their living space with urine. These predators are extremely jealous of attempts to encroach on inhabited territories. Trespassers are often subjected to severe beatings. However, this behavior applies mainly to females. Males rarely pay attention to uninvited guests.

The lynx is a cat that prefers to stay away from humans. When meeting people, the predator tries to silently leave the danger zone. However, during periods when there is a shortage of prey, individual predators decide to enter settlements. The most aggressive and hungry representatives of the species are capable of attacking dogs and cats and hunting poultry. If necessary protection own life Such individuals can cause quite significant injuries to people.


Active mating behavior among lynxes is observed at the end of winter. During this period, a group of males choose a female and fight for mating rights.

Pregnancy in these cats lasts several months. Females reproduce in well-equipped dens, which they create in rocky cracks, under the roots of old trees, or in large hollows. Often 2-3 babies are born. Lynx cubs are blind from birth and absolutely helpless.

For a month, the female feeds the lynx with milk. Then he begins to offer them live rodents, gradually introducing them to hunting. At about 3 months of age, the cubs leave the den and follow their mother everywhere. Independent life begins for them upon reaching one year of age.


The main daily activity of the lynx is hunting. Representatives of the species spend the bulk of the day searching for food. IN daytime adult individuals rest in a den or high on tree branches. The hunt begins at dusk.

There is an opinion that lynxes prefer to jump on victims from tree branches. However, this behavior is atypical for these animals. Typically, lynxes guard their prey from ambushes or try to get close to the game at a short distance from which they can make a lightning-fast throw. Once in the vicinity of a potential catch, the predator covers the remaining distance with several jumps. The lynx is capable of chasing prey at distances of up to 80 kilometers. Then the predator runs out of steam and stops.


The basis of the lynx's diet, like other predators, is the meat of other animals. Common prey are small rodents, birds, and hares. At the first opportunity, such predators hunt roe deer and deer. The largest representatives of the species decide to attack young wild boars and moose. Sometimes the prey is a fish.

Natural enemies

The main enemies of lynx in their habitats are wolves. To this day, it is not known why these predators show increased aggression towards these felines. They probably enjoy the tender, nutritious meat of such animals. Lynxes often manage to stay alive by climbing tree branches. Occasionally they become prey to wolves, which gather in large packs.

Unfortunately, human activity plays a decisive role in the decline of the lynx population. People are rapidly reducing the number of these beautiful animals. Perhaps this is why it is extremely rare to see such predators. After all, when they see a person, they tend to immediately climb a tree or hide in dense forest thickets.

Population status

Let's look at the status of the lynx population in individual countries. At one time, such animals settled en masse in wooded areas in Germany. However, by 1850, representatives of the species were completely exterminated by hunters in pursuit of valuable fur and meat, which were considered a delicacy. Where do lynxes live in this country today? In the 90s of the last century, such predators were reintroduced into several reserves. Today the largest populations are concentrated in German national parks"Harz" and "Bavarian Forest".

The common lynx was also exterminated in France and Switzerland. At the beginning of the last century, the government of these countries decided to restore the large population of the animal. Such predators were introduced into local protected areas. This is where their migration to Slovenia and Austria took place.

The situation on the Balkan Peninsula is deplorable. Thus, in the territory of Albania, Serbia, Greece and Macedonia today there are only a few dozen of these beautiful animals left.

Lynx are the most numerous in Russia. About 90% of the entire world animal population is concentrated in domestic spaces. You can often find a predatory cat in the forests of Siberia, near the western borders of the country and on Sakhalin.

A fairly large population of such animals is observed in Carpathian mountains. According to statistics, more than 2,000 representatives of the species live in territories from Romania to the Czech Republic.

A wide population of lynxes is also found in Scandinavia. According to researchers, about 2,500 of these predators live in Finland, Norway and Sweden.


So we learned what kind of life lynxes lead, where they live, how they reproduce and what they eat. Finally, it is worth noting that the number of these noble animals is steadily declining. This is caused not only by poaching, but also by wasteful deforestation, the expulsion of species from inhabited territories, and a reduction in the food supply as a result economic activity person.

Report about the lynx, an animal from the cat family, the most close relative cats, outlined in this article.

Message about lynx

The genus of lynx has 4 species:

  • Eurasian or common lynx.
  • Spanish or Iberian lynx.
  • Red Lynx.
  • Canadian lynx.

Description of the lynx

Among the cat family, the lynx is a relatively small representative. Body length is 76 – 139 cm, weight – up to 25 kg. The animal has a short body, a small head with oblong ears and tassels at the ends. The lynx's muzzle is short and its eyes are quite wide. On the cheeks there is elongated fur, reminiscent of whiskers.

The body ends in a short tail. The fur is soft and very thick, with a dense undercoat. The animal sheds twice a year. The color of the fur depends on the habitat and species. It ranges from reddish-gray to grayish-brown with dark, large spots on the sides and back. Hind legs longer than the front ones.

Where does the lynx live?

Lynxes are common in the forests of North America and Eurasia. Sometimes they can be found in the Arctic Circle. Once upon a time, animals inhabited almost all of Europe, but due to its valuable, thick fur, almost all of it was exterminated at the beginning of the 20th century.

Lynxes love to live in taiga, mixed, mountain and coniferous forests. Less commonly, they live in forest-tundra, areas with reeds and bushes.

What does a lynx eat?

Since this animal is a predator, it feeds on mouse-like rodents, birds, hares, deer, roe deer, chamois and musk deer. Sometimes he is content with fish.

Reproduction and lifestyle

Mainly hunts in the evening or at night. Leads a sedentary lifestyle. It engages in nomadism only when there are not enough food resources. The mating season of animals begins in February. Several males fight for the female, making strange sounds. They give birth to their cubs in a den at an altitude of 15 meters. These could be splits in rocks or hollow trees. A litter may contain 3 helpless and blind cubs. The female raises the children herself, without a male.

Lynx lifespan in the wild up to 20 years.

  • Lynxes cannot stand proximity to foxes. When they see cunning saffron milk caps on their territory, they immediately kill them. But they don't eat it.
  • They have 4 toes on their front toes and 5 toes on their back toes.
  • The animal has very acute vision.
  • The female, while raising the babies, brings them live hares and mice so that the cubs learn to hunt for prey.
  • The tufts on the ears provide the lynx with incredible hearing. If you cut them, your hearing acuity will decrease.
  • The ancient Greeks believed that the animal could see through objects.

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